#but still. goddamn. good for him for addressing all of the above.
lucky-clover-gazette · 6 months
i already felt really bad for dream post face-reveal because of that leaked photo, and now knowing that it really was him… buddy. i’m sorry. that sucks so bad. i can’t imagine the psychological implications of having a fanbase imagine your appearance so differently from what it is, putting in years (?) of hard work to reclaim and share your appearance, and then getting mocked for it. like, people were so hard on his jawline in particular. i have to imagine he was fucking proud of that jawline, and he had every right to be. maybe this just affects me specifically as someone who also lost a significant amount of weight in order to feel more comfortable in the world and in my own skin, but fucking brutal, man.
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pedropascallme · 4 months
Slow Down, Lie Down
Pairing: Shayne Topp x f!Reader
Summary: “‘I’m fucking exhausted, Shayne, it’s like I have to be so high-energy all the fucking time, and I’m burnt out and stressed for no fucking reason and I just—…you!’ You took a deep breath, leaning into his touch. ‘You…’ you looked at him through damp lashes, and he looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to finish your thought, not catching on to your statement. You cocked a brow, ‘I want you, Shayne.’”
Warnings: SMUT (18+ MINORS DNI), p in v sex, oral (f receiving), Shayne's gold chain is a warning in and of itself but it also comes into play here so take that as you will. If I missed anything please let me know!
AN: This is based off of a requested prompt from the lovely @slaydoggg who asked for a Shayne fic quite a while ago and I just got around to finishing it! Hope you all enjoy <3
The last day of any shoot week was the only time in your life that you’d ever felt genuine burnout.
When you were in school, you’d had a sort of leniency policy with yourself; long days never turned into long nights, you’d stuck to a schedule that allowed for grace periods, you’d been confident in your ability to ask for help.
But when it came to working in such a high energy environment, where you felt like you had to be on all the time, where quiet always seemed like a synonym for bad, it was hard to grant yourself any clemency from just going, going, going all day.
Not to say you didn’t like what you did—you wouldn’t trade your place at Smosh for the world. The office was a safe space above all else, and even though it was your place of employment, most days it felt more like a high school cafeteria, where you and your friends gathered and chatted and made each other go red in the face from laughter until milk shot out of someone’s nose, or whatever.
Still, shooting a TNTL at 7PM on a Friday after a week of filming felt like some kind of sick joke. Did you even have any ideas left? Improv was one thing, but improv with zero social battery left was a completely different story, one you were unsure you wanted to know the end to.
“You alright?” Shayne pulled you from your thoughts while you gathered in the studio to film.
“Yeah, yeah. Just…y’know, little tired.” You smiled, an offering he returned, “But I’m alright.”
He could tell that you were teetering in the space between apathetic and completely exhausted. It was hard to keep things from him. Goddamn psychology degree. Even before you had started dating, it seemed like Shayne had a sixth sense for the feelings of the people around him, especially when it came to you—and Damien, but they might as well have had their own telepathic communication link, as far as you were concerned.
“Ok,” he rubbed your shoulder in an attempt to soothe you despite your denial of any discomfort, “We’ll go home soon. Go be funny.”
“Good! Cut!” Shayne called from behind the camera after Courtney wrapped up the video. You had never felt more relief in your life; the promise of a bed and a weekend of relaxation awaiting you at home made you feel like a huge weight was in the process of being lifted off your shoulders. You felt like you were floating, completely dissociated from the world around you while your friends giggled as they recalled jokes they had made not even 20 minutes ago.
You gathered your things and met Shayne outside in the car. You stared through the windshield, still tuning everything out and unaware that he was addressing you.
“Hey,” he squeezed your thigh, “did you hear me?”
“Mm, sorry,” you shifted to look at him, realizing you were still unbuckled and quickly correcting your indiscretion.
“What do you want for dinner?” He was doing that thing where he studied your features as if you were a doll, seemingly unaware that you could see him scanning your face.
“I dunno,” you sighed, “let’s just order something when we get home.”
“Ok.” He fell quiet and peeled out of his parking spot. The ride was quiet for the first ten minutes before he spoke again. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’m just ti—”
“‘Just tired,’ I know—but is there anything else?”
You shifted uncomfortably, running your hand over your seatbelt. “I dunno.” You knew you sounded repetitive, childish, but it was hard to communicate the exhaustion you were feeling to someone who did the same thing as you all week and never seemed to fall victim to the same sort of fatigue that you did. “Really tired.”
“Do you feel stressed?” He pushed.
“Are you trying to psychoanalyze me?” The words came out with a harsher edge than you had meant, and you saw him briefly furrow his brows in shock before regaining his composure.
“No, I’m just worried. If something’s wrong, you can tell me.” He parked in front of the house and turned to you, “I love you. I don’t want you to feel like you have to keep anything from me.”
You nodded, and the floodgates threatened to open as tears pricked your lash line. You sniffed. “I know,” another sniffle, “I love you, too.” You felt ridiculous, like a toddler overdo for a nap with the way you were acting just because you were really that tired. You just needed a little reassurance; to remember what it was like to feel rested and sated.
Shayne unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over the center console to take your face in his hands. “What do you need, baby?” His thumb caught a tear that had slipped over your cheek. “Tell me. You’re…freaking me out, a little.” He chuckled, still retaining the sympathetic look that painted his face even when his eyes creased up with his small smile.
“I’m fucking exhausted, Shayne, it’s like I have to be so high-energy all the fucking time, and I’m burnt out and stressed for no fucking reason and I just—…you!” You took a deep breath, leaning into his touch. “You…” you looked at him through damp lashes, and he looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to finish your thought, not catching on to your statement. You cocked a brow, “I want you, Shayne.”
“Oh—oh. Oh!” He lit up, eyes wide and smiling like a kid in a candy store.
One thing you appreciated was that no matter how often you two were intimate, no matter how many times he saw you naked, he still managed to make it seem like a miraculous, once in a lifetime event when you fucked.
Talk about validation.
He all but jumped out of his seat, waltzing over to open the door on the passenger side of the car and waiting impatiently for you to unbuckle yourself and step onto the sidewalk. You’d never seen him open the door to the house so fast.
Before you had the opportunity to remove your jacket, your shoes, or put down your bag, you were pushed against the now-closed-and-locked door by Shayne, who immediately found your lips and pulled you into a deep kiss. It was gentle, reminiscent of the first time you two had kissed in that it was exploratory and slow so as to adapt to the needs of the other; but no matter how he did it, kissing Shayne always felt like perfection. You dropped your bag at your feet before bringing your arms to rest on his shoulders, lazily pulling at his flannel while he dragged his tongue over your bottom lip. He rested his forehead against yours when he pulled away.
“Feel better?” He let his nose bump against yours as he spoke.
“Yeah,” you breathed, “But I think I could use a little more…remedying…” You brought one hand to the collar of his shirt, dipping under it and trailing your finger back and forth.
“Thought so.” He pulled your hand away momentarily to pull you into him, hands on your waist, and you got the hint, jumping so he could lift you, wrapping your arms around his neck while your legs found purchase around his hips. You licked a stripe up his neck and felt him shiver underneath your tongue.
He hesitated to drop you on the bed. “I could just fuck you like this, y’know…” He made a show of how easy it was for him to pick you up, bobbing you up and down in his arms momentarily, miming how he’d fuck you.
“Fully clothed?” You pointed out, and he relented.
“Next time I’m getting you naked before I pick you up.”
“Buy me a drink first, man.” You laughed, peeling off your jacket and shirt and unbuttoning your jeans, pulling the fabric from your body; it felt freeing in so many ways, the removal of a week of work from your skin, your limbs able to breathe without the constricting material, the knowledge that Shayne was there to see you in all your nude glory—it was incredibly satisfactory.
His shirt was off when you looked back up, now in just your bra and panties. The chain around his neck glinted in the low light of the bedroom, and you felt a wave of lust crash over you; crawling towards him to the edge of the bed where he stood, you let your hands trace up his abdomen before landing on his shoulders. You peppered kisses over his chest, taking in the taste of his skin and inhaling his scent. His hands came up to grip your waist, squeezing gently to get your attention.
“Not about me right now,” he reminded you, somewhat stern in his cadence.
“You don’t want me to go down on you?” You purred, goading him.
“As much as I would love to see you wrap your lips around my cock right now…” he spoke while he pushed you back onto the mattress, pulling you towards him by your ankles, “I’d much rather be making you feel good.”
“Yeah?” You breathed, and he planted a kiss on your thigh.
“I’m a giver.” He kneeled in front of you, "Lie down." You leaned back, letting yourself melt into the comforter under his touch. He let his hands roam your body; thumbs brushing the curve of your breast over your bra before dragging his palms over your stomach, dipping under you slightly to squeeze your ass. You let out a huff of contentment at the feeling, and he did it again, before his fingers dropped under the waistband of your underwear and pulled them down your legs.
When you felt the first swipe of his tongue over your core, your drowsiness was replaced with a tingling pleasure that started in your clit and spread to the back of your neck; you feathered your fingers through his hair to coax him onward.
“Poor baby,” he muttered, dipping his head down into you and licking up from your slit, gathering your slick on his tongue, “you just needed some help relaxing, huh?”
“Uh-huh,” you moaned when he used his tongue to circle your clit, applying the perfect amount of pressure to help you unwind; you bent your knee, effectively trapping him face-first against your cunt.  
“It’s ok,” he flattened his tongue against you, keeping pressure on your clit until you started to squirm, “I’ll help you, baby. Don’t worry.” He licked through your folds before slipping his tongue inside of you, contorting the muscle to curl in and out as he saw fit. You tugged on his hair, a silent message telling him not to stop amidst your quiet moans and the subtle roll of your hips against his mouth.
He wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking gently until you arched your back, muscles relaxing when he let up on the pressure before he repeated the motion just to watch you squirm for him.
“Shayne…” You whimpered, one hand coming up to grope yourself through your bra, drunk off the feeling of his tongue.
“I know, baby, I know,” he whispered into you, alternating between sucking on your clit and lapping up the mixture of his spit that trickled down your entrance and the wet that dripped from you. He snaked his arms underneath you, resting them under your thighs with his hands gripping the plush skin, giving him a better angle to watch you come undone. He fucked you with his tongue again now, unable to ignore the way you bucked your hips against his mouth and the filthy moans that fell from your lips, before he licked a long stripe up your cunt and began sucking on your clit once more.
Your orgasm crashed over you, a calming tide that came in and out with no fanfare, but was still so beautifully curated to your needs. Shayne watched your breathing pick up and then slow down as you sank deeper into the bed. He rested his head against your thigh.
“Was that helpful?” You could feel him smiling against your skin.
“Maybe a little,” you rolled your eyes playfully, and he stood, leaning over you and kissing your cheek. “Got anything else that might help?”
He laughed quietly, briefly kissing your pulse point. “Anybody ever told you that you can be real needy?”
“Is that a bad thing?” You let your hands wander over his stomach and chest, dropping down further to play with the waistband of his jeans, and he groaned.
“Not in the slightest,” he clarified, before straightening himself up to remove his jeans. You closed your eyes, still enjoying the comfort of the bed, the undisturbed joy you got to experience with your boyfriend away from the chaos of work. When you opened your eyes, Shayne had one knee on the mattress, boxers still on—much to your chagrin—and beckoning you closer to him. You sat up, shuffling towards him on your knees, and he guided you forward so that he could unhook your bra and let it slide down your arms.
“Your turn,” you bent down to tug at his boxers, and he smirked at the difficulty you had trying to get them off of him at this angle. He gently shooed you off, taking them off on his own, before pulling you in for a long, slow kiss. It was somewhat needier now than the one you had shared at the door, but it still felt just right; his tongue broke through your lips and, after sucking gently on it for a few seconds, you pulled back, too desperate for him to fuck you now to focus on anything else.
He pushed you down onto your back gently, pulling your hips to the edge of the bed and propping your legs on his shoulders. Fisting his cock, you watched him spit down onto you, letting the saliva trail over your hole before he ran his cock through your folds, gathering your wet on himself. You squirmed, eager and impatient, and he raised an eyebrow, smiling down at you.
“Needy.” He reiterated, before pushing into you. You felt the initial stretch, the blissful pressure of his cock plunging into you, and in this position, with your legs raised above you, you could feel him nestled deep inside of you.
“Fuck,” you heard him mutter when he bottomed out, and one of his hands came down to your side, his thumb rubbing soothing circles over your hip bone. “God, maybe we both needed this…”
“Mhm,” you sighed dreamily up at him, eyes half-lidded and lips parted.
He pulled his hips back less than an inch, focused on staying close to you and drawing your pleasure out, before pushing back in—not rough, but certainly hard; the force pushed you up the mattress slightly. Caught off guard by his movement, combined with the feeling of his cock pressing into you even deeper than it had before, you couldn’t help the moan of his name that was knocked from your lungs.
He kept fucking you like that, slow and deep, hands sweeping over your skin like he wanted to remember every curve and bend of your body.
“You’re so beautiful,” Shayne managed to speak out between low moans, “So fucking beautiful.”
You placed a hand over his where it sat on your thigh, still holding your legs above your body and against his chest. “All for you.” You squeezed his hand gently, and he leaned his head back.
“God, yeah—that’s right,” his thrusts started to get rougher, just enough for his cock to push against your most sensitive spot and keep you hovering over the edge. “All for me.”
He leaned forward, pushing your legs back with his body; he had even more free reign like this, thrusting into you hard and fast, and you mewled underneath him, letting out whimpers of delight at the way he pushed you closer to your high.
Propping himself up with one arm, his other hand resting on your waist, he dropped his head down to your chest and licked messy stripes over your breasts, capturing your nipple in his mouth and sucking on it before alternating to the other. You arched your back, struggling to decide whether to focus on the way his cock felt brushing against your g-spot or the way his tongue felt teasing your nipples.
You quickly decided that now wasn’t the time for decision making, allowing yourself to succumb completely to the way his movements worked in tandem to bring you satisfaction.
When he came up to kiss you again, you grabbed at his chain, pulling him further into you, and he moaned into your lips, tongue immediately seeking refuge in your mouth and licking into you. You returned the favor, eager to taste him. He moved his hand, positioning his thumb over your clit and kneading it in time with his thrusts, and you gasped at the friction. Mouth open and unable to tear your gaze from him, you yanked on the chain around his neck again, and he growled, pushing into you with less regard now—nice and rough to get you over the finish line.
“Fuck me just like that—oh my god, Shayne!” Your legs trembled from the strain of the position and the orgasm that built in the pit of your stomach, and when he licked his lips, panting, and you felt him press harder against your clit, you were engulfed by the electricity that seemed to shoot from him straight into your bloodstream. You cried out his name, throwing your head back and letting the pleasure take over.
