#crossover of the century right here
clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Okay idk if u wanna do this but May I request a crossover of vita Carnis and Mandela Catalouge headcanons?..
For Adam,Jonah and Mark. Basically they arrive at theyre s/o’s House..and find out they have a pet trimming named Meatloaf or something.s/o treat them like they’re baby like any pet owner would,what are they’re reactions?
Awwwwe yeah my two current analog horror fixations let's goooo
He shows up at your door right as you were getting food for your pet.
It was especially important that you fed it at this particular time so it would settle down for the night...
But Adam's persistent knocking forces you to stop and answer the door, momentarily leaving it with an empty bowl.
"Adam? What are you doing here so late?"
"Did you get my message? Our client wants us to go to his place now. I got the salt and everything."
"...he's gonna have to wait a minute. I just gotta feed my pet and-"
"C'mon, babe. We can't lose this offer. I'm sure your pet's not gonna starve to dea-"
All of the sudden, both of you hear metal scraping and a loud whining noise that sounded like a dying animal, startling Adam while you just stare blankly at him. "You were saying?"
"..what the hell was that?????"
You decide it's better to just show him, so you go back inside and introduce him to your pet: a small six-legged fat lump of raw red meat with a collar around its neck.
"What the fuck is that?? An alien??"
"No, it's a Trimming. And their name is Meatloaf."
"....that literally explains nothing."
After feeding your Trimming and calming it down, you told Adam a little bit about its role in the Vita Carnis family.
Where you're from, they're common house pets, being even more popular than dogs or cats as they were docile and willing to eat anything.
When you're done explaining, he just stares at Meatloaf for a while, who's now swaddled in a blanket and curled up in your lap.
It looks kinda gross, but he is intrigued.
Apparently, it's trained to sniff out Mimics and scream when it detects one....which has saved your life on multiple occasions, and it did the same when it sensed an Alternate in your house not long after you moved here.
That's cool.
He thinks you should bring it on BPS assignments.
On the other hand....
When you mentioned owning an exotic pet, Jonah didn't expect anything like this when he showed up uninvited, letting himself in with a spare key.
"Hey I brought some pizza for--WHAT THE HELL IS THAT, S/O?!!
Babe, please don't scream-"
"Am I tripping or is tHAT A FUCKING FETUS??!!!!" He points wildly to the Trimming sitting in your kitchen sink, covered in soap and looking saddened bc your bf interrupted bath time.
Meanwhile, you're pissed off by his yelling and covered its sensitive ears, glaring at him. "Will you calm down? This is a Trimming..you haven't heard of them?"
"No???? It looks like the goddamn chestburster from Alien! What is it?!!"
He was ready to run out of the house, but you convinced him to stay and you explained what a Trimming is, rinsing off the soap while doing so.
Poor guy's still trying to comprehend why (and how) a thing like this even exists, eyes wide as he watches you dry it off and care for it like you would a puppy or kitten.
It doesn't help that you call it "Meatloaf" and have a cute little bow on its collar/head.
Nothing you say will stop him from getting nauseous, suddenly losing his appetite for the pizza (especially since he got pepperoni and sausage on it).
You reassure him it's not gonna go to waste, instead feeding it to Meatloaf in bite-sized pieces.
Jonah's just in shock as it happily devours them with no hesitation, before it waddles back into your arms for cuddles.
You made it your mission to get him to hold it, trying to show him it's not scary at all.
It's....still a work in progress.
You knew exactly what he was gonna think of your Trimming.
So you explained what it was exactly, even showing him a photo so he's better prepared to meet it when he comes over.
The last thing you wanted was for him to scream "demon" and throw a bible at your sweet little nondemonic meat pet.
But still...he clams up when you greet him at the door, holding Meatloaf in one arm.
"O-Oh, it's..uh....cute...?" Mark tries his best to be polite, yet his face is as pale as a ghost's.
You're just relieved he didn't panic and cause a huge scene.
However, for a normally social creature...Meatloaf became unusually shy around him, flinching away when he attempted to pet it and whining if you put it down for too long.
It constantly followed you, refusing to be in the same room as him.
This keeps happening whenever he visits, and he's unsure what to do.
So one day he asks if it'll ever warm up to him.
"Oh! How could I forget? Trimmings usually like it when they're sorta "involved" in conversations..if that makes sense." You tell him. "Meatloaf probably thinks you're unfriendly because you talk to only me when you come over."
"....so..how do I fix that? By talking to it myself?"
"Will it...understand me?"
"Not sure, but it just likes hearing chatter." You then speak to Meatloaf, scratching under its chin to stir it from sleep. "Hey, Loafy. My boyfriend wants to tell you something."
With the Trimming now looking at Mark, he feels...awkward, but he finally stutters something.
"H-Hey, uh...so I'm Mark. But you probably know that. S/o talks about me a lot and...uh....anyways we've been together for a few months. Sorry if I didn't seem that "friendly" to you, but I hope um...you...approve of us..?"
He trails off as it shifts out of your hold and climbs into his lap, curling up and cooing happily.
His eyes are HUGE and he's filled with fear(tm), but eventually makes the brave decision to pat its fleshy head, hearing it...purring?
Then you see his smile.
You're extremely happy about this bonding moment and had to snap a picture of the two.
'Yeah, this one's definitely for the books'
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last night i dreamt that i was breaking into a very dinstinctly dishonored 2-esque map, attempting to kill a woman who i think mightve been delilah?? who had murdered hythlodaeus from ffxiv, in a way very reminiscent of hannibal (2013), and who ripped morgana (from persona 5) apart in front of me. and then i woke up
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camellcat · 10 months
thinking about angel!Liam just absolutely fucking decking demon!Theo
Liam is, at first, completely horrified, right? like, oh, dear heavens, he just punched someone! that's not very holy of him! ...but also, Theo is a demon... surely he's just... acting within his angelic duties... to thwart demon wiles... yeah...?
and Theo cannot decide whether to laugh his ass off because he just got an angel to punch someone or start panicking that maybe he's pushed Liam too far and he'll be discoperated or smth. which ofc he won't be bc Liam (as much as he loath to admit it) does not hate Theo, but they are not at the stage in which Theo is certain of that!!
but once Theo gets him back it (dreadfully, in Liam's opinion, and cruelly giddily in Theo's) becomes a Thing.
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theteaisaddictive · 1 year
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corneliofuck · 1 year
its a wild trip being a phantom of the opera stan and a figure skating fan at the same time
bc you see people stanning franc d'ambrodio and brian boitano but in completely different communities and for completely different reasons
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offtorivendell · 4 months
My thoughts on the Bryce, Azriel and Nesta HOFAS bonus chapter...
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Disclaimer: as suggested by the title, the following discusses the Walmart HOFAS bonus chapter featuring Azriel, Bryce and Nesta. I haven't read the main text, so it won't feature anything related to that, but there are massive Maasverse and HOFAS spoilers ahead regardless. Please beware.
These are just my initial thoughts, not expanded upon in any substantial way and, as usual, I could always be way off the mark.
Also, yes, fair warning that I'll be mentioning the ACOTAR characters a lot. If that's not your jam, and you'd rather avoid any of the possible implications of the crossover, then I'd give this post a miss. On the other hand, if you're interested in how CC/HOFAS may affect Prythian going forward, please read on.
The Stone Mother song has me 👀 especially as the stone and water were "talking" at the start.
@cassianfanclub and @wingedblooms have already posted about the Stone Mother (here and here); @ladynightcourt3 has found the Phrygian goddess Cybele, also known as the "Mountain Mother," who sounds very relevant.
That being said, am I crazy to think Elain could have been listening in? Is Azriel stone and Elain water? His stone siphons - which Elain called beautiful, did she hear their song, as kin? - and Elain possibly as water? Was she using salt water to boost her powers, or a reflection pool to scry, and keep tabs on her sister and friend?
Or is it the space between linking worlds? Are the old gods talking?
Alternatively, could stone be referring to Nuala and Cerridwen, who are capable of manifesting stone around themselves and others (ACOTAR).
Is this what SJM meant when she said we'd see Elain in "some form" in the next book?
@psychee92 said she wished that SJM had somehow included Mr Brightside, and now I wish the same; even a mention of indie rock. 😭
Josie and Laurel - "He/god will add/increase" "(laurel) trees/victory"? Elain? Lol sorry, but it's either giving gardener, or Elain killing Hybern.
Wraith-like harmonies? After the description of Josie and Laurel's voices? It's crack, but is it a metaphor for Nuala and Cerridwen?
The musical similarities between what Juniper dances to and Prythian's music?!
Azriel's humming/singing made the shadows dance, once more suggesting that shadows dancing is a response to power, not mate bonds
The music Az liked was death metal. Could this link to any sort of metal artefact, like an iron crown for grounding? Or wyrdstone jewellery?
The glass coffin?
"Nineteenth century literature presents the glass coffin as a prison within which sleeping women are frequently mistaken for dead or vice versa." (Source). It's giving Sleeping Beauty (credit to @elriell for the OG SB theory), and a little Snow White.
Check out this tale from The Brothers Grimm, which sounds... suspiciously relevant to Elain.
@cassianfanclub also suggested that it's giving necromancer vibes, and I'd love that for Elain.
Feyre once said she could sleep for a hundred years after coming back from the Prison, right before going to the Hewn City in ACOWAR. After Elain had left the room, and before Feyre went to check in on her to find her "asleep—breathing."
Let's not forget Elain's assistance in rescuing the human COTB, Briar, from Hybern's camp.
Will Elain prick herself while weaving?
I was tired enough that I could barely summon the breath to ask, “Do you think the Cauldron made her insane?” “I think she went through something terrible,” Lucien countered carefully. “And it wouldn’t hurt to have your best healer do a thorough examination.” I rubbed my hand over my face. “All right.” My breath snagged on the words. “Tomorrow morning.” I managed a shallow nod, rallying my strength to rise from the chair. Heavy—there was an old heaviness in me. Like I could sleep for a hundred years and it wouldn’t be enough. “Please tell me,” Lucien said when I crossed the threshold into the foyer. “What the healer says. And if—if you need me for anything.” I gave him one final nod, speech suddenly beyond me. I knew Nesta still wasn’t asleep as I walked past her room. Knew she’d heard every word of our conversation thanks to that Fae hearing. And I knew she heard as I listened at Elain’s door, knocked once, and poked my head in to find her asleep—breathing. - ACOWAR, chapter 27
Azriel specifically said Nesta "beheaded" Hybern, after looking down at Truth-Teller.
This is not Azriel giving Nesta credit for the assassination. If anything he's hiding Elain's involvement.
I've said before, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has done so, but I would expect Azriel to protect his LI with silence, whoever they are.
He had to have been thinking about Elain, who I've theorised could now/soon be known as "The Shadowsinger's Knife" after she became the "knife in the dark" in Azriel's place at the end of ACOWAR.
The young girl sitting on the mushroom:
I'm still looking into the carving of the young girl sitting on the toadstool with the hound sprawled on the ground beside her, as I find it really interesting. My initial thought was that it seemed like a convenient place to drop a mention of a garden-like fairy carving with a hound right after Bryce had quizzed Azriel about his hypothetical mate, or lack thereof (Elain being both heavily associated with plant life, thanks to her "little garden," as well as dogs, after Nesta called her one in ACOSF).
I also wonder if it has anything to do with the Czech tale that amanita muscaria - while psychoactive/toxic - are said to protect from lightning and other ill fortune. If this is correct, it reminds me a little of the markings - wyrdmarks - on the Archeron cottage.
I don't know where Bryce and co were walking, as I have only read this bonus chapter and the prologue, but given it was carved on an underground wall, and I suspect that there are underground portals in at least the Hewn City and the Prison, and maybe the waterways... could it have been for protection against the invading lightning Asteri? Or did the Asteri (Daglan?) put them there to protect against Thunderbirds, or whatever Hunt is?
Maybe Bryce hadn't been sent there by Urd? Who then? Was @silverlinedeyes right all along?
The mention of pleasure halls seems like a call back to Azriel's bonus chapter, but it's also likely that they aren't all brothels (see Rita's).
Azriel listening closely about Nesta now liking being Fae; he could extrapolate her responses to Elain. Maybe she's no longer miserable, and in need of their pity. And maybe she's changed her mind from ACOFAS, when she said to Feyre "I don't want a mate, I don't want a male."
Azriel said "no" to whether or not he has a mate rather quickly. Hmm... the shadowsinger doth protest too much?
