#circles of hell
the-mercs-as · 6 months
Week Ninety-seven, The Mercs As ...
(According to Dante's Inferno)
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fang-venkas · 1 year
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Asking the real questions!
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fvckuiloveu · 22 days
kiss me in the second circle of hell
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envyclearlace · 1 year
okay but listening to Hozier feels like sin and salvation at the same time
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glitchblackmusic · 9 months
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tenderphilosophia · 1 year
heaven is not fit to house a love like you and i??? i would not change it each time?? I AM SCREAMING! LIKE HE REALLY JUST CASUALLY SAID THAT AND YOU EXPECT ME TO BE OKAY? YOU EXPECT ME TO BE NORMAL???!!!??!!? GAHAHIEOAJFDKNZJLFFLI3PQ4T9UOR;A:#TY%WTEHS/RGF
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twinsfawn · 2 years
replaying this part over and over just to feel something
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supbrochachos · 7 months
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You know that you and your friend are like this 🤞when she sends you this stuff!!!!🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😚😚😇😇😘🥰
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mask131 · 1 year
Dante’s Hell: Masterpost
Here is the full list of my various posts summarizing/analyzing/breaking down/exploring Hell as depicted in Dante Alighieri’s poem “Inferno”, the first part of his work “The Divine Comedy”.
What is it all about? : General introduction to “Inferno” ; the shape and structure of Hell
The best... well “least worst” part of Hell: From the Gates of Hell to King Minos
Storm and mud, winds and rains: The Second and Third Circles (Lust and Gluttony)
Two sides of the same coin: The Fourth and Fifth Circles (Greed and Wrath)
The Midlands of Hell: The City of Dis/The Sixth Circle (Heresy)
Three rings to damn them all: The Seventh Circle (Violence)
Ten little frauds... : The Eighth Circle (Fraud)
The bottom of Hell: The Ninth Circle (Treachery)
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cypriathus · 6 months
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: There are very brief mentions of torture, suicide, and things related to copulation.
FALLEN ANGEL (plural noun: FALLEN ANGELs): They were originally angels who inhabited the heavenly spheres, but fell from grace due to their actions that went against the celestial code. Once they fall from heaven, the infernal pits taint their magnificent form, making them beastly and fearsome. However, they do retain their angelic form, but their wings, eyes, and/or hair have gone through some noticeable changes. They used to have saliva that can burn naturally sinful things, but has now become an acidic venom due to their tainted holiness. They’re the most well-respected Lohtazrendius breed, often being appointed the supreme kings and queens of the underworld or some other position of high regard.
ARCHDEMON or DEVIL (plural noun: ARCHDEMONs or DEVILs): The first generation of archdemons were the direct descendants of various fallen angels before the other Lohtazrendius subspecies. They’re most commonly the second-in-commands to the armies of fallen angels and/or lesser royalties of the underworld. They’re also the highest members of the supreme court that oversees all infernal laws and punishments.
TREACHERY (plural noun: TREACHERIES): There are four types of treason-invoking demons that are most commonly seen in the Circle of Perfidy. They often play the roles of law-makers, judges, contract-binders, and oath-keepers.
a. TRAITOR OF THE LORD (plural noun: TRAITORs OF THE LORD): They’re the voiceless and physically distorted overseers of those who betrayed their lords and benefactors. They’re capable of rendering sinners fully immobile and horrifically twist them in every conceivable position.
b. TRAITOR OF THE GUEST (plural noun: TRAITORs OF THE GUEST): They’re the crystal-eyed and eternally weeping overseers of those who betrayed their guests. They can cover the eyes of sinners in a visor of frozen ice, rendering them blind and showing that the comfort of weeping has been denied.
c. TRAITOR OF THE COUNTRY (plural noun: TRAITORs OF THE COUNTRY): They’re the stiff-necked overseers of those who betrayed political entities such as parties, cities, or countries.
d. TRAITOR OF THE KINDRED (plural noun: TRAITORs OF THE KINDRED): They’re the wind-protected overseers of those who betrayed members of their own biological family. Besides overseeing those broken family ties, they’re known for greeting everyone they meet with a courteous bow.
FRAUDSTER (plural noun: FRAUDSTERs): There are twelve types of fraud-invoking demons that are most commonly seen in the Circle of Fraudulence. The fraudsters are closely related to the greed demons and green-eyed monsters. They’re often loan sharks, con artists, and business executives who are in charge of advertising and interest rate. They’re also usually responsible for the coverage of news-based media and televised entertainment. They can be seen in many working environments such as casinos, brothels, and businesses that utilise contracts.
a. FALSIFIER (plural noun: FALSIFIERs): They’re demons who naturally declare that all truths are false and actively change documents and records in order to deceive others. They inflict their falsifying victims with various afflictions such as diseases, stench, filth, and thirst.
b. SOWER OF DISCORD (plural noun: SOWERs OF DISCORD): They’re demons who sow the seeds of discord into the brains of their victims in order to disrupt harmony and create disagreement. They hack off the limbs and mutilate the bodies of their victims with bladed weapons. Their victims have to fall in one of three categories: (i) religious schism and discord, (ii) civil strife and political discord, and (iii) family disunion.
