#celebrating my accomplishments
I think the one thing I like about learning about my disabilities is how I can help others. MA has stomach problems too, probably IBS as well, as well as an intolerance of some kind of icing used (I forget what it specifically is, but they know what I'm talking about.) I not only helped them see they had an intolerance to that and know to avoid it on cupcakes and cakes, but I've also given them some safe foods that work for me and help them with certain triggers. As well as helping them know other coping mechanisms.
Like my friend is like me and has a neglectful dad and so they don't know too much about their own health, mental or physical. I'm a bit more experienced in that regard and have more information stored and I'm constantly learning from the disability community as well as having friends with disabilities too. I've helped her to see her personality and mental disorders as well as help her with her physical stuff.
My friend is 20 and she didn't even know about PMS. But I can't talk, my friends had to tell me what a pap smear was so- neglected kids things, yay (/sarc)
But I just really like that I can use my knowledge of myself and others to be able to help my friend that is also in a position like me, but not as able to do research and not as knowledgeable about things. By neurotypical standards, I'd be considered "smarter" but that's only because I tend to absorb more info and be more observant than her. She's plenty smart. So having this knowledge and experience and advice and being able to help my friend literally makes me so happy. I love MA so much. I love all my friends so much and my gf (she's included in my friends.) I help MA the most since the others are better at taking care of themselves and Ray and Cass have families that take em to the doctor more often than mine or MA's does.
But this was just something I thought of that made me happy. My friend is becoming so aware and knowledgeable too thanks to me and it makes me happy. I'm glad I can help her. Honestly, she wouldn't have realized she was bi, pan, ace, a demigirl, go by she/they, go by she/they/he, are disordered, that their dad was neglectful and abusive, or learn how to say no and work on their people pleasing without me.
MA, I know you'll see this. I love you so much and I can't say it enough. I'm proud of the person you've become and I'm glad I was able to be beside you on this journey. You matter so much and I'm glad you're becoming more confident and independent. You've come so far and have been through so much and I see you. You're an amazing friend. I've helped, but you've also done a lot of it yourself and managed to better yourself because you worked hard to. One day, we'll both be away from our parents and have a much more peaceful life. And even if I'm scared of it, I am super proud of you for knowing what you wanted to do and standing by that. Even if I can't understand why beauty school is appealing lol, I will always support you. You are my number one, boo. So you go and be great even if I get super needy and lonely and anxious. Cause I know you'll be an amazing hairdresser. You've done all the work for college, beauty school, and finances yourself. I hope you're proud of yourself for that. You've become more independent than when I first met you and seeing how much you've changed makes me feel genuinely happy. I love you, MA. And even if I don't understand or can't see it from your perspective, I'll always encourage you as long as it's a safe thing to do!
Ahem. That was cheesy and it's embarrassing, but I'm disordered and express love weirdly so- that's just how I function :3
Anyway, just wanted to celebrate something I was happy about. Learning about disability, my disabilities, and everything has given me so many opportunities to be able to cope even if I'm not diagnosed and I'm just really happy about that.
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hurglewurm · 3 days
me: we are Not going to worsen our life while in a minor depressive episode
the brain: :/
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akirenhell · 11 days
You ever just see Trent back in the 90s, like, during a concert or some shit, and you just want to,,,hug him?
Like, telling him that it's all going to be fine? That he will get through this? That he will survive?
Or that's just me being weird?
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poison-uwu · 5 months
Making my yearly dandelion cupcakes 🥰
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medievalraven · 17 days
as of this evening i am the proud recipient of a very expensive piece of paper :)))
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animalinvestigator · 11 months
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here's a collection of some art fight pieces that i at least dont outright hate
in order, they are for (on art fight) juniperro, hammercorn, dreampopplio, tazmily, dropadragon, ghasterr, 123456heaven, bloodocean, and coolattaslab
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feytouched · 2 months
"should we throw a party? should we invite-?" yes! yes we fucking should. i want my cake bitch
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monkeymeghan · 2 months
I’m feeling really off today. Blank. Kind of sad. But mostly empty. I just want to cry, for no particular reason. I did manage to brush my teeth this morning and take out the recycling this afternoon, so at least I accomplished two things today. So far. Maybe I’ll accomplish more. There’s so much I want to do, but it’s hard to even move. Depression flaring? Grief? Both? Who knows. And it’s only 3pm, there is still so much day left. Ugh.
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pettyprocrastination · 3 months
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a silly little note from my last therapy session that maybe somebody else needs to hear to.
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mueritos · 1 year
The fact that i got accepted into boston university and new york university for graduate school kinda makes me realize i shouldve applied myself more when i was looking for undergrad but at least i dont have as many loans and i still met cool professors ^-^
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starryluminary · 5 months
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mulbruk · 7 months
oh by the way i slapped a big alien on a ygo 5ds motorcycle with a whip until he esplodied last night
everyone is very proud of me
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jattendschaton · 11 months
holding back tears when your 47k fic hits 80 kudos but you cant like celebrate with anyone because thats literally not even an accomplishment but you thought it would never actually reach 80 kudos and you're being an emotional little baby :') :') :')
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plump-lips-imagine · 1 year
Y’all I’m
So, I was just sent this by my teacher on my final essay!
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I get so insecure by the way i write because of how improper I talk in real life and I usually write like how i talk and this made my heart swole.
Im so glad people actually like my writing!!
I’m gonna cry🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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hanaaria · 7 months
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tallandsad · 6 months
anyways, feeling very very very very very very, Very Bad
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