#but they’re all just part of this series of things piling up to make life a little shittier
curiosity-killed · 2 years
alright I am loading up on Tylenol, lidocaine, and spite and making tomorrow’s class good Or Else
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @tinypaint
My name is Michelle Fus. I’m a Jewish, non-binary artist. I graduated from the School of Visual Arts for Computer Art and Animation in 2011. I’ve interned at Pixar and worked for a few years at Dreamworks Animation. Over the past ten years, I’ve self-published two books and have run three successful Kickstarters. I now work with Skybound (The Walking Dead, Invincible) in developing my webcomic, Ava’s Demon, as a physical book series for stores. I like hiking, cultivating plants, caring for my cats, and hanging out with my beautiful husband. You can read my webcomic at avasdemon.com.
Check out our interview with Michelle below!
How did you get your start in art, and more specifically, with Ava's Demon?
I’ve always been into art since I was very young. I started to gravitate towards it in first grade, where we were required to keep a daily journal. I found myself drawing in it more than actually keeping entries. From there, I got more and more interested in honing my skills as an artist. I started making my own comics for fun. I signed up for classes outside of school and put together a portfolio for the School of Visual Arts, where I majored in Computer Art and Animation. After getting my first job in the field, I realized that it wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life. After working my day job, I would come home and work towards building a career in comics for myself by creating and uploading my webcomic, Ava’s Demon.
What is one habit you find yourself doing a lot as an artist?
Looking things up to learn more before I make art or write. For instance, how many livable planets are in a Galaxy? What does a black hole actually look like, and can it give off light? How long would it actually take to travel through space if you had the fastest ship possible? I look up all of these things and then ignore most of them for the sake of writing a fun story and making fun art.
From idea to final piece, how long does it take for you to create something?
It depends on the feeling I want to convey. Sometimes I’ll work for a whole week on a drawing and then delete it because I just don’t feel good about it. Other times I’ll make something in a day that I absolutely love from beginning to end. Some drawings I never delete nor finish, and instead, the files just kind of sit in a folder. The time it takes varies a lot.
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
I really love good stories. So movies and books with captivating stories usually motivate and inspire me; stories that stay with you permanently, with twists and turns that you can’t stop thinking about. I also love finding characters whose struggles I can deeply relate to. I try to hold onto those feelings and emulate them through my art.
What is the hardest part of your process?
Actually finishing a drawing. The anxiety of it piles on me sometimes. I’ll work for a while on a drawing and constantly ask myself, “Is this drawing really finished? What terrible things about it am I not seeing?”. My desire to avoid making something terrible can sometimes put me in a mental prison where I keep chipping away at a drawing until I no longer know what I am looking at.
What is one interaction you had from a fan of yours that has stuck with you over the years?
In general, I like letting young artists in middle school, and high school know that I wasn’t very good at art at their age (I really wasn’t, I didn’t have the same resources they have now, and I didn’t have any perspective on what it takes to have a career in art, it’s a different world). Kids have come to me at conventions with their work for critique and advice, and I have to tell them that they’re already miles ahead of what I could make at their age. I have to tell them that it’s okay if they can’t make what all the professionals make online, to know that they have SO much time ahead of them to work at what they love. If you love making art, do it often, study art throughout history, and over time you’ll be able to create everything your heart desires.
What is something other people find hard to draw that you find enjoyable?
I have no idea. Sometimes it feels like drawing anything is suffering, even if you like what you’re making.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@loish has been consistently inspiring me since my days in high school. Every new painting has so much grace and power and is so excellent to look at. Her skill in shape and form seems limitless, and I hope to someday achieve even a small fraction of her understanding of art. Seeing her new work on my timeline also makes my dopamine spike, so I’m always looking forward to updates from her.
Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing, Michelle! Be sure to check out their Tumblr blog over at @tinypaint and follow their webcomic, Ava’s Demon, over at avasdemon.com.
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rubyscarbuncle · 2 months
So, in the aftershow talk Anthony laments about season 2 but honestly? I love season 2.
I think season 1 had a lot more clear of an objective, and a lot more clear of a structure, but that’s kind of perfect for the story of season 2 right?
season 2 is a story about being a teen. It’s about all the ups and downs and struggles and heartache and everything about being a teen, it’s about crushes, and emotions, and fathers, and weird mustaches, and it’s about the incredibly gen z/alpha experience of trying to figure out what you can do in a world that feels like it’s doomed by the people before you. It’s a very teen story. It’s very proud of this, and it does it very well, and while I can’t say whether or not it was *intentional* I think the structure and flow of season 2 is perfect for that story.
It starts off with a decently defined structure in school, with a vague but simple enough goal to reach, then you’re thrusted out into the world, having to make big choices for yourself and that’s when it starts to get… Messy. Things aren’t as simple as they used to be, there’s lots of moving pieces, people who are going to be making their own decisions that you can’t really change, there’s a lot of things going on. And it even feels difficult to lean on the people you care about but you do it anyways.
I think season 2 has had some of the best pc to pc emotional character interactions of the entire series and I don’t think you get there without season 2 being structured the way it is. Season 2 being so much more loose and more focused on the players pushing the plot I think purely serves it for the story it ends up telling. I don’t think you get moments like Scary siding with Willy and even while lashing out and eldritch blasting still being hugged by Linc and piled on by everyone to show she’s cared for in a season like season 1. I just don’t think that happens, because I don’t think everything being the way it is and the more almost tv show like structuring of season 1 would allow for that. It had plenty of great emotional moments, but I think the teen nature of it being messier and more impulsive and trying to figure out who you are and where your place in the world is absolutely benefits from a looser structure and goals that are less neatly defined.
The dads have, for the most part, figured themselves out as people even on episode 1 hitting. Sure they all grow and learn and change, but they never stop being those people they are during episode 1, they just become better versions of themselves. Even Glenn. Debatably. (he definitely changed but he might have become a worse person, like he’s a stoner who plays a guitar and says “far out” at the start and by the end is creating big vats of oil to blow up an entire commune and pissing in the sand lying down.) They’re adults, they have their priorities, and they know who they are. We’re in a freaky situation, we’ve been through a lot, let’s get our kids, let’s get tf out, let’s maybe try and fix some things because we’re not totally monsters or anything. Bing bang boom.
The dads have very clear outlines, but the season 2 cast has very strong vibes.
They’re a lot more chaotic, loosely defined, and their outlines are less immediate, but in exchange they are absolutely vibrating with energy and possibility and chaos and all of these interesting dynamics and things that never feel forced because, well, they’re still figuring themselves out! By all rights, they SHOULDN’T have those same defined outlines to their characters that the season 1 cast had.
The entire story is about being messy, and finding your way in life, and I think season 2 does that perfectly, and I think none of the incredible stuff that everyone brings to the table works without Anthony doing what he did and doing the incredible job he did. Good shit king.
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hookhausenschips · 5 months
Eternally Yours (Songfic Mini Series)
Word Count: 3,096
Summary: Hook and Y/N are devotedly in love, so much so that they are willing to sacrifice anything for the other person and ultimately be together “eternally” or will they?
Warnings: Angst lotttssss of angst, some toxic behaviors, Tyler is a neglectful partner, reader is in love (yikes sis)
Hook Taglist: @shawtys-things, @gethooked, @hope4more, @redpool, @lovethathookhausen730, @dgcrimson-garcia
Join my taglist here!
song: Eternally Yours by Motionless In White
A/N: this is my interpretation of the song! But I hope you all enjoy this, stay tuned for the next two parts of this mini series and keep your tissues on deck because they will hurtttt
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Blow the bridge to the past
Wipe the fingerprints
Melt your heart encased in wax
Steal it with a kiss
I had first met Tyler when he was a member of Team Taz back in 2021. Back before he was known as ‘The Cold Hearted Handsome Devil’, he was someone who was happy around his friends, especially his little group. I was just debuting in the women’s division slowly making a name for myself. I found myself being enamored by him. They say love can make you do stupid things, but he made every waking moment worth it. He showed me how to be myself again.
“Tyler you have to get going for your match or else your dad will kill us both.” I spoke as I pulled away from him. He smirked looking at my lips, “Just one more for good luck.” I rolled my eyes and gave him a brief kiss before pushing him towards the Guerilla, “Go become a champion baby.” I said with a lovesick grin on my face. He winked and left through the tunnels towards his destiny.
Our fate engraved
Scar enslaved
As we mutually destruct
Repose, my love, I've sinned enough
A year had flown by and we were going strong. The entire roster could see how in love we were, even the fans even though we hadn’t confirmed it to them. They all knew though. I knew in my heart he was who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I have never felt so seen, heard, understood, or loved the way that Tyler did. He was undefeated as FTW champion and I was working my way to my own championship. We tried our best to see each other as much as we could, and those moments I hold dear.
“Come on please just one ride?” Tyler begged as I shook my head furiously looking at the humongous roller coaster. The anxiety made my stomach cramp up and my throat close at the thought of the tall drops the ride had. “You jump off of a metal square and do all those flips with no thought about it but a roller coaster is where you draw the line?” He questioned as he wrapped his arms around me. I nodded, “That is different. I have control over those, that thing I don’t. Do you know how many people die on roller coasters?” I exclaimed pointing at the pile of metal. I could feel his body shake as he laughed, “Yeah no more watching Final Destination. Tesoro, I promise you will be fine. I will be right beside you.” He tried to reassure me but I shook my head once again. “Go ride it with the lads, I’ll be right here.” I replied. “What kind of boyfriend would I be to ditch my incredibly beautiful girlfriend at Six Flags? I’m staying with you.” He said. 
I giggled knowing he was being overprotective, “You do realize they shut the park down for the roster, no one is going to bother me. Go ride that ride, you can join me on CraZanity.” I said giving him a kiss and pushing him towards our friends.
Falling for him was so easy.
For the both of us
In the name of love
I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones
Eternally yours
“Why can’t you understand that I want to be with you!” I exclaimed as I felt tears burn my eyes. He just stood there emotionless. “I don’t care what anyone says or does because they’re not you! For two years I have done nothing but stand by your side, through every win and loss. I have been there.” I then gestured to our championships both laying limply on the couch, “Those mean nothing to me. You are the one true prize for me Tyler. Nothing else in this world means anything if I don’t have you.” I sobbed. Closing my eyes I tried to gather my thoughts when I felt his arms embrace me. My body shook as my tears stained his hoodie. He began to slowly sway back and forth. ‘What a stupid fight’ I thought to myself, all over a stupid romantic storyline Tony Khan thought would be a great push for my career as champion. I pulled back and looked into the earthy brown irises that I called home, “I would sacrifice that title and my career if it meant that you were happy. I can call Tony right now and tell him I’m done.” I whispered. He shook his head and pulled my head back to his chest. We were going to be okay, we had to be.
I feed like you taught me and selflessly swallow
We coalesce in darkness, so selfishly hollow
Examine the wreckage
Writhing in tempo
Invisible anguish, casting a shadow
I was currently laying outside of the ring trying to catch my breath after being slammed into the barricade by Julia. Tyler was in the ring with Brody from what I could tell the two were exchanging blows after being tagged in. Julia had run back to her side of the ring cheering on Brody. I slowly began to rise to my feet, my heart stopped beating in my chest at what I had seen. Brody had Tyler in a chokehold holding over the other side of the ring. My thoughts of professionalism went out the door then and there. While the ref was distracted I rushed to one of the security guards and told him to move. I then rolled into the ring with the metal chair and hit Brody with the chair causing him to drop Tyler. The ref called for a disqualification but I could care less. This match wasn’t for any championships, all I could think about was Tyler passing out and the thought terrified me. 
“I had it handled! You should’ve never even grabbed the chair.” Tyler seethed. I just looked at him as he continued on his tangent. Yes he had a right to be angry at me but all I could think about was his well being. I rolled my eyes, “yeah and what just watch you be choked out and then possibly dropped so you can be injured?” He whipped around at my statement, “It wasn’t your call! That was ignorance and selfishness. Brody has been doing this a lot longer than both of us. I trust him.” He retorted. I laughed sarcastically. “Well excuse me for caring about MY boyfriend.” I said before leaving the locker room with my things. This feels like the millionth fight we have had recently, practically over nothing. It was causing a strain on our relationship and I could tell it was hurting us both, but we were both too stubborn to apologize. 
And in the name of love
I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones
Eternally yours
As we rest in pieces, though I know not your name
I would suffer forever to absolve all your pain
I lay in another hotel room bed alone. The fight with Tyler still replaying through my head as I scroll through my photos trying to think of happier times. I stopped at a picture of the two of us at one of his family cookouts, it was the first time I had met them. I smile at the memory. I laughed at a story one of Tyler’s cousins, Elena told me about him when they were younger. “No yeah his dad was so pissed but I mean he didn’t end up wrecking surprisingly. He wasn’t allowed to drive for the rest of the school year. So don’t ever bet him in anything because he will try to prove you wrong.” She said as I shook my head taking a sip of my drink when his aunt, Elena’s mom, butted in. “So have you guys said it yet?” She asked. My face flushed as the group of girls giggled. I shook my head, “No not yet.” I whispered. She nodded and placed her hand on my arm, “No need to worry pesca or have any doubt about it. The eyes never lie and I have never seen my nipote look at anyone the way he looks at you. His eyes shine! I can tell you feel the same as well.” She spoke (peach, nephew). I nodded and looked to where Tyler stood with his dad and uncles at the grill talking, “I do love him. A lot actually.” The cousins squealed, causing the guys to look up at us. My eyes locked with Tyler and he winked at me, my face flushed again and he smirked at my reaction. 
We then were in his parent’s kitchen doing the dishes, me washing and him drying as Taz and Theresa were relaxing in the den, setting up some board games. “Did you have fun today?” Tyler asked as I handed him a glass. I nodded and smiled softly, “Your cousins told me what you were like growing up. A very mischievous and bad kid you were if those stories are true.” I teased as I turned to look at him. He groaned but I could tell he wasn’t upset or bothered by the smile on his face. “What ones did they tell you?” He asked before putting the glass away and then placing his hands on my hips, his thumbs massaging the little peak of skin showing from my shirt rising. I shook my head, “I can’t tell you that. My lips are sealed.” I said mimicking locking a lock on my lips and throwing away the key. He quirked his eyebrow, “I think I can find some ways to get them unsealed baby.” he whispered. I smacked his chest, “Your parents are in the other room, keep it in your pants Senerchia.” He grinned, “I wasn’t even thinking that but if you’re offering..” He trailed off. I giggled, leaned up and pecked his lips, “Beat me in these games and I’ll think about it baby.” 
I sighed at the memory, what a happier time. A less complicated time in our love story. God stop getting emotional y/n, if he wanted to be here he would be.
I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end
Eternally yours
It’s now week three of us not speaking. I have been told from multiple friends how miserable the two of us are without the other. Clearly the fights we’ve had the past few months say differently. This time I didn’t let him in my hotel room because he never showed up. There was no make up angry sex to “fix” us. I was snapped out of my thoughts as Kris, Willow, and Skye kept repeating my name. “Yeah I’m here.” I whispered as we sat in one of the unused locker rooms talking. “We’re going to catering, we’ll be right back okay?” Kris asked. I nodded as the group left. My thoughts began to consume me again as I laid on one of the many couches. A few minutes later the door reopened and I assumed it was the girls so I continued laying down letting my thoughts eat away at me. But then I heard the door handle rattle. I froze hearing a familiar deep voice, “This shit isn’t funny. Open the door now.” I then heard several voices, “Not until you guys make up. We’re tired of the gloomy cloud hanging around you two. Make up; fight it out, or fuck it out!” I sighed and closed my eyes trying to ignore him and the heavy beating of my heart. It felt like hours continued to pass by fast before I opened my eyes. I looked over and he was sat by the door across the room glaring at his phone. 
He had dark circles under his eyes. He didn’t look like himself, the actual Tyler. I cleared my throat trying to ease the tense and somewhat awkward atmosphere. “How’ve you been?” I whispered. I received silence as an answer. I rolled my eyes, “Oh yeah I’ve been great too thanks for asking. Nope lost my championship a couple weeks back, but I’ll bounce back to get it. I won’t stay down forever.” I spoke sarcastically. Still silence greeted me. I could feel my patience begin to thin. “Fine you don’t have to talk but I will ask you one question.” I said and he continued typing away on his phone. “Are we broken up? Because if we are, it would've been nice to know instead of tearing apart my heart for someone who doesn’t want it anymore.” I questioned. He stopped typing, almost dropping his phone. He finally looked at me, his eyes dark as they looked me over. I picked at my nails nervously waiting for an answer. “You don’t think I love you anymore?” He countered. I laughed, “Funny way you have of showing it Tyler. Ignore me for three weeks, my texts or any time I try to talk you walk away. You wouldn’t even look at me. That isn’t love. So no, I don’t think you love me anymore. Not as much as you used to or maybe even not at all. So get on with it so I can deal with this heartbreak and heal finally.” I spoke. He set his phone down still watching me. “I do still love you.” He whispered. “You don’t have to lie to me, you’re only hurting us both by doing that.” I argued. He shook his head, “I know there isn’t any amount of things I can say to make you forgive me ever but I will always love you. Nothing or anyone will change that.” He said as he stood and walked towards the couch sitting in front of it.
 “I know I haven’t been the most perfect boyfriend or loving lately. I could give a million excuses but none of them can go back and fix this. Seeing you with Isiah and Daniel hanging out together you looked so happy, it made me think what if you left me for either of them or someone else. Those thoughts destroyed me. I should’ve been a man about my insecurities and told you about them but instead I took the anger from those thoughts out on you. If I could give you the universe to make you happy I would do it. The love I have for you runs deeper than the ocean. I don’t picture anyone else being the mother of my kids or anyone I want to grow old and happy with but you. God y/n I’m terrified. I’m terrified of the way you make me feel after all these years.” Tyler rambled pouring out his heart and every thought in that moment. “I would rob a bank or go to prison for killing someone if they made you cry. I would do anything for you. The world means nothing to me without you in it. Please tell me what I can do to help fix this.” He begged as tears trailed down his face. I hadn’t realized I was crying too until he reached up cupping my cheek and wiping some away. I sniffled, “Love isn’t easy Tyler. If it was there would be a guidebook to it. You’re the only one who has my heart and the only one who ever will. In this lifetime and all the others, you are the one I want.” I whispered, placing my hand on his cheek as he leaned into it. “We can work through this, we’ve worked through worse.” I said before kissing him.
