#can't spell Team Flash without
icedteaandoldlace · 9 months
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Can't spell IRIS without... (4/5)
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jellieland · 1 year
Gem Cleo watches Scott leave. He's throwing wary glances over his shoulder at the tower that has what looks to her like a big red curly moustache on it.
It's always nice to see him, and this is a bit different to their usual encounters, which is really refreshing every now and then.
She pulls out the pufferfish he gave her and smiles at it brightly. "Hey there little guy!" She says. It stares back at her with unblinking black eyes.
"Dunno if you can call me a little guy when you're on a team with Bdubs, but sure, hey Cleo!"
She startles slightly. It's Martyn. He's not actively stabbing her, and apparently they're allies, so she turns to face him without much concern. "Hello Martyn!"
He's leaning against the rocky wall of the clock tower. He grins at her, and for a split second, his gaze flashes over to where Scott is disappearing into the trees across the river. "You still remember that thing I told you about last time, right?" He asks, giving her a meaningful look.
"Oh, yes, of course, absolutely!" She nods enthusiastically. "How could I forget!" It's funny, no-one else has really prodded at the details of Cleo's, uh, "amnesia cold", as much Martyn, although he's for sure just completely making things up to ask her about.
He looks highly amused. "Right, right, good. Just checking."
He glances over at the treeline again.
"So!" He says, and it's so very casual that it's a little bit concerning, "Don't suppose you'd let me know if Cleo's listening along or not?"
"Martyn!" She exclaims. "I'm-"
"Yeah, you are Cleo, I know, I know. Just." He pauses.
There's something in his eyes, suddenly, that gives Gem the impression that if she says the wrong thing here, something will be lost. She can't tell what, or why, or how. But it's a feeling she can't quite ignore.
After a second, Martyn shakes himself slightly and continues. "Actually, you know what, it doesn't matter. I-"
"No. She's not." Gem watches curiously as he goes very still. "I'm gonna tell her about it later, though."
"Huh." He says. It sounds very nonchalant. "Right. Well. Don't suppose I could tell you a secret, then?" He gives her a conspiratorial look. "Just you, I mean."
Gem leans in a little, intrigued despite herself. "I shouldn't..."
"Oh come on, you know you want to."
"Weeeeell..." She jumps in place a couple of times, and then nods quickly. "Alright, go on then!" He opens his mouth, and she quickly raises a finger to point at him, narrowing her eyes. "But! If it's something Cleo would want to know, I do have to tell them. It wouldn't be fair otherwise."
He considers for a moment, and nods. "Sure, seems fair enough to me. Trust me, though, Cleo would not want to be bothered by this. They have better things to worry about."
"I'll be the judge of that!" She pauses for a moment. "Because that's me." Another beat. "Because I'm Cleo."
He chuckles. "Well, Cleo, I just wanted you to know that I get it now." He says, lightly.
A few seconds pass.
"Um. Ok?" She says, because he seems to be waiting for her to respond. "Uh, I mean." She goes back to her perfect and beyond reproach Cleo impression. "Right. I understand what you're saying completely, Martyn."
He raises an eyebrow, grinning. "Well that's impressive. And here I thought I was being pretty cryptic."
"Oh. Um, I mean, what are you talking about? Explain yourself!"
He laughs, expression almost nostalgic. "Ah, I just meant I get why you chose him, last time." Once more, he looks over at where Scott disappeared from view. This time, he doesn't look back.
Gem frowns a bit, and stays silent. It feels wrong to speak.
"I wondered about that a lot, you know." He sounds vaguely wistful. "But I get it, now."
There is quiet for few more seconds before Martyn looks back at her, and the spell is broken.
He looks cheerful. There's nothing in his expression to suggest that he isn't.
"I think it's mostly that you and him are the only two on the server who have the slightest bit of common sense, honestly." He says. Something suddenly seems to occur to him, and he snorts. "Pretty sure he's alright at math, too."
"Oh, really?"
"...You know, I'm not sure actually."
He meets her eyes. His are just starting to turn the bright red of danger, the colour creeping in at the edges of the blue.
"He keeps his allies alive." He says. "For as long as he can. Even when it hurts him. Wasn't even a choice for you, really, when you consider that."
There's obviously something here she doesn't understand, but what exactly it is she doesn't know. "Good for him." She says awkwardly.
"It's not, really." He says.
"Oh. Um. Bad for him?"
He laughs at that. "Sort of, yeah." He looks down at the pufferfish she's still holding. "Alright for you though, right?" Before she's decided how to respond, he continues. "I just thought you'd like to know that if I were you, I would've chosen him too."
Gem frowns at him. There's something here. There's something here, but while she can certainly guess, she just doesn't have the context to know what that something is.
She listens to the noises of the river for a while before she speaks.
"Are you sure Cleo wouldn't want to know that?" She asks softly.
To his credit, he does appear to consider it, staring out over the river and frowning slightly.
After a minute, though, he looks back at Gem and shrugs. It almost looks resigned.
"Cleo already knows." He says.
She opens her mouth, but he keeps talking.
"Plus she would not appreciate being reminded of how similar we are." He grins, his expression suddenly sly. "And anyway, I completely made all that up. That was a test to see how good you were at being Cleo, and you failed."
"Hey!" She yells indignantly. "What! No! That's so rude!" She draws her sword and he cackles, dancing back.
"Ha, you should've seen your face!"
She glares at him. "Why are you so good at acting, huh?"
He raises an eyebrow. "Aren't we all?"
He snorts. "Yeah, I guess not. Just pure skill on my part, then."
Gem shakes her head at him, exasperated. How much of that was true, she has no clue. But if that's how he wants to play it, that's ok. "How about this: I won't tell Cleo about any of that so long as you don't try and mess with me again."
"What?" He gasps and claps a hand to his heart. "I thought you were Cleo!"
She narrows her eyes and raises her sword, and he hurries to continue, holding up his hands in surrender.
"By which I mean yeah, sure, sounds good to me am I right?"
"Good." She nods firmly. "That's what I thought you meant."
He nods back at her a couple of times, then starts to retreat towards the river, still facing her. "Well. See you, Cleo!"
"Bye! If you see Etho tell him to be afraid!" She shouts after him.
"Will do!"
And he disappears into the trees after Scott.
What an odd man.
She wonders if he knows that she wouldn't have told Cleo if he'd just genuinely asked her not to, without the deal or the confusion or the trickery. She's genuinely not sure if he realizes that.
She still doesn't know how much of all that was genuine.
She wonders if he does.
For some reason, she suspects not.
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elvisabutler · 9 months
show off
fandom: elvis 2022 | elvis presley rating: m pairing: elvis presley ( big daddy flavor ) x female reader word count: 2100 you didn't see any other word count. warnings: cockwarming! p in v sex ( unprotected ). public play. mildly excessive baby talk. use of buntyn and nungen and princess as nicknames. mild embarrassment kink? author’s note: welcome to day 11 of ally’s wet hot smut summer, public play with big daddy elvis presley x reader. sorry this took a minute, i've been incredibly exhausted lately and so it's made finishing things a bit of an adventure. quick notes for this fic, this is a sort of au, in that i placed it in a mythical place where elvis doesn't die in 77 and is free of his vegas residency in the 70s. so maybe call it a nebulous 78 to 80? reader is implied to have been with him for years and you can read it as having an age difference but it's in my head as not having one. basically this is secretly a reader version of quiet on the set's future and i'm not sorry for it. beyond that if y'all have left me a comment on any of my fics or anything i'm going to get back to them. when i tell you i've been exhausted it's been a lot. without further ado, i hope y'all like this. also pick if you want austin elvis or real elvis the end.
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There's something funny about how Elvis would prefer the two of you to be private. There is something truly and genuinely hilarious to you about the fact that he preferred the two of you to be private. His argument has always been that the happiest he ever is in his life is during those private moments with the people he loves. You always argue that he can't show you off like you know he wants to if you're being private and yet he'll flash that little twinkle in his eye and ignore your protests. So much of his life isn't private but the love he has for you— the love between the two of you is supposed to be private. An oasis for him to relax in as much as he does in Hawai‘i.
Despite all of this you know so very well how much he cares for you and how much he loves you. And if you were being entirely honest, the privacy makes the times he does want to show you off all the more special. Indeed it makes the times he does feel like delightful surprises.
Maybe that's why you had agreed to come play poker with him and the boys. It's been a long time since you've enjoyed that sort of thing and you've missed it. Truthfully it's been a while since Elvis has even been in Vegas, memories of how he almost was stuck in a revolving door of engagements here cluttering his mind and giving him a nightmare or two. So having him enjoying time with friends and you seems like a perfect recipe for a night. Of course, you should know better by now, know how Elvis always has something up his sleeve. A playful little trick he can play with that glint in his eye.
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"Where's my chair, Mr. Presley?" You ask, not bothering with his nickname or his first name. There always was something fun about how he acted a bit like an admonished schoolboy when you called him Mr. Presley. "Can't very well play poker if I don't have a chair."
Elvis looks at you and gives you that sly smile you know so very well by now as he pats his lap, thigh jiggling just a tad as he does. There's that glint in his eyes that spells trouble of the best and worst kind. "Ya got a chair right here, Princess. Nice 'n plush too."
You'd think after all these years and after seeing his body through so many changes that you wouldn't be affected by the jiggle of his thigh and the open v of his legs. Yet, you're a woman who knows what she wants and you're the woman he put a ring on all those years ago. Most of the things he does get you more hot under the collar than they have any right to. This is one of those things. You feel your pussy clench around nothing and despite yourself you rub your thighs together even as you're standing.