It's also potentially important that Nesta said "yes, WE are" curious about Azriel's mate status. Her, Azriel and most of the fandom! 😂
"Okay, okay," Bryce said. "But it'd be cool to know something about your world. Or about you." They were both silent. Bryce asked Nesta, "You have a mate, right?" She nodded to Azriel. "Do you?" "No." Azriel said quickly, flatly. "A partner or spouse?" "No." Bryce sighed. "Okay, then." Azriel's wings twitched. "You're incurably nosy." "I think that's the nicest thing you've said about me." Bryce winked at him. "Look, I just... I'm curious. Aren't you?" Azriel didn't answer, but Nesta said, "Yes. We are." - HOFAS, Bryce, Azriel and Nesta bonus chapter
All in all, while there were no overt mentions of Elain - and really, why would SJM do that in a series that wasn't Elain's own - imo we got the Elain-shaped holes in the text that I was hoping for, and I can't wait to see if there are any more in the full book.
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seiya-starsniper · 14 days
Seiya's Dreamling Week Fanfiction Masterpost
Hello my darlings in Dreamling Fandom! Dreamling Week 2024 is upon us, and as part of the event, I'm making a masterpost of all my Dreamling fics! Some of you who have been here a while probably have seen me make different masterposts for various events so this shouldn't be anything new, just a more convenient list for all my Dreamling works.
Also, in tandem with @arialerendeair, I'll be collecting and reblogging other writers and artists masterposts! Here's how to send me your masterposts:
Send me an ask on Tumblr with the link to your masterpost
Send me a direct message with the link to your masterpost
Tag me in the replies to your masterpost
Once I've received your link, I'll send you a confirmation, add it to my queue and then reblog it during Dreamling Week. If you send me your masterpost during Dreamling Week, I will do my best to reblog it asap!
I am also going to be madly reblogging various posts, so if you don't have time to make a masterpost, no worries! I'm going through my own blog for content, and also the dreamling tag, so chances are high I'll catch your post.
Now that that's out of the way, let's get to the fic list:
Non-Explicit Fics
Six Degrees of Separation (Dead Boy Detectives crossover, Incomplete, 2/5 chapters, 3.5k words)
A Symphony of Hearts (Age Gap, Human AU, Incomplete, 1/2 chapters, 1k words)
do you remember all the city lights on the water? (Human AU, Complete, 1.9k words)
For The Birds (Human AU, Complete, 1.3k words)
Well Met, My Good Sir (Renaissance Faire Human AU, Complete, 1.6k)
first time, forever (Omegaverse, Complete, 1k words)
Begin Again (Retired Dream, Complete, 1.2k words)
dreaming of you tonight (Knight AU, Complete, 1.2k words)
a little of that human touch (Post Calliope Episode fic, Complete, 1.3k words)
Untitled Portrait of a Man (I Want to Obliterate Me) (Human AU, University AU, Complete, 5.5k words)
surely heaven waits for you (Simon Snow crossover, Human AU, University AU, Complete, 2.6k words)
Fly Me to the Moon (Human AU, Complete, 783 words)
Flowers for a Sick Man (Sickfic, Dream cares for Hob in the dreaming, Complete, 821 words)
Remember Me, For Centuries (Canon Divergence, Memory Loss, Complete, 971 words)
Hold me tonight (say it's all right) (Human AU, Complete, 1.4k words)
right where you left me (Canon Divergence, Hob doesn't meet Dream at The New Inn, Complete, 664 words)
Pictures of You (Episode 6 continuation, Complete, 807 words)
Everytime we touch (Fluff, Complete, 899 words)
Waking up together (Fluff, Complete, 584 words)
Duck Socks (Fluff, Complete, 503 words)
Unclip My Wings (Human Hob & Monster Dream, Complete, 1.4k words)
Don't Let the Light Go Out (Sci-Fi/Space Opera AU, Complete, 611 words)
Endless Love (Marriage fic, Complete, 1.3k words)
Set the Night on Fire (Human Hob & Dragon Dream, Incomplete, 2/4 Chapters, 10.4k words)
Coffee & Flowers (Miscommunication, Courting Rituals, Complete, 2.1k words)
The Lament of Morpheus (Rescue from Hell Fic, Angst, Complete, 2k words)
Dreams for a Dozen Cats (Meowpheus, Complete, 2k words)
A sweet dream (Main Character Death, Angst, Complete, 1.4k words)
they say our love's just like Magic (Magic the Gather Competitive AU, Human AU, Complete, 3.9k words)
Wake Up & Smell The Flowers (Human AU, Florist Hob, Complete, 5.3k words)
Mature/Explicit Fics
Soixante-Neuf - (Human AU, Complete, 1.1k words)
Turn the Page (A New Beginning, Another End) (Canon-adjacent AU, Fantasy AU, Complete, 42.9k words)
Summer Loving - (Human AU, Complete, 1.2k words)
All Wound Up (Human Hob & Centaur Dream, Complete, 3.1k words)
Midnight Pleasures (Vampire AU, Multiship, Complete, 16.7k words)
Waiting for Tonight (Supernatural AU, Complete 1.4 words)
sweet like poison ivy (Dreaming Sex, Complete, 884 words)
wrap me up nice and tight (love me all through the night) (Human Hob and Naga Dream, Complete, 3.5k words)
By the End of the Night (Centaur AU, Complete, 5.2k words)
In the Middle of the Night (In My Dreams) (Hobrintheus, Canon Divergence, Sequel Fic, Complete, 3.3k words)
Cherry Slick (Omegaverse, Age Gap, Selling Virginity, Complete, 3.5k words)
Spoils of War (Warprize Dream AU, Complete, 3k words)
secret moments (shut in the heat of the afternoon) (Omegaverse, Sequel Fic, Regency AU, Complete, 2k words)
Break Me, Shake Me (Omegaverse, Complete, 4.4k words)
Let's conspire to ignite (Fuck or Die, Complete, 11.5k words)
A Dream for a Viscount (Omegaverse, Regency AU, Complete 11.5k words)
A Maiden's Dream (Human Hob and God Dream, Blessed Maiden AU, Complete, 3k words)
A View to a Dream (James Bond crossover, 00 Agent Hob, Human Dream, Complete, 12.1k words
and if I get burned, at least we were electrified (Hobrintheus, Canon Divergence, Complete, 41k words)
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dc-marvel-life · 10 months
Works Every Time
Pairing: Captain Marvel x Wonder Woman x reader 
Request: I saw that your requests are open! If you wouldn’t mind could you please do a crossover fic where Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman are soulmates and found each other on a mission but they know they have a 3rd mate. When they go on a mission at a Hydra base they find female reader who had been experimented on since she was young so they have to teach her all about soulmates and Diana and Carol are super over-protective but also giant teddy-bears for reader? - by anon 
Word Count: 1502
– – – 
You have lived in the same confined space for as long as you can remember. You know nothing about the outside world but what you have heard from the scientist experimenting on you. You never understood why they took you and experimented on you as a child. All you knew was that your blood was extraordinary, and they had to take a lot of it every morning.
Today was like no other for you. You get woken up by the giant fluorescent lights that wake you up simultaneously every day. Then your food is given to you through the slot on the door. It was enough food to keep you alive. You never thought it was because you were a pretty small, weak person, even after all the blood they take from you daily. 
After you finish your breakfast, you put the tray back in the slot to let them know you are ready. 
“165, step away from the door and put your hands up,” the guard says from the other side of the door. You step away from the door and put your hands up like normal. You never know why they had to do this because you were too weak to fight back. By the off chance of you fighting back and getting out of here, you didn’t know where to go. This place was home to you, and you couldn’t leave home. The only thing you ever wanted to do was go outside and feel the sun on your face. The way the scientist talks about the sun excites you, even if they complain about it sometimes. It sounded better than the fluorescent lights that hit your skin every day.  
The guard opens the door and steps through but stops when an alarm goes off. The alarm was so loud and foreign to you that you had to cover your ears and shut your eyes. After what felt like centuries, the alarm stops going off. You remove your hands and slowly open your eyes to see that your door is open with no guards. 
“This is my chance. This is my chance to leave this place,” you say to yourself and try to get up but cannot. Fear took over and made you unable to move. You wanted to leave here so bad, but your body was in shock and couldn’t move, and you started to cry. 
You started to hear noises coming down the hallway. You ignore it because the guards are probably coming by to check to see if you left. They would see you in the same spot and laugh at you about how pathetic you are.
“Shhh, don’t you hear that,” an unknown voice says down the hallway, which makes you stop crying for a second.
“I don’t hear anything, babe; let's go and finish clearing the building so we can go back and cuddle,” a second unknown voice says. You stay quiet in order to hear the beautiful voices again.
“I do too, but I swear I heard someone crying. I am going to look around some more,” the first unknown voice says and walks closer to your cell. The footsteps come closer and closer to your cell until the most beautiful two women you have ever seen come to your door. 
“See, I told you I heard something,” the taller brunette women with a sword and shield say, walking closer to you. You cringe a little because you aren’t a huge fan of weapons.
“Hey, I am not going to hurt you,” the brunette puts her hands up and slowly drops her weapons on the floor. 
“See, we are good here and are just trying to help. My name is Diana, and this is one of my soulmates, Carol. What is your name? ” Diana says, then points to Carol, who is right behind her.
“Soulmate?” you question either than answer her question. 
“Yes, soulmate. Everybody has at least one soulmate in the world. A soulmate is a person that is supposed to connect with your mind and body. They make you feel whole and complete and will love you unconditionally. I am surprised that you never heard of them before,” Diana says, walking slowly toward you and lowering to your level.
“How you can tell your soulmate is by the marks on your arm,” Carol shows off her soulmate marks that are on her arm, then Diana, that match each other. You look carefully at the two marks.
“I know ours is a little different because we have a third soulmate. We are still looking for her, though,” Carol says with a saddened face. You look at the pair with saddened faces because they haven’t found the third soulmate they have been looking for for years.
Even though you just met them, you wanted to make them feel better. You roll up your sleeve to show them the same mark that you had on your arm. 
“If it makes you guys feel any better, I have the same mark,” you show them your mark. They look at your mark closely with wide eyes and start to come closer to you. 
“Can we take a closer look, sweetie?” Diana says in a soft tone, and you nod. They both approach you slowly and calmly to look at your mark.
“Do you know what this means?” Carol says with watery eyes, and you shake your head.
“No, I have never heard of soulmates until now,” you say, ashamed. 
Don’t worry, sweetie, we will teach you everything that you need to know” Diana and Carol smile at you, which makes you know that you are going to be safe with them. 
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 
It has been a few months since your soulmates found you in that hole at Hydra. They help you experience the world that you never thought you would. You learned a lot about soulmates the first day they brought you back. They didn’t do anything with you because they wanted to ensure you were comfortable with them before anything happened. 
They gave you the shared king bed in their apartment while they slept on the floor and couch. You felt so bad, but they insisted on it. Eventually, they moved to the bed with you, which you love. They put you in the middle of the bed while cuddling you tight to ensure you don’t leave. 
You meant both teams that they are on, and everyone loves you. They even help you train to become stronger.
Now you are training with Natasha and Dinah, working on hand-to-hand combat. 
“You have to keep your hands up at all times to protect your face” Dinah moves your hands to the side of your head in a defense stance. You sigh out of exhaustion because you have been training with Black Widow and Black Canary for about two hours. You want to go back to your apartment and cuddle with your girlfriends. 
“Good, just like that because if I swing at you,” Natasha comes at you with a right hook, not hard enough to hurt you, that you block, “ you are protected. Now, if your hands are down,” zone out of the conversation because you heard your girlfriends come into the training room. You turn your head excited to see them, forgetting that Natasha is demonstrating what not to do during a fight. 
The next thing you know, Natasha punches you in the face. Luckily she didn’t put her full force behind it because you would have been knocked out. You turn back to Natasha and see her shocked face. 
“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you! This is why you need to put your hands up,” Natasha turns to look at your girlfriends. 
“I swear I didn’t mean to hit her. I was showing her why she needed to put her hands up. I didn’t think that she would actually not pay attention,” Natasha says, but it was too late. Carol and Diana were already chasing her around the training room.
“Can you please tell your girlfriends to not kill my girlfriend?” Dinah says to you.
“Yeah, sorry. This happens whenever they think I am being threaten. I am impressed because this is the longest they have chased someone. Normally they would have caught the person by now” You and Dinah laugh together.
“Yeah, that’s my badass girlfriend” Dinah admires Natasha’s ass that is being chased.
“Babes! Babes stop! She didn’t mean to. I wasn’t paying attention to what she was showing me. I was too busy admiring two angels walking in,” You say, then Diana and Carol stop dead in their tracks, awwing at you.
“Works every time,” you whisper to Dinah, smirking. 
“Now, can we go home so I can cuddle with you two?” You say to your girlfriends, pouting.
“Of course, sweetie,” Diana says while she and Carol walk over to you.
“I call being the middle spoon,” you say, jumping in place and feeling kiss each side of your cheek.
