Winter Love
HELLO hi @coffeecomicsgalore this is my @mlsecretsanta fic for you! I had so much fun writing this one, happy holidays! Massive thank you to @adrienettes-hamster for beta-ing!
Also on FFnet and AO3!
Mid-November is when the chill of the impending winter started to set in. Not cold enough for snow, but cold enough that Ladybug had begun to notice her kitty shivering while on patrols. Granted, she was quite cold herself, but she was handling it better than Chat Noir.
“Do you need to stop, Chat?”
“No, I’m fine,” he stuttered out between chattering teeth.
“Chat, go home and get warm. We can patrol again tomorrow night.” Her voice was soft but commanding, and his ears drooped. “I’ll bring some hot chocolate, okay?” His ears perked up a bit at the mention of that.
“Okay then. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he replied with a small smile, turning and bounding away with his staff.
She watched him for a moment before turning herself, luckily only needing to travel a few blocks to her own home. The dull light of the lamp she had left on before heading out cut into the darkness. It was still relatively early in the night, only around 9 o’ clock, but she knew that her parents would already be in bed, ready for next morning’s early rise.
Marinette landed on her balcony and hopped down through the skylight onto her bed before calling off her transformation. When Tikki swirled out of the earrings and into her hands, she was also shivering.
“Yeah, it is a bit too cold tonight,” Marinette mumbled to her as she cupped her hands around her kwami. “Let me grab us some hot chocolate, okay?” Tikki nodded, her little head bobbing up and down as vigorously as Chat’s jaw was. Marinette gently slid her onto her pillow then climbed down the ladder to the rest of her room, then the ladder to the rest of the apartment. Finding her favourite mug clean and ready to be used, she ducked down and grabbed the teacup she had hidden for Tikki. It was almost matching with her favourite design, covered with florals over a white background, and it had belonged to one of the dolls from her childhood doll house.
Marinette hummed while she filled the mugs with the still-steaming hot chocolate from the flask her mother had left out for her. She wondered whether or not it would snow soon, and if it would shut the school down. Would the snow mean Hawkmoth would slow down on attacks? Or would he send out more akumas?
She wondered about her friends. Alya would probably spend most of the time babysitting her sisters, Marinette by her side of course. Nora might be home for the winter. Nino would probably be glued to his computer, creating new tracks and networking with other DJs. Adrien…
Adrien would keep up his studies with Nathalie. Marinette knew how tough his dad was on him based on how detailed his schedule was. Mandarin lessons, fencing, piano, modelling and school? And she thought she was busy between school, sewing and saving Paris. Then again, saving Paris was never on a set schedule. She supposed she and Adrien weren’t too different in that aspect.
Adrien had been shivering a bit in class recently. While everyone else bundled up in their warmest sweaters and thermals, Adrien’s outfits didn’t seem to hold the same temperature. Did Gabriel favour style over comfort? The very thought burned Marinette.
She stopped pouring as she realised it was about to overflow her mug, and set the flask down with a hardened resolve. This Christmas, she was going to knit something warm for her two favourite people. The gears in her mind began ticking over as she thought of what to give each of them. She still had Adrien’s head measurements from when she created the hat for the contest a year or two back, and his body’s measurements from the designs she had made for her website... maybe a sweater? Or a beanie?
She didn’t have Chat’s measurements though. She supposed if she worked hard and fast enough she might be able to squeeze in a blanket. Now she had to think of patterns for both...
Marinette made her way back up to her room, carefully balancing the mugs in one hand as she pushed the trap door up then set them down on the floor to climb inside.
“Tikki?” She called out gently. “Hot chocolate has arrived.”
She set them down on the bench by her computer as she opened up her sketchbook. Knowing it would take longer, she began working on the blanket’s design, but stopped short as she realised that while she knew her partner, she didn’t really know him. She vaguely remembered his favourite colour was green, and funnily enough was a cat person, both literally and figuratively. Marinette began to worry that what she makes wouldn’t be good enough for him, or that he wouldn’t like it.
“What are you working on, Marinette?” Tikki asked sleepily while sipping her hot chocolate.
“Both Adrien and Chat Noir haven’t been dealing with the cold well, so I figured I’d knit them both something warm for Christmas,” Marinette replied as she began writing in some notes. Tikki peered over the book and looked back at Marinette.
“A blanket? Will you have time to make that? Christmas is only a month away.”
“I know, but I figured if I work on it in all of my spare time then I might be able to get it done in time. Hopefully there’s a few snow days in the next few weeks,” Marinette said as she glanced out the window. The window stubbornly continued to show no sign of snow, though there was the twinkling of stars between the clouds.
Tikki took another sip of her drink. “Who’s the blanket for?”
“Chat Noir. I have Adrien’s measurements, so I was thinking either a beanie or a sweater, but I’m not sure of Chat’s. What do you think?” Marinette picked up a green pencil and began to shade in the sketch. In each corner there was a small, blocky cat face with light whiskers.
“He does tend to wear that short sleeved top a lot. I think sweater.”
Marinette hummed and nodded in agreement. “I think you’re right. What about the middle of this?” She held the page up to Tikki, who had ditched the now empty cup and was snuggled into her neck. “I was thinking maybe the initials C.N. but that might be too obvious.”
“What about a Yin Yang symbol, but a ladybug as the white dot and whiskers on the black dot?”
“Tikki, you’re a genius!”
And so Marinette got to work, having most of the yarn colours she required already. Quite a few rows in, she started to nod off and, seeing that it was now well past her bedtime, climbed the ladder to her bed and whispered goodnight to Tikki.
“That’s… a lot of yarn, Marinette,” Alya said with mild concern. “You surely haven’t gotten this low by now?
Marinette shrugged, or at least shrugged the best she could with her arms piled up with rolls of yarn. “I’ve got a few commissions and wanted to be sure. I can use what’s left to make some gifts as well.”
Marinette had dragged Alya on a shopping trip for materials after school the next day. She had some pocket money saved up from chores and her birthday. Half an hour later, they emerged from the fabric store with a lot of yarn and some new shearing scissors, an early gift from Alya.
“Ooh, who’s commissioned you? It must be a big project!”
Marinette almost stumbled, unsure if she should tell Alya, even if she did have the perfect cover up for it. But then again, she knew her best friend.
“Uh, Ladybug commissioned a blanket as a gift for Chat Noir. Apparently they’re having a tough time on their night patrols with the chill.”
Alya’s eyes bugged out of her head and she squealed, “Oh my god, that is so cute! She’s totally in love with him!”
This time Marinette did really stop. “No way! She did not give off that vibe at all when she came around! It’s just really cold at night!”
“Babe, you don’t just commission a whole BLANKET for your friend!” Alya shook her by her shoulders, a few rolls threatening to fall out of Marinette’s arms, who gasped a loud “careful!”
“They’re friends, Alya, and friends can share a blanket when it’s cold. Can we please drop it?”
Alya huffed and rolled her eyes. “Sure, but you know I’m right!”
