#devil of cygillan
lem-argentum · 1 year
opened ff.xv for the first time in a while today i missed everyone so much..
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ffxvglitchedup · 7 months
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Something went a bit wrong when Gladio and Ignis tried to catch the Devil of the Cygillan. All images copyright Square Enix Co Ltd.
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Introducing the Amazing Acrobatic Chocobros! I caught a murk grouper and used Ansel to capture the boys as they jump into the water.  I thought they’d make interesting pictures but I never expected it to get so weird! Gladio jumps in and lands ON the water.  He is literally standing with one foot on the surface of the water. Then Ignis is pushed into the water by Prompto.  He lands in exactly the same place as Gladio, which glitches and makes it look like they have been melded together in some failed science experiment. Noctis kicks Prompto’s butt and then things get really weird.  Instead of being in the water they appeared to be standing on each other’s shoulders like acrobats!  A tower of chocobros! Praise the Six for awesome game glitches! All images copyright Square Enix Co Ltd.
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walking-in-lucis · 2 years
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Spending some time in Galdin Quay, catching the Devil of the Cygillan, and Noct visiting the Galdin Spa. And not enjoying it.
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solusvici-blog · 7 years
nesrecne replied to your post: “ I’m gonna take that as a compliment.
Elina is very clearly saying she wants to see Noctis wet, and his shirt sticking to him
Elina: Prefers to throw herself off the pier first before ever admitting such a SINFUL THING
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destiny-islanders · 7 years
You (Comrades Protag) + The Chocobros | Part I - Gladio
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Part II - Prompto | 
I’ve been meaning to write up headcanon ideas for the Comrades player character’s interaction with the boys, but I didn’t start getting around to it until last night. Here are my ideas for meeting Gladio since he’s the only one my character has met so far. I’ll probably do the other boys if you guys like this one and I have ideas. :>
[Because I want your characters to do more with Gladio than kick his ass so hard that he leaves the town in shame and you steal a really nice sword from him (?!?!?!?!?!)]
Holly asks you to help take care of some daemons that had slipped into the power plant. You make the mistake of trying out a new broadsword that you haven’t had a chance to practice with that much yet. Don’t get me wrong—you still kick ass! But daemons’ asses aren’t the only ones getting kicked; yours takes a pretty nasty beating, too. But you get the job done. Plus you find this claw by the elevator that’s as long as your forearm, and you know that Cid will be able to use to make you The Most OP of All Time™. Like easily you will become the Coolest and the Strongest member of your party. So slap a “VICTORY” label on this mission and ship it on out.
You’re walking back to the marketplace when you hear someone grunting and gasping for air somewhere far off to your right. You understandably think that a daemon may have strayed from the power plant and is attacking someone who needs your help. You take off in the direction the voice seems to be coming from.
Turns out there aren’t any daemons around. It’s just some beefy dude swinging his sword around all by himself. You guess he must be training—perfecting his swings, practicing new techniques with a broadsword that looks like it’s almost as long as you are tall. As impressive as this guy  is, you can tell he’s running himself ragged and looks completely exhausted.
You: “How about a break? You look ready to fall over.”
He practically jumps out of his skin. He was so caught up in what he was doing that he didn’t notice you there. Whoops. You realize as he turns to look at you that you know this man. Well, you know of him. Enough of your memory has returned to help you recognize that face. That’s Gladiolus Amicitia, one of Prince Noctis’s royal retainers. Not many people in Lestallum have very nice things to say about him.
The extent of your former interactions with Gladio: You were at Galdin Quay on a hunt and saw him and the retinue pull the biggest fucking fish you’d ever seen out of the water. The boys had been kind enough to haul the fish to the restaurant on the pier so that all of the patrons could share it with them. You didn’t even like fish that much, but holy hell. The Devil of the Cygillan was one of the tastiest things you’d eaten in your life. Probably the tastiest thing you’ll ever eat in your life, since the world is falling apart now. As a former Glaive, you’d considered approaching Prince Noctis to offer him your protection, but when you heard him introduce himself as “Noct Gar” to a massage therapist near the bar, you decided against it, lest you foil his attempts to keep a low profile.
