#cute werewolf cuddles
sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Steve x Eddie Werewolf AU
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Not that you need to read any of that to get it because this skips ahead after the Vecna battle, Steve uses a pack mating bond to save Eddie and all you need to know past that is there is like, romance novel type werewolves (not A/B/O) and also Alexi’s alive. 
Steve’s wolf has always accepted Hopper as a father figure, allowing the older man’s pack to slot easily over Steve’s larger one due to the bonds both the children involved have with their parents, and how the overwhelming majority of his pack views Hopper as a trusted, beloved elder. 
Absolutely, Steve is their Alpha, the wolf in charge of their Pack. There is no question there, no argument (particularly since the children’s original pack had all but harassed Steve into taking up the role) but as does happen with werewolves, the human and wolf halves mixed to create sort of in between, combined culture. Within it, parental figures can easily hold ties to their own children, no matter if they were in different packs. 
Not that things still didn’t end in bloody fights, but as with most things, werewolves had, at large, contingencies in place to prevent dominance fights in modern times. 
Steve had always respected that, respected Hopper, more so than any other adult he knew beyond perhaps Joyce. 
A fact that made this display all the more startling. 
The words crackle with power, werewolf dominance and pack magic flooding the kitchen. 
Murray sucked in a breath while Alexi outright shuddered, more affected by it than Eddie and Hopper. The latter two still look over in surprise as Steve stalks in. 
The movement is predatory, almost inhuman, and no one needed to see Steve’s gold eyes to figure out that it was his wolf in control. 
He moved fast, faster than he should be with his injuries, to come to rest with his back in front of Eddie. It’s an aggressive, protective, stance, fury rolling off him in waves along with the blatant display of pack magic. 
“Why are you harassing my mate?” Steve outright snarled, and there is not a person in the room who has ever heard him sound so unfriendly. 
For a moment everyone freezes. 
“I’m making sure Eddie knows what’s important.” Hopper responded after a long moment. “--for the safety of both our packs.” 
He’s holding his stare, looking Steve straight in the eyes.
 Challenging him. 
It’s the wrong move.
Murray shifted slightly in front of Alexi, both their heads ping-ponging between Steve and Hopper. 
Eddie himself sucked in a quiet breath but tries to keep his own emotions down-the last thing  they need is Steve and Hopper have a blowout fight in the kitchen. 
Not when Steve’s wolf was in charge. 
Steve Harrington the human fought only to inconvenience. He lost fights due to the fact that he didn’t want to permanently harm the people he often fought against. He hated killing, refused to physically punish his packmates in the style many traditional werewolves preferred, and as a whole let even the most submissive of his pack boss him around. 
Steve Harrington the wolf fought to kill. 
No hesitation, no pulled punches. 
Just death. 
The noise that ripped its way out of Steve’s chest is inhuman. “Eddie is mine. You have no right to him, or to question my decisions.” 
The way his wolf speaks is strangely formal, almost royal. Not the choked, half-formed sentences many wolves speak in when taking over in human form, wolf understanding incompatible with human languages. 
He doesn’t have to see Steve’s eyes to see the warning in them. “You’ve overstepped.” 
“It’s okay.” Eddie said quietly, trying to head this off before it gets worse. It’s his fault, he realizes with horror, that Steve is out here now. He had been the one to lose control, to tease and taunt Hopper as was his usual defense when being read the riot act. 
It was second nature to him, a layer of defense. Words couldn’t hurt if he didn’t let him. People wouldn’t betray him if he forced their intentions towards him out in the open. 
Except this was Chief Jim Hopper, legendary Hawkins hero and father figure to the vast majority of his shiny new pack. 
Including the man who had decided that someone as worthless as Eddie was worth claiming as his mate. 
He’d let his emotions get the better of him, goaded Hopper into saying shit that frankly, wasn’t even close to the worst that had ever been thrown at him, even before the entire satanist-cult-murderer business.
Got his own stupid feelings hurt in the process, because he somehow had led himself to believe this adult, the fucking Chief of Police, who was well acquainted with his shitty parents and had arrested Eddie himself on a half-dozen occasions for everything ranging from petty theft to selling drugs, and who had been stuck in a Russian prison and fighting away from Eddie entirely, would believe that he was a good addition for Steve’s pack. 
The same pack his daughter was in (and if looks were to go by, his step-sons as well.) 
Nevermind all the children he’d been defending from this bullshit for ages. 
“Steve, it’s okay.” He stresses, hesitantly reaching out to put a hand on his mate’s shoulder. 
The younger wolf doesn’t acknowledge him. 
Hopper’s eyes narrowed, a flicker of his wolf’s green starting to show around his pupils.  
“Think it’s time we all cool off. Maybe not have a pissing match in Joyce’s kitchen?” Murray’s voice is uncharacteristically devoid of its usual crazed energy, but Eddie’s got to give the man points for trying. 
The dude’s a weird one, in a way that Eddie almost feels a strange kinship with. Unlike Murray though, Eddie’s got a dominant streak in him that makes him do more than just taunt and poke. It makes him strut, flaunt, throw things in people’s faces. 
Murray is smart enough to not give in to that half of himself-or perhaps, simply doesn’t have that same need to display his dominance in new and confounding ways. 
