#creche master anakin au
bibxrbie · 10 days
My radical hot take about the 'Happily Ever After - Padme and Anakin raise Luke and Leia on Naboo AU' that everyone keeps dreaming about, is that Luke should still be a Jedi. Not one of those 'exceptions made, he still lives with his mom and dad, and being a Jedi is the equivalent of attending boarding school' Jedi people write about. No, I'm talking given to the Temple at four years old, raised communally by other Jedi, who becomes someone's padawan, and decides later in life if he wants to make contact with his birth parents. I'm saying he should be a Jedi, who's dedicated to the Jedi, who loves being a Jedi, and would always choose to be a Jedi.
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antianakin · 7 months
I keep seeing this frustrating post about how Anakin wouldn't have fallen if the Jedi made him a Creche Master because "babies need attachments!" No. Babies need support and love. Anakin would have SUCKED as a Creche Master. Because the Younglings would LEAVE. I have a feeling he would have sabotaged as many as he could get away with to keep them with him. Because he STILL has the flaw, he believes people belong to him. Not to themselves. He MAYBE wouldn't have killed ALL the Younglings. But he would have taken them to be raised as Darksiders and in Sith teachings so is that really better then death?
Sure I giggle about Creche Master Anakin as an AU. But when people start insisting it's the RIGHT PATH... yeah no. Those kids would have been miserable.
I've definitely seen posts about how the Jedi were terrible people for "forcing" Anakin to be a soldier instead of allowing him to be a Creche Master, as if Anakin wasn't saying from DAY ONE that he wanted to be a Jedi because he wanted to be a big hero who came back to free the slaves. That's not the kind of work a Creche Master does and the kind of work a Creche Master does doesn't seem like something Anakin would be too terribly interested in.
He reacts pretty negatively to being handed a teenaged Padawan and tells her not to "slow him down," so I don't really see him being particularly patient with little kids, personally, or happy to just sit around being nurturing and cleaning up messes and providing enrichment and dealing with temper tantrums. He'd HATE IT. He's honestly TERRIBLE as a teacher to Ahsoka, too. His early attempts at bonding with her suck, his idea of helping Ahsoka overcome a massive fuck-up that caused several people to die is to put himself in danger and force her to be the only leader in charge and if she fails, they literally all die, and he offers her zero support in that. He's late to what appears to be an important Jedi test and when she does well, he doesn't praise her at all and instead tells her that the test is inadequate. And of course the training he ends up giving her involves shocking her into unconsciousness in an unsafe environment for hours upon hours. When Ahsoka ultimately decides to leave the Jedi, his pleas for her to come back are all about HIMSELF and he practically accuses her of being an idiot for refusing to stay.
Nothing about his one relationship with a child in his care really ever shows that he'd be GOOD at handling children as his JOB. Or that he'd even WANT to. And like a lot of people have been saying about going into jobs like that in real life or about becoming a parent, this is the kind of thing you really should feel 100% committed to before making that choice.
I don't think Anakin would've intentionally sabotaged the Order by trying to make its children leave. He does obviously somewhat unintentionally encourage a mistrust of the Council and a judgment of the Order with Ahsoka, but he never wants her to leave. Like I said earlier, he actively insists that she has to come back to the Order when she tries to leave and makes her choice all about himself. He gets accusatory and tells her she CAN'T just throw this life away even though she's already said she feels like she can't trust herself right now. Anakin refuses to leave the Order himself, he doesn't really want to because he does want the things that come with it, he just doesn't tend to like Jedi teachings or the limitations that ALSO come with being a Jedi. He wants to have all of the positives of being a Jedi and none of what he'd consider negatives. So even if we pretend Anakin might've been willing to become a creche master of some kind, I don't see him intentionally sabotaging them. I don't think he even realizes he's doing that to Ahsoka at all, he's completely shocked when she runs during the Wrong Jedi arc and when she leaves at the end.
But I do think he'd have a negative impact on the kids, I do think he'd end up possessive of them. I think he'd probably play favorites and be overly harsh when having to deal with discipline or just actively neglectful towards some of them. I think Anakin would be constantly frustrated and annoyed by the kids if they weren't acting the exact way he wanted them to. I think he'd have a hard time trying to connect to them and would desperately want to pass them off onto someone else to deal with the worst problems. The concept of Anakin stealing some of those favorites during Order 66 to raise them as Sith or Inquisitors of some kind is absolutely devastating.
This is also why I giggle at those silly little board books about Darth Vader the father with baby Luke and Leia, but also like holy shit the concept of Luke and Leia being raised by Anakin, especially once he's chosen to be Vader, is HORRIFYING as a concept. It would NOT be this cute sweet little thing, Luke and Leia would be so fucking miserable and they'd probably both turn out really badly as a result of such a terrible upbringing.