I'm more than willing to rot in hell with you
I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones
I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end
Eternally yours
I was standing with Tyler taking pictures at a small event AEW was hosting. When suddenly the lights went down and a video started playing (A/N: based off this tiktok I seen last year and fell in love with). I turned towards the screen and leaned against Tyler as it played. I smiled watching the video until it showed a picture of Tyler on one knee. I gasped and turned to look as he was on one knee holding a black velvet box with a gorgeous ring as tears flooded down my face surrounded by friends and family. “Y/n, we’ve been through many things these past two years. Through everything we always find a way back to each other. You’re the one person I look for in the crowd during every show. The one person who understands the hardships of what we do. You’ve challenged me in many ways and you’ve helped me become a better version of myself everyday. I know we’re not perfect and neither is our love but I know there is no one else in this world I would rather share this life and love with. I would go through every storm for you, burn down every empire to make you happy. You make the world brighter around you no matter where you go. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, share this life with you and hear all the random little facts you read about or the dumb little dad jokes you know.” He spoke before grabbing my hand, “So Y/n will you marry me?” He asked, smiling at me with tears welling up in his eyes. I nodded and whispered, “Yes. Oh my god yes!” Everyone cheered as Tyler placed the ring on my finger and we kissed. Yeah our love wasn’t perfect or the most beautiful thing to grace the planet, but it was ours and that was all that matters. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Senerchia.
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highvern · 4 months
I’m rereading one of my favorite series from my childhood and it got me thinking about
magi-zoologist wonwoo who comes to visit your magical creature preservation to research the rare dark species living on the land
You get it. They’re fascinating things littered across the hundreds of acres your family has maintained for generations and the awe is never lost on you when you spot the more elusive ones come out from time to time but the last thing you need is to baby sit some nerd when you’re already dealing with constant chaos
Wonwoo isn’t bad at first. He’s incredibly enthusiastic about the revenant living in the abandoned marsh at the far end of the property. He says he observed one at the preserve in Africa and nearly lost his mind from getting a smidge too close but they’re so hard to learn about because you can’t get too close but it’s just so fascinating despite the very real threat of going catatonic.
It doesn’t inspire your confidence but Wonwoo continues to list off facts and knowledge you couldn’t care less about bc you’ll be damned if you take him anywhere near that thing when he’s already getting into trouble with all the other creatures he keeps trying to study because yes there is a fog giant bound to the southern end of the preserve and NO you cannot cross through the wraith’s territory to see the village of triclops isolated in the cliff side Jesus Christ are you trying to get us both killed? how have you survived so long?
When you tell him you don’t even visit some parts of the preserve because the creatures there are better left alone he almost looks at you with pity because they’re fascinating! Magic is fascinating! How can you not even be the smallest bit curious about what goes on out there?
But what’s worse than saving him from trolls and goblins are all the fairies and sprites living in your garden constantly trying to flirt with him (not that you’ve paid much attention)
And it certainly doesn’t help when Wonwoo looks at them with star struck eyes, sketching the rarer species in his journal with precision, because they’re incredibly vain and wait in line to preen their wings or show off their magic for him with the hopes they impress him enough to maintain his attention
so when he cuts his admirations short to discuss another excursion on the grounds with you they get jealous. And hell hath no fury like a fairy scorned because while they can’t technically attack you unprovoked they can make your life incredibly inconvenient. Some grow vines across your usual path in an effort to trip you or angle a sun beam that just so happens to hit your eyes and several outright snuff you when you come outside, flitting away into the woods until wonwoo joins but if he realizes he doesn’t seem to understand because his head is lost in his journal again
And isn’t until your taking Wonwoo to meet the herd of centaurs living on the preserve (he hadn’t shut up since you accidentally let it slip one morning) that you understand yeah he’s a bookworm but he’s more useful than he lets on because you stumble upon a pack of drumants way too close to the house than they should be, disturbing their nest and causing them to attack and without Wonwoo they would have easily taken you down because the little buggers are nearly invisible and while you can handle one or two, Wonwoo knows the tricks to unveil them and it’s Wonwoo who carries you back to the house after your bitten and administers the antivenom and the entire time he’s calm, spouting more facts about how lethal they are as if you aren’t losing color and almost passing out and when he does look at your face and realize he’s freaking you out he tries to crack a joke but your still wondering who the hell is this man and what did he do with Wonwoo who fell into a pile of basilisk shit because he didn’t watch where he was going two days ago
So maybe you start to understand why the fairies are so smitten with the man and you start taking him on more trips into the more dangerous parts of the preserves because you clearly underestimated him
And when it’s time for him to leave to another preserve for further research you won’t admit you’ll miss him but he promises he’ll write you with all the interesting findings and you nod along trying not to be upset because this was the inevitable end to his stay here and you knew from the start he’d be leaving
You’d swear he was blushing as he steps outside the door and you click it shut behind him but then there’s a knock not 20 seconds later and you open it to find wonwoo standing there looking at you the same way he stares at all the magical creatures, like you’re the most fascinating thing he’s ever seen and he wants to immortalize you in his notebook because he needs to know more
Um anyway!
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fadingreveries · 3 months
The Royal Romance, Bk1 Ch1: Once Upon a Time (Pt. 1)
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: I couldn't tag everyone because it wouldn't let me, but turn off "exclude from Tumblr search" for your account in settings and comment if you’d like to be tagged! @kingliam2019 @princess-geek (thanks for showing interest! Thought I would tag to say thank you!)
Story Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
Chapter Synopsis: Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia as Riley competes for the Crown Prince! Will she accept his proposal, or will someone else win her heart?
Disclaimer: All rights to original commentary, scenes, and characters from The Royal Romance series reserved to Choices and Pixelberry Studios. No copyright infringement intended.
Word Count: 1.6k
~ ~ ~
Those who found love with the right person, in the right place, at the right time, and the right life destined for them were rare. With how unpredictable life may be, not everyone was lucky to be destined with all of the key factors that would culminate for the biggest blessing from life itself.
One night’s chance encounter changed the lives of people who would become a close-knit group of friends in more ways than one.
Once upon a time, Riley Brooks was a young lady who resided in New York City. She was a fair-skinned, beautiful lady with dark ebony tresses and Dutch-braided bangs. With soft doe-like eyes and peach-coloured lips, Riley had met her fair share of suitors but none with whom she felt a longing connection to. 
After working as a part-time waitress to put herself through school, she had finally graduated with an undergraduate degree and a Master of Arts degree in history from the prestigious New York University. At last, she was ready to explore the world beyond lecture halls, late night study sessions, and thesis dissertations. 
“Just another glamorous New York Saturday night of hauling trash to the dumpster.” Riley sighed, heaving a stuffed black bag up where it would join the other garbage that had been piling up that night. 
At the current moment, however, she was stuck on a late-night shift at the restaurant and bar where she had worked for the last six years. With all her might, she hoisted the humongous black garbage bag which landed on the others with a soft thump. She dusted off her hands, looking warily over her shoulder with the barely lit back area of the brick building. 
There was something about the back alley of the building where she threw out the garbage every night that made her uneasy, partly due to the fact that drunk party goers tended to loiter there in the dark when veering off course from the streets and sidewalks. Luckily for her, she had her favourite coworker, Daniel, by her side to help. 
“It could be worse. There could be—” Daniel, her co-worker had started before letting out a frightened yelp and darting away from the dumpster, “Rats! Riley, help!”
Riley glanced down at the sight before her, taking note of two adult mice and two baby mice. As they scurried away, she laughed. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of this adorable mouse family. They’re trying to get by, just like us.”
“Hey!” A booming voice yelled out, making the two co-workers turn around. “Riley, Daniel, quit slacking off over there!”
If there was one thing Riley was ready to embrace, it was the fact that she had finally given her two-week notice to her boss. After six years, she would finally be out of his clutches and no longer have to hear constant nagging from him about every minuscule detail she had made the mistake of carrying out in front of him. 
“You told us to take out the garbage,” Riley reminded him, a scowl deepening as she remembered how insufferable her boss was. 
“And now I’m telling you to wait on the bachelor party that just rolled in. Chop chop!” The manager barked out, clapping his hands for emphasis before storming back inside the bar. 
Meanwhile, it was the night of Liam Rys’ bachelor party. Two of his friends plus one acquaintance had organized a clandestine night out in New York City before they returned to Cordonia for the social season.
Earlier that evening, Maxwell whooped out, “Awesome! We finally lost Bastien! I can’t believe we pulled that off, but I’m not going to question it.”
It was around eight o’clock on one Friday night when Liam, Maxwell, and Drake had escaped Liam’s bodyguard, Bastien. There was an outdoor music festival held all day at a nearby park and with all the large crowds, Maxwell and Drake had planned to help Liam escape from his royal duties for at least one night. Which meant losing his bodyguard as soon as possible and blending in with the New York nightlife. 
“Knowing Bastien, I’m sure he’s got an eye on us somehow. At least we have the illusion of independence,” Drake commented, knowing that it was better than nothing. He knew if anything that this illusion could give Liam a slight sense of what he truly longed for.
“I’ll take it! Time to whip out the… ultimate Bachelor Party Bucket List!” Maxwell excitedly cried out, as he drew a worryingly long physical paper shaped like a bucket out of his pocket. 
Blinking in confusion at the paper contraption his friend summoned out of nowhere, Drake remarked, “There were so many parts of what you said that I’d hoped weren’t literal.” 
“Okay, here’s what I got…” Maxwell cleared his throat, reading from his paper bucket list. “Give each other crazy nicknames, get tattoos, eat at the best place in New York, have a spontaneous, crazy adventure, get into a fight, and get tattoos!”
“You said ‘get tattoos’ twice,” Drake plainly stated, not impressed by Maxwell’s idea of a bachelor party. 
Maxwell rolled his eyes, giving Drake a look that indicated he should have known that the meaning was implied. “That’s how important it is!”
Drake shook his head, looking Maxwell straight in the eye. Never in a million years was he going to agree to tattoos, especially not for Maxwell’s pure amusement. “I’m not getting a tattoo.”
“Friendship tattoos!” Maxwell exclaimed, trying desperately to convince him otherwise. Tattoos were a long-lasting symbol of friendship in itself, right?
Clearly, Maxwell had different ideas on what qualified as fun things to do with your friends in an unfamiliar city. Drake scoffed, “There’s not enough whiskey in Manhattan.”
“We’ll circle back to that,” Maxwell responded, turning his back against Drake and not taking no for an answer. He elbowed Liam’s side with a cheeky smile. “Remember, it’s this guy’s night.”
Liam sheepishly chuckled. How lucky was he to have such thoughtful friends? “It is my night.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t let it go to your head,” Drake warned him, although he had a small smile. 
The prince was touched by his best friends’ warm gesture. Not everyone would go out of their way to make his one night of controlled freedom as enjoyable as possible, at least not as much as these two would. It was something he had never been allowed the luxury of, given that he was the Crown Prince of Cordonia and the heir to the throne after his older brother, Leo, had abdicated years earlier. 
With a sad frown, Liam confessed, “Actually… It really means a lot to share this moment with both of you. After this summer, everything will change. I’ll be married… I’ll be preparing to start a family and carry on the royal line. It means everything to me to have one last moment with the two of you.”
“I don’t know that you’ve ever had a carefree moment in your life, but we’ll do our best,” Drake softly murmured. He meant this more than Liam would ever know. Drake had seen first-hand the struggles his best friend had gone through growing up with the burden of being royalty, but he wasn’t about to let his last night of freedom before the social season go to waste. 
Maxwell nodded, a mischievous smile on his face. “Damn right we will. First up, nicknames.”
“What is this again?” Drake groaned in exasperation. Just when he thought they had made it past his bachelor party antics. 
Once again, Maxwell looked at Drake as if the answer was obvious. He declared, “We think of awesome nicknames to give ourselves as a group!”
Drake’s deadpan answer was quick, his blank expression unwavering. “Cool. Mine’s Drake.”
Maxwell pouted, his bottom lip protruding out in protest. “Man, come on. You could pick anything! Alpha Bravo? Dark and Stormy? Toasted Marshmallow?”
“Pass,” Drake answered, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Unacceptable! All our nicknames are gonna be in theme! Right, Liam?” Maxwell questioned him, his eyebrows scrunched together in determination. Once Maxwell had an idea, he didn’t plan on giving up. It just wasn’t the Beaumont way. 
Liam chuckled, amused at Maxwell’s enthusiasm to make his bachelor party much more lively. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well, we could theme it after cards like King of Hearts or Jack of Spades… or our favourite foods… or… or… like a fairytale!” Maxwell excitedly suggested, his eyes lighting up even brighter with each suggestion. 
“Fairytale?” Liam asked, looking for clarification.
Drake guffawed, turning to Liam. “You could be Prince Charming.” It wasn’t far from the plain truth, anyway. 
“There you go! Now you’re getting into it!” Maxwell grinned, pleased that Drake was now participating with the same level of gusto as he was. 
Drake immediately frowned, not wanting to give off that impression and play into Maxwell’s fantasy of having the perfect bachelor party by his wild standards. “No… I just… ugh, Liam, pick one.”
“We should go with the theme…” Liam pondered with a smile to himself, before answering, “Fairytale. I kind of like Prince Charming.”
“Of course. I'm the Fairy Godmother because whatever you want tonight, I’ll make it happen!” Maxwell stated, his body giddy almost as if you could see the energy bouncing off of him. 
Liam gestured to Drake, trying to think of a nickname for him. “What about Drake?”
Maxwell stepped closer to Drake, who rolled his eyes, before he snapped his fingers and announced, “He’s got ‘Dragon’ written all over him.”
“I’m good with that,” Drake agreed, shrugging his shoulders. It wasn’t the worst nickname he could be given. 
“Yes! Let’s roll!” Maxwell cheered, happy with how things had worked out. One thing down, five more to go on the ultimate Bachelor Party Bucket List! “Next stop is dinner!”
~ ~ ~
Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: Turn off "exclude from Tumblr search" for your account in settings and comment if you’d like to be tagged! @kingliam2019 @princess-geek
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smurphyse · 2 years
Are You Ready For This? | Spencer Reid
Series Masterlist | Smurph's Masterlist
Part 18 of Room 405
Warnings: angst, vomiting, pregnancy tests
Summary: Spencer and JJ have a talk, the witness' father comes by the BAU. Later, you and Spencer talk before you both head to work for the evening...
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Spencer strolled into the BAU the next day grinning like a fool. 
He was going to meet your husband, to finally start the process of being fully in your life. He was going to meet your kids, all of them and on purpose this time, and words could never explain how excited he was. 
You were everything to him. Your family would be too, all of them. Even Chuck, and he was determined to get him to like Spencer… especially if he was going to marry you someday. 
He spent most of the day going over case files with renewed vigor, combing through data on their newly discovered female unsub and trying to make heads or tails from the profile. Alone in the conference room while the rest of the team went over information on other cases, he poured through files slowly and methodically. 
After a bit, his mind fog of crime scene photos and geographical data was interrupted by a soft knock at the door. He looked up to spot JJ lingering in the doorway with that embarrassed-but-sorry look on her face that she usually got after they fought.
“Hey,” she said awkwardly, waving a hand at the piles of paper. “Mind if I join you?”
“I’m not mad at you, JJ,” Spencer said pointedly, but he smiled softly at her.
“Yeah, I’m mostly mad at myself,” she muttered, looking down at her shuffling feet. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”
“I would have,” he replied, and she looked up at him and made her way over.
Sitting on the edge of the table, JJ gazed out the half-shuttered windows and swung her legs. Spencer leaned back in his chair and watched her amusedly, an expectant smile on his face. They did this a lot after an argument, and by now it all seemed a bit ridiculous.
She chanced a glance his way, and they both broke out in stupid grins, laughing lightly. JJ scoffed and scrunched up her nose, “I just want the best for you.”
“She is,” he said simply, and JJ nodded.
“Good,” she murmured, “you deserve it, Spence.”
Spencer licked his bottom lip and twirled his pen in his hand, watching her with amusement, “That’s it? No scolding or yelling? You think I deserve a married woman with kids?”
JJ chuckled in slight annoyance and shot him a look, “I think you’ll get exactly what you deserve in the end, you dick.”
Spencer laughed lightly to himself and stood, the chair rolling out behind him. He sat on the edge of the table and wrapped an arm around JJ’s shoulders, and she wrapped one around his waist, leaning her head on his shoulder. 
“She’s really pretty,” JJ said, and Spencer burst into laughter. “And those shoes, oh my god… Do you think she has a good connect for them?”
“I can ask,” Spencer chortled, shaking his head. The things the women in his life decided to hyperfixate on. 
“Are you happy?” JJ asked quietly, giving his waist a small squeeze. 
Spencer nodded and kissed the side of his best friend’s head, his heart swelling painfully as he answered, “I’m happy. Very happily in love. I’ll explain it all sometime soon, but she’s got a… unique situation we’re working around.”
“Unhappy marriage?”
“Mm-hmm,” Spencer grunted, frowning. “Happy marriage, they’re just not actually together anymore. Haven’t been for years, but they stayed married for the kids. Title only.”
JJ hummed and nodded against him, “That’s some dedication. Are you sure you’re ready for all that?”
Spencer pulled away expecting judgment, but of course JJ’s eyes held only concern for him. Her eyes welled nervously as she expected anger from him as their arguments tended to go, but Spencer sighed and nodded, “I’m ready for all of it, JJ. I’m gonna meet her husband this week for dinner, and if he’s ready I can meet the kids sometime. I want a life with this woman and her family, even her ex. She loves him, and I wouldn’t ever take that away from her.”
“Stepdad Spencer Reid…” JJ smirked, but then her smile faded. “Does she want more kids? You always wanted kids of your own.”
Spencer shrugged, “She says she’s willing to have more but… I don’t need kids that look like me to be a good dad, y’know?”
“Yeah, of course I know,” she scolded him like he was an idiot, slapping at his chest. “I’ve been waiting to be an aunt for twenty years. It’s about time you gave me some kids to spoil.”
Her face lit up and she grinned wide at him, “Garcia’s going to lose her fucking mind! All those kids will be so spoiled by us.”
Spencer laughed as he looked down on the excitement on her face, but a noise coming from the bullpen made both of them turn. Yelling sounded through the hall, and Spencer and JJ flashed one another a look before running down the ramp to see a tall blond man slamming his hands down on a desk as he yelled at Hotch.
“... just a kid, and she’s not sleeping,” the man pleaded, hands shaking as he looked at a pained faced Hotch. 
“Mr. Arends-,” he began but the man cut him off. 