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Ello ello ello! Are there any humorous fics you know that involve an exorcism? Preferably lighthearted ones =) perhaps a similar vibe to Shane and Ryan in this one video: https://youtu.be/RzPk6VHPeDY?feature=shared
I hope that made sense!! I don't know how else to describe what I'm looking for T0T
2/2: Hi hi! It's that ryan and shane anon, i think i found a better way to describe what I'm looking for? Just anything involving someone looking for paranormal happenings going on, doesn't have to be an exorcism-- but still something humorous and lighthearted If someone already requested something like this, sorry bout that
Hello. You'll be interested in this post about paranormal investigations of the bookshop, including some buzzfeed unsolved crossovers. Here are some more lighthearted paranormal fics...
Hey There, Demons by IneffableAlien (T)
Married paranormal investigators Azra and Crowley explore an abandoned asylum. It goes about as well as you might expect.
The Wrong Side of the Door by HolyCatsAndRabbits (M)
Crowley had been with this group of ghost-hunters for two years, Aziraphale for three. They’d never had a conversation that didn’t end in an argument. If they weren’t both essential (read: would work this as a side job on the weekends for low pay), Gabriel would have fired one or both of them a long time ago. So now, as Aziraphale conducted his interview, Crowley was sure to scowl at him when he looked up. Because Aziraphale was on camera and couldn’t scowl back. Aziraphale returned his focus to Deirdre with an irritated huff of breath that Crowley did not miss. “What happened that day you stayed home?” he asked her. Deirdre talked with her hands, shaping out her thoughts in a vague, fluttery way. “I started hearing things, like scraping noises. From upstairs.” She pointed, as if they’d need direction, maybe thinking they might not be able to imagine what had happened that day, not in this warm and well-lit room with the open window and the front door in sight.
paranormal activity by dykeula (G)
"Humans were to ghosts what ghosts were to humans: a delightful jest to pass the time if the radio didn’t offer any relief. Sort of like chatting to fellas from oversees. They talked funny, wore fancy hats and were to be enjoyed with caution, and in doses. Problem was when they wouldn't leave Crowley alone." --  Back in the midst of the 19th century, a certain gentleman by the name of Mr. Fell aquires the rights to a particular empty store in London that's been closed for a while - for good reason. But what challenge's a little haunting to an ethereal being, right? It's tickety boo. Crowley, on the other hand, very much objects to his newest roomie. So far his track record for scaring off potential buyers is holding at a steady 100%. But what challenge's a bookish nerd to a omnipresent malevolent spirit, right? It's tickety boo.
Ghostly Ever After by Tiny_Dragongirl (T)
They say it’s all sorted out after you are dead—but sometimes, just sometimes, things need a bit of sorting-out even after you are dead. Aziraphale Fell and Anthony J. Crowley, professional paranormal investigators, might be the perfect candidates for handling problems of the supernatural, after-life kind. Only if they would sort out their own lives while they are alive… A romantic comedy, where ghosts are gathering, tempers are flaring, and love is rising above all.
Pulling Heaven Down by Bluethenstaub, PepperPrints (M)
Anthony J. Crowley is the best paranormal investigator in London. From minor poltergeist problems to full blown exorcisms, he does it all, satisfaction guaranteed. There’s only one catch: it’s all a con. At least, that’s what Crowley thinks. A run in with a strange, ethereal competitor threatens to turn Crowley’s world upside down, and before he knows it he finds himself caught up in affairs that might be way, way above his paygrade.
YES. YES. YES. GOODBYE? by AppleSeeds (T)
Aziraphale and Crowley are independently dragged along to a paranormal investigation event in a haunted castle on Halloween. They're both extremely sceptical about the whole thing, but manage to keep themselves entertained. Self-indulgent Halloween nonsense, 10 chapters taking place between 8.45pm on 31st October and 3.15am on 1st November. Attraction will be instantaneous. Hands will be joined together for a séance. Fingers will brush against each other on the planchette of a Ouija board. A scrying mirror will be used for indiscreet ogling. Crowley will be dressed inappropriately and need warming up. You get the idea.
- Mod D
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ghoularaki · 1 year
Loved your baj keisuke primal prey fic! Especially the plot in the chase was soo good eventhough it was the built up!
I was wondering if you'd be cool with writing something along the lines of a crossover of a yokai or a vampire. I would love a little demonic energy. Along the lines of denying feelings, to being in heat/need for blood (?) To a little chasing and well wooing in the yandere way >>:)
Happy holidays ! :DD
my bloody valentine
ig chase scenes and clubs are just gonna become my staple, i aint complaining >:) (meant to post this on valentine's so heres a 12 day late holiday fic lmao)
tw yandere vampire! baji, vampire hunter! reader, manipulative! baji, aged up! baji, dom! baji, DUBCON, violence/blood, sex work?, blood play, biting, praise, breath play, drugging, cunnilingus, overstimulation, size kink, reader almost dies from blood loss, hinted mindbreak
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You blew hot air into your freezing hands. The warmth would only linger for a second but it was idle movement that kept you busy. This winter was incredibly cruel this year. Shivering, you look around into the den you will be infiltrating. You can’t say you weren’t thrilled to be given this mission by the Higher Ones. 
Humans and vampires have been at war since life and death were created. It was a constant push and pull. Humans would win for a century, vampires would retaliate, then vampires would reign for the same length. You were sadly born in the time where vampires ruled. Most humans kept to themselves, some would even offer themselves to be feeds for promises of luxury. Others would hand over their lives in a different way, swear an oath to the Higher Ones to wipe out vampires for once and for all. 
None of the hunters—or rather cleansers—knew exactly who the Higher Ones were. All cleansers knew was that they would receive a message whether in the mail or on their phones with a simple location and target. The target was usually the sire, cut the head of the snake and others will follow. It wasn’t rare for cleansers to work alone. Usually you would be given a partner but for this mission, you were left to your own devices. It’s not like you worked well with others, anyway. Maybe the Higher Ones finally got the message, or they were trying to kill you off. Either way, you were going to finish this mission and reap the benefits. 
Flipping your phone open, you spied the message. Your mission was to pretend to be a feed to cleanse a higher ranking vampire by the name of Baji Keisuke. The number of those sired to him wasn’t the highest count—only somewhere around a dozen—a concerningly low number considering he usually had a feed. 
Slipping your phone into your jacket pocket you finally make your way into the den disguised as a club. For some reason there was no bouncer at the door. Immediately you were hit with the thumping of a constant bass. Up high was a platform where a DJ set the mood for the atmosphere. The only illumination were red, flashing lights that cut through the artificial fog. There was a gaggle of grinding bodies throughout the room. By the bar were even more people. A balcony was right over the bar which you assumed was where the feeding rooms were. Glancing up, you swore you felt eyes boring right into you, but as you squinted your eyes to see farther, all the vampires hanging off the side were enjoying the show. 
On high alert, deep in vampire territory, you were surprised that no one had smelt your very human scent.
“You must be lost!” A sweet, bubbly voice called to you.
Not knowing how you didn’t sense her, a petite woman stood before you. To say she was beautiful was an understatement. This woman had dazzling hazel eyes paired with soft-looking, blonde hair. Her skin was just as perfect, no blemish in sight that made you want to cover your own face. The best way to describe her was as angelic. 
“Oh!” She piped up, realization on her face, “you must be a new feed.”
Straightening up, you replied, “how could you tell?”
“I can smell you, silly.”
She tapped her nose. Looking closer, from her grin you could see the baby fangs poking out.
“Yes, I don’t really know what to do, though.”
“I’ll take you to Draken!”
You were correct to describe her as bubbly. Minutes into knowing you, she wrapped her arm with yours and led you to whoever Draken was. Pushing her way through the crowds, she pulled you towards a set of doors near the bar. Now under the balcony, the feeling of being gawked at went away. You needed to be more careful.
Past the doors was a hallway not as smokey and loud as the club. A few couples leaned against the wall in their own worlds. Further down the hall stood a gargantuan man with a long, blond braid. On the side of his head was an intricate, blackwork tattoo: you can’t imagine how much it must have hurt. 
“Draken,” the girl called with you in toe.
He looked up from his phone to see you both. His eyebrow twitched. He seemed displeased with said girl.
“Emma, why did you bring a human back here?” 
Ah, so that’s why he was so pissed. 
She ignored his question, “she’s a new feed.”
His eyes widen at that, almost relieved, “thank fuck,” he turned to you, “have you ever been a feed before?”
Pretending to seem insecure and meek, you shook your head no. Sensing your nervousness, Draken took you from Emma. She had made a noise of protest, but he had given her a look.
The hand on your shoulder was warm. He must have fed recently. It was true vampires were cold to the touch, but once they satiate their carnal needs, the blood they drank would warm their system for about an hour before becoming cold again like freshly baked cake left to cool for too long. That is why so many vampires indulged, to feel the warmth of being human again. 
Further down the hallway you two went. Draken cleared his throat, “I’m sure you know that being a feed means that you will have a vampire drink from you.”
When you nod your head, he continued. 
“Feeding doesn’t hurt if you are worried about that at all. Anyway, how we do feeding here is that we make sure that all feeds' needs are met. You will always be allowed breaks, and plenty of foods and drinks to bring back up your blood sugar. You also have the option of anything sexual happening and whether or not penetration will happen as well.”
Your face heated up at the implication, “no sex or anything like that, please.”
“Good to know.” 
Draken led you up a flight of stairs to what you saw was the balcony you were previously looking at. Similar to the hallway, the walls were a burgundy with gold detailings. How stereotypical. 
“I will inform who will be feeding from you what you decided. Wait here.” 
With that, he went into a room beside you. You looked left and then right. While taking you upstairs, you memorized the route in case something goes wrong. You needed a fast escape in case. This mission was completely solo so you had to watch your own back. 
Draken pushing the door back open startled you out of your thoughts. The door was left wide open as he gestured for you to come in. Taking the invitation, the room was just as red as the rest of the club. In the room were two wine hued, velvet couches adjacent to each other. Right between them was a mahogany table, under what was a mini fridge. You guessed that’s were all food and drinks you were promised for your blood sugar was. 
The most eye-catching part was the three men in the room sat on said couches. On the sofa to the right were two men, one had bleach blond hair. You could tell from here that he was on the shorter side but you didn’t let that fool you. He had an alluring, cat-like look to him. 
On the other hand, the man beside him had honey gold, rounded eyes. His hair dangled past his shoulders with yellow money pieces framing his sculpted face. Along with that, thick inking was displayed on the side of his neck depicting a tiger. It oddly suited him. 
But what grabbed your attention the most was the vampire sitting on his lonesome, arms sprawled over the back of the couch. Legs spread as well, his whole posture demanded attention. He tilted his head to the side with a cocky smile. His hair was in a similar style to the tattooed man across from him. Though, the vampire’s hair was that of spilled ink. It tumbled around him, his fair complexion all the more pale in contrast. Similar to Emma, his fangs were on display as he smiled up at you as a cat to an unsuspecting mouse. 
“Must be the new plaything,” the black haired vampire teased.
The bottle blond scoffed, “don’t scare her, Baji.”
You schooled your expression. That was a lot easier than you thought to find your target. So sure you would have to ask around without being conspicuous to find him, this seemed almost too easy. 
Baji reached a hand out from where he sat. Taming your disgust, you leave the security of the doorway and enter the belly of the beast. Placing your hand into his freezing, larger palm, Draken took his leave and closed you in with the enemy. Forgoing any formalities, Baji pulled you right into his lap. You struggled in shock but he was quick to snuff the resistance by gripping your hips. 
The other vampires in the room laughed. You silently seethed being used as a toy for their sick entertainment. Knowing in this position you couldn’t even imagine taking down the vampire, you melted into his chest.
“Atta girl,” he sighed into your ear.
Coming down from their giggles, the other men introduce themselves. 
“I’m Chifuyu. I will not apologize for Baji because he will just be annoying,” the bottle blond—Chifuyu—clarified with no malice in his voice. Baji playfully snarled at him.
“Kazutora. Lets hope you last longer than the other ones,” the tattooed vampire spoke cryptically. How reassuring.
Chifuyu elbowed him. 
Ignoring the bickering, Baji placed his attention on you, “Don’t listen to him. I don’t intend to break you… yet.”
“I don’t like what that implies.”
The room became silent at your sass. Kazutora smirked, “so the little lamb has fangs as well.”
You clamped your mouth shut at that. Baji adjusted you in his lap, but he didn’t give away any displeasure. 
At that, the room becomes lively once again. Your presence was completely ignored. You didn’t know if you should be insulted or not. The strangest part was the whole time, Baji didn’t feed from you at all. Besides in the beginning of the session, he had not even grazed your neck. This confused you as you were sure it has been weeks since he has fed. His self control was terrifying if he could starve himself and have basically raw meat served to him on a silver platter and not give into temptation.