I don't think anything in ROTS really indicates he wants kids, either. His reaction to Padme's revelation that she's pregnant doesn't exactly scream excited or happy and he never really shows any interest in the baby or their future as a family the way Padme does. Padme will wax poetic about how she wants to raise the baby on Naboo and Anakin's response is "you look so beautiful." He'll have a nightmare about Padme dying in childbirth and Padme has to literally prompt him to consider whether the baby survived or not. Palpatine gets him to turn on Windu by saying "I can help you save the ONE you love." What he yells at Obi-Wan on Mustafar is "You will not take HER from me" rather than "THEM." When he wakes up from surgery, he ONLY asks about Padme and not whether the baby survived. At no point does he ever genuinely seem to give a shit about the baby at all or show any indication that he WANTS to have kids. He doesn't fantasize about their future together as a family, he isn't brainstorming names with her, he isn't worried about how to raise a baby in secret.
And obviously the desire for children of your own is not the same as the desire to be a teacher, but I feel like the crechemasters are RAISING those kids, they're not just a daycare worker who passes them back to their real parents at the end of the day. So if Anakin doesn't even show any interest in raising his own biological children in canon, I don't see that he'd have any interest in raising the Jedi children. And it certainly wouldn't save him from going dark. It just means he's on planet more often and so probably spends even MORE time with Palpatine which means he might actually become a Sith even SOONER.
Even in the nicest possible AU where Anakin gets raised by the Jedi from a much earlier age and has no real issues with authority or attachments the way he does in canon, and he isn't influenced by Palpatine at all and genuinely does love being a Jedi etc etc, I don't see his personality as being someone who would be satisfied just being a Creche master. I feel like he'd still want something more thrilling than that, something that allowed him to go out and travel and do "bigger" stuff. I think he'd likely be a better teacher in general, he might be fine coming by the Creche once in a while to interact with the kids, and he'd be a lot better with his own padawan, but a Creche master as a career? Eh, I don't see it. Maybe once he starts getting really old and feels like switching things up a bit. We know through High Republic that this is an option the Jedi can take, they can move away from rougher field work and take up slower positions if they feel like they need to for one reason or another. So sure, maybe in the nicest possible AU, Anakin might one day in his twilight years decide to slow down enough to be a Creche master. But that's probably the only way I can see it actually happening.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Okay so I just got an idea for a hilarious AU. Instead of Boba and Fennec showing up first on Tython, they are NARROWLY beat out by an imperial fighter that crashes. Din gets there just as Boba and Fennec are getting out to investigate too, cue dramatics of course, only for, whomst??? Tag and Bink and Cal to all crash out of the fighter, Cal throwing things at them for turning imp- they couldn’t help it they were just Little Guys and Anakin was so nice not to murder them! Cue more dramatics of Cal yelling that they had been in the same clan as him and they are BRETRAYERS- yes Din is confused and Boba is standing there like :[ real awkward and finally Cal turns to see him, rock in hand and lobs it at his head saying Boba never even told Cal he was still alive and what a bitch! Anyways, Din asks if any of them are Jedi and Boba laughs his ass off as Cal and Tag and Bink give him this look like :/ well no technically all of us flunked the first try for that one, but technically Cal————— anyways. Tag and Bink see little baby Grogu on the seeing stone and are so excited that’s little crechling Grogu remember all the pranks he pulled on the creche masters??? What a guy! And Din is all ‘I need someone to teach him’ and Cal vibrates into the next dimension in excitement and Boba is all ‘hey can I have my armor back’ and then the imps show up and they fight but Grogu stays cause Tag and Bink get kidnapped by them instead (they know important secrets and the Imps can’t lose them against or they’ll get fired. Out of a canon. Into the sun.) and now instead of rescuing Grogu Luke shows up to save Tag and Bink and is so freaking confused when they say his dad was a real great guy but super ugly in the end lol wtf.
Anyways. Grogu gets playmates and Cal tags along with Din to teach the baby and Boba wanders off in confusion and asks Fennec if she wants to kill Fortuna finally lol she’s down for murder. Nobody seems to notice when Tag and Bink are carried off by a Bantha and not seen again for a full month. Wtf.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Okay so for a longer baby-trapping AU (see here), please listen to me here:
Maul/trans!Obi, post-TPM pre-AotC
Maul just follows around waddling Obi-Wan with gnashing teeth and hands clawed in frustration.
They took away his lightsaber 🥺
As @ineffable-sparrow put it:
any au where Obi-Wan is pregnant with Maul’s baby is hilarious because on one hand that is Maul’s nemesis and he wants to kill him/ruin his life but now he’s pregnant with his kid and he can’t do that any more Savage and Feral end up at the temple because of Maul has to suffer through this so do his younger brothers they are delighted by this
Obi-Wan: Would you like to feel the baby kick? Maul:
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I want Qui-Gon to have survived, and Maul ran off, ditching both the Jedi hunting him and Sidious.
