#cause I’ve been writing
withoutawar · 2 years
blushing like a virgin 🤝 daddy dom
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ao3-crack · 6 months
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jarchaeology · 10 months
when i first started this blog i got an anon saying that i shouldn’t tag jensen in my finds because it was unfair to embarrass him.
anyway, i wonder if that anon came from one of the twitter people who repost my finds without credit and get 20k views on “never before seen” pictures.
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pitofpurple · 6 months
I’d love to see a book that goes in depth on the idea of a creature that eats humans and when they are told by a human to stop they say “how is me eating human any different than you eating cow,” and the human counters with “but cows don’t have sentience the same way we do,” but the the creature simply laughs and goes
“Awwww little human thinks he has a soul, thinks he can comprehend everything we can, how cute.”
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How about Ashley x Emo Fem Reader? Like gothic with uhh emotic? Or something like that. Like they meet when they been in high school. And they live in Y/N's house that she get from her parents when they passed
If you had any questions, ask me
Oooohhhh- okay okay!
Ashley Graves x Emo Fem!Reader
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Social outcast, you generally considered yourself
Not just you, your peers as well had called you that- or…crude variations of it
Point is, no one in school really liked you
You’ve overheard their gossip- all the same shit really
“I bet she lights cats on fire!” “Look at her sleeves, I bet she cuts herself.” “She’s gonna blow up the school I swear”
They couldn’t even bother to be creative with their assumptions about you- a lot of the same depressed demon stuff
….and you are depressed- but that’s besides the point!
You never really connected with any of your peers..
…well- except one..
Lunchtime was quite possibly the worst part of your day. It was a war zone. In the classrooms you had teachers to lessen the blows your classmates would throw at you, both metaphorically and physically, here the only solace of a savior were the underpaid lunch ladies who were occupied handing out food to students.
You hugged the wall as you carefully watched your peers, they all seemed fairly occupied in their own conversations- not even noticing you. You liked it when they forgot your existence. Loneliness beat cruelty.
There was a table you always sat at, tucked into the corner of the lunchroom- and for good reasons. The surface was littered with graffiti of swears, slurs, those cool S’s, and various crude doodles left by your peers. Not only that, but the table was very wobbly, so badly you usually have to use two textbooks to prop it up. The bottom was covered in dried out, chewed gum- the entire thing was just a sitting “DO NOT COME HERE” sign.
And it was perfect!
No one ever sat there due to how shitty it was, you think the students and faculty didn’t even bother to go near it. They either think it’s cursed, or forgot about it. Or both. Maybe both. But today someone had actually got there before you did.
A disgruntled girl with messy black hair poked at the mystery meat on her lunch tray. Poked isn’t the right word- more like viciously stabbed it repeatedly. Her nose scrunched in frustration, likely not directed towards the so-called food, but it was the only thing she had to vent her frustrations on to. She hadn’t noticed you.
You stood there a little awkwardly, not wanting to startle her on accident, so instead you spoke up meekly.
“Uhm…hi.” You smiled a little, trying to harmless. She didn’t look like your average bullies, but you can never be too careful.
She looked up at you with her pink eyes- her gaze was sharp, and you instinctively tensed in preparation for some insult to be thrown. She gave you a once over before returning to her tray, “…hey.”
“Can I…sit here?” It was a dumb question. Technically this table had been your seat, and this girl just showed up out of nowhere- but, oh well.
She gave a frustrated sigh, “God- did Andy put you up to this?” She asked rather accusatory, pointing her fork at you.
You opened your mouth to reply before she interrupted you, “Look how many times do I have to tell you hussies, you’re just wasting your time! He’s not going to fuck you if you’re nice to me so just—“
“Who’s Andy?”
The question you asked sounded genuine….cause it was. Really, you had no idea who this ‘Andy’ guy was. The girl lowered her fork, eyeing you wearily before she decided that you weren’t lying. She turned her head and muttered,
“….you can sit.”
And so you did. The two of you ate in relative silence. Well- you ate. Your new lunch friend more-so stabbed at her food then ate it. You swallowed down the lump of unidentifiable cafeteria meat and gave her a friendly smile. The silence was deafening and you’d never had anyone to eat with so maybe…maybe this could be nice for a change..
“I’m Y/N.” You introduced yourself.
The girl glanced up at you before returning to her tray, “…Ashley..”
“I’ve never seen you at this table much.” your hands patted the surface nervously.
