#decay's dumb ramblings
decayanddesign · 2 years
So Marvel’s out here ripping off smaller artists now
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They edited it just enough that it isn’t immediately obvious, especially to non-artists, so here’s some replies pointing out the proof:
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Honestly, I’m glad I stopped watching their shows and films months ago, becuase between this and how they treat their CGI artists, it’s pretty clear that they don’t value artists in any way, shape or form whatsoever. Incredibly disappointing.
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i should also be productive but also i want to make dumb tumblr posts about funni moosic gayme. life is very challenging. 😔
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dilatorywriting · 8 months
Hello! May I request 94. With Rook?
I certainly wouldn't mind the smoot if you think it fits into what you write-
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Gender Neutral Reader x Rook Hunt Word Count: 1.2k
Prompt 94: "Don’t act innocent, you had me pinned underneath you 5 minutes ago."
🌶️ Warning for Mild Spice
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“Just a bit of chase!” he says.
“The thrill of the hunt can be so fun!” he says.
Except now you’re covered in sweat and doubled over panting like you’re going to go into cardiac arrest. Because Rook’s idea of ‘oh, just a little run around, je promets!’ involved nothing less than a full fucking sprint through the wooded areas of the campus—over hill, and under hill, and godyou were so out of shape.
You gasped into your knees, bent over in anticipation of just, I don’t know. Death? Vomit? All of the above?
“Ah, don’t tell me you’ve given up already, mon cher!” the aforementioned demon cooed from somewhere in the trees. In the trees! Like a literal, freaking hunter of old, and not your coddling boyfriend smiling all pretty when he says ‘just a bit.’ Absolute bullshit. You wanted a refund. “We’ve only just begun!”
“It’s been—” you gasped, swiping a furious hand over your dripping brow, “—an hour! You fucking masochist!”
“A true predator knows best that a subtle, steady approach is always the most satisfying, mon petit lapin,” he hummed, voice echoing discordantly over your head. “And how could I not take my time, when the reward is bound to be so sweet, hmm?”
“What reward?” you snapped. “Me doing this at all is the reward!”
The blonde’s trilling laughter curled through the air like the tinkle of a windchime. Light, and airy, and pleasant. Which was deceptive. And entirely unfair.
“Ah, but mon favori. I doubt you could ever say no to a little death, hmm?” he cooed. And the continued, with an air of faux consideration. “A bit for you, and then perhaps a bit for me. And then a bit more for you—”
Fuck his poetry. It was going to be a big death. A literal death. With rigor mortis, and decay, and a bloating corpse if you didn’t have a chance to collapse into a puddle in the next five minutes. Normally Rook’s sweet sonnets and romantic ramblings were something you found quite endearing. But surely anyone would be pushed past their Cutesy Bullshit Tolerance after being chased like a bat out of hell for the past literal hour. You felt woozy, and wrong footed, and like maybe that muffin you’d snagged for breakfast might be in the process of making up its mind to come back up to say hello.
“You have to run, petit lapin,” that chittering voice called again. “That’s the whole point.”
“No!” you snapped, stomping your foot like a toddler. “I give up! I’m a dumb rabbit! A lame rabbit! A rabbit with no legs! Just—get me already!” you shouted into the leafy canopy.
You glared up into the kaleidoscope of greens, eyes narrowed as you searched the shadows. Surely he was somewhere. Somewhere close. You just had to—
And then you were crashing forward with an inelegant screech—a familiar, gloved hand pressing into the skin at the back of your neck and the other twisting into your uniform jacket to push you down into the dirt. And then Rook was sitting astride your hips, looking down at you with a sharp, brilliant gleam in his emerald eyes.
“Ah, mon pauvre lapin perdu,” he sighed, all faux sympathy, and shifted to lean forward so that he could grin into your flushed face. “Whatever shall I do with you, hmm? Rolling over to show your belly so readily. Certainly that’s far from safe.”
There was a tight, warm, whoosh in your gut. A twisting thing that you knew far too well at this point. And it spelled nothing but bad things.
You raised your chin as best as you could, meeting that toothy smirk of his head on, and then—
Ah. Nope. That had been the muffin after all.
Your face went green and you rolled onto your side to barf chunks of banana-nut-nonsense all over the grass.
“Mon cher, how can you ever forgive me?” Rook wailed, dabbing a soft, silk cloth against your heated forehead, nearly in tears. “I have failed you so horribly! So completely! I deserve to be cast from your good graces! Cursed to errer seul! Mutilé par des chiens! Jeté en enfer! Forcé de se repentir pour toujours!—”
“Enough, please,” you whined, pinching at the bridge of your nose. “I’d rather you just, I don’t know, got me a glass of water.”
“Right away!” he chirped, shooting to his feet and darting out the door and down the hall. He was back hardly a moment later, depositing a clean cup into your hands and plunking a curling, purple straw into the center of it.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, leaning forward to take a sip.
“Anything at all for you, mon cher!”
This was almost worse somehow.
“Would you cut it out,” you sighed. “It’s fine. Really. Shit happens.”
He stared up at you from where he was kneeled on the floor at your side with the largest, most doleful eyes you’d ever seen. Like a kicked puppy dog had a sad, sad child with, like, an even more pathetic, more kicked, kitten. You jabbed at him with your foot.
“And stop that!”
“Stop what?” he asked, blinking those stupid, stupid green eyes at you.
“Acting all innocent!” you complained. “You literally had me pinned underneath you, like, five minutes ago!”
“I did, didn’t I?” he hummed, sounding almost pensive. He reached up to tap at his chin, like he was chewing over a thought. “And I wasn’t even able to keep my promise, was I?” he lamented, deflating.
“What promise?” you frowned.
“For a bit of mutual demise,” he sighed. “Une petite mort.”
You felt heat crawl up your cheekbones and all the way to the tips of your ears. Because this had been some whole, elaborate setup, hadn’t it? Something that you’d only agreed to because he’d seemed so, ah, enthusiastic. And then you’d gone and barfed up banana chunks and ruined the whole thing.
“Sorry,” you mumbled.
Rook’s head shot up and he reached out to snare your hands in his.
“Non, non, mon cher!” he gasped. “This was hardly your fault to speak of! It is I and my poor planning that ought to make recompence,” he said.
And then, a terribly acute sort of brilliance came over his face. Like a lightbulb went off in his brain. Those green eyes went sharp with focus. He seemed to roll the his words around on his tongue, as if deciding exactly how they ought to taste when he let them fall back out again.
“And recompense I shall make!” he chirped, determined and shifted so his chin was resting in your lap. He sent you a coy little grin that had shivers racing down your spine.
“I literally just threw up,” you complained.
“This will certainly help you feel better,” he offered.
“That’s not the point!” you squawked. “Shouldn’t I—I don’t know—at least brush my teeth or something first?”
“Forgive me, mon petit lapin,” he laughed against your thigh. “But last I checked, I don’t think your mouth has anything do with this. And besides,” he crooned, reaching up to press a firm hand against your shoulder and help ease you down to the mattress below. “That was from overexertion, I’m afraid. Not illness. And I can promise, mon cher, that this time, you won’t have to bother putting any work in at all~”
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dogbunni · 1 year
[begins coughing like a cat about to throw up a furball] [spits up several nendo headcanons and then looks at u proudly]
-nendo collects hot wheels. I have no justification beyond this except that I also collect hot wheels and I think we'd have that in common. if he was real I would take nendo to a toy shop to look at all the hot wheels. just stand there and observe them for an uncomfortably long time. my friends aren't deeply autistic enough to do this with me so I can never observe the little cars for long enough before making a purchase :(
-nendo trans ally #1
-nendo has no idea what his sexuality is but not in a confused/questioning way, in a "I have never thought about it longer than 1 second" way. he likes who he likes and has no thoughts beyond that. he is label-less in a [shrugs shoulders] way. (saiki is also label-less but in a "fuck you" kind of way)
-nendo loves rollercoasters and watches weird essay length youtube videos about theme parks and animatronics. its a hobby that deeply disturbs everyone around him bc this guy cannot do basic math but he can and will channel the spirit of akechi rambling about defunct animatronics. sometimes he shows saiki pictures of animatronics in late stages of decay in horrible pitch black nightmare settings and saiki reacts as if nendo has placed a live cockroach in his lap.
-he has a condiment problem. steals sauce packets from restaurants with diagnosable compulsion.
-he doesn't Get memes. everyone has tried and failed to show nendo a meme. it's like trying to show your mother a funny picture and she holds the phone as far away from her face as she can and then stares at it for way too long before silently handing it back. he just doesn't Get It.
-hes like, really good at making memes though. he will just absently turn a phrase or take an image so absurd that everyone is still saying and reposting and reacting with it years down the line. he has no idea that he has this power
-he feeds stray cats and makes little shelters for them outdoors <3
-nendo and kaido roleplay together sometimes. I'm talking like, warrior cats roleplay. sometimes dark reunion but kaido gets pissy if nendo messes up The Lore. nendo calls it "playing pretend" bc he has no concept of cringe culture and kaido dies inside every time
-he manages to forget his own birthday. every year. saiki remembers though, and it's the one and only day he will ask if nendo wants to get ramen with him, instead of the other way around. it gets to the point that saiki asks if nendo wants ramen, and he says "what, is it my birthday ahaha" and saiki is just like. you goddamn idiot. good grief.
-last time I did one of these I said that nendo loves cute things like sanrio plushies and holds them so gently. well I see that and I am correct, but I raise you nendo thinking that SAIKI is the cutest thing he's ever seen. something about the pink hair and glasses and the little limiter bubbles on his head and his purple eyes and little frowny eyebrows- nendo wants to. hold gently. sometimes he just grabs saiki by the shoulders and stares at him blank in the face and saiki is like [nervously] "what the fuck? what the fuck????"
-he and aiura actually get along weirdly well. they're unhinged in similar flavours and it gets saiki's blood pressure up. he tries at all costs to keep them away from each other. their singular brain cells cancel each other out on sight.
-akechi makes nendo's brain hurt a little. he just can't process all of akechi's akechi-ness and it makes him feel dumb. he's fine with being dumb most of the time but akechi just makes him feel a little self conscious for some reason. (definitely not because he's jealous that akechi was friends with saiki first)
-he still likes the funny lil guy though. akechi's the only one who will enthuse with him about rollercoasters and he values those talks. so much.
-toritsuka is afraid of nendo for some reason. no one is sure why but nendo LOVES it. he's always trying to jump out and scare him. saiki supports nendo in this endeavour ardently. toritsuka suffers.