He and Obi-Wan have been playing cat an mouse for a few years before they start falling into bed together (or a wall, or a table) whenever Obi-Wan catches up.
And after a few incidents, Obi-Wan decides to do something stupid and gets rid of his bc, and a few months later…
(I think Zabraks should be able to smell if their partner is pregnant.)
Maul goes to fight him then catches the scent and his brain immediately makes the record scratch sound
He tries to kidnap Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan refuses to be kidnapped, goes back to the Temple.
Maul follows him with confused and slightly horny rage.
With Qui-Gon still alive, Dooku maybe hasn't left? So Obi-Wan's dad and grandpa are circling Maul like You Are Not Good Enough For The Second-Babiest Lineage Member.
(Because Anakin is the babiest.)
is qui gon or obiwan anakins master? either way anakin is gonna be gnawing wood bc new baby!!! but a Threat to baby role
Obi-Wan is Anakin's master.
Anakin has been there for a number of Maul run-ins
oh god hes the robin in this batcat situation isnt he incoherent screeching as soon as obiwan starts making eyes
After a certain point, Anakin learned to just Leave if Maul is there.
Because things are about to get either really dangerous or really weird.
He's thirteen and has been volunteering in the creche and building cribs to be ready for the New Baby Sibling.
Anakin bothering bb healer padawan Barriss for Anxiety about whether or not half-zabrak babies have horns that are a danger to the pregnant parent if the parent is human.
(Anakin has. So many anxieties about things like pregnancy.)
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
So, because I'm me, I'm thinking of a Star Wars AU. And this is really just going to be a train of thought writing thing.
So, Ahsoka is 14 years old, and she has recently become Anakin's Padawan, and she's not sure.
She's not.
It's nothing against Anakin, it's just that he's very...young. And very male. And very human.
And so very young.
So when she returns from her first mission, and has her first lessong with Skyguy (He had the men shoot at her and her head kinda hurts still and her hands won't stop shaking but that's normal, right?) She makes her way to the archives.
She finds the old mission records and she reads through her Master's missions, missions he took as a padawan...and quickly determined that his mission load was boring.
So she starts reading about Master Obi-Wan's missions.
She reads about Bandomeer. She reads about Melida/Daan. She reads about the two years on Mandalore.
And she's like, "Huh, I guess it could be worse." And then she puts everything away and carries on.
Her first night back at the temple, in a room in an apartment shared with Master Kenobi and Skyguy, was rough.
She never had a hard time sleeping in the temple before, but everything ached, and she had a blinding headache behind her eyes, and she just can't stop shaking now that she's not moving -
So Ahsoka climbs out of bed to curl up on the couch.
It's obvious to her that Skyguy isn't here, but Master Kenobi is awake and sipping tea in the kitchen, so she joins him.
He's nice. Soothing. His presence feels like water rippling over her, and it's enough that she accepts his offer of tea.
And, while they sipped their tea and got to know each other, Ahsoka lets slip the training she had that day and how she feels awful still, and how she can't stop shaking.
And Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi drops his mug and stares at her in abject horror.
She makes a weak joke about how it could be worse, but it doesn't wipe the look off his face, and when he draws her into a tight hug, his force presence washing through her in the way that her old creche master used to do the same thing, she sniffles and she buries her face in his shoulder and starts to cry.
She knows, deep inside, that what happened was wrong, and the fact that he agrees is enough for her to agree to an immediate trip to the halls of healing.
Personally, I think this would have changed everything. But I'm tired and can't quite think it all the way through.
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susanoosama01 · 11 months
AU in which almost all Jedi do political marriages to stop any conflict:
Obi Wan got married a few times. Satine was married to him for a few months but they got the marriage annulled because Mandalorians didn't like their Duchess being married to a Jedi. His other spouses include a ruler of a slave trade planet to put a stop to that, a few ambassadors from Separatist worlds in an effort to pull them towards the republic and Bail Organa.
Anakin almost burned the Temple down when the Council tasked Obi Wan to marry a slave trader King. Also he was in chronic fits of jealousy during the two years that Obi Wan and Bail Organa were married because he could easily tell that Obi Wan actually liked being married to Bail.
Master Mundi still has 4 wives.
Plo Koon is married to one of the Creche Masters because, well, no one knows. They just cuddle the younglings together and they are sooo happy about it.
Jocasta Nu was married to Count Dooku. They got divorced when he left the Order.
This whole thing is why Qui Gon Jinn was trying to charm Shmi. He could just marry her if he couldn't win Anakin in gambling. :'D
Anakin was never married to anyone. The Council doesn't trust him to stay still.
Mace Windu was somehow married to a Hutt when he was a Padawan only for a few short weeks and only to get intel out of the Hutt Clan. He is still traumatized about it but at least he speaks Hutteese. Anakin will never know from where Master Windu learned the word sleemo. Also, Cham Syndulla in Ryloth almost became his new spouse but they resolved the matter so it was never brought up again. His current wife is a young woman who is Count Dooku's great-niece or smt. and who got help from the Temple in her youth because of her force sensitivity. She is influential in the Separatist Worlds. She adopted a baby clone that was going to be destroyed somehow. She is a kind and calm woman who helps to settle Mace down when he sees a shatter point in the Force.
