#daughters of cid
demi-pixellated · 11 months
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little missy midadol
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
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“We’re already free.”
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kayayeteae · 7 months
Cid to Clive: Ur Not my type
Clive, on the other hand: *near immediate trust toward cid* *doubts his shortcuts but still entertains them* *banters back and forth with him* *honors his beliefs* *trust his insane theory without much thought* *cries upon his shoulder* *takes up his mantle* *first item placed upon his shelf is object representing his loyalty to cid* *consistently thinks about how cid would approach the strategy*
“cid I hope you’re watching this”
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straykidsnerd255 · 1 year
Hello ! I just had an idea and i needed to share it with you 😆
One day , the reader ( their daughter ) just wanted their attention , because they worked a lot , but because of the stress, they'll yell , saying harsh words , etc..and make a cry ?
But then , they realized what they did and will try to apologize ( it will be hard because the reader is really stubborn and resentful )
With El Cid , Kardia , Manigoldo , Aphrodite , Milo and Misty ?
Thank u ! ❤️
Here you go! Thank you for requesting and enjoy!
El Cid:
He was currently staring at the papers that splayed across his desk. He ran his hands through his hair as he tried his hardest to figure out what the papers were needing him to do. “Papa! Look at what I found!” Your little voice called out. El Cid pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. “Sweetie, I’m busy right now. Can you wait for a moment?” He asked, softly to see if you would listen but, you didn’t. You continued to talk and tell him about what you had found. “Y/n! I said I am busy!” El Cid snapped at you. It was silent for a moment before you ran out of the room crying. It took a moment for him to realize what just happened and when he did, he was racing down the hallway towards your room. He gently pushed open your door and walked in. “Y/n, honey I’m sorry. Papa is just extremely stressed and he didn’t mean to take it out on you. What did you want to show me?” He asked, sitting on your bed. You had your back facing him and refused to move. He waited but you refused to say anything. He peeked over your little body and found you sleeping. He smiled softly but with a hint of sadness before covering your up and leaving the room to finish his work before you woke up. 
You came bounding into the room right as your father screamed into the phone and slammed his fist on the table. You jumped and dropped what you were holding. The second it touched the floor it shattered into thousands of pieces. Kardia turned his attention to you and found you trying to pick up the bigger pieces. You yelped when it cut your hand and Kardia hissed in anger. He grabbed the wrap and quickly wrapped up your hand. “I need you out of this room before you mess something up again.” Kardia snapped before turning back to his desk and looking through the papers on it. You ran out of the room with tears falling down your face. When Kardia realized what he had said to you, he hung up on the person and ran to your room. When he got there, he found you laying on your bed, red-faced and asleep. “You cried yourself to sleep because of what I said to you. I’m such a horrible father Y/n.” Kardia mumbled to himself before closing the door and leaving your room. He knew that he had to make it up to you after you woke up but he knew that it wouldn’t be easy for him.
He was running around in his room trying to find the papers he would need for the next meeting he would be attending but for some reason, they were gone. You come running into his room waving a picture that you had drawn for him. “Papa! Papa! Look what I made for you!” You called out. Manigoldo glanced at you but it didn’t last long as he finally found the paper he would need. “Found it. Y/n, I need you to go play in your room right now. I am very busy.” Manigoldo said brushing past you as he continued to find the missing paperwork. “But father,” Manigoldo grew irritated. “Y/n for the last time, leave me alone for a moment! I will play with you when I am finished with work!” He snapped before returning to his hunt. You jumped when he yelled. You didn’t hold back your sobs as you ran to your room. When Manigoldo had finished his paperwork and found the missing papers, he ventured to your home in hopes of making amends with you but found you laying on your bed sleeping. He sat down on your bed and sighed. “I’m sorry for yelling at you Y/n. How about tomorrow we go and get ice cream and I can get you that doll you have always wanted.” Manigoldo promised with a smile. 
He was a mess. He had missed a meeting with Athena because he overslept. Now he was about to miss another important meeting. You came bounding down the stairs with a smile on your face but stopped when you saw your father running around the kitchen. “Father? Are you alright?” You asked. You were a smart girl and knew that something wasn’t right. You didn’t want to make your father angry but you wanted to know if you could help in any way. “I’m alright Y/n. I just need to be left alone right now. I’m very busy.” Aphrodite said before darting out the door with his things. You couldn’t help but fill the tears well up in your eyes when he said he wanted to be alone. You didn’t hold it against him for saying those words but you felt sad. You disappeared into your room and found yourself crying for who knows how long before passing out on your floor. When Aphrodite returned home, he was a mess. He placed all his things down before going upstairs to check on you. When he found you sleeping on the ground, he knew he messed up badly. He picked you up and placed you on your bed and covered you up. “Sleep well, my daughter.” He whispered.