You tried your best to keep your cool and slow your pulse to not show how confused you were. By the end of the night, Baji had sent you away by dragging his nose up the length of your neck.
Kissing the skin beneath your ear, “‘til tomorrow, pet.”
In a daze, you leave his lap and walk out of the den with not a scratch on you. As you made your way back to your hideout, you completely forgot about your goal of immediately annihilating him.
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You were awoken with two text messages. One from a Higher One and another from Draken. While walking down the hall, you had totally forgotten you had given your number so he could contact you when Baji wanted you. You were officially Baji’s feed.
sent 10:00 AM
Come to the club at 10 pm 
sent 5:53 AM
Throwing your phone in anger at the first message, you racked a hand down your face. How the fuck where you supposed to kill him in a week? These old fucks were definitely trying to kill you off. 
Sending a thumbs up to Draken, you lay in bed contemplating your next move to take out this den. 
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When you went back to the club, you were met with Draken at the door this time. He guided you through the crowds. You caught a glimpse of Emma, exchanging a shy wave to her overexcited one. 
Going down the same path to the room, you once again mark in your head how to swiftly get out of the building. There were no windows to not let sunlight touch the inside. Vampires didn’t burn up in the sun, but it could make them ill if exposed for too long, like a worm stuck on the concrete on a summer day. 
Deja vu crept in when you walked in just as you did yesterday to see the same vampires in the same position. You could tell yourself that they never left like dolls in a dollhouse waiting for whatever child to play with them again. 
Baji welcomed you back into his icy embrace. Less skittish as the day before, you thaw into his cold body. They went back to their conversation. You played the part of a lap dog for these beasts. 
This went on for seven more days. 
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Anxiety bubbled up inside you. This was the last day given to you to complete this assignment. Typically, you were fast at finishing a job, but for some reason you had dragged this one out. Maybe it was the first time you had to actually get close to a target instead of your usual shoot and leave. You had grown comfortable with the company of those three vampires. Dare you say, safe, as no one had harmed a hair on your head. It had been years since you had been cared for. It was hard to befriend fellow cleansers as you never knew who would make it back, whether it was a vampire or by the Higher Ones’ hands.
There was a reason not many chose to be cleansers, most didn’t even have a choice. You bared through the cards dealt to you. You can’t afford to not complete this job. Tonight was the night.
Adjusting the silver blade strapped against your thigh, you saw Draken waiting for your arrival. 
“Before you come in, I must warn you tonight is Valentine’s day so there is going to be a lot of traffic. You will go to your usual room, but don’t be surprised by the influx of your kind.”
You understood the implications. Some people were here to get their kicks. “Whatever, let's just get out of this cold.”
“After you.”
Nodding your head, you are hit with the warmth of tightly packed bodies, a mix of vampires and humans. Lust really does bring camaraderie, you mused. You abandoned the sentiment, prepared to finish this once and for all. If you were smart, you could use the crowd to blend in when you make your departure. It was difficult to see over the sea of people. 
Forcing your way through, you take the road to what could be your doom and be in the company of those strange vampires. Usually Draken would lead you to the room, this time he was too busy dealing with the crowd. There were plenty of inexperienced humans he had to make sure wouldn’t be drained like sun dried fruit. 
Knocking on the familiar door, you awaited entrance. If you were in a better mood, you would have laughed at how the roles were reversed. You, a human, had to wait to be invited in. 
“Come in,” Chifuyu’s voice called.
You twisted the door open to be presented with your typical company. 
Baji beckoned you to take your place sat upon his thighs. Cocooning his body around your smaller form, you noticed that he seemed colder. His skin had light frost to it, but now he was glacerial. 
On the side table were four wine glasses of varying heights of liquid in them. Baji grabbed the only cup almost filled to the brim.
“Here, drink,” he didn’t let you answer before tipping the glass to your lips.
Unable to refuse, you gulped down the rich drink, parched. As if you haven’t drank in a millenia, you let Baji pour the liquid until the glass was empty. Chifuyu and Kazutora watched on, sipping their own drinks. 
“Good girl.”
Finished your glass, he placed it down and went about his business. Following routine, he ignored your pulsing jugular and kept banter with his fellow vampires. At this point, he must be famished. He hadn’t fed in what you guessed three weeks. Lesser vampires would have withered in a couple days without blood. Vampires could get nutrients from human food, but blood is where they thrived. 
Mixed with the suspense of having to kill Baji without getting slaughtered and the suspicion that Baji refused to feed from you, you were more fidgety than normal. Picking at your fingernails, your eyes bounced to the door and then subtly to Baji. If you were quick you could puncture his carotid artery and sprint out, praying to whatever god that Chifuyu and Kazutora would be too stunned to instantly pounce on you.
A whisper breathed against your ear, “getting antsy, little hunter?”
You instantly struggle in his hold but he wrapped his arms around you tight, tight, tight. 
He snickered at your misfortune, “don’t think you could trick me, little hunter, I saw you eyeing out the club weeks before finally presenting yourself on a platter. Thorough aren't you?"
Spiteful, you clenched the dagger hidden in the garter belt and stabbed right through the meat of his thigh. He growls at the pain, face contorting more demon-like. Vampires were good at hiding their true forms unless presented with silver.
You sprung yourself from his lap as he cradled the wound. Him refusing to feed came to bite him as the wound would take longer to heal. Cursing yourself for only having a dagger, you raised your fists in self-defense. You were so worried about the attention a gunshot would bring, you forgot how useless a dagger would be. 
Inching towards the door away from the three vampires, you braced yourself. "I will kill you all.”
Kazutora giggled, "how boring." He looked at you as if you were a kitten hissing. 
Your face twitches at the taunt.
Still cradling his thigh, Baji’s voice cut through the room, "how about let's make this a game. I will give you five minutes to make it out of the club. Do so and I will let you leave. If I find you, though, little hunter, you're mine. My eternal."
Your eyes widen at the proposition. You will not become a vampire's pet. 
Weighing your options, you seethed, "fuck you."
He simply pouted before grinning, "tick tock, you now only have 4 and an half minutes left.”
Even if you didn't want to play he was going to force you. You looked at the three vampires before you. Baji elated, Kazutora bored and Chifuyu looked almost concerned, but you knew it was falsely placed.
You ran out the room with the haunting cackles calling after you. How naive of you to think these creatures were any different. They will always satiate their hunger before anything else. Gluttons, the lot of them. 
Sprinting down the intimate, winding corridors, you were confident in your escape. You memorized the path over the week, knowing it would come to this. But before you were even in the vicinity of the stairwell, you felt woozy.
The red walls blending together, the hues likened to meat more than plaster and wallpaper. Shaking your head, you steeled your teeth. The fucker put something in your drink.
You weren't going to be shackled to him no matter what. Leaning against the walls, you try to hurry away from the private rooms and down to where the population was. Hopefully you could slip away as easily as you planned before. It be damned if you were punished by the higher ones for failing this mission, you weren't going to lose your autonomy to a vampire of all things. You rather lose the eye you sure were going to. The repentment was always a high price.
Willing yourself to push forward, you kept your weight against the wall. If you played your cards right—and stayed awake—you could possibly make it out of this alive. He did say he would give you five minutes. Despite this, with the drug pumping through your veins, time slowed. Every muscle in your body was sluggish. Clutching onto the blooded dagger, you tread on. The one thing you had was your stubbornness and you let that fuel your heavy bones. 
There had to be a reason you lasted this long, especially with spending most of it alone. You were built to endure. And endure you must if you truly don’t want to become a vampire's eternal. 
Brain swimming, you made it to the stairs. Almost there, you reassured yourself. Once you make it to the crowd, your scent and form would disappear into the pool of bodies. Surely, Baji would lose you like a bloodhound presented with too many stimuli. Hope was all you could cling on for now.
Trying your best to forgo the fuzziness, you race down the stairwell back into the forsaken hallway that started this all. You were almost there, all you needed to do was exit the winding corridor. You would crawl back from the mouth of hell. 
A chuckle bellowed in the deserted space. Speak of the devil.
At the top of the stairwell was the very last creature you wanted to see. Stood before was the very vampire that damned you. Smugness reeked from his posture. His hair was tied back. Doom settled in your belly. 
“Hard to focus, huh?” He mocked.
You sneered. Even if he caught sight of you, this morbid game of hide and seek was not done until you decided so.
Adrenaline pumping ever faster, you ripped open a door not too far from you. Slamming it closed and locking it, you ignored the screaming of a woman. On a couch very similar to the one upstairs was a woman with a vampire drinking from her wrist. 
“Get the fuck out!” The vampire sneered, her body shielded the woman. How sweet.
“Don’t let him in,” was all you replied. 
This room also had no window, though there was a door to the right. You swung open to see it was another room just like this one. Must be a safety precaution. Doesn’t matter, all that does is that you can use this to your advantage. You will just room hop until you reach as close as you can to the exit. 
Baji slammed against the door of the room you had just left. Not tempting fate and not wanting him to know you knew all the rooms were connected, you jumped over the couch to the next door. 
You opened and once again you were met with nothing. Sighing in relief, surely if another person kicked up a fuss Baji would instantly pinpoint your location. Dagger in hand, you barged into room after room. The repetition of decor flashed in front of you like a fever dream. 
After what could have been the tenth door you were met with a deadend. This must be the last room in the hall. Inhaling as much as you could, you open the door to the hallway. You were met with nothing and the red lights poured into the hall. Just as you were about to leave the room, a hand grabbed your lower face and pulled you backwards. A scream caught in your throat as the door was pushed shut. Slammed into a tall, freezing body, you struggled.
How the fuck were you caught? You were careful, this wasn’t fair. 
The body wrapped their arm around your waist and hauled you further into the room until you both collapsed onto the couch. Sat upon the lap of the very vampire you wanted far from you, you dug your nails into the skin of his arm. He simply squeezed you tighter. 
“Guess you lost, little hunter.” His tone was condescending and amused.
No, no, you weren’t done. This wasn’t over until you decided it was. The forgotten dagger was quick to dig into the meat of the arm binding you to him. He growled in pain. The hand clutching your lower face, moved its grip to slam your head against the arm of the couch. Your brain wobbled in your skull. Blood gushed from your nose. Everything was in a daze. 
Baji ripped the dagger that poked from the other side of his forearm. You were sure you nicked yourself, but it was worth it. He threw your only weapon far from the both of you. 
He leaned over you and gripped you by your throat. “You brat.”
You laughed in his face. You had definitely sealed your fate as rage built in those molten eyes, but the satisfaction was worth the penalization. 
“You content with yourself?” He mocked, and as you laughed harder, something in him shifted. 
In those golden irises, mischief crept in. Baji never liked prey that rolled over and let him devour. The best part of a meal is the anticipation. 
Still clutching your fragile throat, he leaned down and licked the blood that pooled from your nose down to your lips. A moan left him as his nails grew sharper and the teeth in his mouth stretched. Feeding was always a vulnerable time for vampires as their true forms manifested. Still beautiful, but oh so haunting. Black veins spidered from his under eyes as his mouth became a darker hue. 
“You are absolutely divine.” The words were meant to flatter, but you recoiled. Baji saw the fear start to build. “Now don’t be like that. I won’t hurt you, unless you want me to.”
“Get off me!”
He pressed his body further into yours, his cold meshing with your warmth. The chase had left you heated and your body almost craved the ice he gave. 
“Don’t tell me you didn’t have fun, little hunter. Your kind are always the adrenaline junkies. Can’t say I can judge, though.”
You sniped at him, “yes, running for my life was very thrilling.”
“That's the spirit!” He laughed. This damned vampire was insane. 
You squirmed, wanting him off you. Your arms still freed, you slapped and hit what you could, but it was useless. Baji easily gathered your wrists into one hand and pinned them to the arm of the couch. His weight pressed further into you. His legs, he pried yours apart so he could slot your crotch to his. There was no way you could escape his hold now. 
Exhausted, you don’t know if you even want to. The drugs still haven’t left your system. 
Baji nosed the side of your neck as he did the past week. “See, it doesn’t have to be hard. Just give in to me and you will never have to worry again.”
The words were tempting, but how can you believe the words of a forked tongue beast?
Still seeing you hesitating, Baji pushed more, “it can’t be a great life as a hunter. You spend your days in solitude, in fear of your Higher Ones. With me, you will no longer be afraid.”
You furrowed your brows, his words were too accurate. “How do you know that?”
“I have watched you for so long, my dear hunter. You can say I’m a picky eater.”
Of course, he had been stalking you, why would you think anything else? “Get off. Get off!”
Baji’s thumb stroked right where your carotid artery is, entranced of the blood flowing under the flesh. He stopped listening to your defiant quips. The vampire forgot how long it had been since he fed and he has his meal right under his thumb. He wanted you to be more willing about this, but if he must be mean, he will.
