#caramel cookie crunch ice cream
chiveburger · 10 months
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thief-of-eggs · 1 year
each wayne family members’ go-to starbucks order
Dick: venti caramel ribbon crunch frappuchino with coconut milk, extra caramel, and easy whip
Tim: venti vanilla sweet cream cold brew with 2 extra pumps of vanilla
Steph: venti pink drink
Jason: venti pink drink (steph got him addicted)
Damian: grande iced peppermint mocha, extra peppermint (the mintier, the better)
Bruce: grande hot coffee, one pump of hazelnut, no cream
Cass: tall iced mocha with soy milk
Duke: venti mocha cookie crumble frappuchino
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skyward-floored · 5 months
the links' preferred ice cream flavors For Science Purposes
Well for the Incredibles au it’s as follows, but I would assign these to the regular lu Links as well to be honest XD
Time: he seems to me like he would like regular and French vanilla— I think it would remind him of milk and therefore his wife.
Twilight: rocky road maybe? I think he’d like the nuts and things. That or moose tracks.
Sky: black raspberry
Four: rainbow sherbet (yes it counts, shut up Wild)
Wind: bubblegum ice cream. Yes it exists and it’s gross but Wind loves it. Also likes chocolate chip cookie dough a ton.
Legend: he seems like a cookies and cream kinda guy.
Hyrule: mint chip.
Warriors: plain chocolate, but he likes the peppermint kind too.
Wild: salted caramel crunch, rum raisin, cotton candy... he likes the more unusual stuff, and loves tasting it. He’ll eat anything, though. The bacon ice cream was pretty good, actually.
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poke-rolls-n-grits · 9 months
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Caramel Cookie Crunch Ice Cream
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thatonepeppi · 5 months
What FO4 companions order as a certified Starbucks barista <3
I’ve never written one of these but i just fell compeled to :3 if you want me to show you how to order these just lemme know
Cait -
Iced cold brew. Nothing fancy at all, I definitely feel like she would add half and half. Or an extra hot americano with vanilla. After a while she would ask for vanilla sweet creams in her cold brew :)
Curie -
Skinny vanilla latte~ with non fat milk :3. Very simple but on colder days, she would ask for whipped cream and maybe a pump of white mocha <3
Danse -
A drip coffee, cream and 4 sugars. Popular with many military men i see. He can definitely tell when the dripped coffee has just been sitting there for a bit tho.
Deacon -
He’s got a few favorites, always down to try something new. Something that’s a regular would be an iced caramel macchiato. Sometimes he’ll be an asshole and ask you to stir it :7 he’ll also throw in an extra cap or two if you go crazy on the caramel.
Hancock -
Caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino . hands down. i’ve seen many people with the munchies down these. He’ll probably ask for extra caramel and to add mocha drizzle and mocha sprinkles. He likes having sweet when he’s high.
MacCready -
Mocha Cookie crumble, popular with many young kids. he likes the caffeine and the sweetness. i still see him as a kid at heart. The whip at the bottom kinda bother him though. not very good on his teeth.
Valentine -
Extra hot White mocha or regular mocha lattes. Can’t taste it all too well. It was just his regular way back when. and he’d probably leave the whip off of it though.
Strawberry açaí with lemonade, very tasty. also very refreshing, i feel like it would feel great after a long day of work, or maybe something in between breaks to cool off. sooo tasty
pink drink on days where she doesn’t have to cram to write an entire newspaper, she will also order light ice and extra strawberry’s. On more serious and work heavy days, her order would 100% be a hot Caramel machiatto. She loves tasting the espresso first.
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werewolfbarista · 8 months
what's the weirdest order anyone has asked for? mine was iced almondmilk matcha latte with decaf espresso and raspberry syrup. i made it for myself after and turns out all the flavors cancel out. (though shoutout to 'cappuccino no foam' i love that one)
i didn't make this one but one time somebody ordered an earl grey with matcha and a shot in it........???????? strange combination .
alternatively this thing, which my coworker said ultimately had like maybe a quarter inch of iced coffee in it. i saw her making it and lost my mind
pumpkin cream cold foam
12 pumps liquid cane
4 pumps classic
12 pumps pumpkin sauce
12 pumps white mocha
add whip
caramel drizzle
mocha drizzle
apple drizzle
cookie crumbles
pumpkin topping
cinnamon dolce topping
caramel crunch topping
why both liquid cane AND classic? why whip AND cold foam? why 40 pumps of syrup total? why not just get a solo espresso at this point? why everything?????