"Are we playing as a team, then? Us against the boys?" The questions roll off your lips with an ease and familiarity only you manage when it comes to him. "Otherwise I think you'd be able to cheat."
As you speak, you've started to walk closer to him and finally find yourself at arm's length. Elvis wastes no time in grabbing your arm and pulling you flush against his lap, his thighs cushioning your behind and his cock stirring ever so slightly under his stomach. A gasp leaves your lips unexpectedly.
His arm wraps around your waist, making sure you don't move too much while he talks. "My wife accusin' me of cheatin' at cards. I could take ya thinkin' I'd step out on ya but I would never cheat at poker."
The soft rumble of a laugh courses through your body and has you following suit as you shift in his lap. "I let you step out and you let me as a present. But I know you're a sore loser who can't focus when I'm here."
You turn your head just slightly, watching as Elvis's eyes practically dance with mirth. He's mercurial as all get out when he wants to be but he can take some good-natured teasing when it comes from you. It's why you've worked well all these years.
"Now honey, my yittle nungen, I know you're still smartin' from that game ya lost against me 'bout a week ago but that ain't no reason to be tellin' lies about my sportsmanship."
A defense is on the tip of your tongue when you feel Elvis's warm hand against your thigh, slipping under your dress that you decided to wear today. That warmth does away with the words in such a quick fashion that you find yourself biting your lip to keep from sighing. "Elvis."
You say his name in a feather soft whisper as his friends start to trickle into the room. You've been in a situation like this before, when you were younger and somehow just as randy as you were now but Elvis hadn't done something like this in ages. He hadn't even thought to tease you like this in ages.
As if he isn't paying attention, he merely hums at your whisper of his name and uses his arm to maneuver your crotch against his cock, the flowing fabric of your dress hiding his actions from prying eyes. You don't know when or how he managed to free his cock from the confines of his pants and yet he has. That hand that innocently is burning against your thigh has crept up to your panties and with the ease of someone who knows your body like the back of their hand, he moves them just enough to the side to slide inside of you.
"Goddamn. Didn't expect ya to be so wet. Was hopin' but— Lord almighty, ya gonna stain my pants if ya move." Ironically you choose just that moment to move, attempting to get off of him for a moment before his grip on your waist stops you. "Nungen, you be a good girl for yer Buntyn and stay put. Can't have 'em seein' Lil Elvis, now can we?"
You feel the heat of mild embarrassment and excitement flush through your body as a shiver racks it. A shake of your head is the only answer you can manage for a moment. "You want me to sit like this for the whole game, baby?"
Elvis nuzzles his lips against your neck, his eyes taking in his friends pulling out their seats and sitting down, none the wiser to what was happening in his lap. They wave at you and you, ever the courteous host wave back and even smile, saying hello as Elvis mumbles words into your neck. He doesn't need to greet everyone, not while he's buried inside of you, his cock leaking precum like he's ready to fuck you on the table instead of just letting you sit on his cock. Besides, they know better than to disturb him when the two of you are wrapped up in one another.
The chair isn't close enough to the table and you move to drag it a little closer, or drag both you and Elvis a little closer only to have what feels like the world's loudest squelch come from between your thighs. No one looks at the pair of you as if they heard it but to Elvis and you it might as well have been a shout. You let out a shaky breath as you shift to try and make yourself comfortable. Elvis's legs open up just a bit more to make sure you're where you need to be, even as he thrusts just a tad. "Gotta stay still. Gonna, if ya move— I might just take ya on this table, damn the game."
You can't help but swallow at the idea, your mouth filling with saliva at the mere idea of being flipped thrown onto the table, pussy exposed to people you and him call friends. It's primal and practically voyeuristic and the sort of thing both you and Elvis aren't incredibly fond of with your relationship and yet. Yet it fills you with such arousal you feel it actually dampening his pants as the game starts.
Elvis isn't the worst of poker players but in combination with you, he's nigh unstoppable. Of course, maybe that's because everyone else's eyes are on you, wondering why you haven't moved to the empty chair next to Elvis. Jerry— who's there on a surprise visit is closest to the two of you and raises an eyebrow as he looks at his cards and then at you. You clench around Elvis's cock in a bit of worry.
"Is it a little warm in here?" A simple question to everyone but from the way he's staring both of you down it's not meant to be one. Both you and Elvis open your mouth before you kiss Elvis to stop whatever one liner is about to leave his lips.
"With how cold he keeps it in here? The only reason I don't need a jacket is because of his body heat," you practically titter out a laugh, the fear of being caught heightening your arousal even further. You feel your clit throbbing as everyone laughs at your joke.
Jerry rolls his eyes and shakes his head looking down at your lap. Still, the game is going nicely, with Elvis winning more hands than not and you trying to grab at a free hand to get some form of relief. After what feels like an eternity Elvis finally has his hand move between your legs, his calloused fingers brushing up against your aching little clit.
"Haven't teased ya like this in years, have I, Princess?" Elvis murmurs against your ear, feeling your vagina clench around him. "Haven't shown everyone how good ya are for me for a long time, have I? Haven't made 'em realize why I couldn't forget 'bout ya."
Your answer is a hum caused by you biting your lip to keep the cry that threatens to escape your lips at the pressure of his fingers against you. It's not enough for Elvis though, he knows you can control yourself better than he ever can. "Darlin' use ya words."
"It's been too long," you choke out the words, one of your hands moving to grip his meaty thigh and the other to grip at the table. You can feel your walls fluttering around Elvis, feel your body tensing up as it chasing something you know he won't give you in public. The face you make when he pulls an orgasm from you is one that's strictly between the two of you. Yet you're so wound up that you fear you'll be leaning over the table for support as soon as he says the word. In an attempt to alleviate something, anything you try and bounce only to have him nip at your ear.
"Ask me nicely, Nungen. Ask me nicely. Give 'em their game and their show. Remind 'em I caught ya jus' the same as ya caught me." His voice is more of a grunt as he slides a set of chips into the pot wordlessly. "Show 'em what I get in bed every night. What 'm wakin' up to every night 'less ya let me stray. Show 'em what I see after I've eaten my dessert.
Despite the way you're biting your lips so hard they're practically bleeding a noise that sounds like a scream forces its way out of your lungs and mouth as you clench around Elvis. You feel a gush that you only identify with times you've been played with so much by Elvis that you make a mess of every sheet you have. His pants are ruined but they'd be anyway from how you feel a warm rush of his cum follow yours. Through the grace of God himself you don't fall onto the table, instead stabilizing yourself using Elvis's thigh and somehow his lap in general. Your breath takes a few minutes to even out, even as everyone watches you and Elvis panting as if you've run a marathon. There's a knowing look that crosses everyone's face but everyone is too scared to speak until finally you smile and smooth out your dress as if you plan on standing up.
"This is why you're losing boys, you can't pay attention the game."
You make no effort to get off of Elvis's lap.
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taglist: @ab4eva , @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @araxw, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7 @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @stylespresleyhearted @be-my-ally, @mooodyblue, @pixiedustcosmos, @jessicarcates, @amydarcimarie, @flwrs4aust @myradiaz, @adaydreamaway08, @arabellalightning505, @doll-elvis guarantee i'm missing someone. i tried the end. also i clearly added this originally. also you want to be added just ask me. i keep forgetting people or losing people in these and just it's a mess.
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 2 months
I've seen you mention on some posts that Ninjago had an affect on your relationship with being Asian, and I was wondering if you had any thoughts you wanted to share on the subject of Asian representation in Ninjago.
Feel free to disregard if the subject is too personal.
This is absolutely fine! In fact I’ve been itching for an excuse to talk about it for a while, because this show deeply influenced my writing growing up, and honestly I'm sick of most of the people getting noticed for discussing it being white.
So, I think Ninjago’s Asian representation is garbage. It’s not unique: there was a common trend in 2010’s kids’ media to make everything cooler by including Ninjas or, more generally, Asians Doing Martial Arts. I remember it being in media as distant as Club Penguin and many Flash games back in the day, as well as worse cartoons I don’t bother to remember the name of. I’m fairly sure adult-geared Kung Fu movies also had a hand in this, but I didn’t watch those as a kid.
But Ninjago’s particularly bad in that they’ve kept doing this for over 10 years, and it’s baked into their story.
Everything from them not checking up how ‘ninjutsu’ was spelled, to them not actually making the characters have Asian skintones in that one anime segment, to that one time they based Nya’s outfit off a clearly named Cheongsam from Pinterest and called it a Kimono? It all just reeks of people who wanted to make a quick buck of an entire continent’s ‘aesthetic’ and the mysticism around it, rather than portray them as actual people.
There’s a really great website by someone (who I can’t remember the username of) detailing all the Orientalism of the show up until about season 10. It dives very deeply into how the design language of Ninjago always seems to be based in making the actually ‘Asian’ parts of the show evoke more of a feeling of East Asia than actually being accurate to any one culture, and a lot of inaccuracies and why they arose.
A poignant point it raises is that any time we get a cool character or place, they’re always portrayed as more western-coded and ‘civilised.’ Jamanakai Village is poor and the villagers are rude. Ninjago City is civilised and clearly closer to what white people are used to living in. Lloyd is this world’s destined saviour, and he is blonde. There was *one* Asian voice actor on the VA team. And 2/3 of the Ninja team is white-coded by name.
