#but it was done so beautifully. they're perfect
llycaons · 1 year
kind of missing xxc and sl. unlike wen qing and jyl, they almost never appear unless they’re the mc’s of their own fics. and every single xxc and sl fic has involved xy and I don’t really trust that he’s been handled well. I actually see a-qing more than them, because there are a lot of AUs where she survives
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 years
How the FUCK did I miss the news of the Urusei Yatsura reboot?! LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO
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tossawary · 8 months
The last time that I rewatched "The Fellowship of the Ring" (extended edition, of course), my favorite new detail that I noticed is that the characters, once they set out on their journey, are pretty much always traveling from screen-left to screen-right.
It had been a few years since I'd seen the films and I'd learned more about filmmaking in that time. I'm completely biased regarding the LOTR films; they're not perfect, but I grew up on them, I love them. I was trying to take notes on all of the little details that made the world of the films seem so rich and so enchanting to me. The camerawork, character staging, and editing is one of the many things that just happened to jump out at me at this time.
When Frodo and Sam are leaving the Shire, the camera is set up in such a way that they start on the left side of the screen (<- that side) and travel across it to the right side of the screen (-> that side).
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This way to go the farthest you've ever been from home. ->
As the hobbits travel from Bree to Rivendell, as the Fellowship travels from Rivendell to the Misty Mountains, all of those gorgeous scenic shots of the Nine Walkers show them moving from screen-left to screen-right. I haven't rewatched the entire trilogy lately, but in "The Fellowship of the Ring", it is so beautifully consistent.
There are a handful of reasons why this is done. In staging and editing, consistency regarding where the characters are placed on the screen is a storytelling tool. For example: the "180 degrees rule" says to generally keep the camera on one side of the characters within a scene, so that the audience can mentally keep track of the characters within the environment and focus on the action/dialogue. If we're watching two characters talking in a diner, even in the close-ups, one character will usually be kept on screen-left and be shown facing screen-right, and the other will be kept on screen-right and be shown facing screen-left. It feels stable. (People will sometimes choose to break the "180 degrees rule". It can be a tool to create a sense of disorientation and/or instability in the audience.)
In "The Fellowship of the Ring", the maps that the audience is shown of Middle Earth tell us that the Shire is located in the West (left side of the map) and everything else of relevance (Rivendell, Moria, Rohan, Gondor, Mordor) is East (right side of the map). As the characters consistently travel screen-right, the audience builds up a firmer mental map of Middle Earth and can better keep track of the characters' progress on their long journey. With every step that Frodo takes towards screen-right (->), we know that he is traveling East, taking another step towards Mordor.
Left to right may also instinctively feel like the way forward in a culture that writes and reads from left to right. Regardless of which way you write: if your film establishes extremely consistently that one direction is forward, then this visual language can be used to tell the audience that something is wrong if the characters start traveling from right to left. They might be lost! It builds suspense in the visual depiction of the characters going backwards and undoing progress! This all suits the lengthy hero's journey of LOTR very well, in my opinion.
There's an old joke that knowing how anything is made ruins the magic, and another old joke that knowing anything about filmmaking makes you insufferable to watch movies with, but I've never felt that way, especially not here. How does that quote go? It's still magic even if you know how it's done. (GNU Terry Pratchett.)
I find it enchanting, honestly, that so many people can work so hard for an effect that can seem so simple. Actors, directors, camera operators, editors, storyboarders, and so many others on the crew of the films consistently placed characters, sets, and props just so! So that the audience could more easily keep track of where everyone was and lose themselves a little more deeply in the story.
It's such a simple rule! And it works so well! Left -> Right. West -> East. Shire -> Mordor. Home -> Adventure. Known -> Unknown.
I personally recommend trying to keep track of character movement across the screen in films, especially if you have any interest in visual storytelling (films or illustration or something else). It's fun! It's impossible for me to unsee, watching "The Fellowship of the Ring" now, and I think it's a wonderful piece of movie magic.
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luveline · 2 years
I’m begging for more Golden Retriever Girlfriend with either Steve or Eddie- scraped knees? Doesn’t even notice, just too excited to tell their boyfriend about the butterfly they saw on their way over to see them…
I chose Eddie again cos I like him ♡ gn!reader | 1k words
The walk to Eddie's house is long but not boring. The trailer homes are dispersed over long stretches of green grass, so sometimes you see bugs. Mostly caterpillars, sometimes spiders, snails and slugs, ants, crickets if you're quiet enough. 
Today, two butterflies. They swing through the air beautifully as if orbiting the other, pure white with wings as unremarkable and delicate as tulip petals. 
They're distracting. You follow them for a short while until they fly too far to see and hurry the rest of the way to Eddie's home, rushing on toes up the steps into his trailer. 
"Eddie?" you ask into the empty living room. 
The bathroom door opens but he doesn't emerge. "In here." 
You stride over and peer inside. He's spitting toothpaste foam down the sink, his hair in a tie, his eyes still droopy with fatigue. 
"You get up way too early, you know that? I don't know how you can already have walked here when I got up five minutes ago."
"The weather's great," you say easily, pushing into the small bathroom though you shouldn't to wipe sleep from the corners of his eyes. 
He bats your hand away. "Stop." 
You stop and frown for the five seconds that you feel scolded until he grabs your fingers to give you a quick reassuring squeeze.
He drops your hand in favour of washing his face, cupping hot water in his hands to scrub at his nose roughly. You ramble mildly about the journey here.
"They were dancing, Eddie. I've never seen anything like it. They were really pretty..." you detail, distracted by his face, his lashes heavy with wetness.
He dries off with a towel. You reach around to the back of his head to pull his hair tie free and he sets his hands over your waist, a casual proximity as you run your hands through his curls. You're careful. You know how prone to tangles he is. 
"I can feel you looking at my face," you say, trying not to breathe too heavily. 
"Sure am, sweetheart." 
You feel as radiant as a marigold under his appreciative gaze. "There. Perfect again," you mumble.
You nod and move out of his reach, back into the cooler space of his living room. You do a little spin as you go, an unbearable amount of happiness in your chest as you pose in front of the couch, one hand at your hip and the other pointing at your still-tired boyfriend where he follows you. 
"We have the whole day! What are we gonna do first?" you ask. 
"Baby, what the fuck have you done?" 
The smile slips off your face. He sounds mad enough to startle you and you drop your hands. "What?" you ask weakly. 
His eyes flit from your face to your knees and he gestures to them. He looks wide awake. "You're bleeding. Sit down." When you don't move he takes your shoulders into stern hands and guides you backward. "Sit down! Jesus, sit." 
You drop onto the couch and look down at your knees, surprised to see them all bloody and scratched. When you'd slipped on leaf litter walking down the main road into the park you'd assumed everything was fine despite the stinging pain, and by the time you'd seen the butterflies you'd forgotten altogether. 
"When did you do that?" he asks. "Why didn't you tell me?" 
"I forgot," you say, eyes blinking owlishly at his fierce expression. 
Eddie spins on his heel to dig through a kitchen cabinet for his first aid kit, popping it open by the sink. "Piece of shit kit," he mutters, piling foil wrapped bandages into his hand. 
He looks less formidable as he kneels on the floor between your knees, thumb probing the edge of your grazes one then the other, very gentle.
"You didn't tell me what happened," he says quietly, eyes on your knees as he sprays a small bottle of disinfectant over your knees with no warning and you flinch. 
