#c: lucius
zakariyamallisters · 7 months
who: @lucius-rivers where: the godswood in riverrun, following the summoning of the riverlands court to riverrun from all corners of the riverlands. this is in the aftermath of the attack on the river market.
the entirety of the court of the riverlands had flocked back to the central hub of riverrun, in the weeks in the aftermath of the attack and the correspondence that had been received from the magisters of lys regarding a certain house of the twins. there was a particular understanding of the quarrelsome nature of the houses of the riverlands, how often both their lords and ladies alike clashed due to differing beliefs and temperaments - would it be tragic that finally bound them together? as the sound of leaves crunched beneath his boots, the master of ships moved through the space that was the godswood, which was essentially only an extension of the gardens in his own dark eyes.
he caught sight of a figure kneeling at one of the trees, no doubt in prayer; similar to the way his own people would be upon their knees in prayer in submission to the seven above.
zakariya mallister did not necessarily know of the man who was before him, and he was not planning to stop for him. it was only when he noted the man was finishing up his prayers and rising to his full height did he make eye contact, and thus know it would now be deemed uncouth for him to turn and look away from the other man in the godswood. the leaves remained a startling red, and there was much the people of the old way were taught regarding the faith of the old gods: there were only a select few in the riverlands who would worship such a faith, and that were the people of raventree hall. those who were originally northern, in essence, at heart - where it truly mattered.
this was not the hand of the king, whose correspondence he had received regarding the reluctance of the mallisters to trade within the river market. to put their goods at a price controlled by the king, rather than the eagle of seagard himself. all this about communal spirit and standing together from the tully princess too, and nonetheless, if his items were not in his own control, there was no knowing what could become of them. the riverlands would perish with no vessels to protect them, even without the threat of salt and krakens threatening to set ablaze their oceans. the man was kneeling at the tree, and now rose to his full height, brushing off his knees.
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this was the bastard of house blackwood, who was strangely close with his kin - almost as though he were not a bastard at all. as though he were more a legitimate son of house blackwood than the hand himself. bastards were beyond the grace of the gods, and yet for men that refused even the acknowledgement of the gods, being a bastard or legitimate made no major difference at all. "rivers." zakariya spoke, his hands coming together before the leather of his attire as he looked upon the man, who now turned towards him. what did he think of the mallisters reluctance to involve themselves in the rivermarket? "i meant not to disturb you in your prayers." he explained, watching as the man closed the distance between them.
he held a great deal of curiosity about the faith of the north. the significance of the trees. the philosophies of it all. "truthfully, i have always wanted to ask of the significance of the trees to your faith. do they hold the spirit of the divine, or are they the gods themselves?" he asked, there not being judgement in his voice, but curiosity. there was no place for malice or judgement in what he believed the gods only had the right to judge.
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medasgalaxy · 1 year
Andromeda hated when she was being clumsy, she hated that she felt everyone was looking at her and that she was making a fool of herself. She hated most that she passed that bloody quality to her daughter, and that it all seem to be a funny coincidence from the universe.
Just like this new encounter was. 
She had just taken a drink on her hand and as she turned she bumped into someone, spilling the drink all over herself. 
“Bloody hell,” she mumbled cleaning herself with a cocktail napkin, “I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t tarnish your robe.” she offered to the wizard before looking up, almost wanting to curse her luck to find her sister’s husband there. 
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kenchann · 2 months
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some recent twst doodles
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catominor · 4 months
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c. martinus' impressive array of sons...
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martyrbat · 1 year
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superman & batman: generations #1
[ID: Alfred Pennyworth behind Wayne Manor. He's in a beekeeping suit and is sliding a rack out of the hive box. He happily chimes to the bees, “And how are you this morning, my little friends? Plenty of honey for Master Bruce and his new bride...?” END ID]
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madfantasy · 9 months
Mmm again, spent way too much time on this supposed "quicky" hehe. The entrance to the Malfoys Manor, as I like to think Lucy just loves according-to-the-head-of-house's-mood changing tinted windows 14.9.2023
Commission Mani:'
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junkyard-gifs · 7 months
Deuteronomy is busy supporting and encouraging the train cats, when... oh no! Jemima did a mischief!