“Normally I sit with my brother and so-called friend,” her words dripped with malice, “But my stupid brother had to go study for some history test! And my ‘friend’ conveniently didn’t save me a seat…” she stuck her fork into the biggest chunk of her food and muttered, “Fucking bitch…”
“That’s a bit harsh..” you mumbled, causing Ashley to perk up and glare at you.
She practically climbed over the table and held her fork out towards you, making your hands instinctively raise in surrender, “She is a bitch! A doe-eyed hussie who thinks she’s soooooo innocent when she sucks just as much as everyone else!”
“I meant it was harsh that she wouldn’t let you sit with her,” your eyes were fixated on the fork, kind of worried Ashley would drive it into your neck, “I…should’ve been more specific. Sorry.”
Ashley’s pink eyes widened a little, she almost seemed- shocked someone took her side. Slowly, she clambered back to her seat and went quiet. You lowered your hands back into your lap and stared at her. Ashley pushed her tray and folded her arms overtop the table.
“….thanks.” She mumbled.
After that, you saw Ashley a lot more
It wasn’t every day, maybe once a week or two she would show up at your hidden table to eat
Slowly, she came out of that shell and actually initiated conversations
Well- conversations were a stretch. It was more like her venting about her frustrating day while you nodded along and ate.
Eventually, she liked you enough to stop you in the halls and walk with you
Usually her brother, Andrew you had come to learn his actual name, walked with her and she made a show to cling on to your arm
It never failed to make the heat rush to your face
Ashley was cute. Very cute. And had a general unhinged vibe that just made her all the more alluring
So it didn’t surprise you that you’d catch feelings for your new friend
No- what surprised you was when Ashley actually liked you back
You paused, silence hanging in the air as Ashley stared at you expectingly. Her foot tapped with impatience as she awaited what you were going to say.
You didn’t know what to say, the only time anyone has asked you out was as a prank. This was different. The question wasn’t coming from some bully barely able to keep their giggles in, this was coming from your friend. Someone you trusted. Someone who wouldn’t hurt you…..at least you think. She did threaten you with a fork.
Ashley’s growing impatience let you know just how slack jawed you were, “Look- if you’re going to be weird about this then just…forget I said anything.” She crossed her arms, turning away from you in a huff.
That was when you came out of your stupor, trying to salvage this, “No! No! It’s okay- really! I’m just….shocked that you asked me out.” You stammered with your explanation, “I didn’t even think you liked girls..”
“Me neither.” She mumbled, the faintest starts of a blush painting her cheeks. It was cute. She was cute.
Your face softened as you placed a hand on her shoulder, “….I’d love to.”
From there you two were dating
Had it only put more unwanted attention on you? Yes, but you wouldn’t have it any other way
You were happy, so fuck what those jerks had to say
Things were good, and after high school the both of you fucked off to another town
With Andrew in college, it’s not like Ashley wanted to stick around her shitty homelife
And you- honestly had no connections aside from your parents, and moving out was expected
So, it was you and Ashley. Outcast for outcast
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mxtxfanatic · 22 days
It’s actually kind of amazing that Luo Binghe’s fandom personality is The Crybaby, because just off the top of my head, I can really only remember three places where Luo Binghe cries in the entire book: at Maigu Ridge, when he thinks he’s hurt Shen Qingqiu irreparably (again) during their first time in the Bing-ge vs. Bing-mei extra, and in the flashback of Luo Binghe being “accepted” as Shen Qingqiu’s disciple, where the narration clearly states that was the last time Luo Binghe allowed himself to cry ever again. I think Shen Qingqiu may have cried more times in the novel than him, actually 😭
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thwackk · 2 years
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i have my versions of the flash and green lantern for this movie dream of mine too and i self indulgently decided they are dating
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blymathin-cove · 3 months
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Good luck in the competition
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April: We’ve had the warmest welcome here, you all are so precious ^^
I’m so sorry this is late, but I couldn’t not give @littlemissartemisia and @allyssl (as well as everyone else) an answer! I am really happy with the asks, and I’ll try my best to answer them, I just need a little bit of time lol
Not sure if this counts as propaganda anymore since I’m out of the prelims, but it seems customary to tag @tmntaucompetition at the very least LOL
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babygirlmickey · 1 year
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shameless + memes 1/?