Obi Wan was lowkey into marrying Jango Fett after Kamino.
Something happened in Naboo so Padmé strategically planned to get into a short political marriage with a Jedi. The Council tasked Obi Wan. Anakin almost turned to the dark side but he was too busy trying to decide who he was jealous about between the two. Thankfully, that marriage didn't happen.
Palpatine asked for Anakin to be married to himself while he was grooming him for the Dark Side. He told Anakin that he would never be a slave again if he was with the Chancellor and the Council Masters didn't want to allow this because none of their spouses were as strong and important.
Ashoka dutifully accepted a marriage with a Separatist Lord. Anakin and Rex kidnapped her from her own wedding while Obi Wan and Padmé found her a way out.
Basically it goes like this: Conflict? Let's check the list of available Jedi.
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
Order 66 Aftermath
Context for the Kitsune!Anakin AU here and a direct continuation of this.
Order 66 has kicked off and the Jedi are in chaos, along with the rest of the Galaxy. Meanwhile, Padme has been pregnant with Luke and Leia for the past few months.
Despite the casual FWB relationship she had with Anakin - and the emphasis both of them put on being safe with the physical side of it - Force Fated Twins are gonna happen whether you like it or not. Whoops. Padme was not that worried about it when she found out and decided she would like to keep them, especially as they were with a friend she was still in regular contact with. She’s more than financially stable and has a good support network. Anakin was slightly more worried about it because he’s now got a thing for Rex he was intending to commit to after the war and this complicates matters but he’s gotta be upfront about it. Also, all those times he wondered about what it would be like having his own children come back full force.
Rex, however, has no prior expectations of relationships or the implications of having sex within said relationships so he has a complete non-reaction to the news other than how his General feels about it.
Rex: Is this Congratulations or Condolences sort of news? Anakin: Well that answers my next question. Anakin: I’m happy about it Rex: Oh, then Congratulations!
Padme still never goes to see a doctor (only had droids) because she’s worried the parentage would have become obvious. She’s picturing them randomly showing up with tiny little fox ears or tails on a scan and people to be like ‘hmm, wonder who that could have come from?’.
Which is something Obi-Wan picks up on when he comes back to Coruscant after everything and does the rounds to try and find out what the fuck happened. Only to encounter Padme who is still on Coruscant despite everything with a very confused R2. I think Obi-Wan probably knew about the pregnancy too because it genuinely was an accident despite both parties trying to be careful and Jedi having accidental kids cannot be unheard of. So, Obi-Wan’s less ‘I’m so sorry’ about the whole thing and more ‘how are you doing?’ before he then fucks off to find Anakin. Taking R2 with him.
He’s still gonna side-eye his former Padawan hard for why he didn’t just ask to bring Padme to the Temple for a check up. Any child of his would undoubtedly be force-sensitive.
Anakin: She said she was handling it!
Padme retreats to Naboo in preparation to have the babies because yikes the Republic just succumbed into an Empire.
Meanwhile, Anakin has been playing eeny meeny miny mo with which planet to hide out on since he’s travelling with a pack of vulnerable children when Obi-Wan finds him. Given the lack of Skywalker Twins to commandeer his attention in this universe, he teams up with Anakin who feels so much better that the kids now have a Jedi Master because holy shit. Playing with the younglings in the Creche is one thing, being the designated adult is very different. It’s nothing like being a General or a Teacher to Ahsoka..
I’m not actually sure where they go to be honest. Maybe Florrum so Obi-Wan can bully Hondo into keeping them safe because that sounds hysterical. Probably Tatooine though because it’s literally the last place Sidious would expect Anakin to run to and he doesn’t think Anakin would attempt a double bluff. Also Anakin wants to see his mother, sue him.
Owen and Beru are surprised to say the least when not one but two fully grown Jedi tumble out of the massive ship that’s just parked outside their farm. Then they see all the displaced children.
Owen: We are not keeping them all Beru: Not all of them.
She is absolutely going to be adopting at least one though and Owen cannot stop her. Especially not when she has Shmi as back up. Cliegg had died sometime after the events of AotC but Shmi had already grown to deeply care for Owen and by extension Beru so she stayed. They are delighted to hear that there is about to be a new baby Skywalker soon though.
Shmi: I hope you can bring them here. I’d like to see them. Anakin: Mother, of course! Shmi: I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandmother… Anakin: How do you think I feel?!
There’s probably a joke in there about Anakin at least having a reasonable expectation of children happening so it’s not too much of a shock. Compared to y’know, immaculate conception out of fucking nowhere. He is slightly mollified by this, but then they can both celebrate the fact that this child is about to be born free and he’s going to do his damnedest to keep it that way.