“NO Y/N! I don’t have time to play with you! Can’t you see I am busy?!” Milo snapped at you from where he was sitting. You gripped the toy in your hand close to your chest as tears welled up in your eyes. You bolted from the room crying loudly before slamming your door shut. “Milo, that wasn’t a very nice way of telling her that you are busy,” Mu said, crossing his arms and glaring at the bluette. Milo sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “I know, but she….” He stopped when he realized that all he ever did was work. He never played with her and even gave her attention. He never even so much as glanced at her. He groaned and covered his face. “Look, you need to spend more time with your daughter. So, how about I take care of your work this time and you could apologize to her?” Mu said, holding his hand out for Milo. Milo looked at his friend before smiling and taking his hand. “Thanks, Mu. I owe you.” He said before darting to his daughter's room. Mu rolled his eyes before sitting in the chair and going through the papers that sat there. Milo knocked on your door and entered the room. You were sitting on the floor playing with your toys but stopped when you noticed your father sitting down next to you. You looked up to see your father looking at you, a smile on his face. “Can I play with you Y/n?” He asked. You thought for a moment but a smile appeared on your face. “Yes, you can.” You said, happy that your father was spending time with you.
You knew that your father was busy, but you really wanted to show him the picture that you had drawn for him. “Papa! Look at this! Look at what I drew!” You burst into his room causing him to drop the paper he was working on. “Y/n, how many times have I told you to knock before you enter my room?!” He yelled, turning to face you. He was angry and it scared you a bit. You backed away before running out of the room with tears falling down your face. “Sir, you need to be nicer to your daughter. You haven’t seen her in a few days because of work and when you do, you scold her for wanting to show you a picture that she drew of the two of you?” the butler asked, picking up the paper you dropped when you ran out of the room. He handed it to Misty and watched as Misty’s face melted from anger to regret. “I suggest that you go to her and make amends before she shuts herself away and never speaks to you again.” The butler said walking away. Misty found you in your room, tears still falling down your face as you looked out the window. “Y/n, darling. I’m sorry for yelling at you. I didn’t mean to.” Misty called out. However, you kept your back turned to him and ignored him. Misty could feel his heartbeat in pain. “I’ll make it up to you. How about we go get some ice cream and we can go to the store and get that toy you have always wanted. Sound good?” He asked. You twitched before turning to look at your father. You gave him a half smile before nodding your head and turning back to the window. ‘On the right path but still, a long way to go.’ Misty thought.
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sixpomseeds · 11 months
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If you see this you are legally obligated to send me anything Vivian/Mid related
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sheyshen · 1 month
vincent immediately bonding with einar upon meeting him during the trip from ala mhigo to garlemald in EW and one of the first things he does is shows off his leg to him and steph because he's certain they'll get a kick out of a magitek prosthetic.
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diamondnokouzai · 2 years
im so much fun when im drunk. come here for a couple of reasons.
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tainbocuailnge · 4 months
Hey, sorry to send an ask without us knowing each other 😅
But I just saw you in the tags in the post about jrpg translations, saying that FF14 has better translations in other languages.
Can you talk more about that?😊
I played in English before and it was okay. I tried German too, but was a bit disappointed. So hearing you say that, I'm genuinely curious to hear more!
I've been replaying msq in german and wrapped up tsukuyomi just yesterday and it's insane the extent to which german is more thematically consistent and has stronger and more nuanced characterisation than english. i think the german script is more poetic too, despite english trying so much harder to sound flowery and important. I've been translating bits and pieces to my friends and I keep feeling like I'm presenting them with that botched jesus painting restoration because I just don't know how to convey how beautifully constructed some of these sentences are. the german translation team are genuinely very good writers.
as an example of what kind of differences we're dealing with here, and since it's what I finished most recently, in german from the start there's a lot more emphasis on how it was systematic mistreatment from the "good old" doma that lead yotsuyu to where she is, and that her cruelty is specifically retribution for the way doma has failed her (as opposed to english trying to frame it as in large part to satisfy her personal sadistic impulses). gosetsu is repeatedly shown to be sympathetic towards her for this even while she's actively trying to hurt and kill him (as opposed to english having him be sarcastically dismissive of her), which makes it make way more sense that he'd take tsuyu in his care later even without the "also she reminds him of his dead daughter" bit (that they do still tack on at the end but doesn't feel like a handwave excuse as much because of aforementioned consistent sympathy).
in english hien has several lines showing he's hostile to and wary of tsuyu and waiting for the right opportunity to kill her, but in german hien brings up killing tsuyu one (1) time and when gosetsu argues for her right to live hien agrees, and the difficulty in keeping her around is not his personal dislike but that it's hard to guarantee her safety when the doman people will want violent retribution in turn (in clear parallel to lyse trying to keep fordola from getting lynched without a fair trial). because german hien is not constantly talking about how he wishes he could just kill yotsuyu for her crimes, it doesn't read as pathetically incompetent of him to let her sneak out of the mansion multiple times because he was treating her as harmless citizen of doma instead of an enemy of the state (because german in general emphasises a lot that she SHOULD have had a place in doma), and her backstory is taken seriously as part of his motivation to create a better doma that she perhaps could've had a peaceful life in
there are many cases like this where german displays a nuance that english doesn't, and from very early on. in english arr cid ran away from the empire out of moral disagreements, in german it's clear that he also holds a complicated resentment over losing his father to project meteor and then his replacement father figure gaius to a similar mad search for power, something that in english doesn't come up until all the way in shadowbringers with bozja. in english castrum meridianum livia says she's going to kill you because gaius is hers, in german she's mad at you because you killed her friend mr cape westwind and is going to kill you before you can take gaius from her too.