"Shit, I'm sorry," he says. 
You blink back tears. "Stings," you say, giggling wetly.
He wipes your grazes with precise, almost calculated movements. One hurts worse than the other. "Sorry," he says again as he drops the bloodied wipes to the floor and rips a sterile packing open with his teeth – which is all types of wrong – and unrolls a length of white bandages. 
"Hold the gauze, honey," he says. 
You move your hands as he instructs, wondering if he's ever called you honey before. You're still deciding by the time he finishes, his hands in twin position just below your knees. 
You brush your bandages together and smile. "They're white. Like the butterflies." 
"Is that why you fell? Watching the butterflies?" he asks, sounding curious. 
You laugh and weave your fingers into the soft hair at the back of his neck, dropping your face down. "I'm not that stupid. It was all the fallen leaves by the turning." 
He smiles and clasps your wrists. "You're not stupid at all."
He doesn't give you time to argue as he stands and cleans the small mess he'd made fixing your bloody knees. You stand too, always trying to follow him despite limited places to go. Eddie's more than used to it by now. 
"For future reference," he says, a certain roughness to his tone. "Don't wait ten minutes to tell me the next time you split your knees." 
He throws an arm over your shoulder and tugs you into his side, giving you a good shake. "Stop. I'm serious, stop. Be sorry about how you've been here twenty minutes and haven't asked for a kiss yet." 
"I wanted to, but you got all scary about my legs!" 
"I can be scarier." 
"No you can't."
"No, I can't." 
You share what feels like an especially private smile despite being on your own and drop your head into his shoulder. He rests his cheek atop your crown.  
"You had blood down to your ankle," he murmurs. "You scared me." 
"Can I have a kiss now?" you ask. 
"You'll have to let me think about it," he bluffs, already leaning in. 
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She's a beautiful 1900 Victorian in Fall River, KS, but she needs a little work (The front porch is being held up by cinder blocks). However, at only $125K, the work can be done over time while you live in the 3bd, 2ba beauty.
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The outside is beautifully painted, so you have a gorgeous home right away. Look at the wonderful lemonade porch.
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Enter a huge hall with an original staircase, new tin ceiling and fireplace.
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Look at the cute corner fireplace in the reception room. Looks like the cabinet is a built-in.
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Large sitting room with fireplace. This home can be gorgeous, just by making the walls more lively.
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Huge dining room. You can have a banquet in here. Nice stained glass window and I like the old brick chimney in the corner. The ceilings look like they've been covered with painted plywood, so they need redoing, but the floors are new.
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My favorite. The perfect vintage kitchen. Love it so much. The original drainboard sink is here. The cabinetry is perfection.
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Original Victorian service stairs and a vintage fridge.
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Check out that stove and the exhaust hood. I wonder if they would leave the Hoosier cabinet.
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Vintage bath off the kitchen.
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The laundry room was likely the pantry. (Note that the real fridge is in here.)
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Big, bright, upstairs landing. The French heat stove is wonderful.
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Upstairs is a spacious principal bedroom with lots of windows.
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They've been working on this bedroom. Looks like they sanded the floor and put up drywall.
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They're prepping the plaster walls in this room.
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Beautiful 2nd fl. terrace.
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The back porch can be fabulous, all fixed up.
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The furnace looks new, what's all the ash, though, it doesn't run on coal does it? They don't mention the heat in the descr.
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Oh, the roof is new.
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Closeup of the paint details.
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What a great yard- love the tire swing.
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1 acre lot.
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springtyme · 8 months
Hi, I'm so excited your requests are open! I love the way you describe scenes, you take the reader around the full area to understand how the setting affects the emotions of the story so beautifully (thinking of your Simon piece, Homeward Bound, especially).
I'd like to put in a request for Sydney Adamu x reader (gn afab is fine!), something very tender and intimate. I'm imagining an established relationship that's still very new, like maybe they're sharing a night routine for the first time, or on a date at a garden/museum?
Craving something v sweet with a bit of "healthy tension" lol, maybe a little soft smut if you are up to it! Thank you so much for sharing your work, if you don't feel like writing this no worries!
𝐀 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 ♡
Thank you so much dear! I love scene setting so hearing that you enjoy it makes me so happy! <3 I had so much fun with this Syd piece (seriously, I love her so much!) so thank you so much for this request, I hope you like it :)
Sydney Adamu x afab!Reader || Masterlist || Sydney playlist
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summary: You and Syd are about to spend your first weekend together. Dinner is being eaten and so is something else.
word count: 3.7k
warnigs: Smut! (18+, mdni!) Food. Fluffy smut, cunnilingus/face-riding, vaginal fingering, nipple play/sucking. Reader is afab but there is used no gendering terms. I'm sorry if there is mistakes or anything seems rushed, I wrote this in one sitting and I haven't had time to proofread yet.
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As you step onto the crowded L train, the familiar sounds of the city surround you. The rumbling of the train, the chatter of fellow passengers, and the occasional screech of brakes fill the air. You find a seat by the window, your packed weekend bag in your lap as you gaze out at the passing cityscape with a mix of excitement and anticipation. 
The weekend ahead holds something special for you – it is the first time you’ll be spending it entirely with Syd, just the two of you. Sydney finally has a whole weekend without any restaurant related obligations which just happens to align with the week her father is out of town and as the train glides through the city, you can’t help but think about how happy you are to have her in your life. 
The two of you had met on a cold afternoon in late February. Little frost crystals had formed at the outside of the windows of the little café you were seated inside of. You had come there to get some work done, your small studio apartment didn’t really allow your creativity to flow and you had hoped that a change in scenery would help you, but without any luck. You had instead ended up staring out of the window at the freezing Chicago. Your laptop closed shut as you sat inside the little warm cocoon that was Kasama, feeling small and alone as you looked out on the outside world of Chicago. You had, at some point, looked up and there she was, Sydney, seated at the other side of the café already looking at you. That’s how it all had started. The two of you had started talking, which then had led to Syd inviting you to join her on a culinary journey across Chicago after she told you that her friend and business partner wouldn’t be able to join her, which otherwise had been the plan. 
You can’t help but smile  as you think back on that day and as the train nears your destination, your smile only grows wider. You walk the short distance to Sydney’s apartment building, your heart beating a little faster with each step. You just can’t wait to see her, she has, in the short amount of time you have known her, become very special to you. 
You press the buzzer, hearing the faint sound of Sydney’s voice through the intercom. “Come on up,” she says, her voice filled with warmth and excitement. With a smile on your face, you step into the elevator, your heart pounding in anticipation. As the elevator doors open on Sydney’s floor, you take a moment to compose yourself. You want everything to be perfect, to show her just how much this weekend means to you. You knock on the door, and when it swings open, you’re greeted by Sydney, clad in a comfy sweater, looking gorgeous as always.
“Hi,” she greets you, her eyes sparkling with joy and a gentle smile tugging at her lips. 
In that moment, all your worries and nerves melt away. You step into the apartment, right into Syd’s outstretched arms, feeling an overwhelming sense of ease fall over you.
“Hi,” you answer her, enjoying the feeling of her arms around you, as she hugs you tightly. You tow off your shoes and shed your coat which Sydney takes from you to hang up for you before taking your hand in hers, leading you into the apartment.
