#crackled quartz
senecadavies · 2 years
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http://www.chicantiquesandcurios.com http://www.amazon.com http://www.pinterest.com http://www.buildingbeautifulsouls.com  http://www.tinyrituals.co http://www.soulsistersdesigns.com
~Seneca Ānela  Davies (emme) [schoen Yvelise merrick Estara]
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omegasmileyface · 2 years
rocks on the tv stand got too crowded, had to make a dedicated rock shelf
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strawbexie · 8 months
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Daily Tarot Reading 🤍✨
If you needed a sign, this is it. Take a deep breath, think about what you desire, trust your intuition…Now choose whichever chooses you. 🌀
Card One - Crackle Quartz - Counteracts negative energy. Excellent amulet to avoid negative energy. It is also useful for regaining positive emotions and energy.
Card Two - Clear Quartz - Power stone that harmonizes and balances. It augments energy by absorbing, amplifying, and balancing, storing, retrieving, focusing, transmitting and channelling universal energy and is excellent for unblocking it.
Card Three - Libyan Desert Glass - Accelerate the processes of renewal and healing in the body. Enhance creative energy flow and repel negative fearful emotions that weaken.
Cards have been revealed in next post.
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endergirlplayz · 2 years
Oh boy here we go .....
✨️ steven universe oc sketch dump ✨️
Ill list the names of each oc b4 there section so u don't get confused
Delta green saphire
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Gold druzzy quartz ( tw: art depicts someone smoking)
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No she dosnt actually smoke I just wanted to draw her like that
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Clown diamond and her pearl
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crackle quartz
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I freaking re did her gem shape for the 3rd time it shouldt be this hard to not have multiple gems with the same gem shape but it this for me cause i keep coming up with more and more ocs
Ethereal sapphire
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The first one is her current form and the second Is a potential refor m action I've been considering
#Ender draws stuff sometimesOk that's it bye 👋
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wispstalk · 3 months
wip wednesday
been tagged in a few of these so here's a snippet i wrote last night. Gil's College of Winterhold story is pretty much an outline at this point but every so often I accidentally spit out some prose that I'm fairly sure will make it to the finished product tagging: @throughtrialbyfire @dirty-bosmer @yansurnummu @avantegarda @jiubilant @ehlnofay
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text below the cut
The night before the carriage team is set to leave, Gil is drunk and wandering, contemplating the broken husks of houses and the towering presence at the far end of town. It’s a clear night, it has just finished snowing, the moon is full, the land around him glows like polished quartz. Bands of green light snap through the sky and the air hisses at their passing, as if whipped.
Just to the left of that fuck-ugly fortress, there is an archway, and a path that leads down to the rocky shore. He picks his way down with his staff. The Sea of Ghosts is calm, an endless expanse of glittering wave crests. The mountains hem him in at his back.
Now he has crossed Skyrim from one end to the other and it occurs to him how massive it is. The city isle in Cyrodiil is collared by its walls, cramped and reeking, new structures built ramshackle in between the old. Summerset is a wave-locked prison, each of his countrymen turnkey and prisoner alike. His sister’s modest manse in the humid shade of Southpoint. Everywhere he goes he is enclosed. A long tunnel, a tomb. He is not frightened of tombs, but he is unsettled by this enormous crackling sky.
He’s drunk as a lord, he knows, being self-indulgent. Dagur makes a damn fine mead. The publican was proud to show off his operation— probably hasn’t had an interested patron in years— and poured off some of his private reserve just for Gil. Flavored with Druadach juniper and dried orange blossoms shipped up from Cyrodiil. Good and dry and mellow.
He knocks back the last swallow. Thinks about dashing the empty jug against the rocks; that would be nice and symbolic. But he’s not very good at throwing, and he hates the sound of shattering. Besides, if he brings it back intact, Dagur might just fill it for him again.
He wakes with an outstanding hangover. One for the records. The sun is well up and— as Dagur informs him when he goes to settle up for the empty room he crashed in— the caravan has gone south with it.
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gingerteaonthetardis · 7 months
autumnal writing prompt:
fallen leaves but it has to take place inside the TARDIS. any doctor + companion and/or pairing
hiiiii thank you for your prompt and for your patience <3 tbh, i loved this concept and i spent a fair bit of time on the execution, trying to get the vibe close to what i was seeing in my head. not sure if i succeeded. but i hope you enjoy it anyway!
i went with the tenth doctor for this one, set post-runaway bride, reflecting on the loss of rose.
to read on ao3, click here!
When the time came, he let the TARDIS guide him there.
He never knew where it had been or would be. He never knew what it would be like either. That was part of the Solarium's charm: it was a place which could only be found when it wasn't sought. Its unpredictability made it what it was.
And it had been a night for unpredictability. But he'd delivered the bride safely home. Snow still sugared the shoulders of his suit when the halls began changing.
"I'm not ready," he felt himself say. The words echoed hollowly ahead of him, down funny sharp turns and looping passages. He was raw and exposed and though he was very alone, he didn't feel alone—he felt stifled by memories, ghosts crowding the edges of his vision.
He needed time. He needed more of it, reams of it, an endless fountain of it. He needed all the time there was, and more—because that's what it would take.
But he followed the lights anyway. What else could he do?
Down corridors and stairwells, he let the ship lead him. Up a spiral staircase. Behind a false wall. The TARDIS was rarely consistent, but she was kind: she let him take the long way 'round.
When the arched doorway finally presented itself, the weak light was already filtering out through the cracks. Dry, brown leaves skittered and hushed as he put his palm to the creaky wooden door and pushed.
Inside the Solarium, it was autumn.
Outside, too. The atmosphere beyond the high, domed glass and iron lattice work appeared blue—a pale, eggshell blue, verging on grey. Clouds melded seamlessly with sky. The chill of it was almost a visible thing.