Anakin tries not to make it obvious that he's trying to find Rex and Ahsoka because he knows what Obi-Wan will say but he's not subtle and the kids are nosy and talk loud. But Obi-Wan is totally on board with locating them and trying to see if they can reverse Rex's conditioning if he's still alive. Anakin does not almost throw up at that.
They get lucky though when Ahsoka pings through their bond again and they manage to slice the last known coordinates of the Resolute. It's a tracking mission from there and all the younglings are very eager to help out and make it into a lesson of sorts. They are a little hesitant about looking for a clone after what they faced in the Temple but they are assured by Obi-Wan that they will be safe. They will try to save Rex if they can but he will not let any of them come to harm for his sake.
Anakin is… less sure. Sure he dealt with the clones from his 501st in the Temple before but this is Rex. His Rex.
Then again, if Rex tried to harm any of the kids, Anakin would know it was no longer him in there. And these are His Kids. In the end, Anakin never has to find out how he'd react because Rex finds them and saves them from Bounty Hunters.
I'm just picturing The Team stopping on some planet to pick up supplies and news. Anakin has taken some of the younglings with him into town because they're getting cabin fever and they're trying to be low key. Robes on, hoods up, no lightsabers, and keeping to the edges but Anakin is still highly recognisable (those tails are hard to hide and he still can’t shapeshift them out fully). They get the attention of prowling Bounty Hunters who have a list of unaccounted for Jedi and Anakin's trying to keep himself between them and the kids. Teeth and claws out. Only for a shot to come out of nowhere, nailing one of the Hunters and spooking the other into running. A clone comes out of the dark. A clone with blue painted Jaig Eyes on their helmet.
Rex had been on planet searching for rumours of escaped Jedi that he could then put in touch with Ahsoka, and was planning to steal the Bounty Hunters list. Until he saw who they had cornered. He's not about to look a gift horse in the mouth if the Galaxy just wants to hand him back his General. Who is alive.
Anakin just rips that helmet off and then there’s crying and a lot of kissing before they get back to the ship.
This of course then puts everyone back in contact with Ahsoka. There’s more crying. Everything has gone to hell in a handbasket but the crew is back together (minus Cody, I’m sorry lad, we’ll get you back) and they’re all doing OK. Plus, Anakin managed to save a fraction of the Jedi Order.
A call comes for them a few days later from Bail on the Tantive IV with a set of coordinates. Padme has gone into labour. Ahsoka leads the way immediately, since Anakin is about to be responsible for two more kids and hot damn does she wanna be there for that.
Padme has the babies - surprise twins! - and at first they both seem human, until one of them sneezes and suddenly there’s a different pair of ears on their head (if you’ve ever seen Wolf Children, yeah it’s like that). They are both also incredibly bright in the Force.
Then Padme is handing them off to Anakin.
She can't have two obviously force sensitive children with her on Naboo when it’s the homeplanet of the newly self-titled Galactic Emperor. Especially not Anakin's kids - the former target of said Galactic Emperor - with parentage that obvious. She, Bail, and Mon Mothma are about to build a Rebellion. He can stay with them at the base of operations they are establishing when not in the Senate and help if he wants or he can go into hiding with the twins. Plus, he's had a lot of experience with children because of all the time he spent in the creche. He’ll be fine.
He chooses to stay and help form a Rebellion. Him, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Rex, the little twins. Plus a dozen or so young Jedi.
Rex is suddenly a dad. He takes it rather well, even if he keeps referring to them as ‘tubies’.
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
😜 for Obi-wan? Anything you got, the series has revived my need for Obi-wan content (LOVE your blog btw!!) <3
A/N: And now I'm blushing <3 sending love right back to you, friend. I hope you enjoy yet more crazy ramblings from me about this man.
😜: A Random Headcanon (Rebellious Obi-wan)
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He was a rebellious youngling, and Padawan, given what we know about him from the books etc.
I think that’s why he bonds with Anakin so quickly, seeing himself reflected in the curious and outspoken boy.
It’s why he’s so kind, patient, and tolerant of him, knowing how his own master failed to properly encourage him and form a bond with him for a long time.
It's why he can't really judge Anakin for sneaking off and having a life beyond the order, given the fact that during his rebellious youth, he also used to sneak out of the temple.
He went to play dejarik in the lower levels of Coruscant after he was done with research and I like to think this is how he got to know so many people beyond the Jedi order, including Dex - who he often visited at the diner after an evening adventure. 
Sitting at the counter of the diner, he can pretend for a moment to be someone else, and not just a Jedi.
He would still use this skill from time to time, even if he doesn't visit the same gaming halls anymore.
He likes hustling people into thinking he’s never played before, but then taking them for all they’re worth. 