As you find yourself in the kitchen, Syd kindly takes your bag, and tells you to sit down while she puts your bag into her bedroom. The warm, inviting aroma of simmering spices fills your nostrils  and you can’t help but smile at Sydney’s culinary prowess. The soft glow of the day’s last sunlight filters through the curtains, casting a comforting glow upon the apartment, adorning everything with a soft golden hue.  
“Whatcha cookin’?” You ask, loud enough for her to hear in the other room.  
“Butternut squash soup with a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg as an appetizer. And for the main course, we’re having rosemary roasted chicken with a maple glaze and caramelized Brussels sprouts.”
“Wow, that sounds amazing, smells delicious too. Are you sure you don’t need any help?” You ask from your seat at the kitchen island. 
“Nah, I’m good, and I’m almost done anyway, I’ve wanted to try this recipe out anyway,” she tells you, like cooking the enormous amount of food was nothing. “You can help with the dishes after though,” she adds with a cheeky smile on her face as she reenters the kitchen. 
“Well, that, I surely can. I might also just be more in the way than any help with the food,” you say with a light laugh.
It’s not that you’re bad in a kitchen, but you are nowhere near Sydney’s level and even though a part of you feels incredibly guilty for not helping you can’t deny how much you love watching her work. Completely in her element. So you let her do her thing and stay put . Nimble fingers dancing across the pots and pans, her brows knitted with focus as she begins to compose the meal, orchestrating a symphony of flavors. “No, you wouldn’t be in the way, that’s not what I meant, I just want to cook for you… It’s like the thing I know how to do, and…” she trails off for a second, eyes staring down at the food before continuing. “I love cooking for the people that are special to me, I guess you could say that it is my ‘love language’ or whatever.” 
She does air quotes at ‘love language, but you can’t help but smile at her words. You feel incredibly lucky as you watch her work her culinary magic, especially after what she just said. The way she moves with such grace and confidence in the kitchen is truly mesmerizing. As the mouthwatering aroma of the cooking food fills the room, you find yourself captivated by her artistry, her words really tugging at your heartstrings. 
You understand her desire to cook for you, to express her love through her culinary creations. You reach out and gently take her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“I know,” you say softly, your voice filled with warmth and appreciation. “It’s one of the things I admire the most about you, you know… It’s not just about the food, it is about the care and thought you put into it. It really is something special Syd. The way you care… It’s really admirable.”
Her eyes soften, a small smile playing on her lips. “You know what?” she says, her voice filled with gratitude. “Having someone to cook for means the world to me. So, thank you for wanting to eat my food, just having you sit there is actually a great help, it helps remind me why I love cooking.” She lets out with a warm laugh, but the sincerity of her words aren’t lost in the slightest by it. 
So you stay put. The sizzle of vegetables hitting the hot oil and the occasional clatter of utensils against the countertops create a rhythmic melody that fills the room. And so, you continue to sit at the kitchen island, watching Sydney work her culinary magic.
You watch as she gracefully garnishes the soup with a sprinkle of fresh herbs, roasted pumpkin seeds and pieces of finely sliced chili, transforming the dish into a culinary masterpiece. The delicious smell of the dish wafts through the air, teasing your senses and making your mouth water in anticipation. 
Finally, Sydney places a steaming bowl of soup in front of you. The vibrant colors and rich aroma enticing you.“Well, bon appétit,” she says, during a little hand gesture towards the bowl, an almost shy smile on her lips but her eyes gleam with excitement as she sits down at the other side of the table with a bowl of her own.
As you take your first spoonful, the velvety texture and warm spices dance on your tongue, filling you with a comforting sensation. You savor each bite, cherishing the meal Syd  has cooked with so much care and love. 
The two of you eat and talk and laugh and after the meal you do the dishes together, the jokes and banter flow freely, and occasionally a blob of soap sud will playfully be flickered at the other, turning the usually so mundane task into a delightful ordeal, the clinking of dishes becomes the applause for your comedic genius.
With the dishes done and the kitchen cleaned up, you both find yourselves in the cozy living room, contemplating what to do next. Sydney suggests watching a movie, and the idea immediately sparks your interest.
“Sounds good,” you say, a smile forming on your lips. “Anything in mind?”
Sydney thinks for a moment, her eyes scanning the shelves of DVDs. She has told you about her father’s love of physical media, which has led to a sumptuous collection of movies, music and books filling out multiple floor to ceiling shelves of the apartment. “How about a rom com? I could do with something light and heartwarming.”
You nod in agreement, appreciating the idea of a feel-good movie to complement the warmth and happiness you already feel being in Sydney’s presence. Together, you browse through the collection, but you don’t really find anything that peaks any of your interests. Finally she turns to you when it is clear between you that maybe a movie wasn’t the right call after all, something about the idea of having to look at a screen instead of each other suddenly feeling immensely silly to both of you. 
“We could also just sit for a little while,” she says, a lovesick gleam in her eyes. 
You smile at the suggestion and feel your heart flutter at the adoration in her eyes. The idea of simply enjoying each other’s company without any distractions sounds perfect. “I like that idea,” you reply, your voice filled with affection. 
She redirects her attention from movies to the record collection, pulling one out from the shelves. Shedding the vinyl from its sleeve before delicately lifting the lid of the beautiful vintage record player. Placing the album onto the turntable, handling it with utmost care, gently lowering the needle onto the vinyl. The smooth sound of the Delfonics filling the room, as they start to croon for you. 
You settle onto the soft couch, leaning against each other as you both take a moment to soak in the tranquility of the room. With the sun now fully set the only source of light in the room comes from a single table lamp and the candles which Syd had deliberately lit for the two of you, their warm glow casts flickering shadows across the walls, creating an ambiance of cozy intimacy. 
You lean your head on Sydney’s shoulder, feeling the warmth and security of her presence as your body’s intertwine. The silence between you is comfortable, filled with a deep sense of understanding and acceptance. As you sit there, Sydney’s hand finds its way into yours, your fingers lacing together. The gentle touch sends a wave of comfort and contentment through your body, and you can’t help but feel grateful.
Without needing words, you understand each other’s thoughts and emotions, and it feels like time stands still. In this moment, the world outside seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you in this bubble of love and tranquility. It’s as if nothing else matters except for the connection you share and the giddy happiness that comes with new love. 
“God, I’m so glad Carmy was being a little bitch and ditched me that day at Kasama,” Syd lets out a breathy giggles, shaking her head gently as she finally breaks the silence.
You lift your head, your eyes finding hers. “Me too,” you say, a soft smile tugging at the corner of your lips. 
“Yeah?” She grins down at you. 
“Yeah,” you nod, a grin of your own now plastered on your face. 
In fact the word ‘glad’ doesn’t even come close to how you feel about it, the word seems way too weak to hold all the feelings you have on the topic. Grateful, ecstatic, completely and utterly over the fucking moon, those are words that might be a little closer to describe how you actually feel about it. But you don’t say that, not yet. It’s not that long since that fateful afternoon when you and Syd had first met, and even less time has passed since the two of you got your shit together and actually confessed your feelings towards each other. One day, you’ll tell her just how incredibly happy you are that Carmen decided to be ‘a little bitch’, to use her own words, which led to you and Syd meeting. 
