#crosshair will absolutely beat himself up once he’s back with the batch
questforgalas · 1 year
Crosshair carried a clone he just met through a white out blizzard in death-causing temperatures in gear not equipped for said weather with no helmet on and just his rifle for support for TWO NIGHTS AND A DAY AND A HALF
Imagine what he’s done for his brothers during their missions during the war. Imagine what he will do on their missions after they’re reunited and he’s atoning for what he did
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echo-lover · 3 months
!The Bad Batch season 3 spoilers!
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I'd like to share with you my feelings and opinion about the new episode of the Bad Batch. Again, I wanted to do this right after watching it but my mind had other plans... emotions I felt overwhelmed me and I needed some time to put myself together. I WAS A CRYING MESS I SWEAR! And I felt a lot.
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From the beginning to the very end, this episode has my whole heart. Honestly, this might be my favorite episode of season three so far, even though the previous ones were absolutely wonderful. I love Omega and Crosshair duo so much and seing their bond getting stronger means the world to me. They showed the typical brother - sister dynamic. Crosshair now looks more like himself, just like I remember him from the Clone Wars episodes. Confident about his skills, with sharp tongue and painfully honest. Despite everything he's been through and his apparent trust issues, he allows Omega to lead their small group. Of course, he adds some sarcastic comments of his own, but overall he does not question Omega's ideas and, despite his hesitation, helps her the best he can.
Batcher is so adorable and I love how she tries to get closer to Crosshair even though he is clearly offended and annoyed. This bring smile on my face.
Omega once again shows her more mature side. She's confident and seems to have taken some of Crosshair's sarcasm with her. She wants a peacefull way to left this planet and only when things get really bad, she allow Crosshair to do it -his way-.
Absolute chaos and destruction, it looks like Crosshair wants to enjoy as much freedom as he can. He's free and he won't let him and Omega get captured again. He has nothing to lose and this little girl has become his main priority. He even allows physical contact, which we know he didn't like to share at all. A gentle touch of a hand on her shoulder, ahh I love them. And the way he was called Omega's father and she confirmed it without hesitation. Crossdad is real guys, haha.
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But it was the ending that was so shocking to me. The way Crosshair tried to convince Omega that Hunter and Wrecker might not have survived, that so much time had passed... and she don't want to listen. She strongly believes that her brothers will come, that they will take them, save them and they can all be together, she does not accept that they may no longer be alive.
All doubts disappeared the moment I saw Marauder on the screen. Of course, in the back of my mind I had the thought that it might be a trap, but then...
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Omega running out of the ship with a wide smile, Wrecker shows up in the open door of the Marauder... OMG I couldn't hold back the tears. I DIDN'T EXPECT THEY REUNION SO QUICKLY. Tears came to my eyes when Wrecker literally ran to her and lifted Omega into air, hugging her tightly close to him. Our little girl could finally allow herself to show her emotions. She had been so strong for so long when she had been on MountTantiss, now she could be a child again, let others take care of her now. She's not alone anymore. Tears flowed, both from Omega and Wrecker, and from me.
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I love the fact that Wrecker was the first to welcome her, not Hunter. He was second. Here my tears were flowing down my cheeks uncontrollably.
Hunter wanted to find his little girl for so long... That one word "five" made my heart beat so fast. This is what happened, this is real. They were finally together.
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The moment Omega saw Hunter showed all her emotions. Relief, longing, fear and happiness all mixed together. Hunter practically fell on his knees with his arms open for Omega to jump into his embrace. HE FINALLY HUGS HER! The way he held her, the focus on his hands... He finally had his little girl with him, nothing bad could happen to her in his arms. When they broke apart, Omega wiped her tears and Hunter just simply smiled warmly at her. They really looked like father and daughter here, I swear. Words cannot describe how much this means to me. I felt like I was there with them in that moment.
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And then the atmosphere thickened as Crosshair appeared, slowly exiting the ship. THE MUSIC HERE WAS ABSOLUTELY MARVELOUS! I have mixed feelings about Hunter and Wrecker reaction to their brother's arrival. I understand the lack of trust, but were such hateful and cold looks towards him necessary? Hunter tightened his fists, freezing in place, even Wrecker had a cold look in his eyes.
I feel that in the next episode they will have to explain many things to each other... it won't be pleasant... Maybe there will be harsh words, maybe they will blame each other for Tech's death, maybe they will never fully trust each other again. I just hope that they will be okay after all this. No matter what, they have to stick together...
And I have one little question WHERE THE KRIFF IS ECHO?! It's forth episode and we still don't see him!
Oh Force... it was a huge amount of emotion for such a short moment.
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
Here’s a Crosshair request for you if you’d like!
I’m a sucker for the undercover-at-a-gala trope so what if you’re a Jedi shadow (like Quinlan Vos) who works with the Bad Batch once and awhile, and you’re in an established relationship with Crosshair. There’s a separatist gala you need to infiltrate and Crosshair goes as your date. While you two are sneaking around the venue, you have to hide in the nearest room that turns out to be a bedroom and Crosshair has ideas 😏 thank you! Love your writing!!
ANON!!! I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!! I have literally no idea why i struggled with this ask for what? over a month??? I must have deleted a combined like 3k words for this over the time i was trying to write it. But i would not let it beat me, i had to finish this ask for u for waiting so patiently.
also its like, a bingo card of every trope for this trope so i apologies for how uninspired this is lmao
Side note, I am very sick at the moment and on a lot of painkillers, so like, I proof read this but please let me know of any glaring issues or mistakes because I'm not of this world currently.
Rating: E (18+) Warnings: Unprotected PiV, Creampie, Clothed Sex Word Count: 1700+
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Walking through the elegant halls of a senator’s estate on Scipio you can’t help but gawk at the splendour of it all. The insane amount of money one must have to own a home like this simply baffles you as you walk arm in arm with your date for the night through the ornate halls.
Some leaked intel let the republic know that some unscrupulous things were to go down tonight within these halls, and you don’t doubt the accuracy of that information given the amount of high ranking members of the Banking Clan you have seen engaging in hushed conversations in hidden alcoves of the grandiose estate.
Your partner turns to look down at you and you can’t help but blush under his gaze. Crosshair was always a handsome man, but seeing him clad entirely in a fine, black suit was a whole new level of desirable. A service droid passes you, stopping long enough for the two of you to grab a flute of what appeared to be more bubbles than liquid before continuing on its way through the winding halls of the building.
“You look absolutely ravishing tonight mesh’la” Crosshair whispers, breath fanning over your ear as you take a sip of your no doubt pricey beverage. You couldn’t find it in you to disagree with him, black silks hugged your frame, accentuating your figure in all the best ways, something your jedi robes were absolutely not designed for. While you did feel naked without your lightsaber, you understood the necessity of remaining entirely undetectable. You smile up at him, noting the make-up that has covered his trademark tattoo, his slicked back hair and absolutely dazzling smile.
When the moment called for it, Crosshair could reluctantly play the part of suave, chatty businessperson which honestly surprised you at first. He was absolutely the least talkative member of the squad by a mile, all short replies and clipped words, so when this mission was assigned to the Batch you were shocked that they had all immediately turned their attention to Crosshair.
“He’s the most arrogant, thus will fit in perfectly with the typical crowd at one of these types of functions” Tech had said, earning himself a smack on the back of the head from the Sniper, “among other reasons, Hunter looks too much like a regular clone, I am needed to extrapolate the data that you acquire and Wrecker is… Wrecker” Tech adjusts his goggles before continuing “It would also look out of place for one of us to go alone, and you two already have, um, chemistry, for lack of a better term”
He wasn’t wrong about that; you and Crosshair hadn’t exactly put a label on anything yet, but everyone knew there was something there.
Finally, after a few hours of simply wandering the halls you find your target, a simply unassuming Muun that has been implicated in embezzling funds and using it to pad separatist pockets. He was speaking in hushed whispers with a human male before the man passed him a small, innocuous looking data stick before parting ways with a polite nod.
Your time to shine.
You leave Crosshair’s side, giving his hand a quick squeeze as you go, before sauntering over to the target and ‘accidently’ spilling the contents of your flute, onto his silk robes. Stuttering and apologising you begin patting him down, slipping your hand into his pocket and retrieving the data stick as he shoved you away, telling you he was going to send you the bill for getting the stains out of his clothes. “This is pure shimmersilk you know!” he yelled at you as you made your hasty exit, apologising profusely as you retreat towards where Crosshair was waiting, arms crossed as he leaned against a marble pillar, a slight smile tugging at his lips.
“You got it doll?” he whispers, wrapping a long arm around your waste as he begins leading your further into the throng of people and towards the exit. “Of course” you reply, sinking further into his side. Hopefully the two of you would make it out before he even noticed it was missing.
Your hopes were dashed as you heard a panicked “Hey! Wait!” coming from behind you.
Crosshair grabs your arm, pulling you into the nearest unlocked room before softly closing and locking the door. Both of you hold your breath, listening to the sound of approaching and then thankfully retreating footsteps. It doesn’t seem like anyone saw you, but you still wait together in silence before turning the light on to look at the room you have found yourselves in for the foreseeable future.
It's a luxurious bedroom, a four-poster bed draped in magnificent silks with more pillows than anyone could possibly need adorning it. Crosshair takes his comm and a small datapad out of his pocket, reaching his hand out to you for you to pass him the datastick before plugging it into the device and comming Tech to let him know he can begin starting the transfer and telling him of your less than ideal situation at the moment. He tells you that Hunter will be there within the next standard hour for extraction but until then you just need to hang tight.
You sit down on the bed, running your hands along the silken sheets before looking back up to Crosshair. His eyes are raking over your form as he placed the datapad down on one of the bedside tables before walking over to you.
“So doll, it seems we have the better part of an hour to keep ourselves occupied…” He trails off, sitting next to you on the bed, one hand finding your thigh while the other softly pushes you back onto the plush surface. “And no one knows we’re in here” his thumb begins soothing circles into your hip as he looms above you, one hand holding himself up as he stares down at you.
“So it seems…” you smile as you use the fact that your legs are still hanging off the bed to your advantage, kicking your heels off before you shimmy further up the bed, until you’re leaning back against the mountain of pillows. Crosshair crawls up the bed after you before his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss.
“Kark doll, you look so good in this dress, it’s been so kriffing hard keeping my hands off you all night” he mumbles against your lips, calloused hands already working their way underneath your dress towards your panties. You let out a small whimper, the feeling of his rough fingers digging into your flesh making heat pool low in your belly as Crosshair begins placing languid kisses against your neck, working his way down to your collarbone before sucking dark marks into your skin.
The chirping from his comm startles both of you, making you jump before Crosshair angrily grabs the device “What do you want Tech?” he growls out. “I just thought that you would want to know that Hunter will be arriving earlier than expected and to be ready for extraction in the next 30 standard minutes” Tech replies, obviously somewhat irate, not enjoying the tone that his brother is giving him. “Understood” Crosshair replies, turning off the device and throwing it onto the bed before returning his attention back to you.
“Looks like we will have to make this quicker than I wanted, but don’t worry princess, I’ll worship you like you deserve once we get back to base” his fingers begin toying with you over the fabric of your panties while his lips busy themselves against yours once again. His mouth swallows every sound that you make as his skilful fingers rub tight circles against your clit, already bringing you close to the edge with practiced ease.
