#crowley's wing cover
fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
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Angel Crowley: Well, if I was the one running it all, I'd like it if someone asked questions. Fresh point of view. You can't just create a universe, run it for a few thousand years, and then stop.
Angel Aziraphale: I like the pinky-blue bit in the corner of the… the nebula. Yes, it's very umm… ahhhhh! Um, but look, word to the wise, I'd hate to see you getting into any trouble.
Angel Crowley: Mm, thanks for your help. And thanks for your advice. I wouldn't worry though. How much trouble can I get into just for asking a few questions?
Here, during their first meeting Angel Crowley is sort of more naive than Angel Aziraphale who seems to sense more that questions will not be welcomed and afraid of God's reaction. 🥺
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Bonus 2:
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shaunashipman · 7 months
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"What does your exactly mean exactly? I feel like your exactly and my exactly are different exactlys." INEFFABLE HUSBANDS APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 Day 05: Parallels or Underrated Moments
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frelynart · 10 months
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“I like the pinky blue-bit in the corner of the nebula” 💫
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canisonicscrewyou · 11 months
How do you wing?? How make wings????
— get a sturdy styrofoam circle
— get wire specifically made for sculpture skeletons, cotton batting, ethically sourced feathers and down feathers, nylon webbing straps, and some satin fabric and a LOT of glue
— make general wing shapes
— use tape to give the wings general structure throughout the hollow wire wing shapes (IMPORTANT: add more wire to where you’re taping, if not other stiff material like perhaps thin PVC tubing to give them structure, what you’re about to do is too heavy to not do this[like we did, now we have to add more structure in hindsight]).
— use thin cotton batting to cover the entire wing shapes, your circle back, and all.
— spray paint or otherwise color the batting black if you’re making demon wings
— measure and cut+attach nylon straps so the wings can, yknow, be attached to you (forget if we did this before or after the batting)
— make a bunch of extra large fabric feathers for, specifically, the tips/edges of the wings. iirc I did this by cutting out a double-sided wing shape and then just gluing the fabric together, and then snipping the edges to give it more of a Feathered Look
— glue the dried feather wings to the outermost edge of your wings
— start to glue your (ethically sourced!!!)(or fake ig) feathers to your batting. This works best if you glue the feather, then stick the tip/point of the feather into the batting. I used goose feathers for Aziraphale(light) and dyed duck feathers for Crowley(heavier)(also more prone to breakage)(looks cool though).
— when you get to the circle/middle piece and the… shoulders of the wings(idk wing anatomy sorry) use down feathers. You don’t have to, but it looks really good imo.
— you can also use the down feathers to cover/hide any bald spots, and to cover the sides/edges of the wings
— let them dry!!
— try on your wings and realize you made the straps WAY too big
— even if you measured accurately, you’re gonna wanna pin your wing straps(and the BACK most likely) to your costume.
— iirc there’s definitely some weight and balance issues I didn’t fix with the wings. so take literally all of this with a grain of salt.
— wear your wings ! they should be able to be adjusted/articulated throughout the day. If you don’t add any tubing or rigid wire to support the structure of the wings, they’ll slowly start to drape/sag over your frame. It doesn’t look bad, but they don’t articulate right for photos and such.
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I’m not saying this is the best or most sanity-effective way of making wings. but you will certainly have a pair of wings after doing this. And at least in 2019 it wasn’t too expensive compared to other methods. Idk if it’d compare to buying them— I like little projects for my cosplays. I love a little project.
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pinkpiggy93 · 10 months
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The first moment of splendor
I made this one based on the first scene of season 2 and this made me believe that Aziraphale fell in love the moment he met Crowley while Crowley at this point was just full of awe and wonder as he created the galaxy. I noticed that Az somehow copied some of Crowley’s manerism, just bubly and cheerful, or perhaps the wing cover later, back in season 1, was Aziraphale returning Crowley’s kind gesture at the very beginning, this moment.
In any case i love love love it, soooo many good moments in this season. What are your thoughts?
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neil-gaiman · 9 months
hello mr. gaiman, my friend and i had a question for you about this hat of beelzebub's in s1
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do you know how it was decided that they would wear this hat? and did beelzebub make it or just find it somewhere when they got to earth?