“Shut up Murray.” Is Hopper’s reply, voice hard. 
Steve manages to tense even further, muscles in his arms and neck flexing to make themselves known. For a moment his fingers blur in and out-Eddie catches the movement and tugs hard at Steve's shirt. 
Somehow he knows that If Steve shifts at all, even just to get his claws out, it’s game over.
There won’t be any going back once they fight. Not when they're like this. Not when Steve’s told him that Hopper and Steve have never fought before, and the kids are thankful for it. The dynamic the two packs have, the familiar bond between them keeping the peace-they need that.
Tears try to burn their way out of Eddie as he once again finds himself on the edge of ruining everything for everyone else around him. 
‘Maybe I am the devil,’ He thought hysterically, ‘--set here on earth to destroy everything around me.’ 
Hopper spotted the collection of power as it shifted down to Steve’s hands. His back straightened, shoulders going tense and Eddie knows he’s about to step forward, is trying desperately to figure out a way to stop this, when Jonathan bumbles dead into their midst.
He’s sleepy, hair a mess, sweatpants riding low on his hips and shirt slightly off one shoulder. The calmness that comes with him is the kind only an Omega wolf can pull, blanketing over the building anger in Hopper and blatant rage from Steve. 
“Mornin.” He mumbled, before he opened his mouth in a yawn, lazily opening a cabinet next to Steve and Eddie. He pulls out a cup, fills it with water, movements slow and deliberate. 
Eddie’s eyes go wide. 
This is their pack Omega. Sure okay, he was one of their best fighters according to literally everyone else (not that Eddie would know, he hasn’t been around the guy long enough to tell much about him) but the fact remained: Omega’s were rare. Precious. 
And he was putting himself directly in harm’s way. 
“Byers.” He managed to get the warning out, voice half strangled. 
Hopper’s eyes snap to Eddie, a wave of protectiveness flowing forward in that sort of scent/magic/posture/positioning way their wolf halves spoke to one another. 
It was a response clearly made over Jonathan, which definitely meant that dating or not, he’d decided to consider the kid a one of his own. 
Steve shortly came to the exact same conclusion and as expected, considering the elder-Byers  was his Pack’s Omega, reacted poorly. 
Very poorly. 
Power took visible form, cackling outwards from his eyes and down around his hands, dancing across his fingers. The blur was back, not quite yet shifting fingernails into claws but it was a close thing. 
Hopper raised his lips in a snarl, fangs already formed. Eddie felt panic rise fast within him, hand still clutching Steve’s shirt. Watched as Murray shoved Alexi further back into the wall, in preparation of getting the more submissive wolf out of the way and Jonathan-
Jonathan fucking sighed, before dropping his entire body weight against Steve, leaning on him while preventing any movement form either angry Alpha for risk of hitting him if they fought. 
One again, every single person in the room froze. 
Byers took a noisey sip of water before raising his eyes to stare to the left of Hopper’s.
“Could we not do this today?” He said quietly, that Omega calmness solidifying into a blanket-like feeling. 
There was a moment so tense Eddie could taste it, before Steve’s wolf released the power he’d drawn, the visible electric-like energy easing before disappearing entirely. 
“Everyone is still nursing injuries and I kinda think the kids would prefer a day where they didn’t have to see blood everywhere.” He continued, soft voice sounding annoyed. 
Eddie could feel the undercurrent of Jonathan’s own abilities pulsing outwards. Soothing things over, easing bloodlust and anger both. 
His head rolled, eyes flicking from Hopper to Steve. “And personally, I’d like to go back to bed with my packmates.”
Over the Pack-Bond he added,  ::Who shouldn’t be out of bed with their injuries.:: 
It was a fond chastisement that in any other scenario would have made Eddie smile.  
Hopper opened his mouth, only to be beaten when another voice jumped into the fray.
Joyce Byers, mother figure of Steve’s pack and second in command of Hopper’s (if not currently his mate, Eddie was very unclear on that dynamic) strode into the kitchen, hands on her hips. 
“What is happening here?” She demanded, her own Omega abilities matching smoothly with Jonathan’s as she came to stand in between Steve and Hopper. 
Eddie had met her a few more times than he had Hopper, enough to know that the Byer’s ability to churn out Omega’s was particularly strong considering Joyce was also one. 
Will hadn’t taken on any similar abilities, not yet, but the kid was extremely submissive in nature and there was a going bet about it being just a matter of time before he too, came up as an Omega wolf. 
Joyce took in the scene in her kitchen with narrowed eyes. They landed on her eldest son for a moment, the two of them no doubt communicating silently in that way parents and kids often did,  before she continued. 
“Hopper, why are you cornering three of my kids?” She demanded, rounding on her pack leader.. 
Eddie damn near fell into Steve at the words, he flinched so hard. 
Apparently, the claim startled Hopper too. “I-” He began but Joyce flickered her hand out,  cutting him off. 
“Are you seriously trying to start a fight in my kitchen? Barely a few days after all the-the crazy shit happened!?” Her voice raised in pitch, her own anger joining the fray, but unlike other werewolves, Joyce’s had the distinct ability to make everyone involved feel deeply, deeply ashamed. 
Eddie certainly did, for starting this whole mess.
