#creating memes is my coping mechanism
ditaliaa · 1 year
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A conversation between my dad and I
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undefeatablesin · 1 month
me patiently waiting the whole time to meet the services of my queen who just reincarnated like jesus 😌
And thank you kindly for sticking around to see my resurrection!! I really appreciate it ✨️ I've honestly had a bit of a hard time trying to nudge myself back into posting despite having started drawing again because the stagefright has had enough time to set back in. But then again, anyone who has followed this blog for a while knows my brand has always been Inconsistent Self-Indulgence so 😂 We are all just here to vibe anyway.
But regardless, I'm glad to be back after the long break and glad to see the community still hanging out! Please have this silly Laurence from a silly meme page I'm working on. As a token of my appreciation 👍 (He has no great ideas)
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wataeichis · 2 years
I love enstars (just came across another gore card edit account on tiktok and is genuinely triggered)
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borisbubbles · 23 days
Eurovision 2024: #32
32. THE NETHERLANDS Joost Klein - "Europapa" 26th place (Disqualified)
Decade ranking: 120/153 [Above Ochman, below Andrew Lambrou]
Yeah, #NotForMe. Don't like the blue chicken, don't like the awful murine clickbait faces, don't like how he tried appropriating Käärijä's legacy for his own benefit. In fact, there's a lot I don't like about Joost Klein. Get used to it. Feelings are mixed but they are trending towards the NEGATIVE.
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The face of a man I want to trap inside a garbage truck.
What is funny to me though, is that I certainly could have liked "Europapa" if the Dutch hadn't made certain decisions. I have to remain honest. My ranking, my rules, my lack of taste. It didn't work for me.
The song's not without merit though. It's a fun eurodance number at a glance. "Europapa" works best when you hear it live after a few drinks and blurt along with its lyrics. It's an EXCELLENT concert and streaming entry, whipping up a good time out of thin air with few pretences.
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As a Eurovision entry though... eh. It tried to be a lot of other things: A tribute to his dead parents, an introspective unspooling of his mental health, a spoof, a meme, a middle finger to society, like all at once? It has that Subwoolfer-like quality of straight men in a mancave brainstorming on how what a Eurovision entry looks like: stupid nonsense. How does that work? The answer to that is "barely", and only if you take it at face value.
The song is not really about Joost dead's father and his world view. That ... I think... is deliberate false advertisement. It's not untrue, but presenting it as the sole truth is a deception. If you delve into the song, you'll find that it's a little bit more complex (and less wholesome) than that.
Verse 1 is about desperately running away from your problems (Joost naming all of the destinations, clawing at people for money, having lost everything but time) and verse 2 tackles validation, desperately craving it and yet not feeling sated. "Europapa" is a coping mechanism first and a song second. It's a deep dive into Joost's inner workings and his soul, but one that exposes him as insecure and vulnerable and putting up a front of irreverence as a mask to the outer world. As per the second verse:
"I'm running from myself, I'm crying out for help - I even give people loads of money and there's nobody who gives me aid [...] turn the radio on, I hear Stromae's "Papaoutai" I won't stop [feel satisfied] until they say "yeah, he [Joost] is doing well, eh?"
Now, this is actually... not a bad thing. It proves that "Europapa" is authentic and has surprising complexity and layers. That's what distinguishes it positively from Finland, which is hollow and cringe.
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The problem with the emotions is that they clash with the rest of the song?
Fewer sentiments kill the party mood quite AS hard as one of "Are you feeling alright? 😨 Is everything OKAY?😨 should I call a therapist?" 😨". For me it defo kills the vibe. I don't want to END a fun party song with concern for the singer's wellbeing. The fact that Joost is cishet and therefore incapable of talking about his feelings and yet PUT THESE VERBALIZED EMOTIONS IN PLAIN VIEW IN HIS EUROVISION SONG is enough to set the alarm bells ringing.
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Of course it could have worked if the live got it right, but um lol. Let's be honest here: The live was BAD. It was INTENDED to be So-Bad-It's-Good, sure, because that's the only way cishets know to do camp. I don't mind a spoof of a 2008 joke act. It just was... performed and staged so poorly it became the thing it intended to parody.
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You sir, are NOT Käärijä.
The best parts of the entry (the emotional complexity and the hak break) are completely washed away by a combination of the awful clickbaity faces, TERRIBLE vocals (the post-chorus "EUROs" in literal Cookie Monster Voice are amongst the ugliest sounds anyone created for Eurovision), nightmare fuel visuals and that ghastly, ghastly outro.