in german heavensward thordan sounds much more convinced of his principles. when you defeat him in english he's horrified of how you could possibly overcome the amount of faith he's powered by, in german he's horrified that the future of ishgard will be thrown into chaos in the name of your pursuit of truth. gaius sounds more convinced of the ideals he spouts too, and it feels more plausible that he has people willing to die for him and his ideals. in german the similarities between nidhogg and estinien are clearer, and when nidhogg possesses him he insidiously frames it as an act of kindness.
in german, many random moments of misogyny in the english script outright don't exist. matoya doesn't make fun of alphinaud for looking like a girl. alphinaud isn't dismissive of alisaie in binding coils. most of the lines in english that insult or dismiss yotsuyu as an evil whore don't exist in german, and lines that weren't about her at all in english turn out to express sympathy towards her in german. in english hydaelyn had minfilia fuse with her by force, in german it was minfilia's idea. in english i was bothered by lyse being made head of the resistance because she sounds so unsure of what to do and think right until the end, in german she's full of conviction and clarity of purpose. I'm sincerely convinced the english team hates women.
because german doesn't go out of its way to sound like some kind of ancient wizard prophecy at every turn, several scenes which in english were confusing convey their information clearly in german (I'm particularly thinking about the minfilia anitower scene here). characters talk clearly and with a lot of personality that english fails to achieve because everyone has to speak faux old english. and because most characters talk like real people instead of ancient wizards in german it's extra cute that urianger does in fact talk like an ancient wizard.
as a more personal gripe, I have noticed several moments where the english script centers the warrior of light and their importance and struggles, while in german those scenes where about, like, the character the scene is about. german wol is still hydaelyn's favourite freak of nature and everyone loves them obviously, but as the example most fresh in my memory there's the scene in early post-stb where you visit fordola in her cell and she unwillingly looks into wol's past thanks to her fake echo. in english, she asks wol how they can bear all the suffering other people have put them through. in german, she asks how wol manages to stay sane when the echo makes you so deeply aware of the suffering of others. in the flashback of her past you see in that scene the german script also mentions that her face tattoo is an ala mhigan design, which makes it clearer than it was in english that she was specifically trying to rise the ranks of the imperial military as ala mhigan and makes her motivations more coherent - namely wanting to prove both the ala mhigans who hated her for being garlean and the garleans who hated her for being ala mhigan wrong by achieving success as both (and the power to lash out at both).
there have been very, very few moments where I actually thought the english script was better (shiva's trial lines and like, one line hien says at the steppe, that's it), and the vast majority of the time german is anywhere from about the same quality as english to just insanely better. the english script is so concerned with sounding cool and important that it becomes scared of letting characters be motivated by emotion. it's plagued by the kind of insincerity and insecurity that plagues so much of western media and leads to movie superheroes making fun of their own costumes. the english script will write one good line and then keep repeating that line ad nauseam and yet still fail to achieve the amount of internal thematic consistency the german script has, because english is relying on this handful of cool lines to carry its emotional core instead of actually letting the emotional core drive the characters. combined with the consistent pattern of dumbing down and/or vilifying female characters frankly I want to beat koji fox with hammers.
I'm actually very curious what about the german script disappointed you. the german voice acting is not good so if that's what turned you off I completely get it (I play with jp voices myself) but that's separate from the actual writing. these kind of things will ultimately always come down to personal preference so i won't judge but as you can tell from these several paragraphs i feel very strongly about the quality of the german script so I find it hard to imagine why you think that
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rhystheceo · 6 months
Checking the characters' thoughts in the new state of the realm update and OH BOY
Elwin considered Jill the daughter he never had;
Anabella pretty much always hated Clive and Jill but truly loved Joshua;
Anabella mentions Olivier's noble lineage, but makes no mention of feelings towards her youngest son, which...
... might connect to Joshua's thoughts on Olivier, in which he asks himself if his mother loved his half-brother as she did him;
Joshua wishes for Jote to be free and wonders if she likes her new home (hideaway);
Joshua adores Jill;
Joshua will meet Ultima in the pit should he try to touch his brother;
Joshua considers Gav an old friend as soon as they meet and considers Charon to be a kind lady;
Jote thinks Jill has a kind heart;
Otto was the one to make Jote feel at ease in the Hideaway;
Jote only forgives Dion over the destruction of the Dominion because Joshua decided to;
Jote doesn't feel comfortable around dogs;
Jill calls Anabella a thief of happiness;
She also mentions that Elwin had always been kind to her;
Jill says Clive and Gav are close as brothers;
(On a lighter note) Ambrosia is confused over Joshua being a bird as well lmao
Ambrosia is glad Torgal grew up cos now she doesn't have to worry about stepping on him anymore;
She mentions bby!Jill thinks she's pretty and later thinks adult!Jill is very pretty herself;
Comments on Joshua returning 'bigger' than when she last saw him too lmao;
Torgal has no understanding of death, as he mentions Hanna was sent underground, and Cid fell asleep 😭
I have yet to read more but /YELLS
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random-brushstrokes · 9 months
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Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench (Spanish, 1849 - 1916) - The Daughters of El Cid
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ayyyy-le-simp · 1 month
Hey pookieesss 🤭
Happy Final Bad Batch Eve. I’m totally not crying.