You heard him hum above you, the combination of a contented sigh and a desperate groan as he watched you cum on his cock; panting, you placed a hand gingerly on his cheek, the other still toying with his chain, pulling his face towards yours, ghosting your lips over his.
“Cum in me,” you whispered into his mouth before kissing him, and you felt his lips part against yours with a moan, stuttering your name and spilling into you.
His head rested against yours, both of you breathing hard and trying to regain your composure. He kissed your ear, then your cheek, your nose, your other cheek, your other ear, before finally placing a sweet kiss against your lips, soft and full of love.
He took a deep breath before pulling out of you, and you whimpered at the sudden emptiness.
“I know. Come here, baby” he helped you straighten your stiff legs before scooping you up and placing you properly along the bed; you curled up instantly, satisfied and relaxed. Shayne crawled into bed behind you, a box of tissues in his hands that he pulled from to wipe the excess mess from between your thighs. He was gentle, quiet, kissing your back while he pulled your legs apart to clean you off.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, turning over to face him, “I feel…much more relaxed.”
“Glad I could help.” He kissed your forehead, tossing the box of tissues across the room and cringing when they landed awkwardly in the middle of the floor instead of on the dresser he had been aiming for. “Never want you to think that you can’t tell me how you’re feeling.”
“I know,” you trailed your fingers over his chain, looking up to meet his gaze, “I’m sorry I was grumpy.”
“You don’t have to apologize for that, baby. I’m sorry you felt so exhausted.”
“I’m still exhausted,” you smiled, “just in a much more enjoyable way.” You watched him break into a smile, pulling you against his chest and kissing the crown of your head.
“You can sleep in tomorrow.” He stroked your hair.
“Only if you sleep in with me.” You nuzzled into him, already feeling sleep tug your eyes closed.
“Can’t pass up an opportunity like that.”
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starlightrosa · 1 month
Spa Days in Hell
And here it is, everyone! The meaty fic I warned everyone about! (I lost the ask, but this was anon request anyway <3)
Summary: Lucifer's wings need cleaning after he spent so long neglecting them. Charlie has to do it herself, despite knowing how sensitive he is there. Seems like Lucifer's in for one ticklish as hell spa day.
Word Count: 3k words... goddamn lmao.
Warnings: kinda intense tickles in some parts, Lucifer has six wings, swearing too, Angel Dust and his unique humour. Still SFW though :)
Lucifer nervously straightened his top hat and fiddled with his cane as he tried to look presentable in his room, in his castle on the edge of the Pride Ring. He was on the way to see his darling daughter Charlie, after so long of not seeing her or the new venture she had set up. To the king’s knowledge, it was supposed to be some kind of hotel to redeem wayward Sinners and send them to Heaven.
Lucifer knew what Heaven was really like. It was nice that Charlie was a dreamer, just like he used to be, but he just didn’t want to see his daughter get her dreams crushed by the angels above, much like they had crushed his dreams for humanity long ago.
“Okay, Lucifer. You got this. You’re seeing your daughter and what she’s been up to. Don’t fuck it up, Luci. Don’t fuck this up.” he repeated, his shoulders rolling back as he checked his wings. On any of the lucky days when he actually gave a shit, Lucifer would have refused to leave the house if his wings were anything less than pristine. But today, he just didn’t care how they looked.
Lucifer had his good days, and his bad days. Since landing in Hell, the bad days outweighed the good sometimes. Being cast out of Heaven and into Hell had sent Lucifer into a depression for a good while. While the sadness gnawed at his mind every day, he had gotten better at hiding it. But his wings had suffered as a result. Some feathers were broken, some were tangled, others were sharper than they should be and dug into the king’s back. To think some angels had only two to clean and take care of. But Lucifer had six fluffy appendages, all of them not being taken care of for perhaps longer than they should have been.
Well, he didn’t have time anyway. He just wouldn’t show anyone the wings. He couldn’t care less about his wings right now. Lucifer steeled himself and put on that confident smirk of his, as he grabbed his cane and took a deep breath, teleporting to the hotel address Charlie had given him.
The world shifted under his feet as Lucifer’s boots made contact with the streets of Pride. Overlooking Pentagram City was Charlie’s hotel. The “Hazbin” Hotel. Huh. What a weird name. Charlie was normally much better about naming stuff.
Well, Lucifer kept that thought to himself as he crossed over and knocked thrice on the door with his cane. Knock, knock, knock!
The door opened at once. Lucifer brought his cane down, resting both of his hands upon the top of the cane.
“Dad?” Charlie asked, looking a bit confused at his early arrival. Lucifer suspected she was expecting him to come a lot later. Oh no. For his daughter, he was determined to make up for all the stuff he had missed. Even if that meant arriving absurdly early before an agreed time.
“Ahh, there she is! There’s my Char-Char! How have you been doing? Good? Good, me too!” Lucifer cheered, giving Charlie a big kiss on the cheek, as he stepped into the hotel. It was… less than presentable, to put it nicely.
Lucifer felt that sharp pain in his back again, and he winced a little as he walked around.
“Are you alright, Dad?” Charlie asked, noticing her father’s movement. Lucifer looked back at his daughter, before he forced himself to smile, acting like his wings weren’t in utter agony from being neglected for so long.
“Oh, I’m fine, Charlie. Anyway, so how’s the business venture? Anyone important I need to meet? Got to make sure my daughter is being treated right by her patrons. Kindness and love and all that stuff.”
“Oh yeah. This way, Dad!” Charlie said, taking him off to see the others. “So the first one I want you to meet is Vaggie, my girlfriend. Vaggie, this is my father, Lucifer.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Your Highness.” Vaggie smiled, though Lucifer noticed the ‘X’ over her eye and indeed the angelic spear. If his wings were out right now, they would have puffed up to sense danger. Vaggie was an angel? A former Exorcist, no less. And they were dating? An Exorcist, COURTING his daughter?! The very idea felt absurd. But Lucifer smiled.
“Oh, you like girls! Why, I like them too! Glad to see we have so much in common! Put ‘er there, Maggie!” Lucifer smiled, not seeming to notice that he had gotten her name wrong as he swept Vaggie into a hug. His hidden wings twinged again, a painful reminder to Lucifer that he had to take care of them at some point. He grimaced, but buried his face into Vaggie’s shoulder.
Vaggie chuckled as she awkwardly patted Lucifer on the back before the king disengaged from the hug. Lucifer cleared his throat, and hummed.
“Who else?”
“Oh! So we have Husk, the bartender.” Charlie then said. Husk just grumbled a little, as was true to his character.
“Hello, your Royal Majesty.” Husk muttered, before drinking from a bottle of whiskey.
“The smiling demon over there is Alastor, who’s my business partner.” Charlie next said. Alastor had that trademark smile, but his eyes told a different story. He didn’t like the look of a being more powerful than him, sharing a room together.
“Good to put a face to the name. You are much shorter in real life. I would call you by your royal name, but ‘Your Highness’ seems woefully ironic, I’m sure you’ll agree. Your height just doesn’t justify such a regal way of recognition.” Alastor stated.
“Don’t go any further. Don’t want to say something that you’ll regret, Bambi.” Lucifer shot back, smiling smugly when Alastor’s deer ears flattened briefly, a soft growl leaving his eternally grinning mouth.
“Bambi? BAMBI? Why, you little-!” Alastor growled, his pupils briefly flickering into radio dials, before Charlie grabbed his arm.
“Calm down, Alastor. Dad, please don’t disrespect my business partner like that.” Charlie cut in, her eyes narrowing the slightest amount. Lucifer felt a little guilty, but he scoffed and continued on as Charlie continued the introductions.
“The spider demon is Angel Dust, a famous… actor.” Charlie said. “And the smaller woman running around is Niffty, our maid.”
Niffty waved playfully at Lucifer. “Hello, your Majesty!” she chirped, before seeing a bug scuttle past. The maid got a rather hungry look in her eye as she giggled manically, racing after the bug.
“Angel, come say hi to my father.”
“Your father, eh? Well, well. Hello, Daddy Morningstar~” Angel cooed, before flopping down on one of the lobby chairs and scrolling on his phone, flicking his white and pink hair. Lucifer coughed awkwardly.
“Okay… a charming character.” Lucifer murmured, before his wings twinged yet again, but the pain was sharp enough to make Lucifer turn away from Angel, and bite the back of his hand to stifle the pain. Charlie noticed her father’s pained expression.
“Dad? Are you okay?” Charlie asked, placing a hand upon her father’s back. Lucifer straightened up the best he could.
“Oh, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, little apple. I’m okay.”
Charlie didn’t believe a single word that ran from her father’s mouth. She didn’t use her wings very much, but as a young girl, she had seen Lilith tending to Lucifer’s wings before. He only reacted this way if his wings needed care. Come to think of it, when had they last done that? When Lilith disappeared, Charlie had to step up and take care of Lucifer’s wings when he asked. She was more than happy to, but it had been a while.
“Dad, did you clean your wings up before you came out?” Charlie asked quietly, not wanting to embarrass her father in front of her patrons. Lucifer cleared his throat awkwardly again.
“Oh yes, Char-Char.” Lucifer lied. But the light eyebrow raise from Charlie indicated that she didn’t believe him.
“Dad, don’t lie to me.” Charlie stated. Vaggie looked worried. As a former angel, she knew that their wings being neglected would only serve to hurt.
“Your Majesty, would you like me to take care of your wings? I’ll be quick.” Vaggie offered.
“NO! I-I mean, um… no. Thank you, though.” Lucifer stammered, backing away from Vaggie. Charlie followed him, Alastor by her side while the others remained in the lobby.
“Dad, I insist you let me help. I can’t have you in pain and-” Charlie attempted to reason. But she was cut off as Lucifer’s fight or flight response triggered. Lucifer ran as fast as he could and up the steps to the second floor of the hotel.
But Charlie wasn’t about to accept that. “Alastor, help me catch him!”
“With pleasure, Princess.” Alastor shot back, grinning as the two gave chase.
Lucifer ran, hearing the footsteps of Charlie and Alastor not too far behind. Lucifer was a nervous giggler, and sure enough, bubbly giggles slipped past his lips as he ran away from his daughter and her business partner. He needed a place to hide.
But that thought was cut off as Alastor’s tentacles wrapped around him and pulled him back to where Charlie was. Lucifer attempted to break out of the grip, but there was no give as Alastor pulled Lucifer back to where he and Charlie stood.
“Your Royal Highness, it’s most rude to run away, you know. Rather cowardly, too.” Alastor mused.
“Now that is the pot calling the kettle black. Haven’t you been gone for like seven years, Bambi?” Lucifer snarked back, but while he was busy sassing, Charlie grabbed her father’s shoulders and rolled them back. Lucifer gasped sharply as his wings popped out, letting his daughter and Alastor see the damage.
“Oh my God… Dad, how long have you left these?” Charlie murmured.
“Quite a while, it seems.” Alastor mused.
“Charlie… don’t.” Lucifer pleaded. But Charlie shook her head.
“Dad, I have to help you. Please?”
“I-It hurts, little apple. But you’re so busy already. I can… I can do it myself.” Lucifer said.
“Clearly, you can’t.” Alastor interrupted, but he silenced himself when Charlie shot Alastor quite the angry look.
“Not helping, Alastor. Dad, please let me help you.” Charlie implored.
Lucifer really wanted to say no. But his wings were hurting so much. He had no choice, so begrudgingly, he agreed. Charlie grabbed her father’s hand and guided him to the lobby, pushing Lucifer to lie down on the sofa and helping him roll his shoulders back to get at his wings, as the patrons of the hotel watched this take place.
Charlie plunged her hands into Lucifer’s wings and began plucking the broken feathers. Lucifer sighed as she worked, allowing himself to relax a smidge. But then he began feeling it. As Charlie’s hands ghosted over his wings, the fluffy appendages began to tingle in a way that could only be… ticklish.
Lucifer pushed his head into his arms immediately, refusing to even look at anyone. And then Charlie’s hands ghosted into his shoulder blades and he gasped, tensing up even more as the tiniest giggle worked past his lips.
“Dad?” Charlie asked. “Are you-?” she began to say, only for a deep chuckle from Angel. He fluffed his hair back and smirked.
“Well, I’ll be damned. Seems the King of Hell is ticklish~!” Angel teased, smirking widely at Lucifer, who looked like a deer caught in headlights. Well, he was not getting out of this one.
“For once, Angel seems to say something that makes sense.” Alastor mused.
“I heard that!” Angel called, looking a bit put out.
“You were meant to, my dear.” Alastor fired back. Now Vaggie chuckled, as she slowly approached Charlie, who still had her hands in Lucifer’s neglected wings.
“I agree with Angel, and Alastor. Charlie, you can do the actual wing care. I’ll hold him, and everyone else can enjoy this kinda show. Sound fun, hon?” she asked, leaving no room for discussion as she sat on the sofa and got a good hold on Lucifer. No amount of wriggling could push the former Exorcist off of the King.
“A-All of you shut uhuhup!” Lucifer suddenly piped up, muffled giggles sinking into the plush red cushions of the sofa which he laid upon. Alastor chuckled, twirling his microphone.
“You know, everyone. I believe the King needs to get his temperament in check. Quite unbecoming for a ruler. Angel, get his sides, I’ll get his hips.”
“You got it, Smiles~” Angel cooed, before he grabbed Lucifer’s sides and squeezed rapidly. Lucifer was thrown into snorting giggles immediately as he kicked his legs behind him, laying on his front still. Charlie had clearly gotten stronger then he remembered, and Vaggie had him in a tight grip too. Double whammy.
“AAH! A-AHAHAHANGEL!” Lucifer cried out, squirming. He was then thrown into cackles as Alastor joined the fray, compressing Lucifer’s tender hipbones. “STOP THAHAHAT AT ONCE!” Lucifer tried demanding.
“Sorry, your Ticklishness~ oh, oops. I meant to say, Your Majesty.” Angel chuckled, pulling his hands away at once for a bit. Despite the playful mood, Lucifer was still the King, and he could probably snap his fingers and kill Angel in a damn heartbeat.
“Who knew the King of Hell was ticklish?” Vaggie chuckled, a soft smile on her face as she joined in the barrage of teasing, tickling under Lucifer’s chin lightly. Charlie grinned, her hands still buried in Lucifer’s wings as she took care of each one. Admittedly, slower than she would normally have done them, but it had been a good while since she had seen her father happy.
“CHAHAHAHARLIE!” Lucifer yelped, wiggling like a worm on the cushions, his wings flapping from her precise (and very fucking ticklish) touches. Most in the lobby were lost in laughter, whether that was Lucifer’s tickle-induced giggles, or everyone else giggling along with Lucifer.
“I forgot how ticklish you were, Dad.” Charlie laughed. Alastor chuckled and approached now.