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Actually, about that outro. That is what made me turn against Joost. It's the WORST section of ANY song this year. It's the combination of whiplashing from extreme rapture into literal mourning at the drop of a pin (which is kind of... really icky human behaviour when you think about it) with pushing it down our throats by including it in the recap. Make The Guillible Cry With Cheap Emotional Manip, it's not a tool exclusive to Israelis.
And you CAN actually blame this intrusive display of emotional expoitation squarely on Joost because he's a known perfectionist and therefore must have planned the execution of the outro the moment he and his cronies decided to include it in the song.
It did tie the ending together alright. But because it wasn't a showing of personal growth, or strength or accomplishment, which it could have been, it did not align with the rest of the song. Instead it underlined that Joost hasn't moved on and is hopelessly stuck in the past, desperate for validation.
Instead of underlining the cheerful, fun aspect of Europapa it instead brought my attention the dark, emotionally disturbing bits as the last thought, and that ultimately is what killed it for me. The song is a cry for help, which is nothing to be cheerful about.
Aaaaand that's the opinion on the song and the live performance. But we're not done yet because I must address what came after that. 🙄
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So, let's tackle the press conference first. Zero complaints about that. I was annoyed with Joost before due to how desperately he tried to push himself as "Käärijä's" successor and fabricated his own PR campaign on TikTok (DIE TikTok), but his behaviour at the PC made me do a complete 180 on him. Him shooting pure unfiltered truth pellets at the EBU and Eden with no regard for the consequences was fucking GLORIOUS. All the things he said needed to be said and were said without a filter. It was pure oxygen and precisely what we all needed to hear, spoken because of its TRUTH and not for clout.
Then, the disqualification. It was 'a valid DQ' purely from a rules perspective but come on now. This was not a DQ worthy incident. He didn't touch the woman and she deliberately, repeatedly refused to respect his privacy despite multiple warnings AND an agreement he made with the EBU. How has this even been reported as a 'crime'? He APOLOGIZED profusely to the lady in question and she refused to hear him and called the police on him. Sometimes you just have the misfortune of running into a Karen on a bad day. And given how riddled with tension this year's backstage was, every day of rehearsals was a bad day for everyone involved.
The DQ went through because the EBU can't fucking clear up the slightest inconvenience. By the time the police became involved, there was no turning back, and they were forced to DQ as per their bureaucracy. The rest is backpedaling.
Both of these things made me feel more sympathetic towards Joost as a person. At the end of the day he's a deeply troubled, complex, tragic figure who (barely) functions on copium and is really terrible at expressing his true feelings and the events surrounding his DQ check out with that. He needs support from those who love him (and enter therapy.) The other delegations taking his side (other than ofc KUN(ts)), is a wholesome signal and proves that Europe can be United By Music even when it is Divided By Politics first. If this disqualification is what leads to some much-needed overhauls for next year (ideally the sacking of Österdahl, the cancellation of the MorroccanOil sponsorship and KAN's expulsion, in any order), I will gladly accept Joost's role in that as the proverbial sacrifce that needed to be made.
Ironically, it was the disqualification that made me realize I shouldn't bump Joost higher out of sympathy for his personality. I didn't miss Europapa on Saturday and barely noticed its absence. The results in the Grand Final were great, specifically because Switzerland won and Croatia beat Israel in the televote. If Joost competes, Swizterland and Croatia's TVs go down in western Europe, while Israel is still top five (since she beat Joost in the semi). He also shoves Bambie out of their serendipitous 6/6/6 placements to boot.
That realization is why I need to eliminate him NOW and not later down the road. I don't care for the song as a Eurovision entry, I DISLIKE the live performance and his presence could have made the results worse for me. Easy elimination at this stage.
Those that care about "Europapa" can keep singing its praises and should. Joost will need and shall appreciate the support after this nightmare Eurovision.
Ultimately though, I am not of his fans.
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idololivine · 1 month
for the shipping ask meme.... olirei, perhaps?
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listen, the OliRei square from @zerenovation's shipping chart (Rei gets informed consent and then straps Olivine to a Saint Andrew's cross) lives in my head. the basic premise in my head would be Rei getting data on what pain does to essence levels from Olivine, but I think we can go beyond that... I think it would be cathartic for Rei to engage in a BDSM dynamic that isn't exactly sexual because they don't fuck, but it's not not sexual because Olivine gets off on being hit. the gratification of having and ceding control, the gratification of engaging with eroticism without necessarily having sex... you know?