Later that night, Marinette was zooming through rows of knitting on her balcony. She barely stopped for a few bites of the dinner that her mother had brought up earlier. When her hands began cramping, she turned back to her sketchbook to work on the design for Adrien’s sweater. She figured it best to keep it simple, and made it light green in shade with darker green and black accents. When the cramping had lessened, she picked up the needles again and started knitting furiously again.
Around 8 o’ clock, Tikki nudged her and reminded her that she needs to meet up with Chat Noir. Marinette thanked her and transformed, grabbed the bag of treats she had snuck up earlier, then leapt off the balcony with her yoyo flying off into the distance.
She found Chat Noir on their rooftop an arrondissement away, huddled next to the chimney for warmth.
“Chaton, look what I brought!”
His ears perked up and his lips curved into a wide smile. “That doesn’t just smell like hot chocolate, m’lady. Is that…” his eyes lit up as she lifted the Dupain-Cheng bakery box out of the bag after the flasks, “croissants? And macarons?”
She matched his smile and replied, “all of the above, plus pain au chocolat. Only the best for the cat hero of Paris!” She had to set down the box quickly as he crushed her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around him as well, happy that he was happy. She didn’t miss his murmur of “what did I do to deserve you?” and simply hugged him tighter, almost shielding him from the cool wind. He let go after a few more moments, diving for the flask of hot chocolate and sitting against the chimney.
“Half hour of snacking before we make the rounds?”
“Works for me,” Chat Noir replied in between sips, visibly settling down as the drink warmed him up from the inside. “How did you get the Dupain-Cheng goods? Aren’t they closed by now?”
“They are, but I picked them up just before they closed for the day, so they’re pretty fresh.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, she did get them from the last batch her father made for the day.
Chat Noir hummed as he bit into a macaron, savouring the taste. “They are the best in town, no competition.”
“You’re not wrong there.” Ladybug took this moment of comfortable silence to take the top off of her flask and have a long drink of her hot chocolate. They sat together, shoulder to shoulder against the chimney and the wind started to settle down.
The sun had well and truly set by now, the moon as bright as ever with the stars shining like the streetlights below them. Tonight, there were no clouds, and nothing above them but the open sky. Ladybug loved the sight, and found it to be the second best perk of being a superhero, the first being partnered with Chat Noir. Her friend, Chat Noir, she thought, thinking back to Alya’s words earlier in the day. She was in love with Adrien and absolutely, definitely, totally had no such feelings for Chat Noir.
Marinette was exhausted, to say the least.
It was now the beginning of December, and the blanket was just over half done. She had resorted to bringing in her spare needles and knitting before and after class to start on Adrien’s sweater, and ignored anyone and everyone that asked about it with a small blush.
She also resorted to ignoring any pressing by Alya on Ladybug’s “commission” of the blanket, which had not died out as time had gone on. Alya wanted to know everything from the words Ladybug said to her expression and body language as she spoke about Chat Noir. Marinette now highly regretted giving in and telling her anything.
Thinking of the blanket, she thought about the surprise she was given when Chat Noir dropped in a few nights before.
A gentle rapping on the window shook Marinette from her concentration as she began a new colour for the Yin Yang. She looked around as she heard the telltale swoosh of Tikki hiding and saw Chat Noir waving from her balcony with a sheepish look on her face. She set down the blanket, laying it flat on the floor, and climbed up her ladder to open it.
“Chat Noir? What are you doing here?”
“Forgive me, but I saw your light on while I was out for a run. It’s getting very cold and my own place is a bit too far for me right now. Do you mind if I warm up in here for a few minutes?”
She wasn’t aware of any patrol they had planned. She double checked the day it was in her head and confirmed yes, it was their night off.
“O-Of course you can, would you like anything to eat or drink?” She moved aside for him to jump in, and watched as he looked around the room in wonder.
“Some hot chocolate, if you have any, please,” he replied, eyes moving from the chaise to the various mannequins and designs strewn about the room.
Marinette dearly hoped he wouldn’t know it was the same he had had just a few weeks ago, and a few times since as the temperature continued to drop.
“S-Sure thing, I’ll be right back.”
She climbed down after him, throwing a panicked glance to where Tikki was hiding and subtly gestured for her to follow. She climbed down the trapdoor to the kitchen and turned to Tikki.
“What is he doing here?” Tikki asked.
“I don’t know! It’s not patrol night! He’s going to recognise my recipe for sure!” She began to pace the kitchen.
“Calm down Marinette, he might just think you sell it here. You said you bought the treats from here didn’t you?”
“I mean yeah, but what if his civilian identity comes here often enough to know it’s not sold?” Marinette could not keep calm, but she kept her voice quiet. No need to freak out both her parents and her unexpected guest.
“New product for winter?”
That stopped Marinette in her tracks. “That could work.” Her nerves stilled, she grabbed two mugs and the flask, filling them and turning back to Tikki again with a smile. “You always know how to calm me down.”
Tikki giggled, “Kwami of luck and maybe logic as well. You best get back to him, we’ve been down here for a while now.”
As if on cue, they heard a soft knock on the door, and an even softer, “You okay down there?”
Marinette took the mugs by the handles, calling back, “Can you please open the door?”
The trapdoor opened as Marinette climbed up, and Chat Noir hastened to take one from her hand, and helped her up with his other one. Claws brushed her wrist as his grip tightened on her hand and while she shouldn’t have been surprised, his strength as he pulled her up caught her off guard slightly.
“I just couldn’t find my mug, I always have hot chocolate in it,” she raised her mug as she spoke.
“That’s a nice one. And this is really good,” he said, taking a sip. Marinette watched his eyes as a hint of recognition flickered over them, but he didn’t say anything about it.
“It’s a… family recipe. We just began selling it in the bakery for the winter.”
His face relaxed, and Marinette let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“What are you knitting?”
Man, if this cat didn’t stop. Sure, it’s an innocent question on his part, but Marinette was getting increasingly worried about hiding the truth.
“Oh! Uh, it’s a blanket for a friend of mine. They’re a… big fan of you and Ladybug.”
“And the other needles? I like the different shades of green on it.”
“That’s going to be a sweater, for another friend. He doesn’t seem to have a lot of warm clothes so I’m hoping this will help him.”
“That’s a really lovely gesture, Marinette. One of my friends is into fashion as well, you would get on great with her.”
Marinette hummed in agreement, then said, “I hope you don’t mind me returning to it, I’m trying to get them both done by Christmas.” “Of course not. I should get going now though,” he tipped his mug towards her, empty already, “Thank you very much for the drink, Princess.”
Marinette’s jaw dropped slightly and almost dropped her needles as well. “I-I… you’re welcome, a-any time.”
“I’ll take you up on that,” he replied suavely, adding a wink. Marinette waited until he was safely back out onto her balcony before rolling her eyes with a smile, and got back to her knitting. Stupid cat and his flirting.
Seeing that Madame Bustier was running late, she took Adrien’s sweater out of her bag and began to knit. She had switched out her small clutch for a larger, water-proof bag once she realised she’d need to bring the yarn and needles to class in order to finish it in time. Most of the class had been asking about it so far, including Nino and Alya, but Adrien had been quiet about it until now, when he walked in right as Marinette started another row.
“Hey Marinette, you’re early. What are you making?”