“Now, now. Your Royal Ticklish Majesty, don’t be hiding your face. Let us see the laughter worthy of his Highness~” Alastor coaxed, using his voodoo tentacles to tickle Lucifer under the arms. A loud snort from the king immediately and his hands fell away from his face.
“Budge over, Smiles. I wanna see if I can make his wings flap~” Angel drawled, the spider demon moving. Alastor graciously fell back and allowed Angel access immediately. The gloves were off, quite literally, as Angel peeled off his gloves and shoved them into the king’s wings, and Lucifer was thrown into cackles as he felt Angel’s spider fuzz right on his newly groomed top set of wings, while Charlie was working at the middle set now.
“T-TOO TIHIHICKLY, CHARLIE!” Lucifer shrieked, squirming for all he was worth. Charlie chuckled and allowed her father a quick break.
“I know, Dad. But you left your wings so long. I have to set everything back in order.” Charlie reasoned as she finished the middle set. Lucifer groaned through his giggles as he settled his very red face on the top of his arms.
“Alright, Dad. Just the lowermost set to do now. But I know you’re wiggly with those ones. Alastor, do me a favour and hold his wings still.” Charlie said. Alastor chuckled lowly, the lowest radio feedback noise coming from him.
“Of course, Princess.” Alastor said, placing his microphone safely out of the way as he reached forward and snagged Lucifer’s wings, stretching out the lowermost set to allow Charlie to get at them. Vaggie adjusted her hold on Lucifer too, as Charlie dived in.
“AAH! SHIHIHIHIT!!!” Lucifer screeched, falling into hysterical laughter as he tried twisting as much as he could, his body trying to escape from the tickles, but ultimately getting nowhere due to both Vaggie and Alastor’s grips on him, and Charlie sitting upon his legs wasn’t helping either.
“Tickle tickle, Your Highness~” Vaggie teased, snickering. He sounded less terrifying when she saw him like this. Who knew her girlfriend’s father could be so… strangely adorable?
“SHUHUHUT UP!” Lucifer barked, cackling louder as Charlie gasped above him.
“Hey! Don’t you talk to my girlfriend like that, Dad!” she responded, vibrating her fingers into Lucifer’s wings to be mean for a little. Lucifer wheezed loudly, falling into near-silent, open mouthed cackles.
The wing tickles ceased as a gentler hand replaced the ticklish touches, working quickly enough for Lucifer to not register the tickling. His wings were buzzing with sensitivity and the leftover giggles from Lucifer littered the room.
“So damn cute.” Angel murmured, smirking lightly. Alastor gave a silent nod, in agreement to Angel as Charlie finally finished cleaning up her father’s wings after about what had to be a total of ten minutes and climbed off of him. But to Lucifer, it felt like hours as he was finally allowed to close his wings. He sat up and rubbed at his eyes, feeling tears within them.
“T-That was so bad…” Lucifer murmured, shivering from ticklishness briefly. His wings were finally taken care of, and they had regained their glossy sheen on every set.
“Dad, please take care of your wings next time.” Charlie smiled, grinning at her father’s ticklish grin. He definitely looked like he had been tickled silly.
“I’d hate to see this happen again to you, Your Ticklishness~” Alastor said, in a tone that Lucifer could tell that Alastor wanted this to happen again very much.
“Once I get my strehehength back, ahall of you are goddamned dehehead.” Lucifer responded, even as he ascended to a spare room in the hotel. “You will be first, Bambi.” Lucifer muttered, as he all but fell into bed.
As sleep took him away to dreamland, Lucifer’s grin never melted off of his face as his wings fluttered softly in his slumber. Deserved after all that very mean tickling, and even in his dreams, Lucifer couldn’t recall the last time he had smiled so freely. Maybe he could tangle his wings on purpose next time, after he was done exacting some sweet revenge. And the bellhop would be first.
The End!
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Thanks for doing this (modern!Aegon II Targaryen x reader, past Jason Lannister x reader)
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synopsis: What are the odds of running into your ex at a random bar in King´s Landing on a random friday night? Well, apparently the odds are higher than you thought.
warnings: mentions of alcohol and drinking, Jason being a prick
word count: 1.8k
a/n: I am still working on requests and outlining my first series, but I wanted to put out something in the meantime. I´m sorry requests are taking so long. Any way, I hope y´all like this nonetheless. <3
What are the odds of running into your ex at a random bar in King´s Landing on a random friday night? Too many people to count in this goddamn city and you had to end up next to your ex- boyfriend, your ex-boyfriend who wasn’t even living in this goddamn city. How did he even get here?! You would have asked if you hadn’t wanted to avoid any form of conversation so badly. Looking the other way, you impatiently waited for the barkeeper to give you your drink so you could leave for the back of the bar, where you’d hopefully meet some of your friends. Unfortunately, you found yourself addressed in a posh voice only a moment later.
“What a pleasant coincidence to meet you here!” Jason Lannister had obviously recognized you and was now moving in for a kiss to each cheek.
You gave him an awkward smile. The two of you hadn’t had the healthiest of relationships, followed by a messy break-up, and you had sincerely hoped to never see Jason again when he moved back to Casterly rock.
Accordingly unenthusiastic was your reaction to his attempts at making small talk, which he didn’t seem to mind, placing a hand on your arm and going on about his vacation plans. He was in King´s landing on vacation, staying in some expensive hotel, for three weeks, one of which was already over, and considering prolonging his stay.
His breath was hitting your face, smelling of the cigarettes he’d already smoked when you’d been dating, making you shift away uncomfortably.
“No, we were not. You didn’t give a shit about my wishes and feelings.” You deadpanned.
“Some nights I wonder what would be if we had not split up. We were good together.” His hand had slipped from your arm to settle on your thigh. You grabbed it and put it back onto the counter.
“Don’t lie to me. I loved you.” He reached out to brush a strand of hair out of your face, causing you to flinch away.
Instead of taking the hint Jason softly stroked down your temple, letting his fingers linger at the bare skin of your neck above the thin strap of your dress.
Under other circumstances, had anyone else, any random stranger gotten this close to you and touched you like this, you’d told them to fuck off, and maybe even punched them in the face if necessary, but with Jason it was different. Too many memories were being washed up to the surface. Some pleasant, many not so much.
Memories of soft touches like these, growing harsher the more you became filled with lust.
Come on, get me off.
Of course I care about you.
Memories of the same hands that’d held onto you scrolling through a phone, eyes fixed on the screen more often than not.
Memories of words whispered into your ear after every fight, after every make-out-session, at the end of every rushed phone call.
I love you.
Abruptly, you grabbed Jason´s wrist and again pushed his hand onto the bars countertop.
“Stop that.” you insist harshly.
“Why? You’ve always liked it when I touched your neck.” Gods how you wanted to wipe that smug smile off his face.
“I don’t want you to touch me anymore, Jason. We’re done. We’ve been done for three years now, get a grip.”
“No. I’ve moved on.”
Jason leaned in again, smiling charmingly like a shark. “We could go again. You’ve gotten hotter.”
“Oh?” He raised his eyebrows. “And who is the lucky one?”
You opened your mouth to tell him that it was none of his business when a deep, smooth voice beat you to it.
The stranger leaned in for a hug, whispering into your ear. “You looked like you could use some help. Don’t worry, I got you.”
“Hey babe. Sorry, I’m late, Arryk almost burned down our kitchen.” Both Jason and you turned around to the speaker, a muscular, pale man with short hair of an even paler blonde than Jasons.
Aegon pulled back and turned towards Jason, keeping one of his hands resting protectively on the small of your back.
You felt like a stone had been lifted from your chest, may the seven bless this man. Smiling, you reciprocated the hug. “Hey, nuha jorrāelza. It’s alright.”
“Keep your hands off my girlfriend, will you.” It wasn’t a question.
“Jason Lannister.” He sounded like he had tasted something foul but couldn’t spit it out anymore, pointedly passing over Aegon’s challenge.
Jason looked the other up and down, taking in his bulk, obviously considering his chances in case the situation escalated. Jason was a bit taller than Aegon, but Aegon was decidedly more muscular and had an air of badass on him that Jason´s based-on-money confidence just couldn’t match.
“Aegon Targaryen. I’d say ‘pleasure to meet you’ but my mother taught me not to lie.” Aegon scowled.
You nodded, that was the perfect excuse to ditch your ex.
Then he directed his attention back to you. “The others are outside having a smoke, you wanna check in with them?”
“Bye, Jason.”
The chilly night air of King´s landing hit the two of you when you stepped outside, a welcome contrast to the stuffiness inside the bar. Aegon let go of your waist as soon as you were out of Jason´s sight, but kept up the protective demeanor.
“Are you alright? He didn’t do anything real bad, did he?”
“Don’t worry, no need to explain yourself. It happens.” He smiled at you, a warm glint in his lilac eyes.
You gave him a wry smile and a nod. “No, I’m fine. Thank you. I’m not normally that… helpless… That was my ex and… yeah…”
“What’s your name, by the way?” You felt your cheeks heat up. Right. You quickly tell him your name. “Alright. Do you wanna leave here? Want me to call you a cab or something?”
“No, actually, I’d like to go back inside. I’m not going to let that jackass of an ex-boyfriend ruin my friday night. Would you care to accompany me? In case he tries something again?”
He sounded genuinely concerned, it made your heart jump. If you were being saved from Jason by a kind, handsome stranger, you'd absolutely use the chance for a flirt. And maybe even more? You grinned.
Aegon gave you a look, then smiled. “Alright.”
Aegon nodded and offered you his arm, which you happily took. By now the bar had gotten fuller, people were filling up all of the booths along the walls and some had begun to dance in the free space towards the back.
“Do you want a drink?” You felt Aegon’s breath brush your ear as he leaned in so he’d be heard over the music. It was a nice sensation.
You shook your head though. “Later, let’s dance!”
“Thanks for doing this.” Your voice is so quiet it's barely audible over the music.
You were not only drop-dead gorgeous but also an amazing dancer as Aegon would soon realize. The two of you were moving perfectly in tune with the music, hips swaying, a wide grin on your face, and your eyes on Aegon. It was almost hypnotic, the mischievous spark in your gaze that pulled him in. Then the beat dropped and you broke out the raddest dance moves he’d ever seen in his life. You knew he was staring but he just couldn’t help himself. That was impressive. You obviously noticed, and laughed, raising an eyebrow and dancing up on him. Aegon shot you a smirk and a wink, leaning in and placing his hands on your hips. Your hands travelled up his arms, coming to a rest behind his neck.
His is as well. “Pleasure.”
Jason Lannister was annoyed. He’d been watching his ex and her new boyfriend dance for the last hour or so (don’t you even think about calling him pathetic!) and while he definitely wasn’t jealous, the two of them did seem to have an awful lot of fun together. They were alternating between ridiculous breakdance battles and basically dry-humping each other like horny teenagers, taking up the center of the dancefloor where people had formed a circle around them.
“Look me in the eye or otherwise we’ll have seven years of bad sex, don’t you know the saying?”
By the time the couple returned to the bar, Jason was sipping his fourth Solero, still watching them from across. The new guy had a hand resting on your lower back, holding you close, while you were laughing at something he’d said.
Picking up their drinks, they clinked glasses.
“Can’t risk that, can we?” they laughed at each other as they sipped their drinks. Your eyes were sparkling bright enough for Jason to notice from his spot, in a way they never had when the two of them had been together. Aegon was smiling like someone from a toothpaste commercial, teeth bright against his flushed skin. Jason rolled his eyes. He caught you shooting him a smug glance, then whispering to your boyfriend, who laughed and pulled you closer. You bit your lip, glancing down into your glass, and Jason knew that if he’d been closer, he would have been able to see the other’s blush.
When Aegon tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, Jason downed the rest of his drink and left. He should have gone on vacation to the Riverlands. Or Essos.
You stayed at the bar until long after your ex had left, talking about life and the world, and taking dance breaks again and again. It was the wee hours of the morning when you stood at the subway station, about to finally part ways.
“Thank you for helping me out, Egg.”
He smiled and pulled out his phone. “No problem, really. ‘Twas a pleasure. Can I have your number?”
“Yes. Definitely.” The phone screen was putting a strange blueish lighting to your face as you saved your number into Aegon´s phone. You looked up and grinned.
“Huh?” Aegon felt his cheeks heat up from having been caught staring.
He went to take his phone from you, but ended up grabbing your hand instead. You were standing way too close. This is awkward, he thought, but didn’t let go.
He looked up to find you staring at him. At his lips, to be exact. Aegon swiped his tongue over them reflexively. “You know…”
Whatever he’d been about to say was cut off by a pair of soft lips being pressed to his. The kiss was warm and sweet, tasting slightly of the liquor you’d had earlier. Aegon used his free hand, the one that wasn’t still awkwardly holding yours and the phone, to pull you in a little closer, placing it gently at your waist. He could feel you smile against his lips before deepening the kiss.
When you pulled back, you were both slightly out of breath and smiling like idiots. A subway entered the station, making a whole bunch of noise.
You looked up. “That one’s mine.”
“I’ll try.” You grinned, stepping back. “Call me!”
Aegon nodded, biting his lower lip. “Get home safe.”
“I will!” He assures you and then the subway doors close behind you.
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lifeofpriya · 1 year
You Are the One - Quinn Hughes imagine
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[gif credit goes to @kirillmarchenko]
song of the fic: Tum Hi Ho by Arijit Singh
translated lyrics are here
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Letting out a quiet yawn, Quinn found himself to slowly awaken from his slumber. As he stretched his arms in an effort to seem more lively, he couldn't help but slightly turn his head to the side and softly smiled at the sight in front of him.
You were still asleep, your hair was a bit tousled from the turning and twisting you unconsciously do in your sleep. The soft snores escaping from your lips were like music to Quinn's ears.
How was he so goddamn lucky to be in your presence? He thought to himself as he couldn't tear his gaze away from you.
It felt like it was just yesterday when he met you as a result of a blind date set up by Elias...
"For the last time, Petey, no, I will not go on a date with one of your teammates!" You let out a slightly exaggerated groan when you saw Elias about to open his mouth.
There was a glimmer of mischief in the Swede's eyes as he stared at you with a sly smirk etched on his lips.
"Too late, because I already set it up, Y/N," Elias let out a giggle as he slid a piece of paper towards you, on it was the address of the really fancy coffee shop in downtown Vancouver and a date written on it, which caused you to furrow your eyebrows together. "I think you two will get along really well; you're perfect for each other!"
Rolling your eyes at how dramatic Elias was being, you let out a sigh of defeat as you stared at him. "Fine, but I'm only doing this for you, Petey."
"Yay!" The Swede excitedly clapped his hands together; there was a beaming smile on his face as he reveled in succeeding his matchmaking duty. "I'll go let your mystery date know that you've accepted the date." He hurriedly spoke and gathered his stuff after realizing that afternoon skate was going to start soon.
