#curiosity killed the turtle?
hitwiththetmnt · 1 month
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Baby’s first hair problems ('▽')
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life-set-to-random · 9 months
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Which one was the worst and why do you feel that way? You can only pick one.
For the record, I love all things Ninja Turtles to at least some extent, some more so than others but I can find some good in every version thus far. I picked these three for this because most of the fandom seems to dislike them. I’m just curious which is the most unloved and why.
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okay, i don’t know why, but i have a very strong suspicion that rise!leo, after laying his like… 100th i fertilized egg (because i believe in transmasc rise!leo with a burning passion) he would eventually be like… “how alike are these things to chicken eggs?” and then try to cook one, see that it works, and then replace the eggs in the fridge and see if Mikey notices
i don’t know why i thought this, but i feel like this is something rise!leo would do
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wonderloste · 2 years
redoing tags p. 1 : character tags.
#ʚ c. alice liddell ɞ        ⁄      oh you clever little thing‚ what a charming basket case.#ʚ c. white rabbit ɞ        ⁄      if i only could‚ i'd make a deal with god and i’d get him to swap our places.#ʚ c. jabberwock ɞ        ⁄      stroke of luck or gift from god‚ by the hands of fate or devil’s claws.#ʚ c. bandersnatch ɞ        ⁄      worship your body as you walk my way‚ you're the only one who can make me pray.#ʚ c. king of hearts ɞ        ⁄      roses are red and violets are blue‚ from the depths of my gardens our hearts bloomed.#ʚ c. cheshire cat ɞ        ⁄      for now my heart is pierced by cupid and i disdain all glittering gold.#ʚ c. gryphon ɞ        ⁄      you’ve got what it takes to set me free‚ oh‚ you could mean everything to me.#ʚ c. caterpillar ɞ        ⁄      she can crush every hope when i've got her heels stomping down my throat.#ʚ c. mad hatter ɞ        ⁄      and the man who drank the tea and took the pill has locked himself in limbo.#ʚ c. march hare ɞ        ⁄      do you know that you’ve imprisoned yourself like the king of all the capulets.#ʚ c. dormouse ɞ        ⁄      time dancers whirling past‚ i’ve gazed through the looking glass just beyond my grasp.#ʚ c. mock turtle ɞ        ⁄      facing the storm‚ i'm cast out at sea. i'll drown eventually‚ so don't save me.#ʚ c. tweedle-dum ɞ        ⁄      forgiving who you are for what you stand to gain‚ know that if i hide‚ it doesn’t go away.#ʚ c. tweedle-dee ɞ        ⁄      swear to god‚ love seeping from your gun. know that if you hide‚ it doesn’t go away.#ʚ c. red queen ɞ        ⁄      what a lovely time that it would surely be‚ so bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep.#ʚ c. white king ɞ        ⁄      sometimes the curiosity can kill the soul but leave the pain.#ʚ c. gnat ɞ        ⁄      weep not poor dreamers‚ i’ll show thee the way through all the pain and the sorrows.#ʚ c. duchess ɞ        ⁄      she lost her voice down by the river‚ screaming for courage and called it her terror.#ʚ c. raven ɞ        ⁄      all the queens and the court jesters clapped‚ adored‚ but a trophy of mercy is a trophy no more.#ʚ c. nobody ɞ        ⁄      but you won’t cry for my absence‚ i know. you’ve all forgot me long ago.
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tervaneula · 9 months
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Leonardo sighs into the white fur his snout is blissfully buried in. 
“You’re so soft,” he mumbles and burrows even further into the warmth in his lap, pulling Yuichi’s back flush against his plastron. 
“We’ve established that about thirty times in the last thirty minutes,” the rabbit chuckles and keeps letting himself be treated like the world’s largest teddy bear. “I should get going though. Your brother is giving me the stink eye.” 
Huh. Leonardo hadn’t even noticed anyone coming into the room from the midst of his trip to Fuzzy Land. 
“...which one?”
“Little Mikey.” 
Leonardo snorts, inadvertently giving Yuichi a light raspberry and he snickers at the tickle of it. 
“Don’t call him that where he can hear you, lest you evoke the fury of Dr. Delicate Touch.” 
“I think he heard me…” 
That gets Leonardo to lift his face up from the fluffy heaven he would’ve been content to spend the rest of eternity in and sure enough, Mikey is downright glaring at them at this point from his seat across the room, arms crossed, a refurbished and heavily modified N-Gage (provided by Genius Built™, of course) he’d apparently been playing games on now laying forgotten in his lap. 
It’s baffling until Leonardo remembers with a jolt that he had promised to go with him to Run of the Mill today. A cursory glance at the clock on the wall tells him that they’re well past the agreed time to leave. 
He audibly swallows. 
“Heyyyy, big man–” he starts but Mikey levels him with an icy glare that doesn’t let him continue and he shrinks, squeezing Yuichi’s middle as if the rabbit could hide him from the quiet fury of his little brother. Yuichi stays silent, no doubt amused by the much bigger man cowering behind him. He’s only heard about both Michelangelos’ different personas and he’s curious to see if any of the infamous doctors will make an appearance this time. Obviously, he’s partly to blame for whatever’s about to occur but while curiosity might kill the cat, satisfaction always brings it back. 
“You know what. It’s okay. It’s perfectly fine to forgo your promise and let your baby brother starve in favour of some cuddles you can get like, iunno, every dang day,” the box turtle says, ice dripping from his voice as he gets up from the armchair and saunters right up to the personal space of the two swordsmen. 
“And the stink eye was for Leo,” he adds and forcefully jabs Leonardo in the forehead with his finger. 
“I’m sorry!” Leonardo squeaks, his head retracting into his shell on instinct. Despite his foul mood, Mikey grins. 
Yuichi looks behind his shoulder… and freezes. 
The smugness radiating from Mikey changes into confusion as the rabbit just keeps staring at the space where Leonardo’s head used to be. 
“Wait, have you never seen him do that before?” he asks, and Yuichi slowly turns his head to look at him. Finally finding his tongue, he almost screeches, 
“That’s normal?!” 
Mikey bursts into laughter. 
“We’re turtles! Obviously! Look!” 
Yuichi’s eyes sting with how they’re nearly bulging out of their sockets as Mikey demonstrates his ability to retract all of his limbs with ease and his shell falls to the floor with a clang. 
“Ta-dah!” he exclaims from within and pushes his arms out enough to make jazz hands at Yuichi. 
“Oh my stars,” the rabbit mumbles and suddenly lightheaded, he leans against Leonardo’s body. The slider finally gets his nerves in check and pops his head back out with a grunt – it’s a tight fit, has been for years, and he’s inherently glad that only a few things are scary enough (Mikey being one of them doesn’t exactly make his life easier but that’s not here nor there) to make him retract any of his body parts. 
He nestles his chin in the crook of Yuichi’s neck and can’t keep the amusement out of his voice. 
“Did I actually spook you?” 
Yuichi draws a deep breath and slumps bonelessly into the slider’s hold. 
“You bet,” he mutters, “that’s so weird. You’re so weird.” 
Leonardo barks out a laugh. “Excuse me! You’re not exactly a model example of normal either, mister universe-hopping, not-a-yokai-nor-a-mutant bunny rabbit.” 
Mikey decides to pop out of his shell at that moment, groaning. 
“Uuuugh nooo, don’t start with the banter! You’re lucky your boyfriend is un excellent comic relief. I’m so hungry, Leo! Let’s go already!” 
Feeling bad for forgetting his promise, Leonardo relinquishes his hold on his heaven-on-earth with a quick peck on his cheek. 
“I’ll portal you home. See you tomorrow?” 
Yuichi sighs but can’t help the smile that tugs the corners of his mouth upwards. “See you tomorrow,” he replies and gets up from Leonardo’s lap. Mikey moves out of his way, having fished his phone out of a pocket on his belt. 
“I’m gonna text our order to Hueso,” he grumbles but the earlier fit of laughter seems to have drained all the venom out of his voice and he only sounds a little vexed. Yuichi almost reaches out to pat his head but thinks better of it and hides his hands in the sleeves of his yukata. 
“I’m sorry for keeping your brother,” he apologises with a small bow, “had I known he had a promise to keep, I would’ve excused myself earlier.” 
Mikey huffs, his thumbs still flying across the screen of his phone. No doubt Leonardo is going to pay for his transgressions in the form of a massive dinner order. “It’s not your responsibility, but I appreciate that!” 
Leonardo shakes his head fondly. He’s infinitely glad that his family has accepted Yuichi so quickly and therefore the rabbit could afford to lose some of that politeness, but he has to admit that it’s also pretty adorable. He gets up to retrieve a katana (formerly a butter knife – one of the more banged-up ones the Mikeys wouldn’t miss) from the conveniently placed wall mount and rotates his wrist to open a portal right to the middle of Yuichi’s living room. 
“I’m still not used to you doing that,” the rabbit says, staring at the swirling mystic energy with more than a little awe. “It’s so convenient! I don’t think there’s a single person in Neo Edo who can do magic like this.” 
“Well duh, only a Hamato can have ninpo like ours!” Mikey puts his phone away and demonstrates his abilities by manifesting a golden chain which he uses to yank the sword out of Leonardo’s grasp. 
“My turn!” Mikey giggles and swings the katana through the air, leaving it spinning near the ceiling. Leonardo sighs and hurries to walk Yuichi to the portal before his concentration fades and he has to make it again. The rabbit steps into it obediently but before Leonardo can bid him farewell, he turns around to lean back over the threshold and pulls Leonardo down to squish their snouts together. It’s not really a kiss, per se, but it has the desired effect anyway as the slider’s eyes widen comically and his cheeks flush crimson. Yuichi lets go and steps back with a huge grin, his eyes glinting with mirth. 
“Have fun at dinner! Give my regards to Señor Hueso!” 
Leonardo can only stare after him, the heat on his face practically rivalling the sun, and Mikey has to elbow him in the ribs to get him back in the present. 
“Y-yeah! Bye!” he says, a goofy smile plastered on his embarrassingly red face and Yuichi waves him goodbye as the portal closes. 