We made the hat a day or two before the shoot. The red eyes had been planned to be Beelzebub's eyes, but Anna Maxwell Martin requested that nothing cover or be near her eyes, and I suggested putting the red fly eyes on her hat, sticking a couple of black pipe cleaners as antennas, and giving the impression of wings.
In story Beelzebub made it, just as Crowley makes his clothes.
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lookitsstevie · 11 months
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the SHADOW. the f *cking shadow covering crowley like an angel wing is driving me MAD
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hey-there-hunter · 9 months
Crowley's wings are already darker at the beginning of time when he covers aziraphale from fire.
I repeat
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edbydraws · 1 month
✨The enchanted princesses AU✨
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They were locked in towers to wait for rescue from a prince on a white horse but they seem to be fine with each other. And their curses don't seem to bother them too much.
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Princess Azira de Fel has white wings and with every moonrise she is covered in feathers from head to toe
Princess Antonia J Crowley is cursed to turn into a snake (at the most random moments) but even in human form her snake eyes and some scales remain with her.
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The two towers stand close enough that the princesses can see each other through the windows, that they can talk and hear each other. But too far away that even if they were to reach beyond the window sills completely, it would still be too far away to even touch fingers.
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If some "savior" does make it to the towers, Crowley will make sure to drive him away as far as possible. she will not let anyone take her angel away from her.
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coldninjaruins-blog · 10 months
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Thinking about Aziraphale and Crowley protecting/covering each other with their wings/umbrellas.
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actual-changeling · 6 months
i crave the emotional catharsis that would come with crowley taking care of his plans, in so much pain but swallowing it down and pretending it's not real, finally having the mental breakdown he deserves.
he's taking care of his plants, a detached look on his face, misting them and making sure they're all healthy and have enough space to grow. after he returned, he stopped talking to them for the most part. they welcomed him back, they had missed him—shax is not the nicest or most interesting company to keep—and now they're worried.
crowley sleeps, paces, mists his plants, gets drunk, and sleeps some more. everything to stop feeling. until he sees a leaf spot on one of them. a tiny imperfection, barely worth a shout, and yet.
a tremor works it way through him, his knees always giving out, and he presses one palm against the wall to keep himself upright. wave after wave of shame, bright and stabbing in the middle of his chest, reminds him why he left.
not good enough.
crowley had tried, someone knows he tried. it's hard to regain a soul, harder yet to shape it into something worth loving, someone worth living for, but he had tried.
his fingers curl around the pot and before he can stop himself he flings it across the room, listening to it shatter. can't even do that right, can he? can't raise fucking plans, can't keep his STUPID mouth shut, can't make him stay because who would want to be stuck with him forever? no one, that's who, and after six thousand years, aziraphale had seemingly reached his blessed limit and taken the first chance to leave.
another plant follows with a scream, dirt and broken stems covering the floor and staining the walls, and then another and another and another until he can fall to his knees amidst the ruins of his life.
clay shards are cutting his palms open as he doubles over, sobs wrecking through him like thunder, and his tears carve clean paths down his dirty hands.
"i tried," he whispers, voice hoarse from yelling, "i'm sorry, i tried."
crowley's wings unfurl with an almost silent gust of air, blacking out the sunlight streaming in. he drags himself to the nearest corner before wrapping his arms and wings around himself, and curling up as tightly as possible.
"i tried," he keeps breathing into feathers and fabric, "i tried, i tried, i tried."
over and over until his voice fails him and then some more. it is almost a lullaby, the words taking whatever is left of his heart and gently rocking it back and forth. crowley falls asleep like that, exhausted and broken and lonely. just as sleep pulls him under, he stops his repetition, his mouth shaping phrase after phrase.
for the very first time since his fall, crowley closes his eyes and prays.
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luvvyouforever · 5 months
hc: acotar boys + s/o with illyrian wings
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↳ including rhysand, cassian, azriel, lucien, and tamlin.
↳ some mentions of nsfw content but majority sfw, does not go into detail.
a/n: i have not read the entirety of the series nor have i wrote for acotar before. but this was stuck in my mind and i just had to see it through. enjoy, dears ❀
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-adores taking leisurely flights with you across the night court lands, velaris, you name it and you're going. on days where you both need to get away and find some peace, you would fly away to some peak of a mountain or to a wide open field of flowers. smiles at you the whole time you glide easily next to him.