Some my own observations over the years also include:
Jay’s ‘yin to my yang saying’ being completely made up.
That intro to… season 7, I think? Where the Ninja fight off some slave-drivers whipping people working a rice farm. Which never gets brought up again.
Nadakhan’s entire design is the only bit of South-Asian rep we get for the first few years, and his mythology is inaccurate to how actual Djinn work, and he’s acknowledged by the creators to have a sexy voice and be an absolute creep.
Having enjoyed Monkie Kid, I think Ninjago’s Asian rep is fundamentally unfixable. It was built to appeal to a western audience that simply thought the concept of ninja were cool, and thought of Asia only as a conglomerate where people had powers and did cool fight sequences or were otherwise savages. And also where the entirety of South Asia doesn't exist.
Like, I've tried to make an AU where I overhauled things completely to be better rep, and you just can't do it without breaking the show in half. Half of a character's name comes from Japan, and the other half from China. You're going to be losing something whatever you choose (shout out to Koko from the movie), and it gets uncomfortable to think about real quick, especially when the show's strongest suit is its characters.
As a kid who was part of a diaspora, Ninjago definitely didn't help my fucked up viewpoint of being cool only if I passed as white enough and viewed my parents' country as a magical but ancient land rather than part of reality.
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masterqwertster · 1 year
How about #30 for Ashton and/or Laudna and/or Orym? In whatever combination works best for you?
30 "Everything is going to be okay, I swear." Well, you gave me a Team Issylra character list, so let's get elemental weird. Prompt
Orym is fucking tired and sick of having to do disproportionately difficult tasks in exchange for a spell that's really only going to cost the caster a bit of time when he and his friends are perfectly content to wait for a day when the magic can be spared. Because the casters sure as fuck don't need to risk their life to perform the spells his group has asked for.
"Everything is going to be okay, I swear. You've just got to hold on," Orym says, hovering near Ashton's kneeled and bowing form, creating a subtle bulwark between them and where Laudna and Prism are trying to decipher the ritual that will hopefully help.
"I'm trying," Ashton grits out, fingers digging through solid stone like it's clay, the lights in their head flashing brightly. "But she's- an angry, noisy- bitch!"
The cavern quakes with the last shouted word. Orym dares to glance over his shoulder, past Deni$e and Bor'dor, to meet Laudna's own desperate eyes.
They have to make this work, make everything okay. Cliché as it sounds, Ashton is a grounding force in Bells Hells. To bring the group back together without him... It's not happening. They will fix this, get that fucking elemental spirit out of their friend.
Hopefully sooner rather than later.
By no means is Orym an expert in magic, but he knows a bit about elementals. He is an Ashari, after all. And while the Rift to the Elemental Plane of Air is mostly maintained by the druids of Zephrah, as a Tempest Blade, he's seen more than a few air elementals up close while watching the Voice of the Tempest's back. See, there's a feeling to elementals. It's not very clear to Orym and he has to be standing right next to one to really feel it, but it's there. Genasi, he's found, also have that feeling to a lesser extent, such that he only really notices when pressed skin-to-skin against one.
Right now, Ashton has the presence of a full elemental, and a very powerful one at that. And Orym wouldn't like to fight Ashton on a normal day, much less when they're fighting possession by an ancient elemental spirit.
He wonders if the casters of the group can feel Ashton's amplified presence, or if it's only him with his experiences as an Ashari. He thinks they do, if the urgency and nerves with which they act are any indicator.
"Are you sure this is correct?" Laudna can't help but ask. They are gambling with Ashton's life, so now really isn't the time to fuck up.
"I mean, as I can be," Prism reassures with a grimace. "Apprentice, remember? I've done the most magic in my life this past week."
Unfortunately, that is true. While simultaneously being true that Prism knows the most about how magic works.
Laudna parses what they've put together once more, finding no obvious errors. wishing Delilah was there to consult It's what they've got. Hopefully it will do. No, it has to do. They can't-
She kneels down in front of Ashton. Their muscles are taut and straining from their fight against that invading bitch. (A part of her is aware, aware, aware that the strength kept at bay there could physically rip apart any of their group here, even without the pulsing earth magic bolstering them)
"Everything's going to be alright, I promise," Laudna says, a bit of desperation leaking into her tone as she cups their cheeks to raise their gaze to hers. Their head is heavy, and they're certainly not helping by trying to lean into her touch.
"Y'all- keep- saying that," he spits out between gritted teeth, a tired smile just curving his lips.
"Because we mean it," Orym and Laudna simultaneously reply, sharp and sure in this.
Ashton chuckles weakly. "Gotta be- careful- with promis-"
Their words are cut short with choking, eyes gone wide and fearful as the cavern quakes even harder than before.
The time for reassurances is over. There is only room for action.
"That" huff "fucking" huff "sucked ass." huff huff huff
"Agreed." "Ditto." "Never again." "Please." "...I thought it was kind of fun, actually."
Still, Orym and Laudna can't help but share a smile, watching Ashton bitch and complain from the crater he's starfished in. They made a promise to Ashton it would be alright, and they'd kept it. That was a victory worth having.
I'm just saying: entombed spirit in the Valley of Elemental Spirits/Remnants, sounds like a powerful elemental spirit who might want a new host upon release. And in comes Ashton: partially elemental with their untapped, full-of-potential galaxy brain. Probably not, exactly, what's going to happen next week in episode 63, but I would not be surprised at all if they had to fight something that was unleashed by Ludinus's bullshit to pay for their Transportation via Plants.
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jasper-pagan-witch · 1 year
Jasper Thoughts: Lessons From Pop Culture
There's an interesting pattern in the pop culture sources I draw from. I'm going to ramble and highlight at random. I am going to separate this into chunks using dividers from both jasper-graphics (another of my blogs) and the blog of firefly-graphics (go support them).
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In The Elder Scrolls, specifically Skyrim, you have to actually use spells from the class of your choosing in order to level up the skill and unlock more features that will make those spells easier, including perks that reduce the cost of the spells or boosts to your Magicka. You can't cast a spell that costs more Magicka than you have and you have to wait for the bar to refill to the correct amount before casting another spell. There are potions and magic items that can increase your amount of Magicka (temporarily for potions or as long as you're wearing them for magic items), potions to restore a certain amount of Magicka, magic items to increase your Magicka regeneration rate, and magic items to reduce the cost of certain classes of spells.
And while there are skill books to boost a skill by one whole rank instantly, there are only five books for each skill. That means, ignoring racial bonuses to skills from the get-go, the most you can get a skill to without training under teachers (either by paying them or by finishing quests for them) by reading books on the subject, you'd only get the skill to 20. Even with racial bonuses, that's either 25 or 30 max without training or using it.
So in short, in order to get better at magic (and other skills) in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, you have to actually...do magic. And study (under teachers or through books) can give you a boost, but you're not going to max out any skill just through that.
This is fascinating when you think of magic in our world. Everyone hounds the importance of study, and I don't disagree, but at some point, you have to actually do magic in order to learn about it. Striking the balance between study and practice is hard, but eventually you'll find the right balance for your magic.
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In Magic: The Gathering's tabletop form, you play out Land cards from your hand - one Land per turn. These represent the energy that you use to cast spells that summon Creatures or Planeswalkers, make Sorceries and Instants happen, create Enchantments or Artifacts, and so on.
An important note here is that once you tap a Land (turn it sideways) to make a play and actually use that energy, you can't untap it (turn it back up) until the untap step of your next turn. You can tap on your opponent's turn to cast Instants or cards with the Flash mechanic, but otherwise, all of your spellcasting has to happen on your turn.
As you may have guessed, the key point here is that even if you know your energy limits (say, five Lands), you can't just use it all (tap it) and cast a whole lot more spells (...casting spells) than you have the energy for (how many you have access to). The energy may come back or refill (untap on your next turn), but you have to keep an eye on it (make sure you leave some untapped in case you need an Instant or Flash keyword).
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Dungeons and Dragons! We're familiar with spell slots. Some people even use spell slots to describe their energy already.
They are, functionally, similar to Lands in Magic: The Gathering, so I won't cover these in-depth. But these function quite similarly: You only have so many spell slots per level, and they won't be restored unless you take a long rest (basically an 8 hour break).
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And Pokemon. As our final example of limitations, let's discuss this in terms of what all someone can juggle at once.
In the games, a team of Pokemon can only have six members at once, and each of those Pokemon can only learn up to four moves. So even with the widest range of move types, a single Pokemon can only use up to four different types across its four attacks.
So while you can potentially cast any number of spells, I would like to gently put forward the fact that hey, we can only keep track of so many things at once. Don't overfill your plate - you can always go back for seconds.
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torchwood-99 · 1 year
Torchwood Costume Carnage!
Winners for Round 1!
Ianto Jones: The Suit that Started it all.
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Smirk beats tears, but both suits were lined with deception. Here we see Ianto for the first time, when he welcomes a pizza bearing Gwen to the Torchwood hub. Although it's not so vibrant as his later suits (suitably for a Ianto still hiding himself from the world and his team) the red tie adds some flair and hints at the danger and passion that lurks beneath the surface of the information centre, and the man himself.