c. COUNSELLOR OF FRAUD (plural noun: COUNSELLORs OF FRAUD): They give advice for other fraud-invoking demons and tempt people to commit fraudulent acts. Their victims are people who use their position to advise others to engage in fraud and they punish them by encapsulating them in flames.
d. THIEF (plural noun: THIEVES): They’re stealthy demons who steal from the property of others without using force. They often keep these items to themselves, give them to others, or sell them through various markets. They can create reptilian creatures that prey on their victims in order to show that just as they stole from others, their identity becomes subjected to infernal theft.
e. HYPOCRITE (plural noun: HYPOCRITEs): Similar to the sowers of discord, they sow the seeds of hypocrisy into the brains of their victims. Their hypocrisy is a reflection of their behaviours where they do things that they have told others not to do. They’re often seen wearing leaden robes that are brilliantly glided on the outside and are shaped similarly to a monk’s habit.
f. BARRATOR (plural noun: BARRATORs): They encourage people to vex others with frequent and often groundless lawsuits. They also engage in the act of trading state appointments and religious property, while tempting others to do the same. They torment their victims by immersing them in a lake of boiling tar, which represents the sticky fingers and dark secrets of their deals.
g. SORCERER (plural noun: SORCERERs): These demons consist of fortune tellers, diviners, astrologists, and false prophets who utilise their precognitive abilities for nefarious means. Some have their heads twisted around their bodies, while others have a face blinded by bleeding tears on the back of their heads.
h. SIMONIAC (plural noun: SIMONIACs): They focus on tempting those to commit simony, which is the sale of ecclesiastic favours and offices. They place their victims head-downwards in round, tube-like holes that mockingly resemble a baptismal font. They light the soles of their feet with flames that burn for an eternity.
i. FLATTERER (plural noun: FLATTERERs): They focus on tempting people to commit flattery by exploiting their greatest desires and fears. They punish those who abused and corrupted their use of language to use other people for personal gain. They do this by turning them into wild beasts that howl and fight amongst themselves, while steeped in tar-like excrement.
j. PANDERER (plural noun: PANDERERs): They’re demons who often try to please others for ulterior motives and tempt people to engage in pandering. They’re primarily responsible for furnishing clients with prostitutes or supplying them for illicit sex acts, while collecting their earnings.
k. SEDUCER (plural noun: SEDUCERs): They’re demons who lead people astray with persuasion and false promises. They sometimes carry out the physical seduction of encouraging people to engage in sexual activity on behalf of the lust demons.
a. HERETIC (plural noun: HERETICs): They’re heresy demons who are most commonly seen in the Circle of Apostasy. They punish those who inappropriately abandon and/or renounce orthodox religious doctrine or political belief by encasing them in blazing tombs. This particular Lohtazrendius subspecies are employed as workers for various black markets and overseers of special operations surrounding the military and assassination.
b. BRUTE (plural noun: BRUTEs): There are three types of wrathful demons that are most commonly seen in the Circle of Barbarity. They’re often seen working as executioners, militant soldiers, gladiators, and law enforcement.
c. USURER (plural noun: USURERs): They’re the least violent of the brutes and work on behalf of the greed demons. However, in the eyes of angelic law, usury is an act of violence against pure art. They tempt people to lend money with unreasonably high rates of interest in order to enrich themselves.
d. SODOMITE (plural noun: SODOMITEs): These brutes don’t focus on the sex between people that involve anal or oral copulation. They punish those who have committed bestiality, which is an act of violence against nature.
e. BLASPHEMER (plural noun: BLASPHEMERs): Similar to the usurers, they aren’t violent as they encourage people to speak sacrilegiously about the Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri and/or sacred things. Blasphemy in the eyes of angelic law is considered to be an act of violence against divinity.
f. SUICIDAL (plural noun: SUICIDALs): They are the overseers of those who attempted or died by suicide. They have metamorphosed them into gnarled, thorny trees with their mortal bodies resembling cocoons. These humanoid cocoons are filled foreign, mushy organs that the harpies and gluttons rely on. They can create ferocious, canine creatures that act as guardians of these special trees.
g. MURDERER (plural noun: MURDERERs): They’re centaur-like brutes who punish killers, war-makers, plunderers, and tyrants by immersing them in a river of boiling blood and fire. They shoot arrows dipped in acid at any sinner who emerges higher out of the river or tries to escape.
GREEN-EYED MONSTER (plural noun: GREEN-EYED MONSTERs): They’re envy demons who are most commonly seen in the Circle of Avarice, being closely related to fraudsters and kleptomaniacs. They use their eyes to instill the resentful longing that occurs when someone lacks another’s quality, skill, achievement, and/or possession that they wished they had. Eny demons work in cosmetic and fashion industries, restaurants, and reception offices. This particular Lohtazrendius subspecies also work as janitors, librarians, and suppliers of embroidered items.