“You think Hallmark sells ‘thank you for being such a little bitch’ cards?” Syd giggles. You know that, despite her choice of words, she actually cares a lot about Carmy. Her and her coworkers are basically family, maybe sometimes a bit dysfunctional, but nonetheless one that does care deeply for one another. Syd had, apparently, stabbed Richie in the ass one time, which they seem to have reconciled nicely from, and somehow only has made Syd all the more attractive to you. 
“I don’t think so, but I can get you some paper and crayons if you wanna get crafty,” 
Her warm, affectionate laughter fills the room while ‘If I ever saw a girl that I needed in this world you are the one for me’  is sung from the speakers and you can’t do anything but agree with the statement. You snuggle a little closer into her and she does the same. The two of you have become completely entangled by now.  
“I love moments like these,” she whispers, her voice filled with affection.
“Yeah, me too,” you reply with a soft sigh.
She dips her head down as you lean up, and your lips meet. What starts out as a slow and gentle kiss soon turns more heated. The two of you move in sync, changing the position on the couch, with Syd now lying beneath you, her back pressed down into the soft cushions, with you  hovering over her, maintaining the kiss without breaking it even once. And you continue until your lungs are burning and you have to stop to catch your breath again. The both of you panting heavily as you break apart but you don’t take long before you again plant your lips on her, this time kissing down her jaw and neck. You feel how she squirms under you, little muffled whines escaping from her closed lips as she grows more desperate for you.
“You’re so beautiful,” you whisper into her skin, your voice filled with admiration. You lift your head again, your eyes finding hers . “Can.. Can I take these off?” Your voice laced with a little shyness as you ask her, your fingers ghost over the hem of her pants. But your shyness disappears when she nods with eagerness, pulling off her sweater as you start to undo her pants which she is quick to kick off, leaving her in only her panties and bra. You take a second to take in the view of her all spread out on the couch for you and you can’t believe how lucky you are to have met her, let alone that she reciprocates your feelings. 
“You’re so gorgeous,” you sigh with admiration, dipping your head down again, this time planting a trail of kisses down from her collarbone towards the vale between her breasts, continuing down her stomach until you get to the band of her underwear. 
“You want me to take these off too?” you ask, looking up at her, through heavy lids, your heart beating loudly in your ears. You and Syd have been taking things slow, the two of you never have been this intimate before, but it feels so right in the moment and the sweet sounds she is making for you only makes your need to taste her even greater. Your eyes lock, she moves her hand down towards you, sweetly cupping your cheek, stroking the pad of her thumb gently over your cheekbone before nodding. “Please, do,” she almost pleads.           
You keep eye contact as you get into a better position. Your fingers tug at her panties as you start to slowly glide them down her legs. As the garment has left her body, Sydney spreads her legs wider for you, offering you a better view of herself, her pussy already dripping from eagerness.         
“God, you’re so gorgeous,” you purr before lowering your head, kissing up her thighs until you reach her glistening cunt. Burying your face between her legs you flatten your tongue against her entrance, sliding your tongue through her wet folds, a warm shiver running through you as you taste her for the first time. You hum into her, loving the way she tastes and feels against your tongue, lapping into her, flicking your tongue against her clit, making her whine out with pleasure which just makes you even more eager to hear more from her.      
“Fuck, right there! Right, fucking, there…” she pants out as you work your tongue a little harder against her.
She bucks her hips upwards, gently pressing her mound against your face. This makes you hum into her pussy again as you feel a warm rush run down your spine by the firm feeling of her against your mouth, which makes her let out a breathy moan from the vibration. Your hands find her hips. Tender fingers, softly digging into her skin as you help her find a rhythm as she starts to gently grind into your mouth.   
Her moans grow louder and higher in pitch, which only makes you move your tongue with even more determination and her body starts to tremble. You move your lips, beginning to slowly suck at her clit as she comes closer and closer to her release. You let your thumb take over the work on her sensitive clit, circling it gently as you start to lick into her again. 
“I-I’m… I’m so close,” she whines out, making you hum into her again, letting her know that you don’t have any intention to stop. You feel how her walls tighten around your tongue, as she starts to cry out in pleasure, sensing how her muscles relax as she starts to come undone on your tongue. You keep going, keep lapping into her, keep fucking her with your tongue as she rides out her climax, and you have never tasted anything sweeter. 
You finally detach your mouth from her entrance, your chin and lips glistening with a mix of her arousal and your own saliva, your eyes blown wide, feeling light, almost drunk from her juices. 
“Come here,” Syd whispers, her pupils dilated, making her already dark eyes look like two glistening forest lakes at night. She is so beautiful, you almost can’t take it. A sweet, gleeful smile on her face as she pulls you up to her again, pulling you into a sweet kiss, the taste of her still on your lips. 
Her hands sneak under your shirt, palming your warm skin underneath before pushing the cotton up your body, prompting you to shred the garment like she had with hers just before. You break the kiss, only for long enough so that you can pull it over your head, flinging it on the ground before connecting your lips again. Her hands find your exposed chest, gently kneading at the soft skin before she ends the kiss, moving her head down, taking your right nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it before starting to gently suck it into her mouth. Her hand starts playing with your left nipple. 
You let out a series of soft moans as she works so tenderly on your tits. She lets go of your nipple with a soft ‘pop’ before moving on to your left breast, taking the other into her mouth. Her now free right hand starts to travel down to your entrance, sneaking it into the hem of your pants and down your underwear. 
She slowly slides a finger through your folds before beginning to tease your clit with slow firm circles. You gasp out from the sensation, your body feeling lighter and lighter. after a while she moves her hand, slowly gliding first one, then two, fingers inside of you, stating to slowly fuck you with her fingers. The wet squelching sound of her fingers pumping into you now rings in your ears. 
She keeps going and when she curls her fingers at just the right angle you feel how the last string snaps, falling over the edge. Your eyes roll back in your skull and your toes curl as your climax washes over you in electric hot rushes. You tap her shoulder, making Syd release your nipple so she can kiss your lips instead. She kisses you through your climax, turning you into putty in her hands.      
“That was nice…” She pants when the two of you finally brak apart, a lovesick smile on her face. 
“Yeah… very nice,” you agree, wit a smile mirroring hers. “Should we go get cleaned up?” 
“Yeah, we should, but let’s just stay here for a little while first,” she replies, a tired but blissful smile painting her lips.
So you do. You both lay there, breathing heavily, bodies intertwined, basking in the afterglow of the moment. The room is filled with a mix of warmth, desire, and a fulfilling sense of contentment. Time seems to stand still as you cherish the intimate connection you’ve just shared.
The world outside this moment seems distant and unimportant. All that matters is the warmth of Syd’s body against yours, the rhythm of your heartbeats synchronizing, and the blissful intimacy you’ve found in each other’s arms. The silence between you is comfortable, filled with unspoken words and a profound understanding of the depth of your connection.
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
141 Task Force & Hitman!reader
Okay, so I got two asks about more hitman!reader and two cool ideas, so I will kind of mix them up. Also, this before knowing who (Y/N) is. Also, this will have reference to the hitman games and author has watched it a while ago. Any inaccuracies are on me.
Summary: The team learns about ICA and about (Y/N). Let the hunt begin.
