#the holy device
koushirouizumi · 9 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
Shane, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling: Shane's Mon: ... Shane's Mon In Shane's Mind: (You should rest...) Shane: (I just met Hikaru again for the first time in years since that "final battle".) Shane's Mon: (Yes, and you played against Hikaru at the arcade, and Hikaru soundly defeated you. In multiple rounds.) Shane: (I don't care about that.) Shane: (I'm just glad Hikaru's actually "okay".) Shane: (When I watched from the void, I could tell Hikaru was really torn up about losing "them", even way "back then". And...) {"Me"} Shane's Mon: ... Shane: (But it's been years since. I also don't think Hikaru's completely "okay" yet...) Shane: (... But Hikaru kept going.) Shane's Mon: (And so? What are you going to do now?) Shane: ... Shane: (There are certain effects the Void had on my mind that I just can't completely erase. I could even be pulled back in.) Shane's Mon: (That's true. At the least, I'd maybe be present if you are.) Shane: (Thanks.) Shane: (But I know even you can't completely stop its effects on me.) Shane's Mon: ... Shane: (Even by tomorrow, everything could be upside down again. Even if summer "ended", the Digital Worlds' effects can continue far past there.) Shane's Mon: (That is also true. For example, events that happened near the winter rather than Spring.) Shane's Mon: (Do you have a plan?) Shane: Shane: (It depends if the void pulls me back in or not.) Shane's Mon: Shane: (Even if it does... Somehow) SHANE: (I'm going to help them all restore the Digital World's "balance". I don't know fully "how" yet, but I'm going to.) SHANE'S MON: Shane's Mon: (Either way you do so...) Shane's Mon: (I will be in the Void.) SHANE: (I know.) Shane's Mon: (My connection may be cut off in between. It is unpredictable.) Shane: (I know.) Shane's Mon: (...A good place to start might be analyzing the "Digivice" Koushiro has been modifying further.) SHANE: SHANE: (You mean---) SHANE'S MON: (It is not called the "Holy Device" for nothing.) {Fades} SHANE: ... SHANE: (... Speaking of my Digivice...) Shane: (.. I can't use it when {they're} not here.)
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studying at my colleges library and looked to the right and realized i was sitting right across from their infernal devices on display. love spotting them in the wild
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maspers · 9 months
Weather Update: The First Danganronpa Game secretly had TWO rivals the entire time.
Lemme explain (spoilers, obviously, and this is gonna be a bit a rant whoops):
Usual Danganronpa Format as the fandom usually sees it: Students trapped in an unfamiliar location with no idea what's going on, plot driven partially by the mystery but mostly by the character interactions.
Trigger Happy Havoc: Students trapped in an altered but still familiar location with no idea what's going on, plot driven partially by the character interactions but mostly by the mystery.
In a setting like DR2, V3, or a vast majority of fangans, the participants in the killing game are given very little information about their circumstances aside from what Monokuma gives them, which is deliberately vague and designed to direct them towards killing each other. Additionally, the students are given very little ability to react to and retaliate against the Killing Game system in ways Monokuma won't expect. Weirdness aside DR2 basically went all according to plan until the final trial due to Monokuma's nigh-omniscience, and V3 was similar with the only debatable exception being Kokichi's elaborate scheme in Chapter 5. Since the students are dealing with such restricted conditions, the plot can't be fully driven by the students figuring out the setting, so instead the plot focuses on the conflict that derives from the various characters reacting to the game. In a story like this, it makes sense that the most antagonistic characters aside from the mastermind would be the ones with EXTREME personalities that shake things up a lot. Nagito, Kokichi and that character archetype that everyone expects to be in a fangan are necessary to make the plot more INTERESTING.
