#but they missed a few details that made the original so good
edgeworth's post 7yg design would be perfect if it just were slightly different. i know what i have to do
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one in a million when i watch smthing in the horror genre and don't end up disappointed to/and/or pissed off about it so like "also yeah i liked it. ooo" is like relative to that an off the charts rave review of media of the millennium. also i did think about mh a lot along the way so would recommend its affect/effect if you like mh's horror too
#i didn't realize at first that's the director/creator tim's qrting. thought a rando went ''i love mh'' & he went ''& i love smthing else''#saw this a few weeks ago while also like writing or drawing or smthing like oh good plot's beside the point? b/c i'm splitting this focus#even checking in w/recaps was both like oh ok i missed that / didn't realize xyz could be a Thread or something but each of the like three#or four recaps i went over Also saw points differently in terms of even like; who was there or said what lmfao. or noting sm detail at all.#i went ''oh worm?'' at some early shot that may or may not have even gone mentioned by any of them. depending lol. doesn't matter#anyways we don't have time for tags media analysis except that i'll count this as: once again horror for children wins. even tho it's...#not rated? well anyways you know. probably generally not advisable for children as a direct audience lmao. however#like yes as per the premise as a child we've all experienced this [the media] anyways. perturbing summons dreams we've all had em#anyhow fr i'd even struggle to think of horror movies i'd say i mostly liked / would or did rewatch but still wasn't like. i disliked major#elements / choices to the point of being pissed off abt it. so many movies i can't be bothered to watch b/c i already know specifics like#i don't like or respect any of you people. or choices or elements or premises or executions or effects. not even interested fr like lord...#but often what has better odds are mediums that Aren't straightforwardly tv / film. like i'd compare mh to a series of several movies and#that's also imo largely a more apt categorization than saying it's an ARG or smthing but anyways like i'd recommend it to someone sure....#rare to be like yeah a movie was enjoyable. & if you already liked mh then that's a useful reference point here#which like usually i'd use mh as a categorical tag but idk i guess actually it's actively popular nowadays lmfao i really don't know#posting is already exhausting like whew but this one's for whosoever happens to follow me i guess#which is possible? nonzero ppl arrived for mh but unlikely lmfao. but also ppl see it on their own anyways coincidentally.#and you never know who observes the posts like hell yeah for an anon enjoying niche akd theatreposting who is to me ambiently out there#really odd the other day seeing an mh reblog like ''??? huh. i made that eons ago; then'' & people in the tags talking abt some repost like#on the one hand that Original Source post is two layers of deactivated blogs so a repost could be archival. but if they don't say as much#i.e. that it's even from a different source then that's not exactly it then is it. but also that even finding an original document For OP#is like. oh yeah that's me actually. but then knowing & technically saying as much doesn't / didn't actually affect me as that op lol#just kind of archival on both ends then. vs someone else in the tags saying they saw it on fb 9 yrs ago? definitely didn't post it there#my true op experience: keeping it nicheposting & just kind of saying sm shit & maybe some people are out there nodding thoughtfully#oh also in case fyi. that's tim as in actor playing [also tim] in mh. & did some writing for mh & other such behind the scenes efforts also#every time i look at the text in this post i notice a new typo of mine. get it tgoether (organic typo there. so; lol)
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describe-things · 5 months
This post is made with speech to text because my hand hurts from typing so much today. Please forgive any typos or speech to text swapping similar sounding words.
If you would like to start writing your own image descriptions, feel free to ask any questions.
The main things to keep in mind is that they should begin with some variation of image description start or ID, and end with some variation of image description and, and ID or something like that. This distinguish the image description from the caption or anything else.
Image descriptions should not be written in italics, bold, all caps, or any colors. If text in the image is in all caps, write it in regular case, and simply note before or after it that it's in all caps.
Image descriptions should describe all images in the post, without skipping any. This includes images that are nothing but text.
Plain text image descriptions in the body of the post are more accessible than alt text alone, because many people who need image descriptions cannot use alt text, and Tumblr is known for its glitches, so the accessibility of the alt text all by itself varies widely over time.
It is more accessible to have the image descriptions indented than not, because this helps to visually separate the image description from the caption. Having brackets or parentheses at the end is also helpful for this. This allows people to easily distinguish between the caption and the image description if they need to.
If you are an artist, writing image descriptions for your art will give you full control over the image description, and will allow you to correctly identify details that others might miss. This gives you the opportunity to show which parts of your art hold meaning to you and are important to notice.
If you are describing real people who are unknown to you, unless it is specified within the post or you are already aware, please do not assign any gendered terms to them, or any " male presenting or female presenting" terms like that. This is completely unnecessary and leads to misgendering. It is best to simply describe visible facts about the people. Hair color, length, clothes and style, pose, expression, the light or darkness of their skin, things like that. Do not assume that someone is white simply because they have light skin.
Do not use image descriptions to lie to the audience in any way and do not use image descriptions to make jokes where the audience reading the image description is the butt of the joke.
As an example, if there is a very clearly fake screenshot, do not say that it is simply a screenshot, or if a photo is very blatantly photoshopped, do not say that it is simply a photo. Say an edited photo, a badly edited photo, a screenshot with editing, something like that to indicate the changes have been made and then what you are going to be describing is not the natural version.
As an example, you would say a crab photoshopped to be driving a car. Rather than a photo of a crab driving a car.
Unless you are transcribing a text within the image, do not use meme speak within image descriptions. Do not refer to dogs as doggos for example, unless it is to specify that the dog in the image is, within the image, labeled as a doggo. Do not describe someone walking downstairs as breasted bubbly downstairs, even if it is an actor humorously walking down the stairs to imitate that sentence. Describe the facts of the movements, and then you can make the comparison for clarity.
If someone adds an image description to your post whether this be an original post or a reblog that you have added an image to, it doesn't matter how many notes to post already has, please copy and paste that image description into the original post or your original reblog. If it is a new post that has only a few notes from friends, after you update the original, you can just ask your friends to delete the reblogs of the inaccessible version and reblog the new one. Most people who are good people and care about disabled people will happily do so.
Keep in mind that image descriptions are accessibility tools. Treat them as such.
Anyone can write image descriptions. You do not need any special qualifications or training. As long as you are willing to take constructive criticism if you make a mistake, an image description written by someone who's new to it and honestly doing their best with good intentions is better than no image description at all.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, so please feel free to add on more tips and advice.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 months
The PledgeManager has launched!
Thank you for bearing with us. We’re happy to say that, as promised, the PledgeManager has officially launched!
In case you missed it, we detailed earlier this week that the publication of the graphic novel has been pushed back from its original July 2024 estimate into Spring 2025 - you can read the full update here. We also want to take a moment to say that we have seen the outpouring of love and support on Kickstarter, and across various platforms, wishing Colleen well in her recovery and the time needed for the graphic novel - a huge thank you from all of the team for your understanding and patience, and for the genuine community and care we’ve seen these past few days. We appreciate you all.
With this in mind, we think it’s important to underline: though PledgeManager has launched, you do not need to pay for your shipping fees immediately.
The PledgeManager is there for those who missed the campaign to order the graphic novel, and indeed for any backers who would like to upgrade, get some other add-ons, or the new items. You, as a pre-existing backer, should receive an email with information via Kickstarter and/or PledgeManager to inform you that this is now open to you - note, these are sent in waves of smaller batches, so if you don't get yours immediately, don't panic! It will likely take between 12-18 hours to process all the backers.
You are, of course, welcome to pay your shipping right away if you'd like, however we completely understand that you may want to wait until closer to the fulfilment time, or when more solid dates are confirmed, before actioning this.
For this stage, we have compiled a quick FAQ below covering some key questions:
Will the whole project be moving from Kickstarter to PledgeManager? No. This is just for the fulfilment side and logistics - all updates will still remain here.  
Do PledgeManager backers get everything that Kickstarter backers do? No. While the remaining tiers will be made available for those who missed it, with certain stretch goals (e.g. additions to the book, loot boxes, etc), Kickstarter backers have a number of exclusives such as the Good Omens HQ discount code for when the store launches, and the backers only events.  
My PledgeManager address will be different to what is listed on my Kickstarter. Is that fine? Yes. We are handling all logistics through PledgeManager and, as such, that is the only place where we will need your address. If you move or need to change any details, that will be the place to do so.  
Can I change my address? Yes. You can update your address until we are at the shipping stage. We will keep this option open for as long as possible to ensure maximum flexibility around this.  
How are shipping fees calculated? It is based on both weight and the country it is being sent to. We have been working over the past months to streamline processes and bring the costs down from their original starting point.  
Do I have to pay just now? You do not need to pay immediately, but payment will need to be made prior to your items being shipped. You now have a bigger window during which you can make payment. As above, we will keep updating you on the progression of the publication schedule, should you be waiting for firmer dates before doing so.  
What about taxes and import duty? UK: VAT is included in the costs UK backers pay, there should be no extra tax charges. US: We believe (but cannot guarantee) that imports under $800USD in value should not attract import duty, those pledges above may be taxed at import. EU & REST OF THE WORLD: If taxes or duties apply to your pledge, these will need to be paid at time of import into your country. We’ve spent months trying to integrate the costs at this stage, but in having the project open across the globe, it has proven too complex to be able to fully refine and cover all instances and locations, and we’ve been advised that this is the best route forward.  We know a lot of international backers, particularly in the EU – for example – will already be used to this process, and we will keep you all updated on any developments on this front. For all of our backers, we are working hard to make labelling and declaring all of the contents of your pledges as transparent as possible, in order to make taxing and importing as easy and affordable as possible.  
I want to buy the new items, but am waiting to pay shipping. Are they limited? The pins, mugs, notebooks - all the new items specifically added to the PledgeManager are not limited and will be available regardless of whether you get them now, or months down the road. The only limited items are the remaining tiers that have moved over from the Kickstarter (e.g. the Obsidian Tier) that were limited to begin with, and a very limited run of the Alien Parking ticket. Everything else is fully available, in perpetuity.  
Will you be adding extra items to the PledgeManager? No. What is there at launch is all we plan to include at this point - any new items afterwards will instead originate via the Good Omens HQ store.  
Will Kickstarter backers get items first? Yes. We will have a staggered approach for fulfilment: Kickstarter backers, then PledgeManager, then everything that is moving to the Good Omens HQ store will subsequently be made available.
You can also view the more general PledgeManager FAQ at terrypratchett.com.
We will keep PledgeManager and logistical notes present in all the monthly updates going forward, but felt this warranted a dedicated one-off. 
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These are available as part of the PledgeManager. Another beauty from our pin designer, Carl Sutton.
Thanks again for your patience. Back in the April monthly update.
In short: :)
The Good Omens Pledge Manager has launched:
those who missed the Graphic Novel Kickstarter: Now you can order the Graphic novel, not all things that were in the original Kicstarter are available but there is stil a lot of options and fuckton of lovely ineffable add-ons! :)<3
those who participated inthe original GO GN Kickstarter: you should an email (Dunmanifestin needs more information to fulfill your reward) with a link that logs you (if not log manually) into the pledgemanager and lets you edit the order (add new add ons) (yep, my wallet weeps :D<3)
The addons:
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I mean... how can one resist for example these I do not know... :D
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662 notes · View notes
droolypupboy · 3 months
warning: petplay, orgasm denial/control, painplay, degrading
my puppy’s being a huge brat as i type this “i can be rude to you if i want” - “im NOT talking back” - “im not being a brat” - “im gonna win everyyyyy game we play” “you can’t punish me for something i didn’t even do” to name a few.
he “doesn’t believe” that i know EXACTLY what im going to do to him later so im typing this to prove to my dumb little bitch that im always ten steps ahead of him.
if you’re reading this it means he’s already fucked out, used, and has had his attitude reigned in.
the only way to reign in that smart mouth of his is to deprive him. so first i’m going to gag him and put him in time out for six minutes (it was originally going to be three but his mouth got him in trouble, not that he knows it yet). i’m gonna ramble about allllll the things he’s missing out on since he’s talked himself into a hole.
afterward, i’ll let him take the gag out, force him to give me the apology i deserve, and edge him a couple good times before i breed him up and fuck him and brainwash him into being the good puppy he always is deep down.
my boy’s always a good puppy even when he’s making a pathetic attempt at behaving badly. he’s trained too well to know how to do it right. so i’ll let him use that tone with me, not gonna take much to remind him he’s too dumb to keep up the charade.
i love my little bimbo pup, even when he’s being a stubborn little bitch.
those are the plans. the rest of the post is gonna be scene updates.
update mid punishment: had to add on more time to his time out. thirteen minutes instead of six. he “didn’t regret his words” …he does now. he’s sitting on a chair with a vibe (turned off) between his legs, a gag in his mouth, and hands behind his back. i have a vibe on. poor thing is so jealous it hurts.
i told him no words apart from the ones i asked him to say. “i’m sorry for being a brat sir, please punish me, im sorry for being a naughty boy”
poor baby sounded so embarrassed. i forced him to get up with the vibe in and on to go grab the other toys im gonna use to edge and fuck him. poor thing promised to say thank you after every orgasm i deny him. he better be ready to keep that promise.
and only ten minutes into it he’s telling me how much better it feels to be a good boy and that he’s too stupid to be a brat. didnt i predict that earlier? nice and easy to break. my mutt <33 i think its because i made him listen to me cum.
sucked my cock SO obediently for a good ten minutes <33 he’s finally taking the easier route; being a good dog. i’m so proud of him. my training really shines through.
some of the details are just for us <33 but i’ll let you guys in on a pretty intimate part. we came to the sound of mutual i love you i love you i love yous.
extremely intimate and lovey-dovey scene. it ended up a LOT sillier and more giggly than it started. @purenullity
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oceansmotion · 3 months
Aoife's Maxis Match Face Templates UPDATED.