All day I’ve seen final goodbyes and sad edits. And so to help ease the nerves and anxiety, I come here with some hopefully funny shenanigans. Featuring my beloved Mami again.
My mother has very little knowledge on Star Wars (which relatable, im still learning). And so I’ve asked for her to give me her thoughts on The Bad Batch characters!! I call this ✨ pre-game comfort ✨. Writing this two hours before midnight (it’s 10pm where I live).
Enjoy <33 and everyone thank my beloved mother!! (Spanish lines will be translated, blue print is me)
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“I already told you, Rambo.”
“Was he ever shirtless?”
“Unfortunately no.”
“He’s a 7/10 though.”
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“That’s the one who died, right?”
“Pobrecito.” (Poor thing.)
“Cómo se llama?” (Whats his name?)
“Ahh okay. He died the same way Bucky Barnes died.”
“Bucky Barnes didn’t die though. He came back as the winter soldier.”
“Exactly. And who’s that mystery clone guy?”
“I think that mystery clone is Tech.”
(Guys she supports our delusions.)
I’m typing this on my phone at the moment, and for some reason, tumblr isn’t letting me type under pictures and it’s literally annoying me and I’m too lazy to made separate posts, but stay tuned. But I might make another version on my tiktok 🤭
Moving onto Crosshair
“He reminds me of your dad. Bald and tall.”
(I showed my mom the scene of Crosshair sitting by himself in the cafeteria)
“Ay pobrecito.”
Moving onto Wrecker
“He reminds me of Drax. From guardians of the galaxy.”
“I think he would like Pitbull.”
“I literally love him.”
“Quién? Wrecker or Pitbull?” (Quién means who)
“Estas loca.” (You’re crazy.)
Moving onto Echo
“What happened to him?! Why does he look gray?”
“He needs to eat some red meat. Get some blood in that skin. That’s some low iron.”
“Yo le daría carne asada.”(I’d give him carne asada.) [steak]
“Echo? Like the movie Earth To Echo. I like that movie.”
Moving onto Omega (my literal daughter)
“She looks like her name would be Estella. Or Estrella.” (Estrella means Star in Spanish)
“I like Omega. It’s a cute name.”
Moving onto Phee
“I like her, she’s voiced by Wanda Sykes. I like Wanda Sykes, she’s funny as hell.”
“She really liked Tech.”
“She and Tech deserved better.”
“In my mind, Tech is not dead, he’s happily married to Phee.”
“You’re delusional.”
“I know.”
“Pobrecita, she didn’t see him around.”
Moving onto Cid
“Isn’t that the puta that snitched them out?”
(Puta means bitch)
“Hm. She’s a witch for that.”
“Que guapo.” (How handsome.)
“But he’s a captain?”
“Oh no. I can’t go cheating on my Captain America. America’s ass. He’s the only Captain in my life.”
“He can be your space Captain. Space’s ass.”
“Space’s ass.”
“Space’s ass.”
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
so I honestly don’t have too much to say about episode 11. SUPER cool to see the Zillo Beast again, although I am owed compensation for all those jumpscares tyvm 🫣
loved seeing the boys trying to protect Omega the entire time, and Tech seriously needs a leash now that Echo is gone cause good grief buddy, don’t EVER go off on your own like that again plz 😫
Dr Hemlock seems like he’ll be an awesome new villain to hate now that Rampart is gone, and I continue to wish death upon Lama Su 🙃
and of course, chaotic Hunter flying. LORDY. this man needs to quit being my type already GEEZ 🥵
now as for the whole Omega being hunted by the Empire thing… I kinda knew it was coming. one of the screeners who leaked stuff a while back mentioned it, so yeah, I’m not that surprised. it makes sense all things considered. I’m not happy about it of course, but I’m sure it’ll be fine… it’ll be FINE 🫠
honestly, there’s two things I’ve been mainly focusing on this episode: Cid and Nala Se
with Cid, I’m not too surprised about this rift that’s been created with her. it was hinted at in Faster, and it’s pretty in character for her to be a jerk to them in general. but unlike most people, I don’t think this is TBB being donezo with her for good. nor do I think Cid will be the one to sell them out. despite how she acts, Cid does harbor some good feelings towards them, especially Omega. and I highly doubt she would be THAT cruel, all things considered. I foresee the boys going back to ask for her help after Omega inevitably gets captured. at least, that’s what I’m hoping for. I genuinely like Cid and I really don’t want them to leave her for good ☹️
now for Nala Se… OH boy. I can’t believe they’re trying to pull a Mara Sov on us with her. those of you who don’t know, there’s a prominent character in Destiny who, like Nala Se, has been responsible for a LOT of crap happening (all the way down to the genocide of her own people), but recent events have been attempting to have her “atone for her sins” or whatever. and I AIN’T HAVIN IT 😤
y’all know me, I love a good redemption and will always try to push for that whenever possible. but also, sometimes, you gotta let a bad guy be a bad guy. Palpatine and Pong Krell are excellent examples of characters that I was more than happy to see bite the bullet. and I’m the same with Nala Se. that BINCH has been responsible for most if not all of the Clones problems, and is directly responsible for what happened to Fives. she’s been uncaring and selfish for as long as we’ve known her. so to pull this bs of “oh but she actually genuinely cares about this ONE person, even though she manipulated them for their entire life” is NOT gonna fly with me, sorry. idc if she “cares” about Omega, she’s just as terrible as the rest of the Empire and has NO pity from me. and I can already tell, Omega will be conflicted about her feelings cause she’s such a caring person and won’t be able to see how manipulative Nala Se was in comparison to how her brothers have treated her. it’s fine, she’s a child with the biggest heart imaginable, I can forgive her for that. I just REALLY don’t want Nala Se redeemed in any way. she doesn’t deserve it. let her rot in that cell for the rest of her life for all I care 😠
literally, I cannot believe how much this is rivaling Mara’s story in Destiny. even down to “the person you manipulated for the entire time you’ve known them is suddenly taken away from you and now you’re going to attempt to atone for it by trying to be a better person cause you suddenly decided you genuinely care about them now that you don’t have them anymore”. I cannot STAND this bs. sorry, but you had your chance, and you BLEW IT. take the L, stfu, and get outta my face. you’re selfish, and you know it. and continuing to take advantage of a kind person’s kindness makes you even more of a scumbag (predicting things with Nala Se here, but yeah, this is totally gonna happen 🙃)
tl;dr Nala Se can SUCK IT, and I hope her and Lama Su die off with the rest of the Kaminoans 🖕🏻
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cosmic-metanoia · 5 months
Femininity Concepts in FFXVI
***Spoilers for Final Fantasy XVI***
Well, here I am again, now focusing on the female characters.
