#death threats to a hat
ziracona · 2 years
We remember how much his ‘look at what they’re doing, what they’re asking you to do,’ monologue slapped, but what Deacon doesn’t get enough credit for is that he’s right about every single faction when he cautions you too.
#I have been thinking about this a lot but his problem with the Minutemen is he doesn’t trust the power structure as not likely to corrupt &#while if you’re a good General the Minutemen stay in corrupted and are /very good/ they can also become used by a bad PC and deeply corrupt#and even convinced to sell out the commonwealth to the institute AND think they’re doing the right thing so he’s actually 4-for-4#he’s a little harsh maybe but he’s /not/ wrong and people don’t talk about that or the monutemen’s potential for corruption either#I adore the Minutemen! they’re great. working hard RN to drag Deacon on their entire quest line so he will like them better. but this does#not change they have the potential for deep corruption as well as becoming a great group. it’s so /easy/ to tell people who to hate and why#when you’re in charge. and the difference between them and the Railroad is the Railroad knows they’re signing on to a death sentence and#everyone is there out of a personal experience and personal conviction to do what they think is right. none of them have heard these people#are heroes and think they can become heroes by signing on. they’re a bunch of traumatized - angry - hurt people desperate to not let#something that happened to them before happen again. you can’t easily corrupt viciously held personal beliefs#now it’s not necessarily bad either that the Minutemen represent hope and justice and good! hope is vital and so is potential. people have#to believe in something right? but it does introduce the easy threat of being corrupted because people are there for the idea of something#and ideas corrupt quicker in reality than action plans do. I think it’s fascinating#Anyway Preston deserves a Minutemen who live up to what he saw them as as a child and the commonwealth needs real good guys and I will /#/always/ see he and they get them. but I don’t think Deacon is given credit foe the validity of his criticism.#it happened when he was young. they sold out and power corrupted and almost all of them and a lot of civilians died. that doesn’t have to#happen again. they /can/ be different: but it’s important to remember how easily it did last time. learn from the past. move forward#fallout 4#god I love the Minutemen though they’re very sweet. the fear in my soul when I see three people in cowboy hats with muskets and no armor#trying to take out a sentry bot in the distance let me tell you even on survival I jump into danger with a panic previously unknown#kind little fools. they’re doing great : ) 💙
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Wait ok so like I was just thinking… idk if you take one shots or anything. But imagine how scary star tugs could be when they HUNGRY. Like imagine being a worker trying to get out of port and you gotta figure out how avoid ALL the tugs 😨
Sure thing! This was a blast writing this! Tw for violence and some blood. One-shot under the cut.
You're making you way out of the port, trying to find your way by weaving through the maze of buildings late at night with nothing but your flashlight. The night air is cold, and harsh. It's wintertime here, and the tugs are showing signs of restlessness. They're getting hungry and desperate. They might not have eaten enough to last through the winter, so they're likely desperate for anything they can snatch. Even the Star Tugs seem to be becoming more aggressive. Not a good sign. That means you'll have to avoid not just the Zed-Stacks, but the Star Tugs as well.
You know you have to get close to the water to find your way out of the port. That's where most of the lights are. Lights had been put in place after the curse was cast to keep the Zed-Stacks at bay, but it seems the lights won't help much considering how desperate they seem to be. With luck, they might be far away from you when you're close to the water. You take your chances, and cautiously make your way towards the ocean waters.
You whip around as you hear something disturbing the water behind you, only to see nothing. You may not be alone here. You whip around again as you hear a deep guttural growl at the other side of you. Maybe your luck has ran out tonight. You immediately take off running as your pursuers give chase. You hear a feral snarl as you hear the wooden docks crunch from the sheer power from something much bigger than you. You then know just who was pursuing you, two tugs.
You weave between the buildings, causing one of the tugs to curse at losing you. You recognized that voice from anywhere. Ten Cents was one of your pursuers. You hide behind a building and wait to see who else is pursuing you. You spot the smallest Star Switcher, Sunshine searching for you. His forked tongue slithers from his lips and flicks, as if he's tasting the air, seeing if he can detect you. You're a bit close to him, within reach of him. You don't want to wander farther from home and possibly put yourself in more danger. You'd rather be close to the Star Docks than to be near the Zero Docks. Now that would have been a death sentence.
You take your chances and dart out from your hiding place. Sunshine whips and hisses. He tries to snatch you, only for him to barely miss you. You can feel the wind from his claws just barely missing you. You shake it off and keep running, not daring to look behind you to see if they're still chasing you. It was a few minutes before the port once again grew quiet. You stop and rest for a few moments. You know you can't run all the way home.
After a few moments, you dare to peek around the corner, only to see nothing. It's quiet.. too quiet. You cautiously make your way out from your hiding spot, looking around as you get ready to run again. You hear the water being disturbed in the distance. You know the sound of you running will draw the tug or tugs closer to you. You have to go slow to prevent getting the tug's attention. You keep glancing out in the distance, the port is almost pitch black. You're on high alert, keeping your breathing as quiet as possible. You know the tugs have a sharp sense of hearing, and can easily track you down just by the sound of your breathing if you're not careful.
You hear the movement closer this time.. much closer this time. It's a much bigger tug by the sound of it. This one might be the reason Ten Cents and Sunshine stopped pursuing you so suddenly, meaning this one was not to be messed with, so it wasn't OJ or Hercules. You haven't seen Big Mac and Warrior at all. You listen closely, seeing if you can figure out exactly where the tug is. Without warning, an anchor-like claw slams down next to you as the tug emerges from the darkness. It was Big Mac no doubt. His eyes have a ravenous and blood-thirsty glint in them as he towers over you. He bares his fangs as venom oozes from them and corrodes the concrete beneath your feet. You immediately take off running when you hear another growl not too far from you, just on the other side of you.
Big Mac suddenly stops, glaring towards the darkness. You feel the air become tense as you see an anchor-like claw gently land beside you, as if block Big Mac from reaching you. You look up to see Warrior, who is glaring daggers at Big Mac. Big Mac looks at you, seemingly tempted, but not wanting to risk injury fighting against his brother. Big Mac's tow line lashes to and fro in agitation as Warrior snarls, baring his fangs as he flexes his other claw, as if to threaten to attack if Big Mac ever thought about trying to reach for you.
Big Mac glances between you and his brother a few times before he reluctantly backs down, retreating. You look up at Warrior in shock as he looks down at you in relief, relieved he didn't have to fight his brother. He carefully reaches for you and fear takes the wheel and you book it. You can't trust Warrior either. It could be a stunt to gain your trust.
You run as fast and far as you can. You have to slow to a stop or collapse after a while of running. You have to sit and rest after running so far and fast. You're breathing heavily and shaking from both exhaustion and fear. You freeze as you hear you a deep guttural growl from the darkness once more. Except this time, you can't pinpoint exactly where the sound is coming from. It sounds like it's all around you. You look around wildly as you try and figure out where the sound is coming from. You immediately spring up as another anchor-like claw reaches for you from the darkness. You take off running, slower this time. You hope the tug will decide you're not worth the energy.
Judging by the sound, which is surprisingly soft, you can tell who it is easily. OJ, or Old Jones as he's known to be. You know he's slower than some of the others, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous than the others. Seems he's figured out how to be silent when stalking prey. You're not a bit surprised honestly. He's always been one to find ways around different problems.
You can see the port start to open up as you get closer to home. You're almost in the clear. You push yourself for the last leg of your run. You can make it. Just a little bit further and you'll be home safe. Your hopes are quickly dashed as you feel the anchor-like claws of a tug wrap around your middle and lift you up high off the ground.
You scream and kick as an attempt to break free of the strong grip of the tug. The tug lifts you up to his eye level, and you squint to see exactly who it is. Top Hat looks you up and down, head raised as he growls softly deep in his chest like a cat. You look into his eyes as he bares his massive fangs. You're looking death right in the face. Top Hat opens his jaws as venom pours from him fangs, ready to give the killing bite.
Suddenly, within the blink of an eye another tug delivers a powerful blow to the side of Top Hat's face, the sharp claws creating deep wounds on his cheek. Top Hat screeches and immediately drops you. You scream as you plummet, landing on his deck with a thud. The impact knocks the wind out of you as you gasp for air. Top Hat whips around to face his attacker, none other than Warrior. Seems he's truly trying to help you get away from his fellow fleetmates.
To Hat snarls as he delivers a blow in return. Warrior roars in pain before snapping his powerful jaws at Top Hat's anchor-like claws, barely missing by mere centimeters. Top Hat winced a bit at the sound but he too lets out a roar, as if to challenge Warrior.
Warrior narrows his eyes and smoke billows from his smoke stack, as if to snort like a dragon. Warrior looks Top Hat up and down as if he's thinking of something. He doesn't want you to get hurt in the crossfire, but knows he Top Hat won't give you up so easily. Warrior back away a bit, seemingly retreating. Top Hat smiles a wolfish and triumphant grin. His fangs glisten in the moonlight. Seems he's won and your heart sinks. You give Warrior a pleading look. Little do you know what Warrior has planned.
Top Hat reaches for you and you brace, expecting the worst. Warrior then charges at full speed, ramming into Top Hat's side, making the railway tug hit the docks, hard, and pining him against the concrete. Top Hat's screech is cut short as the breath is knocked out of him. He gasps for breath and almost tries to reach you one more time, only for Warrior to snatch you instead. Warrior snarls as he snaps his jaws at the railway tug, making Top Hat flinch a little.
Warrior growls softly and carefully looks you over for wounds, chuffing softly. He looks at Top Hat before moves further away from him, deeper into the port. Warrior gently places you on his bow. He purrs softly as you immediately run and cling to him. You tremble as you take some time to regain your strength. You sigh in relief.
Warrior freezes as he hears something, and sniffs the air. He quickly grows pale. Hercules slinks from the darkness, a bit of a ways away, but still too close for comfort. Hercules sniffs the air. Seems he hasn't spotted you yet. Warrior is quick to gently pick you up with his anchor-like claws and place you under his hat to mask you scent. He makes a decision right then and there that he needs to keep you safe for the night.
Warrior slinks deep into the port, away from the other tugs before he stops and lifts his hat and gently grabs you with anchor-like claws. He lowers you to his eye level and gives a kind smile, careful to hide his fangs.
"I hope you don't mind me keeping you safe for the night. I don't think you'll be able to make it back home in one piece." Warrior keeps his voice at a low and gentle volume and tone. You think for a moment and nod. Sure you won't make it home tonight, but you'd rather be safe than to risk being snatched by another tug that doesn't have such friendly intentions.
Warrior holds you close for a moment before he gently places you under his hat. "Don't worry about breakfast either when you get up in the morning. I'll make sure you're fed and everything. Just relax, and get some sleep. I'll protect you, I promise.."
And with that, you slowly fall asleep to Warrior's soft purring, knowing you're perfectly safe and sound.. Perhaps you've even found a new friend too.