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Now less gendered, more consistent between ages, and with baby faces! More info and a bunch of pictures below.
Finally, after months, I have finished these. A long time ago now, I'd made my original templates but didn't really pay any mind to how gendered faces really are, and how inconsistent they are between each age. I love the Maxis faces, I just wanted them to look a little less lumpy, and to replace ones that I felt were redundant. Basically, I hated that with any given template, I couldn't really tell what a sim was going to look like as an adult because every face looked different at each stage!
So today I bring to you my less gendered Maxis Match templates, where I have chosen which face I felt was more iconic and matched the other gender with it, and then made every age look more like that template (including baby faces).
Martin Ruben can be a good example:
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Yeah, sure, the eyes are the same, but that's pretty much where the likeness ends. A lot of the templates will do this, and some of the female faces suffered for it (jaws were outlawed on females in 2004, didn't you know?)
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They aren't perfect but they're miles better than the originals! I also think they bring a lot more variety to faces, because I did notice that a lot of the templates would use face parts from entirely different templates! Face 2's eyes and face 1's nose are really popular, as well as yeeting jaws and chins out the window.
Faces 1 - 4
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Faces 5 - 8
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Faces 9 - 12
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Faces 13 - 16
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Faces 17 - 20
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Faces 21 - 24
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Faces 25 - 27
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An example between AF and TF
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and the same face as a child and toddler.
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If you noticed in some of the pictures, the ears clipped through a few hairs, and that's because I also took the liberty of adding custom ear shapes to almost every face. No, it didn't occur to me to change the hairstyle I picked for photos until I was already on face 18 and didn't want to start over.
These aren't perfect, and maybe someday I'll go over them again to change more minute details, but for now, I'm very happy with how they turned out! Please let me know if there are any issues, I triple checked everything but I probably missed something somewhere.
Download || Mediafire Box
Credits: Meowingcookie on MTS for their baby face templates. I pretty much just used their baby faces with some tweaks to better match my changes.
@withlovefromsimtown for giving me the idea in the first place. I love their faces!
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caramelberzatto · 8 days
coffee, croissants, carm. // c. berzatto
hi guysssss <3 trying something a little different with a social media au (smau.) just some brief context i guess, lol. you're syd's best friend and have been away for a year, studying abroad, then you meet carmy through her. and it just progresses over a few months. ANYWAY, i hope you guys like this. (no pictures are my own, all from pinterest, credit to the original owners.)
yourusername made a post
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liked by sydddadamu, yourcousin, and 43 others
yourusername: london was lovely, but it's good to be home! syd coming through with a home-cooked meal >:) tagged: @/sydddadamu
friend1: miss you already!! come back soon <3 -> yourusername: you know i will!! when i'm not broke lol, gotta job hunt now :/
sydddadamu: damn who is that very professional chef in the second slide? -> yourusername: idk but the meal was 1000/10. get this woman a michelin star NEOOWW
yourcousin: so, i should be expecting you this weekend for the debrief, yes? i need to know all the details about those london boys ;) -> sydddadamu: BOYS? am i missing something?? -> yourusername: NO LMAO if there was something to tell, you would already know
yourusername made a post
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liked by user1, sydddadamu, youraunt, and 38 others
yourusername: sweet home chicago <3 tagged: @/sydddadamu
youraunt: lovely ladies!!! that tree outside your window is beautiful! -> yourusername: it's my favourite view <3
sydddadamu: couldn't have chosen a better photo?! -> yourusername: shut up, ur hot -> sydddadamu: your hand in marriage, then?
yourusername made a post
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liked by sydddadamu, thebeef_chicago, and 46 others
yourusername: MY GIRL A CHEFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (gotta drive her to work tho) i hope they don't remember us here, because the study sessions we used to have were loud. tagged: @/sydddadamu, @/thebeef_chicago
sydddadamu: didn't have to expose teenage me like that -> yourusername: teenage you was incredible. she just frowned a lot.
yourusername made a post
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liked by friend1, sydddadamu, cberzatto, and 52 others
yourusername: in my 'spending all my money on coffee and books' era. (i've been like this my whole life.)
friend2: iconnnnnnnn
sydddadamu: yo the last slide??
friend1: who is that? -> yourusername: that's my wife obvs -> friend1: you know that's not who i meant -> friend2: oof no further comment? it's a boyfriend for sure.
yourusername made a post
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liked by cberzatto, sydddadamu, and 68 others
yourusername: coffee, croissants, carm.
friend3: ???soft launch??? -> yourusername: perhaps.
youraunt: which cafe is that? we need to catch up :) -> yourusername: i'm free this weekend!! i'd love to see you and uncle dave!!
sydddadamu: this is your version of live, love, laugh. -> yourusername: you get me <3
yourusername made a post
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liked by cberzatto, sydddadamu, friend3, and 72 others
yourusername: all in the details. tagged: @/cberzatto
cberzatto: <3 -> yourusername: <3 -> richierichjerimovich: fucking hell, he does know how to use his phone. doesn't pick it up, tho.
sydddadamu: how did richie get here before i did?
friend1: glad to see you're making some new friends! bring them to london next time around <3 friday karaoke isn't the same without you!
yourusername made a post
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liked by cberzatto, sydddadamu, marcus.brooks, and 77 others
yourusername: he's so pretty when he... you guys know the song. tagged: @/cberzatto
friend2: the hardest of hard launches!! so happy for you!!
friend1: NOW i know why you've been kicking your feet and giggling whenever we factime!!!!
sydddadamu: the caption is insane on this one. -> yourusername: pretend you don't see it.
marcus.brooks: bringing the energy to the beef! -> richierichjerimovich: we've always had energy? -> marcus.brooks: not the good kind. -> sydddadamu: there's definitely less yelling now, thank god
OKAY hi <3 thanks for reading this :) this is a bit all over the place because i didn't have any kind of plot in mind when putting this together, but i have a few other ideas that i'll be able to articulate better. this was just a bit of fun hehehe love y'all. let me know if this is something you'd like to see more of!!!
tagging some cuties: @martiansodas-blog @foreveraimingtowardsthesky @laiiaaa @thecapricunt1616 @nolita-fairytale @carmenberzattosgf
208 notes · View notes
hotchsofficialwifey · 7 months
okay hear me out... mike schmidt with goth!fem!reader (be warned: i'm not goth so this might not be very accurate lol)
he met you while he was working at the mall, eyed you from across hot topic. despite your intimidating black clothes, chains, and eye makeup, you had one of the sweetest smiles he'd ever seen, instantly drawing him to you. you said good morning to the worker with one of those perfect smiles and he immediately felt butterflies in his stomach.
he started hanging out at the hot topic more frequently. he began to pick up on your schedule, too. you'd usually come on Saturday's between 12-3pm, circle through the food court and your favorite stores (one time he even caught you at Victoria's Secret, but didn't go in, for obvious reasons). he felt a little creepy, but it wasn't like he was stalking you, just keeping you safe (this was his bullshit excuse). some part of you was simply magnetic, pulling him in like a siren, wrapping him around your finger so tightly he never wanted to be let go.
after a few weeks or so of this same routine, he got fired for beating up a man in broad daylight, and had to get a shitty job at Fazbear's Pizzeria. the only part of that job he missed was you, but his yearning would soon come to an end. he went on various apps, websites, whatever he could to find a babysitter for abby while he was at work, when he found your profile on one of the apps. you were around his age, lived in the same town, and were looking for a job as a babysitter. perfect! he got in contact with you shortly after, and you were fast to reply. you set up a day, time and location, and the next night you were there, knocking on his door.
it was as if the closer he got to you, the prettier you were. pink lips overlined with black liner, flared black jeans paired with a Siouxsie and The Banshees t-shirt, eyeliner so sharp it could probably poke him and black converse covered in doodles. you were more casual than usual, obviously, but god, you were beautiful. you hit him with one of your dazzling smiles, introduced yourself to him and abby (abby instantly liked you), and he went off to work, the scent of your sandalwood perfume on his mind.
you got closer over the months you babysat abby. he came home early in the morning, but you always made breakfast (not only were you beautiful, but amazingly sweet). he didn't pay you as consistently as you originally hoped he would, but you were begin to grow a crush on him, so you didn't really mind. it got to the point where you two even exchanged numbers, using work as an excuse, but you mostly talked and sent memes to each other. but what he admired most about you is how good you were with abby. you guys drew together, watched cartoons together, laughed together, you even did tarot readings for her. abby would fill him in on every little detail of your night together, start to finish. she adored you, and you adored her, which only made him fall harder for you.
the love confession was unexpected, but really sweet. he had invited you over for dinner before he went to work, which he often did, but after you put abby to bed and sat down on the couch with him...
"thanks for everything you do for us." he blurted suddenly. your face suddenly felt very warm, and you bashfully replied.
"it's no big deal, really. i like spending time with abby..." fuck it, you thought. "and with you." you stared at each other for a moment, tension in the air, before he kissed you. slowly, softly, easing you into it. it got heated quickly, and one thing left to another, and he was forty minutes late for work (but it was so worth it).
a/n: okay, this wasn't as focused on the goth part as I wanted it to be, but wtvr. i'll be doing headcannons for goth!reader later!! for now, here's some backstory lol
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any thoughts on lilias parenting style?
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I’ve long held the belief that Lilia is not the “best” or “perfect” parent in TWST, but I love that he’s so imperfect yet is willing to learn and grow from his failures and shortcomings. It’s really commendable how far he has come, especially considering that he used to be much gruffer and made claims like he never wants a child or he’s not suited to be a father and is repulsed by the very idea of it.
It’s sad to think about how, for the longest time, Lilia believed he was incapable of loving others—both receiving love and giving it in a parental capacity. He says as much to Meleanor before what could be her last stand. Bro has so much love to give 😭 and it’s so fascinating to see book 7 focus on that love between parent and child, blood be damned.
Of course Silver is the quintessential child we all think of whenever Lilia’s parenting is brought up. Silver says it must have been tough for Lilia to raise him as a single parent and with limited knowledge of human children—but Lilia still did it, and out of the kindness of his heart, for an infant who was essentially a complete stranger. However, as far back as the human-fae conflict of Briar Country, Lilia was literally throwing his life and reputation on the line for his “children”. He protected Malleus’s egg with his own body. He provided the magic that would shave off several hundred years from his lifespan to ensure that his prince hatched. He allowed himself to be chased out of the capital city but still made the time to be there for Malleus, as well as shielded Silver from the ugly truth. In modern day, we also see Lilia him imparting sage wisdom onto his boys and making efforts to help them with their own downfalls: advising Malleus on the differences between fae and humans, asking the other first years to watch over Sebek, inviting Malleus to events, reminding Sebek to be kind to his human peers, etc. Above all else, Lilia promotes understanding, and wishes for a world where all the races can live together. He leaves Silver with the same sentiments, and in him, Lilia’s legacy of love can live on.