but more than that... I think in some ways, Olivine and Rei feel, to me, like people who have similar tendencies towards introspection and poor coping mechanisms, but where Olivine still gets maudlin about it, Rei's just old and jaded. I think there's something potentially cathartic about befriending someone who's similar to you in some deeply sad ways and nudging him towards the self-preserving conclusions you eventually reached while he still has that wide eyed optimism. like... "yeah, relapsing with self harm sucks. and maybe it'll be this way forever. does that mean you're going to give up?" "...no. not at all." "yeah. we live like this, or we don't live at all. maybe it doesn't get better, but if we don't push through, then we kill even the chance of it getting better."
and also, Olivine... is educated. no one's stupid, but few of the clan have a formal education and know Magic Science the same way. Olivine most likely doesn't know the details of what Rei's researching, but he's smart enough that he created his own spell during his time at the Sorcerer's Trials. he'd stand a shot at keeping up with Rei's Magic Science, and that's an interesting dynamic in and of itself.
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masquerading-man · 10 months
Trying to summarize and create myself a reference on some executive dysfunction tips that help me, and I thought I would share!
Getting your brain to work
Collect needed materials before you begin
Pomodoro method
Create a list of steps. Break down the task into extremely small chunks (e.g. to take a shower- start with just standing up from your chair). Begin with the goal of the very tiny first step.
Have an accountability buddy! Find someone who can give you a reward (e.g. spam you with memes when you’re done with the task), or ask them to give you a command (e.g. “tell me to start my work in the next minute!!”)
Listen to music that isn’t distracting! (For me the only thing that works is ragtime- it’s one of my favorite genres, itches my brain in the right way/isn’t boring, and won’t distract me with words)
Get your brain unstuck!
Do a jig! Do a dance! Move your body!
Watching something funny/motivating sometimes kick-starts my brain- (but only do it with a timer/when you feel you won’t get sucked into watching more things!). (It also doesn’t have to be a “motivational video” it can be a video of a bird or maybe a genvy compilation- it’s up to you!)
Draw a doodle of (or imagine) a comfort character encouraging you and cheering you on! Or perhaps ask how a comfort character would do the task.
Hourly timers are also good in case I do get distracted and need a turning point to remind me what I was doing.
Trying a 99 coping mechanism!
Check your HP! (Sometimes it’s helpful to view yourself as a game character that you need to take care of)
Checking HP…. (fix these things!)
Too hot/ too cold?
Too many/ not enough sounds?
Too many/ not enough people around?
Slept well? (If not- since it’s impossible for me to nap- lie down for 25 min!)
Do you have a clean space?
Are you worried? -> (use which ever coping mechanism works best for you! I like to pace and list out every single thing I’m worried about, and then take a couple deep breathes and let them go)
Too many thoughts? -> (put a piece of paper to the side, and write down any thought each time a thought distracts you from the task)
Do you feel affirmed? -> (hype yourself up or tell yourself it’s ok/comfort yourself!)
Bored? -> (ask yourself, “how can I make this exciting?”)
It doesn’t have to be perfect! Done is better than none!
Some is better than none! (1 minute is better than 0 minutes)
It’s ok that you’re having a hard time- it doesn’t mean you’re a bad or lazy person!
You’re alive! How fantastic! Isn’t nature cool?!Aren’t humans cool?! Just think, in a year you’ll be thinking about this splendid (and maybe annoying) thing that you went through!
Another day, another slay!
Maybe something on here might help you! :)
Feel free to add on to this list!! :)
Good luck! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
But that's why it's so fun though. There's definitely the surface level canon story.
It's fun to think, what if? Especially with easter eggs or vague elements showing the tiniest connection to another. Someone had to create that, so maybe they had an idea the viewer would too. If so, then what would the story look like if this connection is canon. Bonus points if it is canon and theres tiny nuggets all over the place. Im looking at you, eldren ring 😘👅. Overall, it expands the story and adds depth, and who doesn't like that. (Trick question: NO ONE)
Lmao YOU KNOW he was waiting!! The pan away shot was so the audience couldn't see the filthy smirk on his face after saying that. Leon is totally a "fun guy" at heart *snaps finger guns*. Definitely loves to crack jokes. It's just given his surroundings and the situation he usually in, it's totally not called for. Especially his type of...humor, which already isn't that funny in a normal environment. Then when he says it, it's a double "Oh hell no." for me, dawg.
AHHHHH lmaooo you like his jokes! You're more whipped me than! 🤣 I'm shriveling up. A chocolate eclair 💀 we gotta build that up! (I can't talk mine is as tough as extra firm tofu)
Fr I totally understand. I'd feel bad especially since he's trying to lighten the environment, plus I know he hates this more than I do. Replace me with Ashley and all I hear are gunshots, goreish noises, and foreign yelling 24/7...👁👄👁 I'm listening to "Leon's jokes on a 10 hour loop" (some of them). I'd have to scrape up the courage to think of jokes and not hyper fixating on my environment and future death or Leon's back 😉.