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forter-from-meteos · 11 months
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i have a lot of thoughts about meteos
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storysetter · 5 months
Sorry, I can't support your "she's a transwomen EXCLUSIVELY and you need to die!!!!!" headcanon because he's too busy being a transman in my heart forever and you guys are just angry about that
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borrowmyshovel · 4 months
So. A transmasc child is dead. Assaulted by their classmates, left to die by school staff, misgendered and deadnamed by the press. And it's about fucking time we have a serious talk about the way we discuss transmasc victimisation - or rather, the way we don't.
The dynamic is especially evident in the way we talk about terfs, and exemplified by the dichotomy: "terfs recruit trans men, but they want trans women dead". This does three separate things:
It minimises the harm terfs do to the transmascs they recruit. Terfs don't just want transmascs to join them; they want transmascs to live as women. Coerced detransition kills. Suicide rates are extremely high among transmascs, and lack of support raises them further. To want trans men to detransition is to want them dead.
It positions trans men as a threat to trans women. As, essentially, terfs waiting to reveal themselves. What should be seen as a common enemy instead becomes a new vector for division. This fear is such that a common retort against transmascs who are seen as misbehaving is "you're gonna become a terf". Trans men are scrutinised for signs of this inevitable transformation, inundated with prophecies of their induction into the cult that wants to drag them back into the worst period of their lives.
It boosts the narrative terfs want to spread about themselves. Terfs love to say they are a safe space for transmascs. It helps them sound less hateful, and it helps them recruit. In reality, terfs are extremely hateful against transmascs they see as too far gone to be targets for recruitment. They see rape and hate crimes as just desserts, they wish death on transmascs who disagree with them, they talk about trans men on hrt as roided up monsters. And yet all of that has seemingly gone under the radar, because we're just not willing to acknowledge it happens.
More broadly, transmasc victimisation is seen as a joke. There was a hilarious post going around a while back about transmascs in abusive relationships with cis men who won't let them transition - the joke being on the transmasc in that situation. Multiple posts about specifically nonbinary transmascs, characterising their fears of transphobic violence as the oppression fantasies of privileged women, their experiences of dysphoria as laughably immaterial. No negative experience is serious enough once it's stacked up against murder, and trasnmascs who have been murdered aren't exactly in position to use that fact as a gotcha, are they?
There is a broad resistance to understanding transmascs as the victims of any situation. Part of it is a sort of trans-inclusive sexism: we don't think of cis men as victims, so we can't think of trans men as victims either. But they are.
Another is plain transphobia: dismissing trans people's experiences as not that bad, irrelevant to their trans status, or entirely fabricated is old hat at this point.
A third is a kind of... weaponised transfem advocacy? Any discussion of transmasc experience can be derailed by claiming transfems are somehow being harmed by it, and any harm that befalls a transmasc person can be dismissed by conjuring a hypothetical transfem who would have had it worse. And it sure seems like great allyship at the moment, despite the fact that it doesn't actually help transfems at all.
We often urge transmascs to be the protectors of transfems. Trans solidarity is crucial. But unless we are able to also conceptualise transmascs as needing protection, our solidarity will remain incomplete. And transmascs will continue to die, and be buried twice, both outside the trans community and inside it.
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artanogon · 2 years
Thank you for saying that. Genuinely. I haven't even touched writing or reading ESMP fanfiction after that one fic that was severely mistagged. There's a difference between dubious consent and rape. What happened in that fic is rape.
I love this community, I really do. However, there needs to be a better understanding of these characters. They even admitted to having not watched S1 yet wrote a fic that horribly mischaracterized/villainized fWhip in a way that damaged how I view him.
I'm working on that healing process as it did catch me off guard. Again, I thank you for saying what needed to be said. I may try to get back into writing in the next month or so if things go well.
– Scott ❄️
LITERALLY god it makes me [redacted for legal reasons]
fwhip as a general rule is just constantly treated SO grossly by the esmp fandom, season 1 or season 2, and sometimes going into his ao3 tag makes me feel a serious sense of despair. insert taking raymond from your island copypasta etc
and i hope you feel better soon scott :( we are sending you a hug
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sailing-ever-west · 4 days
I want to see more Luffy as an almost cryptid-like figure, leaning into the fact that he's actually kind of scary and unnerving. The strange boy in an unassuming straw hat whose smile is too wide and full of teeth, always spreading across his face when he should be running in fear. Wild black hair and dark eyes that stare straight into your soul. A laugh that's born of pure delight but sounds like the dangerous cackling of a madman, making you question What He Is. A creature who can take any shape and size, who appears in places he should never be, and when faced with death simply tells it no. Threats make him grin and drawing his blood seems only to make him stronger. Always, always hungry, and loyal to those who feed his gaping maw. A harbinger of chaos everywhere he roams, as though he were its patron saint. Luffy is actually terrifying and I need that to be acknowledged.
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ghoulsbounty · 1 month
From a Previous Life
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Cooper Howard (The Ghoul) x Fem!Reader
Summary: Bound and fearful, you seek answers from a mysterious stranger about the fate of those you love.
Warnings: Emotional hurt/comfort, mentions of death, pregnancy, non-detailed talk about experimentations, angst, grief, swearing, judgement, flirting (if you squint)
Word Count: 2.9K
A/N: My first Cooper fic! I've had this idea going around my head for a hot while and I really could go on, and on with more (yearning, smut, etc) but I just wanted to get out an initial one-shot that could potentially turn into more if any one likes it (or I end up adding to it anyway!) I'd love to hear your thoughts 💌
Edit: Part 2!
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Silently, you moved through the desolate wastelands, each step stirring clouds of dust and veiling the once lively towns now reduced to rubble. Somewhere in California, though the exact whereabouts blurred, you were leagues away from the sanctuary you once called home, apparently almost two centuries ago. Time, to you, was an elusive concept, for the stiffness in your joints and the lingering ache betrayed the recent thaw from cryo-sleep. Your mind remained ensnared by fog, a residue of the drugs coursing through your veins during preservation.
Yet, your senses, dulled by centuries of slumber, detected his presence long before he materialized. Heavy footfalls pierced the barren silence, prompting a cautious glance over your shoulder. There he stood, solitary amidst the wasteland, a gun slung lazily across his back and a weathered ten-gallon hat shadowing his features. Perhaps he had spotted you, perhaps not; regardless, neither of you quickened your pace, silently agreeing to maintain a wary distance.
Ever cautious, you abruptly veered into the next structurally sound building, bracing for a potential standoff. Praying it wouldn't come to that, for the meagre supply of bullets salvaged from a fallen vault security guard, coupled with his erratic pistol, offered scant reassurance. The art of marksmanship was foreign to you, a skill unbefitting a woman of virtue in the world before its descent into chaos. Your pride lay in nurturing the home, not in extinguishing life.
"What would your husband make of this sight?" you thought. Clad in the worn remnants of the blue and yellow jumpsuit issued upon vault entry, now stained with blood and grime from your desperate flight. Would he mock your dishevelled appearance, your unadorned face and frayed nerves? Would he marvel at the pistol clenched tightly in your grasp, its weight unfamiliar and your trembling fingers poised on the trigger? Could he shoulder this burden, like you wish he was here to do so? Such musings left you unsettled, your husband's whereabouts a lingering question mark, conspicuously absent from your side.
Peering cautiously from beneath the window sill, your gaze swept the scorched landscape beyond. The lone figure should have drawn near by now, should have approached the building where you lay in wait, yet his silhouette remained absent from the horizon. Instead, the frigid touch of a gun barrel against the back of your skull sent a shiver down your spine, your body tensing instinctively under the ominous threat. You suppressed the cry that clawed at your parched throat, swallowing hard as you slowly lowered your pistol to the ground beside you.
"That's it, nice and slow," he instructed, his voice gruff with a hint of amusement. "You might be my easiest catch yet."
Realization dawned upon you—he had been tracking you. You inwardly chided yourself for your naivety before complying, raising your arms slowly with palms outstretched. Encountering no one in these barren lands, you were uncertain of the customs among people so removed from your time. You were one of them now, but survival demanded adaptation.
"Please, I don't have any money," you offered, hearing his scoff. "I mean it. Take my gun, you can have it."
His movement rustled the air, his presence brushing against you as he leaned to retrieve your pistol. A low hum of amusement escaped him, and you felt the cold barrel of his gun pressing against your skull before it vanished altogether.
"I don't want your hunk of junk, sweetheart," he drawled, tossing it back to the ground beside you. "Doubt it can punch through a tin can. No, what I seek is your cooperation."
"O-okay, yes," you agreed, the words tumbling from your lips almost too hastily, embarrassment flushing your cheeks.
A nudge at the side of your heel prompted you to turn and face him. You complied, shifting on your knees, arms growing weary as they remained raised above your head while you awkwardly pivoted to meet his gaze.
The scream tore from your throat as you beheld him, sending shivers down your spine. He loomed above you, his visage warped by decomposing, discoloured flesh that swathes his form. Cracked lips parted to reveal yellowed teeth in a perpetual grimace, his once vibrant eyes now a haunting shade of blue-green, still clinging to a trace of humanity amidst the decay. You recoiled at the absence of his nose, now a dark cavity amidst cartilage and bone.
"That's not polite," he admonished, his narrowed eyes betraying annoyance. Trembling under his scrutinizing gaze, you stammered out an apology, extending a trembling hand to ward him off as he took a step forward.
"Please, leave me alone. I-I don't have anything," you pleaded, but he showed no sign of relenting. Your fingers curled around the pistol on the ground, raising it shakily in his direction.
"Well now, what are you going to do with that?" His smirk deepened as you aimed the weapon at him.
His amusement infuriated and terrified you in equal measure. You were aware of your body shaking, aware that he saw it too. You hadn't formulated a plan, hadn't considered the consequences. But you'd never faced a situation like this, especially not with someone so grotesque yet strangely human. He spoke like a man but resembled a monster, reminiscent of the creatures from the old sci-fi holo tapes your husband used to rent on Friday nights, leaving you cowering behind embroidered cushions until the credits rolled. You weren't built for this, but just like only hours before, you must fight.
With a tight grip and clenched eyes, you pulled the trigger. The recoil sent you crashing against the wall, the impact jarring your head as the bullet ricocheted through the room, narrowly missing the man and striking a nearby doorway with a sharp ping.
"Well, that was disappointing," he remarked, his head cocked and lips drawn into a condescending smirk. "You finished, sweetheart?"
With a mixture of annoyance at your failure and frustration at his dismissive demeanour, you tossed the pistol at his feet. Your head throbbed, and as you tentatively touched the back of your skull with trembling fingers, you were unsurprised to find them stained with blood.
"Are you going to kill me?" you panted, forcing yourself to meet his gaze.
He shook his head, kicking at the dirt with his pointed boot before crouching in front of you. "Not much use to me dead, not much use to me at all if you don't cooperate," he emphasized, his tone dripping with implication.
"Fine," you huffed. "What do you want?"
A triumphant hum escaped him as he straightened up, retrieving a long rope from his hip and tossing it into your lap. "Tie your hands together," he commanded.
You hesitated, eyeing the rope and then him with uncertainty. His tone shifted, imbued with a hint of authority as he spoke again. "The rope goes around your wrists or around your neck. Either way, you don't want me to be the one to do it."