‘You knew you weren’t good enough for them.’ His inner voice whispered. ‘You should have done more to convince them you were nothing but a fucking mess. They never should have allowed you to join their pack.’ 
“I’m trying to be a good parent here, Joyce.” Hopper grit out but it was aimed entirely at her, his attention falling away from Steve. “I have arrested Munson more times than I can count, and while it’s one thing to give the kid a pass now and then it’s another when the kids are involved!” 
Jonathan sighed as the two began to bicker, Joyce physically advancing on Hopper with a wagging finger. 
“I cannot believe you’d be this stupid-!” She was saying, and though it was aimed at the older man she might as well have said it to Eddie too.
He’d been stupid.
So fucking stupid. 
“Mate.” Steve said firmly, making him flinch again and Joyce pause. “Whatever he said to you isn’t true.” 
It was spoken to Hopper, though Eddie realized instantly after watching Joyce’s face darken in realization that it wasn’t said just for the Chief to hear. 
Stve’s wolf apparently, was just as cunning as his human half was. 
Their Alpha turned slowly, letting Jonathan fall gently into his chest before the other man righted himself, the two of them shielding Eddie with their bodies as Steve put his hands on either side of Eddie’s hips, palms flat on the counter. 
“None of it is true.” He repeated firmly, wolf gold staring directly at him. 
Eddie gulped, looked away.
“Okay.” He whispered, when it was clear Steve’s wolf wanted an answer. 
He could tell he was being scrutinized. Figured if he cried now, hed’ ruin all the peace Jonathan and Joyce had just brought them. 
So he cleared his throat, and mumbled a second time, “Okay.” 
That seemed to satisfy. 
“Guys, seriously.” Jonathan complained, leaning into their space slightly, pushing that quiet calm forward. “Can we go back to bed now?” 
Steve huffed. In a very uncharacteristic gesture, he leaned across Eddie’s lap to press a chaste kiss to Jonathan’s cheek. It was probably the closest thing a human had to a wolf’s lick, intention wise, which was the only potential reason behind it Eddie’s brain could come up with before it damn near stalled out at the sight. 
“Come, Mate. Our Omega wants to sleep.” Steve gently pulled Eddie off the counter, the other boy’s breath whooshing out in surprise. Eddie barely caught the blush that inflamed Jonathan’s face before as he was pulled right into Steve’s broad chest. 
Did definitely catch the way Steve curled one arm possessively around his waist, before reaching out to touch Byer’s arm for no reason Eddie could figure out. He positioned him so that Eddie was between the two younger wolves, Jonathan closest to his mother and Hopper, the arm wrapped around him never leaving (and likely there in case Steve needed to pull him out of the way, behind him.) 
“Go back to bed kids.” Joyce called over her shoulder, giving the three of them a gentle, mothering smile, one finger pressed firmly into Hopper’s chest as if to hold him still. “Call me if you need anything.”
“Okay mom.” Jonathan mumbled, and yup, his face was positively burning. 
Eddie tucked that reaction away for later, as Steve and Jonathan both started forward, tugging him along between them. 
They didn’t even make it all the way down the hall before the argument between Joyce and Hopper resumed, in a kind of hushed yelling that said they were trying to be quiet and not quite succeeding. 
“What on earth possessed you-” was the starting words from Joyce at the same time Hopper whisper-shouted; 
“I was handling it-” 
Alexi’s quiet, musical laughter and Murray’s loud, deadpanned. “Clearly not.” followed. 
Jonathan and Steve led him back to Jonathan’s room. A handful of the kids were holed up across the hallway in Will’s, the door firmly closed. 
Superior werewolf senses let Eddie hear the light snoring coming from within, showing they at least had managed to keep the fight from the kids who were here, and found himself grateful that their group had chosen to split between the Pack’s two dens. 
Meaning Robin and Nancy weren’t here at least, to see him fall apart.
Personally he’d prefer it if Jonathan and Steve weren’t either, but then, he had yet to manage not to shatter into pieces around his mate. 
Apparently causing problems wasn’t the only thing he was cursed to keep repeating. 
Steve walked them all to Jonathan’s bed like it was his own, door swinging closed behind him. He insisted Jonathan get in bed first with a gentle push, putting him closest to the wall. 
He nudged Eddie in next, the metalhead climbing in silently, trying to ignore the awkwardness of sharing a close space with a packmate he barely knew. 
Jonathan looked downright shy for a moment, averting his gaze as Eddie laid down next to him. That was sure to go away soon given both their Pack status and the fact there was zero space in this bed, though Eddie was struggling to recall much of Jonathan from their high school days.. 
What he did remember spoke to the elder-Byer’s just being the shy and quiet type in general. 
It was only awkward for the moment it took Steve to drop down next to him on hands and knees, the man physically scooting Eddie closer to Jonathan which startled noises out of them both. 
Steve apparently, wasn’t done just yet. He moved to hover over Eddie, their chests touching, as he pressed his forehead against Jonathan’s, eyes lidded. 
“Thank you, Omega.” He said a painful amount of honesty in his voice. Jonathan hummed in response, sliding his own eyes closed as he relaxed down into the pillows under him. 
Steve pulled back, gold eyes moving to look into Eddie’s own. “You belong with us. Here.” He said, the wolf speaking plainer than Steve the human over would. 