Within the Solarium, everything was in its proper place: the sundial, made now of stone, though in the past it had been many things—wood, then ceramic, then glass, then gleaming quartz; the pond where nothing lived and nothing grew, but the water itself danced. The ivy still crept perpetually up the lattices.
And in the center of the room, the tree still stood.
The tree in the Solarium belonged to no particular genus, had no particular name, though he'd searched the TARDIS library to find one. The bark of its massive trunk was smooth and unobtrusive, marred only by the occasional scar of some long distant, unknown trauma. It never fruited, though he'd seen it in every season. Its leaves often changed shape or grew irregularly, patchy and strange.
And at present, it was an explosion of colour.
The Doctor said nothing.
Gold, gold. So many golden leaves hung from those broad branches. Shades varied from the palest sunrise to a hue so rich and dark as to be nearly orange. In some spots, clusters of browning, dead leaves hung, poised to fall.
His eyes avoided those patches, drawn instead to where the vibrant colour was thickest. It was the gold of hair, of puddled sunlight, of a young sun. In spite of himself, he began crossing the tiled floor.
The loose laces of his plimsolls disturbed the occasional fallen leaf, a crackling announcement of his presence. But he still approached slow, like he would meet a wild animal. He stepped cautiously over where thick roots had broken through the floor.
It was only when his hand began to lift, fingers extended, that he paused.
"I'm not ready," he whispered, scarcely a moment before a vibrant daisy-heart-yellow leaf broke free and fell—right into his waiting hand.
     "I'll never get used to this. Never. Different ground beneath my feet," and she's jumping, bouncing on her heels, and she's smiling, and it’s lovely, "different sky… What's that smell?"
     "Apple grass," he tells her, eager to share everything he knows.
     "Apple grass… It's beautiful. Oh, I love this. Can I just say, travelling with you, I love—"
The Doctor's hand spasmed, and the leaf fell, taking with it the scent of a different world. Apple grass. Such a crisp, fresh smell. He could never smell it again without thinking of her.
His throat felt tight. He wasn't ready.
Yet how many times had he stood just like this and let the memories wash over him?
Often they were green—hopeful springtimes of gentle past, a balm when he needed it most. Reminders of the goodness which existed in pockets of the universe, waiting to be discovered.
Sometimes, they came frost-fanged and bitter, serrated edges cutting him to the bone. Regret was grey. Steel grey.
All his companions had bloomed and withered here, on these unreal branches.
But this—the season the tree offered him was too cool and serene for what he felt. This… gentle giving-way. There was a storm inside him.
She had not passed gracefully into another season; she had been torn from his world, and her world, and the TARDIS, and him. How could that be beautiful?
How could that be golden?
He moved in a rush, grasping suddenly at the nearest withered clutch of leaves. He was only just tall enough to reach, and when he closed his fist, he came away with—
     Pleading. "Help her."
     But he isn't moved. "Everything has its time," he says, "and everything dies."
     "No." Sarah Jane stands firm. Sure in herself. "The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it's a world, or a relationship," and the guilt cuts him open as he thinks of her, the leaves on her tree; then he thinks of Rose. "Everything has its time—"
     "Why don't you ever just say what you mean?"
     "It's always talking with you, but you never…" She shakes her head, hair catching the light of the console. He wants to hold her so badly he can barely speak. "Just tell me this, Doctor: you and me, is it ever gonna change? Will we ever…?" She drifts off, uncertain.
     "Everything changes." It's not really an answer, but it's the best he can do. "I promise."
—and in a blink, his fist closed. The brittle memories crushed to dust in his hand.
They were still there, of course: in him, in the TARDIS herself, and they always would be. They would grow anew, changing shape over time. Even at the topmost parts of the tree, people who were long gone lived forever: his granddaughter, with her untameable smile; an old historian who loved cocoa and cake and driving him spare; a young boy who was so brave, and so clever, and so very foolish; an Edwardian adventuress who followed him into madness.
The companions of his many lives.
They crowded their way up into the highest branches. One day, Rose would live among them, a golden crown to this ancient tree.
But even that knowledge held no comfort.
"No more," he said, "please."
Around him, the room gave a faint, irritated huff—like a creaky groan and a hum at once. And from somewhere else, a wind stirred. Focused and strong. Pay attention, it seemed to say, or else did say, in its own language.
A leaf the colour of liquid gold wriggled and broke loose, and he knew better than to run from it. All he could manage was to stand his ground as it smacked, with unusual force, into his chest.
The image burst over him.
     "Anything else?"
     "Why don't you ask her yourself?"
     He sees where the woman—the bride—is looking. Over his shoulder. His gaze follows her, and he feels all the air leave his lungs. There is an infinite space between one heartsbeat and the next. But it’s real. It’s really her. No hologram or vision or ghost. No memory.
     In the darkness, a light. Blonde hair glinting, her eyes holding his. And then he's running. Running flat out.
     She's all he can see.
     The feeling inside him is like nothing else. Like being reborn.
     Her smile crosses the distance, gilded and lovely, meeting him before his arms can reach her. But even before his touch lands, he knows he’s already home.
The Doctor blinked. A hand rose to wipe down his own face, smearing the tears he hadn't felt fall. His from another time.
His feet stumbled forward, and he caught himself against the tree's giant trunk.
"Not a memory," he whispered to the silence, in all its enormity, its electric potential. "Not yet."
Prescience, passed down to him by the brush of a leaf. This had never happened before.
But then, there had never been anybody like Rose before, had there? She'd left her mark on the TARDIS, on the vortex itself, every bit as much as she'd left her mark on him.