Now that there’s no more lovey-dovey nonsense in the way of their dinner, Mikey doesn’t waste a moment to manoeuvre the katana into his hand to grab the hilt in order to slice through the air to make a portal to the pizzeria. The crackling blue ring of magic that appears is small and it wavers before fizzling out and, lucky for the slider, Leonardo manages to suppress his snort in time. 
“Aw man, I thought I had it this time!” 
“No can do, big guy,” Leonardo salutes him and motions for the box turtle to give the sword back to him. Mikey sighs and acquiesces. The portal into the graffitied alleyway appears effortlessly and Mikey immediately jumps in, yelling at the slider to follow. 
Leonardo does, but not before brushing his fingers over his beak, still feeling the tingle Yuichi’s much softer nose left behind. 
He realises he’s irrevocably smitten, and frankly, despite the trouble it landed him in today, he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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LMAOOO OKAY i've never written anything this long this fast so there's probably a bunch of stuff that needs to be fixed but I needed these cuddles and I needed them now. Thank you @spacemimz for requesting them I love you SO MUCH
As you can see though, this turned into something more than just cuddles and I'm kinda. Really happy about it hahjhjhashsdg
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sebastianswallows · 2 months
Feyd-Rautha — sad headcanons
— WARNINGS: angst, mentions of kidnapping, child molestation, mentions of Feyd's child by Margot (Marie Fenring), it's just dark and depressing I'm sorry
— A/N: @localravenclaw asked for headcanons yesterday, here you go girly, no returns. This is a hybrid of book and movie Feyd.
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His first memories are of ice floes on the black waters of Lankiveil, fitting together like the blocks inside his puzzle box. The wailing of sea creatures underneath the waves. Enormous weapons mounted on ships leaving harbour. The deep bell chimes that floated on the air, colouring it golden, splitting time in measured pieces like a great grandfather clock, from the temple of Ohashi.
He remembers playing in the sea foam. Duelling his playmates with driftwood they picked up in abandoned ships. Filling the nests of rock turtles with the pearls that rolled up on the shore. There were so many that they spilt between his fingers.
He remembers gathering stiff crystalline flowers which grew on the rock their castle sat on, but not what they were called...
And he remembers making his mother a necklace of blue spiral shells, with the help of her handmaids. He wonders now and then what became of it, and then he stops himself.
Childhood memories are too tainted with what came afterwards. With what cut it in two halves.
With the grim understanding, in hindsight, of what his uncle’s touches meant during his first days on Giedi Prime. Skinny little Feyd. Did your father never feed you? How pretty you are, just as he was as a boy. Did you fall and hurt yourself here? No? Are you sure? I can feel a little dent where one shouldn’t be, yes, yes, right between your bones.
They seemed like comforting caresses at the time.
It was always surface touches on the thin and tender canvas of his skin, dry kisses, fondlings with an almost anatomical curiosity to them, and always with rough laughter resounding in the halls.
Many years passed before he realised, through hints gathered here and there, that his uncle was diseased. Longer still to find out that it was a Bene Gesserit who did it. Sexually transmitted, requiring constant treatment, and the cause of his enormous bloat.
Many pieces fell into place in the puzzle box at the back of his mind then. Why his uncle never showed to him the same sort of close attention he showed to the slave boys. Why it was always those large fingers heavy with rings that traversed his body, and traitorously gentle kisses, and long lingering glances once he let Feyd go.
How strange he felt, after being brought up to hate the Bene Gesserits and fear them, when he became conscious of a sort of gratitude he owed the witch for protecting him, beyond the grave, from the worst of his uncle’s attentions.
He remembers the first time he fell sick on Giedi Prime. It was during his first month there, when his body couldn’t take the toxic fumes and the industrial meat. His body revolted, flushing with an allergic reaction.
And he remembers his uncle’s visits, a few of them. How he slipped his fat hand between his thighs to feel them shivering, sweaty with fever, and laughed. The doctors around his bed laughed too, not daring to do anything else. Even at the age of 11, Feyd thought there was something wrong about it, but he had nobody to turn to, nobody to ask. How stupid he feels now.
And then there was a time, a broad swath of his adolescence, when he was planning quite seriously to kill the Baron.
He had devised a naïve scheme involving one of those awful oil baths and a stone lid, and he allowed himself to fantasize that if some day, for some reason, a Bene Gesserit would come, she could help him gain control of all the slaves through mind tricks, like the witches were rumoured to do. And he could escape with her, hidden in the soft folds of her dress while, in his imagination, the palace was boiling with fear and revolution upon the Baron’s death.
He grew out of these childish fantasies at around age 15. Nobody was coming to help him.
It was then that he started taking the arena more seriously. Killing slaves felt good. Feeling warm blood on his hands felt good. And it felt good to be so close to a human body while someone else suffered. It filled something in him he never knew needed filling.
His first taste of spice was around this time too. His uncle deemed him ready. It tasted like cinnamon, but never the same after that. And the dreams…
The dreams that came true scared him. Fate predetermined, fate out of his reach. His hands around a dozen throats could not make him feel in control after that.
But the other dreams, the ones that never came to be, those took him beyond fear, beyond anger, to a pit inside his soul. Demons swirled around him, teasing, tormenting him with the way his life could never be.
Dreams of impossible futures are the ones he hates the most. Dreams where he is wed to an Atrides bride, where his son sits on the Imperial Throne, where their enemies are humbled, and absolute power brings peace.
Feyd wakes up still on Giedi Prime, still under his uncle’s fat thumb, still with his concubines to pacify him while his true destiny is nowhere in sight. And when he does dream of a Bene Gesserit, she is not there to kill his uncle or to help him escape. She’s there to use him.
And sometimes, Feyd dreams of a little girl with a sweet and simple name, with her hair in dark ringlets, and sullen eyes like his. She runs through blue and silver halls, she plays in a field of flowers, she breathes the salty sea air of a distant planet and meditates upon the cliffs. He dreams of never meeting her, and wakes up wondering why that troubles him so much.
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llamagoddessofficial · 11 months
Siren au! Instead of meeting in a aquarium like usual, what happens if they meet MC on a stranded boat. Maybe there was a shipwreck and she’s on a life raft, maybe on a piece of wreckage?
ohoOOOOOOO she's trapped in one of those rinky-dink life rafts with nothing but a tarp over the top to protect herself from the sun and rain, and a few day's worth of provisions.
What shall she do...
Sans: He's the first to find her, adrift in the middle of the ocean, with nothing but her raft and rations. Encountering a siren is scary enough on a big boat, let alone in a tiny little raft with nothing to defend herself. She's forced to watch a monster stalking her as she drifts alone in the endless ocean.
... But for some reason... he doesn't eat her. When he finally does approach the boat, he talks to her- despite the frightening look in his eyelights he's strangely approachable. And after that, he starts bringing her supplies. Though she still finds his mannerisms eerie, she's not exactly going to turn down his help... he brings fish, turtles, edible seaweed, birds he snatches off the water's surface, plastic bottles for collecting rainwater. If she can't bring herself to kill something he does it for her. He gives her endless survival tools- and in return, she indulges in his obvious desperation for someone to talk to.
She'd rather the crazy siren wants to help her, after all.
Red: She loves when Red shows up.
Again, at first, she was terrified when a massive shark siren started stalking up to her raft. She very nearly called out for Sans. But then Red popped up, put his arm over the edge of her boat- and he started flirting. She was so shocked that it genuinely made her laugh... something she thought she'd forgotten how to do, considering what she's going through. He regularly appears to just crack jokes, call her cute, and ask her about her life on land- she never would've thought a siren could be so funny. Now, when she hears that familiar "heya, pretty pearl~", she really can't help but light up.
He's clear that he's there to flirt, to play, to have a bit of fun. His easygoing aura keeps her sane... sometimes, it almost feels like he talks to her just to keep her from going mad.
Sans and Red clearly don't like each other. They both want to be her favourite, and they're both territorial. But when they fight, it really frightens her; she retreats into the raft and covers it with the tarp, refusing to come out for hours.
So they behave... just for her.
Skull: He only comes at night, when the darkness is absolute.
She hears the sound of him approaching. His tentacles twisting in the water. She lays flat on her back in the boat, hidden from view under the tarp, terror gripping her entire body. He knows she's there. She hears something brush against the hull, she hears something tapping a repeating rhythm just inches from her face, she feels when he grips the raft and her entire world instantly seems so fragile. She sees light, colourful glows creeping up from the other side of the raft edge... though her curiosity whispers at her to just look once, to see where the light is coming from, her terror keeps her absolutely stone still every night.
She doesn't know why he doesn't just tip the boat, he's clearly capable of it. She doesn't know why he never reaches into the raft, only remaining outside. Maybe he's playing with her. She doesn't know why he seems to like to hum to her, quietly...
... And she doesn't know why he's always gone by sunrise.
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msxrik · 5 months
I'm in my era so catch the 1st and prob the only Dr.masacrik smut on this app.
Curiosity killed the Cat
Fem!reader x Masacrik
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warnings: this is obv a little fucked up so just a heads up. Heavy bdsm, dubcon, breeding kink, choking, blood, abuse just a little ill make it as mild as i can, sexual content, mimi isn't mentioned as you are in her place atm the ending is rushed its 3am
Sorry for the mistakes i have to go to sleep man
You woke up in the same room as always, white walls, a small window, dark floor with a grey rug. But something felt different. You turned your head to catch a glimpse of the door when you saw it crooked open your heart skipped a beat. Then you felt an exhale on your head. You totally forgot you fell asleep on his lap while he was stroking your hair. You looked up gently thinking masacrik might be asleep but there he meets your eyes with a smile on his face. You shivered. Were you scared of him? No he never hit you, just ordered you around the house and you do appreciate him for saving your life. Were you manipulated? Probably yes! But you never thought about it. You shoot him a crooked smile as you try to wipe the blush off your face.
-Ah look who finally woke up- he says stroking your head lovingly.