Jack Harkness: The Jacket
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Jack might be a dad several times over, but he isn't one for Dad clothes. We don't see this jacket on Jack much, but it fits into his military/pilot aesthetic. First episode, it makes sense that the writers are trying outfit choices that don't pop up again (for example we never see Gwen in that bowler hat that she wears in her first scene, can't imagine why). But on re-watch, it kind of suits who Jack is to the audience right now. This is Jack after we knew in him Doctor Who, an older, different Jack. It's also Jack before we get to know him. We're seeing him through Gwen's eyes, and here he's an enigma. So having him in a costume that suits his vibe, but isn't familiar, feels right.
Owen Harper: Sacrificial Scrubs
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Owen, who is introduced to us as not always the nicest of blokes, gets steadily nicer as the show goes on (while still retaining his Owen-ess), is suitably dressed all in white here, the scrubs catching the light in an appropriately angelic light.
As the team doctor, this is isn't the only time we see Owen in medical scrubs. But the scrubs in this scene at worn as a doctor, or even a patient. They're the clothes of a corpse in waiting. This whole sequence is one of the most heart wrenching in the entire show, and that's saying something. Martha and Jack grimly prepping for the embalmment, Toshiko silently watching them as they prepare the tools for the death of the man she loves, Gwen helping him change and grasping for a chance at one final hug, Owen running his fingers through her hair while he can still feel them, and Ianto joining Gwen in forming an honour guard as Owen walks to his death.
Toshiko Sato: Pretty Purple Dress
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"Is that a dress Tosh!"
This dress is introduces in a great sequence of Tosh dressing. We don't often see Tosh at home, and it's great seeing an episode from Tosh's pov for once. The care Tosh shows in getting dressed in this episode tells us without telling us that Tosh is excited, and she's getting ready for something special. When we know there's a hunky WW1 soldier on the way, we don't need it spelled out to us that he and Tosh share a special bond. The dress is pretty and feminine and in Tosh's power colour, purple (we're gonna see a lot of purple in the days ahead).
Also, it's worn over jeans!
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@yourmyonlyhope makes a great comment here about the discussion in the show, where Tommy talks all about the changing fashions. This look is so of its time, and it's great watching Tommy talk about mini-skirts and all the other rapid changes in fashion he's witnessed in his flash tour through time, with Tosh in her early 2000s glory standing testament to the changing times. With trends changing so quickly, the writers probably did know that future watchers would see Tosh in a dress and jeans and find the costume dated, so as well as being a great bit of backstory and character exploration for Tommy, that scene and this dress have a lovely bit of meta going on.
Gwen Cooper: The Tea Windbreaker
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Gwen mostly wears darker colours, with a few notable exceptions. In this episode, the rest of the team are in dark, earthy colours, and Gwen stands out in this teal windbreaker. A non-viewer who knows nothing about Torchwood could look at a pic of the all together, and point to the newbie who is about to get their innocence shredded. In a show like Torchwood, when a character turns in something pale and clean and on the opposite end of the colour spectrum to red, they're just screaming out to get covered in blood. Although Gwen's already seen some messed up stuff, Countrycide is the episode where she confronts just how cruel humans can be. Her entire world view, her faith in humanity, is thrown in a woodchipper. This is the jacket of a girl on the precipice of a full self-destructive spiral.
And, once more, pretty colour! (Brings out the green in her eyes and the red of her lips ;)
Thank you to everyone who voted! The next round of costumes will be up tomorrow!
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thorsiffe-dragonheart · 8 months
Klin rescue mission
Crew: @thejax-reed @lillian--reed @makena-harris Captive: @eremington
Gear Jax: a vest, 1911 .45 caliber pistol, a blade. Makena: a pistol. Lillian: a couple knives. Herself. Thorsiffe: a dagger, two hand-axes, their magical greatsword.
Part 0: preparation
Lillian uses her divination to find out how many hunters are inside, what the barrier will do to them, and how much time they have, though her visions of who they've taken are hazy.
Realizing half of their team is severely limited once inside, the team comes up with a plan. Lillian lets them know that any zombies she creates could go inside, but would be without her control, and Makena says it'd be much the same if she called upon more than one animal. 
Makena mind controls a rat, has it sneak inside and scouts ahead to find out where the hunters are. The rat can't find a way into the gym, but Jax muses that if there's two people outside guarding it, it's not unlikely the remaining hunters are inside, as well as their captive. 
Lillian provides Jax and Thorsiffe with a physical-enhancing potion, which the wolves happily drink.
They agree it'd be a good idea to keep one of the hunters alive to get answers. 
Part 1: 2 guards at the main entrance 
Thorsiffe notices the scent of a spell bomb relatively nearby; they figure one of the guards outside must have one on them.
Not wanting to risk either Jax or themself getting weakened, Thorsiffe decides they'll use stealth and ranged weapons to take out the hunters before they can react.
Thorsiffe and Jax make a bet that Thorsiffe can't headshot one of the guards out front with an axe from a rooftop across the street.  
Jax jumps the school's fence and sneaks towards the guards.
Thorsiffe takes up position on, well, a rooftop across the street and nails one guard in the head with an axe. Jax owes them $50. 
As the first one drops, Jax shoots the other guard. 
Meeting up at the door to inspect the bodies, they hear another hunter calling out through a walky-talky on one of the bodies. Having heard a gunshot, they're trying to check in with their fellow hunters.
Thorsiffe's eyes flash as they instruct Jax to help them deliver the bodies to Lillian. Jax raises an eyebrow at this, but agrees. 
Part 2: 2 patrolling the 2nd floor classroom
Alerted by the gunshot outside and the guards out front not responding, the two guards patrolling go downstairs to check, guns and grenades at the ready. 
Thorsiffe exclaims that other hunters are coming to check, and instructs Makena to call upon something she's willing to sacrifice, and Lillian to resurrect the bodies. 
Makena summons a swarm of rats, Lillian resurrects the hunters as zombies. 
Not expecting to be met with rats and their resurrected friends, the two hunters are swarmed just as they take a peek outside. One of the hunters self-sacrifices with a grenade, dispersing the rats and destroying the zombies. 
Part 3: 2 guarding the door to the gym 
Thorsiffe calls upon their greatsword, summoning it to their hand. Meanwhile, Jax takes a grenade off one of the dead hunters. Just in case. 
The wolves go inside, Makena and Lillian staying outside as back-up in case things go south. 
Jax asks Thorsiffe just how alright they are with destruction or property, Thorsiffe giggles and tells him they'd love some, just not a school. Jax muses they could sneak into a classroom adjacent to the gym and bust through the walls to surprise the hunters guarding it. Thorsiffe's eyes light up and they nod. 
However, upon executing their plan and standing in front of the doors to the gym, they find the hunters have retreated back into the gym. 
The sound of gunfire fills the air as bullets rip through the doors to the gym, and the wolves are forced to retreat. 
They've been hit by some bullets, but the door took away some of the impact, and with their werewolf physiology they power through easily enough. 
Thorsiffe quips that they should've listened to an old dog's bark when Jax questioned their decision not to wear a bulletproof vest. 
Part 4: 2 inside the gym guarding the cage 
Having heard the roaring gunfire from inside, Lillian wants to go inside to check on Thorsiffe and Jax, but is stopped by Makena. 
Thorsiffe mutters a prayer, Jax asks them what it is they prayed for. Thorsiffe grins as they say "fury". 
Considering they need to be quick lest the captive is killed, the wolves come up with a new plan. Thorsiffe suggests using the grenade Jax found, but Jax retorts it could kill the captive. Thorsiffe’s eyes light up as they suggest throwing the grenade inside without pulling the pin. 
Crawling over the floor so as to not be spotted through the bullet holes, the wolves sneak up on the gym. Thorsiffe punches a hole through the door, and Jax lobs in the grenade. 
The hunters run for cover for a second before realizing the grenade isn’t primed. Within that second, Thorsiffe and Jax charge into the gym. In doing so, Thorsiffe flings the left doors from its hinges. 
Two hunters stand on either side of the cage; Thorsiffe taking the left side, Jax the right. 
One of Thorsiffe’s hunters is just about to throw a spell bomb, but with a diagonal cut, Thorsiffe cleaves clean through them, covering themself and the nearby hunter in blood and guts. This other hunter shoots them with their shotgun, before taking off. 
Jax was planning on shooting one hunter and taking the other down with his blade, but he freezes upon seeing Elijah is the captive. 
The hunters capitalize on this. One of them grabs a spell bomb and means to throw it at Jax, the other opens fire with their machine gun. 
Thorsiffe laughs, wanting to give chase to the fleeing hunter, the gaping hole in their chest barely registering on their mind. However, they’re quick to realize Jax isn’t doing so hot, and they pick up on the scent of yet another spell bomb, as well as a familiar human. 
They lob their second axe at the hunter holding the spell bomb, cutting off their hand at the wrist and making the bomb fall harmlessly to the floor. Though screaming in pain, the hunter reaches for their pistol with their remaining hand. 
Thorsiffe cries “Jax” and charges the hunters. They kick the one who’d been shooting Jax, making them all but fly towards the other wolf. 
Jax is snapped out of his shock by Thorsiffe’s cry, and uses the opportunity Thorsiffe created. He closes the distance with the hunter before they can recover. With his dagger, he slashes their throat, before slamming their gun out of their hands to prevent their death throes from being accompanied by gunfire. 
Thorsiffe closes the distance to the remaining hunter, knowing they’ll have to take this one captive. 
They aim their pistol at Thorsiffe, but just as they’re about to train it on them, Jaxon fires his own pistol, hitting their arm and making them flinch, dropping the pistol. 
Thorsiffe laughs and jumps to the side. Another dash forward and a slash off their blade, and they’ve cleaved off the hunter’s leg. 