As I said briefly mentioned before, Lilia isn’t perfect. He’s putting his own life in danger and taking the emotional brunt of the events of the past for them. He hides the circumstances surrounding Malleus’s birth, the truth behind Silver’s origins, and many other details pertaining to the warring period. In modern day, Lilia is quick to make an exit when the dark carriage comes for him, trying to save his boys the agony of a prolonged good-bye. There are also just general parenting failures under his belt: feeding babies milk through a cup (you’re supposed to use a fitted nipple, otherwise the baby could choke), not being concerned when Silver is missing + expecting him to come back on his own, general emotional insensitivity and unawareness (him laughing when Silver realized their ear shapes are different and they’re not actually blood-related), leaving Silver unsupervised in their forest cottage while he goes off to travel, taking his pranks and mischief too far (thus causing trouble for Silver, such as Endless Halloween Night), his… cooking… etc. He does manage to mend some of those issues (like having the Zigvolts help watch Silver or letting slightly older Silver housesit with the animals), but other issues like the milk in a cup persist. Additionally, Lilia can be inconsistent with his emotional awareness, as he does not realize his Halloween mischief would worry Silver as much as it did. At the same time, Lilia is overall more in tune with his son’s feelings (he’s one of the few who can read the notoriously stoic Silver’s emotions flawlessly). However, Lilia still prioritizes keeping his childrens’ eyes away from the truth and instead is shouldering the pain for them. We find ourselves circling back around to all the sacrifices Lilia has made for Malleus, Silver, and yes, even Sebek—and I’ll bet that Lilia is willing to go the distance and do more.
I actually wonder if Lilia’s “I’ll shoulder everything for you” parenting originates in part from him overcompensating for the love he never received as a child. He was an orphan taken in as a ward for his country, shunned by the Briar Valley senators for being some filthy bat with no proper lineage to speak of. He didn’t get the girl he crushed on and instead lost her and his best friend (still MIA) to the war. He was banished from the capital and loathed for his mere existence. He had things thrown at him and was chased out of cities. Lilia has experienced so much hatred and vitriol that I would not fault him if he turned bitter and sent that same hate and vitriol back. That would be the easy thing to do. But… he has also experienced great kindness and acceptance along his travels. Strangers inviting him into their homes. People telling him about their lives. Offerings of food and a warm bed. It is through these experiences that Lilia is shown an alternative: a world of love, not war. Then, upon seeing these children in need of guidance, he sees a younger version of himself in them—lonely (Malleus, isolated in his castle), lost (Silver, without his parents), confused (Sebek, about his half fae/half human identity). He knows what could become of them if he lets hate envelop their hearts. And Lilia doesn’t want what he suffered through to befall them, nor a future where the same vitriol is perpetuated. So… he throws himself into ensuring these boys have a guiding star, someone who champions empathy and cooperation between all races, at the cost of himself.
It’s fascinating to consider that Silver (the one who was most closely raised by Lilia) reflects his father’s teachings but also Lilia’s self-sacrificial behavior, even though Silver isn’t fully aware of what Lilia gave to raise him. Silver consciously believes that he hadn’t done enough to “pay back” his dad (similar to how Lilia may have taken Malleus under his wing to “pay back” his debt of Maleficia taking him as an orphan in and not being there for Meleanor in her final battle). To compensate, Silver keeps pushing himself to do things like suppress his own sadness at Lilia’s farewell party, taking physical blows for Lilia, and even believing that he isn’t worthy of Lilia’s love. I guess the sayings “like father, like son” and “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” are applicable here.
Anyway! Lilia as a father (whether literally or figuratively) will never not be interesting to me.
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mrkis · 10 months
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⛧ this is apart of my ‘MARK BDAY REQUEST SPECIAL’ event that i will be doing for his bday (wednesday-sunday). requests are OPEN for this.
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REQUEST: ⇢ showing up to ex fwb!mark’s bday party and forgetting a present so he asks you to stay back when everyone else leaves 🫣🫣
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⛧ WARNINGS: 18+ content. ex fwb!mark, make outs, fingering, dry humping, unprotected sex,
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( “You’re here?” Mark’s brows raise in surprise at your arrival, but it doesn’t stop him from throwing one arm around your shoulder to coax you into a hug that you immediately return, your hands rubbing his back and feeling the warmth beneath your palms. “I didn’t, like, expect you to be here”
“I’m not going to miss your birthday” You tell him with a light laugh, pulling back from the embrace to look at him with a sheepish smile. “Although, I forgot to buy a birthday present on my way here… I’m sorry”
“No, it’s cool, don’t worry about it” Mark dismisses it with a wave of his hand before he scratches the back of his neck. “The party is about to end soon though… Do you, like, mind if you stay behind when everyone leaves or something?”
“Sure” You nod, “I’ll go wait in your room” )
You’ve been waiting for fifteen minutes for Mark to bid everyone goodbye and thank them for coming to his birthday party, hearing his laughter from the living room as you mindlessly walk around his bedroom, capturing small details of the space that hasn’t been changed since you last were in here.
His walls are still white, decorated with a few random posters of his favourite artists. His vinyl collection is still stacked in the corner of the room, untouched and in pristine condition. His favourite guitar was tucked away in a case that leaned against his wardrobe, stickers of Spider-Man and the Canadian flags plastered across the black case. 
His bed sheets are still blue—so are the covers—and it’s freshly made, familiar with how he doesn’t allow himself to begin his day without making his bed the second he gets out of it. He still has the miniature Spider-Man plush that you bought him for his last birthday (and you’d be lying if you said you still didn’t have your Spider-Gwen plush underneath the covers of your own bed which, funnily enough, he bought you for your birthday). 
He also still has a few photo frames sitting on his desk next to his computer and your fingers ghost of the ones of him and his friends, his family and others that hold a lot of memory due to their locations. But you pause when the tips of your fingers touch a photo that you were sure Mark wouldn’t have kept and your heart swells in your chest.
It’s of you and him at a carnival, silly headbands on your head with goofy smiles on your faces, Mark standing behind you with his arms loosely wrapping around your shoulders and cheek pressed against yours with your one hand resting on his arm while the other shows a peace sign. 
You gut swirls with regret as you take a step back, suddenly feeling guilty for showing up at his birthday after you were the one that decided to call it quits on your odd situation. 
You and Mark were friends with benefits, the situation lasting a lot longer than you both originally had planned. You were hooking up to satisfy your needs, fucking each other when you were frustrated or in need of a release or were just bored. It was only supposed to be for a month, but a month lead into two months which lead into five, and the five lead to a year which eventually ended up being almost two and a half years. 
The predicament wasn’t good for both of you. Feelings were spiralling and even close friends were pointing out how strangely long it had been happening for and it made you feel terrible when a girl had walked up to you in a bar and told you that she liked Mark and wanted to ask him out but couldn’t due to you both being so close, and her being unsure of what you both really were. 
You explained it to Mark that night—saying that maybe you had both dragged this out longer than you should’ve and were stopping each other from meeting other people. Mark was hesitant, but he agreed, leaving you both to shake on it as you ended your friends with benefits situation.
It’s been two months since that happened and truthfully, you both struggled to keep in contact with each other without things seeming awkward and being reminded that you’ve seen each other naked every time you shared eye contact. It left a dent in your friendship, but you were desperate to still keep him as a close friend as he previously was, which is why you showed up tonight. 
“Sorry for making you wait for so long” You hear Mark apologise behind you and you jump at the sudden voice, peering over your shoulder to see Mark closing his bedroom door behind himself with a sheepish smile on his face. “Haechan and Chenle didn’t want to leave”
“Should’ve let them stay” You tell him with a kind smile, “Then you wouldn’t be alone for the night on your birthday”
“Well, I, uh, you know, I was hoping you would stay with me tonight” Mark admits with an awkward laugh, patting down the back of his hair, a little nervous habit you picked up during your time together. “Since we, like, haven’t been able to spend time together”
“I get it” You say in understanding, wanting nothing more than to spend time with him too and catch up on all the things you’ve missed. Even being in his presence is making you feel happy and content. “I’m still sorry about not getting you a birthday present, by the way”
“You can still give me one…” Mark speaks softly as he takes a step forward and your eyes widen slightly, immediately recognising what he’s hinting at as you feel his hands come up to touch your cheeks, his thumb pulling at your bottom lip. “You can give me you, you know”
“Mark,” You warn him, curling your fingers around his wrists but not pulling his hands away. 
“You don’t miss it?” Mark questions you and you get surprised, watching as his teeth bites down on his bottom lip when he stands closer to you. “I miss it, a lot—more than I’d like to admit, actually” 
“I do,” You admit quietly. “But that doesn’t mean we should”
“We enjoyed ourselves” He states, giving your lips a quick kiss that has you almost yanking him down for another. “That’s all that matters, right? We were happy. Who cares what others think? I’d never want them like I want you… Don’t you want me too?”
“You talk too much” You sigh, fisting the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for another kiss, deeper and more hungry than the first and Mark reciprocates almost immediately, not giving either of you a chance to breathe as he’s licking inside your mouth and kissing your lips raw.
Nimble fingers are tugging down the zipper of your jeans and you gasp when you feel his hand slip inside your pants, pressing his fingers to your folds and rubbing your clit in circular motions that has you whining, baffled by the fact he still knows your body so well.
He’s laying you down on his bed, hovering over you and resting one hand by the side of your head as the other plays with your pussy, the kiss hot and heavy as his fingers slip inside your pussy, curling them and grazing the spot that has your thighs clenching around his hand.
Mark’s drinking up your moans, panting in your mouth as he rubs his confined cock on your thigh while bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm, smiling against your lips as you’re embarrassingly quick to cum over his fingers, the wet sounds echoing throughout the quietness of his room and you wail as his thumb rubs your clit to ride out the pleasure. 
“That’s it” He sighs over your mouth. “That’s my girl… good”
Neither of you give yourself time to calm down as he’s already leaning back to get pull his pants and boxers down to his thighs, not wanting to waste any time in taking off his clothes fully and you do the same, lifting your hips to pull down your own jeans and underwear, cursing under your breath as they get stuck on your shoes and Mark laughs, helping you yank off your shoes to leave your bottom half bare for him. 
Mark resumes his position above you, guiding himself to your slick pussy and stroking the tip between your folds, gathering your arousal for an easy slip in and you wrap your thighs around his waist as he does so, the feeling of being full with his cock leaves you a moaning miss already, gripping at his shoulders as he thrusts, grunting with each deep stroke. 
“Mark” You moan his name loudly and he smiles, slotting his lips with yours as his cock pounds relentlessly into your pussy, skin slapping against skin. He’s not letting up, his pace even quickens when he feels your fingers dig into his shoulders and tastes the salty tears that slip down your cheeks from the pleasure and sensitivity of not being fucked in so long. 
“You’re so pretty, baby” He compliments you when he pulls back from your lips, admiring you beneath him and you grow flustered. His eyes dart above your head, staring at the Spider-Man plush that rests against his pillows before he looks back down at you, a chuckle rumbling in his chest. “You’re definitely my favourite birthday present”
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pumpkinhimiko · 4 months
"Mistranslations" that are not mistranslations
Now with an additional part 2.
NISA has made plenty of mistakes while translating the Danganronpa series (and I've complained about them before), and so they have a reputation of being untrustworthy. But because of this reputation, I feel like fans are too quick to trust whatever anyone that isn't NISA states as absolute fact. So, I want to examine some instances of fan translators claiming NISA has mistranslated something, when, no, actually, they didn't.
Kokichi's last words
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人にやらされるゲームなんて…楽しい訳あるかよ… A game you're forced to play... how could that be fun...
This is probably the most widespread myth in terms of "mistranslations that aren't", with the original post that makes this claim having over 2k notes: that Kokichi in the original Japanese actually says, "How could a game where you're forced to kill people be fun...?" Unfortunately, it's just not true. Fortunately for me, there's a reddit post here that breaks the line down in detail, so I don't have to do any work.
Anyway, I really wanted to make this post because of this thread, which makes several false claims.
 Kokichi says he's afraid of friends in general
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オレは、そういう『仲間』が他人よりも怖いけどねー。I'm more afraid of those kinds of [friends] than strangers.
