#cinders makes me so sad now
joy-fires · 2 years
I just finished reading all of the mechanisms once upon a time (in space) fictions from their website and hhhhh I'm having so many feelings oh my god
No happy ending hurts so much more to listen to now
Briar Rose my beloved
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feyascorner · 5 months
Please please please I am in desperate need of Astarion comforting Tav.
Like Tav is always comforting everyone else, but there is never anybody to hold their hand when they are scared or hug them when they are sad. Please let them be scared. Let them be sad, let them be vulnerable and let them feel their own emotions.
Tav needs a hug :,)
a/n. no you're so right because I AM ALWAYS OPEN TO TAV LOVE!!!!! This ended up a lot more fluffy and lighthearted than I expected but I hope that’s okay! :) also this is not proofread pls excuse me for the grammar errors that are definitely in here.
You don’t mind helping others, really. You don’t mind guiding Shadowheart to escaping her evil goddess, you don’t mind finding a way to aid Gale’s ticking time bomb, and you don’t mind spending hours in battle to find a piece of infernal iron for Karlach. It’s natural after all, because they’re your precious companions.
But it’s also made the thought of being something else—the one being comforted—more shameful than anything.
It was just a bad day, honestly. Bits of your life being pricked at with needles. The whole week had been hellish, but today seemed to be bent on finally wiping you clean. A battle going wrong, the lake freezing over and preventing you from taking a bath, the pot of soup you were in charge of burning to cinders—they’re all small, but they add up. And when you find that your favorite pair of gloves are splitting at the seams, it’s your final straw.
You stumble into your tent, barely holding back tears as you close the flap shut behind you, signaling that you wanted to be alone. You collapse into your bedroll, face first as even the blanket beneath you isn’t enough to cushion you against the hard floor.
You squeeze your eyes shut, begging your tears to leave. The others have a lot more problems at the moment—ones that wager between life and death—but you can’t help the overwhelming burst of emotions you’ve kept bottled in for weeks now. So many bad things are happening, but there’s no time for you to mourn, because the least you can do is stand beside your companions in their own grief. It forces you to constantly stay alert, keeping your heart open for them but shut closed for yourself.
It’s so, so overwhelming. It almost feels like it’ll swallow you whole.
“Are you alright, darling?”
You hadn’t even heard him entering the tent, and immediately your shoulders tense as you shoot up into a sitting position, wiping desperately at your eyes. You know they’re red, but you hope he ignores it. “No, I’m just tired. I’m turning in early for tonight, sorry.”
He stares at you, making his suspicion blatantly obvious to urge you to continue but you don’t, forcing your eyes to the ground. “No need to be sorry, my love. I was just making sure.”
You want to throw yourself into him. To let him hold you as you complain about the more mundane parts of life as well as the feelings wracking the sobs of your chest. To let him soothe you as all you can do is cry.
But you don’t. It’s just not what you do.
“Pity, these pretty things of yours,” he lifts your gloves that had been discarded on the ground with a cock of a brow. “I quite liked them. But…they don’t seem to be at a complete loss yet.”
You finally look at him.
“Why it just needs a bit of stitching and some polish. It’ll look even better than it did before with my handiwork,” he inspects the fabric closely. “Hm, I was finished with fixing Karlach’s shirt anyway, I suppose I could spare some time for your gloves.”
Despite his words, his eyes are gentle as they shift over to you, and it makes your lip quiver.
“I’ll ask again,” he says softly, and you know it’s an effort in vain to resist. “Are you alright?”
Like a river breaking through a dam, you fling yourself into him, tears already slipping down your cheeks as they smear against his shirt. You worry about the snot for a split second, yanking away, but he just pushes your head back to him, sighing with you practically wrapped on top of him.
“You should have told me before things had gotten this bad, my love,” he says, no true judgment laced in his words. If anything, he sounds amused. It makes you cry even harder as you wail loudly into his chest, with his hand rubbing soothing circles into your back.
It’s like a breath of fresh air.
“Would you like to talk about it?” He asks eventually after what seems like eternity, and your sobs have calmed to sniffles.
“…not now.”
“Very well,” he laces his fingers with yours, and you tilt your head up just enough to see the fond smile stretching on his lips. “I shall remain here until you’re ready. Until then, I have no quarrels with our current arrangement.”
You mumble against him as he lifts your knuckles to his lips. “…thank you for this.”
“You needed this,” he replies, as if it’s obvious. “I’m not you, of course, which is why comfort is not my strong suit, as charming as I am. I much prefer blowing off steam in a bloody battle, but this—“ he runs a hand through your hair, gentle enough not to pull at any strands. You resist the need to sigh into the feeling. “—this, I can do as many times as you need.”
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elexaria · 3 months
living with ghoap was nice. two big burly fellas to keep you company, to reach the top shelves in the kitchen for you, to absolutely plough you into the mattress when you couldnt itch your own scratch for once. they were good lads.
but there were countless times where they’d be away for work, so you knew you couldnt be fully dependent on them. they knew that too, so they weren’t exactly going to object to you having fun without them. so long as you were happy and safe, they were content.
but fuck, the men out there are absolutely horrible to deal with. sleazy, there’s just… no ability to have any kind of banter with these things that think only with their cocks.
until you meet kilgöre alexander.
he’s gigantic, his shoulders probably share the same width as mount everest’s base. easily, kilgöre is the tallest man you’ve ever been with. he dwarfs simon in size, which is very telling in itself.
it’s hard to pry away at who kilgöre is as a person. he’s austrian, likes keeping himself to himself. absolutely refuses to tell you what he does for a living, because it’s on a need to know basis. “sounds like something a terrorist would say.” you jokingly coo one night at dinner, smirking as he rolls his foggy blue eyes at your comment. “har har, very funny.” he mockingly says, the corners of his lips twitching ever so slightly.
he’s one of the best things that’s happened to you in a while. he doesn’t know about the particular living arrangement you share with simon and johnny— like he says, it’s on a need to know basis. plus, you haven’t boned either of them since you met this fella. ghoap know what’s up, but they’re not bothered by it. they’re just glad to see you doing well for yourself. “ye have a glow about ye, love.” johnny coos in your ear one day, smirking as he watches you fluster and flounder around the kitchen, trying to make excuses. “it’s the vitamins i’m taking” this and “i’ve quit dairy” that. he knows the truth, simon know its too.
but there’s one thing that makes the attachment to this man absolutely unbearable.
he disappears from time to time.
some days it’s only a couple of days, maybe a couple of weeks at a push. absolutely no contact.
he swears it’s to do with his line of work, that one day he’ll be able to tell you everything. but for now, he asks just for one thing.
“just… wait for me.”
it’s been almost a month with no contact from kilgöre, and it feels like every morning with no text, no nothing, you have a growing pit inside of you that can’t stop gnawing at you, eating you up whole. what the fuck? what could he possibly do for a career that makes it so he goes days without checking his phone? it makes you feel sick to your stomach. what if he’s in a gang or something?
besides, how the fuck can you keep on waiting for someone who you don’t even know is even alive? for all you know, this behemoth of a man has been hog tied and dumped at the bottom of a lake with cinder blocks strapped to his feet. how are you supposed to wait for someone who shows no signs of leaving or coming back?
“that light in yer eyes has dulled.” johnny remarks one evening, a sad smile on his lips. your eyebrows knit together, feigning confusion. “huh? oh, yeah. uh… it’s the gluten intolerance i reckon.” you murmur to yourself, flashing a weak smile to consolidate his inquisitive gaze. “i’m fine, though.”
simon huffs as he leers next to you, skilfully flaying pieces of fish with a pensive look. both you and johnny glance at him, which only makes him grunt in response. you furrow your eyebrows at him, urging him to elaborate on what the pressing issue is.
“we reckon shit’s hit the fan with that new bloke of yours.” simon bluntly replies as he wipes off the chopping board with a damp cloth, hands gently scooping up guts, scales and delicate fish bones to dispose of. you scoff, eyes never leaving the cuts of fish meat that rest on a plate, waiting to be delicately battered and fried up.
“and i know you, you’ll try and refute the truth that i know what’s going on. that we know what’s going on. so, none of this nonsense, alright? what’s up?”
johnny and simon silently watch you, their simultaneous waiting for any reaction from you making your skin crawl. at first, you scowl and huff. shifting your weight from foot to foot as you become defensive. simon cuts you off again, “none of that bollocks. tell the truth.”
you give in. on bated breath, you explain the whole situation. how kilgöre is the kind of man you had never expected to fall for, how he had managed to steal your attention even while being so elusive and secretive. how you desperately want him to come back to you, like he said he would.
johnny frowns, and simon nods in your direction, wiping his blood stained hands with the damp cloth. “fishy hands.” he murmurs, wiggling his fingers to prove he can’t comfort you with a hug. johnny nods, swiftly making his way around the kitchen island to come give you a warm hug. it’s a solid hug, one you’d never object to having. johnny’s large hands rub circles to your back, his bearded chin resting against your shoulder as he sways gently.
simon stands behind johnny, holding eye contact with you as he continued to carefully clean his hands. he raises his eyebrows in thought, before glancing down at his fingernails as he begins to meticulously clean underneath them to rid his skin of all things fish.
“this… kilgöre bloke. i reckon if he’s the one, he’s worth waitin’ for. but don’t think for a second he should get away with leavin’ you this long without so much as a text, yeah? rip ‘im a new one when he comes back.” he advises, glancing back up at you with a slight smirk when he hears you chuckle, your laugh strained with emotion.
he steps closer, carefully tilting your chin up so you can meet his gaze better. he gently wipes a stray tear from your cheek. “if he’s the man you think he is, he’ll explain everything if you ask him to. and if he does? great. if he doesn’t?” you wince at the idea, frowning.
he sighs, pressing a gentle kiss to your brow.
