#declarations of intent
mumblelard · 6 months
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the lodger's new roommate or the lodger's old roommate, a tale of woe
i mounted them using the forty pound command strips and the lodger ripped them down thrice. message received
also, i'm into site specific maps lately and thinking a lot about hand drawn maps. i drew a map of the roads between my girlfriend's house and mine and i like how it turned out
i treated myself to early solstice presents this week: fancy new earbuds that sound so good, new trail shoes, a pink krink k-42 with an opacity that will make you swoon, and a t-shirt by an artist i like. i am still struggling with wanting stuff
i hosted all four of finn's cats yesterday while pest control treated their building. we had a nice visit. kreg keeps saying she wants to live here but i know she would miss her finnie
it got in the high fifties yesterday. i opened all my windows to let the fresh air flow and did a big clean. it was such a pretty day
i have been writing more poems lately. they are built like tiny verbal wunderkammer and filled with bright treasures i find on my rambles. i think, with practice, they are getting better
i'm making cornbread stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and roasted chicken this weekend. a makeup dinner for the traditional thanksgiving feast i missed last month
this year has been so packed full of change for me. a struggle that has plagued me for the last four years ended in a most dramatic way. a brutal passage that i survived, mostly, intact. i wish it could have ended some other way, but at least now, it's finally over
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bbbbbbbbatman · 7 months
Bruce gets accosted by reporters and one of them asks "Is it true that you're in competition with Superman to win Batman's affections?" and he is so taken aback bc what the fuck are they even talking about? There are a million questions going through his head such as, since when was superman into batman? since when was this public knowledge? wtf did bruce say to imply that he was into batman as well? And he doesn't have an answer to any of these questions so he just smiles and says, "No, I'm not. The word competition implies that Superman has a chance, which he does not."
why did he say that? Bruce doesn't know, it just felt like that's how Bruce Wayne would've responded bc what's more Brucie than fighting with Superman for Batman's heart? anyway, upon reflection, this was maybe not the best response in terms of long term consequences, but he's committed to the bit now.
a week after all this goes down, news reporter Clark Kent is caught saying that Batman deserves better than Bruce Wayne, so is a third suitor putting his hat in the ring to win over batman?
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andhumanslovedstories · 2 months
I started watching Black Sails in 2017 or 2018 on the recommendation of my good friends and also literally every gay person on the internet. I got thru seasons 1 and 2 and started 3, but I was like “god this is intense, I better take a small break.” And now that about seven years have passed which I spent diligently avoiding any spoilers and refusing to remember the ones I accidentally did see, I think I’m finally ready to find out what happens to those crazy kids.
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tarisilmarwen · 9 months
"Thrawn only joined the Empire to help the Chiss!"
Okay sure but have any of you bothered to self-examine why Thrawn chose to join the Empire instead of, say, the Republic, when that was still around? Or why he didn't chose to throw in with the Rebellion, put his tactical mind to use helping them overthrow the Empire quicker?
Could it be... perhaps... that maybe he values the Empire's military strength... more than he cares about the authoritarian tyranny with which it oppresses its own people?
Is it possible that he thinks the Empire's main problem is that it isn't effective enough, too much politicking getting in the way of sound strategy, but if he's around (and in charge) he can guide things so that those annoying little wrinkles (AKA the pockets of discontent and rebellion and fully justified anger at their rights and freedoms being trampled on) are all smoothed out and the overall Imperial machine is better, more in control of its assets, a stronger more unified bulwark against the outergalactic threat of the Grysk or the Vong or whatever.
Is it perhaps just a bit self-centered of him to only care about the Empire's ability to service his own goals and desires and be apathetic (at best) to the way it makes people suffer daily under its inherent systems? The Twi'leks and Wookies being constantly kidnapped and sold into slavery? The careless industrialization of arboreal worlds? The socialization and absorption of all private industry, forcing everyone to work through and with the Empire if they want to work at all? The systematic persecution of anyone remotely Force Sensitive? Is it not the mark of some kind of soul rot to be aware of all of that and go, "Yeah, but I don't care, they have the bigger guns, which is what I need."?
Maybe... just maybe... Thrawn has some Machiavellian tendencies and opinions and maybe this just might... make him not entirely a good person?
And maybe y'all should think about that before you come back and whine about his portrayal as a villain, as if all he has to do is explain to people that he did everything for a good reason and he gets an automatic narrative pardon for all of the shit he did while Grand Admiral that still needs to be addressed and answered for.
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palin-tropos · 6 months
my comrade in mazov we WILL be playing with the semantic ambiguity between Party (political organization), party (hedonistic celebration), and party (group of adventurers in a role-playing game)
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lemotomato · 1 year
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"After we stop it. What next?"
The Night Agent 1.09
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#Assumed Relationship #Crossdressing #Realization #Porn with Feelings
So Dabi isn't sure why Duster has been spending more time with him lately. He thought when the other man said that he wanted to be with him more, that meant that he wanted to keep an eye on him in the field, not when Dabi was just hanging around base. But they're together a lot now and it's kind of driving him crazy. It's not like being around Shig is necessarily bad, they've been getting along way better actually, but he doesn't have any time to himself practically and that means that he doesn't have time for his... hobbies.
Yeah, he likes to put on some lingerie and a skirt and go get absolutely railed. Yeah, that's a little weird, but of all the weird things about Dabi's life, it's one that's not hurting anyone so he doesn't give a fuck. Problem is that now that Shig is his shadow, he can't go out for it anymore. Fine. He'll make do himself. He really should have locked his door though.
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rasticore · 4 months
Why are you fully rendering fanart for something you hate so much why are you fully "redesigning" the entire cast of something you loathe why waste your time if you truly despise it and everyone and thing involved
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starcurtain · 1 year
I think my favorite brand of Haikaveh is definitely:
Alhaitham: Fourteen-year-old Social Nobody takes one look at the hottest, most popular upperclassman at the Akademiya and declares, with absolute confidence, “I’m going to marry him one day.”
And Kaveh: Didn’t stand a chance.
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brother-emperors · 2 months
I’ve mostly posted the parts of the modern AU that are filled with whimsy because the internet is in shambles but rest assured, the directors cut in my head has a hard MA rating
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peacefullyraging · 3 months
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girlyteengirl1031 · 5 months
I am actually a writer as of 2 hours ago! Gone are the days where I refresh the pages of the same 2 tags every 6 hours. Fuck it, I’ll do it myself
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towerartt · 2 months
“Angel lives” AU, but she does not fucking overcome her dad’s glorious (genocidal) genes. She takes one step as a free man and immediately subscribes to some extremist ideology. Tbh. I give her max 30 minutes of roaming Pandora before she starts saying shit like, “Damn I think I gotta save this nation. How will I go about doing that? Don’t even worry about it. My heroic elevation of the wretched bandits vs my dad’s brutish colonization of the planet. I am nothing like him btw"
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ntnttalksnothing · 2 years
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Nhs declaring his affection to a very oblivious Jc’s face is one of my favorite dynamics.
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one thing i think we need OPLA to do more of in future seasons: bigger emotional outbursts
really hard to get stuff like that to fly on american tv so im not gonna get greedy and ask for too much but like, 10-20% more screaming and crying would make it feel just a bit more like One Piece to me.
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goodvibesatpeace · 2 months
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