“Oh! Adrien, sweater- hi, uh, I mean-”
“It looks great so far. Green would look nice on you.”
Marinette squeaked and went bright red. “O-oh, uh, thank you, but it’s for a friend,” she giggled nervously.
“Well then, they’re a lucky friend!” Adrien smiled as he began unpacking his notebook and pencil case, and turned to the front. Madam Bustier walked in a moment later, gesturing for Marinette to put away the needles. Marinette didn’t miss the slight shiver that Adrien had to his frame, nor the goosebumps beginning to raise on his arms and the back of his neck.
“Chat Noir!”
It was the week before Christmas, and Marinette was in the home stretch of finishing this blanket. She was knitting on her balcony, hot chocolate by her side and just sheltered from the light snowfall. But now, she could just see the silhouette of the cat hero a few roofs away. He turned his head in surprise and as a result, almost fell off of his staff. She waved her hand, gesturing for him to come over to her.
As he got closer, she called out, “What are you doing out in the snow? It’s way too cold for someone in a skin-tight suit to be out here!”
“But Princess, you’re out here too!” he called back, now standing in front of her.
“I am wrapped up in sweaters and fuzzy pants, with a blanket over me, not a skin-tight suit, as I said! You should be at home, as warm and wrapped up as I am,” she finished on a gentler note as his ears drooped.
“I… don’t want to be home right now. I got into a fight with my father. Can I stay here for a bit?”
Her heart dropped and her eyes filled with sympathy for him. She knew it was a bad situation, but not leave-the-house-in-the-middle-of-winter bad. “Of course you can.”
She opened the skylight, carefully plopping down her almost-finished blanket and needles, then climbed in after it. He shook the snow from his hair, passed her half-empty mug of hot chocolate to her and hopped down onto the bed. She put the mug on a ledge next to her bed and said, “Do you need a hug?”
Almost immediately, he wrapped her in a bear hug not unlike the one he gave Ladybug a few weeks prior. She raised her arms just in time and curled them around his neck and if she happened to feel a tear or two slide onto her shoulders, she didn’t mention it.
Her hands weaved themselves into his wild hair, holding him close. She stayed silent, knowing words couldn’t convey the comfort she tried to give him. His arms were so long, they almost doubled back to himself. Together, they shivered, as he cried onto her shoulder silently and the wind blew through the skylight above. She untangled one of her hands to reach up and close it, but Chat Noir took this as a sign to let go and step back. Her other hand still tangled, she lost balance and they fell, Chat Noir landing on top of her as she hit the bed with an “oof!”
Marinette drew in a sharp breath as Chat Noir’s head hit her collarbone. That’s going to leave a bruise, she thought with a wince.
“I’m so sorry, are you alright?”
“Yeah, just knocked the breath out of me,” she replied, finally removing her hand from his hair. She sat up as he hurried to get off of her and sat at the end of her bed, both of their eyes wide open.
“So, um-”
They both tried to speak at once, giggling when they stopped. Chat Noir gestured for her to speak first, so she did.
“Do you want some hot chocolate?”
“Please,” he replied gratefully, moving aside so she could climb down the ladder, following after her. She returned after a few minutes, setting their mugs down next to her computer. “Can you pass me down the blanket, please? I’m so close to finishing,” she asked as she held out her arms for it to be dropped into. She stumbled when it landed; it felt heavier than she expected it to be. Oh well, she thought, this means it should be extra warm.
She got settled in her desk chair, the blanket flowing down past her feet as Chat Noir settled on her chaise with his mug. They sat in a comfortable quiet, the only sounds in the room coming from the whirring of her computer, the clacking of the needles and a sip from Chat Noir every once in a while. She’d look up from time to time, and see his bright eyes staring back at her with a shy interest. There were hints of dried tears on his face, and she subtly elbowed the tissue box beside her towards him.
At last, she finished the last row of the blanket. She cast off, spreading it out on the floor and stepped back to look at her work. Chat Noir joined her, looking over it in wonder.
“How long did this take you?”
“Just under a month. I’ve been knitting as fast as I can and spent almost every waking moment on it. Except for when I’ve been at school, which I spent working on this,” she said as she pulled out the sweater for Adrien. “It’s for my friend Adrien. His father doesn’t really let him wear clothes that would give him comfort. I mean, I get that as a model he’s always representing the brand, but what kind of father chooses style over comfort for his own son? I’m surprised he hasn’t frozen to death already,” she tried to lighten the end of her rant as she realised she was getting angry.
He took a gentle hold on her elbow, and she looked up to face him. He had an odd look on his face, like he was embarrassed, though he had no reason to be.
“You’re an amazing friend, Marinette, and I’m sure he is going to love yo- it.”
She beamed at his praise and set it down on the chair, hugging him again with her whole body, his own arms wrapping tightly around her.
“Thank you for the hot chocolate, but I think I should go before my father realises I’m gone.”
She squeezed him tighter for a moment and whispered, “Will you be okay there? You know you’re welcome at any time, okay?”
He squeezed her back and replied, “I think I’ll be okay, but I will let you know,” and stepped back, taking care to not step on the blanket. She watched as he climbed the ladder and up onto the balcony, only looking back to wave her goodbye. She waved in reply then folded the blanket up, putting it into the bag she had reserved for patrols.
With only half a sleeve to go, she picked up the needles and set herself back down on the chair, continuing her work on Adrien’s sweater.
Conveniently enough, the next morning was announced to be the last school day before holiday break, as the weather predicted heavy snowfall for the coming days. Unfortunately though, it gave Marinette only today to give the now-completed sweater to Adrien. It was wrapped and labelled to and from (both Marinette and Alya made sure of it) but Marinette was frozen when she reached the classroom, causing Alya to bump into her back.
“Marinette! You can do this,” she heard her hiss, but she just couldn’t. There Adrien was, sitting and laughing at something Nino had said. She squeaked, almost losing her balance trying to step forward, which caught Adrien’s attention.
“Hey Marinette! What’s that you have there?”
Alya nudged her, and this time she did start to slip. This is how I die, she thought with a great internal sigh.
Quick as lightning, Adrien was in front of her, keeping her steady with concern masking his face.
“You okay?”
Marinette couldn’t do anything but stammer. “U-uh, you, I- gift! For you!”
“F-For me?”
He looked down to her hands, which were now shaking with the present between them.
“I-I mean…” Marinette looked helplessly back to Alya, who gave her a gentle nod, then looked back to Adrien and took a deep breath. “Yes, it’s for you. Merry Christmas, Adrien.”
The whole class was silent now, watching the two. Even Chloe watched, clearly fuming with a glare in Marinette’s direction.
He took it from her gently, their hands brushing for a moment. Marinette could swear she felt a spark, something warm in the cold room when they touched, but it disappeared as the package left her hands. She didn’t expect for him to set it down and sweep her into a hug so loving it reminded her of Chat N- no. No feelings for Chat Noir, only Adrien.
“Thank you,” he whispered into her ear with a squeeze.
In the middle of winter, Marinette felt like she was on fire. She tentatively raised her arms to hug him back, only for him to step back at the same moment and suddenly she was cold again.
