#oc: demisilveemon
koushirouizumi · 1 year
(My O.C. Hikaru, Silver Chibimon, & Gold Chibimon's profiles are up!) {These are re-done profile pages for a revival of my 02 web-shrine!}
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izzyizumi · 1 year
Stay Tuned...
"User izzyizumi what are your plans for 0801 {+after}?--"
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{Coming Soon!!!?} Maybe otherwise by 'The Beginning'... {"SilverChibimon" + "GoldChibimon" originally by (mutual) Kari. A} {"SilVmon" + "GoldVmon" names + color-edited by Young Me} (originally used Pre-2k10) {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT re-purpose in any way!!!} (Please DO NOT use my O.C.s concepts {as this whole concept} without ASKING ME politely if you can First, Thank you!!) (Note: GoldVmons eyes are in actuality Green.) {(I was Young Me at time and only thought to edit them blue.)} (The final versions may yet change but these were still once my designs for my + my main O.C.s' partner O.C.s ever since before 2010.)
#izzyizumi cof#izzyizumi coftff#chosen of faith#coftffverse#d02 oc#gold chibimon#silver chibimon#demigoldveemon#demisilveemon#silveemon#goldveemon#goldvmon#silvmon#izzyizumi ocs#izzyizumi advs shrine#(This is essentially going to be a mini revival of my old 02 webshrine complete with {mainly on site} 'side stories' involving my O.C.s)#(However!!)#(ALL of my imgs caps & gifs will {big 'eventually'} be linked & archived here TOO)#(For easy viewing + so people can ASK ME to CREDIT ME if they want to use my things it'll all be easily organized in one place!!)#(As well as in an off blog location too!)#(There's not really any way I can restore my old site to what it 'used to be' pre Xros Wars + Young Hunters days because essentially)#(I've Grown & Changed A Lot Since Then)#(But I want to keep at least a little feel of the 'old school' site for anyone who remembers it!)#(It's also possible this blog will be left on {minimal + current pace of} queue indefinitely until after 'The Beginning' Oct. 27 date)#(Theres 100s+ of posts in Queue still and I can't exactly post it all at once without things coming through untagged or losing everything!)#(Instead I am opt-ng to leave queue running indefinitely and in the meantime I'll be working on this revival shrine of mine)#(I hope it'll make it easier for people to find my works and edit things AND my O.C. things for anyone who was curious about them)#(I'm still working on A.M.V.s too and by the end of next year may have options up making at least some of them a bit more accessible!! !)#(This is a HUGE work in progress for me that's been in secret development for a while now but I do want to share it eventually when)#(even half done!!)
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izzyizumi · 7 years
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I don’t even know if anyone here would recognize her at all (other than maybe a certain Kari!) bUT..... well, this was actually my old Digimon OC, Hikaru! Many years back, I had one of those Digimon “FDD” (Fictional Digidestined & Digimon!) websites, and it was young me’s pride and joy, my first website that I made all on my own ;3;/ ;3;/ Complete with low quality graphics, comic sans ms, script based roleplays, and Digimon and anime midis galore! (A-ahaha.)
Although, back then I had pretty much zero ability when it came to actual art (I was always more of a writer, orz) and so her look ended up being basically “inspired” (read as: ripoff) of adult!Hikari but with a teenager look, and the story took a huuuge amount of “inspiration” (read as: tropes) from Sailor Moon too (also The Legend of Zelda), a-ahaha. OTL. Her Digimon (twin Digimon ala Wallace’s) were also obviously Chibimon/DemiVeemon recolors (DemiSilveemon and DemiGoldveemon, respectively. I didn’t even have to create an evolution for DemiGoldveemon because he’d basically become Goldveedramon, an actual Digimon!, while “Silveemon” became “Silveedramon”, a-ahaha. So original, I know.)
Regardless, they still have a very special place in my heart and I wish I had the energy to do a complete overhaul of her story nowadays (and actually finish it - I only ever managed to write through the second story arc out of like... eight-nine which was also to have a huge sprawling amount of story arcs after, which I had detailed in extremely lengthy “spoiler” summaries back then pffft - also, it was all to eventually tie into a story arc covering the epilogue and extending the story of that.) Unfortunately, my drive to do so has kind of dried up o-orz...