Your panties are soaked at this point, his assault on your senses overwhelming you as you try to stifle your sounds as not to alert anyone who could potentially be loitering outside the door. His hand leaves you momentarily as he fumbles with the fastenings on his pants, opening them just far enough to free his weeping length.
Pulling your panties to the side, he sinks into you, letting out a breathy groan as he slides into your heat in a single motion. Resting his weight entirely on one hand he brings his other to cover your mouth as he begins an absolutely brutal pace, the layers of your clothing helping to muffle the sounds of him relentlessly driving into you.
You silently thank him for covering your mouth, the way he’s fucking into you would have you screaming for him. You wrap your legs around his waist, bringing him closer to you, trying to get him to go deeper and deeper with every thrust. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as he hits that spot inside you with the head of his cock with every thrust, turning you into a mess with every drag of his hard length through your slick folds.
Lowering his head you can feel his breath fanning over your ear as he whispers filth into your ear “so tight for me kriff… I can feel you choking my cock you’re so close aren’t you?” you nod, staring up at him with wide eyes. He angles his hips, grinding down onto your clit with every thrust as he loses his rhythm, chasing his own release as he feels your walls fluttering around him. “cum for me doll” his whispers have an almost pleading nature to them, like he’s holding himself back from the edge waiting to tumble over the peak with you. A few more deep thrusts pull your orgasm from you, flooding your nerves as pleasure washes over you, causing your walls to clench around him. With a strangled groan against your neck he follows you over the edge, pumping ropes of hot cum inside of you, hips stuttering as his cock throbs.
You’re lying on the bed, Crosshair still sheathed inside you as his comm chirps again “Oh for the love of… Yes?” he slips out of you, tucking himself away as he talks, apparently Hunter is only five standard minutes away so you adjust your panties and swiftly put your heels back on.
Crosshair places a kiss to your temple before you make your escape.
@where-is-my-mind-tho @starborncyare @antishadow2021 @healingskywalker @crosshairlovebot
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scarletv0id · 2 years
Tech Week Day 7
This has been one of the most fun creative experiences I’ve done in awhile. I wish I’d had more time to work on this prompts but I’m still happy with what I’ve done. I’m glad to have been apart of this and shared my love of this absolute nerd. So thank you @tbbtechweek for setting this up, and I hope y’all enjoy this send off to the week. 
“Why did they have to make us so different!” Tech yelled.
The Batch had just gone through another round of bullying. It had gotten to such a point that Wrecker and, surprisingly, Hunter had snapped. Beating the Regs to a bloody pulp after they’d hurt Crosshair. They’d been dragged off not long after, leaving Tech and Crosshair in the lurch.
“I-If they had just made us more like the Regs, or even made us look like them then we wouldn’t have to deal with this.
He’d gotten this frustrated before, but to hear him yelling was an odd experience for Crosshair. As while he listened to him release this stress into the world he was tending to his bloody nose and bruised lip.
“We could have gone through more extreme training, it might be tougher but we could still-”
“That wouldn’t be possible,” Crosshair cut in, “We’d still end up where we are now. Look at Hunter, he’s the most like them and they still go after him!”
Tech gasped for breath, having winded himself from all the yelling, tears began to fall down his cheeks as he realized his vod was right. There was no way they could escape this, in any timeline.
“It’s just- in our nature Tech. We can’t be like them, no matter what way you look at it. But they can’t be like us, and that makes us better than them!”
Tech sank to the floor, nodding along to what his ori’vod was saying.
Crosshair sat down next to Tech, rubbing his back to comfort him.
He leaned against Crosshair, wrapping his arms around his vod and squeezing him tight.
“Then I guess we need to show them how much better we are…” his voice wavered but the determination within it still shined through. Looking up at Cross he could tell that he was excited by that statement.
“We’ll show them all.”
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tech sighed heavily, before him stood the same ori’vod who had once told him that.
As Wrecker demanded why he hadn’t returned to them he felt the need to give a reason.
A reason Wrecker could understand, and something that he could latch onto as to why a member of their aliit would betray them like this.
“Let it go Wrecker,” the words felt heavy in his mouth. He didn’t want to say what he knew he had to, and yet. “Crosshair has always been severe and unyielding.” The next part hurt him the most, “It is his nature. You cannot change that, he cannot change that.”
“Why are you defending me?” Crosshair asked, Tech could almost sense a bit of pain in the man’s voice.
“I am not,” he quickly clarified, “understanding you does not mean that I agree with you.”
He watched Crosshair intently, his eyes shot down for a moment before meeting Tech’s again. He could tell then that what he had said had indeed hurt his vod. But there was no changing the facts.
There was no changing what Crosshair had done to the Batch and the choices each side had made. There was no changing how many times they’d left Crosshair behind or how many times Crosshair chose to not reach out to them. Each side had made their choices and now had to deal with the consequences.
These facts would never be able to be changed.
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Sword and Shield 6
Tags: Bad Batch x reader (you), fem!coded, poly!relationship, multi-part series, nonhuman!reader, Echo later on
Part 5: https://elysiadjarin.tumblr.com/post/655170472428830720/sword-and-shield-5
Warnings: none really. 
Without further ado, I present to you the moment you’ve all been waiting for. *bows deeply* *backs away*
6: Confessions
You snorted to yourself. Not act on it, that’s for kriffing sure. You sighed, shaking your head. Even if someone wanted to get into a relationship with you — already dangerous territory — why would they even consider accepting you harboring feelings for others? Ridiculous. Everyone you’d ever known besides your Vod’ika had been fiercely possessive of what they viewed as their own — and besides, even the 501st had been super protective and jealous of you in most aspects.
Letting out a heavy sigh, you resigned yourself to suffering in silence as always. They would never know, and you’d simply continue to work with them. Hopefully, best case, your crush would pass and fade away in time. After all, maybe this really was just a reaction to the kindness the Bad Batch had shown you after you’d been neglected for so much of your life.
You staunchly decided that you didn’t want to look further into it than that. Best not fan flames of false hope, after all.
Having made a decision, you refocused on humming and popping the finished three pans into the oven. You moved onto the icing you’d decided to put on the cupcakes. The team ate a lot, after all, and it’s not like you got sweets a lot on missions. The sugar might be a nice pick-me-up or reward for their hard work. Plus, you decided, the ship smelled nice now.
Whisking away at the icing in the chilled bowl, you let the contentment settle over you. Humming to the music, you started to sway a little and step lightly in time to the beat. The ship was warm; you felt content for the time being; and you were where you wanted to be.
“Whoa, what’s that smell?”
You almost started, turning around to see Wrecker in the doorway, staring at you with wide eyes. You felt your face burn as you realized that Crosshair, Hunter, and Wrecker had caught you dancing as you baked. Setting the bowl down, you gave them an embarrassed smile.
“Welcome back. I figured I’d make you some cupcakes-?” You offered, tugging at your hair that you’d put up and out of the way. “I just put them in the oven: I’m making frosting right now.” You picked the bowl back up.
Wrecker blundered into the kitchen, clearly a bit tipsy. His eyes lit up. “Whoa, seriously Shiv?” he exclaimed giddily. “Cupcakes? You’re making them? For us?”
You had to laugh at his flushed cheeks and childish grin of excitement as he plopped himself down on the floor and watched you. “Yes, I know we don’t really get sweets or anything on missions usually, so I figured I’d just... you know. I mean, you all work really hard, you deserve something for it. Plus, I owe you a snack, remember?”
Hunter nodded at you from the door. “Appreciate it, Shiv. I’m going to go back to my quarters for a while,” he mumbled, clearly on sensory overload.
You nodded back. “I’ll leave some for you in the cooler whenever you want some,” you promised. “Please get some rest.”
He nodded, trudging off.
You hesitated, glancing at Crosshair. “Would you... would you like to join, or... or should I just save you some?” you asked tentatively, unsure if the quiet and usually sullen sniper would want to be around.
He glanced at you, and you couldn’t tell if he’d even drunk anything or not. Then he grunted. “Too warm in here. I’ll be in the common room. Thanks for the... stuff.” With a curt nod, he headed off.
You blinked, then took it as a sort of thanks. Crosshair had always been short with everyone, so you took no offense to it; but you’d also realized over time working with him that the fact that he was never outright rude to you was his way of being personable. And the fact that he even sat in the same room as you for periods of time was another silent proof that he, at the very least, didn’t hate you. He normally never complained about working with you either, only making constructive suggestions that, while sometimes terse, weren’t overtly or purposely vitriolic.
You shook yourself and refocused to see Wrecker staring up at you with a sort of stupid grin.
“Are the cupcakes almost done?” he asked eagerly, turning to look at the oven.
You laughed. “Not quite, I just put them in a few minutes ago, so it’ll be another fifteen minutes or so.” You offered him the mixing bowl. “My arm is getting a little tired, can you help? I just need to mix this a little more.”
He took the bowl and started to whisk, still careful even in his tipsy state not to spill too much. Well, he tried, you had to note with some amusement. He still splashed a little, but you weren’t really bothered by it. You’d purposely put extra in there anyway, just to be safe.
“Did you have a good time?” you decided to ask, turning the music down and going to check the timer.
“Yeah! The drinks weren’t too bad, and I got to see a couple of familiar faces,” Wrecker said, still diligently stirring away at the icing. “I mean, I was a little sad when you left, but I knew why, you know? I kinda hoped you’d have fun, not have a bad time.”
You almost froze, desperately trying to calm your heartbeat that had picked up. Straightening, you sent him a jittery smile. “Th-Thanks, Wrecker. You were there, so it wasn’t all bad. It was just one guy.”
He notably cheered up at that. “Good, good,” he said with a decisive nod.
“Oh, can I see the icing? I think it should be done,” you said, trying to change the topic. Your newly-discovered feelings could absolutely not handle any sort of encouragement.
He held it out, glancing into it. “Is it supposed to look like that?”
You peered into the bowl, noting with satisfaction the peaks of the icing. “Yep. Could you put it in the cooler please? Once the cupcakes are out and cooled enough, I can put the icing on.”
He nodded and got up, carefully putting it away in the cooler. He rather gingerly sat down on a chair, then accepted the glass of water you offered.
“Thanks. I think I maybe had one too many,” he said, gulping down the glass.
You gave him a sympathetic smile. “Well, the water should help,” you encouraged.
“Do you drink, Shiv?” Wrecker asked curiously, peering at you.
You blinked, then shook your head. “Never really started in the first place,” you admitted. “I mean, I understand the draw, but I never was allowed to before, and then it just sort of... I don’t know, I figured that after all this time, why start? Caf is my poison of choice, and I don’t fancy the hangovers, not after taking care of the 501st with Kix too many times.” You rolled your eyes fondly at the memory.
“Huh. Makes sense,” he conceded with a nod.
The timer went off just then, so you grabbed the oven mitts and opened the oven. The toothpick came out clean, so you grabbed the trays and set them on the cooling racks, turning off the oven.
“Are they done?”
You hummed and nodded, poking at one. “Yep, they’ve baked all the way through and the top is spongy,” you said in satisfaction. “I knew it would be a good batch.”
“What flavor are they?” Wrecker tilted his head at the trays curiously.
“I made one flavored Nabooian chocolate, the second vanilla, and the third mint,” you answered.
“Whoa, Nabooian chocolate? Isn’t that pretty expensive?” Wrecker looked surprised.
You shrugged. “Yeah, usually, but the GAR usually gets things a little cheaper in bulk and I decided it was worth it this time around. Sometimes you just... need to indulge while you have the opportunity, you know?” You gave him a smile.