You don’t know much else about Gladio, but you know that he was one of Prince Noctis’s sworn guardians. With Prince Noctis missing, what is Gladio doing? Why is he pushing himself so hard? Is it to grow stronger so that he might be able to help his missing oath-sworn liege (presuming that he’s still alive somewhere)? Or is it to punish himself for not being strong enough to keep Prince Noctis safe in the first place?
Gladio: “I’m fine.”
If watching this man work himself to the point of exhaustion wasn’t indication enough that something was wrong, the low, gravelly tone of his voice sure is. But you don’t know this guy very well. No, scratch that. You don’t know this guy at all. So you don’t pry, even though you’re really curious and have approximately two-hundred and eighty-nine (289) questions—with “WHERE THE HELL IS PRINCE NOCTIS?????” sitting undisputed at the top of the fucking list.
Maybe you can chat him up long enough to at least give him time to catch his breath. You decide to try and strike up a casual conversation. About. Uh. About…
You: “That’s a really big sword.”
Gladio: “Yep.”
The small talk ball is in your court and you’re off at the concession stand buying overpriced French fries. C’mon, Kingsglaive who hasn’t even had a chance to get someone to jailbreak their phone yet, GET A BIT MORE CREATIVE WITH THOSE DIALOGUE CHOICES.
You: “You come here often? To train, I mean.”
Okay. That’s a little better. As far as conversations go, you’re still driving on the shoulder, but the car is parallel to the road and you’re at least driving in the right direction.
Gladio: “Yeah. It’s quiet over here. Usually, no one bothers me.”
You: “You call that quiet? I could hear you moaning from all the way over by the power plant.”
Gladio just laughs, though. And as surprised as you are to see that (he seemed so surly a second ago???), you relax just a little bit.
Gladio: “Fair enough. I recognize that symbol. Kingsglaive, huh?”
(I like the idea that even if our characters wear different outfits, they wear some article of clothing or accessory that bears the Kingsglaive sigil. Like an armband or a jacket or a pendant.)
You: “Yeah.”
Gladio: “Were you there for the…? No. Never mind. No need to dig that shit up now. History just keeps repeating itself, anyway. Kings fall. Princes fall. And their failed protectors are left behind to try and pick up the fucking pieces.”
Gladio: *Shuffles back into a crouch to resume training* “Well… back to it, I guess.”
You: “Wait.” You summon your new broadsword. “Let’s go a round. You and me.”
You: “Unless you like punching air...?”
Gladio: “Weren’t you the one just telling me to take a break?”
D’oh! Yes, you were. But you don’t like the thought of leaving this guy alone when he’s clearly in such a dark place...
Gladio: “Fine. You’re on. One round.”
Okay like. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a complete massacre, but. Like. The fight doesn’t last very long, either. Gladio manages to smack you with that stupid-big sword and sends you flying into a pile of musty crates, knocking you unconscious on impact.
You wake up as Gladio’s carrying you somewhere. You’re. Like. Super delirious because you probably have a concussion. So you can’t really control your muddled thoughts or stop them from slipping out of your mouth.
You: “Did I die? Did you kill me?”
You: “Am I dead? Are you hiding my body somewhere?”
You: “Hide my phone along with my body, okay? I couldn’t unlock it. I don’t know what kind of embarrassing shit I might have on there. Just. Hide it. It’s my dying wish.”
Turns out he was carrying you to the infirmary. Iris sees Gladio carrying you into the tent beside her clothing shop and she is PISSED!
Gladio: “I didn’t… *Sigh* Fuck. They sparred with me. It happens. They’re fine.”
Gladio kind of just dumps you onto a cot and excuses himself to fetch a medic while Iris fusses over you, apologizing for her idiot big brother. She promises he’s really nice most of the time, honest.