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tokensofmyconfections · 6 months
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Hi, my name is Elva and I'm helping my Grandpa run his bakery and sweetshop while my parents work on fixing up the house more.
We are just starting out, so hopefully our shop earns a good reputation for our good food made with the recipes my Grandma gathered in her youth when she went on her Pokémon journey!
Tokens of my Confections menu
Seasonal baked goods 
Herb Loaf
Zucchini Nabab Bread
Orange Blossom Combee Scones
Nomel Streusel Scones
Strawberry Ricotta Muffins
Strawberry Cucumber Bread
Pecha Cobbler Cookies
Mini Chocolate Chip Sandwich Cookies
Nomel Blukberry Whoopie Pies
Nomel Meltaways
Ginger S'mores
Trail Mix Cookie Cups
Rawstberry Ribbons
Sparkle Sweetheart Cookies
Berry-Cream Cookie Snaps
Beach Butter Cookies
Sand Dollar Cookies
Salted Butterscotch & Pecan No-Bakes
Soups (offered during the cold spells during summer)
Mulligatawny Soup
Lancashire Hot Pot
Hairst Bree
Wooloo Heid Broth
Pecha fizz
Summer Party Punch
Apple Cider (spiced or muled) {apples picked by my grandma with her neighbor’s Appletun, Fritters, help}
Blukberry and Mint Iced Tea
Arnold Palmer Lemonade/Iced Tea
Apple Cinnamon tea
Herbal tea blend: Summertime Lemonade (lemons and nomel berries as main ingredients)
Herbal tea blend: Floral Sunshine (Lavender, honey, nomel berries, lemons)
Black Cheri Chocolate
Peanut Butter Fudge Cups
Chocolate Bonbons
Chocolate Fudge
Peppermint Patties
Chocolate-Covered Cheri Berries
Potato Candy (recipe from 1933)
Chocolate Angel Food Candy
Crispy Peanut Butter Balls
Chocolate Caramels
Swablu Divinity
Angel Food Christmas Candy
Nanab Cream Chocolate Truffles
Pumpkin Fudge
Caramel Truffles
Creamy Caramels
Dark Chocolate Rawstberry Fudge
Orange Gumdrops
Peanut Butter Logs
Lady Fingers
Apple Cider Cookies
Three-Chip Galarian Toffee
Chocolate-Dipped Candy Canes
Curry-Kissed Coconut Fudge
Butter Crunch Candy
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Nimbus: 4 Oct. Suptober
"Does everyone but me know what you really look like?"
deancas ust, s14-ish au
"What'd I miss?" Dean dropped down onto the log beside Cas and handed him a couple of paper napkins scoured from the car floorboards. 
While Cas wiped drips of pumpkin ice cream off of his wrist, Sam said, "I was just saying, Cas was in my dream last night."
Dean half choked on his mouthful of cider donut and his leg kicked out involuntarily, almost landing his boot heel in the bonfire. "What?" he managed to ask.
Cas seemed to be too focused on his fussily melting cone to comment, but Jack piped up, "I think I know what you mean about how tall he was, Sam." He'd inhaled his cone like he had a hollow limb or a calcium deficiency and was talking around bites of a big caramel apple cookie.
Sam nodded. "Like a nimbus cloud. I looked up and up and couldn't see the top of him; I still somehow knew it was him." He looked at Cas. "You."
"Are nimbus clouds the fluffy ones?" Jack asked.
"Sometimes," Sam said. "Cas was more mushroom cloud shaped."
"Like a bomb?" Dean's mouth said before his brain could stop him.
"Like a friendly bomb," Jack clarified.
"What the hell are you talking about," Dean said, feeling so weirdly out of sorts even his donut wasn't helping. "Why were you clowning – clouding? – around in Sam's dreams?" he demanded of Cas.
It took Cas a second to finish chewing and swallow. There was ice cream on both of his hands now, and the napkins were fraying much like Dean's sanity was. "I believe Sam's subconscious may have simply inserted a memory of me into his dream. We weren't communicating in real time last night."
"Right," Sam said, crunching on popcorn like an annoying toy dog. "Like, all I remember is looking up at this enormous cloud shape, saying 'Hey, Cas,' and then a split-second later I was in line at one of the Stanford cafeterias trying to buy a taco even though I was late to an exam."