-nendo falls down the weirdest tiktok rabbit holes. it got so bad once that they got teruhashi to distract him while kuboyasu lifted his phone and deleted the app off of it. it took nendo several months to realise he could redownload it.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
You ever just...
look around, seeing requests of an insecure reader with Vil and how he'd react, and they'd answer that he'd comfort and pamper them and make sure they'd feel beautiful and all that. And, do you ever just think "Would he though? Would he really?"
(Uh, kinda get rambly and uh, warning as well. I curse cause I'm nitpicking at how insecurity is often presented.)
If the insecurity is not so common then sure, I can see it, but if the reader was insecure from the start and it continues to do so, then no, I can't see it at all. The comfort Vil would give wouldn't be the "Mom Mode" that everyone slots him in, it would be kinda on the harsh side to be quite honest, cause Vil is the kind of person that delivers what he feel to be the truth upfront rather than trying to put it in a sugarcoated package.
Meaning, if the insecurity pops up, he'd likely try and point out the source of the discomfort and try and give ways to get at the root of the problem rather than just saying sweet words and gifts and all that. Vil's pretty much a man of action with a sharp eye to boot. Simply put, the comfort would not come right away, so to the person who's feeling insecure, it will seem as though he does not care for them, because insecurity is nasty in that nature. Because one's own self-worth is so low, it makes it real easy to believe that if you don't get nice things, it's because you don't deserve it rather than it's because the nice things will come later.
Get the blood moving, take up a new hobby, refresh the closet, spoil yourself in the shower. Essentially, Vil is going to introduce things the reader can do by themselves along side some of his own spoiling. Keep in mind, he's doing all this with the mindset that the reader can and will help themselves rather than Vil trying to do all the work for them. I suppose that's what usually bothers me the most about asks that requests a super insecure reader, cause usually they want the "cute" side of insecurity that ends with super fluffy comfort without wanting to think of the consequences that can and will come. And I get that. Nobody wants to think about how insidious insecurity can get cause it delves too close to reality and nobody likes that.
But there's a comfort in exploring that side of insecurity cause, often times, it leads to many a decaying or cutting of friendships or relationships. When one is so deep in their insecurity, it becomes easy to believe they're helpless, but they don't want to be, they really don't want to be helpless, but they also believe themselves to be so useless and dumb and not good for anything that any help they try to do will lead to more hurt. Lead to confirmations that yeah, those things you did to help yourself? Didn't do shit cause you can't help yourself. Why did you believe you can do anything?
So when one gets some comfort that has no strings attached, it leads to this unique euphoria that's easy to get addicted to. It feels good, for the first few times, but then the brain forgets and starts to doubt and the effects of those words expire. So, they gotta hear them again. And again. And again. And if they start retracting? The brain hits the red alarm button and starts thinking of all the worst outcomes known to man. Spiraling into another, worst cesspool cause now they have to deal with the withdrawls. Only makes their own self image worse cause they asked for too much, they're too needy, they shouldn't have said anything. Shouldn't have said a word.
And when everyone turns their back to then, letting go of the hand that's gone necrotic with how gripping their own fingers were, they look outside and go "I think I'll spoil myself today. I don't deserve it, but that's okay. I'll feel like I'll do one day."
See, I don't really answer to any super insecure reader with Vil, or any character in general, cause I would not do the topic justice in just a single drabble. Along with the fact that I wouldn't make it a pretty fluffy piece either cause I don't like to write the watered down version of insecurity. That and Vil will not help an insecure reader that will not take the steps to help themselves. He will not hold their hand, he will not mother them until after the steps have been taken. Cause Vil does not mess around when it comes to that.
Honestly have a hard time seeing him with anyone that has self-image issues. And, if this insecure reader refuses to take any of the olive branches, he can and will leave them even if it will leave them an emotional wreck. It's because Vil knows of his limits that he will break up with them. He can't be in a relationship of equals if one party looks to him as their savior, as their sole reason for having any confidence at all. And, as such, the reader would suffer tremendously as a result.
So, yeah. All in all, Vil can be in a relationship with an insecure reader, provided that they can find self confidence in themselves rather than solely relying on Vil to be their rock. Otherwise, he will not enter into that relationship and will be upfront about it. He's, uh, a little too harsh for them.
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pollenallergie · 9 months
okay my heart is so full right now not only reading your response to my last ask but also the one someone sent in about girls who dress like art teachers bc that’s what i’m studying to do (early ed specifically) and also exactly how i dress 🥺 so i have a million things to say (i’m horny and i need billy to fuck me from behind so bad) so today my brain is absolutely DECAYING with the idea of billy with a wife who teaches. like i imagine billy struggles to have a consistent job because of his anxiety so he mostly does freelance carpentry work for the rich and bored, and so when he finds out you’re a teacher, he’s so excited to hear about your days teaching, what the training was like, and theories behind education. he loves to make you packed lunches and will sometimes drop by to see you during your lunch period if you aren’t busy wrangling kids. he says it’s because he misses you, which is true, but something about watching you in your element fills his heart (and cock) with so much love and longing. especially if you work with young kids, he can’t help imagining you taking care of his brood of calf eyed babies. when you have a bad day (which is rare), he’ll sit and rub your shoulders or your feet and just listen to you. your experience helping students with trauma allows you to take care of him quite gracefully, and he’s always excited to demo activities for your lessons. while you help him choose outfits that are good for carpentry and impressive for the client base he serves, he helps you pick out flowing skirts and tweed jackets and chunky sweaters. i also have a headcanon that he learned to do hair really well when he was younger in group homes even if he has no clue how to take care of his own, so he loves to sit with you kneeling on the floor as he braids and brushes your hair. every year, as a gift to you for the anniversary of your first date, he makes you something new for your classroom. there are other gifts for other anniversaries, like each year on your wedding anniversary he takes you out for dinner and surprises you with an activity like special museum events or visiting farms after hours which i’ll expand on in another ask, but you especially adore the things he makes you. one year he made you new cubbies for the kids, another year he carved you little animals to sit on your desk, the gifts ranging from practical to decorative. each one you displayed proudly on open house nights, and billy even got some clients through your avid displays of his gifts(he shows up to each open house in his nicest sweater that you chose to bring out his eyes). billy definitely has a bit of kink for you teaching him things, not even just sexual things. he gets bricked up by you explaining to him how to use the new remote for the tv or you lecturing him about separating the darks from the lights in the washing machine. you use that to your advantage to help motivate him, knowing that he’ll beg in a small voice for you to help him and guide him. when you first showed him how you liked to be touched so he would know just what to do, he came in his underwear the minute he touched you and you moaned what a good job he was doing. although he’s gotten more advanced in the sack (having almost daily sex will do that to you), he loves to play dumb and let you guide his hands or instruct him on how to touch his own cock because he loves the way you praise him (i’m not that into teacher roleplay, so i think this is a healthy medium). anyways, i have wayyy more thoughts about billy, especially pure filth and billy as a carpenter, that i might send over later. thank you for being so responsive and i’m super excited to continue bouncing feral thoughts off of each other! -🍊
warning: feral ramblings below the cut. read at your own risk. viewer discretion is advised. blah dee blah dee blahdee blah. 18+ as always. mdni.
awww you’re studying to be an art teacher!!! that’s amazing!! art teachers (especially the eccentric ones) are the best, istg!! in elementary school, my art teacher submitted a handprint painting i did to my hometown’s art competition and it won best painting in my age division which was nuts and was also the first time anything of mine had been celebrated by someone other than my parents… also my art teacher in high school let me eat lunch in her office every day because the crowded cafeteria made me nervous AND she once yelled at the assistant principal and dean of students (on my behalf) because she felt they weren’t doing enough to help me with my bullying issues. oh, and she also gave the coordinated caricatures my friend and i did in her class (mine was guy fieri with a giant ass head driving in the front seat of his convertible, and my friend’s was harambe with a gigantic head and a halo reclining in the back seat of the convertible… we literally measured all the lines and our papers to make sure that our pictures would line up perfectly) an A even though what we drew was definitely not what we were assigned (we were told to draw portraits of historical figures that we admire)… so yeah i fucking love art teachers 🫶🫶 genuinely some of the best people i have ever met.
also “(i’m horny and i need billy to fuck me from behind so bad)”
first of all… same
second of all… he absolutely would, but he’d prefer to do it in front of a mirror so that he can still see your pretty face (the man has needs) <3
(i know you said billy’s wife… but for my purposes, we’re gonna pretend you said long-term partner/girlfriend because, let’s be real here, billy wouldn’t need to yearn for having kids with you if he was your husband… because he definitely would’ve knocked you up within mere months of being married to you, if not literally on your wedding night or during your honeymoon, so like… that would just already be his reality lmao).
billy would absolutely love that his significant other is a teacher 🥹🥹🥹 especially if you’re an art teacher because billy is such an artsy lil man.
i feel like billy himself always wanted to be a teacher growing up — specifically a primary school teacher because he gets on surprisingly well with young kids (preteens and teenagers scare the living shit out of him) — but he was never in the right state of mind to go to school to pursue that dream. so, he definitely loves that you’re one.
billy listens so attentively when you talk about how your day went each night because 1) he could listen to you talk for hours as is and 2) he’s genuinely interested in what you did that day. you’re totally right about him asking about what your training was like and wanting to discuss various theories on education with you.
truthfully, billy sort of lives vicariously through you. for example, no matter what subject you teach, billy will always offer to help you grade assignments, so you’ve gotten used to making extra copies of the answer keys for him (or, if you’re an art teacher, you’ve gotten used to making an extra copy of the instructions so that he can see how closely each student followed your directions… not that it truly matters, you mostly grade based on how students behave during class because art is art and you would never dare tell a kid they made bad art, you wouldn’t even dare to think it, you sweet angel, you… okay you might think it sometimes… but only when some of the year 6 kids turn in shit that looks like it was drawn by a blindfolded drunkard who lacked any tactile perception). he has pictures of you at work, most sourced from your school’s website, printed out, and posted all over his art studio (aka the spare bedroom you two converted into a makeshift art studio) and one or two in his wallet as well. billy knows all of your students’ names; he knows which ones give you the most trouble, he knows who the underdogs are (the students who don’t do so well in school, but who you root for unconditionally because you know they’re good kids), he knows which kids have more artistic talent jam-packed in their little bodies than they know what to do with, hell, he even knows about the two year 6 (5th grade) students that have this sort of will-they-won’t-they thing going on. billy even helps you set up your classroom before each school year starts and, then, he helps you take everything down when the year ends. he helps you pick out decor and supplies for your classroom, he helps you pick out movies for the kids to watch on special movie days, he helps you pick out holiday decorations and themed snacks and games for your classroom holiday parties, he helps you with everything simply because he wants to be involved because he loves what you do just as much as you love it.