“You’re welcome,” she whispered back as he turned away to open the gift. His eyes lit up with happiness as he unfolded the sweater, gushing, “I’m the lucky friend?!”
Marinette giggled, “You have my lucky charm, remember?”
That made Adrien snort, “Marinette, I think you are my lucky charm.”
The class dissolved into a chorus of “aww’s” and the two suddenly remembered where they were, both blushing furiously. Fortunately for them, Madame Bustier walked in to start seconds later.
He wore the sweater proudly for the rest of the day, and home, as far as Marinette saw.
“Tikki, spots on!”
Later that night, Marinette transformed once again into Ladybug. She made sure the lamp was on and her goodie bag was secured around her body before launching off of the balcony towards their meeting place for patrols. The snow was falling lightly, looking magical in the night. Chat Noir was already there, holding his own bag that fell by the side of the swea- sweater?
Her jaw dropped and she almost missed her target with the yoyo. Chat Noir caught on evidently as his face dropped with fear and he reached out for her.
“Ladybug, are you okay? What happened there?”
“Where did you get that sweater?”
His face split into a grin as he ran his claws along the accents. “Oh, isn’t it so cool? A friend gave it to me for Christmas!”
The pieces both fell together and shattered at the same time. Her face dropped in shock. “But I… y-you… I mean… Adrien?”
His mouth fell open and he stuttered back, “M-Marinette?”
They stared at each other in shock for a few moments before Chat Noir snorted, which made Ladybug break and they both just burst into laughter. It felt unbelievable, but made so much sense to the pair. The two who always got everyone to safety so they could be alone; they felt like idiots. Finally their laughter died down, but as Ladybug brought out the Dupain-Cheng box, they started up again. More things began making sense and they couldn’t help themselves.
They found their way to each other, holding on like they’ve been separated for years.
“I can’t believe it’s you,” Ladybug mumbled. Chat Noir’s body shielded her from the oncoming snow as they held each other.
“I can’t believe it either. We thought we were smart,” he laughed, and she could hear his smile.
“You’re gonna love this then,” she stepped back and opened her back, pulling out the blanket. She actually thought he might cry then and there. She held it towards him, who took it with such soft hands.
“You made this, for me?”
“I didn’t know your measurements- well, as it turns out I do, but I figured it would be something for us to keep warm under before patrols.”
“Marinette, I love you.”
They both paused, the phrase seemingly slipped out on its own, but she couldn’t help but reply, “I love you too.”
Winter patrols suddenly became a lot warmer.
22 notes · View notes
banana-boomboom · 4 years
A Night to Remember by CoffeeComicsGalore
Rated T - Words 37,133
In their last year of lycee, Marinette wanted to make it special. She convinced the school board to hold a school dance, giving the graduating class a fun, last hurrah before graduating.
Friendships grow stronger, relationships take place, a reveal worth waiting for, and Lila being the conniving brat she is.
not my fic. just an amazing one everyone should read
4 notes · View notes
coffeecomicsgalore · 5 years
A Night To Remember
Adrien quits.
Chapter 6 – Adrien’s Final Blow
“Thank you for meeting me, Monsieur Agreste.” Lila was sitting on the bench with her back towards him.
Gabriel stayed firm in his car; the window partially opened, ready to hear what this girl needed to say.
“Mlle. Rossi.” he said flatly. “You stated that you have some information on my son?” His tone was as cold as ice.
“Yes, sir. I was told that Adrien and Kagami have not been together for some time. It seems like your son has been lying to you for a better part of a year."
“Is that true?” He was intrigued, but kept his composure. “And where did you hear of this information Mlle. Rossi?”
“I overheard that Nino-friend-of-his talking to his girlfriend about it.” Her voice was filled with venom. “It seems like it was only kept between a few close friends. Those friends are a terrible influence on him, M. Agreste.”
“And how do you expect me to change that? I am sure you have heard that he has threatened to quit the brand if something were to happen between him and his so-called friends.”
“Then maybe his ‘friends’ will need to turn their backs on him.”
“See to it that it works. And do not disappoint me, mademoiselle.”
----- xoxox -----
Adrien returned home with anxiety over the unpleasant news. He was hoping that word did not spread as quickly as he thought and he could head off to his room without a scolding from his father.  He walked into the atrium and made his way up the steps before seeing a figure waiting for him at the top.
“Adrien.” his father said coldly.
“Father.” Adrien returned the cold gesture.
“What is the meaning of your so-called ‘relationship’ with Mlle. Tsurugi? Have you been lying to me all this time?”
“No, Father, I have not been lying to you.”
“But you have not been telling me the truth, have you?” The anger could be heard in his voice.
Adrien did not want to have this conversation today. He was exhausted from the roller coaster of emotions he was feeling since Kagami called him with the news. “Kagami and I were in a relationship. We both chose to end our dating relationship. We still have a friendship-relationship. Friends can hold hands especially during special events like the ones we attended. And yes, I do love her, but I love her as a friend.” he said in a way to make his voice bold, strong, and heard. “We never confirmed our relationship with the press. And we never told them we were in love. They assumed all of that themselves. So, as I have said, I was not deceiving you in any way, Father.”
“Your disobedience perturbs me, Adrien. First, the wanted freedom. Then reducing your activities and modeling. Getting a job - at a bakery no less - when you could continue to model. Wanting to attend a university with your own elected degree instead of the business degree I suggested you attain. Now a ‘fake’ relationship instead of an actual relationship with Mlle. Tsurugi? What’s next, you are going to tell me that you are dating that bakery girl - Mlle. Dupain-Cheng is it? Well, I forbid whatever it is you choose to do next. You will stop your disobedience this instance, and you will go back to your schedule as previously done. Nathalie will take care of everything for you from now one and you will do as you’re told. Now, go to your room.”
Adrien was seething. He was an adult. He finally had his taste of freedom. Finally was able to make decisions for himself. And that man that he calls Father was taking it all away. For what? Over the misconstrued deceitfulness of a ‘fake relationship’ that his father assumed continued? And the implied controversy of wanting to date sweet Marinette? No. It was all because it was never part of his plan. He didn’t care about Adrien and his happiness. All he cared about was his brand.  
Adrien was done. “No.” He said sternly.
“You will not disobey me again, Adrien. Go to your room.” Gorilla walked up behind Adrien while Nathalie walked alongside Gabriel.
“I. Said. No.” Adrien said through gritted teeth. He walked up to his father and stood in front of him. His hand was clenched tight into a fist, ready to punch him square in the face. But he wouldn’t lay a hand to him. He had more dignity than that.  
“I quit! I quit modeling. I quit the photo shoots. I quit the Chinese, fencing, and piano lessons. I quit all the appearances that I am forced to attend.” The words spilling out his mouth with such force, he was shaking. He took a step forward until his face was so close to his father’s face, they could feel the puffs of breaths coming from their mouths. “And I quit being your son.”
Adrien looked at his father before taking one step to the side and set off to his room. Gabriel stood there in shock over the brash words. His mouth was slightly agape. Nathalie walked forward, unsure of what to say or do. Gorilla had a slight smirk to his face as he turned and walked away.