With deft fingers, you hastily wound the rope around your wrists, striving to fashion a knot that would hold without chafing your skin too severely. He bent down, giving the tether a firm tug to test its security before nodding in approval. Seizing the other end lying in the dirt, he yanked it harshly, nearly causing you to stumble forward onto the unforgiving ground.
"Get up," he commanded, his tone brooking no argument.
You complied, awkwardly pushing yourself to your feet without the use of your bound hands. There was a pregnant pause as you gazed at him expectantly, awaiting further instruction. However, he simply tugged on the rope, turning to lead you out of the dilapidated building and back into the sprawling wasteland.
You followed him into the desert expanse, both of you shrouded in silence save for your intermittent attempts to coax answers from him. Questions about where he was taking you, what he planned to do with you, hung in the air, but he offered no response. Instead, he whistled a tune, leaving your inquiries to dissipate into the wind.
As frustration reached its boiling point, you dug your heels into the sand, exerting force against your restraints as the rope cut into your skin. A hidden thrill coursed through you as you witnessed his hulking frame falter against the resistance, a fleeting moment of satisfaction before he regained his footing. His narrowed gaze met yours from beneath the shadow of his hat.
"I'm cooperating," you asserted, your voice strained. "You can—should at least tell me where we are going. Why you're doing this to me."
A heavy sigh escaped him, his shoulders slumping as he gazed skyward before meeting your eyes once more. "You're sure dumb for a pretty thing," he muttered, retrieving a flask from the recesses of his torn duster and taking a long swig. "I guess that's how they like to keep you down there."
As he turned to face you fully, his eyes rolled at your bewilderment before he elaborated. "Not much up here untouched nowadays, so when you see a little rabbit wandering the lands fresh from her cage, a smart man doesn't think twice before he acts."
Anger surged through you at his mocking words. Barely escaping your 'cage' with your life, barely comprehending the aftermath of the bombs, and now captive again—this time by a man, no, a monster, likely more sinister than those who had ensnared you initially.
"You already said you're not going to kill me, so you're going to fuck me or sell me," you asserted, mustering more confidence than you truly felt, chin lifted defiantly as he scrutinized you, tucking his flask away.
"Now you're catching on," he replied cryptically, offering no further explanation as he tugged at the rope and resumed walking. Your mind whirled with apprehension at his ominous response. Which fate awaited you? Both? The thought churned your stomach, imagining the touch of his weathered, calloused hands, pondering the atrocities he may have committed before and the ones he might be willing to commit now. You resolved not to make it easy for him, determined to fight tooth and nail if necessary.
"I can hear you thinking from over here, vaultie," he called back. "I ain't gonna fuck you," he added with a smirk, glancing briefly over his shoulder at you before continuing. "Ain't my type."
You scoffed, your brows furrowed in disbelief at his audacity. Doubt crept in, questioning if someone like him truly had preferences, more inclined to prey on anything within reach rather than adhere to any type. He resembled a monster more than a man, and you suspected his instincts remained consistent regardless of his words. Out here, where the population had dwindled to ashen, skeletal remnants of unfortunate souls caught in the blast, it seemed unlikely anyone could afford to be picky.
"What happened to you?" you demanded, your voice tinged with genuine curiosity.
He visibly stiffened at your question, briefly halting his movements before resuming with a dismissive gesture. He heard you, yet chose not to respond.
"I said, what happened to—"
"I heard you," he snapped, cutting you off. "Doesn't mean I owe you an answer."
You huffed, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "I'm just trying to understand what's going on! Yesterday, I was in my kitchen baking a key lime pie and dancing to the radio, and then—"
"Miss your cage, vaultie?" he interjected, a cruel chuckle escaping his lips. "If you miss it so much, why are you out here?"
Straining against your restraints, you heard him sigh in annoyance as he came to a halt. Turning to face you, irritation etched on his ghoulish features, he regarded you with a jutted hip and clenched gloved fingers tightening around the rope. "I'm not talking about the vault," you said earnestly. "I was in my home yesterday, just a normal day. Then the sirens blared, so loud I couldn't think. My neighbour, she came to my door, told me we had to leave, find safety. I didn't want to go without Glenn, but everyone was running, scared. I was too."
"When we reached the vault, it was chaos," you continued, his attention now fully captured, eyes glazed. "So many people, struggling to get in. But we made it, and... my neighbour, Patti—she's my friend. She had just given birth to her first child, a beautiful baby boy." You swallowed hard, suppressing the bile that threatened to rise in your throat. "They were supposed to let us in, we were pre-selected. But when we arrived, they turned Patti away. Shot her husband when he fought back," you recounted, the horror of the memory still fresh. "Then chaos erupted. The first nuke fell, and I was pushed through to the vault door. I lost Patti."
He regarded you with a sombre understanding, silently urging you to continue.
"When I entered, it wasn't like the commercials," you spat bitterly, recalling the false promises of safety. He cleared his throat. "That actor, going on about how great the vaults were—'a vast and wonderful place,'" you mocked with disdain. "Mine wasn't like that. It was... They did unspeakable things to us, to unborn children, and there was no recourse. It wasn't right. I knew what they wanted, deep down, but my head told me not to be so naïve. Vault-Tec was supposed to be saving us."
Tears welled in your eyes as the memories flooded back, as vivid as if they had happened yesterday, because to you they did. "They threw us into pods, froze us until they needed us. Took us out for testing and... I was the last one. Everyone else had... died, from the testing," you choked out, the pain of loss still raw. "I fought to survive, because I couldn't let what happened to those women and their babies happen to me or mine."
He listened intently, his eyes widening as he took in your story. His gaze flicked to the small swell of your stomach below your tied wrists, realization dawning.
"So I need to know," you implored, your voice trembling with fear. "Is what happened to you also what happened to Patti and her baby? Will it happen to mine?"
He studied you, and you felt yourself shrink under his penetrating gaze. You hadn't intended to divulge so much, to reveal your condition that you had desperately tried to conceal until it could no longer be hidden, to relive the trauma that still haunted you, though in reality centuries had passed since its occurrence. Yet, you needed answers. You needed to know what lay ahead in this desolate wasteland, and if you possessed the strength to face it.
"Yes," he answered quietly, his voice laden with a heavy solemnity. "It will, in time."
Fresh tears traced their path down your cheeks, and you nodded in understanding, raising your bound hands to wipe at your wet nose. "Okay," you whispered, then smiled sadly in resignation as you rubbed your wrists gently over your stomach. "At least up here, we had a little freedom for a time."
You felt the rope that he had been keeping such a tight hold on slacken before being dropped to the ground. Stepping towards you, he gingerly took your wrists and began working on the knot, untying it with ease before meeting your gaze from beneath his lashes. "You just gained a little more."
"You're letting me go?" you asked, doubtful.
"I'm letting you choose," he corrected, his voice carrying a peculiar weight as he rubbed the tender, burned skin of your wrist where the rope had left its mark. His thick thumb felt rough against your flesh as it traced over you in a gentle, swiping motion. "There are things worse than me out here, sweetheart. Are you going to take your chances?"
His words hung heavy in the air, and you met his gaze defiantly. "I don't need your pity."
"Good, because I ain't giving you none," he replied, his tone firm.
You held his gaze, neither of you willing to be the first to look away. Moments ago, he had been intent on taking you to an undisclosed location to sell you for whatever passed as currency in this wasteland, but now he presented you with a choice—a grim ultimatum. Stay with him or fend for yourself in the harsh wastelands. Neither option was ideal, but you hadn't lasted a single day on your own before being apprehended by him. Perhaps it was better to stick with the devil you knew, especially if there truly were worse threats out there as he claimed.
"I'm going to get bigger, you know. I'll slow you down," you warned him. "And I can't fight."
He chuckled softly, shaking his head as he gathered the discarded rope and secured it at his hip. "I've seen you shoot, but I've yet to see you fight. I think a few vault security guards could probably vouch for you, though," he teased, a hint of admiration in his voice. "You can't stay with me forever, nor would you want to. I'll take you to a safe haven for women in your condition. It's a few months' journey north from here. Until then, try to keep up."
You pondered his words, feeling a sense of relief at the prospect of a safe haven and the promise of being escorted there, despite the long journey. "Why the change of heart? What's in this for you?" you asked, curious about his sudden shift in demeanour.
His expression tightened, his gaze drifting to the small swell of your stomach that you now cradled protectively. "Righting some wrongs from a previous life," he answered solemnly, not waiting for your response before turning and beginning to walk away. He paused momentarily, waiting for you to follow.
"I don't know your name. What do I call you?" you called out after him.
He pondered for a moment, gazing out into the vast desert before turning back to you, tipping his hat in acknowledgment.
"Ghoul, for now."
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honnelander · 9 months
How did Sanji and reader meet the first time? What did they think of each other at first impression 👀?
hmm interesting question! i feel like it would go a little something like this (in my main "mutual pining" series):
You had originally joined the crew back in the beginning with Luffy, Nami, and Zoro when they were going up against Buggy. Since helping them slice that clown pirate down to size, you were a straw hat.
You never particularly had a dream of your own or knew where you wanted to be, but once you met Luffy and his endless optimism and kindness?? You knew it then: you had found your people.
So when did you meet Sanji? At the same time as everyone else, at the Baratie.
After Nami slipped the host some berry to get your crew a table, you all made your way down to the main dining area. Watching Zoro struggle to slide into the booth because of his swords was practically the funniest thing you've ever seen so you couldn't help the laughter that came out of you and in turn, that made the rest of the straw-hats all join you in poking fun at Zoro and laugh your asses off (much to Zoro's chagrin).
"Fuck you guys," Zoro muttered as he gave each member of the crew their own personal death glare.
When the swordsman locked eyes with you for your own personal Zoro Death Glare, you couldn't help but laugh louder.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, everyone's favorite blonde-haired chef was busy making the infamous bluefin tuna special that led to him getting kicked out to wait tables that particular night.
As Sanji put the final touches on his off-the-menu special, wiped the edges of the plate clean, and confidently strode to the front of the line, all while bantering with Patty, he felt on top of the world.
Until Zeff crapped all over his dish and kicked him off the line.
"Fucking old man," Sanji snarled under his breath as he pushed the kitchen doors to the dining room a little more harsh than necessary.
As he walked into the dining room, slinging his suit blazer over his shoulders, he was fuming...until he heard a loud chorus of laughter come from his right. He looked up in curiosity as he buttoned his blazer in the little alcove next to the kitchen and scanned the dining room. Baratie was a more upscale, fine dining experience (especially for pirates), so for a table of guests to laugh as loud as he was hearing was certainly new to the cook. Whoever they were, they definitely must not be from around here.
His blue eyes immediately went to the table nearest to him, table eight, where he had his eyes set on the pretty blonde woman earlier in the night in hopes that she was the one laughing loudly but, no she wasn't. When he took the plate of pastries and took a few steps into the dining room, he heard the laughter towards his right and immediately looked that way with a cool gaze.