He smiled back and nodded. “Yeah... makes sense.”
Once the cupcakes had cooled enough, you carefully lifted them out of the tins and set them on the racks. Grabbing the bowl of icing from the cooler, you started applying it in neat swirls. Wrecker shuffled up behind you, peering over your shoulder at the process.
“They look nice,” he remarked encouragingly.
You glanced up at him with a smile. “I’m glad. I chose a buttercream icing so it would pair well with the flavors.” Once you were finished, you licked your fingers clean of the icing that had gotten smeared in the process. Cleaning out the bowl, you set everything away and began placing the cupcakes in containers. Grabbing a few, you took three plates and placed a few on them to go take to the others. Turning, you smiled up at Wrecker.
“Help me carry these?”
He grabbed two plates, letting you get the other one for Hunter. He followed you down the hall, and you stopped briefly at Hunter’s room. You knocked lightly on the door.
“It’s open,” a voice came from within.
You slipped through the door, then placed the plate on his bunk. “Here you go,” you whispered, trying not to agitate his senses.
He glanced from you to the plate, then nodded. “Thank you, Shiv.”
You just nodded back, then slipped back out and closed the door. Following Wrecker down the hall, you went into the common room to find Tech and Crosshair still there.
“Yo, Cross, Tech, Shiv made us some snacks!” Wrecker said, putting the plates down.
“Oh- the one with more on it is for Tech and Crosshair,” you said quickly, “and the other plate is for you, Wrecker.” Everyone knew that Wrecker ate more than the rest of you, due to his size and genetic mutation.
He grabbed his and sat down, gleefully beginning to tuck into his cupcakes.
“There’s Nabooian chocolate, vanilla, and mint,” you repeated for Crosshair and Tech’s benefit, twisting your fingers in your sleeves. “I hope they’re okay....”
“They’re so good,” Wrecker all but groaned around his mouthful.
You noticed that Tech was still engrossed in his work, so you decided to go and gently tap on his shoulder. He started slightly and looked up at you owlishly.
“Oh, Shiv.”
You gave him a gentle smile. “I know you’re doing good things, but please take a little break? You haven’t eaten or drank anything in a while.” You offered him water and a cupcake.
He blinked down at it, then seemed to automatically reach out and take it. “Oh. Uh... th-thanks, Shiv,” he said hesitantly, looking up at you with a sort of surprise buried in his eyes.
Impulsively, something in you drawn to his wistful expression, you reached out and brushed your fingers briefly through his mussed hair, smoothing the wild strands. “I thought you might be a mint type of person,” you said, giving him a smile.
He took a bite of the cupcake, chewing it thoughtfully. “I do like mint,” he confirmed, then began tucking into the cupcake, almost wolfing it down. He didn’t remark on your gesture, so you decided not to address it and instead turn around.
Crosshair was already halfway through a chocolate one. Glancing up, he lifted the cupcake in a sort of half-salute of acknowledgement.
You smiled back, glad that the sullen trooper seemed to enjoy the treat.
“Hey Shiv, come sit!” Wrecker motioned next to him. He offered you a cupcake once you sat beside him, but you shook your head.
“Oh, I’m okay, thanks. I sort of scraped the batter bowls when I was making them, so I’ve already had a taste.” You shrugged, picking up your datapad. “You enjoy them.”
“Boy am I,” Wrecker enthused, grinning. He polished off the others on his plate, smacking his lips. “These are super good.”
You briefly glanced up at Tech, noting that he’d absently begun on another cupcake while tapping away again at his screen.
“Do you think they’re going to put us through a battle simulation soon?” you asked warily, frowning down at your datapad.
“Statistically, probably,” Tech answered. “It’s been a while since our last one, and they do tend to keep up with us as a modified unit.”
You sighed, shoulders hunching on yourself. “And now I’ve been added to the force,” you concluded glumly.
“Is somethin’ wrong, Shiv? I like the simulations, they’re fun.” Wrecker glanced down at you curiously.
You sighed. “Well, I’m... I’m a weird factor in the whole mess. I’m usually either told to sit out on a simulation because they’re testing the functionality of the troopers, not me; or I’m limited to stun-only weaponry, which is really difficult to hold as a form. I’m made to be a lethal weapon, so my default is to use live ammunition, not training weapons. I can, of course, but it’s an extra thing for me to remember when I’m utilized in a simulator. The Kaminoans really don’t like it when I mess up and damage either their training units or their equipment.”
Tech tilted his head, brushing crumbs off of his lap. “I hadn’t realized it before, Shiv, but what relationship exactly do you have with the Kaminoans? You never really said how you came to be a weapon for a clone unit. Why wouldn’t you have been assigned to a Jedi or an officer?”
You grimaced, tucking your legs up to your chest. “That’s... a long story, Tech. Not that I wouldn’t tell you, but... I don’t think right now is the best time. Besides, I think Sergeant Hunter should be here to hear it, too, as my leader. But for now, I think it’s safe to say that the Kaminoans are interested in replicating my DNA, so using me with a clone force to see how I would react to and mesh with their clones is a convenient experiment for them.”
Tech conceded. “I suppose that’s fair,” he said with a nod. “But we will most likely be asked to participate in a training regimen soon.”
You reached up and brushed hair out of your eyes, feeling the exhaustion creep up on you. “I think I’m going to go to bed.” Standing, you sent everyone a tired smile. “Get some sleep, if you can.”
“Thanks for the cupcakes, Shiv. I’m gonna eat more tomorrow,” Wrecker declared, waving at you.
You nodded and stepped out, shuffling down the hall to your small room. You might have to spend the next couple of nights in the GAR barracks, considering the probable training regimen you’d be called in for tomorrow plus the report you’d have to give to Commander Rex.
You quickly fell asleep, exhausted at the mere thought.
Commander Rex raised an eyebrow in vague amusement as he faced you. “You didn’t have to send me an entire comprehensive report, as much as I’m sure the command base will appreciate it.”
You shuffled your feet sheepishly. “Sorry, Commander,” you laughed self-deprecatingly. “You know me.”
He nodded. “I think I do, which is how I also knew that giving you time to compile a report would result in me being able to see data for myself.” Standing, he sighed and clasped his hands behind his back. “I personally see your integration as a success, Shiv. You seem to be integrating into the team very well, and the team seems to accept you. But you also know that my report of success will have a natural repercussion.”
You looked down at your feet. “Tipoca,” you said resignedly.
“Yes,” Rex confirmed with a nod. “Tipoca. The Kaminoans have already requested the presence of Force 99 for checkups, especially since your integration has been considered a success.”
“I figured, Commander,” you said quietly. “I also mentioned it to the team last night. I might have to... tell them.”
“If you think it’s prudent.” Rex left it up to you. Then he sighed, reaching out to place a hand on your shoulder. “It was good to see you again, Shiv. You seem to be thriving in the Bad Batch. But I do have a word of warning.”
You blinked up at him, a little surprised. “Y-Yes?”
“You know that most Regs don’t look on defective clones very... positively. And you already know your own reputation on Tipoca. Keep your head up.”
You nodded. “That’s another reason I’m going to tell them, sir,” you admitted. “They’re probably going to say something, but...” You shrugged your shoulder.
Rex nodded. “General Skywalker asked about you the other day. He seemed pleased to hear that you had found a place with the Bad Batch.”
You had to smile at that, grateful that he’d remembered you. “If you see him again, tell him thank you for thinking of me. I didn’t think he’d remember me.”
“Will do. Go on, Shiv. You probably have to leave soon to get to Kamino on time.”
You nodded. “Have a good day, Commander. And-“ you paused before you headed back out, turning briefly to glance at him. “I hope to the Maker that you see nothing but success on your missions.”
He nodded. “Same to you, Shiv. Take care of yourself and your team out there.”
You left, letting the door slide shut behind you. Walking down the hallways and corridors, you sighed heavily and tried to think about how to tell the Bad Batch about your past. They deserved to know, not only as your teammates but also considering they wouldn’t otherwise understand the routine you’d have to go through once you arrived on Tipoca.
As soon as you got back to the ship, Hunter found you. “Good, you’re back, Shiv. We’ve gotten commands to go to Kamino again.”
You nodded resignedly. “I know. Um, Sergeant, would it be possible to talk to the whole team? I have to explain a few things before we arrive at Kamino. It has to do with why we’re being called there.”
He paused and stared at you for a moment, then nodded. “Gather in the common room once we’re up in the air.”
You nodded, heading off to the common room and trying to think of the best way to go about it. Everything felt... distant, in a strange way. You had to figure out how to distance yourself, at least enough to explain the standard procedure you were always subjected to on Kamino, not to mention what they’d have to look forward to.
Everyone shuffled in once the ship was in hyperspace to find you curled up on one of the seats, staring blankly at the floor. Wrecker plopped himself next to you, while Tech took his usual seat and Crosshair and Hunter sat opposite the three of you.
“So what’s all this about, Shiv?” Hunter asked evenly, opening the floor.
You sighed, uncurling enough to not hide your face. “I know I haven’t said that much about my past, or how I even started working among clone troopers. And now that we’re being called to Kamino, I figured this is probably the best time to tell you about it, since... it’s going to be important.”
You grimaced, reaching up to pull a hand through your hair. “I’ve already said that I’m a weapon, and that there aren’t many of us throughout the galaxy. I’m not the only one, but... definitely one of the few left. I... Since I can remember, my earliest memories start with me being a slave.” You didn’t even flinch, used to the memories. “I was bought, sold, traded off, moved hands throughout my earlier years, until I fell into the hands of a well-known Separatist leader who bought me to be trained as a personal bodyguard and weapon.”
Wrecker grunted, clearly displeased as he frowned thunderously.
Leaning back, you wrapped your hands around your knees pulled up to your chest. “I was... well, there wasn’t that much known about my kind or species, still isn’t. So naturally, I was... poked and prodded at for a long while until I was about... ten? That’s when my formal training began.” You rolled your eyes. “As if I hadn’t been forced to kill since I was six,” you said tiredly, shaking your head. “All that was different was that I was forced into a grueling regimen for three years.”
“You were forced to kill when you were six?” Hunter frowned, eyebrows furrowing as he stared at you intently.
You nodded. “Yes, that’s the earliest kill I can remember. I don’t even know what might have happened before that. My memory has been proven to be faulty concerning anything before seven.” Glancing around, you felt the familiar knot twist in your stomach. “Anyway, those three years were not just for combat training but also for etiquette training. I was groomed to be not just a weapon but an ornament for a rich, upper class noble that liked to flaunt his money and... eccentricity. After all, I was a rare commodity.”
“A very clinical outlook,” Tech remarked, tilting his head at you.
You glanced at him. “It was the only way I knew to view myself. I’d been taught since I could remember that I was a slave, that I lived solely to be a slave to someone else, whoever that may be. I was to be bought and sold freely at my master’s whim, passed from hand to hand. After all, I was just a weapon, right?” You shrugged, the bitterness twisting your lips. “It was all I’d known for most of my life. I was to stand still and look pretty staring at the ground unless my current master decided to use me to either protect himself or... reaffirm... his power.”
Wrecker cracked his knuckles. “Let’s go find him,” he suggested darkly, glaring.
You smiled at him slightly, patting his arm. “Thank you, but unnecessary. The War broke out, and after another three years serving as a weapon for the Separatists, my former Master was unfortunate enough to run into General Skywalker and his squadron, the 501st.” You shook your head. “Once my Master was defeated, I was freed from his control. I didn’t know what to do except offer myself to Commander Rex, since he’d basically won me in combat. One Master for another. Their confusion turned to horror once they managed to access the surviving information about me and figured out what and who I was.”