As soon as Adrien marched into his room and slammed the door shut, Plagg zoomed out of his chosen’s shirt and stared in shock.  “Wow kid. I never thought you had it in you to talk back to him like that.”
“Honestly, neither did I.” Adrien was still shaking; his body was full of adrenaline over the encounter. No amount of scary akumas could ever match the fear that overtook his body. The moment Marinette’s name left his father’s mouth, he knew he couldn’t hold back. No one talks about his princess that way.
Adrien didn’t say much as he gathered a few sets of clothes, toiletries, and other important documents. Plagg took the opportunity to gather all his cheese from the vault and set it in the almost full bag.  
When he was finished, he picked up his bag and head out his bedroom door. In the atrium, his father stood with his arms crossed behind his back. Nathalie stood near the door with Gorilla standing in front of the exit.
Adrien made up his mind. No one will stand in the way of it. He looked straight into his father’s cold eyes. “Father.” Gabriel chose not to acknowledge him. “Nathalie.” She nodded to his greeting with a stern look on her face. Gorilla stepped aside to allow him to leave.
As soon as he walked past the gates, he felt the anger release. He wanted to fall to his knees right there. But he knew he couldn’t let his body relax until he reached his destination. Where? He didn’t know. He just walked straight towards the subway station and decided to take a train as far as he could go.  
As he was boarding, he received a message from the girl that occupied his mind.  
Marinette: Hey. I’m just checking up on you. Did your dad talk to you?”
Adrien: Yeah, about that....  
Adrien: Do you think I can come by? I kind of quit being his son and now I’m essentially homeless. :/
Marinette: …
Marinette: You quit? Being his son? Can you do that?
Marinette: And yes. You know you’re always welcomed here.
Marinette: I’ll go and let my parents know and set up the guest room.  
Adrien: I guess you can, because I just did.
Adrien: Marinette. You are seriously the best. Thank you.
Marinette: :) Always.
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lycorogue · 4 years
Latest Writing Blog is Live
The Rogue’s Scribe: Come Check Out These Fics!
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My writing was mostly focused on all of those blog posts last week. Which means I haven’t done much fictional writing. Instead, this week’s post is about a handful of awesome fics I’ve read this month.
LoveSquare Week 2020 by @kittyynoirr (aka LittleLottieWrites)
Really sweet exploration of the different prompts. Including at least two awesome Ladrien stories.
The Enemies AU story/chapter was an awesome pilot for a potential future multi-chapter story.
Chasing Feelings by @coffeecomicsgalore
A continuous story with each Fluff Week prompt as a different chapter theme.
A sweet tale of how the Love Square collapses into a lovely couple.
Final chapter has the most adorable over-the-top dorky Adrienette pranking the class, and an off-the-wall reveal that I LOVE because of how gloriously stupid and perfect it was. 
Two Hundred Seventeen Days by @chanceuseladynoire​ and @zenmisery​
Another continuous story with each Fluff Week prompt as a different chapter theme.
Aged up Adrienette story with hints of the other sides of the Love Square throughout the story.
Kwami shenanigans because they’re beyond sick of the Love Square BS.
Immortal Bonds by @thetauruspixie​
A demons/supernatural entities AU
The story officially starts, giving a base on what Marinette’s life is like before any supernatural influence. However, an interaction with Master Fu seems quite unnerving....
Due to the AU nature, only the most basic knowledge of the fandom is needed.
Discordant Sonata by @edendaphne​
An Aged-up and Enemies AU
Each chapter has its own musical term as a theme, and wonderfully selected mood music.
Chat Noir battles with whether or not he’s on the correct side while the duo also deals with their growing affections towards each other.
It is angsty and heartbreaking, but there’s also rays of hope that make you want to read more.
Due to the AU nature, only the most basic knowledge of the fandom is needed.
Displaced by Time by @cyhyr​
A FFXV fanfic
A main cast made up of delightfully well-rounded OCs that you quickly become attached to.
Time travel shenanigans makes the story intentionally a bit confusing so the reader must get their bearings alongside main character Vesper.
The story takes place almost parallel to the events of the game, and may even quietly influence the events.
No prior knowledge of the fandom is needed.
Please, give these fics some love. And for my full reactions/reviews on them, check out my blog. The Rogue’s Scribe: Come Check Out These Fics!
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aerequets · 4 years
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here is part 1 in case you’re hella confused
i didnt think i would do a part 2 (or if i did, not so quick) but then i realized how fun it is to draw hawkmoth/gabriel assgreste getting finessed
(original idea from @gale-of-the-nomads, it is very cool and suave and serious compared to my comics, see it here)
What did they do to hawkmoth?  👀 comment below and i might just draw some... (or all of them because drawing hawkmoth getting beaten up is therapeutic :D)
Also a little tag list for the people who commented from part 1:
@mango-pickle @itsdemigodtoyou @redsparrow12 @marshmeowllowmuffins @hermionemonica @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj @maggies-scribblings @bowser14456 @xhanisai @coffeecomicsgalore @sepporahs-blog @valentine1604 @bakergirl13 @shirtlessteacup @weevilcat @somepersonhere2 @pauliestorylover
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niyes-lahiffe · 4 years
i am very much in a Djwifi Mood rn and you seem like the type of person to know djwifi fics so this is random but do you have any recommendations?
ALRIGHT ANON i’m gonna go all out on this one (and sorry for taking forever to respond sdjhskjgdh)
also these are (mostly) fics that i have READ and ive still got some in my to read so i’ll update this as i go :D
to start, most of the things IVE written are djwifi (of course lmao)! just look through the “my fics” tag; i’ve also reblogged a bunch on my main blog @ultranimallover33 through the tag “fics”
tides also made a few recommendations you can find here and here!
Knighted by Thelastpilot (without a doubt my favorite fic tbh, written SO well, hilarious, nino and djwifi centered, princess and knight au, all the good stuff)
The Weight of Jade by Thelastpilot (haven’t read yet (for SHAME) but i already know it’s like the greatest story ever. absolutely iconic. (might wanna read Won’t Tell a Soul first tho))
Empty Chairs by Thelastpilot (good hurt/comfort based on an idea i love sO MUCH)
Butterflies by Risingmoon (definitely in my top 5 fave fics of all time it’s so SO cute)
Liveblog my Heart by sapphireluna (also very high on the fave list! it’s just!! so good!!!)