The pads of his fingers felt out a scar in the wood. One he hadn't seen before. It had an odd shape to it, an asymmetry that reminded him a little of an animal in profile: a jagged protrusion, and the swell of a haunch.
Something with its nose to the sky.
He traced it twice before he understood. The muzzle. The howling. His chest felt weightless, for a moment. Uncompressed by longing and grief, his hearts beat freely.
The Doctor, with his hand to the wolf, wheezed out a shocked laugh as he suddenly remembered that these leaves were also the colour of flame. Of timeless, endless burning, searing and rewriting.
     "I bring life."
From its bark and its branches, from its roots and its high crown, the tree seemed to shiver out a very long sigh as he finally grasped its message. Everything has its time, it breathed. Its hope was golden.
The shades of it all swirled together and tangle, an infinite vortex, laden and dripping with life still to come, and it was beautiful.
The Doctor smiled, removed his hand, and turned from the tree.
Her time—and his—and theirs—was not yet over.
There was more to be done. And he was ready.
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madphantom · 7 months
Ding ding ding, new Sarah snippet
The night I met Sarah we had both stalked the streets alone. It had snowed, but she had worn a blue dress - that was the first thing I saw of her, that pale blue silk fluttering in the breeze like a ghost. Her skin was milky white; she did not leave the house often then. She was a walking dead girl imprisoned in an earthly body.
She wore no jewelry. She did not own any. I was taller than her, wearing my father's stolen grey suit, ill-fitting, and had my long hair in a braid.
Sarah's lips were crimson red; I later found out she had bitten her tongue and the blood on her mouth had made her kisses taste like salt water.
You and I are alike, she had whispered when we stood face to face. Too strange, too beautiful for them to understand. Queer.
I have never thought of myself as beautiful, but that night she began to worship my body. I was tall, thin, spider-fingered, like an odd crane, my nose was beak-like, my teeth bucked. The more of you there is the better, she had whispered. You have to fill out the space in the universe with beautiful things. And I worshiped her too, the dark shadows below her two-coloured eyes, the freckles on her chest, her dimples, the curve of her belly…she was not dainty, but I repeated her words right back at her. The more of you there is the better.
For two weeks we did not have names. Anonymous beauties, we met up in the darkness, worshiped each other's imperfections like young gods and made love in the snow until the ice stung and burned into our flesh. We became our own religion, our own deity and its priests. Afterwards, we rubbed each other's blue-white skin warm and whispered it over and over. I adore you.
I woke up with my arm wrapped around her naked shoulder.
Something pale red glowed in the window. At first I thought it was a distant fire. Then my vision began to clear and I realized it was eyes. An animal was sitting on the windowsill. In the midnight black I saw fur that seemed to glisten like tar. Claws scraped across the wood.
When I sat up the creature bared its teeth, glinting in the moonlight. Then, with a thud, it leaped down from the windowsill onto the front roof.
I rose from my bed and crept downstairs to the front door. Quietly, quietly, I opened it with a creak and peered outside.
The two-headed white deer was standing in the field, almost glowing in the light of the moon. It seemed tense. Its eyes glinted like a predator's.
Face to face with the deer a fox was standing in front of the house, teeth bared, snarling at it. Its muscles twitched beneath the orange fur. It looked truly frightening from this perspective.
I stared at the scene in bewilderment. Eventually, one of the deer's heads sensed my gaze on it and glanced up. Our eyes met and I felt a primal terror creep up my spine.
The fox turned to glance over its shoulder and in that moment, the deer kicked it aside. The fox whined, leaped right back, but the deer had already made its way towards me.
For a moment I thought it would simply impale me on its bone white antlers, but instead it stopped and stared at me. I got lost in those eyes. They seemed to contain galaxies, rose quartzes and sunsets, multitudinous, terrifyingly beautiful, a glimpse into the mind of a god, too much, too much to comprehend…COME AND SEE it seemed to say, delight in everything you see, an ant before a man, oh you poor, puny thing. You are looking at something you will never understand.
The deer flinched when the fox bit its leg. The smaller animal was whining and crying in pain, but persistent. Its teeth glistened pale white in the moonlight. I went down on my knees with tears spraying out of my eyes, my head burning and crackling from the inside, as if it had been struck by lightning.
The deer almost seemed to smile mockingly when it shook the fox off and ran off into the night. I lay curled up on the ground and cried and cried and cried.
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thegraceofganja · 8 months
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Bling for your Bong!
Glitter Potion Bong Charms are here to add some Magic to your Favorite Bong.
Made with Semi Precious Quartz Beads to Elevate your Sesh.
Great for Spooky Season, or all year around for our Witchy Babes!
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And That One is You: a Bird of Prey spinoff
Howdy! Another little drabble based on @roxie-roo 's Double Life au, Bird of Prey! Pure fluff this time I promise :D
"Come on.. We don't have too much longer left... the evening is young. Let's make the most of it."
"I've got just the idea."
Tango searches their chests. He pulls out pouches of loose redstone, shards of quartz and iron shavings. Jimmy watches, curious, as Tango tinkers over their crafting table. They don't have a lot of materials to work with, so Jimmy is surprised seeing what Tango is managing to do.
Wires are crafted with redstone and iron shavings. Quartz is used to conduct signals to their designated place and it's all encased in a wood box.
A radio. Tango's crafted a radio.
"Let's see if we can get a signal." Tango grins, placing it on top of a chest and immediately messing with the dials.
"And if we don't?" Jimmy asks.
Tango shrugs back. "Then we'll go loot chests for a jukebox and some discs."
Jimmy loves how optimistic he is. Even with so little time left, the hybrid is so positive and doing everything to make sure their last moments are ones they'll remember forever.