B-But now that I’m much older, I’m kinda sorta thinking about redesigning her at the least?? I’m super into Japanese fashion now (!!) and would really love to give her a redesign with like.... a very pretty classic styled one-piece, long A-line dress with a petticoat, maybe in a dusty pink color, with cute ruffles and embroidery, white sleeve cuffs?? and probably either neckties and/or (detachable, for look variety!) long sleeves. MAYBE SHE’D EVEN HAVE HER OWN HUGE WARDROBE OF VARIOUS ADORABLE DRESSES ALA CARDCAPTOR SAKURA/CLAMP it’s a nice thought anyway to at least redesign her main outfit in mind, even if I can’t create art for it, aha...!! ;3;/ (ALSO would change her hair color so it’d be less like Hikari’s [which was intended at the time for story purposes/tropes/etc.], though it was still a slightly darker brown - it’d probably be a bit more wavier/curlier too, and something like an even darker brown [deep brown?? nOT JUST BC OF MY OWN HAIR A-AHA....] (possibly also with bits of red through it!!)... at the time she was also created with no set eye color aside from (a darker) blue in mind; maaaybe she could have something like hazel eyes now? which could probably make up for that with the “color changing” hA ALSO SHE WAS MIXED/MULTIRACIAL/MULTIETHNIC ASIAN/JAPANESE-AMERICAN [+OTHERS] SO THERE WAS THAT YEAH!!)
Her Crest was actually the Crest of Faith, since I figured Jou’s Japanese crest’s name could also translate to “Honesty” (maybe even remain “Reliability” still, idek, which I thought was still perfect for Jou) and ‘Faith’ as a trait just held a very personal meaning to young me at the time ;3;/ (Basically never giving up, believing in yourself, etc.!! SHOUNEN/SHOUJO MOTIVATION) Though the image here didn’t quite portray the crest as I would have liked, I did want the imagery to involve a stylized crescent moon symbol and a star (probably now with it hanging outside of the moon somewhere though, not inside....), and the color to be dark pink (which would have also been the color of her D3) [it also had gold and silver buttons because of the two Digimon]. It’d be nice to try and re-design that too somehow ;3;/
All of the art here (sans #4, edited by young me a-aha) was made by request, and I’m to this day, forever grateful to the artists: Skye G. (#1 and the adorable emote!), Kari Avalon (#2), Tiara/Chiara (#3), Alana D. (#5-6), and Jennifer M. (#7)!! If any of you somehow happen to read this, thank you so much again (and for putting up with young me, o-orz)!! (I hope you’re all doing well today too....!!) ;A;/
Anyhow, a lot more rambling under the cut!
So yes, her story did lift a HUGE amount of “inspiration”/tropes from Sailor Moon, complete with the typical “Digimon Princess” theme and everything o-OTL. HOWEVER the more lengthier, sprawling story also had story arcs and tropes I still would have loved to explore in more detail - the 02 kids each had their own story arc where they’d receive their own personalized Crest traits (Iori’s was Wisdom, I can’t quite remember Miyako’s atm orz but she had one too [EDIT: MIYAKO was Loyalty, Iori’s was Wisdom!! Loyalty would fit Iori too maybe though aha?]; and of course, Daisuke got Miracles!) and their Digimon would all get to evolve into their own evolutionary lines.
