#did i mess it up? gee i hope i didnt
payasita · 8 months
Good job getting ADHD medication! I’m so proud of you :D
thanks so so much im very happy and so hopeful for the first time maybe ever but also it TOOK ME LIKE. A YEAR. A YEAR.
like yall for real?? for real. for real i have been diagnosed since i was like six. (funny story my teacher thought i was on the spectrum so my parents get me tested with the nodes and shit and according to mom, who loves this story, my neurologist did all that and talked to me and then just turned to my mom and went "she's not autistic. she just hates the other kids" but they DID find an adhd diagnosis in there so net win for all of us)
diagnosed since i was SIX. on stimulants until i turned 8, and you know why i got off em? my pediatrician retired. we could not find another who would take our low-income insurance. so i just had to rawdog The Rest Of My Fucking Life. diagnosed when i was six. legally neurodivergent for 20 slutty slutty angry years.
and it still took me like. a few months to get a psych appointment. a few weeks to reaffirm my diagnosis as an adult. a few more weeks for another appointment for meds. he doesnt Want to do meds first, because i must have been doing fine without them if its been two decades, right? i got a job and a car and everything. well gee fuckin shittickers Dr. Brain Guy, just WHAT was my alternative? would you prefer i be maladapted to the point of incapacitation; is that what it takes for someone to be considered? i cheated my way through school. every day after work i sit for an hour in my car because i dont have the executive function to stand up and walk the ten steps to my house. garbage just appears around me. i have three empty bags of hot chip and two cans of sprite on my desk as we speak, neither from today. at that point i hadnt had a debit card for six months because that would have required me to Drive To The Bank, a location that was new to me in this area, so i just did everything on credit. is this all normal? is this fine? am i GOOD, actually, Dr. WeirdBrain?
so we cordially agree that yes i should probably be medicated. i want to do a stimulant. he does not want to put me on a stimulant. "stimulants can mess with your heart," he says, "and you're young, you don't want heart problems." i say ok because i dont want to make him think im just looking for narcotics. even though i am. because they WORK. i agree to try some kind of antidepressant.
the antidepressant gives me tachycardia. i go to the emergency room after reading a heartbeat of, oh, 140 bpm, which is about like double what it normally is and juuuust below the You Are Having A Heart Attack threshold. i get to the ER and the doctor there is very obviously convinced i'm a local addict having some sort of episode. it is the most ironic experience i've had all year and i feel an abrupt and all consuming kinship with those birds in australia that will swoop you and peck at your face for seemingly no good reason.
so yeah, we narrow it down to the antidepressant. as it turns out, these particular meds are known to, semi-commonly, Mess With Your Heart. i have my next appointment with my psych and somehow refrain from pecking his eyes out. he puts me on a noreprinephrine inhibitor(iirc) that isnt actually FDA approved to treat ADHD specifically(i DEFINITELY rc) but it IS given to smokers to help them quit. i dont smoke. i may very well fucking start before this whole ordeal is at the point where someone listens to me
it obviously does a combined total of jack and shit, and the man waffles with this one because he has "had success" using it as treatment for other ADHD patients. he ups the dose. twice. three months on the smoker meds, which are also apparently notorious for destroying your appetite, but they didnt even do THAT. no change to the average amount of hot chip on my desk.
he wants to try quelbree after that. i finally tell him i'm tired of this shit and would like to have more than two hours of usable daylight to function before it all falls to uncontrollable youtube shorts binges and a daily experience i like to call The Weighted Nothings and i would very much like to PLEASE. TRY A STIMULANT.
he's been friendly enough with me over these past four or five or whatever months but at this he gets suddenly very very business-baseline. gives me the whole spiel about the north american shortage. gives me a spiel about how i absolutely cannot, under any circumstances, lose or sell this medication, because they will not refill it if i do. i am sitting here wondering if he he's telling the truth about having other ADHD patients at all like ever in his career, and also, am i nuts or should the "don't sell your prescription drugs" bit apply to EVERYTHING? i dont fuckin know man i just live here
he says he wants a urine test first. its scheduled for two weeks out. i take it.
"hey uh, your piss came back with cannabis in it" "well it'd be weirder if it didn't, we are in california and i am a kitchen manager" "you can't have weed if you want adderall" "fine i'll stop" "we'll schedule you another test in a month" "aight bet" it didnt go exactly like that but this is kind of what the vibe between us has devolved into by this point.
anyway i wait a month and get a good grade in piss. i get the meds prescribed. i go to fill out the prescription
all i really need to say to you are the words "prior authorization error" for most of you to get what happened next.
the psych isnt even aware. i wait another month for our next meeting, which was yesterday. i do not yell at him. he tells me to take it up with the pharmacy, and yell at them. i am going to yell at them.
so i go, and guess what, it actually went through a while ago! NO ONE TOLD ME OR DR. FEEL-BAD OVER HERE. but we can't fill it right now because its a controlled substance so come back in a few hours. hey it's ready where the hell are you? TAKE YOUR METH AND GET OUT
anyway i started it today, reorganized my pantry, and fixed the fire alarm in my hallway that's been chirping at me for a week. i no longer have to wear earplugs to bed.
and with my newfound executive function superpowers, i will be spraying my weed-free piss all over Reagan's grave.
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s10e11 there's no place like home (w. robbie thompson)
shaky over the shoulder pov cam thing in the opening giving me evil dead/army of darkness vibes. campy
SAM You made egg-white omelettes? DEAN Yeah. Breakfast of Champions -- you know, if you're a dork like you.
i got nothing against egg white omelets but gotta admit they are so anemic looking that i prefer egg beaters if i'm goin that route, gimme some yellow colored egg whites :p
SAM And you slept past 7:00. DEAN Yeah, well, until we get answers on this Mark of Cain, I am on a 12-step program not to backslide. SAM 12 steps? DEAN Yeah. Hey, if Cain found a way to live with it after going dark side, then I just got to find a way to keep it in check, so haven't had a drink in a week, eight hours of rack time every night, and . . . now this masterpiece.
taking notes so he has a healthy relationship with alcohol, went cold turkey for a week and he's fine!
DEAN It's crap. Ugh. God. Soon as we get rid of this demonic tramp stamp, I am back on the booze, burgers, and . . . more booze. Tell me you got something.
totally fine!
DEAN What are you saying, Charlie tortured someone? SAM Uh . . . DEAN Our Charlie? Yea high, wouldn't hurt a Hobbit, practically sparkles?
she's just taking on the adopted family business of torturing 🤪
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the score here also had this kind of thing in the previous episode, this percussion that slowly accelerates like a heart beat and it's kind of stressful. but when i was a kid, there was something in a show or movie or hell an ad, i don't know, that had this heart beat sound that freaked me the fuck out and i associated hearing a thumpy heart beat with getting increasingly anxious. lol. but, this is a single thump, not an actual heartbeat thump, so that's good at least :P
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very pretty shot. ps, tell sam you're struggling with the stabby feelings
SAM (reading from the Charlie’s file) "Anti-authority disorder, clinical depression, violent outbursts." Charlie was, uh . . . DEAN Dude. If a shrink interviewed us at that age, you think the report would be all kittens and rainbows? Come on. She's a good kid. There's got to be an explanation for this, man. There's just got to be.
dean making the excellent points. also kinda violating her privacy but needs must, right? -_-
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possessed/soulless/evil twin? i'm reading my summary of s9e4 and like, i barely remember any of oz-related stuff (i didnt write much about it either so that's probably why)
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CHARLIE Oh, Sam, you're adorable. You're not gonna hurt me. In fact, that's your problem -- all good-guy code, no bite. What a waste. And you . . . (turning to Dean) Always letting this albatross hold you back. DEAN Okay, all right, you know what? I don't know what's going on here, okay? But this -- this is not you.
GOOD CHARLIE She's trying to win me back. Dark Charlie won the war single-handedly. But... She did some truly awful things. But I told her I didn't want any part of her near me again, ever. Going after the person who mur-- mur-- uh...Who took my parents away is her messed-up way of showing me how close we are, or -- or could be. I keep calling her "she," but she's me. I'm the one doing this. DEAN Charlie, that -- that's not who you are, okay? It's -- it's a twisted version of -- GOOD CHARLIE Me.
gee, sounds so familiar! support group for being soulless/darkside embodied/mark of cain
this whole oz/dorothy/charlie plot wasn't good the first time around and really did not need revisiting 😔
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this dude again! did a hiky for him in the episode he was in back in s2 (probably my least favorite episode, tall tales)
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riverdale - barclay hope as clifford blossom / the killing - barclay hope as michael ames / spn s2e15
brief sidebar about how dumb it is that food is assigned a moral value. he's trying to be extra Good which means eating a bunch of stuff he doesn't like. he can go back to being Bad and eating tasty food later. fatphobia never takes a day off
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this sterile "swanky" waiting room with the terrible muzak is giving me hives
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a) the last thing dean needs is dark charlie encouraging him to be dark b) he got tricked by dark charlie twice in a row and she stole his car? sheesh, man. off your game
great, now dean gets to feel guilty about beating the shit out of charlie
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CHARLIE Yeah, well, there's one thing that you have that he didn't. You're a Winchester. I forgive you, Dean. DEAN Yeah, well, I don't. CHARLIE I know. Kind of your move. How's that working out for you, huh?
tell him, charlie
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SAM She's right, Dean. You can do this. We can do this. DEAN Then let's get to work.
yes we can
i'm glad they keep bringing back charlie, i've really come to love her and the dynamic she has with them. but i wish they'd given her less nonsense plotlines
the amount of redhead recurring characters past couple seasons is pretty funny. it's like riverdale, overrun
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Theodorus van Gogh x MC Fluff
Suggested by one and only @nad-zeta, the prompt being Theo taking care of an MC who works herself into a state of exhaustion. I hope it holds together ^^”
Content Warnings: none
She pushed forward, however, each and every day – with a smile and kind words, at least to the very best of her ability… Until she could not anymore, her mind going blank as she let her head rest on her desk, a sudden jolt of her elbow knocking over the ink bottle. She straightened her back abruptly, terrified of what had transpired. “No no no no no no no,” she chanted, getting up as to search for some cloth to save her journal. The chair fell down with a loud thud. Rushed steps came from outside – and she stood there, utterly frozen and unable to move by an inch.
When pushed past a certain point, a tired body becomes exhausted. It’s agility drops, focus growing hard to maintain, the limbs being sluggish and losing their coordination. Yet it is far from the worst, the scale extending beyond said state and reaching into fatigue, where breathing turns laborious in itself, the very existence being draining. It is not uncommon for one to live in said condition – and unfortunately, neither it is so for one to invite themselves to it. Hours of work, endless stress, deadlines piling up, lack of rest, all slowly eating away at the stamina and causing each day to be more challenging than the previous one, until the body breaks and refuses to answer to the commands of the mind.
It happened so that she ran herself in such corner, the work of an assistant combined with tasks entrusted to her by other residents of the mansion weighting down on her shoulders and nearly bringing her down to her knees. She pushed forward, however, each and every day – with a smile and kind words, at least to the very best of her ability… Until she could not anymore, her mind going blank as she let her head rest on her desk, a sudden jolt of her elbow knocking over the ink bottle. She straightened her back abruptly, terrified of what had transpired. “No no no no no no no,” she chanted, getting up as to search for some cloth to save her journal. The chair fell down with a loud thud. Rushed steps came from outside – and she stood there, utterly frozen and unable to move by an inch.
The door to her room opened, a head of brown hair peaking inside. “Puppy? What is this noise all about?” Theo asked, seemingly having been prepared to tackle an intruder. She did not reply, however, her hands curling into fists as she stood there, surrounded by mess. As to better assess the situation, Theo took a step forward, his lover turning to face him, a splash of ink marking her cheek. Her chin trembled, tired tears beginning to pool in equally fatigued eyes – and perhaps it was only exhaustion that stopped them from overflowing, even this activity being too much. “Pupje…” he let out, reaching as to cup the clean side of her face. It appeared he was too slow, the gravity pulling her forward at much greater pace, the step she tried to take turning into a fall. He let her, however, her head soon resting against his shoulder as she sobbed quietly in an attempt to calm down, his arms closed around her – and his shirt being ruined, although he could not care much.
Clearly, she would not answer even if he asked. As such, Theo looked around, the first and most obvious stop for his eyes being her desk, her journal, the pages being completely soaked. He blinked fast. Of course… Yet why the crying and why the chair…? Theo looked down, realisation dawning onto him. He clenched his jaw. How could have he not noticed any sooner? Wordlessly, he picked her up. “Theo?” “I might have taken the dog talk too far, you’ve almost turned into a Dalmatian. Let’s get this ink out.” “But my journal…” “I will take care of that.”
Steam glittered in the air as she exited the bath, the dark marks refusing to come off her skin. A nightgown thrown over her body, she stared at her reflection, dark circles under her eyes seemingly glaring at her. A knock on the door. “Yes?” “Can I come in?” Theo asked. “Yeah.”