“then he’s a bloody eejit, as our johnny boy would say.”
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xhoneygirlxx · 9 months
Fool For You
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Dad!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
summary: Life as a single dad but life is about to get way harder when Steve falls for his son's teacher.
warnings: fluff. slight angst: mentions of steve's childhood. steve is sad over his son's first day of school. No pronouns are used for reader but they're described to wearing fem clothing. Steve compares reader to Miss Honey from Matilda. Readers skin tone/ethnicity is not mentioned. fic is set in 91 (let's pretend Matilda had already come out by then). meet cute. mentions of being a single parent. Steve's son is named Danny. ending is rushed lmao lets pretend it's not. bad writing/grammar errors. Not proofread!! 18+ plus only, MDNI
*If I missed anything lmk!
a/n: Awe my beautiful lovies!!! we are halfway done with my wonderful birthday week :( I just want to thank each and every one of you for supporting me and showing me nonstop love. I love each and everyone of you so dearly!!!! I also wanna apologize for the late upload! I hope you guys can forgive me!
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Maybe I’m crazy, but it’s hard to ignore you
And I can’t wrap my head around it, but it feels
Oh, like I loved you before.
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Being back in the hallways of Hawkins Elementary felt odd. Everything has stayed the same since the last time Steve went there, the paint of the walls, the decorations, even the smell was all the same. It smelled like a chilly autumn morning and books, innocence and childhood - a smell he didn't even realize he missed so much until he entered the building.
The cinder block lined walls hold memories, locking them in place until the end of time. Now his son's will be there along with them, a new generation of the Harrington family ready to leave their mark.
Walking hand and hand with Danny, Steve feels every single emotion any parent would on their child's first day. It's bittersweet, stinging him right through the heart with sadness and patching itself up with a sense of excitement. Danny on the other hand is a ball of energy, bouncing with every step he takes, like he always does.
The small boy is nothing but big smiles, eyes darting everywhere as he takes in the new environment. His Ninja Turtle backpack is comically bigger than him, flopping off of the backs of his knees with every step he takes.
As he looks down at his son, who looks just like him at that age, a big rush of adoration falls onto the older man. Over the short five years that Steve became a dad, he's learned that you can fall in love with your baby all over again just like the first time you held them. Steve is always amazed by Danny and the amount of love that runs through his veins for the small boy, but sometimes you need a little refresher like right now.
"You excited to meet your new teacher, Danny?" Steve swings the small boys arm causing him to giggle.
Nodding his chestnut hair, he looks up at his father with wide eyes. "M'cited dad."
"You gonna make lots of friends?" Steve isn't sure if this question is appropriate but a part of him worries about his son's ability to make new friends, since Steve is the only one out of his friends that has a child.
"I fink so but they hav' to like tourtles." Danny isn't really bothered by the question too much, not when he's too focused on the bright decorations that stick all over the walls.
"Turtles, Dan." It comes out in a chuckle. Even though Steve always corrects his son on the word, he's still a sucker for the way he says it.
Making it to the end of the hall, they stop at the wooden door with the numbers 206 written over them. The memory of Steve's kindergarten years creep into his mind as they stand there, flashbacks of him holding his mom's hand as wet tears streamed down his face. He wonders if his mother remembers that or if she buried that in the back of her mind like everything else in his life.
Pulling himself out of his head, Steve knocks on the closed door and scoots back just a little to leave room for it to open. Crouching down to his son's level, he runs a nervous hand through his hair, fixing whatever pieces didn't stay down.
"Daddy, you're gonna mess it up." Danny pouts, lightly stomping his converse clad foot on the vinyl flooring.
Pulling his hand back, Steve realizes he's using his son for his anxious habits. "You're right, m'sorry. You gonna be okay?"
Danny rolls his eyes in a sassy way, the way that always makes Steve laugh. "Yesss dad."
Wow, his son is really his carbon copy.
The sound of the heavy door opening pulls both of their attention, Steve immediately springing up from his position wiping his clammy hands down his shirt.
Steve steels himself for who he's about to meet, releasing a shaky breath he didn't realize he was holding. Now, Steve expected to see a middle aged woman, maybe even older. He pictured someone with a grandma type energy, sweet and welcoming. What he didn't expect was you.
Standing there in the doorway with the bright light of your classroom falling around you in a halo. A pretty floral dress hangs from your body, cinching your body just right without being too inappropriate. Your cheeks are puffed up as you smile brightly, eyes crinkled at the sides as you do.
You seem about the same age as Steve, no older than twenty five. Glasses sit on the top of your head, pushing back the front of your hair. In a way you remind him of Miss Honey, not looks wise but your aura. You're so fucking pretty and he doesn't think he'll be able to formulate a sentence.
"Let me guess," You stand with a hand on your hip, pretending to think hard, "You must be Mr. Daniel Harrington."
The little boy in question beams up at you, bouncing on his toes as he clutches his excited hands around the straps of his backpack.
"My dad calls me Danny." The lisp that he has is very noticeable when he says it. Steve can tell you want to coo so badly over the small boy, the flexing of your fingers not going unnoticed.
Crouching down to his level, you reach out a hand to Danny for a handshake. "What a pleasure to meet you Danny."
Placing his hand into yours, he shakes it in a jerky manner. His missing bottom tooth shows off with the way he smiles at you. Pulling your hand away, you stand up straight still looking at the small child.
"Danny whenever you're ready you can head right inside and find the cubby with your name on it!" Your voice is like the sun, bright and chipper.
Craning his next up to his dad, he waits for his dad's permission even though his body trembles with anticipation. Steve on the other hand doesn't want to let him go, not ready to detach himself from his baby he spent five years with.
Kneeling down, Steve wraps his son in one last hug. The sting of unshed tears hits his nose first, the lump that sits in the back of his throat waits patiently for the dam to break.
"Okay dad, I have to go!" The small boy giggles, not understanding the gravity of the situation. To him he thinks his dad is just being silly, not realizing that his dad's heart is breaking.
Reluctantly Steve pulls away, trying to remember the look on his son's face. His own flesh and blood, the boy he's worked so hard to raise by himself, and God is his heart full.
"Alright little man, go head inside." Tapping a heavy hand to the boy's head, he watches him duck into the classroom.
Popping back to his standing position, Steve tries his hardest to blink the tears away. You still stand there, observing the classroom behind your shoulder.
"Oh, Mr. Harrington," You call out before he can leave and he's quick to interrupt you.
"Please, call me Steve. I feel like I'm too young to be Mr. Harrington." He half chuckles, ignoring the skip of his heart when he makes eye contact with you.
"Steve," You correct, a bashful smile on your face, "I wanted to ask if you would be the only person to pick him up or if your wife would also be included in pick ups and drop offs."
"Oh, no I'm not- his mom isn't." Lifting a hand to scratch at the back of his neck, he thinks of the best way to say it.
"Danny's mom isn't around, so it'll be just me on pick up and drop off duties. Possibly his aunt Robin but I'd let you know beforehand." A tight smile forms on his face.
"Oh I am so sorry, I shouldn't have assumed." You rush to apologize but you're quickly interrupted with the shake of his head.
"It's okay, you didn't know." He reassures and you visibly relax.
You're just as nervous as he is and he wonders if it's because you feel the same spark he does. Or maybe he's thinking too much into it. Either way, he'd like to think it's the latter.
"Well I'm very excited to teach Danny this year, he seems like a great kid." Although liking kids is part of your job, it sounds sincere coming out of your mouth and not rehearsed.
A coy smile breaks out on the older man's face, rose tint pours onto the rounded apples of his cheeks. "Y-yeah, he's a good kid. He can be shy sometimes but he loves to be around people."
Nodding your head, you sneak another peak behind you to check on the boy. "That's okay, I'm shy too."
When you turn to face Steve again, your lip is tucking behind your teeth. You're so fucking cute it makes him forget just how sad he was to drop off his own son and he doesn't know if that's a good or bad thing.
A long pause settles between the two of you, eyes becoming too bashful to meet. Steve kicks his foot at the hard floor, hands tucked into the pocket of his jeans.
"Well Steve, it was so nice to meet you but I have to get back in there." You sigh hiking a thumb over your shoulder.
Steve feels like someone just popped him like a balloon, the small amount of joy he's felt just by talking to you has now been taken away. Meeting you with a tight lipped smile, he nods understandingly.
After bidding your farewells, Steve thinks about you. He wishes he wasn't so awkward, that he had acted way cooler than he did, and how breathtaking your smile was when you spoke to him and his son.
On his drive home all he could think about was you and his son, ping ponging back and forth between the two. Steve wishes that he met you before today, maybe in the coffee shop on Main or in line at the grocery store. He wishes that he would be able to ask for your number and take you out without any consequences brought on by the school.
He doesn't know how he's going to last a full year with Danny in school and he's really not sure how he can manage to keep a professional conversation with you every morning without falling in love.
The low hum of Rod Stewart's "Rhythm of My Heart" plays through the car, the soundtrack to Steve's drive home.
Ah, the rhythm of my heart
Is beatin' like a drum
With the word's I love you
Rollin' off my tongue
"Fuuuuuuck," His voice drags out in the safety of his car, "I'm screwed."
Yeah, he was definitely screwed.
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The ending feels rushed and it's not good but I hope you still enjoy! love you all :)
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summary: what do they do and how do they cope after you suddenly go where they can’t follow?
pairings: scaramouche/ wanderer :: venti :: kaveh :: zhongli x gn! reader
warnings: angst, reader dies/ has died, arson [scara], alcohol consumption [venti, kaveh]
genshin impact masterlist || a million miles away- belle
the loneliest [pt. 2 - xiao, kazuha, aether, childe]
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“Come back to me, and stay by my side I feel my heart shake; come, ease this ache..."
