#c: shane summers
koushirouizumi · 9 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
Shane, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling: Shane's Mon: ... Shane's Mon In Shane's Mind: (You should rest...) Shane: (I just met Hikaru again for the first time in years since that "final battle".) Shane's Mon: (Yes, and you played against Hikaru at the arcade, and Hikaru soundly defeated you. In multiple rounds.) Shane: (I don't care about that.) Shane: (I'm just glad Hikaru's actually "okay".) Shane: (When I watched from the void, I could tell Hikaru was really torn up about losing "them", even way "back then". And...) {"Me"} Shane's Mon: ... Shane: (But it's been years since. I also don't think Hikaru's completely "okay" yet...) Shane: (... But Hikaru kept going.) Shane's Mon: (And so? What are you going to do now?) Shane: ... Shane: (There are certain effects the Void had on my mind that I just can't completely erase. I could even be pulled back in.) Shane's Mon: (That's true. At the least, I'd maybe be present if you are.) Shane: (Thanks.) Shane: (But I know even you can't completely stop its effects on me.) Shane's Mon: ... Shane: (Even by tomorrow, everything could be upside down again. Even if summer "ended", the Digital Worlds' effects can continue far past there.) Shane's Mon: (That is also true. For example, events that happened near the winter rather than Spring.) Shane's Mon: (Do you have a plan?) Shane: Shane: (It depends if the void pulls me back in or not.) Shane's Mon: Shane: (Even if it does... Somehow) SHANE: (I'm going to help them all restore the Digital World's "balance". I don't know fully "how" yet, but I'm going to.) SHANE'S MON: Shane's Mon: (Either way you do so...) Shane's Mon: (I will be in the Void.) SHANE: (I know.) Shane's Mon: (My connection may be cut off in between. It is unpredictable.) Shane: (I know.) Shane's Mon: (...A good place to start might be analyzing the "Digivice" Koushiro has been modifying further.) SHANE: SHANE: (You mean---) SHANE'S MON: (It is not called the "Holy Device" for nothing.) {Fades} SHANE: ... SHANE: (... Speaking of my Digivice...) Shane: (.. I can't use it when {they're} not here.)
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the prospects | biosteel camp 08/30/22
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
okay so the other notes from re-reading parts of Sea of Monsters (and also part of The Lost Hero) - so there’s this one part where Percy is noting some random things about other cabins at lunch. Interesting notes within that:
A.) Beckendorf is 15 in SoM, which does track for him having been supposed to go to college following TLO because that would make him 17 then, but also that implies he has a like late summer birthday. So do with that information what you will.
B.) the Hephaestus cabin is described as 6-7 (unclear if Beckendorf was being included in the group) brothers. Given what we know about the Hephaestus cabin later on, particularly that Jake Mason and Nyssa are implied to be the oldest in the cabin in HoO, this implies that Nyssa probably either joined immediately following SoM or is trans. Also, in The Lost Hero, Will mentions that Jake Mason became cabin counselor at the same time as him, which implies there was at least one unknown Hephaestus cabin counselor between Beckendorf and Jake Mason who died in the Battle for Manhattan.
C.) In Sea of Monsters, the Athena cabin is described as a dozen kids led by Annabeth, which confirms that Annabeth is cabin counselor by age 13 and also gives us a rough estimate of how large cabins were before campers began defecting in large numbers to the Titan Army (leaving about 50-60 total mortal forces for the Olympians/CHB, the discrepancy being an unknown amount of Ares kids joining the battle later). After TLO, CHB’s numbers rise again due to taking in ex-Titan Army kids and all the newly claimed demigods, and we know there’s about like 150 campers in CHB by HoO. Second discrepancy though, in The Lost Hero, Leo describes the Hephaestus cabin being also about a dozen kids. However, we only ever know the names of six of them (Leo, Jake, Nyssa, Harley, Shane, Christopher) and outside of Leo’s first introduction to his siblings we never see the rest of the alleged other half-dozen Hephaestus kids again. If there were a dozen Hephaestus kids in HoO, that would also completely mess up the total number of campers, because Hephaestus cabin is historically one of the smaller cabins and post-TLO the largest cabins would be Aphrodite and Ares (since Hermes cabin had all the previously cabinless kids redistributed and besides them the largest cabin was cabin 7 but all the Apollo kids died save for Will, Austin, and Kayla). Though given TLO casualties as we know them, Aphrodite cabin is probably the largest and Ares second-largest. Either way, if one of the smaller cabins has a dozen kids, then that would mean the larger cabins are probably close to like 20 kids, which completely ruins the math for what we know about CHB’s size at this point in the books. It makes sense for the Athena cabin to have a dozen kids in SoM because it’s implied to be a medium to large sized cabin comparatively to the Hephaestus kids, and this would mean the Apollo and Hermes cabins at that point would have closer to like 15-20 kids which makes sense for how crowded the Hermes cabin is described to be. But then CHB loses the majority of campers to either early war losses or campers defecting to the Titan Army, and even after regaining numbers in HoO no cabins are described as crowded. So no cabin should be having 15-20 kids at this point. If we weight the redistribution appropriately based on the estimated total population of camp, then there should be like at most like 8-10 kids in the most populous cabins.
