#repeat shanekaru
koushirouizumi · 9 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
Shane, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling: Shane's Mon: ... Shane's Mon In Shane's Mind: (You should rest...) Shane: (I just met Hikaru again for the first time in years since that "final battle".) Shane's Mon: (Yes, and you played against Hikaru at the arcade, and Hikaru soundly defeated you. In multiple rounds.) Shane: (I don't care about that.) Shane: (I'm just glad Hikaru's actually "okay".) Shane: (When I watched from the void, I could tell Hikaru was really torn up about losing "them", even way "back then". And...) {"Me"} Shane's Mon: ... Shane: (But it's been years since. I also don't think Hikaru's completely "okay" yet...) Shane: (... But Hikaru kept going.) Shane's Mon: (And so? What are you going to do now?) Shane: ... Shane: (There are certain effects the Void had on my mind that I just can't completely erase. I could even be pulled back in.) Shane's Mon: (That's true. At the least, I'd maybe be present if you are.) Shane: (Thanks.) Shane: (But I know even you can't completely stop its effects on me.) Shane's Mon: ... Shane: (Even by tomorrow, everything could be upside down again. Even if summer "ended", the Digital Worlds' effects can continue far past there.) Shane's Mon: (That is also true. For example, events that happened near the winter rather than Spring.) Shane's Mon: (Do you have a plan?) Shane: Shane: (It depends if the void pulls me back in or not.) Shane's Mon: Shane: (Even if it does... Somehow) SHANE: (I'm going to help them all restore the Digital World's "balance". I don't know fully "how" yet, but I'm going to.) SHANE'S MON: Shane's Mon: (Either way you do so...) Shane's Mon: (I will be in the Void.) SHANE: (I know.) Shane's Mon: (My connection may be cut off in between. It is unpredictable.) Shane: (I know.) Shane's Mon: (...A good place to start might be analyzing the "Digivice" Koushiro has been modifying further.) SHANE: SHANE: (You mean---) SHANE'S MON: (It is not called the "Holy Device" for nothing.) {Fades} SHANE: ... SHANE: (... Speaking of my Digivice...) Shane: (.. I can't use it when {they're} not here.)
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
(My Digi-Advs Inter-national Chosen Child O.C. Shane's profile is up!)
{These are re-done profile pages for a revival of my 02 web-shrine!} [Which will include profile pages for my O.C.s still actively in use!]
(Shane originally didn't have one at time, so Shane's page is new!)
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs {+02} O.C.s
SHANE, FINALLY... Reaching Hikaru's home: (At night) Shane, properly standing outside Hikaru's home: Shane: S h a n e: (*quiet but firm knocking, enough that it won't wake Hikaru's whole family up, but likely Hikaru will hear, because*) SHANE: (*KNOWS Hikaru is a Night Owl*)--- Hikaru, Right on Cue: (*Opening... Door*) ... SHANE: ... HIKARU: ... Hikaru: O-Oh! You're here... Shane: ... Yeah. Hikaru, Concerned: ...Is something happening? Shane: ... Kind of. It'll take way too long to explain, but... Shane: ... I wanted to let you know first. Hikaru: ... Hikaru: OK. Do you want to come insid--- Shane, Unnerved at thought: Just here is fine. Hikaru: We can sit here, then. (*sits on steps*) Shane, following, Sitting Next To: ... Hikaru: I heard a little of what was happening before, but as for "now"... Shane: I know. Shane: ... I... have to go away for a bit again. Hikaru: ... Hikaru: "A bit"? (Not A Short Time?) Shane: ... Yeah. (Not A Short Time.) Hikaru, letting out a small breath: ... I see. Shane: ... You deserve to know. Before I... leave again. I'm sorry I... couldn't tell you before. Hikaru: HIKARU: I don't like that. Shane: ... Uh?? (*sTARTLE, BLINK*)-- H I K A R U: YOU'RE the one who died. HIKARU: You didn't deserve any of that!! It's not your fault that happened to you...!! ! Hikaru: ... Shane: ... Shane: Y-Yeah. Hikaru: I kept waiting. A long time... all through the end of elementary and middle school... waiting