Starlit Conversations by InkJackets (another fave, i absolutely adore the perspectives and the slight angst it makes me HHHHH)
Cola Date by 3laxx (one of my absolute FAVORITES. i can read it any time and never be tired of it)
The Boy in the Green Jacket by Queen_BeeChloe (SO SO GOOD made me laugh so hard omfg)
You’re Still Here by tonguetiedcat (i adore this one omfg,, hilarious and adorable)
All’s Faire In Love And War by Kermode and RadamaZard (hilarious. excellent writing. renaissance fair!! everything amazing)
But I’m Weak by RadamaZard (my FAVORITE hurt/comfort fic i’ve read it so much and will continue to do so)
Peculiar Interests by myladyladybug (mermaid!alya befriending human nino what’s more to WANT)
kiss kiss (fall in love) by HiddenEye (one of the first ones i ever read. a hilarious classic)
Burst by melanshi (GAH i love the way this one is written. also made me ship rena x bubbler?? more likely than you think)
Kissing Booth by TiredHorse (Alya-centric, excellent djwifi at the end, funny classmate stuff. one of my faves)
How It Goes by Zaphirite (just dorks being absolute dorks)
If Only You Knew by scarslikeconstxllations (GOOD ANGST)
Operation Lovebirds by miraculous_me (yall FAKE DATING. CUTE AF ENDING. NEED I SAY MORE)
Phase Eight by miraculous_me (Operation Lovebirds sequel!! and it’s AAAAA)
Feeling The Sound by celestial_author (hilarious and so good,, made me feel things)
The Way You Smile by celestial author (SO SWEET I ALMOST GOT SICK)
I’ll Never Love Again by chatalyst (ANGSTY AF, I’LL NEVER FORGIVE U FOR THIS ANITA)
Go Back to Bed. You’re Sick. by CoffeeComicsGalore (lmao nino being a good bf and alya being a sassy sick lady it’s good stuff)
Bite Me. by Scarlet_Sea (Vampire!Alya?? HECK YEAH)
Withdrawl by Scarlet_Sea (cute phone conversations that make me squeal)
You’re Ethereal, Alya by an author that can’t be found :( (KISSES!!!)
racing through the dark by GuardianKarenTerrier (cute dorkiness that makes me ;0;;)
so this is love by pastisregret (ADORABLE CINDERELLA STORY OK)
Surprise Party by tbehartoo (hilarious and so sweet)
DjWifi FLUFF by Fandom_Trash (it is as it says, bro,, pure fluff)
i’ll be with you from dusk till dawn. by another unknown author (SO SWEET MADE ME CRY HHH)
Our Get Along Shirt by miraculousstorytelling (one of the funniest things i’ve ever read tbh)
All About Us by isyotm (collage au fluff let’s gooo!)
To Kiss or Not To Kiss? by claws-n-spots (aka nino being a giant dork, extremely good fluffy stuff)
Behind You by tinymacaroni (hhHNGHghngmhnfhghn...)
Hoodie Hoarder by PlaPla (gotta love these dorks)
For Once, Alya Let Him Be Cool by ramenrulz8P (PROPOSALLLLL)
Headphone Sharing, or How to Get a Date in a Foreign City by TakingOverMidnight3482 (gotta LOVE aus like this )
Knight in Shining Apron by 3laxx (hilarious. adorable. what else to expect from Toni’s fabulous writing?)
Late Night Talks and Forgotten Laptops by miraculart (another PROPOSALLLL +nino being an anxious bby)
A Place for Spring by yestomiraculous (written SO well and by golly the banter is amazing)
Candy by LoveGeek15 (more dorks being dorksss)
Blue Turtle by sagansjagger (slightly nsfw but SDJLGHSLDGH so funny like rip nino)
Twenty-Four Things I Love About You by HaydenFullwright (literally nino being a giant sap for 2800 words)
Trying by NotQuiteNerdy (actually havent read but ive only heard good things and i shall read it SOON)
Broken connection by cactus_con and Raging Flames by 3laxx are the ANGSTIEST stories i’ve ever read and both made me bawl uncontrollably
and ofc the christmas ones (there’s surprisingly a lot but theyre all so cute):
31 days of DJWifi by 3laxx (just a whole bunch of wholesome drabbles)
The best Christmas Present by 3laxx (SO FREAKIN CUUUTE HHNG)
Christmas Run by Their_Destinys_Writer (CUTE AF AND WRITTEN SO WELL)
DjWifi December... A Year Late by Capns_scrolls (good djwifi december fluffff)
Jingle All the Way by siderealSandman (an abolute MUST READ it’s so funny and i love the way it’s written)
He Loves Me by Thecrazydragonlady15 (aaa dorks being dorks)
Alya’s insomnia by Merricup (HHHNG CUTE FLUFF)
A Night on The Town by krzed (an incredible story that i love to read)
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xhanisai · 3 years
Cheers for the tag @chocoluckchipz @ultrakart !
Rules: Share the titles of each of your current WIPs, and, if your followers ask, share a preview of the one that sounds the most interesting. Send this to ten mutuals who you are curious what they’re working on.
I have over like 50 WIPs so I’ll just share a few cos I’m lazy~ I don’t have official titles for them so I’ll describe them in a line.
1) Ch4 for Blanc Noise. Horror will kick in this chappie.
2) Drabble where Chat Noir pulls a Marinette and babbles out his spiral of doom just cos Ladybug got an itty bitty scratch. Something humourous.
3) AU where Marinette is an orphan (still wielding the LB miraculous, a heroine), Adrien wields the butterfly miraculous (becomes an antihero and is adopted by Nathalie) and Gabriel wields the black cat miraculous (a hero and LB’s partner). The enemy is the peacock holder. Angst galore and very dark~
4) Victorian AU where most of the miracuclass are child workers at the Bourgeois manor and Marinette and Adrien become LB and CN to not only stop akumas, but also help the whole class escape. Angsty and childhood best friends trope and also quite dark~~
5) Doing a collab where Chat Noir’s tail likes to shape into a heart whenever he’s around Marinette and LB. Very sweet and fluffy.
I tag:
@gale-gentlepenguin @theflashdriver @ao3bronte @coffeecomicsgalore @true-intha-blue
and everyone else who wants to join!
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doodoofeline · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Nathalie Sancoeur, Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Adrinette | Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Fluff, fluff with a tiny little bit of angst, someone give adrien a hug pls Summary:
Gabriel Agreste decides it’s best for his son to be taught at home, claiming that studying at a school had distracted him too much that year, in hopes that this will bring some negative emotions from Adrien’s classmates for him to take advantage of. The joke’s on him if he believes Marinette Dupain-Cheng isn’t going to do everything in her power to keep her friends happy (and avoid fighting akumas).
soo i finally wrote down the first chapter of this idea that i had about a week ago, i hope you enjoy it! aand i’m tagging some people who seemed to like the idea, in case you wanna check it out!  btw this is the first time i write in a long time so cut me some slack pls khkjdshf
@tsukinohimeusagi @mariblog01 @coffeecomicsgalore @banana-noir  @mochegato @mewwitch @multimousemari @littleladybugkitten @lady-baguette @2manyfandoms2count @geneticsshrimp @e-milieeee @kittinoir @zenmisery @fluffydorkswithmasks @essentialtalesandpoems @thatanonwiththeoc @miraculousfunnygirl @catsssmeow @wild-mare-of-prosecution @sentientpocketsand
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 years
With the World on Her Shoulders...
With the World on Her Shoulders... by CoffeeComicsGalore
With the world on her shoulders, Marinette feels alone. She spent the summer focusing on her guardianship, dealing with the "easy" task of her duties while handling the daunting task of moving on from Adrien Agreste. How will she handle the responsibilities this new school year? With the help of her friends, of course, but not without the fall of her own world in the process.
For Marinette March 2021.
