#cassie web
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Here are events in Madame Web I will say as dispassionately as possible (spoilers obviously). I am not making these up:
-Ezekiel-the villain-wants the spider to become rich unlike Cassie's mom who wants to use them for healing. 20 years later he is rich. It's never explained how he made his wealth with this one spider if he didn't use it for medical purposes
-He murders their exploratory team the SECOND they find the spider even though it would make more sense to use them to get safely out of the Amazon and then double cross them once he can safely get away
-He shoots Cassie's mom in a struggle. It's implied this is because she's pregnant but it's weird with how quickly he kills the other guys and as she's holding the spider this would be a way easier way to resolve their scuffle
-The actor is ADR'd in every scene he's in and they go out of their way to make this obvious. Like he either speaks offscreen or they obscure his mouth in some way-he's also out of sync in certain points
-The main character nearly drowns. Twice. My guess is this is a motif because her powers get activated the first time and she becomes more Madame Web-y the second time and she was born in a pool while her mother dies-however for a movie that explains everything like you're a moron this is not made very clear and feels repetitive
-Uncle Ben is a supporting character and Cassie's best friend. Mary is a another supporting character, for some reason played by Emma Roberts. Peter Parker's birth is a plot point. Richard Parker is awkwardly absent for the whole movie and they heavily imply Ben has only just met May though they don't name her
-The scene inferring to May is them at the hospital eating Chinese food. Ben says because Cassie's fortune cookie fortune is smudged they will "never eating here again". They are not eating at the restaurant-they got take out
-They set up a character only to kill him off about five minutes later. This is meant to be emotional. It's done in such an awkwardly stilted way it reminded me of this:
-Cassie reacts in shock and confusion to her future vision powers AT LEAST FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES before she gets a grip on them. This includes a scene of her saving a pigeon in her apartment which felt like a reshoot because Sony thinks their audience is really fucking stupid
-We only see Julia Mattie and Anya suit up in flashforwards in two really brief scenes. This doesn't even last 3 minutes
-Ezekiel's plan involve.s seducing an NSA agent to steal her clearance (keep in mind this movie takes place in 2003). He has a nightmare about the Spider-Women killing him and discusses it really bluntly with this woman post-coitus. As in straight up tells her he dreams of his death. She has zero reaction like a normal person for about 4 minutes before reaching for her gun. This scene goes on a painfully long time and it cannot be overstated part of his plan relies on her going to bed with him so he can get the clearance password
-Mattie crosses paths with Cassie right at the beginning flipping off her ambulance. This movie takes place in 2003 New York-there is absolutely 0 way you are that rude to first responders without getting crucified
-Actually while I'm here the "coincidence" thing is brought up cause Cassie ran into all three of the girls and obviously has a past with the man trying to kill her (unbeknownst to her at the time). This could be how they try to explain the Parkers being in this. This is either a desperate sequel hook or them lazily explaining how convenient the script is cause it does not really come up again-you decide!
-Ezekiel's not Spider-Man suit is the funniest thing I've ever seen. I laugh every single time it's onscreen
-Cassie is framed as a kidnapper after Sydney Sweeney shouts that she is and then steals a taxi and shoves the three girls in the back. This becomes a plot point once. It's never brought up again
-Cassie removes the plates of the taxi and drops them right next to the cab. She doesn't even attempt to get rid of them
-She also abandons the girls in the middle of the woods by themselves so she can go back to her apartment to get her mom's notes. She doesn't know how Ezekiel is tracking them so she is just going on blind faith that they'll be safe
-Cassie never once looked into her mother's notes in the presumably 30 years she's had them. This may be because she has anger over her mother. This is brought up at Mary's baby shower (really painfully) and then never again until it's resolved
-May as well mention it here-the acting is awful. From everyone-equally terrible. The three girls are trying with what little they're given-it doesn't help that they are slapped on sympathetic backstories really haphazardly and never stand out outside of being a unit
-There is a sequence with kind of a clever set up where Cassie has to time the song Toxic to her future vision to stop Ezekiel killing the girls. However when shown it's faster to get to their location cutting through trees she reverses the cab onto the main road. Despite time being a factor and something like what happens-she getting stuck behind a lorry-not really something she needs to be concerned. Keep in mind she saves the girls by driving the taxi into the diner so the car's safety is not really an issue
-Cassie, now a fugitive of the law accused of kidnapping and actually driving a cab into a diner, decides it's best to fly to Peru and abandons the girls AGAIN (at least this time she unloads them onto Ben). We see the fugitive drive away in the banged up taxi after going back to Queens to drop the girls off and there's a time cut showing a plane flying into Peru implying she made it. It is never explained how she got to Peru
-Some guy that's part of the magic spider people's tribe drops massive amounts of exposition onto her. This character is seen once in the opening promising Cassie's mom she will tell her all this and is never seen again after this