Despite yourself, you had to smile down at your knees at the memory. “Looking back... it’s almost funny,” you sighed, shaking your head. “The way they lost their minds trying to figure out what to do with me and how to interact with me. Long story short, General Skywalker decided that for the time being I should stay with the 501st and Commander Rex, since I’d latched onto him instinctively and refused to leave his side. It was my conditioning, so it was all I really knew. I’ve spent the past... four or so years with them until now. But there was a long process for me in those years.”
You winced. “This is where Kamino comes in. Not knowing what else to do with me at the time, Commander Rex and General Skywalker decided to send me to Kamino in order to figure out more about my biology and my mental conditioning. I’d been fitted with several inhibitor chips at the time, including a microchip that reinforced my obedience to whatever master held the other half of the microchip. Since my former Master had been incapacitated, the chip damaged, I’d reverted to the other inhibitors and latched onto Commander Rex. Kamino... was very excited to discover me.”
Crosshair snorted. “Of course they were,” he sneered.
You just nodded. “Of course they were,” you sighed. “I was another opportunity to look into for their scientific experiments. After removing my inhibitor chips, they put me through a long reconditioning process that re-taught me a sense of individuality and being. Since I had nowhere else to go, I decided to make myself useful and pay back my debt to the 501st by agreeing to subject myself to Kaminoan jurisdiction just like the clones. Clones became... my new identity.”
You took in a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment. Bracing yourself, you continued.
“I chose to allow the Kaminoans to continue experimentations on me as long as I could stay under the command of Commander Rex unless he decided otherwise. Commander Rex was kind enough to take responsibility for me, and I was reconditioned to learn to work with clone troopers. The Kaminoans are interested in studying me in order to decide if it’s worth using me as a new DNA template for cloning.”
“An endless supply of versatile weapons,” Crosshair deduced cynically. He had his arms crossed, toothpick clenched between his teeth.
You nodded. “Yes. Once Commander Rex decided that I would work better with a smaller group... well, I’m here now. But that also means that as soon as he reported that my integration into the Bad Batch had been successful...”
“We’re going to be going through tests in order to test us now that you’ve been added,” Tech concluded. He nodded, adjusting his glasses. “Makes sense. After all, this could be the proof that they’re looking for that one of you in a group of four enhanced is worth an investment.”
You nodded. “I’m sorry. I did mean to tell you, I just... didn’t know when would be the best time, and...” you sighed. “Commander Rex did warn me that I’d have to tell you, especially since I’m not... I’m not very well favored among the Regs, especially on Tipoca.” You uncomfortably shifted, looking away.
Hunter sighed. “Well, that won’t really be a problem. We’re not well accepted among the Regs either.” He shook his head. “As long as you’re one of us, you’ll never be accepted.”
“I guess they’re right when they talk about being in good company,” you said with a weak smile. You already felt exhausted just trying to sum up the weirdness your life had been in general.
“Well, while it’s interesting and valuable data, it doesn’t really change much,” Tech said, looking down at his datapad. “It’s not like we weren’t an unusual unit in the first place. It’s just another added member and test.”
“Yeah! Don’t worry, Shiv, we’ll take care of ya,” Wrecker cheered, patting your shoulder. “Anyone talks bad about ya and we’ll take care of it.” He cracked his knuckles again.
You had to breathe a laugh. “Thank you, I appreciate that. But I am used to it, so please don’t get into too much trouble.”
“Wrecker’s always looking for a fight anyway,” Tech said, the eye roll clear in his tone.
Hunter stood with a nod to you. “Good to know, Shiv. We’ll just have to keep it in mind once we’re there, but I don’t think it really changes all that much when it comes to procedure. We’ve always been put through training anyway every time we go back.”
You nodded, relieved that the talk had gone well. “Thank you. I’ll... continue to do my best.”
“You’re going to need to if you’re coming in with us, this time,” Crosshair remarked, standing. He just glanced at you. “Wrecker, come with me to the cockpit.”
Wrecker patted your shoulder again, then stood and headed toward Crosshair. “What? Why? Did Hunter need us again for something?” His voice trailed off as he went off down the hallway after the sniper.
You blew out a breath, letting your forehead rest against your knees. The knot in your stomach had loosened, relief spreading through you in a sudden rush. You had, in the back of your mind, worried that the team might resent the added scrutiny your presence would bring. But it seemed as though they’d just accepted it as inevitable. Sometimes, it was still hard to accept the kindness and acceptance you’d been shown.
“Are you alright, Shiv?” Tech spoke up from his seat.
You looked up at him, feeling the shadows pool under your eyes. “Oh... I’m fine, Tech, thanks. Just...” You shrugged. “Telling that story is kinda exhausting for me. Always has been. Plus, I always feel tired whenever I try to remember anything that happened before I was seven.”
He tilted his head. “Did the Kaminoans figure out why?”
You shook your head. “They couldn’t tell if the damage to that part of my memories was a natural biological reaction to some trauma or an after effect of the myriad of inhibitor chips that had been implanted in me. Thanks to their conflicting effects at times, the Kaminoans decided that using an inhibitor chip in me was an unnecessary risk. Besides, I’d been so willing to stay that there was no point except for conditioning to reinforce my... loyalty, I guess.”
“I understand.” Tech nodded. “Do the questions bother you?”
“No.” You shifted, turning to better face him. “Besides, you guys deserve to know. I mean, I’m basically in your head most of the time anyway. I’d say we’ve passed the point of being afraid to ask personal questions.”
Tech glanced down at his datapad. “I know that our inhibitor chips are mostly disabled because of our mutations. You say that you don’t have one?” he asked curiously.
You subconsciously reached up and rubbed your head. “No, all of the older ones were removed. And the Kaminoans didn’t put one in. Too much risk without enough data. All I have right now is a high-grade birth control implant,” you said thoughtfully. “I’d been outfitted with one during my time as a slave, though I could never figure out why.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “I mean, they never intended to use me in that sense. I was strictly an ornament and a weapon; and besides, they’d conditioned me thoroughly with the implants to never seek out any sort of physicality in that sense, so why put the implant in?” you puzzled wonderingly.
“Perhaps as just an added measure of protection? A sort of security of the purity of a possession?” Tech suggested without malice.
You shrugged. “I’m not sure, though that might be a good guess,” you agreed. “The Kaminoans asked if I just wanted it removed, but I figured I’d just ask for a safer and better replacement just in case,” you said dismissively. “It was offered, why not. Besides,” you said with a dark sense of amusement, “I don’t plan to procreate, but I did have to sacrifice my virginity for a mission.” You rolled your eyes at the memory. “Kix and Fives almost lost their minds over that one.” You snorted.
Tech looked a little flushed, the tips of his ears stained with color as he shifted.
“Sorry, Tech,” you had to laugh a little. “Didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
He glanced at you. “It’s alright. But, uh, why were they upset?”
“Oh, not at me,” you said, shaking your head. “They’ve always been my brothers, so they’ve been protective of me. I guess I worried them when I told them about it because they thought I’d maybe been forced into it.” You shook your head with a sigh. “I just... I’ve never really been allowed to make any of my own choices, you know? It was one of my first big decisions I made, albeit kind of stupidly. Anyway, it’s not like anyone would want a relationship with me.” You shrugged, leaning back in your chair.
“Why not?” Tech sounded surprised, staring at you. “I mean, I’d think that choosing a weapon as a partner might be beneficial. Not that you’re just a weapon,” he added.
You smiled at him. “Thanks, Tech. But I mean... I am a weapon,” you pointed out. “I’m meant to be used as one, and... I mean, even now, I’m the weapon of a team. I don’t know that anyone would want all the baggage I come with, or even be able to handle sharing me with four other people — it’s just. A lot to ask.” You fiddled with your shirt. “Besides, I don’t know who’d be interested in me anyway.”
Tech seemed to open his mouth, then closed it. Then he opened it again as though he couldn’t help himself. “Wrecker is.” He jerked a little as though cringing.
You blinked, looking up at him. Telling your brain to shut up, it’s not what it sounds like, you tilted your head. “What? I mean, I’m glad he likes me, but-“
But Tech shook his head. “We’ve all noticed it. Wrecker definitely likes you. He pays a lot of attention to you, and he’s super protective. I probably shouldn’t tell you his feelings, but I...” He fiddled almost nervously with his gadgets. “It sort of just came out before I could stop it,” he admitted.
Your mind fairly spun. “I- I don’t-“ your entire brain short-circuited. Wrecker liked you? No, no, that had to be wrong. “What?” you choked out, feeling your hands start to tremble a little.
Tech grimaced. “Sorry, Shiv, I shouldn’t have said anything. Don’t worry about it-“ ”How could I not worry about it, Tech?” you exclaimed, your chest tightening. “I’m always in you guys’ heads, and- it’s not fair for me to know that when he’s been so kind to me and protected me so much that I-“ you choked on your own words, tears welling in your eyes. You rocked back and forth with a little whimper, reaching up to dig at your eyes. “It’s not fair.”
Tech looked like he didn’t know what to do, face pinched. “Shiv- I’m sorry, I... I don’t know what to do. I-“ He looked toward the door. “I should go get-“ “No, please-“ you blurted, trying to gasp for breath. “It’s not- not your fault, I just-“ You shivered, swiping tears away. “I’m sorry, I’m not being fair to you either.” You drew in a rasping breath. “I- I really- I just...”
“What can I do to help you?” Tech asked, his hands nervously moving as though trying to figure out what to do.
“I... it’s not fair,” you whimpered, not looking up at him. “I... I’ve grown so close to all of you, and... and I’m being stupid.” A hiccup wrenched out of you. “I- I realized last night, at the 79s... I realized that I- that you all have been so kind to me and it- it’s made me so selfish, Tech,” you half-sobbed. “I just want to do everything I can to be- to be a good teammate, a good friend, a- a useful weapon to you all, but I- it’s just that- I’ve been stupid and allowed- allowed myself to- to wish for more than I should.”
Tech sucked in a breath, straightening. “Shiv-“ ”I’m sorry!” You flinched, sure that he would be upset that you’d allowed yourself to blurt out the feelings you’d promised yourself would stay hidden. Sure that he’d remind you that you’re just a teammate. Sure that he’d tell you that Wrecker shouldn’t have formed... something.
“No, Shiv-“ Tech reached up and ran his hand through his hair. He abruptly stood, then placed a hand on your knee. “Wait right here for a minute. I’ll be back.”
You didn’t have the strength or presence of mind to stop him, the anxiety starting to seize you with a force that left you gasping. Hands shaking, you clutched at your chest with tears dripping down your face and tried to just breathe. This had to be it. They would find out, they would be upset about it, they’d decide that they didn’t want you as part of the team because what mad person is shown basic kindness and latches onto it to the extent of forming feelings for not just one but four people-
“Shiv!? Maker, Tech, what happened?” Hunter’s voice curled through the air, washing over you. A warm hand landed on your knee, making you flinch with a gasp.
“Shiv!” Wrecker’s voice made you feel even worse. Two giant hands landed on your waist, and you gasped as he lifted you up and sat down, setting you in his lap. “Shiv, what’s wrong?”
Despite yourself, you had to curl into him for the warmth he radiated through his blacks, desperate for some kind of grounding strength. Anything to help you calm down.
