#but this is for me
ohno-the-sun · 9 months
Sun has a secret…
Lol shitpost about my new fic Under the Surface lol
Mermaid au? In September? Crazy
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ittybittyluci · 4 months
Luci Angst Fic Idea That’s Been Rattling Around In My Head
Okay, so, it’s no real secret that I absolutely love angst and Hurt/Comfort content. I slurp that shit up like there’s no tomorrow. And recently my darling brain has been so kind as to supply me a new concept that could be shoved into a whole number of Lucifer angst fics.
Basically the premise is this:
Part of Lucifer’s punishment is that every year on the same day, a member of the heavenly court (the same Angel every time) comes down to administer a little “reminder” to keep Lucifer in line. Basically, he gets tortured, and the shit beat out of him annually to make sure he stays depressed. The Angel that does this is called “The Punisher” and they are very strong, but also have cool mind fuckery powers that they use to really get inside Luci’s head.
Most of my ideas are Charlie (who doesn’t know) finding out about this when it happens after Luci moves into the hotel, and being absolutely MORTIFIED! Good old Father-Daughter time. U know the drill. Sometimes my brain even likes to be like “oh yeah, the day of/after his Punishment Day was the day Lilith took Charlie and left” because I just love to make him suffer so he can be sympathized w/. I’m just like that don’t fucking judge, it’s not as weird as u think. Maybe. Whatever.
Anyway, yeah. It’s BRUTAL!
Content warning below for descriptions of violence next for some of the things I imagine happening to him, as well as an illustration with a shit ton of gold blood all over the place.
- A lot of the times they will do stuff to his wings to be like “you don’t deserve these.” Either rip them off and force them to grow back, break them, and once (the time Charlie finds out) skinning them to take the feathers off. That one is particularly angsty and I can’t help but be drawn to the heartbreaking-ness of it.
- Lots of punching, kicking, hitting scratching, and throwing him around.
- Concentrated holy water or holy light or something to burn
- Lots of emotional degradation (not the kink, if that wasn’t obvious)
- Induced hallucinations of everyone he loves hating him
- And, u know, whatever new toys The Punisher comes up with.
Here’s a pretty little drawing too! Because I’m a terrible person (as always, Tumblr is gonna fuck up the quality and I’m not smart enough to know how to do ‘tap for higher resolution’ so here’s a link to a better version: tehe )
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spicyraeman · 1 year
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the-galactic-hunters · 10 months
Give us the peets!! Give!! Show peets!!
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He’s an asshole
a fucking menace
He mean so fucking much to me
((Man got vampire instinct got to his soul, all his private possessiveness and spite come out in open XD))
((They are still pale mates, but with many vacillating bs. They are not fully romantic but more lean to platonic. They never stay fully in one quadrant bc they keep fucked it up look at Seeker and him radiate pale to both flush and spade. They got their moments, so much fondness, but they both also jackasses. They will never label themselves in romantic relationships because even a concept of “dating” is strange to them and kinda why I’m so on fence of label them as zadr, bc they don’t want to. Especially when zadf end up what they are majority of time.
They are the devotion to one another. They only they belong to each other.
They are the “not romantic, not platonic, but a secret third thing.”
Closest to whatever they are were queer platonic partners bc by god they don’t fit in regular ass relationship.
They’re the huntship. They are the thems.
Why the fuck an ask about peet got him so much and then I remember-
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It’s like Seek’s favorite XD
And that man is so proud and at height possessiveness. He will show off and dunk y’all who pestering about their relationship months ago. And yes Seek still fucking annoyed about it, hence this.))
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sarasa-cat · 9 months
Okay. Now it is time for me to do the new new thing. To look through my references and then commit an idea to multiple pages of actual paper. To do the thing. Low stakes bc it is for me. But yeah, to do it. The thing. Now is the time.
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garlic-sauc3 · 2 years
I'm tempted to make a swagdoons masterpost....
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ultrabansheescreams · 2 years
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im posting this bc I can’t help myself, I rlly like the thumbnail I made for this piece :--)
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ravenkings · 2 months
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staff: our april fools joke this year is a silly feature that doesn't really do anything but give you a button to boop other users! they have to opt-in first though :)
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cemeterything · 3 months
it really is insane how waking up early will grant you access to some of the most beautiful sights and sensations in the world that will make you want to live forever, but only if you overcome the gauntlet of a thousand razors that is getting out of bed early. truly one of life's little saw traps.
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whiteshipnightjar · 4 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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knifefightscene · 8 months
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faeriekit · 7 months
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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gothgrr666 · 1 month
IG : @emperorofmischief
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sirompp · 5 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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bisexualsmallishbeans · 2 months
Reblog to let your followers know that they’re safe from jumpscares/screamers/etc from you on April 1st but they are NOT safe from getting boop’d like an idiot amen
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