He leaned down, pressing his forehead against Eddie’s forehead for a moment too, before swiftly turning the gesture in a deep, quick kiss. 
“You are ours.” He continued when he pulled up, and now it was Eddie’s turn to blush horribly. “Now, we sleep.” 
Then he fucking curled into Eddie’s side like he hadn’t just embarrassed the hell out of two of his packmates, sleep claiming him near instantly. 
Not surprising considering his wounds, and the pack magic he had to have pulled to not only remain upright but threatening, but Eddie still wanted to groan about it, emotions rubbed raw by the morning's activities. 
“That’s Steve for you.” Jonathan whispered in Eddie’s ear, though he refused to look at him when Eddie turned towards him. “Welcome to the team, Munson.”
“Thanks.” Eddie responded automatically. “I think.” 
Jonathan laughed gently, breaking the awkward tension between them enough to allow both to slowly, quietly, drift to sleep. 
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I just want a grumpy werewolf to look over to me and immediately start wagging his tail. I would melt if that happened.
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d-llahanspade · 7 months
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344 notes · View notes
thedorfmirrin · 2 months
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Commission for @denim-lich of Barry and Astarion in their furry design forms cuddling in the moonlight 💕💕✨💜🌌💜✨💕💕
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sabrerine911 · 1 year
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Beth Ravencoft and a lil Shitieshou (Wo Long) 
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aroaessidhe · 5 months
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2023 reads / storygraph
Moonlight Love and Witchcraft
urban fantasy slice of life
romance between a vampire musician, their werewolf bartender girlfriend, and a young witch who shows up in town with her sister while on the run from their witch community
very little plot, she/they nonbinary MC, ace MC, bi MC
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mongrelist · 11 months
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Why don't you hug me
and hold me
and tell me
you love me ~
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wanhedas-dagger · 7 months
Now I’m thinking of Clarke transforming into a wolf 👀
It’s actually a very cute scene because all the moments with wolf!clarke are wholesome.
So she’s around 7-8 feet long, so she’s very big, and very fluffy. She’s a white wolf with blue eyes that are even brighter in her wolf form. And Clarke is just the most cuddly thing there is.
Lexa asks Clarke if she can transform at will or only on full moons. And Clarke says she can at will and whooshes into the wolf. It makes Lexa go O_O at first because holy shit she’s huge. But she warms up in a matter of minutes cupping her big face leaning in and kissing her head. Clarke sticking her tongue out all dopey and it clearly looks like she’s smiling at Lexa. Running her fingers through her fur, commenting on how soft and adorable Clarke is. And then Clarke laying down on her back, actually flopping down onto Lexa’s lap and looking at her with those eyes and freaking grinning with her wolf teeth.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 2 years
Silvery Moon - A Top Gun Werewolf AU
Goose is a werewolf. This hasn't caused him a lot of grief until one particular full moon. He had to cancel his date with Carole and she wasn't happy. Will he be able to make her believe he's a werewolf?
Goose is a puppy and Carole is oblivious.
Words: 3200
I had this idea a while ago but due to Halloween and @forsty 's werewolf au, I posted it now
The first thing he saw as he regained consciousness was the full moon. Reflections of the light on the water rippled with the gentle tide. It shone light across the sky. A beacon that couldn't be blocked out by the Annapolis skyline. He felt called to its light. The urge to howl was strong within his gut but he had to resist. He couldn’t get caught here, the Naval Academy wasn't too fond of dogs.
Over the six months he'd been at the academy, he’d never gotten caught on a full moon. There had been a few close calls, a few times when his wolf urges had gotten the better of him, but nothing too dangerous. The more dangerous part was the fact that he would turn back completely naked, something that had gotten increasingly more annoying now he was turning beside the bins near the entrance to the campus.
But there was no point dwelling on that. Tonight he had a mission. He needed to get to Carole's apartment. This full moon had been one of his first that had actually inconvenienced him. They'd planned a date, dinner and a movie, maybe they'd go back to her place. She'd mentioned that her roommate was out specifically tonight and they hadn't taken that step yet. 
Then he checked his calendar. The words 'Full Moon' in large letters made his heart drop. Carole had been more than pissed at him dropping her with no explanation. His only defence was that telling her of his lycanthropy would only serve to annoy her, it didn't exactly sound realistic, more like a pathetic excuse not to see her.
But tonight he was going to change that. What better way to convince her that he was a werewolf than showing her?
Walking away from the bins, he made his way onto the emptier streets just outside the campus. Night was heavy and hung around him. Couples walked together, their hands dancing with each other's. Joggers letting out short breaths and dog walkers passed him by. Another wolf urge rippled through him. He was bigger than their dogs, his teeth were sharper, his body stronger but he fought down the urge. He had a mission to go on.
Carole's apartment building didn't stand out against the others in the area. Red cobbled roads that melded with the sidewalks. Amber lighting glowing through condensated windows. Wooden cladded houses of various different colours, not that he could see these colours.
That was one of the main things he had to adjust to was how his eyes worked in his wolf form. Dogs didn't see colour the way humans did. It took a lot of time for him to get used to only seeing greyscale with occasional blue and yellow.