...You’ll have to take her word for it.
The doctor comes into the tent and tends to your injuries, but Gladio’s nowhere to be seen. This makes Iris even angrier and she promises she’ll find him and beat some sense into him… but you tell her not to. It’s fine.
Later that night, you get a text from a number you don’t recognize.
Unknown Number: “Hey its gladio. Know u cant unlock ur phone but hopefully you see this on the lock screen. Meet by the plant in 5 min if u want.”
You go.
The Cup Noodles he has waiting for you have nothing on the amazing food that Monica, Cid, and even Cindy have been nice enough to make for you at camp after hunts. The ramen is lukewarm and the carrots are unpleasant, flavorless surprise lumps that you chew up along with the noodles. But with the calm and quiet of Gladio’s company, and with the stars shining brighter than you’ve ever seen them without man-made light to push away their glow, it’s one of the best meals you’ve had since you woke up in the back of that truck with Libertus, ears ringing as he insisted that you continue to fight in a war you don’t really remember signing up for in the first place.
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rsasai · 6 years
A year with Strange and Intoxicating -rsa- (FFXV)
Stories written/published (or stories with chapters added) in 2017: 73 Number of total words: 316,313 Number of WiPs finished: 9  Number of WiPs incomplete: 17 Number of One-shots written: 47
My best story of this year: Fucccccck. I would have to say.... personally? I still think that my best writing was actually Like Lambs, Roads, and Blood Queen.
My most popular story of this year (by kudos, comments or notes): According to A03, my top three fics were A Feast for Kings, Riding the Regalia, and In Somnis Veritas. It's been forever since I wrote most of them...
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Probably The Blood of Kings, Defy the Stars, and Blood Queen.
Most fun story to write: There's a Noctis in My Pocket, Memory Lane Cafe, and To the Moon and Stars.
Hardest story to write: Probably Defy the Stars, hands down.
Biggest disappointment: The story I thought everyone would love and yet wasn't?  Blood Queen and Aquarius.
Biggest surprise: Why does everyone love Royalty Ride? And Ascending Souls came out of nowhere....
Most unintentionally telling story: Oh, man... Probably Whispers. I don't even think anyone read that one lolol
Favourite Opening Lines: When they came for the crown of Tenebrae, they ran the sword straight through Queen Sylva's spine. ~Blood Queen Perhaps it was the magic of the Crystal inside it, but the Regalia… The Regalia was always more than a car. She was, in her infancy, a beautiful show piece that made even the most stalwart of men pause in her grandeur. Her sleek black paint, the monochrome details along the rims, the two-toned leather seats that soon after being purchased by the Prince cradled tired bodies into the blissful arms of sleep... She was different. She knew her job was to love them. And the Regalia would protect her passengers. Her family. ~Roads
Pro-tip: Do not ingest Maiden's Kisses if not in Toad status. ~Maiden's Kiss
Favourite Closing Lines: 
"Always." ~A Thousand Words
The radio played their song as the Regalia lifted into the sky, drifting through the fluffy white clouds and toward the endless expanse of blue above and then—
Below, like crushed sapphires and rolling diamonds cresting the horizon.
The ocean was as beautiful as the Regalia had always imagined.
Stand by me ~Roads
Ignis and Noctis, hands and legs and whatever was left of their souls entwined upon the dais on their throne, bared their necks to the heavens.
Like perfect little lambs.
(do you think that we'll have peace?
i hope so.
i'm scared, ignis.
close your eyes, noctis, and try to sleep.
it's like... fading away.
that sounds nice.
it is.) ~Like Lambs
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? I definitely wrote more than I thought I was, but I didn't finish half as many WiPs as I wanted to....
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? So much more Luna than I originally planned.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Probably Memory Lane Cafe.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Oh, man. From writing fem!Noctis twice to writing a ship people hate, I've been trying hard to take more risks with my writing.
Do you have any fanfic goals for the new year? Finish my fucking WiPs. I MUST FINISH THEM.