Moving his thumb so it dug into your jawbone, he tilted your head to the right. Baji licked your neck before diving in. A screech bubbled in your lungs when he bit down. His teeth were needles and the more he sank in, the more agony spread throughout your body. Your feet kicked in instinct. God, it fucking hurt but as he gulped down your rosy life essence, your body became pliant. 
His saliva finally hit your system, endorphins clouded your mind. These happy chemicals dimmed the pain and how he was draining you of all your worth. Your screams ebbed into tiny whimpers.
Seeing you had calmed down, Baji pulled away from your neck and licked the blood that fell from the open wound. Falling into blood lust, Baji grew hard from your noises and the taste of you. A warmth grew in his tummy. He needed you and he needed you, now. 
He dragged himself from your body until his knees hit the ground. You were too blissed out from the blood lost to refuse him. Taking advantage of that, Baji pulled your pants and panties off you. Despite his hunger, he was gentle with how he undressed you. The vampire wanted to savor you. 
He took your shoes off as well so you were completely bare for him. Groaning, he spied how slick collected on your slit from the endorphins and fear. Taking your right leg and placing it on his shoulder, he kissed your calf. He slathered you with open mouth kisses until he reached your inner thigh. 
You whined at how he teased you. The build up was making you clench around nothing. Your clit throbbed, begging to be stimulated in any way.
Baji laughed at your impatience. He kept up kissing your inner thigh, switching to the other side to give it the same amount of attention. Dragging his teeth gently over the skin, you whimpered when his breath hit your cunt. You bucked. He took his other hand and splayed it on your tummy to hold you down. 
You kicked him and he scowled at you. The endorphins were wearing off faster than he wanted. Baji went back to your right thigh, so close yet so far from your cunny, he placed another kiss. Before he bit down once again. Your eyes shot up from the half-mast and you gasped in pain. Baji was quick to remedy the pain and licked you. A moan left you when he drank from you again. 
It was borderline addicting how your life was drained from you. The familiar sluggishness crept back up. No wonder people were feeds. To stay in this cloudy sensation was heavenly. 
Baji parted from your thigh and finally licked your pussy. Blood was smeared over you as he sucked your clit into his mouth. You yelped at the attention. He laughed into you. The vibration of his mouth sent more pleasure down your spine. He pulled off your clit to drag his tongue from the bud down to your hole. The appendage dipped in, testing the waters. Bucking up again, or at least attempting to, Baji took that as to keep going.
And keep going did he. Nose deep, he kept tonguefucking you. It was an odd sensation but not unwelcome. His tongue was more dexterous than fingers. He twisted against your walls. Pulling his tongue out, you whined but he was quick to shut you up by taking your clit back in his mouth. The constant attention was becoming too much. 
Finding purchase, your hands gripped the one holding your hips down. He welcomed the contact as he kept pushing you closer and closer to the edge. It was unfair how good he was at this. 
“Please, please!” You begged. At this point for more or for him to stop, you didn’t know. It was just too much. 
His tongue flicked against the swollen bud as his hand dipped down to split you open with two fingers. The intrusion was almost enough, you just need more. Moans poured out. The stuttering of your chest and the shake of your thighs was enough of a tell to Baji. Ending your misery, he sucked your clit in his mouth as he curled his fingers just right. 
Ringing in your ears was all you could hear as you fell apart for the creature you swore you would end tonight. Tears bubbled up at how overwhelmed you were. Baji gave a few more licks and pumps to slowly bring you down from your orgasm. Like he cut all the strings from you, you flop further into the couch. 
Oversensitive, you whined when he took his fingers from you and pulled away from your thighs. Blood coated his lower face along with your slick. Your face almost steamed from the humiliation. Still kneeling, he kept eye contact as he brought his fingers to his lips, coated just the same as his face. He dragged his tongue from his palm up to the underside of his appendages. 
A wicked gleam flicked in his now ruby eyes, “here, you have a taste.”
He crawled back up to crowd and pin you against the couch. Without poise, he shoved his fingers into your mouth. You gagged at the intrusion and the taste of your own blood and cum. Though still high on the happy hormones, you sucked on his fingers. Maybe if you clean him, he will release you of the taste. “Fuck,” he breathed, slack jawed. “Fuck, you’re perfect.”
You kept his gaze, eyes bleary. That was enough for Baji. He pulled out from your mouth and sat back up. Impatient, he flicked up the button of his black jeans along with the zipper. The vampire couldn’t take it anymore. He had to be in you. From what he gathered tonguefucking you, you were warm and tight. 
He tugged down his pants and boxers with the crass he lacked when he undressed you. His cock was heavy as it flopped out from the constricting material. Baji sighed in relief. His cock was pretty. It was about average length but it was thick. His pubes were untamed and you squirmed at how it would feel against your already overstimulated clit. Precum drooled from the head. 
Thank fuck he opened you up or else you don’t think you could handle it with no prep. Baji gathered your arms again. Now filled with your blood, Baji was warm, hot. With his free hand, he lined himself up to your twitching hole. 
With no warning, he breached your slit. You groan at how the head bullied its way inside you. Baji followed the noise as he forced his hips further. The drag of his cock against your almost reluctant walls was having you see stars. 
He went back to wrapping a hand around your throat, fingers almost meeting at the back of your neck. Baji was so much bigger and stronger than you. He was just a tall man in general, but as he hovered over you with his hips smooshed against yours, you melt at how he engulfs you. 
Buried to the hilt, the vampire brings his mouth back to your throat, the wound still throbbed. 
“So good,” he slurred.
At that he started his rhythm. He pulled his hips back until only his cockhead was in you. You whined at being almost empty again. He shushed you. Right when he slammed in, he bit down on your throat, a lower place than before. You screamed. 
“T-too much!” you cried.
“You can take it.” 
Baji ignored your pleas as he fucked into you like a piston. He was using you like a cocksleeve. His pace was thorough and hard. His cock was filling you up in ways you never had before. It was like he was trying to mold your cunny to the shape of his cock. 
Baji kept gulping down your blood until you were fuzzy again but this time it was from the blood loss. If he kept drinking from you, you might actually pass out. 
You clenched down at the thought. Would he still keep fucking into you even if you were unconscious? A sick part of you wanted him to. So drunk off him, you wanted to be used by him in any way he needed. Why were you so set on killing him only hours ago?
Fuck, maybe you were dying. What a whorish way to go out.
Baji squeezed on your wrists as he lost his rhythm. 
“I’m close, fuck, you are divine. Your blood and your pussy. You were built just for me, my eternal.”
A sense of foreboding tried to dig into your consciousness but you were so focused on how you were right that his pubes digging into your clit was too much. Almost to your end as well, you canted your hips in tandem to his. 
“More, more,” you pleaded. More of what? You had no clue.
Baji did know what you needed as he pressed his hand further into your throat, squeezing the sides to cut off blood flow to your brain. That was enough for you to clench down so hard that Baji growled. As your cunt fluttered around him, the vampire bit further into the juncture of your shoulder until teeth almost met teeth. You screeched at the pain and Baji’s hips stuttered as he came deep in you. Him filling you has that same ringing blind you. 
You came right after him as he kept thrusting his hips into yours, not ready to leave your warmth. The strain of cumming left you limp in Baji’s grasp. Pulling his teeth from your throat, he saw the mess he left of your neck. It was as if you were mauled by a wolf rather than the vampire before you. 
You were losing blood fast and no matter how much Baji licked your wounds, it wouldn’t take back all the blood he took from you. Releasing the hand from your neck, he ripped open his own wrist so the life he stole from you and cycled through his undead heart poured from him. 
He brought the bleeding arm to your mouth, “drink,” he commanded just as he did earlier tonight.
With no way to resist, you drank. You drank until your belly was filled with his blood that was once yours. Letting go of your bound hands, you cradled the wrist as you swallow all you can, desperate. This was likened to drinking liquid candy. 
Baji pulled his arm away as you whined, missing the taste. Your chin was drenched with blood just as him. Slowly your wounds started to close and your missing blood was replenished. Despite this, you still were in an endless fog. 
The vampire leaned back on the other end of the couch and gathered you in his arms. He rested your weary head on his plush pectoral. Whatever drive you had was gone. You wanted to stay in his arms forever. Eternally. 
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network: @tokyometronetwork
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azaleaniath · 1 year
I can't believe i wrote this request... It's ridiculous, but i felt the need to write it nonetheless, for fun 😂😂😂
But here u go baby, it's short but that's all i got hahaha
~ Rotxo x human! Reader ~
SFW | 1.2k words
"Look!" Spider hissed, trying to compose himself while discretely turning his tablet over to you. He has a hard time trying not to choke on his own laughs, but you only shoved the bright display away without looking.
You knew exactly what he was trying to show you but you had sworn that you would not let him have that.
"I'm not gonna let you make fun of him. Rotxo's a cute guy!"
If that damn exopack wasn't in his way he would've wiped his tears away, but he couldn't.
"I'll cut off your oxygen if you don't stop right now! You look like a dollar store crossover of tarzan and 6ix9ine yourself, idiot! So stop laughing."
Once more Spider held the tablet out in front of you, not accepting a no so easily. This was just too funny is his mind. "He looks exactly like him! This is just too fucking good!" Spider cackled, hunching over due to his aching belly while you only rolled your eyes. The worst part though; Spider was right and you knew it. Rotxo looked just like Lil Mosey.
He looked at Ao'nung and Rotxo in the distance, having a conversation with Lo'ak and Kiri about something you couldn't quite understand since they were too far away. They on the other hand picked up Spider's heartfilled laughter, trying not to suffocate under his mask.
"Come on, just one quick look?"
You found it unfair. Rotxo was such a lovely, sweet and caring guy. He didn't deserve to get laughed at.
"No. You're just jealous because he gets along with Kiri so well, that's why you make fun of him" you frowned, eyes fixating on the smallest of the na'vi group in the distance. The hair, the face, the features. It was the same, except his skin and eye color.
"I'm only saying what we're both thinking!" he chuckled, also looking back at Rotxo. His ears were tilting, tail whipping from left to right. He couldn't understand your demon language, but he could tell by your looks that Spider was laughing about him and it made him insecure. Ao'nung noticed it too and decided to come a bit closer to the two of you, stepping in for his friend.
"What's so funny, huh?" he barked, sending a chill down your spine. The boy was almost twice your size, despite being around the same age. Spider was unimpressed as he simply turned the tablet towards him. You sighed, pursing your lips as Rotxo turned his back to you, continuing to talk with Kiri and Lo'ak to distract himself. Ao'nungs eyes narrowed, he crouched down to take a closer look.
"This is stupid..." you sighed, but before you could snatch the tablet out of Spider's grip Ao'nungs eyes shot open and he joined the human boy's reaction, letting out a loud laugh as well.
"They look the same!" Ao'nung grinned, flashing his pearl white fangs brightly as he now understood. Being the childish boy he was, he couldn't help but find this just as funny as the other human.
"Wait, who is this?" he huffed, taking another look before he could get up.
"It's a human singer from the 21st century" Spider explained while you punched his biceps with a scolding look. "That's enough." Your tone got more serious and loud, but Ao'nung called his friend over nonetheless.
"Hey Rotxo, come see this!"
"It's not funny, Ao'nung!"
But the metkayina took the device into his own hands carefully, turning it to you.
"No y/n, this is really funny." He grinned, holding the screen into your direction.
Not having the time to blink fast enough, your eyes caught a glimpse of the zoomed in picture of the musician that you had avoided so much. Squinting your eyes for a while, you tried to forget about it but it was too late.
"Great.." you groaned, pressing your lips together as tight as you could. You could never look at Rotxo the same way again, never take him seriously again.
"What?" You heard the smaller metkayina mumble, feeling even worse now that Ao'nung laughed with Spider. He carried himself over to you with a confused look. Opening your eyes again, you quickly used another chance to get the tablet into your own hands, and this time you managed to do so. Quickly locking the screen you pressed the device flat against your stomach, hugging it with both arms.
As you looked up to his face, you felt your own lips quivering from trying not to laugh. It was painful how much the corners of your lips were tugging upwards.
"Ayo wassup Lil Mosey my bro, you gettin' your fangs iced out soon man?" Spider slurred in english, keeping as cool as possible before bursting out into tears again. Meanwhile you only facepalmed the glass front of your exopack, happier than ever that Na'vi usually didn't understand a word of your mother tongue.
"Hey y/n show him that thing!" Ao'nung grinned, pointing at the tablet.
You wanted to deny his order, but if you'd stop pressing your lips together, you couldn't hold back anymore. It was indeed funny, no matter how unfair it was to make fun of him.
Spider noticed how you were shaking from trying to hold yourself together.