“My wife is losing her mind, Agent Hotchner. You need to find this woman and put her away,” he begged, and tears visibly rolled down his cheeks. “I can’t… I can’t help her like this. She’s too scared.”
“Hotch?” JJ asked, and both men turned to face them. The blond man was taller than Aaron, bulky beyond belief with muscles that coiled dangerously under his shirt. But his desperate gaze betrayed any signs of rage, instead it was full of grief.
Hotch sighed and waved a hand between them, “Charles Arends, this is Dr. Spencer Reid and SSA Jennifer Jareau. They’re two of my team, two of the best and we are all doing everything we can to find the woman your daughter saw.”
Charles nodded, tugging on his fingers anxiously, “Charlie. Look, agents, my daughter is traumatized. I know you want to talk to her again, but… I don’t think she can take it.”
“She seemed more than willing to talk to us the other day,” Hotch started, but Charlie shook his head.
“After the screaming fit she had this morning, my wife will gut you all before she lets you near her again.”
“Yes, I got her voicemail…” Hotch grumbled, but then his dark eyes lit up with an idea. He waved a hand at Spencer, “Dr. Reid is one of our best when it comes to talking with children. I’m sure if your wife met him she’d open up to the idea of us interviewing her again.”
Charlie eyed Spencer and his awkward wave critically, “I think she’d snap that guy in half.”
“How about this?” Hotch offered, “We’ll come by the Nocturne tonight and introduce them. If she gets… upset, we’ll reevaluate. I think your daughter is our best bet at finding this woman and knows more than she thinks. A cognitive interview with Dr. Reid might even help her begin to heal once she’s finally able to talk about it.”
“I’ve had a lot of success with them,” Spencer said when Charlie made a face. “Basically, we go through the event together, but she can stop it at any time. She can hold my hand, your hand, her mother’s… it’ll help her feel like she wasn’t alone during it.”
Spencer sighed, remembering a few of his own after his traumas, “It’s the first real step to moving on. She has to get through it first.”
“My wife goes on stage at nine,” Charlie decided, eyeing Spencer with hope and distrust at the same time. “The kids are with a babysitter on nights when we both work. I’ll be on stage with her but we have a break at ten.”
“We’ll be there,” Hotch told him, and Charlie nodded.
He turned to walk away, but something in Spencer screamed at him to reach out, so he hustled over and opened the doors for him, “I’ll take you downstairs.”
Neither man said much even as they got to the elevator. Charlie leaned against the back wall and sighed heavily. The big man seemed so small even though he was nearly a head taller than Spencer, and he couldn’t help himself as he said quietly, “It doesn’t seem like it now, but it will get better. It takes a lot of work.”
Charlie rolled his head toward Spencer and nodded, “My wife is very protective. She had our oldest when she was pretty young and she raised her by herself before we met.”
A prideful respect ripped through him. It sounded like you and your own dedication to your children, so fierce and mother bear-like, Spencer couldn’t help but smile.
“My girlfriend is the same way.”
“She also crazy?” Charlie chuckled, but it was full of exhaustion. Spencer could tell the man hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in a long time, and it was weighing heavily on him that he couldn’t help his own daughter. 
“Yeah, she’s nuts, but I’m in love with her,” he huffed, and Charlie chuckled and nodded to himself. 
As the elevator opened, Charlie set a heavy hand on Spencer’s shoulder and gave him a small squeeze, “Thanks, doc. I’ll see what I can do, but… my wife is feral when it comes to keeping those kids safe.”
He took a step out, his hand sliding from Spencer to his side. Spencer held the door and called out, “I’ll keep her safe, Charlie. You guys just need to let me.”
Charlie nodded, giving Spencer a feeble smile in return, “My wife would like you. She’d say you have puppy eyes and make fun of you, but I think she’d like you.”
Spencer smiled, “Then I’ll put on my best face tonight when I meet her. We’ll get through this together, okay?”
“Yeah, thanks, doc,” he muttered, giving him a wave, and then he headed out the door. 
You sighed as you laid in bed with Tulip, spooning her as she slept fitfully. You’d come home to Charlie trying and failing to calm her down after a nightmare, then spent the whole day coddling her while Corrinne took the rest of the kids to Charlie’s house.
She’d called and said Charlie went to talk to Agent Hotchner, but you didn’t really care as you’d left a scathing curse-filled voicemail for him anyway.
You couldn’t seem to get comfortable, still feeling bloated and a bit sore after your night with Spencer. Your night together had been wonderful, but you were quickly realizing that those nights would be further and fewer in between if Tulip kept having trouble. 
You wished he were here right now, holding your hand. You were sure he’d sit on the edge of the bed and rub your shoulders, that he’d comfort Tulip the best he could… you couldn’t wait to introduce him to Charlie. He’d really like him.
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand, and you quickly rolled over to snatch it and answer. Tulip stirred as you held it up to your ear, turning to squint up at you.
“It’s okay, baby, go back to sleep,” you murmured as you heard Spencer’s voice on the other end. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Okay,” she grumbled, nuzzling back into the pillow and tugging the covers tighter over her body.
You slipped into the bathroom and closed the door behind you, going to sit on the edge of the tub and put your head in your hand, “You still there?”
“Is this a bad time?” he asked softly, “I can let you go.”
“No,no,” you insisted, feeling relief just at the sound of his voice. “I’m just about to get ready for work.”
“Ahh, well we’re twinning tonight,” Spencer chuckled. You heard clothing shift on the other end, no doubt his tie slipping from his collar. “I’ve got to work tonight too. Just thought I’d hear your voice a bit before.”
“Are you okay? You sound tired.”
“Yeah, just… a long night ahead of me,” he replied quietly. “Trying to finish something up so we can have dinner this week without interruption.”
“Y’know, I still don’t know what you do, Spencer,” you realized, dread washing over you in the same instant. 
“And I don't know what you do, sweetheart,” he returned, but it was light. “All in good time, I’m sure.”
“Yeah.” Spencer shuffled around the room, going through drawers. “Hey, I’m trying to look casual tonight and not stuffy. Is a button up with no tie casual?”
You laughed quietly, “You got a hot date?”
He made a noise of disgruntlement, “Eh, more like a work event I’m not looking forward to. I’m just nervous, it’s not really my scene.”
“Wear some dark slacks and one of those patterned purple button ups,” you offered, “Unbutton a few at the top just for me.”
You bit your thumb as he laughed on the other end, “Okay, just for you I will.”
Your stomach churned as you sat there listening to him move around, and you let out a long sigh to try to calm it. You heard him stop, “You still feeling sick?”
“I’m okay. I’ve got five kids, Spencer, they probably gave me something.”
“Okay,” he said slowly, and you could hear his frown through the phone. “Maybe you should take the night off.”
“I’ll think about it,” you said quietly. You listened for Tulip on the other side of the door, satisfied when you heard her snoring instead. Biting your lip and eyeing the door, you whispered, “I love you, Spencer.”
He chuckled lightly, and you found yourself blushing, “I love you too. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“I gotta go. I love you, stay out of trouble.”
“Never,” you replied devilishly.
He laughed once more before he hung up, leaving you alone in the bathroom. You set the phone on the sink ledge just in time for your stomach to lurch once more, and you barely got the toilet lid up in time before you emptied it into the bowl.
You tried to keep quiet as the nausea was gone just as quick as it came, staring in horror as realization washed over you. The bloating, the nausea, the sore and tender breasts… you hadn’t felt like this since…
Since you were pregnant with Poppy.
“Oh, fuck, fuck,” you whispered to yourself as you flushed the toilet and crawled over to the sink. Opening the cabinet underneath, you dug through it until you found a familiar pink box you’d stared at four times before.
Quickly you ripped open the box and went about taking the test, sitting anxiously on the toilet as you struggled to gain enough courage to even pee on the damned stick. It took ten minutes of leg jiggling and trying to calm yourself down before you finally managed to do it.
Snatching a paper towel and setting it on the counter, you grabbed your phone and opened the screen only to be confronted by a photo of your family. You, Charlie, all five of the girls… Tulip, Daisy, Ivy and Willow, and Poppy all grinning back at you. 
Were you ready for more?
Your heart beat wildly in your chest at the thought. You didn’t know enough about Spencer to know if you were ready this quickly. He didn’t know your job, your past, all your kids’ names… he hadn’t even met Charlie yet! So much was happening so quickly and you didn’t know how prepared you were for it.
He said he wanted to marry you… but that was just talk, right?
You set your timer for three minutes, sitting with your back to the edge of the tub and trying not to stare at it. Your fingers rubbed anxiously along the strand of delicate pearls Spencer had gotten you. 
You knew Spencer would be a great dad, that he not only wanted kids but wanted the kids you had and a life with you. He would be perfect and Charlie would love him… but you hadn’t talked about so much. What would his reaction be when he found out his love was a former stripper with a sordid past? Would he leave?
You’d still have Charlie and the kids, but the thought of Spencer rejecting you brought terrified tears to your eyes. Your chin wobbled and you thought about calling Charlie, confessing your fears to your best friend and having him comfort you, but the girls needed him and Tulip needed you. 
The only real way this could be happening was if your IUD dislodged… you'd have to go get it removed and checked out. 
It felt like years before the tinkling chime echoed through the bathroom, signaling time was up. With a shaky hand, you reached up and grabbed the test from the counter.
You looked up at the ceiling, praying for good news, even though you weren’t sure what you wanted. Pulling in a shaky breath, you held it and counted to three before letting it go.
Turning the test over in your hands, your jaw dropped when you spotted two lines inside the little oval screen. The stick clattered to the floor with an earth shattering clack as you stared wide eyed at nothing at all.
It was positive.
You were pregnant with Spencer Reid’s baby.
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Notes: **GASP** Sweetheart's pregnant! And Spencer's going to The Nocturne tonight... where she'll be performing... WHAT do you think is going to happen?????? Are you excited to see a night at the Nocturne?
CM Taglist:
@thedancingcostumeyoungadult @muffin-cup @simplyparker @spencerreidsmommy @hotchandspencearedilfs @gspenc @kbakery @nomajdetective @givemeth @hoshihiime @halloween-is-my-nationality @reidselle @thisiscalmanditsdoctorreid @dreatine @thebloomingeagle @fortheloveofwonderland @theforgottenwinter @parkerreidnorth @reidselle @randomhoex @scargarcia-magshotchner @stitchwrites @pygmygoat-bicyclehelmet @cle13 @aysixdy @elhotchner @directioner5life @elhotchner @loveeee2134 @preciousbabypeter @la-stuffs @stories-you-wont-hear @hotchlover @fortheloveofwonderland @lokiandhisdagger @bellanutellababyyy @dark-night-sky-99 @straightforbuckybutgayfornatasha @maltamurdock @charelletjee @kansas-reid @zephyrmonkey @spencer-reid-wonderland @spencersprettyslut @im-sure-its-fine @tvdstelenaforever @teddylupintonks  @lilibet261 @kneelforloki @dirtytissuebox @almostgenerallyalways @whovian378 @cl0udyqu33n @thegettingbyp2 @averagestudent03 @the-sun-died-out @squishycalumxo 
Room 405 Taglist:
@rexorangecouny @nomajdetective @halloween-is-my-nationality @spenciesprincess @hoely-scripture @gspenc @princesssmooshie @loveeee2134 @reidslefteyebrow @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @hotchandspencearedilfs @barbietiingz @riverjane-d @2-gay-possums-in-a-trench-coat @simplyparker @thebloomingeagle @pygmygoat-bicyclehelmet @fangirling-galore @randomhoex @drspencerreid80 @kbakery@fortheloveofwonderland @athenabrown @yukachankyu @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @baciamisottolalucedicentostelle @athenabrown @theforgottenwinter @parkerreidnorth @elhotchner
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icey--stars · 1 year
Stories To Be Told: PART 10
Series Index
A shadowsinger, a warrior, an Illyrian, that's what she was. Trained by one of the most formidable female warriors. Escaped the Illyrian camps and her clipping when she was barely sixteen and is now the holder of 6 siphons. What happens when she tries to sneak into the City of Starlight? And starts down a whole new road of chaos?
A/N: and WELCOME BACK! thank you all so much for your support. it truly means the world to me!! and remember- its every other day posting now, besides weekends because thats my break days lol
ps. i am way to lazy to write the entire time y/n was at her brother's and mother's place. so just imagine a lot of sucking up and pissing y/n off. (in other words, i dont need more characters to show development with lol) AH i can't wait to make you all suffer in anguish and wait after wednesday's post.
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
I was buzzing with anger as I flew back to the House. My mother and brother had tried so, so hard to get me to like them. They just made me hate them more by how desperate they were. Extra food, tours (which I blatantly refused) and all sorts of things. Gifts from my mother in the form of dresses. Knives from my brother. I hated it. I absolutely hated it. There wasn’t any escape either, unless I wanted to winnow away. I wasn’t willing to brave going into the camp. I stayed where I was, or I snuck into the forest for an hour to cool my anger down.
I flew through the better part of the day, rain starting to come down from midday. I ignored it, pushing through the wind and storm.
I landed on the balcony, soaking wet. I stalked inside, taking off my boots before I went into my room and set them by the window to dry. My leathers soon joining them.
I had just changed into a dryer set of clothes when a knock on my door made me flinch.
“Who is it?” I called.
“Azriel,” the male replied from behind the door.
I sighed, still feeling as if I was running on pure spite and then shook off my wings before opening the door.
“Yes?” I prompted, leaning against the doorway.
“How did your trip go?” He asked.
“It was fine,” I replied.
“Where’d you go if you don’t mind me being curious?”
“Illyria.” I looked back over my room for a moment, seeing if it was clean enough to open. I was startled to find my shadows curling over me still. They’d been silent mostly, for the entire flight and visit. I opened the door, pulling my shadows in to disappear.
“I went to visit people who aren’t my family anymore. Nothing big,” I said.
“You have… family?”
“Not really,” I sighed, opening the door to work on scrubbing my leathers dry and cleaning them. “They’re quite manipulative in my experience.”
“Ah,” Azriel sighed. “I can get that.” He didn't elaborate, and I didn't need him to.
“Did you need anything, or did you just want to know why I was gone?” I asked.
“Well, I was confused why you were gone, but I figured if you arrived during this storm, you’d like a couple clean towels.” He pulled a small pile of towels from behind his back.
I eyed them suspiciously before taking them and setting them on the bed. “Thank you, I suppose.”
Azriel stood there awkwardly for a few more minutes before he finally said, “I’ll see you later.”
As he walked off, I took one of the towels and used it to dry off my head and neck that was still dripping water, looking out the window at the moon and the stars beyond it.
Luckily, I didn’t get sick from my fly through the rain. I managed to dodge that bullet.
“Y/N!” Nesta greeted me as I landed near them for training the next morning. “How have you been?”
“Fine,” I replied. 
“Where’d you go, if you don’t mind me asking?” Emerie questioned.
“Illyria. My… old family asked for my presence. I’m not going back,” I replied hesitantly.
“Good. They don’t need to be in your life,” Emerie said. I nodded in agreement.
“Alright! Come on ladies!” Cassian called. “Glad to have you back Y/N, hope you’ve been practicing for the past week.”
I rolled my eyes.
The training was hard, but it also was a relief to be back, doing what I’d been doing the past months. Spring was nearing and the air was getting warmer, which was nice. Around this time I would settle myself in the middle of the forest instead of near a town to buy food. Spring was when all the critters started to come out.
During lunch, Nesta said, “so, does anyone have any plans for Starfall or are we all going to stare at the sky like last year?”
Starfall. The most beautiful night of the year. I remember watching it at the camps and missing it dearly in the Winter Court. I’d been watching it hanging onto the tops of trees recently, but I’d heard that the best place to view it was in Velaris. 
“How about you Y/N?”
I realized I’d zoned out the conversation and shook my head to clear it. “I’ve no plans. I’ll enjoy seeing it from here though.”
Emerie smiled. “It’s beautiful. Do you plan to wear anything nice?”
I pursed my lips. “Not a dress,” I replied. “I’ll probably find something a bit different though so I don’t stand out.”
“Cassian always ends up wearing just a nice black dress shirt, so you could get away with that,” Nesta offered.
“It is hard to find dresses that work for wings, so I get that,” Emerie chuckled. “Everything tends to be harder to get on. I might be able to help if you need it."
I nodded in agreement. “I’ve never been the type to wear dresses. Never have actually. I wore a skirt in the Winter Court once, but it wasn’t to my liking, just too limiting on movement. And I might just take you up on that offer Emerie."
“Makes sense,” Nesta replied. “Though if you ever want to try, let me know because I am so going to be there.”
I chuckled. “Will do Nesta.” I finished up my food, standing up. “Alright I have work, see you all tomorrow.”
They waved me off as I walked off down the hallways.
Azriel met me on the balcony and I almost groaned. What did he want now? At this point, all he did was worry over me. Or act all awkward and weird. I prepared myself for a snarling match.
“Y/N, Rhys would like to have a word with you after work. Just at the River House by the Sidra,” Azriel said.
I eyed him a little big longer before replying, “Alright, I’ll make sure to meet with him. Anything I should prepare?”
“He didn’t tell me anything.”
I sighed, a little disappointed about not knowing what to expect. “Alright then. Anything else?”
Azriel shook his head. “Don’t end up in the harbor again,” he chuckled.
I rolled my eyes before flying off toward the docks.
I wasn’t tasked to use my wings luckily. It’d become a habit of my boss to exploit them. Instead, I lifted boxes and carried them onto ships just like the rest of the dock employees.
I managed to find the River House without fail, landing outside as I passed through the wards. The House of Wind had wards, I knew, but I’d gotten used to them. These were… different. Stronger somehow and more reinforced.
I knocked on the door and it opened to reveal my High Lord.
“Ah, Y/N. Great to see you. I had a couple things to discuss with you if you’ll come with me?” Rhysand asked.
I nodded, and he held the door while I walked inside and then led me through the halls to a smaller room. An office. It had papers scattered everywhere, while some remained neatly stacked. Others were ripped. But there was ink on the desk and a bookshelf, which made it less intimidating in a way.
A stool magically appeared at a snap and as Rhys took the one at his desk, I took the stool, facing him. My wing twitched with nervous energy. What was he going to ask?
“So,” he began. “I’ve heard from your brother that you visited him recently, yes? And your mother.”
“Not really my family, but yes. That’s where I left to visit. Faxon and Merle.”
Rhysand nodded. “Alright. It seems that Faxon, the head guard there, has made a mistake. He mentioned you to the lord there, Ambroz.”