(below cut is a full list of all my FFXV stuff written.)
Devil of the Cygillan (Humor, Noctis-centric) Other ships A Moment of Respite (Romance, Smut, Gladio/Ignis/Noctis, Noctis-centric) Maiden's Kiss (Romance, Smut, Humor, Polyship Roadtrip, Noctis/Aranea, Aranea/Polyship Roadtrip, Noctis-centric) Yes, Daddy (Humor, Romance, Regis/Gladio, Clarus/Noctis, Noctis-centric) Polyship Roadtrip Connoisseur (Romance, Smut, Polyship Roadtrip, Noctis-centric, Collaboration with @lhugbereth​) Conversations (Romance, Humor, Polyship Roadtrip, Noctis-centric) Ignoct Garden Green Glow (Romance, Smut, Ignoct, Noctis-centric) Like Home (Romance, Family, Ignoct, Noctis-centric) Self-Fulfilling Prophecy (Romance, Smut, Angst, Ignis/Ignis/Ignis/Noctis, Noctis-centric) The First (Romance, Fluff, Ignoct, Noctis-centric) My Love Between the Stars (Romance, Smut, Ignoct, Noctis-Centric)
Ignis-Centric Ignoct
Urere Sanguis (Romance, Smut, Ignoct, Ignis-Centric) Like Lambs (Angst, Horror, Ignoct, Ignis-Centric) Taste of Metal (Romance, Smut, Ignoct, Ignis-centric) Midnight Moon (Romance, Smut, Angst, Ignoct, Fem!Noctis, Ignis-centric) Mr. Scientia (Romance, Smut, Humor, Ignoct, Ignis-centric) Seeing Is Believing (Romance, Angst, Ignoct, Ignis-centric) Flagrantiae (Romance, Smut, Angst, Ignoct, Ignis-centric) Aquarius (Romance, Family, Ignoct, Ignis-centric) A Thousand Words (Romance, Ignoct, Ignis-centric) Shoot Twice (Romance, Smut, Ignoct, Ignis-centric) Favorite Treasures (Family, Ignoct, Ignis-centric) A Special Morning (Family, Ignoct, Ignis-centric)
Other ships Strawberries, Cream, and Champagne (Romance, Humor, Polyship Roadtrip, Ignis-centric) Point (Romance, Action, Ignis/Nyx, Ignis-centric)
Multi-centric or Other-centric Non-ship
Melinoë (Angst, Ardyn-centric) Mother (Family, Aulea-centric)  Lunyx Braids of Galhad (Romance, Action, Lunyx, Nyx-centric) (K)night (Romance, Smut, Lunyx, Luna-centric) Other Ships Fraxinea: Of Ash (Angst, Romance, Highspecs, Ignoct, Aranea-centric) Cherry Blossoms (Angst, Gladnoct, Iris-centric)  Sun and Black Holes (Romance, Promptio, Multi-centric) Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight (Romance, Regis/Prompto, Regis-centric) In the Light of the Moon (Romance, Angst, Regis/Clarus, Regis-Centric) Soft Waters (Angst, Romance, Cor/Ignis, Ignoct, Cor/Regis, Cor-Centric)
Prompto-centric Promptio Leave him for me (Angst, Romance, Gladio/Nyx, Promptio, Prompto-centric) Cheater's Lament (Humor, Promptio, Ignoct, ???, Prompto-centric) Other Ships Crème Brûlée (Romance, Smut, Regis/Prompto, Prompto-centric) Draw Me Like One of Your Altissian Girls (Humor, Smut, Prompto/Cactuar, Prompto-centric) Blue Flames (Angst, Promnis, Prompto-centric) Good Boy (Romance, Smut, Aranea/Prompto, Prompto-centric)
Gladio-centric  Non ship Bless Me (Humor, Gladio-centric)
Whispers (Angst, Romance, Gladnoct, background Polyship Roadtrip, Gladio-centric) Puny (Romance, Smut, Humor, Gladnoct, Gladio-centric) Blushing Light in Dark Corners (Romance, Humor, Gladnoct, Gladio-centric)
Other ships Mentally Prepared (Humor, Smut, Cor/Gladio, Gladio-centric) Baby Blue (Romance, Promptio, Gladio-centric)