So... souiu, meaning that type of/that kind of is right there, directly before nakama (which can mean friend, especially if it's in a shounen anime, but can also just mean companion/member of a group). I don't understand how you can miss this. Not only is it right there, this claim on its face doesn't make sense. Why, in this context, would Kokichi suddenly blurt out that he's afraid of having friends? It has nothing to do with the conversation they're having.
Shuichi's words to Kokichi after the 4th trial
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王馬くん、もういいだろ ? Ouma-kun, isn't this enough? その話を聞かせてくれよ。Tell us about that.
Okay, you've probably heard the phrase mou ii a lot if you watch anime, and it's almost always accompanied by a frustrated huff. Because it is, in fact, something you say when impatient, fed up, what have you. It literally means "good already", carrying pretty much the identical meaning of the English phrase, "that's enough" or "I've had enough". Shuichi does not say it's okay as in it's daijoubu, which is the word you use when trying to comfort someone. He is very much frustrated here and telling Kokichi to fess up.
Citation needed
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I couldn't find a line like this in Kokichi's FTEs, but maaaaaaaybe I missed it? Shuichi's narration comments quite a few times on Kokichi acting childishly throughout the game, but I couldn't find anything like this in specific.
EDIT: Correction, I did find it, and it's covered in part two. Suffice to say, the OP got this line completely wrong.
That Kaito thing
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Yeah this is patently false. It's also already been touched on in this thread with comments backing it up, so there’s another thing I don't have to get into. I'll put the text here though.
オレはテメーみて一に胸クソ悪い真似までして、If I have to mimic your sickening behavior, 生き残りて一とは思わねーんだよ。I don't think I want to survive.
Shuichi's words to Kokichi after the 4th trial part deaux
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I've seen varying claims on how these lines were translated, from them being slightly tweaked, to the claim they were completely butchered to make Saihara too aggressive. I'm just going to leave it here and let you come to your own conclusions.
ダサいのはキミの方だよ…王馬くん。The lame one is you... Ouma-kun.
百田くんの周りにはいつも人が集まってくる… Momota-kun always has people around him... でも、キミの周りには誰もいないじゃないか。But, there's no one around you.
キミは…その程度のヤツって事だよ。That's... what kind of person you are.
This is snappy in its own way, though, if you consider that 程度 is closer to meaning grade/level/degree rather than simply "type of". "That's the level of person you are," basically.
And if you doubt me on any of this, I encourage you to do your own research, get second opinions if you can. I know not everyone knows Japanese, in which case you can't really help but rely on someone else and hope their translation is accurate. That said, at the bare minimum, I think people should provide screenshots and the original Japanese text if they're going to claim something is a mistranslation. Like, I don't think you should be able to say "actually in Japanese Kokichi says he volunteers at animal shelters in his free time but NISA cut it!" and have half the fandom believe you with no proof.
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ellieswrldd · 11 months
crazy in love
(pt. 2 to drunk in love)
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x reader
summary: after a hot quickie with ellie at a nightclub, the two of you find yourselves extremely into one another. so when she asks to take you out on a date, you agree.
content warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI, photography during sex (ellie & reader take pictures during sex), fingering (r!receiving), oral (r!receiving), strap-on use (r!receiving), breast play (r!receiving), use of terms pretty girl, baby, and brat (once), ellie calls the strap her cock, very brief spanking, ellie is a bit of a space nerd!, not proofread. a/n: read part 1 if you haven't already! originally, drunk in love was supposed to be a smutty lil one shot but yall gave it sm love that i wanted to do a quick follow-up! tysm for 1k+ notes on the first part <33 (also, nobody is going to stop me from naming my fics after beyonce songs!! they're too good)
Since Dina’s bachelorette party, only one thing had been on your mind. Well, more like one person. Ellie Williams, the cheeky girl who defended you against a creepy guy at the club and then fucked you dumb in the women’s bathroom. After that night, you couldn’t help but blush every time you thought about her. 
You’d been texting with her nonstop, exchanging flirty messages every day. She was dying to take you on a proper date, something unique and romantic, as she described it. And finally, you agreed. 
Tonight, Ellie was picking you up for your date. She was being awfully shady, refusing to share details about what she had planned for the night. 
You sat in your room, touching up your makeup and fidgeting nervously as you waited for Ellie to arrive. Earlier, you had spent an embarrassing amount of time on the phone with Dina, struggling to pick out something to wear. Thankfully, you managed to put something nice together– this time your outfit was a bit less revealing and much more comfortable than what you had worn to the club where you met Ellie. Soon enough, your phone buzzed with a notification of a text from Ellie. 
E: I’m outside, pretty girl. 
Pretty girl. The nickname she’d adorned you with the night that you’d met. It seemed to stick because when you exchanged numbers, Ellie set your contact name as the pet name. Her texts made your stomach leap– every time you saw her name on your home screen, a little smile crept onto your face. 
R: i’ll be out in a second ❤️
Ellie stared at your text while she waited for you in her car. Letting out a flustered sigh, she shut off her phone and tucked it in her pocket. While she really didn’t want to show it, Ellie was nervous about the date. How could she not be? Everything about you made her heart race, even over text. She considered herself more than lucky to have fucked you, let alone in a public bathroom. 
She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, glancing at your front door every few seconds. Like you, Ellie had also spent a ridiculous amount of time getting ready. She stood in front of her closet for nearly an hour, groaning in frustration as she tossed her button-downs and graphic tees to the floor. Eventually, she settled on one of her nicer flannels and a pair of Dickies she had yet to wear. A shaky breath left Ellie’s lips as she watched you step past your front door, you looked just as stunning as the night she met you. You met Ellie with a broad smile as you slipped into the passenger seat of her beat-up truck. 
“Hey, Ellie,” You greeted her, your voice soft and low. You leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. “Missed you.” You murmured. 
“You’ve been texting me every day for the last week,” Ellie laughed as her cheeks grew warm. 
“You know what I meant…” You rolled your eyes playfully and slid the seatbelt around your body. “So, what do you have in store for me tonight?”
“Don’t you want it to be a surprise?” Ellie questioned as she put the truck in drive and moved onto the road. 
You let out an exaggerated sigh and reached out to turn the radio on. “If you insist!” You flipped through the stations until a familiar song quietly played through Ellie’s speakers. 
The drive wasn’t long, Ellie asked a few questions about your day, which you happily answered in detail. When she finally parked the car, you were outside a townhouse. The red brick and black accents of the building were softly illuminated by the tall street lamps standing on the sidewalk. “Ellie, is this your place?” You asked, slightly in awe at the vintage aesthetic of the architecture. She nodded, a small smile on her lips. “Is this what you had planned? Taking me to your house and having sex with me?” The words were full of sarcasm but you still wore a playful grin. 
Ellie rolled her eyes and undid her seatbelt. “‘Course not, well– maybe later– but, no. I have something else in mind.” She chuckled.  
You laughed and followed her as she unlocked the front door, your eyes immediately wandering to the houseplants she had on the front steps that led to the entrance. 
“C’mon, this way.” She instructed once you both had kicked off your shoes. Ellie directed you up the stairs, her hand intertwined with yours as you walked together. “Okay, close your eyes,” She placed a hand on your lower back. “No peaking! I’m serious, y/n.” You laughed at her tone and shut your eyes. Ellie opened the door to her bedroom and gently pushed you inside. “Open,” Ellie murmured, her lips gently brushing against your earlobe as she stood behind you.
Your eyes fluttered open slowly, carefully taking in the details of your surroundings. Ellie’s room was decorated with lit candles and a large blanket on the floor. She had a plate of snacks waiting on the blanket, accompanied by a bottle of an expensive-looking wine. 
“What is all of this?” You turned to face her. 
Ellie shrugged and stuffed her hands into her pockets. “Well, I wanted to take your stargazing,” She sat on the blanket and looked up at the skylight above her. “But, it’d be too cold outside for it to be enjoyable. Instead, I figured this would be good enough.” Ellie pat the spot on the blanket beside her, gesturing for you to sit with her. You lie next to her, looking up at the skylight. Your eyebrows raised slightly. 
“Wow,” You muttered as you took in the array of stars above you. 
“If you think that’s cool,” Ellie stood up and went to open her closet. She returned holding a white telescope that looked at least a few years old. Ellie placed it between you, positioning it to face the skylight. “Look at this.” She fidgeted with the telescope for a moment before beckoning for you to sit in front of it. 
You leaned forward and closed one eye, the view of the night sky filling your vision. Ellie sat behind you, one hand on your waist as she spoke quietly about the stars. 
“This is so pretty, Ellie.” You pulled away from the telescope to flash a smile at her. 
“Here,” She nudged the telescope slightly to the right and leaned in to talk into your ear. “See that yellowish dot?” You hummed for a moment until your gaze landed on the dot she was talking about. 
“Yeah, I see it.” You squinted through the telescope as you looked closer. 
“That would be Saturn,” Ellie squeezed your hip gently. “Usually, you can only see it during the late summer through the fall.” You pulled away from the telescope to look at Ellie. 
“You’re really into this, aren’t you? The whole space thing?” Ellie nodded and laughed softly. She shrugged off her flannel and revealed the assembly of tattoos that adorned her arms. You stared at her arms for a moment, your eyes stuck on the way her muscles rippled as she moved. You knew she was muscular based on the way she picked you up with ease in the bathroom of the club, but you hadn’t realized how toned she was. 
“I have a few space tattoos on my arms, actually.” She pointed to a detailed tattoo of the sun and moon on her shoulder. You traced your fingers across the dark ink gently. 
“You are such a nerd, Ellie.” You teased as your eyes flicked upwards to meet hers. She laughed and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you onto her lap. 
“Wouldn’t that make you a nerd by association?” Ellie grinned at you, lips only an inch or two from yours. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” You replied in a smug tone as you rest your arms on her shoulders. 
“Oh, come here, you tease.” She pulled you in for a kiss, giggling softly against your lips. Ellie’s hands rested on your thighs as you kissed, her thumbs tracing small circles. 
Before the kiss could progress further, Ellie pulled away and kissed your cheek. “I bought some nice wine and snacks– are you hungry?” 
“Yeah, actually, I’m starving.” You laughed and climbed off her, settling back down on the blanket. As Ellie poured you a glass of wine, you looked around her room. Her wall was covered with posters of bands you’d never heard of, paintings, sketches, and photographs. Glancing at her nightstand, you saw a black and white Polaroid camera. “Are you into photography?” You asked as you stood up and grabbed the camera. 
“Oh, yeah. It’s just a hobby of mine, same thing with painting and drawing.” Ellie shrugged as she watched you inspect the camera. “C’mere, let me see it.” She stood and joined you, gently taking the camera from your hands. “Smile,” Ellie instructed while she raised the camera to her eye. 
“You’re going to take a picture of me?” You giggled. 
“Why not? I think you look beautiful.” Ellie lowered the camera a bit so you could see her eyes again. 
“Well, why don’t you take one of both of us? I think I’d like that better,” You said softly. Ellie bit her lip and nodded, gesturing for you to stand beside her. 
“Come close so you’re in the frame,” Ellie slid her free hand around your waist and turned the lens of the camera to face the two of you. “Ready?” You leaned in and gently placed your lips on her freckled cheek, pausing and waiting for the flash of the camera. Ellie smiled, her eyes closed and her cheeks pink as she took the photo. 
After a moment, the camera spit out a small photo of you and Ellie. She passed it to you, her eyes watching your reaction closely as you saw the Polaroid. 
“This is so cute, Ellie!” You exclaimed, glancing from her to the photo. 
“It’s ‘cause you’re so pretty.” She chuckled. “Maybe you should model for me sometime…” Ellie trailed off, her green eyes wandering to your lips. 
“I wouldn’t mind that,” You smirked and pulled away from her to go and sit on the blanket. As you took a long sip from your glass of wine, Ellie joined you and set the camera next to her. 
Time seemed to pass quickly, and conversation flowed easily between you two. Ellie was…perfect, she laughed at all of your jokes, shared her personal stories, and snuck in affectionate touches. You lay side by side, gazing up at the clear night sky through her skylight. You listened to her ramble quietly about space and astronomy, your eyes focused on Ellie’s face as she looked up at the stars.
It didn’t take long for Ellie to catch you staring at her, her cheeks flushing a reddish color. “What?” She giggled as her gaze traveled from your eyes to your mouth. 