His creche mates, despite being fully grown, always know better than to risk playing him and chuckle fondly whenever they see him line up a new target - usually some overly confident Padawan who needs to be knocked down a peg or two. (Let's just say Anakin learned quickly never to play against him...)
Also, Obi gives me dog-lover energy and I firmly believe he would have a dog in a modern au. Even in canon, he is very friendly with animals in general. 
You cannot convince me he didn’t try to smuggle animals into the temple as a kid, only for the masters to gently tell him they would be better off with a family, rather than hidden in his bunk room. 
Master Yoda looked concerned but not surprised when his lesson was once interrupted by some fluffy looking creature barrelling through his class - stealing his walking stick as they went.
He was even less surprised when he then spots an out of breath baby Obi-wan quickly sprinting belong behind it.
"Stop! Tails! Come back here - no - drop that!"
Honestly, he'd probably find the whole thing hilarious, but maybe that's due to his soft spot for Kenobi... what can he say? He likes the feisty ones best. They keep him on his toes, or so he says.
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x-authorship-x · 10 months
Sat here, in my villain chair, waiting for you to dump a star wars fic on us all
I swear you guys go on anonymous just to roast me 😂(/jk)
We've already talked about Shisui in the Mandalorian series and also a Star Wars AU with Narutoverse characters so now I'm taking you in a different direction!
Melida/Dann AU: Shisui canonically died at roughly 16 so he's not an 'adult' soooo I'm talking Shisui in a warzone helping the Young, I'm talking Shisui washing up from the water in the sewers and Obi-wan being sticken by this older teen with a terrifyingly strong connection with the force, I'm talking Shisui completely decimates the adults and then meets with the Jedi when they come (back) to negotiate with the new leadership and shit hits the fan!!
Temple Guard AU: Shisui was tortured by memories of his past life as an initiate and never was chosen by a Master because of that so he went through the Guard system instead and it's... Fulfilling, in its own way. He's very good friends with Feemor (❤️‍🔥). The Republic descends into war. The Masters are called to lead the troops, The Guards are more important than ever but also running on a skeleton crew, Shisui starts to make waves even as an Anonymous Guard and blah blah blah queue Shisui becoming the person low-key running the Coruscant Temple and getting close (😉) with Fox and then idk if it gets that far but he would deffo beat Anakin's ass concave for coming near the Creche! Basically Shisui being protective and bamf with a mask! It's like Jedi ANBU but everyone underestimates the Guards! Vindication!!!
Sith AU: Shisui is summoned by Sidious in a Sith Ritual, he pops out of the containment 'pentagram' like a mentos in a can of coke and hauls ass out of there lmao 🤣. Shisui is TECHNICALLY a Darksider because hello Shinobi assassin with mindfucking powers BUT he's also a good person so I propose- Shisui, running like a lunatic across the universe and having an existential crisis (i love this shit, you know I do) because ALIENS and STAR TRAVEL and HES NOT DEAD ANYMORE, whilst both Palpatine AND the Jedi Order are having breakdowns about the Sith running around like a lunatic. Palpatine is like WILL YOU COME BACK HERE AND BE MY APPRENTICE FFS (Obi-wan did kill Maul that first time). The Jedi are like WHERE DID THE SITH COME FROM AND WHY IS HE FREEING SLAVES AND CURING WORLD HUNGER ETC? Meanwhile Shisui is accidentally reviving Grey Jedidom without a single fucking clue 🤣
General AU: I just 😩 I really want Shisui as a GAR General ❤️‍🔥 Plo Koon was his master because I fucking love him okay orange found father and I just really want Shisui out there being a good friend for Obi-wan and showing that you don't have to be without emotional attachment and love in order to remain in the light (take fucking notes everyone but I'm especially looking at Anakin) and I just have so many feels about Shisui meeting his platoon of Clones and coaxing their trust and learning about them all as individuals and forming a found family and being a TOTAL BAMF OKAY
So! Ha! The jokes on you, anon, because I have LOADS of ideas! (*Is joking and is also unhinged*)
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 years
I want you all to know that in my head there are no less than two aus built on the specific scenario of Obi Wan escaping Vader’s imprisonment with little Luke but remaining stuck with a highly bespoke super special sith binding collar no one can remove
One where he ends up on Alderaan with the twins and the politics are still very chaotic- let’s say the emperor’s dead but the empire is still kinda there, just having succession and a secession crisis- and here the royal family of Alderaan have this very recognizable Jedi Master wearing a conspicuous bespoke force-inhibiting slave collar spotted at their court and in their palace, so that’s awkward. (possibly Vader might not be dead here, just captured. In which case he could get the thing off Obi Wan, but he’s not playing ball)
Another where when things blow up he accidentally gets out with time travel and winds up in front of the council with a kid on each arm and his conspicuous dark sith binding collar and has to explain a few things, and he mostly does, but he’s reluctant to explain who, exactly, the sith lord who kept him was. The jedi try to get the damn thing off but it proves a challenge. While they’re working on it Obi Wan walks around with his traumas and also his anxiety about the future which is extra compounded by luke and leia’s presence in the creche where they’re all going to be murdered we have to hide them all right now no one can know where not even him- etc- and things get fun when Anakin shows up. Obi Wan might have to explain why the only people who can connect with him in the force are Luke and Anakin. And possibly other functions the collar has that become apparent when Anakin is there.