The building wasn't very tall for an apartment building. Only four stories with two apartments on each floor with a tough landlady to boot, one that didn't allow pets of any kind. How he was going to avoid her he didn't know. There was only one way to find out.
He ran to the door and balanced on his hind legs. The door was obviously heavy for a wolf, and without opposable thumbs it was even harder to open it. After scrabbling with the handle for a while, he managed to poke his nose through the door and finally make a big enough gap for him to squeeze through. 
Now to get to her apartment, he thought. His eyes flicked between the landlady's office, and adjoined apartment. One wrong move, one noise too loud and he'd be out. Although, he didn't know why it seemed so all or nothing to him. Perhaps it was in his dog brain kicking in.
He reached her door and came across a problem. He'd thought of how he was going to get here and what he would do once inside, but skipped over how he was going to get inside. Barking would work. Barking would also alert the landlady that he was there. What to do?
An idea popped into his head. He let out a whine and waited a few seconds. No response. He let out another one and still nothing. If he was human still, he would’ve let out a sigh. He didn't want to ruin her door but it was the only way to get her attention.
Whining a little louder, he began to scratch at the door. For a few moments there was still no response, until he took a moment to stop and heard her feet rushing to the door.
The door opened swiftly, her eyes scanning above him where she was probably expecting to see someone pushing junk mail or selling something. Then her gaze dropped on him and his tail wagged of its own accord. He began to pant, sticking his tongue and trying to make her see that it was him.
"Hi," she said, her voice soft. "Who do you belong to?"
She crouched down and checked his neck for a collar. The way her hands rubbed along his fur felt divine. Yet, now she was closer, he saw the whites of her eyes had turned a watery red. Oh god, he thought, he’d made her cry.
He pushed into her hand and tried to make his way into her apartment. She held him back by the scruff of his neck and let out a weak laugh.
"Sorry, bud, no dogs allowed here."
He whined again and gave her puppy dog eyes. She rubbed the spot between his ears, golden sparkles seemed to run through him. Why did touch feel so much better in his wolf form?
"I'm sorry, it's not my rule, my landlady's pretty harsh and I need this apartment."
He continued with the eyes. Her hand moved to scratch under his chin and his tail wagged quicker.
"Okay, maybe for a little while, it is getting pretty late and I wouldn't want you getting cold, despite that thick fur."
He almost jumped up in the air with delight. She stood behind him, hurrying him inside while looking around just in case her landlady had been summoned upon the very idea of bringing an animal inside her apartment.
Now he was inside, he shook off the cold from outside. Her apartment was so comfortable. A hand knitted quilt on the sofa, books on the coffee table, a small square television in the corner next to a potted flower and a bookcase. 
"I mean, you're lucky I'm even here to bring you inside, I was meant to be on a date but-" she trailed off and looked away. "But he cancelled without a reason, and I thought he was one of the good ones."
A whine escaped him without him knowing. He adored Carole. Seeing how he'd hurt her made his heart ache. Now was the time to show her he hadn't given up. He trotted over to the coffee table and saw the picture of them on their first date. Maybe this was how he could show her he was a werewolf?
She turned around and saw him holding the picture in his mouth. He met her at the sofa as she took it from his slobbery grasp. For a second, he thought he heard her gasp at the size of his teeth.
"That's him," she lay her eyes on their smiling faces in the photo. "That's the dick."
He lay his head on her thigh, her hand scratched his ear without thinking and he had to force himself to pay attention because the feeling of her fingers running through his fur was devine. Flashes of her giving him tummy rubs came into his mind. 
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" She said. "Are you paying attention at all?"
He pulled away and sat bolt upright. She chuckled, patting the sofa next to her. He jumped up, perhaps a little too eagerly but he couldn’t deny that cuddles from Carole felt amazing, in wolf or human form.
Once he'd shuffled around, he settled his head in her lap. The television played something mindless in the background as she sipped the dregs of her tea. Her hands tangled knots in the longer tufts of fur on his head.
"I know you're probably wondering why it's such a shock he's done this, if he's cancelled so quickly, why didn't I realise before?" She sighed. "But that's because he's been so dedicated throughout all of our relationship, and even before when we were both just crushing hard on each other."
"We've been planning this night for so long, he's in the Naval Academy you see, can't just come round any time he wants, and then he calls me today with some lame excuse that he can't make it and when I asked him why he just said he couldn't, 'Navy Stuff' he said."
She huffed and scratched his head a bit harder, not too hard though, "And he said it like I don't know anything about the navy, which I admit I don't know much, but I know that he doesn't have to work that Saturday and he specifically turned down invitations to hang out just so we could spend the evening together."
"I just feel like a fool."
Nick whined and sat up. Eye to eye with her, he could see the shiny film of tears over her eyes. Red streaks seared her cheeks. He licked her face and watched her giggle at how he snorted from the horrible taste of makeup and salty tears. 
"But that's enough about me, what about you, huh?" She used both hands to rub his face, his tail thumped against the sofa. "You don't have a collar and you're out this late at night, huh?"
He closed his eyes and momentarily forgot his goal. The dog part of his brain took over, just focusing on the way her hands squished his face and scratched his fur.
"You a stray?"
He tried to nod but couldn’t to the degree he wanted. Instead, he opened his eyes and stared straight into her crystal blue ones. 