Rotxo's confused look didn't help at all. Neither did Spider as he gave his best impressions of Lil Moseys adlibs, grooving and beatboxing around you, ridiculously fake-blasting his gun signs.
You couldn't even finish your sentence before you burted out in laughter as well. The guilt was set aside for a moment since you just exploded in a hearty laugh, letting it take control of you for a minute.
Once you halfway calmed down you breathlessly apologized to the confused metkayina boy.
"S-so, ugh..." you stammered, clearing your throat a few times while Spider continued to behave like the biggest skxawng to ever exist. Rotxo was completely confused at what just happened here.
Before explaining you punched Spider once more and he finally stopped his cringy actions. You took a deep shaky breath and slowly took the tablet into one hand again. As soon as you had unlocked it, you could see the picture of the rapper right in front of you. With pursed lips you looked at the teal skinned boy in front of you, then back at the photo, swallowing another laugh. You couldn't say a word without wheezing, so you simply turned the tablet around and presented the picture to him.
"That's you, bro" Spider grinned, but Rotxo's confusion only grew.
"...Who is that?"
It took another few seconds until you finally pulled yourself together enough to speak up.
"Its a rapper, a music artist from earth, he lived in the early two thousands. You remind me of him. A lot actually."
"What in the eywa-" he mumbled quietly and Ao'nung slapped his shoulder playfully as Rotxo knelt down next to him to take a closer look. "Seems like he got reincarnated, skxawng. You sure you don't got that demon blood in your veins?" Ao'nung joked, also looking back at the tablet before you locked it again.
Spider tried to explain him some of the rapper's lyrics, but the short-haired metkayina couldn't follow him at all. He just stared at him with an empty gaze, not understanding a word.
"Don't take it seriously, please." you giggled and shoved Spider away.
"You're way cuter than him."
🏷️list: @luvlykrispy @zatarias-pandora @vviolaswrld @yeosxxx @lilgurlbeoncrack @philiasoul @itszzmoon @simp4ff @itsnotme02 @et-j-art @lovekeeho @mayhemories @cavvedin @ducks118 @lov3rluna
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Just another TFA x TFP crossover idea...
I know almost every long lasting transformers fan has done this, but here is my hot take.
So we know TFA takes place in the 2050s, and TFP fans assume TFP takes place in the 2010s when it was released. So instead of alternate dimensions, what about futuristic AU/reincarnation AU? Granted a LOT of the characters are different, so adjustments are going to have to be made, so bare with me.
Let's start with the war.
TFP ends with Optimus Prime sacrificing himself so that Cybertron can produce life with the Allspark, and with the Allspark returned, Cybertron is habitable again, and Megatron leaves, thus ending the war, which I will now refer to as the Great War. It is up to Team Prime to start rebuilding Cybertron. And naturally, they look to Ultra Magnus.
As bots return to Cybertron, both Autobot and Decepticon have a lot of animosity towards each other. Afterall, this war lasted centuries. But with one leader dead and the other AWOL, they have to figure out how to coexist. But it is easy to fall back on old habits, so a council is but back in place, and unfortunately, it is most autobots. Once the decepticons heard that Megatron is still alive but off world, some decide to leave and find him. Some decide to remain and try to fix Cybertron for the better. So the council promotes mostly Autobots to positions of power, thus leaving out bigger decepticons starting the warframe fear. As for the protoforms, the council creates molds for new sparks, thinking hey, the war is over, why do we need fighters? We need bots who can fix things (construction), laborers, teachers, and so Cybertron starts to use the frase "cogs in the machine". Oops, here comes functionalism.
But those closest to Optimus Prime? The ones who fought with him and followed him because of what he stood for? The ones who were put on a pedestal for their actions on earth with Prime even though they don't care for any recognition? They notice it immediately. And they hate what Cybertron is becoming. But it is hard to do anything since they just finished a war. Rebuilding is at the top of the list, not idealism. But wasn't that what the whole war was about? Rising above your station, having opportunities, abolish the caste system, and no bot is better than the other. Well, Primus has a plan for that. Primus is frustrated with their children. They keep making the same mistakes, forcing them to choose a Prime. And their last Prime had to sacrifice his life for Primus and all Cybertronians. Well, if the children want to redo their past mistakes, might as well send back their latest Prime. But Primus and the Allspark can only create sparklings, not full bots. So, Primus and the Allspark places the spark of Optimus Prime in a protoform sparkling. We will get to that later.
So, we have a Cybertron that is rebuilding back its bad habits, Team Prime struggling to stop it, and decepticons leaving (of course that will come back to haunt us).
Now onto the Autobots.
Ultra Magnus, the right hand man of Optimus Prime, is naturally looked at for leadership. But he never wanted to the # 1. He truly believes in the ideas of Orion Pax, before he was Optimus Prime. But his understanding of legality and chain of command make him the perfect candidate to lead Cybertron towards order. But after his time on Earth, he has learned that maybe the most strict policies are not the best solutions. However, the council insists and public pressure wants a strong leader, so how can he say no? The only thing he can do is refuse the title of Primacy. He will not take on that mantle. He knows the type of bot who deserves Primehood, and it is not him. But the council needs some title, so why not use his name? Magnus means "big, large, great" - nomitive conjugation - (Latin nerd, I know), so why not use his name as a title? Thus, the title of Magnu begins to be synonymous with "ruler". Ultra Magnus finds this to be a slap in the faceplates. But at least they stopped inisting on Prime. So, with great reluctance (please laugh at that joke) he accepts the position. As to what exactly his position means, well, the council wants to appease the public yet remain in control. The council will surely write up the specifics later. But, I mentioned it before, Ultra Magnus knows the Law, so he takes it into his own servos. He writes up his own limitations and abilities, he just needs the council to sign off. They don't hurry to sign it. This is the beginning of Ultra Magnus' problems.
Ratchet will probably be the easiest to crossover. Both TFA and TFP characterize him as an old medic that has fought in the war from the beginning. After Predacons Rising, he shuffles back and forth from Earth and Cybertron. But Earth hasn't faced decepticon attacks in years so Fowler isn't around much anymore (and the man had a long career in the Army and as a special agent - it's time for him to retire), the Earth kids eventually grow up, so they don't need him anymore. As much as it pains him (even though he will never admit it), he returns back to Cybertron for good and sets up a clinic for war vets. Probably with Knockout. Which many autobots don't like. That's a problem. But as the oldest friend of Orion Pax, he lashes out against the council and their policies, which unfortunately causes him to be blacklisted further. His reputation as a war hero plummets. He almost wants to laugh at the similarities from before the Great War.
Bumblebee is going to be the hardest. In TFP, he has a character arc of young scout to experienced warrior. Yet in TFA, he is a young Elite Guard wash out and a comedic. Well, the only answer I can currently think of is memory wipe. But let me backtrack. Bumblebee technically killed Megatron in TFP, and news of that travels across autobot channels before Predacons Rising, thus before Unicron revives Megatron. So, autobots that begin to return to Cybertron consider Bumblebee as the hero who ended the Great War. But Ultra Magnus is orderly, so he keeps the autobot channel updated with Megatron being revived but AWOL. But communication can be tricky galaxies apart, so some autobots don't get the full message. Unfortunately, the council capitalizes on that, and since Ultra Magnus won't accept Primehood, maybe the scout who served under Optimus Prime for so long will. And if Bumblebee accepts the council's wishes, perhaps he will remain under their watchful optics. But the new warrior looked up to Optimus, no way can he take his mentor/father-figure's place. And Smokescreen is Bumblebee's friend, one who turned down the Matrix of Leadership when it was freely offered. This angers the council. With functionalism getting in place yet Team Prime against it, they need someone from Team Prime to endorse functionalism. And what better bot than the scout who ended the war. With using a similar science from the cortical psychic patch, they wipe his memory of earth, his friends, and serving with Optimus Prime. How do they get that science? Well, TFA Shockwave was the spy Longarm in the council. More on that later. There is going to be a lot of repercussions for that.
Smokescreen is the new rebellious teenager in TFP. His character arc goes from hot head that is unsure of his place in the galaxy to a steady bot with a close friendship with Bumblebee. There is a foil with Alpha Trion both being a mentor to Orion Pax and Smokescreen and both working in the Archives. And Cybertron needs to remember its history. Smokescreen becomes the new Head Archivist, following after Alpha Trion. He could keep with the Elite Guard, perhaps one day truly becoming a Prime, but after Predacons Rising, he knows that there needs to be another path. And who else knows the Archives better than him? He is no Orion Pax - or an archivist - but watching over Alpha Trion makes a mech learn a thing or two. Surprising everyone but Bumblebee, he starts to rebuild the Archives. He takes reports from returning bots, both autobot and decepticon, and organizes it. Returning bots also bring recovered treasures that Alpha Trion shipped off world during the Great War. Thankfully, he remembers where they went. He gets so caught up in restoring the Archives that, like Orion Pax, he notices re-occurring problems from before the Great War, but it is too late to stop it. The best thing he can do is publish every document to a public platform, no matter which faction it came from, so that bots can resist the council. But the public is tired from the Great War, it is too soon to read documents about it. And Sparklings are shielded from those documents, caretakers claiming it is too violent. But what is violent about a critical analysis of the caste system written by a gladiator? Exactly the fact that it was written by a gladiator turned tyrant. He is threatened with removal of his position by the council. Afterall, they happen to like their elite status and have no interest in giving that up. And he knows that if he is removed, the council will fill his position with a bot that will promote council propaganda. The honorific of Prime is no longer so significant nor synonymous with Primus and the 13 due to the council trying to justify Ultra Magnus as the leader, even though he is under their thumbs, and wanting to keep authoritarian government, bestowing bots who graduate council specific requirements at an academy the title of Prime, and it frustrates Smokescreen. He considers it a disgrace to Optimus Prime. But he stays quiet, yet secretly, when he sees a young bot interested in the Great War and before, he shows them the truth. Slowly yet surely, young bots start to question what the Great War was even for.
Arcee TFP and TFA actually have a lot in common for backgrounds. In TFA, she was a teacher and an intelligence officer, and in TFP episode "Sick Minds" she makes an offhand comment about knowing how to do research. I headcanon that before the Great War, Arcee was in an analytical job, and since I'm crossing over with TFA, she could also at one point have been a teacher. Perhaps the equivalent of a grad student while teaching? With rebuilding Cybertron, she brings back those skills and starts some sort of intelligence organization. Perhaps it is in correspondence with Smokescreen and the Archive. She is also a great mentor to Smokescreen and she easily takes leadership role in the field when necessary. Arcee is the one who finds out Bee's memory gets wiped. She is quick to anger - as we see in her interactions with Starscream and Arachnid - and demands the council to return Bumblebee's memories. This does not go as planned, and the council retaliates and she goes into a comatose state, bringing us into TFA. But she has friends, and they notice her absence.
This brings in the Wreckers. With Cybertron going backwards, Bulkhead returns to construction. At first, he doesn't mind. Afterall, he has the knowledge for it, and in Predacons Rising, he currently is all they have. Unfortunately, this comes to haunt him as it allows the council to make a case for functionalism. All that fighting, wasted. Bulkhead never gets the chance to be something new. Until Wheeljack reaches out. With his knowledge in engineering, Wheeljack becomes the chief engineer on cybertron. Meaning that he is in charge of building space bridges, figuring out planetary weapons systems, communication technology, space travel, ect. Meaning, he figures out what happened to Arcee. And Project Omega. Wheeljack has learned that going solo isn't always the best move. But he keeps things Wrecker style. Since he knows the council listens in on his new communication network, he reaches out to Bulkhead and Ultra Magnus on the old Wrecker channel. It is time to bring the band back together. Or so they think. The rescue mission of Arcee fails, Bulkhead's memory is also wiped, and Ultra Magnus forced into a deeper corner of the council. They try to wipe Wheeljack's memory, but he is the chief engineer who suffered torture under a cortical psychic patch, he is able to retain his memories, but hides that fact. Even Ultra Magnus thinks his memory has been wiped. Wheeljack keeps a low radar with the council and remains the chief engineer. But he is rebellious, so he informs Ratchet.
So, to sum up our main characters: 2 have lost their memory, 1 is comatose, 2 are in political peril, 1 is undercover, 1 is disgraced, and 1 is dead.
Now we get to the plot of this AU.