-sorry i fell asleep i should get up-
He shushed you
-come on i have work to do and you are going with me.
He got up and you followed him to his room. After getting a few things he sat down by his desk patting his thigh. You sat on his lap as he rests his chin on the top of your head
-You see i have to focus so don't you move a muscle you hear me?- his tone changed as a shiver runs up your spine you nod your head. In response you get a pleased hum and a kiss on the top of your head.
You tried to relax there not moving as he asked of you. You knew his mood swings but he got so angry at one point you flinched. He froze in response.
- i-im sorry this won't happen again...
- get out. - he said.
Now, getting his negative and abusive attention is better than receiving none. You thought for a second, deciding to disobey him, you were curious. You turned around facing him cupping his face into your hands. As you gave him a small kiss on his lips. Shutting your eyes you felt so much fear but at the same time that familiar heat in your stomach you got every time he called your name or smiled at you.
There was silence, but he didn't kick you out of the room, he didn't hit you, he just looked at you.
-uh.. im- im really sorry i have no idea what's gotten into me im- ill leave now...-you sighed attempting to get off of his lap. You both were together for three months now and it was getting harder for you to please yourself.
-Stay - he slurred out holding you by your waist.
You looked up at his face as he leaned in to kiss you. It was a deep kiss he bit at your lower lip drawing blood from it as it dribbled down your and his chin. You pulled away gasping for air. The eyes you gave him flipped some kind of switch inside him. He got up with you in his arms. It was easy you were nearly half his size. You heard your heartbeat as he threw you onto the bed, he kissed you deeply once again you felt his hand undoing the collar you had on. Then he pulled off your turtle neck leaving you in just a bra skirt and tights.
You reached your hands out for him as he leaned to you kissing your neck leaving bite marks and bruises all over your body. He pulled at your tights ripping them just enough to have a clear way to your crotch then he sat back on the bed. The room was dimmed you just saw his hungry gaze almost eating up your body.
-touch yourself for me.
-h-huh?-you barely stuttered that out he made you feel fear and embarrassment but it was turning you on more.
- I'm not repeating myself. You think that your room is unsupervised? I see you doing it all the time now don't be shy show me.
You sigh in embarrassment as you reach down your crotch sliding your underwear away rubbing your clit with your free hand, your legs shaking already. You slid one finger inside pushing that spot that made you see stars. Then you added another one and as you were about to reach your climax you made the terrible mistake of closing your legs. You felt his hands on your legs in seconds pushing them open, his hard grasp bruising your soft flesh as you gasped
- m-mnh... Im sorry...- you sighed out as you kept pushing your fingers in and out. Just to once again as you were closer then ever get stopped by him
- wait, i want to feel you cum on my dick.
He said that like it was the most casual thing on earth. You took your hand away and felt something cold touching your crotch you looked down to see a pair of scissors you shivered as he cut your underwear out of the way. He wanted to have you in those cute tights but taking the underwear off and putting them back on was too big of a struggle for him. Then you finally felt the thing you wished for for the past 2 months.
He slammed his hips sliding inside you as you moaned arching your back.
-A-agh! Mngh.. im- im cumming, please can i..?
-mmh not yet..
he was so amused with you and the second he felt your walls spasm on his dick he clicked his tongue as his hand went right to your throat squeezing it
-what did i tell you? -he growled but then his expression changed
-did you just tighten up from having my hand around your neck? Disgusting..
he smiled to himself as you clawed at his hand. When he finally let go of your neck you gasped for air
-f-fuck mnh... Please please move faster i need this i-...
He bucked his hips faster he wasn't that happy with how you were acting but he could handle it at that moment..
-im gonna cum inside you you'll never leave me then right?
-i-i would never leave you either w-way.. mnhh..~
He laughed his voice now breaking
-oh you a-are so pathe-etic..
He finally came inside you as you shook through another orgasm. But this wasn't the end of that night... Oh hell no
After you passed out from the rough treatment he gave you and blood loss from the bites and cuts he made he cleaned you up then tuck you into bed hugging you
-Goodnight Ushka~
This man makes me BLUSH
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misteria247 · 2 years
12 Casey and Rise Cassandra talking about all the people they've beaten up and Cassandra is like:
"I've put my enemies in a hospital by crushing their bones and knocking out their teeth!"
And Casey just nods impressed and then causally drops:
"That's hella wicked Cass. I've crushed my world's Super Shredder in a garbage truck with zero hesitation. :)"
And Cassandra just stops dead and is like you're lying shut up no fucking way so she goes around asking the others in the 12 group like April who's like:
"Ah yeah he did, right after I threw the Super Shredder off a building."
And Cassandra is completely losing her mind because what the actual fuck this is sick as fuck???? She ends up learning that the 12 gang all have a body count in some way, shape or form and she's just awed by this news because they all seem so nice???? Unassuming????
Bonus points if she accidentally gets the rest of the Rise gang's curiosity perked at this and they all learn this with her and Draxum like cries because omg there's a version of the turtles who are killing machines and the Rise boys, April, and Splints are horrified by this random lore drop.
Except for the Rise twins who are super impressed much like Cassandra and lowkey kinda want start their own body count. And the icing on the cake Rise Donnie can't help but ask:
"Who's got the highest count out of all of you???"
And the 12 gang at the same time with zero hesitation deadass go:
The Rise twins and Cassandra are stunned and Draxum is just hella impressed because holy shit. 12 Leo who's out of the loop during this just comes into the conversation completely oblivious to what they were talking about and goes:
"Is everything okay you all look like you've seen a ghost???"
And the Rise gang is trying to make sense of this information because 12 Leo's like the nicest and calmest out of the 12 gang??? He's the mom???? How the hell does this dude have a body count??????? Except for the twins and Cassandra who look at him and go:
"Ya know what, I can see it. He's got that vibe."
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miguelsslvt · 9 months
miguel o'hara x cheshire cat! spider! reader drabble
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word count: 580
TW: angst, fluff, literally makes no sense
A/N: basically as i'm writing a goth girl! reader smut, i was listening to the playlist 'alice by heart' and i just thought of a cheshire cat! spider! reader comforting a lost in grief miguel? i dunno, it probs dont even make sense. but maybe when i'm free next i'll write a smut fic of miguel going to wonderland to capture an anomaly and she ran into cheshire cat who offers him some 'distractions'? ;) anyways posting goth girl! reader smut soon!!! welcome to the club!! ^^
y/n l/n. alias? cheshire spider. from earth-444, also known as 'wonderland'. you were a skilled spider, but very irritating to miguel. he had allowed you into spider society purely for your good agility and strength. agility of a cat, powers of a spider. and the fact that you could disappear and reappear whenever you please was useful too.
on a day you wanted to bug and annoy miguel, you walked in at a bad time. he was looking through past images and videos of his daughter.
'..who's that?' you asked, as miguel's eyes widened in shock and anger. 'get out.' he said bluntly. 'no. who is that?' you asked. 'get out cheshire!' miguel snapped. 'no miguel i want to know who that is.' 'didn't curiosity ever kill the cat?!' 'tell me.' you snapped back. 'i'm sick to death of you cheshire! you just dk nothing but bug everyone, i'm sick to death!!' miguel yelled angrily, as you looked completely unphased. in fact, you smiled.
'looks like i hit a soft spot.' you said, smirking. you disappeared suddenly, your smiling disappearing last until it first reappeared beside the current video of miguel and his daughter playing together. '..y'know i'm actually good with grief?' you said. miguel raised an angry eyebrow at that. 'what?' he said, confused slightly. 'what, you think none of us cared when alice left us?' you said, raising an eyebrow. '..that's nothing compared to my pain.' miguel spat coldly. 'senseless, heartless. you won't ever give this girl's soul up?' you asked, tilting your head, miguel gave up arguing. he sighed, frustrated. '..my daughter. gabriella. i..i killed her.' miguel said quietly.
you looked down, nodding as you listened. '..was it a multiversal collapse?' you asked, as miguel nodded, looking down. '..some things fall away. you just have to accept them.' you said. 'how am i supposed so accept something so devastating?' miguel asked, sounding offended. '..just cry and it's a crisis. if you let your grief sink in, you'll be able to move forward. losing a loved one is incredibly hard, the mock turtles told me all about that, but you're living in shock here. your heart is cold. how can you protect the multiverse if you're so cold and distant on yourself, let alone your team-mates?' you said, raising an eyebrow.
miguel was shocked. for once, what you said made, some sort of sense. no mockery, no jokes, no riddle. did you genuinely want to help him..?
'i may not know how you feel,, but i'm sure that i can try to help you out of this rut.' you smiled softly. '..why are you so.. different?' miguel asked wearily. 'you're so mischievous, so snarky and sneaky, why?' miguel asked. 'hm.. i suppose that's how i was raised. wonderland is very different to nueva york.' you stated, sitting on his desk table.
'you mustn't grow up, you mustn't disobey the queen, you mustn't be late for tea..' you rambled, before smiling again. 'you mustn't hide within your shell of grief.' that caught miguel off guard. he let out a small chuckle.
'you're right, wonderland is very different to nueva york.' he said, looking down. you two sat in silence for a few moments, but it was.. comforting. the silence spoke thousands of words. it was a.. good silence. miguel hadn't heard of a 'good silence' in a while.
'..maybe you could come visit wonderland?' you offered, smirking. 'no way, cheshire.' miguel replied, breaking a small smile.
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plump-lips-imagine · 1 year
Could I please request a fix where Bowser hires a “Human Expert” aka the reader to help him understand humans better thus understanding Peach and her wants and needs, even help a bit with practice proposal and practice dates. The reader going along with it as not only does Bowser pay good money, but it gives them a chance to learn and write about Darklands and its inhabitants. They become close from their frequent interactions and perhaps maybe even closer…
Hmmm. Nice! Let's see if I can make something with this. I hope you Like it! I tried!
The Cupid and The Dragon
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You Were currently in a cage a bit scared and a bit agitated. Yes. In a cage in Bowser's Castle in the Throne room currently waiting for Bowser's arrival while Koopas stand guard.