But THH is different. The students KNOW where they are (or at least they think they do, and turn out to be right). While they don't have any recollection of the Academy itself, they at least know what to EXPECT from Hope's Peak, and can from there point out nooks and crannies for delicious little clues that reveal more about the situation, putting together a narrative without Monokuma's handholding. Additionally, despite his blustering Monokuma is explicitly NOT omniscient here, or even practically omniscient, as methods to hide things from him are figured out early on. The students are able to DO something about their situation as the story progresses, and have figured out some aspects of the overarching mystery as it pertains to them long before the final trial (and NOT because the Mastermind deliberately put the info in their path). This greater information access and greater character agency in general means that while the character conflicts are still very much a part of the plot, the overarching theme is solving the mystery while adapting to the circumstances to avoid dying.
In a setting like this, extreme/bizarre personalities aren't really a boon to the plot. While the character reveals add layers and information in other settings, here it's a distraction. The students HAVE resources, and at least SOME of the tools they need. Engaging in over-the-top schemes and traps is a DETRIMENT to their current course of action even more than in later games, which is probably why Monokuma tries to encourage them to do such. Other characters in THH fit the bill of "stereotypical DR Rival" probably better than the supposed-rival Byakuya and THH's other Rival character actually do. Celestia Ludenberg comes to mind, in another DR setting she could be exactly the sort of mysterious and interesting rival the series is known for (and that she clearly wants to be), but in THH she's just another annoyance. Toko Fukawa and Genocider have the extreme personality down, but they only advance the plot in the students' favor when they approach things logically and in a less crazy manner. If Rivals in this game are supposed to fit the bill of "causes unexpected occurrences and advances the plot but still clashes with the rest of the cast in intense ways while doing so" like the other Rival characters in the series do, they have to play the role under a different ruleset. Rather than representing a philosophical extreme through their personality, these rivals have to represent a different extreme: their methods and rationale when it comes to SOLVING THE MYSTERY / ESCAPING THE GAME.
And in this regard, Byakuya Togami plays the role wonderfully. The vast majority of the students in the game are very passive when it comes to solving the mystery. Sure, they get very active when trying to escape by killing someone, but that's just dancing to Monokuma's tune. Rather than wondering what to do, Byakuya makes his actions clear from the start, and everything he does in the game that's antagonistic fits that same M.O., while not doing anything that would put him in an uncertain position. He learns how the trial system functions, then during Chapter 2 he performs an experiment to analyze the other students further. His antagonism largely stems from viewing the other students as opponents, so his pragmatic approach makes sense, but he doesn't JUST analyze the players. He also analyzes the metaphorical board, and it's clear he's trying to get every scrap of info he can on his situation before fully committing to action (exhibit A: him spending so much freaking time in the library). The only stereotypically "nuts" thing he really does is down that bottle of poison/protein in Chapter 4. He's proving a point. He'll do anything it takes to win, and knowledge is power. Hence his active role in acquiring info about the game, the setting, and the other students' behaviors.
But Byakuya can't be the only Rival here. While he might be solving some mysteries in the background, we don't get to see much of it because the whole point of his character early on is conflict: his active versus the other's passive. He won't share his findings or really work with others, which is not good when our precious baby protag Makoto is trying to solve the mystery himself. Byakuya can't move the plot forward like that until after Chapter 4. Chapter 5 onward, Byakuya's method to his madness is revealed, and he contributes a lot to solving the mystery and directing the other students to getting more of the info he needs (exhibit A, dismantling Monokuma). And... that doesn't really fit with the formula later games set. Chapter 5 is when conflicts with the rival comes to head, and shenanigans abound. Nagito does it. Kokichi does it. But Byakuya isn't particularly inclined. Shenanigans with his own life at stake aren't his methods, they're just complications. But... the stuff still comes to a head with THH's other rival. The other character that's been progressing the plot in active ways that contrast with the other students, and clashing with the rest of the cast AND the player. The character whose life IS on the line in Chapter 5.
You've probably guessed by now that I'm talking about Kyoko Kirigiri.