"You owe me, Pettersson!" You shouted at Elias, who simply just winked at you in a playful manner before leaving the coffee shop. "Why am I even friends with him..."
"If this was all a set up, I am going to pummel him like there's no tomorrow..." You muttered under your breath; your patience was starting to wear down as you continued to wait on your mystery date. You were in the middle of contemplating whether you should stay or leave, your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the chimes above the door slightly ring as the door opened.
When you looked up, you saw a man look around the coffee shop with a look of confusion written in his crystal blue eyes. Not going to lie to yourself, you secretly hoped the confused man was your mystery date.
"Quinn?" The confused man's head perked up at the mention of his name. Jackpot. "Over here!" A nervous smile made its way onto your lips as you flagged him down.
There was a matching nervous smile on Quinn's lips as he carefully approached the table where you were waiting for him. "Y/N?"
You couldn't help but softly chuckle and nod your head as you introduced yourself, "yes, and you must be Quinn," you outstretched a hand for him to shake; you couldn't help but be mesmerized by him.
Quinn let out a sigh of relief, he shook your hand -- a grin started to slowly make its way on his lips as he sat down on the chair opposite from you.
"Apologies for being so late, the traffic on the way over was a killer," Quinn sheepishly giggled; his hand instinctively reached to the back of his neck to scratch it. "Oh, no! I left the flowers I got for you in my car, I'll be right back!"
You silently observed as Quinn realized the one item he had left in his car and briefly dash out of the coffee shop to retrieve it.
A soft grin made its way onto your lips, Elias did a pretty damn good job with the matchmaking, but you weren't going to admit it just yet...
Quinn chuckled at the memory of him dashing out of the coffee shop during your first date; he recounted how his cheeks were brightly tinted when he made his way back inside as he clutched the bouquet of your favorite flowers nervously in his hands and the tears of joy in your eyes while you couldn't help but giggle at how adorable and cute he was.
His mind then wandered off to a different memory, one that was his favorite, but also kind of unusual as it involved an argument between you and him.
It wasn't just any ordinary argument...It was an argument that was crucial in the relationship.
"I'm done! What's the point of being in a relationship with you if you don't even put any effort into it." You angrily muttered under your breath and sneered at your boyfriend. Your hand rested on the doorknob while staring at Quinn.
"Where are you going? I'm not done with our conversation yet!" Quinn's face was turning into various shades of red as he shouted.
"Anywhere but here," you spoke with a deadpanned voice. "Goodbye, Quinn..."
Days passed since the big blow up, and the fact that Quinn was absolutely devastated was an understatement. The moment you walked out, he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.
That was the first time he felt pain. What was the point of life if you weren't there with him, he thought. He couldn't live without you. He didn't want to be without you for even a single moment.
That's why he found himself standing outside your house, he was completely drenched as the heavy rain continued to downpour.
"Go away, Hughes!" You briefly opened the door to yell at him. "I don't want to see or talk to you right now!"
"No!" It was like that was his favorite word in the dictionary; he wasn't willing to budge until everything between him and you was all settled. "We need to talk, Y/N!"
You let out an exasperated sigh while gazing at the American with a wary look in your eyes. "What's there to talk about, Quinn?"
The drops of rain felt like bullets as they continued to pelt Quinn. You couldn't help but feel your heart drop to the bottom of your stomach as you watched him continue to stand outside your house in the pouring rain.
Deciding enough was enough, you quickly slipped on your shoes and found yourself standing near the driveway -- maintaining distance between you and your boyfriend.
"I'm sorry!"
Your eyes widened at Quinn's admittance. Furrowing your eyebrows out of confusion, you stared at Quinn; wanting more answers.
"If I learned anything from the past few days, it's that I can't live without you in my life, Y/N..." Tears started to fill both your eyes and Quinn's eyes as he started to pour all his heart to you. "What's the point of me existing if you're not there anyone?"
He began to sob; his salty tears were mixing with the fresh raindrops dripping down his cheeks.
As much as you wanted to stand your ground, you soon found yourself running into Quinn's arms; tears also starting to pool in your eyes.
"I'm so sorry, babe," he sobbed on your shoulder as he rested his head on your shoulder. "I must've been the worst boyfriend in the world..."
You tentatively wrapped your arms around Quinn's neck, your hands instinctively started to rub his back in a soothing manner.
"I understand if you don't want to see me," he continued to speak, "but you deserve to know that i love you so goddamn much, Y/N."
Did he just...?
Your eyes widened at what Quinn just uttered into the world, "you...You love me?"
Quinn nodded his head and quietly sniffled, "with my entire heart and more, babe."
You could feel a teary smile make its way onto your face, "I love you so goddamn much too, Quinn Hughes," letting out a breathy chuckle, you pulled in Quinn for a kiss. "I'm sorry too, babe..."
"Quit staring at me, Quinn," you let out a huff and were about to turn away from him before he snaked your arms around your middle.
"You look so beautiful today," there was a soft smile creeping up on Quinn's face as he stared at you with a look of lovestruck in his eyes.
"Geez, since when was I married to a cheeseball?"
"Way to ruin the moment, babe..."
tag list: @lam-ila, @2manytabsopen, @jackhues
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henrysglock · 6 months
If I'm Henry, and You're Henry, then Where's Brenner?
I feel insane just writing this post, but the math maths a little too well for me to not say anything...so here we are.
Em, bless his soul, has been up TFS's ass about the "Brenner is Henry" and "Henry knows he's in a play" stuff.
My deal is: I wonder if it's not necessarily that Henry is Dr. Brenner/they're physically the same person, but more along the lines of "Henry is playing Brenner". I'm staring at:
"Every One is just waiting...waiting for it all to be over. All while performing in a silly, terrible play, day after day."
Now, as we've discussed, "Henry" breaks the 4th wall and interacts with TFS as though he's realized he's in a play. However, as Em pointed out in the other post I linked above, "Brenner" has an...interesting line that could be read two ways:
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One way implies he's addressing "Henry"/pulling "Henry's" attention back to him, and the other implies that only he, Henry-Brenner, is the only 001 who could possibly understand the Shadow. There's also a good number of "Who is Henry Creel?" word-drops, cluing that Henry and "Brenner" might be linked via identity.
And so of course that brought to mind some of the dialogue repetitions I've noticed between Brenner and Henry in filmed canon (I'm just showing my faves because of the image limit):
1. Something more challenging:
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2. The "Well, well. Look—" dialogue frame
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Now, what's particularly interesting about the second set, in my opinion, is the hairstyles.
Here we are before we go through the mirror to see baby El:
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Business as usual.
Then we push through the mirror, but only one parting-side swaps:
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Henry's hair, here, swaps to part very unnaturally to the same side as Brenner's...which has me looking at how unnatural the hair on TFS "Brenner" is:
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Not to mention the fact that Patrick looks so much like Jamie:
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Now, you're probably going "but James, all of this implies, at most, that TFS 'Brenner' and on-film Henry could be the same person".
And you'd be right! That is what this sounds like...So far.
Here's the kicker: a) TFS exists in a physically impossible timeline based on the papers alone:
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b) "Brenner" doesn't age, although decades have supposedly passed:
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(Maybe because decades haven't passed. It's only been a few minutes. I wonder if, had we'd seen NINA for tapes spanning years rather than days, certain ages would have been weirdly frozen. Many thoughts.)
c) Lack of aging aside, "Brenner" shows up in an orderly outfit with no tie, something we never see in filmed canon:
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(TFS "Brenner" is also missing Brenner's iconic sideburns...sideburns Henry very much doesn't have...a weird choice from the hair dept.)
d) All the direct NINA paralleling (just my favorite because of the image limit):
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And so, with that in mind, I take us right back to Rome (all paths lead here): Sentient Henry.
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This ^ isn't the only time someone in NINA has been "too sentient", either. Brenner does it here, when he speaks directly to teen El, with a side of foreshadowing for the 4.07 massacre:
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And I know we've speculated that it could be Brenner himself who's weirdly sentient here, and that's still absolutely possible!
But with a Henry who's sentient in NINA (The "El knows it's a simulation "simulation" that's actually showing signs of being some form of time-travel/rewriting history), a Brenner who's sentient in NINA, and now a Henry-Brenner in the "everyone knows they're in a play" play that has weird time-travel/rewriting history lines:
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I have to ask (in relation to Brenner himself being sentient in NINA):
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Maybe there are only two sentient characters in NINA: The subject, and...someone else, some One who occasionally bounces between roles (like a swing actor):
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So..."Henry", and some One who knows the goddamn lines...
That is to say, what we see TFS Brenner doing was likely done by on-film Brenner at some point, but it may not be Brenner who's portraying it in TFS. Thus "who is Henry" might not be saying that Henry = Brenner on a physical level in reality, but more that he may be portraying the dramatized version of Brenner via a NINA-type simulation. This might explain why TFS "Brenner" is so different from on-film Brenner (see: the constant thread of hollering, behavior we never see from on-film Brenner, even at his angriest): Henry's not a good actor in TFS. Brenner might seem like a weird parody of himself because Henry's a shit actor and can't pull off the role...Just like we see here, with the weird, shitty knockoff One:
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Now, none of this is me claiming the events of TFS didn't happen in some capacity, just that they may not have happened the way TFS presents them/TFS is a performance, much like NINA is.
and I mean, on top of it all...
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tuesday again 9/19/2023
unknown flu-like-symptoms-but-not-the-flu-or-COVID problems
no one particular thing has been stuck in my head so here are two short little things
new release Strike by La Femme is a delightful synthy one-minute sketch of a car chase in the pouring rain. spotify
Trumpet Sketches - Remastered by Janko Nilovic is a 1:40 doodle. when the organ hits... spotify
i have been following La Femme ever since i loved their credits song for As Above So Below, and the trumpet sketches are off the spotify recommended
actually finished this book last tuesday, still reading berserk, but i don't have coherent berserk thoughts bc im still stuffing my entire elbow into my mouth and screaming about it.
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The Stolen Coast, by Dwyer Murphy, has a lot of problems. the first problem is that the publisher bills it as a "noir jewel heist" novel when it is in fact a vibes novel about being sad and trapped in massachusetts. which, mood! but very much not what i or any other goodreads reviewer signed up for.
ABOUT THE STOLEN COAST Adrift in a sleepy coastal Massachusetts town, a man who ferries fugitives by day gets twisted up in a plot to pilfer diamonds in this Casablanca-infused heist novel.
Casablanca is a real fuckin goddamn reach. this is like saying Home Alone 2 and The Taking of Pelham 123 are similar bc they both have pivotal scenes in subways. when you are expecting a cool noir jewel heist and you get a vibes book, it feels very meandering and indecisive with exceptionally poor pacing and very light on the plot. dwyer knows how to put a sentence together, and there is a high degree of aesthetic polish, but i lived in mass and found myself filling in a lot of the vibes from lived experience. this is a book that expects you to already know *extremely* minute regional accent differences.
i often found myself more interested in the antagonist lawyer and his wife (who has a standing weekly appointment to fuck her bodyguard at the region's finest wedding destination hotel, and orders champage afterwards every week) than the protagonists of our story. the femme fatale loops all the way back around to manic pixie, which i didn't know was possible for a woman to do. as an example of the aesthetic polish but editorial disarray of the book, wherein we know so much about our protagonists but so little of it is relevant, i was convinced that "our main man Jack is a Harvard lawyer" was a long running gag for most of the book (a la "our good for nothing son is actually Very Important and just slumming it here") and was actually quite anxious to see if the actual lawyer would ferret him out, but no. jack is actually a real lawyer but it simply does not fucking matter.
there are a. number of happenings that mr murphy tries to pass off as luck and just like Ha Ha Things Just Break Like That Sometimes but it really just feels like acts of god. their planned heist breaks bad for them with no consequences and then breaks very well for them with very few consequences. this is not a long book. the actual heist felt like filling time.
it's a book that's very very good at capturing the New England depression and sense of stagnancy, for want of a nail etc, the bizarre little self-important snow globe everyone lives in, but everyone has such small ambitions. this is sort of the point of noir, that the rot never actually changes no matter what you do, but the protag is the perpetrator of the rot? this is largely a personal crisis that he’s choosing not to address. perhaps most unforgivably, for such a short book it dragged a whole fuck of a lot.
i have been betrayed by whoever did this npr book review
Forty Guns (1957, dir Fuller). this is the most movie reviewer ass section ive written in a minute. this one is for sickos only. it is not an interesting movie by itself (choppy and kind of messy) but it is an interesting movie if you know the limitations of the genre and the hays code it's slamming up against.
there is simply So Much that happens in this movie (from the very good Criterion Collection essay):
While the story sounds rather tidy in summary, the plot of Forty Guns is rife with intrigue and action—juggling political corruption, theft, betrayal, an unwanted pregnancy, a serious maiming, three romances, four murders, and a suicide. 
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there's some oddly dorky but endearing straight people visual and verbal double entendre. visually unique but does not stick its landing, and i don't know that i love the original ending as opposed to the studio ending either.
it gets a solid B on the "westerns i would let other people watch" list. not one of the top three movies to convince someone that some westerns are good actually, but a fun little weird offshoot of the genre.
why did i watch this: surely by seeing a post from another cowboyblogger? it was fairly recently added to my letterboxd watchlist, but the why of it i could not tell you
im convinced theres a bug in the Court of Fontaine region in g/enshin bc i have been stuck at 97% for several weeks now. tick over to 100% godddamnit.
acquired all the stuff to dye a couch cover, have not actually dyed the couch cover, due to being down with some sort of sickness
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raelyn-dreams · 8 months
Hi hi!! Did you read the valkyrie climax event? What are your thoughts on it? Do you think it was a good development for Valkyrie as a unit (and for shumika)? 🤔
Hi!!! It's lovely to see you again :)
So originally this post started off with a Le temps des fleurs analysis...that got so long that rather than subject everyone to a five page post, I've decided I'll post separately in the future lol.
But yes, I have read through Raison D'etre! To be honest, I don't think this post will be able to sum up all my thoughts, but I'll try to hit the important parts!
I feel that first I need to define what, to me, makes a good climax event. A good climax event, by my personal definition, ties up loose threads of the current storyline, addresses built-up conflicts with good pacing and in-character reactions, and resolves the current story thread of the unit while still allowing many more narratives to be weaved in the future. So far, of the other units we've gotten climax events of (fine, Crazy:B, Ra*bits, Double Face, and as of recently, 2wink), I think this has all been done fairly well - a couple character slip-ups, a few pacing issues here and there, a shoved-in conflict or two - but ultimately, they did their job, and I came away feeling fairly satisfied by their current conclusions.