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The Mistoffelees ears are just too tempting not to bap.
Mistoffelees has a deadly glare which Jemima knows better than to take seriously. All she has to do is giggle at him for it to melt into a smirk.
Vienna revival, 7 May 2022; filmed by @thunderwhenhepurrs. Lucius Wolter covering Deuteronomy, Suzie Murphy covering Jemima, Stephen Martin Allan as Mistoffelees, Anna Carina Buchegger as Rumpelteazer, Vicky Riddoch as Electra, and Meghan Peploe-Williams covering Tantomile.
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c-nstantine · 2 years
Hard to Get
Description: Bruce has a crush on his assistant, Y/N Fox
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 0.8K
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Bruce Wayne could be described as suave, charming, and respectful. Y/N Fox would describe him as a misogynistic asshole but that was her being nice. Something about Bruce Wayne just ticked her in all the wrong ways. Sure, he was handsome but she was sure there was nothing behind the clear blue eyes.
This feud began when Bruce 'promoted' her to his executive assistant. Most women would be happy to be put in such proximity to Bruce Wayne, but most women weren't leading engineers in their field. Instead of leading Wayne Tech's cutting-edge robotics division, Y/N was put in charge of making sure Bruce attended all of his galas.
"I hate that man," Y/N groaned as she pulled yet another late night filling out Bruce Wayne's paperwork. Someone had to run the company and it seemed like it wouldn't be Mr. Wayne himself. It was just a few forged signatures here and there.
"Hate who?" Bruce asked, appearing from behind Y/N's desk. How that man was so quiet in Italian loafers, Y/N would never know.
"Oh, Mr. Wayne. What are you doing here?" She responded, trying to calm down her fast-beating heart. Her hand was pressed to her chest and Bruce took one of the papers she was working on.
"This is the Palmer proposal," Bruce stated while glancing over the packet. He didn't want to accept the proposal and would rather it burned into the ground.
"Yeah. It sucks ass. So, I'm writing a counter-proposal that would increase our original profits by 15% and lower the risk of Palmer Tech as competition. I just need you to sign it and I can fax it over," Y/N responded and handed Bruce a slightly heavier profit. It was riddled with business lingo and many complexities. It was perfect.
"I thought you were an engineer," Bruce said, impressed with the work on the proposal.
"I am. It's just when you're boss is an asshole who barely shows up to work, you learn a few things," Y/N said with a faux cheery demeanor. If she wasn't so sleepy, she'd be in fear of losing her job.
"Right. Let me make it up to you," Bruce offered. He distinctly remembered when Lucius Fox told him not to date his daughter and elected to ignore it. Was he really Bruce Wayne if he took the advice of someone?
"What do you have in mind, Mr. Wayne?" Y/N asked. A free dinner is a free dinner, no matter where it comes from.
"This is the best pasta ever, Mr. Pennyworth," Y/N complimented the older gentlemen. He blushed at her statement. Bruce chuckled at the interaction. It wasn't often that Alfred got to show off his creative skills in the kitchen.
"Please, call me Alfred, Ms. Fox," The older man responded as he refilled her glass with wine.
"Only if you call me, Y/N," She replied with a bright smile.
"I believe that can be arranged," Alfred said as he disappeared back into the kitchen, leaving Bruce and Y/N in the dining area by themselves.
"Ms. Fox," Bruce said looking at his assistant, who he had learned more about during dinner than in her entire employment history.
"Mr. Wayne," Y/N said looking at her boss, who she learned might not be a complete asshole.
"I think we should do this again but maybe in a restaurant," Bruce hinted toward a date. Y/N's mouth turned into a smirk and Bruce thought he had scored himself a date with an intelligent and beautiful woman.