Warnings: violence, weapons, probably military inaccuracies, blood,
Anonymous   asked: So I want to bring a idea that I have for 141 and hitman. I want too write down just that I don't forget it. I would think because 141 has seen violence and death. That they're familiar with hitman and maybe encountered them while they work. Also Laswell must have some information about them or knows the organization behind them. So I would think they can recognize which hitman has done the job. It could also be before all off the missions they worked on these hitman cases. So many ideas maybe in the future I have more ideas. So all ways don't forget to drink and rest. 👋 Anonymous   asked: I must say I love so much the hitman x taskforce 141 fic and I hope there comes more to the story maybe also with könig and my brain thinks you have these senses like in the hitman games were you can see enemies or opportunities to kill someone there are so many possibilities my brain thinks of right now. Maybe becoming closer to 141 and so on. I am sorry to ramble all my ideas to you. I think there should be more 141 x hitman fics it seems like the fandoms would work quit beautifully together. Sorry for all the text but seeing like that the 141 is afraid of the reader. Is something new and refreshing. I hope I can read in the future more of this kind. Sorry if my english is not perfect I am still learning it. Thank You and I hope you have a nice day.
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Everyone on the 141 Task Force agreed that catching Hassan was hell. The mission was tiring, exhausting and the betrayal from Graves and Shepard really sealed it in for the team. It wasn't easy to recover from it.
All of them took some time off because of this mission. They just needed a few weeks off. It's not easy to weed out international terrorists and deal with a betrayal from your allies. But of course, a new mission came in and their time off came short.
They were called in and if it came during their leave, then it must mean that the mission they got was obviously a very important one. But that doesn't mean that they were happy with the predicament. They deserved their time off.
" Captain, what is this mission even? We were supposed to have our time off. " Soap said, disgruntled at the fact that the had to leave his apartment.
" I don't know sergeant, but it must be important if Laswell called us during our time off. " Price said, also disgruntled at the fact that his leave was cut short.
" Everything is important when it comes our team. " Gaz said, clearly annoyed due to his short leave time.
Ghost didn't really say anything, he just walked behind everyone. He didn't really feel different about his leave cut short. Shit happens and terrorist and criminals don't rest. Evil doesn't rest.
" Ghost, are you really okay with this? They took our time off and cut it short. " Soap complained to Ghost.
" It must be very important for them to do that. " Ghost said entering the conference room. Soap didn't say anything after entering, but he was clearly annoyed at the fact that they had to come here.
They sat down, waiting for Laswell to come. She came in, an apologetic look on her face.
" I know, I know, but trust me, this is more important. " Laswell started, pulling up a photo on the big screen. It was a triangle with the iconic pirate skull and bones and on the top of the skull, there was a crown that awfully resembled the Royal crown. Beneath the skull was a phrase in Latin, Merces Letifer.
" This organization is used for hiring assassins and mercenaries. " Laswell started. " It's a neutral organization that works with a lot of governments and organization's. Despite offering the assassinations, they don't accept orders from the enemies of the allies. " Laswell said, pulling up a photo from the guy.
" This is (Y/N). He is one of their best agents and apparently he went rouge. Also, he is killing off some of our targets. " Laswell said, putting the tablet down.
" Is that why he is our problem? " Soap asked, but Price remembered something.
" Wait a second. I think we already had a case with one of the hitman. Remember? In Spain? " Price prompted everyone to remember.
" Yeah, I remember. " Soap started, snapping his fingers. " It was... Uhm... It was in Africa. I remember. A target was killed swiftly and quickly. But we all saw that it was a very particular way that he was killed. " Soap said and Ghost nodded.
" It was done with a single stab. Just... Perfectly done. " Ghost said, looking at (Y/N)'s photo.
" But it wasn't (Y/N). That was the other hitman. The one that thankfully didn't go rouge. However, (Y/N) is one of their best agents." Laswell explained to the team.
" Do we know why he went rouge? " Gaz asked, tilting his head.
" No. They didn't tell us. " Laswell said. " As if they would. " She added the last part quietly, making the other men in the room chuckle.
" You will be joined by König, I know you have worked with him before. " Laswell said, looking at the screen.
Price was pleased with that piece of information. König is an absolute unit of a man and if there was a chance of going up against (Y/N), they are going to need every single backup they could get.
(Y/N) was one of the the most deadliest, if not the deadliest agent the world.
" So I assume we have a location? " Ghost asked, eyes moving to look at Laswell.
" We do. It's here nearby, actually. Soap will be excited. " Laswell said and Soap smiled widely.
" Scotland forever. " Soap said, pumping his fist in the air.
Ghost shook his head quietly, trying not to smile.
" We have a location somewhere in the middle of no where. Satelite footage shows a small cabin and we have conformation that (Y/N) is in there. König is going to meet you at the base in Scotland. " Laswell said and Price stood up.
" Alright everyone, lets suit up. " Price said and the others stood up too.
Soap was bouncing in his seat in the plane. Ghost looked at him with a neutral look, but he was softened by this Scot. He really was. They stood up when the plane landed. All of them geared up, stepping out when the doors lowered down.
Soap was happy to be back, but the others weren't really happy as Soap was.
" Captain Price. " A voice said from the front and there was the giant named Konig. His voice was deep with a prominent German accent. Price shook his hand with the giant and the others nodded at Konig in return.
" Laswell briefed you? " Price asked as the five of them moved to the cars.
" Yes. I know that (Y/N) is dangerous and could kill us with everyday objects. I also know that he went rouge from his agency. " König explained to Price.
" Alright. It's just the five of us so we need to be careful. " Price said before getting in. Price, Konig got into one and Soap, Gaz and Ghost in the other. They didn't have any additional backup due to the secrecy of this mission.
After 2 hours of driving, they parked a little further from the cabin. They moved in silence and Price has ordered radio silence. They need to do this quietly.
They need to catch (Y/N) off guard.
But that's easier said than done. (Y/N) was trained as a mercenary, a really good one. No, not the good one, but the best one. And if this was going to succeed, then they need to do this quickly and carefully.
One way or another.
Price broke in first, rifle ready to shoot him. This mission was capture or kill.
They moved quitely through a bigger cabin then they thought. They were on high alert, moving quietly. Lets fucking go.
They separated and moved through out the cabin. Price stepped into the kitchen, grunting in pain as something hit him in the face. He saw (Y/N) in a blur as he was thrown across the room.
Ghost tried to help, but (Y/N) jumped on the counter, using it a jumping boost before he managed to bring Ghost down. Ghost grunted as he was slammed down. (Y/N) slid in between König's legs before jumping up using the wall and climbing up on König's shoulders and using his body to bring him down.
Konig didn't expect it and let out a grunt of pain as (Y/N) managed to slam him into the ground. He lunged at Soap and Gaz, bringing them both down.
Both Soap and Gaz didn't expect it, even though they saw it coming. (Y/N) ran out, getting into one of the vehicles. He drove off, chuckling.
He never intended to kill any of them. They weren't his targets in any way shape or form. He didn't have any intention to kill anyone who didn't deserve it. Not anymore. He killed those who did and didn't deserved it.
But now he was going to change. After being under someone else's control for a long time, he wanted some freedom. And he liked 141 TF. There was something about their tenacity and spirit that (Y/N) liked.
He knew that he is going to see them again. The search has started and so has the game of nerves.
Let the fun begin. ,
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david-talks-sw · 8 months
When 'Star Wars' dilutes the impact of a "Kurosawa samurai standoff"...
It's no secret that one of the major inspirations for Star Wars was Akira Kurosawa movies. The Hidden Fortress influenced the basic structure of the first film, was a basis for Lucas' character archetypes and his use of narrative POVs.