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simmonsized · 2 months
Tagged by @ispybluesky ! C:
shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people
1. Madness - Muse
2. Lump - The Presidents of the United States of America
3. The Kid Who Drowned at Summer Camp - Hot Sugar
4. Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Bublé
5. Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader
6. Dirty Imbecile - The Happy Fits
7. Houston, TX - Deer Tick
8. Labyrinth - Miracle Musical (Shane Maux, KAYE)
9. Under Attack - ABBA
10. Three In the Morning [Kali's 2 in the AM PM Edit] - Robert "Kali" Baker (The Homestuck Fan Musicians, or Land of Fans and Music Vol. 2, in case u were curious)
I taaaaggg ummm @future-geometries , @robothell , @futurama , @alexharrier , @stardustyheart , @agenttexsflippedshit , @boyvandals , @crownhimmanycrowns ,@dolichomorph , and @eggwyrt
all beloved friends c: (and absolutely no pressure because you know, it is for fun!)
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insomniactalks · 2 years
I understand why Ricky and Gina shippers are convinced S3 will be a romantic exploration for their ship b/c so many of the newest sneak peeks may suggest this (and the fact they've been content starved since 2.06. I get it. I do😅). However, I can't stop thinking about this moment:
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Do y'all see how happy and playful Ricky is with EJ here? If you told S1 EJ and Ricky they'd be having a pillow fight someday they would have laughed in your face!😂 I just love how far they've come from where they started on the show. I would never claim that Ricky and EJ are the best of friends, because I don't believe that to be true, but you can't deny that they certainly started to really become friends by S2, esp 2.10 when Ricky tried to be there for EJ by helping him solve his problem. EJ seems to be wearing the same jacket from the trailer when he and Gina have what looks like another heart to heart (where he says he's "freaking out"). I believe that's 3.03, where Ricky and Gina go on a “spooky adventure” (or something like that). The very fact that Ricky is behaving this playfully with someone who he used to consider an enemy is major. In S1, Ricky very obviously tried to put a wedge between Nini and EJ b/c he wanted Ejini to break up so that he could get back t/g with her. Two seasons later, and what looks like could be the most fun he's had in a long time, I get the feeling Ricky isn't gonna try to cause intentional drama for Portwell. I actually think the fictional Corbin Bleu's character is going to cause more intentional drama this season for the Wildcats, including PW in 3.04/3.05 (I think those are the episodes):
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Do you see how satisfied Corbin looks at whatever drama is unfolding? I think he really wants his documentary to be juicy and drama-filled, hence Ricky seemingly storming off out of rehearsals, and EJ following after him while Ashlyn looks worried about what she's seeing. Channing is clearly following all the drama with his camera, which makes me think Corbin intentionally pushed some buttons for Gina, EJ, and Ricky, but again, it's not Ricky intentionally trying to come between PW. I think this scene may follow the above:
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You see how EJ initially looks happy as he approaches Ricky, then his smile drops when he sees Gicky playing around with that paper? I think it's possible he walked out after Ricky to try to comfort him after some drama Corbin started, but then he sees this scene play out in front of him, and maybe something (an insecurity, for example🤔) Corbin touched on earlier in the rehearsal space affects EJ in this moment. I think this might be Ricky just continuing to have fun during his summer, not trying to cause problems b/t PW. He and Gina are friends again, which puts them in a good place (which I was hoping for after S2😔). This might be Ricky just having fun with his friends, like with EJ in that pillow fight LOL 🤣but EJ misinterprets what he sees. Again, his girlfriend and the guy she used to have feelings for are playing romantic leads. EJ might be afraid history will repeat itself, but I doubt it. I feel S3 will have a diff outcome...*cough cough* Portwell Love Confession *cough cough*😉
Also, let’s stop acting like EJ will do anything to ruin his relationship with Gina (jealousy rising or otherwise). 🤦🏽‍♀️Did we forget what Gina said about him in 2.08? Let me remind you:
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Y'all really going to tell me this don't sound like foreshadowing for their journey in S3? Just like Mitchie in Camp Rock 2 and Troy in HSM2, I guarantee you EJ will lose sight of what's really important to him for a bit, before coming back around at the end of the season by doing what's right and remembering his priorities (like his promise for this to be the "best summer ever" in 3.01)). Mitchie and Troy made similar promises at the beginning of their summers to Shane and Gabriella, before conflict rises mid way, then settles/gets resolved again by the end of their summers. That’s my prediction anyway. 🤷🏽‍♀️
(I should be writing up the 6 reports I have due soon, yet here I am. The power of Portwell. 😅 )
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reubyrp · 11 months
// The Muses (25th April, 2024)
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Nathan Goddard (formerly Miller):
Age: 29
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 178cm
Fresh from the city, Nathan inherited his grandfathers farm in Stardew Valley, in the neighbouring area to Pelican Town. He had no idea how to run a farm and spent most of his first spring and summer doing research. Eventually, he managed to start making things work, becoming a prized fruit and vegetable farmer.
He is friends with numerous people from the town, but much like his husband- he likes to keep to himself and those he cherishes. He is also close friends with Shane. He is married to the town doctor, Harvey.