I think I also need to state that I do not expect, nor frankly want, all of the character's issues and relationships to come away squeaky clean and unproblematic. I'm always for development of course (Neverland's garbage talk made me sob over how far Shu and Mika have come), but ultimately, this game is about a bunch of screwed-up kids in an exploitative industry, and how they navigate it while facing their own personal issues. Like other gacha games, from otomes like Obey Me to fellow joseimukes like Twisted Wonderland, the end goal is not to make the characters perfect, or even relatively good people. It's to weave a satisfying narrative, something that hooks and engages people. And while I will be the first to say the Enstars writing is not always "good" and can be riddled with problems, I still see a lot of potential in it and ultimately enjoy it, which is why I'm writing this.
I'm happy to say that Valkyrie did not break the pattern of satisfying climax events for me, and in fact, has come away as my favorite of them thus far. I readily admit that bias does in fact play a factor in my enjoyment - as it did with 2wink's and I'm sure it will when Alkaloid's drops - but I truly did feel that Valkyrie's climax event was incredibly satisfying for both of them.
So, onto the story!
Some of my favorite bits:
Shu defending Nazuna's autonomy was so asdfghjkl 😭 GODDAMN that hit me right in the feels! I liked that despite Nazuna being part of the event, the writing didn't try to dredge up ex-valk issues, and instead used Nazuna as a person close to them in order to forward their development, rather than as an angst tool, if that makes sense? He also seems to be doing a lot better since Ra*bits climax (poor man finally caught a break), so good for him! Also, Mika gaining weight! He is finally eating properly 🥺 I'm so proud.
Ok, so adding onto the above, initially the Kuro-Nazuna crossdressing subplot made me wary since I was afraid enstars was backtracking into some of its more...iffy writing choices (*stares at Poltergeist*). However, after reading the story through, I can safely say that the way it ties back into the theme was good, and ultimately, neither Kuro nor Nazuna exhibited any behavior that impacted my enjoyment of the story (+ this thread addressing issues people had with Kuro here, because my dude was getting attacked when this dropped).
Instead of "haha man in a dress", it showed a good progression of attitudes with old vs new era and Japan vs West that I felt was explored pretty thoughtfully, and the way Shu and Mika honored that by having such gnc stage costumes was very lovely! Kuro and Nazuna's good reactions to it also showed how much more open-minded they were as compared to Shu's grandfathers era, and also showed a reflection of enstars own writing changes between ! and !! era (ex. Koga and Subaru dropping their slur usage towards Arashi, Kaoru being more thoughtful towards Adonis's background, etc). I'm not trying to be a suck-up to the writers, since there is some stuff they've written that is...less than lovely. However, I don't think this situation was one of them, and overall, it tied back into Shu's journey well.
One scene I really want to talk about is the foie gras conversation because that was just!!! so!!! It's a very small scene in the grand scheme of things, but I thought it showed their development really well (Raelyn get new phrases challenge lol), so I wanted to mention it here! Mika wants to try foie gras, and Shu is like "why. it's gross and inhumane and there are so many better foods" which is totally fair (foie gras is often inhumanely created). However, Mika doesn't automatically apologize and back down like he would in the past, stating that he knows, but he still finds it interesting. Shu also does not shut Mika down; he states that maybe at another time, though he sticks to his own boundaries of not having it himself.
What I really like about this scene on Shu's end (and his relationship with Mika as a whole) is that he does not regress into treating Mika like he did Nazuna; he does not try to insist that Mika is perfect and should not soil himself with such indelicacies, nor does he put him on a pedestal and automatically throw out his own opinions for Mika (essentially, treating him as Mika treated him). Shu truly treats him as an equal here, by stating his own opinion and having an open and meaningful conversation with Mika, getting his view on it without completely sacrificing his own thoughts. Mika, in turn, does not treat Shu's words as gospel, nor does he feel the need to plead his case; the conversation is entirely casual, a mere exchange between partners, but its so important because its one of the first times they've demonstrated that they've made it to this point. The whole thing is wrapped very nicely in a bow by Shu creating something with a similar taste and texture to foie gras to give Mika a similar experience, without having to cook the actual thing - its a great compromise both are satisfied with, and gives us a look into how their current art and performances are being created.
(Translations below by mika_enstars)
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Shu's whole-hearted acceptance of Mika also comes back into play during the grave-robbing aftermath, which is something I have a lot of thoughts on, so I'll save it for a separate post.
Getting into what blew every enstars fan's mind, time to discuss the very queer themes of Raison D'etre. This shocked me when the translations first came out - I think the closest we've EVER gotten to this amount of explicit rep was Beasts and Pretty Mission, and even those can be argued for different interpretations, though I feel their text is pretty clear. Lots of queer fans (including me) gravitate to Valkyrie, and enstars as a whole tbh, for good reason - lots of their story aspects can be considered queer, from Shu's feminine interests and subsequent bullying, Nazuna feeling "trapped" by ex-Valk's expectations, and Mika's alt interests and unwavering devotion.
The doll plot was confusing as hell lol, but I get why it was done in such a convoluted manner, since it was supposed to be left up to interpretation, and force Shu and Mika to come to their own conclusions. Shu's grandfather deliberately set it up in such a way that Shu would be forced to weave the story he wants, and in doing so, accept the parts of himself he had hidden away - a fairly thin parallel to his grandfather's queer youth.
However, the difference here is that Shu does not plan on hiding, he does not plan on bundling away his feelings in a neat little box (or journal, in this case), and leaving them behind. In Antique Legend, we see that Shu's grandfather clearly tried to conform to what was expected of him, and impart those same values onto Shu - though Shu never fully stuck to those principles in favor of forging his own path, which I think his grandfather was secretly proud of him for.
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(Antique Legend: Dumps of Dreams, Ep 8)
Shu internally monologues about how different his grandfather's time and the current one he lives in are, and how things are evolving in such a way that he can stand on stage without the ridicule his grandfather may have faced. This, along with the ending of "Let's live together happily, Kagehira" as an ode to his grandfather's dreams, really does read like a love story to me, especially the part right before where Mika compares the love Shu's grandmother has for his grandfather as the same love Shu has for him - which Shu doesn't deny.
A couple other things to wrap up:
I found it so interesting how Mika and Shu had different takes on his grandfather's life, and trying to unravel the truth was both fun and a chore and a half for me lol. All in all, the audience isn't meant to know fully, but I think Mika's theory might hold a bit more water (Shu's grandfather being gnc and dating the landlady), since he had extra info and is bffs with Naru, giving him a bit more insight. However, I can definitely see why Shu went with his theory of "grandpa had many different male lovers in his youth", as not only is it the one that does not imply cheating, but it is a closer representation of how Shu feels, and I think that's what grandpa was trying to get at.
The use of "boku" and "ore" was also pretty good storytelling imo, and adds an extra layer of projection, since Shu uses "boku" while Mika uses "ore" in day-to-day life. "Boku" is also seen as politer and more formal, while "ore" is more casual and was at one point seen as crass, which reflected their story roles well!
The fact that Shu's grandfather just??? Fakes his death on a regular basis is???? So???? I can't even asdfghjkl. Kuro being like "yeah, I comforted him the first 5 times, but then I got kinda sick of it" is so funny too. I wonder if any of the rich enstars kids are gonna do this in the future, my money's on Eichi (for profit), Ritsu (for fun), or Hiyori (for drama) personally.
I know I said I wouldn't talk about it here, but the grave-robbing aftermath where Shu describes Mika as a fairy during their first meeting, as a contrast to how he had always described him as a ghost? That got me so good, especially since it's something so idealistic being used when Mika is currently cold and covered in dirt. It's just such wholehearted acceptance of his partner, it's so beautiful.
Anyways, I think I'll end it here, but again, thank you so much for the ask and patience Dia!!!
(Edit: accidentally included RYUSEITAI with the climax units, it's fixed now)
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🎵 Whirling in Rags, 8 AM
3. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I know for a fact there's still plenty of drugs out there."
TITUS HARDIE - "No, there aren't. Some little shit and his dad are doing speed. Boo-fucking-hoo. The stuff's probably from Jamrock."
EUGENE - "Whatever you've seen is peanuts. Look at the big picture, man. The place is a paradise -- and all thanks to Hardie boys!"
TITUS HARDIE - "Theoretically, of course. We're just talking politics here. My answer to your drug accusation is: *How dare you? Go fuck yourself!*"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Not quite yet, Mr. Hardie. There were eight sets of prints on the crime scene. There are only seven Hardie boys here."
"The eighth Hardie -- the one who's missing. She runs the thing, right?"
TITUS HARDIE - "My answer is: *fuck off*!" He takes a step closer. "Mind your own business. There is no *eighth Hardie*. I run this goddamn scene!"
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - Finally, you got something out of him. This could prove useful in the future.
ELIZABETH - "Aaaand here we go. Back to the usual." The woman sighs.
SHANKY - "I know, I know!" The little man raises his index finger excitedly. "Fattie walked on all fours. He's so fucking fat he left two sets of footprints."
FAT ANGUS - "Go fuck your mom, Dennis."
ELIZABETH - "That's more like it, boys." She turns to you. "You heard him, it was Angus on all fours. Anything else you need to know?"
Task complete: Confront Hardie boys about drug trade
+30 XP
Level up!
We've learned something. Let's go back and approach this from another angle.
2. "I want to talk about the hanging again."
TITUS HARDIE - "Again? Just get the dead guy's autograph -- since you're his biggest fan."
SHANKY - A burst of laughter in the room; the little guy is the loudest. "Good one, Titus!" he fawns.
Skipping ahead slightly...
(Address Titus.) "No, but seriously -- who calls the shots around here?"
TITUS HARDIE - "Who do you fucking think does?" He sounds more amused than angry.
AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] - He's so sure it's him -- but it's not that simple. There's someone above him (or beside him?) sharing the leadership. Hard to say who...
We now have a new option.
6. "It's the eighth Hardie boy. The one who's missing. The big dick."
GLEN - A moment of silence. The long haired one breaks it: "Titus, no one was thinking..."
+5 XP
AUTHORITY - That's it. There's some kind of power issue they don't want to admit -- and the missing Hardie is involved.
TITUS HARDIE - "No, no, no..." He shakes his head: "FUCK NO! The big dick is right here, asshole! You're looking at it!" He grabs his crotch. "Right fucking here!"
ELIZABETH - "Disregard the outburst, officer." She gives Titus a condescending glance. "None of the boys have any more comments on their power relations. That night they acted as one. That's all."
Back to the main hub.
3. "I talked to Joyce. The merc you hanged -- his friends are coming for you."
TITUS HARDIE - "Yeah?" He doesn't seem worried. "By friends you mean his squadmates from Krenel?"
EUGENE - "Wouldn't wanna beat up his grandma." There's snickering in the room. Some of the men put their beers down.
EMPATHY [Formidable: Success] - Titus did his best, but his men are a bit unsettled.
"Yes, they are forming some kind of *tribunal* -- and they're coming for you."
"Forget I mentioned it, it was probably nothing."
KIM KITSURAGI - "This is what happens if you take the law into your own hands. Other people start doing it too."
GLEN - "Let them come!" Blondie yells across the cafeteria. "The Hardie boys are right fucking here!"
TITUS HARDIE - "You heard the man -- right here." He points to the ground. "We're armed, we got the whole district behind us and Glen... Glen is fucking *crazy*."
ALAIN - "Yeah, a well oiled murder-machine!" He punches blondie on the shoulder.
"This Krenel is bad news. You know that, right?"
"The mercenaries are armed with automatic weapons."
"Joyce said they've gone rogue. Nobody is controlling them."
"Okay." (Conclude with a shrug.)
TITUS HARDIE - "Pft!" A spray of beer. "So were the local gangs. The fuckin' *Barmy Army* and the Madre scum. You've been out there. Seen any around?"
ALAIN - "Yeah? Where are they now, huh?" He points South. "Sent back to Madre in an airtight cargo crate."
KIM KITSURAGI - "These people are trained military professionals. Special forces, as you said. They're not a gang, or a *Barmy Army*."
TITUS HARDIE - "No, they're not. They're un-coordinated and drunk. We know more about them than you think."
2. "The mercenaries are armed with automatic weapons."
TITUS HARDIE - "We got weapons of our own." He cracks open his vest to give you a glimpse of his holster. "We got Ister 50s, Zielegers, Glen's got a nock-cannon at home..."
"Will they pierce ceramic armour?"
"Well if Glen has a *nock-cannon* at home I guess you'll be alright."
TITUS HARDIE - "I guess we're gonna see, aren't we?"
"See what? That they don't?"
"For your sake, I hope you're right."
TITUS HARDIE - "Yeah, like you've been up against ceramic armour..." He takes a sip of beer to bide his time, then tries to get the last word in.
"You haven't even seen the whole suit, right? I've seen the whole fucking thing and it didn't make him immortal."
3. "Joyce said they've gone rogue. Nobody is controlling them."
TITUS HARDIE - "Big fucking surprise..." He mutters. "They hire psycho scum, arm them to the teeth and let them loose in the city. What do you think is gonna happen?"
4. "Okay." (Conclude with a shrug.)
TITUS HARDIE - "What do you mean *okay*?" He jerks forward a bit.
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spotsupstuff · 6 months
Found my two year old BTHB card and mmmm... there are some really good prompts in there and oh would one look at that, I even have fun characters to apply these things to, now
Bad Things Happen Bingo: Anger born of worry - Sparrows and Euros Words: 2161 Warnings: one-sided yelling match, abuse mention, panic attack (?)
It’s like one of her worst nightmares.
They were just talking, her sitting on the floor of his chamber, him looking down at her with his puppet, suspended directly above as he teased her about something stupid. She was laughing at his overblown dramatizations.
Then the lights died. In the *goddamn puppet chamber.*
Sparrows jumps away as the puppet hurls downwards into the floor where she sat, the umbilical arm screeches as emergency brakes stop it from following behind it. He lets out a terrifying mix of a too organic scream and something alien by its technological nature. Her breath quickens and it takes her a second to shake off the shock.
“Caper! Fuck-!” She dives down to the puppet and forces it to sit. It’s stupid heavy, with him unresponsive and the umbilical arm still connected. Danger signs project themselves all over the walls, not helping even *slightly* with calming her down.
Blessedly, the power starts to slowly come back. The puppet jerks against her hands and grabs her arms as he tries to steady himself again. The whole poor thing is shaking.
“Can you speak?” She leans in, trying to urge him on.
“Te-,” he gets interrupted by a horrible garbled noise. Sparrows flinches and he stops.
“Reset the speakers and begin a diagnostic. If reset won’t help send in the Attendants. And above all: stay calm. Got it?” She says, giving the puppet a reassuring squeeze. She’s not entirely sure if the reassurance is more for Euros or her. He nods at her through the trembling. “Good. Now I need you to let me go.”