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kaseyskat · 1 month
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forgot to post this yesterday but uhhhhhh tldr naddpod has consumed my life and i am channeling that into a marcanne eldermourne au which will mean absolutely nothing to everyone save maybe three people but hopefully i can translate the au well enough that yall enjoy it anyways
plain text under cut:
“You don't have to do this," Marcy bites, her voice coming out weak and betraying her own fear. "I am your daughter."
"And my own daughter should have known better," her father says in return, with a practiced sigh. "If you tell us where your friend went, perhaps we can reconsider."
Marcy only grits her teeth– her father, surely, can read her own conviction in her eyes.
Truthfully, she was not supposed to be the one on the altar today. When her father learned that Marcy had been learning magic from Anne – Anne, the kind and gentle girl with the silver streaks in her fluffy brown hair, who had been just as much of an outcast as Marcy herself was in this village, who did not have to study in books to light fires and animate objects and could just do it naturally – he had offered Marcy alternative paths but said that Anne had to die, had to be executed, for her bad influence.
How could something so pure as Anne's magic be bad? Marcy, at the age of thirteen, does not understand.
But she had made her choice. She had made the choice in the form of stealing the generous wedding dowry her father had prepped for her, shoving the bags of coin that had been saved for her eventual nuptials into Anne's arms, and she had told Anne to flee, to escape. Marcy had assured her that she could talk her father down.
Marcy was wrong. And now Marcy is going to die and she is going to die knowing that the last time she ever saw her beloved best friend was in the form of fearful eyes tearfully leaving her behind.
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leverage-ot3 · 8 days
sorry to keep personal posting but my day fucking SUCKED and ended with me dropping one of my brand new earrings from a set that I just finished cleaning down the drain, took the sink apart and still couldn’t find it 🙃
if y’all feel like asking a leverage/misc question for thoughts or headcanons I’d love to answer them in the morning! or even if you just want to say something about your day- I just like hearing from you guys 💖
#or ask me abt my lockwood & co hyperfixation/chat w me about the show#and how I have been egged on my a moot to pursue my cot3 hunger games au (I have never finished a longfic)#(was bored at lunch break and wrote a portion of the berry scene 👀)#boss still owes me more than 2.5k and has been gaslighting me and continues to emotionally manipulate me and my coworkers#and cause serious shit that triggers clients in a THERAPY CLINIC#and has started second guessing my work by asking other employees if my input is ‘accurate’#which caused a flare up in my skin picking AND latent SI#ugh sorry for rambling yall I just need to write this out yk#I need a fucking sugar mommy or something 😭😭😭 I need to get out of this mentally/financially abusive job#not leverage#ask me things#jackie talks#about me#mine#this is the worst place I’ve worked which doesn’t necessarily say too much because I haven’t had many jobs#but one of my former bosses was a [redacted school shooting] denier when we were literally 20 min away from where it happened#which still boils my blood to this day LIKE WDYM YOU THIBK THE GOVERNMENT PAID OFF PARENTS AS A PART OF A CONSPIRACY TO INFLUENCE GUNCONTROL#she would tell a new hire ‘J doesn’t like conspiracy theories’#NO [redacted] I CAN DISCUSS THEM FOR FUN IN CONVERSATIONS BUT URS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS#EAT A DICK#hmmm I wonder if I still have anger about that lol#ANYWAYS I finally got my intake after waiting 8mo for the clinic I needed to get in and will be starting therapy in a few weeks#🫡🫡🫡
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skoulsons · 1 year
I got carried slightly away. Enjoy :)
Joel played with his hands, a nervous tick that Ellie always loved being able to calm down. “First real patrol. You ready?” He was towering over her, as he did, as they waited by the door for Tommy.
She raised her eyebrows at him with a smirk. She reached towards him and clasped his hands together, trying to hold them both in hers. “Are you? You look like you’re about to have a heart attack,” she questioned, rubbing a thumb over his slightly enveloped hands.
He felt like he was about to have a heart attack. Ever since they moved in, they were never apart. Now, Ellie was going outside the walls on patrol. She could fight infected. She could get thrown off her horse. They could run in to raiders. Anything could happen to her, and it terrified him that he wasn’t going to be the one next to her.
He smiled at her, appreciating the grounding pressure of her hands over his. He leaned forward and kissed her hairline, their hands still together. “I jus’ want you safe, ‘s’all.”
She smiled at the affection as she took her hands from his and wrapped them around his middle. He leaned into it, his left arm rubbing those all-too-familiar circles on her back and his right combing through her ponytail.