-When Cassie gets back from Peru she is driving the same fucked up cab. She then steals an ambulance to replace it after paramedics conveniently drive up next door to Ben's (not there to help Mary with her pregnancy of course-that would make sense-but that's already been used to get the girls away from Cassie to set off this climax-it's just an easy out for her yet again as she uses the klaxon to get through traffic
-She sets off fireworks inexplicably stockpiled in a Pepsi-Cola factory and one of them removes a wall that helps our heroes. It is a very specifically powered firework
-All the girls are put in dilemmas on the roof that is framed as a choice for Cassie but she instead gets her powers to astral project herself. My friend described it as like something out of a Tell Tale game-it's as contrived as it sounds
-Cassie calls a chopper to save them. Cassie sets off the fireworks and uses their powers to guess where they're coming from to dodge them. Her stupidity in combining these plans results in a firework hitting the chopper destroying it
-Incidentally the fireworks have some of the most convenient directions ever conceived in the history of fireworks. Same with how strong they actually are
-The Pepsi-Cola sign is part of the climax as has been revealed. What you may not know is that the villain of this movie dies being crushed by the P falling on him
-When Cassie nearly drowns the second time her face gets hit by one of the fireworks. This is how she goes blind. It''s also how she got her facial scarring. It's also presumably how she becomes wheelchair dependant
-Peter Parker's birth is framed through hospital curtains that look like webs
-Despite being a fugitive of the law who destroyed property and stole an ambulance IN THE MIDDLE OF A CALL Cassie ends up in hospital with 0 complications legally speaking
-A nurse comes in and asks if the three girls are kin. Cassie says they are. The nurse immediately leaves without question
-We only see Madame Web's outfit at the tail end of the film. They desperately want to sequel hook this fucking thing
I'm probably forgetting things
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amxndareviews · 4 months
'Madame Web' Review
#MadameWeb Review: "It had the potential to be a unique entry in the Sony Marvel universe because of Cassie's power set. The early 2000s dialogue and poor script left some awkward moments & dead air. Everything about this was a miss for these characters.
By: Amanda Guarragi The Sony Marvel universe has had its ups and downs. But the one commendable thing is that they’ve always stood independently and tried to do something different. Sony is going against the grain by exploring under-appreciated characters in the Spider-Man universe and having fun with their powers. From Venom to Morbius and now Madame Web, Marvel has had an extensive catalogue,…
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girl-bateman · 9 months
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A Study in Beauty. 
Brand New City, Mitski
Howls Moving Castle, Dir. Hayao Miyazaki
American Psycho, Bret Easton Ellis
American Psycho, Dir. Mary Harron
Liquid Smooth, Mitski
Ruminations: Big and Little Bullys, Euphoria
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
Jennifers Body, Dir. Karyn Kusama
slant of light, ryebreadgf
American Psycho, Dir. Mary Harron
American Beauty, Alan Ball
Black Swan, Dir. Darren Aronofsky
Cléo from 5 till 7, Dir. Agnès Varda
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moonstoast · 2 years
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i can change everything about me to fit in
brand new city by mitski // i, tonya (2017) // jennifer’s body (2009) // black swan (2010) // euphoria (s2 ep7) // regarding the röttgen pietà by elle emerson // femme bougie by gérard lartigue // fleabag // a taxi by euginiya dudnikova // shame is an ocean by mary lambert
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figueroth and sandra lynn faeth; daughter and mother // dimension 20: fantasy high
fantasy high: junior year - a very merry moonar yulenear // lady bird, 2017 // ijeoma umebinyuo - questions for ada // alexuma // wych elm - susan smith // joan tierney - the elektra complex // fantasy high: sophomore year - hellbound // imma_slytherin - fig the unfaithable and the summer sads // nora kasten // honeytuesday // fantasy high: junior year - untapped rage // ethel cain - family tree (intro) // lynn emanuel - single girl. one room flat.
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andromedaa-tonks · 4 months
if i had a nickel for every time adam scott played a guy named ‘ben’ who was just trying to get through the day, i’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Venom!Y/N rescues Cassie Webb…
Venom: are you alright?
Web: you’re not a spider person
Venom shifts into Y/N…
Y/N: nope but I am here to help
Web: you’re cute
Y/N blushes, Venom tries pushing them towards Web…
Venom: we accept payment for our help in chocolate or kisses
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vinnieglossi · 3 months
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Sydney Sweeney as Julia Carpenter in MADAME WEB (2024)
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metalcatradcras · 4 months
at the heart of it all, madame web (2024) is a story of a daughter and a mother. cassie definitely taking up the paramedics job because she never wanted anyone else to have their moms die at childbirth like her, cassie becoming a foster mother to the three girls and managing to regaining her own, and killing the man who killed her mother.
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texaschainsawmascara · 4 months
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The Crush / Basic Instinct / Swimfan / Obsessed / Fatal Attraction / Sick - Cassie Steele
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superherocaps · 7 months
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hyperfixatedimagines · 4 months
And they were Roommates- Cassie Webb x f!Reader
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Summary: Dating- or trying to at least- Cassie Webb has never been easy. She dislikes almost everything and everyone, but the week after she has a near death experience really tests your devotion to your ice princess of a roommate/girlfriend.