The Adventure Chosen would eventually have their own arcs too; involving “Negative Crests”, evil clones, and actually the main villain of the entire fic was Alphamon - who wasn’t even featured in the main canon materials much at the time! (SO YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW MUCH I FLIPPED OUT WHEN HE WAS REVEALED AS THE MAIN VILLAIN FOR TRI, A-AHAHAH) Aaaanyway that arc would have dealt with each kid encountering their evil clone, being attacked by them/fighting them against the real kids’ wills, learning about them and their backstories, and the real kids’ Digimon would all finally evolve to Mega/Ultimate forms; the clones would have then been defeated after their corrupted virus type Digimon were destroyed, and after the clone children and their crests no longer being corrupted; them all dying peacefully to rejoin their Digimon in the Digital World afterlife. ;A; (.....I STILL GET LOTS OF FEELINGS THINKING ABOUT THE STORIES I HAD PLANNED FOR THEM ALL, SOMETIMES, I ADMIT, ESPECIALLY MY FAV KOUSHIRO’S BECAUSE LIKE. /NO MY HEART/ ALSO, THE DIGIMON WERE ALL TO BE ESPECIALLY AMAZING, ESPECIALLY TENTOMON + HIS CLONE BECAUSE LIKE. YES. NO??? HUMONGOUS CORRUPTED VIRUS TYPE ARMORED GIANT BUG PROTECTING CORRUPTED TINY CHILD AND ALL. Also, if you saw my previous post on Koushiro AUs (AKA: MOSTLY SUFFERING), the AU idea there about “Koushiro fully losing his curiosity” would have been detailed in that storyline, too [just in the place of the clone Koushiro, with the real Koushiro trying to help/save him.... but alas.......] ;3;/) (also the clone Koushiro may have not understood his own feelings and that he was hopelessly in love with the clone Taichi who didn’t know this at all until he found out at the very end; and who also died; yeah there was lots of drama/angst to be had)
As for the “Negative Crests”, basically, each Chosen would have had to fight against the darkness attempting to corrupt them and the Crests they had “lost” (which they’d then “regain”), with each cloned Chosen having the Negative Crests, like so: Taichi -> Fear Yamato -> Loneliness Sora -> Hate Koushiro -> Ignorance Mimi -> Lies (Impurity??) Jou -> Betrayal Takeru -> Despair Hikari -> Darkness [/that feeling when I actually finished Hikari’s arc along w/a Ken + Daisuke miniarc cries] (THE CLONE/DARK!JOU WAS ALSO V. EPIC AND BASICALLY BETRAYED ALPHAMON BY FINDING OUT ALPHAMON’S PLANS AND DESTROYING HIMSELF BEFORE ALPHAMON COULD FULLY CORRUPT HIM AND WIN, DARK!JOU AND ALSO JOU HIMSELF WERE SO EPIC, YOU GO JOUs !!!)
Also, being a kid at the time, of course I paired my OC with my other favorite character, of course (.....DAISUKE AHAHAHA) though young me was also very into slashfic and also not-so-subtlely hinted at underlying Tai//shiro storylines as well as not-to-be (orz) Ken//suke (mainly from Ken’s side; it’d then lead to the Ken//yako kids). All of it would have tied into the post-02 epilogue that basically explained “how the heck did all this happen and what do they and the epilogue kids do next??” AAAAND YEAH. (EVEN YOUNG ME LOVED TAI//SHIRO AND KEN//SUKE / DAI//KEN TO DEATH, OK, OK, YOUNG ME KNEW WHAT WAS UP)
Soooo I’m sure you can imagine how I feel now watching AND (MOSTLY) ENJOYING Tri and seeing other new interesting character(s) (Meiko!!) instead, ahahaha. ...Though now I’m also missing my old OC(s) and reflecting on all these old storylines I had (AMONG OTHERS), WHY THIS...... ;A;/ Ah well, it’s still nice to reminisce....!