When we look at her in retrospect, Kyoko doesn't raise any alarms compared to the craziness of the rest of the franchise. She helps with the investigations and moves the trials forward, she's nowhere near the craziness brought by Nagito and Kokichi, and generally just really competent. We categorize her in the "Assistant" role, similar to Chiaki and Shuichi/Kaede/Kaito/Maki/whoever (hey wait a second where did we even come up with this archetype anyway, if V3 doesn't even really seem to have one character who properly fits it?) She definitely fits the Assistant bill in DR3, but this ain't DR3. She doesn't fit the bill for stereotypical Danganronpa Trial Rival... but as previously established, Byakuya doesn't either. So let's go deeper and look at things in context. Because from the start of the game, Kyoko is weird. Really weird.
We're introduced not knowing anything about her, and she keeps it that way for a LONG time. "Ultimate ???" just screams she's going to be important later but you just don't know how (remember, this was BEFORE Rantaro). She's really helpful during the trials and is three steps ahead of everyone, but... aside from that a lot of her actions are really, REALLY conflict inducing. She is happy to get info from other students, but it's clear there's a lot she isn't sharing. She says ominous things to Monokuma that make no sense ("What did you do to my body?" anyone?) and seems VERY focused on the mystery. Just like Byakuya, she's taking an active role in analyzing every detail about the circumstances. And interestingly enough, she's just as paranoid as he is, just in different ways. As Makoto spends more time around her she manipulates him (and others) in some really unnerving ways, and her dynamics with other characters outside of trials are always either generically placating to keep things calm or downright low-key hostile when things don't go according to plan. Just like with Byakuya, for the vast majority of the game she doesn't trust anybody. And in chapter 5, these aspects of her character are brought into full view. She spends the entire chapter hiding away, she mysteriously appears in Makoto's room (side note: Nagito and Kokichi both have "looking over the protag in an unnerving fashion" pics. Byakuya doesn't. Kyoko DOES). It becomes clear in the trial how much she's hiding and how much she's been manipulating things. Chapter 5 is an impossible trial designed as a trap for HER. Her seemingly innocuous actions have come in full domino effect. And only Makoto and the power of being a Man Literally To Unpredictable To Die can save her.
(Makoto obviously isn't a rival character, but it's interesting to see how by THH's requirements he very well could have fit the bill. Think of him from Hina's or Hiro's perspective: he's seemingly innocuous, yet survived way longer than anyone would expect him to, often figures out just the right thing to say, both Byakuya and Kyoko interact with him a lot when neither of them seem to care about anyone else, and ultimately seems to become a lot more actively involved in mystery solving despite not having any right too. Couple that with the fact that he spent a couple days "bedridden" when from an outsider's perspective he could have been doing anything, and ngl Makoto sus. He even survives an execution!)
Both Byakuya and Kyoko take turns providing conflict to the story in ways that develop the plot but COMPLETELY clash with the passive methods of everyone else. They practically take turns being the one doing whatever crazy crap needs to get done. Their character arcs parallel each other too. Byakuya has to learn about the value of human life and emotional connection. Kyoko knows perfectly well how important life and emotions are, but she needs to learn that it's a two-way street, that trust needs to be established and that she doesn't have to do everything important herself. Byakuya, while lacking in empathy, is fully willing to work with others and outsource important tasks. He just views it as a business transaction. BOTH of them are prideful frickers who think they're the only one with a brain cell, and it's up to Makoto to undergo his own character arc, become their friend, and prove them wrong. And then once Makoto DOES finally take control and prove he's the one with the audacity required to actually get everything working, he's able to redirect both Byakuya and Kyoko into finally teaming up with everyone and stopping chaos so much chaos. Without either of them, Makoto couldn't have made it to the final trial (we can see when Kyoko dies in the Bad Ending that it's basically game over, the mystery CAN'T be solved, and I fully believe that the circumstances would have ended similarly if Byakuya had died and they'd lost his pragmatic logical reasoning). But without Makoto, Kyoko and Byakuya couldn't have made it THROUGH the final trial. All three of them are literary foils of each other.