But, really, all of Kurosawa's films were an influence on the making of Star Wars. Including the duels seen in his and other samurai films from the 60s.
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Dunno if you've seen a kendo fight, but they're pretty similar.
The duelists size each other up, and there's a lot of mind games going on before the strike actually happens.
If you hold your sword this way, the other guy adjusts his stance.
You move your foot that way, the adversary responds accordingly.
Cinematically, this process allows you to play with a whole treasure trove of elements to build up the drama and suspense. We see this slow-yet-tense approach to dueling reflected all over the Original Trilogy. And we've seen it again in recent Disney-released content.
The perfect and first real example of this in Star Wars is the fight between Ben Kenobi and Maul, in Rebels.
The tension increases more...
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... and more until the two fighters move, the music swells...
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... and then it reaches its climax.
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Beautifully executed.
Dave Filoni's done his homework, it shows, and while it's an awesome homage, narratively it also holds weight. There's a reason why this fight is so quick:
This time, Obi-Wan isn't fighting to avenge the death of his master, he's not fighting to save his own life... he's fighting to protect Luke's. And that means there's no time to fuck about. He'll end the conflict swiftly and decisively, he won't let it come to a prolonged acrobatic fight. So he lures Maul in by making him think he's taking Qui-Gon's form, and strikes true when Maul, increasingly consumed by his own rage to the point of blindness, falls for it.
Again: a wonderful fight and an excellent homage.
Then we get to Luke's stand-off with Kylo on Crait, in The Last Jedi.
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An interesting take on the trope, also with meaningful narrative impact. As Rian Johnson writes in the TLJ screenplay:
"This is not like a saber fight. This like an old-fashioned samurai duel."
Here too, the tension gets built up...
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... and every time we're close to getting that climax, Luke dodges.
It leaves a feeling of dissatisfaction, which is exactly what Kylo is feeling as he boils with rage.
Suddenly, we do get the climax...
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... and a twist. Luke was never actually there. Boom. Those inserts during the build-up phase? If you look at them again they're clues (Luke doesn't leave a mark on the ground, salt doesn't land on his clothes, etc). Luke wasn't engaging because he wasn't actually there, he was buying time for the Resistance to escape.
Okay. Cool.
Next time we see a "Kurosawa" duel... it's here, in The Mandalorian.
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Again, a lot of posing, slow movements and patience, as is expected from the trope.
But we know nothing about the opponent Ahsoka is fighting other than her name is Morgan... so no emotional impact, there.
At some point, Ahsoka loses a lightsaber. The apprentice to the Chosen One is struggling against some rando.
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We find out later on that Morgan is a Nightsister from Dathomir, and that's cool... but we already know how Jedi-trained folks fare against the Dathomiri.
If you ask me, it feels like manufactured stakes. But that's beside the point. In fact, y'know what? It's fine.
Though the impact of this duel isn't as great as its predecessors, the whole episode is filled with visual homages to Kurosawa's work.
It makes sense that the duel would be too. Also it's the first time we're seeing Ahsoka in live action, in a lightsaber duel, the hype is real. Let's cut 'em some slack.
So we come to the series Ahsoka... where almost every duel in the the show has the Kurosawa posturing and tip-toeing and... I dunno. I was bored?
Like, the primary purpose of this approach to duels is that it's meant to be suspenseful and intense... and now it's not.
Because we know Ahsoka is gonna beat the crap outta these droids...
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... so why even bother faking some semblance of "what's her next move gonna be?" suspense? There's a hole right behind her, gee, I truly wonder.
Oh, you think putting her against an Inquisitor's gonna make us fear for her life, wonder if she's gonna get outta this situation unscathed?
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She was wiping the floor with two of them at the same time, a decade prior. At 17, she was killing Inquisitors while disarmed.
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Do you really expect your audience to fear for her life in a fight against Marrok?
So we get to the fight with Baylan, and the posturing and studying opponent's next move would be welcome here (two Order 66 survivors, knew Anakin, both well-trained former Jedi)...
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... if we hadn't literally seen that same dynamic with Marrok who, again, we knew was gonna die.
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No tension was built in either moment, the only thing it achieved was me pressing >> on my keyboard.
It's not captivating anymore, it's just slow and un-dynamic.
Bottom line:
Tributes to Kurosawa are nice. They're part of what makes Star Wars what it is. But c'mon, we get it already.
Lightsaber duelists don't need to tiptoe around each other and change poses at every fight. Because when the actually meaningful duels come up (like the one with Baylan), the impact will be lessened.
The "Kurosawa samurai duel" is artistic and interesting, but it should be used sparingly in order to maintain its charm and not get old and trope-y. AKA too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing.
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punkmunch · 1 year
I just feel the need to deinfluence agere so bad like wear whatever you want or can! Do whatever is fun! Let go of the need of imagining tiny little people watching you while you're goddamn coping! To be a pink and feminine and well behaved and "perfect" regressor, like the ones on tiktok and Instagram, isn't your only choice and honestly? I don't believe that half of them are actually like their online personas when they're regressing because:
Kids are messy. Kids throw tantrums, kids swear, are obsessed with "weird" things that are not catered to them, wear whatever is comfortable if it's up to them and care about getting to the playground as fast as possible rather than as beautifully as they can. It's fine if you're not like this, but we (the ones that are) need to be reminded that it's not our perfectly done makeup and cute quiet babbles that make us worthy of fun and healing and love: it's the fact that we're people, we're just kids.
Tl;dr: it's fine if you don't look like age regressors online: bio kids also don't, and that doesn't make them any less deserving of peace, safety and love.
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matchalovertrait · 2 months
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What do the judges think about Dulce's dish? How will it stack up against the other contestants' dishes? Find out in the next segment.
Previous / Next (Transcript under the cut)
(1.) N/A
(2.) [Alex] Oh man, I'm starting to feel the pressure.
(3.) [Lewis] I really hope I don't go up first.
(4.) [Andrea] Judges, are you ready to try the four appetizers our young chefs have prepared for you?
(5.) [Mia] We are more than ready. Let's begin.
(6.) [Rubiya] The drama......
(7.) [Dulce] Reality is hitting me. I'm feeling a bit sick now.
(8.) [Andrea] First up, we have Chef Lewis's appetizer.
(9.) [Lewis] Seriously? I've always been picked last in things, especially when it comes to picking teams in physical education class. Oh well, I'm pure done in from all the worrying. Let's get this over with.
(10.) [Lewis] Judges, today I have for you a pea shoot salad with crumbled sausage, flatbread croutons, and a shakshuka sauce vinaigrette.
(11.) [Carlo] These croutons are awfully burnt, buddy. We can't try them like this.
(12.) [Rubiya] Poor Lewis.
(13.) [Dulce] Oh, man.. at least the rest of the bowl looks pretty?
(14.) [Lewis] Yeah, I'm sorry. I lost track of time, so I put the heat up, but then I sorta forgot about 'em. But they're one of the basket ingredients, so I had to keep 'em in so I don't get immediately disqualified, y'know?
(15.) [Sofia] I respect that, Chef Lewis. You're not backing out of the race just yet. That's admirable, in my opinion. This vinaigrette is delicious, by the way.
(16.) [Carlo] The crumbled sausage is actually cooked to perfection...