"Why do we do that, Mr. Wayne?" Y/n deadpanned. There is nothing more satisfying than putting a man with a sense of entitlement in his place.
"I thought tonight went well," Bruce sputtered. He wasn't wrong. Tonight did go well but Y/N was after something with more substance.
"It did but I'll be damned before the office gossips about me. Not to mention, plenty of people dislike me because of my father. That's not including the racists and sexists," Y/N spoke with honesty. The old women in the office were quick to gossip about anything she did. In the past month, she had been asked six times whether she was sleeping with Bruce Wayne or not.
"And what if I could make all that go away?" Bruce offered. He could if he wanted to. Bruce Wayne has the money to do absolutely anything.
"You'd still have to work a little harder for me, Mr. Wayne. Can't have you thinking I'm after your money, can I?" She joked. Bruce paid her enough to be a millionaire in just a few short years.
"And here I thought you liked my devilish looks," Bruce continued with the friendly banter as he wondered what it would take for Y/N to agree to go on a formal date with him.
"See you tomorrow in the office, Mr. Wayne," Y/N said gathering her purse to leave the infamous Wayne Manor.
"Good night, Ms. Fox," Bruce mumbled after she was long gone. She lingered on his mind as he continued his night. There was something about her that he couldn't escape.
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Ed/Izzy, Any/Izzy — Ed gets jealous, possessive, that makes Izzy angry
Sometime post reunion, established Stede/Ed, Izzy is romantically or sexually with someone other than Ed.
Maybe Izzy/Ivan/Fang happened while Stede was gone and Izzy was emotionally vulnerable. Maybe Izzy/Lucius or Izzy/Roach. Maybe Jack turns up again, alive, and Stede throws a fit because he's banned from the ship, and Izzy offers to go "distract" him because Jack's a big ol Izzy simp. Maybe somehow Stede/Izzy is happening. Maybe it's a fling with some unnamed rando we don't care about.
In any case, Edward finds out about Izzy's relationship and goes all out possessive, jealous, you're mine see this x mark on your face, etc.
But Izzy doesn't react as expected, accepting anything from Edward and desperate for his attention. Instead, Izzy is mad as hell about it. Did Ed think about thier relationship or care to ask Izzy's opinion when he was pining over Stede? Has Ed looked twice at him in fucking years? What, so Edward's allowed to move on from the horrible unhealthy thing they became as Blackbeard but Izzy isnt allowed to try and find happiness of his own? Fuck off Ed.
Up to filler how it plays out from there.
DNW: non or dub-con.
Fill: None
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vocesincaput · 8 months
We were all Roach in this moment.
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I made a Draco Malfoy C.ai Bot
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lesbianlucius · 1 year
The show is almost a year old and I've seen a lot of different ship names for this pairing. I just wanna see what fandom consensus is. Also leave your reason(s) why you gravitate to one in the tags!
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tnott · 1 year
@familyname asked for a mum!verse starter
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Theo had left Enid at home with Nell, her house elf, today. The girl had been fussy all morning and hadn't even settled down for her afternoon nap, so Theo was pretty sure that if she took Enid along when she went to visit Draco, Enid would probably cry the entire time. Owen was the much more even tempered twin, and could be relied upon to be well-behaved. The two had already begun to show signs of magic, too, which was making Theo's life even more interesting. But Nell could cope. Theo trusted the elf who had helped raise her implicitly.
With Owen tucked into a sling across her chest, she Apparated to the gate of Malfoy Manor, walked up the long drive, and knocked on the solid, imposing door.