to see if you'd reach out online again. And when you didn't... Hikaru: I assumed "something" must have happened to you. Hikaru: So I researched. A lot. I kept up with coding, even if I wasn't sure it'd be completely helpful in locating you. But I realized... Hikaru: I actually grew to enjoy it on my own, too. So I kept pursuing it for myself. Shane: ...Yeah. You had a lot of fun with that site. HIKARU: AND talking to you!! SHANE: ... Hikaru: It was really fun. I think it was some of the most fun of my life so far... and, you "mean" something to me, too. In a unique but "different" way... but "different" from what a lot may perceive that as... does that make sense?? Shane: ... Yeah. (*Nodding*) It does. Shane: And... I'm kind of grateful, too. Hikaru: ... ??? Shane: The "bond" I have with you is important to me too... and I don't want to lose you... Because... I don't think I could stand to lose someone important (again). Hikaru, Never completely learnt about Shane's past relations: ... Shane: But... if you ever have to go somewhere someday... its fine. (I'll be ok. WE'LL Be OK.) Hikaru, smiling: ... The same for you. SHANE: ... Hikaru: ..But you know which e-mail address YOU can reach me at. Shane: (... -- Hikaru still has it.) Hikaru: It never got deleted in all those purges. (*Light laughter*) We saved yours, too... in case you needed it again. SHANE: ... I do. Need. That. Hikaru: For what you're about to do? Shane: YEAH... Hikaru: Let's reinstate it, then. But... you'll have something tying you to "this world" again. SHANE: It's ok. Do it. Please. Hikaru: You don't even need to ask! Shane: (I wanted to.) {Watching as Hikaru sets Shane's old address back up} Hikaru: So.... "Skateboard"... and the numbers. SHANE, GROANING INTERNALLY: I'm sorry it was so standard. (I can't even skateboard now. And it's not like I was really great at it before.) Hikaru: It's ok. I liked typing it out! SHANE: ... (This is why it was nice talking to Hikaru.) (Among... elsewise) SHANE: ... If it's done... Yeah... I have to go. Hikaru: I know. Shane: ... This will probably always be happening to me in some way, but... I'll always try to come back. Hikaru: I know! Hikaru: See you ... next year? Shane: I'll try. For "next year". And... Hikaru: ??? Shane, fading out: Tell DAISUKE and Ken I still need to finish playing against them in their "game"! SHANE, HOLDING UP DIGIVICE: AND I'LL WIN "THIS ONE"! SHANE, In OTHER hAND, Holding TAICHI+DAISUKEs GOGGLES: (*one-handed PUTS ON*) HIKARU, LAUGHING, HOLDING UP D3 IN SILVER, GOLD AND PINK, & PHONE DIGIVICE TOO: I WILL!! SHANE (+HIKARU, IN MIND): "DIGITAL GATE, OPEN!!!"
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
O.C. Shane, sitting in the kitchen of Daisuke & Kens place: ... Ken, noticing Shane's up: Ken: What's wrong? (You didn't sleep again.) Shane: Can't sleep. Sorry. Shane: I don't need a bed tonight, I'll just sleep on the couch. (Again) Ken: ... Ken: Wait here a minute. (Comes back holding a cup of warm milk) Daisuke said you like this. Shane: ... Shane: Thanks. (Takes cup) (Waiting for it to cool off because its still way too hot, but secretly grateful.) ... Ken, Knowingly: Do you want to talk about something? Shane: Not really. But... Shane: Daisuke and Hikaru... they're not... Ken: Married, no. (*Sits down across from Shane*) Hikaru-san wanted to wait and think about it, and Daisuke doesn't mind at all. Shane: ... Ken: Daisuke's {now} the type who will respect Hikaru-san's decision no matter what Hikaru-san chooses. Because Daisuke is never the type to actually pressure someone into something they don't want to do. Shane: I know that. Ken: .. That includes you, you know. Shane, sipping milk: Ken: Shane: I know Daisuke's - and you both - are giving me space. .. Thanks. Ken: It's no problem at all. Ken: Daisuke - and Hikaru-san - gave me a lot of space too. (So I want to pay the same kind of respect forward.) Shane, picking up on Hidden conext without actually in depth Context: ... Shane, has watched Ken converse with