(17.) [Mia] It really is a shame about the croutons because everything else came together quite beautifully.
[Sofia] Thank you for the food, Chef Lewis.
[Lewis] Thank you, judges.
(18.) [Andrea] Up next, we have Chef Dulce's appetizer.
[Dulce] Judges, today I made for you cheesy pizza wedges with a flatbread crust, shakshuka sauce, topped with pea shoots, and merguez sausage.
(19.) [Dulce] I nailed that.
(20.) [Carlo] This is...
[Mia] Dulce-
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
okay fuck so i got an anon ask for solangelo fic recs and then i made a draft on my phone but then deleted it bc i wanted to type it out on my computer but then that deleted the ask too so!! hopefully this reaches the anon i apologize deeply for losing your ask😭
so first of all if you wanna check out my ao3 i have a bunch of recs in my bookmarks (57 solangelo ones im pretty sure)
but here are some of my favs
i'm put in awe (of something so flawed and free) by CordeliaRose (@cordelia---rose)
archaeologist!Nico & trauma surgeon!Will AU. this fic is. ohmgyod. nico's internal dialogue is just absolutely perfect in this fic and i laughed so hard and god it was just so beautifully written?? but also solangelo are literally so cute. like. ahglskdf. i gotta reread this actually but anyway (also anything by this author, absolutely hilarious, such good writing)
dumb, dumb love by thegoldenappleofdiscord
five times nico and will are dumb and in love, and the one time they are totally 100% dead serious. i love a good outsider's pov, and this fic is just gorgeous. it's a bunch of different perspectives into solangelo, and it's pure fluff, and it's got some of my favorite solangelo quotes (like, when i read fanfic i screenshot parts i rlly like and i practically screenshotted this entire fic), and their characterization is just so so accurate they're so so in love
paris by ethannku (@ethannku)
Nico has a travel YouTube channel. And a crush on one Will Solace. i'm such a sucker for socmed au's and this one is done SO so well. my all time favorite. and it's sequel too!! the formatting i am in awe of, but other than that, it's just a really good time and i just love all the little details. i've reread this too many times to count and was SO excited when a sequel was published, and i can only hope that there's more to the au in the future!! (also this author writes incredible solangelo fics and even more valgrace fics which i recently just bingeread and are soo good)
Perfect Places by buoyantsaturn (@buoyantsaturn)
“My name’s Will,” he started - so far so good - but then continued, “and I guess my favorite food to cook would be, um, frozen pizza.” Was Nico only attracted to idiots? this one's fucking hilarious. i can't even put it to words like their dynamic in this fic is so funny and yet so cute and nico is honestly just like. shocked that will is somehow still alive?? will's a safety hazard. but also piper and jason in this fic are so funny too, it's honestly just such a good, fun read (and, once again, this author's incredible. read everything by them)
I Can't Help It If You Look Like an Angel by the_oncoming_stormaggedon (@lordstormageddidnt)
Will Solace is a pre-med student whose friends run a true crime podcast called "Nothing to See Here". Nico di Angelo, despite not realizing he's a missing person, is the subject of one of the episodes. They meet by chance in a random bar, and shenanigans ensue. i mean, if it's got a taylor swift title, i'm already sold. and then it's part of a series called "Hey Stephen is a solangelo song and i will die on that hill" which is the realest thing ever?? but ASIDE from that, i could honestly rec this entire series (+ the other series it's a part of, "Nothing to See Here" which is all part of the same au) and also everything by this author - it's hilarious, i just love the premise, and the writing is so good!! and hey stephen is a solangelo song, thereby reinforcing my "fearless is will's favorite album ever of all time and i will die on this hill" argument
Even When the Music's Gone by the_oncoming_stormaggedon
It's the 74th Annual Hunger Games, and Nico and Will are the last two tributes alive. haha this is pure angst. just gutwrenching angst. love a good hunger games au and some MCD!
can i handle the seasons of my life? by buoyantsaturn
“I think that most people your age finished high school, and whether they knew what they wanted to do with the rest of their life or not, they went to college. That was their version of ditching everything they knew in order to find themselves. Maybe it’s time for you to stop taking advice from other kids who grew up the same way you did, and take it from someone who used to be normal.”  FAME AU FAME AU FAME AU FAME AU i mean, not REALLY about the fame aspect of it, but i still love it so so much. will's essentially a nepo baby turned not-nepo-baby turned college student and nico's naomi's driver, and there's even... there's EVEN A VERY BRIEFLY IMPLIED POLLEN. yeah they're relationship is just so cute in this and i love the au and i love how it's written and ugh i need more fame au's in my life
so it turns out teachers don't live at school by RegretfullyRegretful (@marbleheavy)
Nico's TA and students are determined to figure out something, anything about him. Of course, it would all just be a lot easier if they asked. Either way, Professor di Angelo is decidedly a lonely hermit. (Someone should really tell his husband and baby that) this was one of the first solangelo fics i ever read, and it's just. so. funny. another outsider's pov bc i love it, and just... the assumptions abt nico, the fluff of solangelo, and then their story of how they got together is so...ahhsdlkjs this author is just a master at tooth-rotting fluff go read everything they write
my lover's the sunlight by demigodbeautiies
Figure Skater Nico di Angelo has a run in with Ice Hockey Player Will Solace. It doesn't go too smoothly, but then again - when does it ever? OLYMPICS AU. FAME(ISH) AU. IM OBSESSED THIS IS WRITTEN SO WELL and like... the very brief part where it feels a lot like a fame au like i just i'm obsessed can you tell. the writing is just beautiful in this, i love nico's internal dialogue, and... i mean, it's an olympics au. ofc its perfect
The Stolen God by TsarinaTorment (@tsarinatorment)
Python is defeated. The prophecies are restored, and Nero has fallen. Apollo has not been seen since. His trials are over; why isn’t he back on Olympus? okay so. this is a bit of a longer fic. and it's a post-toa, pjoxmcga crossover, and it's not *entirely* focused on solangelo - but when i tell you that this fic, if i weren't reading it on ao3, i would truly and full-heartedly believe was a real life published novel - i am NOT LYING. i rec'd this to my friend right after i read it bc i was just like so so obsessed with it and it's literally just. the plot?? is insane. i'm in awe of the author, bc this isn't even the only novel-length fic that they've written with an insane plot too (their fic Eclipse is also phenomenal, but it's more focused on apollo and hades so i didn't rec it here) there's some fierrochase here, lester being lester, and some very very very cute solangelo! and meg! i think sometimes you read a fic and you're like "oh, shit, that could be a novel, and i would think it's better than some actual novels i've read" and this is one of them
(Please Don't Let Me) Fade Alone by TsarinaTorment
Please. Don't let me. the summary's really short here so it's basically that will gets very very very injured and then apollo saves him (rip, i'm sorry, i suck at summaries) once again this isn't necessarily nico focused... it's much more will & apollo. this author writes the absolute best stuff for the apollo cabin, genuinely, if you love will/cabin 7/apollo PLEASE read everything they've ever written but this is just so angsty and the hurt/comfort is so real and goddd it's so good
he was seen on occasion (pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea) by stargirltv
Nico di Angelo is a completely normal eighteen year old. He attends high school, has a socially acceptable amount of friends for a social outcast and has been in a relationship for the past four years with the guy he’s pretty sure he’s going to marry. He also happens to be the world's biggest bedroom pop artist, ‘Hell’s Angel’, with a fan base that will stop at nothing to uncover his true identity and a Father that continually pushes him to be better. His boyfriend freaking out under every single one of his tweets is making it a bit easier for them to figure it out. so. fame au. y'all already know the premise of this is just absolutely hilarious and the interview?? the posts?? will just being will and i absolutely love his characterization?? and the friend group?? this is one of the funniest things ever but also just written so well anddddd yes yes yes it's a fame au POPSTAR NICO RIGHTS except he's not *really* a popstar in this one but like close enough oh AND it's a taylor swift title??? like this fic was made for me basically
okay that was MUCH longer than intended but i hope you enjoy some of the fics on here!! pls let me know if y'all ever want more recs i read literally so many fics - and if you guys ever want to give me any recs, feel free to do so! as of today, i have read *checks fic tracker bc i'm obsessive and need to keep track of everything* about 7.3 million words of fanfic this year. and that's actually less than normal (for me)
also if anyone reads patrochilles please read this fic it's literally been in my head nonstop for the past few weeks since i've read it and it's one of the best things i've ever read and like holyshit if you read patrochilles read it read it read it
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animeomegas · 1 month
i think that uchiha omegas are vain without realizing it. for the clan it is not about fitting into the omega stereotypes that are fashionable at the time, but beauty is a type of power, certain physical features are highly valued because they are representations of the purity of the lineage. many of their beauty and makeup rituals are even excessive for other traditional clans and i find the mental image so funny. just imagine massacre au itachi looking at his little brother, his beautiful little brother omega, a pure uchiha, with slightly damaged hair and clean, short nails but not with the usual intricate patterns. he is disturbed both because it is his fault that sasuke knows almost nothing about those traditions and because he fights against the maternal instinct to clean him up and make him worthy of standards that he was raised.