The door closed fast yet too slow to keep the cooler air of the corridor at bay. Goosebumps grew over her arms, shivers beginning their hike up her spine. “I got your room back in order. The empty part of your journal wasn’t salvageable and you have lost a couple pages, but the rest seems to be in a good shape,” he reported, setting a small bowl of warm water on the counter. “Meanwhile, you’re still spotted.” She sat down on a stool, Theo keeping her chin in place with one hand, the other one wielding a wash cloth soaked in hot soapy water. He rubbed on the residual ink, rough thumb brushing against her cheek every now and again, as if trying to soothe her. “Theo, be gentler. It’s starting to hurt,” she complained, her brows knitting together. “I am gentle.” “You can do better. Think of holding a valuable painting.” “Like the one you’ve almost dropped the other day?” he chuckled. “It’s your fault, I said that I could carry it, not that I should have,” she bickered back, touching her fist to his chest, as to “punch” him. To her surprise, Theo grew quiet, seemingly contemplating something, his touch becoming lighter.
Theo sighed. “You’re right,” he spoke again. “You’re right and you have to rest more. I can handle the next few days myself.” “But –” “I don’t want you to knock off things and cry because you’re so tired,” he cut her off, leaving no room for disagreement. His face relaxed, however, his lips curling into a smile. “Oh look, my puppy isn’t a fake Dalmatian anymore.” She giggled, Theo turning around as to wring the cloth and leave it to dry. He looked at her again, recognising a bit of mischief playing in her eyes. Having decided to play along, he asked: “What are you waiting for? Go to sleep, you need rest.” “I’m too tired to go myself, you see. Carry me.” Theo shook his head, already moving to do as she demanded. “Fine.” “While we’re at it… I think I won’t fall asleep alone…” she yawned.
A few days passed, her break being over – although somehow, the residents seemed to be more mindful of asking her things. She dressed herself and tied her hair up, almost ready to leave for the day… “Pupje?” Theo asked from the other side of the door. “Come in!”
She froze, her lover holding a new journal in hand – almost identical to her previous one.
Tag List: @cheese-ception​​ , @kisara-16, @nad-zeta If you want to be tagged for my works, please, do let me know :D Please, specify fandoms as well (IkeSen, IkeVam, OM).
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nctworststuff · 3 years
2 Hearts 1 love; Chapter 1: Beginning
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jPairing: Taeyong x fem!reader ft bestfriend!Yuta
Sub-genre: Angst, crack, College au
Sub-Warning: Breakup, cursing, doubt about love, mention of kill, mention of gun and knife, featuring of Yuta, coffe, cringe (?)
Words count: 1.4k
Summary: Already written in the paper that y/n and Taeyong are destined to be together. But there must be challenges and storylines that they have to go through
Sub-summary: The very beginning story that tell you about how you meet each other
Velvet say: This is an event for The TaeTae Day! I hope you guys love it! Sorry for any mistake!
Tagging: @supermwritersnet @jaehyunstories (send an inbox if you want to be added)
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Masterlist of this series | Next
"We breakup"
"If its all you want" Your voice are calm but anyways you slammed the table and stand up, let your untouched cup of coffe on the table spilled.
Your (ex) boyfriend shook that you not even show him any expression. You just act professional and your face just calm. Its because you know he cheated on you for a long time ago. You just pretend to blind your eyes with those pain. You tired of this.
"Y/n, please dont made any mess-"
"No one care about the messy I made. And you said you cheat on me right? Okay. Also yeah, have fun with your new girl" you said before shut the door, not forget to shove your shoulder with his.
He just stay still at his place, not even move. He pissed off a bit of what you said
”Such a rude lady”
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You are tired of this. This is a... second time you're in this situation? But The fact that your ex cheating on you not hit you at all. You get used with it. Why you have to cry?
Plus it's not essential at all. You know he is not a right person for you from the beginning of your relationship. Okay, there's a scar a in your heart but it doesn't effecting you life at all
After the a few days you breakup with your ex, you just scroll the social media and do a thing that just wasting your time. You just want to spend your time with real and only y/l/n y/n. Thanks to your ex, because of him, you feel really doubt about love.
In the future, if you have a grandchild, you can imagine it about them asking you a love thing like "How grandma fall in love for the first?" Or "Who is grandma's first love" and something that related about the topic. Of course you would lying about the 'first love' question.
Because you dont want to tell a hurt thing behind a happier one. Let just blind them with those thing, so they know that love is somehow is a good thing but actually they finally know what is artifical love and true love when they go through it. And you would do the same thing with your future child
You shook your head
Okay maybe this is too FAR and this is too early to think
Until you get a call from someone,
"Hello" the familiar voice speak
"Hi Yuta. Whatsup?"
"Meet me, at usual place at 2.00"
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"Why you suddenly decide to meet me? Usually you would busy on the weekdays like this" you stirring a coffe you received from a waiter at usual place. Usually, you hang out with him at here when holiday or when he want to discuss about assignment
"I already complete an assignment early which professor had give us plus I dont know what to do today. So I decide to hangout with you” he take a sip of hot espresso
"Nothing to talk about?" he ask you like he know that you're hiding something. You gulped
"What?" You act like nothing happened
"Spill the tea“ oh, he really know about it
"Well, yeah I just spend my time with my pho-“
"No. I was talking about you and him" he cut you off.
"You broke up with him right?" How he know about that? He doesn't supposed to know this
"How you know about that?"
"You forgot he is my friend" he replied
"Gee. Friend? I didn't know you are friend with him"
"Not really friend. Just my classmate"
"Im regret to date with him" you rolled your eyes. How you feel stupid at yourself for fall easily at the very beginning and you got nothing at the end.
"Thats why its called regret, y/n" He is right. Regret is a dissapointed over something that already past. And you date with your ex is the thing of a past.
"Dont talk about him. Im tired with that. I should kill him" If you have a knife or any gun in your hand, you just already kill him when you saw he cheated on you
”Unfortunately, its a crime”
”Yeah, I know”
"Dont worry. Maybe there is someone out there who are truly right for you" yeah, maybe.
"Who would it be?"
"Someone. Someone that is not me. Cuz Im not deserve you" yuta play with his finger
"Stop talking about love. Love is too early for me"
”But we are getting older, y/n" you know day by day you are getting older but if you still not believe with love you can get into the trouble
”I feel doubt about love" there is it. The feeling of doubt always running through your head
”Trust me, love is exist”
”I know but somehow its like fake for me”
”How about that red haired guy?”
”You dont know? He is a student at our college and also my classmate. He is quite attractive though but he rarely talk with peoples”
”I see. I dont know about him but why you suddenly talk about him?" Red haired guy? You love red. Sound interesting but you are not sure with that
"Just said if you are interested”
”Sorry but Im not that type to fall easily”
”Fine. But think twice when you meet him one day”
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You keep thinking what Yuta said a few hours ago
"But think twice when you meet him one day"
It keep repeated in your mind.
You drink you strawberry milkshake with a straw while thinking back about it. Was he is really that attractive? Red hair sounds good to be honest.
You walking to the park and take a fresh air. Woah, how long you didn't do this thing?
While holding your drinks, you slowly walks to the brown wooded bench. You sit on it and enjoying the view of the park. You are too careless and didn't realize that you spilled someone drinks. When you finally notice it, you panicked and dont know how to deal with it
"What the fuck this cup of coffe doing at this bench?" You said at yourself. Who puts a cup full of coffe and leaves it alone? Is it funny and weird at the same time?
"WHAT THE- WHAT DID YOU DO!" You flinch when you hear the man wearing a black tshirt shout at you. He walking towards you. His face is red and thats mean he are very angry right now.
"What you do with my coffe?" oh no you are in the big trouble right now. There is a 7 billion peoles in this universe but why always you get into the problem?
"Im sorry! I didnt mean it! And who the fuck put their own things and leave it alones!" You raised your voice and rolled your eyes. Anyways, you have to face it
”Oh god! I leave it alone because I have to buy something. Cant you beware of something! I waited for this coffe a long time ago” tsk, how funny, you thought.
“I didnt notice it when I sit at here! Dont just blame on me”
"Did you use your eyes or your knees? Watch carefully! You didnt know how much I put effort on it" he rolled his eyes. His face was familiar for you
"Come on, its just a cup of coffe"
"if so, replace me with the same coffe with the coffe you spilled” he look at you with a daring eyes
”Fine. Its not a big problem at all”
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“Here is your coffe, Ma’am” the barista said and handed it to to you
”Thanks. How much?”
”25 dolla (usd)” you cursed silently. How expensive. You can feel the guy’s smirking at your back as you took out your money
”Thank you, Ma’am. Hope you can come again”
The barista flashed a smile to you and you smiled back. You walk out from the coffe shop. You rolled your eyes when you meet your eyes with the guy. You handed the coffe to him. He just take it and walk away. That make you clench your fist and your jaw
”Can you at least say thank you?”
”No. How to say thank you?”
“Such a ungrateful man” you just spend your money just for his coffe and now he act like nothing happened
”Whatever. Meet you tomorrow“ he walk away and didnt even turn back to look at you. His action made you let a long sigh and something popped in your mind
What does he mean by meet me tomorrow? and his face somehow look familiar
Black tshirt
Attractive eyes
Red hair
Oh shit, he is the guy that Yuta talked about
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wavbleu · 3 years
Rodrick heffley: Keep quiet
tw: possession and degrading
"I cant believe she would do that to you!" you say with a short giggle, you look at Rodricks adorable face and my smile grew bigger knowing that the only time hes genuinely happy and laughing is around you. "I was so totally shocked when she bit me, my dick hurt for like the following week." He stroked his fingers through his semi-short hair and continued on his painful story on how he lost his virginity.
You and Rodrick have been talking for 2 and a half months now, you and him have an extreme connection despite the fact that you are totally opposite. You like to wear softer colored clothes and get good grades in school, and Rodrick well... doesn't. He doesn't give a shit what people think or say about him and just goes the way he wants to, Thats what you've always adored him, you were jealous of that.
Sometimes  you question how your friends with a guy as corrupted as him.
But when ever you converse the words just spill out of you, it actually feels like hes engaged and actually willing to hear more and learn about you. You've never experienced anything like that before. Speaking that most of your exes just used you for sex.
Whenever your around Rodrick, you feel like yourself. What ever you are scared to be in front of everyone else you show it to him and he strangely accepts it. Obviously, you would even consider him your best friend or 'pal' But lately ... the way he touches you isnt very 'pal-like' . Although it may seem like something small, he would massage your knee and work his way down your smooth thigh, stopping right before he reaches your inner thigh; slowly massaging that area and leaves you wanting more of him.
It could be when your hugging and he lowers his hands from your waist to your hips.. Stuff like that may not seem large but it speaks louder and clear that theres sexual tension in the air.
Rodrick finished up his tragic v card story and you both giggled, Rodrick then abruptly stopped laughing and his once loud laugh turned into a snarky smile. "What's with the smirk." you say smiling nervously not knowing what he will do.
"Are you a virgin?" He says, "Nah." You respond back to him. "Ive only had sex with 2 people though."
Yea you weren't a virgin (at all) but man when you had sex it was just beyond awful, terrible. Butterflies grew in your stomach as you watched him bite his cheek in amazement.
"Wow, Little miss Y/N getting freaky in the sheets." he teased, you droopily looked down at your swinging feet hanging off your bed and sighed before admitting, "Well it wasn't exactly good.. if fact it was absolutely dreadful." , "Well i wanna hear this to see if its just as bad as mines."
You adjusted yourself to lean against the white headboard, looking at Rodrick who was seated at the end of the bed. You wrapped your arms around your pillow and started reminiscing on how you lost your virginity at the ripe old age of 17.
"Well it was a party that was at some random guys house.. gee I dont even remember his name... I think it was like tony or something like that.","We were in this small group with other people in our grade, we were bored so we decided to play 7 minutes in heaven.." , "and it was my turn to spin the bottle, sadly."...
(skip if you dont like the extra length.)
You anxiously spun the bottle, hoping that it would stop on your crush, Luke Hannington.  The bottle spun and everyone watched in awe.
You felt your heart drop to your stomach as the bottle started to decelerate and fixate on a person.. tense but hopeful , you look up at the person the bottle focused on.
You tried to hold back your sheer excitement and joyfulness, but it quickly came to a halt after seeing your crushes nonchalant, monotone, bored face. 'He was probably hoping for someone hotter' you think yourself pathetically.
Everyone sneakily snickered and whispered in each others ears after seeing his disappointed face and disgusted eyes.
You felt like bursting into tears after feeling the way you did. You felt hideous.
"So ill set the timer, the closet is on your left sweetie."  The host said, obviously trying to hold back her sneaky remarks until you get in the closet.
He quickly gets up and speed walks to the closet, you followed, fondling your fingers and biting the skin off your lip.