A Wayward Son (Angst, Romance, Action, Ignoct, Promptio, Noctis-centric) Defy the Stars (Romance, Action, Fuck Old Canon, Ignoct, Lunyx, Luna/Ardyn, Promptio, Multi-centric) String of Pearls (Romance, Adventure, Ignoct, Noctis-centric) Non Serviam (Romance, Angst, Ignoct, Multi-centric) Royalty Ride (Romance, Angst, Smut, Ignoct, Noctis-centric) Memory Lane Cafe (Romance, Humor, Ignoct, Promptio, Lunyx, Ignis-centric) There's a Noctis in My Pocket (Romance, Humor, Ignoct, Multi-centric) Lunyx
Follow the Trail (Romance, Humor, Lunyx, Polyship Roadtrip, Luna-Centric) Khresmoi (Horror, Angst, Romance, Lunyx, Ignoct, Luna-centric) Blood Queen (Political Intrigue, Action, Romance, Angst, Lunyx, Luna/Crowe, Ignoct, Luna-centric)
Ixia Argentia (Humor, Romance, Meta as fuck, Promptio, Ignoct, multi-centric) This Ain't a Fairy Tale (Romance, Humor, Promptio, Ignoct, Prompto-centric) Cymbals (Romance, Promptio, Ignoct, Prompto-centric) Polyship Roadtrip
One Night (Smut, Romance, Polyship Roadtrip, Multi-centric) Eternal Dawn (Romance, Angst, Polyship Roadtrip, Lunyx, Clarus/Regis/Aulea, Multi-centric) Other Ships  The Red Room (Angst, Romance, Smut, Prompto/Everyone, Prompto-centric) Non-ship Ascending Souls (Action, Angst, Fuck the Astrals, Multi-centric)
Non-ship Five Times Noctis Gets Kidnapped (AKA: Noctis is a little shit) (Humor, Noctis-centric) Ignoct
A King's Wizard (Angst, Romance, Ignoct, Ignis-centric) Blood of Kings (Angst, Romance, Family, Ignoct, Multi-centric) To the Moon and Stars (Family, baby!Ignoct, Multi-centric) Polyship Roadtrip In Somnis Veritas (Angst, Romance, Polyship Roadtrip, Prompto-centric) Riding the Regalia (Romance, Smut, Polyship Roadtrip, Multi-centric) A Feast for Kings (Romance, Humor, Smut, Polyship Roadtrip, Regis/Clarus, Multi-centric) Other Ship
Gold Star Service (Romance, Smut, Cindy/Gladio/Prompto, Prompto-centric) Roads (Family, Romance, Ignoct, Regis/Aulea, Regalia-centric)
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angelic-guardienne · 6 years
I was wondering what your headcanons on Noctis' mother are? What was she like, how did she interact with Noct, etc.? I would love to hear your thoughts because we know so little about her and we can only headcanon! Have a lovely day
A few months back, there was the wonderful blanket anon who provided the headcanons for Noct’s mom that I hadn’t considered prior to then and really those are my headcanons on her. The post is right here. 
Like. Aulea Lucis Caelum being the Queen of Birdsong. (I don’t have a more profound name at the moment haha) I’m sure Noctis has a recording of her singing somewhere, and when he was younger, whenever he’d get really upset or he’d get really scared about the future, he’d listen to the recording and it’d help him calm down. 
(Now I’m imagining her being the one who sings Somnus.)
Now I’m also imagining Noctis finally returning to the Citadel with his brothers, looking around one last time before he has to fight Ardyn and bring back the sun, and he goes into his old bedroom… He remembers exactly where he kept the recording (the digital file of it is on a flashdrive, slotted away in a hole he’d carved into his bedframe) and he pulls it out and listens to it for the last time. 