growing up, my elementary school always had back-to-school picnics at the start of the year so that kids could check out their new classrooms and meet their teachers before the first day of school. they also had end-of-the-year events where parents could get advice about how to best help their kids prepare for the next school year (mostly just getting summer reading lists and any additional info about the school-recommend and/or school-run summercare options available in their local community) and where kids could see their friends one last time before summer began. so, if your school does those sorts of events too, then you bet your ass that billy willingly goes to both of those events. truthfully, billy attends any event hosted by the school for the families in the community. for instance, my elementary school used do this thing called trunk-or-treat, where parents and teachers would sign up beforehand and then, the night of, they would park in the school’s parking lots with the trunks of their cars opened up and all decked out for halloween, and kids would walk around with their friends and parents and visit everyone’s cars and get candy from each car and eat way too much of it that night and then burn off their sugar rush on the school playground 😂😂 it was amazing and so soooo cute. if your school does something like that, then billy signs up every single year, and every year the two of you have so much fun putting your hearts and souls into decorating the trunk of your car. in fact, you two have even won best-trunk-in-show for the last two years because you’re just that good.
and, you’re so right, billy probably does something like freelance carpentry or making stuff to sell on etsy, something to give him some income but also something that won’t demand too much of him; because he will have bad days, days where he can’t work, days where he can’t function right, days where he just needs to stay home and focus on getting better.
of course, billy’s relaxed, self-employed schedule does come with an added bonus: he’s able to take care of you the way he wants to. you’re totally right about him making you packed lunches; he makes you the bestest packed lunches ever. they’re not just regular packed lunches, no, billy makes you the most aesthetically pleasing bento boxes anyone has ever seen, chalked full of the tastiest foods he can make. he doesn’t make them for you every day (mostly because you’re stubborn and won’t let him dote on you as much as he wants to… which, in your defense, is because you feel like it’s not fair to him since you don’t have time to put that much effort into reciprocating/doting on him in return), but he makes a point to pack your lunch three out of five days of the week. the other two days are usually ones where he allows you to fend for yourself because he knows you like your independence sometimes. notice i said “usually”… because, yeah, billy just can’t help himself, he wants to spoil you so bad. so, sometimes he breaks the rules, grabbing a couple yummy dishes from your favorite takeaway place and surprising you at work with a delicious meal that the two of you can share. once a month, when you’re on cafeteria/canteen duty, this means that he has to sit at a very short table (one that was absolutely not designed with anyone over 14 in mind), his knees pressing uncomfortably into the bottom of the table as he eats lunch mostly by himself — except for when you take little breaks to sit and talk to him — whilst he watches you monitor the gigantic room with the help of only one other faculty member; the two of you occasionally reprimanding kids to keep them in line and helping the littlest among them open certain packaged items, making sure lunchtime runs smoothly. on days where you’re not on cafeteria/canteen duty, billy only has to endure the “oohs” and “ahhs” and curious, lingering stares of inquisitive (nosey) schoolchildren for a few minutes before the kids are sent off to the cafeteria/canteen to eat their own lunches, leaving you and him alone in your classroom to enjoy your meal and spend some quality time together.
billy’s definitely very introverted, but he goes above and beyond to be involved in your life, especially in your work and the community that surrounds it. he genuinely enjoys getting to know your coworkers and the parents of your students. but, like you said, what he loves most of all is watching you interact with the kids… even when they are all paying him entirely too much attention and asking him entirely too many and entirely too personal questions (“are you and miss ____ married?” “when are you and miss ____ gonna get married?” “do you have babies?” “why does your face look like that?” “if miss ____ gets to bring you to school, how come i can’t bring my lizard?”). like you said, watching you interact with your students, especially the littles, gives him such a warm, fuzzy, lovely feeling. he can’t help but imagine how kind and gentle and patient you’d be with kids of your own… kids that were created with and born out of the love the two of you have for each other… kids that have his beautiful brown eyes, the very same ones he inherited from his late mother, and dimples just like his, but that have your pretty hair and your beaming grin…
yeahhh, he wants so badly to have kids with you, and that nagging desire only gets stronger everytime he watches your face light up as you watch one your students finally get something (whether that be how to draw a three-dimensional shape or how to tie their shoes or how to spell the word ‘definitely’), everytime he watches you gently console a kid who fell and scraped his knees at recess, and everytime he catches you having a conversation with one of your students. the way you converse with your studfents is so special… you talk to them like they’re your equals no matter how old they are, treat them with the utmost respect, regard them with warm acceptance and empathy, subtly encourage them to be themselves to the fullest, and take genuine interest in what they’re telling you. these are all the things his dad never did for him, all the things his mum never got the chance to do because she passed while he was still so young, all the things he watched his classmates’ parents do for them as a young boy, and watching you do these things for your students makes him fall even more hopelessly in love with you. watching you be such a good teacher to your students, such a wonderful role model for them, fills him with so much joy, and, as much as he gets embarrassed about it, thinking about how lovely you are, how amazing you are with kids, how wonderful of a mum you’ll be one day, well... that never fails to get him hard. breeding kink go brrrrr.
anyways… yeah YEAHH he does give you shoulder and foot rubs because he loves you and he cares about you and he likes doting on you (an added bonus is that you always return the favor whenever he’s been hard at work all day, but that’s not why he does it. no, he does it because he’s amazing and he loves you and he likes taking care of you).
yes yes yes to him demoing activities with you. that is literally all your sunday’s consist of during the school year: demoing activities, grading whatever assignments you didn’t finish grading during the week (usually not that many), and doing any last minute lesson-plan-prepping together, all from the comfort of your couch (or from your kitchen whenever the activities are too messy to be done on the couch), and billy wouldn’t have it any other way. he loves your not-so-lazy-but-still-plenty-lazy sundays, the kind of days where you two get a lot done without really feeling like you’ve done anything at all.
about the outfits…
mhm mhm yep yep. you help him pick out comfy, but practical outfits for himself; pants with lots of pockets, a tool belt that can hold his tools without sagging too low on his hips, shirts that will keep him warm but that are still plenty breathable, clothes that won’t get caught on any nails or other objects protruding from walls, shoes with thick soles so he won’t get hurt if he accidentally steps on a nail or some glass, splinter-proof gloves, etc. and billy helps you pick out the cutest items imaginable whenever you two go thrifting/shopping together; cute jean overalls for casual fridays, midi skirts that are dressy enough for work but still comfortable, sweaters that will keep you plenty warm whenever the heater in your classroom breaks for days on end during the cold winter months (as it always does), shoes that are cute but comfy enough to wear for the entire school day (without getting blisters or horribly sore soles), jackets and pants and blouses that are professional and classy enough to wear to parent-teacher conferences but that still have that artsy, hippie-esque look to them that you love so much.
also yes yes YESSS TO THE HAIR BRUSHING!!! (and to the group homes headcanon. unfortunately, he was probably stuck with his bullshit excuse for a dad for much of his childhood, but, during his teen years, after his third hospitalization in the span of a year, the system stepped in and removed him from his home, uprooting his life and bouncing him around from group home to group home. billy thinks he probably shouldn’t look back so fondly on the years in which he was separated from his family, but he sort of does. sure, it lacked the stability all kids need and it forced him to not only hang out with, but live with his peers, even those who picked on him. however, it’s not like he’d ever had real, true stability in the first place and… well, the taunting of a fifteen-year-old asshole who has it just as bad as you will never ever compare to the vitriol his father and his brother used to subject him to).
anyways *clears throat* sorry about that. where were we?? oh the hair brushing and braiding, yes, yes. yet another way billy takes care of you: he helps you tame the unruly bird’s nest that is your hair every morning. you’re terrible at doing your own hair (massive self-insert here) and always have been, and billy, beautiful, kind billy, he mercifully (and frequently) takes that responsibility out of your hands in the mornings and does your hair for you. it’s not an everyday occurrence, but it happens a lot, so much so that he’s actually gotten quite good at using a curling iron, despite the fact that he’d never ever used one (or even held one) prior to being in a relationship with you.
but don’t worry, you dote on him plenty in return. when he gets home from a hard day’s work, you’re quick to take a shower with him, helping him wash off (which is really just you massaging the soapy suds into his skin because you love the way he reacts to it, all fucked out and in pure bliss even though you haven’t even touched his cock yet), you’ll *ehm* take care of him in there too, of course (*cough* jerking him off under the warm spray *cough* littering his pale skin with hickeys as you pump his cock with your fist *cough* letting him use your hand like a fleshlight *cough* helping support him to keep him upright when he starts getting all weak in the knees *cough* making him feel so good that he reaches his peak in mere minutes, cumming all over your tummy, the last of his spend coating your hands as you work him through his orgasm *cough* *cough*). then, once you two have finished cleaning up, you get out and help him dry off his hair with a soft, fluffy towel. once you’ve both dried of sufficiently, you then lay him down on the bed and deftly massage him, focusing on his back, and legs, and arms, and, okay, everywhere, focusing everywhere, working the sweet smelling lotion into his skin as you do so. you even rub some soothing balm on his calloused hands and feet afterwards, fully pampering him. then, you ride him within an inch of his life and let him fill you up with his second release of the evening. and then, you two order in some dinner and eat it whilst watching TV. finally, you two head to bed, where you then have sleepy, slow, passionate sex before falling asleep in each other’s arms, his softening cock still nestled inside you as you drift off to sleep.
also billy making something for your classroom as your anniversary gift 🥹🥹💖💖💖 he most definitely does.