Like I did in the previous post, I will focus on the female Dominants first then highlight some secondary characters that really stood out.
*Jill - Come on, we gotta start with our beloved gal. She demonstrates this silent but strong (and even fearsome) spirit. She's very supportive of Clive but is not afraid to voice her opinions. She possesses a natural elegance and grace but demonstrates her fierce capabilities on the battlefield. She has a knack for negotiation and relating to others. We really see her unveil her dark side when she confronts her past head on in the Iron Kingdom. What's fantastic is that she asked for Clive's support and understanding but made it clear that she would be the one to face off against the Crystalline Orthodoxy's head priest (his name escapes me). Jill may not always make background commentary but her words are carefully selected and measured.
*Benedikta - She is your classic femme fatale that plays with men to further advance her position. Yet the one who she is in a love/hate relationship with is the one she can't have. She is ferocious yet what makes her different is that she contains this hidden sorrow and just wants to be genuinely loved. The way she frantically panicked when she lost her Eikon honestly brought tears to my eyes. She ended up with the wrong crowd and played this game of political chess in a room full of powerful men yet she instantly realized how useless she was to them in that moment of losing her most valuable piece.
*Side note: Let's hope that Leviathan the Lost is another female Eikon when the DLC hits in the next few months!! <3
*Jote - Okay, this awesome woman is HIGHLY underrated! She is incredibly enigmatic and we learn so much about her from the thoughts of other characters but never from her own lips! Initially players may brush her off as some unimportant maid servant but we see that she is so much more - a shield, a formidable fighter (though never witnessed!), a healer, a scout, etc. She's basically doing the jobs of Tarja, Clive, and Gav wrapped up in one! Yet her eyes give away her feelings towards Joshua and especially when she frets over his health. Yes, she longs for him but what makes it unique is that she loves him for who he is, not for what benefits his Eikon brings to the Undying that worships him.
*Mid - A freakin' prodigy. I mean, she is the head of the hideaway engineers! An occupation that is stereotypically masculine. She is 100% focused on her tasks and is not your typical 16 year old gal for sure. Her genius inventions, zest for life, and fast-talking mannerisms has all of the hideaway family wrapped around her finger (true, also because she is Cid's daughter). That whole scene with Joshua kneeling to kiss her hand upon meeting her cracked me up - she's the last woman who requires a chivalrous display but what I love is how she laughed and pulled him up and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
*Charon - What can I say, this woman does not take s--- from ANYONE. She's even intimidating to some of the men at the hideaway which is absolutely hilarious. She is a hardened woman that commands respect but has her softer side which takes time to reveal. Money is on her mind but eventually she learns that there should be more to life - using her abilities as a cunning merchant to help a cause greater than herself.
*Tarja - Like Charon, she also does not accept any B.S. and takes her job as the non-magical physicker very seriously. What's great is that she isn't a nurse but the actual (and only) doctor of the hideaway. Her extensive knowledge is incredibly valuable and the hideaway would definitely not have survived without her.
*Vivian - A woman held in high-esteem who is so focused on the garnering of knowledge that she even gets targeted by assassins. Her intelligence certainly tips the scales in favor of the Cursebreakers to gain the upper hand.
*Anabella - I have a huge post written about her but I figure it's worth mentioning a particular aspect. She possesses quite the evil ambitions and is able to persuade not just the theocratic Sanbrequois emperor but powerful men from other nations - NOT just through her looks but through her conniving strategies. She longs for a powerful legacy forged by the greatest possible noble blood and even views herself as the prized breeding cow.