“I... I may have made a mistake,” Tech admitted, his voice laced with distress. He relayed the conversation as you let out a sob, shoulders shaking.
The way Wrecker stiffened made you abruptly try to push away, almost launching yourself off of him. Only his firm grasp on your hips stopped you.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry- please-“ it wrenched out of you, leaving you raw and shaking. “Please, I-“
“Why are you apologizing?” Wrecker’s voice asked, sounding confused. “Shiv, don’t apologize.”
You looked up at him through watering eyes. “But I-“
He tilted his head at you, still keeping a tight hold on your hips. “Tech is right. I do like you.”
But it only made you feel worse. “Wrecker, I don’t- I- I’m always in your head through the Bonds,” you pleaded, trying to explain. “I- your kindness toward me- I- I don’t want to take advantage of that. It’s not fair for me to- to ask you to return my feelings just because- because I’m with you all the time or anything, I- I shouldn’t have even said anything, I told myself I wouldn’t-“
“Why not?” Wrecker demanded, a frown curling his lips.
You squeezed your eyes shut, burying your face in your hands. “Because I’m in love with all of you!”
A silence fell in the room, only broken by your hiccuping sobs. Everything was wrong. You’d never meant to say it, never meant to do this.
“Say it again.” Hunter’s voice was low, demanding in a way that made you instinctually obey.
“I’m- I have feelings for all of you,” you whimpered, curling in on yourself in absolute misery. The truth of it resonated through you, a blessed sting of lovely pain.
“I guess that’s good for us, then,” Crosshair drawled, a smirk tilting his lips up.
Wrecker let out an excited whoop. “Did you hear that, Hunter? She said she likes all of us!”
Nothing was making sense. You looked up, trying to understand. Why weren’t they upset?
Wrecker grinned down at you, squeezing your hips in a way that made your stomach flip. “We all like you, Shiv.”
You gaped up at him, mind spinning. What?
Hunter reached out, using a finger to tilt your head to him. “Shiv, all of us have feelings for you, too. We had to discuss it because... normally partners aren’t comfortable with being shared. We Clones are used to sharing things, especially with each other. We didn’t think you’d want to be with all of us, so we decided to step back and let Wrecker have a chance, since you seemed to accept his attention. Not to mention, we’re not normal in any sense.”
You swallowed thickly, breath hitching as Wrecker’s hand came up to brush tears away from your cheeks. Your lashes felt heavy with them, and you sniffled, fingers unconsciously curling in his sleeves.
“You’re- you’re not angry with me?” you asked tremulously, peering through your eyelashes up at Wrecker.
“Course not, Shiv.” Wrecker’s ever-present grin had softened at the corners, his one good eye focused on you unwaveringly. “We’re super glad that you like all of us.”
Lips parting, you turned to look at the others, hope starting to bloom in your chest. You could feel heat starting to creep up into your cheeks as you realized. You’d confessed. They’d actually accepted and... returned it?
The corner of Hunter’s lips tilted up, dark eyes focusing on you. “You’ve taken care of us ever since you joined, Shiv. You’ve tried your best to acclimate to us, worked with us without complaining about anything, took responsibilities you didn’t have to, made food for us, even on the very first mission took damage for Tech and I. Why wouldn’t we appreciate that at the very least? We want to take care of you, too.”
This time, the tears that welled up weren’t because you were upset. Reaching up, you brushed them away shakily. “You... you like me?” you repeated, almost dazed. Surely you’d been hearing wrong. All of them? Liked you? Liked you?
Hunter chuckled. “Yes, Shiv. We do.”
You sucked in a breath, trying to grasp it. “I...” Your mouth seemed to insist on betraying you. “No one has ever liked me before.” You flushed. “Sorry, I-“
“Better for us, then!” Wrecker cheered. He practically crushed you to his chest, laughing. “So does this mean we get to call you ours now? Oh, does that mean I can kiss you, Shiv?”
“Wrecker,” Tech spoke up, sounding a bit alarmed.
But you stared up at Wrecker with a blink. “You... you want to kiss me?” you asked, surprised. The one fling you’d told Tech about had been just that— a stupid, hasty fling with no feeling to it, done to keep cover on a mission.
“Yeah.” Wrecker sobered. “But only if you want it, too, Shiv.” His honest brown eyes gazed down into yours.
You swallowed, fingers clenching against his chest. “If... If all of you... if you like me, then... then what does that mean for us?” you asked quietly.
“It means we all want to be part of a relationship with you, Shiv,” Hunter said firmly. “But only if that’s also what you want.”
You looked up at him. “I am your teammate and your weapon,” you said honestly, feeling a little lost. “I... I don’t want to be hurt more than I already have. If you- if you’re serious, then— then I’ll give you whatever I have,” you said, looking down at your hands. You closed your eyes, swallowing. “I’ll give all of you my all, equally, wholly. I’ll be a teammate, a partner, a weapon for all of you, as much as I can. But you have to know,” your voice cracked, “that if I do... you’ll have the power to completely break me. And I- I’m willing to take that risk. But you have the right to know that, before you— before you decide that you want—“
“We want you.” Hunter spoke lowly, confident.
“We love you, Shiv,” Wrecker pitched in.
“We don’t want to break you or leave you,” Tech said, shaking his head.
Crosshair met your eyes and nodded slightly, gaze fixed on you with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
You decided to continue to trust them. “Then... I’m yours,” you said shyly, suddenly very aware of how closely Wrecker had pulled you.
Wrecker grinned widely. “Can I kiss you, Shiv?”
You flushed but nodded, giving him a shy smile. Your eyes fluttered closed as he bent forward.
Wrecker’s kiss was... so distinctly him. His mouth burned, breath hot against your own lips. He tasted like the buttercream of the icing you’d made for the cupcakes, and his hands clenched eagerly around your hips. Still, it was gentle in his own way, and you found yourself dizzy from the heat when he finally let go.
“You okay, Shiv?” Wrecker asked, hand sliding up to your lower back to support you.
You took in a breath, leaning against his chest. “Y-yeah- s-sorry,” you stuttered, “it’s just— your breath is so warm.” You swallowed, closing your eyes.
“Is it?” Wrecker quizzically looked down at himself, breathing on his hand. “Huh.”
“Can-“ you sucked in a steadying breath. “I-“ The Bonds, usually passive in the back of your awareness, were lighting up with emotion. Wrecker’s pure elation was coursing through you, making you lean your forehead against his chest for a moment. You let out a soft whine. “Wrecker, you- you’re broadcasting so much-“
“Huh?” Wrecker paused, then let out an “Oh!” The elation quelled a little after a moment. “Sorry Shiv. Is that better?” he asked sheepishly.
You looked up at him, still feeling a little punch-drunk from the overflow. “You- you’re happy?” you asked, tilting your head at him. He grinned, a wave of adoration crashing over you. You shivered, collapsing against him and burying your face into his shoulder with a soft cry.
Hunter let out a quiet, husky chuckle. “I think you’re overwhelming her, Wrecker.”
“Sorry Hunter,” Wrecker said sheepishly. “Can’t help it.”
You felt yourself being moved, and the flow of emotion slightly slaked off, enough for you to try to look up. You found yourself gazing up at Hunter, who had pulled you into his lap instead. He reached up, brushing his thumb under your eye.
“A little better?”
You stared up into his eyes, noting hazily how much darker brown they were compared to Wrecker’s. While Wrecker’s Bond had stopped being so overwhelmingly loud, it was still present. Instead, you started feeling a new trickle of emotion from Hunter’s Bond. A muted sense of pride, of fondness that ran deep in its strength.
Your hands braced you against his arms, wrapped around your waist to keep you steady. “I-“ your eyes fluttered as you lost yourself to the emotion, lips parting with quick breaths. It was so clearly directed at you, meant wholly for you to feel. It washed over you with a warmth in its strength that you had no defense against.
Hunter bent, his mouth briefly pressing against your shoulder. “Can I kiss you, Shiv?” he asked lowly.
You just nodded, barely registering the question, completely pliant. Wrecker’s kiss still burned against your lips, only the feeling of Hunter’s arms holding you grounding you still.
Hunter’s kiss, you thought fuzzily, was as sure as he was. The care was there, certainly, but the way his mouth slanted against yours and the way his tongue brushed against your lower lip held a confidence that Wrecker’s hadn’t. His kiss gave as much as it took, a soothing coolness trickling between your lips in exchange for stealing your breath.
Your fingers tangled in his sleeves, and once he let go, you had to helplessly collapse against his chest and gasp for breath. Your mind whirled, simultaneously drowning in the projected emotions as well as your own. This was really happening. They really— they really cared for you. Accepted and returned your feelings.
The Bonds didn’t lie; and they refused to allow you to doubt the reality of it all as they continued to pour affirmation into your starved soul.
“Please-“ your voice was a weak cry, tears hovering on your lashes. “I— it’s so much-“
“Do you believe us, Shiv?” Hunter murmured into your ear. “Can you see how much we care about you?”
You looked up at him through blurred vision and sticky eyelashes. “Hunter,” you whimpered, desperately trying to focus. He bent and simply pressed a brief kiss to your parted lips.
“I think Cross wants some attention.” He smirked at you briefly, then turned you around.
Crosshair’s fingers grasped your chin, tilting your head up to him. A single emotion crossed your Bond with the sniper before he bent.
Crosshair’s kiss was possessive. Far from cold, the brief flash of fierce want underscored the fiery way his lips caught yours. He demanded entrance, quickly staking a claim on your mouth as soon as your lips obediently parted without question. It was the least distant he’d ever been toward you, and he pulled away to leave you almost cold.
The corner of his lips curled up in a smirk as he observed you with dark eyes, the pad of his thumb briefly brushing across your lower lip. “I think I’ll find a way to bruise you a little more, Shiv.” The promise made you realize that your lips had swollen, bruised by his kiss. He let go, turning to walk back to his seat.
You reached up to rub at your eye, still dazed and flushed. Everything felt so... surreal, yet not. Taking a moment to try to gather yourself, you swallowed and turned. Hunter helped you up, and you teetered your way to Tech’s chair.
Tech caught you, easing you into his lap. “Are you alright, Shiv?” he asked.
You nodded. “I’m okay,” you murmured, almost dreamily. You reached down, touching his hand that rested on your waist gingerly. “Do you— do you want something? I always feel like-“ your eyelashes fluttered as you started to feel his emotions bleed over your Bond. “Like you keep wanting to ask me something.”
He swallowed. “I—“ He glanced nervously at you, then down to his hands.
You tilted your head. “You can tell me, Tech. Tell me through the Bond,” you murmured, reaching up to touch his cheek.
He shuddered, eyes closing. A hesitant thought slunk over the Bond. Can I... can you please... A non-verbal image bloomed.
You smiled a little, then reached up and pulled Tech’s head down to your chest as you leaned back a little. You brushed your fingers through his hair, gently letting your nails drag across his scalp.
He shivered with a quiet groan, his hands unconsciously clenching around your waist.
Leaning down, you pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. “Is this what you want?”
His head moved jerkily in a nod. “Please,” he groaned.
You let your hands move down his neck, dragging your nails across his shoulders, sweeping back up to bury in his hair. “Thank you, Tech,” you whispered softly, gratefully.
He looked up at you. “What? Why?” He sounded genuinely confused.
Your hands rested against his shoulders. “For always being honest with me. And being kind.” You offered him a shy smile.