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Pete Norwood:
Age: 30
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 178cm
A grumpy, serious guy with a severe determination to be the best. Pete is a former p*star turned illicit business manager.
He's often serious and doesn't take too well to jokes. His mind is strictly on business and making sure he and his co-workers don't get caught up with the police. If he needs to charm his way out of a situation, he easily win. Nothing is off limits to him. Pete also has a fear of wealthy men and absolutely despises AI.
Pete has taken part in the Fleeca Job, The Doomsday Heist and the First + Last Dose missions.
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Age: N/A (Built in 2016)
Pronouns: he/him/they/them/it/its
Height: 184cm
An Android seeking a somewhat "normal" existence, Avon was created by his father to be the splitting image of himself. From the same square jaw, to the placement of each individual hair plug. If you put Avon next to his human counterpart, it would be hard to tell the difference. As a prototype to the neural network, CLIFFFORD, this Avon's AI systems barely functioned in a way that matched with his father's egotistical personality.
Avon is nervous, somewhat timid around others and incredibly smart. He is curious about the world and wants to learn everything he can.
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Eisuke H:
Age: 30
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 175cm
A foreigner subjected to torture and abuse, now trapped in a criminal world of the yakuza he wished so desperately to be free of. Eisuke (formerly Elliot) arrived in Tokyo in 2001, where his life flipped after falling for a local scam. Having attempted to flee his new criminal life, his family's patriarch (Tsuki Sakuraba) subjected him to torture which ultimately lead to the removal of his right eye.
Despite the horrors of his life, Eisuke remains warm and excitable. Especially when he is blessed with Sega arcades, UFO Catchers and stores filled to the brim with gaming merchandise.
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Age: ???
Pronouns: they/them
Height: 165cm
R is one of the many employees at The Company. They are the leader of a group sent out to collect scrap from other moons and often is the only survivor. They like to poke fun at their other crew mates upon their rebirth. R's team consists of Z, C, and S.
R has a fascination for the Eyeless Dogs, Masked, and, most importantly, the Bracken. They sometimes sacrifice their life to study these creatures close up, rather than examining from afar.
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gold-onthe-inside · 1 year
the s3 lane and jess potential is hitting me again tonight ladies and gentlemen. the conflict of having to choose between the distanced childhood best friend and the more present audiophilic ally, this bad boy could pack so much angst. may i present:
lane struggling to pick a side after the car accident
but also jess being the only friend she has when rory leaves for washington
trying to stay away because he almost killed rory
but being very weak willed about it because he’s the only one in town with the same taste in music
say she succeeds, the abandonment that jess feels of not only rory leaving, but lane alienating him too
say she fails, the two of them spending the summer listening to music when he isn’t working/with shane
and then rory comes back and lane, who’s been fighting which side to pick, either has to choose rory or jess
option a: she doesn’t pick; when she’s with rory, she’s on rory’s side; when she’s with jess, she’s on his side -> the conflict of when this is no longer possible
option b: she chooses rory (the most likely option) -> the guilt of running into jess + the betrayal he feels
option c: she chooses jess (less likely) -> the guilt he feels over splitting them up + lane defending jess to rory
and then her being relieved + happy when dean/rory break up and rory and jess start dating
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spotify-nightmare · 2 years
quick mentions:
could have a trigger fandom\character
not all are couples\ships
all titles in english
fandoms in alphabetical order
Attack On Titan
ymir and historia
Banana Fish
ash and eiji
jack and legos(h)i
pina kun
Be More Chill
Bojack Horseman
princess carolyn
Buzzfeed Unsolved
shane and ryan
ernesto de la cruz
Courage The Cowardly Dog
mondo and taka
Dear Evan Hansen
Death Note
Detroit Become Human
Devilman Crybaby
ryo and akira
bean, elfo, and luci
bean and mora
Doki Doki Literature Club
Forest Of Fireflies
hotaru and gin
Ghost Wife
liz and damon
Girl, Interrupted
girl, interrupted vibes
girl with doll
mafuyu and yuki
Gnomeo And Juliet
gnomeo and juliet
Green Eggs And Ham
guy and sam
bokuto and akaashi
kyotani (mad dog)
Harry Potter
How To Train Your Dragon
hiccup and toothless
valka and cloudjumper
Hunter X Hunter
killua and alluka
killua and gon
Killing Stalking
sangwoo and yoonbum
luca and alberto
Miraculous Ladybug
adrien and marinette
c(h)at noir
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
riko and kanna
My Hero Academia
enji \ endeavor
keigo \ hawks
koda and hagakure
My Little Pony
haku and zabuza
kaiza and inari
Never Understand
dohoon and yumin
yuri and jaerim
Orange Is The New Black
alex and piper
Over The Garden Wall
Percy Jackson
Rick And Morty
Secret Alliance
eun sian and yul \ yuri
eun sian and yujin
adora and catra
South Park
[PART 1]
bradley ("Cartman Sucks")
craig and tweek
eric and heidi
kenny and karen
[PART 2]
kyle and stan
stan and wendy
Steven Universe
lapis lazuli
lapis and jasper
pearl and rose quartz
rose quartz and greg
steven and connie
Strange Magic
the bog king and dawn
The Amazing World Of Gumball
gumball and darwin
The Last Kids On Earth
jack and quint
The Office
Tokyo Mew Mew
mint aizawa
(classic) sans
(dancetale) sans
(errortale) sans
(freshtale) sans
(horrortale) sans
(underfell) sans
(swaptale) sans
lance and keith
Welcome To Hell
sock and jonathan
Joe Goldberg (and his lovers)
Yuri On Ice
yuri and victor
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littleharpethcrossfit · 9 months
Labor Day Monday, 4 September, 2023.