Then, the radio crackles to life. It's super static-y, and the speakers are weak. Jimmy thinks that if they turn it up any more than it's already at the thing would combust, but somehow it fits. It's absolutely perfect for the both of them, and just them. In their little ranch.
"There we go, now we just gotta..." Tango twists and bends the antenna, searching for something.
Jimmy waits. And waits. And-
The song is so muffled. It barely pierces the static, but there's a song.
Tango turns the dial for the volume, testing how high it'll go before it implodes... or something.
And with your admission, that you feel the same, I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of
Tango stretches out a hand, silently asking Jimmy to take it. To dance with him.
And Jimmy does.
Tango pulls his soulmate close. He hums lowly with the song as the two sway and spin in a small, slow circle. One hand rests comfortably on the small of Jimmy's back, the other laced with his partner's. Jimmy's other arm was looped around Tango's neck and rested comfortably on his shoulders.
Tango licks his lips nervously. "I don't want to set the world on fire, honey," He recites quietly with the song. Jimmy gazes into his eyes fondly, hanging on his every word.
"I love you too much. I just want to start a great big flame down in your heart." Tango smiles. Jimmy giggles, stopping their dance and pulling Tango in to kiss him.
Tango kisses back eagerly, and takes Jimmy by surprise by dipping him as they lose themselves in the kiss. The blond chirps in surprise, but makes no move to stop the blaze hybrid dipping him.
"I like this." Jimmy whispers. He doesn't need to, but it just feels right. "I wish it could always be like this."
Tango rests his forehead against Jimmy's and sighs. "Me too, songbird." His thumb rubs shapes into Jimmy's side where his hand supports the avian. He feels endgame sadness creeping up his throat, and he quickly swallows it in fear of spilling it where he doesn't want to. Now is not the time to mourn, but celebrate.
They'll meet again. Some day, somewhere.
"Come on, another song." He lifts Jimmy up and flicks the antenna around until it picks up something more upbeat. Jimmy's wings fluff up happily.
"Another dance?"
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t0t411y-n0t-hum4n · 10 months
A General Tarot Reading
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Pick whatever set of cards/crystal resonates with you most!! Keep in mind that this is a general reading and not everything I say may apply to you.
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Pile 1: White Agate
Cards pulled: 8 of cups and Strength reversed
Song (chosen on shuffle): i wanna know - tea
Why are you running away? It's okay to be scared, you know. At one point though, things are going to catch up. You might be avoiding a conflict with someone, but it may not be that bad if you talk it out. It's likely they're just curious about you. As the song says, they wanna know. In the end though, it is your choice if you want to let them know who you are. I know it's scary, but opening up to someone can turn into a beautiful thing.
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Pile 2: Purple Crackle Quartz
Cards pulled: 9 of cups reversed and 6 of swords
Song (chosen on shuffle: RAWRXD! - ISSBROKIE
Oh boy,, there's a lot to unpack here. While there may be the illusion that everything is okay, and that it's okay to relax, that might be very false. Things seem a little - for lack of a better word - arrogant, with the way you see things right now. Sorry to burst your bubble a little bit, but you should probably try to see some situations from a different angle.
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Pile 3: Pink Crackle Quartz
Cards: 6 of wands and knight of wands
Song: Things That Make It Warm - Cavetown
I'm getting very comfy vibes with this reading. Maybe you've achieved something or your efforts on something were recognized. Maybe you've created a safe space for yourself where there wasn't one before. If this is the case, great job, it's time to rest and relax. You've earned it.
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Pile 4: Blue Lace Agate
Cards: The Devil and the 7 of cups
Song: Fairy Fountain - Mikel, GameChops
This pile is certainly an interesting one. The cards suggest that you're escaping from life, essentially, and the song suggests that your method of escape is video games (because the song is from The Legend of Zelda). I could use this reading to preach to you about living your life, but honestly, it's your life and what I say may or may not change it. I do wanna know what games you're playing though because if its good enough to escape to, I wanna play it too. Just keep in mind the real world can be okay too sometimes, and you can't let everything get to you.
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basilbellona · 1 year
HK Headcanon: Monomon was a decade or two away from cracking electricity.
I've seen it suggested (I genuinely cannot remember if it was by more than one person and I apologize, but I know it was at least suggested here) that Monomon is responding for creating charged lumaflies. This is likely due to 1: a tank of them being near her resting place, which indicates they might have been a more private research project. 2: They're also found in many areas througout Fog Canyon. And 3: it lines up with her science-lady perception and some chemical reactions have been observed to create electricity. (I'm not a chemist, do not use me as a reference.)
But I also favor the notion of them being a natural phenomenon that absolutely n o b o d y has any idea about.
And Monomon making it her personal mission to figure out what, why, and how these creatures are.
Part 1: Lumaflies v.s. Charged Lumaflies
According to the Hunter, "[t]hey usually drift about peacefully, but sometimes they cluster together and spit out a sharp, crackling flash that will stun and burn even large beasts like myself." It is unclear if by this he means regular lumaflies cluster together and combine their innate electrical charges or if charged lumaflies are a subspecies of lumaflies. Their differing behavior suggests the latter, but there's not many groups of lumaflies in peaceful, natural to compare them to. (The infected state of the lumaflies in the Watcher Knight's room certainly can't be considered normal circumstances.) It's a small, inconsequential mystery for the player in Hallownest’s ruins.