He stared at you for a minute, seeming to drink in your face. “Do you- are you happy? I mean, with me?” His eyebrows furrowed uncertainly. “I did sort of... blurt-“
“Tech.” You closed your eyes, then, and reached out to all of the Bonds. “This is how I feel. About all of you.” You let your own feelings pour into all of them, returning the flow of emotion.
You bared yourself, showing them. How deeply you trusted them. How much you respected them, looked up to them. The things that you admired about them: their strength, their acceptance of you, their uniqueness. How much you wanted their attention, how much you loved their kindness. How deeply they’d managed to crawl into your very soul, how much you belonged to them already.
Tech shuddered, almost collapsing into you, head leaning against your shoulder. Wrecker sighed from somewhere behind you. You could hear Crosshair let out a quiet huff of breath, and Hunter grunted.
Your fingers gently cupped Tech’s head against your shoulder, assuring yourself that he was okay. It took you by surprise when his head abruptly tilted up, his lips finding yours. You let out a little noise of surprise, hands still cupping his cheeks. The desperation that colored Tech’s kiss had your heart fluttering as you hummed softly with contentment.
“Shiv,” Tech mumbled against your lips, his nose brushing yours.
“I’m here,” you murmured back.
His eyes closed, and he tilted his head to kiss you again. His kiss was hungry, needy, full of a soft sort of desperation that made you want more. His mouth begged you for attention, opening against yours in a way that pleaded for you. He almost whined into the kiss, and you had to brush your fingers against his cheeks as you answered.
“You’ll stay with us, Shiv?” Tech asked thinly, as though making sure before he surrendered.
You nodded. “As long as you want me... I’ll stay,” you promised.
“Forever, then,” Wrecker piped up, clearly pleased.
You fell asleep against Tech, lulled by the lingering emotions.
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allzelemonz · 3 years
Warning Shot: Crosshair X Gender Neutral Reader
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The Bad Batch was on yet another mission, one that called for a particularly precise set of skills. Crosshair sat atop a hill as his brothers caused enough chaos below for no one to notice him. He had his sights on the target, a Seppie commander. As he brought his finger to the trigger a gleam of light caught his eye. Before he could see what it was a blaster bolt hit just a few inches from his arm. A warning shot.
Crosshair got up slowly, keeping his rifle’s barrel pointed down. He tried to get a look at the other sniper, but was only met with another shot, inches from his foot. It urged him off the peak. He spoke into his comm to inform Hunter of the situation and made his way down the hill.
The Sep got away.
Crosshair sat with his brothers at a campground, all of them trying to come up with a plan to get the commander. In the end Hunter came up with a standard plan, counting on Crosshair to be expecting another sniper this time.
It would have worked too, if you didn’t practically live in trees and on mountains and rooftops. The toothpick of a clone was in your sights once again. You’d picked a spot a long time ago, anticipating what the clones would do. You knew where your employer, the Separatist Commander, would be. It wasn’t hard to guess where the clone sniper would set up.
You made absolutely sure that the sun wouldn’t reflect off of you again, because this time your shot wasn’t going to be a warning. You had your finger on the trigger and began to squeeze.
“I take another look at your target.” A sly voice advised as you felt a gun pressed against your head.
You peered through the scope again and saw nothing out  of the ordinary. Until the clone fell over. It was a decoy, a fake drawing that was mistakable at a distance. They’d tricked you.
“Why don’t you put down the blaster and come with me.” He ordered.
You let the rifle fall from your grip and got to your feet, hands in the air.
“Turn around.”
You did as he said. You faced the clone, now wondering even more how that decoy had tricked you.
“Walk.” He gestured with the blaster.
You glared at him with a hatred only someone being deprived of their money would know. The clone directed you to the bottom of the hill where he radioed his colleagues. You waited patiently, watching him in the corner of your eye. His rifle just needed to be pointed away from you for a moment.
You jumped at the chance. He’d let his rifle pint downward and you tackled him to the ground. He grunted as he hit the snowy forest floor and couldn’t react in time as you lunged at the blaster he’d dropped. You turned to shoot, but he grabbed at the weapon and kept it pointed away.
He threw a punch and you felt the throbbing pain in your jaw for a moment before the adrenaline rushed and you were able to kick him off. His grip on the rifle was better than yours, so he took the rifle with him.
You rushed to the clone, helmet now knocked off, and wrestled the rifle away. You only managed to toss it aside. You focused on the clone, trying to get a hit on him. His training was worth it because he kept blocking you punches. Eventually he managed to flip your positions, pinning you to the ground with no hope of escape.
The clone gripped your wrists on either side of your head and held your bottom half down with his own weight.
“You can let me go and I won’t bother you again.” You bargained. “I was just looking to get paid.”
“You’ll be arrested as an enemy to the Republic.” He spat.
“I’ll do anything, jail isn’t in my plans.” You pleaded.
The clone stared down at you for a moment before releasing your wrists. He sat up, still holding you down given the position.
“My team may benefit from two sharpshooters on our next assignment.”
“Yeah, yeah, I can do that!” You agreed.
Anything to get out of jail time. Pretty boys in prison do not do well. The clone stood and retrieved his weapon. You stood timidly, hoping he wouldn’t change his mind and shoot you.
“This way.” He led you further into the trees.
You followed close behind and pondered if the other clones on his team were as abnormal as him. You’d met clones before, but this one was very different. He was a bit taller, a hell of a lot skinnier, and much more… snake like?
You approached a group of clones, or maybe not? They were all different, not exactly the definition of clones. One of them was a hulking behemoth of a guy, another was missing an arm. These couldn’t be clones.
They were, in fact, clones. Wrecker had super strength, Tech had enhanced intelligence, Hunter had above average senses, Crosshair had impeccable sharpshooting ability, and Echo acquired a number of cybernetic enhancements. But, still, clones. You found it odd, but a job was a job and jail was jail.
Hunter, the apparent leader, briefed you on the mission. An assault of a Republic refugee camp was being coordinated for next week. That left you a few standard rotations to  spend with the group that called themselves The Bad Batch.
Most of that time was spent trying to outshoot Crosshair. He had you beat on natural ability, but you had the experience. Sitting in front of the target resulted in a victory for Crosshair, but an unpredictable practice round gave you the one up. There was one thing Crosshair would never be able to beat you at, holding a position. Camping a spot.
You held your spot until it was physically impossible, Crosshair was more mobile. Which meant that he had to get used to a new spot, while you had the advantage of already knowing all the angles.
Needless to say, your victories frustrated him. He was not used to being outshot. This particular training session was not going well for him. As usual, there were makeshift targets set up in the trees and Tech had programmed droids to walk around. You had taken out over half of the droids and a fourth of the targets. Crosshair had already lost. He had gotten frustrated a long time ago, and frustration did not do well for aim. He heard the rustling of leaves and looked over to see the tall clone jumping down from his perch in a tree. You gathered your things together and followed after him.
“You alright?” You called out.
He was a few yards ahead of you, walking uphill. He stopped in his tracks, clearly annoyed. You took a step back in precaution.
“Go away.” He spoke in a hiss.
You were going to do just that, but something made you stay. You walked a bit closer and rested a hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off and turned to face you. His eyebrows were knitted together in anger and he looked ready to rip you in half.
“Look, Crosshair, I get it.” You raised your hands in surrender. “You’re having a bad day is all. It happens.”
“Every training session with you is impossible.” He seethed.
“Okay, so it’s me.” You nodded. “What can I do to help?”
“Go away.”
“That’s not gonna solve anything.”
Crosshair growled and took steps towards you. You matched his pace and backed away. You were stopped by a tree, and before you could move around it, Crosshair had a fistfull of your collar. You were pinned to the tree with a very angry clone trooper looking down at you.
“I’m sure we can work together, it’ll just take more time.” You reasoned. “We can-”
Crosshair had pressed his lips against yours. His hands moved to cup each side of your face and you felt the tenseness in him dissaperate. You hesitated for a moment before pulling him closer by the waist and kissing back eagerly.
“You’re distracting.” Crosshair mumbled against your lips after a separation.
“Sorry?” You guessed at an appropriate response.
Crosshair smirked and kissed you again, pushing you back against the tree. His hands moved up to your hair, grasping at what he could. You kept him close, a hand pushing him into you on the back of his neck. Your other hand began to trail downward, but a snapping stick made you both separate. With blasters poised you faced the source of the noise only to find Wrecker.
“Hey, guys!” He greeted. “Uh, Hunter sent me to find you because, uh, you’ve been gone for a long time.” He added a smile to the end of the statement as if there was something to be happy about.
Crosshair sighed and put his weapon away. He pushed past Wrecker and walked towards the camp. You and Wrecker stood there for a moment. You wondered if he’d seen anything.
“Hey, uh, Wrecker, can you guess why our training took so long?”
“Probably because you keep wiping the floor with Crosshair!” He answered excitedly.
“Exactly!” You encouraged.
Wrecker seemed very proud of himself as he turned around and went back towards camp. You let out a sigh of relief, getting caught making out with a clone would not be good for you right now. Crosshair probably wouldn’t be in good graces with the concept either.
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anakqin · 3 years
illicit affairs
word count: 1.8k
part one here (:
━━━━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━━━━
part two
"Crosshair, you come with me, we'll be able to cover up there, the rest remains overland, we'll meet at the Separatist base. Any problems, use the comms" Anakin's voice was firm and gave clear instructions on what should be done, and how to be done.
The first part of the mission was like any other. They landed at a distance from the Separatist base, destroyed some battle droids and proceeded to the base. The arrival was supposed to be stealthy, but there were still plenty of droids ahead.
Along the way Crosshair could see Anakin Skywalker up close on a battlefield, destroying the droids with his blue lightsaber, leading the squad, using the Force when necessary. Crosshair didn't understand much about the Force, but he knew it was something the Jedi can do, and for him that was enough.
When Crosshair heard Anakin calling for them both to go above and cover the others from the hill, he didn't quite understand how Anakin would help from the top, but he didn't contradict, and quickly followed the General up the hill while the others followed overland.
"You really don't talk much, do you?" Anakin walked a few steps ahead of Crosshair, and glanced back as he addressed him.
"We're not used to working with reg," Crosshair said in a casual tone. His heart sped up at the sudden question and he didn't have time to think of a better answer.
"Regs?" Anakin stopped and waited for Crosshair to get closer to him.
"Regular clones, that's how we call them." Crosshair stopped beside Anakin and they looked at each other for a few seconds. Crosshair again felt his heart speed up its beat and his throat dry up.
"I see, you usually work alone... And with other Jedi, have you ever worked together?" Anakin was clearly trying to hold a conversation with Crosshair, he was curious about the team sniper and what kind of missions they usually was requested for.
"Sometimes. Jedi are very… uptight." Crosshair searched for a better word, but thought that would describe what he was trying to say. He knew little about the Jedi, but he knew a few things about them. He hoped Anakin could say more.
"I assure you that not all Jedi are like that, sometimes it's really hard to be 'just right' and follow all the rules"
Crosshair looked at Anakin but said nothing, although there were many things he wanted to say or ask, he preferred to just keep walking. He again remembered what Anakin had said about doing things that Jedi shouldn't be doing, and about Rex being involved.
"General, we gonna come in into the Separatist base" Rex's voice echoed through Anakin's comm again waking Crosshair from his thoughts.
"Of course Rex. I'm spotting some droids approaching from the north. I'll take care of them with Crosshair and you take care of the base." Anakin said firmly as he wielded his lightsaber again and frowned looking towards the approaching droid army.