And the sight he was met with nearly took his breath away. At table ten, he saw the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen: you. There you were, sitting there at the table, laughing your ass off at the green-haired guy next to you, laughing so hard you were hitting the table with your fist, not a care in the world. It looked like everyone else at your table was laughing along with you, all except for mosshead (a stick in the mud, Sanji thought with a scoff).
Only one thought occupied his mind now, not Zeff, not the bluefin special, not being kicked out of the kitchen, just: you. You and your infectious laugh.
Everything after that happened in a blur. The two pirates at table eight both stood up enraged, yelling insults back and forth along with threats to kill each other, ripping Sanji's attention away from you and pissing him off all over again.
Could anything go right today?
Once he kicked those two pirates unconscious, he then smoothed out his suit jacket, let out a small exhale of satisfaction, and picked up the plate of pastries again. As he strode over to your table, he put on his most charming smile and placed the pastry plate right down on your table like nothing had just happened.
And to be fair? Pirates fighting did happen all the time, that was just another typical Tuesday night at the Baratie.
But meeting you? That was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and he'd do anything to hear you laugh and see your gorgeous smile light up that pretty face of yours again.
He stared right at you as he said, "Good evening, and welcome to our shitty little restaurant: the Baratie."
At his tone and choice of words, you couldn't help but look at your extremely attractive waiter in surprise and confusion and let out a surprised laugh. Didn't he work here?
He kept going though but his charming smile only widened at hearing your laugh, his smile reaching his eyes as he said, "My name is Sanji. What can I get for you?"
And in that moment, without the other person's knowledge, you were smitten with each other.
Taglist: @smolracoon25
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letstalkaboutshtufff · 2 months
In another life
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Pairing: Gojo x reader
Summary: Reader is transported to another dimension where nobody knows her.
Warnings: Language, mentions of blood and minor injury.
Hope you guys enjoy, I actually found this deep in my drafts and said what the hell and posted.
Next Part
It was just another typical day where Gojo and his students were walking to the destination of their next mission.
"Why do curses have to cause trouble on hot days, ugh what a pain" Nobara groaned shielding her eyes from the scorching sun.
"I told you to bring a hat" Yuji pointed out, somehow unbothered by the tortuous weather.
"But hats are so tacky!"
"Then don't complain" Megumi sighed annoyed as usual.
"Don't worry, we can get some nice cold ice cream after we exorcise the curse, in fact I know the best spot! It's a little hole in the wall place but they have the best- huh?"
Gojo suddenly whipped around at the sudden burst of curse energy he sensed.
"What the hell is that?!" Yuji shouted as he stared at a hole crackling in the sky getting bigger and bigger.
"Not sure, but I don't like what I'm sensing. Everyone be ready..”
"Right" they all tensed and got into attack positions.
What they didn't except though was to see a head pop out of the warp, followed by a body. A woman seemingly limp, began to plummet from the warp. Which promptly closed the second she had left.
"What the hell?" Nobara squinted trying to figure out if the figure looked dangerous.
Gojo didn't feel any malicious energy anymore now that the warp had vanished so he sprung into action and caught the woman before she became a pile of mush on the ground.
"Sensei what if shes dangerous?" Yuji frowned.
"Hm" he kneeled down still holding the woman. He eyed down her figure. She had some scratches and a few bruises but other than that she seemed ok...
So what was a human doing falling through a warp in the sky.
"I don't believe shes a threat, not that I can sense anyway..."
"The energy from that warp felt seriously freaky" Nobara shivered.
Gojo was about to respond when a glint made him freeze. His brows furrowed when he grabbed the girls hand and brought it closer to his face. Now that was definitely peculiar…
"Mm" the group suddenly all jerked to the form now rousing in Gojos arms.
The womans eyes began to open slowly. It took them a moment to adjust to the light but then when they were fully open they suddenly became full of life.
"Eh?! What happened??" Her eyes widened as she looked around, becoming aware of her surroundings. "T-toru!!" No one was more shocked than Gojo as the woman launched her arms around their teacher as if her life depended on it.
"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he? Ah Of course he didn’t what am I saying…?! I-I'm sorry you had to come save me again, I don't know how he even snuck up on me!" the woman pulled back only a bit to face him, but still held on. "I promise you can train me as hard as you want from now on and I won't complain anymore"
(From now on you are the woman)
You paused noticing his bewildered expression. "What Is it Toru?"
"Um… not to sound rude or anything but….who are you?”
Your face twitched in shock, "Um Toru, now really isn't the time for jokes you know" you pouted slightly.
It was when he took your arms off of him that you felt something was majorly off.
"I assure you I'm not joking" he gently pushed you off and you shakily got to your feet and so did he.
"I don't...I don't understand...Toru, what do you mean you don't know me?" You tried to quell the panic that was rising. Surely he was just playing a prank right?? Right?!?
"You know who I am it seems…" he stated, eying you curiously.
"Know who you- Satoru Gojo if this is a joke you better stop it right now or I swear I'm going to eat all the kikifuku you brought back yesterday! It's not nice to confuse me after being so close to death you know!!"
He only quirked a brow at this, "Listen lady, you just fell from a hole in the sky, If anyones confused its us..."
This caught your attention, "Wait…What did you say?"
"He's right, you fell from this big hole in the sky miss. It closed right away after you came through". Your eyes drew to the new voice and you realized the others were here too.
"Yuji..." his eyes widened and he pointed to himself, "You know me?"
You felt your panic rise more, "Of course I know you! All of you, Megumi, Nobara you're all like family to me, why don't you know who I-" you froze. A cold fear overtaking you. The hole. His technique. You got caught up in it. You weren't saved. Satoru hadn't made it in time.
"I t-think, I u-um" you felt your breathing begin to quicken and forming words seemed impossible.
"I t-think I got t-t-transported by the curse I was f-fighting" you felt your whole body shaking and tried to control your breathing.
"Hey calm down, we'll figure things out soon enough" you stepped back abruptly knowing what that tone and outstretched hand meant.
"D-don't knock me out, you promised you wouldn't do it anymore.." although you supposed that this Gojo had no idea.
He seemed troubled at what to do but sighed a moment later.
"For now why don't we just head back to the school..." you reguarded him for a moment then hesitantly shook your head.
"Alright..." you silently followed everyone, feeling more nervous with every silent step.
The quiet was maddening and you were grateful that Yuji spoke up finally,probably becoming aware of your borderline panic attack "Don't worry, weird things are always happening here. We'll figure whatever this is out ok?" You managed to crack a little tired smile.
Of the many times you had been sat across Yaga, this was the first time you were ever intimidated.
"Start from the beginning" was all he said as you fidgeted in discomfort. Gojo stood beside Yaga, leaning back on the wall, while Yaga sat imposing as if he was dealing with a curse.
You took a deep breathe and recalled what had happened just before all this madness.
"Well I was just leaving my house to go to the school... I recieved a message saying I needed to report there immediately and I didn't hesitate, thinking maybe something bad had happened...but on the way I was attacked by a curse. I'm not really much of a fighter but I am a little skilled at barriars, so I was able to shield myself against his attacks. The curse became frustrated when he realized he couldn't land a major hit and before I knew it he had sent a huge blast in my direction. I shielded but it didn't matter, I remember feeling really hot and then the next thing I knew I was waking up in Satoru’s arms..."
You peeked at Yaga and saw he was deep in thought. Finally after painful silence he finally spoke, "This curse you fought, what did it look like?"
"He looked kinda like that tree curse thing that the kids fought back at the exchange event, except his presence was..." it was then something struck you. You recall feeling something was off the entire fight. Something oddly familiar and it had just hit you what that was. The smell the energy the odd aura.
"Wait…” both men perked up at this.
"What is it?"
"That's why he felt so familiar!" you said more to yourself in your horror.
"Who are you talking about?"
"The curse...he felt familiar because I've sensed that same presence before..."
They waited for you to continue, "Back when Toru and Megumi first recovered that cursed object...and had me place an extra seal on it...but Toru never mentioned it was stolen? Why didn't he say anything...unless it wasn't stolen but then how did he get unseal- shit"
You ran a hand over your face, "You were right about the spy after all Toru..."
"How can you know all this- the exchange event, who we are, private information if we don't even know who you are?” Yaga eyed you suspiciously.
"I think I can answer that" all eyes snapped to Gojo.
"You mentioned a curse being unsealed, one that megumi and I brought in correct?"
You nodded
"Its a just a theory but I have a hunch I'm correct, tell me, what was the curses name?"
"Ah um...lemme think, it was definitely...uh...ama...amamoo, amamee, uh wait...."
"Amamotetsu?" Gojo offered which promptly made Yaga flinch in shock.
"Yeah that's it!" You jumped up.
"Amamotetsu-! But how?!" Yaga tensed shooting up.
"I'm not sure how he got unsealed but...this isn't the first time I've heard this type of thing happening before.."
This caught your attention, "What do you mean?"
"When Megumi and I first retrieved the curse, we teamed up with Nanami. He was the one who told us about this curse's history... apparently this particular curse is known for transcending through times and universes-"
"W-what?" You felt your body slump down. What did that mean?? Did that mean you- that you were in a different universe?! How-what- you felt your whole body begin to shake.
This was the first time Yaga seemed to let down his guard because he now was beginning to understand you weren't a threat.
You felt something warm being placed on your shoulders. You looked up at Yaga through blurred lenses.
"Yaga..." your voice broke as did the dam holding back your tears... how could this have happened?! What were you even supposed to do?! And Satoru, what was he even going through now?!"
"Listen, theres no need to panic, we'll figure it out alright?" He assured you, but it wasn't quite the same knowing he didn't know you." You nodded anyway.
"Satoru, why don't you call Nanami, we'll see what more he can tell us...in the meantime it would help if we knew some more about you and the curse." You nodded and braced yourself for the onslaught of questions.
"First off, it's quite clear you're close to us, so are you a teacher here or something?" You a teacher? If you weren't so upset you'd laugh
"Teacher? No, I actually work in the city..but I do help out occasionally at the school when I'm needed.."
"So then how did you get involved with us in the first place?" you looked over to where Satoru was finishing the call with Nanami.
"Well...Satoru helped me fight off a curse one time, that's how we met. He basically saved me and then convinced me to train with him...since then I've always kinda been around.." you twiddled with the ring on your finger, more specifically the ring he gave you on that special day.
Yaga must've of noticed your hesitance. "Something tells me there's more to the story.." you looked up with sad eyes, then over to where satoru was also now tuned in, phone in his pocket. You took a deep breathe.
"No it's just, it's finally sinking in ya know..." you decided to keep that part about your relationship quiet for now. You were already overwhelmed and just wanted to lie down for awhile. Your injured although mild still hurt and you were now feeling the true exhaustion settle in.
Yaga looked at you sympathetically then nodded, "Why don't you rest for little, Satoru?" He got off the wall, "Nanami will come by tonight, for now I'll take her to Shoko. Yaga nodded then patted your shoulder gently, "Try to get some sleep, we'll figure all this out" you thanked him quietly then followed Satoru out the room.
You quietly trailed behind him in the dim hallway. His back had never made you feel so lonely.