“I’ll have Tommy,” she said into his chest. “He’ll keep me safe.”
“He better-”
Joel drew in a breath to continue, but Tommy burst through the door right then, stopping cold in his tracks at the two hugging in front of him. He paused, giving a small smile to Joel.
Joel raised his voice slightly. “-‘Cause if he don’t, I might just beat his ass.”
Tommy’s eyes grew wide, Ellie giggling against Joel’s chest at the imagery of Tommy’s expression behind her.
Ellie gave Joel one more squeeze. He tilted his head to the side, trying to see her face. “You protect him too, got it?” He kissed her temple.
“Got it,” she said, nodding into his chest as she pulled away.
Ellie slung her pack over her shoulders and grabbed their rifle, standing beside Tommy as he shared a look with Joel.
“I mean it, Tom.”
“Oh, I know it.” He looked down at Ellie beside him, a goofy grin on her face. Tommy couldn’t help but smile back, “I’ll keep her safe.”
Ellie nodded to herself, trusting Tommy with such a task.
“Ready, kiddo?”
“Yes, sir.”
Tommy walked her home as Ellie talked incessantly about what they did together that day, joy evident in her voice as she recounted every room they walked through, infected they saw, and story Tommy told her along the way.
They stopped at the bottom of the stairs up to the house. “Good job today, kiddo. You did real good. Got you on for one next week as well, as long as my brother doesn’t threaten me on the behalf of your safety,” he half-joked.
She sighed, disapprovingly. “Just one?”
“I don’t need your old man stringing me up by my insides.
She laughed, “Yeah, me neither. Next week it is! Thanks, Tommy,” she said as she turned up the porch stairs and headed inside.
Joel was sitting at the kitchen table, book in hand and his reading glasses on. She always teased him about the reading glasses. She never saw him in them and it always felt like a treat. He looked… different. If she knew what a professor looked like, she thinks it would be similar to Joel wearing his glasses.
He glanced to his left as the door opened, his book falling to the table. “You’re home early? Somethin’ happen?”
“Nope,” she responded, unlacing her boots. “We cleared the motel and some surrounding buildings and then we headed home.” She sat the rifle against the wall and dropped her bag to the floor beside his.
He chuckled, “I’ve never had an early day with him. He must really like you.”
She laughed, walking over to him and peering over his shoulder. “What’re you reading?” She dropped her chin on to his shoulder.
“Nothin’ you’ll find interesting.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” she agreed, her arms coming over his shoulders and crossing across his chest.
Daddy! Piggy back!
Alright, c’mere baby. One, two, three, jump! Sheesh, baby, loosen your arms up. You don’t gotta choke me.
Memories of town fairs, Sarah young enough to sit on Joel’s shoulders, her hands holding on to every blessed part of his face as he tried to see through the mix of her fingers. One particular memory of her on his shoulders sticks out to him. She was scared of the height, so Joel held both of her hands to keep her steady and leaning forward into him. She kept kicking her feet lightly against his chest and she’d wave their conjoined hands together at strangers walking by.
He remembered piggy back rides. Piggy back rides from the pool to the car when she claimed she was ‘too tired’ to make it all but ten yards. Piggy backs from the beach to the boardwalk, Sarah unable to get her feet through the hot sand. Piggy backs late at night; Joel exhausted from a day of work but willing to give her one, Sarah clinging to his neck and giggling as he ran laps around their house.
There was another memory.
What’s all this?
Nothin’ you’ll find interesting.
Ah, contracting paperwork?
Well, I’m going to bed. Get some sleep tonight, dad. Please.
He turned to her, a small smile to try and compensate for the heavy bags under his eyes. “I will, baby.”
She smiled back, “You better. Don’t need you falling asleep at the wheel when you take me to school.”
His smile stayed, still watching her. “I won’t fall asleep, Sarah.”
“Then sleep tonight to make sure that doesn’t happen,” she quipped. He really needed sleep. She leaned in and grabbed his opposite shoulder, kissing his cheek. “Goodnight, dad.”
“Goodnight, baby. I love you.”
Joel exhaled, the memories rushing back to him like a sweeping current. He relaxed into the contact, his shoulders dropping as his head leaned back, hitting her shoulder. He closed his eyes. Goodnight, baby. I love you.
He brought his hand up from his book and held on to her left wrist, rubbing his thumb back and forth over the same spot his watch face sits.