Having sustained a salvo of gunfire that would’ve killed a human twice-over, Jaxon falls to his hands and knees. 
The hunter falls to the ground as well. Kicking away their pistol, Thorsiffe stands over the hunter, a foot on their chest. They finally realize whose scent they’d recognized. This hunter was the gunwoman who shot them during the first spree of hunts. Their eyes glimmer with vengeance and Thorsiffe smiles. (TW: gore & excessive violence.) They reach down, digging their fingers into the hunter’s eyes deep enough to grab her skull. With the hunter’s dying screams of agony, Thorsiffe roars as they rip off her head. 
Though they desperately want to give chase to the fleeing hunter, Thorsiffe feels Jax’ wounds need to be prioritized. They break open the lock on Eli’s cage with their bare hands, grab him by the collar, and drag him out of his cage. Then, they stumble over towards Jax, their own wounds starting to register as they pick up the older wolf. 
Meanwhile, the fleeing hunter comes into the line of sight of Lillian and Makena. Seeing them covered in blood and with no wolf giving chase after the salvos of gunfire they’d just heard, Lillian assumes the worst. Using blood magic, she makes them explode from the inside out, before running inside. Makena tries to talk her out of it, but begrudgingly follows.  
The two are relieved to run into Thorsiffe carrying Jax on their shoulders, Eli following not too far behind. They head outside of the barrier, where Lillian heals the worst of Jax’ wounds as Makena calls for professional help. Thorsiffe slumps against a wall, the hunter’s head in their lap.
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A Moment Among The Flowers (Chapter 1)
On a rare quiet day after arriving in Baldur's Gate proper, Rae was wandering around the city. Plans needed laid out, their group needed to figure out a to do list, a priority list even. Meeva'Rae had left that to Wyll and Panae, trusting them both to make the right choices while quietly requesting that they did not leave Cazador too late.
She had pointedly ignored the look of pity from Wyll, focusing instead on Panae's understanding and promises they'd get it done as soon as they could manage to find some more holy oil and more divine spells. This had earned the druid a quick hug before the deep gnome had hurried from the inn they'd taken to bunking down in.
She let her feet guide her everywhere, following sights and sounds, smells all exciting and new. She wanted to get a proper look at the city around them, the city that the final stand would take place in. Wanted to truly see what they were fighting for. The small food stands, the hidden away corners and shops, the shared family homes, the children running through the streets laughing. The inns and taverns, bars and brothel houses. All teaming with life.
Life they needed to protect.
Instead of a weight settling, insistent on dragging her down, it all just made her stand straighter, the snarling anger in her chest swirling, determined. They WOULD save these people, she refused to accept anything less. They'd taken down a chosen of a god, had already had many matches of wit and words against Orin, started to spread whispers against Gortash among the criminal underground thanks to her and Astarion's keen eyes and ears for symbols and whispered code words.
In that regard Baldur's Gate was just like the Underdark's communities, there were always scratched in symbols in places you'd least expect them, thieves' can't etched behind or into bar tops or back tables. . .
Her head flashed back to being in a forest camp, sitting with Astarion while he impatiently at first talked her through it, borrowing some ink and paper to get the symbols and words, such as they really weren't, down. He'd become more and more patient with her as time went on, possibly due to her picking it up relatively quick or maybe he'd been growing to like her even then.
After the tiefling party ,she would had explained it away as the former but they had relaxed back into an easy friendship and she didn't take his snapping to heart anymore. The more she learned about him, the more she just wanted to protect him. Even if she had not been madly in love with him, he still would have been one of her people. She protected her people. She had died for her people. She probably would do so again.
Speaking of such a white-haired elf. She caught a glimpse of white hair through a gate and turned in that direction, without her clanky armour, she was quiet, stealthy even. She slipped through the gate silently and carefully and spotted him further down the path. Sitting on a stone bench.
She closed the gate behind her and started to walk over, seeing a garden blooming on either side of her, full of so many different types of flowers. The air was sweet and floral and a smile soon found its way onto her lips.
While she had loved the shadow cursed lands under that infernal spell, she had always loved gloomy places, above ground flowers were soon becoming her favourite things. There were so many different types, all with meanings! Which she found fascinating.
“We had wondered where you managed to slip off to this morning” Rae said quietly, catching Astarion's attention before she past in front of him and joined him on his bench
“Yes well the rabble does tend to get quite loud in the morning, our dear Karlach especially” He said with an exaggerated eye roll and she giggled, hitting him gently with the back of her hand
“Karlach is a delight and you cannot resist her puppy energy, do not give me that Star” she said and he merely playfully 'hmph'd at her causing her to just giggle more. Soon the two just sat in silence, Rae's attention soon being drawn to a nearby patch of flowers. The shape reminded her of the corpse roses that she had found for a particular poison that Panae had agreed to help her make. But they looked different? There was no pale petals with dark veins, no grey stems. What were they called? She wondered.
“What's caught your attention my dear?” came the voice that startled her back to reality and she turned to look and found Astarion looking at her with an amused expression. She coughed, feeling her face heating up and just silently pointed the flowers out. His gaze followed her finger and his amusement turned into understanding “I see you have spotted the Roses”
“So. . .Rose is a flower type?” She asked, tilting her head slightly and he nodded “Okay, do you know any of the others?”
“Of course” he answered and leaned forward slightly, using a finger to point out all of the flowers in the garden near them, one by one, listing names and explaining what colours they came in as she gave him her full attention. Her eyes locked on the flower he was describing before flicking to the next.
Completely missing his occasional glance at her and the small smile that appeared on his face for a brief moment.
After making their way through all the flowers nearby, he stood and gestured for her to follow before setting down the path. Rae, to no one's surprise followed and he started up again. Talking about every flower they past.
They got halfway down the path before a familiar scent tickled her nose and she followed it to their right. Crouching down and sniffing. The patch in front of her was full of vibrant purple blooms, bunched together in clusters, the centres bursting like some of the fire works she'd seen years ago at a travelling show, their lovely but again familiar fragrance heavy in the air around them.
“These smell like you” She announced, looking at Astarion as he stared at her, mouth parted stunned, fangs slightly revealed for just a moment before he recovered with a chuckle.
“Of course darling, Bergamots help cover the scent of undead”
“That would make sense” She said quietly, staring back at the flowers for a moment before she stood back up “It's much better than that awful scent mixture the Gur man we met had on, that wasn't for hiding undead so much as for hiding him however”
“He could have used some sprucing up, maybe some orange zest?” Astarion suggested and she giggled, nodding in agreement before they set off down the path again.
“What would your favourite flower be?” She asked him and he tapped at his chin as he thought
“I am unsure” he admitted after a moment, glancing down at her “There was a flower I quite liked the look of before I was turned, I was dealing with a Shou woman, human, the details of our discussion were quite boring if I remember right but she had a gorgeous flower design on a headpiece she was wearing. A lotus I believe, doesn't quite take top spot but beautiful none the less. And you my dear?”
Rae seemed surprised to have the question turned on her, the deep gnome floundering for a moment
“I don't know either, I liked the Sussur blooms that we found in the Underdark, they were pretty but I don't know if I would call them my favourite?” She answered slowly, taking her time to think about her words
“And above ground?” he prompted and she pressed her lips together thinking
“I think I liked the Camellia? That you showed me? The light pinks ones I think were my favourite” she answered
“They do suit you” He said with a flash of a grin and she blushed, coughing slightly “A beautiful flower for a beautiful woman”
“You are laying it on quite thick there” She said, poking him gently in the leg before setting back down the path. Hearing him laugh, a deep loud thing as he followed. They both knew of her feelings for him and while she trusted him with them. He never could stop himself from giving honeyed words, she was never sure he meant them.
“Well they can't all be winners now can they?”
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icedteaandoldlace · 9 months
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Can't spell BARRY without... (5/5)
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thequibblah · 1 year
one saturday in january, a gryffindor quidditch team choose-your-own-adventure disaster
Percy ignored the warning and ran into the shed. (Somewhere, James Potter felt a burst of joy without knowing why.) His eyes had barely adjusted to the dim environment - indeed, he had hardly stepped over the threshold - when Eddie shouted, “Catch it!”
The spike of adrenaline, perhaps, was part of why Percy immediately, instinctively, obeyed. But being a Chaser, he'd expected a Quaffle-sized object, the shape and feel of which he knew like his own back garden. Whatever zipped past him was much smaller, a flash of gold in his line of sight that vanished over his shoulder at once.
“Oh, Merlin,” Eddie moaned, a hand clapped over his mouth. “I've— Someone moved it, it wasn't my fault, honest—”
“Moved what?” Percy said, swivelling around and squinting into the sky to try and spot what had evaded him. But of course, he knew. A certain leaden worry settled in his stomach.
“What's taking so long?” Quentin called. “We've dawdled long enough that we'll have to skip the warmup.” Of course, he didn't sound too put off by the idea. But soon, Percy knew, he would not be smiling.
“You believe me, don't you?” Eddie was saying, in a tone of abject desperation.
“C'mon, we ought to tell the others what happened,” Percy said, instead of offering reassurance he wasn't sure carried any weight. “Someone might have a way of getting it back.”
They trudged back to the pitch, where the other four waited none too patiently.
“Something's happened,” Percy said, then paused delicately so that Eddie might fill in the rest — which, in any case, he hadn't witnessed.