Words: 962, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of 2021 Prompt Me Stories
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Tikki, Plagg
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Tikki, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi
Additional Tags: Hot Mess Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Badass Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Needs a Hug, Identity Reveal, Secrets, Secret Identity, Moving On, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Platonic Relationships, Male-Female Friendship, Unrequited Love, TV Special: Miraculous World: New York, Developing Friendships, Strained Friendships, Strained Relationships, Marinette March, Marinette March 2021, Strong Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Alya Césaire Is The Best, Protective Alya Césaire, Protective Nino Lahiffe, protective classmates, Protective Kagami Tsurugi, Protective Luka Couffaine, Protective Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Protective Sabine Cheng, Protective Tom Dupain, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, just a little bit, Mouse Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Multimouse
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29790882
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ao3bronte · 3 years
19 and 30 for the asks
19. fic you plan to read next year
I plan on reading all of the stories written by my amazing friends on the Miraculust Cumtributors Discord! @yamina20-blog @lalunaoscura @katieykat513 @ghostlyhamburger @coffeecomicsgalore @chatonne-rousse @sailormiaka and many others who I love chatting with! ♥️
30. fandom resolution for next year
My fandom resolution is to leave more comments. I reblog a lot but I very rarely head over to AO3 to read the stories posted there and leave comments. I would love to let more people know that I love their work!
Fandom end of the year asks!
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coffeecomicsgalore · 5 years
A Night to Remember
Chapter 5 - The Interview from Hell
“Don’t be amused, it’s just the news. I’m Nadja Chamack and this just in – Is there trouble in paradise for these two love birds?” A picture of Kagami and Adrien from a red-carpet appearance pops on the screen.  
“Sources say Mademoiselle Kagami Tsurugi and Monsieur Adrien Agreste have parted ways. I have gathered that these two so-called ‘love birds’ have actually been separated for quite some time. How long you may ask? We have been led to believe that they have been separated for well over a year! Has this entire relationship been a sham?”
“We have reached out to one of Gabriel’s top models and close, personal friend of Adrien Agreste’s to confirm the news.”
The camera pans over to an interview with the brown-haired girl. “Mademoiselle Lila Rossi, can you confirm what you know of this breaking news?”
“Oh my. I cannot believe their secret is out.” Lila placed a hand over her heart, her face faked of worry. “Poor Adrien was so heart-broken over the entire thing, he swore me to secrecy. I have been by his side the entire time while consoling him.”
“How long have they been apart, Mlle. Rossi? They seemed to continue making appearances and even appeared ‘in love’ until Mlle. Tsurugi had to handle matters in Japan.”
“I know I really shouldn’t say anything, but they have been apart for well over a year.” The words spewed from her mouth. “Since then, Adrien and I became even closer. He needed someone who would be there for him at a moment’s notice.”
“It seems that his heartbreak was short-lived then if you both became closer. Is there something forming between you two?”
Lila smiled and faked up the puppy dog, love-struck look in her eyes. “I don’t want to confirm or deny anything without him here, but I cannot keep the secret any longer. I love that boy. And I know he feels the same for me.”
“Well there you have it ladies and gentleman. One power couple no longer together while another is forming. Stay tuned for more information-”
The four friends stared at Marinette’s computer screen; jaws dropped over the leaked news. Adrien had his phone leaned against Marinette’s computer while they watched the footage. Kagami looked defeated. Adrien was downright angry.
“Lila!” Adrien was seething. He was shaking from the anger. “How did she find out about this?”
“I’m not sure. Besides the five of us, does anyone else know?” Kagami questioned.
“No. We kept it between us and we don’t talk about it outside of closed walls.”
Alya and Nino looked over to each other nervously. Adrien was too focused on the screen to notice the interaction.
“Does your Father know? My mother has already spoken her mind on the matter. She said this was a disgrace to the family and is disappointed over the lies.”
“I’m surprised I haven’t received a call from Nathalie over the matter. I can already see the scolding from Father happening the moment I walk into the mansion tonight.”  
Marinette was shocked. She knew Lila was terrible, but this took the cake. She placed her hand in Adrien’s and looked into his eyes. The comfort over the unspoken interaction calmed him down enough to stop shaking.
“What are we going to do? I don’t think I can make a public statement from here. I mean I could, but it would be easier if we could handle the influx of interviews together and in person. All my interviews will have to be done over video chat.”
Kagami scoured the room to look at the four friends. She noticed Alya and Nino shifting nervously in their seats. “Alya, Nino. Is something the matter?”
Marinette and Adrien turned to look at the couple.  
“I think someone overheard our conversation during lunch today.” Alya said sheepishly.
“You- You’re conversation! What conversation?” Adrien’s anger returned. Marinette squeezed his hand to get him to relax again.
“We were talking about how you and Marinette were getting closer and hanging out so much more than ever before. I may have mentioned that I was surprised you and Kagami haven’t ended the fake relationship spiel since you got out from under your dad’s iron fist.”
“And I pretty much confirmed it was because you dudes wanted to keep your parents off your backs.” Nino rubbed the back of his neck. “Dudes, we are so sorry. We never meant for anyone to overhear us.”
“We understand if you won’t forgive us. We really are sorry.” Alya added.
Adrien let out a painful sigh. He hunched over with his head low and ran his free hand through his hair. “What the hell are we going to do. The media is going to go crazy over this.”
Marinette stayed quiet, trying to formulate a plan to help out her dearest friends. She looked over to Alya and Nino, who both looked defeated beyond repair. Kagami and Adrien were continuing their conversation, but Marinette wasn’t listening. She had to think of something. She was Ladybug after all! Lila was a conniving animal, eavesdropping over the unbeknownst couple. She surely had to pay. But how?
“-not sure if we could just say-”  
“-but whatever we need to do-”
“-focus off of Lila-”
Marinette continued to think in between their conversations. Adrien was a mix of emotions. He went from angry, to defeated, then frustrated, and finally ended at annoyed.  Kagami kept a neutral look.
“I can’t remember. Did you guys ever publicly announce you were in love?” Marinette thought out loud while staring at the floor. The questions were formulating in her head, careful to weed out anything that wouldn’t make sense to fixing this mess.
“Actually, we never publicly announced we were together.” Adrien started thinking back. “I want to say they assumed we were together. Kagami, did we ever confirm the rumors?”
Alya spoke up before Kagami could answer. She wanted to help as much as she could for getting her friends into this mess. “No, Gabriel wanted you guys to confirm it, but you both said no because your relationship was still so new. You guys chose to keep it low until it developed into something more seriously.”
Kagami stared at the aspiring journalist with a glaring stare. “She is right. We never confirmed or denied our relationship. We just continuously showed up to appearances with smiles and hand holding.”
Marinette’s wheels turned. “If that is the case, couldn’t you say that it was never confirmed that you were in a relationship? Could you blow it off as you both are best friends and making the appearances together just made the events less lonely?”
“We could, but they will speculate that there was a budding romance and that we are just playing it off now. But I mean, that is just better than downright ignoring the whole situation.”