“Alright,” she started, “I… am going to bed. Patrol wiped me out. Get some sleep too, old man.” She patted his chest a few times, pulling away from him as his hand gently followed her.
He paused, taking his time. “I will, baby girl.”
“You better. We’re not on the road anymore, you’re allowed to sleep now. Don’t need you falling asleep when you’re making breakfast tomorrow.”
His breathing started to shake slightly. He exhaled, trying to ground himself. He forced a smile out as he turned to her. “I won’t… fall asleep making breakfast.”
She grinned back, “Can never be too sure.” She grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it as she walked behind him and headed towards the stairs. “Goodnight, Joel!”
“Goodnight, baby,” he whispered, Ellie already up the flight of stairs to hear the endearment.
He opened his mouth again, but no words came. No noise, no indication that he had anything to say; only he did, yet it stayed playing on repeat in his head, praying that he’ll say it again one day, and she’ll be the one it’s for.
I love you.
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sun-ea-sports · 20 days
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Been writing :3
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emily-mooon · 5 months
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Ahhhhh yes a title card. For that one au I said I would write, then didn’t, said I would write for again, then didn’t, then written part of chapter one for and then didn’t finish it on my three days off.
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formerlyz · 1 year
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Tumblr kept crashing when I tried to reblog this for some reason but I thought this was so sweet so here’s a little fic based on this idea that’s 1 million percent fluff and sappy as hell lol enjoy.
“You’re Beautiful”
Word count: 1147
Warnings: None
“You’re quiet today” Rei observed. Usually when they dropped Miri off in the morning and ate breakfast, Kazuki was much more chatty. It wasn’t uncommon for Kazuki to talk Rei’s ear off about a new recipe he was excited to try for dinner, or about a weird dream he had. Rei didn’t mind, he liked the sound of Kazuki’s voice. But today he was only speaking when directly spoken too, and responding in one or two word sentences wherever possible.
“What’s wrong?” He pressed.
Kazuki sighed and set his fork down. “It’s stupid.” He shifted around in his seat for a moment:
“It’s just…when I was brushing my teeth this morning. I noticed this.” He said, pointing to his eye. Rei leaned forward to try and see what he was talking about.
“Is there something wrong with your eye?” Rei squinted in confusion to try and see what Kazuki was pointing out.
“What? No! I have wrinkles, Rei!!” He said sadly. “I’m starting to look old and I hate it”
“Why is looking old bad?” Rei asked, taking another bite of his cereal.
“Because I don’t want people to think I’m ugly. Okay?” Kazuki exclaimed before hiding his face in his hands. Rei tried to think of something to say. He really didn’t see what the big deal was, but this was obviously bothering Kazuki and he wanted to help.
“Rei?” Kazuki asked in a small voice before Rei could come up with something. He looked up, eyes full of fear. “Do you think I’m ugly?”
Once Rei had processed Kazuki’s question, he couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous it was.
“What the hell?! You don’t have to laugh at me.” Kazuki said angrily, tears welling in his eyes. He got up and began to storm away when Rei grabbed his wrist.
“I’m laughing because that was one of the stupidest things you’ve ever asked me.” Rei said, standing up and wrapping his arms around Kazuki’s waist from behind. “Why in the world would I think you’re ugly Kazuki? You’re beautiful”. Kazuki froze.
“Beautiful?” He whispered.
“I mean. I think so”. Rei said. Giving compliments wasn’t one of Rei’s strong points, but he knew Kazuki needed him to try. “Your hair is the color of a piece of French toast that’s perfectly cooked, and it always looks so fluffy and soft and nice to play with.” He said, burying his face in Kazuki’s hair and breathing in the scent of his shampoo, which smelled like some kind of citrus. Rei felt Kazuki relax slightly in his arms, which he took as a good sign.
“I’ve never seen someone with eyes like yours. They’re like…” Rei paused and guided Kazuki to turn around and face him so he could get a better look. “They’re like a fire that you sit by to get warm when it’s really cold outside” He said, placing a gentle kiss on Kazuki’s cheekbone.
“And your smile is literally contagious. I never smiled until I met you, you know?” Rei pressed another soft kiss to the edge of Kazuki’s lips. “And when I’m having a bad day where I’m in pain or anxious or whatever I just look at you and it makes me feel better.” At this point, Kazuki wrapped his arms around Rei’s shoulders.
