#love for my bestie
I think one thing that frustrates me about my witchcraft and especially when I was first learning was the "you have to tell your intentions!" No no, not have intentions clear, people would say you had to VERBALLY say them. 1: what about physically mute witches that literally don't have an option to speak? But 2: I go nonverbal sometimes especially more often now that I'm unmasking. Most of my practice is done silently with only really music or natural sounds like rain. I always would try to speak and it felt so gross and wrong and made me uncomfortable.
I dunno how much that spreads around, but I remember seeing witches (specifically on TikTok, of course) that would say you would have to VERBALLY SPEAK your intentions for them to be known. Not only does that ignore people that can't flat out speak or those that communicate with nonverbal communication (aka if deaf or hard of hearing folks used sign language), but it also ignores nonverbal people and such. Like yes, I can speak. I'm not hard of hearing, there's nothing physically stopping me, but I'm autistic and I go nonverbal especially a lot more lately since I'm unmasking and unlearning. I've learned to communicate more nonverbally and even have picked up a bit of ASL for very simple communication (like thank you, I love you for example.) It just rubs me the wrong way, but witchtok is especially filled with misinformation, classism, ignoring disabled voices, and ESPECIALLY ignoring BIPOC voices!
I've mostly stayed on good sides of witchtok with people that educate about appropriation, misinformation, and include cheaper ways to practice and actually give great advice, but I've come across a few that, whether I knew it at the time or not, gave really shitty advice. It's just a small thing I encountered that I'm now realizing really affected my practice when I was really finding myself (my first year or two of practice.) And oh my god the "love and light." I thought "oh people say that. Maybe I'll try." I said it once and felt sick to my stomach and was like "nope, nope, never again. Who am I to judge?" Like good for you if that's your thing, but like, it was so difficult to find MY practice at first. And that really affected my self esteem since I have a big problem with "guilting" myself if I'm not doing it right and since there wasn't any really good guidance and I am shite with researching and cry after seeing two articles cause google sucks, it was really difficult. And it made me practice less cause I'd get worn out and go back to being my ADHD/autistic self that goes "nah I don't wanna do that."
Also of course I focus my intentions in my mind. I do deep breathing to help me focus and it's all I think about. I even bring up specific memories and emotions to fuel my intentions. But saying them aloud just doesn't feel right especially when I have to force myself to say it. I paint, I DO with the intention in ME. I don't need to verbally say it.
Anyway, I'm making a protection/good vibes painting for my bestie. It's really pretty so far and I even accidentally started painting an evil eye thing on accident (this: 🧿) just because I felt drawn to the blues and making an eyeball. I use a lot of eyes in my paintings (it's a show of emotion/trauma for me) so I didn't think much until I thought about it in depth. I even added in some sage for protection and good vibes. It looks really nice and adds texture. It was all I could get my hands on since I sneak herbs and spices from my mother and she's super christian so uh- can't know. But still. I already feel so happy looking at it. I know they will too. Plus I'm using warmer tones cause my bestie prefers them, his favorite color is red! I'm a cool tones person, partly due to sensory issues, but still. I'm just adding in things that remind me of them. I love it so much :) I know he will too!
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mazzystarjpg · 10 months
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comments from tiktok about siblings
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dasketcherz · 10 months
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it was a pretty cool dlc, i enjoyed it a lot
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lonelyzarquon · 6 months
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k2-truther · 16 days
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icy distain vs blazing wrath, FIGHT
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cisusnar · 3 months
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Lance used to braid Rachel's hair back on Earth so ofc he asks Allura if he can braid hers
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yaoiboypussy · 2 months
I think more people should have a trans girl bestie who is obsessed with a specific animal. Because not only will she enlighten you about gender in ways you didn’t know before but when you come out to her as trans her response is a gif of a shark swimming around with the caption “that’s so cool!!”
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natjennie · 5 months
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emotinalsupportturtle · 3 months
umm what..
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X-men '97 (2024)
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deadeery · 11 months
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redraw of one of my fav official arts ^_^
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sunclown · 1 month
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Crusty eyed white dog
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will41n · 1 month
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guys are you ready *gives your effo long hair i mean. it kinda fits him!
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One of my favorite Murderbot things is when the enemy is like: "time to be hostile! Security system, take care of that threat!"
And the security system is standing there metaphorically holding hands and making a friendship bracelet with Murderbot like: "Oh shit, there's a threat? Where!?" *turns to murderbot* "Did you see anything?"
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stevebabey · 7 months
personally love the interaction in the start of s4 where steve goes “ugh, you know i don’t do double vhs.” when robin suggests doctor zhivago. like ugh robin!!!! we’ve talked about this before!!! steve has a limited attention span and if robin puts on something too long, he will start shooting her with rubber bands
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neo--queen--serenity · 2 months
The laishuros and the labrus had a delightful episode today.
Not only did Laios and Shuro have an adorable reunion, full of ~informal~ and affectionate language (to his household’s dismay), but also gentle and affectionate touch, encouraging Shuro to take care of himself.
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Then Kabru shamelessly inserts himself into the conversation, bats his eyes at Laios, and tries to “introduce himself,” when the man clearly has no idea who he is.
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Kabru then sees Laios leading Shuro away for perfectly normal reasons and goes “I’ll join!!” with as many ulterior motives as possible.
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These three have a hilarious dynamic, I want as many scenes with them together as possible.
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pigdemonart · 1 year
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Theres just some stuff you’re more comfortable telling your friends about than your own family ya know 👀 some stuff is-a private!
Anyways, finally drew my sweet Daisy. Also finally colored a comic. And i can’t wait to never do that again fjfnfnf
Like my art? Please consider tipping!
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