the first year, it was a cute little wooden sign with the words “Miss ____’s Class” engraved on it, along with some cute little bunnies and butterflies and flowers, complete with the cutest lil curvy bordering. then, for your second anniversary, it was a carved wooden statue of your favorite animal. next, for your third anniversary, he went above and beyond and made you a bunch of cubbies for your students to keep their art-smocks/backpacks/other stuff in. however, they weren’t just normal cubbies, no, they had this beautiful elven forest-y pattern carved into them. for that anniversary he also made you a brand new drying rack that had this really cool elven tree design to it to match the cubbies, because, again, he went above and beyond that year simply because he felt like it. then for your most recent anniversary, billy made the most adorable rocking chair for you to sit in while you read to your students/while you man whatever artistic contraptions the kids aren’t allowed to use without constant supervision/while you drink your tea and catch up on grading or lesson-planning during your afternoon free period. and, of course, the chair also had a forest-y, elven design to it because billy fully supports your dream of turning your boring old classroom into a mystical, fantastical place for learning — a sort of elven den of creativity. for christmas one year, he even whittled you a bunch of wands and scepters and attached cool, surprisingly realistic plastic geodes and crystals to the ends of them so that you could decorate your classroom with them and add to the mystical, magical vibes. suffice to say, you have the coolest classroom in school, hands down, no competition.
also yes yes yes, a million times yes to billy having a sort of teaching kink. the man gets so unreasonably turned on when you try to show him how to do things or explain things to him. no matter what you’re trying to teach him, his blood always immediately flows south, towards his hardening his cock and away from his head, leaving nothing more than the sound of white noise and the desire to submit himself to you in every way imaginable behind in his brain. he loves listening to you and having you tell him what to do (not in a bossy way, but in a guiding, gentle way), he goes mad for it. the way your voice lilts when you’re patiently instructing him on how to do something once again after he’s already messed up five times beforehand makes billy go dumb with lust. having you teach him things doesn’t always make him so dumb and pitifully horny, though. no, there’s levels to this. when you try to teach him to do simple tasks like how to un-jam the door to your mailbox or explain simple things to him like why you’re suddenly buying an entirely new brand of peanut butter (because it turns out your usual brand uses some preservative that has recently been linked to some awful health defects… which you found out by reading an article in some widely accredited medical journal because you’re a nerd, a well-informed nerd), he gets a little excited, maybe gets a half-chub, nothing too drastic, nothing that can’t simply be tucked up into his waistband and ignored until it goes down, should that be necessary. but when you try to walk billy through more complex tasks, the kind that he usually messes up the first few times which leads to you giving in and gently directing his every move… oof. like when he helps you decorate your christmas tree and you, ever the perfectionist, direct him on exactly where to put each and every single ornaments, how to string up the lights so they’re the perfect level of droopy without actually falling off the tree, how to secure the star to the top of the tree, how to water and tend to the christmas tree you two picked out at a christmas tree farm as it resides in your living room, hanging onto whatever life it’s got left like a plant in a vase after it’s been separated from its roots…. well, having you guide him through those complex, intricately detailed tasks never fails to turn him into the horniest of himbos; fully lustdrunk and so hard that it’s nearly painful. consequently, having the hottest sex imaginable after putting up and decorating your christmas tree is a holiday tradition for you and billy.
also yes to him cumming in his pants the first time you taught him how to make you cum… he probably didn’t even get to actually fuck you that night because, by the time he’d made you cum on his fingers and his tongue, he’d already came so many times that his cock was fully limp and so sensitive that it hurt, truly hurt, whenever it was met with even the tiniest, lightest touch… he had to spend the rest of the night completely nude because he was just too sensitive to wear underwear or trousers and he certainly wasn’t going to walk around with just a shirt on like winnie the fucking pooh.
and you’re right. it’s not like teacher roleplay, it’s just you guiding him and showing him how to do things and explaining things to him and telling him what to do and being so patient and kind and gentle and maybe a little condescending (just a tiny bit, not true degradation, but just talking down to him in a teasing way) but also giving him so sooo much praise. its the most gentle and softest domming of all time and dear christ it makes him feel all fuzzyheaded and spacey and fucked out in the best way possible.
please feel free to send over those carpenter!billy thoughts if you want!! i love reading what your amazing mind comes up with. hopefully i’ll be able to respond to the other stuff you’ve sent me sometime soon!! i’ve read them all a million times over, i just haven’t gotten around to actually typing out responses yet… but please know that i enjoy reading them (and rereading them and rereading them and rereading them and then rereading them again and on and on forever until i pass away and ascend to the literal heavens from all the loveliness contained in them… jk but also… they are immaculate.)
send me all the feral thoughts you got, my lovely lil orange nonnie. 💕
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s0lar-ch3ri · 4 months
hey new draft making
i keep putting this off, but it today arrives! a ramble about ryan selucreh to fill tghe tag for once
so who even is ryan selucreh? well, hes a football jock and a big oaf, the stereotypical strong dumb athlete kid. however, theres more to ryan that we're diving into, years after the oneshot ended!
one thing to note on ryan is how his powers were gotten in a mix of ways aster and connor did. aster was born with them (assumed cause goddess mother), connor got them from a book (recieved from searching, wasnt born with it), ryan got his powers from squats. silly, sure, but like i said, its like the inbetween of the two. he has the power himself and doesnt need a book for them or anything, but he wasnt born with them either. i also wanna note how asters powers are like life (plants and the sun, both can symbolize life) and connors powers are like death (decay and disintegrating, both are related back to death), but ryans powers cant be "like" anything. its not something super showy, hes just super strong (strong enough to rip a mountainin half im pretty sure was confirmed).
lwts get into those comments ryan made, and how its reflected across the 3 episodes. yeah, the comments on faking his personality around people and how he doesnt know who he is anymore.
first showing of this is with the j crew. charlie gave a good idea (he was nicknamed jyan), but condi says he told them that. granted, it was probably to be funny, but theres other options to that. ryan missaid his name out of nervousness, the j crew misheard him, he wrote his name really wrong, so many different options that also are pretty comedic. yet, ryan told them he was jyan to join their team.
on the floatball jersey he wears, they didnt even have a 10 for him, simply a jersey with a 1 and a "poorly painted 0". did someone else use the 10? why didnt they have one? another way ryan changed for people symbolically, wearing one number but being another.
ryan joins in with the omnious curse speech despite it not being planned. an attempt to keep fitting in with his group there.
hell, ryan even was an ass to connor before when he was with the j crew, yet wasnt when he was with connor and aster alone.
he even goes out of his way to try and save asters dad, an act of carrying for her and her father. hes such a friendly and caring dude that hes trying to fit in with them all to keep up their friendships.
thats what makes the whole "i dont have a real personality" line mean so much. because he really doesnt. all that can be seen as his personality is simply to appeal to another person.
HELL IM FUCKING CONNECTING IN THE FACT THAR RYAN WAS A HISTORY MAJOR TO THIS! WHO EXPECTS THE JOCK TO LIKE HISTORY? NOT ME, I THOUGHT THAT WAS CONNOR, AND THATS WHY ITS SO INTERESTING, CAUSS NOTHING LEADS YOU TO BELIEVE RYANS INTERESTED IN THAT SHIT!!! ryan barely talks about his past or anything, minus the memory (but that was only to save professor aeliana), BUT HE DIDNT FUCKING BRING IT UP. kinda ironic, the character whos past is pretty unknown is in classes learning about our past.
oh yeah did i ever mention his parents are dead? cause they are (confirmed by condi a while back)
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maybe thats why he tries to be so appealing to everyone, to make up for that missing link. i mean, its not like that event wouldnt have some impact on you (also no jrwi pc has gone to therapy from what i know so safe to assume he has no coping skills PLUS ITS A CONDI PC YPU THINK HES MENTALLY STABLE??).
another thing i learned: ryans last name is a backwards hercules. fun call back to the name, yeah, but the actual story may have some weight here...
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the screenshot doesnt give the full story, of course, so i will. the picture leaves out how the reason he went through hardships was because he was driven to madness. according to research, hera was mad at hercules being born (for he was the product of zeus and a mortal woman), so she made him go crazy and slaughter his family. to make up for it, he was given 12 impossible tasks to do.
am i saying the full story applys? hell fucking no! i dont think ryan killed his parents or anything, but i think the jist can apply. a man trying to be forgiven by people for wrongdoings that wouldnt have happened if said people didnt make those wrongdoings happen. ryan trying to get the validation of his friends and acquaintances by pretending to be someone hes not, which wouldnt be needed if he could see friends accept people as themselves. given impossible missions (be someone else) to appease those who he looks to (whether its to the side or up to).
another thing to note is theres no episode cover with only ryan on it. cover 1 has all 3, cover 2 has background faceless frat members and connor, and cover 3 has only aster.
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it could be from how there was only 3 episodes of mythborne, yet this could be solved by having all 3 in a cover at once. while it would have been a lot, they had all 3 in the first and a total of 4 characyers in thr second cover. this of course was a purposeful choice, and it shows in a way who the focus is meant to be on in that ep (all of them, connor, aster).
so why coupdnt ryan have been focused on in episode 1? yeah he was directly related to the chaos (j crew being first vicitms and shit), yet that clearly had a more general showing. its because ryan isnt a character who can be focused on. he crutches to his friends like a team relys to eachother, thats how he has purpose, thats how hes even a person.
i woulsnt even doubt the stupid bit being an act! to play in a sport, you actually do need good grades (in my school experience, above a C+ in all classes), and ryans been on this team since he started college (infered from dialoge with j crew member), probably since kindergarten even (has known j cre since kindergarten). he learnt it from them, and found it to be a possibly appealing trait of himself to others, everyone likes the lovable idiot! sure, what he does to play an act can be extreme, but if this is really thr coping mechanism i think it is, its not too much for him (also wanna note how of all characters ryan is the biggest stereotype caharacyer).
the 3rd episode btw seemed a lot from the cover and namr and all like the whole world was a fake (for me atleast), and isnt it fitting that ryan was the first to fall off the stage? the man, who had an identity crisis outloud for once after it seemed like one friendgroupd was about to learn his secrets, the first to exit stage down (stage direction jokes). hes been playong a play himself for what feels like his whole life by now, he doesnt need a script.
i came in here to talk about ryan, put him under a microscope, see who he is. really, ryans a shell of a person, a muscle soulless being pretending to be a person someone can love and care about. maybe he too thinks about how connor had changed inside to save him. whatever it is, i think ive not learnt from this who ryan selucreh is, and maybe if he gets aomething like this, he can learn himself who ryan selucreh is.
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manorinthewoods · 4 months
Here's a take on the zombie apocalypse.
It just... doesn't happen.
The military successfully fends off the zombies. The protagonists are in the military and government and have to make sure the zombie apocalypse doesn't destroy society, escape the country, etc. Thankfully, zombies follow most of the standard tropes, which means they are stunningly incompetent and therefore the apocalypse is not a big issue. What is the issue is the politics of the situation. Anti-masker equivalents, power-hungry politicians, incompetent generals - all sorts of crap.