Dull amethyst eyes watched in apathy as the golden flames swallowed the edge of the picture, slowly singeing away your smile, then the arm you had thrown around his shoulders and lastly his hand holding you close by the waist, until only small flakes of grey ashes remained and fluttered to your lover’s feet. 
The silence around him was too loud, pressing on his ears and threatening to crush his skull. Letting his gaze sweep through the space you’d once lived in together made his chest constrict like vines wrapping tighter around his ribcage the more details he took in. Every chair, every tea cup, every stray piece of paper brought back memories of you, together with the bitterness of knowing he’d never get to hold you in his arms again.
It was then that he realised, getting rid of all your possessions, every picture you’d taken and every gift you’d given him wouldn’t be enough. Your presence had long since invaded every corner, nook and cranny of this house, the space irreversibly intertwined with you. And now that your physical form had faded, your soul had come back to haunt his every waking moment and to even follow him into the depths of his dreams. 
Perhaps this was his divine punishment, the atonement for all the sins he had committed clinging to his newly taken form. Or perhaps it wasn’t you at all, only his mind mocking him for not living any and every moment with you to the fullest, not giving you all of him when he had the chance to.
Whatever it was, he couldn’t take it anymore. He’d have to cut all ties with this place in order to rid himself of the shackles he found himself bound by. Even if it meant reducing the centre of your shared happiness to cinders.
As he laid the fire, meticulously making sure no room of the house was spared, he wondered. How would a real human feel in a moment like this? Would they also feel nothing? Or was it just him, an artificial puppet, who’d only feel numbness at the death of his loved one? Were any of his feelings real in the first place? You’d have deserved someone who actually loved you and cherished your memories, not someone who destroyed the very place you’d called a home.
The flames singed the ends of his clothes the same colour as your photo as he stepped out into the evening breeze, which now carried smoke and the smell of burning wood with it. Even as he watched the roof cave in and the support of the house break away, he felt no sadness, yet the vines seemed to creep only deeper between his ribs, snaring around the place where a heart should beat.
Your lover looked around the area where your home once stood. And it felt like all air had been knocked out of his lungs.
There, between two trees, grew the flower you had loved so much. And was that your favourite dish he could smell? A flock of birds flew overhead, probably to escape the fire, reminding him of the ones you’d fed over winter, the ones he reprimanded you not to spoil.
To his horror, the more frantically he searched for something which wouldn’t bring back thoughts of you, the more images flooded his brain. The force of his realisation brought him to his knees as he stared at the damage he’d done with his mind clear for the first time in days. There was a pressure building behind his eyes and his throat tightened uncomfortably, constricting airways he didn’t need. Was this what happened when humans cried?
“I’m sorry.” It was barely there and completely broken at the same time. The weakness he’d so despised in others overwhelmed him as embers swirled high in the sky. 
He was a fool, a complete and utter fool, to think he could ever get rid of you, of his feelings for you. It had never been the house you were bound to. From the very start, your soul had been intricately intertwined with his, and it would continue to be, until he too faded from this world in the distant future. Hopefully, then, you would be reunited and you could forgive him.
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"...I'm standing over here, reaching for you  A million miles away, come back and stay..."
Venti had no idea how much time had passed since that day. Not that he as an archon was very good at keeping track of time spans as short as days or weeks in the first place. It wasn’t like he avoided thinking about you, no. He did. A lot, actually.
Before his mind’s eye, the shine of your smile and the sparkle in your eyes as your joyful laughter rang through the air was as clear as day. The days spent lazing around in the grass with cider and apple tarts while Venti hummed a lazy tune filled him with more warmth than the sun. Yet, his smile at the memories didn’t quite reach his eyes, just how his brain never reached the point where he’d seen you last. And he never strained himself to remember it either.
All his actions felt heavy, like an invisible weight was holding him down. Venti was sure if he were to use a wind glider, he’d fall out of the sky like a stone. Thinking was akin to walking through mud, every step hardly leaving the ground and every fibre of his body screaming at him to stop and just lie down.
After your funeral was held, most of Mondstadt’s citizens reckonned they’d find the usually playful bard at the tavern even more often from now on. At first, that was true. Venti sat down at his usual table and ordered what he’d always ordered but the other patrons quickly caught on that he wasn’t doing okay at all. Normally the centre of attention and excitedly talking to anyone who’d listen, it was shocking to see the bard stare down on the contents of his glass in silence. 
So it came as quite the shock when after a few days, Venti didn’t show up to the Angel’s Share anymore. In fact, he was hardly spotted around the city at all. It was mostly the guards from the morning and night shift who saw him come and go. When he left, there were only two locations where one could find him. Either on the windy peak of Starsnatch Cliff or in the arms of the tree at Windrise. Both would do, as long as he was away from the pitiful glances people would throw him.
On that particular day, Venti was mindlessly strumming his lyre to the sound of the rustling leaves as he overlooked the planes of Mondstadt, not actually taking in any of the sights. His mind was here and there, not lingering on any one thought very long. Before coming here, he’d overheard people in town wonder about the wind which had recently picked up, how it tasted a lot saltier, as if coming from the sea, how unusually cold it was for this time of year and how it bit at the skin more. He supposed that was true.
In the beginning he’d brought a basket of apples when he came out here but they all tasted as if he’d taken a bite out of a handful of flour, so he stopped. All the cider tasted bitter and wine only added to the constant pressure building behind his temple. So Venti eventually gave up on trying to find something he could stomach. It wasn’t important to an archon anyway.
The melody his hands subconsciously called into existence snapped him back into the present. It was a song he had started writing with you as his muse, a song he’d not yet shown you, wanting to wait until it was finished, no matter how much you begged for him to show you already. 
Even to his own ears, his voice sounded foreign. As the patron god of Mondstadt’s bards, he’d always prided himself on his smooth and serene voice. But now it was nothing but a hoarse whisper, cracking as he tried to voice the words he’d engrained in his mind. His vocal cords felt raw and burnt after hardly talking to anyone longer than he had to. In the corner of his eyes, the statue depicting his image seemed to mock him; a bard who couldn’t sing, a god who couldn’t even protect a single person.
When he reached the part of the song where he left off faster than he’d like, his hands were trembling and he slumped against the tree bark in exhaustion. Yet, with your memory in mind, he willed himself to continue, to capture your spirit in his art at least, if he couldn’t hold onto you any other way. 
Despite his best effort, what started out as a lovestruck ballad quickly turned into a lament, no matter how he filled the lines with affection and joy. He tried and tried, with more vigour than he’d shown in the last weeks altogether, to right the verses, to do your image justice, but it was all in vain. Every version was more sorrowful than the last. When the moon peeked through the twigs, he resigned himself to his fate and cast his gaze to the far heavens above.
“My darling dove, can you hear me?” He whispered into the still night air. Only the distant call of an owl answered him. “I hope this song reaches you all the way up there. I really wanted to play it for you.”
Leaning his head back, Venti was suddenly overcome with a tiredness he hadn’t experienced for a very, very long time. Now was as good a time for a slumber as any, he supposed. Perhaps by the time he opened his eyes again, things would be different and his chest would feel light as air once again.
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"...No matter how far the memories may be When I close my eyes, you're all that I see..."
It was his fault.
The reason he’d never get to throw himself into your arms ever again was him, and him alone.
If he hadn’t answered your question whether he’d like you to get the materials he needed for his newest project from the Akademiya with a 'That’d be a big a help, my rose' he could still call you that nickname now and in the future. If he’d just gone and gotten them himself, you’d never been caught up in that horrible accident, an experiment gone astray, as the mahamatra had explained to him. If he hadn’t been so selfish, you’d still be alive.
Deep down, a reasonable part of him knew he wasn’t to blame. His friends had emphasised that as well, nobody could have expected something so gruesome to happen. Still, Kaveh couldn’t accept it. It didn’t feel right to excuse himself like that. You died because you wanted to help him, he deserved to carry this blame, this pain, this guilt. 
Despite Tighnari and Cyno showing up to console him, Kaveh turned them away without much hesitation. Grabbing a glass and a bottle of wine, the architect disappeared into his room, sparing his roommate not so much as a glance. This behaviour didn’t change much over the next few days, except for the fact that wine was swapped with coffee, thanks to Al-Haitham.
Speaking of the Grand Scribe, he’d normally be happy to have some peace and quiet, yet, seeing the normally talkative blond isolate himself for days on end made him genuinely worry for his old friend. Neither of them acknowledged the way plates of food would appear in Kaveh's room or how he would wake up with a blanket draped over him which hadn’t been there when he fell asleep. 
There was a single instance in which Kaveh spoke and it was only a single word. When Al-Haitham had been cleaning up around the house, he’d picked up a vase holding sumeru roses that had wilted beyond recognition. Just as he was about to discard the flowers, there was a low, muttered ‘Don’t’ that made him stop in his tracks. It wasn’t so much the word in itself as it was the way Kaveh said it. The roughness in his voice was so foreign from its usual melodic lilt, no emotion swinging in it at all.
Al-Haitham faintly remembered how you had brought the roses over one day when you two had gone on a date and wordlessly put them back on the table. 
In general, not many of Kaveh’s -and by extension your- possessions moved at all, collecting dust as they lay just like on the day of your passing. The only thing that changed was the growing pile of scrolls and papers littering the architect’s room. In order to get his mind off everything, Kaveh had buried himself in work. Yet, none of his sketches turned out to his liking and he grew more frustrated and irritable the more crumpled or ripped papers covered the floor. Never before had he broken this many pencils as a consequence of jabbing the coal onto his designs and pressing down harder than necessary.