Part 2: Canon Use of (Charged?) Lumaflies and Associated Precautions
Assuming that lumaflies and charged lumaflies are of the same species, it makes sense that they're kept in separate glass lamps. The large chandeliers in the Watcher Knights' room have separate lamps to seemingly hold one or a few lumas as light sources, and likely to prevent a harmful shock. (The lower parts of these chandeliers seem slightly more opaque. Might be made of quartz, designed to produce a dispersed, aesthetic glow. But these parts appear to hold at least 1-3 lumaflies— unless they're flat sections of glass/quartz? Anyways,) I imagine the first crafters of luma-lamps and lumafly carers learned the hard way not to put a bunch of (agitated) ouch-flies in a jar. It might be brighter but, definitely not worth the potential danger. Thus, the separate lamps are put into practice. Can it be called inefficient if it's safe? Perhaps not, but that probably wouldn't stop the Teacher from trying to find a way to make it better.
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Part 3: Integration of Electricity and Charged Lumafly Husbandry
That makes me wonder, if she d i d crack the mystery to their charge, how would that electricity be integrated into Hallownest? Slowly. It'd probably start out as a lightly tested energy system only accessible for the elite, until it becomes a safer and a widespread commodity. The bugs of Hallownest display a masterful knack for engineering. (The worst of it being in use at the Crystal Peaks and White Palace.) Pretty much all their machines (save for those in the White Palace and the Soul Sanctum key door) seem to be mechanically activated and involve switches, pulleys, and gears. The only sources of activation we see are either pressure/inertia or soul. Both require bugs to consciously put systems in place to keep it activated. Not too much though, it seems, since it’s not that hard to flip a switch or, if you're the King, to produce soul. But electricity is much more versatile. It'd replace those bulky machines and labyrinths full of gears. Plus, it's a much more powerful, versatile source of energy. (SAD for lumafly lovers like me, though.)
Though, what would this mean for the charged lumaflies? How would they be treated? Would they simply need to be kept in groups to produce charges, or must they feel threatened and stressed to do so? Do they expire faster if they don't stop shocking? Are the natural pauses between shocks their safety cooldowns? Wouldn't the stress still negatively affect them? Would groups of charged lumaflies need to be conditioned to shock in alternating patterns so they electricity keeps flowing? Would people breed stronger c. lumaflies for more charge? Would the mutant-lumaflies escape their feeble handlers, resulting in a hoarde of lightning beasts that raze Hallownest to the ground???
Hopefully, all of the above are factors the Teacher would consider.
Side Note: Volt Twisters?
And as a side note— maybe I'm underestimating the arrogance of the Soul Sanctum residents, but I cannot see a rational scholar looking at this artifical ouch-fly and going, "Mm. Yes, I should eat that to gain their power." However, there are people in real life who do that with synthesized substances so I'm likely just thinking wishfully. Just because I can't stand artificial tastes and smells doesn't mean others cannot. And bugs definitely have alcohol. They definitely have revelry. There's probably some other artifical stuff in the mix, too. And there's the whole soul-sucking business in the Sanctum, and the King himself tampered with the Void Beneanth the World. But regsrdless of whether they're natural or artificial, this makes me wonder... Is the reason why the volt twisters only show up at the Colosseum because they were kicked out for charged lumafly "drugs"? "Oh no, don't put that lethal, sense-exploding substance inside you that's not supposed to be inside you, noooo." Kinda hypocritical, given the aforementioned soul-sucking. But feasibly in character for the upper-crust madman running the place.
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Maybe these guys were ahead of the game, though. If only Monomon hadn't become a Dreamer— we might have gotten a Hallownest glowing with electricity; a much more dangerous but adaptable place.
But on that note, how the heck are the music players powered? By soul? That seems to be what powers the trams, if their glowing buttons are anything to go off of. Maybe the Pale King would approve of inegrating electricity as both a sign of his kingdom’s advancement and him not having to expend himself for his cool projects anymore. (Probably his alone because only he might be able to power them, as far as we know.) It could even let them become widespread household/town items.
So, yeah. Monomon was/is smart and I think she deserves to solve a natural mystery
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Ight, here is some stuff on my Pokémon fan game I’m working on!
(know this is all very basic and early stuff, so things will be added and changed)
Pokémon Cardinal
It takes place in the Taylos region. You, your childhood friends ,Cassidy, a rich girl down the block, and Kasen, a petty thief, set off on your journey from Pineshade town to become the best there ever was. The region is themed around compasses and directions
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(VERY rough early map)
Here are some of the badges: (I need to finish the last two)
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The Fist Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Mallory, it is for Pineshade’s fighting gym. Mallory runs a dojo in her gym. She is calm and playful.
The Quartz Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Hadrian, it is for Quarmine’s Ground gym. Hadrian is a mineral miner. He is stern and harsh.
The Shamrock Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Trix, it is for Westwood’s bug gym. Trix is a historian who studies the cities connection to mythicals. He is kind and sarcastic.
The Lunar Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Pheona, it is for Sprieis’ fairy gym. Pheona keeps the moon pond in the center of their town. She is airy and calm.
The Gear Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Lyren, it is for Chartrose’s flying gym. Lyren is a famous model. He is flamboyant and cocky.
The Stalactite Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Cyro, it is for Glazeport’s ice gym. Cyro is a figure-skater who performs with their Pokémon. They are cold and rude.
The Shadow Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Zoe, it is for Duskslade’s dark gym. Zoe is a park ranger for powerful Pokémon. She is sweet and unnerving.
The Smog Badge: Given out by Gym Leader Arthur, it is for Eastvilln’s poison gym. Arthur runs a casino. He is charming and greedy.
The elite four are trusted members of the four main cities that on top of being the top trainers, are guardians for the 4 Poles. The 4 Poles are sites outside of the four main towns that have intense amounts of magnetic energy causing Pokémon to gain odd abilities. Conners: The Bird of Pyro - Conners is the Fire Elite 4 member. He protects Northshire Cliff. No one is quite sure what he does in his off time, but it seems important. He is cold and calculating, taking not time for anything frivolous. His ace is Talonflame.