You got to the closet, atleast he was sweet enough to hold the door open for you.
You sat down on the carpeted floor, hassling all the jackets and coats off of you. Luke frantically searched for the light so we can actually see in this closet and took a seat after.
He closed the door and minutes later you heard it lock from the otherside, "Begin, lovebirds!"
The only thing that began was the pure awkwardness and his uncomfortable glances. "So um.." You tried to start a convo but failed at it miserably, nothing you were doing was working, he would always give this stupid uncomfy look or mess with his collar. You were milliseconds away from kicking the door down and leaving this stupid party.
"Im sorry." he said noticing your frustration, "I dont think your ugly or anything.", "Ive had sex before, but not with strangers."
Stranger. Neat.
Tension arosed in the closet after he asked out of no where, "Have you ever been fingered before?" ,"I think im a pro if i say so myself."
You nodded your head no, "Im a virgin..","Ive always wanted to though.." You tried to say seductively hoping to make him hard.  "Open your legs." He sternly demanded, you obeyed and did just that.
He pulled off your cotton panties and felt you up and down, then awkwardly slid a finger in. You gasp surprised, hoping he would've given more foreplay. "Um.." You moan as he fingered you in an accelerating pace , rubbing your left lip thinking it was your clit.
You felt second hand embarrassment for him, Luke Hannington doesn't know where the clitoris is?
You were drying out and getting turned off by his loud grunts and heavy breathing, actually thinking he was doing something. "Somebody lied to this man.." You said in your head. "No way do i actually have to fake an orgasm for this psychopath to stop."
You prepped yourself and tried replicate the girls off of pornhub, "Oh yes!" you moaned as you shook your legs frantically, a smile grew upon his face as he went faster. "Im gonna-" You dramatically puff your chest up faking an intense orgasm.
He stopped and swiped the sweat off of his forehead, "Good right?" , "Great, i bet you i wont  even be able walk straight!" You moan, you cheesily snapped your fingers and giving him finger guns to throw him off your awful acting.  The timers alarm rung, "Finally." You thought to yourself.
You stood up and walked out of the closet just fine.
You got back to the group who were snickering and giggling like a bunch of pre-schoolers.
end of flashback
"Bad but not as bad as mines." He chuckled competitively, "Whatever." You threw a pillow at him. "Ive been cursed with the spell "awful sex." ever since that night." You dramatically say, "Is that so?" , "No guy has been capable of making you cum.. making you scream?" His voice lowered, looking into your eyes with a hot confused look.
"Yea pretty much." You sneakily adjust your skirt so he can see your soft thighs and a sliver of your panties. The room went silent as he looked you up and down, examining your body and its crevices , he licked his lips struggling to control the urge to squish and carress your thighs. He quickly looked down hoping you didnt notice how long he was staring at your body, so hungrily.
"Hey um.. y/n" He said scooting closer to you.
Your breath became heavy and palms began to sweat as you watched him scoot in closer.
"Have you been feeling it too?" his soft deep voice lowering into a erotic whispering tone. "F-feeling what?" You stumble trying to think straight, his eyes were fixated on your lips, he wanted them badly.
"You know.." "The tension?" He slowly rubs your thigh with his huge hands, maneuvering them up your skirt but stopping right before he hit, you know what. You hated that. You nod slowly to his question.
"You told me you never came before?" He questioned, "No.. never." You responded back. He put a stray hair behind your ear, then smoothly rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip.
"Can i be your first?"
You nod needily.
Biting your lip before going in for a deep passionate kiss. He wrapped his hand around your waist , scooting you up onto his lap. His hands adventured up your skirt again , grabbing your ass and slapping it. You gasp at the loud sound it made.
"My parents are home Rodrick!" You whisper yelled pulling away from the kiss.
Rodrick continued kissing your neck and ear, gripping your firm ass cheek, not giving a fuck about what anyone says. Like usual.
"Baby i truly don't give a shit, just keep it down." He sternly said.
"Mmm ok.." You moan and roll your head back as he made out with that sweet spot on your neck.
He roughly pinned you down and kissed you more this time exchanging tongue. He pulled away from the compelling kiss leaving a small train of spit
He pulled your panties off smoothly and stared at the sight to see. "Have you ever been fingered before?" He jokingly teased giving a little lightheart to this hot and spicy situation.
He trailed his hands up and down your wet pussy, looking for that spot.
When he finally got his hands on it you let out a small gaspy squeal, "Its right here?" You nod, breath getting faster.
"Yes daddy right there please~" You cry out, "Daddy?" He smirks, He slowly rubs his fingers around your clit. "Im your daddy now?" Rodrick bites his lip, "Then i guess your my little slut then."
"Are you my little slut?"  He asks you, he picks up his pace sending a small tingle down your spine, he giggled mischievously knowing that its gonna be hard for you to respond. You try to catch your breath but moans and shrieks keep cutting your words off.
"Are you my little.. slut?" He slipped in two fingers and fucked your tight hole and worked your g-spot, so much to a point where you had to grasp one of your plushies to keep from screaming. "Alright I guess ill have to make you say yes."
Your eyes roll back as you felt his mouth attach to your clit, swirling his tongue all around your sensitive clit. For the first time you actually wanted to cum..
"I think im gonna-" You bite into a pillow to cover the loud noise you were gonna let out.
Right before you were about to have an intense orgasm, he stopped. Edging you and all your senses. You whined like a little bitch.
"Shut the fuck up." He said unbuckling his pants, "Your gonna take this dick and your gonna like it, alright? alright." He said stroking his rock hard twitching dick before aggressively sliding in.
"My parents- ah-" , " I swear if you mention your parents one more time im gonna throat fuck you."  He said in a pissed off tone.
He threw your legs over his shoulders and slid a pillow under you.  Rodrick continued to fuck up into you, hitting that one spot again, and again, and again; and just to torture you, he rubbed your clit you were experiencing bliss, euphoria.
Rodrick swiftly took your legs off his shoulder and spread them wide open so he could get a deeper fuck, "stupid slut your legs are trembling." , "You really like me fucking you hard, hitting that spot just perfectly even when your parents are just sitting in their room ; feet away? " ,"Now when i ask this again, i want a response."
"are you my little slut?" He whispered into your ears, you moaned loudly and threw your head back, "Yes!", "Yes daddy, im your slut." ," I want your parents to fucking hear." He looked you deep in the eyes waiting for your response.
"Yes daddy im your slut.." You moaned loudly.
He grasped on your waist and pounded deep into you, the claps of your skin, the loud moans, at that point you forgot you even HAD parents.
He kept fucking into your tight cunt relentlessly, hitting every single spot perfectly. Humanly impossible.
"Cum whore i know you wanna." Rodrick says, you open your mouth but no moans come out.. that was it . You were actually gonna cum... Your legs began to shake and tumble ,  it felt like a large sneeze but in your stomach. "Im gonna-" You could barely get out.
You released yourself onto his cock, "Fucking hell." He said as he couldn't bare to last any longer. He pulled out of you and came onto your tired cunt.
"Damn baby." He groaned putting his softening dick away. "was it good?" He hopefully said, "It was amazing." You responded back excitedly.
That stupid curse is gone, yay!
Everything was good until you heard loud footsteps seconds away from your door.
Authors note:
This is a pretty long story but i actually enjoyed writing these ones, rodrick was my first story on this book (and my most popular) so you know i had to do the mf again🙄 pegging and femboy kink coming soon⚠️
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tinyhwng · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction to you accidentally calling them “baby”
—genre; fluff x100
—msg; idk i just thought of this. also i got really invested and made hyunjin and everyone after just a bit more longer than the rest.(you can tell lmao)  anyways, enjoy!
it was late and you asked your bf to toss a hair tie to you
“baby can you toss me that”
you didn’t realize what you said until you saw the giggling mess your boyfriend was in
“baby huh?”
you immediately retract your statement and ask for him to forget that you had said anything
still teases you
you sigh and turn your back on him
he comes and turns the chair back towards him
“i’m sorry, are you mad?— i mean i’ve been meaning to call you that too”
now you’re the giggling mess
he smiles and admires the image of you laughing
“baby it is then”
“it’s time for bed, babygirl”
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read the rest of the members under
your relationship was still fresh and new
only calling each other by a syllable of each other’s name
you just happened to slip up this one time you asked for a drink
he was getting up to get snacks from the kitchen during your movie night
“woo, baby can you get me something cold from the fridge?”
he left without a problem, only realizing it as he grabbed the drink from the fridge
he makes his way back, going back to cuddling session yall had
“i liked the sound of that”
“sound of what?”
your face in shock, realizing you had slipped up
“ahaha... forget that.”
“what no, y/n- i mean, baby it was cute.”
you hide your face, blushing uncontrollably as he gives you a big squeeze
“please, keep calling me that.”
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you were whipped for him 24/7 but that was nothing new
however, sometimes, you were just a little too whipped
you were watching him play with his cats and words just naturally came out of you
“omg, baby you look cute”
he turns to you, his eyes widening in shock
“y/n that’s disgusting” he teased
your own words flustered you, pressing your hand over your lips to keep it sealed
“i literally didn’t mean to say that-”
he jumps on you, cradling you
“no i was kidding.” 
his face also red from blushing
“i was thinking of names i could call you but baby sounds perfect.” he gives you multiple smooches, reassuring you that he liked it.
“you’re my baby and these are our babies” he laughs, pointing at his cats.
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he thinks you’re the most hilarious person in the world
after him of course
he just laughs or smiles at anything you say
but of course, you also found some of his jokes extremely hilarious
he makes a joke and it got your WHOLE ass quaking
bitch u couldn’t breathe
“shit, baby that was priceless-”
you turn to him, his face red visibly heating up
“let’s forget i just said that”
inhuman noises idk
“what? no, say it again”
he pleads, his face scrunching up in anticipation
“oh em gee. call me that from now on. “
“it’s BABY!”
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babying your boyfriend was your favourite job
you were tiny compared to him 
still, he was your BIG baby
but one time, you were in the mood to be babied instead
you wanted for his attention, his mind attentive to his phone as he watched his live performance
having one earphone on, he was too distracted to attend to you
you were gonna call him how you always did when u babied him but your tongue wanted otherwise
he takes a look at you, removing his earphone right away
“I didn’t catch that, y/n. what did you say?” he said, a big smirk painted across his face
you shake your head, pretending what happened never occurred
“i don’t know what you’re talking about-”
as you tried to leave to fix yourself, he tugs you back 
you fell into his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist
“i’ve always wanted to hear that from you.”
your flustered ass tried to avoid his gaze, feeling humiliated 
“i tried to say jinnie, i swear-”
“no, no more jinnie. baby is my name now.”
he pulls your face to look at his
“you have my attention now, baby.”
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you were watching him perform once
it wasn’t your first time but you were too invested to control yourself
the whole crowd was screaming so you were screaming along
not that you planned to do so
but he was asked to do some cute things and immediately after the crowd went wild
your voice was too distinctive for him to not notice though
“LET’S GO! THAT’S MY BABY!” you screamed, practically at the top of your lungs
jisung stopped midway his speech, laughing to himself hearing your voice loud and clear
after the show ended you met him backstage
he zoomed into your embrace telling him how proud u were
“can you say that thing again?” his eyes pleaded
“what thing?”
“the thing- what you were screaming earlier”
“let’s go, that’s my-” your face shift in realization
“ahhh, y/n, continue it” he whined
you hide your face, too embarrassed to say it
“ok i’ll do it then, baby. baby y/n, let’s go see the boys now”
you nod, sticking beside him he guided you to the room
“my baby is so cute.”
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constantly talking to you or talking about you theres no in between 
he was overseas for a tour so you guys resorted to facetiming every night
it’s been almost a whole week without him and you were m i s s i n g him
 two different timezones,  he called you while it was night where he was
you could tell he was exhausted but he called you anyways
“lix, you should go and rest”
he murmurs a no, his voice getting deeper as time passed
you were running out of options to get him to rest and you didnt wanna just end the call cause it would upset both you and him
as you were calling him by his nicknames, your brain couldn’t keep up with what you were saying
lets just say mistakes were made
he jolts up immediately, screaming for your attention
“baby? is that what you call me now?”
“wait felix, no, i didn’t mean to.”
he mocks you, repeating what you said multiple times
“lix, i just wanted you to go to sleep” “my day just got a whole to better because of that”
you sigh, watching him from your phone failing to hold your smile
“i’ll go rest now if that’s what you want,” he pauses, giggling. “baby.”