Until he found himself staring down on a completely blank sheet with no idea whatsoever. All utensils were strewn about the space, discarded and never picked up as dreary and washed-out crimson eyes drooped without the mercy of sleep overcoming him. Every time he tried to rest, your face and voice would startle him awake again and he’d choke on the breath he tried to take.
With his hair unkempt, clothes rumpled and dark circles under his eyes, the “Light of Kshahrewar” was merely a shadow of his former self as he hunched over his messy desk. The first sobs tearing through him broke the dam on all the feelings he’d bottled up inside, burning his throat like acid as they tore free. The previously untouched scroll served as a canvas for all his regrets spilling over in the form of falling tears, drawing a portrait of his tumultuous state of mind.
Still, the sinking weight in his chest prevailed, the guilt a constant reminder of the loneliness he couldn’t shake.
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"...Come back to me A million miles away, come back and stay”
Zhongli had been setting the table for when you came home from work, two tea cups already waiting to be used as a kettle of water boiled on the stove. Soon the pleasant aroma of tea leaves and the cheery sound of your voice would fill your shared home, Zhongli plating two bowls of bamboo shoot soup as he waited for you to come home.
Right on time, there was a knock on the door and he quickly made his way over, elated to finally be in your presence again. A genuine smile graced his lips as he opened the door, a smile that fell abruptly when he came face to face with two millelith, their faces decidedly neutral. Still, the air felt ominously sombre. 
“Mr. Zhongli?” One of them confirmed before bowing his head as continued. “We are sorry to inform you that there has been an armed robbery. The person who is registered to live here with you has unfortunately not survived the violent encounter. Our deepest condolences.”
After handing him the bag you always carried with you, the soldiers departed, leaving the consultant alone with his thoughts. As in trance, he sat down and carefully opened the bag, almost as if a sudden movement could make it crumble in between his fingers.
Considering his incredibly long lifespan, this was hardly the first time Zhongli had lost someone he cared for deeply. That, however, didn’t mean it was any easier. Parting ways with loved ones was something any sentient being couldn’t get used to, especially if it happened so suddenly.
While his mind had already processed the information, it seemed his heart had a hard time keeping up with what was happening, his mind in a strange limbo between reality and thought as he unpacked your belongings. While turning each one over between his gloved fingers, Zhongli tried sorting out his emotions. Even the sweetness of shared moments replaying in his mind couldn’t sugarcoat the bitter sting of grief taking root in his very being.
The shrill screeching from the tea kettle drew his attention away from the items on the table occupying the space where you’d usually link your hands as you traded stories of what happened in your respective days.
For a few seconds that felt like aeons, Zhongli held the tea kettle in his hand before ultimately deciding to brew tea after all. Perhaps it would help him retain a sense of normality. Before he realised, he’d already filled your cup, an action he was so used to it apparently became routine at one point. With a sigh, he did the same on his site before taking a seat again and watching the ripples of water move across his cup.
When he awoke the next day, Zhongli couldn’t tell how long he had sat like that or when he’d gone to sleep, his motions automatic as if pulled by strings. Making breakfast, getting dressed, staring out of the window into the busy harbour… He was aware he was doing all of these things, yet he didn’t feel fully present, merely looking onto the scene.
Being with you had shown him so much of what mortal life had to offer, your perspective refreshingly different from his own, he couldn’t help but smile melancholically at the memory. In light of your brilliance, perhaps the old god had no chance but to fall in love. Enveloped in your affection, Zhongli had finally felt like he found his place among the people of Liyue but once more this connection had been severed. 
In the late afternoon, a knock sounded through the humble abode yet again. This time, however, it was not the millelith.
“Director Hu, what an honour,” Zhongli politely bowed. “Is there a matter in which you need my expertise?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” the young woman said, her crimson eyes seemingly looking straight into him. “I heard what happened, so I came to see how you’re doing.”
“Your concern flatters me, Director. Please do come in.” Stepping aside, he opened the door wider to allow Hu Tao entry.
Gliding right into his living room, she took a seat at his table, gaze sweeping through the room. It was then Zhongli noticed how there were still two cups sitting there, one empty and one untouched. 
“Ah, please pardon me. I was not expecting guests on this day.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine. I don’t mind,” she gave him an understanding smile. Naturally, in their line of work, both of them had seen many people suffering through the loss of a loved one and it was an understatement to say grief showed many different faces. “I won’t be taking much of your time anyway. 
“First of all, I’d like to offer my sincerest condolences. An incredible person like them will be deeply missed.” Despite the simplicity, her words were fully genuine. “Take as much time off work as you need, your healing is the most important thing right now. And while I hate to bring business into a personal situation like this, you should think about what kind of ceremony you’ll want to hold. When you have an answer, just tell me and I’ll handle the rest.”
“Thank you, that is very generous of you, Director.”
When the house was empty once again, Zhongli gently picked up both cups and poured out the cold tea inside. With the sinking sun dipping Liyue in liquid gold, its former archon commenced his evening ritual. Turning the cup that was supposed to be yours between his fingers, he chose two new ones and set them up with his usual care for details.
As the tea brewed, Zhongli went to retrieve a journal you had gifted him once but which he hadn’t found any use for yet. Taking his place at the now empty table, he dipped a quill in ink as he contemplated what to write.
In the end, he settled for describing his day, just how he would when you’d sit across from him, listening to his stories attentively. He could vividly picture your expression of awe before him, bringing a fond smile to his face. As more time passed, dried flowers or notes you had left him eventually found their way between the pages as well.
Naturally, your loss cut deeper than Zhongli ever could hope to understand. At times it made him feel empty, like the sun would never smile upon him again. And while mourning was an important part of coming to terms with devastating loss, he had learnt over time that wallowing in sorrow and getting swallowed by pain would not honour the life you had lived.
Instead, his priority lay on treasuring every moment where your paths intersected, to preserve a part of you which would remain untouched by corrosion, so you could continue to shine forever like gold in his memory.
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llannasvsp · 2 months
Dragons Rising Season 2, Episode 5: The Spell at the Waterfall
I love the plush. I want the plush. I need the plush.
"I do not experience heightened emotions." You LIAR.
Zane, those lanterns are not blocking the portal gate.
The orb is Wu and Wu just saved them all.
Not Bonzle casually lore dropping.
Zane is SO ADORABLE with his little plush.
Again, I do not like the elemental mechs.
Egalt, keep your ugly mouth shut.
I can't believe the fang ranking was a truth.
Glad Wyldfyre knows her element now.
I feel so bad for Bonzle. Her story is so sad.
Awee poor Riyu.
Motion... like the source dragon that gave Lloyd the vision of Egalt.
"Little fire man." I love.
I wonder when in the timeline Wu met Bonzle.
Ohhhh Wyldfyre... she's so silly. Waaaait is this the disguise Doc was talking about that was "worse" than Doyll Donmagar?
Egalt, don't you DARE make Arin feel bad.
I want to give Arin the biggest hug ever.
I've been talking about a rift between Arin and Lloyd. This is the scene where I can see it starting. Arin shoves Lloyd off when Lloyd suggests to run drills with him.
"You are loved and needed." HHHHGHH COLEEEE.
It is hilarious to me that Ras is having Cinder training with literal vases like literally those would break under any sort of pressure.
Soooo Lloyd and Ras get eerily similar visions.
Human sacrifices! Cool!
Soooo this season continues to break my heart. But also, it makes me so so so happyyyyy!!! I love Cole and the Finders with my whole heart. This episode literally confirms Lost as canon. Let's be honest.
Arin's self doubt is being heightened. Poor guy. Egalt is too harsh on him.
I don't even know how to compile my thoughts because there are like eight thousand things happening up here.
Until next episode!
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sarahhillips · 1 year
Thoughts I Have After Seeing Elemental For the First Time 😈🥬
Yes, there are spoilers below! If you have not seen the movie and have issues with spoilers, keep scrolling. Thank you!
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That being said, let’s dive in!
🔥 Not only are her parents immigrants but they speak a made up language called Firish. As an Irish American person, I thought that was cute!
💧 The Manticore from Onward is no longer the most relatable character to service workers. That honor goes to Ember now.
🔥 Yes, customers are really this stupid and entitled. The sparkler buy one get one free scene is a gold star example of that.
💧 Wade Ripple is who more men should be like; sweet, sensitive, loving, devoted, and charming but also awkward in an adorable way.
🔥 I never laughed so hard at the death of a grandmother ever. That was definitely not written to be sad at all.
💧 Wade isn’t afraid to say how he feels about Ember in front of his entire family and that’s very ballsy but way too fast.
🔥 Their date was so precious and the song in that scene is repeating on Spotify right now.
💧 I love that they eat wood chips and drink lava coffee.
🔥 Those flowers are absolutely stunning. And so is Embers glasswork.
💧 The antics between Cinder and the Door Man were wonderful. The Door Man also looks like the most huggable water guy.
🔥 I went awwwww in my head when their hands touched for the first time. It was such a sweet moment and I didn’t like that things went south after that.
💧 Would they be able to have sex? Because from the beginning of the film, we know element women can physically get pregnant. So a water penis in a fire vagina does what? Would she evaporate it away?
🔥 The kiss they shared near the end if the film was so sweet. Honestly one of the best kissing scenes written by Pixar tbh, with apologies to Linguini and Collette.
💧 Do male earth elements grow floral pubic hair like their armpit hairs? Imagine having flowers for pubes.
🔥 What’s the wedding gonna be like? Because I bet Ember would walk down the aisle in a stained glass gown.
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What if it looked something like this?? 👀🔥
💧 Ember loves her father but was trying too hard to make him proud. It was unfair for him to never ask her what she wanted out of life.
🔥 Wade saving the blue flame: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
💧 Of course I wanted to cry when Wade started evaporating but I knew he’d come back somehow.
🔥 He went through all of that for her.