Orchid: The Root of Shadows - Orchid is the Grass Elite 4 member. They protects Westwood Hollow. They is a rehabilitor for hurt grass types. They are very shy and uncertain of themself, but there is rumors that something much stronger is under the surface. Their ace is Decidueye.
Seanne: The Crashing Seafoam - Seanne is the water type Elite 4 member. She protects Southry Cove. She is the beaches head lifeguard. While she can be a lot to handle, you’re always in for a good, adventurous time if you can keep up. Her ace is Milotic.
Zyla: The Crackling Wires - Zyla is the electric type Elite 4 member. She protects Eastvilln Factory. She is an electrician, fixing anything other deem to dangerous. She is eccentric and bouncey, seen as cooky to some, but it is a mistake to underestimate her. Her ace is Eelectross.
Professor Redwood is the regions professor, her lab located in Southry City. She studies the magnetic phenomena at the 4 Poles. She is a kind but seemingly disconnected woman, seemingly unconcerned with anything besides her research.
Champion Pheonix is one of the most remarkably powerful trainers of the day, despite using mostly normal types. He is abrasive and intense, putting everything into what he does. If you can see past the prickly exterior, he is a good man, with a good heart. Though, as rumors of legendary citings and cheating allegations, he has pulled back, only staying in the League Mannor.
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Dangerous individuals have been spotted near the Four Poles. They call themselves Team Polarity, the only thing know about them is that they are lead by a man named Markus and that their goal is to “Make the Taylos region the most prosperous region.”
AND THATS IT. Thanks for reading all my ramblings
(@friendball-irl @aerial-aceing-it @new-and-stupid-trainer @unovan-businesswoman-angie y’all wanted it so here ya go lol)
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The Alliance
Fair warning: 1445 words: pretty long read!!
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Fluffy sat at the edge of the forest, just where the elevated patch of grass separated the sand, her fur glinting subtly in the orange evening sunlight and flowing softly in the lukewarm seabreeze. Any other time, she'd be basking; the beach was silent and empty this time around, which would give her time to unwind from today's tasks, taking time to watch as the sun slowly sank behind the ocean's horizon while listening to the waves before turning in for the night.
But this particular evening, she kept her eyes firmly on large beach ahead of her, tensed and stoic. Waiting.
"..Mama?" A small, tentative voice called out from behind her. "Mama, a-are you sure you don't want us up there with you?"
"Y-Yeah!" Tri-T took a step out from under the shade, her talons glinting in the fading light. "Maybe we should in case they-"
"No, you two." Fluffy spoke, her voice gentle but firm, as she didn't take her eyes off the beach. "Stay put. By having you all up here may give them an advantage if this is some sort of trap... Besides, Centi can attack from a distance."
There was an uneasy crackling noise as Centi rubbed her forelegs together anxiously. "Th-That may be true... b-but-!"
"Then I'll be fine. Just as long as Lil Quartz is safe." Fluffy stated gently.
"Mama..." Lil Quartz wanted to protest further, but cut himself off with a gasp as he caught sight of three figures in a distance.
"It's them," Came Tri-T's hushed voice, along with Lil Quartz's startled gasp. Fluffy heard the sound of floral rustling as Tri-T started to shuffle on her feet in anticipation. "Fluff, are you sure we-?"
"Stay put." Fluffy orders, squaring her shoulders and lifting her head to faintly glare the approaching gems, hoping her lengthened horns would warn them.
Once the Crystal Gems were a substantial length away from Fluffy, they stopped just in front of her. Garnet was in the middle, like usual, her hands laced in front of her, presumably to show she was unarmed. The other two gems flanked her; with Amethyst oddly smiley, looking eager for something as her hands were clasped together in front of her chest. Pearl had her arms crossed, looking off to the side with a bitter expression.
Garnet took a step forward and dipped her head briefly to the Feral Gem. "Good evening, Fluffy. Thank you for seeing us on such a short notice."
"Evening, Garnet..." Fluffy's gaze switched between the three gems, narrowing them in suspicion. "What is this about...?"
"I-" For a moment, Garnet showed the briefest flicker of uncertainty; taking the smallest of steps back and she adjusting her visor. "It isn't anything bad, I promise." She took a deep breath and looked Fluffy in her eyes. "In fact, this can be very beneficial for us all."
Fluffy tilted her head, her eyes squinted in curiosity. "Beneficial?"
"Yes," Garnet nodded briefly, dimly hearing Pearl's soft scoff as she shook her head. "It's not as easy as you think; poofing and bubbling fellow gems. We only did it to keep them from hurting other earthlings."
"I've heard." Fluffy remarked. Her voice was calm, but her tail tip was twitching indignantly. "What's your point?"
"Right." Garnet took off her visors, looking at Fluffy with three hopeful, almost pleading eyes. "Fluffy. We want to join forces with your pack."
Fluffy was dimly aware of the others behind her leaning forward from their spots in surprise as her own eyes widened slightly. "Is... that right?"
"Yes. We thought that poofing and bubbling Feral Gems were the only way to keep earthlings safe." Garnet explained. "But Lil Quartz showed us that we don't have to do that anymore. You and your pack have proven that there's hope to coexist with Ferals. By joining forces, Earth will he safer than ever."
As Fluffy listened, she was barely aware of Lil Quartz stepping forward, his ears perked as he listened to the fusion's explanation.
"Alright..." Though the proposal sounded tempting, she couldn't bring herself to trust these gems, given what they put her boy through last time. "And what will this alliance bring us this time around?"
Garnet straightened up. "If you join us, we will no longer poof and bubble Feral Gems. Instead we will bring them to you. Then you can teach them about us and how we keep earth and all of its inhabitants safe."
Fluffy looked back at her teammates, unsure of what to make of the proposal. It sounded tempting, but at the same time, hearing the over come from them sounded too good to be true.