“W- waaaaitzzz- I-,” he tries to force through the damage, his grip on her tightens.
But she can’t take any of that right now. He may need the comfort as this is the first time he’s had a blackout (she’s memorized his entire history of major failings, specifically those that occurred before she took this position. she knows for a fact that this is the worst he’s ever had so far, no matter the cause), but comfort to the mind does not equal to safety of the body.
“Not now. Let go.” She says in a firmer tone. He hesitates for a second, giving her this look of desperation and *shame* of all things. It just confuses and stresses her out more, dammit! But then he finally lets go and even pulls away from her as if she just scolded him.
That is something to address later though, she decides as she pushes herself off the ground and races to the control panel hidden in the corner of the chamber behind one of the four ladders. Her right hand grips the ladder and the other starts typing away.
The diagnosis comes up on the screen. It lists off all that is wrong. Makes only a note about the blackout in the puppet chamber, which sends a shiver down Sparrows’ spine. That means there’s something worse. It wasn’t just an innocent, even if unusual for a Generation 2, involuntary power reset.
The hearts are fine, but beating faster than their norm. Memory arrays are fine, though reporting heightened activity. Wouldn’t be surprising if the patterns matched for processing events with the logic centres chiefly active, but instead it’s patterns for more basic, animalistic thing. Pain.
Her heart sinks. In sympathy, pity, worry… Saints below she needs to help him.
Next it says that water intake has increased in an effort to cool down the machinery and... flush something out?? That… that is no good. She remembers in the back of her mind her older brother complaining about longer and fiercer rains as of lately. Originally she chalked it up to his usual craziness or typical older brother bullshit of complaining about something that she’s at least in part responsible for to annoy her. Now it seems like she owes Inferno an apology. There’s been something wrong for a good while, much to her dismay.
The scan-through of the diagnostic hiccups in the lab area. It lists a whole *fifth* as unavailable. That’s *insane.*
Sparrows hails an Overseer. Through the console, she quests it to go and scout out the area unavailable to the diagnostic scan and therefore to the internal cameras as well. She needs to know what’s happening.
At first, it lingers. With an apologetic expression she commands it with code to just go. It cannot disobey her as the Mechanic, so it zooms away.
The screen of the control panel switches to the Overseer’s vision. In tense silence, she waits as it makes its way all the way to the labs.
Then the nightmare only worsens…
Through the screen, she sees a cross. It is brilliant, rich royal blue, glowing, seated on an impossibly dark and squishy ball. It looks just like her eyes.
The speakers click from above. Euros calls out to her. She can’t hear him.
The Overseer travels into the actually infected area. Sparrows’ breath quickens, her palms feel clammy. She never expected to actually deal with the Rot, much less in the Iterator she’s fully responsible for.
And this is just the *outer edge* of the infection! Taking a quick glance at the map with the whole zone blacked out- she feels nauseous.
“Sparrows- please listen-”
The Overseer travels deeper. The typical sharp blue light of the labs is so damn dim…
Her right hand is white knuckled from the too strong grip. Her left is shaking uncontrollably and she vaguely feels tears welling up in her eyes from pure fear.
“I can explain! I have a good reason for not-”
Yet deeper, the Overseer dives. The structural damage becomes more apparent. Cut electrical lines zapping the air uselessly, equipment eroded beyond recognition, support pillars looking like someone threw acid at them. She notices multiple sets of Inspector eyes and trapped neuron flies in sticky blue tendrils.
*He has to be in so much pain- Why-?*
The Overseer scouts further. It enters a room so dark that it almost looks like the Void Fluid itself. Except those damn crosses everywhere.
A tendril reaches out for it from the dark. It narrowly dodges, reappearing a good ways away. Instantly, her left hand flies to the console to hail it back. Away. Just anywhere but there in that pit of pus and decay.
“Remember how your mom got badly sick two months ago? It might as well have been you in that state alongside her! You were so deathly worried- I’ve seen you two interact so so many times, I even got to meet her-! She visited me and I got to know her and she’s one of the kindest people I’ve ever had the honor of meeting!”
She feels like passing out or throwing up.
“I wanted to give you the time to take care of her. And rest some yourself, too. It was just an unfortunate accident during the time that gave a spark to this- I thought I could handle-!”
“You fucking IDIOT!” Three Sparrows has never screeched that loud before. She’s supposed to sound shy, mellow, sweet, kind of permanently sad. Not like a banshee. Not like she’s tearing her own throat apart like now as she whips around to level a whole Iterator with unbridled fury.
Euros actually yanks his puppet out of her reach, the thing curling up in an attempt at defense. Its lovely dark eyes wide with shock. He looks like a kid trying his best to make it through another beating and that breaks her heart somewhere deep down, it does. That is her *dearest companion* she’s chasing into a corner, not some prey animal.
But it doesn’t feel like she’s the one behind the steering wheel of her own body anymore. There is no reason, no consideration- nothing but horrible horrible rage. She spits and growls and her words become interlaced with shameful hisses, full of venom of a terrified animal.
“How are you so moronic! You were literally made to be one of the most intelligent things in this fucking world, yet you manage to be dimmer than a goddamn bolt! Do you even know what that thing is?? That is the Rot!! The one thing that can *KILL* you if it manages to run even a LITTLE rampant. And what did You do???”
“I just-”
“SHUT UP! I forbid you from speaking to me, Caper of Euros! You are allowed to only listen, so you may- HOPEFULLY- learn at least a semblance of a something from this- if I even manage to save you at all!”
He pulls his puppet higher now, to escape her. He stares at her, speechless just as she ordered him to be, with desperate betrayal dancing in his eyes. As if his feelings of that could triumph over her own.
“We agreed that you’d Tell me if *anything,* no matter how small, would go wrong while I’d be away! I TRUSTED you! And you broke that! YOU- You- URHG!” Sparrows clutches at her head in panicked confusion on what to do next, in inability to think straight through the anger and the feeling of being harmed, in worry for his well being. It’s too much.
“You broke *ME!”* She screams at the top of her lungs through her sore throat, the cruel mix of emotions and feelings makes the last word shrill, shaky. So damn ugly.
Euros only looks away and pulls the puppet all the way into the furthest corner of the ceiling from her with a whine of the chamber. It’s far enough that she has trouble making out any of his features.
She could simply take his umbilical cable and pull on it hard enough to force him. She could just order him to come back down without expanding any physical effort at all. Could curse and yell into his face while he’d have no other choice but take it, all the while completely on mute, without any way of defending himself. She could carve this horrible moment into his mind with trauma *deep* enough that he would never be able to rid himself of it, only with a complete wipe.
…instead, her hands slide down her head, gripping far too hard at the stems growing at the sides of her jaw. She pulls on them firmly until the physical pain outweighs the emotional one, until it forces her to finally get grounded and give up the entirety of the disgusting storm inside of her.
With a deep exhale and closed eyes, she lets go.
After holding that position for a few more seconds, she takes a deep breath again and opens her eyes. The chamber has turned impossibly dark almost like during the blackout, obscuring Euros’ puppet completely. It isn’t the darkness of the deep carmine it takes on when he iterates, it’s the kind that she only read about in the reports of his first Mechanic.
The first one wasn’t a good person. Sparrows met her herself, when she came in for her first day fresh out of school. She was a tall one, wrinkles twisting her face into a permanent scowl. Sharp eyes and shoulders, pointy mask. She was too strict without any kindness to soften it, too mean, too biting with her words. Sparrows spent a single day on a tour with her and had enough. Euros has dealt with her for 86 years since the moment he was turned online. Since his most vulnerable days- as a clueless *child.*
The piece of Sparrows that still wishes for nothing else but motherhood recoils in disgust and shame.
For the first time in her decades of service here, she gets treated to Euros’ very own special coping mechanism created because of One abusive bitch. This darkness has been here longer than her life spans out. This hiding place is a scar she reopened and even though her anger and panic are fully justified, she still feels terrible.
Sparrows looks up into the corner where she knows Euros is trying to hide himself from her sight (quite successfully, if it weren't for the glowing umbilical cable he'd be gone. he even disabled his halo). Her brows are still furrowed, but otherwise her features no longer hold rage. Despite the change, he doesn’t move a single piston. She can understand.
Taking a one step backwards, where the exit out of the chamber is, her gaze shifts down to the floor. With a deep breath, she attempts to speak but it comes out uncharacteristically raspy, hurting. She clears her throat, tries to wet it up so she can speak this damn language at all.
Deep inhale. “I forbid you from sending Overseers after me.” Her tone is defeated, unsure of giving out an order like this without the blindness of anger backing her up. She prefers... not to dictate him around. “Or any other piece of yourself, Hivemind.”
“For your own good.” She croaks, turning around and leaving him behind.
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freedvmrouge · 1 year
SPOILERS | guardians of the galaxy vol. 3 
i just watched it yesterday and finally have my laptop open to talk about it!
it wasn’t even surprising, man. this is fucking par for the goddamn course for that nazi asshole. of fucking course he’d find a way to travel the universe and continue his horrendous experiments and crimes against every being in existence. absolutely no one aligned with batman’s no-kill rule can ever convince me that this monster is deserving of a second chance. steve fucking rogers—the guy who said with his whole chest that he didn’t want to kill anyone, he just didn’t like bullies no matter where they come from—was fully prepared to murder johann ‘red skull’ shmidt but the tesseract transported him across the universe instead. this asshole already had a second chance. so please. please tell me the red skull finally fucking died in that explosion. i need it for closure and peace of mind.
if someone tells me the high evolutionary ain’t actually the red skull, imma look hella stupid, but alas, that is the hand i’ve been dealt.
that being said, i think this ‘plot twist’ was actually super well-done. i read somewhere years ago that good plot twists are where the information is already given to the viewer and the end result actually makes sense. it didn’t just come out of absolutely nowhere. it’s smart and clever and fun. it rewards the viewer rather than insult them coughloveandthundercough
right, so. i will admit that with the mcu’s most recent films, i was not coming into this film with high expectations. when my brother asked me to go, i really hesitated. i’m not so completely wow-ed by this film, but i am appreciative of what it is. i am also very appreciative of the fact that this stands on its own and isn’t a trailer for the next thing coughquantumaniacough and sure, you need to remember that this gamora is not the old gamora bc that one’s dead and gone, but the film addresses that really well, i think.
peter was the most outwardly grieving character in this film. gamora isn’t dead, per se, but their relationship and memories of the last few years are dead. now peter has to accept and live with and move on with the fact that there’s going to be a gamora still out there who has nothing to do with him. this was wonderfully done. and i was so happy when they parted the way they did and gamora returned to her home. the home she made for herself and the home that welcomed her back with open arms. 
addition to the above about this alt-gamora— just loving how nebula’s still in contact gamora. i think in a different, very roundabout way, nebula finally got the sister she wanted. plus she has her own family with the guardians and now all the kids/society with drax. plus her extremely abusive father is dead and gone. sounds like wins to me. okitsmorecomplicatedthanthatiknowbutlisten the important part is that nebula has moved on. she’s happy with how her life is going. she’s got things to look forward to. she’s doing great.
i think they did a great job with rocket. the story revolved around him and his history, so you might say he was the main main character and sure. he wasn’t a dynamic character bc there wasn’t exactly much of his present tense time being part of the journey of the film to grow as a character. but he did get closure for himself. he wasn’t able to save his friends, lylla, floor, and teeths, but he managed to save a whole bunch of others like him. he even confronted his abuser (which, you are never obligated to do so, just fyi) and lived. and he will keep on living to his fullest with his new and old friends/family. i’m so happy for rocket.
last notes: i’m really happy with how everyone parted. i was fully expecting core members to die off and that’s it for their actors’ tenures in the mcu, at least with this character. it seems like marvel writers finally listened lol even if we never see drax/nebula again, we know they’re off helping build a society. or peter decided to stay with his grandfather and just live on earth. or gamora’s off with the ravagers. it makes sense for their characters and their individual journies. it’s great. it’s fantastic. (though i actually wish peter died bc wtf he was without oxygen and was ready to fucking explode or smth but suddenly adam bringing him back to knowwhere is enough to revive him. ok.)
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mossible · 1 year
That. Was so far the angriest I've ever seen these old men in any of the fics I've read featuring them.
The way the entire conversation/argument with pearl and marina started extremely one sided from marinas pov, because Octavio has heard this moral dillema about the octarians' authority over their lives multiple times before, he's become bored and numb of it.
Completely unfazed. He completely believes he understands this problem the most.
But only when Craig arrives did the conversation became so much more angry and petty and relentless. Because they lived through what caused this entire argument, the great turf war.
You describing it as "an old language the audience don't understand" Is EXACTLY what it is.
God I hate it when old people have history /j
Just. The way this entire conversation escalated was . Just. UGH PERFECTION I LOVE THAT ANGST.
I'm so glad that this entire chapter was conversation heavy. It was so especially well written and captivated me the entire time. I couldn't imagine how long the brainstorming sessions for this chapter were!!! You chose all the right words and the characterization for pearl, marina, callie, all of the characters, agent 8!!!!- were so, so, good.
You knocked it out of the park, man!!!!!!
Holy shit!!!!
I find it suitable that callie was the one to let Octavio out.
She is objectively the most genuinely good person in the room. She is also the only one who truly sympathizes with Octavio, without any conditions or ill intent. Being the only one who actually lived along side octarians for a while. To fight for them the most.
She's also the only one in a while to befriend Octavio. And understand him.
Which is why she without falter let him go so willingly, cause she completely trusts despite everything, he loves and prioritizes his people above all else and what the best for them.
Speaking of empathizing with Octavio, I was so happy seeing someone point out the fact that Octavio took it upon himself to take care of and keep hundreds of thousands of people alive, UNDERGROUND. FOR DECADES.
He had to clean up the mess left behind after the great turf war, and then get ready to take control of how little him and his people have.
I'm honestly surprised Octavio hasn't snapped completely under all this pressure. Hardy old man. Fighting for his life every waking hour.
People so often throw away that aspect of him! How much he cares for his people, despite how much trouble that gives him! And this chapter did a really good job at presenting that part of him in his dialog!
I might be rambling a lot, but this chapter is just- so goddamn impressive!!! Oh my god mossible!!!
Keep up the good work!!!! Me and my sister are cheering you on!!!!