I'd either beg Leon for a mercy kill or do it myself. I'm not built for that world. Also if Leon actually said that, he'd get 1 good noodle star, cuz that actually made me laugh.🤡
I'm hollering!! I was thinking the same thing but couldn't find the meme!!! Thank you!!🥹
Leon is a frat party and a Bang energy drink (the only option) with a plate of hooters wings away from being the "you're not that guy pal". Maybe the trauma was worth it.
(Again sorry for any grammar mistake. I can't read or write)
I love a game with little nuggets that subtly connect to one another to weave an story beneath the common storyline. It just gives you more insight to…well everything! It’s one of my favourites that the game developers are like ‘we’re gonna give long time players a treat and new time players a fun thing to unravel.’
Ngl, Leon would single-handedly give me brain rot so bad that I start doing crappy, half asses one liners.
It’s a disease and he’s the cause.
It ain’t my fault that Leon is so unbelievably pretty! My kryptonite is pretty boys and unfortunately Leon is on-top of the list for prettiest boys!
All he’d have to do if flash me a smile and I’d be like; 😩 😳😖🥵🤤🫠
The trauma Leon has been through had altered him so much so that his coping mechanisms are to make shitty one liners to EVERYTHING.
He thinks he’s a cool kid at heart, we know that ain’t true. He’s a dorky dork that thinks his humour is the shit.
Me: Leon go to therapy, you’re obviously not okay.
Leon: Therapy is for losers and I am no loser😎
Me: you’ve missed 6 appointments, the jokes got to stop-
In all fairness he probs doesn’t think therapy would work out for him at all and also over works himself to the bone. I remember someone saying that the reasons for Leon being jacked as all hell in re4 is so he doesn’t get taken by surprise anymore.
My baby needs a hug but he’d probably be so on edge and alert that I wouldn’t be able to without triggering his fight or flight responses.
I’d get too distracted by Leon’s ass and have a deep debate within myself whether or not it’s be inappropriate to slap it. Also Leon doesn’t skip leg day. He’s got nice thighs, and arms…and back…nice tits…
Leon probably would drink bang energy in means of staying up at night. How he finds out about bang is anyones guess.
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depravere · 4 months
Multifandom and Fandomless search -- always open!
I'm an adv-lit to novella writer, searching for dedicated partners eager to explore whatever little universe we create together. I do have a few expectations when it comes to my partners, but the most important to me is communication. I love to make friends with the people I write with, and I honestly find that without a level of open communication, I tend to lose interest. So, if you're someone who enjoys sharing mood boards, playlists, memes, art or just simply gushing about your interest, I'm all ears. Other than that, please be above the age of 18. 
Fandoms I'd love to explore:
Baldur's Gate 3 (Astarion, Gale)
Dead by Daylight (Ghostface, Wesker)
Hannibal (Will)
Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt (Yennefer, Regis)
Resident Evil (Any)
Scream/Halloween/ Saw + other Horror movies 
I only do canon x canon for fandom roleplays, and my muses vary though I'm always open to writing the characters I've mentioned above. I can also write others, and always willing to learn new ones. For ships, I'm honestly down for anything. I love everything from the most beloved ships to the rarest rarepair of them all! 
Fandomless wordbank:
serial killers, mutual obsessions, codependency, possessiveness, historical, vampires, demons, religion, cults, witches, shared trauma, secret relationships, forbidden romance, forced proximity, murder mystery, fantasy, denial of feelings, unhealthy coping mechanisms, addiction, mutual pining, victorian, generational trauma, wealthy families, anything inspired by ASOIAF.
I can write both male and female characters. I really do not have a preference. I do tend to lean more toward m// or f// but I'm also open to other pairings. NSFW themes are welcome, including smut and typical dead dove themes. I don't really have any triggers, but we can discuss that privately. 
Please reach out to me if any of this sounds interesting. Or interact with this post, and I'll reach out to you.
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amaranthsynthesis · 6 months
1 and 30 for Durge ask meme ~ LordGoretash
love the signature on the anonymous asks I always get a kick out of this
(questions from here)
What circumstances led to your Dark Urge becoming their Class/Subclass?
Ballard's first 'urge', the foster family slaughter we get the flashback of, is from when he was six or seven years old. He was literally just a baby, and he was kind of a difficult kid--he didn't learn to speak for a long time (he knew, he just did not want to, so no one figured out he could for ages) and he did not, as few children do, have a lot of coping mechanisms to his name. He threw a lot of tantrums, and one of them ended up with a body count of like a dozen, since no one was really anticipating the whole 'murderous child of Bhaal' thing to be an issue for another few years at least. A lot of noncombatants, but not entirely servants or slaves--a few actual ranking house members and soldiers were among the dead as well.