"Is that a yes? Because I don't know who could leave you behind, you're so damn cute," she smiled.
He rolled over and raised his arms, blinking at her with puppy dog eyes. He'd never acted like this before. Full moons meant loads of energy and a heightened sense of anxiety that he had to force under control. But tonight all he could think about was how amazing her petting felt. Truly, his dog brain was taking over.
"Oh, you want belly rubs do you?" She teased.
He whined at her, blinking again and wiggling closer to her. If every full moon with her was like this then he may even start to look forward to them.
"Because I can do belly rubs,"
She rolled up her sleeves and lay her hands on his belly. Part of him got the urge to grab it, but he fought it away. A wolf brain also meant wolf instincts sprouting ideas in his head.
She rubbed her hands side to side, starting at the top, near his chin, and making her way downwards before returning back up and starting again. His mind started to drift. His eyes closed and a happy whine left him. 
Opening his eyes again, he saw her yawn. The nocturnal nature of wolves helped him stay up all night, but she was human. And humans weren't really nocturnal. Or at least not the ones he knew.
She sighed and slowed her hands. Instead of rubbing him, she scratched under his chin absentmindedly.
"I wish I could keep you, I really do," she said. "But I can't, I'll get evicted and I kind of need somewhere to live. I can't be a stray."
He sat up, flopped his head on her shoulder and whined. He knew this was just her speaking to what she thought was a stray dog, but he couldn’t help but draw parallels to their current situation. All he wanted to do was talk to her about this but that would have to wait until the morning.
"I'll take you to a shelter tomorrow, a good one," she kissed his forehead and if he could, he knew he'd be blushing.
They settled down again, resting her head on his. Rain had begun to fall outside, battering against the window and making him appreciate the warmth of her apartment. He felt her sagging against him. The clock told him it was past eleven and he'd had a full day. Maybe he could just curl up into her side and fall asleep, just for a while, the last thought on his mind being of how he'd never felt this calm on a full moon
As the dawn sun shone through the blinds, he awoke, noting the crick in his neck. The ache almost made him feel like he was fifty, how the hell would he cope then if he couldn't even sleep one night on a sofa he didn't know? This is why sofas weren't made for sleeping, he thought.
Wait, who's sofa was he on again? His eyes snapped open. Morning disorientation made his head spin as he pinpointed the cosy features of Carole's living room. If he was here, then this must be her lap he's laying on. And sure enough, looking up, it was her he saw.
Her raggled hair sticking up all over the place. Light snores drifted softly through the air as she slept with a parted mouth. Her face was smooth and unworried, her head resting on her hand as her chest rose and fell. 
She was so beautiful. If he could explain himself for ditching their plans, he'd be sure to marry her. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, however long or short that was.
For a moment, he was so engrossed in the domesticity of the morning, he didn't see her eyes flick open. Didn't see her scan the room and notice him, didn't notice the brief moment when she saw him but it hadn't clicked that he hadn't been there when she fell asleep. But then the other shoe dropped.
"Nick?" She exclaimed.
She darted up, throwing him off her lap and jumping out of her seat. She settled across the other side of the room from him, her eyes glaring confused at him.
"How did you get in here? Where did that dog go?" She said, her voice raising. "And why the hell are you naked?"
He looked down at himself and indeed found himself naked as the day he was born. Moving his hands over his privates, he damned himself for always forgetting that he turned back naked. Now he really had some explaining to do, might as well rip off the band-aid.
"I was the dog!"
She relaxed from her action stance. Cocking her head to the side, she raised an eyebrow. Her eyes scanned the room, probably looking for any sign of the dog. Believing he was a werewolf wasn't exactly easy.
"Don't shit me, Bradshaw, werewolves aren't real," she said. "How did you get in here, and why, the fuck, are you naked?"
He smiled, her face contorted more, his grin wasn't going to help, "But I was, honey, ask me anything about that night that only the dog would know and I'll answer it."
She squinted at him. Her nose scrunched and his heart fluttered. Despite the palpable tension, she didn't stop looking adorable.
"Okay," she started slowly. "What did the dog look like?"
"Long brownish-blond fur, bright brown eyes, kinda big, bigger than a normal dog but not too big to raise suspicion."
She seemed taken aback but continued, "What was the first thing I said to the dog?"
"Inside the apartment or outside?"
He thought for a moment. He may be a navy guy but he didn't have a perfect memory, even if it was just the night before.
"You said 'Hi, who do you belong to?' then told me no dogs were allowed, then after I tried to get in anyway you told me it was your landlady's rule." He said, he might as well recount everything, maybe she'd believe him quicker. "I came in, you told me you had a date but I cancelled, I tried to show you a picture of us to make you realise it was me but no luck"
"You told me your side of things, how we'd planned our date for so long and I'd just ditched you at the last minute without an explanation," his voice lowered as he looked at her with guilt in his eyes. "You told me that you felt like a fool."
Carole had frozen. Her mouth was agape as all anger was lost from her frame. She shook her head slightly, her eyes shimmering with disbelief.
"Then you asked me where I was from, decided I was a stray and told me after I whined that you couldn't keep me." He said. "You gave me belly rubs, which felt amazing by the way, all your scratches did, and then decided that you'd take me to a shelter today. Then we fell asleep and now we're here."