But maybe add a bit more creativity. Remove some of the standard zombie flaws; for instance, the zombies will (in an idea I thefted from another post), instead of moaning, try to speak, but only produce garbled syllables, words, and phrases. They lose most of their intelligence but are smarter in a horde, they require very little sustenance, can slowly heal injuries, go into torpor when critically injured and regenerate faster in this state, and they look more-or-less like humans so they tug on the heartstrings.
These zombies would still have a good number of weaknesses (cleared weaknesses crossed out):
Slow speed, can be outpaced with brisk walk (These zombies aren't fast.)
Constant noise alerts any prey (probably they are not constantly rambling)
Main food source is also primary predator and only source of reproduction (Let's say these zombies can consume and zombify wild animals. That will make them an enormous threat, actually! I dunno about clearing this weakness, my zombies are already superpowered.)
Extreme temperatures in summer or winter will clear zombies (The torpor state would clear this risk. This is one of the major issues; if there's nothing done with the zombies to prevent this, the zombie apocalypse probably wouldn't survive a year or something. Also, anywhere up north would probably see all the zombies die.)
Zombies will constantly injure themselves (Regenerating zombies clears this risk. If zombies cannot regenerate, they *definitely* will not survive a year.)
Numerous quantity of natural predators, including flies which will infest their tissues with maggots (If zombies are internally decaying, any old wild animal could probably rip them to shreds. Also, bye-bye eyes.)
Cannot damage armored or airborne vehicles (Short of giving zombies magic spells, this will remain a severe risk. The #1 weapon for dealing with zombies is a tank. No, the guts won't tangle the treads.)
Moans alert all enemies in the area and convey very little information to other zombies (The garbled gibberish will at first not be a sign, but as cities are evacuated it will become more noticeable, especially if efforts to discern what is being said by local survivors reveal that it is garbage noise.)
No problem solving skills; zombies cannot open doors, perform any tasks involving complex dexterity (even simply throwing objects), cannot use any sort of tactics and simply beeline for potential prey (Zombies are dumb. They will remain dumb and thus will be easily manageable. A simple chokepoint will be enough to slaughter a horde. Also, since they're slow, you could probably destroy large quantities of them with artillery - although with torpor added into the mix you'd still need to properly clear the field afterward.)
Zombies are exclusively melee combatants (Again, one chokepoint and the horde's dead. With a steady supply of ammunition - possibly requiring international aid if ammo factories are abandoned - zombies can be pretty easily defeated. They are known for being weak to guns and there is one major thing militaries have a lot of.)
Cannot take shelter from storms (Minor, but after a severe storm there probably wouldn't be as many zombies around.)
Conclusion: Zombies gon' get wrecked by any competence.
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liquid-geodes · 1 year
To the reblog and the suit being torn and damaged.
He's a dumb bitch, probably tripped and fell multiple times trying to learn how to walk in the thing after being springlock and decayed.
And he moves around a shit ton.
Besides the human body itself is very corrosive, sure some tears and broken parts make no sense but I do think he'd be quite damaged. Just not to the degree shown.
Speaking of corrosive I think it's worth noting off topic that the salt in sweat corrodes metal. Just a neat fact, another factor that could be added to the reason for the springlock failure that William had miraculously recovered from.
Uh hope ya don't mind me rambling Link LMAO
I DONT mind you rambling, I love it
I personally choose to believe Bonnie beat the absolute SHIT out of him after Freddy dragged him out of the room, since in the original novel Trilogy Bonnie had it out SPECIFICALLY for Dave in one scene that was omitted from the graphic novel adaptation. I think Bonnie just rocked this man's shit while he was down and Freddy probably had to pull him off of him
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artificialcaretaker · 10 months
So I’m aware of the fact that it’s dickish to talk about why you DON’T like something under its own tag but I don’t really know how to say anything WITHOUT tagging so just as a fair warning here I’m gonna be talkin about my personal opinions on the HS Epilogues/HS2 under the cut and they’re like. Not entirely positive??
I have nothing against you if you enjoyed them, just wanna get that out of the way!! I think it’s great that you found somethin that makes you happy personally!! I’m not expecting anyone to renounce their love for some silly little comic because I personally don’t like it. Do whatever you want forever and all that!!
I also know this is a dead topic like advanced decay topic but I’m bored and I’m not sleepy and I wanna ramble. This isn’t coherent.
Ok I’m just gonna stop now.
Hi!! You’re still here!! Nice, lovely, glad to have you, etc. etc.
So here’s the thing,
I’ve seen many people say this and, if I’m remembering correctly, I’ve been told a couple times as well that like, the Epilogues and the like aren’t serious, y’know??
Like, they’re not supposed to be taken seriously. It’s advanced stages of irony only 1% of viewers can solve this riddle type stuff.
Therefore, there’s a very good chance that I sorta just. Don’t get it??
Or it’s just a different type of humor then what I personally enjoy, which, again, is perfectly fine!!
Thinking about it though, I think what makes it, like, uncomfortable to a lot of people is the fact that it’s, like.
It’s not the irony that Homestuck proper was built off of, y’know??
Again, could be reading it wrong, but to me Homestuck very much has parody elements, but it’s also very affectionate about it.
It’s like, “Hey, you don’t know your online friends irl, wouldn’t it be fuckin bonkers if they were aliens or from an apocalyptic future cuz that’s technically possible” and that’s a parody type thing, y’know??
But it’s also very clear that the friendships displayed are very genuine. Like, they literally carry the bulk of all relationships in the comic.
And it’s like, yea, when you think about it this concept in online culture is really goofy, but it’s still important!!
And that’s a pretty obvious example, but there are a lot of other parody elements in Homestuck like that.
And maybe I’m a pansy but, like. That was nice, y’know??
And I feel like the Epilogues and such were also trying to go for something like that.
Like, I don’t blame people who see any of the contents and think it’s serious, because it DOES get into some seriously heavy shit, but looking at some stuff for a while makes it, like, glaringly obvious that it was a big joke about fanfiction.
I mean the intro page is literally a mock up of the AO3 tagging system like I don’t blame people for not looking into things but it was right there, y’know??
And I mean, cool!! As someone who enjoys and writes fanfiction, I can confirm that it’s really dumb when you think about it!! It’s weird and silly and sometimes you find yourself asking “Dude why the FUCK am I doing this?!”
But unlike Homestuck proper, I feel like they sorta just. End it at that.
From the way I see it, the joke sorta ends at “Hey guys, isn’t fanfiction weird?”
But they sorta just. Kept doing that. And it was just every single punchline.
And to me that fell kinda flat, y’know??
It also just sorta feels mean after a while cuz it’s literally just “Fanfiction is weird” and no further elaboration.
I mean we KNOW, y’know??
It also almost feels a little self deprecating considering that after a while Hussie wasn’t really working on the Epilogues all that much which essentially meant the writing was technically done BY fanfiction authors.
Poking fun at yourself and your weird hobbies can be fun!! It can elicit some good laughs, especially if your audience is people with similar experiences to you!!
I feel like it’s something that has to be done in moderation, though.
And I see what the Epilogues and the like were going for, and I’m not one to say that anyone’s sense of humor is inherently wrong because comedy is subjective.
But as stated, in moderation.
To me it kinda just got old really fast and there wasn’t really any other joke besides that one.
So while I certainly understand that having disturbing and uncomfortable topics isn’t what automatically makes something bad to some people, I DO think that overuse of a punchline is a very common and very valid reason to not enjoy something.
And again, I’m not mad at you or anything if you DO like the Epilogues/HS2 or if you DO find them funny.
I just, like. Don’t.
And I feel like a lot of other people just sorta don’t find them funny and that’s their main gripe with them.
But then they don’t REALIZE that they don’t find them funny and so they scramble to find another way to explain why they don’t enjoy them and while that’s perfectly understandable it leads to an environment where complete dickheads can squeeze their way in and be complete dickheads to creators to the point where it’s NOT being a dickhead and it’s just straight up harassment and that’s how HS2 got to the situation it’s in today and that is NOT FUN!!
But yea no in conclusion I don’t find the Epilogues/HS2 funny, I find it very likely that most other people who don’t enjoy them just don’t find it funny, I’m not mad or trying to change your mind if you DO find them funny because comedy is subjective, just don’t be a fucking dickhead and that’s not even targeted at anyone just don’t be a dickhead.
Anyways I gotta go tuck Ruby Longstocking in it’s past their bedtime and we’re going to the water park tomorrow for a family fun day.
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simonstamenovic · 1 year
UMM com update incoming! idr how much of this I shared god bless + not a lot happened that isnt rly specific bc we had downtime
i was away from the group while they went to a food truck bc someone that worked there is missing
they got told the missing person (mia) was a bad cook but everyone loved her food anyway bc it made them feel good (rift confirmed there) and that she was contacted by an ex cop/current PI, luis navarro (sp?)
I ended up at rice assets, got told to make an appt and killed time for tink to explore by going in circles abt my schedule. then said I wanted to invest in the area (bc the person who is the Big Bad of this section was talking abt that) got laughed at and ultimately had to wait til work was done
(flash forward) texting Seth abt how I found who we r looking for and tink is scared of her + she makes me feel weird too (looking at her increased my clingy status effect by 1 number, or 2 pips)
got told I almost texted "I miss you" but erased it before (my choice) saying "please come here" (I very very rarely say please)
(flash forward, after food truck but before texting Seth)
rest of the group goes to where luis last was, run into his wife, find a gun w silver bullets + a silver knife. told abt "faerie ring park" as a lead
they found a drawing of [INSERT BAD RIFT HERE] and seth used prev gatekeeper knowledge re: what is weak to silver
they text info to calvin (as this is just meant to be reconnaissance) and he tells everyone to come back immediately
Seth argues in my favor, saying he's glad he didn't pledge anything to Calvin bc I Very Rarely directly ask for things/mention my feelinfs
i sic my shadow on eva rice (scary woman) and text Seth that I'll concede and go back to Calvin but will not be waiting long
the others r not my business. Seth goes to work and Calvin can tell it unsettles me, puts his hand on my shoulder and tells me he will be back soon. it is nothing but humiliating that everyone else can tell how weird I'm being
text Seth 2 meet me in neverland after he's done w work, in the meantime I try and get ppls shadows to tell me their secrets
Seth texts me that we need to talk about something (ooc I know what exactly he's referring to, IC it's a miscommunication)
i meet Seth at his island filled w giant sweets and such, start rambling like "I'm really sorry I've been acting so strangely that place is weird and you just. make me feel really really weird and I dont like it or understand it I oh sorry here's your jacket back"
Seth says that what he wanted to talk about was me "trying to stab" yan (didn't intend to stab him. he grabbed me and I flailed around w my knife til he let me go).
he said that I should apologize. "do you consider yan a friend? i think you do." (cue grimace) and I was like. i guess. if I have to.