💧 They way he offers his hand 🥹🥹🥹
🔥 Hell, the way he looks at her. That’s love man.
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💧 Marco and Polo are so cute!!
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🔥 Love love LOVE all the chainmail and glass fire people are wearing! Especially that glass robe!
💧 If I were a fire person, I would just stand in front of a fan all day
💧 What if they had a baby? Would the baby be made of steam? Is it gonna be a…. Steam punk?
🔥 How much is Wades monthly rent because DAMN. This apartment is super swanky.
💧 So there is both biotic water people and abiotic water. And they can make themselves one with that water
🔥 Wades the dude that becomes everybodys best friend the second they meet him while Ember can barely talk to anybody.
🔥 This shot is cute af, look at bby Ember with dad Bernie 🥹
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💧 Wade Ripple definitely eats out.
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howi99 · 2 months
The Puppeteer: *smiling at Neo*
Neo: *doesn't know how to react to the fact her friend is now a 40 year old father* "you look.... *Think about what she could sign* Younger than expected?"
The Puppeteer: I know, i don't look like i'm forty. I have to... Thanks someone for that. I stopped aging around ten years ago after i... *Sigh* nevermind. It's not important. What is important that you are now safe. The outside can be quite dangerous, even more so when you are alone.
Neo: "Roman is here"
The Puppeteer: I don't consider that coward as apt enough to do anything by himself. Except robbing a bank or pickpocketing.
Neo: "... You are not wrong*
The Puppeteer: So, now that you are here, what are your plan? I can help you both with finding an apartment.
Neo: "wait, aren't you going to say we should go save remnant?"
The Puppeteer: Why bother? Salem already destroyed the only 3 capable kingdoms and all there's left is Vacuo. Look around you, don't you think this is better? No grimm, no discrimination, everything is perfect!
Neo: "that's... Weird. The Jaune i know would have found a solution to the problem."
The Puppeteer: well, people change. You and Roman have changed for the better, i changed to become more prudent. I won't let anyone i care about be hurt again.
Neo: "Won't your friend be sad?"
The Puppeteer: Why? I brought the staff of creation with me, it's not like i couldn't make a portal to them and bring them here. In fact, that's the idea.
Neo: "you brought what?"
The Puppeteer: The staff, i jumped from the bridge when cinder asked for it.
Neo: "and why didn't you use it?"
The Puppeteer: I needed to wait until there wasn't two iterations of the staff at the same time. But now that you are here, it should be around the time i fucked up.
Neo: "why aren't you stopping yourself?"
The Puppeteer: I can't find where it was. I think it's the magic of the ever after stopping me from making a time paradox.
Marie: *coming inside to warn Jaune about the time and flipping of Neo*
Neo: "Nice kid"
The Puppeteer: She doesn't like me having female friends.
Neo: "why?"
The Puppeteer: I'll tell you later. Gotta wait for Team RWBY before, right?
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howlingday · 3 months
So much can Ozpin be blamed for the current trauma of Rwby and Jnor? Like he seem to implie Pyrrha believe only she could do anything which lead her to fight Cinder in what she should know was basically suicide. Now I haven't seen anything so if I'm feel free to tell since you seen the show.
Ah, right. Well, I can't really say for certainty whether Ozpin coerced Pyrrha or if she acted of her own free will or whatever. Honestly, I've even seen people say that Pyrrha was selfish and chose dying to Cinder for the sake of "destiny" over being happy and alive with Jaune. These thoughts make me sad to consider.
BUT a lot of what's wrong in Remnant can be traced back to Ozma pretty much keeping everything quiet, though I can understand why he did it. I mean, look at Leonardo Lionheart and Raven Branwen. These were people he trusted with the secret, and they turned their backs on him, both of them siding with Salem eventually. Now imagine an entire Remnant of Lionhearts and Ravens. Not a pretty picture imagining a civil war, is it?
Still, either or, let's stay on topic with RWBY and JNOR, and Pyrrha VS Cinder. Actually, let's JUST focus on Cinder VS Pyrrha because I've seen people argue over a lot of stuff in RWBY and this moment holds a special place in my heart because this was where RWBY's tone DRASTICALLY changed.
Pyrrha, having escaped Beacon Tower, realizes that Cinder is still alive and killed Professor Ozpin. All the while, she's got this idea of what her destiny is supposed to be, that being her fighting Cinder for the power of the Fall Maiden. Did Ozpin influence her? My gut tells me no, though the circumstances did push her to decide that she HAD to be the one to jump into the pod.
Did Pyrrha have a chance to win in her weakened state against a Fall Maiden powered Cinder? No. Hell no. Not a chance. But she still tried, and she knew that if she didn't try, there was a strong chance that things would only get worse in Beacon. So instead of waiting for someone to show up, which due to the Grimm and the White Fang and the Atlas robots who knows how long that would take, she chose to take matters into her own hands. To take control of her destiny. And when Jaune tried to stop her, she did the only thing she could to protect him; she sent him away on the rocket, distracting him with her first and last kiss.
Pyrrha Nikos, whatever happened, died a hero, trying to stop something she had no chance of beating, and in a way, still fights today.
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nicolloyd · 2 months
just finished the season WOW that was intense!!! 😭 i collected my thoughts as i was watching it too heres all of it: (spoilers ahead ofc!!! btw this is really long you were warned)
episode 1 (the blood moon):
• lloyd saying uncle is sooo crazy
• can these ninja get pyjamas. please.... they had those in ns1 now they just sleep in armour 😭
• bro cinder sounds like.. macaque??? is that weird.
• lloyd gets to have funny quips 🔥🔥
episode 2 (shattered dreams):
• YOOOO its the uh i forgot what place its called but yes 🔥🔥
• drs2 spouting out words like panic attack and nental health gee wowzers
• also this is the second time lloyd has been forced to eat strange food first it was dareths pocket gyoza
• deffff arin and sora getting in a fight
• rule number 1 never trust a snake hehahehaha
• really encouraging the lloyd nya sibling dynamic i love it
• callback to torunament of elements im not ok.
• ommggg i actually hate the way ras' beard thing jiggles around its unsettling
episode 3 (beyond the phantasm cave):
• so the dragon released was the lightning
• life symbol???? thats mad lloyd is fr life and not energy
• i feel sooo bad for arin bro if i had like 10 friends with powers and i didnt i wld be pissed too
• this is literally that swamp episode from avatar
• HELPPP is this the memory loss thing pr is it actually like. real
• it would be the funniest troll tho
• oh nya you beautiful genius
• jay the loml 😭😭 toooo cute omgee
• def foreshadowing
• my other family thats sooo funny
• is this the magic man.
• yoo arent those the water villagers
• yesss cole was never the performer
episode 4 (force from the east):
• geooo omg their actually in love shut up
• i thimk this is ice dragon??
• also bonzle is important somehow
• aww theyre at the monastery
episode 5 (the spell at the waterfall):
• hehe i love these siblings
• how are they literally husbands bro what the flip this is so noooottt censorship
• old days :,,)))) soooooi sad bro onfdhsbs
episode 6 (to mysterium)
• lowkey wtf is egalt yapping about
• omg this is literally beyblade.
• cole in a hood is cray cray
• also zane will not give up thag detective outfit.
episode 7 (fugitive from madness):
• blood moon more like sozins comet aha aha aha aha i miss atla
• bro the music is so good do they get an orchestra for these or what
• lircherally wjats going on
• crazy how theyre training again tho. good ol days
• nya and kai :'((( not having to worry about saving the world oh my poor sweet kai
• as mean as it sounds im so glad it was kai first and not lloyd it makes sense
• ohh thats why they turn to stone??
• ZANE IS A PERSON 🤬🤬🤬🤬 stopp hes always so willing to sacrifice himself
• i need a good 1 minute break to process everytime jay appears like actually
• ohh myyyyy goooodddd its jay pls stop stop stop stop STOP
episode 8 (secrets of the wyldness):
• forbidden five is lwk scary
• hehe i love their stupid quips and someone else saying "really???"
• oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay he actually lost his memory im soooooo oooooohhhhhh nooooooo
• hes sooooo jay.
• so he knows he can lightning????
• zane. buddy. you cant keep doing this like actually would it kill you to stop dying
• now we're safe 😃 x4 (they were not safe)
• werent tbey in this situation before???? the tipping ship or am i just tripping
• ohhh my god the bounty died again
episode 9 (the forest of the spirits):
• resting my leg actually healed it is maadddnnnessss
episode 10 (rising ninja):
• yo. this fight is cool asl
• omg they are both dragons rising rn
• what is going awn rn
• jordana is going freaky!!!
• ras master giving bird box icl
• im assuming kai got out!
• HELLO ARE WE NOT GONNA GRIEVE KAI FOR A MINUTE???? im sure theyre all numb to death by now
• wowww 10 episodes gone just like that
• kai did not get out ❌️
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wasted-women · 5 months
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Cause of Death & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Sky Young
Cause of Death: Disintegrated while attempting to save her friend/crush
She literally only exists to be fridged, which is a shame because her death by probably the void would have made her an excellent tie-in champion for League. But no, she just gets dusted for Viktor’s character arc.
Her death was pointless aside from making Viktor feel guilty. Her whole character was that a) the was a brilliant scientist and b) that she was in love with Viktor and he didn't know. He was pursing dangerous magic for himself, and it's shown that the magic wouldn't have even killed him because he's now connected to it (through choice!). Sky died trying to save him from something that wouldn't have even killed him. Her death was literally just to make Viktor realise that the magic was bad/dangerous. Even though it clearly already was, but now it really is.
Princess Allura
Cause of Death: Sacrificed herself to save the universe
The show has so so so many issues, but taking the black female lead and reducing her to a love interest and then killing her???? I never even got to the finale (bailed on the show seasons before) but I am still so fucking mad about this
The first case of fridging that many young girls saw.