Hikaru (and Daisuke) from the Void past a certain point: ... Shane: You've been really cool to Hikaru. ..Thanks. Ken: Ken: (Well, Hikaru was good to me, but even if Hikaru wasn't...) Shane: ... You don't live in 'that' other area anymore, right? (Is it ok for me to ask...) Ken, affirmative: No. I came here to be closer to the rest of the team, (...and Daisuke) so I didn't always have to be travelling. (Every single time new enemies showed up...) Shane: ... What if you had to leave suddenly? K E N: Ken: We'd find our ways. Koushiro-san, Takeru-san, and ... Miyako-... are great at keeping us informed through The Network, and the blog. It's much easier now to stay in touch than it was around 2002, or even 2005. SHANE: ... Shane: (It didn't completely answer my question, but...) Yeah, I Know about The Network. (I used it during its "primitive" time.) But would you stay here--? KEN: Yes. SHANE: Ken: There's really no need for us to be so separated anymore, when messaging has advanced, and all of our homes are open to each other as needed, especially during emergencies. Shane: ... (But would you stay here)-- KEN: Daisuke said the the same to me. SHANE: Ken: I thank you for your concern, but I'll be fine. Shane: No, it's good... (*stands up*) I'm done with the drink, thanks. KEN: ... Again - all of our homes are open to you. SHANE: I know. KEN: And you have all of our numbers. SHANE: I know. KEN: (Shane's vulnerable without Shane's partner, and there's no telling what the Void will do to Shane's mind at any given moment when Shane's alone.) I know you like to do things on your own... but if no one else can help, call me. SHANE: Shane: (... They really mean it, huh.) Yeah, fine. (It may not be that easy, but...) Well, I'm going to (try to) sleep. (*Makes a half-show of getting ready to lie down on couch.*) KEN: (Hopefully Shane can actually get some SLEEP now. ... I hope Shane's there when we're up...)
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
O.C. Hikaru, laughing gently with Daisuke as Hikaru's walking up, only to suddenly freeze in place when seeing: O.C. Shane, raising hand: ...Hey. ... Hikaru, Blinking: Hikaru, Slowly: You ... look older! SHANE: Shane, murmuring just loud enough: The Void and I really seemed to be in agreement that "mental age" as a concept doesn't have much worth to me... Daisuke & Ken, Exchanging Glances: Shane, Taking In Hikaru's Appearance: ... Shane: (It's summer, and its hot, so it makes sense when one would want to wear kimono or more specifically yukata instead, but...) Shane: ... You're wearing a-- Hikaru: Hmm, this? Well... DAISUKE, (+EXPRESSION) FREEZING IN PLACE: Ken, Casually Looking Off To The Side: Hikaru: It was from a local maker, so I bought it... Shane: ... It looks... Nice. DAISUKE: ... Shane: -- I mean it, it does. Hikaru: Hikaru, laughing: You're wearing yours, too. SHANE: (It's one I've had ever since back then...) Shane: Patrick went to pick it up for me, but had to leave for work again before it got dark, so... Hikaru: Oh... (Patrick's not here..) in that case.. HIKARU, GRASPING SHANE'S HAND: SHANE, DAISUKE, KEN: HIKARU, lowering voice so only the group can hear: ... When we get a chance, maybe we can duck into one of the arcades? I know the event is ongoing right now, but... Hikaru: ... I really missed our "challenges". Daisuke, Looking At Ken: (C-Challen--) SHANE: ... I don't mind if they don't mind waiting up for me. Hikaru, laughing: I'm with Daisuke for now, so it's fine!! DAISUKE: (h IKARUUUU----) Hikaru, leaning forward a bit, murmuring just more so Shane can hear: Seriously... Hikaru: I'm really happy you're here right now. Shane: Hikaru, FIRMLY: ... So let's make sure to go back together before it's too late, ok? Shane: . . . Yeah. SHANE'S MON: (Well, it took you around 10 or some years, but you finally managed it...? ??) SHANE: (Aren't you going to say "hi" too?? ?) SHANE'S MON: (Now might not be the time.) {Fades} Hikaru: Anyhow... let's get going!! Shane, Daisuke, & Ken: (This Will Be A Night.)