Crosshair looked at Anakin for a few seconds just admiring his beauty and the way he wielded the lightsaber. He had never seen such a beautiful Jedi in his life, in fact, he had never seen anyone else with such beauty in the entire galaxy.
"Come on Crosshair, I'll take them overland and you'll cover me with the sniper up here." Anakin jumped towards the approaching army and Crosshair instinctively tried to hold Anakin as he didn't expect such a move given the height they were at. But of course, Anakin was a Jedi and it was normal to do these things, "Crosshair please focus, FOCUS!" he thought to himself as he lay down on the ground and adjusted the gun so he had a good angle of the way ahead of him.
Crosshair positioned himself and looked through the sight of his gun, spotting Anakin just below, already destroying the first approaching droids. He then took aim at some bigger ones that were right behind and soon hit them. Before long there were no more droids in the way, Anakin had finished most of them. Crosshair was sure he alone could have handled it, but he was glad he had helped. Right now, it was just Anakin and him working together, and no one else.
He looked towards Anakin who waved back at him with a mission accomplished smile. Crosshair lowered his weapon and made a saluting motion with his right hand, just watching him. He was smiling under the helmet, glad no one could see him.
Rex and The Bad Batch left the separatist base and Crosshair could see Anakin approaching them "great, they're all down there now and now I'll have to go all the way down... well they could pass the ship through here" Crosshair thought as he went it lifted the edge of the cliff where he was just above the group.
"Hey Crosshair wait a minute, we'll get the ship and catch you soon." Crosshair recognized Hunter's voice through the comm, but said nothing, just removed his helmet and placed a toothpick in his mouth.
The ship approached where Crosshair was. "HEY GET CLOSER, HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO ENTER THE SHIP THIS FAR AWAY?" He saw Rex and Anakin laughing about something, but the noise of the ship was too loud for him to hear something that was happening inside the ship.
He suddenly felt his body float, and he was absolutely confused about what was going on. "HEY WHAT IS IT?" Crosshair thrashed as he was taken inside the ship. The others laughed at the scene as Crosshair was placed on the ship's floor.
"Did you like the rideCrosshair?" Anakin said with a soft smile on his face as he reached out to help the younger one get up off the ground.
"I clearly didn't expect this. Jedi stuff" Crosshair said in a grumpy voice and reached his hand out to meet Anakin's.
His hands touched and Crosshair felt his body shudder. He couldn't feel Anakin's skin due to the gauntlet of his armor, but he could feel the firm, sure hand pulling him up close to him. When he rose to his feet again, the ship rattled with turbulence and Crossahair fell straight into Anakin's arms, who promptly caught him.
There was Crosshair into Anakin's arms. For some seconds, the world outside just stopped, and there was nothing else beside him and Anakin. He felt his cheeks flush and his body shudder.
"Oops, get you" Anakin said through chuckles as Crosshair walked away dazed by what had happened.
"I'm fine, t-thanks." Crosshair quickly straightened his posture and frowned, not wanting to show that he was completely weak in that moment.
He walked away while the others still laughed at the scene that had just happened, and Crosshair shrugged. He put a toothpick in his mouth and concentrated on his thoughts. He didn't quite know how to describe what he was feeling, he was nervous and in a cold sweat remembering Anakin so close to him, with his arms around Crosshair. He felt safe, for the first time in his life he wanted that moment to last for hours. "Crosshair enough, this is getting ridiculous" he thought to himself.
Tech's voice echoed through the ship interrupting Crosshair from his thoughts "I tracked the signal emitted by the CT-1409 and it's a live signal, it's being emitted from Skako Minor" The ship was already close to the base in Anaxes, and was preparing to land.
"Fine, we'll go there. As soon as we land, we'll draw up a plan for Skako Minor and leave later today." Anakin had his arms crossed close to his body and with a serious posture as he spoke, everyone paid attention to the orders of the Jedi in front of him and Crosshair was no different. His brows were furrowed and he watched with attention to Anakin's every expression and movement.
The ship landed at the base in Anaxes and everyone leave it. It was already night and there was a fire near where the ship had landed, some clones were nearby. "Me and Rex are going to go over some points and we'll meet soon, wait for us here" said Anakin towards Hunter, who just nodded.
Crosshair saw Anakin and Rex walk away from the group, once again he remembered Anakin's phrase about "things the Jedi shouldn't be doing" and his expression quickly contorted.
"Hey Cross lets join some regs?" Wrecker said chuckling as he put his arm around Crosshair's neck, who automatically snorted at the idea.
"If you insist" He sighed and followed the others towards the clones who were sitting by the fire.
Crosshair, Wrecker and Tech approached while Hunter stayed at a distance just watching the group. "Should have stayed with Hunter" Crosshair thought as he sighed and approached the other clones. He sat down on a log and Wrecker followed.
"They are the Bad Batch, the clone force 99" Cody said introducing the others to the clone next to him.
"Defective clones" said Kix as he gave a light laugh.
Crosshair was not used to being silent in these situations, but he was so absorbed in his thoughts of Anakin that he chose to just ignore the comments. He just heard some voices in the background. His expression was serious, and he stared ahead where the ships were, and waited Anakin and Rex to return as soon as possible.
He saw two figures approaching and soon got to his feet "finally we're leaving this place" he thought to himself and frowned again.
"So you don't usually work with normies do you?" He heard the clone named Kix referring to him. "That's why you're quiet, don't you like to joing some 'regs'?"
"Congratulations, you got it right," Crosshair said dryly as his face contorted. He took the toothpick out of his mouth and threw it at Kix. Crosshair had already ignored too much and he allowed himself to have some fun with the clones.
"What the hell is that?" Kix said with a frown as he walked towards Crosshair. He quickly pushed the clone, who again came towards him, this time with more force than the first one.
"Whoa, guys, that's enought stop it." Anakin was right in front of Crosshair, his hand on his chest pulling him away from Kix. Crosshair's expression was of surprise. He stared at Anakin for a few seconds and his eyes were the most beautiful he had ever seen. Crosshair shivered and for the first time in his life wanted to kiss someone else. "No, Crosshair what are you thinking?" he quickly spread the thought out of his head and straightened up again. He heard Kix say something about the toothpick, but he shrugged, not wanting to make another scene in front of Anakin.
"Perfect, the ship is ready, can we go?" Anakin said stepping away from the clones and walking towards the ship on the other side of the runway.
Crosshair snorted at Kix and Cody held him back. He gave a bitter smile, and walked towards his brothers who were already on their way to the ship.
As he walked he reflected on the scene he had just done. "What a shame Crosshair, fighting with normies and being separated by Anakin, what will he think?" He put a hand on his head in disapproval of his attitude, but now he had nothing else to do.
Part of him wanted the mission to end soon, but another part was thinking about saying goodbye to Anakin. There was still some time to go until the moment of farewell, but for the first time, Crosshair was suffering from anticipation of the end of the mission.
He wanted to be with Anakin.
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NSFW Alphabet: Tech
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A/N: Alright, last but not least of the Bad Batch. Again, not an official request but might as well beat y’all to the punch. Also, quick reminder to REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS!!! For the love of all that is holy, it’s the only way to support creators on this site.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
God, he’s so sweet.  The sweetest boy. He just covers your body in kisses, asking quietly what you need.  What ever you ask, he’ll do it.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For you, Tech loves your lips.  He can’t get enough of them.  He loves the way they feel against his mouth and his skin.  He loves the shape they make when you cum and the mind behind them. He loves it all.
As for himself, he likes his hands.  He knows it’s one of his best features, fast fingers and all that jazz. ;)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
The cleanest out of the batch, Tech loves cumming inside you.  Whether it’s in your mouth or in your pussy, it doesn’t matter.  He needs to be inside you, he’ll do anything you ask so long as he can feel you body clamp hard around his cock as he fills you with his seed.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
To the surprise of, *shuffles through notes*, absolutely no one, Tech has made multiple sound recordings of the pair of you having sex which he uses religiously to get himself off. Not sure how much of a secret it is, but there you go.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not as much as the rest of the batch, but he’s had a few one night stands.  It’s not because he can’t get it, but rather he needs more of an emotional connection with someone before going to bed with them.  It’s a preference thing. But, yeah, he knows what he’s doing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Really any position where your lips can hover beside his ear, allowing him to savor every little moan and hitch in your breath as you move together.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
There are plenty moments of levity between you and Tech when you have sex.  Sometimes it’s something he say or an odd position that isn’t working quiet the way you thought it would.  Either way, there is not shame in laughing.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Nothing really to report.  He keeps it clean and trim with barely any man-scaping. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It really goes back and forth with him.  Some days it’s a fun way to let off some steam.  Other days it’s loving and careful as he tries to show you how much you mean to him.  It all depends on what you need in that moment.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’ll engage every now and again when he hasn’t seen you in a really long time, but most of the time he tries to wait once you get together.  When he does, he waits until he can get to his own room, with the door locked, and his headphones.  It’s a whole production and he likes the privacy.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Once again, to the surprise of *checks notes*, yep, nobody; Tech has a total voice kink.  Just the sound of your voice is enough for him sometimes.
Also, total sub, but like a bratty sub.  You’re going to get a lot of lip from him, but he does it on purpose.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He really prefers a bedroom, whether it’s yours or his or a motel, he doesn’t care.  He just wants somewhere comfortable where the two of you can take your time and just be together for a little while without interruptions.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Dirty talk.  You start whispering dirty things in his ear and he’ll make up any excuse in the book to get you guys to bed.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn’t go in for hardcore BDSM. He doesn’t mind a little pain, but there’s a limit on what he can handle.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Right down the middle on preference for giving or receiving.
Benefits of giving: he gets to taste you while indulging in every sounds he can manage to tear from your lips.
Benefits of receiving: getting head...what more can he say?
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It really fluctuates with Tech. Same days is fast and enthusiastic. Other days it’s like he’s trying to memorize every inch of your skin. It honestly depends on too many factors to have a set pattern, but that’s what makes it fun.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He likes a quickie every now and again right before a mission, but it’s not his favorite way to have sex with you.  He prefers having a bit more time to savor the moment.  But, sometimes it’s all you have time for.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s genuinely up for just about anything.  But, there will be research and he will take notes after, interviewing you on what you liked about it, what you didn’t, if you’d want to do it again, etc.  He’s meticulous, but it’s just because he cares and wants you to feel good.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He doesn’t quite have the same stamina as his brothers, but that still means he’s better than your average human male.  Average of two rounds a night, lasting at least and hour if not more, depending on the mood. It’s plenty to keep you satisfied, and if not...well, see the headcanon below.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
That’ll be a yes.  He has no shame on bringing toys into the bedroom, and even has some for just himself. Crosshair has tried to tease him about it, but it doesn’t work.  Like I said, Tech has no shame, and he even fires back that maybe Crosshair’s partner’s would appreciate some “extra assistance”.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s a little bitch when he wants to be and especially when teasing you.  He acts like he doesn’t know what he’s doing to you, but he does.  He absolutely does.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s a talker, but he tries to hold himself back.  He wants to savor each and every sound you make, but he can’t help himself.  He starts babbling whispered praises, the closer and closer he gets they become louder until they’re just a series of yeses and pleads and curses.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Tech has no shame when it comes to his sexuality, much to the surprise of everyone outside of the Bad Batch. He is, however, very clinical about the subject and states things in a matter of fact tone of voice, which can earn a laugh from his brothers.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
We’re back to the standard issue clone dick. For the uninitiated, that means one 8-in thick dick.  Please see my other headcanons for clarification.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Right around the middle.  He can handle not having sex for a while, but he’d be lying if he said his hand was enough for him.  Any longer than two weeks and he starts to get antsy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes him a while.  Pillow talk is definitely a thing that can last almost a full hour before one of you finally crashes.