“The lucky Snitch,” Eddie said, “it wasn't in the usual spot — Potter showed me, before, how it's stuck fast into a holder on the shelf, isn't it?”
He glanced around for validation, which the others readily gave. They all knew exactly where the thing was hidden away, a Gryffindor lucky charm that other houses, legend had it, had endeavoured for years to get to.
“It was in the practice trunk, somehow,” Eddie went on, “because the moment I'd unlatched it, well—“
Now Percy recalled the bright golden thing that had escaped his too-clumsy grasp. Might as well have let the Quidditch Cup slip through your fingers, a voice in his head said — one that sounded not unlike the absent team captain.
Lisa Kelly was frowning. “If someone found it and wanted to get rid of it, why wouldn't they just...steal it?”
“They wanted us to know,” said Germaine slowly. “That it's gone, I mean.”
The horror of that settled over them like an added chill. The morning suddenly seemed frost-bitten, hard, forbidding.
“We can't lose the Snitch, not on our first practice without Potter,” said Lisa Kelsoe. She'd blanched at Eddie's story, thinking of her own performance against Slytherin — not good enough, by her own estimation and surely also by James's. And now, without the talisman that had kept generations of Gryffindors safe... Sacred Circe, how much worse could she get?
And they all began to speak over one another, voices rising in volume and in panic both, alternately offering up ideas and apocalyptic predictions and—
“Paracelsus on a pogo stick, enough!” Germaine said, much louder than she'd meant to. Her voice echoed about the empty stands. But at least her teammates — her charges, she thought, with a sickening lurch of her stomach — fell silent. “Can we... Can everyone put aside the worst possible scenario they're imagining at the moment—” which Merlin knew she needed to do “—and think up a way to fix this?”
“The Snitch went off towards Hagrid’s hut, I think,” Percy said slowly. “We should—”
“Go after it,” said Eddie.
“To the Forest?” Lisa Kelsoe said.
“—no, ask Madam Hooch for the spell she uses to find lost Snitches!” Percy said, aghast at the turn things had taken.
“It’s just a Snitch,” Germaine offered limply, convincing no one. “Maybe…”
“We should replace it with a fake,” said Lisa Kelly — and, to everyone’s surprise, Quentin Kravitz, who glanced at Lisa Kelsoe as though he thought his own words might have come out of her mouth. Both Lisas seemed equally puzzled they hadn’t spoken in unison.
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bpbuilders1a · 1 year
Roof Replacement CT
Connecticut suffers from a severe lack of reliable custom home builders, particularly in the Greater Hartford region. BP Builders has survived the economic downturn in great part because of the organization's optimistic outlook. Perhaps a prosperous banker or merchant was one of your forebears. Perhaps this will motivate some individuals to take positive action. Roof Replacement CT We were one of many roofing firms serving the region when we first opened our doors in 1992. The increased use of the Internet has created new opportunities for teamwork.
Each Party shall at all times during the Term maintain all necessary licenses and insurance (5 years). Going above and beyond for our consumers has always been a top priority for us. You can be sure that if we ever find ourselves in a situation where we need aid coming up with a plan to reduce our debt, you will be the first person we turn to for advice. We promise to treat your home with the utmost respect and care after you hire us. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries, issues, or needs regarding the service.
If your roof is leaking or drooping, contact a professional as soon as you can.
BP Builders offers a wide range of services to the building and remodeling industries, including roofing. The task of removing the old roof and replacing it has begun. Please let us know if there are any problems with your roof (such as leaks or missing tiles) so we can address them. If you're in the market for a new roof, give CertainTeed shingles some serious consideration. If you take the time to look for typos and other grammatical and spelling errors, your writing will be lot more readable and clear. Maybe it's because I don't have as refined of taste as you do. A significant drawback is that people can't express themselves without worrying about the consequences.
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To keep this pricey covering appearing brand-new for as long as possible, maintenance is essential. If necessary, trim the grass before we get there. Magnet use has been proved in numerous studies to hasten the healing process. The amount of planning done directly relates to how well plants grow and how well seeds are sown. They were obviously deeply in love with one another.
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Young Justice: Phantoms takes place almost ten years after the events of Season one episodes one and two (it'll be exactly ten years when they hit July 5th).
The two parter series intro had Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash finding and rescuing Superboy from Cadmus and then forming together to make the Team™. "The four of us started this team" - Dick Grayson.
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I think that the show runners will deliberately include callbacks to Season 1, episode 1&2 in this season to emphasize how far the characters have come.
It seems rather fitting, doesn't it?
Conner needs to be rescued again. Dick and Kaldur were shown in the teaser in the tower of Fate together. Given that Zatanna is trying to figure out Conner's situation it only makes sense that they would be on Conner's rescue mission.
Why just Dick and Kaldur? Well, we see Zatanna with and without the helmet of Fate on in the teaser. It makes sense to me that she started without it and then had to put it on later to perform the spell to transport Dick and Kaldur. Fate wouldn't let her leave as long as she was wearing the helmet.
Rocket seems to be in space, so unless she boom tubes she wouldn't be a part of Conner's rescue mission. (Although I suspect that she's following a non magic angle to figure out what's happening with Conner so she will still probably be involved)
M'gann isn't present. I'm assuming this is because no one wants to tell her until they are positive about what's going on. Likewise, they probably didn't tell Artemis because she just had a massive depressive episode over Conner and if they were wrong they'd reopen that wound.
So just Dick and Kaldur rescuing Conner then, right? Wrong.
Look I'm not sure how or why but I know Wally will be there come hell or high water. There's not a single doubt in my mind that he is alive and returning this season and this would be the absolute best time for him to come back.
So, with all that being said, here are some scenes from Season 1, episodes 1 and 2 that I would want to see paralleled:
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So right off the bat this whole scene is gold. Kaldur, Wally and Dick disobeying direct orders with a loophole, Wally's ride or die attitude, Kaldur's little "they're all about Justice" line. It's amazing. I'm not sure who they'd be rebelling against in Phantoms (possibly the Legion?) but I want to see this scene paralleled.
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These first two episodes do a great job of highlighting not only each character's flaws but also their limitations. Wally is impulsive and doesn't think before he talks. He struggles to run up walls and doesn't wait around for a plan. Dick doesn't take his team into account. He doesn't know how to communicate and assumes his team knows what the plan is already. He doesn't know when to stop and pushes the team way past their abilities, which ultimately gets them captured. Kaldur doesn't know how to lead. He knows that Dick and Wally are making mistakes and he knows what they should be doing but he doesn't assert himself. He protests and complains but does nothing to stop them. And last but not least, Conner is a ball of rage with so many issues I can't even count them.
I want to see how they've grown. I want to see them in this position again and see how they've conquered their flaws and pushed past them.
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Conner in a pod. That's it. Just Conner in a pod.
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They have to pose like this again! The four of them in this order exactly. Also Dick and Wally should high five (with or without the broken ribs)
These are just my thoughts/opinions/theories so feel free to add on any scenes that you think should be paralleled!
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genshingarbage · 3 years
Hiii, Good Morning/Good afternoon/Good evening Mod Kaeya,Mod Diluc^^, It's my first time requesting, Can I request? Angst with any Genshin Impact characters?,Soo The genshin characters are much more spending time with Lumine? Then the reader asks why they aren't spending much time with them and the genshin characters snaps and said the readers are weak ( reader is already insecured because they can't fight) and they have work to do then the reader leaves to fight hilichurl camps and unfortunately there's 2 Mitachurls ,luckly the genshin characters were on time to save the reader? Then they apologized to them? (It's Gn reader^^) sorry if it's alot and sorry if my grammar is wrong you both can disregard this ask stay safe ^^
Good afternoon dear Traveler!! Well done for making your first request! And such a lengthy one too oh my~ Your grammar is fine don’t even worry about it. Sorry for the long wait, Mod Diluc and I have been busy on the Kuzuha banner haha but I hope you enjoy this tear jerking tale (。•̀ᴗ-)✧- Mod Kaeya
Recommending this song for this oneshot!
Go checkout Anna_drw01 for more art like this!! Here’s her artstation!
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The distant scientist, renowned for being hard to get close to was someone you used to consider one of you closest friends. The two of you spent day and night together, hellbent of cracking open every single challenge you possibly could together. Many considered you two to be able to solve any mystery put in front of you together.
The keyword was together.
There was a mystery you yourself couldn’t solve; Why was Albedo’s time with you slowly becoming a rarity?
You’d been wondering why he’d been spending so much less time in the lab he’d meticulously built over years of his life or on site where his precious research was being buried little by little by crystalline flakes, tending to his experiments and recording time sensitive data that would be valuable for months to come for the research team. Albedo had been gone so long both you and Sucrose had designed a plan in order to cover the work he’s left unattended whilst managing your own on top of the store. It was beginning to get concerning. If the leader of the investigation squad was absent constantly then what did that mean for the rest of you? Surely he was only gone for the sake of something important he’d found, something he placed above everything else he was researching. That’s what you lent yourself into believing.
That is, until you saw him with her.
You couldn’t blame him honestly, Lumine was gorgeous. Her golden hair and fiery eyes are what a lot of men probably look for in a partner, even more so was the mystery behind her origins and the raw power she held in her fingertips at any given moment.
You didn’t have to have a vision to be able to tell that.
Maybe that was another thing he sought in her.
A traveling partner that could wield the powers of the elements, a traveling partner that could hold their own against the world. Maybe that wasn’t all he was looking for but also a romantic partner.