"Could we have tacos for dinner tomorrow?" Jack asked Dean. "Or nachos?"
"Sure," Dean said, 'cause he could be an agreeable guy. To Sam he said, "How did your subconscious know Cas was – is? – shaped like a big old cloud?" 
Sam rolled his eyes. "I assume it's something leftover from Gadreel, who would've been able to perceive Cas's trueform." 
Dean chewed past the hiccup of lingering guilt he still harbored about that whole affair and pointed his last bite of donut at Jack. "So, wait. Can you see Cas's trueform right now?"
"Oh, only if I really try." Jack took a drink of water and held his hands out to warm them at the fire. "When it's this dark out, it's easier for me to see the edges of it." He smiled at Cas.
Cas, it seemed to Dean, was sitting up taller as he returned the smile fondly.
"Does everyone but me know what you really look like?" Dean was truly trying to not sound like a jealous hysteric, and didn't enjoy that he was failing.
The smile faded from Cas's expression as he avoided Dean's eyes. "It's possible," he said after a minute, "that you, or a part of you, saw my trueform when you were possessed." His quiet tone, accompanied only by the crackling fire, curled around Dean like smoke.
Dean pressed his palms together and kept the archangel's name out of his mouth. Banked away from what little he remembered of being a demon, those brittle impressions flaking with dried blood like so many other things he could barely stand to think about. Took a few long, shaky breaths. He wondered if some grace-powered process could coax out the image – the truth – of the Cas behind (emanating from, above, all around) the handsome man sitting mere inches away. If that thread was there, somewhere in the scarred mess of Dean's mind, would pulling it unravel him? It'd been years since he'd been so curious of Cas, at least about this aspect of him, and if Sam and Jack hadn't said anything, would he be so interested? Was this like one of those FOMO things kids today were always talking about? 
He glanced over at his best friend, longing heavier in his stomach than a whole sack of cider donuts, and decided to let it go. It didn't matter if Cas was, technically, as big as the sky. All Dean wanted right then was Cas's profile in the firelight scorched into his memory. 
Cas must've felt his gaze on him. His eyes were black and depthless, otherworldly, when he looked at Dean. For a moment, time seemed to slow, high and wide as a storm stretching its arms across fields of harvest-ready corn. At the very periphery of his vision, and towering far amongst pinprick stars, Dean could sense a shimmer, a glimmer, something translucent, silvered, and rainbowed dissolving towards the earth like rain.
He blinked and the world reoriented itself.
"Where're Jack and Sam?" Dean felt small and tender-skinned, his words clumsy.
"Packing up the car." Cas reached for his hand. "We're going home."
Dean reached back and held on tight.
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lilypadlys · 6 months
Domestic December Day 1 - Cooking Together
The oven breaks so Dew lends Cumulus a hand, and his fire magic, so she can bake cookies. This idea has been rolling around in my head for a bit and this was the perfect excuse to finally write it. Now I want cookies…
So excited to be doing my first fic writing challenge/event! Since it's my first time, free time is limited, and I just wanted to have fun with this, I gave myself no word minimums for any of these. Some will be decent sized oneshots and other will be much shorter drabbles and headcanons.
I plan to have something for all 31 days but we'll see how that goes. The plan is all SFW and no smut this time around. Just a bunch of sweet domestic fluff. Prompt list by @comp-lady See prompt list here
600 words of Cumulus/Dew fluff below the cut or on AO3
Cumulus hums while she works, using an ice cream scoop to form the cookie dough she’d made into rounds before setting them on parchment paper lined sheets. With winter approaching, she’d been in a baking mood. She decided to use the day to try out a spice cookie recipe she’d found in one of the cook books in the library
“So, set the oven to 350 degrees…” She says to herself checking the recipe. “And let them bake for fifteen minutes. Okay!”
She reaches over the stove to the digital time display and presses the button to set the oven to preheat. And nothing happens. She presses it again, this time with more force. Still nothing.
After further inspection, the oven light also fails to switch on, much less the heating coils.
“Is it a power issue?”
The time still lights up, perpetually two minutes behind, but the oven stubbornly refuses to heat. Shrugging, Cumulus prepares to slide the cookie sheets into the freezer. The dough balls will keep and she can bake them once the oven’s fixed. Failing that, they can just eat the cookie dough raw. The eggs were pasteurized and the ghoul’s have stomachs of steel. It should be fine.