And another in a long series of perfect Fall Days. Why would anyone bother to build an indoor gym?
Mobility/Flexibility With Group Leader Admiral Armando.
Partnering Is Allowed
ALL Exercises With A Single Kettle Bell
( 53 / 35 / 20 )
Use 3 ERGs
Run 200 / Row-Ski 250 / Bike 500m
50 Deadlifts
Run 200 / Row-Ski 250 / Bike 500m
50 Walking Lunge Steps
Run 200 / Row-Ski 250 / Bike 500m
50 K.B.S.
Run 200 / Row-Ski 250 / Bike 500m
50 Box Step Ups (24/20)
Run 200 / Row-Ski 250 / Bike 500m
50 K.B.S.
Run 200 / Row-Ski 250 / Bike 500m
50 Walking Lunge Steps
Run 200 / Row-Ski 250 / Bike 500m
50 Deadlifts
I Think I did it ALL by myself:
Shannon G =21:38 Caleb=22:50 Katie G=22:52* Shannon C=26:03* Kati=26:30 Smoothie=31:26
I Think I Partnered or maybe I did Half (?):
Old Joe=18:38 Nathan/Bernie=18:40 Elisa/Tripp=20:15 Cheri=20:29 Timmy/Brendan=20:30* Larry=21:26* Kayla/Alicia=21:45 Miss Linda/Coach=22:05 Zac/Rodney=25:10 Average Dave / Ryan / Big Lew / Ruth Anne / Shane / Warren's A & G / Esther and several others did not admit to being here.
A fine group showed up to celebrate the Un-official end of Summer. Besides those doing the workout, I counted over a dozen kiddo's and 5 dogs, mostly well-behaved. I heard absolutely zero crying, barking, or growling. The kid's mostly played together in the field, on the big tires, or on parallel bars & rings. Amos G came fully prepared to fish in the Little Harpeth, and somehow caught a 3" minnow.
The After Brunch was Kayla's idea. We kinda sprung it on Miss Linda who would have liked to have had a couple of months to plan it. I'm taking all the blame so Miss Linda won't be mad at Kayla who doesn't accept criticism as well as I do. The Pot-Luck part turned out very lucky 'cause we had way more food that even the large crowd could eat. I only ate Lew's brisket (lots), somebody's cheese/egg/sausage casserole / a taco (not made by our resident Mexican), a bagel that I thought was filled with fruit and nuts but surprised me with some kind of meat. Also I enjoyed iced coffee and a bubbly-sparkly wine. I really wanted some of the white powdered donuts, but they vanished. I noticed Zac had a rime of white powder around his mouth.
Miss Linda was especially grateful for the helpers who stayed to the last, cleaning up and putting things away.
You young parents have some adorable, well-behaved children. Honestly, you make me sometimes think there is hope for our Country after-all.
Tuesday at 4 PM.
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itsquite-abysmal · 1 year
Guess who is back from the grave and back on their bullshit??
And I'm back with some announcements for the 3-4 people who like my stuff, y'all the real ones.
Anyways, announcements.
I'm working on a bunch of little writing prompts and I hope to actually be more active online, I want to make a community full of chill peeps who have similar interests as me and I want to actually make progress on my damn arg so I can finally show the people my work.
My ARG, Mindless Satire, is gonna be delayed for a while because of many factors but the main thing is I'm basically doing this solo and editing is still new af to me. it is in the works tho and I plan on making more art based around it. Hopefully you all will love it as much as I do, it's been in the works for years up until this point and it's gone through so many variations it's insane. I'm finally satisfied with the final idea of it so now it's just a matter of working and filming it.
Another thing is that I want to start writing more in general, I've been slacking in that department since school has been my main priority but summer is getting closer and now that I'm getting breaks I have more time to do things I love. I'll start posting prompts and stuff throughout the day to keep this little blog active and busy
Not to mention I have two main projects I have on the stove and a few on the back burner.
Currently cooking;
(1. ) The DSMP ; Rewritten - I don't think I've talked about this on here but I have always wanted to write my own iteration on the DSMP, I put it kinda on the back burner after school started coming down harder on deadlines and I was actually planning on scraping it all together. It wasn't until techno passed that I finalized the decision to work on it at a later date, up until this point I have been writing headcanons, notes, and potential character arcs for this series to fully flesh out aspects I feel should have been (like characters and their arcs, Eret was by far my favorite to write for omg the POTENTIAL)
On the topic of the DSMP, imma say this here and I'll write it out on the sites I'll upload the official pages, yes. I will be writing the c! Versions of the dream team. HOWEVER, I don't support them at all and their actions. I am not the biggest fan of them but because it's a rewrite of the DSMP it's important that there in it, by their design of course. But then again, I'm running and writing the show this time around so imma flesh their characters out how I'll see fit. You all are just gonna have to wait and see. Hopefully you guys will like my takes
(2. ) Limbo's Advocate - this one is brand new and was initially gonna just be a practice for me to get back into writing. But then the idea spiraled and while it's still gonna be an experiment to test my skill, it's became such a good idea that I just wanted to flesh it out as well.