“ahhh go to sleep~” you whined
“goodnight, baby”
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seungmin wasn’t the type of person who was interested in pet names
well actually he just never mentioned it 
to you, he was more of a skinship guy
holding hands, cuddling, soft kisses, etc
there was some nights you both just expressed your current concerns with one another 
such a great relationship tbh
he was talking about his concern about the new comeback, afraid he might disappoint people
he was just hard on himself like that 
you reassured him though. telling him anything he does would never disappoint you or others
he got all blushy and giggly at your comment
your gaze fixed onto his smile, his face just a few inches from yours
“you’re so cute, baby”
his eyes expanded, turning to you
“oh crap. sorry, i didn’t mean to say that. you were just really cute” you explained
“well- i actually like it though”
“what? i thought you didn’t like pet names”
he gave you a confused look, “i never said i didn’t like them and now that i heard it from you, how could i ever hate them?”
you blushed at his comment, not knowing how to answer
“please call me that, i like it”
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jeongin, the nation’s baby 
you always wonder to yourself how lucky you were to be a part of his life
so every second of the day you tell him how much you love him
you only called each other by your first names, never really going past that
you were going home from the dorms one night before your tongue decided to go against you
“bye, baby- i mean, jeongin” you hugged him goodbye hoping he didn’t notice your slip up
welp, good news buddy, he did
he gave you a light squeeze, refusing to let you go “wait y/n, don’t go yet” he whined
your face flushed red from embarrassment knowing it was too late to take it back now
“jeongin, i gotta go home. you have an early schedule tomorrow too”
“do you expect me to let you go after calling me that?” you can feel him giggling in your embrace 
“say it again, please, then i’ll let go”
you were defeated by his gentle yet desperate voice
“okay,” you exhaled, “baby- i gotta go now”
he squeezed you one last time before letting you go with a satisfied smile on his face
“aha! i made you say it. please say it more to me now”
you wave him goodbye as you made your way out
“bye, baby! text me when you get home”
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
what its worth jack daniels x reader
they did his character so dirty and im still kinda salty about it. i know this one is a little ooc and doesnt feature him as much as i was hoping it would but this was the first fic with him that i started. much like the javi stories i have others started, including a three parter that is much more in detail. so if yall dont like this one i get it, its not my greatest, but know it gets better and i do have others i promise
pregnant!reader, and no its not jack's lol
Song: ill always be around by waterparks
tag list: @cynic-spirit
i leaned back into the kitchen island and pinched the bridge of my nose.
"do you want to go to the doctor appointment with me or not?"
i said a little irritated into the phone.
"i dont see why i need to."
i shrugged.
"gee, i dont know, maybe because im carrying your kid?!"
i said a little dumbfounded, hearing him let out an exasperated laugh.
"who said i wanted it?"
he asked and i could feel the rage boil through me.
"no one said either of us wanted it zach, but here we are."
i said sternly.
"this was just supposed to be casual hookups, this isnt my fault."
i snorted.
"actually it is. im sorry you'd rather hit it raw and not deal with the consequences.
i heard him sigh into the receiver.
"why dont you get your new boyfriend to take you? hes old enough to be a dad."
i closed my eyes and breathed deeply.
"You fucking suck you know that?"
I said softly, hearing him scoff into the phone.
"I thought that maybe you would want to be here for this baby, it's yours too ya know."
i turned around and placed my elbows on the counter, hearing a rustling in the background.
"look, y/n, i was excited when we found out ill admit that. but ive been think the last three months since we found out and there is no way im fit to be a dad yet. we're both barely out of college, i dont have a steady job, rent is killing me right now. i cant afford a baby; i can barely take care of myself."
i closed my eyes and dropped my head down.
"you know if i put your name on the birth certificate you are legally obligated to help right?"
i asked and there was a long pause. i looked down the hall when i heard the bedroom door creak open.
"and? whats yoour point?"
he asked and i rolled my eyes, looking up as jack walked in with a yawn, his hair messy from his nap. i would've laughed if i weren't so stressed.
"and, youll be paying child support. so you can either step up now and help me get things ready or when it gets here we can go to court and figure out exactly how much you'll be paying a month."
there was another long silence. i knew he was resisting the urge to turn his apartment upside down in a fit of rage. that was part of the reason i told him i didnt wan to date him. our relationship was purely sexual and i wanted to keep it that way, until things changed and we decided to keep this.
"then i guess we'll let the courts decided, cause im not doing this now."
he said sternly and i clenched my jaw, watching jack as he walked around the counter, moving to hug me from behind.
"i guess youll be hearing from my lawyer then."
i said, feeling jacks thumb rub circles into my ever growing baby bump.
"i guess i will."
zach said and i hung up on him, slamming my phone down onto the counter and hanging my head in defeat.
"Zach again?"
He asked and I sighed, closing my eyes.
"Isn't it always?"
I asked and he laughed a little bit, pulling me up and pressing his chest into my back.
"Wish it would've been me."
He said, kissing my neck softly. i sighed, leaning back into him as he wrapped his arms fully around my waist, hands planted firmly against my stomach.
"You and me both."
I agreed, feeling the vibration as he hummed against my ear.
"If only I woulda come along one month sooner."
He said amused, loosening his grip as I moved to turn and face him, placing my hands against his bare chest. Now I could laugh as i looked over him, a sleeping grin across his face as i reached up and fluffed his already messed hair. he was cute when he was sleepy.
"Surely you wouldn't do the same to me,"
I said, looking over his face a little worried.
"Would you?"
I asked and he shook his head frantically.
"Of Course not baby."
He reassured, noticing the tears beginning in my eyes and reaching up to cup my face in his hands. God damn I never cried this much before the kid. he looked between my eyes before kissing me gently, his mustache tickling my lip.
"no, i love you sweetheart. and i I only hope you decide to keep me around long enough to see it grow up."
He said softly and I let out a sob-laugh, his hand going back to my stomach.
I asked and he nodded, looking between my eyes.
"all i ever wanted was a family."
he said softly, leaning in and pressing his forehead into mine.
"If you'll let me, I'd love to stick around and help you take care of it. I know I'm not their actual dad but that doesn't mean I don't want to be a stand in."
He said and I could feel one of the tears slip down my cheek as i closed my eyes, nodding quickly against him as I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him to me.
"I would love that jack."
I said through I sob. I could feel him smiling as he moved to kiss my cheek.
"I love you."
He said, pulling away a bit. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I leaned up to kiss him gently again. When I pulled away I sniffled, blinking the tears away.
"I love you too jack."
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diamondcamefromhell · 4 years
Pit Stop
fem!reader x jaskier [friend thing, not romance]
A/N: HIIIIII so i drank a bit today and this creation came to be, tried to edit all the mistakes, but there may still be some. i just wrote it from my heart, not really focusing on it being great to read, allowing it flow through me so it may be an aboslute mess and i might delete it when i wake up, but enjoy it while its here [even if it may stay forver]
Warnings: none!
Summary: [written in third person again] Y/N is a orphan who grew up in Kaer Morhen, and her basically-big-brother Geralt comes to visit with Jaskier and the two of them have a heart to heart
Word count: 2.592
as always, any feedback is appreciated, but on this one, pls keep in mind that i didnt write it entirely sober and its late and im sad lmao, but criticism is good and needed for every writer, so feel free to leave it even on this [or anonymously on my ask page] 
all the love <3
She lifted her sword just in time to block Geralt, parrying back with her other hand, hitting him with her other blade. The witcher grunted, pushing her with his swords, making her stumble back, a smile still on her face. She turned the weapons in her hands, both in a attack position now, as Geralt also smiled, gripping his sword tighter.
Y/N was able to duel-wield as well as you could possibly do it, it never occurred to her that she could fight with only one sword. In her mind, it truly seemed like a waste of opportunities, and she didn’t plan on contributing to it. While still young, she could stand her ground against Geralt, which was impressive on itself.
And Jaskier knew it. In his head, his friend witcher was the strongest-baddest-unbeatable Geralt, but now, in Kaer Morhen, his buddy was struggling holding back against this girls attacks.
“Well done.” Witcher spoke, lowering his sword. He hated to admit it, but he was running out of breath, and Y/N seemed to radiate endless energy. The girl laughed, straightening up.
“Thanks, Gee.” Geralt grunted at the nickname, smile still painting across his face.
The girl took a deep breath, looking up at the mountains that surrounded her home. She was an orphan, left in the woods. One of the witchers found her, and tried to get someone to take the baby in, but times were tough and Y/N was just an extra mouth to feed. She was taken here, to Kaer Morhen, at first it was planned to be short-term.
But she grew up with the boys, eventually picking her name herself. She never underwent the procedure to fully become a witcher, but she was a better fighter than some. She earned her nickname, the great Shewolf, who was as vicious and as strong as one. Someone who would die for her family.
Jaskier has heard about her from Geralt and some other witchers they’ve met on the road, but the bard knew the girl rarely left her home. Being abandoned by her parents, she took all the boys under her wing, providing some love and care to them during their strict training regimen.
Now, as wind played with her hair, Jaskier had to stop himself from breaking into a song. She was beautiful, in this mountain view, she truly looked like a she-wolf – majestic, wild and free. The girl felt the stare, glancing at the bard, offering him a smile.
“Jaskier and I,” Geralt spoke, getting her attention back on himself, “got you a gift.”
“Did you?” Her eyebrows rose as she glanced between the men.
“Something very special.” Witcher said. He never would admit it, but Y/N has grown to be like a little sister to him – he wanted to give her the world.
But all he could offer now, was two new swords. Light weight enough to make her duel-wielding possible and even faster than it was now. It was long, and sharp. The special thing about it was that one side of the blade was silver, the other steel. It was also enchanted with runes, so it would catch enemies on fire, at random.
They were beautiful, black handles and with a tree design on the blade itself. But for Y/N, that didn’t matter. It was the gesture itself; she knew how expensive weapons are. And not even that, finding a good blacksmith was nearly impossible these days. The trouble they must’ve gone through almost brought a tear to her eye.
She dropped her old swords, taking the new ones. They felt perfect in her hands.
“I am at a loss for words.” Geralt smirked.
“A thank you will do.” She fixed her gaze on the witcher, trying to swallow down the tears.
“Thank you. Truly.” She turned her eyes to the bard, who rose to his feet, coming closer to Y/N. “Jaskier, thank you too.”
“I didn’t do that much.” He muttered.
“You have never been to Kaer Morhen, have you?” Jaskier shook his head, and an idea came to the womans head. “Let me show you around. As a thank you. If not for a sword, then for keeping my big old Gee company.”
“Don’t you want to test your new swords?” Geralt asked before Jaskier could agree to the offer. Y/N shoulders dropped as she gazed into the horizon.
“We’ll have time for it tomorrow.” She finally decided, glancing at the witcher. “You seem tired. Are you getting old, Geralt?”
“Tired of you, little one.” He smirked, putting his sword in his scabbard. “But okay. I need to catch up with Master-“
“With Vesemir about Cirilla, yeah.” Y/N interrupted, remembering that they weren’t here to visit her – not exactly. Of course, it added to the trip, but their main goal was to talk to Vesemir about Cirilla and how she’s okay. Nothing in particular that Y/N found interesting, but she knew how important it was to Geralt. “Go and surprise that old bastard. He will be happy to hear the news.”
Bard watched his friend grin and turn around, going into the massive castle. The pair stood there in silence at first, and Jaskier began to worry that his lady friend would feel uncomfortable with just the two of them; but she was gazing at the sky. The mountains loomed over them, guarding this place, keeping it safe. It provided an impressive view, too.
“It’s beautiful.” Bard broke the silence, as the girl smiled.
“There is something so peaceful about this view.” A sad shadow loomed over her face. “But once all of the witcher disappear… this place will be abandoned. Hidden in these hills, deep in the woods.”
“But the Witchers won’t disappear.” Jaskier argued, although he knew that the population of withcers was dropping, as no new boys have been trained in years. He didn’t know why, and he was too afraid to ask. Bard was smarted than that, and knew not to open old wounds.
“Everything disappears, Jaskier.” Y/N glanced at her old swords on the ground, as they reflected the light. “But I am glad you find this place beautiful.”
“Precisely.” He muttered, as his head was working overtime trying to come up with something to comfort the girls troubled heart.
“Maybe you’ll write poems about it. That way, we will live on forever.” Girl spoke, turning around, waving the bard to follow her.
Which he did, with no hesitation. The sun was shining on them, but the weather wasn’t really that warm. Jaskier wrapped his arms around himself, watching Y/N in front, with her armour, that seemed to be too light to protect from the hold breeze that was picking up. But the girl didn’t mind, stepping to the training grounds.
They were now surrounded by dummies, most of which haven’t been touched in months. Her heart felt heavy, but she hoped one day soon new boys would come and train here. She would pray, but she didn’t believe in any gods.
“Training grounds, not used in… awhile.” She cleared her throat, sheathing her swords behind her back. She crossed her arms over, looking back at the bard, who was examining the dummies.
“These look new.” He pointed out and Y/N laughed.
“They got destroyed all the time. We would make new ones pretty much everyday, so they are new, yet to be destroyed.” She explained something in her heart lifting. It was as if there was new boy to train; even if the man in front of her was too old for this.