FURY (plural noun: FURIES): They’re closely related to the brutes and are most commonly seen in the Circle of Ire. They’re responsible for punishing sinners who committed crimes against the natural order. They primarily focused on homicide, unfilial conduct, offences against other species and/or their own kind, and perjury. They inflicted insanity, pestilence, and hunger upon those who committed these aforementioned crimes during their mortal life.
KLEPTOMANIAC (plural noun: KLEPTOMANIACs): They’re the greed demons that are closely related to the fraudsters and green-eyed monsters. Similar to the green-eyed monsters, they’re most commonly seen in the Circle of Avarice. They focus on punishing hoarders, spendthrifts, and those who valued material goods over everything else. They’re often seen working at insurance companies, banks, financial services, real estate, and casinos. They’re the main subspecies who are in control of all black markets and their supplies.
GLUTTON (plural noun: GLUTTONs): They’re the gluttony demons who are most commonly seen in the Circle of Overconsumption. They focus on punishing those who have a voracious appetite and consistently over-indulge in food and/or drink. They often play the roles of hunters, butchers, harvesters, brewers, cooks, and guardians.
LIBERTINE (plural noun: LIBERTINEs): There are three types of lust demons that are most commonly seen in the Circle of Concupiscence. They focus on punishing those who let their unchecked carnal desires sway their reason. Lust demons work in the sex industry, which includes the direct provision of sex-related services and providing adult entertainment and products.
a. INCUBUS (plural noun: INCUBI): Incubi are male lust demons that actively seek to copulate with sleeping women and create offspring.
b. SUCCUBUS (plural noun: SUCCUBI): Succubi seduce men by appearing in their dreams and use their semen to replenish their health and sex drive as well as reproduce. They also pass the samples of sperm to an incubus who corrupts and strengthens the seed.
c. CONCUBUS (plural noun: CONCUBI): Concubi are hermaphroditic lust demons that prey on both men and women, changing their appearance and genitalia into whatever they see fit.
IMP or FIEND (plural noun: IMPs or FIENDs): They are divided into two different categories according to their family history and purpose. These two categories are uncultivated and sophisticated. Uncultivated imps are animalistic in their biology and way of thinking, often appearing to partially mimic the forms and abilities of certain animals that inhabit their environment. For example, those who live in swampy areas might appear to be toad-like and have sticky tongues, while those living in the ocean might appear to be piscine and are excellent swimmers. They’re primarily quadrupedal and they often act on instinct rather than intelligence. Sophisticated imps are more humanoid, fully bipedal, and aren’t noticeably animalistic in their way of thinking. They primarily utilise their intelligence to handle situations, but they might act on their instincts when it’s necessary. They’re often the most respected and valued servants of archdemons, fallen angels, lust demons, fraudsters, treacheries, and kleptomaniacs. However, both imp types are valued as mage familiars due to their strong connection to the underworld and their unique abilities and characteristics.
SINNER (plural noun: SINNERs): They were formerly humans who committed sins that are viewed as truly heinous and unforgivable by the angels. They’re punished according to the sins they have committed during their life on earth. They’re completely nude with an inside full of purplish blood, unorganised organs, grotesque insects, mud, excrement, and green slime.
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roseeycreates-blog · 11 months
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9 Circles of Hell
Dante's Inferno, 2010
I love this game~
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sacrificalllamb · 11 days
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inajeexe · 1 year
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“Welcome To Hellhole”
what do you get after gathering 6 royal demons together?
That’s right......  You get CHAOS
A little introduction to some of my older characters
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hozier theory time
okay so as far as we know the unreal unearth album deals with the nine circles of hell. limbo, list, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud, and treachery.
in andrews new instagram post with unreal unearth teasers he gives us ten images, him laying on the ground covered in dirt, a pocketwatch, glasses and a bandanna, what i think is a condom packet, a shattered pocket mirror, a snake, a hymnal, a fork and knife, coins, and bullet shells
i think these images represent the 9 circles of hell
pocket watch: Limbo
Bandanna and Glasses: Treachery
Condom: Lust
Mirror: Fraud
Snake: Anger
Hymnal: Heresy
Fork and Knife: Gluttony
Coins: Greed
Bullets: Violence
explanation: the pocket watch deals with the stopping of time aka Limbo where you are stuck forever. The bandanna and glasses seem like a disguise, like a criminal disguise. Treachery deals with criminals. Condom is kinda obvious, sex=lust. the mirror representing fraud, being untrue. mirrors are reflections of ourselves, the truth. the fact that the matter is shattered means the opposite. Snake, an adjective for a sneaky, untrue, and bad person. Snakes get “angry” if you get too close and people get angry when someone is a “snake” the hymnal deals with religion, heresy being anything unorthodox of a religion. the fork and knife represent food so gluttony. coins meaning money, there are several coins so an abundance of money meaning greed. and finally the bullets representing guns, shootings, warfare. violence.
I also have a theory that if you take all those images and fit them together like a puzzle piece we get the album cover :0
which i will try and do soon :))
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tenderphilosophia · 1 year
i would still be surprised i could find you, darlin' in any life if I could hold you for a minute??? SOMEONE HOLD ME WHILE I BREAK DOWN INTO THE DIRT
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alicewhimzy · 6 months
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20: Frost. 🥶
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