“Really?” He breathed as he gazed at Rei. Rei nodded, feeling heat rise to his cheeks. He felt a bit awkward about saying all this stuff out loud, but it seemed like it was helping Kazuki, so he continued.
“And when it’s summer you get these freckles that are really cute, just like Miri does.” Rei continued, kissing Kazuki on the bridge of his nose where he would usually get them. “And when you’re trying really hard at Morio Kart your face does this thing where it gets all scrunched up in concentration, which always makes me laugh.” Rei kissed Kazuki’s forehead. “And when we’re going to sleep seeing you right there makes me feel safe” Rei said as he moved to kiss Kazuki’s jaw and neck where he would normally bury his face to sleep. The feeling of Rei’s breath on Kazuki’s neck caused him to shiver involuntarily.
“So yes, I think you’re beautiful, inside and out.” Rei said after a moment, holding Kazuki’s face in both of his hands and planting a firm but gentle kiss on Kazuki’s lips.
“But…what if I get old and you don’t think that anymore?” Kazuki asked once they pulled back.
“Kazuki.” Rei said in a serious voice. “I never thought I would get old. You gave me the chance not only to get old but to get old with a family I love” now that he was close, he could see the tiny wrinkles in the corners of Kazuki’s eyes that had started all this. He gently ran his thumb over them. “Every wrinkle, every gray hair, is just a reminder that I get to grow old with you, which makes me really happy” At this point, Kazuki completely lost it, breaking down sobbing on Rei’s shoulder.
Rei hugged him tightly, feeling a twinge of guilt. “Sorry! Did I say something wrong?!” he asked. Kazuki shook his head and continued to cling to Rei, his tears wetting the front of Rei’s shirt.
“You didn’t say anything wrong. It’s just…that was beautiful, Rei” Kazuki said once he had calmed down a bit, still resting his chin on Rei’s shoulder.
“I’m just stating the obvious,” Rei said, fully meaning it. Kazuki pulled back and laughed as he wiped his tears away with the back of his hands.
“I love you” Kazuki said, resting his forehead on Rei’s. Tears were still falling but he was smiling. Rei breathed a sigh of relief.
“I love you too.” Rei said, leaning forward and pulling Kazuki in for a long, tender kiss.
“So, whatcha want to do today?” Rei asked once Kazuki had stopped crying. He continued to place small kisses all over Kazuki’s face and neck.
“I don’t know.” Kazuki had been so wrapped up in his quarter life crisis he honestly hadn’t thought about it, and it was hard to think now with Rei kissing him all over. “I kinda want to just do this all day to be honest” he said with a breathy chuckle. Rei smiled against his neck. As much as Rei also wanted to do this all day, he knew Kazuki would get antsy if they didn’t actually do something.
“Tell you what?” Rei said, moving to look into Kazuki’s ruby red eyes, which were practically shining. “Let’s finish breakfast and marathon one of your favorite cooking shows, then maybe after we pick Miri up from school we can all go do something fun as a family?”
“That sounds perfect,” Kazuki smiled. Rei kissed him again, thinking how lucky he was that he and Kazuki had found each other.
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maxgicalgirl · 9 months
I headcanon that before Night Vale, Carlos was actually kinda scared by horror movies. Like he and his uowii friends would get together for movie nights and just pick apart horror movies because they were so unscientific, but Carlos was actually very unnerved by them and would flinch and jump and have trouble sleeping after.
And then after Night Vale chews him up and spits him out, he just can’t be afraid of them anymore. Like, Night Vale horror movies are probably weird and not comparative, but some of the ones he smuggled in from the outside world are still in tact and he’s just not scared of them anymore. In fact, they’re kind of funny with how exaggerated the horror of them actually is. It’s silly what people think they’re supposed to be afraid of when he’s seen horrors he didn’t even think were possible. And he spends more time laughing at them than cowering.
And then there’s Cecil, who I headcanon is just genuinely afraid of horror movies. Like, he and Carlos will be watching and Carlos is trying to hold back giggles at what’s happening on screen while Cecil is pressing his face into Carlos’ shoulder and whimpering. And it’s cute because Cecil has seen so much worse than what horror movies present, but thinks horror movies are SUPPOSED to scare you. So he’s scared and Carlos is trying to be sensitive to that but is shaking with silent laughter the whole time. And then they have to watch Cat Ballou for the millionth time afterwards so Cecil can calm down and go to bed.
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