Seth asks what I was talking about before "what?" (playing dumb) "what?" (knows I suck at being vulnerable) "I... forgot." (lying so bad) but he accepts it bc he is sweet and won't push
i make some colorful silver bullets + a silver laced chain
mc suggests me n Seth sleep in neverland
we all meet calvin next day give him info, roxie gives us various silver things he was able to make in one day, Roxie sees my bullets and pats me very hard on the back
i awkwardly apologize to yan, I'm more focused on the knife thing while to him the serious thing is that I put myself in danger. i tell him Ive never really had friends before and to me none of this seemed like a huge deal (the last part is not in those words. much less blatant re: not knowing what's normal. i did say that I've never had a friend that isn't tink tho)
I'm not sure he accepts my apology but he does give me a hug because he knows how hard it is for me.
we head 2 faerie ring park because eva rice is busy at work and we will not be able to confront her until later. the park is abandoned and "smells of decay" there was a man in a raincoat who disappeared? no. jumped into a hole. end session.
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mysteryvexyll · 3 years
deltamath help videos do be explaining math better than my 8th grade math teacher
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Hello I really love your writing. I’m glad that you decided to open requests for a bit. I have a personal headcanon that the boys are a lot nicer to MC then they are to everyone else. Could you do a headcanon of the boys being out with MC and they are talking with MC happily. Then a lesser demon sees them with MC and says that the seven brothers have gone weak and they aren’t scared of them anymore. Thank you again!!! 😖 (Also the way you write Levi is great)
Aww thank you!! Levi's kind of my favorite character (if that hasn't become painfully obvious) so I try to write him well, you know? This one was a little hard for me to write because I just have a hard time imagining Asmo and Beel as something intimidating to the masses, but I tried my best! I hope you like it!
Lesser Demons Think the Brothers have "Gone Soft…"
If anybody had something to lose by acting sweet on a lowly human, it was Lucifer. His entire image was built on the back of power and intimidation, so really who didn't see this coming?
He knew there were whispers… Mostly in the RAD hallways. Students would see him with the MC and gossip amongst themselves… 
"Did you see them together again in the courtyard?"
"How did some random human even score a pact with him??"
"And I used to seriously look up to him, too…"
He'd always silence their chitchat with a well placed glare, but this was a symptom of something more… troubling. A decay of his social image if you will.
Perhaps it speaks to how well and truly enamored he was with the MC that this proud creature didn't just dump them the second he started looking bad, but still… a part of him really couldn't stand for this...
So maybe it was a blessing in disguise when he finally got an excuse to establish his superiority yet again!
He and the MC were walking the halls of RAD after school hours and they had just made an amusing joke at the expense of of his brothers. Unfortunately, Lucifer collided into a lesser demon student while he was laughing…
On most occasions, he would have expected someone of such station to pay him deference then offer an apology - they had just ran into Lucifer after all - but the student just scoffed at him!
Lesser Demon: "Oi! Watch where you're going, Lucifer! Or were you too busy sucking up to that human to notice?"
This… was maybe not the best response to have (if the "Oh shit" look on the MC's face was any indication) but for as annoyed as Lucifer was, he was also somewhat delighted.
Finally, he had the perfect messenger for just how cruel he could still be!
Lucifer: "MC, feel free to go home without me for now and tell my brothers to save my dinner for later…" *starts pulling out his favorite rope with a cold, but pleased, smile on his face* "I have a feeling I'll be home late tonight..."
The MC left him and his unfortunate victim to their fate and Lucifer later came home in the night with his uniform in a bad need of cleaning...
A new body decorated the RAD entrance hall the next morning - swinging from the ceiling and making an awful mess on the floor - but still alive enough give a very important message to the rest of the students:
"Lucifer hasn't changed a bit…"
So, not even lesser demons see Mammon as some kind of high-ranking badass… 
Just to be clear, he is, but it’s hard for him to come off that way when he's begging for his next Grimm... Then enter MC into the picture and he somehow lost even MORE cred.
"There goes poor Mammon… Did you hear he got tricked into a pact?"
"Just look at him nipping at the human's heels! How pathetic is that??"
"Well that's Mammon for you… What a shit excuse for a demon."
Like Lucifer, Mammon wasn’t immune to the whispers, but unlike his brother he was able to push them mostly out of his mind. People look down on him? Yeah, what else is new?
To be honest, he didn’t really feel the need to prove anything to a bunch of lesser demon losers… But insulting his MC takes things a step too far.
He and the MC were out at the Devil's Coast, "enjoying" some of the haunted house attractions and generally having a good time…ish. 
Any time they managed to make it out of one, the MC would have to peel Mammon off their back and hold him to assure him they were back to safety (a process he seemed to like enough to repeat the horror that precedes it).
It was during one of these calm down sessions that the two were accosted by a couple of snickering lesser demons, clearly looking for a fight…
Lesser Demon 1: "Hey look! There's the 'Great' Mammon and his little master!"
Lesser Demon 2: "Guess the master fits the demon… Of course someone like Mammon couldn't even score a pact with Solomon and gets stuck with the weakling!"
Lesser Demon 1: "Well how's the babysitting going, Mams? I bet you can't wait for them to kill over, can ya?"
Lesser Demon 2: "Careful! With his luck, they'll probably get eaten by the end of next week! Haha!!"
Now… an important thing to know about Mammon is that you can fling all the mud and stones you'd like at him… but never at his MC. That's just asking for a bruising...
Mammon: *smiling like usual, but his eyes are practically burning with rage...* "Yo, MC… I'm gettin' a little hungry. Can ya go find us a snack over there? I'll meet ya in a bit…"
MC: "Mammon, are you-?"
Mammon: "Don’t worry 'bout me, babe." *takes his glasses off and flashes a fanged grin* "This is'a piece of cake."
And indeed, it wasn't difficult at all. No matter how fast those demons ran, they could never out speed Mammon and he was looking to give more than a warning…
The MC didn't know what he did while they were waiting in line, but they heard the sounds of pleading go silent before Mammon turned back up with a nice bruise on his cheek. Oh, how they fretted and dotted on him…
Meanwhile, the haunted houses just earned themselves a couple new mannequins!… when rigor sets in anyway.
Levi has a… mixed reputation in the Devildom to start with. People who only know him for his titles usually expect him to be some kind of sea-hardened badass. Those who meet him are… well let's say less than impressed.
This isn't anything new to Levi. It does take a blow to his confidence sometimes but even still most people aren't dumb enough to say something to his face… most people.
Unfortunately, "most people" have been getting bolder after seeing him with MC - because Demon Lord forbid Leviathan actually look happy for a change…
He and the MC were out and about for once. There was a raffle for exclusive merch at Anidaemon and he brought them along to boost his chances. They were grinning and chatting about anime but well…
The human couldn’t hear this, but he could - sensitive demon ears and all that. There were a couple guys who were tailing him… heckling him just loud enough that he was CERTAIN they knew he could hear them...
Lesser Demon 1: "Is that seriously Leviathan hanging out with a human? Isn’t he an Admiral??"
Lesser Demon 2: "Ha! The whole family's turned into simps, are you that surprised?"
Lesser Demon 1: "Wonder what the human's giving them that's got them all brainwashed…"
Lesser Demon 2: "Well... I've got an idea." 😏
If there were ever a reason for bile to fill his throat, it was now. He might be a shut-in, but those guys were the real creeps…
To be honest, Levi isn't one for public confrontation. Even with how gross and disrespectful those demons were being, he would have let it slide if they had just left it at that… but no…
He and the MC were browsing the ani-music racks in the store when those idiots popped up again. They hovered a while until they MC suddenly left his side to go find a store clerk.
When he saw the other demons move their direction, he naturally put himself between them and the would-be harassers. It was a little telling that despite his ticked off expression, the demons just laughed in his face!
Lesser Demon 2: "Hey look, the puppy's come out to protect its owner! How cute!"
Lesser Demon 1: "I can't believe you're that predictable, Levi… Do you really think we'd be scared of you?"
Well. That settled it.
When the MC came back, they found that Levi had moved from the music racks to the merch tables near the bathrooms. They didn't think anything of it… but...
One body was paralyzed by his venom and stuffed head first in a toilet while the other getting strangled by his tail just underneath the tablecloth… Meanwhile, Levi was cheerfully rambling about the raffle like nothing was happening at all.
Maybe they should have been a little more scared of the shut-in...
This may actually be a case where the rumors have a point… The MC has made Satan "soft."
Well, if "soft" means actually in control of himself, anyway. 
Satan would probably call their effect on him both a blessing and a curse. Though he loved finally having a handle on his inner rage, it flew in the face of a lot of his public image… and people were starting to notice….
"Do you think there's something off about Satan…?"
"I saw the human step on his toes earlier and he didn't even flinch…! The old Satan would have torn them apart!!"
"He's gotten way too nice all of sudden… Wrath shouldn't be nice."
Was it a little frustrating? Certainly. Especially for someone as image conscious as him. But for as calm as he was now, Satan wasn’t any less cruel and he'd be more than happy to remind others of that fact….
His chance came when he and the MC were together having just left the local art gallery. The two were exchanging a healthy dialogue about a curious sculpture they saw on display when a latte suddenly went soaring through the air and ended up all over Satan's sweater… The culprit was plain to see, being the only other demon on the road that night.
Whether the act was intentional or not, the correct course of action would have been to apologize immediately and beg for mercy forgiveness… but all the demon did was laugh in his face…
Maybe he thought that since Satan had mellowed out and his human was right beside him that he'd be lenient… Oh no. Not gonna happen.
Satan's fist slammed into the guy's mouth with the force of a jetliner and knocked him over two benches before his back bent over a lamppost… To say it was a KO move would be an understatement.
He probably could have done a whole lot worse to the guy while he was down, but you know… the MC being there and "self-control" and what not…
The demon survived (barely) and only had to spend a few months in the hospital, if anything he got off light.
Not a soul would gloss over Satan's temper again and really he preferred it that way.