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martyrbat · 1 year
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rules of engagement – batman confidential #1
[ID: Bruce Wayne surprising Lucius Fox at work. Lucius is in an aircraft but is facing the back of the seat to peer over it as he works. He's wearing a white shirt with the sleeves pushed up, workers gloves and boots, and blue jeans with a red grease rag tucked in the back pocket. Bruce lets his presence be known with a tease of, “I hate to tell you this in front of the staff, Lucius — but I think you're supposed to sit facing the pointy end.” Lucius looks up in shock, his glasses low on his nose as he smiles when he realizes who's there. “Mister Wayne! This is a pleasant surprise — we don't often see you down here at the coal face.” Bruce responds, “Well, never let it be said I'm afraid to get my hands dirty—” he pauses and lifts his hand with curled fingers to inspect his nails. He corrects, “Actually, scratch that. I just had a manicure. So do you, uh, have a moment...?” Lucius tells him of course. END ID]
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avastyetwats · 5 months
Bloody Heaven
Continued from here. @izzyeffinhands
Stede wasn't necessarily surprised that Izzy had been covered in blood, it was to be expected, of course, given they were raiding a ship and taking the lives of those that dared fought back. Things were bound to get messy, but he is quite sure Israel hasn't been covered in blood quite like this before. And it was quite the arousing sight. Not to mention combined with his physical strength and precise accuracy, as well as his confidence and bravery. He's been doing this for years, so of course he's experienced in every way. He's one of the most feared, yet respected, pirate - the other half of Blackbeard - and everyone knows of the name Israel Hands. But getting to see him in action never fails to amaze and arouse the Captain. Especially with the thought of 'he's mine' flowing through his head. As he runs his sword clean through the dying man's chest.
Oh, my.
"You most certainly are, Israel." He responds, voice flirtatious and excited and his eyes holding a dreamy gaze within. Never did Stede Bonnet think he'd find the sight of Israel Hands covered in blood sexy and arousing. And it was only because it was Israel that Stede found it to be so. There was stirring beneath his own trousers as he stood there before him, completely clean, though only on the outside. If only he knew the thoughts his Captain was having of him in this moment.
He hadn't seen the beginning of the raid, but he saw enough as be boarded the ship and his eyes were glued to his beloved, drinking him from head to toe. His sweat, the other men's blood, his arms flexed, chest heaving from his panting - oh, Stede bet his chest was covered in sweat beneath those leathers, chest hair flattened against his skin as a result and the droplets of blood sliding down his neck making their way to those glorious tits of his, and those strong hands covered in blood, one holding the cutlass tight reminding Stede of that same hand around his throat and...fuck.
He could only imagine how he'd look naked like this. He was currently undressing him with his eyes and--
The loud shout from next to him startles the man from his inappropriate thoughts, jumping where he stood before he turns to the one responsible. Lucious.
"What!?" He wasn't angry, just startled. Maybe a little annoyed. Forgetting where they even were and what they were doing.
Lucius sighs. He knows exactly what just transpired here. Gods, they were so disgustingly horny all the time and sometimes at the most of inappropriate times. He's honestly surprised they hadn't started fucking yet. "...we're raiding a ship... that fired at us first." He reminds him, clenching the notebook to his chest.
Stede's eyes widen, face flushing. "Ah, yes! Right. Er.." He clears his throat and turns back to his crew, doing his damnedest to look at all of them and not just Izzy. It wasn't without difficulty though. "The Captain!" He remembers. "Where is the Captain of this ship?" He had half a mind to order his crew to find him... except for Izzy just so he could look at him a little longer, but any longer and they'd find themselves in the closest, empty room... or perhaps he's join Izzy in the hunt, but that would likely end them in the same position anyway. Against the wall, on the floor, over a desk...
Focus, Bonnet! He scolds himself, his eyes having landed on Izzy again when thinking those very tempting thoughts.
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junkyard-gifs · 1 year
Gus, who was barely responsive up until now, is finally stirred into recollection when Jellylorum manages to evoke the memory of Firefrorfiddle, the fiend of the fell...
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But has she recalled him to himself enough that he'll finally manage to speak?
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Perhaps, with just a little more persuasion...
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Lucius Wolter covering Gus, Karin Seyfried covering Jellylorum, and a little background Tommie Luyben as Skimbleshanks. Vienna revival, March 2022.
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