I shivered at the name, holding back a snarl. Oh, for so long I’d wanted to tear that male apart. The one who tried to clip me. The one who ruined everything. My plan, my life, my memories, my mind, and so many other little parts of me.
“I understand you have some not so pleasant memories with him, but he’s offered to apologize to you, wanting you to visit. I want to know if I should be concerned for your safety.”
My leg started to bounce and I held it down with my hand. 
“Ambroz isn’t the type to apologize. He’s the type to act irrationally. I barely knew him during my time in Ironcrest, but you learn a lot about a male who ruined your entire life. You don’t have to be concerned about me, but perhaps just a bit concerned for how things may fall out if I don’t visit. If I do, which I can, it probably will end in bloodshed on both parties.”
“I see. I don’t have a particular liking for that male. And because he hasn’t committed any outright crimes, I can’t condemn him. No matter how much I want to. I was wondering if perhaps you’d be willing to visit and find a way to… make him come clean about something or commit a crime. He’s causing problems all across Illyria. I’d rather like to kill him if I could. Clipping would warrant that.”
“If anyone is going to kill him, I’m doing it. Or any female in that camp that I knew,” I said, holding back the growl in my voice.
I paused, and then observed, “So you want me to manipulate him into coming clean.”
“Should you want the killing blow, it’s yours. And yes. I do,” Rhysand spoke. “I’ve been trying to have Azriel do it, but Ambroz doesn’t particularly think he can manipulate Az. He does, however, with you.”
I closed my eyes for a moment, my knee bouncing against my hand, even despite the strength I put forth to keep it down- “I’ll do it,” I said loud enough for him to hear. “If only to get the opportunity to kill him.”
Rhysand nodded in understanding. “Faxon offered housing. Though I have an inkling you don’t exactly want it, so I’m offering for you to stay two hours north, in Windhaven. My mother’s old residence is there.”
I nodded. “That would be great, but I don’t really know where that is exactly.”
“That’s why I’m sending Azriel with you. He will stay out of your way, but act as some sort of body guard, while doing extra work for me,” Rhysand explained. “That isn’t an issue, is it?”
I tensed but replied, “not an issue my lord.”
That bastard had lied about knowing nothing. He knew.
“It’s just Rhys, but I’m glad you find that agreeable. How soon do you think you could leave?”
“Anytime,” I replied. “Just give me tomorrow morning and I can leave whenever.”
Rhysand smiled. “Leave tomorrow then. The sooner you finish, the sooner it’s done. Azriel has a mental link with me he can use to tell me when to come down. That will be when Ambroz finally fucks up.”
I dipped my head. “Sounds good.”
I flew out of that house feeling rage boiling my blood slightly. “You knew,” I deadpanned at Azriel, who was standing on the balcony, quietly observing the city below us.
“Yes,” he sighed.
“You lied,” I observed, seeing if he was going to argue.
“Yes, I did. It was Rhys’s job to inform you of the mission. Did you accept?”
“Yes, we leave tomorrow.”
Azriel nodded. “We’re traveling by shadow to Windhaven. You can get out your nerves during the flight to Ironcrest. To send a message like daemati, tell a shadow a message to repeat to me. Only we can hear it.”
Azriel was in full spymaster, planning mission mode it seemed. It made it slightly easier to talk with him. Without all his... interesting behavior
I nodded, despite having a spike of anxiety about using my shadows. There was no telling how long this trip might take, and I’d have to have my shadows out the entire time just to make sure I was intimidating. I had to make sure people took me at least partly seriously.
Distantly, I wondered where the hell all my pissed off energy towards this male had run off to.
“Keep the negative from flowing into your power. That’s the best way I can describe it. Create a wall, similar to a mind shield between it and your shadows,” Azriel explained. “I’m going to trust that you can hold your own against the males in the camp should things go south. Can you winnow very far?”
I knew what he was talking about. The hard thing was doing it. But at least I had an idea on how. 
“I can winnow to the human lands if I wanted to,” I replied.
“Good. And if there are wards, pray to all the gods that you don’t die,” Azriel finalized. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He walked off without another word. He was clearly focused and prepared for a mission like this. Unlike me, who was just trying to do whatever the hell I was being told to do.
I sighed, and then walked to my usual area for dinner, sitting down with a huff.
There was always one thing I neglected to tell everyone about my shadows. Something I'd avoid telling anyone until my final days if I could.
Wards… wards usually don't matter to me. I can feel them, and I can pass through them, but if there are wards that stop me from doing things, most often, under intense pressure, I can indeed still use my shadows. I didn’t know if Azriel could as well, and it might very well be a “me” thing, but if there are wards and I am trapped, I can escape still. Maybe alone, but there are worse things in life. After all, I'd escaped alone without Rainne. Losing someone I was pissed off at would be easier.
My shadows were my secret, I told myself. I wasn’t obligated to share what I could do, especially when angered. There was more I could do, but I didn’t know if Az could do them as well. But I knew the ward winnowing, slipping in between undetected, wasn’t normal. And someone might just kill for that power, to control it, or extinguish it.
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
TAGLIST: just comment to be added! in the future, i'll work on a taglist for all my works, but for now, its just this story. if i've already posted the next part, the notice will be a reply to ur comment and you'll be in the next one <3
@mis-lil-red, @bunnymallowo, @judig92, @biblophilefox82, @azzydaddy, @thegirlintheshadows101, @whatupmydudes01, @feyres-fireheart, @elizarikaallen, @xenlynn, @panzees-bizarre-adventures, @starswholistenanddreamsanswered, @baebeepeach
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ace-touya · 16 days
So these are the anime in your pinned post : BNHA, JJK, Blue Exorcist, Hell Girl, Your Name, Weathering with You, and A Silent Voice...
Can I ask your top 5 favorite moments from each of the series/movies above (please pick at least 3 titles)? Thanks 🌷
Oo okay! This is gonna be long because I did all of them.
My Hero Academia - I adore Dabi’s Dance first and foremost, then all the flashbacks to his childhood in Season 6, Episode 17. Third, I loved Aizawa and Mic’s conversation with Kurogiri in the Villain Academia arc, and one of the scenes that’s stuck with me the most in MHA is when Aizawa says ‘don’t apologise for being alive’ to All Might, I think around the Christmas Episode? That would be fourth. Finally, the scene where Toga uses Ochaco’s quirk in the villain academia. Those aren’t in order at all but they’re the things that come to mind
Jujutsu Kaisen - the scene in the end of season 1 where Megumi uses Domain Expansion for the first time after remembering advice Gojo and Sukuna gave him was really cool. And the scene where middle school Megumi is sitting on a pile of bullies he just beat up as second. Third, the end of the hidden inventory arc where Gojo’s asleep having dream flashbacks of meeting little Megumi, then he wakes up and grown up Megumi is the first thing he sees. In the same episode, the scene where Geto is giving a speech to his cult and kills a dude on stage is so uncomfortable and kinda disorienting, but so cool, so that’s fourth. The scene at the end of the JJK 0 movie with Gojo talking to deathbed Geto is my fifth.
Blue Exorcist - the scene were Rin is reading the letter in the Impure King arc and he’s just like ‘…interesting…’ and they’re like ‘what does it say’ and he just goes, ‘I can’t read it’. Second, the scene way at the beginning of it when Rin is yelling about how Shiro isn’t even his real father and then Shiro slaps him. Third, the moment where Amaimon was opening and closing Rin’s sword and his flames were just going on and off was funny. Fourth, when Rin talks to Kuro about Shiro’s death and gets him as a familiar. Fifth, Kamiki being the only reasonable one after they found out Rin was the son of Satan and saying she doesn’t really care. I don’t know when any of these things happened but it’s all in season one and two
Hell Girl - Ai Enma singing the song her cousin used to sing with her while she’s making the pebble tower is probably my favourite moment in the show, it’s near the end of season one. That’s my first. Second is in the Bride Doll episode when Ren is watching Inori get tortured by her mother-in-law and says ‘women are scary..’ to which Honne Onna responds ‘have you only just figured that out?’. Third, the scene where Ai talks to Nina in episode 17 and gets her to remember she isn’t actually Nina. Fourth, any scene where Tsugumi says she doesn’t think Hell Girl is completely in the wrong, much to Hajime’s dismay. And fifth, the flashbacks to Ai and Sentarou.
Your Name - the scene where Mitsuha reads that Taki wrote ‘I love you’ on her hand and starts crying because she can’t use that to remember his name. The scene with Taki in Mistuha’s body where her grandmother asks him if he’s dreaming and he starts crying. The bit when Taki goes in person to see Mitsuha and finds out that the comet killed everyone three years ago. I don’t know when it happened but I swear there’s a scene where Taki refers to Yostuha as his sister and I found it incredibly cute. Finally, the scene where Mistuha yells ‘please make me a cute Tokyo boy in my next life!’
Weathering With You - Hodaka saying the McDonald’s burger is the best meal he’s ever had. Second, Hina telling Hodaka she’s disappearing, then cuddling, and him waking up with her gone and Nagi having had the same dream as him. The entire part of the movie where Hodaka is running from police and doing crazy shit to get away from them. Of course fourth is ‘Who cares if we never see the sun again?! I want you more than any blue sky!’ And fifth would have to be Nagi, Hina and Hodaka in the hotel just having the times of their lives as a found family
A Silent Voice - the scene where Shoya’s mum stops Shoko’s mum from fighting with Ueno. Yuzuru’s conversation with her grandma right before the grandma dies. The scene with everyone at the bridge where Shoya calls everyone else out on their bs. Shoya saving Shoko when she tried to kill herself. Shoko when she tried to confess her love to Shoya.
This was really fun to answer
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thatesqcrush · 2 years
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
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Rafael Barba x Reader. For @melk917 @lannister-slings-and-arrows & @pascalispretty Wet Hot Summer Bingo, using Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles (lyrics in bold) which gives me an official BINGO! 🍾
AN: one off from my Señorita series, after they have kids.
WC: 1.6K
CW: NSFW (mentions of having kids/pregnancy, talk about lactation, breeding talk, negative self talk re: body weight issues of the female persuasion, cunnilingus, breast play, praise, language in general).
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When Rafael arrived home that night, he expected that you would be in bed, swallowed by the comforter. Instead, he found you sitting inside your shared walk-in closet surrounded by piles of your clothes, naked. And crying.
“Amor?” Rafael asked, crouching down. “What’s wrong? Is it the kids?”
You looked up at him, your cheeks stained with dark tears. “Nothing fits.”
Rafael stared at you confusedly. “Wait - what?”
You let out a deep exhalation and then used the backs of your hands to wipe your eyes. “The kids are fine; they’re asleep.” You picked up a strewn dress, a black silky number and tossed it back into the heap, with a scoff. “We have that stupid political shindig with the Mayor and the Benevolent Association tomorrow night. And nothing fits!”
Rafael offered you his hand and you took it. He helped you up and enveloped you in a hug. “I’m sure you do.”
“No, I don’t. I’m a cow. I look hideous in everything.” You pushed away from him and faced the mirror. “Two kids and look at me. You ran your hand over your stomach, softer than it used to be. You pinched your flesh, tugging. “Love handles.” You turned to your side, your outer thigh showing. And look, saddlebags.”
Rafael had been standing behind you as you gave yourself a critique. His hands gripped your arms from behind, holding you in place. You could see Rafael in the mirror, his expression serious. “You are no such thing. Don’t ever say that. You are beautiful.” You let out a sigh, looking downward. Rafael released one of your arms and then curled his finger under your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. “Do you believe me?”
You gave him a small shrug. “I suppose.”
Rafael gave you a pointed look. “Our bodies change amor; it’s part of life.” He stepped aside from you and began to undress. As you watched him, a jolt of pleasure coursed down your body, pooling in your panties. ‘Why is it,’ you thought, ‘that men become distinguished as they age and women become… old maids and spinsters?’ Rafael was softer too, thick but in a functionally fit way. The dark hair on his chest that trailed all the way down now weathered a similar salt and pepper coloring, matching his beard and temples.
Rafael caught you staring and in turn, winked. You blush, as if you hadn’t ever seen your husband naked before. His massive cock is standing at attention, thick and veiny. A pearlescent bead collected at the head and your cunt involuntarily clenched, desperate to feel him slide inside of you, filling you to the point of delicious pain.
Rafael gave himself a languid pump. “See what you do to me?”
Part of you bloomed with pride that you are the direct cause of his erection. Rafael pulled you close to him, his hands landing on your ass, squeezing and rolling the fat of your flesh. You let out a small squeak which quickly turned into a moan as Rafael captured your lips with his. Your hands cupped his bearded cheeks, holding him in place as you returned the kiss enthusiastically.
The kiss eventually softened and Rafael turned you around so that you’re facing the mirror. He sat and then pulled you gently down, so that you’re also sitting in front of him. You frowned at how your stomach folds and Rafael clicked his tongue. “None of that now. Just watch the mirror.”
You nod, unsure of what laid ahead. Rafael softly stroked the flesh of your belly. “Remember how much we fucked when we started trying to make our family? How I wanted that belly?” His voice was gravelly and his breath was hot on your ear. “Told you I’d fill you up, make your belly big and round?”
You let out a shaky breath. “Yes.”
Rafael’s hands moved upwards to your breasts. “And then you nursed our babies, growing them from the outside. Your tits got so big then, fuck.” You watched as his large hands cupped your breasts, squeezing firmly. There is a slight breeze from the open window and it caused you to shiver. Your nipples were already hard and they pucker further beneath Rafael’s touch.
“I love your tits then and I love them now,” Rafael continues as he tugs and twiddles your nipples. You rest your head against him, watching him continue to play with your breasts. He’s stoking your desire.
“Yeah?” You returned softly. “What do you love about them?”
“I love watching them bounce when you ride my cock. They’re so soft and fit my hands perfectly.”
Rafael continued to play with your tits and you let out a desperate whine. “Wanna hear a secret?”
“Yes,” you moaned. “Tell me.”
“I loved fucking you when you were nursing. Sometimes you’d have a letdown and your milk would run down my hands as I played with your tits. God it was so fucking hot, wonderful and warm. And filthy in such a good way.” Rafael continued. You wriggled under his grasp, feeling his cock leak against the small of your back.
“Jesus, Rafi.”
“Spread your legs for me, dulce angelita,” Rafael ordered and you obeyed. Rafael’s hands spread your legs further and there it is - a full display of your cunt in the mirror.
“Look how pretty that pussy of yours is,” Rafael purred in your ear. His finger trailed your folds, watching how your arousal coated his finger. “Reminds me of strawberries on a summer evening, at the end of June.” He ghosted the tips of his fingers from your clit down to where you were leaking. “Just so perfect. It’s like your pussy was made just for my cock. I could never go without.”
“Your pussy,” you whined some more. Your eyes never stopped staring at his movements in the mirror. Rafael’s breathing was getting heavier along with your own. His fingers began to circle your clit and your hips began to undulate ever so slightly. “Please.”
“Breathe in, breathe out, don’t stop watching what I am doing,” Rafael continued, placing a soft kiss along your neck. You let out a gasp at the sight of his fingers sinking into you. The wet sounds of his fingers fucking you makes the whole scene that more erotically charged and naughty. He curled his fingers inside you, slow and measured. His other hand was firm on your hip, holding you in place. You feel his steady gaze on you. In and out, and in again. Over and over. The world is blurring around as you begin to tense against him, feeling your orgasm beginning to erupt.
“Muy bien,” Rafael murmured. His thumb encircled your pulsating clit some more. You come with a strident wail, Rafael’s name escaping from your lips before your body goes slack against his. Rafael’s fingers slide out of your glistening cunt and you watch through half lidded eyes as he licked his fingers clean.
“Tastes like watermelon sugar,” Rafael remarked. “I’m just thinking out loud…I want more.” Rafael laid on his back, bringing you with him. “C’mere, let me have a better taste.”
“I’ll be too heavy for you,” you protested weakly.
Rafael dragged you towards his face. “Please, I just want to taste it.”
You preened at his begging and then positioned yourself over his face. But Rafael repositioned you so that you were facing outwards, your ass to his face.
“Watch yourself come. See how pretty you are when you do. And why I cannot get enough.”
Once in position, you felt his hands grip your hips as he pulled you that final fraction forward, enough that he could put his mouth on you. Rafael devoured your cunt as if he were a starving man with his first meal in ages. You gasped as his tongue swirled over your folds and clit. Your thighs quivered as he kept at you, alternating his licks with sucks and thrusts. He groaned against your pussy, vocalizing his enjoyment before he sucked hard on your clit.
Your could feel that your thighs were sticky and messy. You rocked against Rafael’s face, meeting his tongue thrusts. “Don’t stop, please, don’t stop,” you moaned. You kept one hand on his thick thigh to keep steady and used the other one to cup your breast and pinch your nipple. “I’m going to cum,” you warned.
Rafael slipped his fingers out, causing you to whine again. “Gorgeous, that’s the plan,” he growled and pulled you back down against his mouth. He continued lapping your slit and rubbed his nose against your clit.
“Right there, right there!” You gasped as you began to unravel all over Rafael’s face. You were going to shut your eyes when you remembered Rafael’s command. You looked at yourself in the mirror as you came. Your naked body, tensing, your skin flush and hair askew. Any worries about your body fell wayside as your handsome husband brought you to the height of pleasure.
And then you heard him release his own deep groan. You let out a gasp as you watched as Rafael’s cock jerked in the mirror’s reflection. You looked down and you watched him come, white, hot and sticky painting all across his lower belly. It was filthy and hot causing you to come once more. Rafael continued to fuck you with his mouth as you rode out your orgasm.
Once back to reality, you climbed off of him, your body feeling like jello. Rafael pulled you close to him and kissed you. You could taste and smell yourself on his beard.
“Feeling better?” Rafael asked as you snuggled against his chest.
You nodded. “Oh yeah.”
Rafael squeezed you. “Forget tomorrow. Let’s not go.”
You sat up and faced him. “Raf, I am fine. I just got in my head. I’ll find something I swear—“
Rafael shook his head. “I rather spend my night with you. You coming sounds just like a song. And I can’t imagine anything or anyone — more perfect than that.”