-definitely compares wing spans all the time. "no, i swear mine are bigger! look!" as he's straining and stretching the tips of them out to elongate his wingspan. you laugh and play along because you know that yours are without a doubt bigger but you'll let him win this time.
-his already large bed expands when you sleep in it together, ensuring that your wings rest on the sheets comfortably. he knows how annoying it is to tuck them in tightly or let them droop off the ends.
-if you've had a bad day, he'll ask for your permission before massaging the spots of skin surrounding your wings before gently running his hands along them, sending shivers down your spine. sometimes this will lead to more as his apt hands cause you to whimper but if it has been a particularly rough day, he is content to give you physical comfort and nothing more.
-feels incredibly proud to have you. while he hates entering the court of nightmares and putting on his persona, he secretly loves walking in to the city with you as his partner, wings fiercely on display.
-and just for some small self-indulgence, i think rhys loves wing play. when the two of you are close in bed, passionate and sweaty, he loves running his hands along your wings and he flares his out so you can do the same to him. he just can't help groaning at your reaction. enough said (i am so perfectly normal about this)
-races with you in the air. some days he is just bounding with energy and adrenaline and nothing helps him more than leaping off of the balcony of your townhouse and soaring high in the air, dodging one another, doing tricks, etc. while rhys loves peaceful flights with you, cassian is the exact opposite.
-if you ever feel insecure about your wings, he'll encourage you to be confident about them and let them out. he may notice that a party, you get insecure about taking up so much space and you try to tuck your wings in as close as possible, placing yourself in corners. he'll come to your side, spread his wings out and tap your back to tell you to do the same. "don't feel bad about them, sweets. you look glorious."
-your sleep habits are definitely...interesting. two people in one bed with enormous wings sprouting from the backs? yeah, it's a little hard to maneuver. but you manage and usually, in the morning, you end up sprawled on the bed, limbs tangled, hair in faces, pillows off the bed, but rested and comfortable nonetheless.
-cassian loves being a tease and throughout the day, anytime he sees you, he'll sneak on you and run a finger down the most sensitive part of your wings, causing reactions that make those around you just slightly uncomfortable. he laughs and giggles and you don't stay mad at him for long.
-he would find it really attractive if your wings were bigger than his or if you could take him down in a fight. he's spent his life being a fearsome warrior, stronger than everyone, and if his partner can spread their wings and tackle him to the ground, he'll be so excited.
-you know that scene in good omens where aziraphale covers crowley's head with his wing? yeah, cassian does that. if you're walking anywhere and it starts raining, snowing, etc. he will gladly place his wing over top of your head to keep you from getting wet. you appreciate it more than anything.
-i like to headcanon azriel as being a little fancy and bougie. he definitely has piles of oils, lotions, and skin care products for his wings that he will share with you. he likes keeping them shiny, moisturized, and clean. more often than not, he'll have you sit down in the bathroom while he does a mini skincare routine for your wings alone. you love it and look forward to it every night.
-azriel's wings are canonically the largest of the bat boys and i think he feels a secret sense of pride about this. no matter how good of a warrior cassian is or how good of a leader rhysand is, he holds that over them and this reflects in your relationship. he doesn't feel threatened by them, both because he trusts them and because he knows your affinity for his wings.
-oh my god...his shadows dance all over your wings when you're together. they tickle and give you goosebumps along every part of your body. azriel pretends to rein them in but he loves seeing you giggle at the feeling and sometimes sends his shadows out to run along your wings when you need to cheer up.
-if anyone ever hurt your wings or damaged them in any way, he'd see red and nothing else. he knows how much wings matter to an illyrian and if you come home from a battle with your wings bleeding, ripped, or scarred, he'd immediately find them and make them wish they didn't do such a thing to you.
-when crowds and people and senses become too much for either of you, you'll slip off to some secluded place, usually your home, and wrap each other in your wings, enveloping you in darkness and quiet. it's a great remedy for headaches or overstimulation. in general, i think azriel hugs with his wings. his arms will be wrapped tight around your body and his wings will encase you as much as they can.
-some more self indulgence here...i think azriel isn't as fond of his wings being used in the bedroom but as for yours...shew. you know how his shadows like to play with your wings? he revels in your sounds, gasps, and surprise at the feeling of your most sensitive spot being touched so delicately.