How did you get here? Well, about 40 minutes ago-
Earlier that day.
You Were traveling across the mushroom kingdom to learn about the people with your backpack in tow, excited to see new people. You are a bit new to the Kingdom to know a lot about it, but here enough to make a name for yourself. You see, you're an expert when it comes to the subject of love. You give excellent advice to those who ask for it, you give readings to see compatibility, and give an in-depth reading into the person's love language.
You are known as 'The Cupid'.
But what's a love expert doing out here. Well, you Were making your way to the dark lands. You came to study the habitants and the kingdom, maybe hopefully making some discoveries and new friends along the way.
But whenever you would ask anybody in Toad Town about the Dark Lands, they would shiver in fright and say it was too Dangerous to go there.
But Curiosity kills the Cat, as they say.
You step over the line that connects the Mushroom Kingdom and Dark lands together. It was hard and hot. The air was dry, and the heat was intense as magma littered the lands along with the soot.
‘The weather here is harsh. I’m surprised anyone lives here.’ You thought to yourself, covering your face from the climate and soot. ‘But…It’s kinda cool.’
You stared in awe at the magma that flow on the land, as a perfect blanket to the surface. It was pretty if you looked from a different perspective. It made your eyes shine in delight at the sights in front of you.
'It's a hazard to be here, but it seems fine if you were into lava and a darker theme. I wouldn't mind staying here for a bit. I wonder where the locals are at?' You ponder as you see no sign of life anywhere. But your sight-seeing came to a halt when a blur behind you whooshes past you as they came to a stop in front of you, making you stop as well. It was... A turtle. A Turtle with a red shell and wings, with a helmet as its only piece of armor with a spear at the ready pointing at you.
"Halt! You have trespassed on the Dark Lands under the All-Mighty Bowser Rule!... Are you human?" "The Turtle asks, his spear still close to your face. You take a small step back at this as you nervously glanced back at them. "Um, yes? Yes, I am! I didn't mean to trespass, I was just exploring new areas as I'm still new to this world, and I was curious about what the dark lands were. I can leave immediately."
"Likely Story." Two more of them came swooping down, spears at hand also. "Humans are rare here. King Bowser is going to need to see you before you go anywhere. You are under arrest." Three Spears pointed at you in a menacing manner as you raise your hands in the air for surrender.
Oh dear.
And That's why you're here now. Waiting for your 'meeting' with "King Bowser'. You heard about him; the toads would tell you stories about him. His massive claws, the spikes so sharp that they could kill at the touch. Sharps teeth, Large Menacing build that can send the Kingdom into Chaos!
Safe to say you weren't excited to meet him face to face. It didn't help that the rumbling of footsteps was coming closer. The doors open with a boom, making you stand up in your cage. He's Here.
And he's HUGE!
Bowser stands Giant compared to you, his presence made the room shudder in fear by his intimidating glare, and it was directly aimed at you.
A smaller Koopa in a Blue robe and glasses follows behind him. "Here They are, your Grouchiness."
"Well, Well, Well. What do we have here? You must be the trespasser my koopa troops were telling me about." He bought a his claw finger to your torso and pointed at you harshly, making you move backward by accident. "What Business do you have here human.?
"P-Please believe me when I say I mean no harm or ill will. I'm just a wondering traveler learning about the land from experience. I just wanted to learn about the kingdom, and the locals is all. Honest" You put your hand above your heart in swear to being truthful. Bowser smirks, but his eyes tell a different story. He's not buying it and he was disinterested in your attempt at being honest.
"Likely Story, Human. No one dares to walk in my land if they wish to make it out in one piece. Only Those that wish to get burned come here!" Smoke comes out of his mouth in repressed annoyance as his finger is at your face. You shake in fear.
gulping, you bring your hands to your head and remove your hoodie. You reveal your face in an attempt to show that you can be trusted. you felt vulnerable. Bowser's eyes widen as he removes his claw away from your face.
"You're....The Cupid"
"O-oh, you've heard of me, your majesty." this is news to you.
he huffs. "'Heard of ya?', You're practically the talk of this Kingdom. Your abilities make my minions desperate from reading from you. You are all they can talk about." He glares at you, but it wasn't the same as before. It was more of a 'minor inconvenience' than a threatening glare.
But now that you're here. he could use you to his advantage. With your love expertise, you can tell him the secret of him making Peach his. This will be a piece of cake with you as his secret weapon.
"Human." You look up at him. "Be thankful. You're going to be helping me get Peach to fall in love with me!"
"Did I stutter? You going to help me when Peach Over! Aren't you the expert in that Category?!"
You look at him dumbstruck. "Your Highness, I don't make anyone fall in love with anybody. I'm just a matchmaker that gives good advice."
His Hold hand suddenly grabs your cage in his hand, threatening to Crush it. You yelp in surprise.
"ARE YOU DISOBEYING MY ORDER? YOU DARE SAY NO TO ME!?" His hand closes around the cage a bit, making a dent in it.
"You dare disobey the King?" Kamek Butted in.
He stops crushing the cage, giving you a chance to breathe. He looks at you confused.
"What do you mean by that? Explain."
"Well... I can read compatibility and the chances for you to get with your loved one, depending on the percentage and what I see, I could help you. That's my expertise. I find True Love for You. I don't make it Happen."
He stares at you for a minute contemplating what you just told him.
"Kamek, Lower the cage." Kamek looks at him in Surprise but used his magic to lower the cage to the ground and opened the door.
You step out and looked behind you at the barely put together cage and gulp but turn back to Bowser.
"Well, how do you do it?" He asked lowly.
"This Reading. How do you do it?" He asks again in an annoyed gruff.
You look away for a second and then speak. "I'll need your palm of hand to start."
"It helps create a connection with you and only you, so It becomes clear to me to tell you the answers you need."
"I've never heard of such a thing. What type of trick are you pulling human?" Kamek didn't believe you for a second. He was waiting for you to try and make a run for it.
"It's not a trick I swear. It's how my Powers work. Honest!"
Bowser doesn't say anything else, but he did get on one knee to attempt to get to your height. He still overpowered you, but it was for him to show you his hand, giving permission to read him like a book.
He was even more, intimated even outside the cage, but you shallowed your fear and gently brought your hands to two of his fingers as that's all you can hold in your hand. You softly rubbed them to get a feel for him. His hands were rough, and they held incredible strength, but also control when he need to be gentle.
as you continued to rub, you felt him shift his hand away. It made you look up at him. "Are you alright, Your highness?"
"I'm fine! Just do what you need to do."
if you didn't know any better. He looked...Shy?
You shake your head as you read his palm. "I want you to imagines your loved one. I need you to create the perfect image of them in your head."
He closes his eyes as he did what you said. His aura was that of a strong fire, intense rage, and Passion. The Aura he was imagining was that of a soft but firm sweetness, a loving and strong sprit. It was an attractive pink aura.
The compatibility of them together.....Yeesh. You gulped at the numbers. This is not good.
"Well, What do you see? Are Me and Peach destined to be? A match Made in Heaven?"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN '6 PERCENT!!?" He roars loudly as fire spews out his mouth, making you duck for cover.
he didn't take the news well.
"That's the number I saw, Your highness!! Please, don't burn me!!!"
"You better read again. You must have made a mistake! There no way!"
"Your Highness, there is no mistake! I made sure to check before I told you!-
"THAT"S NOT TRUE AT ALL!! DON"T SAY THAT!" you yell at the top of your lungs. He growls at you, flames at the ready.
"How dare you raise your voice at-"
"I AM NO FAKE! That's why I told you the results. I knew you wouldn't like the numbers, but I still told you anyway. I take pride in my work, and I won't lie just to make you happy. I attend to be accurate. I don't care if you don't like the results and it makes you furious, but you deserve to know the truth. So don't call me a fake.... please" You stare at him as you stand your ground, shaking but firm.
you dealt with too many people criticizing your work because it was something they didn't want to hear, and you'll be damn if you'll let someone that is getting your reading for practically free disrespect you like that.
He glares at you at your arrogance, but...he felt a bit of respect for you hearing you say that. It was refreshing that someone was going to be straight with him. Still, he was angry. He stomps the ground in a mini tantrum.
"So what, are you saying I have no shot with her!?"
"No, I'm saying there's a low chance. It's low but you still got a chance."
"Yeah, that helps." He says in a sarcastic tone.
"I can help still."
"Oh really, how?"
"Well, it's Princess Peach right. She a human like me. I can provide some great love advice and coach you what she most likely sees in a Man- errr....Turtle?"
'Koopa. because you're not loveless and you obviously love her, but she doesn't see that side of you. we just to figure out how to make it show.'
"I don't need a coach. I am perfectly capable of showing her what I have to offer." he states in a cocky way.
"And has your approach to her worked in the past?"
"Look, I just want to help. Everyone deserves Love, and I'm sure you will find it once you at least hear me out. I promise I know what I'm talking about." You look up at him with pleading eyes.
He contemplates this and sighs... "Fine. but don't think you're the boss of me. You will stay here until i don't need you anymore. don't even think about running away."
You stare at him, and think. 'Sweet! A place to stay. But I gotta stand my ground.' You take a deep breath.
"I agree to help you win Peach Over. However,......My services are not free. Each session cost 30.....35 coins. And I request a tour of the Dark Lands and to learn more about your Kingdom...Please."
He stares at you in amusement at your demands. Your pathetic attempt at confidence can be called cute if he didn't find you annoying.
"Very Well. You got a deal." he reaches his hand to you and you grab his finger to shake.
Let the coaching begin.
"I guess Love makes a guy come out of his shell. Let's rule the world, together. Will you Marry Me?" he held out his hand to you with a bouquet of piranha plants. His eyes shine with a soft gaze in them. it was different from how he usually acted.
you stood there in a pink dress and pink lipstick on, staring at him.
"Not Bad. It was Cute." You admitted bluntly.
"Only 'Not Bad'? I worked months on that proposal!"