You didn't even realize you were crying until you felt the coldness on your cheeks. Satoru pasued a sec to turn around.
"Hey, there's no need for tears, didn't you hear us? We'll figure it out"
You nodded despondently.
"C'mon, have I ever let you down before?" He smirked.
You smirked through the tears, "Always so confident, no matter what universe huh" you wiped away your tears with your sleeve and walked next to him.
"Well I am the strongest, I'm sure any other version of me would no doubt be the same"
"Yeah maybe arrogant is the better word.."
"Awe don't be mean now, after all for you to be so casual around me, we must be friends yeah?"
"Yeah you could say that..." you absentmindedly twirled the ring around your finger. Remembering the way he proposed all those years ago.
"And here we are, Shoko!” He called busting inside without knocking.
"How many times have I told you not just to barge in here?”
"Well it's an emergency of sorts"
"Huh?" She finally looked up from her work.
You waved shyly.
"And who's this?"
"Well now that's a bit complicated..."
"Take it easy alright, and if you need anything here's my cell"
"Thanks Shoko, oh wait my phone!" You suddenly remembered and frantically patted your body down.
You sighed in relief pulling out the device, seemingly unharmed by some miracle.
But then your brows furrowed seeing the blue case instead of your own and a sticky note with a tongue sticking out. *Bring this to me at work will you baby, then I can see your beautiful face*
You felt your irritation rise, "Of all the days Satoru you had to switch our phones today!? Ugh" you ripped off the note, usually you loved these little pranks but now you wanted to kill him.
"Huh what did I do?"
"Sorry not you, other you.." you clicked the on button and tried a variety of passwords.
Dammit satoru
"Wait is that my phone?" He peered over your shoulder.
You perked up, "yeah it is! Do you know the password?”
"Hmm lemme try" he grabbed it out of your hands and you waited anxiously.
"Got it"
"Wait really?!"
"Yep, All great gojos think alike-" he suddenly froze.
"What's wrong?" You eyed him curiously but he just stared at his phone dumfoundedly.
"How close did you say we were again...?"
Shoko curious leaned over and her eyes went wide.
"What do you mean, what are you looking at?" You moved next to him and gasped at the saved screen. A picture of you asleep in bed in something strappy, barely covered by the sheets and toru leaned over kissing your cheek.
"AH DON'T LOOK" you tried snatching the phone away but he held It above his head.
Ugh his stupid tallness!!
"Satoru wait!" You reached helplessly as he started scrolling through his camera roll. You were mortified to learn that most of them were candid shots of you. Some appropriate and some not.
You excersizing bent over, your sillohette behind the shower curtain, you licking a lollipop, you wearing a shirt of his on laundry day…
"Geez were you stalking her or something" shoko commented disturbed.
"Satoru! please!" Finally he let you snatch the phone back. Your face hotter than the sun.
"So I guess that's what you were hiding..."
you sighed knowing you couldn't keep it hidden much longer.
"I guess that explains a little why you have my grandmothers ring..”
this got your attention.
"Wait what??" Your eyes widened.
"This is you're grandmothers ring?!"
"You mean you didn't know...?" Shoko asked.
"No...you just gave it to me, but you never said it was hers" You felt a rush of warmth knowing how much she meant to him. Probably the only member of his clan that actually cared for him. Sadly she passed when he was young. The truth is this was the ring he gave you when he proposed- or more like told you he was gonna marry you and you didn't have a choice- not that you were gonna say no to the cocky idiot.
"So what's your relationship with other Gojo then?" Shoko asked.
"Well uh...that's a little...." You hesitated wondering if you should say.
"Might as well say it, I mean obviously other me and you are pretty close" he motioned to the phone.
here goes
"I guess some might say...well if you look at it one way...um... I guess legally and technically other you, and me are what some might call...married"
"What no way?! Gojo actually settled down!?”
“Hey don’t sound so surprised! Although to be honest.. I’m finding that a little hard to believe myself..”
“Well you weren’t exactly a one woman guy when I met you..”you recalled all his various flings in the time before you were dating.
“The other me must be worried then huh?”
I sigh, “I wonder if you’ve figured out what happened yet..”
“Don’t worry, I’m really smart, there’s no way I wouldn’t know”
“Cocky bastard” I let out a tired laugh.
“Wait is other gojos phone ringing?”
“Yeah it says “Wifey is calling..”
“What no way!? How?!” I jump to grab the phone and answer the call. Not knowing really what to expect. Maybe the tower got mingled weirdly.
“H-hello??” I call out anxiously.
“Y/n? Where are you!?”
“T-Toru!!!” I can’t help but cry out.
“Are you ok? What happened?? Why can’t I sense your energy in the city?”
“T-Toru I was attacked on the way to the school! I think that curse- amamama got free and he sent me to another dimension!!!”
“Babe..have you been drinking?”
“I’m serious Toru! That curse! The one you and Megumi brought for me to add a seal to! He sent me to another dimension! I’m here with another version of you!!”
“…is this payback for because I said your ass got bigger? Because you know I meant that as a compliment.”
“Y-you idiot!! I’m serious!!”
“No kidding? You’re being serious?”
“Would I joke about something like this?”
“… hold on a sec” a woosh sound emits from the speaker
“I just transported to the road. I can sense the residual energy…I see blood, were you hurt?” He sounds more serious now.
“I’m ok.. Shoko fixed me up..”
“So what…you’re in a dimension parallel to ours?”
“Not exactly… I guess I don’t exist here.. or at least I’m not apart of everyone’s lives..”
“…don’t worry alright? I’ll figure this out, have I ever let you down?”
I give this gojo a knowing look,
“Plus my birthdays coming up, and you promised to do that thing I like as much as I want so how can I let you be in another dimension for too long?”
“Ah Toru you’re on speaker you know!!”
“Hey other me you there?!” Your gojo suddenly shouted.
“Uh yep I’m here..”
“This is definitely a first.. ahem well anyway until I get this sorted out take care of our girl alright?!She’s pretty weak so keep an ey-“
“As I was saying, keep an eye on her. Also make sure she gets iron pills from the pharmacy since hers are here. Oh and she’s allergic to tuna and if she stays out in the sun too long she’ll get this weird rash-“
“I’m hanging up” you reached for the button.
“Hey cmon I’m not there-well I’m kind of there but I just wanna make sure my baby is taken care of!!”
“I’m an adult not a child! You don’t need to say all these things, I can take care of myself here just fine!!”
“Pfft says the one who made me transport home in the middle of a mission to kill a cockroach.”
“Alright alright, I know you’re a big girl. Let me go so I can figure this all out quickly and get you back.”
“Hey, no crying ok?”
“Ok.. I guess I’ll talk to you later? We are meeting Nanami here because he has knowledge about the curse apparently. I’ll let you know how that goes..”
“Alright, later then.”
“Love you Toru…”
“Not as much as I love me”
“Pfft asshole”
“Heh, there’s that laugh I love so much. love ya sweetheart, be careful ok?”
“I will”
For the first time since your arrival you felt some relief.
You awkwardly looked up to the pair and found Shoko dumbfounded and satoru scratching the back of his head.
“Still can’t believe it…”
“Um well that was definitely a first…”
“So what now?” Shoko took a drag seeming bored already.
“Now we go and see if Nanami can make sense of this. Come on, he’s waiting for us.” He motioned and you followed with a bit more hope now.
The power of two Gojos with one goal? Yeah you’d be home before you knew it.
Should I continue this? Make it into a series? Lemme know:) thanks for reading!
Part 2
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
Scary things they do that turn you on
Buggy, Mihawk, Crocodile, Law
Support me on Ko-Fi ☕️
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This was humiliating- You had joined Zoro on his journey as a bounty hunter and ended up coming along as he joined the newest pirate on the scene Monkey D Luffy- You didn't necessarily agree but you were a loyal friend..
That and Zoro had too much damn dirt on you for you to let him go on his own-
One of those diets being.. your particular taste in attractions.. which unfortunately came out when you first interacted with Buggy the Clown in Orange Town.. already you were kidding liking the scary clown thing.
"Stupid Straw Hats- No matter.."
Buggy laughed darkly his eyes locking on the lot of you as he pulled put his blades.
"You are all going to die"
You watched the clown laugh darkly and held one of the knives infront of his face licking them as he geared up for an attack- your face warming and you felt the top of your ears starting to turn red at the sight.
Zoro turned to stared at you in utter disgust as if already knowing what this would do to you-
"You have awful survival instincts..." He said plainly as you blushed and looked away ashamed and embarrassed- Buggy now confused over why your own crew was looking at you so disappointed and you so shamed.
"E-Eh?" He questioned as he glanced back at the crew just as confused as their Captian. You felt like sobbing at this point as you turned away from them all and pouted in the corner depressed.
"I know..."
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Was your friend a idiot? Maybe it was the alcohol but it the famed most powerful swordsman showed up and you challenge him when let's lace it- He had issues beating a clown.. Who thought this was a good idea!?
"Zoro this is stupid-" You hissed, looking over the open chested man and having to quickly steer those thoughts away to try and save your friends life. Yet of course he ignored you and Nami and marched away-
The next morning you all showing up {besides Nami} to support Zoro on his idiocy- Mihawk making his appearance and once again.. Damn- pulling that necklace from his neck with a easy flick and pulling out a tiny blade.
"Whats that I came here for a swordfight-"
"I don't hunt rabbits with a Canon-" He replied as he held his arms out to the group, You felt that loyalty for Zoro starting to slip away when you heard his voice and that almost amused dangerous look to him as he threatened your friends life.
A-Ah.. So you did have some mild daddy issues and maybe something for dark men. The sensation of blood seemed to leave your brain and warm other parts of your body.. You sigh and bow your head.
"For fuck sakes-" You mutter, Rubbing your temple as you try to calm yourself back down and figure out a way from this situation.
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Being the head assistant for the Cross Guild had its pros and cons. A pro was you got pain Very well for your work- You doubted Goverment workers got what you got, paired with the protection from its leaders. A con however was the terrible workload you had constantly and also having to just stand against the wall during moments like this.
"-You fucking Fool-" Crocodile hissed as he held Buggy by his throat angrily. Mihawk sitting down drinking his normal wine which you refilled every 5 minutes to keep the sword master pleased.
"Please Forgive me!" Buggy cried as Crocodile continued his verbal assault on the Clown Captian. Buggy had messed up- Once again and it seemed this time was enough for Crocodile to opt to try and choke Buggy to death rather then the normal beating the bluette relieved.
Crocodile blew a cloud of smoke to the side, his glance landing on you for a second before returning to insulting Buggy.
"(Y/N)- You are dismissed" He grumbled, squeezing Buggys throat again as you caught his glance-
"Y-Yes sir.."
You stood there with wide eyes as Crocodile held the squeaking and squaking mess that was Buggy hard by his throat- hissing threats at him and pointing that hook right at his throat.
This should have been scary- It was actually scary.. but also- You couldn't help but let your mind start to drift to if you were in Buggy's position and immediately felt your body flesh at the thought. Strong hands around your throat, cold wall against your back and Crocodile hissing insults in your ear-
"Huh- Learned something new about (Y/N).." You say softly with a nod at this new self discovery and walked away quickly before you embarrassed yourself.