She’s interrupted by Dew entering the kitchen.
“Whatcha making Lus? Smells good in here.”
She sighs. “I was making cookies but the oven isn’t working. I think it might be broken.”
Dew frowns in sympathy but suddenly his eyes light up. “What if we-”
“Oh no!” She interrupts. “We are not letting Swiss try to fix it. Not after last time. He still owes me a new hair dryer.”
Dew chuffs and rolls his eyes. “Satan no. I was thinking, what if we use fire magic?”
“Huh.” Cumulus considers. “Maybe. But you couldn’t just roast them. They’d burn. They need evenly distributed heat over a length of time.”
“Use your magic to spread the heat around? Distribute the warm air?”
“Oh! That might work.”
The two ghouls get to work, setting the test sheet over a raised cooling rack. Dew heats his hands and places one just below the cookie sheet and the other right above. He waves his hands back and forth a little to distribute the heat as Cumulus manipulates the warmed air to hover around the cookies.
To their delight, it works. It’s not perfect. It takes a while and involves a lot of guessing. A closed system would be more efficient and certainly easier. Regardless, they’re too excited to care. At the end, Dew risks a little open flame over the top, just to gently toast the edges and get them golden brown and crispy
Once the cookies seem fully cooked, Cumulus quickly cools them with a breezier gust of air. She picks a cookie up and breaks it in half, inspecting the inside. It looks done. She takes an experimental bite and hums in satisfaction.
“Good?” Dew asks.
She replies by handing him the other half. He accepts, taking a bite. His blissful grin soon matches the one on Cumulus’ face. The cookies are packed with pecans and cinnamon, and sprinkled with brown sugar that has since caramelized on the tops of the cookies. The edges are crisp but the insides manage to be soft with the pecans adding the occasional crunch. In short, they’re amazing.
“Lus, these are great.” Dew says around a mouth full of cookie.
“Thank you! Let's get the rest baked so we can bring them to the others.”
Dew’s smile turns into a pout. “Noooo…”
“What? Why not? You want to eat the cookie dough?”
“No,” He puffs out his bottom lip a little. “I don’t want to share.” He grabs another cookie possessively, causing Cumulus to giggle.
“Help me with these and as soon as the oven is fixed, I’ll make a batch just for you.”
“Okay.” His grin returns. “Deal.”
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siberat · 6 months
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“Well, this ice cream will melt if I just keep jaw flapping. *Picks up ice cream dish* How about we try this? It is my favorite flavor too, mint fluorite chip smothered in rich, rose-pink sauce. Of course, topped off with a heaping mountain of whipped cream. Garnished with a light and airy cookie rod to add a nice, pleasant crunch. *Licks lips* Now, if you don’t mind me, I must shovel some of this frozen treat into my mouth. *Hums in enjoyment*
Oh, this is very good! But I must take it slow, or I will get a processor freeze, right?
Oh, by the way, thank you for weighing in on the cups up versus cups down discussion! Several agreed with my thought that they should be top-side down. However, one anonymous user did make an important statement. It reads as follows: *clears throat* My team prefers to face the glasses up because “ it’s so the glasses don’t get dirty from touching the cabinet,” but I think it’s shuttlescrap, clearly you’re right, and they need to be faced down to not collect dust.”
Well, I sure don’t want to cause a rift between you and your team. *Bites a cookie rod, crumbs flying everywhere* Oh, do pardon my mess. But if I may offer a simple solution- just clean the cabinets, that way the top of the cups won't get dirty. *Winks*
Oh, and Alcorian pips in as well. *Optics widen* ‘The cups should absolutely be placed upside-down in the cabinet, and Rat/chet’s behavior frankly horrifies me /lh’ *Laughs* Oh my, sometimes I simply wonder what goes through that old mech’s processor, right? Ultimately, I let him put them away how he wishes and go behind him and fix it. I haven’t heard him complain about that yet. *Face goes deep in thought* However, I do receive some glares from time to time. Do you think he knows? *Shrugs*
Let’s move on to the next question. As well as the next dish. I sure polished off this ice cream! *Shows empty dish* Hmmm… what would be a good selection? Oh, how about some stuffed shells? * Picks up the bowl and shows the camera* Don’t these look scrumptious? Lithium-based noodles in the shape of a fun, large shell stuffed with three types of cheeses- one being ricotta cheese. *Face lights up in glee* Yes, that is my most fav type of cheese! But also, the sauce is vibrant and is seasoned with copper, zinc, and iron. *Grabs a shell and takes a large bite* Very good!