Carole gulped, blinked a few times and unfroze. Her hands clenched and unclenched. Nick saw this as a good time to grab one of the quilts off the sofa and wrap it around his body.
Carefully, he edged his way towards her. Their foreheads bumped as she smiled at her. She could never fail to make him smile. There was too much of her to love sometimes, she filled his heart almost to bursting and made it hard to concentrate. He'd actually had more than a few comments recently that he looked lovesick.
She stroked the light stubble along his jaw. Although he was stark naked, he felt a rush of warmth flood through him by her touch.
"You're the dog."
"I'm the dog," he said, then corrected himself. "Well, wolf really, a werewolf to be exact."
She cradled his face and kissed his nose. A small grin rose up on her face. Sleepy filled eyes broke with happiness.
"Why didn't you just tell me that?"
"Would you have believed me?"
She shook her head, "So, a wolf, huh?"
She led him to her bedroom. Fatigue had started to kick in. His wolf form may be nocturnal but his human one sure wasn't. He hoped she wasn't in the mood for something more but he doubted it, there wasn't the right feeling in the air. All he wanted now was to get into his pyjamas and sleep cuddled up in her arms. 
"How'd that happen then?"
He chuckled to himself, "That's a long story."
"Well, we've got all day, how about we have that date now?"
He caught up to her and pulled her in his arms. She fit so well. He lifted the quilt over her so they were shrouded like caterpillars in a cocoon together.
"I love that idea,"
They kissed as they fell on the bed. He may not want sex, he thought, but he could spend eternity in her arms.
This was going to be a 5 + 1 but I didn't want to start something I didn't have time to finish before posting so here is this fic. In this AU, Goose, Mav, Slider, Wolfman, Rooster, Bob, Coyote and Payback are all werewolves. Also Goose realises that he just wants cuddles from Carole and don't we all?
Thank you for reading!
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aubrietarose · 1 year
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A teaser for a little comic. First page is up on Patreon early access (NSFW tier) now!
I just love how... freaking... BIG Nash is next to Sid.
They're not actually doing anything naughty at the moment, honest! Just a giant cuddly werewolf boyfriend hug.
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monstersflashlight · 19 days
Feral werewolf who follows you home from the woods. He stalks you, follows you everywhere. You don't mind, he's just like a lost dog following you around. A really, really big dog. But he's harmless, and really cute if you ignore the bloody fangs and salivating mouth every time he looks at you. He's okay. You don't mind. And at night, he whines and scratches your door because it's been too long since he saw you. A couple hours are a lot for someone who doesn't understand time.
You have to open your door and let him in, where he proceeds to follow you to bed and drape himself over you like a weighted blanket. You are okay with that, too. Why not? He's harmless. He's just a giant puppy who likes to cuddle you. A giant puppy that transforma into a big human as you sleep and wakes you up grinding his hard dick against your ass. He whines as he humps you and traps you under him until he's coming all over you, satisfied with his marking. You complain and chastise him, but he looks so proud of himself you feel a bit bad. So you ignore it, what if he wants to hump you... He's harmless.
But things escalate fast after that. He follows you when you go running, excited by the chase, and tackles you to the ground where he fucks your thighs until he gets your leggings all messy and sticky. You chastise him, but once again, he's just proud of his work. You have to walk home with messy leggings that rub your inner thighs in a way that you don't want to think much about.
You wake that night with his head between your thighs as he licks your pussy over and over. You want to push him away, but he's too strong, and you don't put much of a fight. Why would you? He's just a feral werewolf fixated on you. He just wants to eat you out... And his tongue is so long that he can lick your G-spot and play with your cervix. You came so hard you scare him, making him bite down on your hip and making you come again. Well...
Maybe he's not so harmless after all. He's a feral werewolf... But you are a monsterfucker.
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midnight-roses-candy · 3 months
If a werewolf girl twice my size wanted to use me as a stuffed animal to cuddle with while she sleeps, who would I be to disagree? And if she wanted to chew on me a little bit, how could I blame her? It's just her instinct, she needs something to chew. And if she wanted to knot me, who am I to stop her? She needs a fleshlight, especially one that is warm and makes cute noises.
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kiasken · 2 months
just saw a post about how cute it would be if werewolves purred and the vibrations while cuddling.
imagine cockwarming a werewolf that can't stop purring so you keep cumming on his vibrating cock
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nichoskittycorner · 8 months
So... a random drabble thing I wrote. Like you know that trope about adopting a pet and it shifts into a hot person? Yeah it's like that except it's a werewolf and a wolf plush. This isnt complete and only like a lil nsfw but yeah-
Oh yeah its like gn! reader x Male werewolf-
Imagine going to a thrift shop looking for supplies for a project and see the cutest littlw wolf plushie you've ever seen- You just had to have it! It had black soft fluff, little golden eyes and even felt warm to hug. Hey, things were already cheap here- why not treat yourself with this?
So you took the little plush home. Happy with your new friend, you set it on your bed and continued to set up for the project. Once you got started, you felt lonely. Reaching over without thinking and holding the plush in your lap. Squeezing and cuddling them as you worked.
Tine flew by as you worked- eventually yawning and pushing the supplies aside. Taking the plush with you as you ate, cleaned up and got ready for bed.