Marinette continued. “Well that’s not a complete lie. You were in a relationship in the beginning. Just say, ‘hey we were in a relationship in the beginning. We both decided to call it quits after a few months, but never confirmed or denied the questions. We’ve remained best friends and enjoy each other’s company’.”  
Now it was Adrien’s turn to continue the thought. “If they ask us about the lovey-dovey and hand-holding parts of our relationship, I’ll tell them the truth – I'm a touchy person and a gentleman. I love to give sincerity to my dates while also making sure they are comfortable in my care.”
Kagami agreed. “Yes. Adrien, you are definitely a touchy-feely type of person.” A giggle escaped her lips.
“Hey what can I say? My family is broken and my dad’s a jackass. Touching is my love language. I crave it.” He unconsciously squeezed Marinette’s hand. She was so focused on her friends that she forgot they were still holding hands. The intimate gesture startled her, but felt warm to her soul. “Now what about Lila?”  
Alya chimed in. “I think I have a plan for that conniving bitch.”
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lycorogue · 4 years
Latest Writing Blog Post is Live
The Rogue’s Scribe: What Am I Doing With My Life?
Hope you have snacks and drinks ready, and got your bathroom break out of the way, because I’m recapping the past two weeks to make up for not getting a post done last week.
I mostly handwave over things because I’m going to go into more detail in a second blog post I’m planning to have up before bed tonight. So keep an eye out for this special Double Post day.
The things I do talk about in this post includes:
Why I skipped last week’s post
How packed my post-work life has been so far this month
My difficulties with coming up with stories for the prompts
Finally coming up with ideas by reflecting on fluffy moments in some of my other fandoms, such as Fruits Basket, “Hey, Arnold!”, and Ouran High School Host Club
My unhealthy sleep schedule so far this month #_#
@lovebugs-and-snakecharmers Secret Admirer exchange event
My private joke of @justknitstuff encouraging my writing when she was my story recipient. 
How I royally screwed up publishing my story
Promoting my Lukanette story: Marinette’s Song
Promoting the Lukanette story written for me!
Or I Could Just Kiss You... by @livrever
Beta reading for @cyhyr
Being one of the worst betas.... TT^TT (My words; not hers)
Promoting the 4 Fluff Week prompts I was able to write
Music to Heal
Let Me Help You
I Have Something to Confess
Playing House
Promoting three Fluff Week stories I particularly liked:
LoveSquare Week 2020 by LittleLottieWrites
Chasing Feelings by @coffeecomicsgalore
Two Hundred Seventeen Days by @chanceuseladynoire and @zenmisery
I’ll talk in more depth about these stories in my next blog post; so keep an eye out!
Writing Group last Tuesday
Why I come up with cover art for my stories
I also touch (oh so briefly) on my funk due to comparing myself to other authors; never a smart move....
If you want to know exactly what I said about all of the above, you can check it out in my writing blog post. Also, keep that eye out for a more in-depth look on my writing process and my thoughts on those fanfics. That will be the second blog post I’m sharing today.
The Rogue’s Scribe: What Am I Doing With My Life?
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gettingluckyzine · 4 years
Coming with some #Marichat deliciousness, here is @coffeecomicsgalore with a nighttime scene. Wonder what they're doing...
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nerdypanda3126 · 4 years
Getting to Know Me
Rules: Tag twenty people you want to get to know better, and ask them to answer the questions below.
Tagged by: @mermaidyarn Thanks for the tag! :3
Nickname: Amanda Panda since like kindergarten when everyone started learning how to rhyme
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 5′ 4″
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw! 
Favorite animal: Any and all? Can that be my answer? I prefer dogs as pets, I guess that can count as a favorite. 
Blankets: I run cold, so I’m always under at least one blanket. Afghans are my favorite
Where am I from: Missouri
When I started this account: Actually only about a month ago
Why I started this account: I started writing fanfiction, but I struggled with posting it. So this account was supposed to be a kind of void where I could dump my writing to get used to letting people read my work. What I actually found was this amazing community to be a part of, and I couldn’t be more excited <3
I don’t know many people yet, but @gryffindorcls @multimousemari @tizzymcwizzy @coffeecomicsgalore @johnnycatalina if you haven’t been tagged already? 
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lovesquarefluffweek · 4 years
Love Square Fluff Week 2020 comes to wrap!
Man this week flew by so fast! We had so many great pieces of writing and art work!!
Thank you to the many artworks and stories written by ML’s many talented creators! You all brought a lot of fluff and joy to this lovesquare and to many fans who enjoy looking and reading fanworks. (There are still stories that I need to read!)
The turnout was amazing and I’m honored! Thank you again!
To the many lovesquare fans I hoped you you enjoyed this event.
This is my second time hosting the event, thank you everyone for your patience and kindess with me <3 If you would more future fluff days or weeks let me know. One can never have too much fluff.
thank you to our artists!: @thecrazyladybug @flashflashitsash @chimpukampu @chataclysmes @bugaboo-n-bananoir @themiraculousladyblog @chicoriii @sissensen @vananoir @yuumi0035
thank you to our writers!: @multibug @coffeecomicsgalore @kittyynoirr @graaythekwami @mrs-berry @janaikam @lycorogue @epcot97 @gryffindorcls @whimsicallyconfusedforlife @authenticcadence18 @arolla-pine @irishpadfoot @khfankeri @pengirl91 @lalunaoscura @gmacpt @digidestinedninjaofsunshine @mireilletan @vociferously @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights sctwilightvampwolfgal @macaronsforchat @smellerbee @whatarubberchicken @themiraculousladyblog @daughterofthewiseone @nyanbinary-chatnoir
thank all for you amazing wonderful contributions to this event! I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This event couldn’t have gone on with out you. ALSO
just because the week has wrapped up does not mean I will stop reblogging art/fiction <3 You’re not late and I will gladly still reblog/take submissions!
Take care everyone and hope you all have a great day/night!!
- Jayden
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 years
Never in Haste
Never in Haste by CoffeeComicsGalore
Marinette Dupain-Cheng surpassed the Queen's assessment during her debut with praise. The soiree was underway and the young debutante could only hope that she would meet a suitor who could one day court her and marry her now that she has come of age. What should have been a magical evening turned into one of confusion when a cold-hearted Duke with green eyes and blonde hair collided with her in his haste to leave the ballroom. But as Marinette confidently gazed into his verdant stare after a brash comment, would his vow against his father hold true? Or will this Lady in Scarlet save his icy heart?
Words: 2649, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire, Bridgette, Félix Graham de Vanily, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Rose Lavillant, Plagg, Tikki, Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Lila Rossi, Chloé Bourgeois
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Sabine Cheng/Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Plagg/Tikki, Bridgette/Félix Graham de Vanily, Bridgette & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Victorian, Inspired by The Bridgertons, Alternate Universe - No Miraculous, Human Plagg, Human Tikki, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Courting Rituals, Aged-Up Character(s), Coming of Age, Marriage Proposal, Arranged Marriage, Eventual Smut, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Light Angst, Ceremonial Duel, Pregnancy, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Victorian Attitudes, Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fluff, Hurt Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Hot Mess Adrien Agreste, Hot Mess Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien is a jerk in the beginning, Jealous Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28519302
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