Well, to be fair not a lot of people thought that Asmo was tough to start with… but that's also his intention.
"Scary" is the opposite of "cute" and he prefers to be "cute" at all times! 😊
Buuut that doesn’t mean this scorpion is without a stinger. He CAN be quite brutal when he wants to be, you just have to push him that far and trashing his looks is a good way to start.
Asmo was out with the MC getting his hair done for the week at his favorite salon. They weren't the only people there that day, obviously. There were other customers - one being a lesser demon classmate of theirs - though neither he nor the MC thought much of him at the time...
Well… It was supposed to be a prank. Probably something the guy intended to use for social media clout. While the staff was too busy to notice, he snuck by and replaced Asmo's preferred conditioner with pink hair dye…
Asmo. Was. Furious. And honestly, the dude could have gotten away with it if he hadn't been laughing and recording the whole thing!
When Asmo's ire naturally fell onto him, he hardly looked fazed!
Lesser Demon: "Ah, please! You won't do shit to me with the human still around! You don't want to look any uglier to them do ya?"
Asmo: *freezes, but still furiously eyeing every sharp instrument within arm’s reach* "MC? Darling?"
MC: "Got it..."
Perhaps the prankster should have kept his mouth shut, because suddenly the MC needed to take a looong bathroom break…
They didn't come back out until they heard the sounds of screeching and broken glass finally die down and then they stepped back into a warzone… Broken mirrors and items seemingly flung everywhere in a fit of rage! The guy (and his phone) now nowhere to be seen…
The salon comped Asmo for the botched hair job and touch up… and then billed Lucifer for the property damage (which he got an earful about later). On the bright side though, Asmo actually looks pretty great with pink hair! Silver-linings. 🙂
… The concept of Beel "going soft" is almost an oxymoron. He IS soft, but his personality was never what made him intimidating to start with.
Behind all his kindness, Beel packs more firepower than at least 4 for his siblings combined and most people remember that fact. Hell, the guy looks like he could lift a semi and he probably would if he ever tried. 
However, that doesn’t save him from being underestimated completely... Especially when an upstart or two thinks he's too nice to actually start a fight...
He and the MC were coming back from the grocery store with the usual armfuls of sacks when the MC accidentally walked into a lesser demon on the street. Since their arms were full, several items spilled out from the bags and onto the ground…
The MC was quick to apologize to the demon and try to get down to clean the mess, but the asshole just kept walking… and Beel really didn't like that.
Beel: "Hey! Aren't you going to say, 'Sorry?'"
The lesser demon hardly looked over his shoulder to respond.
Lesser Demon: "Why should I? That's your human. Take care of them yourself."
Well it didn't take long for some of Beel's bags to hit the floor so he could lift the demon up by the back of the neck properly. When he turned the guy to face him, he made sure to bring his face reeaal close so he could hear him growl...
Beel: "Apologize. Or I'll eat you."
And like that, the asshole's mood went from "Do it yourself," to "Yessir Mr. Beelzebub, sir!" right quick!
The MC didn't have to carry a single bag another step and Beel got to keep his free hand so he could link it with theirs!... all while Beel kept mushing their new pack-mule forward like a sled dog back to the House. Thanks, Beel! 😊
Kind of similar to Asmo, Belphie prefers to come off as unassuming on most days. But don't let his, "I'm a harmless sleepy boy" shtick fool you. He will cut a bitch if he's so motivated...
Thankfully for the world, he's generally not motivated. But that can be changed under the right circumstances...
Belphie and the MC were on yet another date to the botanical gardens. It's a peaceful place, though the MC can never go alone because of the frankly concerning amount of flesh-eating plants… Pretty, but also deadly, you know?
The two of them were walking to another rest spot when Belphie heard whispering from a demon behind them, seemingly on his phone…
Lesser Demon: “Yeah, I can see them right now…”
Lesser Demon: “I know right? It's so lame that these guys are in charge of us… They can't even say no to a dumb human!”
Lesser Demon: “What do you mean keep my voice down? Dude, it's fine! This is Belphegor we're talking about, the hell is he going to do if he hears me?”
… Huh.
The answer to the man's question was a simple one. Flash into his demon form for just a moment and whip out his tail... It only took a quick swipe to make him trip and fall right into the foliage. The man-eating… carnivorous… hungry… foliage….
Belphie was back to normal by the time the jerk let out his first scream and the MC almost stopped to see what had happened.
MC: "What the-oh my God!! Should we help-??”
Belphie: *puts his hands on their shoulders to keep them moving, not even glancing back* “Someone else will take care of it. Let's see the roses.”
Even when the desperate cries for help became distant, it took all Belphie had to stifle a smile…
Sometimes, you've got to love irony. 🤷‍♀️😏
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
REDACTED verse - Friends & flowers
Prompt: Any/Any/Autumn as metaphor for death and decay
Word Count: 1,087
Author/Team: LadyMonotone
Fandom/Original: Redacted ASMR (Oliver/Baby & Caelum) 
Rating: G
Triggers: NA
Summary: While Oliver plans to surprise Babe with some flowers, he meets an interesting individual at the florist. 
ConCrit: Y 
What do Caelum & Oliver have in common? MUCH SAWFTNESS! 
This is my first ever attempt at writing both Caelum & Oliver, but when I saw the prompt and listened to their playlist on loop, I just had to give it a try! 
Also, I'm not sure what Ollie calls his Listener, but I listened to his recent video and 'Babe' seems to be it. If I'm wrong, please correct me so I can change it. 
On lunch break, while dining out with his coworker, Oliver recalls Babe's favourite flowers. They also recall how wide their smile was when they went out to view flowers together.  
So by the time they left the restaurant, and an idea came into mind. 
Both of them have been working hard lately, so Oliver wants to surprise them with a bouquet of their favourite flowers before Autumn claims them. So on the day that Babe is working while he's on leave, he kisses them goodbye and hopes that they'll have a good day before tackling the household chores. 
Laundry wash and fold, floors mop and dry, not to mention their meal plans are prep for the week; Oliver is pretty proud of his productive Monday so far. 
After a light lunch, he made his way into the city for the nearest flower shop. With Autumn fast approaching, he hopes there are still some fresh flowers left. The bell tinkles delicately when Oliver push opens the door. 
The shop is quaint and brightly lit. Rows of flowers are neatly displayed behind a large glass window, and more in vases are at the back of the shop. Beside the wooden working table, there are also shelves with pretty paper wrappings, velvet ribbons, cute little bottles of glitters, and a variety of glass bottles. 
The best part of the shop, in Oliver's humble opinion, is that there's no one it except for the owner behind the register. 
"Hey there! Is there anything that I can help you with?" The owner greets Oliver with a small smile when he approaches the counter. 
"I was hoping you could make a customise bouquet with some flowers I have in mind," Oliver replies. He takes a quick around the flowers again and continues, "Marigolds, pink roses, red tulips and... white carnations. Do you have those even in Autumn?" 
"You're in luck! We still have marigolds and carnations, but there are in the back. Let me grab some for you."
Oliver thank the man and lingers towards the tall vases of flowers to admire them. Viewing the flowers makes him calm and happy. 
When he turns around, there is someone in the shop with him. A young man is checking out the flowers near the window. Oliver didn't hear the bell rings, so the sudden sight of the stranger nearly made his heart jumps out of his ribcage in fright.  
What's comical is that when the stranger faces away from the window and their eyes meet, he looks as surprised as Oliver. 
"H-Hi..." Oliver begins when they silently and awkwardly stare at each other for more than five minutes. "Are you here for the f-flowers too?" The moment that escapes from his mouth, Oliver curses himself. What kind of question is that!? A dumb one, that's what it is! 
"O-Oh, hi! Hello!" The stranger flusters adorably, wringing his hands together. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise that you could... see me... A-Ah, never mind! Please forget I said anything!" 
Oliver - a grown ass man - nearly coo at his shyness. The stranger reminds him of fluffy cotton candies, Babe's hugs and warm blankets for some reason. In fact... standing in front of him somehow makes his day ten times better. It's strange. 
"Whoa, hey, I-I didn't mean to startle you. I'm sorry about that." Oliver hurries to apologise. "I'm just here to surprise my partner with their favourite flowers. Flowers make them happy. So I figured it's a perfect idea." He starts to ramble; his face starts to flush red in embarrassment too. 
But instead of annoyance, Oliver is greeted with a wide, happy smile from the stranger. 
"I'm sure they'll love it! I love flowers too! I came here to watch them because they make me feel warm and fuzzy inside, so your partner will definitely feel the same." The stranger excitedly chatters, and the shop seems to brighten like magic. His happiness is infectious because Oliver couldn't help but smile too as his embarrassment melts away. 
"Thanks. You're very kind; um, are you here just to admire the flowers or are you thinking of buying for someone?" 
"Uh... I'm not sure. My friends just bought a huuugggeee house, and Gavin said buying flowers as a housewarming gift is what humans usually do... Oh right! My name is Caelum! It's always fun making new friends."
"Caelum? Like the stars? That's a beautiful name. I'm Oliver and uh, same here."
Well, despite that one weird comment about humans, it gradually becomes easier to talk to the stranger - Caelum - after they trade their favourite flowers. 
"I always feel sort of sad whenever the flowers wither away when Autumn comes around," Oliver admits after he explains to Caelum that each flower holds a special meaning and language. "The world loses a bit of its colours as Autumn brings it all in a state of death and decay." 
Caelum pondered over Oliver's sombre words with a conflicted expression. However, his soft smile quickly returns. "It's OK to feel sad b-but you have to remember that the flowers will always come back. And that Autumn is a good thing! It means new things can grow more." 
That was... quite profound. Underneath his innocence, Oliver starts to suspect that Caelum is a lot more than meets the eye. Caelum then continues to rambles about the seasons, how each makes him happy, and how much good they bring to the world. 
His mouth might run for miles, but Oliver is hooked on his every word and opinion. He often speaks about his teacher and friends with great affection, the silly adventures they shared, and his endless love for baked sweets. 
Caelum is too sweet for his good, Oliver decides. He's relieved that he has so many good friends to take care of him. 
His rambles then suddenly stop, his eyes widen as he stares behind the shop. Oliver was about to ask what's wrong when he rapidly blurts out, "Oh! I gotta go! I had so much fun talking to you, Oliver. Let's buy flowers for our friends next time!" Caelum then sprints out of the shop as soon as the owner steps out of the back room with an armful of the flowers that Oliver requested. 