"Well, you're coming off a little too strong. I'm saying not to use pick-up lines, but you might not want to start with that one. I would say it after you hear her accept the proposal.The cornyness of won't be as strong. And probably skip the carnivorous plants as the bouquet, it can make her a little jumpy if they decide to bite. Eep!" The plants try to bite at you all at once, just an inch away as Bowser quickly stomped on the flowers to put you at ease. You sigh in relief and Bowser looked a little sheepish.
"Besides, Why the proposal? I think a date would be the first course of action. aren't we moving a little too fast?"
"What's the point of beating around the bush if I intend to marry her?" He asked as it was an obvious question. You contemplate how to break it down for him.
"Well, she might want to take it slow. Humans usually like to get to know their partners before they can even think about marriage. They want to get to know you. "
Bowser rolls his eyes at this. "Please, what do you know? I already know everything I need to know about My Peaches."
".....Alright. Tell me about her. Tell me everything you love about her. Why do you want to Marry her?" You sit down on the ground as he did the same.
"Well, What's not to love about her. Her beauty is like no other, Her golden hair, Her beautiful blue eyes, and the crown that stays forever in place. Her sweetness is almost too addicting-."
You sat at him as his eyes shone at just Talking about her. He had this lovesick expression on his face. He went on and on, but you don't mind.
"So... What type of king are you?" You and Bowser were in the dining hall as y'all took a break from coaching. Servants quickly place food on both sides of the table and went back to their positions before they could say thank you.
Bowser looks at you weirdly. "You don't know?"
"Nope. I'm afraid only know your name. When I try to ask The Toads at the Mushroom Kingdom, they would be too scared to tell me."
he chuckles to himself as he smirks proudly at himself. "Well, My presence does intimidate most. I am a King of the Koopas. I rule with an Iron in this Kingdom. Soon the Whole World. Don't you forget it." he Exclaims proudly, eyeing your reaction. You look at him awestruck, interested in what he had to say. it was...kinda cute.
"What about the small brown mushroom guys. There not koopas, are they?"
"What? Oh, you mean the Goombas. No, but I rule over them too."
"Really? And what about Kamek?"
"He's a Magikoopa, also a type of Koopa." Bowser doesn't know why, but he didn't mind answering your questions. He would've thought he would be more annoyed but the way your eyes looked at him with curiosity made him want to talk with you more.
"Have you been a ruler your whole life or did it happen suddenly?"
"My whole life. Kamek is the one that raised me to become a Strong leader when I was a koopaling."
"And he must've done a good job considering that you're still ruling to this day." Kamek sneezes in the distance somewhere. " It can't be easy Ruiling at such a young age, so you must be an excellent king if you are still ruling to this day."
Bowser chokes on his food a bit at your sudden compliment. A light blush coats with face as he stares at you wide eyed.
You look at him confused. 'Did I say something wrong?'
bowser coughs before continuing to eat. "How's your food, is it to your liking." He asks changing the subject.
"It's delicious. I've never had anything like it. My compliments to the chef." You say with a smile.
Both of you are unaware of the minions looking with shock across their faces. Did their king just get flustered?
"Absolutely not!"
"What Why?!" "Because no sane human would want sacrifices of literal people to show them love!!
"But how do I show my undying love her!?"
"You make figurative sacrifices for her, not literal!
Kamek looks between the two of you boredly as both You and Bowser get into a debate of loving gifts for Peach. He shakes his head at his son. Well, at least his anger seemed to go down.
"Woah.." You look out the outside view of the Dark Lands from from the Castle. You can see Peach's Castle over yonder if you squint. the Lava mixed in with the Sunset made it beautiful to see. You could See the Goomba Patrol training outside.
"Nice, isn't it"
"It's amazing. i din't know lava could look so beautiful."
"...You're a werid human."
You look up at him. "Werid how?"
"You are as calm as ever in the dark lands, in frint of me of all people, and You actually like it here."
"well...It's not so bad. at least to me. I wouldn't mind living here. You're not that bad either. It's nice to seeing you in love. "
"Oh really?" He looks at you with this look that said, "I don't believe you."
"Yes, it's true. I Love 'Love'! And if you're willing to hire a coach to help you with the woman you love, then how bad can he possibly be." You smile brightly at him.
'Too bright" Bowser thinks to himself as he brings his hand to your heads, giving you a light noogie.
"Now whose being corny. Stars,that was cheesy."
"Ow, hey. Sorry! Quit messing with my hair."
Kamek watches this display in the background. he looks at both of you in wonder. Bowser is never this calm. What was even more shocking was that Bowser had a genuine smile on his face.
"Okay. what is something that Humans crave in a relationship?"
"NO!! Human beings crave affection and safety!"
"I can provide that!"
"Bowser, what was the first thing you said when I asked, "what is she's says no?"
"I said I would attack and destroy the Mushroom Kingdom along with those toads if she tried!"
"That's a problem! That is not safety! That is coercion! If you have to make her love you,THAT'S.NOT.LOVE."
"But She's so stubborn. I tried so many times and she won't say yes! What other way can I make her mine?!"
"You can't!"
"THEN WHAT'S THE POINT IN ALL THESE LESSONS!!" He voice booms in the room as he stomps loudly at you, his eyes glowing red with rage.
You're breath gets caught in your throat and you can't speak as you shiver in place and flinch, waiting for something to happen.
He sees this and his gaze softened. he didn't like the look on your face. the thought that you expect him to hurt you made him feel...guilty. he lets out a breath to release anger and steps away from you to let out the steam in his chest. You look at him in surprise.
"...I'm never going to get Peaches to like me, aren't I?" He solemnly asks, more in a rhetorical tone.
You slowly walk up to him, careful with every step you take. this is the most vulnerable you have ever seen him. You reach your hand to his claw, grabbing it in your hands. You pause for a minute.
".... I wouldn't say that. Your compatibility increased gradually. It's now 32%. It's still low I won't lie, but Your chances have increased. It might take some time, but real love is worth waiting for. And I see you're really trying. Most People wouldn't change for a loved one, but I see you trying so hard. It would be crazy not to fall in love with you."
Bowser stills says nothing, still not looking at you.
"For what it's worth. I think you would make a nice husband." You admit quietly. you used this as your que to leave the throne room, as you felt you've overstayed your welcome and made him uncomfortable.
But Bowser wished you stay in the room a little longer. He found himself missing your presence as soon as you left. this felt...weird.
He would have to make a note to tell Kamek to double your pay when he had the chance.
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
Rise! Donnie
The little merturtle AU - COMPLETE
Prince Donatello was the third of four brothers, the prince of an underwater yokai city, but he has always been searching for something else far more interesting than the mystic arts he is used to, he wants to know everything about the human world, their traditions, their creations...But when he finds himself entranced by a human it might just be the last push he needs to make his dream of exploring the land a reality.
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3 Art 4 Art 5 Art 6 - THE END
Chapter 1 - A trove and a ship
Chapter 2 - Curiosity killed the turtle
Chapter 3 - The alchemist and the queen
Chapter 4 - A month in writing
Chapter 5 - Shipwrecked wedding
Bonus: The AMAZING animation @mjtheartist04 made for the early chapters!!
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bonefall · 11 months
BB!Gray Wing (Outdated)
EDIT: I've decided to kill Gray Wing a lot earlier. This information is outdated as most of xeir roles are going to be taken by Bright Storm.
This is still here for posterity's sake, but eventually I hope to put up links to new summaries for Bright Storm as Thunder Storm's wise old guide who must unlearn abuse apologia, and Gray Wing the Wise as a Patron of Wisdom and the only cat to die on the Sun Trail Journey, never reaching the Forest.
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[ID: The Better Bones version of mortal Gray Wing. They are a dark gray cat with a lighter gray "hood" of fur, wing-shaped tufts, and a shoulder burl. Their ears flop and there is a dark circle under their eye.]
In BB!DOTC, Clear Sky is a villain. From start to end-- his development is only towards being slightly less bad, but always a threat.
And Gray Wing loved him. For a long time, when they closed their eyes, they were seeing their pure-gray brother contrasted against the snow of the mountains, dragging a hawk home, his smile confident but still kind. They couldn't believe the idea that Clear Sky had changed so much that the memory was no longer accurate, much less accept the painful thought that perhaps, that kindness was never there at all.
It is a painful lesson to take, that forgiveness is not always a virtue. That humility in excess is a sin stronger than pride. Love can be a powerful, blinding poison.
They must reckon with the fact that their enabling behavior caused many of the people they love to be hurt. They downplayed Clear Sky's escalating violence. They encouraged their son Thunder Storm to live with him. They stood by as Turtle Heart's mate was exiled after her death.
For this, Gray Wing dedicates themself to early ThunderClan. Their plans are pivotal in its early success, becoming Thunder Storm's grand advisor. After their death, Gray Wing is remembered as a Patron of Parentage, Wisdom, and sometimes even used as an example of overcoming blood loyalty to serve one's Clan.
In BB, Gray Wing is gib gender. They go by They/Xe/He!
Alignment: Proto-ThunderClan
Family: Wing & Sky
Time Period: Dawn Era
Relationships: Parents - Thunder Sky (biofather), Quiet Wing, Stone Peak (stepfather) Siblings - Clear Sky, Fluttering Wing, Jagged Peak Co-parents - Bright Storm, Turtle Heart, Bumble Children - Thunder Storm, Owl Eyes, Sparrow Heart
More under the cut!
The Story
The Trivia
The Story
When Jagged Peak broke his leg, Clear Sky cast him out of the early Clan group. Bright Storm and Gray Wing tried to keep him alive, but failed.
Xey watched him die, withered away just like Fluttering Wing. Gray Wing has lost so much family-- a father, a sister, and now a brother. And they will never see their mother again.
They never want to lose another member of their family.
Gray Wing is unambiguously considered the parent of Thunder Storm... or, they would be.
Bright Storm passed away when Thunder Storm was about 4 moons old, as Sky's Clan grew more and more hostile towards Shadow's Clan.
Gray Wing desperately tried to bargain for peace, foolishly believing that if Shadow's Clan gave Clear Sky what he wanted, he would leave them alone
No one can change that much, they believed. There was goodness deep within him, he just needed to realize it.