Some other examples of different aspects of female characters include: Eloise who is an astute businesswoman who conducted deals and contracts while her brother Theodore (sob) became her trusted porter; Martha who is the tough protector of Martha's Rest - the Rosarians put their trust and faith in her; the same with the Northreach residents when it came to Isabelle. What's great about her is that she is a courtesan but we see her blossom into a strong and trustworthy leader that many held in high esteem.
Even the stoic Dorys is the commander of a Cursebreakers squad.
I love how the story had female characters each with their own drives and ambitions whether they were motivated by a just cause or for evil reasons.
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alcida-auka · 4 months
Omega's Heroine's Journey prediction
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Here's my current prediction for Omega's story from season 1 to season three using the Heroine's Journey as a model.
Separation from the Feminine. Omega leaves Kamino behind, and with it her central mother figure, Nala Se, a woman who is Creatrix of her many brothers, benevolent and ruthless, Creator/Destroyer. Nala Se represents an ambivalent figure to Omega. She is loved by her, but she lived in a cloistered lab, and likely saw Nala Se's ruthlessness, as well as her love. In Murdock's Heroine's Journey, the heroine is unhappy in the world that represents her feminine origins.
Identification with the Masculine and Gathering of Allies. Most of our story of the Bad Batch, is Omega's journey with her younger big brothers. They are aspects of her animus, the masculine side of her, and she identifies with them, learns from them. They are the Muscle Man [Wrecker], Hunter [Literally, the Hunter], The Professor [Tech], and eventually, the Psychopomp [Crosshair]. Allies include Cid, Echo (a Reg brother), Phee, and many more.
Road of Trials, Meeting Ogres and Dragons. Many stories of rancors, dragons, scoundrels, battles. Season 1 and season 2.
Finding the boon of success Pabu. After many trials, (we see bits of vice in Omega at the start of season 2, a little of the potential for avariciousness we see in Jango and Boba, mostly ameliorated with influence of her brothers and the old Serennan man). But Pabu is the success, the utopia well-earned, a life with her brothers.
Awakening to feelings of spiritual aridity; death The life of adventure with her brothers, brings Omega the absence of one brother striking off independently, the other brother dead (maybe). Season 3, Omega will realize that her life with her brothers that she emulated and desired leads to their danger. She will question herself and what she means to them.
Initiation and Descent to the Goddess Omega will meet a Dark Shadow of herself--Emerie, the version of herself raised by a malevolent father figure, Dr. Hemlock. He is neither the benevolent paternal figure of Hunter, nor the neutral Creatrix like her mother. Dr. Hemlock is a malevolent Creator/Destroyer and perversion of that mythic figure. Omega will come to understand her Shadow in Emerie, and what could have been an aspect of herself down another path. In addition, she will also meet the Goddess that can help reconcile her place in the galaxy, and her place. This could be represented by Asajj, a woman who has been raised and tutored by multiple people, kind [Jedi] and dark [Sith], and found her own way, her own power, not completely defined by simple dichotomies, embracing what she has learned of Jedi, Sith, Witches.
Urgent yearning to Reconnect with the Feminine Omega will revisit what it means to be Nala Se's Creation and Daughter, to be Emerie's sister. That Feminine is represented in this story by cloning itself, and Omega's former (and current Mt. Tantiss) life of medical research of being assistant and aide to Nala Se -- the life that had been intended for Omega. This does not mean Omega will be Nala Se's assistant in her future adult life. But it does mean reconciling with her Mother Figure's legacy of the clones, and how she can help them herself, using her own knowledge gleaned from working on Kamino and on Mt Tantiss.
Healing the Mother/Daughter Split We have never seen Omega and Nala Se hold a conversation with each other. It will be time for a maturing Omega to confront her Creatrix, to understand or reconcile her ambivalent feelings towards her. This may also be represented in having EMERIE, Omega's Shadow, reconcile with Nala Se, the Mother figure she might perceive as having abandoned her to Dr. Hemlock.
Healing the Wounded Masculine This was always going to be Crosshair. He represents the psychopomp, the final state of the Animus, the masculine that is the guide, who has gone to death, and out of it. He has been symbolized by the Ice Vulture [remember the sacred symbolism of the vulture], and Joel Aron talked about the "angelic" lighting above Crosshair in his cell. Angels and vultures are all psychopomps. Omega will heal her inner psychopomp, the masculine guide, the part of her broken masculine, and in need of flying again, soaring above with sharp eyes.
Integration of the Masculine and Feminine Omega's final stage in the Heroine's Journey. She will combine and integrate the positive Masculine in her life (of which there is much!) of her warrior brothers, that have helped her to reach out in the world and fight, with the Feminine of her origins, the clever clone, assistant to the Creatrix of them all. Like Nala Se, she can be clever creator and destroyer (she was trained to do Nala Se's work after all), but she will destroy what harms her Mother's creations. She is the Omega, the last Clone. She is the Legacy of Jango Fett, a man who gave his own blueprint to create millions of doomed boys that will destroy and be destroyed in turn, and the Legacy of Nala Se, the woman who used that DNA to create them. Jango and Nala were always mirror characters in the story--both seemingly dispassionately, created millions of doomed children for a war machine. Yet neither were wholly evil, both loved fiercely and were/are honorable. Both loved one clone (the Alpha, and the Omega, respectively). Omega will embody the positive aspects of both these complicated legacies.