Pyrrha Nikos
Cause of Death: Turned into dust after being defeated in battle
Badass, powerful, beautiful. A warrior of virtue who tried to do the right thing. Was willing to risk having her entire personality overwritten in order to protect the world even though it scared her and conflicted with her ideals and concept of destiny. Everyone looked up to her. She was kind. She was smart. She was strong. She was one of the best characters in the show. And ever since she died, her death has only ever been brought up when it pertains to how it affects the one blond haired blue eyed author insert. Pyrrha deserved so much better.
There was SOOOOOOO much good build-up for Pyrrha's death. Like she's literally ACHILLES. With her trying to decide whether she should sacrifice herself to become the maiden or not and then when she finally decides to but it's taken away from her at last second when Cinder comes and kills Amber. How that contributes to her decision to fight Cinder even though it's certain suicide; that's sort of what she wants. She thinks she should have died before so she's going to fight Cinder to the death. And her final battle and ultimate death!!!! But then after her death happens we only see it in the lens of JAUNE. Like to an extent I get it because Jaune was close to her and he was the last person to talk to her. Him melting down the gold in her armor for his armor is a good moment. BUT ONLY JAUNE??? Volume 4 onwards, the only time we see any main character grieve it's always Jaune. RUBY LITERALLY IS THE MAIN CHARACTER AND THE PERSON WHO WITNESSED PYRRHA'S DEATH but she is barely given any screentime grieving!!! It's all Jaune and his manpain and how he is sad that she is gone and how they loved each other and it's like God give me a break. Even Pyrrha and Jaune's other teammates, Ren n Nora, never are given any screentime to grieve besides a quick second after Jaune looks at Pyrrha's statue. They don't even have a real good conversation about how fucked it was that Ozpin's team put Pyrrha in the situation that made her so suicidal in the first place other than outright dismissing it. For a show that loves to dissect and criticize Ozpin and his decisions they really didn't come back to that. Can a death retroactively become fridging? Because that's what this is.
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team-avia · 3 months
Hi, it's me again, before i start off i would like to say, how are you guys? Have you been doing well this year? If so, then i'm happy you're doing good!
Now, i would like to say i got EVERY good, neutral and cult ending...except for Donna. I PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY cannot be mean to her, i done googled stuff so i could romance her. Why did you make her so cute? I just gave up and now i live with her in the beneviento house away from human contact
You see, the thing is, I made her so cute specifically, so it would be a struggle to be mean to the pretty doll lady! Unfortunately, this left me with the long and difficult dilemma of writing cruelty towards the pretty doll lady, and that was very, very difficult and sad :(
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
I'm Going To Be A What?!!!
Jaune: *Drinking a cup of tea while looking at a sunset* What a beautiful day.
Ruby: Hey Jaune!
Jaune: Yes Ruby?
Ruby: I have to tell you something important.
Jaune: What is it? *Drinks his tea*
Ruby: Well...
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Ruby: You're going to be a dad!
Jaune: *Chokes* Ack-ack. What??!!!!
Yang: Jaune...
Jaune: Yang, I swear it wasn't my idea! Please do not kill me!
Yang: Of course I'm not going to kill you. After all...
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Yang: ...you are the father of our child.
Jaune: HUH?!!!!
Weiss: Jaune, I have to talk to you.
Jaune: Weiss?! If it's about Ruby and Yang, I swear I don't know how it happened!
Weiss: What? I didn't come here to talk to you about that.
Jaune: Seriously? Then for what?
Weiss: I want to talk about this.
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Weiss: I hope you are ready to take responsibility, dad.
Jaune: But we never-!!!
Blake: Sorry Jaune but I have to talk to you.
Jaune: I'm sorry, Blake, but right now is not a good time. I'm going to be a dad with three different women!!!
Blake: Four
Jaune: Excuse me?
Blake: You're going to dad with four different women.
Jaune: What are you-? Oh no, don't tell me that...
Blake: Yep...
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Blake: You're going to be dad.
Jaune: What the fuck?!!! What the hell is going on?!!
Winter: What's going on here?!!
Weiss: *Happy* Winter!
Winter: Hello Weiss, can you tell me what's going on?
Weiss: Well, we're talking to the future father of our children.
Winter: Father? *Looks around* Jaune?!
Jaune: I can explain!
Winter: It is not necessary, after all I came to talk to you about the same subject.
Jaune: What do you mean?
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Winter: Jaune, you are going to be a father.
Jaune: How??!!!
Ruby: Well, when a man and a woman love each other too much they decide-
Jaune: I KNOW THAT!!!
Yang: Jeez, Daddy is a little grumpy
Jaune: Shut up!! I don't understand, how can I be a dad with all of you?!!
Winter: Well-
Penny: Salutations!!!
Ruby: Penny!!
Penny: Oh hi friend Ruby. Have you seen Jaune by any chance?
Blake: You are standing on him.
Penny: Huh? *Looks down*
Jaune: *crush* You are to heavy
Penny: *Moves away* I'm sorry.
Jaune: It's fine. *Gets up* Why are you looking for me?
Penny: *Smiling* Yes, I have great news! You're going to be a daddy!!
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Jaune: Wait a minute?! Do you at least know what sex is?!!!
Penny: Of course. Sex is when the man inserts his pen-
Jaune: OK! I get it, you know about it!
Emerald: *Ahem*
They all turn to see Emerald.
Emerald: I didn't want to interrupt you guys, but I think this is the best time to say this. Jaune....
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Emerald: I guess we weren't very careful.
Ruby: You slept with the enemy?!!!!
Jaune: Of course not!!!
Emerald: *Sad* So the night you spent with me was nothing special?
Penny: *Shock* Jaune!
Yang: Oh, that's not cool Jaune, not cool at all.
Jaune: I really don't know how this happened!
Weiss: Don't worry Emerald, we support you.
Winter: We make sure that our Jaune takes responsibility for the baby.
Jaune: But girls-!
*Another KABOOM*
Cinder: JAUNE!!!
Jaune: Oh shit!!
Cinder: *Traps Jaune in a ring of fire* I won't let you get away this time!!
Jaune: Help!! She wants to kill me!!!
Cinder: kill you? I don't want to kill you. I want you to take responsibility!!!
Jaune: Responsibility for what??!!!
Cinder: For this....
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Weiss: You fucked Cinder??!!!
Blake: That's hot~
Ruby: Jaune, how could you?!!
Jaune: For the last time, I don't know!!!
Cinder: I hope you're ready for what's to come, daddy.
Jaune: I need to get out of here!!! *Runs but trips over an umbrella* Ouch!!
Jaune looks back to see what tripped him up and sees Neo standing in front of him.
Jaune: Neo?
Cinder: Good job Neo, now bring him to me.
Neo: "Nah😜"
Cinder: Excuse me?!!
Neo: "I'm sorry, but I have some business to settle with him😁"
Jaune: What business?
Neo: "This😠"
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Neo: "You told me you used a condom😡"
Yang: NEO TOO!!!
Blake: Three bad girls? Ok that's super hot~
Jaune: *Silense*
Weiss: Jaune, are you going to say something?
Yang: Yeah, aren't you going to yell or say a funny comment?
Jaune: I'm sorry, but at this point I think I can no longer be surprised.
Salem: *Evil voice* Are you sure about that?
Jaune: Huh?!
Everybody gets ready to fight
Salem: Relax, I didn't come to fight. I just came to spend time with my new family.
Ruby: New family?
Salem: Exactly, right.... *looks at Jaune*
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Salem: ...Darling?~
Jaune: *Wakes up* AAAAAAH!!!!!
He looks around and realizes that he is in his room, safe and sound.
Jaune: That's it, this is the last time I drink those natural juices that Ren makes! *Goes back to sleep*
It's that spooky time of the year. And what better way to celebrate it than with a small nightmare.
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fairytale-poll · 7 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Cinderella’s ball goes badly and she kills a town. What is there not to love?
Carrie is a horror retelling of Cinderella, look it up it's true
She killed her evil stepmother and stepsisters (technically they "adopted" her as slave labor and the narrative treats her as the villain for this but tbh out of all the things Cinder has done, this was the most justified)
She's my wife and I love her and she's also evil but it's okay
She does cool fire stuff and murders people but I think that can be forgiven
I love her. Jkjk uhm she's really cool and while a lot of people say she's an evil Cinderella she's more like a Cinderella who never gets saved and has to save herself. And she's so super cool and charming and a genius. And she kills people sometimes but it's okay because she's very very sad and I think more people should care about her.
Cinderella as a villainess! What if Cinderella wasn't saved by her fairy godmother and instead murdered her step-family and joined an evil witch terrorizing the world? Cinder Fall is a dangerous villainess who has helped topple kingdoms and will do anything to gain power.