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jessiebanethedragon · 4 years
Scuttle (5/?)
takes place after the reader and crosshair have their first kiss because i thought it would be cool/different to write it like this (i have a plant dw) also i’ve left her trauma kind of ambiguous hinting rather than stating bc i don’t feel like it’s my place to say how a reader would react idk. 
also also reader sometimes goes by Yona instead of y/n just because it means rain and i thought it would be kinda cute
Tech finds your fascination with hyperspace fascinating but a little worrying. You seem to spend hours sitting by whichever window you have chosen for that moment, watching the universe whizz by. Sometimes he sits with you, and you both talk about your theories for explaining the galaxy. He learns that your parents never left your homeworld once you were born and nicknamed you Yona after the rain that poured down so often. He mentions it offhand to Crosshair and catches him whispering it to himself later that day. Tech himself sticks to calling you Fairywren, while Wrecker has committed to little bird, Hunter goes with Fairywren like Tech but Crosshair has decided on not using your name or any of the many nicknames the bad batch have for you. 
Infact, he’s starting avoiding you all together. 
You flit around the ship like a plague according to him, Hunter and Tech can’t figure out why the sniper has such a disdain for everything you do but it’s getting out of hand.
“When do we drop out of hyperspace?” He asks one day while you’re perched in the cockpit staring out the window, away from the current conversation. 
“Soon.” Hunter states his focus on his holopad, receiving instructions from Cody about laying low. 
“How soon?” Crosshair presses, keeping an eye on the door that separates you from hearing him. 
“Doesn’t matter.” Hunter says, getting slightly annoyed with his brother, not to be dramatic but you’re literally a joy to have around. All the batchers love you to bits and Hunter is frustrated that Crosshair is being a spoilsport. 
“It matters to me.” 
“Yeah we get it. You can't stand Fairywren, because she’s the problem and you can't wait to get rid of her.” Hunter snaps, putting his holopad down.  “Just days ago you were all over her, what happened to ‘we aren't leaving her’?” He’s staring at Crosshair, enhanced senses burning into his soul.   
“Just a little leftover Hutt goo.”  You’d said to him, not that he’d heard, his face was on fire, burned from where you had touched it. And he is surprised he didn't flinch away from your touch, had he become that accustomed to you already? Was Crosshair so entranced by you in such a short amount of time that he was already missing your touch? No. He doesn't know you. You don't know him. He’s memorized every part of your face, but you don’t matter to him. His heart seems to beat for every smile you give him. But you have no effect on the sniper. Every shot he takes is one to protect you from anymore trauma. But he doesn't give a damn about your feelings. Love at first sight doesn't exist, soulmates are fake. And even if they did Crosshair doesn't want it. 
Kamino broke him, being defected, trained and thrown away for your one purpose does that to person. He tells himself to hate you for putting him back together.
“Nothing changed.  But we aint a charity.” He tells his sergeant, who absolutely knows he is lying. But because he doesn't know why he’s lying, Hunter lets the conversation drop, but mostly because he can hear you get up from the co-pilot's seat and head towards the door. 
“Wrecker says we’re dropping out of hyperspace soon.” You report, popping your head out of the door. “Says it'll look cool.” You add with a blush. Hunter chuckles a tad and says something about going to let Tech know. Leaving you to stare at Crosshair. 
“Ram'ser” you say all of a sudden, slow and precise, testing out the word and being very careful of  your pronunciation. 
“What?” Crosshair spits, more surprised than malicious. Since when did you speak mando’a? You visibly flinch at his words. 
“Tech likes to talk to me in phrases of mando’a  and have me guess what they mean.” you explain slowly. “He uses that word when he talks about you.” 
“Yeah? Good for him.” Crosshair is glaring at his reflection in the table. He hates this, he wants to hate you. He can’t stand the way the words come out of his mouth, but his head reminds him that you will be safest far away from the war. And that means he can't catch feelings and any that have slipped through must be thrown away. He hears the door slip closed as you retreat to watch the stars again. Tech and Hunter follow moments later, Hunter looking down at his vod with a sigh. Stupid enhanced hearing. He heard every word. 
You land on a desert planet you already can't remember the name of, but apparently it’s a neutral system and a good place to lay low. The sand dunes make you frown because they go as far as the eye can see, and Tech makes you take a spare pair of goggles and a makeshift hooded cape that was fashioned out of a lightweight tarp from the hold. That combined with your clean (albeit mud stained) pants and an oversized shirt you fit right in with the mess of inhabitants on the planet. 
“You’ll get itchy.” Hunter tells you when he sees that you’ve sat yourself in the sand and are now in the process of burying your legs in the strange stuff. 
“Sorry, I’ve just never really seen this stuff.” You apologize but Hunter waves it off with a smile. 
“It’s okay, just a heads up. Stuff gets everywhere.” You reluctantly pull yourself out of the sand, joining everyone by the edge of the sand dune, looking over at the nearby city in the distance. 
“So what haven't you guys seen?” You ask as you struggle to walk down the intense slope. 
“We don’t see a lot of water usually.” Tech says, “but only because not many species can survive underwater.” 
“If you could go anywhere, where would you go?” The bad batch is used to your barrage of questions. It’s one of the things they like most about having you around, from favourite colours to wild would you rather questions, your brain is always humming with things that take you away from where you are. it’s also beginning to worry Tech.
“Somewhere small and quiet.” Hunter says quickly, the light, heat and everything else already giving him a headache. 
“Coruscant.” Tech answers, the complete opposite of his brother. “Libraries and Jedi temple.” He explains further. 
“Kamino.” Wrecker says, surprising you. You had assumed they all hated it there. “Home is home.” He explains with a smile. Crosshair doesn't say anything, but he can feel the eyes on him. 
“What?” He says to the four faces looking at him. 
“Cross would go to Hoth, because it’s cold.” Wrecker sasses him with a slight push. 
“Shut up Wrecker.” he snaps, in a very bad mood today. 
“Or anywhere his cyare is.” Wrecker adds without thinking. Making Hunter, you and Tech very confused. That's a word you haven't heard from Tech before and both him and Hunter are trying to figure out who Wrecker is talking about while Crosshair looks like he’s actually going to explode. 
“What did you just say?” He says each word is its own sentence. 
“Cross has a cyare?” Tech is now thinking out loud (another habit of his) “no way Cross has a cyare we would know if he did. I mean we are with him all the time so it’s not like we wouldn’t  know them or have met them…” His rambling fades into the background when Wrecker speaks up again. 
“Wait Tech, Sarge? You two seriously didn't notice?” He asks, shocked that his clever brothers hadn't picked it up. 
“Wrecker, shut your trap.” Crosshair orders, and a very tense silence falls over the group, and you’re only a third of the way to the city. You decide to ask Tech what the word means later.  And the now very awkward walk continues, that is until a speeding starts  to approach you from the town. 
“Bad batch! Defensive positions!” Hunter calls to them, and within seconds they have their helmets on. except for Cross whose helmet is still in the bottom of that lake, but has a new one waiting for him at base. But either way they’re all ready for combat in record time, leaving you to shake awkwardly in the middle of them, closing your eyes. repeating the things Tech told you during a window sitting sessions  
“not my fault not my fault not my fault.” 
“Civi’s!” Tech calls, having analyzed the people within the speeder, it’s a Twi’lek woman with a young child. She does, however, raise a blaster before addressing  the group.
“Saw the ship land. Thought someone or something might need help.” She says, eying the group. “Clones eh?” She adds. “Can't be here. Neutral system.”  She lowers the blaster. 
“We just need a few days.” Hunter says, taking his helmet off. 
“Perhaps you didn't hear me.” She’s more aggressive now. “You can’t be here. One day or a hundred, we don't care. Get gone.” You step forward. 
“Hunter we should go.” You whisper, looking at the mother and her young one. 
“Kriff,” The twi’lek sighs when she sees you. “Huxx has already got a bounty on her.” She looks at you with pity. 
“Thought you said this was a neutral planet.” Crosshair snaps. 
“Bounty is a bounty, no matter who’s side it’s for.” She says shaking her head. She pauses thinking for a minute. “All i can offer you is the fact that any planets around here will have been given the same information.” 
“What if I had credits?” You ask, it’s dangerous. But you know if one person saw the ship more must know by now. 
“You’d need a lot of credits and a really stupid person to let you camp out here. Especially with clones” she says, beginning to bargain. 
“What about credits, a nice person, and no clones?” You counter taking a pouch out of your pants pockets. 
“That might work. For a couple days that is.” She agrees. 
“Absolutely not.” Hunter interrupts. “We aren't leaving you.” Ignoring someone with a sniper rifle mumbling ‘hypocrite’ under his breath. 
“The name’s Leeya” she tells you, ignoring Hunter. 
“Yona.” You reply, moving to hop in the speeder, but stopped by Hunter's hand. 
“This isn't happening.” He says firmly. 
“Get in the speeder and tell your very angry friends to find something to wear other than armour.” Leeya smiles softly at you.
“We’ll be back soon.” Tech speaks up, very nervous, just as the rest of his batch. 
“I know,” You tease, “who else is gunna listen to you if i’m not around?” He laughs a little, and you hug him goodbye, before wrapping your arms around Hunter and Wrecker in turn. Crosshair doesn't move. 
“See ya around.” He says, turning away, and there’s a crack forming in your heart. You know he’s been different recently, you know he’s just putting up with you. But you thought there was something there. The present evidence seems to prove you wrong. Wrecker’s looking between you and Crosshair in disbelief. He sees you begin to inwardly collapse, hands around your middle, head down, just like the time he dropped the Gonk droid and scared the living daylights out of you.
“Wrecker!” Crosshair all but screams as he’s lifted into the  air by his brother. Of course he heard him stomp up behind him but he definitely wasn't expecting to be snatched from where he stood. 
“She’s your kriffing cyare!” He booms, before unceremoniously shoving Crosshair down into the sand in front of you. It would be funny if you weren't so shocked by Wreckers actions. Crosshair pulls himself up and whips around, arm cocked ready to throw a punch. The hardest  glare you’ve ever seen on his face. But it falls when you gently take hold of his arm. 
He’s taken back to the night he kissed you, and you begged him to keep the nightmares at bay.  He blinks and he’s taken back to the morning he woke with you in his arms. All at once  he remembers and forgets why he was pushing you away.
“Crosshair…” You start, but he pulls you into a crushingly tight hug before you finish. Nose to your hair, and your hands around his neck. Like they were made to be there. 
“I-I” he starts what would be an apology that he knows won't be enough. 
“It’s okay,” you interrupt. “Just be back soon.” and in a haze he watches you pull away from him and get into the speeder. 
“But I promised…” He whispers to himself. “I promised not to leave you…” you’re becoming a speck on the horizon, and he should be happy, he doesn't have to torture himself by refusing to love you anymore. 
Except part of him knows, as he feels his heart get torn from his chest, the real torture has just begun.
tags: @mangoberry43 @imalovernotahater @professionaltrashcompactor @vesperstalksclones @haloangel391 
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