And he didn't want Thunder Storm to grow up in a violent world... and certainly not in a world where his 'true' father was the villain.
But Thunder Storm never would have known Clear Sky if it hadn't been for Gray Wing's worry. He certainly didn't see him as a 'father.' The young cat picked up on what xey believed.
And when Clear Sky and his cats took refuge after the fire, he realized was wrong about his son. He was useful, after all.
Gray Wing believed they were doing the right thing, encouraging Thunder Storm's curiosity, telling him he'd still love him no matter what he chose. That there was something to learn from Clear Sky.
After all, he is a powerful leader, and his father like how Bright Storm was his mother.
Time and distance was sanding down Clear Sky in his memory. The cats of Shadow's Clan had split in the face of his blasphemy, but many deeply admired Clear Sky's way of ruling.
His group was powerful, their kittens growing fat on the forest's bounty while they had to become very crafty while living in the mucky part of the woods.
And perhaps it was wrong to throw out a cat with three legs, seeing as how Thunder Storm had grown into a decent hunter...
But Turtle Heart's mate had never been able to learn how to hunt. Bumble could barely climb a tree, and her fumbling claws couldn't even catch a fish.
When Turtle Heart died retrieving her kittens, Tall Shadow announced that Bumble would need to catch her fair share, or be cast out. She did not share their blood or their beliefs, and with Turtle Heart dead, they wouldn't have enough skilled hunters to feed her and the children Turtle left behind.
Shocked, some cats turned to Gray Wing for xeir wisdom. Xey were the one who saw through Clear Sky's cruelty, surely xey would know best.
And xeir ruling was... that Tall Shadow wasn't to be undermined. Xey had seen Jagged Peak starve and die, no matter how hard xey and Bright Stream hunted to feed all of them.
"Our ancestors spoke to us on my return with Thunder Storm. It would have been difficult to feed Jagged Peak, but he was one of ours, just as Thunder Storm is. Bumble... is not."
And Turtle Heart had deigned Gray Wing as godfather of the kittens, after all. They would be safe with him.
Betrayed, Bumble was cast into the forest, Acorn Swoop and Lightning Cry watching the kittens cry for their other mother with horror.
But if Gray Wing the Wise was saying it... surely they must not be seeing the truth.
When Thunder Storm returned from his time with Clear Sky, having witnessed the sick reality of his style of leadership, he was numbed to learn this. Then, he flew into a rage, shouting down every monster who'd turned Bumble out into a violent forest with a tyrant just beyond the border
When Gray Wing came forth to try and calm his adopted son, Thunder Storm shoved him back. "I didn't think I'd come home to find a second Clear Sky."
He was speechless as Thunder Storm rallied his friends, charging back into the woods to find Bumble before Clear Sky did.
Those words knocked around in their head. They sent him to learn from Clear Sky, and to see the good in him... but he came back furious. With Sunlit Frost, who had been cast out just like Jagged Peak.
...it was a wake up call. Xey'd sent xeir son to live with that ghoul. Xey'd cast their godkit's mother out into the wilderness. And now, xey were about to lose Thunder Storm too.
What had they done? Gray Wing rallied as many reinforcements as possible, admitting their mistake, and reminding them that Thunder Storm needed them now.
The battle that followed was the beginning of ThunderClan.
And, afterwards, Gray Wing dedicated themself to the strength of the budding Clan, creating plans for escape, travel, and battle as the nomadic group skittered around the forest to remain close to their nearest allies.
And still, it tugged at their heart that it had to be this way. The fact that Clear Sky wanted to eradicate everyone in the growing group was a hard pill to swallow, and he still had to excuse himself from the meetings when the topic of Clear Sky's raids came up.
Somehow, even though they were living in the reality where his violence was stark and undeniable... sometimes it didn't seem real. Like they'd fallen into a horrible nightmare.
It's even harder to breathe when xey have to think about it.
But they came to admit and apologize for their mistakes... especially to Bumble. She never did anything to deserve the fact he didn't have her back that day.
She forgives him in the sense that she doesn't hold anger towards him, but after that, she always has him emotionally at arm's length.
After the disastrous First Battle, the borders settled, and Gray Wing was finally able to relax, retiring peacefully and becoming the first elder.
The Trivia
He is older than he was in-canon, at least 7 years old when the cats first set out (instead of... 1 year old)
Xey were already respected for xeir wisdom in the mountain, and were pivotal in leading the group after the death of Shaded Flower, their leader.
After their retirement, Thunderstar is very concerned with caring for his aging father and his asthma. Dapple Pelt spent more time in ThunderClan than anywhere else, as Cloud Flight traveled between the groups with his services.
When Dapple Pelt died without a successor, Thunderstar felt desperate, watching Gray Wing struggle to breath.
It drove him to resort to serious negotiation tactics, to acquire a new doctor.
Thunderstar goes to great lengths to make Gray Wing as comfortable as possible. He takes care of all his cats this way, but he's known as a particularly devoted son. This established the precedent that a Clan is about its elders, and providing for them.
To battle for more territory, and to be strong, is to serve that ideal.
In terms of design, Gray Wing's meant to look like a wet beast lmao
Droopy ears, shaggy hood.
There will never be any biokits from Gray Wing. No. They have three children; Thunder Storm, Pebble Heart, and Sparrow Heart. These ARE real kits.
Pebble Heart becomes Owl Eyes later, earning the very first Honor Title.
If Slate exists, she won't be Gray Wing's mate. Having a mate just isn't in the card for xem.
I have half a mind to change all of the Skykin's last names to Sky, so Gray Wing becomes Gray Sky, and Jag becomes Jagged Sky... but, I'm holding off for now.
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travlersjoy444 · 1 year
Nature, Human or Otherwise
2012 Raph x Reader
You and Raph find a baby alien-turtle. Alternate title: The Epic Highs and Lows of Co Pet Ownership.
'Tis a loose sequel to my fic 'Human Nature', but you can easily read it on it's own. Could be read as platonic/queerplatonic, but the romance vibes are stronger here than in the last one.
Word count: 3k
  “Hey, is that some sorta egg?” Raph asked, somewhere behind me.
  I shrugged, not really in the mood for that considering we were on a tiny ledge hanging over a pit of lava.
  “I think it is.” He mumbled, and I heard him move closer to it.
  “Okay…” I grunted, fiddling with my dumb high-tech grappling hook. “Who computerizes grappling hooks, anyways?!” I hissed. “This is so stupid-”
  “(Y/N), look!”
  “Oh look, whaddaya know. It just had to be turned off and on again, apparently.” I scoffed, hitting the hook against a rock. “Stupid thing…me and Donnie’s mechanical design works way better. Alas, they’re all back on Earth, our dear home that we have left in favor of pursuing the stars…” I lamented, but Raph grabbed my shoulder pauldron and spun me around instead of listening to my monologue.
  “Hm?” I asked, tilting my head at him.
  He pointed at whatever it was that he’d been talking about. I blinked, taking in the object’s round shape and spotted pattern…
  “Oh my god, is that an egg?” I gasped, whipping out my blaster. “Are we in an alien nest like in Mikey’s comic?!”
  “Hey- watch where ya aim that thing!” Raph yelped, shoving it away from the egg. “We don’t know what’s in there!”
  “Exactly! It could be Squirrelnoids again, or something even more freaky and unsettling!” I said, but I lowered my blaster anyway.
  “Well…I still don’t want us to kill it until we’re sure it’s terrifying. I really don’t need to have killed two innocent creatures within a year.” Raph said, crossing his arms, and I remembered how this was a slightly touchy subject for him.
  “Ah…okay. Fine.” I sighed, shoving my blaster back into its holster. “But if it tries to asexually reproduce inside of your digestive system again, I ain’t helping.”
  Raph rolled his eyes. “Ew. Ya just had to mention that, didn’t ya.”
  “Look, it may have mildly traumatized me-” I began to admit, but Raph cut me off.
  “Lookit, it’s hatching!” He whispered, pointing at the egg.
  I swallowed. “Radical.” I muttered sarcastically, but my curiosity grew as the creature began to poke its head out of the eggshell.
  It was little, and…purple, with big purple eyes and…was that a shell? 
  Yeah, that was definitely a shell…it was a…turtle?
  “Aw, it’s kinda cute!” Raph said, beaming as he scooped it up.
  “Alien turtles, eh?” I said, leaning over his shoulder. “...Huh, weird coincidence. And…yeah. That’s pretty adorable.” I smiled, and the turtle gave a happy squeak.
  “Where’s your mama, little guy?” Raph cooed, which was also pretty adorable, though he’d probably kill me for saying so.
  The alien turtle smiled up at us, and Raph petted its head before handing it to me. “It’s soft!” He breathed, grinning.
  I held it gently, stroking its head too, although I couldn’t feel the texture through my gloves.
  “Aww! It’s makin’ that sound you make when you’re happy!” I said, grinning as the turtle began to…purr? No…churr was the word Donnie used. “He’s churring!”
  “Shut up, I don’t do that.” Raph scoffed, failing to hide a blush behind his hand.
  “Well regardless of whether or not you do that -which you do- it’s fucking adorable! Aww, I am so glad I didn’t shoot you, little guy!” I giggled.
  “See? Told ya.” Raph said smugly.
  “Well it coulda been Squirrelnoids or Squirrelanoid-adjacent, Raphael. We’re just lucky this time.” I said, sticking out my tongue.
  Raph sighed. “...I guess.”
  I smiled and set the turtle down. “Where’s your nest, little guy?” 
  It squeaked and took a few steps forward.
  “Woah, careful…” I frowned as it tottered towards the cliff edge.
  Raph panickedly jumped over, blocking it off. “Woah- you’re too close to the bad lava, lil’ fella! …Better stay with Uncle Raph for now.” He smiled, setting it on his shoulder.
  “Uncle Raph?” I beamed. “This is so fucking cute.”
  He rolled his eyes, but smiled. “Hey, we can’t have him just wander into the lava, can we?”