He finally came back to the investigation camp briefly one night, it was during a particularly rough blizzard ravaging across Dragonspine and the areas surrounding it a little like a turbulent child tossing snowflakes across already painted, buried monochrome peaks. He trudged into the camp with her rambunctious adventuring party, shouted something over the whipping wind about how they should get warm inside one of the communal tents dotted around the sparse camp halfway up the summit you inhabited and then ducked into the burgundy tent you were working away in with nothing but the clinking of vials harmonizing with the bubbling of flames. It was nothing but candle light right then in the morbid lonely night, only the sounds of the howling gales outside of the ones in your lab. If you’d felt like you were being watched during the night before now, Albedo’s piercing analytical gaze did nothing but soothe the loneliness you’d held inside yourself all night.
“I need a strong multi use Geoculus locator, if we have any.” The blonde said
He must’ve seen your shoulders perk up because he waited patiently as you searched through the shelves upon shelves of prototypes you’ve developed. After somehow finding one, you patted over to him. He seemed pleased with your work, if a bit distant as usual. He was in a good mood so you guessed would be the best time if any to ask. “Sir… with all due respect why have you been away so long?”
Albedo’s pale face was blank as usual though he blinked as if surprised you spoke, “Lumine needed someone with a sufficient Geo vision, I happened to be the one she knew the best to get the job done.”
“So you’ll be returning?”
“I never said that.”
You tried not to take it harshly, this was just how he spoke after all. “…could I come along then?” It was a long shot yes but you still missed his company, if it meant having to deal with him getting buddy buddy with that Outrider then you would suffer. 
It was quiet for a moment between you two as you stared him down and he observed the locator thoroughly. After he was pleased enough with the golden glowing device it was packed away into his back pocket without so much as a second thought, the man was obviously stalling while he thought carefully over the question but the result wouldn’t be to your liking evidently. You were about to make  a point you hoped would be convincing before he spoke, his voice sharp and words cold like the very ice being tossed around the blackened sky.
“No, you’re not a skilled enough fighter so you’d only slow us down more than we can handle to be right now. You’d be useless to us.” He put a hand to his chin for a moment in thought, “If you’d had been able to development a synthetic elemental burst like Sucrose’s swirl mark II…I would have considered but you can’t even do that.”
Watching him leave with them the morning after was torturous, they rushed off into the snowy landscape with barely a goodbye and never a second glance from Albedo beyond that. It stung.
Maybe that’s why when hilichurl camps, specifically ones becoming a nuisance to caravans as well as supply lines along Dragonspine almost avidly to the near point where there would be commissions called in, were brought up in conversation you elected to take a weapon and simply clear them out yourself. You could barely fight one off but usually they were smaller towards the base of the mountain so you figured it would be alright. You would just patch yourself up if you got a bit injured. Surely the pain of the injures would busy your silly little heart long enough to forget about Albedo and his cruel words to you, surely you would barricade your feelings of pining behind walls of broken bones and struggling through the snow. Maybe that was the remedy, the answer you needed to your mystery. Your pleas would probably be hidden by the snowstorms anyways.
Mitachurls unfortunately inhabited bigger camps. Thankfully, Frost Lawlichurls tended to live alone. The former happened to find it’s way to you, charging with the might of a bull on ozmanthys wine. As you were bowled over you heard an abrupt shout, maybe saw a brief flash of familiar golden light as the battle grounds around you erupted further into chaos but it didn’t matter that pale arms were abruptly gripping you to a panicked sword user. Your vision was to blurry, the shouts of attacks and spells too muffled and faint, your body felt too limp to comprehend even the though of moving. You could barely breathe.
Someone was muttering, crouched around you and holding you close, muttering something over and over again. Something important. The feeling of their lips pressed against your forehead, his quiet gut heaving sobs as he rocked you back and forth. Albedo’s pleas for you to just hang on a moment longer—
Where were you again?
There was sunlight and it was warm, a pleasant warmth that almost lulled you back to the sleep you’d fallen into. The only thing that kept you awake was that this was indeed not your bed.
Where were you?
Sitting up hurt, your whole body ached and you were certain something must have been rearranged or was missing because the pain shot through you like an arrow. Your sharp exhale alerted the two others in the room, one who immediately sprinted to get a nurse in an emerald and navy flurry of skirts and capes.
You were dizzy, only steadied by a gentle hand on your limp shoulder. Ah, when did you turn to face him?
The blonde man infront of you asked if you remembered what happened, his voice was soft but didn’t hold any emotion. The smoky circles around his beautiful striking cerulean eyes did nothing but worry you slightly as they implied a long period of time without sleep. You’d imagine him to be the sciency type who didn’t really know what to think of other people so he stayed nose deep in books to pass the time, though there was a deep sadness in the way he held himself you couldn’t understand.
“I don’t…who are you?” You thought you saw him flinch but figured it was a trick of the light.
“No one important, nevermind me.” The man sat up with an unreadable expression even for how blank it had been for this whole brief conversation after you had awoken, getting up from his chair to begin walking to the door when he stopped. “I’m sorry.”
“…for what?” You didn’t understand.
“Nothing that would natter now, please. Rest.”
You didn’t remember.
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letarasstuff · 3 years
Hold On
Summary: This is based on the song "Hold On" from Chord Overstreet. After weeks and months of arguments, hurtful words and pain Spencer's daughter is convinced that this is the only option for both's happiness.
Warnings: attempted suicide (not specified how), hospitals, angst, sad, hurtful words, mean Spencer in the beginning
Wordcount: 2k
✨Masterlist✨ _____________________________
Loving and fighting, accusing, denying I can't imagine a world with you gone
The last few weeks weren’t easy in the Reid household. There is not one day, where no loud screamed arguments are thrown through the entirety of the apartment.
“(Y/N), you have to see things from my point of view, too! My job is demanding and I can’t be there for every little competition you have”, Spencer tries to reason with his daughter.
“I have to see things from YOUR point?! Little competition?! DAD! This was the math olympics and, mind you and your busy schedule, it was not the ‘petty’ school round. I went against people from the WHOLE country! Just- I- Sometimes it would be nice to feel like I have a father caring for me for at least an hour. But I see, your job is more important than your child.”
Her father looks at her, speechless. He didn’t know how far she came in that competition. (Y/N) hasn’t said a thing, didn’t make a noise about it. How is he supposed to know all that then?
“Just because I’m a profiler doesn’t mean I’m able to read your mind. Just try and cut me some slack here, I- I need you to understand how important the things I do are. Can you try to be a little less ignorant, please?”
It feels like Spencer has punched her in the guts. For years (Y/N) backed down, knowing that her father’s work is in fact important. He is saving life for crying out loud, but is it really that selfish to ask for his attention every once in a while? Ever since she is basically able to be on her own it seems like he stopped caring for her.
“Ignorant? Oh Dad, you really are an amazing profiler”, the teenager says, her voice dripping with sarcasm, “You know what? Try and profile that!” She begins to walk out of the living room, showing him the bird. Seconds later her door smashes into the lock.
The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of I'd be so lost if you left me alone
Is he really that bad of a father?
When (Y/N) was born, he swore to himself to be the opposite of his own. Spencer wanted to be there for his daughter any time she wanted him to. School dances, spelling competition, kindergarten graduation, the whole nine yards.
But when was the last time they did something as a family. From cooking and eating dinner together nearly every night they went to occasionally seeing the other at the breakfast table before heading out.
Spencer understands her now. He is not better than his father at the moment. He just missed a big event in his daughter’s life and blames it on her. He called her ignorant, even though he is the one that didn’t pay attention. The oh so amazing profiler forgot to show his child that he loves her. That she is more important to him than anything in his life. He needs her in order to function, her love is the only thing that motivates him to do anything.
He knows he has to talk to (Y/N) about it, he was wrong and mean. Spencer just wants to give her time to cool off.
Meanwhile the teenager sits on her bed, staring at the wall. He did it again. He said these hurtful words. Tears stream down her face, but she is numb to them.
Everytime he calls her something, (Y/N) memorizes it. She doesn’t have an eidetic one, but when it’s about mean things, everybody has an elephant’s memory.
Childish. And many more.
And her father is right. She is all of the above and so much more.
Maybe he is better off without her. Better off without having to act like he cares for her.
She is a burden, she knows that. Her mother knew that from the beginning, why else would she have left them? Left her? Nobody’s life wouldn’t be better, if she isn’t in it anymore.
(Y/N) thought long and hard about this. Tonight just confirms her thoughts and boostes her decision.
Quietly she makes her way over to the bathroom, locking the door without making a noise. Hidden under towels is her little box. The contents she complained about using for so long.
You locked yourself in the bathroom Lying on the floor when I break through I pull you in to feel your heartbeat Can you hear me screaming? Please don't leave me
Twenty minutes have passed since (Y/N) smashed her door. Spencer hopes it is enough time for a teenager to cool off. He knocks on her door, waiting for an answer.
He tries again.
“Sweetheart? May I come in?”
The silence is louder than any gunshot he heard.
“Sweetheart, I want to apologize. May I open the door?”
Still nothing.
Spencer enters the room, finding it vacant. Oh of course, the moment he wants to talk with her she is in the bathroom. The Reids always had a thing for timing.
He knocks at the bathroom door. “Sweetheart, are you in there? Of course you are. Dumb question. I- I want to apologize. What I said wasn’t right and it was hurtful. Can- can you come out? There are a few things I have to make right.”