But uh, back to her singing being so beautiful that it was like a bird… Remember in my tattoo headcanons, I said that one of the tattoos that Ignis had was of a single feather on the inside of his wrist? It’s because of the queen. 
Ignis doesn’t recollect much more than Noctis does, but he does remember feeling like he was home whenever he was around her, he does remember playing with an extremely young Noct in the gardens while listening to her sing, he remembers her lullabies… so when he decides to get this tattoo, he has her in mind.
When Gladio’s getting his tattoo and asks Ignis for advice (and then gets to see his tattoos) he does for the bird because it reminds him of the queen as well, even if his tattoo isn’t a songbird. So yes, both of their tattoos are in honor of the Queen.
Another thing I briefly mentioned in the blanket anon post, I headcanon that Noctis likes fishing so much because his mother loved it. There’s dialogue in the game where the bros talk about the Regis and fishing – and how none of them have ever seen him do it.
That led me to believe that Noct took up fishing because of stories Regis would tell him – about Aulea sitting at the dock for hours, sometimes not even catching anything but enjoying the serenity of it all, how time passed by so quickly for her at the docks, how there was never enough time for fishing. How he sat by her side, letting his feet skim through the water, and her not telling him for weeks on end that he was scaring away the fish just because she didn’t have the heart to do so.
Whenever Noct fishes, he always feels a little bit closer to his mom. When he caught the Devil of the Cygillan, he felt so proud of himself, and he figured she’d be proud of him too, and while Prompto is taking that celebratory picture, he’s silently thanking his mom. 
There’s also this fic I read a while back (I can’t remember where I could possibly find it now, unfortunately // I think @snarkbomb may have written it but I’m not at all sure) where the reason that Aulea died when Noct was so young was because of divine intervention – meaning, the Astrals killed her because she protested too much and caused too much trouble regarding the prophecy. Aulea was a fighter, too much so according to Bahamut, so she fell ill with some incurable disease shortly after arguing her case to the Astral (arguing, not pleading) and a year later, died. She was out of the way, the only one who would stand against the prophecy. 
And now that I think about Aulea, I do have one thing to add about her – I get the feeling she had an affinity for magic, healing or otherwise. Regis always told her she had the most magical touch, and he really wasn’t wrong. Aulea was actually probably in charge of the Magicks division of the glaives/guard before her death…. 
Hoo boy. Now I’m gonna be thinking about her a lot. Bless you, betawolfus. Aulea needs more attention. I know the devs probably won’t touch upon her, dead parent that she is, but I’d be overjoyed if we could get more info on her. 
With that, I invite anyone with some Aulea headcanons to come and share them! The world needs more of Queen Lucis Caelum. 
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leorugiet · 7 years
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vividthembo · 7 years
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I did a thing.
This was supposed to be just a quick sketch of Noctis “catching” the Devil of the Cygillan, but I managed to complicate it XD
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inevitablesurrender · 7 years
Went FFXV fishing with the housemate this afternoon.  ...I think I've unleashed something darker than anticipated within him.  Finally caught the Devil of Cygillan, though, so... that’s a thing.  That I did.
Also, tiny Gladio sneezes in the rain make my life, dammit.
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chosenbythecrystal · 7 years
🚤 (fishing trip time oxo)
Noctis was used to disappointment. Growing up, his father had missed several school commitments and cancelled even more prearranged plans. He didn��t hold any of that against the man though; he was the King, he owed a duty to an entire kingdom, not just to Noctis. If it came down to a parent-teacher conference and a council meeting, Regis would be forced to prioritise his job as king even though he’d rather be there for his son.
Even so, he hadn’t been able to contain his disappointment as important politics forced his father to cancel their planned fishing trip. It had been arranged weeks ago, as motivation to study for his finals.