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"(Y/N)!!" You hear your name being called, rushing to the railing you see your crew approaching and you smiled.
"You guys are back!!" You cheer as you rush off the shit to help your friends board- That's when you spot new people there with your crew.
Tall, Brooding? Covered in blood? Holy shit...
"This is Law- He's going to help us out" Sanji explained as Law nodded softly at you.
"Hello-" He said calmly and you gave a shy smile.
"Nice to meet ya Law, See you're pretty banged up- Let's get you on the ship so chopper can treat you" You say calmly trying to be polite.
"Should see the other guy, but i appreciate it Love" He said with a dark smirk before wincing at his injuries. You felt your cheeks warm at this-
You clapped your hands together to give yourself strength, Taking a breath before doing a direct U-Turn back to the ship.
"(Y/N)?- Where are you going?" Nami called out as the crew watched you march away just as confused by your sudden actions.
"Going to go do some 'Finger Painting' Be back later" You said calmly, you were fortunate the crew was too innocent to understand your words.
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
Yandere Roronoa Zoro Headcanons (General)
''I would sacrifice everything and everyone for you.'' — Roronoa Zoro.
❝ 👒 —  lady l: It gave me a burst of energy at 4 am and I wrote this headcanons out of nowhere, but I really like Zoro (both the anime and the live action) and I ended up having fun. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! 💚🖤
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of stalking, jealousy and mention of murder.
❝👒pairing: yandere!roronoa zoro x gender neutral!reader.
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Roronoa Zoro has always been indifferent to many things and people and one of those people was you, at first. When you joined the Straw Hat, he didn't think much, he just accepted you as a member of the crew and thought that his life would continue as it had always been before you. Needless to say, he was wrong.
He warmed to you slowly and gradually, in a way so subtle that even he hadn't noticed. Like sitting next to you to drink, looking at you subtly and helping you with common Going Merry tasks. All these activities became commonplace and he found himself yearning more and more for more time by your side.
The way he became uncomfortable and irritated when another Mugiwara spent too much time by your side, time that he should have spent. His gaze hardened and his grip on his swords became stronger.
Zoro had never felt like this before, this need for protection, the desire to protect what was his. He never felt this way about anyone else. He loves his friends deeply, but he didn't feel the same connection with them that he felt with you. You were more special, he just didn't know why.
He wanted to stay by your side, protect you. It was a need, an instinct that threatened to consume him from the inside out if Zoro didn't do it. You became his friend, his duty and his obsession.
Zoro is always on the lookout, watching you carefully, protecting you from a distance. He has his eye on anyone who breathes too close to you. They can be a threat, hurt you and he would rather be cursed than let that happen to you. And even with his own friends, his own Captain, he was watching.
He defends your honor fiercely and proudly, anyone who dares to say a bad thing about you will have a bad time with him. You're his, there's no way Zoro would let someone talk bad about you and get away with it. He will get into fights to the death if necessary.
You're the only one who really knows Zoro's soft side, so to speak. He comes across as serious and abrasive, often grumpy, even with his crew, but with you he's almost always smiling. He often says that your presence makes him happy when someone questions him and usually curses the person for being so nosy.
He loves you more than he loves sake and that means he really cares about you. Even if you don't like drinking alcohol, Zoro will be drinking next to you, just enjoying your company. He likes to sleep next to you too, even if it's in an innocent way. He feels more comfortable this way.
Zoro is extremely possessive of you and doesn't feel guilty about it. You are his, from his crew, so you must stay away from the others. He will never blame you for something, it's others who are to blame and Zoro is more than willing to cut them to pieces if someone crosses you, if they cross him. He will give you that person's head as a gift later.
It's not uncommon for him to be jealous, but he will never admit it. The deadly looks that are thrown when someone approaches you, the grip on the sword and eventually that person's head rolling can give some clue as to how jealous he is.
Zoro is very overprotective and this combined with his possessiveness means that you have no privacy around him. Although he's not the biggest fan of physical contact, he has no problem holding your hand or even hugging you. He loves his friends, he loves his crew but if he had to choose between you and them, Zoro would choose you without thinking twice. He would sacrifice them if you asked.
He is a pirate, a pirate hunter who has become one of the most wanted pirates in the world. Zoro has important connections and he knows how to fight very well, after all, he wants to become the greatest swordsman in the world. He knows how to get rid of the mess he's made, how to get rid of someone.
Roronoa Zoro is your protector, your friend and your obsessed stalker. Every time you arrive at a new island, he doesn't leave your side and observes the surroundings attentively, while keeping you tied to him. He can't let anything happen to you and that's why he's so overprotective. He won't lose someone he cares about, not again. He's not that bad, just be careful with other people around him and everything will be fine.
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John Wayne (Bandit cowboy! Miguel O’Hara x Fem! Reader) Part 1
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Hiii! Inspired by the song of the same name by lady Gaga, and these two(flash warning for this one) edits of Predo Pascal(🤭) Not proofread, enjoy!
Cursing, making out, pet names, Miguel being a big ass flirt, slight nsfw but no smut. Mentions of hanging and death Lowkey highkey very cheesy and cliché but in a fun way.
(Y/N)- Your name.
Word count: 2.1k
Part 2
Bandits, cowboys, shoot outs, saloon fights, all things you’ve heard rumors about the Wild West while you lived in the city. Your classmates telling you stories they’ve heard from a long distance relative or from a friend of a friend of a friend.
But as you sit down at your fathers office at his new job, you couldn’t help but think that all those stories were nothing more than that. Stories. Lame, boring, make-believe stories. Who would have know that being the sheriff’s daughter in a dum-fuck nowhere town would have been so uneventful, on an exciting day, he’d lock up a drunk. You wish your parents had just stayed on the east coast as you let out an exasperated huff, dropping your pencil on your school workbook, and you lean back in his chair, letting your eyes wander to the ceiling.
“Alright O’Hara,” The muffled sound of your father’s voice was heard from the outside of the door, followed by some clinking. Causing you to sit in the chair properly before he appeared through the door. “Ima need you to sit tight in this cell for a few days ‘til the state sheriff is able to get down here and give me your reward money.”
To your surprise, a man in cuffs came through the door first. Your eyes widened in silent curiosity as you studied the new mystery man. You've never seen him in town before, because you were certain you would have remembered a man as handsome as him.
He’s getting arrested by my father what the fuck is wrong with me?
Your father didn’t acknowledge your presence, but that didn’t stop the other man’s eyes from falling onto you immediately. The definition of tall, dark and handsome, a towering frame, tan skin, semi-permanent wrinkles in between his brows and at the end of his lips, in indication he scowls too much, and his muscles, they could easily snap you in half if he wanted to. Dark worn out blue jeans, dust brown cowboy boots, a black hat, a flannel that emphasizes his arms with ever movement and-fuck he caught you staring. Warmth flared all over your face as you finally tore your gaze from his, barely catching the small smirk and hmph he let out in amusement. How could he not? When his captor’s daughter is checking him out.
It seems your father didn’t catch your wandering eyes, but he sure as hell caught his mischievous look in his, the rage quickly filling his face as he tossed the larger man in the cell quickly after taking off his cuffs. Locking him in before pointing an accusing finger at him with his right hand, while his left gripped the iron bars tight enough for his knuckles to turn white as he spoke. “Don’t speak to my daughter, don’t look at my daughter, don’t even think about my daughter.” He hissed the threat, before turning over to face you, visibly relaxing as his tone softened. “Ima step out of the room to make a few calls. Yell if he causes you any trouble darlin’.” You nodded, your fathers eyes traveled down to your abandoned work, “And finish your school work, you’re lucky to be attending college.” He added before leaving the room, an uncomfortable silence falling on you and the unknown crook. Keeping your eyes glued to your notebook despite your mind being elsewhere.
“So.” He finally spoke after cleaning his throat, moving to lean against the iron bars of his enclosure. “What’s your name preciosa?” He asked, his head tilting and his lips twitched upwards as he watched you. (Sweetie)
“My father told you not to talk to me.” You fumbled out almost too quickly, the words coming out rushed and almost panicked much to your dismay. Your face warmed up once more as you could feel his eyes bore into you, your eyes remained downwards, your hands balled into fist on your lap as you try not to think about him watching you as if you were in a cage and not him. You were certain if you met his gaze your combust into flash hotter than the sun.
He let out an unamused laugh, shifting his head forward as three of his fingers went to grab the rim of his cowboy hat, taking it revealing his disheveled brown locks, slightly wavy from being covered.
“Does it look like I’m the type to listen to authority, sweetheart?” God the nicknames were making you weak in the knees.
“Well, no-“
“Come on gorgeous,” He cooed, “indulge me.”
You bit on your bottom lip as you mentally battled with the idea, your father probably wouldn’t like the idea, but if it’s just your name, then what’s the harm right?
With a small sigh, you finally gain the courage to meet his gaze, almost dropping it immediately when you notice the look in his eyes. It reminded you of the way your kitten looks at a loose mouse. Like he would pounce on you if he wasn't confined.
“It’s…It’s (Y/N).” You finally utter, it came out meek, soft, you hated how it almost made you sound weak. His brow raised as he brought his hand up to cup around his ear, a silent way of asking you to speak up, but you could tell by the way his smirk pulled up he definitely heard you. With a huff and an eye, you repeat your name, with more confidence this time.
He released a low whistle as his hand dropped again, “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” You weren’t sure if you wanted to giggle at the compliment or roll your eyes at the cheesiness, his accident drawing out a bit more while emphasizing beautiful both times. You went with both.
“What’s your name?”you asked, getting up from the chair you were sitting in and making your way towards the cell, not too close but close enough for him to reach for your hand and gently raise it towards his lips, placing a gentle kiss on it, it made your whole body tingle as he threw you a quick wink and a playful smirk.
“Names’ Miguel O’Hara, but you can call me Mig.”
Your father had informed you that Miguel would be stuck with him for a few weeks, due to the state chief being preoccupied with the bounty on Jesse James’s head, they were close to changing him apparently and he had all his attention on him at the moment. When Miguel was informed he only scoffed and grumbled, seemingly moody that he wasn’t top priority. You found it funny, it’s as if he wanted a bigger prize money attached to him, coming out a few thousand short of the other man.
You would never admit it, not to your friends, not to your mother and especially not to your father, but you couldn’t help but grow a bit fond of the cowboy. It’s cliché you know, the daughter of a cop falling for the outlaw but it’s hard not too when he’s always complimenting you or calling you pet names, and he knew how to hold a good conversation.
You’ve never acted out too much with your parents before, always did good in school, never snuck out, never went out to meet boys that didn’t ask for permission beforehand. So when you caught yourself sneaking at your father’s work keys in the late hours of the night to sneak out of the house and into the station to talk to the man whose mere existence cost more then the pure-breed horse you took from the stall every night to visit, it was invigorating but also utterly terrifying in the chances of you getting caught. Despite your initial fear, it didn’t mean you didn’t start to get sloppy.