-lucien has always been fascinated with illyrian wings. i think he'd ask you so many questions about them, about how they feel, how it feels to fly, etc. he'd very politely ask for your permission before grazing them with his hands, taking in the beauty of them.
-he always wanted to fly like the illyrian warriors he was familiar with but he never asked you out of embarrassment. the first time he flew with you was out of pure need as you escaped from some kind of danger together. he couldn't get away fast enough so without thinking, you picked him up and soared into the sky with him. after that moment, he looks for any chance to fly with you.
-lucien is a fast learner when it comes to learning how to care for your wings. he picks up on the spots that ache the most and pays special attention to those after long days. he speaks to cassian and azriel about caring for them, and he takes their advice to heart, buying whatever he needs.
-sometimes, he feels insecure and wonders if you'd prefer to be with someone who can match your skill set and keep up with you better. you shut down those thoughts as soon as they come up and make some joke that illyrians are a cocky breed and that you'd much prefer to be with him. you even offer to train him in some illyrian fighting techniques which he quickly takes you up on.
-if someone stares at your wings while you're at some kind of spring court high society function, he'd shoot them an evil glare which is particularly intimidating. he reassures you that there is no need to hide the beauty of your wings and that he'd deal with anyone who says something bad about them.
-lucien can't help but blush when you casually use your wings to help him throughout the day. if he shivers at a draft blowing through open windows, your wing will find a spot behind him to block the cool air. you will block the bright sun when you're walking together, barely caring about the intense warmth. if you're fighting together, your wing blocks hits and acts as a barrier between him and an enemy. when he questions himself, he thinks about those small moments that show your love and smiles.
-i think that tam can feel a little threatened sometimes by your wings and skills as a warrior. he places a lot of importance in his position as a protector and it takes him some time to get used to having a partner that can defend themselves. once he does, though, you two are practically an unstoppable force.
-he tries to act very nonchalant about your wings out of fear of offending you by staring at them or touching them. the first time you catch him looking at them in the sunlight, you smile and tell him that you'd never be offended by him admiring them. after that, he's constantly raking his eyes along your wingspan, creating poetic lines in his head about how the stars reflect on the silky black skin.
-tam is possessive by nature and if he sees someone complimenting them or, gods forbid, touch them, he couldn't hold back the claws emerging. he knows very well that you will stand your ground but nobody touches his partner like that and he will let them know very quickly.
-he will never really admit it but he loves seeing you in the light, pastel colors of the spring court, especially when they contrast so heavily with the dark wings on your back. he thinks one of his favorite views is you laid out in the rose garden, soaking in the sunshine with your wings laid out entirely on the ground. his love for you swells and he wishes he had a camera to keep the view preserved forever.
-he loves to spoil you with the best wing care you've ever seen. i'm talking expensive oil infused with gold that creates the most beautiful sparkle along the wings. i'm talking handmade soap sourced from velaris that smells divine which he uses while you take a bath together. he thrives when he gets to spoil you like this.
-his first calanmai after you became partners is an entire story in itself. even while ferociously charged with power, he asks for your permission to touch your wings while in the heat of things. his delicate hands are so different from the rest of the way he's taking you and he draws sounds from you that bounce off the cave walls and echo for likely miles.
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i hope you enjoy this! i really like writing headcanons so if you have any requests, please let me know! <3
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crowleys-radio · 11 months
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the subtle rainbow on the right
the clouds on crowley's side and the sun on aziraphale's (light & darkness)
their shadow covering crowley like its aziraphale's angel wing over him
long hair crowley
possibly post-flood based on their outfits
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youryurigoddess · 7 months
The summer that was never supposed to end
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You’ve probably noticed how in Good Omens 2 Crowley’s eyes are brighter, more saturated, as if glistening with liquid gold. We’ve already covered his hair. And it’s not only the visual aspect of him — even in objectively stressful conditions, Crowley appears mature and put together, way cooler and more protective than before. Even his faults are heavily romanticized in the past and present scenes, reminding of the S1 body swap, when Aziraphale projected his love to him on the way he played the demon in Hell.
It’s not just the demon. The whole season is more vibrant, bolder, filled with sunshine. Just like a summer that was never supposed to end. Like a memory of a loved one seen through the eyes of someone who thinks of them every day until the end of the world.