“Nothing, just…watching you.” You sighed. Ellie propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at you. She lightly ran her thumb across your lower lip. 
“Was I boring you?” She uttered as you pursed your lips and kissed her thumb as it pressed against your mouth. 
“No, I love watching you geek out. It’s cute.” You flashed a cheeky grin before Ellie swiftly climbed on top of you. With a knee carefully wedged between your thighs, Ellie raised an eyebrow. 
She narrowed her eyes as she looked down at you. “Don’t you know staring is rude?” Ellie whispered, trailing her fingers from your lips down to the valley between your breasts. 
“Why don’t you do something about it then? Maybe you should teach me a lesson.” You breathed, your eyes dark with neediness as you stared at Ellie. She stared at you in silence for a moment, a small smile on her lips. 
“Okay, if you insist…” Ellie laughed softly and pulled her face away from you, her hips moving to straddle yours. She took your hands and pinned them above your head with her left hand. Biting her lip, Ellie reached past your head and grabbed the camera that was resting a short distance from your body. “Said you wouldn’t mind modeling for me, right?” She cooed as she positioned the camera in front of her eyes with her free hand. A quick white flash lit up the room as Ellie took a photo of you. She set the camera next to her leg and began to slowly tug your shirt up. 
Once your bra was revealed, Ellie inhaled sharply. You watched as her tongue darted out to wet her lips while her eyes studied your body hungrily. She lifted the shirt off your body and tossed it to the side. 
“Pretty.” She hummed, gently rubbing one of your nipples through your bra. Ellie was still holding your hands above your head, leaving you completely to her use. 
“Ellie…” A quiet whimper left your lips as Ellie slid a hand under your bra, toying with your hardened nipple.
“What am I going to do with you? Hm?” Ellie muttered and leaned in to kiss your neck. Her teeth grazed the soft skin as she left small love bites down your neck. She reached down to the center of your bra where a front clasp kept your breasts covered. Ellie’s brows bunched together as she fumbled with the tiny clasp. 
“Need some help?” You teased, a cocky grin on your face. She glared at you and bit her lip before her focus returned to the clasp. Ellie finally undid it, the bra falling from your chest. 
“I know how to take off a bra, you brat,” Ellie said, her voice husky despite the soft laugh she let out after the words left her. Pulling her hands away from you, she found the camera once again and pointed the lens toward your exposed tits. “Play with your tits,” She instructed, covering the blush on her cheeks with the camera. 
You didn’t hesitate to obey her instructions, using your now unrestricted hands to pinch your nipples while you looked up at the camera lens. 
“You’re a natural,” Ellie smirked, and she snapped a photo. You squirmed beneath her, desperate for some sort of friction or relief to the ache burning between your legs. You’d been thinking about this moment all night, wondering if sex between you two could get any better after your quickie in the club bathroom. 
“Please,” You whined, toying with your breasts as you pathetically bucked your hips up into Ellie’s. 
“God, you’re so needy.” She whispered. Ellie raised her hips and began unbuttoning your pants, then pulled them off in one swift motion. 
You spread your legs and revealed your panties to Ellie. You watched her reaction closely, smiling softly as you noticed her breathing grow heavy and her eyes dilate when she saw the wetness soaking through your panties. “Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer.” 
Ellie laughed and shook her head. Without responding to your remark, she grabbed the camera and took a photo of you spreading your legs. “I’m not sure what I want to do to you yet…” She mumbled. Her slender fingers slowly brushed up and down your bare thighs while her eyes lazily trailed up and down your body. 
“Jus’ fuck me, Ellie.” She didn’t hesitate to tug your panties off your legs as soon as the words left your mouth. You moaned as she slipped a finger gently inside your cunt. 
“You’re going to regret being so demanding, pretty girl,” Ellie said as her dark green eyes returned to yours. Her slow pace soon turned quick as she added another finger and began curling her fingers inside you. You writhed uncontrollably beneath her when her digits brushed against an extra sensitive spot inside you. 
She didn’t wait for you to tell her that you were close to your orgasm– Ellie could tell by the way your walls were clenching around her fingers. In an almost teasing manner, Ellie lowered her head slowly and kept her eyes on you as she pressed her tongue against your clit. The sensation practically made you wail– the feeling of her tongue swirling around your needy bud while her fingers fucked into you persistently was more than enough to make you cum. 
You took Ellie’s camera with shaky hands and took a photo of her going down on you. You caught a glimpse of the Polaroid as it spit out of the camera and fell to the floor. Ellie looked just as perfect in the photo as she did in real life, her freckles standing out against her pale skin, her long, dark lashes fanning over her closed eyes while her tongue was pressed against your cunt. Even the messy strands of hair that fell in front of her face looked flawless. 
“I’m- Mmph!” Your breathy words were interrupted by your moans as your back arched and you came all over her tongue. Your breathing was heavy as Ellie removed her fingers from your slit and slowly licked your juices off her fingers. You closed your eyes as you felt Ellie pull away from you and heard her shuffling throughout the room. 
Ellie’s hand carefully pushed your legs open, and you sighed softly. A quick flash brought your attention back to her as your eyes opened and landed on Ellie’s sly grin. 
“Didn’t think I was done with you just yet, did you, pretty girl?” Ellie cooed as she ran her calloused hand up and down your stomach. Your skin was soft and smooth against her calloused fingers. Hesitantly, you looked down at Ellie’s hips where she was wearing a strap-on dildo over her black boxers. While you’d been coming down from your climax, Ellie had stripped down to her boxers and sports bra and slid on her strap. 
The strap was not the same one she’d fucked you with before– in fact, you were almost certain this one was bigger. It was black and seemingly thicker and longer than the last. You whimpered at the sight of the strap, causing Ellie to chuckle. 
“You asked me to fuck you,” Ellie said, her voice low and raspy as she slid the tip of the strap along your wet cunt. “So I’m going to fuck you and teach you a lesson.” You moaned as she slid the dildo against your clit with more pressure. A soft whine escaped you when Ellie pulled away and sat across from you. 
“What’re you doing?” You asked quietly as you sat up and looked at her. 
“If you want to be fucked so bad, why don’t you do it yourself?” She raised an eyebrow. God, she looked so cocky at that moment. It almost annoyed you that she enjoyed teasing you so much. You huffed in frustration and crawled over to her, settling down in her lap. 
Still grinning, Ellie leaned back against the floor. She looked up at you with one hand behind her head, the other loosely gripping your hip. You pouted and placed your hands on her toned stomach. Slowly, you raised your hips and pushed the strap into your dripping slit. 
Almost immediately, the room was filled with your moans and whines while the strap sunk deeper and deeper inside of you. Ellie shut her eyes and her grip on your hip tightened slightly, hushed curse words spilling from her lips. With one hand, Ellie snatched the camera and hurriedly took a Polaroid of you sinking onto the strap, your face contorted in pleasure. 
“So deep…” You panted. Ellie moved her hands up and down your hips, forcefully grinding your hips against her own every time you slid back down on the strap. 
“Taking it so well, fuck,” She groaned and bucked her hips upwards. You threw your head back and moaned loudly when she thrust into you. Ellie’s breathing was heavy, and her hands grasped at your hips so tightly you swore she was going to leave bruises. Her hand wandered, rubbing your lower stomach while she fucked into you. She pressed against your stomach with her hand, causing you to gasp loudly. “Shit, swear I can feel my cock inside of you like this,” She bit her lip and kept her hand on your lower stomach, the pressure making you clench tightly around the toy. 
“S’too much, Ellie!” You cried out and your movements slowed slightly. With her free hand, Ellie slapped your ass just hard enough to sting for a moment. You whimpered and resumed the pace you had been moving at. 
“Don’t stop now, pretty girl, you’re doing so good…” Ellie praised, the hand on your stomach moving down to circle your clit. “Do you need some help? Is that what it is?” She mumbled. 
You nodded quickly and slumped forward, nuzzling your face in her neck while you lazily moved your hips. Her hands ran along your back, tracing the bumps of your spine down until they reached the curve of your ass. She palmed at the flesh, squeezing the fat of your ass as she began to pull your hips up and down the thick strap. You moaned brutally as she slammed into you deeply, the tip of the strap kissing your cervix with each aggressive thrust. 
Ellie pressed you against her body tightly and muttered quiet curses. “I- I’m so close-” You whined. 
“I know, baby, I know,” She breathed with her lips pressed against your ear. You reached down and rubbed your clit while Ellie thrust inside of you. It didn’t take long for your body to begin spasming, long moans and cries of pleasure spilling from your lips. Your climax coursed through your body like a wave, a blinding rush of ecstasy blocking your senses for what seemed like hours as your body grew limp. Even after the initial climax, a more subtle buzz of satisfaction ebbed throughout you. 
“Oh my god,” You whispered. Ellie stroked your hair and laughed softly. 
“You did so good, pretty girl.” She sighed and turned her head. Her gaze landed on the camera before she glanced down at you. “Smile, baby.” Ellie reached out and turned the lens of the camera to face the two of you. She kissed the top of your head as she pressed the button and the camera froze the image of you smiling weakly in Ellie’s arms.  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ tags: @ximtiredx , @asteroidzzzn , @ellabsprincess as always, reblogs, replies, and likes are appreciated<33
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mittensmorgul · 8 months
Hi everyone! I just need like two minutes of your time.
Have you enjoyed all the scripts that the @spnscripthunt has posted over the last few years? Have you screenshotted them and written meta and made gif sets or just cried over your favorite scenes again? Have you supported the group in any way?
Would you like to OWN one of those scripts, autographed by the stars of Supernatural?
Maybe you miss participating in GISH, doing some wacky fun good in the world and the style of fundraising we learned there-- that many people making small contributions can come together to change lives.
Well, we are down to our last little stack of scripts now, with no new scripts coming on the horizon. This project has been thrilling, and we're trying to send it all off with a bang. We're giving away the final portion of the collection, all signed by the cast and crew, and hopefully doing a little good in a very big way.
We picked RIPMedicalDebt as our final charity, because of the exponential power of increasing how far our donations will go. $10 donated pays of $1,000 of medical debt, free and clear with no tax burden to the recipients! With a small donation, you could literally change someone's life.
We get that folks outside the US might not understand how completely messed up the US healthcare system is, so for some perspective, 65% of people who file for bankruptcy in this country do so directly because of crushing medical debt. We know personally how horrifying the medical insurance system is in this country. One illness, one accident, can be financially devastating. But we can save a few people from having it completely destroy their lives.
We got the idea from John Oliver. This entire episode is eye-opening about debt in the US in general, but the part we're specifically interested it begins around 17 minutes in.
We're already a quarter of the way to our goal! Thank you to everyone who's already donated! What we need now is to spread the word!
If you've spent any time at all enjoying the work we've done, the scripts we've collected and shared with fandom, we're hoping you'll consider sharing our posts widely with anyone who might be interested. Our contact network has been demolished as twitter collapses (and historically the vast majority of our contributors have come from twitter), and we're practically begging just for a signal boost.
All the details on how to donate, and then enter the raffle can be found right here:
You can also see all the prizes we'll be making available, too! And if for some reason you're not interested in a prize and just would like to support the campaign, that's fine too, of course!
(but the prizes are super cool... at least we think so...)
You only have until November 5, 2023 to enter the raffle, and our final group of prizes will unlock when we hit $5000 donated (which could pay off half a million dollars in medical debt!)
Please help us spread the word, and good luck!
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chaotic-killings · 1 year
[It was a normal day in Future Foundation Kyosuke, Chisa, Koichi, Ruruka, Sonosuke, Juzo and your muse or muses were just trying to get some stuff done when there was a loud bang at the door.]
[Smoke gas filled the room causing everyone in the room to pass out when you all wake up you realize that Juzo was missing and all of you were in a pitch black room you look for an exit and you find it but notice you can't get out. As you try to find a key everyone looks to the left and sees a tv automatically turn on]
"Hello there I bet you're wondering why you're trapped in this room yes? Well... That's something you don't need to know but if you want to escape the room there will be a few clues although you only have a certain amount of time good luck!"
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"That's none of your concern about what I did with him."
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[The monitor turns off and now once again you are in the dark. What are you going to do?]