Tags: @beccabarba @madpanda75 @mgarner1227 @teamsladsandgents @a-brignac @detective-giggles @detectivebarba @wanniiieeee @law-nerd105 @beardedmccoy @sweetsummertime99 @i-justreally-like-cats-okay @dreamlover31 @tintinxtintin @youreverycolor @rampantmuses @amelia-song-pond @madamsnape921 @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindos @qvid-pro-qvo @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @zoeykaytesmom @glimmerglittergirl @sass-and-suspenders @ottosuricato @neely1177 @mommakat32 @garturbo @pieceofshittytitty @permanentlydizzy @averyhotchner @storiesofsvu @bisexual-dreamer02 @annabelleb49 @witches-unruly-heart @jazzyjoi
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the-cult-of-russo · 1 year
Endorphins (Part 3)
Pairing: Reader/Billy Russo
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Warnings: cursing, angst, pain, the usual dark shit. I don't wanna tag it too like specifically to keep the suspense alive lmao the usual Punisher type of bullshit. It’s nothing you haven’t read before if you’ve read my other angsty shit.
A/N: Soooo this was a request but it turned into multiple parts because I got carried away. And I don't wanna put the request on here like I usually do because of spoilers lmaooo
But to answer the rest of your ask anon, I know, I was away awhile. Life hasn’t been kind to me and then I ended up knee-deep in another fandom lmao But I’m back babeeeyyyy!! ;)
Also, the name of this series is from a Don Broco song with the same name. If you don’t know who they are, check them out. They’re my fav band and I love them. 
I got endorphins running through my veins
I got endorphins keeping me awake
No, I can't help making big mistakes
I gotta give it up up, give it up
I got endorphins running through my veins
I got endorphins keeping me awake
But I can't help make 'em anyway
I gotta give it up up, give it up
It was a few days after Billy had been shot and you’d been secretly contacting landlords. You knew Billy wouldn't be happy about it but he seemed in no rush to get you to leave and it was getting hard to be around him so much after what happened. So far though, there hadn’t been anything good you felt comfortable with taking. You might have been in a rush, but you weren’t about to just take any place. You wanted it to be right. You slipped into Billy’s office after knocking and getting no answer. You knew he wouldn't mind you being in his office on your own, you’d done it plenty of times by now. All you needed was a file for the meeting the next day. You wanted to go over it to make sure you had all your ducks in a row. You were planning on taking it back with you to study over night. You tried the filing cabinet but it was locked so you moved over to Billy’s desk. You knew the key was around there somewhere. You cursed yourself for losing yours. With no sign of it on his desk, you opened one of his drawers. But your hunt for the key was long forgotten as you saw a case file with your name on it. 
You blinked at it for a moment before glancing to the door and then back to the file. You weren't sure why you had a file or why it was in here. Maybe it was a personnel file. You shrugged, grabbing it, figuring you'd put it back in the filing cabinet. Curiosity bit at you though. You wondered what was in there. It felt pretty thick. You wouldn't look though, it wasn't in your job to look and it would break Billy’s trust. So once you found the key to the filing cabinet, you made your way back over. As the drawer jostled open, the file slipped from your hands and pictures scattered on the floor. Your blood ran cold when you saw them. They were pictures of you. You crouched quickly, flipping through the mountain of pictures as your heart picked up uncomfortably. They looked like surveillance pictures or something. You getting groceries, you walking home, you doing everyday things. And worst of all, they weren't all recent. Some were from the year before and some from the year before that. Ones of you coming out of your old job, some with your colleagues. There were pictures of you outside of your apartment and even a few of you in your apartment window on the phone. You felt sick. You moved the pictures out of the way to the pile of papers behind of them. Medical records. There was the record of you going to the hospital after Billy insisted that you be checked out when you were mugged. One from when you broke your arm two years ago after taking a tumble at work. How the hell did he get these? They were confidential. The paper after that had your body seize up. It was some kind of police record. The mugshot staring at you was the man who mugged you. Leonard Yates. He’d been arrested for multiple things and his release date from prison had been the day before you’d gotten mugged. Your head was spinning as you tried to understand what you were looking at. It didn't make sense for Billy to have these things. This wasn’t normal things to have on your employees. Or your best friend. These were surveillance pictures and personal and confidential information. Things he shouldn't have. And who the hell had taken these pictures? You thought you’d gotten to know Billy pretty well over your time here at Anvil, especially staying with him. But looking at this now, you felt like you didn't know him at all and it terrified you. You’d spent so much time with him, bonded so much. And yet, he had all of these weird things stored in his desk the whole time.
You heard the door and panicked, scooping the contents back in the file and standing up so fast your head spun. You clutched the file to your chest, keeping your name facing you as Billy walked in.
“Hey, you need somethin’?” he asked, closing the door behind him. You tried to calm yourself. You didn’t want to confront him, you were far too scared and confused right now. You just wanted to leave. You didn't want him to know anything was wrong. Your brain was having a hard time adjusting to what you’d found and that it was your Billy that had this stuff. If it was just the papers and not the pictures, you might have asked him about it. You normally felt comfortable enough with him, trusted him with your life. But after seeing all of those pictures, you felt uncomfortable. A dread prickling at you that screamed at you to run. For the first time, you didn't trust him at all.
“I just needed the file on McDaniels. Thought I’d take it with me tonight and read up,” you smiled, willing your heart to calm down before it beat out of your chest. Billy nodded, eyes going to the filing cabinet, his desk and then the file in your hands in quick succession and you felt unable to breathe.
“You find it alright?” he asked. He didn't sound like he suspected anything and you let out a shaky breath as you nodded.
“Yeah. I’ll leave you to it,” you smiled, rushing past him and to the door. Just as you had it open slightly, his hand was on it slamming it shut. You whimpered, body seizing up as he stood over your shoulder, strong arm keeping the door shut. 
“You really shouldn’ta snooped, Y/N,” he sighed from behind you. His voice felt rough in your ears but there was an air of resignation to it.
“I didn’t. I was just looking for the file and I found it,” you bit out, you knew it was futile though. You both knew it. He grabbed your arm and moved you away from the door, putting himself between you and it. You felt your legs shake slightly as you tried to figure out how to get out of the situation you found yourself in. How did it come to this? That your best friend was the one you were afraid of?
“Please just let me leave, Billy,” you begged softly, your voice almost a whisper. He tilted his head at you as he rolled his shoulder.
“You know I can’t do that. Not now you’ve seen shit you weren't supposta see,” he muttered as he shook his head. He wore an odd expression you’d never seen directed at you before. It was intense. A mixture of sadness and anger. Disappointment. 
"I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for what's in the file. I'm sure you have them on everyone who works here," you weren't sure who you were trying to convince at this point. He laughed incredulously, brows raising as he gave you a look.
"That's funny. See… that was what I was gonna say if you ever found it. Yet now, here we are and even I know you don't believe that. I shoulda known you were smarter than that," he looked amused and it only unsettled you even more. He looked nothing like the Billy you’d grown to care for.
"Sit down," he commanded as he gestured to the sofa across the room before snatching the file from your hands. All you wanted to do was flee the room but you knew you had no chance. As soft and kind as he'd been with you, you knew how lethal he could be. You had no chance. So you obediently moved over to the sofa and sat down. Billy tossed the file onto the coffee table in front of it before he sauntered over to a cupboard to pour a drink. Your eyes darted from him to the door. You really didn't think you'd make it. His reflexes were scary. You could scream since some people were still in the building but he could easily snap your neck before anyone got close enough to help you. You were broken out of your morbid thoughts by Billy thrusting a glass of what looked to be bourbon in your hands before he plonked himself onto the table. Now he was sitting opposite you and far too close for comfort. He took a long pull of his drink, rolling his shoulder and working his jaw. 
"You wanna know the truth about why I gave you this job?" He asked pointedly. His dark eyes were too much to bear and you looked down at your drink, a feeling of dread curling low in your stomach.  When you didn't give him an answer he decided to continue. 
"I've been watchin' you for the past two years," he stated it so casually, like he was talking about the weather and your eyes snapped up to him then, wide and panicked. You should have gathered that from the pictures but you'd naively hoped he wasn't behind the pictures and that he'd just acquired them. The invasion of your privacy made your skin crawl and you felt sick.
"Mr Johnson used to talk about you all the time. I didn't get it. Didn't get why you were so special. At one point I figured you were fuckin' him or some shit but I knew he'd be talkin' about it if he was. And then…" he trailed off with a light laugh, licking his lower lip before he took another pull of his drink. "Then I met you at that ball. Soon as I laid eyes on you it felt like I'd been hit by a damn Mack truck. I wanted you. And all night you were out of reach. And when you finally do come my way, you give me a breezy hello before you prance right back off again. Like you looked right through me and I wasn't even there," he murmured softly before laughing again.
"And you know… I think it just made me want you even more," he chuckled, shaking his head. You really didn't know what to say. You felt many things and none of them good. The worst part was knowing if Billy had approached you again that night, you probably would have gone along with it. You'd never have known the darkness that lay inside of him. The man sitting right in front of you was like a completely different person to the one you knew and it was terrifying. 
"You've got no idea how many times I asked Mr Johnson to let you go. To let me have you. Everytime I offered him money, it didn't matter what amount, it was always the same answer. You were priceless. And I mean, I agree with him, but it didn't exactly give me what I wanted so I had to take matters into my own hands," he smirked darkly. Your heart faltered as you blinked slowly at him, brows furrowed. He laughed again. That awful amused and condescending laugh that you realized you hated. 
"See… that look right there. You really have no idea, do you?" he chuckled. 
"About what?" You asked breathlessly. This Billy was not the Billy you were used to and you really didn't like it. You felt like you’d had the rug pulled out from under you and your brain was having a hard time processing any of it. 
“Well, Mr Johnson was in the way of givin’ me what I wanted. So I hadta get rid of him,” he explained slowly, as if talking to a child. You shook your head rapidly, stomaching churning.
“You- You couldn't have. He had a heart attack, I saw it happen,” you argued weakly. You didn't know why he’d lie to you about this. The smile he gave you was chilling and you clutched your glass tightly.
“No, see he didn’t just have a heart attack. He had a heart attack ‘cause I switched his meds,” he answered. You felt like you were going to throw up as you stared right at his cold and emotionless face. You wondered if this was some kind of nightmare. You hoped it was. This was nothing like the kind and caring Billy you’d grown to know. Your mouth opened but you had no idea what to say with that devastating bomb dropped on you. You were pretty sure you’d burst into tears at knowing you were the reason he was dead, but you felt oddly numb on the inside. Some sort of shock. So instead, you chugged from the glass, needing something you knew you wouldn't find there. 
“Don’t… don’t give me that look,” he huffed, shaking his head with a frown.
“What look?” you bit out. Your tone was harsh but at this point, you were pretty sure you were next on his list so you found it hard to care about being polite anymore. Mr Johnson had taken care of you. He was almost fatherly. And he’d been taken away because the man in front of you had some kind of sick obsession with you. One that started when he met you and you barely paid him any notice. Would any of this have happened if you’d have paid him a little more attention? If you’d have gone home with him that night, would he have quickly realized you weren't worth it and grown bored?
“You’re givin’ me that goddamn disappointed look. It's all over your face. And I know… I know you cared about him but he had to go. If he didn’t, you wouldn't be sittin’ here right now,” he muttered tensely. There was a strange look in his eyes and you couldn't tell if it was thinly concealed rage or desperation. Maybe a bit of both. 
“Do Frank and Karen know any of this?” you asked warily. The idea that the pair were in on it made your head spin. They’d been so kind to you, you’d become friends. But then again, the same could be said about Billy. He barked a laugh at your words and gave you a look like you were stupid.
“You really think I could talk to them about this? Besides, they’re too wrapped up in each other to notice I exist most days,” he scoffed, bitterness coating his tone. It gave you only a tiny modicum of relief that the past few months hadn't all been lies. No, just the parts where Billy was involved. Where he’d gained your trust so completely that you would have trusted him with your life. You’d seemingly resigned yourself to the fact that you wouldn't be getting out of this. You knew too much. He couldn't just let you go. And since this was it for you, you wanted some more answers.
“The mugging… you had something to do with that, didn't you?” you asked plainly, a blank look on your face as you met his eyes. He scrunched his face up a little, rolling his shoulder as he looked down before back at you.
“I didn’t… I never wanted to hurt you. I didn’t. But I needed somethin’ to bring you closer to me. Things weren’t movin’ like I wanted them to, so I made it happen. I know some people. I managed to get him out if he agreed to do it. But he was just supposedta scare you. Maybe push you about a bit. And when I saw what he did to you… well lets just say he won’t be around to hurt anyone else,” he bit out, dark eyes flashing dangerously. You subconsciously moved back in your seat, trying to create space even though it didn't work very well. Your body was starting to feel heavy and you wondered if the stress was going to kill you before Billy did.
“You got a guy to mug me… and then killed him for mugging me?” you asked derisively. You hadn’t meant to say it out loud but at this point, did it really matter? Being scared wouldn't help you get out of this alive. Nothing would. He pinned you in place with a hard look, his jaw ticking a little.
“I got a guy to scare you and he ended up assaulting you,” he replied tensely. You didn’t feel like trying to argue. He was clearly unhinged. You didn’t reply and instead finished your drink. Maybe if you were drunk it wouldn't hurt so much when you were murdered. Would the actual murder hurt more than the deep betrayal you were currently feeling? You weren't sure that was possible.
The silence was thick in the air and Billy never took his eyes off you even though you were staring at your empty glass. He seemed on edge by the lack of conversation.
“I’m not gonna say sorry, ‘cause I’m not,” he admitted shamelessly. You snorted a mirthless laugh as your eyes once again met his.
“Of course you're not,” you shook your head with a roll of your eyes. How hadn't you seen it? Were there red flags? Or maybe you ignored them because you loved your job here. You’d grown to enjoy it and the people and you’d grown close to the monster in front of you. 
“I’m not. ‘Cause it worked. It brought you closer to me. I remember… back when you first started here. When you saw someone followin’ you home, you came to me about it. And it felt…” he trailed off with a soft laugh and you watched as he closed his eyes, a strangely soft look passing on his face. “It felt so fuckin’ good. You came to me for help, for protection. You trusted me. And doin’ what I did only made that stronger,” he said firmly. You blinked slowly at him for a moment, your head feeling fuzzy. It seemed like the more he spoke, the more your brain was having a hard time processing his words.
“It was you, wasn’t it? Following me home?” you asked with a sigh. He rubbed the scruff on his face a little as he flexed his hands.
“It doesn’t matter,” he muttered dismissively. 
“Of course it fucking matters, Billy. Don’t you think after all of this I at least deserve the truth?” you asked. You hated how your voice cracked, a sliver of emotion peeking out of the numbness. He frowned as if the hurt in your voice was hurting him. 
“Fine, you want the truth? Yeah, it was me. I also had a strong word with your landlord which is why you ended up with me. I planned it all. And I did it all for you. For us,” he implored, leaning forward a little. You instinctively moved back and he didn’t look happy about it.
“There is no us,” you huffed, your voice cold. His dark eyes narrowed to slits as he worked his jaw and you wondered if this would be the moment he killed you. Instead, he closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath as if to steady himself. The idea of upsetting him pleased something inside of you. He’d hurt you so deeply with all of this. All the lies and betrayal. Making you feel something for him only for him to turn out to be deranged. You were going to die anyway. The least you could do was hurt him too.
“I don’t get it. I really don't fucking get it, Billy. You did all this for ‘us’, yet you kissed me. You kissed me and then said sorry. You could have taken what you wanted,” you scoffed, using air quotes when you said ‘us’. He let out a frustrated noise, running his hands through his hair and making it unusually disheveled. 
“You’re right, you don't get it. I knew you weren't ready. I knew if it happened then you’d pull away. I couldn't have that. I didn't mind playin’ the long game if I got you in the end. There was no way I’d get you just for you to walk away,” he glowered. 
“Right, because you care so much,” you muttered. His eyes flared with something dangerous but your body seemed disconnected from your head. You didn't even tense.
“I do care!” he hissed at you.
“No, you don't! You’re insane! You’re obsessed with me!” you yelled back, not even caring if anyone was still here at this point. He slammed his glass down onto the coffee table so hard you were surprised it didn't shatter and this time your body did react as you jumped a little.
“I love you! You -You don’t get to minimize that! You don't get to tell me this is just an obsession! I know what I feel. I’m in love with you, Y/N, and all of this shit has been so we could be together!” he insisted vehemently. You knew there was no point in reasoning with him. You just wanted this to be over with. Your head didn't feel quite right and you wondered if drinking the bourbon had been a good idea. You stood up, not really knowing what your next move was. But when you did, you found your body feeling like jello and you almost fell right over. Billy caught you effortlessly, now standing in front of you. You’d been feeling a little odd, but chalked it up to the intensely stressful situation you found yourself in. But this felt different. Wrong. 
“What…?” you murmured, trying to regain control of your limbs to pull away from him. Your body didn't seem to obey you anymore. When you blinked up at him as he still held you tightly, he gave you a dark smile.
“Shouldn’t drink on the job, sweetheart,” he smirked. This wasn’t just the alcohol, this was something else. He’d drugged your drink, of course he did. You were stupid to accept a drink from an absolute psycho who was obsessed with you. But the more you internally panicked, the worse it got and your vision was getting fuzzy. 
“Just relax, Y/N,” was the last thing you heard before darkness consumed you.
You woke with a startled gasp, your bleary eyes on the ceiling as everything came back to you. Through your blinding headache, you could feel you were under a duvet and you hoped you’d had a bad dream. A very vivid, awful dream. But when you glanced around, you noticed you weren’t on Billy’s couch. You were in his bed. The only time you’d been to his room was to put him to bed when he’d been drunk, you always respected that boundary. All the while he was crossing every one of yours. You moved to sit up and your body still felt heavy and it ached. You had more control than you did before in the office though and after some struggling, you managed to sit up and lean against the headboard. It felt like it used all of the little energy you had though and you put your head in your hands. It felt like someone was beating you with a baseball bat.
“Here, you need to drink this,” Billy murmured as he walked in, making you jump a little. His voice was low and soft as if he was concerned. He was holding a bottle of water in his hand as he walked over, opening it as he perched on the bed next to you.
“Is that a joke? The last time I drank something you gave me, you drugged me,” you muttered, glowering at him. He sighed with a little frown, still holding the bottle out to you.
“That was necessity. I needed to get you outta there without you causin’ a scene. But now you need to drink this or you’ll feel a hell of a lot worse,” he said apologetically. You chewed your lower lip for a moment as you considered your options here. He hadn’t killed you like you thought he might. He had a perfect opportunity when you were knocked out. But somehow him kidnapping you felt worse. You knew he hadn't done anything to you while you’d slept though as you were still fully dressed. The only thing missing being your shoes. Now you had a choice to make. You could keep resisting and making it difficult and he probably would end up killing you. Or you could play along with his bullshit until he trusted you enough. Then you could escape. You weren’t sure just how long it would take to get him to really believe you, but if it meant you didn’t die then you’d do it. You weren’t ready to give up just yet. You’d play along with his twisted fantasy and at the first chance you got, you’d flee. You gave him a look for a moment as he watched you patiently, looking more like the Billy you were used to than the crazy person back in his office. It unsettled you. You took the bottle of water and sipped on it. You hadn’t realized how thirsty you were until your body demanded more and you ended up chugging on it. Whatever he’d dosed you with apparently dehydrated you too. He looked pleased you’d acquiesced to his demand as you placed the bottle on the bedside table. 