Noctis had, despite his laid back attitude when it came to school, had graduated with flying colours, scoring highly in all of his exams. Maybe that was why he had been so crushed when the plans fell through. He had worked so hard…
Then Cor had offered to take him in his father’s stead and Noctis had been ecstatic. Not only would he have his fishing trip, but he’d get to spend time with Cor the immortal, Marshal of the Crownsguard and resident badass of Insomnia. When Noct was younger, his old man used to tell him stories. Cor often featured in them and the way his dad told them, Cor had had a real attitude problem. It was hard to picture the stern Marshal as some mouthy kid, but his father insisted that was the case. Maybe he could get a few stories out of the man himself.
The two of them had already set up camp at a haven on the outskirts of the beach at Galdin Quay and Noctis was enthusiastically leading the way to the pier, he rod over his shoulder and tackle box in hand.
“So, I hear that there’s this huge fish here. The Devil of Cygillan. Apparently nobody’s caught it before. Think we can be the first?” The Prince asked, flashing the man a grin over his shoulder. “Gladio doesn’t think we can. We have to prove that smug ass wrong.”
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paperstarry · 7 years
Everything I want for FFXV is an alternate ending like in Type-0 in which nothing hurts and everyone is alive and happy. I’m thinking of a reseted timeline where no daemons roam the outside, no wall was built, Niflheim didn’t fuck everything up and no one remembers all the bad things (except maybe Luna and Noct, bc someone has to). Starting with the broken down car, the chocobros get to Hammerhead, the Regalia gets fixed, they continue driving, get to the chocobo farm, find the black chick egg, find some tags, meet fishing dad, catch the devil of the cygillan, meet Dino, meet the cat, get over to Altissia and meet Luna, the princess of Tenebrae, without problems. Ignis is best man, Prompto takes the wedding photos, Gladio and Cor do security stuff, Iris is flower girl, Talcott is ring bearer bc cute little boys are always ring bearer, Cid and Cindy attend the wedding bc why not??? After the wedding there’s a big party and Prompto runs around taking photos of everything, which includes Aranea drinking Gladio down the table. Sneaky kisses between bride and groom. Iris arm wrestling Cor. The chef from Galdin Quay preparing fish from Navyth aka. fishing dad. Ignis coming up with recipes. IGNIS FINDING OUT THE RECIPE TO THE SWEETS NOCTIS WANTED. Did I mention Iris arm wrestling Cor? The chocobo chick that hatched and also got an invitation bc it’s the chocobro #5. Cid holding the chick. Gentiana. Random Gods appearing out of nowhere bc fuck realism. Selfies. A LOT of selfies with Cidney. Ummmmm. Selfies with Luna and Pryna. Pryna and Umbra. Happy people. People who are alive. I just want an ideal ending with no dead people.
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
Okay so I finally finished the game last week and I caught the Devil of the Cygillan at Galdin Quay just now and I'm not lying when I say this next part, I screamed the entire time I was reeling it in. Like full on screaming like a desperate banshee. Like you'd think I was being murdered if you heard it. I think that's a pretty accurate representation of Noctis showing me how to fish. Just let me stick to acting and singing musicals, Noct.
PFFT!! Susan! Wtf, girl. Alright, if Noctis takes you fishing just fake it until it's over. You know how sensitive he is (¬_¬)Admin Momo~
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nctiscaelum · 7 years
there has been an update, whenever you go fishing the best music starts playing hahah. its a timed quest challenge to get a lot of fish for a score on the leaderboard or something.
I honestly suck at fishing and flying the damn car, how i managed to catch the devil of the cygillan is beyond me 👀
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rsasai · 7 years
Devil of the Cygillan
Title: Devil of the Cygillan Rating: T Status: Complete (~600 words)  Warnings: Slight Violence Summary: Noctis tries to murder Ignis. He really deserves it. 
(Part of the “Noctis has a bad day” Series) 
Noctis was having a bad day.
And it was all Ignis's damn fault.
No. That wasn’t fair. It wasn’t. But...
Continue Reading...
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