Wow, we have a lot of shy watchers, don’t we? It’s alright; this is a safe place. I promise I won’t bite! *Playfully winks* Another anon asks: “Is Rat/chet keeping things simple with Cyber/tronian dishes, or did he also gather up some organic/earth-based foods to add to the menu?” Well, while our digestive tracts are indeed powerful enough to digest ores, metals, and minerals, Earth-based foods can be consumed, but they do not provide much nutritional value. I have tried a few, mainly those Little Debbie snacks… *Sheepishly smiles* Those Swiss rolls look good. However, like most Earth-based foods… they can give one indigestion and…well…. Some terrible gas. *Covers mouth with a servo* Please excuse me for being so vulgar, but hey, you chose the topic! * Polishes off one stuffed shell and picks up another*
Regarding Rat/chet’s cooking… * Optics dart back and forth* Let’s just say it is improving. Being such a busy Doctor tending to his patients, he would opt for quick meals instead of tasty ones. Meaning, he would eat a lot of microwaved dishes. *Crinkles nose and sticks tongue out* Yuck! They were like chewing tires with how rubbery they were! However, he has improved, mainly due to my teaching him how to cook. *Bites lip* Well, when I don’t cook for him, that is. He can make simpler meals that still taste good. But if you ask me, I am the better chef!
Oh, look….* Shows empty bowl* All done! Those hit the spot! Now, it’s time for some creamy and sweet flan! This cute cylinder-esque dessert is small but satisfying! * Picks up the dish, cuts a sliver, and eats it.*  The texture is silky smooth! It tastes like vanilla and caramel! This will make my tummy very happy, wouldn’t you say?
Alright, onto the next ask. SWSuperior asks: “So, how does it feel to betray the Decep/ticons?” *Gives deadpan stare.* Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to say I betrayed the Decep/ticons, but more, the Decep/ticons betrayed us. *Eats another forkful of flan* So, yes, I used to be a part of the other faction; this is true. And while I am all for the equal treatment of all Cyber/tronians, the ‘Con’s idea of peace and victory depended entirely on violence and tyranny. I once stood behind Mega/tron and served as his minion. I have done countless things I regret- and I will not go into further detail about them. At the time, the promise of equality seemed such a dream! *shrugs*
But in the end, that was an illusion. Sure, I wanted a change. I was sick of living on the streets, being treated like trash, and using drugs to escape reality. The Decep/ticons promised that change. They vowed to rise out of the darkness and become so much more. *Sighs deeply* Unfortunately, that cost the ultimate price. How many mech’s suffered and died because of this promise?
Too many. And while in the beginning, I stood with the ‘Cons, somewhere along the lines, what they stood for warped into something so vile and nasty. Suddenly, being equal wasn’t enough. Now, the end game was to dominate. *Shakes helm in disappointment* What we initially were fighting against was what we were becoming.
And I didn’t like that. Not one bit. *Eats the last bit of flan* I want everybody to be treated with the kindness and respect they deserve. Mechs shouldn’t have to fear ridicule for their beliefs or have to work the streets because of their alt mode. Everyone deserves to be happy. And free.