Though older, his eyes reminder her of that of a kid. So much joy shined in them, she almost allowed herself be fooled that he had lived an easy life. Traveling with a witcher was nothing easy at all, especially Geralt. While Y/N got to know his more affectionate side, sometimes he would hurt even her. he never meant to, but his comments would be daggers at heart.
And this man, was a bard, she also remembered, her eyes grazing the lute hanging by his side. Not a fighter, not trained. He could probably barely hold a weapon or protect himself, and with the contracts and helping citizens, she was sure this man has seen more than he lets on.
Maybe more than her.
But there were no shadows in his blue eyes, as he brushed his hair back, smiling at the girl, who was in deep thought, staring right at him. Her eyes pierced Jaskier, as he wondered what was going on in her head.
“A coin for your thoughts?” Jaskier decided to try and pry, figure out what world she was lost in.
“You have travelled with Gee for awhile now, but you don’t seem to be troubled by it.” Bard shrugs, his shoulders relaxing; he didn’t even realize that he has gotten nervous.
“He protects me.” Her gaze drifts ahead, as she sits down by the dummy. A shadow of sadness looms over her again, and Jaskier sits down too, their legs now touching.
“I wish someone would protect me.” Jaskier furrows his brows, staring at his hands.
“But you can protect yourself.” He speaks, as Y/N sighs. That was not what she meant, but the bard carried on. “You literally can hold you ground against Geralt. The Geralt.”
“That’s not the point, Jaskier.” She rests her head on the dummy behind her, staring at the mountains. Sometimes she feels like they are about to fall on her, swallowing her whole. “I still want to be protected. Someone to take care of me, too.”
“What about Vesemir?” She knows he is genuinely trying to help, but the mountains still double up in size as she feels small. She would feel like this when she was a child, isolated and alone. A sigh escapes her lips again, resting between them like a ravine.
“I meant more of a friend.” She finally clarified, after the silence began to grow uncomfortable. Jaskier stared at the ground between them, as if that ravine was actually there.
“I can be your friend.” She nodded. She already felt like they were friends.
“You and Geralt both are my friends. But…” Jaskier watched as her face changed, becoming more and more puzzled. He wanted to help her find the right words, express what she means exactly. Maybe that would lessen the pain in her eyes.
“I get it, I think.” He decided to try and put some clarity into her clear thought volcano. “We, and I bet some other friends, we come and go. But most of the time, you’re alone. And I bet you feel trapped, surrounded by these mountains and woods. No escape, as even the horizon isn’t clear.”
“Exactly!” She shouted, involuntary. “Everyone tells me I’m a shewolf, I can protect myself and thrive alone, and that’s correct. But I still want to have a pack.”
“Why don’t you join us then?” Jaskier offers and the girl closes her eyes. She wants to go, but what if someone comes here, some small boy, scared and alone. Ripped from their mothers crying hands. She has to be there for them, if it were to happen.
“I’m needed her.” Jaskier sighs, a sour taste growing in his mouth. He didn’t like the thoughts that filled his head, the words that were urging to escape.
“Ghosts don’t need to be cared for, Y/N.” His tone was soft, as if he was talking to a child. He even dared to reach out and place his hand on hers, which she didn’t shake off. “If anything, they need to be let go off. Laid to rest.”
“But if someone new comes-“ Jaskier squeezed her hand, making the girl stop mid-sentence. Their eyes met.
“If someone comes, Vesemir will find us. You can’t find a pack if you stay in this cage.” His words made sense, and she knew it.
But she didn’t want to listen. Her eyes gazed away from the boy, back to the mountains, who began casting shadows on the pair. Wolves howled in the woods and the breeze picked up again. She didn’t feel cold, but Jaskier shivered a little.
“I should show you inside.” She tried to avert the conversation, but the bard wasn’t having it. She rose to her feet, but he remained on the ground.
“The view from the top of the mountains must be amazing.” He said, gazing there. He did wonder if you could even reach it; these trained professionals probably could, but he, a simple bard, would probably slip and fall to his death. He shivered at the thought of that.
“You see endless fields and forests. But it is nice.” Y/N agreed, crossing her arms.
“So you see the opportunities the world has to offer.” He eventually decided, standing up. “Then this isn’t a trap – is a pit stop, before you go to see all that the sun touches.”
“Sure, poet.” She grinned, but his words settled in her heart. “Let’s get inside.”
So the tour continued, as they drifted from painful topics to more easy ones. Jasier showcased some songs, which she thoroughly enjoyed, and Y/N shared some fun stories from a better time.
But evening came, and something went wrong. Geralt ushered them to leave. The sun had set, and the only light was a few torches surrounding the group. Withcer didn’t seem worried, just in a hurry. Jaskier had his lute over his shoulder, saddened to be leaving so soon.
Y/N was painfully looking at her friends, wondering when she will see them again.
“We will visit soon. Ciri just needs me, I know it.” Geralt grunted, petting Roach. He was eager to get on the road.
“It’s okay. I’m glad I got to see you again, Gee.” Y/N forced a smile, but it didn’t fool the boys. They exchanged worried looks.
After hugs exchanged, she watched them leave – Geralt on Roach, Jaskier on a horse he borrowed from Vesemir. Y/N looked up once more, mountains blocking her view, but the bards words crept in, waking something inside her.
She whistled her horse, urging it to a gallop to catch up with her friend. Surprise painted their faces when they saw her, and both men stopped in their tracks.
“You said you’d visit soon.” She explained, slowing her horse to a canter, going ahead of them. “I can leave Kaer Morhen for a little bit. And these gifted swords need testing too.”
“You’re coming with us?” Jaskier couldn’t hide the joy in his voice, but he didn’t care. In the dark he and Geralt could barely tell that the girl rolled her eyes.
“Let’s go, boys!” She rushed to a gallop again.
They caught up to her in a heartbeat. They raced through the mountains, until they reached one of the peaks.
The fields in front of them offered endless possibilities. In this moonlight, shewolf took a deep breathe, and she knew, that for the first time in ages, she was breathing freedom. One last glance at her home, the castle glistening in the light grey light of the night was inviting.
But she knew she would always find a home here.
She could always come and rest, until she was ready to venture again. Now, she needed to go and find her pack.
y/N didn’t know, that Jaskier and Geralt both thought they just added a new member to their pack. They accepted her, racing in the night, to the rest of their pack, towards Ciri and Yen. Rushing into the unknown, leaving the pit stop behind.
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four-swords-green · 4 years
Secret Santa 2019
Happy holidays @larrytheflute9! I am your secret Santa this year :D After the beautiful piece you made for me (which I have on my phone lockscreen at the moment). I thought you deserved something which is at least half as good as the piece you made for me. I hope you enjoy it! I love the fact that you’re favourite character is Blue, so hence why he’s the star of the show :) Anyway; hope you enjoy! Once again lots of thanks to @imaginefourswords for hosting the secret santa event this year. Had lots of fun <3
 It’s not that he disliked the holidays. On the contrary even. The festivities were fun, he liked the food and he loved his friends. He just didnt like the winter months it came with. He would never admit it out loud. He endured if it made his friends and family happy. Besides, Red’s cooking was to die for, even if he made a mess out of the kitchen. But Blue would never show that he actually liked helping Red clean up in the kitchen afterward. He complained, a lot, certainly. But once you got the know the Blue Link really, you’ll notice that it was all a facade. The winter and especially the cold was just a bad memory, that’s all. But Blue would never show that. The day started like normal. Vio and Blue would be the first to wake up. Vio would spend the morning reading a new book, or devising cunning strategies for the next mission their princess would send them on. Blue would make a quick breakfast, usually a sandwich or something like that. Today was something light, since Red wanted to make a huge holiday breakfast for all of them this morning. After that Blue would go to the training grounds to start his daily dose of, well, training. It would not be long until Green joined him on his morning training. Like Blue, Green enjoyed testing his limits and they were each other’s rivals and sparring partners. Blue shivered as he tried to warm up his hands with his breath. ”What’s wrong? Already tired?” Green commented with a half smirk towards his friend. Blue shrugged. “I never liked the cold, you know.” ”Oh, I know. That’s why we are going back to the house, right now. Red should have breakfast ready.” Green smiled and patted Blue on the shoulder guiding him back to the house they all shared. Blue voiced his reluctant agreement but inside was actually glad to be going back inside. The cold always reminded him of a certain ice cold cave back on their adventure. Blue shook his head trying to get himself rid of that memory. Once they were back inside they could already smell the scent of some breakfast. Green moved to the kitchen to see if Red needed any help while Blue moved himself to the living room, desperate for the warm fire place. When he entered he saw Vio still reading on the same sofa from earlier this morning but this time a certain shadow creature was sprawled over his lap, almost like a cat. When you looked closely you could see that Vio sometimes moved his hand over Shadow’s hair, almost petting him and making him comfortable. Vio looked up as he saw the Blue Link enter the room. ”Short training?” Vio asked with a hint of surprise in his voice. Shadow opened one eye to see what disturbed his pillow. Once again Blue shrugged. ”We were cold.” Blue answered bluntly. Honestly, he did not even know why he was being short with the purple link. Vio raised his eyebrows and looked outside form the window opposite of Blue. “Hmm, fortunately there’s not any snow outside so no wet clothes to make you even more cold. Should be snowing later today, though.” Vio replied and closed his book. Shadow groaned under him. Blue did not give Vio a response and instead moved himself over to the kitchen. Red saw him enter and gave him a big smile. ”Happy holidays, Blue! You’re just in time, breakfast is ready to be eaten.” Red pushed Blue towards the table and ran over towards the living room to get the other Link’s. ”Red is certainly eager to start the party.” Green commented with a smile as he sat down next to the Blue Link. Before Blue could voice a reply Red ran back in again with Vio and Shadow close behind him. Once they were all seated Blue looked with a small smile towards all the food on the table. He really, really liked Red’s cooking. ”I declare the party; started!” Red said with a cheer as he raised his glass of orange juice in mock toast. The other Link’s joined Red in the mock toast and began eating. For Blue this was easily the most relaxed part of today. After this he was supposed to get dressed in his finest clothing and then move with his friends towards the castle. But not before having the breakfast Red made for them. Blue watched on as he saw that Red had once again outdone himself. The table was filled with all kinds of breads, croissants and eggs and meat. After their huge breakfast Red cleared his throat to gain the attention of his fellow Link’s. ”Let’s exchange gifts! I have a present for someone who might use it today!” Red smiled and grabbed a nicely wrapped package from under the table. Vio agreed and got up to get his presents from downstairs. Green walked to the living roo to find his present from his hiding place and Shadow grabbed a small package from his pocket with a smirk. Blue’s present was upstairs as well so he moved towards his bedroom to retrieve it. Every year during the holidays their father and Link would exchange holiday gifts to celebrate. A tradition the Link’s continued on when they moved out from their father. This year they decided to all chip in to get a gift for their father together and have a secret santa kind of event together. All orchestrated by the Red Link who enjoyed these kinds of celebrations the most. Blue returned with his gift. This year he gt to buy a present for Shadow. The Link he admitted he knew the least. When he returned all the Link’s were waiting for him and chatted. He sat down and set the package on the table. Green moved first setting his gift in front of Red. ”I hope you like it, happy holidays!” Green smiled and mentioned for Red to open it. Red gave a huge smile and thanked Green while opening up the package. Inside was a Red apron with his name in golden letters. A complimentary chef hat was also inside. Red jumped up from his chair and hugged Green in thanks. “Thank you so much, I love it!” Red sat back down again and looked at the stuff he received in appreciation.
 Shadow chuckled and grabbed his present and moved it in front of Vio. “Happy holidays.” He said with a wink. Vio smiled silently as he opened his present and inside was a small locket. “Shadow, I did not know you had an eye for jewellery.” Vio opened the locket and his eyes widened. Inside was a small portrait of them together. Vio looked closely. “Did you draw this?” Shadow nodded in pride. Lately he has been trowing himself in the arts because the princess insisted he needed a creative outlet. He scoffed at first but it turned out he was quite good at it. Vio was silent but gave a soft smile which was reserved only for Shadow. “Thank you.” ”You’re welcome.” Shadow replied softly in return. The same kind of softness only reserved for Vio. Vio put the locked around his neck and under his shirt, close to his heart. He then moved his hands to give a certain present to Green. Green smiled in thanks and opened his present silently, careful to not disrupt the tender atmosphere. Inside was a mirror shield. The one he himself had been saving up for a while now. His eyes widened. “Vio! This is way too expensive!” Vio shrugged and smiled. “But it is what you wanted, right?” Green gave him a huge grin. “It is. Thank you so much!” He held the shield and looked at all the details in the mirror, cleaning the surface with his sleeve.