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Worst Case Scenario
Echo x Reader
Summary- After an ambush from the Empire, you, Echo, and Omega must escape by yourselves. Hunter and Wrecker sacrifice themselves to let you three live. Based on Season 2, Ep. 16
A/N- This is angst angst angst! But semi-sweet ending. Always open to constructive criticism, thank you!
Word Count- 1,837
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"You know... I tried to look out for you boys... You too." Cid said, turning her gaze from Wrecker to you.
You immediately got an unsettling feeling in your stomach. Well, more than you had since Tech's fall. Tech's death... Tears threatened to prickle at the thought, but you had to stay strong. Especially being Omegas role model...
Echo had once called you her mother figure, you remember turning red. You dismissed him jokingly, but it gave you that warm feeling in your chest. You certainly loved Omega like a daughter. You don't think there is anything you wouldn't do for her.
"You've just got too much heat on you... and you brought it here... at my place of business... I had to make the best out of a bad situation..."
You didn't even listen to Wrecker's response, as you took off for Omega's room. Blaster sounds and lasers erupted.
With a hand on your side blaster, you turned the corner and slid into Omegas temporary room.
Hunter was already standing, eyes wide.
"Call for Echo." He instructed.
You had never felt so much fear. You had all been in tight situations like this before- only now you were all beaten emotionally and physically.
"Yes sir." You mustered, out of pure habit.
"What's happening?" Omega started, standing at the blaster effects.
"It's the Empire- You two take the mining tunnels to the space port and find Echo." He looked at you, understanding the reality of the situation. "I'll get Wrecker." No, he was going to stall and buy us some time. Hunter was a smart clone, he knew what he was doing.
You tried to check the comms while Hunter pushed out a box, revealing the tunnel entrance. All you heard was static on every channel.
"But you're injured! You can't fight them alone!" She pleaded.
"You two need to go, that's an order." Hunter always commanded with authority, but there was a hint of pleading in his voice.
Omega jumped to hug Hunter, squeezing his side strongly.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too, Omega."
After an exchange of glances that spoke a million words, Omega started down the tunnel. You stopped for a second, turning, and rested a hand on Hunters shoulder.
"Protect her." He insisted.
"I will... And we'll find you..." You tried to stay hopeful, but it was difficult with the past few days you had.
He gave a glance down the tunnel, Omega was too far to hear his next words.
"No, you need to get her out of here." You had never seen him so demanding.
"But-" He interrupted you.
"Now. Don't look back."
You simply nodded and headed down the tunnels.
Omega stopped on the bottom platform, you jumping down behind her.
"I can't do it.." Omega started, followed by your name. She sniffed- "We already lost Tech."
"And I am not going to lose you Omega." You said, at a loss for any word of comfort. You did though, step closer.
"No, we are going back." She tried to climb up, you blocked her way.
"Let me go!" She yelled, getting more frustrated.
"Omega!" She stopped struggling and looked at you. You crouched down to be level with her.
"We have to leave and find Echo." You gently grabbed her hands in yours. "He will know what to do. Us two, we can't take on the Empire by ourselves"
"We can't leave Wrecker and Hunter!" She yelled, arms pulling back. You inhaled deeply, you didn't want to leave them either. But you couldn't help anyone if you were all dead. You knew they were after Omega, and nothing was going to stop them.
Better three dead siblings than six, you thought gruesomely.
She looked you dead in the eyes, "If it was Echo you would go back!" You bit your bottom lip. Maybe she was right... but it wasn't Echo. It was Hunter and Wrecker, the people who would be pissed if I let her try to be a hero.
"Omega, Hunter told me to protect you. That's what I'm doing." She looked up at you with big eyes, filled with tears.
"It's not fair!" She hissed, tears falling angrily.
"I know honey, but if we don't get to Echo. We will be dead." Your breath shook at your own words. They were harsh, but not far from the truth.
She let out a small sob as you enveloped her in a hug. She clung to you desperately, almost as if it would change the circumstance.
"It's not fair.." She repeated to herself in a whisper.
You did nothing but pet her hair and hold her. After a minute you gave her a light squeeze. "We have to move before the Empire finds the ship."
She sniffled but nodded in understanding.
The two of you quickly made your way out of the tunnel exits. It was just a short run to the ship yards.
You gave a quick prayer to anyone listening before trying your comms again. The Empire scrambled the channels, but hopefully a short-range signal worked. With you and Omega crouched behind The Marauder, you tried contacting Echo.
"Echo, Omega and I are by the ship. Open the ramp." You whispered quickly. You got no response. "Echo?" You tried again.
With a loud steam, the ships doors opened. You and Omega rushed in, closing it quickly.
"Echo, we need to get out of here now!" You ran to take the Co-Pilot seat.
"What's going on, where is Hunter and Wrecker?" Echo questioned, starting up The Marauder.
With a glance behind you, you saw Omega bundled into a ball in her bunk. You still kept your voice down for your next statement.
"We were ambushed, Cid sold us out. Hunter and Wrecker gave Omega and I a window to escape." Your own eyes filled with tears at the guilt. "I had to take it." You sobbed. "I had to protect Omega." You stood true to your words, but broke down into tears.
It was a lot to process for Echo. He wanted to comfort you, but had to think logically first.