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koushirouizumi · 10 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
Shane, sitting off to the side inside a ramen stall during the Obon festival: (...) That Voice at The Back of Shane's Mind, Which Is Totally Not Shane's Mon speaking from The Void, eventually, Speaking Up: (You're sulking.) SHANE: Shane: (I Am Not.) Shane's Mon: (You're scared at the thought of meeting Hikaru again, even when all the conditions are, in actuality, quite good. Aside from the possible return of your earlier "Issue"...) SHANE: Shane: (I think I'm more scared at the thought of seeing Hikaru NOT wearing pants. Or at least, what we looked like while we were stuck in the Digital World together for what felt like *years*.) Shane's Mon: SHANE'S MON: (You're worried your relationship will change because so much time has passed, and Hikaru will abandon you despite the close partnership from before.) SHANE: Shane's Mon: (Why do you believe Hikaru would abandon you, when Hikaru never showed any such ill feelings towards you before? You two saved the worlds together, even "back then". Hikaru is not one to throw that kind of partnership away so easily.) Shane: ... {I Don't Want To Say They're Right But} DAISUKE, BURSTING IN: SHANE: (Sits) (Doesn't Budge An Inch) DAISUKE: OI, YOU--- SHANE: (Turning, Casually/lazily) What. DAISUKE: Daisuke: ... Listen, you, we were going to invite you anyway! HIKARU'S (EMPHASIZED) meeting up with us tonight and-! KEN, Casually: We brought you an extra yukata, if you want one for tonight. SHANE: Shane: My kimono's at .. home. Patrick can pick it up for me before it gets late. (Goes back to meal) DAISUKE & KEN, EXCHANGING GLANCES: Ken: (Nods; "Shane's telling the truth") Daisuke: ... Well, uh, then, HIKARU will be here tonight, and Hikari-chan's coming later too, and when that happens, we're all going back TOGETHER. Yeah, that's DEFINITELY what's going to happen!! DAISUKE, TAKING A SEAT RIGHT NEXT TO SHANE: Ken: ... (Sits next to Shane on opposite end.) SHANE: Shane's Mon: (They're worried about you wandering around alone during Obon after you ran off earlier.) SHANE: (I KNOW.) Shane's Mon: (At least Ken's not as upset anymore.) SHANE: (INTERNAL GROAN) Shane's Mon: (Now you just have to survive meeting Hikaru without accidentally causing the ends of the worlds again.) SHANE: (STOP REMINDING ME!!!!) SHANE'S MON: (Well, it's a bit quiet in the Void without you...) S H A N E: (YOU could come out from the Void once in a while.) SHANE'S MON: Shane's Mon: (It is not possible at this time.) Shane's Mon: {Voice Slowly Fades} SHANE: Shane: (Sighs) (I'll figure out what I can do for it Later.) Shane: (For now, I have to get through a whole night of Obon fesitival, and... These Two.)
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koushirouizumi · 10 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
Shane, finally catching a breath after making a wild sprint from Daisuke's place: ... Shane: ... Shane: (Crap.) I actually forgot it was Obon soon... TOO MANY People for Shane's comfort: {ABOUT} Shane: ... Shane: (OK, but I can blend in with the crowd and--) Shane: (Notices the food stalls being set up) SHANE: {Remembering. Oh. Right. Food--} Shane: ... (Wait) SHANE: (Isn't Daisuke supposed to be selling {ramen} at this kind of place soon?!!) Shane: ... (They're probably going to turn up--) SHANE: (... Takes out brand-new Digivice{?}-phone Provided By Izumi Corp. ... Tap tap tap, inputting Hikaru's address--) Shane: If I can just make it to Hikaru's place from here, Daisuke will eventually be nearby here *anyway*, (I'll figure how how to handle Ken LATER) and then-- SHANE: ... Shane: (GROAN) Shane: (...I forgot Hikaru will also {...likely} be out during Obon.)
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
(My O.C. Hikaru, Silver Chibimon, & Gold Chibimon's profiles are up!) {These are re-done profile pages for a revival of my 02 web-shrine!}
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