Maybe i just like Obi Wan in a collar.
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tennessoui · 1 year
Hello! I am primarily a silent lurker online (so apologies if I’m doing this incorrectly), but I wanna thank you for the treasure trove that is your blog! Your aus are wild and beautiful and absolutely delicious. Over the past few days I have spent oodles and noodles of time scrolling through all your different tags—I’ve become a bit obsessed. Normally I stick to reading on ao3, but I’ve learned how to use the tumblr app for this blog and only this blog. I’ve turned on notifications (again, for this blog and only this blog). I’ve saved thirty-something screenshots. I’ve made designated bookmark folders. I have essentially built an underground bunker-archive of tennessoui content that can withstand the apocalypse.
Your creche rivalry au in particular has seized control of my body, mind, and soul.
(I imagine that baby Obikin pre-Valentine Disaster Day would have had the most disgustingly sweet greetings for each other every single morning, even if they had a sleepover and saw each other ten minutes prior. I can see them walking into the same room and making eye contact and—the air purifies. The flowers bloom. An angel choir starts singing somewhere in the background. Their creche mates need to get checked for cavities daily, their creche masters express concern to the doctors about diabetes, and any Sith within a three mile radius of Obikins’ twin megawatt smiles are instantly vaporized. Palpatine is only able to move in on Anikin after the boy starts hating Obi-Wan. In the meantime, it’s blindingly bright, hopelessly besotted, puppy-love-smiles all around.)
I place this humble offering at the altar of your divine authorial temple (and I can all but promise I will be back with more). Please have a wonderful day.
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omg omg omg this is an ongoing omg
first of all this is so sweet and also incredibly flattering 🥺 thank you so much for trying to understand how tumblr works just for my blog i honestly still don’t know how to work tumblr and I’ve been here for years!!! and omg the idea of screenshots 🥰🙏 what is worth screenshotting on this blog I promise you can find shit posts anywhere lol
BUT omg no I love the crèche rivalry au and I haven’t thought about it in so long but this art and headcanon for it is just so absolutely beautiful ……
Like holy shit holy shit?? I love their expressions and they’re so cute and innocent and he says “hi obi” which is pure Anakin characterization and then obi-wan says “good morning Anakin” which is in turn just as perfect of a characterization for obi-wan!!!
You’re incredibly right these two babies were just in such puppy love that it had a similar effect as radiation poisoning, and everyone around them had to take shifts to not overdose on it all
Gosh this is so incredibly cute—I think there are only a few posts that focus on them as babies in the crèche in that AU tag, but you’ve given me an amazing reason to try and write something for that era of them (maybe a ficlet/fic that is equal parts their disastrous Valentine’s Day as absolute babies and then the Valentine’s Day they have when they’re older and adults who hate each other) because holy shit I’m obsessed with how cute this is!!!
Thank you so much for drawing and reading and subscribing for notifs from me even though tumblr is a weird place even for people who have been on it forever (me) —if you ever wanna come out of lurkdom again I’ll welcome you with open arms this is amazing work and I’d love anything you could draw for the obikin fandom!! You’re so talented 🤩💙 and so sweet 🥰🥺
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s-c-g-s-c-g · 9 months
Friday Fic Recs
More one shot fic recs! Obi-Wan Kenobi appears in all of them. This time I'm focusing on the short fics, the one shots less than 1k words. There are some lovely stories to be found in less than 1,000 words. These are vaguely in order of when they would take place in the timeline.
To Keep One Company by Jedi_Joanna - Yoda & Obi-Wan Kenobi
Toddler Obi-Wan mistakes Yoda for a baby and helps him back to the creche. This one's really cute! Baby Obi-Wan is so earnest and helpful. I especially enjoyed the last few lines where Obi-Wan does his best at comfort.
Hearts Beat True by Lykkirykki - Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi
A little moment between padawan Obi-Wan and master Qui-Gon. Stewjon is Space Scotland, which is always fun and there's singing! This fic is so sweet, I love little moments of fluff and this one delivers.
things the way we want them to be by virdant - Obi-Wan Kenobi & Leia Organa, Leia Organa & Anakin Skywalker
Teenager Leia and Obi-Wan talk in a no order 66 AU. This one is really emotionally resonant and continues to stick with me even months after I read it the first time. There's an ache of loss and mourning even in this universe where everyone lives through the tragedy and I love that, it really works. A note for any Anakin stans, this one is not positive about his parenting skills.