 Blue watched it all happen but the nervous feeling grew in his stomach. Everyone got each other such heartfelt gifts, he hoped Shadow liked his. Blue quickly grabbed his present and set it in front of Shadow. Shadow looked on with a grin as he opened the present. Inside was a book. Shadow raised his eyebrow at Blue. “You got me a book, thanks I guess?” He chuckled and opened it to read what the first page said, since the cover was just leather without any text. Blue rolled his eyes. “Just read it, smartass.” Shadow read a few words and then his other eyebrow joined the other’s raised position. Apparently it was a book about the history of Hyrule’s art, showing different examples and materials and techniques used. ”Gee Blue, I don’t know what to say...” Shadow whispered as he thumbed trough the book. “Blue chuckled. “How about thank you?” Shadow laughed and grinned at Blue. “Thanks, bud.” Blue smiled and moved his hand waving him in thanks. After that it was down to the final gift. Red smiled and walked to Blue with his gift. ”This gift is really special to me. I know you don’t like the cold. I also know why. Being frozen as a Popsicle has got to be a terrible experience.” Red tried to joke lightly in hope it made Blue feel easier. Blue felt shivers move over his spine. Ah. Why did he have to mention that? Blue asked himself feeling his cheeks turn pink in embarrassment. Red smiled softly. “And that’s okay. It’s okay to be scared sometimes and feel uncomfortable. That’s what makes us human. But, to help, I wanted to give you this so you would not feel cold anymore.” Red gave the present to blue who accepted it. Blue felt the weight of the package. It wasn’t heavy but it almost felt like it was soft inside. Blue guessed it must be some kind of scarf. He opened the present and, indeed he was rigfht. It was a thick dark blue scarf. ”I had Zelda help me with this actually, it’s handmade and infused with magic. Wear it.” Red smiled and jumped up and down. Blue raised his eyebrow. Infused with magic? He wrapped the scarf around his neck and while he did that he felt it. The scarf was warm. It was filled with a warmth that he could feel moved trough his whole body. Blue’s eyes widen as he felt himself feeling warmed and cosy as he could finally relax. He looked at Red in surprise. “It’s warm?” ”Yup! This scarf is supposed to be warm to anyone who wears it so the next time you are in a winter region and a dumb monster decides to turn you into an ice statue, you will not be cold anymore.” Blue did not know how to respond. He looked again at the scarf and wrapped it around his chest as well, feeling the warmth move towards the inside of his chest. Blue smiled not daring to look any of the other Link’s in the eye. ”Thank you, Red. I love it.” He whispered. Red smiled and gave a hug to Blue. “You’re welcome Blue, happy holidays!” Blue accepted the hug and rolled his eyes playfully. After the gift giving the Link’s got dressed to move towards Zelda’s castle to start with the holiday celebrations with their father, Zelda and all their friends who decided to come over. Blue never let go of the warm scarf he received. Feeling loved and understood even when he never voiced his adversity to the cold out loud to his fellow friends. He suspected that the Link’s knew anyway, and that was okay. At least he had the scarf to keep himself warm in case his friends were not around to keep his heart warm.
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flowerpowell · 5 years
Meet-Cute (Drake x MC)
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A/N: So… after almost three months part five is finally here. Does anyone even remember this series?? I’m sorry it took me so long but also thank you for your patience! I hope this part will bring you the answers for questions you had after part four! I dont own the characters, they belong to Pixelberry. As always, feedback is much appreciated!
Rating: PG-16 (nothing bad but just in case)
Word count: 2050
Tagging: @agent-bossypants @mysteli @gardeningourmet @annekebbphotography @mymandrake @butindeed @walkerduchess @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicessa @violinist3121 @blackcatkita @jlouise88 @innerpostmentality @tmarie82 @darley1101 @littleeeepeach  @ooo-barff-ooo @sleepwalkingelite @traeumerinwitzhelden @jovialyouthmusic @nikkis1983 @notoriouscs @melodyofgraves @zaffrenotes @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @rhymesmenagerie @emichelle @drakesroyalromance @drakewalkerisreal @mrsnazariowrites @furiousherringoperatortoad @lynne1993 @drakesensworld @iplaydrake @thequeenofcronuts @confessionsofabrokegirl @xxcaptainchrispowellxx @carabeth @ao719  @gibbles82 @be-still-my-aching-heart @symonde @choices97 @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore ♥ (I’m sorry if I’ve missed out anyone, it’s been so long and I forgot who asked to be tagged!”
“Because they all think I killed Liam,” Drake said avoiding Riley’s widened eyes.
“You….WHAT?” She couldn’t believe it, maybe she misheard something?
“Killed Liam,” he answered calmly finally risking a glance at her. She was shocked.
“Wait, what do you mean you killed Liam?!”
This didn’t make any sense, they were friends! And even if something changed, Drake would never kill anyone. Never.
Or would he?
How much could change since she last saw him?
“I know what you’re thinking. But for the record, I didn’t do anything. I was apparently the last person who saw him alive so I was accused of his death.”
“Wait, wait, stop!” she waved her hand, shaking her head trying to understand. “I’m not following. Liam’s dead? You’re accused of his death? What the heck happened in Cordonia since I left?!”
“A lot of things, actually. You wanna know everything or just the key points?”
“Everything, I have time,” she replied wrapping herself in a blanket and making herself comfortable.
“Well,” he sighed running his hand through his hair, “it all started the day you left. You weren’t in your room so I assumed you were somewhere with Hana or Maxwell. I tried to call you but you didn’t answer. And then I saw the letters. I read mine and when I realized you were really gone I ran to find the others hoping they’d know more. But they didn’t, no one knew anything and we all were surprised to learn you decided to take off. We started looking for you, in the middle of the night, knowing you couldn’t be far away. I don’t know where you spent the night but you hid well, no one, not even the royal guards, could find you. Anyway, Liam was furious. He blamed me for your disappearance and to be honest, I blamed myself too. Liam shut me off completely, I think he was still hurt after I told him about us. I hired a detective to find you but he couldn’t find anything. When we came back to Cordonia, we started getting ready for Liam and Madeleine’s wedding. But he didn’t want to marry her. He was getting rebelious, didn’t want to listen to us, to anyone. His father was getting worse too. And then, Bertrand told us they had found Tariq. And if you think everything got better you’re wrong. It only made Liam more upset. He was free of Madeleine but the only person he wanted to marry, that is you, was gone. He blamed me for his ruined future, for his ruined chances for marriage. We barely spoke since then, I lived in my cabin, far from the palace to avoid him, or anyone for that matter. I sent another detective but still nothing. I called Daniel a few times but he swore he never saw you. Finally, Liam’s father died. There was an attack in the palace and I think it was Liam who was targetted. A few weeks after, Maxwell told me what a mess Liam was. He didn’t talk to anyone, he barely eat anything. I decided to visit him, I was his friend after all and I cared for him. He wasn’t happy to see me. He told me to get out, I could see he was drunk and tired with everything. I told him I was worried but he only shrugged and said he was doing perfectly fine.”
“Liam… we’re worried about you, you don’t go out, you don’t talk to anyone, you–”
“I. AM. FINE.”
“Liam… I’m concerned..”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have taken MY woman, if you’re so concerned!”
“She wasn’t yours! And it’s not my fault she had feelings for me!”
Liam snickered, “Of course. She loved you so much that she left.”
“Get out. I don’t want to see you ever again!”
“Liam, we’re friends, please,let’s talk.”
“I do not want to talk to you! You have taken away everything from me. You have taken the only chance for love I had. You took her, you made her leave, you–”
“Liam, please–”
“GET OUT! Get out before I do something I shouldn’t do as a King!”
“Our meeting didn’t go well, he yelled at me and I decided to leave before we both say things we would regret. That was the last time I saw him. And unfortunately, the last time he was seen at all. Somewhere around three in the morning I got a call from Bastien saying Liam was found unconsious and people claim I wanted to kill him. They heard us arguing loudly and the camera footage clearly shows me as the last person who came into Liam’s room. Bastien told me they were going to investigate me and advised to hide somewhere until they find the real reason for Liam’s condition. He didn’t believe I did it, neither did Savannah, Hana, and Maxwell. And then a whole lot of mess happened. Liam was pronounced dead and I guitly. Bastien gave me fake passport and helped me get out of the country and I’m glad he did because I would be in jail now. No one wanted to listen to me, they all assumed I did it because I wanted to be with you. Some people claimed I killed you too. After I left, I still got updates on the situation and guess what. Your press secretary, was not, in fact, a press secretary, but a fucking pretender to the throne in case the King of Cordonia died childless. And since both, Liam and Constantine, were dead, Anton, that is Justin for you, was pronounced a new King and Olivia, who was his wife according to the will, a Queen.” He took a deep breath before continuing.
“Anton put Bastien and some other royal guards in jail for not taking enough care of Liam and issued a wanted notice after me. No one was safe with him, not even his own wife who suddenly disappeared. Anton accused me of kidnapping Olivia and promised to find me. Now, he’s ruling alone and I think that was his plan all along. I have no idea where Olivia is but I’m sure her kidnapping was his doing. I went to the States to my mom, already changed my name, but they came there looking for me too. I was wandering across the U.S. in hope to find you, find anyone who didn’t hate but after ten months I gave up. You didn’t want to be found for a reason. I remembered I obtained a degree a couple of years before and decided to start teaching. Went to England and was lucky because they needed a history teacher after the previous one had to go on a sick leave. And here we are,” Drake finished sadly.
“Wow,” was all she could say in that moment. She didn’t know how to comment on that, so much information is so little time.
“So… Liam’s dead?” her eyes welled up with tears. “And Justin,  I mean Anton, is the King now? With Olivia as his wife but she disappeared? And Bastien’s in jail? What about Maxwell? Hana? Betrand?”
“I don’t know, I didnt want to contact them in case someone caught that and they would be in trouble,” Drake shrugged nonchalantly and Riley felt angry he was so calm about it.
“And that’s it? You just ‘don’t know’? Never tried to look up for any information about them? You talk about it as if you don’t care at all!” she yelled at him and he winced slighly.
“I do care!”
“Liam is dead and you’re telling me as if it was nothing, no emotions, nothing!”
“What am I supposed to do?! Cry in front of you? Get drunk? It’s been a year, I already did all of that before.”
Riley shook her head and got up, slowly collecting her clothes. “It’s too much for me, Drake. I need a moment. I can’t believe you’re here while they are all…there. I can’t believe you don’t care.”
Drake stood still watching her getting dressed. She looked at him with this well-known disappointed look in her eyes. “You won’t say anything? Won’t start another argument? Yell at me about how wrong I am?”
“Nope, not doing that,” Drake answered walking up to her and putting his shoulders around her, locking her in his embrace. “I’m not arguing with you ever again and I’m not letting you go ever again either. You’re staying with me.”
He pressed a kiss to her cheeck and she rolled her eyes. “Gee, you’re no fun when we’re made up. I can’t even tease you! What have I done!”
He chuckled in response but his face fell slighly when he realized something.
“You know we have to keep this private, right? No one can know or we’ll both be kick out.”
“I know,” she sighed, “and you can’t be kicked out because that would cause a scandal and you have to avoid scandals so no one can find you. Maybe we should just get back to hating each other again?”
“No!” Drake pulled her closer, trapping her in his arms. She laughed.
“I’m not letting you go,” he whispered into her hair before placing a soft kiss on her temple. “It’ll be hard but we’ll manage. If I managed to hide my feelings towards you well enough that even you thought I didn’t have any for you causing you to leave, then I think I’ll be good with hiding them before the rest of the world too.”
“We’ll see about that, Mr Stagger.”
He wasn’t joking. Hiding what was between them was hard.
Riley had to remind herself not to smile or talk to him. Luke was getting suspicious and was constantly studying her face during the classes. She cursed herself for choosing psychology as her major because that made her classmates only more observant.
Drake was trying too, he never complimented Riley on the right answer but decided to let go of bombarding Luke with difficult questions.
Not being able to spend much time with each other wasn’t easy either. Riley had classes when Drake had breaks and vice versa. Evenings beloged to her hanging out with her uni friends and Drake could only message her. They met up for weekend trips only, far away from the campus, where they would make up for the lost time and simply, where they could enjoy each other’s company.
They never came back to the conversation from weeks ago, Drake seemed to have dropped the topic but Riley couldn’t stop thinking about it.
During her evenings alone, she tried to find any information about what happened on the Internet but there were not many articles and she was sure then those that were left, were somehow controlled by Anton. She wanted to call Maxwell or Hana and ask them but she knew it’d only cause more problems. She needed to know some more but she didn’t know how.
On one Monday evening, while she was thinking of some ways to obtain information, her phone rang and she smiled seeing who was calling.
“Spenc! How are you, sweetie? I miss youuuu so much! I wish you would come here already!” Nadia kept talking on the phone and Riley could almost see her pouted face.
“I’ll be home in a few weeks, remember? Besides, you have other friends too, they can keep you company.”
“I do. But I miss you anyway. I’m dying for some new gossip! How are you and Luke? Does this awful professor stopped treating you like this? In my opinion he was jea-lous! Anyway, have I told where I am going in a few hours? To the embassy! For dinner, can you believe it?? I wish I could say ‘I made it!’ but it’s not me, Damien, you remember my friend, helped the ambassador solve a complicated case that’s been going on for ageeees and he invited us all to thank him. I’m so excited! I wish you were here!” Nadia was chattering when Riley was hit with an idea.