A -> Start looking for clues so you can leave
B -> find a way to turn on the monitor
C -> Make a plan then find clues to leave
D -> Give up and die
[I'd like to apologize for randomly starting over my reason for doing so 1. I wasn't satisfied and 2. I didn't really like the original post I made and wanted to add more details now a few other things I'd like to clarify here I decided that I wanted to make a blog where Kyosuke and a few others were forced into a killing game that they can't escape if they do die. Now that we established that let's move on to the tags]
@yui-samidare-reborn @mikado-sannoji @alizachan @mystery-orphans-club @special-encounters (Sonia Nevermind) @floral-samurai @laylayeh @thepersonaking56 @ anyone else who is interested
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oh-stars · 3 months
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Eddie's Quest
Love is going out of your way to do something you know will make them happy.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 916 words | CW: implied bad Harrington parents, rec drug use | Rating: T
There isn’t much from Steve’s childhood that Eddie knows about and what he does know, hasn’t always been good. Steve just doesn’t share a lot in general though. He’s content in living in the present, which isn’t something Eddie really knows how to do. So when Steve does share something positive, something that he holds dear from his childhood, Eddie latches on.
Their anniversary is coming up, only a few weeks away, and Steve mentioned he misses the way a babysitter made this specific kind of cake. Black something. Steve couldn’t remember the name of it so now Eddie’s on a mission to try and figure it out. 
Eddie finds himself at Claudia Henderson’s doorstep on a Tuesday morning with flowers in his hand. When she opens the door, Eddie doesn’t even let her say hello before he’s giving them to her with a, “I need your help finding this really obscure recipe to make Steve happy and I have a feeling it’s going to be a nightmare because I can’t bake for shit. Will you please help?” 
Claudia coos at him. “Oh you’re the sweetest, Eddie! Of course, I’ll help! Come in, come in.” 
They end up pouring over all her cookbooks, and then Claudia starts a phone tree with Karen, Sue, and Joyce for their recipes. All five of them converge at the library, their personal cookbooks in hand, to take over one of the study rooms the library offers. “If we don’t have it,” Claudia told him as they settled in, “then the library will.” 
Eddie can’t even argue as they get to work. 
“Did he say what it tasted like?” Karen asks as she starts flipping through a book. Joyce had the brilliant idea of marking where all the dessert sections started in each book, so each woman was currently flipping away while Eddie tried to remember every detail Steve had mentioned. 
“He mentioned cherries,” Eddie groans, scrubbing at his face. “And it’s a cake.” 
“Could be topped with cherries,” Sue hums as she sorts through her books. 
“Or a cherry filling,” Claudia points out. 
“Steve has a sweet tooth,” Joyce adds after a while. “He likes rich flavors, so it’s probably on the sweeter side than a refreshing dessert.” 
Eddie shrugs. “I guess?” 
“You know,” Karen says as she taps her fingers against her book. “I think I remember a few of Steve’s nannies over the years. They were always at the school for pick up. Do you know which one has the recipe?” 
“Does she still live here?” Sue asks. “It would save us some time to just ask.” 
“No, no,” Eddie says, shaking his head. “He said his parents didn’t let him keep in touch and she moved away. He doesn’t know where.” 
The women share a knowing, quiet look amongst them. Eddie’s not sure he’s fluent in their silent mom language, but he knows a judgy look when he sees one. 
Eddie jumps up and paces the room, retracing every line of thinking that particular conversation followed. The problem is, they were high as fuck when Steve brought it up, sharing tidbits between big bites of the ice cream they’d found in their freezer. 
“You would have loved her,” Steve had said with a mouthful. He was laying on Eddie, legs hanging off the arm of the couch and propped against Eddie’s side so they could share the pint. “She liked to read a lot, always had books for me.”
“What kind of books?” Eddie asked. 
“Think ones.” Steve shrugged, eyes glazed over. “Fairy Tales, but the real gross stuff. So my dad wouldn’t get mad,” he added quickly. 
Gross fairy tales, Eddie thinks. He knows what Steve’s talking about, the original dark shit that they used to scare children into behaving from the grim–
“German!” Eddie screeches as he slams his hands on the table. To their credit, none of the mothers jump except for Joyce. “She was German!” 
Karen looks up at the ceiling, eyes narrowed in concentration. Claudia taps her fingers against her temple. Sue hums as she checks a few of the spines on the other stacks. Joyce leans back, crossing her arms as she stares off into space. 
“That has to help,” Eddie tries, quieter, “right?” 
“Maybe,” Karen says as she blinks back at the cookbook. She trades it for another. “And you’re sure it had cherries?” 
“Oh!” Joyce jumps up, hands flailing as she grabs for a book off Claudia’s stack. “I know it!” 
They all crowd around the book, heads tucked together as Joyce flies through the sections and slaps a finger against a chocolate cake. “Black Forest Cake,” she says, panting a little. 
Eddie moves the book to read the description. “This is it!” 
Their cheering gets them kicked out, but none of them seem to mind as they tote their cookbook stacks back to their cars. Claudia and Sue are already talking about commandeering Karen’s kitchen to bake it in a few days, since her kitchen is bigger, and they can all help – make a day of it with wine and gossip. He doesn’t care how it gets made, just that he can take it to Steve, to show him he listens and cares and loves him so much. He can’t wait to share this cake with him, to make it for him every year just because. His quest will be complete and he’ll get to live happily ever after with a very happy, well-fed prince. Best quest yet.
Thank you @lady-lostmind for beta reading!
Ao3 Link
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a-fools-circus · 7 months
Salacious Want
Papa II/f!Reader
Desc: after confessing to Secondo how you've spent your time alone, he makes sure you know that the only person allowed to touch you is him Word Count: 6.3k Tags/Warnings: bondage, bdsm, impact play, degredation, edging/orgasm delay/denial, rough sex, vaginal fingering, p in v sex, choking, dom/sub, ownership, creampie, aftercare, bc aftercare is important and i want to showcase that i think Secondo fits the duality of being both a rough dom and a tender loving dom, please note that there is one moment when the reader claims to be overwhelmed, but every moment of sex beforehand and afterwards is consensual with both participants willing
this was originally intended to be a fic for Kinktober. obviously that didn't end up working out, BUT i still wanted to write this bc i liked the idea, and i've yet to give Secondo some love so here it is ! this ended up being very fun to write and way longer than intended so i think it's a win. Secondo stans i'm starting to understand you. enjoy babes <3
also available to read on ao3 here
Minors DNI/NSFW below the cut
It was only a few hours ago when you were sat in the shadowed corner of the confession booth. The only thing separating your figure from Secondo’s was the wooden lattice in the center. 
Secondo had been preoccupied with his responsibilities all day. It wasn’t his fault—the workload came with his status as Papa. You didn’t blame him for it, and he was adamant to remind you that he would rather spend his time with you. But you were left on your own. You had to sate your desires—by yourself—in private whenever you had the time. It was boring after the second or third time. Your own touch wasn’t nearly the same as his. 
You knew the risks that came with teasing him (most of which would come from him), but the opportunity presented itself perfectly when you realized that he would be hosting confession. You couldn’t help yourself. You had to do something to coerce him, to convince him to focus on you instead. Taunting him with the knowledge that he missed out on your pleasure seemed like the perfect way to rile him up. 
Armed with your knowledge, you taunted him from your shadowed corner of the booth, detailing every aspect of your indulgence. Every sound you made, every fantasy that crossed your mind, every part of yourself that you touched—it all came forward in your own kind of confession. 
Secondo was good at appearing disinterested. Annoyingly good. You could get on your knees and beg for an hour straight, and he wouldn’t bat an eye. He knew he could make you do whatever he wanted when you were desperate to be touched, and he used it to his advantage often.
But his silence from the other side of the confessional was more than feigned disinterest. You could practically feel the disapproval radiating through the lattice, somehow knowing he was staring with that stern gaze he only gave you. He was most intimidating when he was silent, but it was even more nerve-wracking not to be able to see his reaction. 
You made it worse by reminding him of his responsibilities; he had to continue carrying out the rest of confession for the following Siblings. You made your way out, leaving him to stew in his frustration as he was forced to ignore the aching arousal between his legs. That was the nail in the coffin. 
Once time granted him respite from his duties, he wasted no time finding you. 
Now you were sat on your knees on his bed, bent over with your face in his silken sheets. You were completely bare except for the collar around your neck and the restraints that bound your arms behind your back. You were placed near the edge of the bed, instructed to “keep your ass in the air and stay still.” 
You couldn’t see Secondo, but you could sense his steely gaze scanning every inch of your body as he stood behind you. There was no doubt he could see how wet you were; after what felt like hours of sitting here bound, you were getting desperate. 
The click of his shoes on the hardwood floor is the only sound in the room. Every echo of the sound makes you throb, your holes clenching around nothing. You’re sure that sight is obvious to him, too. But he says nothing as he looks over your restrained body. The anticipation in the air is thick, heavy on your mind as you wait for him to do or say something—anything. 
After what felt like an hour of staring, he finally reached a hand out to brush over your thigh. The cool texture of his leather glove surprises you. Secondo’s touch is featherlight, barely grazing your body as it slowly trails inward. His pace is maddening, and you know he’s doing it on purpose.
The trail of his hand stops when his fingers hover daringly close to the spot he knows you need him most. The space beside you on the mattress sinks as his knee comes to rest there. Secondo leans over you, still barely touching your skin. 
“Who does this pussy belong to?” Your senses heighten as the sound of his voice finally caresses your eardrums. You tilt your head just enough to catch a glimpse of him. 
He’d discarded his regalia at this point, now wearing only the black turtleneck and dress pants he sported underneath. Just the sight of him made you want to pounce on him and make up for lost time. But you contained your impulses, humoring his demands as the threat of his dominance made you ache.
You swallow hard. The face paint he hadn’t bothered to clean off only made him look more intimidating. “You,” you whisper back to him. “You, Papa.”
“Mm. Bene…” His husky-toned affirmation almost makes you whine. “Then why did you touch it without permission?”
Secondo’s words catch you off guard at first. You start to speak, a tiny squeak leaving your mouth, but the words fail to form. You look away in embarrassment. Your eyes catch on the obvious bulge that strains against the front of his pants.
Suddenly, he grabs a fistful of your hair, tugging firmly until your shoulders rise off of the mattress. Secondo leans in further, his breath warm against your ear. The scent of patchouli and tobacco floods your nostrils. “You will answer when I ask you a question, yes?” He growls, the sound of his voice rumbling in your ears.
You swallow hard, eyes fluttering shut at the pain on your scalp. “Yes, Papa—”
“Look at me.” You do exactly as he says, your body thrumming with desire as your eyes flicker up to meet his. “Why did you touch yourself without Papa’s permission?”
“Because, I…I was desperate, Papa.” Your heart pounds in your chest at your confession. Judging by the way he scoffs, you assume your response isn’t satisfactory. 
“Desperate?” Secondo echoes. You nod in agreement. “What, desperate to make yourself cum just so you can tell me what a disobedient, needy whore you are?” The leather of his gloves squeaks as Secondo tightens his grip.
The degrading term sends a surge of arousal through you. The sensation is only heightened by his grip on your hair. “No, no, Papa…I…I just wanted to be touched. I really, really needed it.”
“Oh, is that it, piccolina? You just needed to be touched?” You nod fervently, humming a small “mm-hmm” in reply despite the blatant mockery in his tone. “Perhaps I should remind you how you taunted me, then. The way you told me how hot and wet you were when you fucked yourself? How you came so quickly by your own hand?”
Secondo punctuates his annoyance with another firm tug on your hair. You whine, hissing slightly at the soreness in your neck. “I…I didn’t mean it, Papa,” you manage to choke out. “I just…wanted you to know how much I missed you…How much I need you.”
“It sounds to me that the only thing you ‘need’ is a lesson in restraint, sì?”
A whine rumbles in your throat at his suggestion. You want to fight back, to argue and prove your point, but that would only garner more punishment. You nod in response before realizing your muteness is unsatisfactory. “Yes, Papa.”
Secondo releases your hair and you fall forward, your face planting into the sheets. He rises off of the bed to return to his place behind you. His hands run teasingly over your body with gentle brushes that give you goosebumps. A shiver runs down your spine as his hands move further down. 
You barely feel two of his fingers glide through your slit, your wet arousal gathering on his digits. You don’t know when he removed his glove, but you relish in the warmth of his bare hand instead of the cool leather. Your hips roll towards his touch in an attempt to gain any of the friction he seems to deny you. Your wrists twist in their restraints. His fingers spread you open to reveal your entrance. 