  “No, you’re right, you’re just also adorable.” I smirked.
  Raph blushed. “Shut up, (Y/N), I am not.”
  I shrugged. “Sure, and I’m a Sqirrelnoid.”
  “...You are not letting that one go, are ya?” 
  “Look, I’m not kidding when I say that that was traumatizing. And I wasn’t even the one who had to eat squirrel…eugh…bleh.” I winced at the memory…ugh. 
  “...Just use your grappling hook an’ get us outta here, okay?” Raph sighed.
  “Okay, okay.”
  “Hey guys, look!” Raph grinned as we reached the top of the wall.
  “Seriously, check this out!” I smiled, patting the little turtle’s head as it sat on Raph’s shoulder.
  “Woaaah.” Mikey said, staring wide eyed as he helped me up.
  “A baby turtle?” Casey said, bounding over to take a look. “What’d you do, lay an egg down there?!” He added, prodding Raph. Raph rolled his eyes.
  “Hilarious, Jonsey.” I said, snorting. “Obviously that isn’t how it would work, biologically speaking, considering Raphael is-”
  Raph punched me in the arm, and I grinned. “What, not in the mood for some sweet sweet science, Rafa?” I said, wigging my eyebrows.
  “You know, sometimes I really like you, (Y/N)...And then you do this and we go back to square one.” Raph deadpanned.
  “Hey- this is not a good time to adopt an alien pet, guys.” Donnie scowled, but he was interrupted by Mikey swooping in and snatching the turtle.
  “Aw, loooook! He’s almost as cute as me!” Mikey grinned, spinning it around. Raph clenched his fists, and swiped the turtle back. 
  “Hey! We found him first.” He said with a scowl. 
  “Yeah, this is our adorable alien turtle, hands off!” I said, crossing my arms.
  “Ouch!” Raph yelped behind me.
  “Oh jeez, you good?!” I said, spinning around, but by then he was already smiling again. In fact, he almost looked proud.
  “M’ fine, he just bit me.”
  “Aww, is chompy here learnin’ violence? I’m so proud!” I cooed, patting its head.
  Raph snapped his fingers. “(Y/N), that’s it! We’ll call you Chompy Picasso, little guy!” He exclaimed, nuzzling the baby turtle that was now named Chompy.
  “Ohmigosh, it got cuter.” I all but squealed.
  “What, the alien or Raph?” Casey teased, leaning on my shoulder.
  “Both.” I grinned, not even making the effort to act embarrassed. 
  “Well what you guys need to do is find out who his mom is and give him back.” April pointed out.
  “Forget it! We’re on a mission to save Earth, not alien turtles!” Leo protested, somehow looking even more done with our shit than usual.
  “Hey, hold up, we gotta-” 
  But Raph was cut off by the sight in the distance.
  Triceraton ships.
  Still reeling from everything that’d happened in trying to retrieve the generator piece, I stared out the window of the ship.
  I swallowed thickly as we catapulted away from the supernova, away from Tokka, and away from…
  Away from Chompy.
  Raph grimaced, coming to the same realization. “Chompy was with her.” He said softly, his voice coming out broken, not unlike the time I’d found him crying over a baby turtle back on Earth.
  I rose from my station and stood by him, and he wordlessly pulled me into a rare side hug.
  “Now he’s gone.” He whispered into my shoulder, putting words to the truth that we wished wasn’t true.
  “I’m so sorry, Raph.” I murmured, squeezing him slightly.
  “Uh…dudes? What about the lil’ guy hitchin’ a ride on your shell?” Mikey interrupted, and sure enough, something crawled onto my hand where it rested on Raph’s back.
  I jumped and pulled away…only to see Chompy happily perched on my hand. “Omigosh! Raph!”
  Raph’s eyes widened, and his sad expression fell into a grin. “Chompy!” He exclaimed, snatching the turtle from me to give him a hug. “You’re okay!”
  Chompy churred, nuzzling my hand as I petted him. “He made it!” I beamed.
  Raph paused, a flicker of remorse flashing across his face. “But what about Tokka? …She was just trying to protect the fragment…and Chompy…”
  “I mean…I guess sacrifices have to be made, or something like that, but still…” I trailed off, sighing. “Poor Tokka.”
  “What about Earth?” Leo challenged, ever the beacon of hope and joy as he so often was (n’t).
  But he was right, aside from my attitude.
  Earth easily took priority over alien turtles.
  “Got the stuff?”
  I smiled proudly, taking the bag off my back.  I’d just returned from a chaotic shopping trip with the Professor, and I’d managed to find the supplies we needed.
  “So I found a fabric merchant. Also may have gotten into a knife fight, but who’s to say- that’s unimportant at the moment, though, because I do indeed have the goods.”
  Raph grinned, opening the bag. “Chompy is gonna have the coolest space turtle bed.”
  “Right? I found so many cool fabrics!” I beamed. “Like lookit, this one is so freaking soft!” 
  “This is perfect- hey wait you got in a knife fight?” Raph said, pausing.
  “Yeah, it was both fantastically invigorating and completely terrifying. Did you know alien knives sometimes have blasters in them? Because I did not until very recently. Apparently alien knives sometimes have blasters in them.” I shrugged. “I’ve got my armor though, so everything was mostly fine.”
  “‘Mostly’?!” He exclaimed, eyes wide.
  I nodded. “Don’t worry, the worst injury is this friction burn on my fist from punching some idiot whose entire outfit was made of sand paper for some reason. I’m good, Raphael.”
  “Good, ya better be. The med bay here is really depressing, I’d hate having to go there more than I have to.” He said, seemingly trying to sound gruff.
  “Awww, so that means you’d visit me Red?” I teased, leaning on him dramatically. 
  “No.” He grunted, shoving me off. “Chompy would miss you, that’s all.”
  “Ah, of course.” I nodded, playing along. “Well please inform Chompy that I’d love for him to visit me during my theoretical trip to the infirmary, as his company is truly delightful.”
  “Maybe you should tell him so yourself.” Raph smirked, petting Chompy as he sat on Raph’s pillow, sleeping.
  “Oh beloved Chompy-” I began dramatically, “It’s been so long since I’ve seen thine adorable face…”
  “Shh, don’t wake him up!” Raph nudged me.
  I held my hands up in defeat, and whispered “Thou hast no taste for the dramatics, dearest Raphael.” 
  He scoffed and rolled his eyes good naturedly. “You’re a nerd, you know that?” 
  “Having an extensive knowledge of the arts does not make me a nerd.” I grinned.
  “No, but writing your own grappling hook blueprints when you already have a grappling hook totally does. Who does math on purpose?!”
  “Creative people who have limitless access to a mechanics genius. I probably wouldn’t be doin’ anything like this if Donnie didn’t help me out as often as he does.” I said, smiling fondly. 
  “Plus- I’m sorry, but Fugatoid’s computerized grappling hooks are unreliable and frustrating to deal with. I can’t not build my own when faced with such inefficiency, it’d be a safety hazard.” I rambled, clenching my hands into fists at the thought.
  Raph shook his head, coughing something that sounded suspiciously like ‘Nerd’.
  “You’re a nerd, you read vegetable comics!” I retaliated.
  “Shut up! You gave me those vegetable comics!” He snapped.
  “Yeah well you read them, Mr. Tough Guy-” I egged him on.
  “They were good! The characters were really deep and shockingly relatable despite the ridiculous premise!” He yelled, flinging a fabric roll at me. 
  I caught it, eyes narrowed. “Hey. Don’t.”
  Raph’s eyes widened for some reason. “Oh- shit, (Y/N), I- I’m so sorry-”
  I tossed the fabric back at him, raising an eyebrow. “Dude if we’re gonna spar we gotta not wake up Chompy.”
  “Oh- we’re gonna spar?” He stuttered.
  “Yeah? That’s what we do?” I grinned, hopping off the bed.
  He relaxed a bit. “Okay, usual rules?”
  “Mild contact, no weapons or excessive strikes…but I guess fabric as a weapon is fair game this time?” I offered, balling up my fists and bouncing on my feet as I settled into my fighting stance.
  “First one to hit the ground loses?” Raph smiled, slipping into his own fighting stance.
  “You’re goin’ down, Rafa.” I grinned.
  “Not if you do first!” He exclaimed, lunging at me.
   I smirked and tossed a ball of blue fabric at his face, and as he stumbled, I jumped behind him.
  He tore the fabric off and caught my wrist, but I twisted his arm until I was the one holding his wrist. He tried to shove me off, but I pulled him towards me as hard as I could.
  Sadly, he took advantage of the proximity and used his free hand to grab my ankle, pushing both of us off balance, and we fell to the floor with a loud THUD.
  I sighed as I realized I was at the bottom of our tangle of limbs. I’d hit the ground first.
   That meant another heartbreaking tally on the ‘Times Raph beat (Y/N) at sparring’ scorecard.
  Raph grinned at me, apparently realizing the same thing as he propped his head up on his elbow.
  “How’s the weather down there?” He said smugly.
  I rolled my eyes good naturedly, smiling back. “Heavy?” I grunted, sticking my tongue out.
  He smiled fondly. “Hm. That sucks for you, I guess, loser.” He said with an exaggerated yawn as he spread himself out.
  “You know- relaxing your body- just- makes you- feel heavier?” I hissed.
  “Hm? Can’t hear you from all the way up here.” Raph said.
  I shook my head. “You’re an arse, y’know that?”
  “Ew! What the- guys, you can’t do that in front of Chompy!” Said a voice at the door, and Raph stiffened. 
  “Mikey- Shut up!” He said, voice cracking. “We’re sparrin’!”
  I nodded, feeling heat rise to my face as I imagined what this looked like. Raph was on top of me, his plastron spread diagonally across my stomach, and he had been resting his head on his hand as I glared at him across the floor…which could easily be misread, especially at Mikey’s angle from the door…
  But instead of voicing my understanding, I replied in a monotone voice “Can confirm- we sparred.”
  “Yeah I know that!” Mikey exclaimed.