As you laid in bed, you looked into your new friend's eyes and brainstormed some names. "Hm, what about something cute? You are cute afterall." With a half asleep brain, you settled on the first thing you thought of- giggling before falling asleep.
The next few weeks went by as normal. Well that and you almost always had 'Muffin' with you. You really didnt know why but they were good company. Sure the toy never answered you but their pretty golden eyes seemed to twinkle as you spoke and when you cuddled with them. As if a soul was really in there...
Plus that warmth you got from them always made you feel good, like you were hugging something alive. It became a habit to kiss their snout Goodnight and pet the soft fur covering their body. Telling them any and everything on your heart without restraint.
'It was just a doll, right?'-
It's what you had to tell yourself as you found yourself in a predicament. Horny but too lazy to get out of bed to do anything about it. So as you snuggled into Muffin, you started grinding your hips into the plush to get off.
This would have to be something you never told anyone- your body burned hot as you got the much desired friction you craved. Your underwear quickly turning into a soaking and cum filled mess as you got more bold over the long hours of the night.
Peeling your underwear off and rubbing your bare self against the doll that was bringing you such pleasure. It didnt surprise you that you had climaxed several times- leaving your precious plushie covered in your fluids. The streaks standing out greatly in compared to the black fur.
You wouldve been embarrassed but your mind was already floating. This was a problem for the you of tomorrow. So with a satisfied body and brain, you hugged Muffin close, still covered in your mess and fell asleep.
The next morning you were confused and scared by your predicament- your vision was blacked out and you could barely breath. Panic instantly took over as you pushed and clawed at the darkness to get free.
A low growling was heard as you managed to shuffle free. Gasping for air once your face was out of the darkness. It took a little more effort to finally get out of bed and check the scene before you.
Covering about 75% of your bed space was a giant mass of deep black fur, rising and falling very steadily. Whatever this thing was, it was sleeping peacefully despite nearly suffocating you.
As you assessed the situation, the mass woke up and took on more distinct features. Pointy ears, a long snout and sharp but sleepy golden eyes. Was that... a wolf in your bed?!
You wanted to run but was scared frozen. If you tried to run from said wolf it's very likely it would give chase. As you stepped back slowly, the creature seemed excited to see you.
A long tail thumping against your sheets and their eyes sparkled. Lazily crawling out of bed, standing on two legs as they approached you. Using their mouth to pick you up by the shirt like a small kitten and carried you back to bed.
Wrapping around you and trapping you in their embrace. Large clawed hands roaming under your shirt and all over your body. Growling in content as they buried their nose into your neck.
"W-whats going on...?"
The fluffy wolf mass mumbled and licked your neck, making you shiver all over. "Its me human... The curse is broken."
Curse? Now that was bizarre. Plus it still didnt give you much information. "What curse, and who are you?"
The wolf... werewolf(?) wagged their tail, their response shaking your whole mind up. "Muffin! At least, that's what you named me-"
You nearly choked on your own spit. Muffin?! Your little plushie? No way-
As you questioned the wolf still holding and snuggling you, it all started to make sense. 'Muffin' explained that he had accidentally gotten separated from his pack at some point and cursed by a spiteful witch.
Transformed into a useless plush toy and circulated around house and home with no control of his actions. It was miserable and terrifying. That was until he met you.
You took him home and took good care of him. He was sure your instant connection meant he was your mate but he couldnt be sure as a doll. But now he was, and he wanted you badly.
A part of you was still confused. Werewolves, witches and curses werent unheard of but were extremely rare in these parts. And how did you of all people break such a curse?
As you pondered these thoughts out loud, he nodded and continued to fondle your body, pressing kisses against your neck and shoulder and peeling off the rest of your clothing.
Part 2
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werecreature-addicted · 10 months
Werewolf bf that tries to be submissive for you. Letting you pet and cuddle him, but when it gets to the bedroom, he can't handle your scent and ends up domming you.
He tries his best to be a good boy and not scare you. he'll keep his mouth closed to hide his teeth and bow his head so you can "pet" him and mess with his ears.
he doesn't want to scare you but... I mean this isn't really natural to him. he's effortlessly intimidating, so it takes a lot of work to be "cute" for lack of a better term.
but it is worth it, he loves cuddling you and feeling your hands in his fur. it's just an effort every time he wants to be close to you.
so it's no surprise that when his restraint slips- that his "cute" mask slips too.
he really did mean to let you take the lead, but you're just so small and weak compared to him. it almost takes no effort to pin you beneath him.
He catches the way your breath catches and your heartbeat accelerates when he has you trapped. he tilts his muzzle to the side and breathes you in letting out a low growl of approval as your scent fills his nose.
"you smell so good. I don't think I can hold myself back," he warns, his claws digging into your hips, lifting them up to meet his own, so you can feel how hard he is for you already.
He holds both of your hands in one of his own, easily trapping you to the bed. you can only squirm and whimper as he trails his big tongue over the side of your neck.
"I bet I could do anything I wanted to you right now, and you'd let me, isn't that right baby?"
"y-yes," you moan, completely at his mercy.
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inkigutsu · 2 years
All aboard, next stop:
Snuggle Central Station <33
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