Basically, the series is inspired by genloss (even tho it's not out yet but shhh-)
The premise is as follows;
Similar to the Magnus archives, The Association of Supernatural Security and Etherial Testing (also known as ASSET) has given a better position in the company to the intern, codename; RANBOO.
After the disappearence of the original catalyst, the job was given to Ranboo. As the new catalyst, it's Ranboo's job to document and properly organize evidence and witness testimonies and do all sorts of stuff for the company and it's many other branches of workers.
Things begin to get weird tho because all horror related things need to get weird to work and Ranboo begins to document entities in a journal because of his bad memory, this leads to a lot of realizations as he puts together a tragic and disturbing reality.
Yeah I know pretty vague but bare with me here I'm trying to be mysterious and rope you guys in. I already have a long list of characters which includes Crumb, Aimsely, Billzo, Sneegsnag, Shane and Ryan, and a shit ton of other creators. I already have a bunch of the case ideas noted down too so now I just have to find time to start writing.
And that's just about the current concepts that on the stove right now, a bunch of back burner projects will probably be announced at a later date? Most of them are original works I came up with when I was in 7th grade lol. I'll probably edit and switch around some things before shilling it out.
Fun fact, Mindless Satire was a concept I came up with as a prompt during 7th grade and only until the pandemic did I actually start taking it seriously.
If you read this far, I really appreciate it. Its been a dream of mine to work in some sort of entertainment based field (I always wanted to be a content creator of sorts but I'm kinda broke)
You just being here and reading this genuinely means a lot. Your a real one.
Anyways I gotta start writing, I'll post more soon!
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
O.C. Hikaru, laughing gently with Daisuke as Hikaru's walking up, only to suddenly freeze in place when seeing: O.C. Shane, raising hand: ...Hey. ... Hikaru, Blinking: Hikaru, Slowly: You ... look older! SHANE: Shane, murmuring just loud enough: The Void and I really seemed to be in agreement that "mental age" as a concept doesn't have much worth to me... Daisuke & Ken, Exchanging Glances: Shane, Taking In Hikaru's Appearance: ... Shane: (It's summer, and its hot, so it makes sense when one would want to wear kimono or more specifically yukata instead, but...) Shane: ... You're wearing a-- Hikaru: Hmm, this? Well... DAISUKE, (+EXPRESSION) FREEZING IN PLACE: Ken, Casually Looking Off To The Side: Hikaru: It was from a local maker, so I bought it... Shane: ... It looks... Nice. DAISUKE: ... Shane: -- I mean it, it does. Hikaru: Hikaru, laughing: You're wearing yours, too. SHANE: (It's one I've had ever since back then...) Shane: Patrick went to pick it up for me, but had to leave for work again before it got dark, so... Hikaru: Oh... (Patrick's not here..) in that case.. HIKARU, GRASPING SHANE'S HAND: SHANE, DAISUKE, KEN: HIKARU, lowering voice so only the group can hear: ... When we get a chance, maybe we can duck into one of the arcades? I know the event is ongoing right now, but... Hikaru: ... I really missed our "challenges". Daisuke, Looking At Ken: (C-Challen--) SHANE: ... I don't mind if they don't mind waiting up for me. Hikaru, laughing: I'm with Daisuke for now, so it's fine!! DAISUKE: (h IKARUUUU----) Hikaru, leaning forward a bit, murmuring just more so Shane can hear: Seriously... Hikaru: I'm really happy you're here right now. Shane: Hikaru, FIRMLY: ... So let's make sure to go back together before it's too late, ok? Shane: . . . Yeah. SHANE'S MON: (Well, it took you around 10 or some years, but you finally managed it...? ??) SHANE: (Aren't you going to say "hi" too?? ?) SHANE'S MON: (Now might not be the time.) {Fades} Hikaru: Anyhow... let's get going!! Shane, Daisuke, & Ken: (This Will Be A Night.)
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garbagefarm · 1 year
Garbage Farm (#1–#4)
Okay, I’ve started doing some archaeology to reconstruct session numbers for Garbage Farm!
me (@mothmute)
E.B. (@salamand3rin​)
Kimi (@2kimi2furious​)
Session #1 for Garbage Farm took place on 2020-01-03, before I started taking notes for each session. All I’ve got on-hand is the following, from a few days later:
I realized something important!
George’s horrifying Cola Casserole … is made with baking soda. 👈👈
He will forever be Mr. Cola Casserole in my mind. Whatever else I might learn about him, I will always be thinking, “this is the guy who publicly announced that he wanted somebody to bring him a cola for his casserole. (a casserola, if you will.)”
is he honest-to-god so incompetent in the kitchen that he would just … do that? did he mean that he wanted to have cola with his casserole? is this just some kind of power move, clowning on the rest of the town?
This will forever haunt me.
George put out a “help wanted” quest for some Joja Cola to use in a casserole, and I still have not forgotten this.