  I raised an eyebrow. “Then wha-”
  “Parents shouldn’t fight in front of their kids, imagine how poor lil’ Chompy must feel!” He said sadly.
  Raph’s face went as red as his mask. “MIKEY- (Y/N) and I aren’t- shut up!”
  I nodded again. “We're co-pet owners, not co-parents. Chompy ain’t a kid, really, he’s a baby alien who has mannerisms similarly aligned with those of a dog or cat or other domestic mammals and…whatever.”
  “...Well I still got my eyes on you. This is mighty suspicious.” Mikey hissed.
  “No it’s not! We spar all the time, Michelangelo!” Raph yelled. “Now get outta my room before we both decide we wanna spar you!”
  “Okay okay okay!” Mikey squeaked, ducking out of the room. 
  Raph sighed as his footsteps finally faded, relaxing onto me again. “What a doofus.”
  “Yeah…” I agreed, smiling a bit. “You’re still on top of me.” I noted. I was pretty sure my limbs were close to falling asleep.
  “And you still-” He paused to yawn for real this time, “-lost.” He smiled, and something about the way he was looking at me felt…softer than usual. Gentler…
  A weird feeling on my stomach broke me out of my thoughts though. It was like…a hum…and it was coming from Raph? After a second the purr-like noise followed it, and I grinned. He was churring again.
  But Raph’s eyes widened in surprise and mortification. He rolled off me and stood straight up at record speed, blushing even redder than he had earlier, but the churring continued. 
  He slammed his hand over his mouth then, only somewhat managing to muffle the sound. He blushed harder, cringing.
  I clambered up after him, and fell back onto the bed next to Chompy. 
  Chompy blinked an eye open, and I took his apparent consciousness as a cue to hug the little turtle.
  “...You know, when Chompy purrs, I think it’s sweet, not freaky or embarrassing…” I said casually as the churring stopped, stroking Chompy’s head.
  Raph mumbled something that was rendered unintelligible by his hand, but his eyes softened.
  I patted the spot on the bed next to me, smiling as encouragingly as I could.
  He sighed and sat awkwardly next to me, staring at the floor in embarrassment. 
  “So…” I said, trying to sound gentle. “So I’m assuming you don’t...like it when that happens?”
  “….I can’t control it.” He finally said, petting Chompy as the little turtle churred in my arms.
  “Neither can he,” I pointed out.
  Raph rolled his eyes. “He’s a turtle turtle, not a mutant turtle. Like you said to Mikey, he’s like a cat or something. I mean… it’s cute when he does it, but…”
  “You do it around your brothers too, you seem fine when that happens?” 
  He shrugged. “That’s different, they get it. They do it too, they don’t think it’s weird.”
  “Well I like it. It’s sweet, Rafa.” I smiled.
  He blushed, finally looking up at me. “...really?”
  “Yeah. So does he.” I grinned, smushing Chompy into his face. 
  “Aw, Chompy!” He laughed, pulling both of us into a hug.
  “Hey- hey dude, I appreciate the affection, but you’re screwin’ up my hair-” I laughed, my face pressed into his plastron.
  “Oh no, this is a chokehold, actually.” He grinned, and set Chompy on my head. Chompy chewed on a strand of my hair. “See?”
  “Dammit you two! This is a betrayal!” I giggled, but didn’t make any effort to get out of it.
  Raph’s churring started up again, but this time he just shot me an embarrassed shrug and pulled me and Chompy closer. I smiled.
  I missed Earth a lot, but at least I had my weird little family here with me, right?
   And maybe that family is a disgruntled mutant teenager with anger issues and our pet space turtle…and maybe I missed my Earth family too, but either way, at the end of the day, I was happy.
  Y’know. So long as we managed to successfully save Earth…but that was a worry for another day.
Author's note: Can you tell how much the Squirrelnoids episode freaked me out? :')
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bambiraptorx · 4 months
Three hours later Draxum realizes the Donnie that tackled him also said "I love you" as well as calling him Appa
Honestly it's a bit of a toss-up as to whether he was actually listening to what they were saying at all or not, he was a little preoccupied trying not to go into "kill everything" mode lol. CY! Donnie completely snuck up on him and caught him off guard so he kinda went into "flight or flight" when she jumped on him.
But if he did process it later on he would have *questions*. He'd want to know everything he could about a reality where he raised at least one of the turtles. He might not fully admit it but he very much wanted to raise the turtles, so he'd have something of a morbid curiosity about the versions of him that did actually get to do it.
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
( 🥐 anon )
hiii !! i have two ideas! you can choose whichever!
fairy and eddie making flower crowns
mermen steve and eddie making shell bracelets
Aaand another one, yaaay! okay so idk if you know the song mermaid bar by maya hawke but that heavily inspired this thing. Go listen to it if you don't bc her music is *chef's kiss*
TW for mention of death / suicide (if you're reading this and have issues in that area, please talk about it with a safe person in your environment or call your country's suicide prevention line if necessary)
It had been days since Eddie had last eaten. He was preparing himself to never eat again because that beast-like feeling had terrified him right to his bones. It had been more instinct than anything else, something primal and desperate trying to keep his weakened, hungry body alive. His sharp teeth cutting into the diamondback terrapin, its raw flesh dropping into his stomach and awakening something awful deep inside of him.
Eddie used to love turtles, before he fell into the Hudson river and his ribs separated to make space for gills; before his legs turned into black and silver scales shimmering in the light that filtered through the waves; before webs sprouted between his fingers.
He had left the Long Island winter beaches behind him now, coursing to the open seas and wondering how long he would last on his empty stomach, half hoping he would get caught in a fishnet or encounter a ship. But no such thing happened. He was all alone with the fishes down here.
Until he saw something that weirdly looked like... a building. Like a house, a human house, or maybe a shed. His curiosity suddenly kicked in again – a familiar feeling, finally, thank whoever caused this whole predicament – and he purposefully started swimming closer.
It didn't take long before he could distinguish that it was a wooden building, decorated with all kinds of shells and half overgrown with corals. Sardine Dream Mermaid Bar was written right above the front door, in uneven and slightly wobbly letters. The door was open and since Eddie's curiosity was growing by the second, he swam inside without even thinking about it.
And holy shit. Behind the counter of what was unmistakably a very real, actual bar, was possibly the most beautiful creature Eddie had ever encountered. His brown hair was dancing around his face in graceful waves, his toned arms were covered in all kinds of shell bracelets, and his bare chest... Well. Eddie was pretty sure he'd lose his consciousness again if he were to keep looking at that chest.
'You can talk!' Eddie thought out loud, and hey, apparently, he could talk too. 'I can talk!'
The creature – mermaid – boy – person – smiled a smile that was ridiculously beautiful despite his scary sharp teeth.
'Yeah, we can talk.'
'There's more like you?'
He kept smiling. 'Way more. You can hear them singing, if you listen closely.'
Eddie froze in his place as he listened intently; and sure enough, very faintly, he could hear some kind of ethereal song carrying through the water.
'I'm Steve.'
The stranger held out his webbed hand and Eddie hesitantly shook it while telling him his own name.
'So I take it you're new?'
Eddie nodded dumbly.
'Alright, I bet you're hungry, then. I'll get you something to eat. What do you want? Oysters, caviar, scallops?'
'Um, scallops is fine, I guess.' Eddie's empty belly started twisting nauseatingly at the promise of something to eat – something he wouldn't have to kill between his own teeth. Or at least, he hoped that was what Steve was going to serve him. He didn't exactly know the rules of whatever this was.
'What is this place?' Eddie asked while Steve turned around to prepare a plate for him. He caught a glimpse of the golden fishtail that had been hiding behind the counter and – wow. He had never seen colors like that before in his life.
'It's um... A refuge, I guess,' Steve told him. 'I opened it when I ended up here. It's a place where people can come if they're in trouble, or if they feel like they don't belong anywhere, you know.'
And oh, Eddie could relate to that. He took the plate that Steve held out to him and gratefully dug in.
'Jesus Christ this is good,' he murmured around his full mouth, gaining himself another smile from Steve before he closed his eyes to properly revel in the rich taste on his tongue.
'So how did you get here?' Steve asked.
'Fell in the goddamn river,' Eddie managed to say between two bites. 'Fuckin' stupid really. Partying in New York. Drunk, high, you know how it goes. Slipped, hit my head, and that was it. Or, well, that was supposed to be it.' He dropped the mussel he had been holding to make jazz-hands. 'Yet here we are.' He swallowed another bite. 'What about you, how did you get here?'
'I jumped.'
'You jumped in the –' But before Eddie could finish his question, understanding dawned over him. 'Oh.'
'I'm sorry.'
'It's okay,' Steve said. 'I'm happy to be here, actually. Things are much better now. Not everyone is lucky enough to land in bubbles when they fall.'
'Yeah, I guess,' Eddie mumbled quietly, thinking about his mother and how she had fallen, back when he was little. There certainly had been no bubbles to catch her.
'Hey.' It sounded soft and Steve tilted his head a little bit, staring at Eddie as if he was trying to figure him out. 'You can stay here for as long as you need to,' he continued. 'I'll teach you everything you should know. We have this – this ritual.' He gestured to a tall jar that was standing on the counter between them, filled with all kinds of shells in various shades of white. 'This is our tip jar. Everyone leaves some shells when they come here, and we use them to bind ourselves to each other. I'll make you a bracelet right now, to make you part of the community. And when you feel that the time has come – when you feel at home here, when you're ready to navigate this world without me – you can return the favor.'
Eddie let his gaze wander to Steve's forearms, both covered in bracelets.
'So these are all from people you helped?'
The sudden bashful look on Steve's face didn't escape Eddie's notice.
'Yeah, I guess I did,' he said, almost like it surprised himself.
With his belly filled and his human instincts finally returning to him, Eddie felt brave enough to stretch out his hand and gently trace the bracelets on Steve's left arm with his index finger.
'It'd be an honor to give you a bracelet of my own someday, Steve,' he said softly.
And when he saw the look in Steve's soft brown eyes, it suddenly didn't seem so bad to Eddie anymore that he had fallen into the river.
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