P. S... Hint for next chapter? Once again any form of hint will be fine
i am well aware that i am insane dont worry <3 the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma that nobody understands (ok nobody but like my gf and my longtime besties but still. twisted freacking cycle path over here)
thank you so much for the ask again omg!! along with putting this. long ass response under a readmore, i'll also requote everything i address here bc there is a Lot. if i don't address anything, assume that me not commenting either means that you nailed it right on the head, or that i would be spoiling y'all if i did say anything ;)
…because Octavio has heard this moral dillema about the octarians' authority over their lives multiple times before, he's become bored and numb of it. [ ] Completely unfazed. He completely believes he understands this problem the most.
this certainly will neither be the first nor last time i do this, but i am always tapping the silly little tag on ao3 that says 'unreliable narrator.' esp when it comes to how octavio acts in regards to things that he may seem familiar with to the reader! this man has been alive for over 130 (slutty, slutty) years, and has governed his people for only a little less than that. things that very obviously pose problems and challenges for those under his rule may often go entirely overlooked, both from his own prideful nature, as well as simply from an unwillingness to change his formula that has already worked for a century now. after all, if these so-called 'flaws' had been in his system since the beginning, why did nothing as detrimental as the inkantation happen BEFORE now? huh? what does marina know that octavio doesn't? (a lot. she knows a lot, for the record.)
I'm so glad that this entire chapter was conversation heavy. It was so especially well written and captivated me the entire time. I couldn't imagine how long the brainstorming sessions for this chapter were!!!
again!!! tysm for your kind words omg!! i'm glad i was able to get my points across soundly and that the change in structure paid off. was very very worried about that for a while before i ended up biting the bullet and just final-checking and posting it without more agony LOL
would it surprise you if i admitted that… not very much brainstorming was needed? i mean, obviously yes i brainstormed for this chapter a ton! but, i wasn't exactly in very much need of thinking of new ideas when it came to writing everyone interacting. when stuff like that (as in dialogue and interactions and the like,) comes into play, i often find myself getting carried away with both writing it and simply stringing the cohesion of the scene along, without even really realizing it ?? tbf, i'm one of those people who thinks at like a mile a minute, so by the time my body catches up to my brain to express what thoughts i have going on, i usually miss a few crucial words or phrases in my hurry to share said thought as quickly as possible. when i write without a concrete deadline, like i am now with cracked snowglobes, i'm able to elaborate WAYYY more on my process and be much more thorough with it all. …at the cost of chapters topping 10k words on occasion. another thing i will say about the brainstorming bit, less about the process and more about my inspiration for chapter 4, is that uh. ok the origin of it is kinda funny so, dissonant melody, right? i'd assume most people reading this ask answering questions about my cuttletavio fic of all things have probably read it? (if not, go give it a read here and follow the author here!) i adore dissonant melody! it's genuinely what got me back into brainrotting over these two little old awful men and inspired me to write this fic! hell, i've even referenced some bits from it here and there in cracked snowglobes and. sort of followed a lot of what it established! but. i always felt that marina had a lot more she could have dug into when it came to her seeing octavio again. we know that she worked very closely under him while back in the domes, to the point of "earning multiple commendations," assumedly from the man himself! however, i absolutely do not blame DM's author for not digging more into their dynamic, as it was intended to be an octavio and cap'n origins comic, rather than a solely octavio-centric origins comic. that, and around 2018 when the comic was first posted online, the fandom had… a bit of an issue when it came to incorrect details about the nature of octarian society running rampant in our collective knowledge. (a whole lot of us were under the impression that all of the octarians were mind controlled, and that marina had a much less… positive, we'll say, opinion of her former ruler.) so, what better opportunity to write what i'd like to see of that reaction than in my fic? it sure helps what development octavio's gonna have to go through before some of the stuff i have planned can come to fruition, after all ;)
I find it suitable that callie was the one to let Octavio out. [ ] She is objectively the most genuinely good person in the room. She is also the only one who truly sympathizes with Octavio, without any conditions or ill intent. Being the only one who actually lived along side octarians for a while. To fight for them the most. [ ] She's also the only one in a while to befriend Octavio. And understand him. [ ] Which is why she without falter let him go so willingly, cause she completely trusts despite everything, he loves and prioritizes his people above all else and what the best for them.
i won't pick apart this bit too much, because most of it is absolutely spot on! but i will point out a couple things, just to give you some food for thought. while, yes, callie did spend a lot of time with the octarians, by no means does she have as much experience with the conditions of the domes as marina and eight, who were both born and lived most of their lives there. think back to when octavio brought up who was currently in control of the domes in his absence; the council. while callie was present long enough to empathize with the people she met while on tour, by no means could she have fully undertaken the magnitude of troubles that they faced down there, let alone understood octavio's own defiance when it came to all of marina's gripes with how he governed the place. similarly, think back to when freeing octavio even got brought up in the first place! who was the first person to openly admit that she was on the side of letting him out? who was the first one to state her hesitation? callie and octavio are friends, the latter said so himself in his internal dialogue, but they do still have some core differences that put them at odds with one another. as much as callie may trust him, she struggles to fully commit to her stance until she receives support from marie. she's on octavio's side, but only under certain conditions. at least, that's the case for now. who knows what could happen the next time they meet!
ok ive written you like 1k words alone just for these responses, so i'll end this here. but ! thank you again for the ask, and for your next chapter hint; you're going to be seeing some familiar AND new faces next chapter! which ones? i'll leave that up to your imagination :)
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thinkatoryprocess · 1 year
Girl Kendall/Naomi? Girl Kendall/Nate? Girl Kendall/Lukas? Girl Kendall/Rava?
Does she still have kids?
What a buffet of options.
Beneath a read more so I don't destroy people's pages by writing a whole goddamn fanfic under there, but I address all of the above.
Kendall dips in and out of her relationship with Stewy because more than once she's broken up with him in the middle of an episode and decided to justify herself post facto by finding someone else. Now it's not really a secret that Kendall is a hot mess, but she doesn't actually commit to anyone who treats her like total trash, so she winds up with some decent relationships in the midst of the ongoing thing with Stewy - and, to be clear, only one or two of these people think that they can ever compete with Kendall and Stewy's whole thing. She'll go back to him. They're just here for the ride while they can get it.
Kendall dates Nate when she's young and in the heat of a long manic episode, and Stewy is a fucking mess about it. They're a surprisingly good match, if nothing else because he can keep up with her and will head into those dark and crazy places with her while not being a dirtbag. She's too embarrassed as she comes down to admit she wants to go back to Stewy, but Nate realizes how sad she is and forces a breakup on her behalf. He's not usually that nice, but he's not interested in trapping her in a thing with him, either.
Kendall's relationship with Rava is her first queer relationship, and she is desperate to keep it under wraps. Rava's being totally reasonable about things, but Kendall is in rough enough straits with Logan as it is, so she's terrified of blowback if it all comes to light. It did work some of the time, and could've worked long term, if Kendall had been less scared of anything seeing the light of day.
Kendall's relationship with Naomi is her second queer relationship, and by this point she's older and more willing to risk a little more. Also, Logan already threw rumors about her being a lesbian in her face, so what the hell at this point. Naomi and Kendall are both addicts and they both care about each other but they also have the same kind of stare-death-in-the-eye thing going, which is not great for both members of a couple to have if their continued walk in a sane and reasoned direction can be expected. Eventually Stewy actually intervenes and there is a very dramatic thing where Kendall flips out at his intervention only for her to break down and leave with him without hesitation.
Now we come to Kendall/Lukas. When Kendall meets Lukas, she and Stewy are in talks about getting back together after a fight about the freezing of embryos. Neither of them can figure out if having kids is a good idea, and neither of them wants to say no, but neither of them is ready to make a decisive yes, either. It's a painfully long fight and they put some distance, at which time Kendall meets Lukas at Argestes. He makes a pass at her, but he's so weird, but so intense, and she's immediately intrigued. The problem is he lives across the Atlantic. She isn't sure she's ready to go back to Stewy - some things were said that everyone still needs to recover from - but also starting something new feels like a bad idea, too. All this kind of goes flying out the window when Lukas says something that only someone with that kind of deathspiral in their head would find romantic or arousing or both, and Kendall says nothing as she drags him up to her hotel room to bang his soul out of his body. They date and absolutely adore each other but everyone around them knows this is a very bad idea. Stewy's stuck watching this from the sidelines, but Logan cuts in with Kendall before he gets a chance to. You're too old to be this embarrassing, he says. Get your shit together. Kendall lashes out at Logan before she realizes what she's doing, he hits her, and Kendall immediately drops everything, figures her shit out, and goes back to Stewy without ever explaining what happened. She cries a lot for a day or two, then she's back to normal.
Kendall goes into treatment after leaving Lukas and returning to Stewy, and is placed on medication in the process. She and Stewy are in their mid-to-late thirties when they marry, and 40 when they have their first kid via IVF. (See, Dad? She's totally stable now. Everything's fine.)
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
LOYALTY.: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
synopsis: a little bit of revenge against your ex never hurt anyone, right?
wc: 1k
tw: NSFW!
Did you ever think you would escape the watchful eyes of Toji Fushiguro?
“Breathe in.”
No, you knew what you were doing when you went out with your ex for drinks. You knew how Toji would feel when he found out you were texting the man who claimed to despise. And you knew what chain of events you would set in motion when Toji caught you coming home from the bar, smelling like alcohol and cologne.
“They’re too tight,” you lie, but Toji just looks at you, knowing he’d never tie you up improperly. So, you’re suspended above the ground, your legs spread wide and your arms bound behind you. Nothing is uncomfortable, but Toji rigging you up like this is foreign. All because you couldn’t stop making him jealous.
“Want me to lift you up a little more?” he wonders, but you shake your head as much as you can. “Good.” He makes quick work of his shirt and tosses it to the polished wooden floor of the dungeon, then loosens the tie at his pants. “You act like you don’t have any common sense; like you’ve lost your goddamn mind,” he growls, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “But that’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll help you find it.” Your toes curl at the promise, and instinctively, you feel yourself becoming wetter as he gets closer to you, fingers probing at your entrance lazily.
“Please,” you moan, your head leaning back.
“Uh, uh. I don’t want to hear your mouth.” Your teeth clamp down on your bottom lip as Toji strokes your g-spot, and you stifle another moan in your throat, hoping it wouldn’t come out as your tormentor latches his mouth onto your left nipple. His tongue swirls around the bud tenderly, then his teeth graze over it as he pulls back, letting your breast pop free from his mouth. The motions are repeated on both sides time and time again, drawing you closer to your peak as he quickens the fluttering motion in your cunt, tapping the g-spot without mercy. When you can no longer hold in your pleasure, you open your mouth, panting heavily as the pending orgasm hurries to it’s climax.
“Unh, Toji…” you whine, and you jerk your hips forward, feeling a stream of wetness trickle out of you without reserve.
“That’s a good girl,” he purrs in your ear, fingers rubbing over your clit as you squirt on his hand and onto the floor below you. The wet sounds from your cunt echo in the chamber, and you come down from your high slowly, still restrained by the ropes. Toji lets his pants fall to the ground, and he steadies you by holding onto your raised knees as he slides in. You shake around him, trying not to cum again as his hips slam into yours.
Toji knows exactly what he’s doing when he slides into you and pulls you closer, then pushes you away as he pulls out. You’re a puppet on strings at this point, and he’s the puppetmaster. You can do nothing except feel him inside of you as you’re suspended from the ceiling, your mind suspended in limbo with it.
“Chin down,” he orders you, and you rest your chin on his shoulder, eyes fluttering as he fucks you senseless. Toji grunts when he feels you lean into him, bucking his hips as he grabs the rope that’s holding your legs up in a “w”. “You’re going to cum all night for me, got that? Maybe that’ll remind you who you’re really in love with. Because I know it’s not that shithead you left so you could be with me.”
You didn’t love your ex; that much was true. You were in love with Toji, but he’d been so neglectful lately… This was just what he needed to remember what he had waiting for him whenever he came home from a job. And you’d wanted him to fuck your brains out for so long…
Another orgasm ripples through you, and you grunt loudly, cunt spasming around his length as he continues to plow into you mercilessly. “That’s it, cum for me.”
“Fuck!” You cry out, the second orgasm more intense than the first.
“We’ve got a few more to go,” Toji hisses, jerking back and pulling out of you. “Go ahead and look at the camera for me, love.” You look up at the flashing red light, tears gathering on your lash line as you tremble from the aftershock of your last orgasm. “Tell Naoya who’s pussy this is.”
“It’s Toji Fushiguro’s…” you breathe, and he hums, not hearing you.
“Say it a little louder for me,” he urges, pumping at his cock. “Your pussy belongs to…?”
“My pussy belongs to Toji Fushiguro.”
“Perfect,” he croons, loosing the bonds from your hands and angling you forward. “Now look directly in the camera while I fuck you from behind. I want him to see your face when you take me in.” Your breath hitches as he slides into you again, pumping into you from behind.
“Oh my god,” you breathe and Toji laughs, muttering,
“Bet you he’s never gotten this deep inside of you; I can feel your cervix and I’m not even all the way inside. Isn’t that right, princess?”
“Yes,” you nod, sweat dripping from your forehead down your face. A swat on your ass reminds you how he prefers to be addressed, and you quickly correct yourself. “Yes, sir.”
“Such a good girl.”
“Say ahh…” You’re on your knees, hands pressed against Toji’s thighs as he jacks off into your mouth, his cum landing in it perfectly. He always has perfect aim, you reason, your ass still smarting from the multiple swats he gave you earlier. “Hold it.” Toji goes to retrieve the camera as you hold his cum in your mouth, then he aims it right at your opened lips. “Now swallow for me, baby.”
You swallow obediently, feeling the ejaculate slide down your throat and then opening your mouth again to show him that you’re finished.
“See that? See what a good slut she is?” Toji asks no one in particular. “She’ll never be like this for you. Only for me.”
“Only for you,” you echo, fluttering your lashes before the camera shuts off.