You tensed when his hand came up to your face, resisting the urge to shove it away as he cupped your cheek tenderly. It reminded you so much of the day he’d kissed you when he was drunk, back when he was normal Billy to you. It hurt. His hand then moved to your forehead as if checking for a fever as he worriedly looked at you.
“How are you feelin’?” he asked softly. 
“Like I’ve been drugged,” you muttered wryly. You didn’t mean to, you weren't supposed to be sassing him right now. But you knew if you had any hope of him trusting you, you couldn't just declare your undying love for him. He wasn’t stupid by any means. You had to slowly seem like you were warming up to him. Do as he asked and act grateful. He snorted at your words but it didn't have any mirth in it. He looked disappointed as he moved his hand away from you.
“I know you're upset… but you gotta know, I don’t wanna hurt you,” he sighed. You dug your nails into your palms to try and stop your mouth from blurting out things that wouldn't help your plan.
“I know you don't. I just don't get it, Billy. Why didn’t you just come and talk to me again two years ago? Ask me out? Why all of… this?” you asked carefully. You’d let him try to explain himself. Try to justify his bullshit. And you’d let him believe that you were starting to understand him. He licked his lower lip, staring at the wall for a moment before he looked back at you. 
“I’ve been with a lot of women. I’ve seen a woman and knew I had to have her for one night. But with you… with you it was different. I knew I didn't want you for just one night and it confused me. Ain’t ever felt that shit before and I wasn’t sure what to do. I’m used to feelin’ important, havin’ women fallin’ at my feet. But you… you acted like you didn’t give a shit,” he chuckled wistfully, raking his teeth over his lower lip. 
“And I felt it. That… bitter sting of rejection. And I knew if I spoke to you and you did it again, I wouldn't be able to deal with it. I don't deal with rejection well. Was given up as a kid by my drug-addict mother who loved drugs more than her own kid. I know what it's like to feel unwanted like that. And with that sucker punch of emotion I felt when we met, I fuckin’ knew it would kill me. And I was scared… So I didn’t. And then I wanted to know you better, figured if I did, maybe I had a better chance. Find some common ground. But I could never… I could never find the goddamn balls to just reach out. It's why I kept pesterin’ Mr Johnson to let you work for me. I knew if I could just get you there with me and spend some time together, you’d feel it too. That I could get you to love me. But the longer I went without you, the more I needed you. And it just kinda snowballed from there,” he murmured, looking down at his hands. He sounded like he genuinely believed his words. Like he thought it was a valid justification for stalking and kidnapping you, for murmuring your boss, getting you kicked out, for getting someone to mug you and then killing them. But you didn't correct him because it wouldn't help your plan. You stayed quiet for a moment, not really knowing what to say that would make it seem like you were starting to come around, because you weren’t. But Billy continued anyway.
“You know… you called me insane back at the office and maybe you’re right. Lovin’ you has made me crazy. Wantin’ somethin’ I couldn't have so much. And it's not just superficial bullshit either,” he huffed, his dark imploring turning to you once more with so much intensity you felt your heart skip a beat. 
“I love you. I love you with everythin’ I have. There isn't a damn thing I wouldn't do for you,” he said fervently. Except let me go, your mind supplied. 
“And I know you don’t believe me, not yet. But you will. I know I can be… intense. But I ain’t ever loved someone before. Ain’t ever felt like this. But what I do know is that you belong to me and I belong to you,” he insisted. 
You really didn't know what to say. Your brain scrambled with something to say to him to get your plan in motion. You really didn't want to be here with him for longer than necessary. It was a far cry from the comfort you usually felt with him.
“You should have just told me how you felt. You didn't need to do all of this, I never had to find out. You knew I felt something for you because I kissed you back. If you would have just told me how you felt, you’d have found out I felt the same. It didn't need to come to this,” you said softly, trying to swallow down the bile those words brought you as you lied. He looked at you for a long moment, a million and one emotions passing on his face before he snorted.
“You don't love me,” he shook his head, his voice sounding pained.
“Maybe not. Maybe it's not love yet. But I feel something. When you kissed me, the only reason I got spooked is because you have a reputation. I didn't want things to change, I didn’t want you to get rid of me the second we had sex like all the others. I like working at Anvil, with you. I didn't want you to just drop me like the others because I care about you,” you frowned. It wasn't a total lie. That had been the main reason why you’d freaked out. You wouldn't say you loved Billy, even before finding out how crazy he was. But you definitely had felt something. You’d grown to care about him deeply and more than just a friend, but you hadn’t allowed yourself to fall in love with him. He clasped your hand quickly and your breathing hitched as he looked at you like you’d just murdered a puppy in front of him.
“I would never treat you that way,” he insisted firmly. You knew your plan was working.
“Well, how would I know that if you didn't tell me how you felt?” you asked with a shrug. With one of his hands still holding onto yours, he scooted closer as his other grasped your jaw gently and tilted your face up to his. Being so close to him made you dizzy and not in a good way like it had done before.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was too much of a coward to tell you how I really felt. I’m sorry it came to this. But you feel somethin’... I know we can get past this. We can be happy together,” he implored. Despite everything he’d done, you felt a pang of pity at his hopeful face and words. He’d briefly mentioned about his childhood and you felt bad that this small child had been so damaged by being unloved that this is what he turned into. But you wouldn’t excuse what he’d done. You couldn't. No matter how sorry you might feel for him, he was dangerous. And you couldn't let yourself get sucked into his bullshit. 
“I want to be happy,” you whispered, looking into his dark eyes. Not with him. You could never be happy with him. But you wanted to live. You wanted to get out of here and live a long and happy life and forget this ever happened. He smiled softly, his thumb stroking your cheek as he leaned in. You knew what he was expecting and you knew you had to give it to him since your plan was working. You closed your eyes as his lips met yours and you tried to pretend Billy wasn't a monster. He was the soft and kind Billy you’d grown to know since working with him. The Billy who would make butterflies swarm your belly without having to do much. The Billy you felt safe with. You kissed him back, trying to make him believe your lie and he groaned softly, deepening the kiss. You felt sick. But you didn't let it show as you leaned closer to him and kissed him with as much fake desire as you could. When he pulled away, he was looking down at you like you were made of gold. It made your chest hurt. You'd never had anyone love you. It felt like a sick cosmic joke that when it happened it made them deranged. If he wasn't crazy, it would be great. Having someone adore you this much. But it wasn't a sweet and innocent love. It was tainted by blood and lies. 
He stroked your cheek one more time before moving away from you and you felt like you could finally breathe again. 
“Are you uh… you hungry? I can go grab you somethin’?” he asked after clearing his throat. This could be it. Your window of opportunity. 
“I could eat,” you smile tentatively. He grinned then, looking more relaxed than you'd seen him since you’d found that disgusting file. He nodded, standing up and hovering a little.
“There’s a Chinese place just down the street. I know it's your favorite. You just rest,” he murmured, giving one last smile before he walked away. He only knew it was your favorite because he’d been stalking you for two years, not because you were friends and your fake smile dropped the second he left the room. You held your breath until you heard the front door shut and your body sagged. This was it. You waited a little longer on the off chance he’d seen right through you. But when all that greeted you was silence, you tried to get out of bed. Your body was still weak and groggy and you had a hard time standing up. But this was life or death and you weren’t about to let your stupid body ruin it for you. You shuffled into the living area, peeking around anxiously as if you thought he was about to materialize out of thin air. There was no one here though and you tried to get to the door like you were wading through molasses. When you finally reached it, you tried to open it to find it locked. Of course it was. So he didn't trust you completely yet, you were stupid to think he would. But now what? You couldn't stand the thought of staying here with him any longer. How long would it take until he trusted you so much that you’d be able to just walk out of the door? You couldn't do it. You didn't have it in you. You knew he’d expect you to be intimate with him too and the thought made you feel sick. The idea of Billy getting you into bed wasn't appealing as it had been once. Now it just made dread fill up your entire being. If you stuck around, he’d know you were lying and you’d wind up dead. You had to get out of here. 
You felt like you’d spent ages trying to pick the lock on the door with a paperclip you’d found and a flathead screwdriver. You’d seen it in a movie once and they'd made it look easy. They lied. But as the seconds ticked by, you knew Billy was getting closer to coming back and your fear turned to blind panic. You couldn't go along with your plan. You were going to die. It was you or him, and you knew who you’d be picking. You dived away from the door when you heard the jingling of keys outside of it and you clutched the screwdriver in your hands, rushing to the kitchen area behind the counter. You felt like you couldn't breathe. You quickly hid the screwdriver behind your back as he opened the door and he looked startled to see you as he walked in with a bag to take out. 
“You're up?” he asked, no inflection in his voice to tell you what he thought about it.
“I was getting fed up with just laying there. Trying to get my muscles going again. I hope that's okay?” you gave him a sweet smile and he gave you one back as he gestured to the table.
“Guess we can eat here then,” he mused. As he walked into the kitchen space to grab plates, you moved around the other side of the island, trying to keep the screwdriver hidden from him. Now your back was to him, you had it clutched tightly in front of you. Your eyes glanced to the now unlocked door. Surely he wouldn't chase you down once you got out of the apartment and down the stairs. There were other people living here too. They’d call the cops. He wasn't stupid.
“What the…?” Billy's confused voice had you turning around as he moved to grab the bent paperclip from the floor where he’d seemingly stood on it. His eyes met yours then and now you’d turned to him, he could see the screwdriver. You saw it flash all over his face and you made a dash for the door with a yelp. But with your body still in slow motion mode, he grabbed you before you got there. You swung wildly behind you with the screwdriver and you hated how easily he disarmed you. Any self-defense he’d taught you went flying out of the window in your state of panic but you weren't sure it would help you against someone like Billy anyway.
“Let me go!” you screamed, crying out when your back suddenly got slammed into the wall harshly. Now you were face to face with a very angry-looking Billy. He also looked hurt.
“You lied to me?” he asked, voice low and dangerous but wobbling ever so slightly. 
“Like you haven't been lying to me all this time?” you hissed at him. 
“I told you, I told you why I did all that!” he yelled, his dark eyes looking more unhinged than you’d ever seen them. 
“You’re fucking insane! You’ve been stalking me for years and now you've kidnapped me and you really think this is normal? Do you really think I could ever love someone like you, Billy? You're a monster!” you sobbed helplessly.
“Don’t you say that!” he screamed, slamming you back into the wall and making you cry harder at the pain. 
“You're nothing but a monster and I could never love you,” you bit out through your tears. He looked like you’d just stabbed him right through the chest at your words, his obsidian eyes full of unshed tears. You knew you were fucked so what did it matter anyway? But you wouldn't go down without a fight. You brought your knee up and kicked him in the groin, making him roar with pain and anger as he stumbled away from you. You tried to scramble to the door but he gripped the back of your shirt.
“I won't let you leave me!” he roared as he yanked you back so roughly you went careening backwards. You head smacked into the corner of the wooden coffee table and nothing mattered anymore.
Billy’s chest was heaving as he looked down at you for a moment. You didn't get back up. You didn't keep saying hurtful things to him. You were still, like a doll. And then he noticed blood rapidly pooling from under your head.
“No,” he whispered brokenly, rushing to you and dropping to his knees.
“Wake up, Y/N!” he demanded through a choked sob, tapping your face. You didn't move. His fingers went to your neck but there was no pulse. No anything. 
“No! No, no, no! Don't do this to me!” he cried desperately, shaking you as if that would wake you up. He’d done the unthinkable. He never wanted to hurt you and now you were gone. He sobbed, clutching your body to him and not caring about the blood he was getting all over him. 
“Please, I’m sorry. I’m sorry!” he begged helplessly as he cradled you. After a few moments, a cold emptiness settled over him like a blanket. You were gone. And he’d done this to you. He’d taken away the only thing he ever loved. He was like a poison. Spreading into everything he cared about. And what did he have without you? Nothing mattered. Not Anvil, his money, Frank or Karen. None of it mattered if he didn't have you by his side to enjoy it with. He gently placed you on his sofa before standing up and wiping his tears. Your blood streaked all over his face, but he paid it no mind as he slowly walked over to the fake painting on the wall and opened it to reveal a safe. He punched in the passcode, your birthday. He took out his handgun, already loaded and ready to go. He barely even glanced at it before he made his way back over to you. He carefully moved you so he could sit with your head in his lap, gazing down at your lifeless face. You looked so peaceful. So serene. 
“I’ll be with you really soon, baby,” he whispered, holding the gun to his temple. He had to believe that. He loved you so much, did so much for you and for the both of you. There was no way it was all for nothing. You’d be reunited and you’d welcome him with open arms in the afterlife. You had to. A loud gunshot resounded in the apartment and his body went limp over yours. An eerie silence overtook the place then before the faint sound of sirens could be heard making their way there. But it was too late.
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First Argument
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
New FANON Future Buddie Series: “Their Firsts, At Last” Part 4 - “First Argument” is now available on AO3.
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First Argument
14.7K Words Rated: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary:  Buck and Eddie have their first argument.
Here’s a snippet of Buck and Eddie’s first argument.
“I don’t want to argue.” Eddie emphatically says.  Since he and Shannon argued constantly, he really doesn’t want to have these types of loud discussions with Buck.  He’d prefer it if they could just talk about things without it turning into them getting upset.
He promised himself that if he and Buck ever became an official couple, he wouldn’t argue with him and that’s what he’s trying to avoid.  He knows he started this when he let words that have been building in his mind for years pile up but he’s older now and he knows arguing makes you tired and it leads to only one thing, another argument.
“I don’t want to argue either.”  Buck snaps back because Eddie brought this up.  It’s obviously bothering him and he knows he should have said something before now but they’re here and he wants Eddie to talk to him about it.
Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose and says, “I don’t have anything else to say.”
With fire in his eyes, Buck challenges him.  “Oh… that’s rich because you had a lot to say a few minutes ago about my decisions…”  He lowers his head as he contemplates if he wants to finish his statement.  He decides to ask a question instead because he’s tired of the way Eddie makes passive aggressive comments.
“Why won’t you say whatever it is you really want to say to me Eddie?”
“Buck!  I said I don’t want to argue.  That’s all me and Shannon did when we…”  He doesn’t get to finish because Buck interrupts him.
“Eddie… I’m not Shannon!”
“I know that.  I still don’t want to argue with you.  Arguing with each other is mentally draining and I don’t want us to be like that.”
Continue reading part 4 on AO3
Their Firsts, At Last - 47 Words; Currently 4 completed works: A multi-part fanfic series about the romantic “firsts” Buck and Eddie share as they journey through life in an established relationship and their lives as a couple will include some of Buck’s individual “firsts” too. It’s filled with the FANON love, romance, fluff and domesticity their relationship should have been allowed to experience in CANON. The second part of the series title was adapted from the song “At Last” by Etta James.
Part 1 - First Love Confession Part 2 - First Date Part 3 - First Kiss  Part 4 - First Argument is now available on AO3
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sweethartlullaby · 6 months
you, among the art iii
word count: 2091 genre/theme: fluff and angst later, sculpting series, graduate student and her professor/supervisor, female and male pairing as always, imagine whoever you would like... find part iv here sweethartlullaby ꕤ masterlist
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“Shit, shit, shi-excuse me.” Why, out of all days, is today the busiest day?
And why, out of all days, is she late today?
His office is buried deep into the end of the hallway and its door seems to stare down at her as she approaches. She knocks twice quickly before she takes a deep breath and slightly opens it. 
He’s wiping the blackboard when she looks in. He doesn’t directly look at her when he tells her to come in. Her fingers curl into her palm to stop herself from crumbling as she approaches his desk. She didn’t even get to look at herself before coming here. She has made bad impressions in the past so she’s hoping it doesn’t happen this time. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late.” She blurts out. Before she can repair the damage evident on his face, more words roll off her tongue. “I got the schedules messed up and I didn’t realize that there was a class today and that I should have been here much earlier than usual. I’m so sorry I just-”
“We don’t have class today.” His voice cuts through hers like a knife slicing through the air. 
Her jaw hangs open with words lingering in the air. It’s unclear if he’s mad or not. He looks…the same. His lips are in the signature straight line, eyes a little more tired than usual, but nothing else.
No, he can’t not be angry, or even just a bit ticked off. He has to be. She’s late and has cut him off. More importantly, he cut her off too.
“As I was saying,” he dusts his palms off and nudges towards his desk. “You left your sketchbook here the other day.” 
“Oh, I…I’m sorry. I…” She can’t find the right words. Everything feels like a pile of letters in her head.
“Sorry.” She just murmurs, head hanging low. 
“Well, as per your concern, you can introduce yourself to the students tomorrow. We can meet here at 0900 hours. I would like to run through the agenda and all the projects going on before we can start class.” She still can’t look at him but she nods slowly. 
“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She squeaks out an ‘okay’ before almost running to the door.
She’s following him like a dog. The students were giving her weird looks when she introduced herself. They act as if she is not supposed to be there. 
“...wouldn’t you agree?” She snaps back to the small statue in front of her and quickly scans it. 
“Yes.” She says, even though she has no idea what he just said. They’re currently looking through everyone’s group projects. She’s been making notes on whatever the professor says, adding her own along the way. However, she hasn’t really spoken much.
As if he reads her mind, he says, “Well, do you have any extra comments on their work?”
“I…Well…” From the corner of her eye, she can see the 4 students’ and his eyes all on her.
“I like the idea. However, I do recommend showing what you mean instead of relying heavily on your description.” She steps up and points to parts of the figure.
“It’s the size of a child’s doll so that means you don’t really have to worry about minor details. But you should take advantage of using clay. It’s much more malleable and therefore, it might be easier to bring your vision to life. This is a great first step and I’m excited to see how it turns out.” She smiles a little before she realizes she might have spoken too much. But the students nod before suggesting ideas. What is surprising though, is that he seems to be content too, with lips turned upwards just a slight amount. 
A wave of relief washes over her. She answers as much as she can and the professor steps in when he needs to. She gets more comfortable speaking and by the end of it, she feels much more like herself again. 