To his bewilderment there is no answer. No noises. A whole lot of nothing. This scares Spencer. “(Y/N), please say something. I care. I do. I love you, please answer me”, he desperately says.
Still no answer.
Spencer feels like he doesn’t have a different choice. He takes a step back and a deep breath, remembering what Derek taught him. With a loud crash he kicks the door open.
There she lies. His child. His daughte. The one human he promised to protect no matter what.
Her body lifeless, a small box next to her. Spencer identifies the contents immediately. His heart drops faster than he thought it to be possible.
In an instant he kneels next to (Y/N), pulling her in. His hands are shaking as he tries to take her pulse. “No no no no. NO! (Y/N), baby please open your eyes. Don’t leave me, no! You can’t do that, I love you, I love you so much. Don’t leave me, I need you!”
Hold on, I still want you Come back, I still need you Let me take your hand, I'll make it right I swear to love you all my life Hold on, I still need you
(Y/N) is in and out of consciousness. The dark seconds are terrifying to her. She regrets her choice.
In the seconds she is conscient, she hears a warm voice. The teenager feels safe now that it is there. At first the voice is quiet and blurry, but she is still able to catch a few words.
“Don’t” “Me” “Love you” “Much” “Need”
As her body finally slips away, she feels at ease. These words, it feels like lotion on her wounds. Because she also loves the voice and its person. She needs them like they need her.
Long endless highway, you're silent beside me Driving a nightmare I can't escape from Helplessly praying, the light isn't fading Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones
Spencer acts quickly. He knows his daughter doesn’t have much time left. He picks her up, trying to grab as many important things on his way out as possible. The genius runs to his car, hoping and praying to all the gods above that it will work after months of not using the vehicle. The motor does turn on to his relief.
The drive to the hospital feels longer than any roadtrip Spencer ever went on. The seconds tickle down and just like that (Y/N)’s chances. Chances of a happy ever after with him in her life, hopefully.
Not once does she move, her body looking more like a doll than a human being. Spencer just prays that it won’t be like this for long. He needs her, the light of his life. She can’t fade, she is not allowed to. It will break him. Darken his own light.
He has to be strong now. The glass is half full, the hospital only a few minutes away. (Y/N) will make it. Spencer doesn’t have any other option than that.
They took you away on a table I pace back and forth as you lay still They pull you in to feel your heartbeat Can you hear me screaming? Please don't leave me
“I need a doctor! A nurse! Somebody! My daughter, she-” Spencer screams, entering the ER with her lifeless body in his arms. He can’t end the sentence. But it’s also not necessary. A whole team of people crowd around the young man, one of them pulling a stretcher behind him.
Reluctantly Spencer lowers (Y/N) on it, knowing that he can’t do anything more. His child’s fate lies in the hands of the medical staff now. He has to trust them with her. With his lifeline.
One doctor takes her arm, trying to take a pulse. He shouts something, but Spencer’s ears are deaf to his words. Everything goes silent as they pull her away. Away from him.
He falls to his knees as reality hits him. He may not be a father any longer. And it’s his fault and his fault only.
“Please don’t leave me”, Spencer whispers.
Hold on, I still want you Come back, I still need you Let me take your hand, I'll make it right I swear to love you all my life Hold on, I still need you
Lights flash her. They hurt her eyes. But there is a greater pain (Y/N) can’t locate where it’s coming from. Where is her father? She needs him. She has to apologize. There are so many things she wants to say to him. To reassure him that she knows her decision was wrong.
As people continue to scramble around her, the pain intensifies. It becomes nearly unbearable and stops suddenly. The last thing she hears after a shrill high pitched tone is the voice of her father.
“I love you.”
I don't wanna let go I know I'm not that strong I just wanna hear you Saying, "Baby, let's go home" Let's go home Yeah, I just wanna take you home
“Family of (Y/N) Reid?” A doctor asks into the waiting room, looking exhausted. Spencer looks up from the floor. He memorized every little bump while pacing back and forth. He hasn’t called anybody. He doesn’t want to alarm then, not now. The young doctor needs time to understand what’s happening.
“Is she breathing?” is his first question. The doctor's face takes a pitiful look. “We stabilized her. But (Y/N) is still not through. We can’t say if she makes it through the night. If she does, we are sure she will be on a good way to a full recovery. Tonight will be critical for that. But (Y/N) showed us she is a fighter, maybe the chances aren’t that bad.”
Spencer is led through several halls to her room. He sits down in an uncomfortable hospital chair next to his daughter’s bed. Her hand is cold against his warm one. His are still shaking as he brushes a strand of her hair out of her face.
The only thing that Spencer wants right now is for (Y/N) to open her eyes and ask him to go home. He wants to take her there so desperately. But he can’t. Because he is the ignorant one.
“Hold on, I still want you Come back, I still need you, Sweetheart”, Spencer says, pressing a kiss onto her knuckles.
All works:
@dindjarinsspouse @big-galaxy-chaos
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962
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lockoutkey · 3 years
Key you have at least 8 people following you so I’m going to release this idea into the wild here
The song “Defying Gravity” from Wicked (the version by Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel because it’s the best one) except it’s Grian and Pearl
Pearl takes Glinda’s role and Grian takes Elphaba’s and it’s about them at the watchers in an au where they were raised there
Grian offended the head watcher or whoever and is running away while Pearl tries to convince him to stay and apologise so they can stick together like they always have
On the “It’s time to trust my instincts, close my eyes, and leap!” bit he does a spell or something and in a flash of purple wings unfurl from his back
“Just you and I, defying gravity!” is Grian carrying Pearl and flying with her and they set down just before “Well, are you coming?”
That’s all I got and I would definitely make the animatic except people are hard to draw and dragons are easier
“You really did it this time, G, you went and did it huh. You managed to piss off the head watcher and get yourself a bounty. I’m risking my life right now. How could you?” Pearl ranted. “Are you happy?”
Grian scoffed. “Are you? You stood there while I was insulted and put down. I can’t take this Pearl. The watchers are corrupt and I’m over it. I’m sick amd tired of it.”
“Apologize, Grian. Please? You can still stay with us.” Pearl pleaded.
Grian turned away. He couldn’t believe she was actually agreeing with them.
“I don’t want this anymore. I need to go away. Everything in me is screaming to get away. I think, no, I know I have to leave. I can’t stay.”
“This is because of your friend you won’t tell us about, isn’t it?” Pearl accused. “He’s convincing you of this.”
“Mum- He has nothing to do with this. I done with this. The watchers. Their games. This entire world.” Grian stormed to the balcony. He threw open the doors, only stopped by Pearl’s arm.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Pearl screeched.
“Come with me.”
"I can't go and you know that. This is where we belong."
Grian and Pearl stood on the balcony of their home in the watchers realm. They were searching for him. They knew he would be there. It was only a matter of minutes.
“Please.” Grian begged. “We can leave now. No one will follow us. We’ll be safe.”
Pearl shook her head again. “Just apologize to them Grian. They’ll let you back. You’re the best of the best. What about Taurtus? Domrao? Gareth? You’re going to leave them behind because of what? You don’t like the rules here. You’re going to leave behind everything we’ve been though.”
Grian clenched his fists. “You don’t understand. I can’t do these things anymore. I can’t act like the god they want me to, forcing players to go through games just to get to an update. It’s wrong.”
“It’s for good! We do it to help! Why can’t you understand? You don’t know what you’re saying!” Pearl rambled. She knew it was useless but she had to try.
“Controlling the lives of players isn’t helping. It’s obsessive and should be stopped.” Grian grabbed Pearl’s hands. “Let’s leave. We’re unstoppable. We’re a team. You’re my sister, I don’t want to leave you, but I will if I have to.”
Pearl stared at their joined hands. She remembered the first time they learned to fly, their guardians taking them and the other trainees to a random world just for them. They still went back sometimes to practice building. They would practice their powers on Evo and grow stronger together. How would they go on without their missing member?
“You’re right, we’re supposed to be together until the end of time.” Pearl dropped her hands. “I can’t. They need me.”
Grian watched Pearl lower head. He should’ve known this would be the outcome, but he had hoped for something different. She wouldn’t go to Hermitcraft with him. She would stay in the hidden realm in the end.
Why them. Why did they have to be chosen. This was a curse disguised in a gift wrapped box. Mostly, why was he the only one who could see.
“I hope you’re happy., now that you’re choosing this.” Pearl whispered.
Grian kissed her forehead. “You too.”
Grian turned away. He knew in his heart if he didn’t leave now he would go back and give in. He would kneel in front of the head watcher and ask for forgiveness he didn’t want. He would stay with his family and live a life with everything he wanted.
His wings twitched. The dark abyss could take him in a few seconds. He would be stuck here if he didn’t leave now. Stuck with the rules and people telling him to control worlds. He would live with unimaginable power. He would live in a place where the system hid under a facade of righteousness.
Grian stood on the railing. The watchers were banging on the door and shouting. He had to go. “You know where to find me.”
Pearl closed her eyes. “Be safe. Whatever you do, just, don’t forget me.”
Grian grinned. He looked so happy. He was about to leave everything and he looked the happiest he had ever been. “I could never.”
The doors broke. Watchers poured through the door and rushed to the twins. Grian jumped, flying into the city. Guards gave chase, but they were no match for his speed. They had lost the best they had found in millennia.
“He’s really gone” Pearl heard a whisper behind him. Taurtus stared at Grian, now a distant dot as he flew towards his new server.
“He’s free.”
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