“Look how wet you are,” he taunts. The leash attached to your collar rustles before being pulled taut. Your head jerks back, your shoulders lifting off of the bed as your back arches. You can feel Secondo’s cock—hard and straining against his pants—as he presses against you. “Open.” You hear him growl. 
The demand sends a wave of heat through you. You comply, but you’re barely able to part your lips before his hand moves away from your cunt and his fingers force their way down your throat. You fight off the urge to choke in order to remain obediently willing. 
“You wished to show me how much you needed me, sì?” You nod, humming around his fingers. “Show me, then. Take my hand like you would take my cock.”
You eagerly heed Secondo’s words. Your mouth sucks and licks his fingers with enthusiasm, savoring the taste of your own arousal as it coats your tongue. You ignore the way your body aches from the awkward position he’s contorted you in. Saliva seeps from your lips and dribbles down your chin, escaping you as you swirl your tongue around his digits the same way you do with his cock. 
“Greedy little mouth…” Secondo growls as he watches you intently. His hand stays firmly enveloped in your mouth as he presses his body against yours. You groan around his fingers when you feel his cock press against your ass. “Look at you, drooling all over yourself, pretending my cock is down your throat. You look so desperate.”
You shift on the bed, trying to clench your legs together in a desperate attempt for friction at the sound of his degrading tone. Secondo notices immediately. His hand slides out of your mouth, not caring that strands of saliva spill from your wet lips, and delivers a harsh smack to the swell of your ass. The sound echoes in the room. The sudden sting makes you cry out, your eyes widening in surprise. 
A firm tug on the leash makes you choke momentarily. “Keep your legs spread,” Secondo growls, his hand reaching down to tug at your thigh and force your legs apart while the other pulls the leash taut. “If you can’t be good, you aren’t getting touched.”
Your hands tug at their restraints, fists clenching with frustration. “I’m…I’m sorry, Papa. I’ll be good, I promise. Please touch me, please.” Your words come out in a flurry, rushed and desperate, as you pant for breath.
Secondo’s hand releases the leash, allowing you to fall forward again. His hand immediately snakes around your waist to land on the space between your thighs. Saliva-wettened fingers land on your clit and swirl in agonizingly slow circles. Your breath catches in your throat, a shaky gasp leaving your lips. Your hips jerk into his hand as a silent encouragement. 
Another sudden spank takes your breath away. His hand stops its movements and you whine. “Stay still. You’ll only take what I give you, sì?”
You nod, sighing dejectedly. “Yes, Papa.”
It takes all of your strength to keep your hips in place and resist the urge to grind into his hand when he continues to swirl his fingers. Your thighs tense and your mouth falls open with whimpers and moans. 
Secondo barely increases his pace at the sound of your pleasure. Your hands ball into fists in their restraints, a low groan ripping from your throat. You curse, desperately using every ounce of control to keep your hips still.
“Mia piccola puttana…she can be good when she wants to be, hmm?” He tilts his head, watching your pleasure-contorted features. His hand speeds up slightly and you gasp.
“She likes it, doesn’t she?”
“Yes…Yes, Papa, I like it…” Warmth pools in your abdomen, winding tighter with each swirl of his fingers. Your thighs begin to shake as you lose the battle of staying still. Your hips thrust desperately forward, eager to hit the orgasm that lingers so close to fruition. “Please, Papa. It feels so good…fuck..!”
Secondo pulls his hand away mere seconds before the warmth spills over. You cry out, a high-pitched whine ripping from your throat as your orgasm slowly dissipates. Your hips buck forward as if trying to chase his touch.
“Why did you—?”
“You don’t deserve to cum yet.” His voice is stern, leaving no room for argument no matter how badly you want to. “Poverina…you did not think I would give you what you want that easily, did you?” Your lips part to respond, but the words get caught in your throat. “Such a greedy whore…you made yourself cum and you think you deserve it by my hand?”
“I’m…I’m sorry, Papa. I won’t do it again, I promise.” You whine, grinding your ass against him in a silent plea. The roll of your hips is slow as you feel the outline of his rigid length through his pants.
Another harsh slap comes down on the swell of your ass. You gasp, the sting coursing through you and halting your movements. “Now you think you deserve my cock?” Secondo’s grip digs into the skin of your hips as he accuses you, his grasp so tight you can almost feel the bruises begin to form.
“No, no, Papa. I don’t.”
“No, you don’t.” He taunts. His hand massages the red handprint blooming on your ass, soothing the lingering sting. “Are you going to start being good for Papa?”
“Yes! Yes, I’ll be good. I promise I’ll be good.”
“Bene…” He gropes your ass, the tight grip making the welts forming on your skin sting. “Now be a good girl and ask for it. Nicely.”
“Please, Papa…I want you to touch me. Please touch me.”
Secondo scoffs at your plea. “Now I know you can beg better than that.”
A whine builds in your throat, but you swallow hard to contain it. “Please, please, please, Papa. Please touch me. I need it so fucking bad.” You pant. “I need you. I need your touch. Please.”
Without warning, two fingers push past your entrance and stretch you open. You gasp at the sensation, cursing as Secondo pumps his fingers at an unrelenting pace that gives you no time to adjust or savor the feeling. Your nails dig into your palms as you whine at each thrust of his hand. 
“Fuck! Yes, yes…” You cry out, your cunt throbbing around his fingers. “Thank you, Papa. Fuck me…”
Secondo’s other hand holds you in place, gripping your hip so tight you think it’ll leave bruises. His fingers curl, searching for that sweet spot that’ll leave you crying out. As soon as he hits it, you curse in a loud gasp, your back arching to push your hips into his touch. He massages the spot with each pump of his hand, sending waves of pleasure through you that make your toes curl.
“Fuck, Papa! Yes, yes, yes. Right there. Right there.” Your moans fill the room, your cries reverberating off the ornate walls. Each plea is louder than the last. Your arms tug at their restraints, your hands flexing, desperate to hold on to something, anything.
Secondo groans, his voice husky. “Desperate whore, all worked up by my hand. You love it, don’t you?” You nod and mutter a small “mm-hmm”, too overwhelmed with his pace to form a proper response. “Fottuta troia,” he growls, taking a fistful of your hair and tugging until your shoulders lift off the bed. He leans over you, his fingers still pumping with their unwaveringly strong pace. “You answer your Papa, sì?”
You wince, whining at the mixture of pain and pleasure that courses through you. “Yes, Papa. I…fuck—I’m sorry, Papa,” you manage to squeak out between moans.
“Tell me how much you like it. Tell me how good my hand feels.”
“It feels…so fucking good, Papa,” you whine. Your words aren’t enough, evident by the way he tugs on your hair again for encouragement. His lack of response has you on edge. “You fuck me so good. I-I love the way your hand feels in my pussy.”
The tight grip on your hair is unrelenting. The awkward position you’re held in makes your back sore, but the pleasure granted to you overrides any discomfort. Warmth builds in your abdomen yet again, swirling and coiling with the need for release. Your thighs tense, your walls tightening around his fingers as your pants grow quick and loud.
“Oh, fuck…I’m…P-please…” Your voice quivers as you beg. “Please, Papa, can I cum this time?”
Secondo nuzzles against your neck, his breath warm against your ear as he speaks. “Oh, dolcezza,” his words seem sweet, but you recognize the mocking in his tone. “Asking like that, you almost have me convinced.” His fingers pull out of you, a wet, squelching noise accompanying their retreat. “Almost.”
The whine that escapes you is even louder, even more desperate than before. “No, Papa…why did you…” You stammer and whine, unable to form a complete sentence. You almost feel like you could cry as the coil of warmth slowly dissipates. He releases your hair, a grunt escaping you as you fall forward onto the mattress and he moves away. “Please touch me again, I can’t…I need to cum.” Your hips roll in the air, desperate for some form of contact.
“You need it?” You hear him echo, almost as if he’s mocking your plea.
You nod your head and hum a small “mm-hmm” with a whine. “Yes, Papa, I need it. I need to cum so fucking bad.” You shiver when you feel his fingertips reconnect with your heat for just a moment, barely grazing over your folds. “Please, just keep fucking me. I was so close, I—”
Secondo cuts you off with a harsh spank, the sound echoing in the room. His hands hold tightly onto your hips, dragging you backward until your ass is flush against his body. And his achingly hard cock that strains behind his pants.
“Greedy whore thinks she deserves to cum already…” He mutters as his hands trace the swell of your ass.
“No…no, Papa, I didn’t mean that…” You pant, your breath heavy. “I just…fuck, I want it so bad. Please…”
He goes silent as his hands continue to trace gently over your skin. The silence heightens both your nerves and your desperation. Finally, his gruff voice breaks the silence. “Tell me again, cara: who does this pussy belong to?”
“You, Papa.”
“Bene.” He presses his body more firmly against you. A quiet whimper escapes your lips at the feeling of his cock so close yet trapped beneath layers. “This pussy is mine. Mine to use and fuck whenever I feel like it.”
“Yes, Papa.”
“Say it.”
“My…my pussy is yours, Papa. Yours to use, yours to fuck.” You swear you feel his cock throb behind his pants.
His torso presses against your restrained wrists as Secondo leans over you. If you weren’t so afraid of being punished and denied any longer, you’d grab ahold of his shirt and tug him closer. His hands move to your hips, where his nails dig into your skin. “You cum when I tell you to. When I decide you deserve it.” His voice is a sultry whisper, like a smooth velvet that wraps around your senses. It makes you want to forget about your own desires. 
You nod, sighing at his words. “Yes, Papa.”
“If you pull another stunt like that—taunting me with your impatience—I’ll tie you up and make sure you don’t cum for hours. Do you understand?”
The thought makes you shiver in a mixture of arousal and fear. You swallow hard, nodding your head again. “Y-yes Papa…”
“Are you going to be good for Papa?” His hips roll against you, and while the friction isn’t stimulating for you, it makes you gasp nonetheless. 
“Yes,” you choke out. “Yes, Papa. I’ll be good. I promise.”
“No more touching yourself without Papa’s permission, sì?”
“Yes, Papa.”
His hands squeeze your hips, but the gesture is more playful than painful. “Molto bene.”
Secondo ruts against you, dragging the bulge in his pants along the curve of your ass. He groans before moving to grind against your slick heat. The wetness of your arousal seeps through and stains the fabric of his pants. He couldn’t care less. 
One of his hands slides up the arch of your back, avoiding your restrained wrists and caressing your spine. “You want Papa’s cock, sì?” 
“Yes. Yes…please, Papa,” you whine breathlessly.
His other hand trails down your hip and over the swell of your ass before groping you firmly. His grasp is rough, making the welts that have formed from his spanks sting. “Beg for it, puttana.”
You sigh in frustration at his words. “Please, Papa. Please put your cock in me.” You fight with every ounce of restraint to keep your hips still. You want nothing more than to rub and bounce your ass against him, to hear him groan and curse at the friction. But you know doing so would earn you another punishment. “I want it—I need it—so fucking bad. Please, please.”
Secondo leans away from your body. The loss of his touch leaves you feeling exposed and vulnerable, yearning harder for him. “She needs it, she says…” You hear him mock you as the faint sound of a zipper catches your attention. 
You groan at the familiar feeling of his cock as the rigid and warm flesh lands on your ass. Secondo wraps one hand around the base, his other hand gripping your hip as he guides his cock to the space between your legs. He barely brushes against you, only allowing enough contact to cover himself in your slick arousal. The light friction makes you whine.
It’s not until you feel the head of his cock rub against your swollen, neglected clit that you stop whining and start panting. It’s even harder to stay still, especially when his pace is so languidly slow. 
Your toes curl with strain. “Papa, please…I can’t…I can’t wait anymore…”
Another harsh spank comes down on your ass, making you hiss. “You can, and you will.” He growls. “Be good.” He continues the light and gentle grinding, his hands moving to rest on your ass and spread you open for his viewing pleasure. “Sathanas,” he curses, the sound making you throb and clench around nothing, which he certainly notices. “Così bagnato per me...you are a desperate little whore, aren’t you?”
“Yes, fuck yes, Papa.” Your nails dig into your palms as your body tenses in anticipation. “Please give it to me.”