S2 seems ridiculously saturated, whimsical, and full of red and gold, just like a certain demon. Aziraphale not only painted his bookshop in his image, but literally colored the whole world in Crowley’s colors. It was such lush and saturated and blooming with warmth and hazy light.
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It’s either that all the newest events are just another memory seen through a certain angel’s eyes, or said angel actively made it appear this way — as in, his feelings grew so strong that they’ve started to warp the reality around him. And it’s a well-known fact that Aziraphale has a tendency to affect his surroundings, either unconsciously, when his presence in the bookshop literally lightens up the sky seen through its windows, or very much consciously, when he takes over the position of a master puppeteer and manipulates people with or without the help of his miracles.
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S1 was more dramatic and apocalyptic, but not particularly gray — at least not as much as the color grading typically used in portrayal of similar apocalyptic narratives. S2, at least as seen through Aziraphale’s own La Vie En Rose lens, is vibrant and saturated. And those colors drastically fade in the heavenly light of the elevator during the credits, suggesting that they won’t be as visible in the course of S3.
But I don’t want to ramble about the apocalypse sandwich and the three-act structure here, so let’s circle back to S2.
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Good Omens 2 was really set in a summer that was never supposed to end. But it did, autumn crept in, and there was no chance of hearing the nightingales sing. They all had left by the time an angel and a demon finally kissed.
In the most literal sense: the very last nightingales usually migrate from the UK to their wintering grounds in Sub-Saharan Africa in the first days of September.
Aziraphale was right that nothing lasts forever — and the passage of time on Earth is marked by subtle details invisible to the immortal eyes.
The main thing about autumn migration is how sudden and hard to predict it is. The birds start disappearing gradually, often without notice, until at some point they are no longer here. Much like the angel leaves the bookshop — their shared nest — to spread his wings and fight.
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And it was basically announced on the poster.
Can you see the migratory formation of birds up in the sky? It looks like Aziraphale is the last one to get off the ground and fly.
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via-l0ve · 7 months
can u pls do supernatural boys reactions to u really liking cuddles, hugs, kisses and shit like that? like physical touch being ur love language
ty, luv ur work ♥︎♥︎♥︎
Physical Touch (SPN pref!)
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Warnings: fluff fluff fluff
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Dean LOVES physical touch
that’s my dean headcannon
i love him and he loves cuddles and kisses and all that lovey shit
while sam is researching please just get on his lap and wrap your legs around him and just cuddle
he always has a hand on your back or holding your hand or a hand in your back pocket
always touching you
people think dean is all about making out with people but i feel like he would just kiss all over your face like muah muah muah until he’s covered every part of your face but your lips and then he kisses ur lips.
you’re a passenger princess in the impala
he has a glove box with all of your stuff in it
he just loves it.
sam likes physical touch but not as much as dean
like please cuddle him all the time but also he has anger issues and needs minutes sometimes
but he just loves it most of the time
he’s always kissing your nose and forehead
he finds you asleep on the couch? he’s picking you up and taking you to cuddle.
he always wants to see you in his shirts and just kiss you all over the place
cas would adore any kind of affection
he’s kind of a “head empty no thoughts” boy and so you can just kiss all over his face and he’ll keep talking
he’s talking to dean and you kiss his cheek twenty times and he never breaks
it’s honestly very cute and i love him so much
he always wants cuddles
always secretly has a wing around you
i just love him dude :(
he deserves the best.
please sit on his lap on his throne and just straddle him
he will BUST
(not a nut but ykwim)
he’s literally so happy to hold you
but he’s also a devil so he can’t hold you all the time
he’s got business to take care of
but when he can
he will
all the time
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nightgoodomens · 5 months
Imagine Aziraphale and Crowley trying to save the world. They keep on getting attacked but keep on trying anyway. And we have Crowley who has his demonic powers and maybe part of him never let it all out because Aziraphale always reminded him of being a demon, so it held him back to not hear even more about it.
And then comes a day when he holds Aziraphale, wings covering them, to shield Aziraphale from the fire. And it keeps on coming and he could lash out to push their enemies away, but he knows Aziraphale will throw it back in his face one day. But the strain is starting to hurt Crowley too. And they’re not stopping.
But then Aziraphale touches his cheeks, and he’s angry, he’s actually angry at what they’re doing to them. He can see Crowley holding back for his sake. He knows why. So he tells him to attack back.
“Give. Them. Hell.”
And Crowley does.
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