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow?” She asks slowly as the last student leaves. He stops gathering his things and looks up at her.
“Oh right, I forgot to tell you.” Her heart drops a little.
“I have an emergency at home and I’ll be away for the rest of the week. I’ll be back Monday for class.” 
“Oh.” While it’s not what she expected, her body still feels uneasy. There’s a beat of silence before she realizes something. “But, my monthly evaluation will be next Tuesday.” She says.
“Ah, right.” He hesitates, chewing down on his lip. “I’ll try to come back earlier but in that case, we will have to work on the weekend.” She twirls the loose piece of thread around her finger, fighting the urge to stand up for herself; but nothing comes out as he prepares to leave.
“And,” She holds a breath. “I usually hold office hours on Fridays so can I ask you to fill in for me tomorrow?” The way he says it sounds less like a question and more like a statement. She only nods.
“Thank you.” is all he says as he leaves her. 
“I don’t know! I’m just a completely different person around him.” She groans into her palms.
“I think the nerves are getting to you.” Her friend chuckles.
“I’m literally the most outspoken person our class knows and I still can’t bring myself to speak to him sometimes! It’s ridiculous.” Her hands fall onto the desk, picking up the pencil she hasn’t used in the last thirty minutes; even though she says she would be doing work. 
“Well, you did choose him. I personally think this was a long time coming.”
“That’s mean.” She narrows her eyes at her friend.
“Were our alumni warnings not enough?” Her friend crosses her arms and leans back on her chair. 
She doesn’t answer. Is she being naive? She heard so many warnings about him and she still chose him. Ever since the first presentation, she’s been on edge around him and feels that she is constantly making the wrong move.
“What are you doing here anyway?” Her friend asks.
“I’m doing his office hours for today since he’s got some emergency to attend to.” Her friend only raises her eyebrow. 
“Alright, that’s enough. Move.” She points towards the door and her friend walks out with her palms in the air. Just before she is fully out of the room, she says, “I’m just saying…”
“I don’t want to hear it!” She says without turning to her. When she’s alone again, she finally relaxes in his chair. Maybe she is just making too many excuses for him. He hasn’t been the friendliest, even though he was the one asking for her to accept him. It’s been almost a month and they have also barely worked on her project. She’s not the type to be scared but his presence itself tends to shut her up.
She sighs. 
Has she made a mistake? Has she overestimated herself? No, she couldn’t have. She knows herself enough to know that she is strong enough for this. 
“It’s just a challenge, not a threat.” She murmurs to herself before she sits upright. She repeats it to herself a few more times before she hears a knock on the door. 
“Come in.” A student pokes his head in and looks around before he speaks.
“I’m looking for the professor.”
“He’s not here today. I’ll be taking over office hours. Do you have a question?” She smiles at him, hoping she doesn’t sound or look too nervous. The young man takes a few seconds before he fully steps in and takes the seat across from her. Their conversation lasts fifteen minutes and two more students come in after him. 
It’s five in the afternoon when she finally starts working on her project. Just because he isn’t here, it doesn’t mean that she isn’t going to start working. So she puts a pair of earphones in and chisels away. The hours pass and she manages to finish the hands of her sculpture. 
By then, it’s almost eleven. She hasn’t realized that most of the lights outside are off, and she is probably the only one in this part of the building. It’s way past dinner time and her legs can’t find the energy to walk her down onto the street and home. 
And for some reason, it feels…hot.
So, she slightly pushes the windows open, hoping the wind can cool her off. With no one left in the building to help her, she’s stuck here. 
I just need some sleep.
She takes a seat in her chair and leans forward on her desk, resting her head on her arms. Her body feels heavier than the other times she is sick. But with no medicine or energy, she’s left to lay on this hard desk, hoping the sleep will help.
When she wakes up, she sees light through the windows. 
Her body aches when she moves so she stays still and slowly lifts her lids. It doesn’t make sense. She fell asleep on her arms so why does it feel like she is lying on a bed?
She looks around slowly and after a few seconds, she starts to feel the warm towel on her forehead and the blanket on top of her. A small grunt leaves her as she pushes herself up, feeling as if she is breaking free from a cast. 
“You should keep lying down.” Someone says. Before she realizes it, she’s pushed back onto the bed gently and the blanket is pulled back up to her chin. 
“S-Sir?” She asks in a whisper but he just shushes her as he fixes the towel on her forehead.
“Yes, just relax. I’m here.” He says softly but she cannot respond. He says a few other words but they’re too faint for her to make out. With her head drowning all the sounds out, she just listens to her breathing. Within a few short seconds, she falls back asleep. 
“Thank you.” She says as he hands her a cup. The steam warms her cheeks as her palms hold onto the warm drink.
“I’m sorry.” He says as he takes a seat across her. 
“You said that already.” They’re in his office and he set her down on the couch she had never noticed before. Apparently, she slept for almost twelve hours. Saturday’s sun greets them through his large windows, where a slight crack he left lets a small breeze in. 
“I truly am.” 
She sighs. “Then help me get my project together, just enough to convince the faculty that it’s going great.” She places the cup on a small table.
“Don’t worry, you have my undivided attention now.” He says with a small smile. 
“What was your emergency anyway?” She asks as she quickly stands up which, she realizes all too late that, is a mistake. Her vision becomes dotted with colourful spots and just as she gets on her two feet, her knees buckle and she falls.
Except…she doesn’t.
She looks up and sees that he’s holding her by the arms. With one swift move, he pulls her up as if she’s a feather. 
“Uhm…” She clears her throat as he places her back down on the couch. 
“Take it easy. You’ve been lying down for hours now.” His voice is stern but not like the way a parent scolds a child. It’s a little…
“It was just something I had to deal with back home.” He speaks before she finishes her thought. 
“I-I see.” What is she doing, stuttering?
“Hm,” He says and leans a little closer to her face as if he is suspicious of something. “That’s strange.”
“What is?” She says, looking down so he can’t see the red on her face.
“You seem to be quieter lately. I always thought you were a…” He pulls back and ponders for a bit, chewing down on his lip as he thinks. He does that a lot. It makes her wonder what it’s like to bite down on it too.
“A chirpier person.” She snaps out of her thoughts and blinks at him. 
“I…I am.” She straightens herself and looks at him. He’s right. She shouldn’t be so scared of him. He’s just a tall, steely…caring…slightly sexy…man.
He chuckles at her and walks to his desk.
“Get up slowly this time. I’ll get a few things then we can head to your studio.” 
a/n: this is part iii!! this is where it starts to get a little interesting! i'm really excited for the next few parts. they might take a while but i hope everyone's enjoying it so far! i understand that this might be less popular than the one shots that i usually write but i really wanted this to be a story with more plot and build-up than usual. thank you for reading and for your patience! i truly appreciate your notes and support &lt;3
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Ron Speirs x reader
Part 4!! Part 3 is linked here. This whole series is just smut central, so yeah you already know to expect 18+ content below the cut 😈
Jenny finds herself deeper into Ron Speirs than what she originally believed. After two weeks more had passed, they’re sneaking around has become more frequent. But things are starting to change, the dynamic isn’t what Jenny originally thought. This was meant to be angst but it turned into smut, sorry- the next chapter will be angst I PROMISE.
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May 30th, 1945:
The days in Austria as an occupational force were spent drinking, doing the occasional patrol, and your CO’s finding you odd jobs to prevent you from turning into a nut case. It all sounds very uninteresting, unless you had a tall, broodingly handsome commanding officer as a distraction from it all.
In the weeks I’d known Ron they were filled with the most dirtiest sex I’d ever had. He was rough, he had stamina like no other and he actually knew how to satisfy a woman. Our hook ups were still kept on the down low, taking place almost anywhere and anytime apart from either of our bedrooms. The level of intimacy was yet to upgrade into there, for a reason I wasn’t too sure about.
Most of the time we’d do our business and move onto wherever else we needed to be. The conversations had been sparse, and after he’d leave I found myself longing for more from him. I knew it wasn’t a good sign, and I should’ve checked myself out of the situation, but he was Ron Speirs- I was so deeply attracted to him that even if I tried I couldn’t stop myself lingering towards him. His kisses were always so deep and passionate, and he’d never without fail make me cum before he did himself. The one time he’d finished before I did he’d apologised and then progressed to perform the best oral sex on me I’d ever experienced. God, the highs with Speirs was unbeatable, what I’d do to have ten more minutes with him right n-
“Battalion HQ won’t accept them cos they’re all scrunched up. God knows what you’re doing in your free time for them to look like this.” A hand splattered down a pile of half messed up papers, my eyes widened at the sight knowing exactly why they were that way. Nixon stood above me with a playful expression on his face, he looked borderline smug at his joke. “Not what you’re thinkin’, Nix.” My eyes narrowed, pulling the papers back towards me. They were the reports from all the men’s physical examinations, the time when Ron screwed me on my desk. On the papers…
“They want you to write them out again, sorry I know, massively annoying, but you know how much of a buzzkill they all are up there.” A smile grew to my face at Lew’s general distaste for many things in life. Many could view him as a pessimist, but he just had a super good sense of humour. Well, most of the time. “It’s fine, Lew. I’ll get them done in the next hour.” My hands reached out to grab the messed up papers. They weren’t that bad, HQ just had to be annoying, didn’t they? Whilst many of the other nurses were out enjoying the beginning of an Austrian summer, Mary and I were cooped up inside, finishing papers, studying or, examining men. It was my job, I wasn’t complaining but I just suffered a mass case of FOMO.
The door swung open again, Captain Speirs, as expected, 1600 hours, sharp. My gaze averted from Lewis to my CO, lips tugging in the corners. “Afternoon, sir.” I greeted once Mary and Lewis had said their greetings. “Afternoon.” He nodded in my direction, eyes dropping down to the papers in front of me. With one quick glimpse he shot me a funny look before turning back to Nixon, with news about war in the Pacific. I wondered if he recognised the papers? Or if he’d even noticed at the time what we’d done, probably not/m- but Ron always recognised detail, that’s something I’d grown to learn about him. The memory of these papers was still raw on my mind, I hoped the same for him. After another 45 minutes or so, Lewis had left and there was just the three of us filling in our work in silence. I was growing increasingly frustrated, not because of the papers, but how much I couldn’t stop thinking about Speirs moving across his desk and over to mine and messing them up all over again. If we were sat next to one another I could’ve easily slipped my hand under the table and teased him through his uniform trousers. My legs were tensing and I found myself crossing them to rid some of the tension I needed. It only provided me with the smallest amount of friction, but at least it was something. Sighing, I continued writing out the last of my papers, seeing there was about four more to go. “I’ve finished, thank god!” Mary then cried out causing me to jump slightly as I looked back over to her in jealousy. “You better be done soon.” She pointed to me. “Thank you, sir.” With a firm salute, she exited the room all together, the door gently closing behind her. I watched as she made her way down the hallway and vanished, before reappearing walking past the slit in half open curtain, all giddy and happy to be done. With just the two of us there grew a new found tension. It’s as though we expected this to happen, being alone was rare, so I’d take anything I could get. My desk was open at the bottom, facing across from where Ron was. My eyes lingered over the focused man once before dropping my legs slightly forwards, nudging my feet together and dragging one foot over the other. My movements caused his writing to still as he glanced up, to which I looked away teasingly. I hadn’t done any paper work for the past 5 minutes, I was in my own world, when Ron finally said something. “Aren’t you supposed to be writing?” Aren't you supposed to be fucking me already.
“Mmmmh, yes sir but I can’t focus.” I stared directly at the ink I dripped back into the pot. “Well, you don’t look like you have much more to go. Keep writing.” He instructed as I pursed my lips, biting the inside of my cheek as I reluctantly went back to doing my work. I could feel his eyes on me, burning holes into my legs, my bare legs. I wasn’t wearing any stocking or tights, I opted out seeing as it was hot today. Maybe he was wondering what else I wasn’t wearing? Sighing again, I began scribbling down the numbers, copying them from the other sheets without fault. There was a movement across from me, Speirs had stood up now, lowering the blinds from behind him to close fully, before making his way over to the door and pulling the blind shut on there. I remained unfocused on my work, watching him when his back was turned to me, when he did make his way over I squeezed my legs together once again and dropped my head back down to conceal my smile. “Keep writing- there was a glare, that’s all.” He’d closed the blinds behind me, slowly. Painfully slowly. It’s like he was watching over what I was doing, and when he stalked up behind me I felt his hand slip onto the back of my chair. “You’ve got through that quick enough.” He pointed out as I dropped my pen. “I’m on my last two.” Gazing up to him, I could tell there was an ulterior motive behind his eyes. ‘There was a glare’, okay Ron. “Good, keep going with them.” He instructed as I awkwardly moved back up to reach for my pen. As I did, I felt his hand smooth over the inner of my shoulder, thumb brushing over my bare skin as my eyes closed and I inhaled, taking in the relief of his touch. I had my white nursing dress on, better fit for this weather than the wool of my blue uniform or the khaki ones. It was thin, floaty, I much preferred it, but it meant now Ron’s touch was something I was even more sensitive to.
As his hands glided back and fourth over my shoulders, he began to slip them down to undo the top buttons on my dress. My focus was out of the window now. “Why did you stop?” Ron’s movements fell flat, waiting for me to resume my work. Oh, so he wants to play that game. Slowly, I picked my pen back up again, dipping it in the ink and cautiously writing out the numbers and names. Shit- I couldn’t write when his hands were now unbuttoning more of my dress. One of his hands snuck down the shirt part of my dress, groping at my tits, squeezing and rolling his thumb over the softness of the exposed skin. My jaw clenched, hesitating to write the next number as he nudged the fabric of my lace bralet out of the way.
Now, he took his fingers, brushing it over the sensitivity of my nipple. This really got me aching for him, shivers ran down my spine as I exhaled out, my legs pushing together as I circled my hips by habit. Ron’s fingers nipped ever so gently over my nipple, before moving onto the next one. Oh god. In order to impress him in this game he had going on, I continued writing as hard as it was. The way his fingers were pinching and stroking over my nipples, grabbing handfuls like he couldn’t get enough, it drove me crazy- he drove me crazy. “Can you be good and finish these papers for me?” Leaning closer, he crouched down to my level, lips dangerously close to my ear. “Yeah.” I sighed out. “No. Yes who?” His words made me want to moan out loud there and then. “Yes, Captain Speirs.” He pressed a kiss as a rewards to my cheek, the writing becoming impossibly difficult when he started kissing at my neck. His fingers moved up to my mouth, indicating he wanted me to wet them as I sucked obediently, humming out a pathetic whine. “Take your panties off.” He muttered, again, I did as I was told and stripped them down, handing them over as he shoved them in his pocket. Oh my fucking god. His fingers were back in my mouth as I sucked obediently, other hand still groping my breast. “When you finish this I’ll give you what you need.” He muttered into my ear, holding my jaw firmly now. “Mmmh, sir-“ I attempted to protest but he left me cold, marching back over to his table. Fuck, what was he doing to me. After the next few minutes had passed, I found myself grinding into my chair, looking him with pitiful eyes as I poured out a moan. When I’d scribbled the rest of the numbers down and added it to the complete pile, I was half expecting him to come storming over. But he didn’t. Sighing, I took my hand down and began hitching up my dress. Speirs too had stopped writing as he watched me with a mesmerised look. The second my fingers touched my dripping core I let out a soft breath in relief. Slowly, I played with myself in front of him. I watched as one of his hands disappeared under the table, only turning me on further. Fuck he was touching himself- and I needed to see. Spreading my legs wider, I slipped in one finger with a moan, my head falling back. The scraping of his chair didn’t stop me, in fact it only made me want to carry on. Retrieving me, he literally picked me up and set me back down on his lap, behind his desk, ass on his bulging crotch as he propped up my legs, forcing my shoes off as I spread them, feet on either of his knees. “Show me what you were doing.” He instructed, one hand planted firmly over my tit, the other hooked around my waist as his chin rested on my shoulder. I let out a shy giggle as he kissed me jaw tenderly. “Show me, Jenny.” Oh fuck. The first time he’d used my name, and it sounded so good coming from his lips. His larger hand smoothed over mine, brushing it down my body and guiding me to touch myself once again. Slowly, my movements returned, aided with his hand as he watched. My hips ground back against his, ass digging further into his cock. “Grind like that back into me. Good girl.” He hummed as I let out a gentle moan, head dropping back against his as he nuzzled his face against me closer.
His hand continued pushing mine to rub over myself, before leaving me to my own work and instead gripping my hip and guiding me into him. As my pleasure increased, I could feel Ron pushing himself up into me, borderline dry humping me as I panted out, keeping my whines to a minimum seeing as we weren’t exactly in private.
“Sir, I’m gon-“
“Ron.” He corrected, strained as I felt a twinge in my heart. “What?” I whispered as he breathlessly shuddered out, “call me Ron.” The somewhat vulnerability of his tone made me cry out gently as the coil in my stomach became tighter and tighter. Just as I was about to release, Ron let out a shuddered groan, his body jittering as my eyes widened realising what had happened. Before I could process, I was tipping over the edge, gripping his hand tighter and tighter. a
“Ron.” I gasped out, voice strained until I felt my pleasure become overwhelming and I came crashing down into a leg shaking orgasm. I was a panting and jittering mess by the end of it. Fuck, it was good, he was so good, and I couldn’t quite believe it when I realised I’d made him finish inside of his pants.
I let out a hum, attempting to move but Ron tugged me back in, sighing against my shoulder as he nested his face close to mine. For a second I didn’t know how to act, he was physically cuddling me. My hand smoothed over his arm, relaxed and satisfied by the position. My feet had fallen from his his knees now, resting close together due to the sensitivity between my legs.
“Did you finish the papers?” Ron was the first to speak, thumb grazing over my hip as I hummed. “Yeah.” I whispered. “Sorry, I distracted you.” The softness of his words were making my stomach erupt with butterflies, my chest was on fire yet I felt so at ease in his arms. Panicking, I realised my feelings for Ron were a lot stronger than I initially realised. Fuckkkk.
“It’s okay… it was worth it.” I gently smiled hearing him let out a gentle laugh. Deciding to push myself off, his hand was cautious to gaze off me as he was looking at me with a funny kinda expression, hand covering the stain he’d made in his trousers.
“What?” I whispered, brows raising a little as I pulled my bra back over my tits and slowly redid the buttons on my top. “Nothin’.” Ron shook his head as I shot him another smile before turning back down to my dress. “Just your dress..” he muttered out, in a low muffled kinda tone as I smoothed my hands over it worriedly. “What’s wrong with it?”