This propaganda is just going to be me listing all the ways she fits her Cinderella allusion. Like all of the characters in RWBY, Cinder is an allusion to a character from fairy tales/legend/etc. In her case, CINDERella. She's one of the earliest and most important antagonists, although at first there wasn't a whole lot to connect her to the Cinderella story besides some surface-level references(her name, her superpower being the ability to create glass objects, that one part of the dance arc where she infiltrates a communication tower and has to be back to the dance by midnight when she transforms into a dress), but in the later volumes the Cinderella aspects to her character become way more clear. (spoilers for later parts of the show here on out) People have summarized this way better than I am about to, but basically: She came from an orphanage and was adopted by a wealthy family from from another kingdom(a mom and her two daughters), but was really only adopted so that she could do servant work at the prestigious hotel they owned. The "prince charming" in her story wasn't a romantic interest, but a huntsman(someone who fights the monsters in the world, a career all the main characters go to school to become) who frequents the restaurant in the hotel. He sees her being mistreated and secretly trains her so that when she's 17 she can apply to one of the combat schools and leave her "stepmother and stepsisters." Like all the villains, though, she's like a version of her allusion where things went wrong, so instead of being whisked away by "prince charming" to his world, she ends up in a position where she kills the "stepmom" and "stepsisters," "prince charming" tries to bring her in for murder bc it's his job, and she kills him too. Now a child with nowhere to go, she gets picked up by the main villain, Salem, who acts in the Cinderella allegory as the "fairy godmother" who uses magic to give her "freedom." Except the magic is a parasite monster that gives her certain abilities, most importantly the ability to take the powers of a very select kind of person that Salem needs. This "magic" also has a time limit like the dress and the carriage, except it's the fact that it's a parasite that's slowly consuming her. Cinder thinks she wants these powers because if she's powerful, she can secure her freedom, but has yet to see that Salem is just using her, making her the new "stepmother" in her story(she came close to realizing this, mentally comparing Salem to her "stepmother," but then turned around and threw herself into her quest for power even more). Some people also compare the other characters in Salem's inner circle to a new set of "stepsisters," especially with how none of them like Cinder and wished her good riddance during the period of time she was missing and possibly dead, and that there's subtle competition between all of them for Salem's approval, similar to how siblings can be with a parent. Some people have also said it's possible that Neopolitan played the new "fairy godmother" role during said time where Cinder was on her own, because Neo was able to help Cinder a lot with her illusion powers, including using them on an airbus("carriage"), which was also the scene where Cinder got her outfit change for the new arc. There is also a part in the Atlas arc where she lets the General know she was in his office by leaving a glass chess piece on his desk(like the glass slipper that Prince Charming identifies her with), when she fucked him over earlier in the show with a computer virus with a chess piece logo.
Literally explicitly based off cinderella yet somehow people were shocked when her backstory involved basically being a child slave to her "stepmother" and abused by her "stepsisters". She put up with their abuse for years until they finally crossed the line then she snapped and killed them. But now she's still being manipulated by another stepmother figure. She seeks power because she thinks it will give her freedom. She can shoot fireballs. She has the most outfit changes of anyone in the whole show. She's a poor little meow meow and a girlboss.
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obsolescent · 9 months
the "you need someone right now. and i'm the one that's here. let me be what you need." prompt with trans!leon t4t sex and go
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House Fire
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Pairing: Trans!Leon Kennedy x AFAB!GN!Reader
Author's Notes: The scream I scrumpt when I saw this request...I present you with this. This was so fulfilling to write and I hope you enjoy. Thank you for requesting!
Song: House Fire by Tyler Childers
Content Warnings: Sexual content, oral sex, swearing, no gendered language for reader, no gendered genitalia, reader is sad at the beginning and doubting themselves, Leon being awkward and joking as always, lots of fluff and yearning for one another.
Word Count: 2,470
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“You can set my house on fire, baby
You can turn it into cinder and smoke
‘Cause this house is mighty cold
And I feel like meltin’ all the snow away”
The door slams, echoing throughout the home. You stormed inside, frustration and sadness overwhelming you. “I don’t see anything between us” repeating in your mind. You could’ve heard that sooner from them, about two months sooner. Why lead you on this whole time if this is how they felt? It seems like you always draw the short straw, never having success in your love life, not understanding why. You’re close to losing it! Close to swearing off love for good.
You’re usually not…This bitter, but it seems like now, most things these days in your life are taking a downturn. A low score on an exam for one of your classes, manager at your job has been criticizing your work more, you and your sibling having a spat that’s left you with the silent treatment from them. “It’s every day for me…” You muttered to yourself, stalking to the kitchen to grab something to drink, preferably alcohol, if you have any. You sincerely hope luck is on your side for this, at least. “Aha!” You exclaimed, grabbing the neck of the wine bottle and pulling it out of the fridge. At least there’s the little things.
While you’re busy searching for the bottle opener, your roommate makes his presence known. “Damn, slammed the door pretty hard, huh? You trying to wake the dead? Definitely woke me up ” He says, looking disheveled. Oops. Talk about a rude awakening.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” You grimaced, stopping to look at him. Good Lord. Looking like a tall drink of water, so effortlessly hot even with bedhead. The nap he was taking made his usually perfectly straight fringe tousled, his clothes wrinkled, eyes rimmed with red that he’s currently making worse by rubbing them. 
“Didn’t you have a date tonight?” He asked, running a hand over his face. “I did, it didn’t go well.” You reply, gesturing towards the bottle. “Hell, I’m sorry. Are you doing okay?” His voice is laced with concern. “I reckon.” You mumbled, finally locating the bottle opener and stuffing it into the cork. “We can talk about it, if you want,” He offers. You nod. God, he’s always been so nice. You’re thanking the heavens for finding him as a roommate. Considerate, picks up after himself, willing to share, never loud. He’s definitely a people pleaser, but that’s one of the few things you share in common. Also the fact that he’s trans too, which makes it an even more pleasant experience to live with him. Honestly? You’ve had some feelings for him, but decided against saying anything. Worried about ruining what you have, especially with the way your love life has been going lately.
You sigh, pouring yourself a hefty serving of Moscato, “You want some?” You offer, holding up your glass. “Sure.” You grab another glass and pour him some, too. He accepts it with a ‘thanks’ and follows you to the living room, each sitting at the opposite ends of the couch, facing towards the other. 
You begin, talking about everything going on in your life currently. Your luck with dating, things in your personal life and career. It’s a bit winded. Honestly? It’s a lot, feeling like you’re probably oversharing or overwhelming him, but he just sits there and sips on the wine while nodding his head with the occasional hum, slightly leaning forward with his blue eyes fixated on you. When you’re finally done, you realize you’ve finished your wine, setting the glass down on the coffee table. 
“Sorry, I know that was a lot. Thanks for listening to me rant,” You chuckle, rubbing your neck. “Oh, no problem. I honestly don’t mind, I…Like listening to you talk…About anything.” He says, with a nervous chuckle, fiddling with his wine glass. “Oh.” You reply, surprised. You definitely weren’t expecting that type of response from him. ‘Don’t overthink it, he’s probably feeling really awkward right now and doesn’t know what to say.’
“Well, I’m glad. I know I do a lot of talking for the both of us–not that that is a bad thing! You’re just…You don’t talk as much as I do.” You shrug. You’re embarrassing yourself. “Yeah, no, I’m glad you do. I’m just, I don’t know, I don’t have much to say most of the time.” He chuckles, his cheeks turning pink. You’re not sure if it’s due to the wine or the conversation, but it’s cute.
“Do you want to watch a movie? Take your mind off things?” He asks, cocking his head, causing his blond hair to fall into one eye. Ugh. “Sure! That sounds nice!” You reply, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. “You can choose, just…No horror?” Leon asks. You nod, scrolling through the movies, settling on a rather funny one you’ve seen before, but it’s been awhile.
“Want some popcorn?” He nods eagerly. You get up while the ads start playing, placing a bag in the microwave. You stand and watch the TV and the back of his head while waiting for the timer to go off. Your thoughts drift back to Leon, specifically the crush you have on the man. You’ve had one since you met him, how could you not? He’s shy and quite charming. But, after hearing what he said earlier, you’re wondering if he has some inkling of feelings towards you? It’s hard to tell. ‘It still could’ve just been him fighting with that brain of his to think of a response.’ He’s definitely an overthinker like you, too.
The beeping from the microwave pulls you from your thoughts, grabbing the bag and pouring the contents into a bowl that’ll allow you to share with Leon. You grab the wine bottle and bring it with you to the living room, setting it down while putting the bowl between you and him.
He scoots closer to you and the bowl, grabbing a handful. You grab your own and soon immerse yourself in the movie. You both begin laughing along to the antics in the movie. Body easing into relaxation mode, you let the day and all the problems that it brought ebb away, glad to share this time with him. You should’ve done this to begin with, instead of going on that miserable date.
You fill your glass up with some more wine. Sipping away, you start to feel the effects. It seems like Leon is too, out of the corner of your eye you see him also relaxed against the cushions with a flush to his face, grinning at the screen. He must feel you staring, because he looks over at you, smiling brightly. “Starting to feel better?” He asks, tilting his head again. Why does that do something to you? “I am. Thanks for hanging out with me, Leon, it means a lot.” You pause, “And sorry again for waking you up.”
“”You’re welcome, and it’s no biggie,” He reaches over and bumps his fist against your arm. You laugh. Once the moment passes, you’re both pulled into the movie again. Distracted by the screen, you reach for the popcorn bowl at the same time Leon does. Your hands collide and it sends a shock through your body, his skin brushing against yours. It feels so good, even if it’s just for that brief second. “Oops,” You giggle, playing off the feeling while pulling your hand back to allow him first dibs. Before you can retract it fully, he grabs onto your hand, interlocking your fingers. 
“You see this train I’m riding?
It’s burning up the coal
And it’s wheels are bound to roll right by you
Honey, won’t you jump my train?”
Your eyes widen, snapping your head towards him. He’s looking away, face scarlet. His thumb starts rubbing circles into your skin before he begins speaking, “Uh, I’m really glad we got to spend this time together, because there’s been something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about,” He starts, “I’m really glad that none of your dates have worked out…I got worried whenever you would leave for one, hoping that things didn’t work out. I know that sounds awful, but it’s the truth. I’ve been too nervous to tell you how I really feel and I don’t want another opportunity to slip away. What I mean is I…I like you, a lot. I have no idea how you feel about me, and this may ruin what we have, but…I know you’ve had a bad day and things haven’t been going your way so…” His rambling trails off.