A/N: I just saw this camp masterpiece and had to write a little something for it. Let me know your thoughts!
A frantic call from your roommate/girlfriend asking you to purchase a plane ticket to Peru and drive to a motel on the outskirts of the city was truly the cherry on top of the crazy sundae that life alongside Cassandra Webb had been that week.
Of course you bought the ticket and of course you drove out to the sketchy motel because it was Cassie, your Cassie.
You pulled into the parking lot just as Cassie and three girls came down the motel stairs.
"What the hell is going on Cass," you asked as you got out of the car.
Cassie approached you. "I don't have time to go over it again (y/n). Did you get what I asked for?"
You nodded and handed her a printed out plane ticket.
"One ticket to the Peruvian amazon," you said as you handed it to her.
"Can you just keep them out of sight and safe until I'm back. It shouldn't be more than a day or two," Cassie said as she stuffed the ticket into her backpack.
You looked over at the three young girls. They looked a mixture of scared and bored.
Then you turned back to Cassie.
"Of course I just- Cass I'm worried about you. You've been acting really strange this week I-," you started but Cassie cut you off.
"There's a lot going on (y/n). I promise I'll tell you all about it but later. Right now I need to go." Cassie interrupted then she turned to the three girls behind her. "This is Julia, Mattie, and Anya. Girls, this is (y/n), you'll stay with her while I go to Peru and find answers to what's been going on."
The girls each nodded then turned to you. Mattie looked you up and down.
"How do we know we can trust her? Who is she," asked Mattie.
"Her girlfri-," you replied mindlessly. "My roommate-," Cassie interjected.
You turned to her, "Seriously?"
"Girlfriend? Like friend that's a girl?" Julia asked, head slightly tilted.
"I think she meant girlfriend as in the lesbian kind," Anya replied.
The girls looked at each other then turned to Cassie.
Cassie looked between you and the three girls. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"That's irrelevant as this is a life or death moment. So please just stay out of trouble while I try to find the answers we need," Cassie replied with an exasperated breath.
The girls said goodbye to Cassie then piled into the back seat of your car.
Cassie walked over to a busted yellow taxi cab and threw her backpack into the back seat.
You walked over to her. "Cass, are you sure about this? On the phone, you sounded kinda..."
"Crazy," Cassie interjected.
"No, I wouldn't ever call you that. I'm just concerned. This week has been a lot for you and I worry," you confessed.
Cassie stepped closer towards you. You longed to reach out and wrap your arms around her but you knew she didn't feel comfortable with such open displays of affection.
"I really appreciate everything you've done for me (y/n). I know you didn't sign up for any of this when we- when you-."
"When I said yes to living with you? Dating you?" You asked with a smile tugging at your lips.
You noticed the light blush that bloomed across Cassie's face.
"Yeah," she replied and sheepishly looked away.
You softened. "I trust you, that's why I bought you the plane ticket. Whatever answers you need I hope you find them."
You reached out and grabbed Cassie's hand. She let you, so you knew it was okay to lace your fingers with hers and give her hand a gentle squeeze.
"Just promise me you'll be safe," you said, your voice thick with worry.
Cassie nodded. "Of course I will."
You sighed and let go of Cassie's hand. You stepped back.
"Okay, you can go."
Cassie smiled then turned and opened the cab door.
You turned around and started to walk back to your car.
But you didn't get more than a few steps away before someone grabbed your hand and spun you around.
Before you could say anything you felt lips crash against yours- familiar lips with a familiar cherry lip balm.
Cassie let go of your hand and wrapped an arm around your waist. You reached up and cupped her face with your hands.
A whistle from behind made you pull apart.
You felt your face get red hot.
The girls giggled from inside the car.
"For the road," Cassie said as she tried to catch her breath.
"Kissing me in public? Now I'm really concerned," you joked.
Cassie shook her head and let you go. Then she walked back to the taxi cab and got inside.
You stood there and waved as you watched the cab pull out of the motel parking lot and drive off.
You sighed then walked to the driver's side of your car and got inside.
The second you sat down the girls leaned forward in their seats.
"We have so many questions," Mattie said.
The other two girls nodded.
You let out a laugh. "I'm sure you do, but first- we eat pie."
Mattie smiled. "Already you're my favorite."
You smiled and put the car in drive. You didn't have a clue what was going on or what Cassie was up to but you knew you'd always be there for her. Even when that meant playing babysitter to a couple of nosy- but well meaning teen girls.
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adaine abernant; family // dimension 20: fantasy high
unknown // emily axford - riverboat shanty // fantasy high: sophomore year - fearful symmetry // the oh hellos - second child, restless child // liv ullmann - changing // siickangel // fiona apple - under the table // heavensghost
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dog-professor · 24 days
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Cassie Webb giggles…
Julia: what?
Web: I got Y/N’s number today
Anya: cool?
Web: I peered into my future with them. It’s gonna be amazing. I’m in love already.
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vinnieglossi · 3 months
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