Guess what? *Grins and shows empty plate* Time to pick another dish! Oh, I just loved that sweet dessert! I think I need another. Which shall it be? *Optics scan the table* That cake sure looks yummy, right? But I think I’ll save that for later. Oh! *Optics widen* I know what I want! Lava cake! *Twiddles fingers in excitement*
Look at this beauty! *Shows camera* Rich, moist chocolate cake with even more iced ener-cream on top! And let’s not forget it’s lava cake…* Cuts a chunk out, allowing liquid goo to flow out* Inside is this luscious liquid that’s sweet and warm, contrasting the coldness of the ice cream nicely. *Takes a bite, optics closing as he hums* Oh, this is divine! But I’m sure you don’t want to hear about how my food tastes this entire livestream, so let's take another note, shall we? *Reads over datapad*
This next question reads: “Out of everything you’ve ever eaten, what is your absolute favorite?” Well, thank you, anon, for asking! This is a rather tough one, to be honest. There are several dishes that I go bonkers over! *Dreamy look washes over his face* I love the full course, hearty meals, such as roasted cyber-turkey with mashed chromium potatoes, stuffing made from talc and calcium, and some fresh crystal beans! Very filling! *Rubs belly*
Oh my, would you look at this? *Pats a rounded belly* Well, it looks like I have been enjoying this meal! Just look at how full my tummy is! With all the fun and excitement of this livestream, I simply haven’t noticed how much food I have been packing down, huh? *Wags a finger* I bet you all knew and were too polite to say anything. Am I right? *Gives belly a pat*
But my favorite meal has to be Toshikoshi Soba noodles. This is a special dish to be eaten on New Year's Eve to start the New Year off with a clean slate and bring you good luck. These noodles are made from wodginite and are very easy to cut. *Hints a smile* The cutting of the noodles symbolizes letting go of the previous year’s hardships, in case you wanted to know. The soup consists of cyber-fish broth, shandite sauce, and sweet rhodium wine. *Continues eating cake* Oh, and I usually put in some cyber-fish cakes and dried seaweed and garnish it off with some feldspar. *Gives a chef’s kiss* The spectacular dish always lightens my mood! *Scraps plate clean*
Wow, that was tasty! And my belly is feeling awfully huge right now! *Sets plate down* This plating is starting to get tight. I don’t know how much room I have left. And I have so many more dishes I wanted to try and share with you! *Belly grumbles* Oh my! Did you hear that? Sounds like my paunch is starting to talk to you all as well! Let’s hope it adds to our engaging conversation, right?
Let’s move on to the next question- and dish. Shall we?”
… ……
Still taking on more askes! So, if you have a question for Dr/ift, send it in! You can send multiples. Also, if you wanted to ask as another TF character- just state so! Let’s keep this mukbang going and see if our dear swordsmech can handle all that food infront of him!
( if your ask didn’t get answered, I am saving some for other rounds)
Also, you can send you ask in as another TF char if you want! Have fun with them! ( I need more questions hint hint… running low*
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teamxdark · 2 years
19. Sweet Tooth
Cupcakes, smothered in creamy frosting and drizzled with chocolate and caramel and fruity syrups, and topped with bright sprinkles in every color imaginable.
Ice cream, from heavenly soft serve to thick and loaded with chunks of cookies, chocolate, fruits or nuts.
Doughnuts, with all manner of creamy or jammy fillings, glazed with flavors from vanilla to maple, raspberry to sweet yam, fried to a delectable crisp.
Cookies, large and crumbly and making a heavenly crunch, or soft baked and chewy, leaving its warm sweetness to bask over the tongue as it melted down.
And candy. Candy as far as the eye could see.
"You're going to die if you eat all that," Shadow remarked, blunt as ever, as Rouge reached for yet another delicious treat, wiping at her eyes.
"You don't understaaaaaaaand!" she wailed, stuffing her mouth with a tiny doughnut hole in order to tell him, yet again, about her grievances. "That was the last episode of Avalon right before they went on hiatus! Now how am I supposed to know if Arthur and Lancelot are reunited? What if the hiatus never ends? What about all these other characters I'm just starting to get attached to? How is the dragon going to react? I might never know, Shadow!"
Shadow glanced over at her pile of comfort food, disgusted and maybe a little impressed by what she managed to put together in so little time. "You definitely won't once all that sugar destroys you from the inside."
"Shut up." Rouge lobbed a pillow at him. "I have a sweet tooth, so sue me."
It was a tempting proposal; he could sue Rouge and Omega for trespassing, and use the money to make sure he had the best security system money could buy to make sure no one else ever came back in. But alas, the lawyers in this village were sorely lacking; there was that circus dog that hated them all... & Knuckles.
Maybe he could represent himself. Threaten the judgebot and the jury. Get what he needed that way.
Rouge sniffled, picking up a tub of ice cream as she started to explain the premise of this absurd knight program again and how it made her feels go haywire again and maybe Shadow needed some comfort food of his own.
Without asking for permission, he grabbed one of her cupcakes and ate it in one bite, his teeth grazing the wrapping foil. Rouge shrieked loud enough to wake the dead ("BETRAYAL!!!") which led to them fistfighting each other while the pastries started to attract ants and the ice cream melted.