Ratchet is disgraced by the council and autobots don't like that he works with a decepticon, former or not. His ability to do anything is greatly hindered. But he is still a medic with a valid practicing license and naturally, Sparklings need check ups. Enter the revival AU. Ratchet never thought his deceased friend and leader would ever return, but science is indisputable and he is very good at medicine and he patched up the Prime hundreds of times. He knows Optimus' spark signature when he sees it. How is it possible? Well, Ratchet never considered himself religious, but after battling Unicron and seeing a revived Megatron, perhaps religion has some merit. And Spark signatures are unique to individuals. There are no accounts of repeat spark signatures. The only logical explanation is this is the work of Primus. But Ratchet has no love of the council, so with the help of Knockout, they meet with Ultra Magnus secretly. So, only those 3 know Optimus has returned. But he is only a sparkling, and hasn't Optimus sacrificed enough? So, Optimus is returned to his caretaker to live a life free of his past hardship. Like Optimus Prime said before he entered the Well, it is up to them to rebuild Cybertron for the better. If only they could do some serious changes.
So, little Optimus grows up in a Cybertron rebuilding and no one talking about the Great War. All he has is the propaganda the council gives out. So why would he need to go to the Archives to learn? He has his teachers and he knows his function will be to put out fires or haul things due to his size, even though a part of him desires to be an Elite Guard. He eventually joins the academy and here we have TFA fully kick in. He befriends Elita-1 and Sentinel the same, catches the attention of Ultra Magnus the same way (or so he thinks. The mech is the leader of Cybertron, of course he has his ways to keep tabs on the former Prime) gets kicked out after losing Elita-1 (or so he thinks - Ultra Magnus wants him away from the council, so kicking him out was the best he could do), yet Ultra Magnus, with the help of Wheeljack, pulls a few strings to get Optimus' crew. Team Prime is almost back together. Afterall, it's not like the council wants Ratchet on the planet, and how would they know it is the very same Optimus?
The TFA plot mainly stays the same, except the Allspark is a little different. Here, the Allspark was supposedly returned to the Well. How it gets into space, I am still working that out. I might have to bring in TFA lore for this, intertwining it with the return of the decepticons and Megatron. But Ratchet has a fit when they find it ("Optimus sacrificed his life so that relic would return to the Well! And this is the thanks he gets?) he almost is glad when it gets shattered into pieces. But the Allspark also terrifies him after seeing his friend give his life for it. Ratchet does his best to keep Optimus away from the Allspark, even though Primus seems to find a way for Optimus to keep interacting with it.
Now this is getting long, so I'm going to end it here. But there is still a lot more to cover in this AU! Specifically the Decepticons. And how does Bumblebee and Bulkhead get their memories back? Wheeljack? Does Ultra Magnus tell Wheeljack of Optimus' true identity when he helps put his crew together on Teletran-1? How does Ultra Magnus change from being a kind SIC to the strict military leader of Cybertron? Does he get redeemed? Or is he the example of a tragic tale of political bargaining? What happens to Smokescreen? Do the TFP kids meet Sari Sumdac? Do they meet the autobots in Detroit, or does Ratchet warn them to keep their distance? What changes happen with Sentinel's and Optimus' friendship once his former life is revealed? When happens when Optimus learns the truth?
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incorrect-koh-posts · 1 month
You said "which is a tragedy in its own right as far as my tastes are concerned, but I digress", but I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this. I hope it's okay to ask, but what kind of fics/pairings would you like/prefer to see emerge from the fandom?
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Of course it's okay to ask, dear anon!
Personally? I'd love to see more variety. One of the chief reasons why I enjoy reading fan fiction is finding new things I like - perhaps some pairing I hadn't considered before, some batshit premise or crossover that turns out to be actually brilliant, or maybe a cool genfic that explores previously unseen sides of a character or character dynamic that people don't write about very often. I'm not really the kind of person who seeks out fic based on specific tropes. Once I've read a story with a certain trope in a fandom, it's pretty unlikely that I'll go and read another one with a very similar premise, unless I really enjoy the author's writing.
So what I'd be excited about seeing in the AO3 tag would honestly just be: something new. For instance, a sapphic Sibylla/OC fic would be such a fascinating read (as would be anything at all that explores Sibylla's character a bit more). Or a Saladin-centric fic - sign me the hell up. I'd adore finding something for Godfrey or Imad, and we all know a new Tiberias fic would have me foaming at the mouth. I'd also love an interesting and/or wacky AU (and I'd write one myself if I had the time). Make it Jane Austen and let Baldwin have a gentleman suitor, while Sibylla elopes Lydia-Bennett style with Guy, and Godfrey and Raymond grump about in the Navy. Write a daemon AU (as in His Dark Materials) in the canonical universe. Or throw them all into the 21st century and let Reynald send Saladin threatening messages via fax.
I know the KoH fandom is much too small to engender the sort of variety I'd ideally like to see, and it's only reasonable for writers to sort of double down upon the fic premises and tropes that have done well in terms of hits and comments in the past and write more of the stuff the majority enjoys. As far as taste goes, I'm aware I'm the complete outlier here, and I really don't mean to antagonise anybody with this post or insult their writing or reading preferences. I'm glad your fics are doing well, folks, I truly am - it's only that I'm very likely not the target audience for them. Sometimes I just wish I weren't the only freak in the circus, lol.
(The post anon is referring to is this one btw.)
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purplesigebert · 2 months
WIP Wednesday #24 - DW Crossover
Woah @impossiblekryptonitecolor wasn't kidding about that curse! Thankfully I broke it, and it only took four weeks and not a thousand and ten years!
Onto the snippet - surprise, surprise Caroline is not having a great time. Good thing she has some memories to escape into.
If it didn’t hurt so much, Caroline would give the hunter points from ingenuity.  Number 2 pencils as stakes?  That was a new one. Her hands were in agony, only second to her throat.  The droplets of vervain water that she inhaled made her feel like her esophagus was being ripped apart from the inside.  The only good thing about this whole situation was that she was safe from compulsion.   
She was just glad that Mikael 2.0 didn’t seem to know that the daylight spell wasn’t tied to a specific person.  The last thing Caroline needed was for Alaric to take her ring and put it on his finger.  Then he wouldn’t need her to lure Elena to the school - he would just stake her and rush off the Gilbert house.  The man was muttering to himself as he paced back and forth in front of his desk, only stopping to check his phone before shaking his head.  Alaric stopped in front of her and took the gag out of her mouth, wincing as he dipped it into the beaker that was on the desk next to her.  He had already repeated this process 3 times in the hour that she had been here, the pain that herb caused him not deterring him in the slightest. 
As the classroom’s clock ticked the seconds, the blonde used the sound to try and push away the pain.  Slowly, the memories of another time she was threatened by a very powerful person flooded her mind.
2008 - Year That Never Was
“Martha, we are up against a 900 year old alien with absolute zero regard for human life - except for a weird fixation for the Teletubbies!” Caroline shouted, while Martha tried to get her to lower her voice.
Caroline didn’t see why she should have to, the Valiant was miles away in the sky.  They had run for cover as soon as they had gotten their breath back, after slamming into the ground via vortex manipulator. The air was thick with smoke that had drifted towards them from the destruction in London.  The trees made breathing easier and hid them from the Toclafane.
“So you know who we should go to?” Caroline continued. “A 1000 year old being with no regard for human life - aside from the fact that he needs them if he wants to keep existing!”
“That’s not a good reason to approach him, Caroline,” the other woman scoffed.  The blonde tried not to snap at her friend even more than she had, most of Martha’s family was on the ship and they didn’t have the immunity that Caroline’s had.
“He’s got contacts that we could use and centuries of experience of being on the run!  He’s the monster that other monsters fear! We need Klaus,” Caroline stressed, this seemed like a no brainer, better to seek their chances with an Original Vampire than think they could take on the Master by themselves. 
Caroline was also convinced that Martha wouldn’t ask him for help because Shakespeare told her not to.  Martha rubbed at her temple and worried the TARDIS key turned perception filter necklace before taking a deep breath.  She looked up, resolution in her brown eyes.
“Alright. Alright, we'll ask him for help.” 
Caroline cheered. 
“If,” Ugh, so close!
“If we also ask his brother for help.  After all, two Mikaelsons are better than one, right?"
Caroline groaned. Seriously?  She had to work with Elijah Mikaelson.
"Fine, but only because the fate of the world is at stake!"
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kingmakerpod · 10 months
Are you someone who watched Shadow and Bone and found yourself thinking "this is pretty good, but I wish the Crows were the main characters"?
Well. We've got the perfect audio drama for you.
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Do you like gaslamp fantasy aesthetics? You'll enjoy the Kingmaker Histories.
Worldbuilding based on the real-life history of Europe at the turn of the 20th Century? You'll enjoy the Kingmaker Histories.
Hot villains with unparalleled magical powers? You'll enjoy the Kingmaker Histories.
A magic system that presents magic and science as interlocked rather than opposed? You'll enjoy the Kingmaker Histories.
Unconventional chosen one narratives that involve a degree of political intrigue? You'll enjoy the Kingmaker Histories.
A mysterious and otherworldly section of forest populated by monsters and impossible to navigate without magic? You'll enjoy the Kingmaker Histories.
Do you like the trope of 'found family by force'? You'll enjoy the Kingmaker Histories.
Or, maybe you just want to follow a three-man crew of loveable scoundrels going from job to job, scamming and thieving and executing schemes that often fail in dramatic and/or hilarious fashion? Well, guess what, you'll enjoy the Kingmaker Histories.
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And if any of that sounds good to you, you're in luck, because our second season is in production right now COMPLETE as of 9th March 2024! There are twenty one episodes, a crossover and a behind the scenes Q&A and they are all available here or wherever you listen to podcasts.
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knivestothroats · 5 months
ITWS/ProVic Crossover Event Of The Century (part 2)
This is a crossover of In The Woods Somewhere by me and Professional//Victim by @victimeyez. Read part 1 here. Content warnings: Captivity, torture (beating, scratching, electricity, needles, knives, burning, strangling, stress positions, very mild eye stuff like not even gore)
"To demonstrate his uses tonight, Ladies and Gentlemen, we will invite a very special guest on stage. Please give a round of applause for Fletcher!" Caius led the applause, bearing the grin of the cat who ate the canary.
Fletcher raised their eyebrows. Those who knew them by name turned to them expectantly. 
Fletcher didn't like Caius' expression. It was too smug. He clearly thought he was winning some one-sided battle. Fletcher didn't want to play into his hand. But at the same time, refusing to take the stage, while maybe disappointing Caius, wouldn't paint Fletcher as the stronger of wills, only as too timid to perform for a crowd. Fletcher wasn't shy, and they wouldn't be seen as such. They threw back the rest of their drink and set it on the nearest table. Time to show everyone how it's done.
Fletcher walked confidently up the steps, passing Rory and Michelle with a nod. They stopped in front of Caius and folded their arms, waiting.
“You and Tommy seemed to be making a connection, I thought you should do the honors," Caius told them with a smirk. He waved a hand towards the table where the Cradle sat, surrounded by a variety of other painful-looking tools and implements. "Dealer's choice. Enjoy."
So he was that type of crazy. Fletcher took off their jacket, eliciting a few wolf whistles from the crowd, and thrust it into Caius's chest for him to take. They began to roll up their sleeves as they studied their options laid out on the table. "What are the limits?"
“Avoid arteries, for today. Or tendons. We have to bring him home alive, and in roughly one piece. Nothing severe on the vitals. Oh, and leave the hair, I'm growing it out. We just have to go a little easier than usual today. Arrangements can always be made for more later. But have fun. Take what moves you."
He spoke about the prone man with a wink and a little tongue-in-cheek. He was very comfortable in this space.
(Fuck.) Tommy watched as Fletcher made their way towards the stage. He had hoped for a reprieve after the Cradle, but it looked like he was about to be fed right to the wolves. This particular wolf had touched his face, had spoken to him, had almost felt like a real human interaction, but it had been a long time since he had found a connection that wasn't inspired by brutality. When he looked at Fletcher, he saw someone who tortured for their pleasure more than any dollar amount their clients could pay. This was someone who would take their time, who wanted lots of begging and crying and pleading for them to ignore. Maybe he could tough it out for the first minutes, see if he could earn some leniency with the groveling then. If he started right away, he wasn't sure they would be satisfied. His face flushed with shame as he watched them picking an instrument with care. He looked out at the crowd and saw the eager patrons hungry for a show. To be eaten alive by the wolf to the sound of a cheering audience, and all he could do was beg. He let one dry sob from deep in his chest, and waited for the worst.
Scalpel, box cutter, pliers, claw hammer, extendable baton. Fletcher picked up a cattle prod and tested it, facing the crowd. They saw Tommy flinch out of the corner of their eye at the crackle. Fletcher turned toward him, prod down at their side. Tommy looked up at them, head still sagging. There was no accusation in his features. He was merely resigned, like he knew this was coming. 
"Well-" his name got caught on their tongue. They pushed past it. "Tell us what we want to know." 
Fletcher jammed the prod against Tommy's ribs and lit it up. Tommy's body seized and he let loose a strangled scream.
"Does that hurt more or less than the cradle?" they asked when they granted him reprieve. 