(This is another reason why seeing all three of them in the final trial of DR2 is so fun, because the Trial Point Getters are a well-oiled machine by that point and you get to see them play off each other as 100% allies, while once again getting to see through Hajime's eyes how 100% sus all three of them really are once they get going.)
So that's why I think THH has some really good Rivals, despite neither Byakuya nor Kyoko fitting what we've come to expect from the formula. They aren't insane or representing a philosophical extreme, they're representing clashing viewpoints in solving a mystery and escaping the killing game. In other entries in the series, Byakuya and Kyoko would be killing game fodder for twisty midgame chapters and otherwise not being able to contribute much of interest. But in Trigger Happy Havoc? They're exactly what the game needs to elevate it from simple mystery-solving to full-blown ART.
TL;DR Byakuya and Kyoko are awesome and I love them and a lot of people sleep on their status as Danganronpa Rivals because they grade them on a standard that I think is unfair and ignores their strengths as characters. Also Makoto suddenly becomes way more interesting when viewed through a perspective other than his own. The first Danganronpa game is a materpiece and more fangans need to realize that they don't have to play by the supposed "series formula". After all, this game didn't.
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Fuck you. Red Dwarf: Better Than Life novel fanart
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"Lister did something then he wouldn't have done in any other circumstances whatsoever. He started to eat a sofa.
This seemed to go down well. There was a cacophony of whirrs, clicks and whistles, and the cockroaches circled in delight.
'Well, it's been absolutely wonderful,' Lister found himself saying. 'Terrific place you've got here,' he said to the mother roach. 'And you serve a wicked rotting sofa. But I really must be going.' He nodded, threw in a few clicks and whistles for good measure, and climbed on the first roach's back. It waddled speedily down the length of the cave, and flung itself over the mountain side. "
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
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i have very little in terms of actual art LMAO but i CAN explain the sword thing because i checked and i did in fact never make this plot point public. i struggled for a while with creating a villain for this story until i realized that. i put "sword" in the title of the game. of course it has to be about the fucking sword. DUH.
so i want SOF to deal very heavily with religion, specifically the way in which hyrule's religion forms post-sksw but pre-reincarnation. i've placed it on the timeline directly after sksw, making it the first actual reincarnation in hyrule. what this means is that there's no actual proof yet that the reincarnation thing is real and not just an insane bluff on demise's part, and so several key characters including link and zelda barely believe in hylia or demise at all when the story starts. my thought with this setting's version of ganon is that he's the polar opposite of the nonbelievers. The gerudo don't really exist as of now, but he DOES come from the desert region of hyrule--specifically, he was raised in a cultlike offshoot of the sheikah religion which interpreted the hylia/demise myth completely literally and believes that a doomsday is coming, heralded by the foretold return of demise. Because of this, he knows more about the cycle and how to set it in motion than basically any other character. Crucially, he and his people are some of the only ones at this point aware of the existence of the master sword.
ganon finds. a sword. a sword which he THINKS is the master sword. and this theory is only reinforced when the sword begins to speak to him about his destiny and the salvation of hyrule. unfortunately it is not the master sword and he ends up basically a pawn in the greater plans of what's left of demise & ghirahim within that sword, manipulated into attempting to revive demise and destroy the reincarnated hero and princess. he remains in denial until basically the very end of the final battle, completely convinced that he is the true savior of hyrule and LINK is the one being misled. ghirahim is a very good manipulator lol
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olibavee · 2 months
2024 is the year of Livvy overcoming internalized ableism and just buying the damn mobility/accessibility aids i was resisting for years. never realized i could get so much done in the garden as long as i have a nifty swiveling garden stool. i'm EATING through these weeds
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911-alsaurus · 2 months
I'm almost a little sad Tommy won't be around very long, I really really really like him. like damn. wow. okay. shit.