“No, it looks good. That’s all.”
“Oh.” Oh. “Thanks.” I shyly smiled, brushing it back down to smooth out the creases. “Um… my underwear.” I awkwardly spoke. “Oh, right. Sorry.” He let out a small laugh, retrieving them from his pocket as I tugged them back on with a giggle.
“Oh, and Jen?” The nickname almost made me throw up from the mixture of emotions. “Yeah?” My voice was light and airy, shocked by his kind words.
“Im kinda gonna need your help with… this.”
“Oh, shit- I mean, sorry yeah.” My face was burning up knowing what he was talking about. The stain on his pants wasn’t easy concealable, I’d had to retrieve him a new pair of trousers from the room he bunked in. He got one of the nicest rooms, of course, but it was astonishing, fit for the needs of a king. I fell asleep that night with more than enough thoughts whirling around in my mind. The nickname he had for me, calling me by my name- asking me to call him his name. It all felt so very intimate and vulnerable. Whilst the sex remained outright dirty, there was a softer edge to Ronald Speirs that I thought I might be becoming to like a little too much…
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peter-pantomime · 2 years
Stranger Things Fic Recs, Part 2
Part 1 (all Jonanceve)
Three Weddings and a Funeral (starting point of Let us Dwell in Fair Ithilien and There Make a Garden series, see read order in summary)
Steve Harrington falls in love and gets married. Not in that order. Some other stuff happens along the way too. But those are the two big things. That first one especially.
(Or: celebrations of life)
Lovesick in Loch Nora
Even though Eddie's name has been cleared legally, he's still very much on trial in the court of public opinion. Dealing drugs isn't a lucrative occupation anymore, and getting a legitimate job in a town who still considers him a killer isn't much of an option, either. Eddie is beginning to think skipping town and starting over somewhere no one knows his name is the only chance he has left. Steve has another idea.
AKA: Steve gets Eddie a job as an anonymous columnist at a local newspaper.
Keep It for Me
It's 1993, and Steve is attending Lucas and Max's wedding.
It's 1993, and no one has seen Eddie Munson in seven years.
same as it ever was
In 1986, Steve Harrington is doing his best. Trying to rebuild a life for his friends who’ve been to hell and back, and trying to carve out space for himself and his strange growing friendship with Eddie Munson.
At least, until Eddie leaves.
Four years later they meet again, and Eddie comes crashing back into Steve’s life, ready to tear down the walls Steve has painstakingly built around his heart.
Or: a story about holding on, letting go, and opening your heart to the unexpected. Even if the unexpected is a flighty rockstar in skin tight jeans.
smoking guns (hot to the touch)
Sure, they've saved the world, but the best part of that really is that it doesn't end there and in a town where everyone thinks he murdered a girl, he's at least got Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley. It's really not his fault he accidentally starts living at Steve's house, he was invited, after all. There's a mystery too, about Barbara Holland and Steve's pool.
You're the Driver, You're the Road
Eddie meant it when he said once he graduated, he was getting the hell out of Hawkins.
He just didn't realize that Steve was going to keep showing up.
“I know we don’t– know each other that well. Like, at all. But I remembered that night in January and how– how you tried to help, when I needed it, and didn’t really want it. And I’m not letting anyone read their letters unless it happens, but yours isn’t– I don’t know. It just says thank you. For trying. And for getting it, when no one else did."
(or, turns out eddie's backstory is pretty similar to max's own. he offers her an understanding ear; when vecna comes, she and steve might need to return the favor.)
a cinematic vision ensued (like the holiest dream)
Eddie and Steve have been spending a lot of time together since Vecna. They're co-parenting kids, getting high every night, and sleeping in the same bed. They basically share a wardrobe too.
He thinks this is dangerous, its like they’re married, the casual sharing of intimacy, this space between them which feels like something and nothing all at the same time. He thinks it’s dangerous for him to pretend Steve sees it the same way, that one day Steve’s droopy, kind eyes are going to see right through him and he’ll lose this. This being a side of Steve’s bed that is his, a nightstand where his rings always pile, a draw of shirts in Steve’s bedroom that only Steve uses. He can’t lose it, so he shuts his mouth, turns out the light, and watches the slow breathing of sleep fill Steve’s chest.
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you
Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?” Or, it’s 2002 and Steve Harrington attends a wedding, a funeral, and a birth.
make a deal with god
“Yeah, great job, Henderson,” Steve says. “Risk your life for the ticking time bomb. I don’t foresee a way this can go wrong at all.”
“Uh, no man left behind,” Dustin argues, which would be kinda sweet, except, “even the ones with a hundred murder charges.”
“Thanks, dude,” Eddie says to him, anyway. In his peripheral, Steve rolls his eyes.
or, Eddie escapes the Upside Down. Problem is, he’s still wanted for—well. Pretty much everything. So he hides out in Steve's basement.
Some Things Cosmic
Steve has a dream about Eddie.
And another. And another. And another...
The One in Which a Time Loop is Fucking Exhausting
It’s the first time in a while that he doesn’t know what comes next. He’s dove into the water hundreds of times. Screamed as his flesh was torn apart, heard Master of Puppets in the distance and held back tears. Felt Max’s cold, small hand in his as she laid in the hospital bed. There are things that always happen, no matter how hard he tries: El doesn’t arrive in time. Eddie dies. Max is put in a coma.
Steve fails. They lose.
“Steve, how many loops have you been through?”
His head is nodding, and his eyes are watery, and Eddie has approached him like a spooked animal.
“I lost count.”
AKA: The one where Steve Harrington is stuck in a time loop, and Eddie Munson is really fucking hard to save, or: fuck Volume 2, these bitches are in love.
Summer '86
After everything that happened during Spring Break, life for everyone in Hawkins returned to somewhat normal. Well, aside from Steve's new friendship with one Eddie Munson.
The gang decide they all deserve a break and head to Steve's family beach house for a week, featuring copious amounts of fluff, found family bonding, blurring (or completely ignoring) the line between platonic and romantic, and bullying being considered flirting.
Whole Lotta Love
Steve scoffs. "I think if I was dating someone, Robin, I would be the first to know about it."
"Would you, though?" Robin says.
looking for something dumb to do
It's June 26, 2015. Eddie Munson turns fifty today. Steve has a question for him.
(hey baby, I think I wanna marry you.)
Various Polyamories
Birds of a Feather
Robin watched as Will slipped away from the group, and into the hall. He looked like he couldn’t breathe, and fuck. She knew that feeling. Dear God, or gods… or goddess… hell, maybe it was the Flying Spaghetti Monster out there… but dear whatever, did she ever know that feeling and hated to see others in it.
She rounded the corner to see a truly heartbreaking sight. Will had his back on the cinder block wall, his butt on the cold cheap tile floor, and his knees up. Tears rolled down his face as he stared off into the distance, but he didn’t heave any heavy breaths or sob. It was a scene Robin was all too familiar with. She had seen this in herself at many dances or school functions where she felt too different. It was deja-vu in the worst way, and Robin thought back to all those times and remembered how all she wanted was a bit of comfort.
“Will?” She called stepping closer.
You Give It All (But I Want More)
It only stings a little when Steve leans in one night and kisses Nancy by the firelight. Eddie’s used to being in pain, anyway, and it’s nice to have the ache come from someplace different, variety being the spice of life. He thinks he does a decent job at keeping his expression neutral, but Robin reaches out and hooks their pinkies together, such a small, conciliatory gesture, he knows she’s got his number. Maybe she’s feeling the same ache, too.
I Wanna Hurt You (Just to Hear You Screaming My Name)
This, Eddie knows, is a bad decision, because Nancy and Jonathan broke up three days ago, in a way that hardly feels like a break up at all, so much as growing pains. It’s a bad decision, because Steve’s heart is in his hands, and Nancy has never been careful, not with him, not with anyone. It’s a bad decision, because Eddie is still on the floor looking up, watching as hands trail across skin, as lines are crossed, and more than wanting to stop them, he wants those hands on him, too.
Nancy and Steve fall into old, familiar patterns, with new, unfamiliar parts.
House Like a Homecoming
The thing about being the Resident Weirdo of Hawkins is that when Eddie buys Reefer Rick’s place out on the lake, people don’t notice - or at the very least pretend not to notice - when a few extra people move in.
Or, the gradual unfolding of a polyamorous relationship between our favorite Monster Hunters, set some amorphous months post-season 4/post-series where the gang just gets to be soft and have the things they want
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oh-snapperss · 2 years
my beloved mutual. my dearest blorbo in my phone. you decide between 14 and 20 but it's ethubs all the way 🐟
20. found you / cannot trust you
Note: This is part of the resistance au, and I would highly recommend reading the rest of the series BEFORE reading this oneshot for context. The rest of the series can be found here on ao3.
Words: 1977
CW: Second guessing self, Angst
Read on AO3
Drip… drip… drip…
(Had he ever meant anything to Bdubs?)
(Had Bdubs ever loved him, really?)
They’re on another world, and Etho is lost. The cavern they’re in is enormous, and across the vast underground expanse a waterfall of lava is one of the only light sources.
“Etho, can you see me?”
Etho squints into the cavern, frowning when there’s no movement. “...no.”
“Oh, you’re goin’ the wrong way, sweetheart!” (Even then, piling on the pet names. Making Etho feel cared about. Bdubs can’t have loved him then, they had barely even been friends!)
Etho thinks forward a bit, to the time when Scar was announced mayor, with Bdubs at his side. He had cheered them on, proud of Bdubs. Etho had never particularly enjoyed politics himself, but he knew this was something Bdubs wanted.
He shoved down the sparks of jealousy in his gut, clapping as Scar pulled Bdubs into a kiss of celebration. (Had Bdubs ever sworn loyalty to Etho? Had Bdubs ever promised himself so wholly to Etho the same way he’d done for Scar and Ren and even Cleo, during Third Life?)
Third Life… when he’d been content to poke fun at Bdubs and his crastle, Cleo had kept Bdubs safe, and in return Bdubs had once again devoted himself to someone. (And broke that loyalty as soon as it was over. Was that what Bdubs did? Pledge himself wholly to whoever could give him the most, then end it as soon as whoever it was couldn’t give anything else?)
While on Last Life Bdubs had devoted himself to Etho, for once. Even then… threatening to turn Etho red. Pleading for a life. Etho had given and given and given, and loved Bdubs even though both of them knew how tragic they were doomed to be. (Was that what love was, to Bdubs? Taking and taking?)
And then… Bdubs had married Impulse. Not just married, flaunted it in Etho’s face, showed off his happiness to Etho and taunted him for still caring. Logically, Etho knew that it wasn’t Bdubs’ fault they weren’t soulbound. But Bdubs had taken things to the extreme as always, and loved Impulse so completely, leaving Etho alone in the night. Again. (That was how it always was. First everyone else, then Etho.)
The longer Etho thinks about it, the more he’s sure. Bdubs never loved him. For all the times Bdubs gave himself to someone else, he had never once been Etho’s, and Etho was a fool to have ever thought otherwise.
Days have passed, or at least Etho thinks it’s been days. For all he knows, it may have been weeks.
“Etho?” A voice shakes him out of his daydreaming, and Etho looks up to see Scar standing before his cell. His bow is nowhere to be seen, and he holds a small parcel in his hands. Even from where Etho is curled up in the corner of his prison, he can see Bdubs’ handwriting on it.
“I don’t want it,” he shakes his head, and digs his fingernails into his own arms before Scar can say anything else. “I don’t want anything from him.”
Scar winces, and his tone is filled with sympathy–which Etho hates–as he slides the parcel along the ground and under the bars anyway. “Bdubs wants it delivered, and I can hardly refuse the hand of the king, now can I?” His voice turns slightly wistful at the title, and Etho once again is reminded of the time when Bdubs had been Scar’s.
“All these years, and he’s still got you wrapped around his fingers?” Etho laughs, and he despises himself for the way he’s let Bdubs affect him like this, turn him into a sulking, bitter mess when he’s sure Bdubs is perfectly content upstairs with his king. Whatever this gift is, he’s sure it’s only meant to draw him back in and make him forgive Bdubs, when Bdubs deserves nothing from Etho.
Scar’s jaw tightens and Etho smirks at the way Scar has taken his bait that easily. “Come on Scar, we all know you have a soft spot for Bdubs. Don’t really know why, since he turned his back on you too.”
“...don’t know what you’re talking about,” Scar scofs after a few tense moments. Etho doesn’t respond again. Scar turns on his heel after a few seconds, and his footsteps echo through the dreary dungeon, eventually fading into nothing. Etho is left alone with his thoughts once more and the continued drip, drip, drip of the dripstone.
At first, he promises himself he won’t open Bdubs’ bribe. He won’t touch it. Heck, he won’t even glance over at it. There’s nothing Bdubs could possibly give him that would change his mind or help the situation, and he wants nothing to do with it.
Time works against Etho, unfortunately. With nothing to think about other than Bdubs and his lies, Etho pulls himself to his feet, walks the few steps over, and picks it up. Handling the package with all the gentleness he used to reserve for Bdubs, he turns it over in his hands. The envelope flutters to the ground, and he almost grinds it into pieces with his shoe before thinking better of it. Instead he retreats to his corner again and tears open the paper wrapping.
It’s a clock. Weathered from age and years of use, Etho can tell almost immediately what this is, and he feels bile at the back of his throat at the audacity Bdubs has. This is how he apologizes? This is how Bdubs thinks he can get Etho back? He turns the clock over to confirm, and sure enough–there’s the date it was given on the back.
It’s the original clock, the one Etho gave Bdubs so many years ago as a sign of friendship and affection. He hadn’t even known Bdubs had kept it, but there was no mistaking his own initials on the back, or the scratches from where Bdubs had dropped it almost immediately in a cave. And–is that? He frowns at the slight rattling in the clock, and finds the catch to open it. Inside there’s a key.
Hands shaking, Etho marches right back to the other side of the cell and shoves the clock underneath the bars. He’ll make Scar take it back later. As for the note, he snatches that up, tears it into as many pieces as he can, and throws them out too. He catches an I'm sorry and even an I love you as he rips it to shreds, but it doesn’t matter, because Bdubs does not love him and most certainly isn’t sorry.
When Scar brings him food later, Etho sees him eyeing the shreds of paper and the clock and tells him to take it back to Bdubs.
“The paper too?” Scar sounds incredulous.
“If that helps get the point across, yes,” Etho growls back, and Scar gathers the clock and the paper from the ground before once again leaving Etho to brood.
Etho’s ears ache, ringing from the attacks of the wither. Chunks of soul sand fly into the air, particles flying into Etho’s eyes. He throws himself to the side, and the very ground he had just been standing on ignites into another explosion.
“Bdubs!” He yells, but he’s too far away to stop his husband from attacking the monster head on, and he can only crawl towards them before there’s a scream of pain from his lover and then nothing.
He staggers to his feet, dragging his sword into the air in front of him with shaking arms. He’s got to avenge Bdubs.
But… the wither is gone. Etho looks around, and he’s not even in their base. He’s… he’s at home, in his private world. The clock on the wall is ticking, and all is silent.
Too silent, he realizes a moment too soon. It’s just a couple steps to the door, and he yanks it open to find–
The void.
It’s dark, empty, and hungry. Etho can feel it pulling him closer, beckoning him with a terrifying gentleness he knows the void cannot possess. He braces himself on the doorframe, but the house tips, and he tumbles out into the night and he is falling,
and falling…
    and falling…
            and falling…
Etho’s eyes fly open, hands scrabbling along the floor–oh thank god there’s a floor– as he scrambles to make sense of himself. His neck aches from the strange angle he had been half sitting half lying at, and he pulls himself up to look towards the cell door.
Of course it would be Bdubs, one hand holding a lantern and the other hidden within his cloak. Etho notices the slippers Bdubs is wearing and holds himself back from laughing at how utterly out of place Bdubs is down here.
“Etho… you were…” Bdubs trails off, seeming uncertain of how to go on. Etho knows why–before, Bdubs would always sing him to sleep, or hold him when Etho had nightmares like that. Usually, Etho always fell asleep feeling safe with Bdubs, and the nightmares wouldn't plague him those nights.
Not that Bdubs had ever been safe, but Etho still finds himself longing for those nights when he’d believed in Bdubs’ love.
“What do you want?” Etho growls, fixing Bdubs with the most disgusted, loathing look he can muster. He tries to ignore the hurt crossing Bdubs’ face, and the way his own chest clenches with guilt and the need to comfort him instead.
“You returned the clock…” Bdubs mumbles, and he looks forlorn.
Etho refuses to give in. He owes Bdubs nothing and he won’t feel guilt about this, he won’t. “Well… yeah. I don’t want your stupid clock.”
Bdubs’ face breaks a little further, and a part of Etho is viciously satisfied, although most of him wants to beg to be let out just so he can hold Bdubs. No, Bdubs doesn’t love you. He’s acting, this is what he does. He shoves away the part of him wanting to comfort.
“I wanted you to have it…” whispers Bdubs, and he reaches into his pocket, this time holding the same key as before. “But at least take this.”
White hot anger fills Etho, and any remnants of what still loved Bdubs flees before his rage. “Oh, so this is the game you’re playing?” A laugh bubbles out of him. “This is how you’re planning on getting me back into your clutches? Make me think you care?”
“That’s not fai-”
“Fair? Fair? You know what wasn’t fair, Bdubs? What wasn’t fair was lying to me, for all our goddamn friendship. If-if that’s even what it was.” Etho slams his fist on the ground. “Don’t even think about telling me you care. I know better now.”
Bdubs doesn’t reply, and when Etho looks at him, he can see tears dripping from his face. He feels no remorse, however. He won’t.
“Go.” Bdubs finally croaks out. He holds the key through the cell. “Take it and run. I won’t tell.”
“Really?” He raises an eyebrow. “You’re not gonna betray me again? This isn’t some sick test?”
“Is that so?” Etho stands, and reaches towards the key, hand hovering just above Bdubs’. He doesn’t take the key. “If you’re actually helping me escape, do it fully. Open the door yourself.”
“I-I can’t do that!” Bdubs says almost immediately, and Etho smirks, drops his hand, and paces back to the other side of the cell.
“That’s what I thought.” He sits back down. “I can’t trust you, you’re loyal to Ren and pretty much anyone else but me.”
Bdubs doesn’t reply again.
“Goodnight, Bdoubleo. At least try and act like you mean it, next time.” Etho closes his eyes, and doesn’t reopen them until Bdubs’ footsteps and quiet sniffling are long gone.
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