E.B. commented, “George’s Famous Cola Casserole is 1000% a power move. Nobody fucks with George.”
Session #2 took place on 2020-01-15, notes starting to materialize:
Good progress on garbage!
Bunch of progress on bundles, 2/3 backpacks, defeated Eggs, hit level 20 in the mines. Built a bridge.
everything is coming up Garbage.
[edit: future goals?]
third backpack, start upgrading tools, acquire Bird? Consider starting additional industries?  I can make tappers, now.
(defeat the ocean.)
Session #3 on 2020-01-20:
Upgraded a couple tools, built a silo, made it deeper into the mines, survived the flower dance, made it to summer
we don’t talk about the cauliflower
Followed by “Goals for Garbage Farm IV,” the first proper list:
(and associated birds)
plant for summer. I’m thinking we mostly lean hard on melons, peppers, and blueberries, with a side of corn
Melons can be big!
The Spirits demand quality melons!
Also, they’re apparently a loved gift for Penny
(seems worth befriending, at least)
Peppers are a bundle item
They’re also a loved gift for Shane
(who somebody has intentions towards)
Corn is a bundle item for fall as well?? since it overlaps seasons, may as well start it early to get the most $$$ out of it
The Spirits demand quality corn!
The Spirits demand a single tomato. sigh. fine.
(they also want a poppy. sigh, fine.)
(and a sunflower! but that can wait ‘til fall.)
(wheat can wait ‘til fall, too)
Lake and Ocean fish bundles should be doable
incidentally, looks like high-quality Sturgeon are among the best possible contributions to The Soup? after we get things planted, let’s coordinate an assault on the mountain lake.
(we might also want to catch a couple sturgeon for caviar production later on? that’s a thing now)
(Since I have an upgraded watering can, I am Designated Water-er)
continue checking the beach for mussels in order to cheese the crabpot bundle
I’ve been hitting some low-level caves in search of crab to help that, too
somebody should befriend Caroline in search of Tea
more tool upgrades?
begin plotting for upgraded house?
tapping trees maybe? we’ll see how they grow.
check the cart every. single. time. in hopes of redemption.
And we finally get an actual post-game writeup for Session #4, on 2020-01-26:
couple minor Melon Mishaps, but nothing on the scale of the C********* Catastrophe.
I defeated the requisite (rude) fish for Perfect Soup
We have two chicks; one name is cute, the other is dumb. you be the judge.
Sir Cluck
The Garbage Hat has made an appearance! Truly we are blessed.
romance in the air
That’s all for this record of Garbage Farm History— ‘til next time!!
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
Deaths In 2022 (to date)
5: Jessie Lee Daniels a.k.a Jessie D, 57, American singer (Force MDs)
6: Peter Bogdanovich, 82, American film director (‘The Last Picture Show’/’Paper Moon’/’What’s Up Doc?’)
Sidney Poitier, 94, Bahamian actor (‘In The Heat Of The Night’/’Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?’
Calvin Simon, 79, American musician (Parliament/Funkadelic)
7: R. Dean Taylor, 82, Canadian singer/songwriter (‘Indiana Wants Me’/’There’s A Ghost In My House’)
8: Marilyn Bergman, 93, American songwriter (‘You Don’t Bring Me Flowers’/’The Way We Were’/’The Windmills Of Your Mind’)
9: James Mtume, 76, American songwriter/producer (‘The Closer I Get To You’/’Juicy Fruit’)
12: Ronnie Spector, 78, American R&B singer (The Ronettes)
13: Sonny Turner, 83, American soul singer (The Platters)
15: Jon Lind, 73, American songwriter/musician (‘Save The Best For Last’/’Crazy For You’)
Nino Cerruti, 91, Italian business man/stylist (founder of Cerruti)
18: Dick Halligan, 78, American musician (founding member of Blood, Sweat & Tears)
20: Meatloaf, 74, American singer (‘I’d Do Anything For Love’) & actor (‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’)
21: Louie Anderson, 68, American comedian/actor (‘Coming To America’)
23: Thierry Mugler, 73, French fashion designer
2: Monica Vitti, 90, Italian actress (‘L’Avventura’)
6: Syl Johnson, 85, American soul and blues singer (father of Syleena)
8: Bamber Gascoigne, 87, English TV presenter (‘University Challenge’)
9: Betty Davis, 77, American soul and funk singer
Ian McDonald, 75, English musician (King Crimson/Foreigner)
12: Ivan Reitman, 75, Czechoslovak film director (‘Ghostbusters’/’Meatballs’)
16: Jack Smethurst, 89, English actor (‘Love Thy Neighbour’)
19: Gary Brooker, 76, English singer/songwriter/musician (Procol Harum)
22: Mark Lanegan, 57, American rock musician/singer (Queens Of The Stone Age)
24: Sally Kellerman, 84, American actress (‘M*A*S*H’)
27: MC Skibadee, 47, English drum & bass artist/MC
3: Denroy Morgan, 76, Jamaican singer/musician (father of Morgan Heritage)
4: Rod Marsh, 74, Australian cricket player
Shane Warne, 52, Australian cricket player
Lynda Baron, 82, English actress (‘Open All Hours’)
11: Timmy Thomas, 77, American soul singer (‘Why Can’t We Live Together?’)