The matron mother had her thoughts about how Ballard's training was going to go, but the plans were adjusted and escalated rapidly. Since the issue, as far as she could determine, was one of self-control, Ballard needed training in a class that was focused on discipline. Self-regulation and meditation would help make sure he (and everyone around him) survived long enough to enact Bhaal's world-ending plans. So she had a monk brought in, an older tiefling woman from the surface they had some trade with, and she organized Ballard's training. She could not remain in the underdark permanently, and her weeks teaching Ballard were punctuated by months away where she left him 'homework' and forms to study in her absence, but the training itself as well as the solitude suited Ballard well and he grew into it easily. He struggled still with his temper, and was only trained with his fists and a staff for a decade or so, but it made his life immensely less stressful.
His teacher was a monk of the Open Hand, but she pegged him for the Way of Shadows basically immediately. Between his home environment and his quiet, watchful nature, it made a great deal of sense--though the tiefling wasn't made aware that her pupil was Bhaalspawn, and that the skills of an assassin would prove invaluable.
30. What are your Dark Urge’s intentions/goals after the end of the game?
This is a great question because I, Finn, do not know. My PC struggles with Act 3 and I am a bit overwhelmed by all of the content, so I've not finished a playthrough or made firm decisions about the end of Ballard's personal storyline! So disclaimer, all of the below is speculation and therefor subject to change.
Ballard wants to help solve his friends problems. From his perspective, this involves most of them seizing the power that was used to hurt them in the past so that it cannot be used to do so again. He's supportive of Gale using the crown, and Astarion using the ritual, and though Shadowheart did not end up killing the Nightsong he SUPER thinks they should just kill everyone in the House of Grief so they can't come after he later. He's currently in contention with Wyll about rescuing his father from the Iron Throne, with Karlach about allying with Gortash again, and with Lae'zel because he can't decide if he mistrusts the Emperor or Orpheus more and will not commit to raiding Raphael's. Shit's not going like.... great.
Ballard is torn in a hundred directions and doesn't know how the absolute crisis is going to turn out. He can't decide what he wants, if he is trying to redeem or better himself, if he should return to the purpose he was created for or reject his father entirely, if his new friends or old allies outweigh one another. If asked what he intends to do after, I don't think he'd have an answer. If asked what he hopes might come after... Ballard would still not have an answer, probably, but he hopes very dearly that he will not be alone in the end.
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laidee-flegman · 7 months
Journal prompts for dealing with your triggers
What's that one thing that never fails to make your eye twitch? Describe it in all its triggering glory.
When did you first notice this trigger creeping into your life? Was it like a ninja in the night or more of a "bam, I'm here" situation?
Give your trigger a name. Go on, get creative with it. Something like Captain Cringe or Drama Llama. Own that trigger, fam!
How does this trigger manifest physically? Sweaty palms? Eye rolling so hard you can see the back of your head? Paint us a vivid picture.
Dig deep and uncover the root cause. What childhood trauma or embarrassing moment might be hanging out in the shadows, pulling the trigger strings?
Think about the last time this trigger ruined your day. What happened, and how did you react? Were there tears? Swearing? A dramatic exit?
On a scale from 1 to "I need therapy ASAP," how much does this trigger control your life?
Imagine your trigger is a character in a movie. Who would play it, and what would its catchphrase be?
List three situations where this trigger is most likely to pop up uninvited. Prepare yourself, Sherlock, we're going detective mode.
If your trigger had a theme song, what would it be? Bonus points if you can hum it while writing.
Flip the script! How can you reframe your thoughts when this trigger comes knocking? Turn that negativity into a comedy show, my friend!
Explore your coping mechanisms. Do you drown your sorrows in ice cream, or are you more of a scream-into-a-pillow kind of person?
Have a heart-to-heart with your trigger. What would you say to it if it were sitting right in front of you? Get sassy if you need to.
Reflect on a time when you conquered this trigger like a superhero. What powers did you unleash to defeat the villain?
Create a "Trigger Emergency Kit" – a go-to list of things that make you happy and distract you from the trigger madness. (Hint: Puppies and pizza are solid options.)
If your trigger were a meme, what would it look like? Embrace the meme magic, my friends.
Channel your inner therapist. What advice would you give your bestie if they were dealing with this trigger?
Journal your dream scenario: You, your trigger, and a boxing ring. Who wins, and how epic is the victory dance?