"I'm going to go back, you two need to get to Pabu." Echo stated.
"No, you don't understand Echo! That's a suicide mission!" You gasped out.
With a deep swallow, you continued- "It's the Empire!"
He snapped his head around, "We've gone against them before."
"Not this many Echo..." You let out another sob. "There are too many for us." You pulled forward, both hands cupping Echos head. "Hunter and Wrecker are already dead by now." Tears flowed freely down your face. "What do we do Echo....?"
Just as you finished, blaster noises arose. You both called for Omega, feeling much safer with her in the cockpit with the two of you.
While Echo pulled the ship up to fly, Omega was already sat in the shuttle's gunner's seat. She had a twisted look on her face as she shot freely at the Empire troopers that attacked.
You took in a deep breath, one that painfully refilled your lungs.
You viciously wiped your tears away, grabbing the handles to the front blasters of the ship. With a white-knuckled grip you shot furiously. You lost your perception of time as you fired and fired.
Echo expertly dodged most of the Empires bombs and shots, but not as well as Tech would have. Another painful reminder. Three dead. Three brothers are gone. Not to mention Crosshair was probably dead as well...
The thoughts clouded you, your grip tightened on the blaster, but you stopped firing. Your breath quickened, hyperventilating. Adrenaline was starting to lose its effect, you were crashing and burning.
Echo called your name out, you didn't move until he shouted it for the third time.
You faced him slowly, hands not moving. Your eyes were wide, mouth slightly agape.
"Hey, hey." He got up out of his seat, putting his hand on top of one of yours gently.
"It's okay, they're gone... It's over..." He pulled your hands off the handles slowly. He then cupped your face with utmost care.
"We're safe... You're safe..." With his words, you looked out the glass pane. Echo had managed to launch into hyperspace. The three of you were out of danger.
Your chest still heaved, desperate for oxygen. You shot around, looking for Omega.
She was sat in her make-shift room, clutching her stuffed toy.
You looked back at Echo, locking eyes. You embraced him strongly. He was still slightly confused on the situation, but he did what he had to keep the last of his family safe.
He pulled away to press quick kisses over your face. You were still in shock and didn't kiss back- but you leaned into his touch.
He wiped tears from your face with his hand, everything felt numb. How was he still composing himself? You questioned to yourself.
With sad eyes, you looked down, a deep breath filling you.
You reached a hand up to place on him, feeling between his breast-plates. The feeling of his chest rising calmed you.
"I'm... I'm gonna go check on Omega." You choked out, hand swiping off any last tears, quickly. He nodded, hand coming up to rest on yours. You smiled half-heartedly and slowly lowered your hand.
It was a long night of holding and rocking Omega. After the high of battle drifted away she was hysterical. Her cries were only muffled by your chest, which she clung to. You held yourself together, somehow.
When she had finally cried herself to sleep, you laid her down. Making sure that Lula, her Tooka doll, was close by.
You returned to Echo with a shaky breath. He held his arms open, an invitation for you to join him in his seat.
You took it and lowered yourself into him, melting with his touch. His arms closed around you, hand resting on your hip.
"What the hell now..." You commented, void of any emotion. You were worn out.
He thumbs the skin around your waist. "We can head to Pabu. Get resources, contact Rex, maybe even stay."
Your face scrunched up at this, you hated Pabu. Everything and everyone had a happy-go-lucky attitude. But, it didn't matter what you thought anymore. All you and Echo needed to think about is what was best for Omega.
"Or not stay, we will see what happens." He practically read your mind.
"I don't care what we do, as long as Omega is happy and safe." You glanced back at her, still sleeping.
"You need to be happy and safe too." He said, thinking about Omega and you.
You swallowed, looking down at the floor.
"So do you..." You raised your gaze to meet his. "What would make you happy, Echo?"
"Don't worry about me, you've got your hands full already." He kissed the crown of your head.
"You take care of me, I'll take care of you." You said snuggling closer to his chest.
"And we'll both take care of Omega."
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I've never written any kind of angst or wump before, thanks for bearing with me! Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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questforgalas · 1 month
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Favorite Hunter and Omega Moments
It's our favorite father/daughter duo!
Reblog, reply, or send an ask with your favorite Hunter or Omega moments or any moments with both of them, we all know they had some great ones!!!
"Entombed" Hunter at Cid's parlor. I'm sorry, but he was so funny in that scene. No scene had "Tired Parent Hunter" energy quite like that scene and it makes me laugh every single time
Hunter beating down the Zygerrian slaver
"Negative." SIR YES SIR
Anytime Omega hugs Echo. She's put her whole body into it, and she's so real for that
All of her on Tantiss my brave brave babygirl!!!!!
Holding dirt like it's the most precious thing in the galaxy because she'd never been off of Kamino before. She sees the good in everything and nothing isn't a wonder
The growth of Hunter seeing her more and more as a member of the squad and not some kid who needs her hand held and doesn't know what to do, and her ability to give it right back to Hunter when she needs to. These two <3<3
Reblog, reply, or send an ask with your favorite Hunter or Omega moments or any moments with both of them, we all know they had some great ones!!!
Any negative or hate comments will be deleted and will result in a block of the user. This is a positive and safe space only!
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