12: Traci Braxton, 50, American soul singer (The Braxtons) (sister of Toni)
13: William Hurt, 71, American actor (‘Altered States’, ‘Broadcast News’)
25: Taylor Hawkins, 50, American drummer (Foo Fighters)
Bobby Hendricks, 84, American soul singer (The Drifters)
29: Donald Shaw a.k.a. Tabby Diamond, 66, Jamaican singer (The Mighty Diamonds)
1: Fitzroy Simpson a.k.a. Bunny Diamond, 70, Jamaican singer (The Mighty Diamonds)
C. W. McCall, 93, American country singer (‘Convoy’)
3: June Brown, 95, English actress (‘Eastenders’)
12: Gilbert Gottfried, 67, American comedian/actor (‘Saturday Night Live’/‘Aladdin’)
24: Andrew Woolfolk, 71, American saxophonist (Earth, Wind & Fire)
26: Klaus Schulze, German composer/musician (Tangerine Dream)
30: Naomi Judd, 76, American singer/songwriter (The Judds)
6: Jewell, 53, American R&B singer (First Lady Of Death Row Records)
8: Dennis Waterman, 74, English actor/singer (‘Minder’/’The Sweeney’)
15: Kay Mellor, 71, writer/actress (‘Families’/’Fat Friends’)
17: Vangelis, 79, Greek musician (Jon & Vangelis/’Chariots Of Fire’)
19: Bernard Wright, 58, American jazz and soul musician/singer
26: Ray Liotta, 67, American actor (‘Goodfellas’/’Field Of Dreams’)
Andy Fletcher, 60, English keyboardist (Depeche Mode)
29: Lester Piggott, 86, English jockey
5: Dom Phillips, 57, British music journalist (editor, Mixmag)
6: Jim Seals, 79, American singer/songwriter/musician (‘Summer Breeze’)
9: Julee Cruise, 65, American singer (‘Falling’)/actress (‘Twin Peaks’)
17: Ken Williams, 83, American songwriter (‘Everybody Plays The Fool’)
22: Patrick Adams, 72, writer/musician/producer (Musique/Universal Robot Band/Inner Life/Black Ivory)
4: Mona Hammond, 91, Jamaican actress (‘Desmonds’/’Eastenders’)
5: Manny Charlton, 80, Scottish rock guitarist (Nazareth)
6: James Caan, 82, American actor (‘The Godfather’/’Rollerball’)
8: Tony Sirico, 79, American actor (‘Goodfellas’/’The Sopranos’)
11: Monty Norman, 94, English composer (‘James Bond Theme’)
14: William Hart, 77, American soul singer (The Delfonics)
15: Paul Ryder, 58, English bass player (Happy Mondays)
21: Taurean Blacque, 82, American actor (‘Hill Street Blues’)
23: Bob Rafelson, 89, American film director (‘Five Easy Pieces’/’The Postman Always Rings Twice’)
24: David Warner, 80, English actor (‘Tron’/’Titanic’/’The Omen’)
25: Sandy Roberton, 80, Scottish record producer (Steeleye Span)
Paul Sorvino, 83, American actor (‘Goodfellas’/’Law & Order’)
27: Bernard Cribbins, 93, English actor/singer (‘The Railway Children’/’Doctor Who’)
Tom Springfield, 88, English musician/songwriter (The Springfields) (older brother of Dusty)
30: Nichelle Nichols, 89, American actress (‘Star Trek’)
5: Issey Miyake, 84, Japanese fashion designer
7: Roger E. Mosley, 83, American actor (‘Magnum, P.I.’)
8: Lamont Dozier, 81, American singer/songwriter/producer (‘Going Back To My Roots’)
Olivia Newton-John, 73, English singer/actress (‘Grease’)
9: Raymond Briggs, 88, English children’s writer (‘The Snowman’)
11: Anne Heche, 53, American actress (‘Psycho’/’Donnie Brasco’)
16: Duggie Brown, 82, English comedian/actor
18: Josephine Tewson, 91, English actress (‘Keeping Up Appearances’/’Last Of The Summer Wine’)
22: Creed Taylor, 93, American jazz trumpeter/founder of CTI Records
25, Inez Foxx, 84, American R&B singer (‘Mockingbird’)
2: Angus Gaye a.k.a. Drummie Zeb, 62, English reggae drummer (Aswad)
8: Mavis Nicholson, 91, Welsh writer/broadcaster
12: Ramsey Lewis, 87, American jazz pianist/composer
13: Jean-Luc Godard, 91, French film director (‘Breathless’)
Jesse Powell, 51, R&B singer (‘All I Need’)
16: Marva Hicks, 66, American R&B singer/actress
22: Stu Allan, 60, Welsh dance music artist (Clock)/radio broadcaster
John Hartman, 72, American drummer (The Doobie Brothers)
23: Louise Fletcher, 88, American actress (‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’)
24: Pharoah Sanders, 81, American jazz saxophonist
28: Coolio, 59, American rapper (‘Gangsta’s Paradise’)/actor
4: Loretta Lynn, 90, American country singer/songwriter
6: Ivy Joe Hunter, 82, American songwriter (‘Dancing In The Street’)
11: Angela Lansbury, 96, English actress (‘Murder She Wrote’)
13: Joyce Sims, 63, American R&B singer/songwriter (‘Come Into My Life’)
14: Robbie Coltrane, 72, Scottish actor/comedian (‘Cracker’/’Harry Potter’)
20: Bettye Crutcher, 83, American songwriter (‘Who’s Making Love?’)