Share your trigger struggles with a friend. You're not alone in this, and sometimes a good laugh with a buddy is the best medicine.
Write a letter to your future self, giving them tips on how to handle the trigger like a boss.
Map out a "No BS" plan for dealing with the trigger next time it shows its face. No excuses, just action!
What would your favorite fictional character do in the face of this trigger? WWJD (What Would James Bond Do)?
Explore the silver lining. Is there anything positive you can extract from this trigger experience? Growth, resilience, a killer stand-up routine?
Imagine your trigger as a superhero origin story. What traumatic event turned it into the complex character it is today?
Create a mantra to repeat when the trigger strikes. Something like "Not today, Satan!" but tailored to your unique situation.
Draw a comic strip illustrating a day in the life of you versus your trigger. Spoiler alert: You're the superhero.
Journal your progress. Have there been moments when this trigger had less power over you? Celebrate those victories, no matter how small!
Write a breakup letter to your trigger. It's time to kick that toxic relationship to the curb.
Explore the possibility that your trigger is secretly your BFF in disguise, just trying to toughen you up. What valuable life lessons is it attempting to teach?
Reflect on how you want to grow beyond this trigger. What kind of badass version of yourself will emerge from the trigger ashes?
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mathlann · 3 months
1, 11, 28, 42, and B for Casimira? Sorry for sending so many, there's so much I want to know 👀
From this ask meme. Thank you! Ask and you shall receive lol.
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Answered here!
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
She's a seek clarification type of lady. Cas will not have herself looking stupid because she made an assumption she shouldn't have. With anything genuinely important she'll make sure both parties in the conversation agree on what is being asked and what she plans to do before she does it. The exception to this is Marazhai because he will maybe let her get one question in and still won't give a straight answer 80% of the time, so in that case if she still doesn't know by Dodge Answer #2 she just goes with it until she can read whatever cue he's giving. It never ends up being that much of a problem but also he's generally not in charge of stuff like "trade routes" and "making sure the colonies don't implode" so his exception is allowable.
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
She prefers the unpleasant truth. A lie has a high chance of making fools out of everyone involved but an unpleasant truth can at least be worked around and come to something better. Duly note that she is a bit of a hypocrite on this, because she herself is okay with lying if she thinks there's no consequences to it, like telling Heinrix she didn't know anything about the sword shards. And when the need comes for her to approach a difficult topic she will internally grind her teeth and drag her feet to avoid the conversation until something forces her hand.
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal? 
Her end goal here being: "make the Protectorate less chaotic and get the dynasty under the control," greatly. Cas has never had a great opinion of off-worlders in general and Imperium nobility in particular and so frankly everything that happened after her arrival on Theodora's flagship was a reinforcement of all her biases. Between Theodora's neglect and Calcazar's scheming, Cas hasn't had a peaceful night since she left Iocanthos because there's just so much she needs to do, fix one problem and five more spring up. But if she can actually get things back into some kind of working order her way that will make all the difference (and stick it to a political entity that she very much dislikes, so a mighty bonus).
B. What inspired you to create them?
Oh that's a long and convoluted answer. In short I'd say she's an amalgamation of a lot of character concepts that I've played with off an on since I got the original Rogue Trader TTRPG book a decade or so ago. The CRPG is quite different from any of the FFG 40k games but Casimira being A) high Fellowship, B) Xenos-friendly, and C) probably from Iocanthos (a favorite from Dark Heresy) were going to be givens for me. I'm always looking to play high charisma PCs in general and I also really like having characters that are from the outskirts of Imperium society in some way. Also just for the general concept I'd just finished Catherynne M. Valente's Palimpsest, and I'll say the Casimira in that book is very much her vibe (alone and in parts of her romance w Marazhai) in ways I didn't know when I first grabbed the name off of her.
The rest under the cut because it's long 😅
Mechanically, since Psyker (my usual preference) wasn't fully implemented in EA, the original Cas in EA/first half-playthrough was a Death World/Commissar/Operative (conceptually similar to how I see her older sister actually). That Casimira was more genuinely "good person" Iconoclastic, which didn't quite fit what I was going for but also I didn't really know how the Iconoclast/Heretic split was going to go at the time. This Cas was practical, had some Dogmatic moments, and generally was approaching her role as Rogue Trader by trying to be a decent person/"benevolent noble" more often than not.
Then Yremeryss kicked my ass back to Act 1 and Cas was remade as a Hiver/Noble/Officer, both for the Fellowship bonuses and because at that point I'd decided Marazhai was the one for her and frankly "You. Serve Me." being the Noble's key ability was, uh, fitting for their dynamic. That Cas was going to be from Scintilla, and I made her a bit more spoiled, callous, and scheme-y, very into crime and other light heresies because she's very sure of her power as Rogue Trader and the right to do what she wants.