“Nadia… Your friend Damien, he’s–”
“He’s single, yes!”
“No, I didn’t mean it like this.”
“Oh, good, cause I think he might be into my cousin Kai!” Nadia said relieved.
“He’s a private investigator, right?”
“Yes, why?”
“And if I, hypothetically, hired him to work for me, internationally but in total secret, could he do that?” Riley asked biting her lip. She had the idea but she wasn’t sure if that would help.
“Hypothetically, yes. He’s the best and he would solve any case in no time! Is everything okay?” Nadia asked suddenly concerned.
“Nadia… do you have a moment? I want to tell you a story of a beautiful country Cordonia and of a girl named Riley and how everything changed from a fairytale to a nightmare.”
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jimlingss · 5 years
THIS WAS SOOOOO GOOD AND CLEVER ON HOW U INCORPORATED SO MANY DIFFERENT FAIRYTALES OMG so sad when jungkook and her WHOLE ENTIRE FAMILY DIDNT RECOGNIZE HEr idgnjdjfgfjd but her whole relationship came along w jimin sigh
[the messages answered below including my responses include SPOILERS]
Hell yeah! Thanks for noticing! I knew I definitely wanted to add in fairytales and I started organizing as many as I could fit in. I think it’s super powerful that the first time any fairytale is introduced is Beauty and The Beast (when OC goes knocking on that door as the ‘enchantress’ and he fails to give her a room). He was turned into a beast, much similarly to OC. And the curse OC uses on the end for her and Jimin is the same curse she uses to curse that child (with the parents who ripped her flowers) - it’s supposed to be Sleeping Beauty’s curse.
Anyways, yeah, super heartbreaking that Jungkook didn’t recognize her....
Anonymous said: Sorry, I don't know if i missed something, but how did Jungkook realize it was OC in the end? Was it because of Jimin? Or was it just a gut feeling?
I imagine both had to do with it, but more so gut feeling and he finally looked at her. Basically imagine from Jungkook’s standpoint - this witch ends up insisting that she’s your fiancee and you tell her to fuck off basically and you go kill her. But oh! She disappears instead! What. the. fuck. but fine, no revenge - at least there’s peace in your kingdom again.
Fast forward, your baby gets fucking kidnapped. Fast forward more, you find out that your kid is still alive, actually living well, and is being raised by someone. You’re like ??????? wHY. you go there and it’s THE FUCKING SAME WITCH. why would she take your kid? why should she raise your child so well and not harm her? 
That, plus Jimin’s appearance and you finally look into her eyes and then you’re trying to make sense of it.....you’re adding all the things up...her continued insistence that she’s your ‘dead’ fiancee and the way she calls your name...
gee golly, it must actually be her! :O *insert surprised pikachu mee* 
Anonymous said: Why does A Kiss Of Poison reminds me of Shrek 😂 Just the anti-fairytale aspect of it. Anyway, do you think that if OC actually received true love’s kiss, the spell would be broken?
Woo-hoo! You’re right! I love messing with superhero tropes and I love messing with fairytale tropes too! I feel like there’s so much to do on both those tropes compared to how it’s usually presented in a very cookie-cutter manner.
It actually wasn’t inspired by Sherk tho. It was inspired by two things...which I’ll talk about down below. To answer your question....I don’t know. It’s up to you to decide. Jimin is definitely not OC’s true love. The only person who could’ve given her true love’s kiss is Jungkook...the question is: would it have worked?
I left that up for you to decide.
Anonymous said: Hey, I just read A Kiss of Poison and I really liked it. It was a sad fic, but I think in a way she did end up getting her happy ending-even if it wasn't the one that she hoped for at first. I liked how you incorporated different stories and characters into this one fic, and how it shows you the "villain's" perspective. The poor girl suffered so much because of one mistake.
I knew from the very start I wanted OC to end up in a dream or a dream-like state or a dream-like heaven. It would be too cruel to let her die after all that and I knew it would be cruel to leave her in that world she was living in too. I really like bittersweet endings for angst, so glad you liked that. Indeed, OC ended up getting her happy ending. Maybe not the fairytale ending she had initially hoped for, but the one she ended up wanting more.
And honestly, I LOVE writing from the villain. I think Tears of A Villain proved that. I feel like there’s so much more to villains than the regular protagonist. Actually, A Kiss of Poison was inspired by my two favourite villains of all time.
The Witch from Into the Woods and Erik (the phantom) from Phantom of the Opera.
I feel like most times, villains in stories are either very shallow or they got a sob story which sort of explains how they ended up like that. Like there’s a small flashback which shows their mistreatment or the villain is like “my mother abandoned meeeee!!!!” and I’m like....”well alright then”. But with The Witch and Erik, their sadness and grievances are more so embedded into their actions. The things they do, the things they say, you can see the sadness and devastation in their lives.
A Kiss of Poison was directly inspired from these two characters, so if you have some time, you should listen to these:
This was actually the height of the movie for me. It’s so fucking emotional. From the witch’s anger to her desperate plea. I feel like what makes her different from Mother Gothel from Tangled is that Mother Gothel has something to gain from Rapunzel - her magical hair that makes her younger. She actively lies to Rapunzel to keep her around, but the witch from Into The Woods really has nothing to gain from Rapunzel staying. She begs her to stay because she genuinely cares for her, and the witch fails to realize her love is suffocating.
I think the most powerful line is: “Who out there could love you more than I?”
She’s kind of screaming it in pain, sadness, anger. It’s just so powerful.
The second is:
I love Phantom of the Opera oml. Phantom does some fucked up shit, let’s be honest here. But he just desperately wants to be loved by Christine and in his circumstances, you wonder if you’d also be crazy enough to do the things he’d do.
I just love the final song in Phantom of The Opera cause it goes from anger to this chaos to this pity and then beauty and my god, I just love all musicals because there’s so much emotion in the music and lyrics and it legit tells a story.
I think the most powerful lines are: “This face, which earned a mother's fear and loathing.” // “The world showed no compassion to me!” // “Pitiful creature of darkness. What kind of life have you known?”
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dimplesandcurlsss · 6 years
gosh gollY GEE i am bUGGIN right now
alright listen up I just watched s6 and my heart is twelve seconds away from bursting out of my chest im freAKING OUT my friends like if i try to stand up my soul will crumble and fall out of my ass ive been through a lot over the past two hours and twenty minutes and i need to vent because if i dont then i think im going to die and in two weeks my neighbors will find my body in fetal position underneath my bed with a carton of leftover chocolate icecream and tears in my hand 
can I just say? I thoroughly enjoyed almost every minute of this season. it tore my heart out and reformed it. this may sound stupid, but i never truly realized how much i gave a shit about these characters until i watched this fucking season. im dyING my heart IM GUDEIN IDFBAENDWO DYING and i just there are a fEW THINGS OKAY there are a fEW THINGS THAT I NEED TO SAY SO PLEASE JUST BARE WITH ME IM 
I LOVE KEITH. I love Keith. i love keith. i love keith? I LOVE KEITH? I LOVE KEITH I LOVE HIM ID DIE FOR HIM MY EHQART GJRIEO I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND SEEING PORTIONS OF HIS BACKSTORY?? holy fucKING GODDMNNN i just about BARFED i waS SUCH A MESS im so in love with him??? im sso in LOVE THWOIFE WITH HIM>>?? i thought id be more pissed about the random “its been two years” thing but honestly by the next episode i kinda forgot it happened, i feel like the only change was he was slightly less impulsive than usual and 3479368% sexier if thats even possible and can I just say that i fuCKING LOVE that he got that scar fighting shiro??? like I thought it was going to be some galra mark of family or something but its so much deeper than that and im so fuKCING PLEASEd with that turn of events also THAT ENTIRE EPISODE???? 
now that I have heard Keith utter the words “i love you” i can die a happy woman tbh its all i ever neeeded nd i didnt even realize im just 
the whole DnD episode honestly made me happy to be alive, shiro was such a dork (he just wants to be a paladin im in love with him!!! MY SON) it made me appreciate his character much more than i have in the past! hes such a boy! 
Hunk took charge first episode! what a fUCKING CHAMP he’s so AMAZING 
lowkey upset about lotor because he was the love of my life but...i saw it coming. gotta find other things that voice actor does because hes going to have my children some day 
I understand what they are doing with allurance and I thought the scene where lance gets out of his miserable pining to comfort her was honestly so very touching. I hope and pray that some day, we will see snippets of lances childhood like we did with keiths because that was fucking incredible! ahhhGGGGHHGH
have i mentioned i fucking love keith? like, id get run over by a train for him. he is such a beautiful character im JUST SO 
theres so much more. small things that i adored while watching that i cant rememebr right now because im so wired and my heart is beating so fast PLEASE MESSAGE ME SO WE CAN TaLK ABOUT THIS because im dyinggg!!!! i cant wait to get writing, i feel so inspired fuckkkkKK
when i am more coherent i can write another review with some other aspects that i felt could have been better but im riding this high and im just so.........fuzzz
it felt like the final season??:??? So i just hope that theres more?? ill be really sad if thats the end!!! 
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ST:Disc S2 Thoughts
Didnt find time to do episode by episode thoughts so far for the second season, so I’d just like to very briefly put some thoughts about the season so far.
Episode 1 hadnt really caught me at that time and I was very sceptic about it going forward but oh boy have I been pleasantly surprised.
I’m absolutely in love with it and apart from 1-2 episodes every one of them has been great and gave me my Star Trek vibes.
The certainly most outstanding one being episode 6 where they visit Saru’s homeworld and we learn more about the history of his species. One of the best Discovery episodes so far imo.
Also one of the early epsiodes where we visit a planet and find humans that got sent there before earth had the warp drive and we discover a prime directive conflict like in the good old times. They are humans but from the past, they are essentially their own folk now so we cant interact with them or can we? since they are humans after all? Wonderful :’)
Also truly touching moment in the end where they enlighten the man who “knew” it all along.
I’m also a fan of that whole red angel plot, I love mysterious things that get discovered throughout a series so I’m all down for this. I just hope it wont have a dumb truth/ending, dont disappoint me Aaron and Gretchen :’)
The one thing I had/have some issues with is that whole Spock thing.. I reallyyy hope they fit it smoothly into the timeline and make it feel reasonable, if they do, great I’m down cause it’s nice to watch tbh.
I think they came close to hurting the canon at times or even did once, I remember I was mad once but forgot to write it down.. gotta rewatch and find out again sometime soon.
Either way I really like the concept that we have this ongoing story about the red angel and other things, while still exploring planets and have standalone parts to episodes, this is exactly what I wished for and I hope they keep it up all season long and beyond.
All in all I’m very very pleased and I love watching every single episode, please keep it up and thank you Aaron, Gretchen and Co.
Btw I really miss seeing them on After Trek : ( why did they cancel it?? After Trek was so goood, was sad when I didnt find it anymore.
P.S.: We’re going to Talos IV next ep??? OH EM GEE (you know what to do, dont mess the canon up and make this epic, k thx!)
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ugliestdiary · 3 years
4:17 𝙋𝙈
OKAY OKAY I CAN FINALLY WRITE. basically today at school we only stayed in the building for about 3 hours until recess and then we headed to the auditorium for the drugs prevention thing. it was super boring istg, but i mean i did actually pay attention to the first bits and shit because this guy literally smoked 20 joints a DAY. not even week a DAY. 20 fucking joints☠️
// 4:49 eww im eating too much sugar fuck
im gonna update again when i can
// 4:57 ok i washed my teeth. but im super angry at ray lol wtf is he even doing to Yuu istg im killing him.
on another note, today yeah was boring. probably gonna do nothing all day at the very least. just gonna listen to my queue songs in shuffle or joyriding in loop.
i wanna be frank so much
i dont wanna be me anymore
dysphoria is killing me and i'm starting to sh and binge eat again
i wish i could just get super high and forget it all for even just a few hours.. i won't give it a shot though.
i'm still not afraid to keep on living and i'll keep it that way ♡︎
i'll update tonight.