(BY THE WAY, YOUNG ME ALSO NEVER SAID SO AT THE TIME, BUT THIS OC [AND COINCIDENTALLY ALSO DAISUKE] WAS DEFINITELY HEADCANONED TO BE SOMETHING LIKE BI/PAN/DEMI??...!! Hikaru as a character would have felt to her personally, purely looks or physical attraction was secondary - she would have probably believed in soulmates; developing a very strong emotional bond only with a person who loved and accepted her for who she was, and who she was the same for them. For my character, at the time, that was Daisuke...! H-Hahaha, though - she was also to have a backstory involving another (boy) OC she loved dearly, one who had disappeared (or: died/taken by the digital world) and she had to move on from (nOT.... HELPED BY ONE OF HER OWN DIGIMON DYING PERMANENTLY [the gold one], I’M STILL SUPER SAD I HAD TO KILL HIM OFF BUT IT WAS NECESSARY FOR THE STORY it was also a huge part of her character development and flaws including how she reacted to death/grief and would basically withdraw heavily into herself ALA KOUSHIRO AT HIS WORST.....); she would have then learnt to move on and found her personal true happiness & also her true love. So, at the time, that was Daisuke (despite the major Ken//suke undertones because it was [very] sadly not to be in that fic, o-orz - also Daisuke was a huge underdog/underappreciated within the fandom at the time (and also within OC fic which was near exclusively dub based), who was constantly bashing him for the dumbest of reasons jUST. WHY WAS FANDOM LIKE THAT-)
-- but back to Hikaru now, NOW....?? idek, maybe she’d find someone different and Daisuke would end up together with Ken?! WHOOOO KNOOOOOWS (MAYBE EVEN POLYSHIPS, THAT’D DEFINITELY WORK TOO, YES)
(ADDING A BIT MORE ABOUT HER PERSONALITY!!:) -quite mature as well as modest -secretly a huge computer geek that would also be very experienced at coding. This, of course, made Koushiro something like a senpai to her, and they’d often excitedly discuss computers/coding (along with Ken chiming in at times) while the rest of the Chosen would blank stare (hhhhhA) -despite this however she’d definitely not be on Koushiro nor Ken’s levels but she’d be on course to fast improvement with their guidance!! (also keep in mind this fic was originally written when I was a very young kid when girls who coded were acknowledged even less o-orz) -(ALSO SECRETLY A VERY ENTHUSIASTIC GAMER) (eventually, she’d come to hang out with Daisuke [+Taichi, Koushiro and Ken when they visited] to play games!) (the outcomes would often be: defeat Daisuke [repeatedly], defeat or draw with Taichi [to his dismay as well], be beaten by Koushiro and Ken [to which she’d vow to challenge herself to become better!]) -typically very optimistic/positive, kind/friendly, warm, welcoming, helpful, respectful etc., unlikely to have a mean bone in her body and basically extremely loving and supportive towards everyone -this would often put her at odds, however, with more competitive people or ruder people who weren’t as warm or welcoming; though she’d accept that being the case, she’d often be troubled that she did “something wrong” -speaking of being respectful, though she also wasn’t near Koushiro (or Iori) levels of “-san” respectfulness, she did use proper honorifics for everyone and often hesitated to change honorifics, even when prompted. (The older Chosen were a mix of “-san” [Yamato, Sora, Mimi until Mimi demands the use of “-chan” as per typical] and “-senpai” [Koushiro, Jou, and even Taichi, to his bemusement] mainly due to her having been intimidated to be new at the start, which is.... qUITE A LOT LIKE MEIKO’S NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT...) -despite her typical personality though she would stand up for herself and her friends as needed, especially in the face of evil/darkness -though very friendly, much more of an introvert than an actual extrovert; she’d rather stay inside unless invited out by the others (who would often have to insist she join them) -had some initial regrets about moving from America, even though things were harder for her there (where it was even harder for her to fit in) and it was necessary for her parents’ jobs, it was still her original home, so she holds her childhood close. -becomes chosen to be a Chosen Child due to her initial involvement with Digimon involving the OC who was “taken” by the Digital World (though she wouldn’t learn this was the reason or understand how/why it happened until later) -her story arc would essentially revolve around her learning to pick herself back up after grief and helping to save everything
(ALSO A BIT MORE ABOUT THE DIGIMON): -DemiSilveemon/Silveemon was more like Hikaru herself; though with a more eternally optimistic/supportive personality; though also somewhat more naive and silly, also with a short temper when something (DemiGoldveemon) irritated her. But when things would get tough, she’d always know the right thing to do \o/ -DemiGoldveemon/Goldveemon was much more extroverted / hyper / exciteable and super energetic/even more supportive!! ...though he was also the troublemaker, often getting into mischief and causing headaches for Hikaru and DemiSilveemon. However, when he’d have to put playing aside and defend his friends, he’d become extremely cool and awesome...!! ;A;/ (Later on, he’d also reappear briefly in spirit form to remind Hikaru and Silveemon to not give up \o/)
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