Josephine Melville, 61, English actress (‘Eastenders’/’The Bill’)
24: Leslie Jordan, 67, American actor (‘Desperate Housewives’/’Will & Grace’/’Ally McBeal’)
27: Geraldine Hunt, 77, American R&B singer (‘Can’t Fake The Feeling’)
28: Jerry Lee Lewis, 87, American singer/musician (‘Great Balls Of Fire’)
1: Takeoff, 28, American rapper (Migos)
3: Noel McKoy, 62, English soul singer
5: Aaron Carter, 34, American singer
Tyrone Downie, 66, Jamaican keyboardist (Bob Marley & The Wailers)
7: Leslie Phillips, 98, English actor (‘Doctor In The House’/’Carry On’ films)
8: Dan McCafferty, 76, Scottish rock singer (Nazareth)
9: Gal Costa, 77, Brazilian singer
11: Keith Levene, 65, English guitarist (The Clash/Public Image Ltd.)
Rab Noakes, 75, Scottish musician (Stealers Wheel)
21: Wilko Johnson, 75, English guitarist (Dr. Feelgood)/actor (‘Game Of Thrones’)
25: Irene Cara, 63, American singer (‘Flashdance’)/actress (‘Fame’)
30: Christine McVie, 79, English singer/songwriter/musician (Fleetwood Mac)
5: Kirstie Alley, 71, American actress (‘Cheers’)
Jim Stewart, 92, record producer/co-founder of Stax Records
6: Jet Black, 84, English drummer (The Stranglers)
9: Ruth Madoc, 79, English actress (‘Hi-De-Hi’)
10: J. J. Barnes, 79, American R&B singer
11: Angelo Badalamenti, 85, American film and TV composer (‘Blue Velver/’Twin Peaks’
13: Sol Amarfio, 84, Ghanaian drummer (Osibisa)
16: Rick Anderson, 75, American bass player (The Tubes)
17: Mike Hodges, 90, English screenwriter/director (‘Get Carter’/’Pulp’/’Flash Gordon’)
18: Terry Hall, 63, English singer (The Specials/Fun Boy Three)/songwriter (‘Our Lips Are Sealed’)
Martin Duffy, 55, English keyboard player (Felt/Primal Scream)
19: Sonya Eddy, 55, American actress (‘Barbershop’/’Daddy Day Care’/’Coach Carter’/’Seinfeld’)
20: Iain Templeton, English drummer (The La’s/Shack)
21: Harvey Jett, 73, American guitarist (Black Oak Arkansas)
22: Thom Bell, 79, Jamaican-born American artist/songwriter/arranger/producer (‘Betcha By Golly Wow’/’I’ll Be Around’/’You Are Everything’/’The Rubberband Man’/’La-La (Means I Love You’))
23: George Cohen, 83, English footballer (member of 1966 World Cup-winning side)
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insomniactalks · 2 years
I cant think how much stress Ej will be feeling throughout the s3. He was put on this huge responsibility without any preparation or warning. Like it would be little less hard if its only camp production but to think its gonna be on a streaming service and now he must somehow creat a flawless musical.(even ms jenn couldn't do that in s1) And to include insecuritie drama around Ricky (in middle of season) to this, I will be so surprised if he didn't have a full on breakout moment at some point. I just hope everything will work out for him in the end.
You actually sent me this after 3.02, but I was waiting until 3.03 aired b/c I think it's more relevant than ever. I just know my heart is going to break for EJ this season cuz of the immense amount of pressure he has to deal with as director (and now actor as well). He never asked to be the leader of this production, it just fell into his lap and now he has to deal with it. It's so sad because he starts off the episode as a very proud boyfriend who shows his girlfriend support, and wants to spend time with her, but as the episode progresses, the pressure just keeps rising. He doesn't get a lot of time alone because everyone's constantly barging in while he's trying to work. He wants the read through to be perfect, and he only has like 12 hours to make it happen. Yes, it seems very EJ 1.0 when he snaps at everyone, but it was also a lot of voices all at once. He didn't really get to have a lot of quiet time, and when he did, it had to be dedicated to working on the script. Just like Gabriella and Shane, I can see Gina starting to notice EJ's priorities shift a little, and that concerns her. But I also have no doubt she's probably going to call him out on it soon. Gabriella and Shane kept Troy and Mitchie in check during their summers, but also ultimately supported them as well. I could see the same thing happening in Portwell's case.
(Sidenote: I actually love the fact that Ricky was the first one in EJ's tent, wanting to go on this adventure with him LOL. The boy found a shrine in the woods and his first thought was to check it out with EJ. I'm genuinely loving Ricky this season. This is the most time he's ever actually spent with his friends (who's not Nini or Big Red.)
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the-summer-of-59 · 4 years
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Moving on
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movedto-jewishbucke · 4 years
said it before and I’ll say it again- “This Is Me” is an LGBT song
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