When he’s done speaking he moves the bowl out of the way, now nothing separating you two. He scoots closer, cupping your face with both of his hands, his thumbs now brushing your cheeks. “Can I…Kiss you?” He asks timidly. You nod, “Yeah…Yes, please.” He closes the distance, softly pressing his lips to yours. They’re buttery and salty from the popcorn. You love it. Deepening the kiss, you put one hand on the nape of his neck, while the other cups his right cheek, pulling him closer. He whines low in his throat, his hands scrambling to find purchase on your body, finding your waist, clinging to you.
“I’ve been–wanting to do this–for so long–” He says in between kisses, gasping each word. “P-please, this may seem so much at once, but God, I’ve wanted you, needed you, for so long. Whatever you want, just tell me. Those other people have no idea who they’re missing out on.” He’s rubbing soothing circles into your cheek, misty eyed. You begin to feel the familiar sting of tears rising yourself, you nuzzle into his hand. “I know you’re happy they didn’t work out, but I’ve wondered the same thing about myself. Is there something wrong with me? Is that why nothing’s ever gone right?” You suppress a shudder, scrunching up your nose, trying to fight back the onslaught of tears that are trying to break through the dam. 
“Oh, baby, no. Nothing’s wrong with you, you’re perfect just the way you are. I’m so sorry they’ve made you feel like this. I’m so glad to have met you, to be in your presence. You deserve so much, so much more than what you’ve been given. I know I’m not the best with words sometimes, and I’m probably not what you had in mind, but…You need someone right now, and I’m the one that’s here. Let me be what you need.”
“Oh, Leon. I think you’re everything I’ve hoped for.” You whispered, fingers dancing down the side of his face. He makes a noise in the back of his throat, pulling you into a crushing embrace. So close, you don’t know where he ends and you begin, it feels so nice. You can’t recall the last time you’d been touched. You’re famished for affection, and Leon is willing to give you all he can.
It’s a blur of you and him grabbing, touching, pulling on each other’s body like a game of Tug of war. Movie disregarded, popcorn tossed aside, wine warming to room temperature. You and Leon are suspended in this moment together, savoring the lost time. Beginning to recover all those days spent without each other.
Moving in sync, you make it to his room, tangling yourselves together in his bed. Losing articles of clothing, exploring each other's bodies. Skin against skin, tongues exploring new territory. “Is this okay?” “Can I touch you here?” back and forth between you two, nods, gasps, and breathy yeses exchanged. Bare before each other, savoring. Bodies entwined once more. Legs soon hiked over shoulders. His fingers and mouth begin sending you to glory, while his hair is in your clutches. “F-fuck, right there, please keep going please don’t stop! Feels–so–good, Leon,” gasped out of your lungs, dragging nails down his scalp and back. His own moans and whines almost louder than yours, sending tendrils of electricity throughout your body.
“Le-Leon, going to cum,” “Cum for me, baby, let it all out.” Euphoria reached with a yell of his name, body trembling. Leon worked his way back up your body, trailing kisses upwards until reaching your lips. “I want you, Leon. Let me make you feel good too,” whispered between the entanglement of mouths. Severing the connection, laying him against the bedsheets while mimicking the path he left against your skin. 
Taking your time with him, using light touches while exploring him. Withering against the bed, begging for you. “P-please fuck goddamn, touch me more. I need your mouth so badly I feel like I’mgoingtoexplode.” Ever the exaggerator. You enlighten him by wrapping your lips around him and sucking, simultaneously sliding two fingers into his warmth. “FUCK fuckfuckfuck ye-yes thank you, baby, making me feel so good.” His hand snaked down to grip your hair, tugging. Humming in approval has him jolting, arching and crying out. “Oh shit shit I’m cumming, God–ugh–don’t stop!” His walls clenched down against your fingers while grinding into your mouth.
Laying limp amongst the battered sheets, you crawl up to him and repeat his actions, ending in a fervent kiss. Ensnared in each other’s hold for the final time that night, basking in the warm glow emanating from you both. “That was…Everything I had hoped it would be and more.” You murmured, finger tracing his jaw. “Yeah, it was. I haven’t felt that good with someone before, if I’m being honest, and you made me feel really good.” He chuckled, grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles. “Me too,” you giggled back, his kisses tickling your hand. He yawns, reaching down to grab the blanket that had fallen off the bed. “Let’s get some sleep, yeah? If I remember correctly, my nap earlier was disrupted,” He smirks at you. “Sorry again,” you apologize once more, though not too sorry since it led to this. “You can make it up to me,” He says while tucking you in against the sheets, “By sleeping with me.” He pauses. “I mean, you know, like…Napping…Not sex again.” You laugh, “I get what you mean, Leon. I would love to.”
Bundled up, Leon rests his head against your chest, quickly lulled to sleep by your heartbeat. You lay awake for a bit longer, turning your head to look out the window, at the stars. Thanking them for bringing you and him together. Closing your eyes, you’re pulled into slumber with a smile gracing your features, bitterness long from your mind, replaced with jubilation.
“You see these boots I'm wearing
They're tough enough to go
And they will take many a road to reach you
Honey, won't you light the way?”
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bestworstcase · 4 months
something interesting that popped into my head re: maiden talk. objectively between winter, weiss, and jaune, winter is the one most committed to atlas the nation; her line to ironwood, "I have never wavered in fighting the enemies of this kingdom, and I won't start now" has always stood out to me and I find it... interesting. Winter has the winter maiden powers and is probably the most high-ranking Atlas official to survive the fall. Raven, in committing to her tribe, places herself squarely in Mistral. Cinder steals Amber's powers in Vale, a country historically against Atlas (notably in the Great War), therefore aligning with her own sentiments. I doubt there is actually anything to this, but it feels like more reason to believe the Summer maiden will be in and associated with Vacuo. also as I rewatch the ironwood fight, he says that he never expected Winter to betray him... I have to wonder if he groomed Winter into joining the Atlesian military, or planted the seed in her mind, thinking that if he could mold someone into the lieutenant he needed that he'd never have to worry because he would have been totally responsible for them. (as in, taught them everything and shaped their morals and scruples). we know that as head of atlas he is the headmaster of the atlas academy but what better way to make sure that your protege never gets any "ideas" by picking someone who is isolated and desperate to escape, who wants to be cared for and about by someone and especially someone like him? if they never go to the academy they won't have the distraction of "friends" and "teams" and "allegiances." this could in part explain why her sword and rapier (?) are like ironwood's bfg and due process- she modelled them after him. also of course must be mentioned that when James realized Winter had inherited the maiden powers, he says that the destiny he chose for her had arrived. he must have known that it means penny is dead, but that doesn't matter to him at all. i think that's part of why winter is so pissed when she says "you chose nothing. this was a gift." she has to grieve her friend and a man who stands before her claiming he feels betrayed doesn't even seem surprised or sad about the death.
…hm yeah. throws that on the "gillian asturias is the summer maiden" pile
the WOR episode on huntsmen implies this pretty overtly, as ozpin notes that atlas academy has been under increasing scrutiny for "indoctrinating" its students into the military and pressuring graduates to enlist as special operatives, and…
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ironwood also personally invites weiss to enroll at atlas in V4, and he knows jacques personally--prior to the fall of beacon it's implied they were political allies even, so he certainly knows what kind of person jacques is and how he treats his children. and then the way he talks to the kids when he gives them their licenses in V7 implies an expectation of personal loyalty--he needs huntsmen he can trust at his side.
i think he probably saw it as himself opening doors and taking a personal interest in promising students, much as ozpin does--bc ironwood very much does view himself as ozpin's most important lieutenant and natural successor, based on his unilateral actions after the fall--without necessarily recognizing (or caring) how manipulative and exploitative this sort of behavior is. but 100%, absolutely he was surprised by winter's "betrayal" because he thought she was his perfect protégé, never realizing she could still think for herself.
the funny thing is, projecting absolute obedience and deference while keeping her true thoughts and feelings behind a faultless mask is almost certainly a survival skill winter learned to protect herself from jacques, and she slips seamlessly into doing that the instant ironwood begins to make choices she disagrees with.
ditto her decisions in V8: winter sees ironwood murder a councilman in cold blood, going past "martial law" all the way to "military coup," and she sees the ace-ops brace up and fall in line. so what does she do? quietly stays put and starts doing what she can to sabotage him. she lets JYR go, then--upon realizing that they must have been the ones to blow up the whale, and thus probably survived--immediately turns around and declares they're going back to ironwood, no searching for the hostages, they'll tell him something else blew up the whale in person. jumping in to "arrest" marrow before ironwood shot him wasn't the moment winter "came to her senses"--that happened when she saw ironwood shoot sleet. it was just the moment when she saw she could do more good by leaving than by staying to mitigate ironwood's excesses. & i would bet anything that is exactly how winter was with her siblings when they were children: appeasing jacques and presenting as the perfect obedient child, and using the relative freedom that gave her to make things easier for her siblings in small, quiet ways.
ironwood just never noticed that he'd burned through all of winter's trust and all the chances she was willing to give him.
as for his reaction to penny's death: another moment i think about fucking constantly is this:
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the way her focus goes right to penny's sword. the pause before she responds "sir?" to ironwood's greeting because she's so caught up in her worry for penny. (watts being… watts, and silently gloating at her because he can tell how bothered she is. framed between ironwood and harriet, who don't see penny as anything but a weapon to get under control.)
there's a reason winter is such a storm of feelings when she lets JYR go to try to save their friend, and the reason is she's terrified and angry and disgusted by whatever ironwood did to penny while she was being fitted into that brace, unable to intervene or protest.
so a day later, when penny dies and ironwood shrugs? it's not just that he's indifferent. ironwood is directly responsible for penny's death--he made the devil's bargain with watts, he authorized that virus, he is the reason penny was forced to leave her robotic body behind, he made penny vulnerable to cinder--and winter knows that.
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