The current Xenoheretical, actively Anti-Imperium, Chaos dabbler Casimira emerged partway through that playthrough. She became Iocanthan again, an envoy this time, and Hiver still fit with the nomadic background. She got some of her old altruism back but it was more out of pragmatism than genuine feeling and could be overridden if she felt wronged or that her immediate want had a greater benefit. Also her being nominally a Noble but unable to meet the proper expectations of how she should act (according to Imperium standards) became a bigger part of her arc, one that ended up resulting in the Great Heinrix Divorce Arc and her darker turn with Marazhai in the second half of the game. And with all that, the Casimira I have today!
(Honorable mention vibe-wise, Bizet's Carmen, and specifically this performance of "Ramparts of Seville" conceptually influenced quite a bit of how I see her and Heinrix in that they definitely fit the "uptight man married to his job meets a mezzo soprano and they are not compatible and won't end up together but boy will they wreck his fucking life with the time they've got" genre 🤫)
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ditaliaa · 1 year
Tumblr media
I am losing my mind, I miss you guys 😭
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ewelinakl · 9 months
the ask meme!
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
not me answering this 84 years later, whoops.
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
there's a bunch, honestly. i love writing AUs, they're so much fun. my top 3 concepts from the pile of ideas for next year so far are a reincarnation AU, political AU (presidential campaign favour), and a gritty & grimy AU about angels and demons
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
I push myself out of my comfort zone quite often, to be honest, especially regarding themes of mental health and dealing with trauma. it's easier to analyse and dissect the thought processes or coping mechanisms of fictional characters than it is to do that with yourself, but still, if the issue you're describing hits too close to home, it can be a deeply uncomfortable experience. the understanding you gain this way is extremely rewarding and valuable, though, and every now and then, I get comments telling me that those parts of my stories are especially hard-hitting and cathartic for the readers, which makes me want to keep doing this. so, long story short, it taught me the art of discovering yourself via blorbo's suffering.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
my Children of the Many-Eyed God series I wrote for Dishonored, I guess. I had so much fun writing the first two parts of it, and I can't wait to share the final instalment that I'm currently working on. I pretty much wrote the history and lore of Tyvia from scratch, created a brand new god that I adore, and fixed all the things that made me sad in the games.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
too many big projects at once, some of them fairly secret. from those that I can share, we have: ● no one is born a hero (ofmd, bellhands, modern au) - As it turns out, doing his job from Sam’s apartment is far easier than Israel thought. ● we make our choices and take what comes (ofmd, eventual steddyhands, historical fantasy) - “Maybe I think you’re worth the risk?” Sam winks at him cheekily. No amount of cheap embellishments like this could cover up the raw honesty in his voice, though. ● Sea of Regret, Knife of Redemption (dishonored, Daud/Thomas, canon divergence, spymaster Daud) - They walk into the throne room, and suddenly Daud is faced with Jessamine Kaldwin once again, only this time, her eyes aren’t wide open in shock and pain, she’s not screaming and trying to protect her child. This time she’s nothing more than a face on a banner. This time it’s her who stabs Daud in the gut.
thank you for the ask! 💙 (and sorry it took me so long 🙈)
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ratkiing-a · 1 year
NAME : chuck or charlie !! funny enough i started going by charlie before my always sunny hyperfixation started. also, my fiance's name is dee which i just think is hilarious.
PRONOUNS : he/him/his & it/its.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : discord is for sure the easiest way to get in touch with me, i tend to reply quicker there !! ims are fine though, my activity is just a tad more sporadic there.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE : currently, that muse would be charlie ( and everyone gasped ) !! however i've been having a bit more inspiration for dennis over on my sideblog. in the past, my loudest muses have been skunk and hiroto over on my multi. i was honestly really surprised when charlie took over my brain bc i've been so used to hiroto being my loudest muse for so long.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS : oh brother, i don't really even know anymore. i started writing on tumblr in like ... 2013 i believe. i've been off and on the site for so long i can't really figure out how many years total.
BEST EXPERIENCE : i think i'd have to say meeting all of my mutuals and becoming friends with y'all !! i've really met some lovely people in the rpc and i am so thankful that i did. i can really consider some of you true friends (':
RP PET PEEVE : the first thing that comes to mind is a lack of patience. like, pressure for ic and ooc replies and not understanding that i do have a life outside of writing. that always grinds my gears.