"yeah, it's cool, i'll be okay"
10:41 SOO he just drifted off to sleep so i can write now!
i miss them though :/ i'm using he and they on them now because i think he's feeling uncomfy with she?... i mean, he put some statuses and on one he write "iwannabeaboyiwannabeaboy" soo :/ also he didnt use she for the whole day i think?
well, i just hope they're fine :(.
on another note we were just in call, yeah, but it was rly cute <3
got them more stuff for presents <333
it's still 42 euros though! i mean it's a fair price, it's mychem, but still,
also it's at bologna i think (sonic park) I hope we're gonna be able to because i really really wanna see them perform <3
still, we didnt do much today... in general. apart from some relapse thinking, i was fine.
i'll probably update later or on another note, for now, bye <3
12:16 AM: currently listening to random songs in my liked and some are just <333 TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF IS JUST SO GOOD WTFF
i'd be a scene queen 100% if i wanted to
come as you are is on even though i dont listen to it as much... still, <ku/rt3
i was crying to songs before
but i cried of happiness after because i saw a photo of gerard genuinely smiling. it made me happy. he's giving me hope. and its okay to be a little messed up at first but we'll keep on living <3
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
watch me starting to use frank as a name because of this mf. but i dont think i'm gonna honestly...maybe
also <murderdolls3 i love those men ♡︎
12:29 AM / FAST EDIT: oh my god.
fuck. i realized i already developed a strong emotional attachment towards gerard. shit.
i really need to stop with the attachments towards people like gee or frank or whatever. i'm really upset for him.
"and you don't know how long i could stare into your picture, and wish that it was me." fuck
who am i?
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gayspock · 6 years
dont rb, dont rply.. im sorry im making a lot of personal posts in a row but Jeez lads its [opens vodka boddle] suddenly depression night
honestly i dont even want to thnik about what the fucks goin to happen in the near future vis a vis the Impending Doom and my life falling the fuck apart and so hilariously instead im gonna Sit here and INSTEAD cry about the past and think about how i only ever make fuckin mistakes and ruin my life and exist as a Fucking joke to everyone around me and like. theres that Haunting feelin when you look back and realise that oh god!!!!!!! i always was gonna just end up sitting alone in a fucking cupboard crying!!!! and its so STUPID!! i feel so stupid sometimes looking back at my past self and see all the times i was STUPID enought o fuckn hope sth could turn out different like. thinking i could get away from this House and thinking i could find a place that i feel comfortable and i remember being so Fucking idiotic!! LIKE to ever think i could do fucking anything when its so obvious im Nothing, when EVERYONE knew i was a gd damn failure but noo!!!! i used to buy into the fucking empty ass idea that its gonna be Okay one day when its not gonna be and thats just? how it is.  it just get worse and worse and GOD i dont know im just crying like an idiot because i dont know where the fuck im going in life and im too fucking much of a mess to do fucking anythin and i feel so damn trapped and alone and god isnt it fucking brillaint remembering how alone u are how everyone thinks ur highkey a fucking idiot and a joke and fucking LOVE to judge u behind ur back to the point where they think ur STUPID enough to even fall for some of the DEEPEST bullshit well jokes oon them becase the truth is i fucking am !! eve when i see it . because god knows if im not that fuckign pathetic AND I know its my fualt i shoudl just fucking grow a backbone for ONCE in my life and fucking tells eomeone to FUCK OFF  or at least be truthful when im upst but no little bitch scareyd ppants doesnt want to fucking throw up over themselves for being in the way for the bajillionth time and its jsut a fucking Wreck its just a ucking wreck i wish i didnt even fucking . try.  i wish i did fukcing kill myself my GOD it always comes back to that gee boy howdy i WISH i did fucking throw myself in front of a train when i had the chance because since then everythings jus t felt so dso uckng  numb and god  i dont even CARE any mre whatever bitch fuck it UP i guess i know its and god god im jsut. HEAD EXPLOSION time over ten million different fucking things and  god i wana throw up i want to fuckn throw up but im still too scared to leave my god damn room bc my parents are walking about now and heeyoooooooooo ISSKSDPFOFKPSFK
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pldubrahs · 7 years
anyway, this has been a While coming and now im back in new orleans so LOTS OF GUSHING ABOUT THE LIGHTNING THIEF MUSICAL, UNDER THE CUT
the ambiance of the theater, dim and filled with soft storm sounds
this show does really beautiful things with overlapping singing and w harmonys and its So low budget but still so good and the cast is small but amazing and literally everyone but chris is cast into several roles and its just amazing
if u dont wanna read this whole thing, just scroll down to the end for a Special Surprise
the Bitter, Angry, Sad music, ltm is truly the Emo Rock Musical we deserve
i seriously almost fell out of my chair when chris mccarrell came out. he honest to god was SUCH a good percy, so fidgety and all his expressions were ON POINT
ms dodds in General she was hilarious for the literal 3 minutes she was onstage
the pen to sword transformation is literally just: chris hides the pen and grabs the sword from somewhere else onstage. during my show, in the ms dodds fight scene, the sword was on the back of chirons wheelchair and it got stuck so he had to trip after the chair as chiron wheeled off and TUG it off to fight
sally is a BLACK WOMAN 
just in general, this show was Amazing at raceblind casting
sally sprayed febreeze after smelly gabe, like he leaned to look in the fridge and she stood behind him spraying febreeze directly at him for like 30 seconds
“he was handsome and strong and before too long- you came!” percy was roasting marshmallows and looking out towards the audience and sally was rubbing up and down the sides of her body during this before “you came!” and it was v funny
grover and percy meeting outside camp
“oh look a goat” “percy!”
“he met a furie” “youre all furry! what happened to your legs”
the v cute friendship bickering, overlapping voices thing that percy and grover v often did. this was the grover and percy friendship that we always needed
during the weird dream when he sees annabeth and hes like “gee whiz shes the most beautiful girl ive ever seen”
and then when he officially meets her after hes not out of it, he says “youre my dream girl!” and then backpedals and its great
he kicked the chair over so much and then there was a part after his camp halfblood intern thing left so his chair didnt get reset behind him and so he kicked into the air, got frustrated, and put the chair up himself
“of course, who am i to give relationship advice, im literally the god of alcohol”
“you can hate it here, but i HATED IT FIRST”
so so so many Soft sex jokes and bc im a Child i loved them 
chiron is just a guy galloping with a horse tail its the cutest thing and everyone laughed bc like imagine a kid galloping w their legs high and w/e, but on an adult and slow motion
“you’ll get used to mr d. he can be a bit... well, he hates children”
luke was Very attractive and ALSO he had a lot of chemistry w percy and w annabeth and i, who remembered shipping percy and luke back in my Youth, was Living
annabeth deffs had a crush on luke dont @ me
also luke was Softly bitter. like he sounded like a modern kid, bitter and upset but saying it in a joking way; totally makes sense that no one suspects that he’d do anything w chronos bc all the kids are upset and he doesnt get dark until the very end of the show
“are you ever going to wear pants again?” “Nope!”
luke: “havent you ever played capture the flag?” percy, excitedly: “not with swords!” *makes swooshy lightsaber noises* annabeth, suffering, full of regret: “It’s not a lightsaber.”
“sexist much?” “no, i love girls” [muffled luke and grover cackling in the background]
CLARISSE, LOVE OF MY LIFE! her song was so so good
the campfire song
percys Soft concern for annabeths story about running away “wait is that true”
grover starting to cry during his part
“my father is chronos.... remember my lecture, he ate his children””....... chiron wins”
APHRODITE'S DAUGHTER’S STORY “godess of love, my moms aphrodite... i bring home a boy and shes there in her nightie! oh nooooo” “she steals my mascara and all of my dates!” wonderful
percy sings nicely about his mother and everyones like “hes doing it wrong”
“we dont care where our parents may be, as long as you are here with me!” FRIENDSHIP MAKES ME EMO
“havent you noticed that there arent any other little sea godlings running around? any sons of hades or daughters of zeus? the big three gods arent supposed to have kids!” i loved this tiny easter egg i love my big three kids
“look at the boy, hes clearly not a thief!” “oh, yeah no yeah yeah yeah no no yeah yeah no yeah no, youre right! you cant fake being that stupid unless youre a brilliant actor, but im also the god of drama, so i can tell you HES NOT”
“his lightning?” “yeah, we're not talking some crummy tin foil zig zag from some off broadway play!”
Killer Quest! is an amazing end of act song and v upbeat and cute
“so where is the underworld actually” “look for doa records” “its a record company? actually, im not surprised”
“half bloods to monsters smell like mickey ds, like tacos or take out vietnamese”
“dude are you talking to the squirrel?” “satyr powers, be nice. this squirrel knows every corner of the woods, maybe he can help us” “really? because i think that seems kind of nuts” [silence] “you hurt his feelings. tell the squirrel youre sorry.”
medusa in general, what a Good scene
ensemble members shaking maracas to make snake noises for her
medusa cant say “nemesis”
“ive done everything to prove to the gods that im the best and you- i mean, you dont even know how to hold a sword” “yes i do!, yes... i do...” “no, hands here *adjusts percys grip*” “i didnt ask for any of this: gods, monsters, quests- oh, wow, that is a lot easier”
my grand plan is the most annabeth chase song ever and i love it its such a good look into her character and i love her so much
“when boys mess up they always get another chance”
“cause most girl never win if theyre polite”
“the gods will think we’re impertinent” “we are impertinent”
the squirrel gave them three amtrak tickets
i hate country except for this One Song
“is that chihuahua?” “its a chimera!”
“maybe if you hadnt brought all those dam snacks” “uh it was the hoover dam and i was hungry!”
ares drives them to las vegas and when they get there he says “this is where i... get off” and its HILARIOUS i love lowkey sex jokes
gentle easter egg to bianca and nico re: may 1st 1939
“the oracle can can it ill save my mom and savE THE PLANET!” im love percy so much
tREE ON THE HILL IS ABOUT THALIA AND IT MADE ME CRY GOD WHAT A GOOD SONG and grover feels like a failure and annabeth is like “no u saved my life ur a good friend and a good guardian <3 friendship”
“you wanna hear my demo?” “uh-” [loud music plays] “im sorry i couldnt hear you over this SWEET ASS RIFF”
“oh! do you have any josh groban?” “we will.” I CACKLED
the ferryman also attacks them all like “youre not gonna save the planet, you wont protect your friends, you wont be remembered”
everyone says this but “i think this pit is tartarus” “LIKE THE FISH SAUCE?”
“why would chronus want my shoes?” “they were really cool shoes”
bitter, sad hades who just wants people to stop thinking that hes the bad guy and for his brothers to come visit him
“one does not simply walk out of the underworld”
W H A T  B E L O N G S  T O  T H E  S E A  C A N  A L W A Y S  R E T U R N
small reprise of good kid as he considers hades offer and then the melody cHANGES and percy realizes that the seashell, a gift from a god, can SAVE THEM and its beautiful because SON OF POSEIDON IS A GOOD SONG
“maybe my dad was a screwup too, his best laid plans always falling through... maybe he never knew how to care but hey, thats life, and life aint fair... but i think my dad mayve thrown me a line, and better late than never, ill finally get a sign!”
its a good song kids
the kids get to the oceans and they FIGHT ARES and ares and percy are both singing, percy singing The Son Of Poseidon chorus and ares singing Put You In Your Place and its b e a u t i f u l
THE TOILET PAPER THROW- basically they bring in like 6 leafblowers w toilet paper rolls attached and the first five rows get covered in toilet paper. as someone who was in the fifth row, it was amazing
poseidon comes in, they have a Heart To Heart, he brings sally back to life, he flirts with sally, its hilarious and awkward
“the gods are unfair but we’re not total dicks”
percys like “you dont have to stay w gabe anymore” and sallys like “smh boy u cant solve all my problems. you saved my life, now i have to figure out how to live it”
he gives her medusas head
“what is this” “its a... do it yourself scupture kit” “oh! *begins to open it*” “no no no its, um, medusas head”
“well, as my official protector, you can officially escort us back to camp” “and youre conscience this time!”
chiron is also cast as poseidon so like he runs into the camp scene after a quick change and says “i hoofed it here as quick as i could!” 
last day of summer happens and w/e its cute but whAT REALLY MATTERS IS LUKES BETRAYAL: okay so the music slows and goes into the minor key and percys like “we still dont know whos working w chronos :/” lukes like “yeah it sucks” and he starts singing about how he doesnt trust the gods and how the gods hate them and how they need to take over the world and put the gods in their place--he and percy do their handshake fist-to-the-chest thing and luke is serious and percy does it but hes v confused and it Hurts. this is the first time in the show that luke sounds just Bitter and Angry instead of jokingly deprecating and its quite the effect
“ill do anything, i dont care if i hurt anyone, it doesnt pay to be a good kid, a good kid, a good son" GOD IT HURTS luke has so much pain and i feel so bad for him like yeah hes evil but,,, hes had a hard life
annabeth comes in and DISARMS LUKE but PSYCH luke has a small switchblade and STABS PERCY IN THE BACK (bc they cant use scorpions onstage)
percybeth moment interrupted by clarisse’s loud coughing and grover
percys like “we cant just sit here and wait for our parents to fix things.”
“the gods will say we’re impertinent” “we are impertinent” goddamn that symmetry
“are we ever gonna once have it easy?” my poor poor kids
percy- “feeling ready” annabeth- “feeling stoked” grover- “feeling queasy”
bring on the monsters is just a Good song
also hey if you got to the end of this, congrats! i have a ltm audio and either in a message or in an off-anon ask and ill hook u up
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