Both with sneaking out, and with the cowboy.
A yawn escaped Miguel’s chapped lips as he lazily rubbed his face, trying to fight off sleep as he shifted around in his overly small bed, the only light source he had was the beams of pale moonlight that was seeping from his barred window. Heavy eyelids began to close when they suddenly snapped open at the familiar sound of keys jangling and the rattling of the doorknob opening.
“Took you long enough gatita, though you forgot about me.” Miguel spoke as he watched you with once tired eyes that were now filling with a different emotion as he watched you place your hand lamp on your father’s desk before you head over to him, keys in hand. Although the words seem like a joke, his tone was low and anything but humorous. (Kitten)
“Had to make sure my family was asleep.” You attempted to justify yourself as you unlock his door, not even getting a second to put the keys back in your dress pocket before Miguel grabbed you and pulled you into his room, his mouth greeting yours in a hot needy kiss. The keys drop to the wooden floor with a loud clunk as your arms instinctively wrap around his neck and your fingers tug at the small curls at the back of his neck, only causing him to let out a groan at the pleasurable pain.
You too have been at it for about a week now, ever since your father informed you that the state sheriff would finally head down to your town to take Miguel of of his hands, he would arrive tomorrow morning, meaning tonight was your last with Miguel. He would be taken back to the state capital to be hung the following week.
“Ima miss these sweet lips darlin’…” He mumbled between peppering kisses down your jawline and towards your collarbone. A whine leaving your swollen lips you felt his large hands undo the buttons that cover your chest, leaving another dark hickey on you , before stopping for a second to admire his work. Seven hickeys, one for each day.
Your hands followed his lead, going under his sleeping shirt, wandering against his toned stomach, before he quickly pulled it off, turning you both around so your back was against the wall.
“Can’t get enough of you...”
“Me either…”
“Don’t forget about me (Y/N).”
“I won’t Miguel.”
Your lips quickly reunited with his as he started to drag the cotton fabric down from around your shoulders when the sound of the door office slamming opened caused you both to jump away from each other, a startled yelp escaped from you as you go to over your exposed breast.
Your eyes quickly darted to see who had opened the door, only to felt a lump build in your throat at the sight of your seething father, red face with anger as his shoulders rise and fell rapidly with each erratic breath he took.
“I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter!” He roared as he started to near the cell, making you quickly exit it, closing the door before standing in front of it so he couldn’t get to Miguel. “And you.” His eyes dropped to meet yours, anger, disappointment, betrayal, emotions you’ve never seen him directly towards you, it only made your throat tighter and your stomach drop. “I expect better from you. Do you know how many trains and banks he’s robbed! How many people he’s killed! I don’t want anyone like that near my daughter-“
“But father, I love him!”
Love. You’ve never once said that about a man in your life, you blurted it out without so much as a second thought. But it felt right.
This only made your father scoff. Not even caring about the tears rolling down your cheeks.
“You don’t know a thing about love.” He muttered in a low tone that made a shiver run down your back, his eyes narrowing down at you before gripping your forearm as he began to drag you out of his office, despite your best attempts to pull away from him. “It doesn’t matter either way. Tomorrow he’ll be gone, and next week he’ll be dead. You’ll never see him again.” He finished as he dragged you fully out of the building and back towards home, not showing one ounce of pity despite your cries making his heart ache.
Once he was alone, Miguel ran a hand through his disheveled hair. He couldn’t even have one last night with you before he’d leave your life forever. A heavy sigh turning into a panic curse when he went to lean against the stall door and to find it not support his body weight as it usually would. Stumbling a bit to regain his balance, it only took him a few seconds to realize that, in your father’s angry rampage, he had forgotten to relock his cell.
Taglist: @loser-alert
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cultrise · 2 months
✶ SYNOPSIS boothill decides you’re too weak to join him on his mission. his solution? teach you how to fight.
✶ CONTENTS suggestive content, lots of tension, shy boothill??, mentions of blood, not much description abt the reader just her being shorter than him (istg this man is insanely tall), all curse words changed by his synesthesia beacon are in italics, i want him so bad help. ᵎᵎ wc 1.6k
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your body hits the floor with a thud, pain resonating from your abdomen all the way to your skull. you try to get up, palms slipping on the cold surface.
you groan as you hit the floor again, cursing under your breath. how did he even manage to hit you that time?
the sounds of leather boots get near, steps slow and almost agonising. a slow, metallic clap fills the silence of the room.
“good job! ya’ managed to last 2 minutes. say, if i warn ya’ next time, will ya’ finally be able t’dodge my attacks?” you feel your temple pulse with anger as boothill’s voice continues to keep pressing on your nerves.
“you misled me! you looked like you were going to block my punch and you spun and kicked me! how’s that any fair?” you protested, looking up at the grinning man in front of you. boothill bends down as if talking to a child.
“fightin’ ain’t fair, sweetheart. y’can’t expect a cutie t'play fair” his nose scrunches at the unwanted voice filter. god, he was infuriating. for 2 hours you had repeatedly failed to land any blows while he took every chance to knock you down and irritate you. you were sure to have bruises all over you.
a metallic hand extends in front of you, ever so gentlemanly. you scoff at him, earning a quick smirk. the moment your palm touches his cold one, boothill expertly helps you up, with no effort. a fleeting hint of arousal washes over you at the evident difference in physical power. you quickly brush away the thought.
"now, should i kick your lovely face again?" boothill grins, flashing his white teeth at you. you ponder surprise-kicking his face in.
"keep talking like that. see what good it does you" you threaten. boothill's body leans back on the wall, watching you with an amused stare. you take note of the way his eyes peek from under the tip of his hat, scanning you intently.
"oh? got any fantasies about what to do to me, princess? do tell" he crosses his arms, leaning forward, beckoning you. you knew well enough how empty your threat sounded to him. you intended to do anything to uphold it, even if it meant spending the entire night locked up in that room with him. you couldn't just let him lord his combat skills over your head.
"plenty. something along the lines of ripping your arm and beating you to death with it" you snarl. boothill erupts in wild laughter, almost losing his balance. a vein on your temple starts pulsating with anger. you had to win one sparring match. you absolutely had to wipe that grin off his face.
"how charming! didn' know y'got off to that. i'd like to see that" he cocks up a brow teasingly, watching your own furrow. the sole implication of it makes your mind run wild.. no, you have to concentrate on kicking his ass!
"oh, don't worry! i'll save you front-row seats" you drily indulge him. boothill snorts, walking in your direction. he circles you twice, seemingly analysing whether you have what it takes to carry out such a threat. he stops behind you, bending in to whisper into your ear.
"y'gonna stop daydreaming and put y'r plan in action instead?"
with swift motion you reach your right hand back, grabbing the gun in his holster and turning, pointing it at him. boothill smirks at your bold move but soon enough shakes his head in disapproval. had you forgotten he was a cyborg? how foolish.
within seconds his left index and middle finger take the shape of a gun barrel and he points it back at you without hesitation. the barrel heats and, taking notice of it, you block his aim by hitting his hand with the blunt side of the gun’s magazine. in doing so, the bullet fires into the nearby table and boothill jumps back, taking a look at the dent in his wrist.
"lovely. y'gotta pay for that" he looks up at you, only to notice you trying to create a makeshift distraction from some of the items in the room. he chuckles, eyeing down your movements "now we're talking!"
the sparring goes on for quite a while, with bullets and objects being thrown all over the place. the sounds of clanking metal and breaths of effort go on for a while.. until he has you cornered.
you curse under your breath once mroe. you had been doing so well.. just how did he manage to steal his gun back? boothill approaches, kicking the gun to the other end of the room with the tip of his boot, out of your reach.
a cocky smile overtakes his features, his gun still pointed at you as he nears. you look like cornered prey to him, unable to escape, proving him right. you count your escape options, though it doesn't seem like it'd change much. you had to think of something. and fast.
"y'done?" boothill asks plainly, getting closer to you and pressing his gun between your ribs. he won't fire it, you know that much. who would he agonise then? but it seems like there's no way out. in a real situation, you'd be dead where you stand, bleeding out from a gunshot wound to your side.
"this was cute an' all, but it proved my point. you'd be useless as my partner" his gun retracts, merging back into two steel fingers as he looks down at you. you, on the other hand, are seething, close to seeing red. your mind goes haywire trying to find options to gain the upper hand.
"you think you've won? i can still fight back" you press, boothill sighing.
"ya' could, but what difference would it make? i could pull out my gun again and jus—"
your hands grab his shoulders, making him stall before you tiptoe and hit your forehead against his nose as hard as you can. he stumbles, completely taken aback, hand flying to his now bloody nose.
you seize the chance to flee, reaching for your revolver and approaching him once more, you push it to his temple and ask, "y'done?" mimicking his tone.
boothill's mouth is agape, eyes repeatedly shutting and closing, as to evade the pain. he tries to straighten his back, but he gets reminded of the position he's put in as you press the tip of the barrel to his head.
he scoffs, then grins and fully starts laughing at the realisation "hug me, that was good!.. ow!.. that really hurt, you cutie!" he drags a finger, under his nostril, cleaning himself up.
"you got any more witty comments?" you attach one hand to your hip looking down at him. your eyes glisten with pride as he raises his arms up in defence.
"i must admit. ya' had me there. y'win" he complies before you jump up, ecstatic.
"fuck YES! fuck you, you son of a bitch!" you yell at him, earning only a laugh back. he decides to let you enjoy it. after all, you did get him. and not only that, you got him good.
"yeah yeah... i went easy on you and let you win" he glances at you, waiting for a reaction.
"or maybe i had you at gunpoint. face it, i won fair and square."
"or maybe i just like being held at gunpoint but hot women" he towers over you, grinning. you roll your eyes, shrugging.
"whatever, make up any excuse you want. i still got your ass" you press a finger to his hard chest "not to mention, you're bleeding"
"y'really didn' have to hit that hard... you probably broke my beautiful nose" he presses two fingers to the bridge of his nose, looking for any bumps that would indicate broken bones. "now y're gonna have to kiss it better" he shrugs, closing his eyes with a small smirk.
when his eyes open, however, he notices your face getting nearer to his. his mouth falls open, eyes instantly going to your lips. was that all it took? a simple joke to get you to kiss him? boothill's throat goes dry, eyelids closing again.
he opens them for a second time, startled. you look up at him, amused, as he looks to his side. you had leaned over to put his gun back into the holster which hung off his waist. he feels his cheeks heat.
"not in your wildest, wettest dreams" you retort his proposal, heading for the door. boothill's brain spins. what was that reaction?
his eyes shift to the door as you turn on your heels to face him again "oh, i almost forgot. i'll see you on our mission tomorrow. maybe get your nose fixed before that?" you snort before leaving the room.
boothill is entranced, walking over to the table and placing his hat down, contemplating. he closes his eyes, trying to calm himself down, but the image of you getting closer replays in his head. he remembers the exact curve of your lips, how soft and inviting they looked, your beautiful eyes, the proud look in your eyes when you finally won against him and when you cursed him down...
"system: overheat!" his cyborg body beeps.