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freastt · 1 year
and now... the moment you've all been waiting for...
Armless Spronkus bouncing on a trampoline
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Thinking about a lot of things but mainly of how Terry Pratchett writes tiredness.
(Which means I’m mainly thinking of Sam Vimes. Which is normal.)
But he gets it so right.
The feeling behind your eyeballs. Stealing time from your future self with coffee, and, when the coffee doesn’t work anymore, going on sheer bloody mindedness because you cannot stop, you can’t. Not being sure when you last had real sleep. The strange state of mind you land in where you should absolutely not be tested because everything’s on a hair trigger, and things feel like they’re moving through treacle and your ability to make decisions feels shot to hell so you can only hope that you’re making the right choices.
Not Terry Pratchett’s words, if course, but I can’t get to my bookshelf at the moment, and, if I could, I’m not sure that I can read anymore. 
I’m tired, is what I’m getting at.
And Terry Pratchett writes the whole spectrum of being human so brilliantly, but, damn, how he nails down being tired. 
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hydrachea · 11 months
do you think oberon vortigern & artoria avalon ever explored each other's body
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They fucked in that movie theater.
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immamapletreekid · 1 month
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{DigiAdvs J.P.N Version} ~ Devimon Arc & tri. & GhostGame ~ DIGIVICES + “EVOLUTION” + De-Evolution ~ Lore Comparisons + New Lore - The “Holy” {“Seinaru”} Device - “Light” as a Concept {See: Crest of Light} - “Holiness” as a Concept
The original meaning of the Hebrew word qadosh, translated as "holy", is actually "separate"...
Karin Hedner Zetterholm, Jewish Interpretation of the Bible*: Ancient and Contemporary
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“WHO CARES if it’s a ‘HOLY’ DEVICE or whatever!” - TAICHI, Ep. 21
Gifs by @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without My Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
*{Tanakh} to (most) Jewish people- {More on ‘qadosh’}
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“All of the LIGHT is inside MEICOOMON...”
My Commentary:
Please note I am approaching this from a mainly JEWISH view, but I’m also coming back to this set (and likely re-making it), so for now, have this.
Genesis 2:1-3
(1) And the heaven and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. (2) And on the seventh day God finished His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. (3) And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it; because that in it He stopped from all His work which God in creating had made.
Rabbi Alan Ullman: This is not just the first mention of Shabbat in the Torah, it is also the first occurence of the word קדש, holiness. Holiness here––and throughout the {Tanakh}–– is defined by the act of stopping. Before we can discover the holiness within our lives, we must first imitate God and stop.
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[Note: replying/Tagging Positively/respectfully is OK!]
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pebblezone · 1 year
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I don’t want a manga reprint I want him
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james-p-sullivan · 4 months
i managed to write about 1.4 k words yesterday and i am over the moon about this
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idk if this is A Take or anything but as much as i dislike characters who read as "creator's pets" - characters that the writer obviously wants you to think is a great person but maybe don't adequately SHOW instead of TELL - i find it more irritating when the writer seems to be trying to tell me HATE a character.
i know the "fun to hate" thing is a trope and obviously a lot of villains do need the audience to hate them somewhat. and the problem with both the characters that the writers want you to like and the ones they want you to hate that don't work well, is that they make the audience's opinion on the character hinges more on the "tell" part instead of the "show."
but idk it's one thing to really love your oc. but if you're purposely writing your character to be hated without giving them adequate characterization it just feels meaner? they're not a real person that could be harmed by being shit on but my feelings about them are real! like you're not even TRYING to make them an actual character this is just a punching bag! now im going to scan the character for any redeeming qualities bc clearly the author doesn't want to.
in conclusion:
creator: you should hate this character
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scuba-divers · 3 months
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Screaming. Losing my marbles, so to speak.
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