Seeing their hesitancy, Garnet placed her visor back on. "Please consider this. The more of us there are, the safer our planet will be."
Fluffy stared at the fusion, her eyes narrowing. "Mmmm..."
"Garnet, this is hopeless." Pearl finally spoke, turning to give a faint glare at the gem Leader. "We're here now, we should just--"
"Okay so, hold on." Lil Quartz stepped forward on all fours, until he was standing in front of Fluffy, his brow furrowed in skepticism. "If we allow this... do you promise I stay with my mama in the forest?"
"Steven, please." Pearl turned to Lil Quartz, her voice taking on a pleading edge. "Give us another chance, you can't live like--"
Garnet set her hand on Pearl's shoulder, lightly pushing her. "Yes, of course. You can return to the Beach House whenever you want."
Lil Quartz's eyes flickered between the two gems, narrowing in skepticism at the Pearl's incredulous expression towards the fusion.
"...And you'll bring us more feral gems? Including all of the ones in your lava room?" Lil Quartz pressed, leaning forward.
"Yes. Every last one." Garnet nodded, ignoring the scoff of disbelief from Pearl, lightly nudging her behind her. "We'll lead you to the Feral Gems if necessary."
Lil Quartz hummed. "One last thing..." He fixed Garnet with a steely glare, his pink pointed ears folding back. "If I'm going to go through with this alliance, I want to do this on my own pace. No tests, no missions. No more talk of Rose Quartz." He pressed out the final words, focusing his attention on the Pearl who shrank back. "I want to be my own person, and discover things about myself at my own pace. I get it, I have her gem, but that doesn't mean I can live up to her name. I'm my own person. A half-human kid at that! I just... want you to respect that. Okay?"
Pearl wrung her hands, biting her lips. "I... never said you had to live upto her name." The Pearl said after a moment of hesitance. "I just... she would've--"
Garnet nudged Pearl again, giving a nod to him. "Yes. We'll respect your boundaries. And we'll respect your choices." She knelt down onto one knee, to match Lil Quartz's height. "Please believe us. We'll try our best to follow your rules."
Lil Quartz stared at the fusion for a lengthy amount of time before backing up and turning to face the Ferals behind him, gesturing them to huddle closer.
"Lil Q... do you think we can trust them?" Centi asked in a hushed voice. "After what they put you through..."
"Yeah! Especially that Pearl! I don't like the way she looked at us..." Tri-T hissed, one of her many eyes catching sight of the Pearl complaining to Garnet, who stood staring emotionless at the thin gem while Amethyst glared at her tiredly. "She's the one with the spear, right? Shouldn't we poof her first?"
"Think about this carefully, dewdrop." Fluffy cautioned, stealing a glance at the spying Crystal Gems behind her son.
"Guys, we gotta give them a chance. This offer is too good to pass up, and we can save all of those captive Gems I talked about!" Lil Quartz said, his own voice hushed, stealing a glance over his shoulder, then back to his team. "Besides, they're the ones closest to Rose. And they know things about the war. The Pearl especially! She might know things about Rose as well. We need to earn her trust if we're gonna know about who she was."
The three gems exchanged weary glances with each other. "Well... okay. But the first sign of mutiny, we're moving to attack."
Lil Quartz nods, turning to the fusion to deliver his final decision.
"Okay. We have an alliance."
He offered his hand to her, and Garnet gave a large, genuine smile, taking it into both of hers. "Thank you. We promise we'll work together."
Well, that’s the prologue.
Now prepare for scattered events!
Meaning, I won’t be following a straight plot; the events from the show will be scattered at random! Stay tuned!
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twsted-princess · 5 months
⛸️ Henry Regina
💝 Kumo Mel
🌿 Flynn Lucille
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Little crystals of ice danced outside in the night air, swirling and tumbling as the ground was blanketed by the soft blanket of white. Kumo watched as some of the flakes stuck down the window as the fireplace crackled in the background. A grumble came from behind but he paid no mind to Alto drawing another card as a game of Eins draws on. Soon Melanie came back from the kitchen, a tray of hot cocoa in tow as she places some mugs down around the table her friends were playing around. Beside them their humble little christmas tree was decorated with colorful lights and little ornaments, nothing special but it was perfect to her. "Here you go." Kumo blinked, once lost in his thoughts as the scent of chocolate hit his nose. He turned to see her sitting next to him, placing a little blue mug painted with puffy white clouds beside him. "Oh.....thanks." He smiled, taking the warm cup into his hands but before he could take a sip she stopped. "Careful, it might be hot." He chuckled "I'll be fine. But to appease her wishes he blew gently, letting the steam gently glide into the air before drinking some. It was sweet but not overly sweet. A way that he's grown to appreciate more. "It's really nice that you came here to spend today with us." He gave her another smile. "It's nothing really." Scarabia at this time was.........loud to say the least. The last place he wanted to be. Really where he wanted to be was with his friends, watching the stars with some stolen cookies and laughing about whatever stunts they got themselves into over the winter season. She watches as his handsome face grows long, remembering moments that seemed precious to him. "I have something for you." Kumo then grew confused as she got up and scurrying over to the tree. All of the other presents were opened but he watched her look behind the tree before she pulled out a small box with a violet bow. Hurrying back she held it out to him. "Merry Christmas. Taking the box he smiled with a tired sigh. "You know I really don't need anything. You didn't have to do this." She smiled as he looked down. "Please. I....worked hard on it." He undid the purple ribbon and placed it aside before taking the top off. Inside was a scarf, long and soft made from sheep's wool to resemble the night sky. Little golden and silver stars in a sea of dark blue. But as he pulled it off to admire her handiwork he noticed the other half. A pair of mitten, the same theme and colors but on the palms were the sun and moon. Lovingly crafted from the hands of someone who knew his heart. "You....mentioned that your friends were like the sun and moon, so I thought that even if you're not together....they'll be with you." He felt the words in his throat died, the air in his lungs escaping him. The sounds of Alto raging as she lost another round were deaf to his ears as he felt choked up. "I......thank you." Melanie smiled as he wiped his eyes, no tears. Not yet. Kumo gaze at her with a softness that he kept so much to himself. "I....got something for you too. Not much but..." He then dug into his jacket button and pulled out a necklace. One she's never seen before. It was a star, bound together by string. It's petals appeared a pearly white but as he gave it to her the colors shifted to a rainbow in the light and in the middle was a small rose quartz. "Back home these are lucky charms, travelers wore them to find their loved ones and a safe way home." He smiled as she held it in her hands like it was made of glass. Looking to him she smiled, holding the shell star to her chest. "I love it....." He returned the smile. "Merry Christmas......"