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palfriendpatine66 · 10 months
Make me write: Sithywan edition
With 13% of the vote here's approx 13 new sentences of the sith!Obi-Wan Jedi!Anakin au I've got brewing (find the intro here)
 “Your distress reeks of attachment, wouldn’t you say?”
Obi-Wan bristled at Dooku's accusation. “I don’t-"
“Qui-Gon certainly didn’t teach you that, did he?” The question hung heavy in the air between them. “I thought not. Not one to dote, my apprentice. Moved where he felt the pull of the Force, without much regard to those in his wake.” 
The words left Obi-Wan reeling, feeling cold, floundering, small. They were the emotions of an uncertain padawan that still longed for the approval of his master, for a glimpse of acceptance, of warmth - not a Jedi Knight - and he tried to move past those remembered feelings of inadequacy that whispered in the depths of his mind. 
“Why are you so concerned with Jedi teachings, Count?” Obi-Wan put a disdainful emphasis on the title. “Why do you lecture me as though a disappointed creche master? The Order, the Code, you left it all behind.”
The luxurious black cape adorning flared dramatically as Count Dooku turned away, brimming with quiet satisfaction. “As did you.”
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ragnarlothcat · 1 year
Had some random thoughts in the morning, you know that joke where you "steal a kids nose" the gotta nose :D Well what if it freshly knighted Obi Wan and his Padawan Anakin where he does these "ho ho got your nose" but Anakin starts crying because he really believes His master just stole his nose
Also the Ani little happy dmace after killing Merrik what if he turns to Obi Wan all giddy expecting to be praise for stopping him blowing up the ship
Either this is an AU where Obi-Wan and Anakin meet much earlier (which does sound adorable!) or else poor Anakin is very slow to pick things up for a nine year old 😂 The concept is cute though and we do know Obi-Wan is good with kids! Imagine Obi-Wan had ended up with a tiny Anakin? Too cute! Maybe for an AU where Anakin was found as a baby and raised in the creche which I'm sure has been done but I now suddenly want to go read 🤔
I like that we're all still talking about the post-murder happy dance because it is charming. I don't know if Anakin would have been expecting praise for murdering Merrik but he did save everyone's lives and saved Obi-Wan from having to kill a person in front of Satine I guess. And yeah Anakin could have cut off Merrik's arm but that doesn't seem to have occurred to Obi-Wan either (which is weird because that's sort of his signature move at this point) so maybe Anakin genuinely thought it was the only thing to be done? Maybe he did think he deserved praise and got mild disapproval instead. Still, pretty positive for having stabbed a guy!
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starculler · 2 years
WIP Wednesday 6/22/2022
So, y'know how I've got a Crechemaster Anakin AU bubbling on the back-burner? This is for an AU of that AU where, when the clones storm the temple, Anakin and his creche kids get caught and they're used as collateral to keep Vader in line. Y'know, because I love suffering lol
A too-small fist smacked his knee and he finally let his eyes fall on the little zabrack, glaring up at him with all the anger a six-year-old could muster. Such a small action, he mused. Little more than a tantrum borne of built up boredom and fear. A spark of kindling in the foundations to be fed and coaxed into a steady, roaring bonfire. The anger stoked so high it consumed—
He sucked in a sharp breath with a wince and said, strained: “I know.” He reached over and tugged affectionately at the little, nubby horns on their head, gratified when some of the anger evaporated. “I know,” he repeated, making sure to look at each young face, “and I’m sorry.”
They’d grown older. Were growing older still, and Anakin mourned that they did so here instead of among the Jedi. The oldest, thirteen now, might have been a padawan already had the knights and masters not been cut down by the clones that night. As it was, only luck and Anakin’s own intervention had so far kept the human boy, Javi, from the punishing grip of the Grand Inquisitor. Tutored rather than taken outright.
It burned to know that protection wouldn’t last much longer.
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ao3feed-obikin · 5 months
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Little Padawan
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52754128 by GGGG23 AU where Anakin Skywalker didn't fall and the Jedi prevented the destruction of the Republic by switching off the Clones during their attack. However, before they managed to do that, many Jedi and younglings were still killed. And because all of the Creche Masters died during that fateful night protecting children, the remaining Jedi – although most of them not equipped to deal with younglings – had to take care of the ones who survived. That’s how one 3-year-old ended up in the care of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Jedi also revised the Code and because Anakin's attachment to Obi-Wan was one of the main reasons he didn't fall, their approach toward attachment became more lenient. Mostly hurt/comfort in the beginning and fluff in later chapters. Words: 628, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Original Child Character(s), Anakin Skywalker Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Original Child Character(s), Jedi Padawan Character(s) & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master Character(s) & Jedi Padawan Character(s), Jedi Master Character(s)/Jedi Padawan Character(s) Additional Tags: Fluff, Padawans (Star Wars), Jedi Younglings (Star Wars), Jedi Initiates (Star Wars), Protective Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52754128
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