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roostertuftart · 2 years
This meta was sent to me during a argument, and while disagreeing with this opinion, I couldn't line up my thought to why. I want to hear ur opinion on this since you're a Kyle fan like OP and has a lot of meta posts about him. thank u for reading this post and sorry for my bad english! https://curiouscat.live/ginzura/post/1191543937
First of all, no need to apologize for your English, and it’s perfectly legible regardless! I’m going to paste the OP’s exact words here because I don’t know exactly how CuriousCat works and I don’t want to original text to get deleted so no one can see what exactly I’m arguing against, so here it is below: 
Ask: What do u think about those ppl who say  shipping kyman is bad bc you’re shipping a jew with a nazi 🧐
Answer: good question! if people really believe that then i can't blame them for not wanting to have anything to do with kyman, however my interpretation is different. buckle up cause this is gonna get kinda long though....
so first of all, cartman is without a doubt, a bigoted person. he's racist, he's classist, he's shown signs of being sexist too (though nowhere as bad as butters lol), etc. the thing is, his anti semitic remarks towards kyle for being a jewish person feel different than his other very backwards beliefs. i'll expand on this. 
take for example the way he treats token, often alluding to the fact he's black, applying stereotypes to him and commenting stuff such as 'your people'. all this because token is black, nothing to do with token's personality or hobbies, it's just because token is a black person. when he shot token it wasn't because token did something to him, it was because token was a black person, and therefore, a threat to him, a white person. with this we can assume that the first thing cartman notes about token is his ethnicity above all else. he doesn't see him as a person but just part of a minority he looks down upon.
now let's address his relationship with kyle. he belittles kyle, calls him a 'goddamn jew', has threatened his life, etc. to the naked eye you would think it's exactly the same to what he does to token but that's where i disagree. he doesn't hate kyle for being jewish, he hates kyle for BEING kyle. is it cause kyle is smarter than him? maybe. is it cause kyle makes has things he doesn't have? maybe. but the point is that kyle's very existence annoys cartman so he has to put him down and the most obvious thing he could possibly remark about kyle is the fact that he's jewish because it's a low hanging fruit. but that's not the only thing cartman has had issue with concerning kyle. cartman tried to make people turn against gingers and emphasized that daywalkers were the worst type. who is a daywalker? kyle, of course. when he found out kyle was partly new jerseyite, he was against that too. he just tries to single out kyle as a menace as soon as he has an excuse for it. and that's why i don't actually think he's a nazi as much as he's a big fucking dick with an unhealthy obsession for kyle. i'm convinced that if kyle wasn't jewish, cartman would still find an excuse to get on his case
furthermore, and this is something that escapes fans a lot, cartman has pretty much stopped calling kyle 'jew' for quite some time now. the development started in s19 where he promised he wouldn't anymore after getting the shit beat out of him by pc principal. he still did in the ninjas episode, same season, but ever since that habit has died. so, in any case, i think cartman is mellowing out…
I’m not sure if this is the answer you’re looking for, but honestly, even as someone who really isn’t super fond of both-sided Kyman myself, I kind of agree with a lot of this take and I have for a while, though I don’t think it’s all because of Kyle either. 
Cartman’s feelings towards Judaism seem extremely complicated to me, ranging from fetishizing the religion to outright hating it, and I think in large part this all does come down to his obsession with Kyle. Whether you believe the theory that Cartman is secretly in love with Kyle or not, it’s undeniable that he is obsessed with him and getting his attention. Maybe even having the envy of wanting to be like him in some aspects. 
I’m not going to go into a deepdive into this because I’m not the most well versed about Cartman’s character as a whole, but I can go over how Cartman’s feelings towards Kyle and Judaism seem to work. 
To start off, to say that his anti-semitism entirely comes down to how he feels about Kyle isn’t really true either. In early seasons, Cartman is already spouting out some pretty nasty stuff at Kyle about him being Jewish, and I would argue that this far back, he didn’t yet really hate Kyle or have any real obsession towards him. Not moreso than the other boys anyway- In fact, he even claims to hate Kenny the most, and there seems to be a genuine effort on his part to be liked by Stan and Kyle who tend to pick on him or show their outright hatred towards him- That’s not to say Cartman isn’t an asshole himself, but that seems like how he is towards everyone- He genuinely seems to crave their attention though, especially in episodes like Prehistoric Iceman. We’ve also seen that Liane seemed to have a pretty bad influence on Cartman at this time, teaching him some fairly bigoted shit. It feels likely to me that Liane probably had some if not full influence on Cartman’s opinion on Jews at this time, as she probably did with everything else he believes, leading to his general bigotry towards most minorities that he still holds today. 
What I agree with OP about though is that if Kyle had not been Jewish, Cartman would not be so intent on his anti semitism. I still believe he would probably be in the same way he is racist towards black people like Tolkien, but I can’t see him being nearly as obsessed with it, nor do I think he would fetishize it as much as he sometimes does. Cartman’s hatred of Jewish people in large part is because of Kyle, not the other way around. Of course, this isn’t at all Kyle’s fault and is still extremely egregious on Cartman’s part, but I think it’s important in meta discussions of how Cartman thinks and feels towards Kyle. 
One thing in OP’s post that does bother me however is the last part- Cartman “mellowing out”. I really don’t like the implications that Cartman’s antisemitism becoming more subtle is the equivalent to it being less, or even an improvement on Cartman’s behalf. Like, I do agree that he’s a child who has had a lot of bad influences and that he’s not beyond outgrowing his bigotry, but the show itself hasn’t really given us that just because Cartman doesn’t call Kyle “jew (derogatory)” anymore. We can’t get into his head obviously and see exactly what he thinks of Jewish people now but it’s pretty clear to me that he still holds a lot of antisemitic values and likes to torment Kyle in targeted ways because he’s Jewish. 
Season 21 and the first episode of season 23 are pretty obvious signs of that. In S21Ep7, he straight up told Heidi conspiracy theories about Jewish people and basically convinced her that Kyle has been manipulating her simply because he’s Jewish, as well as even going as far as teaching her that Jewish people are always “trying to get ahead of everyone else”. This isn’t some micro aggression he accidentally dropped despite showing vast improvement most of the time, this is extreme Nazi rhetoric, and it’s just as dangerous and damaging as the shit he was saying before Season 19. In S23Ep1, Cartman uses ICE to have Kyle’s family separated and placed in detention facilities in an extremely targeted act of revenge. He knows what he’s doing, and it’s obvious. He’s not stupid, and I don’t know how anyone can fall for his very clearly fake act in the episode that he somehow suddenly forgot Kyle was Jewish and that this situation would be something Kyle would be extra sensitive to. I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt that OP just forgot about these episodes but this is NOT an improvement in his behavior. It’s just more subtle and manipulative on his part which is disturbing and dangerous in its own right.
And then to talk about Cartman in the recent specials, I think there’s a strong argument for his behavior towards Judaism just seeming really fetishistic and even disingenuous, so even if his hatred isn’t there he’s still pretty antisemitic. 
So yeah, TL;DR, Cartman’s antisemitism seems to mostly revolve around his hatred/obsession with Kyle and he has not mellowed out in any positive ways since Season 19. 
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
oblivious | k.takami
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♡ pairing: keigo takami x gn!reader.
♡ word count: 1.8K
♡ rating: everyone.
♡ genre: pro hero!au, assistant!au, fluff.
♡ summary: usually, when it comes down to smooth talking and flirting, pro hero hawks has all the boxes checked right off. except for when it comes to his assistant, who doesn’t quite seem to get it. or the one in which miruko meddles with hawks’ love life on valentines day.
♡ warning(s): please read ! tooth-rotting fluff, cheesy pick-up lines, just keigo being a dorky boi! :D
♡ author’s note(s): goood evening my loves! here’s a little fluff fic for you on valentines ! it was requested a while ago by @mocha-focha​ but i figured today would be the perfect day!  i hope youu enjoy, sorry this is so last min! happy valentines day <3
♡ masterlist | requests
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keigo couldn’t tell if he found it more adorable or more annoying.
your obliviousness that is.
on one had, your cluelessness to the number two’s attraction towards you was most certainly adorable. the way you grew flustered when he walked by or leaned down to your height to tease and compliment you. the way your gaze dropped shyly to your desk when he’d ask something minuscule of you. keigo knew he intimidated you; after all, who wouldn’t be in the shoes of japan’s second most beloved hero.
the winged hero had wanted you ever since he first laid his avian eyes on you, after he’d stumbled back into his agency to complete paper work for that day’s patrol. you had been unpacking boxes at the desk outside of keigo’s office, hired to be a temporary assistant while the last had quit due to said blonde ‘being too much to handle.’
keigo still remembers the way your eyes had flittered to the floor as soon as he came into view and the timid way your name had slipped from between your pretty lips when he’d asked for your name.
the blonde swears he could never get tired of the sweet taste of ‘yn’ on his tongue.
you were nice company and worked well with keigo, since you were resilient unlike his last assistant. he couldn’t fault you anywhere, not in your kind smile and precious gestures ( you always brought him a chicken sandwich when you came back from your lunch break ). you were a gem. the only ‘annoying’ thing was that you never quite understood his flirting.
sure; some of keigo’s methods like bringing you little gifts of shiny things and rocks were a little unconventional... but he couldn’t help it! he was a goddamned bird after all and it wasn’t his fault you mistook the dead rabbit on your desk as a cruel practical joke instead of a proclamation of love. and okay, maybe keigo giving you extra work so you could spend more time with him after office hours was a little over the top; but at least his pickup lines got through to you.
they were cringeworthy of course but at the very least; they made you grin even if you were a bit confused. one time you thought he had been practicing on you to test on endeavour on their patrol later that day. another story for another time.
so maybe the most annoying thing wasn’t your obliviousness to keigo’s advances but instead the reactions and teasing from his friends. just like now.
“so what’s it gonna be today keigo?” rumi asks from the winged hero’s left, her rabbit ears twitch and pick up on his light scoff— while he mentally prepares for the incoming barrage of teasing. “’are you the alphabet because i can c u and i together?’”
“no rumi, i’ve got better than that.” keigo barks out with a shift of his crimson wings, the number five smirks from beside him and keigo rolls his eyes with defeat, hating the way his wings often conveyed his underlying emotions.  the elevator they both travel in comes to a slow stop on the thirteenth floor of the hawks agency where the man himself hosts meetings in his office. the whole reason rumi was even here was to attend some dumb mission briefing the commission wanted to set them on but more than likely the bunny like hero would be here to tease keigo about his failed attempts at flirting with you. “just you wait!”
she enjoyed making his life a living hell. “i don’t know, nothing can quite beat that ‘i’m not a photographer but i can picture you and i together’ line you used last week!” rumi winks, swiftly exciting the elevator as the doors chime and open up, just narrowly avoiding the flurry of cursing and chirps from the bird-like hero.
said  blonde follows with a huff,  making a b-line for his sacred office as he sets his mind on getting the meeting done. the sooner it ends, the sooner rumi can get the hell out of his hair and stop bullying him for having a crush on his personal assistant. only, keigo is stopped in his tracks when he notices you innocently perched at your desk, tapping away at some document on your computer—  one that he probably could’ve and should’ve done himself. hawks almost hates how he catches himself blushing over how you complete such a mundane task,  the squint to your  eyes and the slight pinch to your brows in concentration ( which is adorable to him quite frankly ) make his heart flutter.
he finds himself coming to a stop just in front of your desk, causing rumi to slow up ahead and turn around to watch the chaos unfold.
your typing ceases quickly when you notice the shadow on your boss looming over you— his gold and piercing avian eyes staring right back down at you as soon as you look up. “oh! mr hawks, you’re back—!”
“yn, i seem to have lost my number, can i borrow yours?” hawks blurts out the cheesy line, almost instantly regretting it right after.
there’s a beat of silence between you both while your face morphs into one of confusion. why would he need to borrow your number when you could just locate it in the personal records you had access to? in the meantime, miruko has taken it upon herself to fill the awkward air with pockets of wheezy laughter. you blink up at your boss, once, twice, three times before reaching for your notebook with all of his important details written inside. “mr hawks, if you wanted me to read your number out loud for you again , you could have asked! i'm more than happy to!” you say your words slowly, just to make sure he understands— your boss can be a bit of an air head sometimes and it is your job to help him out.
“no—yn, no i—” keigo instantly shakes his head, the red tint of shame blaring across his cheeks in a shade that almost rivals the red of his wings. said appendages puff up and flutter with embarrassment and it doesn’t help that his fellow hero is laughing at him so hard that she’s bent over and struggling to breathe. “baby—i meant i was asking for your numb—“
you smile up at him with sweet innocent eyes that have his words dying in his throat. “i didn’t know you had a baby! congratulations mr hawks!” and then you return to typing.
keigo wants to die, physically deflating right in front of your desk where he stands.
rumi, who now seems to have recovered from her laughing fit passes by keigo with a pat to his back, he only pouts while she wipes the remainders of amused tears from her eyes before perching herself on your desk, practically leaning over you. you look up once again, feeling shy under the gaze of yet another esteemed pro hero but greet her politely with a bob of your head.
“yn, hun, can i ask you a question?” the number five asks you, warm grin helping you relax just a little.
“yes miss miruko?”
you find the woman shaking with laughter above you before she pets your hair endearingly, the gesture almost makes you pout and you have to remind yourself of where you are and who you work for. “firstly, love, you can call me rumi, i know you’re shy but i don’t bite…” you paw gently at your cheeks in oder to fight the growing heat that burns brightly under your skin, growing ever so flustered under miruko’s silky voice and knowing gaze. “secondly, hawks isn’t a father nor does he have a baby— he was addressing you, sweetheart. and finally,” rumi pauses, patting your head again as her bunny ears twitch with amusement and mischief. “how do you feel about the bird brains over there, do you like him?”
takami jolts up in his place, impossibly redder than he was before while he makes an attempt to shut rumi up with his ruffled feathers. the bunny simply catches the red feather between her hands, giving them a little tickle to distract her fellow hero , tilting her head down at you as if to ask ‘well?’ you gulp, feeling yourself become nervous as the two wait for your answer expectantly. of course you had nothing but positive feelings towards your boss; he was kind and made the time out of his busy day to talk to you— but why did they care so much as to ask you for your opinion? you were only his assistant and saying anything bad about the number two hero would surely get you fired.
hesitantly, your gaze flickers between the clearly entertained miruko and the highly embarrassed hawks— forcing you to take a deep breath before delivering your anticipated answer. “well—! he’s a great boss, i— i couldn’t ask for better, why wouldn’t i like a boss who gives me an hour and a half’s lunch break?” you sigh in relief at your answer, assuring yourself that it won’t have offended anyone but your heart rate is quick to spike when miruko squishes your cheeks and tilts your head to face your flustered boss.
“no sweetheart,” she corrects herself, pointing over at keigo who cowers into his wings. “i mean, do you like him as in... would you date him?”
you swear on all might’s life that you almost pass out from her words, mind swirling with a thousand thoughts. why would she ask that of you? sparing a glance at your boss once move, you realise what all of this is about. his hot blush, the way he avoids your stare, his flustered state to match your own. he likes you, just as you like him. rumi was only being a good wing woman, one that you were grateful for— as you’d never make a move on hawks on your own, no matter how many feelings you’d harboured for him in the time that you’d worked for him. You had been oblivious to his romantic gestures this whole time and now; the situation for you to confess had presented itself to you.
to hell with it.
“yes,” you breathe as best you can through squished cheeks, staring at keigo with eyes dreamy enough to make his heart soar. “why wouldn’t anyone? i-i mean, mr hawks is so sweet and kind to everyone he meets, fans or not! and…and he’s really pretty— i mean handsome… and his eyes—“ you cut yourself off upon realising the tangent you’ve gone on just to prove your attraction to your boss, looking away shyly and rumi let’s you go with a sweet chuckle.
but just as quickly as you look away, the softness of a little red feather tilts your focus back to him. “glad to know you think so yn,” he winks, making you giggle shyly. “i’ll pick you up tonight at seven for valentines, then.”
and who were you to say no to him.
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