PLOTS OR MEMES : both work lovely for me. i do adore plotting but sometimes my brain is simply soup and it's hard for me to think of how to get plotting started. memes are a super good way to kickstart an interaction with me, it's part of the reason why i love reblogging them !! it gives me a good place to start and i've really created some lovely plots with my rp partners from inbox memes/prompts.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : it truly depends on the vibe !! i can either write a huge multi paragraph reply or just a shorter couple sentence one. it all depends on how much charlie is thinking, or what all he wants to say. it varies depending on interaction. i'm totally okay with both tho, reply length has never been something that has been super important to me.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES : i am more like charlie kelly than i want to admit, tbh. it's not a bad thing at all !! we just tend to have the same coping mechanisms ( cough cough drinking too much ), and i relate a lot to charlie with his feelings of being different or isolated. we also share a similar brand of humor, to. and care about our friends more than anything !! thankfully for me, my friends are great and it's nothing close to what he goes through with the gang <;3
TAGGED BY: @antigodeus & @k4ndallTAGGING: @inhabets, @americanedpsycho, @gateway31, @hcavcnswept, @pnkb1tch, @goofily, @whomuses, @sovereyn & you !!
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kimtaegis · 5 months
i really miss when i used to get news(!!) from tumblr or when i got so many meme posts because people reblogged a lot of things.. so many people are inactive now and i feel like everyone who i follow now are in their one specific fandom only. and even those posts don't get a lot of interaction :(
😕😕😕 what can I say, it’s been rough and it very much still gets worse. I don’t mind people creating their space for one fandom only, but it’d be really nice of those who share the same interest to at least interact more actively with others…
I realised how small the active bts community has become during my christmas event, with very few exceptions, only the ones who are usually already very present participated and shared love, mostly with those other active blogs. it was a little disappointing tbh but I’m still very very thankful for those who keep supporting each other 🤍
of course it’s bleak for everyone, but especially for content creators, it’s getting so frustrating. I realised many are actually pretty active and post a lot right now, probably as a coping mechanism because we’re all missing the tannies, but everything only gets reblogged by other cc’s and by a handful loyal content supporters (love each of them). the only exception is when there’s new footage of a member being somewhat naked, then suddenly everyone’s able to use the reblog button again 💀 ah well, this site… you can’t do with or without it
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ladysqueakinpip · 10 months
oc ask meme! hirmi: 3 7 9 12 bodrum: 1 12 13 19
For Hirmi :3c
3. What is your OC’s fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
he's a people-pleaser through and through. a real peacekeeper. which can be a strength but! he tends to be submissive and frequently takes the backseat of his own life to prioritize the needs of others (usually his family). it's very unfortunate for him bc he has desires and goals that vastly oppose what his culture tells him he should want out of life. he's always torn between making the people around him happy at the expense of his own happiness vs pursuing his own goals and creating a lot of family tension.
he is absolutely not aware of this flaw lol. he's not self-reflective enough to realize he's doing this.
7. What’s one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
originally he was going to be tall. he lives FAR north tho and i found out a lot of animals in the north tend to be compact to preserve body heat. so i made him a little dude instead.
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
MANY. i answered a question similar to this a while ago for him but i didn't get to use ALL the songs on my hirmi playlist so i still have more.
"I was walking through icy streams / That took my breath away / Moving slowly through westward water / Over glacial plains / And I walked off you / And I walked off an old me" - Alaska, Maggie Rogers
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
yea i think so. in some ways. definitely not as bad as other ocs of mine. i've hinted at some family tension above. his mom has a history of making some pretty not great comments about him to his face! especially about his appearance! which he has unfortunately internalized. he's especially concerned about overeating/bulking up/putting on weight and budgets his daily calories with goodberry (dnd spell)
For Bo :3c
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
every time alekah makes a joke in front of the group at his expense. this happens frequently!
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
thankfully, i don't think so! bo has a LOT of issues from his past but his story is about confronting those issues in as healthy a way as alternian culture would allow. which means getting a moirail! he relies on his moirail amytis to keep himself in line. maybe he should invest in a real therapist instead of putting all the responsibility onto her, but hey at least it's a start.
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
i think so. we could chill and read. go on a quiet nature walk. go to a bakery and satisfy our sweet tooth. fill up on more sugar than either of our little bodies can handle. it'd be a good day.
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
not great, lol! violently! i am realizing now the reason why bo gets a pass on the self-destructive label is because he takes all his destructive tendencies out on others! subjugation is his coping mechanism <3 thankfully for the safety of everyone around him he has amytis who tirelessly stops him from going on an insane purpleblood murder rampage when provoked. which again, with alekah around, happens frequently!
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