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You are so cool.
Look up green crackle quartz
Cause you are so cool
and I wish I could hand you a cool rock.
You make this world so beautiful
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wizard-irl · 1 year
Buying Crystals - Modifications
Part 2 of 7 for a guide on buying crystals. Read the rest here!
Many crystals are modified before they are sold. What you buy will be what you get, but it may differ from the crystal dug out of the ground. Ethical sellers will disclose any modifications on a crystal. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and some of these are more common for faceted crystals over raw ones. Still, it’s important to go over if you’re looking for a completely unmodified crystal.
Emerald, diamond, corundum, quartz, beryl, topaz, tourmaline
Oiling uses oil, resin, or wax to fill fractures on a crystal to improve clarity. This is typically not permanent.¹ Oiled crystals, due to hidden fractures, are often more brittle. Due to the oil being easy to remove, they often lose their brilliance when exposed to water.² 
Crackle quartz is made by taking a piece of typically clear quartz and heating it up to high temperatures. Then, the crystal is dropped into cold water. The sudden change in temperature causes the crystal to fracture. If dyes are added to the water, the quartz will be coloured. They tend to be tumbled. Due to the fractures, crackle quartz is much more fragile than other crystals.⁴
Quartz, agate, onyx, pearl, howlite, jade, emerald, ruby, lapis lazuli, chalcedony, coral, turquoise
Dyeing will be discussed later in this guide regarding fakes, but here I am talking about crystals being sold as the same crystal they were before dyeing. Dyeing introduces a colouring agent or pigment to a crystal to colour it differently, intensify an existing colour, or improve colour uniformity.¹ ³ Dyes may fade over time from exposure to sunlight, leak out from large fractures, and may be removed by acetone or alcohol.³
Metal Coating
Metal coating is done when a crystal is heated in a chamber and metal vapour is added. The metals then bond to the surface of the crystal, leaving it with a metallic sheen. Various metals and metal combinations are used to give varying colours, such as gold, platinum, titanium, silver, iron, magnesium, and nickel. These are often called “aura quartz.”⁵
I could not find a solid definition for reconstitution, but I must mention it since plenty of crystal balls are reconstituted quartz, but I have also seen turquoise. Reconstituted crystals are ground up from natural crystals and reshaped and bonded using a resin or glue. This gives improved stability and clarity.⁶ Think of it like ice (which is scientifically a crystal). If you take an ice cube and melt it, and then turn that water back into ice, that’s what happens when a crystal is reconstituted. It’s still made of the same crystal, but its been reformed.
Topaz, diamond, corundum, quartz, beryl, spodumene
Irradiation alters a crystal’s colour with radiation, often combined with heat treatment (combination treatment).¹ Irradiated crystals are not radioactive and are safe to handle. Irradiation can occur naturally, but this is done in a lab.² Irradiated crystals may have their colour fade in intense light or high temperatures. With beryl and spodumene, the colour tends to be short-lived and fades in bright light.³
Heat Treatment
Quartz, topaz, corundum, amber, beryl, tanzanite
Heat treatment is what it sounds like: a crystal is heated to alter its colour.¹ Heat treatment can also happen naturally in the Earth, and is important for many types of crystals, but this kind of heat treatment is done in a lab.² Heat treatment may make a crystal more brittle, and this is a permanent procedure.³ In my experience, this is most often seen with citrine, but I’ll touch on that later.
Fracture Filling
Diamond, corundum, quartz, beryl, topaz
Fracture filling involves filling surface fractures with glass, resin, or other materials to improve appearance and durability.¹ Diamonds and corundum may be filled with lead glass and may be called “hybrid” crystals.² Heat and air pressure changes can damage the filling depending on what was used to fill the fractures.³
Turquoise, lapis lazuli, jadeite, nephrite, amazonite, rhodochrosite, serpentine, quartz, beryl, topaz
Sealing uses a surface coating such as wax or plastic on porous crystals that are prone to discolouration by handling, but may be done to any crystal to improve its appearance.² ³ Seals may melt if exposed to high enough heat.³
Jadeite, pearl, coral, chalcedony, tiger’s eye
Bleaching occurs when an acid is used to remove discolouration from a crystal. Because the acid causes the crystal to become porous, this is often combined with sealing to improve appearance and strength. This is a permanent procedure.³
In the next part, I’ll tackle a controversial topic: lab-grown crystals.
“Gemstone Treatments”, GemWorld.
“What are Gemstone Enhancements?”, International Gem Society.
“An Introduction to Gem Treatments”, Gemological Institute of America.
“Crackle Quarts”, Rock Tumbler.
“How is Aura Rainbow Quartz Made?”, GeologyIn.
“What is Reconstituted Turquoise?”, AllThingsNature.
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