Oh well. At least she was out of her funk now.
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dockofshame · 11 months
Total Drama Revenge of the Island Contestants and Their Starbucks Orders
Round 2.
Cameron: Iced toasted vanilla oat milk shaken espresso Lightning: Iced chocolate almond milk shaken espresso (blonde). Zoey: Hot Peach Tranquility with 2 honey packets Scott: Iced coffee with oat milk. He takes it home and mixes dirt into it. Jo: Vanilla sweet cream nitro cold brew Mike: Without taking any of his alters into consideration I think Mike is a mocha cookie crumble frappuccino kind of guy. He always brings one home for Zoey, too. Dakota: Pineapple passionfruit refresher Anne Maria: Strawberry acai lemonade refresher Brick: Pink Drink. If he feels like treating himself he’ll get a little cake pop to go with it. Sam: Iced black tea lemonade Dawn: Iced matcha latte with soy milk and 2 pumps of brown sugar syrup B: … Staci: Caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino. Did you know her great-great-great-great Uncle Lucian invented the frappuccino?
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ytptennis · 8 months
bg3 starbucks
gale: iced blonde triple w extra salted caramel foam extra caramel drizzle cinnamon powder & caramel crunch topping
wyll: blended strawberry lemonade w dragonfruit pieces
astarion: iced passion tea w strawberry pieces & no water
laezel: black dark roast
karlach: mocha cookie crumble w peppermint syrup
shart: blonde pumpkin spice latte w sweet cream foam
jaheira: london fog
halsin: iced green tea no water 2 raw sugars
minsc: dirty chai 6 pumps brown sugar syrup extra cinnamon powder
minthara: died in a car crash on the way there
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mirror-is-distured · 2 years
pov the ghouls go to Starbucks
copia - gets a mocha cookie crumble frappuccino aether - gets a "black coffee" but secretly changes it to a vanilla oat milk late rain - gets a cake pop and hot cocoa dew - gets a pineapple refresher swiss - thinks Starbucks is stupid, gets a caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino. mountain - gets an iced chai latte, light ice, two pumps of vanilla, one pump of caramel, with oat milk, and a lemon pound cake. sunshine - gets a "matcha latte with sweet cream, please and thank you" cumulus - actually gets a black coffee cirrus - gets a strawberry acai refresher with lemonade
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
7, 16, and 19 for the ask game!
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
I love love love all animals at an aquarium but I think I most look forward to the sharks and the sting rays! And the sea turtles.
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
LOVE IT GIVE ME ALL THE GIRL SCOUT THIN MINTS OM NOM NOM. Less thrilled about it in ice cream, but in cookie form? delicious.
19. the veggie you dislike the most?
Onions! I will tolerate the flavor of it, but I hate crunching into one for any reason. So basically I'll only eat onions if they're caramelized lol
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kristencsummerlin · 2 years
do you think anderson and maxwell from hellsing would argue over ice cream flavors or the merits of italian gelato versus haggis-flavored ice cream? (yes, that's real, i looked it up)
Yes, 1000 percent. All the time!
Maxwell is a huge ITALY IS THE BEST PLACE EVER sort of thing. And gelato is Italy’s beautiful creation. So he would do deep studies to prove why Gelato is better than any version of ice cream. Anderson argues mostly because the arrogant insistence drives him insane. To Anderson frozen diary treats are frozen diary treats. He was more than likely alive when Ice Cream and Gelato started to be sold worldwide. Just having to ability and time to buy and enjoy the treat is enough for his vote. Though Anderson likes the smaller companies, mom and pop shops, he feels they put more heart into it.
Maxwell’s favorite flavor of Gelato is Caramel Cookie Crunch. He eats it alone in his office because he doesn’t want people to see him as “soft” in anyway.
The flavor he compares to a stick of hot ass is Rum Raisin Ice Cream. Anderson peer pressured him to try it. It’s believed to be one of the reasons for his attack on England.
Anderson is a vanilla flavor guy. It tastes the best after having your teeth knocked out in a big fight. The kids think he’s boring for it. But he’s a simple guy. With Vanilla you can add whatever.
Not many flavors make him question his life but anything with Coconut makes him remember the texter of shredded coconut in his teeth. Which is enough to make him wanna break bones. Though he admits, he prefers it when the ice cream actually has coconut in it and not just the flavoring. It feels like a lie that way.
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