"Alright, sir. Here are the flowers. Do you have a wrapping - uh, were you talking to someone? I could hear voices just now." 
Oliver blinks and glances at the door Caelum just ran out from. "Made a friend, but he, uh, has to be somewhere apparently." 
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
Okay I lied I actually have one last thing before I go for tonight. It’s a kinda dumb question for any fellow autistic/ADHD folks in the DSMP who are still special interested in and/or hyperfixated on canon even after all that’s gone down. Kinda a ramble so check below the cut.
Do...do any of you guys feel like this whole gradual decay of DSMP lore has been...well...traumatizing, kinda?
I know that’s a silly way to put it. That’s just the best way I can describe what I’m experiencing at the moment. What I have been experiencing for months since the Michael rescue stream.
 I feel empty. I feel numb. I’m so depressed and sad and in grief over this story. I still love it! I still love the lore, the world, the plots and the characters! I still love this story and wanna see it end well in a way that wraps it all up in a pretty bow that we can all enjoy for ages to come.
But I’m just sad.
Sad, angry, bitter, and honestly kind of lost with no new story to latch onto. I feel like I’ve been cut loose and that I’m just watching this thing I loved go on from a distance. I see the new streams. I get upset over things that aren’t good. I have my moment of crit, try to salvage what I can, then go back into my safety bubble of headcanons/AUs/fix-its and rewrites that I have to preserve these characters in the way that made me love them rather than the hollow messes they are now in lore.
It makes me feel sick. I have nothing to build my mental state onto anymore. No core. No central node of my mind that I can use as the base for everything else. For me, special interests & hyperfixations are the foundation of my whole inner world. So now that my foundation has rotten away as it has in such a slow and gradual decay, I’m just stuck in this whisy-washy void where everything’s cold and I can’t even think about it without feeling so damn sick! 
Is it normal to feel this way when a special interest’s canon story turns out bad? Is this a thing other people feel? Am I just depressed or retraumatized by seeing my comfort block game RP turn to shit? Hello? Help,,,,
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rollflasher · 3 years
Another Sonic ramble
So once again I’m here with one of my rambles about my incredibly subjective view of how the Sonic series should be handled! *Beat*
So, one of the more recurring opinions on the fandom is that Sonic games should be written by Ian Flynn, I have talked before about the gripes I have with his writing and why I disagree with this but this post is not entirely about him, but rather a more general topic that has been bugging me for a long time.
The other day I was watching a video speculating about the upcoming Sonic Rangers, there’s not much to write home since it was pretty well made but there’s a particular part that inspired me to do this post and talk about it with other fans to discuss it.
See, at one point the video critisized the fact that Sonic Forces was written by a Japanese writer because they have to re-write the script in English and that can cause problems with localization, and that it would be better to have western writers from the get-go since Sonic’s main demographic comes from there, while making an off-hand suggestion that Ian Flynn could be a main choice. While I can see where they’re coming from, my response was a simple:
‘‘Absolutely, not’‘
See, I have a lot of issues with this to put it bluntly and I’ll try to break them down and explain them the best I can since they’re pretty subjective in nature, but I’m bringing this up because I want you guys to share your thoughts as well.
So, why does it bug me so much the idea of Sonic being handled by western creators?
In my case, the main reasons are because Sonic loses a core part of it’s appeal because of this, the fact that SEGA of Japan seems to have a better grasp of the franchise’s tone and characters and there’s the very subjective point that, in my eyes, American versions of Japanese franchises were always nothing more than dumbed down products of the source material.
To start with my first point, whenever someone talks about Sonic’s creation, a lot of people are quick to point out that our favorite blue hedgehog and his games were inspired by western pop culture and cartoons, and that is true, however oftenly they forget to mention a core thing that not only inspired, but also formed part of the core identity of this franchise.
Sonic is very inspired on anime, and at heart this franchise is a shonen.
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(This image by The Great Lange expresses more clearly what I mean)
Generally, the most acknowledgement anime gets on it’s hand on Sonic is the mentions of Sonic being inspired by Dragon Ball, particularly the Super Saiyan, but there’s so much more than that, as Sonic blatantly takes inspiration from Studio Ghibli films specially in games like Sonic 3, which draws a lot of inspiration from Laputa: Castle in the Sky, this great post shows proof that this is not a coincidence.
And it doesn’t stop there, Shiro Maekawa himself has stated that SA2′s story (and in particular, the characters of Shadow and Maria) draw a lot of inspiration from the manga Please Save My Earth.
Even Sonic’s character design resembles shonen protagonists moreso than the main characters of silent cartoons, don’t believe me?
Sure, Sonic has a cartoony anatomy, no one can deny that, but he also exhibits a lot of traits from shonen characters such as spiky hair/quills (?), dynamic posing, a confident, courageous and energetic personality and most importantly, fighting spirit.
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If you compare Sonic’s personality and more specifically, his abilities and moves to, say, cartoon speedy characters like the Road Runner, there’s a pretty big disconnection between him and western cartoon characters. Hell, this disconnection is even just as present if you compare him with a character like The Flash from DC.
Simply put, Sonic acts, moves and more importantly, fights like a shonen anime character. He doesn’t just go Super Saiyan and that’s it. Here’s even a quick comparison if necessary.
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And this is important because this doesn’t apply just to him, but the whole franchise as a whole and when it takes a more western approach, all of these details are kinda lost or more downplayed, of course this depends on the artists and there’s YMMV at hand, but I think my point is clear.
My second point is...SoJ has consistently proven they have a much clearer grasp on how Sonic’s world and characters are compared to SoA.
Hear me out, yes, Sonic 06 and ShtH exist and yes, SoJ is not perfect by any means. But hear me out...when did the characters start to get flanderized and turned into parodies of themselves? In the 2010s...and when did SEGA move from Japanese to western writers in the games?
Of course it was more then that since there’s a whole tone shift that came with this decade and the new writers, but it’s not a coincidence that when writing in Sonic started to decay, western writers also happened to get on board with the games.
Besides that, SoA has a wide history of not getting Sonic’s tone and characters, from how they made media without much of Sonic Team’s input, to altering how characters are seen in the west. (Such as how they amped up Sonic’s attitude in their media or how the English scripts of the games featured things like Sonic seemingly barely tolerating Amy while the JP scripts portrayed this as Sonic just not understanding girls all that well instead, or for more recent examples, the addition of the ‘’torture’’ line in Forces). Not only that, but even ignoring obvious infamous writers like Ken Penders, even the ‘’best’’ writers from the western side of Sonic are still not above of giving us Pontaff-esque gems.
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Like this one.
Or alternatively, I feel like sometimes western writers on Sonic rely a bit too much on their personal vision about Sonic which may or may not be a good thing, clear examples of this are Ian Flynn himself and Pontaff.
By contrast, while SoJ has it’s own share of notorious inconsistencies when dealing with writing (The 2000s era is a big offender), it seems that for them Sonic hasn’t changed much and this is visible not only on the JP scripts of the Modern games which are for the most part better than the ENG ones, but also things like the Sonic Channel comics and the recent one-shots they made with Sonic interacting with the cast show that for all intents and purposes, the Japanese’s staff vision of Sonic is much more clear and consistent compared to the west. Because of this, I’d rather have a good Japanese writer on Sonic games with the localization being focused on being faithful with the original script than have a more western writers dramatically changing the characters. (I don’t mention the tone since either way, SEGA is the one in charge of that and the writers have to follow that)
My last and very subjective point is that, at least for me, everything SoA does with Sonic involving the writing and canon feels like a dumbed down version of the source material. One of the reasons it bugs me so much that in the latest decade Sonic has taken a more western direction is because a lot of what I pointed out gets lost as a result, even if some of those elements are still there, you can tell they’re more downplayed with products like the Tyson Hesse shorts having a more predominant cartoon direction. If any of you have been following my blog for a long time, you should be aware that just because I prefer the Japanese Sonic content doesn’t mean I won’t give the western products a chance, my enjoyment for Mania, the Tyson Hesse shorts and the movie should be a testament of that, but at the same time I can’t help but being sour about the fact that because of these products, we don’t have stuff like a new anime for Sonic or even a serialized ‘’main’’ manga as an alternative for the comics, and my hype for these products is generally more subdued as a result since I’d wish SEGA rather spent that money and resources on more Japanese content than just merchandise.
In particular, because Sonic is a Japanese franchise with a notorious inspiration from anime, what I get from this is a pretty big contradiction. I know Sonic is much more popular on the west but...is it really necessary for his game or products to be handled by western creators to keep their appeal?
For instance, imagine if Dragon Ball’s manga and anime got replaced by western comics and animated series because of it’s world-wide appeal, would that really be the same?
Or imagine the same thing with Fullmetal Alchemist, a pretty aclaimed anime that has a lot of western influence. Would it really not matter at all if it’s Japanese products were replaced with western ones?
At least for me, it wouldn’t.
And what I said about American versions of Japanese franchises being nothing more than watered down versions of the source material? I have that view because of countless examples.
Mega Man and how the English manuals removed a lot of important information about the story of the Blue Bomber’s game and world, causing a lot of plot holes in the process.
American remakes like Godzilla 1998 or Dragon Ball Evolution being an in-name only version of the source material.
Or the many censored anime English dubs from the 2000s, for instance, whenever I see the Yu-Gi-Oh! dubs, I only see a very dumbed down and childish version of a show that was originally a shonen.
And I know that all of these things don’t have to necessarely get lost since every creator is different and there’s franchises like Avatar which are made on the west but draw a lot of inspiration from anime and I’m aware of that, and I want to make it clear that I’m not trying to say that American writers are not allowed to work on Sonic, what I’m trying to say is that inevitably there’s always gonna be some culture dissonance and clash when writers from another culture handle a foreign franchise. And even with examples like ATLA, I think being made by one culture while being inspired by the other is actually a big part of these franchises appeal and it’s something that can’t simply be replicated by handing it to creators from that specific culture they draw inspiration from.
I think James Rolfe’s quote about the same thing with the Godzilla franchise sums up how I feel about this.
‘‘It’s like champagne, anybody can make their own and call it champagne, but unless it’s from Champagne France, it’s not real champagne’‘
So, this last part was very subjective, but I think this post in general sums up why I dislike so much the idea of Sonic having western writers specifically in the games or just focusing more on that side in general.
But what do you guys think? I guess I am too biased so that’s why I wanted to ask for opinions and discuss this topic.
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