He slides his cock along your folds, moving back and forth in long, sensual strokes. He pulls back to guide the head of his cock to sit at your entrance and grazes it teasingly, never pushing forward with enough force to enter you. You know he’s savoring the way you whimper and squirm. You groan, the sound turning into a whine.
“Please, Papa…” Your voice is breathless at this point, so desperate you could cry. “Please, please, I can’t wait anym—Ah!”
You’re cut off by his sudden, forceful thrust forward as he buries himself inside you with one movement. The stretch of your walls stings, making you hiss and curse. Your wrists tug at their restraints and your thighs go tense as he immediately starts a rough and unrelenting pace, giving you no time to acclimate to his intrusion.
Each thrust is met with one of your loud and desperate moans. Secondo runs his hands over the curve of your hips, his thumbs rubbing gently over your skin in a manner that completely opposes his rough movements. He groans, the sound sending heat to your core, and you feel him lean over your body. 
The leash suddenly goes taut. Your head is lifted off of the mattress, strangling your moans as they leave your mouth. “This is what you wanted, sì?” He growls into your ear, punctuating his question with a set of firm thrusts. “To be fucked hard and rough like the whore you are?”
“Yes! Fuck…fuck, yes…” You cry out, voice strained against the collar around your throat. “Thank you, Papa, thank you…Lucifer below, it feels…so good…”
He leans back and pulls the leash with him. His free hand holds your hip tight, his grip strong enough to make you ache. He groans, cursing something in Italian under his breath, before spanking you again. Your walls flutter around him at the pain. “Dillo di nuovo. Tell Papa how good his cock feels.” His voice is low and rough, practically a growl, as he pounds into you.
“Your cock feels so fucking good, Papa…” Your eyes flutter shut as your head becomes light. Your moans and whines are guttural, choked out by your collar. “I love it…I love the way you fuck me…Don’t stop, Papa.”
“Oh, I don’t plan on it, puttana.” Secondo punctuates the word with a particularly rough thrust, making you cry out with a strangled moan. “You’re going to cum for me—when I tell you to.”
The room fills with sounds of your pleasure; moans and cries leaving your lips and the repeated, quick slapping of skin against skin. His own groans hit your ears and excite you further. He pounds into you with a relentless rhythm, quick and hard thrusts that make your body tremble under him.
“Papa…I’m gonna—fuck…” You feel your thighs shake, unsteady as the warmth in your abdomen tightens.
“Not yet.” He snaps back. He tugs on the leash again, making your head lighter as air escapes your lungs. “Solo un’altro po…”
It’s almost impossible to hold on any longer. The heat that swirls in your abdomen coils tighter and tighter with each thrust, the impending release crescendoing with no sign of stopping. All you can choke out is a quiet, strained “please” in between his powerful thrusts. 
Secondo groans at your tight and wet heat, the sound turning into a slight chuckle that reverberates in your ear as he leans in. “Poverina…you need it, don’t you?” His voice is light and sweet despite the mockery in his tone. You nod before muttering a small “yes, Papa” in return. “Cum for me, tesoro. Cum on Papa’s cock.” He growls in your ear, his pace never wavering.
It takes only a few more of his rough thrusts to send you over the edge. The sound that leaves you is one you didn’t know you could make: a loud and guttural moan built up from constant denial that spills involuntarily from your lips. Your entire body tenses and trembles underneath him as waves of pleasure make you throb and clench around him. His pace never changes, working you through the high until your muscles go lax. 
His thrusts slow down until they become slow rolls of his hips against your weak body. He releases the leash, letting your head fall against the mattress with a soft thud. His hands trail over your breasts as he leans to place a small, gentle kiss on your back between your shoulder blades. 
“I’ve never heard you make those pretty sounds before.” He mutters against your skin. His hands knead your chest as he continues to roll his hips against you languidly.
A weak smile forms on your face. “I…I told you I was desperate,” you pant between heavy breaths. You groan with each of his thrusts, the leisurely pace doing nothing to soothe the overstimulation. “Thank you, Papa. Thank you for—ah—letting me cum…”
His hands trail down your body, his touch tracing your curves before returning to your hips as he leans back. “Oh, I’m not done with you yet, dolcezza.”
You barely process his words before he pounds into you again. He wastes no time finding another intense and rough rhythm. Your body tenses as the overstimulation makes you whine, your hands balling into fists as they tug at their restraints. You cry out, your body shaking under the power of his thrusts.
“Fuck, Papa! Shit, shit, shit…”
Secondo’s deep groans fill the air, complimented by the wet sounds of sex. “Merda. I didn’t think you could get any tighter.” One of his hands lands on the small of your back, purposefully avoiding your bound wrists.
Every thrust sends a shock wave of pleasure through you, surges of overstimulating ecstasy that course through every inch of your body. It’s an overwhelming sensation, making every muscle tense and every moan and whimper more desperate than the last. Your noises only spur him on, each pathetic sound met with a powerful thrust that makes you whine louder. 
“Papa…fuck, I can’t…it’s too much…” Your knuckles turn white as you ball your hands into fists. The overstimulation hurts, but the pain only adds to the pleasure he gives you. You trust him enough to know he’d drop everything if you were genuinely hurt. But right now, he knew you had no interest in stopping.
The leash suddenly goes taut, your head lifting off of the mattress again at his sudden tug. He spanks you again, your cry strangled by his sharp tug on the leash. “Fucking take it,” you hear him growl. Another spank makes you whine. “You’ll take my cock until I’m done with you, puttana.”
You groan at his words, your back arching into his thrusts. “Y-yes, P-Papa…”
His thrusts turn sharp and quick as he ruts against you. It’s primal and needy—almost animalistic—the way he moves. Each slap of his hips against your ass makes you hiss, the welts left from his hand stinging at every movement. Your body remains tense, every drag of his cock along your walls causing you to clench around him.
“Così fottutamente buono...questa figa è perfetta, tesoro…” You can barely hear his low, husky voice over the sound of skin meeting skin. Secondo tugs again on the leash, making you groan as your head jerks back. He leans down until his breath hits your ear. “You’re going to cum again for me, dolcezza.” His tone is clear—his words are a command, not a suggestion. “I want to feel this pussy milk my cock.”
The vulgarity in his words makes you whine. “Yeah…yes, Papa—fuck, I wanna milk your cock dry.”
“Sì, that’s what you want, giusto? You want Papa to cum in you and fill you up?” He growls in your ear, his words sending a shiver down your spine.
“Fuck, yes. Yes, Papa, I want your cum…Please, pump me full.” You strain to speak against the tight collar, but your plea is loud and desperate. 
You can hear his breathing growing heavier. You can tell he’s getting close. He shoves his cock as deep as he can as his thrusts turn into forceful rolls of his hips as he grinds against you. The friction makes the marks on your ass sting. 
Secondo’s free hand snakes around the curve of your hips, wasting no time finding your swollen and aching clit. His fingers swirl in time with each movement of his hips. The rhythmic pace between his deep penetration and the delicious friction of his hand makes you writhe under him. 
You curse, your hips jerking wildly into his hand and against his hips, too overstimulated to find a rhythm. “Papa…Papa..!” You cry out and whine as your eyes screw shut. 
He knows exactly how to make you tremble, all of the movements that send you closer to the edge and make you melt under his touch. The repeated clenching of your cunt makes him groan and curse. 
“Fuck, Papa! I’m gonna…Sathanas, I’m gonna cum again, shit…” You feel your thighs shake and tremble, every muscle in your body tensed as the heat in your abdomen returns, mounting to a high.
Secondo pants, tugging on the leash again. “Dai, dai…cum for me, cum for Papa.”
The dual pleasure leaves you unable to resist, the sensations overwhelming your body. Your second orgasm is even more intense than the last. Your body shakes and your moans turn into whines as the pleasure leaves you overwhelmed. You don’t even notice the few tears that escape as you writhe and tremble. He works you through the high, his hand swirling perfectly against your sensitive core to prolong your pleasure for as long as possible. He only removes his hand once your whines turn to hisses. 
The continuous, rough movements enacted on your overwhelmed body borders on pain. But you know he’s close, evident by his heavy breathing and groans as he pounds into you with the last of his strength. His grip is tight on your hip as the other hand holds your leash taut to keep your body in place.
With one final powerful thrust, Secondo stills as he spills himself into you. You feel every kick and pulse of his cock as he fills you. He groans, growling something in Italian, but you’re too far gone to comprehend it. He releases his grip on the leash, allowing your head to fall to the mattress.
Your body goes lax as he pulls out of you. Both of you grunt at the sensation. A wet squelch fills the air as you whine at the emptiness, too accustomed to his presence despite how overwhelming it feels. Your hips fall flat on the bed as you pant for breath and groan at the soreness in your back. 
A wave of relief courses through you as your wrists are released from their restraints. The ache in your shoulders is painfully evident now that you can move freely. You roll onto your side, blinking heavily as you look up to see Secondo’s face. 
His paint is smeared in various places, streaked by beads of sweat. His chest heaves with his own heavy breaths. You get the urge to scold him for exerting himself at his age.
He leans over you, reaching down to unfasten the collar around your neck. You instinctively tilt your head to make the process easier. You sigh when the garment is removed, allowing your skin to breathe and give your neck a break. Your eyes are heavy as you watch him place the collar and restraints on the nightstand with care. 
Secondo leans down again, running a hand through your hair. He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Un momento, bella,” he mutters against your skin before leaning away.
You watch as he walks in the direction of the adjoining bathroom before he disappears past the doorway. A small smile graces your face. It was easy to get intimidated by him, by his steely gaze and guarded demeanor, but he showed you a tenderness that no one else could match. 
It was never as evident as it is in these moments. When he walks back into the room with a damp washcloth in his hand, your heart swells. He always takes the time to treat you so gently after sex, especially when it’s rough. 
He cleans you carefully, running the washcloth over your flushed skin. He moves you with a sense of care and worship, like you’ll shatter beneath his touch if he isn’t careful. The warmth of the wet fabric is soothing, making you sigh with each stroke. He occasionally leans down to place kisses along your skin.
Once you’re clean, he lays the cloth on the nightstand. You know he’ll retrieve it later, probably after you’ve drifted off to sleep. He guides you to lay against the pillows, helping you move in your sore state. You groan at the aching pain in your body—the sting of your ass, the soreness in your shoulders, the aching of your back. He runs a hand over your thigh, fingers barely grazing your skin as his touch trails over the swell of your ass. 
“You’re still red,” Secondo remarks. You feel the slight tingle of discomfort, your skin warm from the welts that have formed. “You must still be sore.”
You can hear the concern in voice, almost as if he regrets what he did. “It’s alright. It doesn’t hurt that bad. I’ll be okay.”
“You’re sure?”
You smile at him, at his worry. “Yes, I’m sure.” You extend an arm towards him, beckoning him closer with your hand. “Now come here. I want you to lay with me.”
“Oh, is that right?” He teases. Despite his sarcastic tone, he’s already kicking off his shoes. “Is that what you want?”
“Yes. It is. You need your rest too, old man.”
You hear him scoff before he climbs onto the bed and situates himself beside you. “‘Old man’, huh?” He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close until your back is flush against his chest. He’s careful to keep distance between your hips so as not to irritate your welted skin. “Stai attento, mia cara. You wouldn’t want another punishment so soon, would you,”
You giggle at his words, laying your hand atop his arm and pulling him closer. You groan as you settle against the bed, attempting to allow your aching body to relax. You feel his arm move away from your waist. His hand comes to rest on your shoulder, his thumb massaging firm circles into your sore muscles. The gesture makes you smile, your head turning back to look at him.
“You don’t have to do that, Papa.”
“Oh, of course I do,” he responds, his hand working towards your shoulder blades. His lips brush over your ear, his breath warm against your skin. “Mia piccola bellezza was so good for her Papa. She deserves to be taken care of.” His lips land on your neck, trailing kisses down to your shoulder. “You’re always so good for Papa,” he mutters between kisses.
He leans in to kiss you, and you turn to meet his movement. The gesture sends sparks through you. You smile against his lips, pressing into his kiss and relishing in the warmth that blooms in your chest. 
You don’t know when you fell asleep after that. You laid there, allowing him to tend and care for you however he felt necessary. Not every touch was meant to massage or tend to your sore muscles, but you didn’t care. Just having his hands on your body was enough. 
This was how he showed his love to you, and you found nothing but comfort and security in his arms.
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