"great!" boothill slams a fist on the table, putting a dent in it before he turns and leans on it, placing his palm over his mouth. it was insanely frustrating how he wasn't allowed to curse out loud. no, that wasn’t it.
boothill's face goes red. he runs an impatient hand through his hair, sighing. what the fuck was wrong with him? his body beeps again, signalling more overheating of his mechanical components. he knew he was screwed.
the only thing replaying in his mind is you. boothill's palms and fingers grip the ends of the table.
"what in the world am i g'nna do tomorrow?..."
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© cultrise | don’t steal, copy or translate my works.
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bby-deerling · 7 months
counting coins: law x reader
can be read as platonic, very self indulgent (i collect coins and am an unemployed chemist and simply wish law would take me to sea with him) wc 1.3k
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While you had heard whispers that the Heart Pirates were spending some time on your island, the last person you expected to see on your trip to the local coin shop was Trafalgar Law.  You had seen his bounty poster plenty of times before—his goofy bucket hat and cocky smirk were plastered on just about every public surface in town—but something about the Surgeon of Death seemed far less intimidating in the flesh as he precisely ran his tattooed fingers through the stacks of coins sealed in cardboard holders, occasionally pulling one out to examine it. 
Trying not to stare, you started making your way towards the opposite side of the store to parse through coins of your own.  However, it soon became clear that if you wanted to hunt through the store’s supply of antique commemorative silver dollars, you would have to breach the tall, tanned man’s personal space.
Quietly slipping into the space between him and the wall, you began searching in vain for your target—a coin from a specific year and mint that was struck erroneously with high relief on the eyes.  Turning up empty, you observe the surgeon settling on a coin of his own: a different misprint coin that you already had in your collection that made the figure on the head of the coin look like he had long rabbit-like teeth.  Being nosy, you looked at the label on the cardboard casing surround the coin; the grading was iffy enough to justify haggling, and the price was far too high.
“You better not pay that much for that.” you whispered.  He tried to hide the fact that he was slightly startled, but you were too close together to miss the shudder in his shoulders.
“Wasn’t planning on it.  I’ll find it somewhere else.” he replied, taking the opportunity to look you over, eyes softening slightly once he realizes you’re likely not a threat, and then widening as you slip the coin out from between his fingers.
“Let me handle it.” you whispered, taking it up to the front of the store and flashing a large smile to the older gentlemen behind the counter.
“I’m interested in this coin, but I just wanted to make sure it was labeled correctly!  It’s marked AU, but the details in the hair aren’t there to justify it.  Even calling it Extra Fine might be a stretch…” you said, pointing at the page in your pocket-sized coin grading book.
Law grits his teeth and prepares to cut his losses and slink out the door as one of the men begins to laugh boisterously, before being taken aback by the man’s next words.
“Are you trying to rip the poor girl off?” he asks his coworker, causing the man you were speaking with originally to flush red with embarrassment.  “Sorry about the bad label sweetheart, it’s yours for 500 berries.”  You beam and hand over the berries, profusely thanking them in the process while Law tries to keep his jaw from dropping on the floor.  He knew damn well that you had to have nitpicked the coin to hell in order to call it Extra Fine, let alone snag it for a third of its usual asking price.  Law expects you to smirk at him as you pass by and exit the store, but the smile you give him is innocent and genuine.  He waits a few moments after you leave before going after you and is relieved to find you hadn’t run off and were waiting on a bench outside for him.  As he approaches you, you make a peace sign at him, catching him slightly off guard.
“Here you go!” you exclaim standing up and, placing the coin in his palm.  He reaches in his pocket to attempt to pay you back but you shake your head.
“You don’t have to, the price I paid for that was borderline thievery.” you say.
“I’m impressed.” Law replies, still offering you the berries despite your protests.  Your cheeks turn pink as you continue to refuse payment, saying you were simply happy to help him out since you already had one in your collection.  Law pauses for a moment, gazing at you intensely, causing a sheepish grin to break out on your face.
“I heard there’s a bookstore with a café inside down the street.  Let me buy you a drink and we’ll call it even.”
“I’d love that, I need to pick up something new to read anyways.”
Law smirks as you both begin to walk towards the café and you ramble about a novel you’ve just finished, admiring the dusting of pink on your cheeks.
“You on the hunt for anything in particular?” you ask after ordering your drink, trying to mentally guess what types of books the pirate captain enjoys most before he responds.
“Organic chemistry textbooks.  I need to brush up so I can replenish the medicine stock on my submarine.”  Something behind your eyes lights up at the mention of the subject.
“Don’t waste your beri, I’ve got a ton at home!  I’m more of a spectroscopist myself, but I studied organic synthesis for a few years…” you said, explaining your studies to Law as he listened intently.
“It’s just a bit difficult to find a job around here; there’s no real industry built up, and I can’t afford to sail anywhere else, so I’ve been selling my paintings to scrape by.” you finished, voice taking a slight downturn at the mention of your current career state.
“How much biochemistry experience do you have?” he asks you, sipping on his drink.
“The basics, I need to brush up on some of the more complicated metabolic pathways though.” you reply.
“Experience making bulk quantities of solution?”
“How are you in small, dark spaces?”
“I seek them out.”
“For weeks at a time?”
“I’d be fine as long as I’m not completely alone.”
Law examines you for a moment, looking for any signs on your face that you were misrepresenting your own abilities, but found none.
“Trust me, you’ll wish you were alone after a few days.” he joked dryly.  He loved his crew dearly, but he wanted to make sure you were adequately warned about life on the Polar Tang before asking you the question that lingered on the tip of his tongue.  Law gulps down the rest of his coffee before speaking again.
“If you’re interested, I’d like to invite you to join my crew.  I need a chemist to help me out and relieve some of my workload.  The hours are long, the conditions are abysmal, and the sea is dangerous.  The pay is good at some times and horrible at others, but you’ll always have three square meals.  You’d spend most of your time either working with me or alone in the lab, but there’s twenty of us in total on the ship; you can meet them first before deciding if that’s what you’d like.”
You were flattered, and a bit taken aback by the offer.  Piracy had never been on your radar, but the opportunity to travel the world and learn a ridiculous amount of medicinal chemistry in a hands-on environment was calling to you like a siren’s song.
“I’ll have to buy some water-based oil paints.  Traditional ones give off too many fumes to use in a submarine.” you say with a smile, and you notice Law relaxes just the tiniest bit.  “I’m very interested, but I would like to meet the crew first, just to be sure.”
Law writes down the name of the bar and tells you to pack your things and meet them that night, and assures you if you were to change your mind there would be no hard feelings.  However, he couldn’t hide the relief he felt and the smile that crept across his face later that night when you fit in so well that Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo plead you to come along, leading the rest of the crew in a chant of “Please stay! Please stay! Please stay!”, followed by a cheer when you agree.
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jackiepackiee · 2 months
Hear me out. What if one day Chuuya finds out that the reader was also experimented on.
TW:scars, leaked information, trauma
Chuuyax reader
𝒞𝒽𝓊𝓊𝓎𝒶 𝓍 𝐸𝓍𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝒹! 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 - 𝓁𝒶𝒷 𝒶𝒷𝓊𝓈𝑒
𝒯𝓎𝓅𝑒 - 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒸𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓁𝑜𝑔𝓊𝑒
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How come his sweet and gentle lover has been hurt
He would take every ounce of pain from you into himself if given the chance
And his initial reaction, however he found out, will be hard to stomach
He’s in shock
“No… no no that’s not true. You had that good childhood, and you’ve been treated good by everyone. Just like you deserve, right? Right?”
Wide eyes traveled the room mindlessly. His brain was too occupied by thoughts to see anything beyond patches of color and light.
It was obvious what was going on in his head.
First, his experience. What he knows of the pain that still cause shakes and shivers in his body. The absolute mental devastation caused by the storm in his heart and mind from knowing his past.
Secondly, he sees you in the same position. Screaming, blood over your plush skin. Eyes dazed, far away from the world around you. Whatever world you may have been in that allowed you to be treated so poorly. Because if you had gotten hurt, it must’ve been a world Chuuya wasn’t part of.
“I’m sorry…”
“Sorry? No, fuck. Don’t be sorry, don’t you dare say that.”
In a split second he crossed the distance and pulled you into his chest.
“I’ll kill them all.”
Of course he would lie down his life for you, but this information increases that tenfold
You’re not fragile, that much is obvious, but after learning how close you were to death he strives for your life
Whatever it takes
“Chuuya, I do not need a bodyguard. It’s just down the block! And this boy needs a walk anyways!”
The dog barked in agreement, sorta. But Chuuya would not budge. No puppy eyes work on him when it comes to your safety.
“No. You can talk him on the walk, and go to the market. But one of my subordinates is going with you. I have some emails to write.”
“No buts, love. It’s for your own good.”
He pet the doggies head while speaking sternly to you. Little did you know, it wasn’t just one subordinate. He had a whole team on your saftey detail at all times outside of work and home.
And if those scientists are still alive?
Not anymore… it will be a MASSACRE that the news will cover for months
“Hey baby, did you see the news this morning?”
You asked, on a whim as you scribbled a shitty signature on some paperwork.
“No, why?”
“Some old facilities blew up. It was crazy. Reports said none of the victims died in the explosion. They all died by these terrible and violent ways. Like torture and stuff… gives me the chills.”
That was his cause, you. The cute way you told him about every little thing you heard. The funny actions you do to make show of your words.
All his to watch, and not theirs to ruin.
“No baby, I didn’t hear about that. How interesting.”
I hate to bring it up, but it makes him feel worse about himself
How can you, someone who went through the same as him, still be so kind?
Why isn’t he like you?
He doesn’t see himself as sweet or gentle, he’s a monster and a threat to everyone he loves
And he thinks he lacks the humanity that you “still have” that allowed you to grow so kind
You stalked into the bedroom, tense at the fact that the door was closed. He usually would leave it open?
“Chuu? I saw your shoes at the door, I know you’re home-”
There he was, his ginger hair on full display. Hat in his hands to his chest. Said chest on his knees, curled into a ball of black clothing.
His torso expanded and contracted with each exchange of air.
“…was it work? Meetings with Mori su-”
Words failed. Minuscule things such as meetings at work would cause this. Would cause Chuuya Nakahara to cry.
“You weren’t supposed to be home.”
“You weren’t supposed to be home. I was supposed to be alone, and… and I- I dunno.”
Whines left his mouth when you kissed his cheek.
As if Judas to Jesus, he burned at your affection. Unworthy of something so…human.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“Living, and loving. That’s what you’ve done.”
This isnt meant to be spicy, but sex is sex 🤷🏻‍♀️
And obviously if you’re going to be doing that, he’ll see your scars
For a couple who both has their fair share of scars, this likely isn’t the way the experiments were revealed
It takes a hell of a lot of trust to show yourself so vulnerable to anyone
But he loves each indent
He sees not the pain, but the growth then on
When you cuddle, he’ll get dazed and start rubbing circles on section of skin
Doesn’t mind them at all, even if they are dark and large
He has the same, and is no hypocrite
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Not proofread lol
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