Tommy took deep, rattling breaths. "Less. The cradle - hurts more."
Fletcher put their hands out to the crowd, as if to say, "How 'bout that, folks?" The audience cheered. They raised an eyebrow at Caius and tossed the cattle prod to the table. 
Fletcher loosened their tie, pulling it completely off. They wrapped the ends around their hands, and wrapped the middle around Tommy’s throat, standing behind him so the audience would get a good view of his face.
“No, no, no, wait, wait…” Tommy began to babble in a small, pitiful voice.
Caius stepped forward and leaned in to mutter to Fletcher, “Short intervals.”
“I’m a professional,” Fletcher whispered back.
Fletcher drew their hands apart, cinching the tie around Tommy’s throat. He let out a series of shallow gasps and creaking sounds as his throat struggled to move air through.
Fletcher slacked the tie, giving Tommy room to draw in haggard breaths. They waited a few seconds, then tightened it again.
“Wai-” Tommy’s plea was cut off with a croak. Fletcher extended the strangulation by a few seconds before letting up again. Tommy coughed hard, body rattling, trying to bend forward. Fletcher repeated the process a few times, choking Tommy until his temples pounded like drums and then loosening up enough to let him catch his breath before cinching the tie closed again.
Fletcher began slowly this time, giving Tommy a chance to beg before being cut off.
And beg he did. “Waitwaitplease, I can’t! I can’t go again, just please give me…”
Tommy ran out of time before the tie dug too deep into his throat to get the words out. Fletcher held this one the longest. Tommy began to twitch in his restraints, his legs kicking at the floor below him. 
Was this it? Could he make it through this? Caius would step in if Fletcher was going to kill him, right?
Tommy tried to look to Caius, but black splotches were beginning to cloud his vision.
Just like that, Fletcher let go. 
They unfurled the tie from their hands and unwound it from around his throat. Tommy coughed and hacked until his ribs hurt and spit dangled from his lips. 
Fletcher put both hands on the side of Tommy’s head and lifted it up, tilting it this way and that to examine his face. It was flushed red, verging on purple. His cheeks were dotted with burst blood vessels. The side of one of his eyes was a brilliant shade of bright, bloody red. 
Fletcher let Tommy's head drop. They draped their tie over their shoulders and returned to the table to go over their options. 
Fletcher picked up the box cutter. They extended the blade and turned it over to examine before setting it back down. Reaching into their pocket, they drew their own knife and flipped it open. Fletcher took hold of Tommy's chin and lifted his face to them. They made a cut below his hairline, across the temple. Tommy gritted his teeth and screwed his eyes shut, but didn't make much of a reaction beyond a hiss of pain. 
"I like to start with the face," Fletcher narrated to the audience. "The head bleeds a lot, even if the cut is shallow. Freaks them out, especially when it gets in their eyes. Plus, if you're starting with the face, what are you going to escalate to?" 
As promised, blood was streaming from the cut, running down Tommy's face and dripping off his chin onto his bare chest. He had to keep his eye closed. 
"Forehead bleeds the best, with the veins up there. But as close to the eye as possible is good too." 
They wrenched Tommy's face up further. He struggled to get his legs steady beneath him. Fletcher lined up the tip of the blade with the inside corner of the unbloodied eye. It went wide with fear, eyelids twitching apprehensively as Tommy trembled in their grasp.
"What do you think, Caius?" Fletcher mused, keeping their eyes locked on Tommy. "Your boy said you had one of his limbs reattached. Does that mean I can take out his eye?"
Caius's smile wavered. "Not for free."
Fletcher chuckled softly. They turned the knife abruptly and cut a line down Tommy's cheek instead. Tommy gasped and flinched, but breathed with a certain degree of relief. Fletcher pushed their fingers into his cheeks, causing his lips to purse. Tommy whimpered as Fletcher's hand dug into the fresh cut. 
"You probably want to keep his tongue, too. Let the audience hear him beg. And..." Fletcher flipped the knife in the air, catching it by the handle again. "Was there a rule against stabbing?"
“No vitals - we don’t want to have to end the party so soon.” Caius’s calm composure was a front.
"How deep is too deep? You tell me when." 
Fletcher pressed the tip of the knife under Tommy's clavicle and began to push in. The skin held at first, sinking under the point of the blade until the surface tension finally gave. The first bead of blood pooled as the knife went in ever so slowly. Fletcher kept their hand steady and their eyes fixedly on Caius, waiting for him to break.
Tommy tried to squirm away from the blade, but couldn’t manage much distance before stumbling in the pull of the restraints and pushing it deeper. He whimpered as it bit into him with agonizing patience. "Fuck - it's deep, it's deep enough! Please, please, you don't have to do this!"
Fletcher pulled their attention back to him. 
"Buddy," they said with a smile. "It's barely an inch in."
Tommy groaned as the blade slowly slid deeper, his muscles clenched tight around it from the strain on his arms. Fletcher gently rotated the knife, pushing underneath the bone, and Tommy struggled to stay up on his shaking legs. He was taking forceful deep breaths through his teeth, trying his hardest to stay calm.
Fletcher sank the knife in another inch before Caius cleared his throat and said, “No arteries.”
Fletcher rolled their eyes and blew out a breath. 
“Can’t do anything fun,” they said, pulling the blade back out much quicker than it had gone in. 
Tommy cried out in pain. It was clear he was only upright because of the restraints. Fletcher paced around him. Can’t do the nails through the hand trick in this position, but…
Fletcher reached up to where Tommy’s wrists were suspended and cut along the sides of his wrists, just above the cuffs. Tommy shifted his weight, trying to take pressure off the new wounds, but his arms were stretched as far as they could go, and he didn’t have the strength to hold himself up any higher.
“Cattle prod would work for this,” Fletcher said, examining the tools on the table again. They turned back and pulled a zippo lighter out of their pocket. “But let’s switch it up.”
The only preamble was the grind of the wheel before the flame licked his skin. The heat was sudden and sharp and overwhelming, burning the underside of Tommy’s exposed arm. 
He shrieked and jerked to the side, trying to get as far away from the flame as possible. The cuffs held steady as he pulled against them, only servicing to open the cuts along his wrists wider. 
Blood started trickling down his arms towards his shoulders, ruby rivulets of warm ichor quickly cooling against his pale skin. The burn was agonizing enough to instantly reduce him to tears. The rest of his body started to turn cold and he began to shiver, icy sweat beading on his forehead. Tommy’s head started to swim. (Don’t throw up in front of the crowd, Caius will kill you. Keep it together, don’t pass out.) He ground his teeth together, struggling to stabilize himself. Fletcher let the flame lick up his bicep, finally pausing to let the burn bloom. 
“You don’t - I don’t have anything to give you,” Tommy slurred out. “How much do you have to do to prove yourself?”
Fletcher turned the lighter over in their hands, thinking. “I’m not trying to prove anything. I’m just putting on a show.” They flicked the lighter on again and drew it dangerously close to Tommy’s eye, letting the flame vanish just before he would start to cook. “You’re the magician's assistant today. You know how to play your part, don’t you?”
Tommy whined as the flame disappeared with a flash. He dropped his head, huffing while he opened and closed his fists to regain feeling. They were uncomfortably numb and swollen, while his wrists pulsed in pain. More blood was oozing its way down his sides now, finally beginning to tacky in the air. Under his arm, a raw stretch of skin had bubbled and started to char in the flame. The burn still felt incredibly hot, radiating a fierce heat as if the lighter was still making his flesh a kindling. 
Caius didn’t usually allow burns, unless he was administering them himself. Usually for cauterization. Usually. Tommy tried to sneak a glance over to Caius without Fletcher noticing - he sensed they very much wanted his attention to themselves for the moment. Caius was leaning back against the table, his face a familiar mask of indifferent amusement. He had perfected it for clients, but Tommy could feel some anxiety radiating off of him. There was an audience, after all. Tommy swallowed hard, his throat dry from gasping for air. 
“I know,” he managed to rasp.
Tommy’s attempt at subtlety failed under Fletcher’s sharp watch. Their eyes tracked his gaze to Caius, who had a carefully casual look that his eyes betrayed. A touch too tense around the edges, at the corners of the mouth. 
“Good,” Fletcher told Tommy, as they refocused on one another. “Because for my next trick,” they held up their pocket knife, flicking the blade open with a satisfying click. “-I’m going to make this knife disappear.”
Fletcher arced their arm down and drove the blade into Tommy’s thigh. 
It took a moment to register. The pain was like a ringing in the back of his ears, it took a moment to even realize where the signal was coming from. Just, pain, ow, bad. Just like Michelle's little speech, his body lit up in alarm. (DANGER. WE ARE IN DANGER.)
His leg jerked back in surprise, pulling the knife out just enough for it to start pouring blood. his whole body went stiff, all the fight turning into freeze. His other leg spasmed, straightening like a board to hold as much weight as he could onto one foot. He groaned, and his legs started to tremble. (Shutting down.)
Fletcher sidled up and closed the distance Tommy had formed by pulling away. They wrapped their free arm around his waist to hold him steady, and pushed the knife back in with force.
The rough cry it forced out winded him. It had been a long time since he'd had the touch of a client that really knew what they were doing. The pain started incredibly deep in his thigh, feeling the thick muscle there give way. He had no way of defending himself, his head hanging over in the only way he could curl up. His arms were pinned uselessly above him.
Fletcher pulled their hand away from Tommy's waist and snaked it up his back. They gripped a handful of his hair and pulled his head up. "Smile for the audience," they said in his ear. Then they twisted the knife.
Tommy arched his back in pain, and his weight dropped fully to his wrists. It felt like he was being split up the thigh. His wounded leg kicked out in reflex, once, before dropping like dead meat attached to his hip.
Caius was there in a flash, touching Tommy's shoulder. "That concludes your free trial."
Fletcher gave a single, easy nod and retracted the blade with a much more gentle hand. Not that pulling out a knife was ever painless. They wiped the blade off on Tommy's skin before closing and returning it to their pocket.
"You seemed to enjoy yourself. Will you be a client in the future?"
"Generally I get paid to torture people, not the other way around," Fletcher said. They eyed Tommy's limp form as he twitched in pain. "But then again, I make enough money to indulge in vices and now then. Who knows? Are you still going to be watching over my shoulder if I pay?"
“Yes,” Caius said firmly. “Have to protect the investment.”
Fletcher made a noncommittal noise. They didn't offer much else, just took their jacket back and walked off stage. The crowd began to disperse back to intermingling groups, people chatting and laughing and sipping cocktails. 
Fletcher paused to watch Caius address Tommy's leg. He had produced a med kit and packed the wound with a white powder before wrapping it in gauze. Tommy's only reaction was a slight grimace. His eyes mostly remained closed. 
The other wounds were deemed less crucial. Caius cut Tommy loose from the restraints and tossed him over his shoulder to cart off. 
Fletcher sorted through their feelings. 
Caius was petty and insecure, jealous in some way that Fletcher had interacted with Tommy despite willingly leaving them alone together. He had hoped to gain something from calling Fletcher on stage, whether it was to embarrass them or pit them against Tommy in order to destroy whatever relationship he was afraid of them developing. Fletcher wasn't sure what he wanted to happen, but they didn't like being played. Maybe they had gone overboard trying to get Caius to say uncle, embarrass himself in front of the crowd by having to walk back on the business model of you can do whatever you want to him, but honestly, Fletcher had done worse to others. Far worse. But it didn't matter if the others stayed in one piece, usually. 
Tommy was innocent, probably. Or if he had done something to cross Caius and the others, he had to have paid for it a dozen times over by now. But it wasn't beneficial to Fletcher to care about deserved. Deserved was a matter of opinion. All they needed was a matter of payment.
But Tommy was... fun? Intriguing. He had developed an impressive skill for reading people, surely so he could give the clients exactly what they wanted as quickly as possible. "Make dreams come true," as Caius had put it. 
He was also so well trained, while still not being a mindless marionette. He screamed, he begged, he bargained, he complied, he said he was perfect for this. 
Fletcher wanted to pick him apart, or at least have a long conversation with him. They also wanted to make him whimper and tremble again. And bleed. They really enjoyed making him bleed. 
But they didn't want Caius hovering the whole time. And they didn't want to invite any of them to their home. 
They glanced at their watch. There was time for another drink. And who knows - maybe their performance would help them make some contacts before the night was out.
@victimeyez @lonesome--hunter @desert-dyke @coldresolve @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @burtlederp @suspicious-whumping-egg @whatwasmyprevioususername @whump-only @misspelledwitch @redstainedsocks @thehopelessopus @im-just-here-for-the-whump @thatsthewhump @aqua-blogging  @utopian819 @bloodinthemud @pretty-face-breaker @cursedandtired @morning-star-whump
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