This is such a beautiful ask omg, and I adore it with all my being! 🥰
I love the idea that Uchiha teach all their omegas (and probably the other dynamics too honestly) about make up, fashion, haircare etc. but with the idea that beauty is power. Their clan is beautiful, and that's part of their power and allure.
It's all practical stuff too. Here's my ideas for Uchiha clan beauty standards:
Nails should be short, but beautifully painted.
Hair should be well conditioned with expensive, but crucially scentless, hair products.
Skincare is important. (Uchiha dermatologist specialists, ahh! Non-shinobi members would for sure have the option to specialise in wellness chemistry.)
Clothing is expensive, and stunning. Traditional, but with just the right amount of cutting edge, because they aren't boring like the Hyuuga.
Grace is taught through dance, which Uchiha perform at their traditional festivals.
And Itachi being raised with all this, is intimately familiar with the rituals. He has to paint his nails for the Akatsuki, but they're done so much better than everyone else's. He still knows all the dances, although he doesn't perform them.
And you're so right, Itachi would be unnerved seeing Sasuke without any of that grooming that he would have been expected to do. He was too young for make up when the clan was slaughtered, and he'd only had his nails done by other people so he doesn't know how to do it himself.
He's probably also forgotten all the dances, and outgrown all his formal wear. He definitely doesn't bother with expensive shampoo or skincare.
He doesn't look like an Uchiha should. And Itachi realises in that moment, that even if Sasuke had countless children and revived the clan, the traditions are probably already lost forever. They will quite literally die with Itachi.
I'm imagining Itachi daydreaming about getting to paint Sasuke's nails for him, and performing the special heir dance with him at festivals. When he's face to face with Sasuke, because his mind is struggling to cope with the situation, he finds himself fixating on wanting to wash and brush Sasuke's hair properly. Because it doesn't look right.
This headcanon is perfect. Just the right amount of world building, Uchiha arrogance, and angst.
Here are my questions if anyone wants to jump in:
What sort of nail designs are popular and why?
How does this impact wedding ceremonies?
What kind of special dance rituals or dress up rituals would the heirs have to go through? Did Itachi and Sasuke do it?
How would Itachi and Sasuke feel about this in a non-massacre AU?
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boxturret · 27 days
QFTT Cliff Bug
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Recently I was on a bit of a shopping spree, buying a ton of parts for rahi, and this store I was buying from happened to have the long thin panels in yellow so it got me thinking about the Cliff Bug again. Initially I was going to go with my older design, but then I recalled this other really great design by Schlelkohov on twitter which actually incorporates a play feature! The play feature was really tempting, but at the same time some of the design elements from my earlier one still felt right to me. Then I had a sudden epiphany and tore apart my Kewa.
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And it worked beautifully. I felt very strongly about how I had done the front legs, even though that little connector hanging down didn't do anything, it just felt right from looking at the sprites. When I realised that they were the perfect place to attach a rubber band I knew I was on to something! I love those tiny 8 toothed gears, they're so useful, you can sneak them in to so many places.
I was away from my parts when I first had the idea so I basically built it entirely in my head. I guess I've 3d modelled all these parts so many times now they're just permanently in my brain. I was a bit worried about the clearance for the gear behind the eye bracket but once that worked out everything went together just as I had planned.
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lxndonorris · 1 year
still got it - Mick Schumacher
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Y/N x Mick Schumacher Theme: Smutish (teasing, touching) attending Mick's tire testing in Barcelona x word count: 2120+
When Mick learned that he wasn't going to have a seat for the upcoming season, the two of you were more than just disappointed. Haas in general wasn't the best fit for Mick, with a boss with a temper and the arguably worst car at the time, it was very hard for him to show his true potential. He was frustrated and tried his best to succeed, but it just wasn't meant to be. However, once he got the call from Mercedes, everything changed. Even though he won't have an active seat, staying in F1 even as a reserve driver, means the world to both of you. Now, it's time for Mick to hit the track again, because they allow him to do the tire tests in Barcelona. Of course, he asked you to join him in the paddock, and there was no way that you'd decline his request.
For over a week now, he was excited, a little nervous, and overall happy to finally fly around a circuit once more, even if it was just for tire testing. When it was time to leave for the day, Mick basically dragged you towards his bike. You held on tight, your hands hugging him tightly from behind while he got you to the track right on time. The two of you met up with a few team members, and they informed you, that all is prepared. Now, Mick just needs to suit up and they're set to go.
You're the first to enter the motorhome, with Mick staying a few steps behind. He's still chatting with his mechanics, while you walk through the trailer. Looking around, you instantly remember all the other times you joined him on race weekends, however, it's different this time. They really spared no expenses when preparing this for Mick's tire testing. It looks so comfy, beautifully decorated, and overall perfect. Then, you spot the most important thing, his racing suit. Folded in a neat pile, his black racing suit and fireproofs, lie on a shelf inside the wooden cupboard. You make your way toward them and feel the fabric between your fingers. "Feels good, doesn't it," Mick says, entering the room and walking toward you, a huge smile spreading across his entire face.
"It does." You smile as well and watch him approach you. He reaches for your waist, pulling you closer toward him, while both of you admire his new suit. Then, he turns his face back to yours and tilts his head. "Shall we begin?" He smirks, and you mirror his movements. "Ready when you are." You lick your lips quickly and he giggles. Turning around, you spot a comfy chair waiting for you to sit down, the perfect view for now. Excited, you watch Mick undressing. After he took his shoes off, the first to go is his pair of tight skinny jeans. They look so good on him, flattering his thighs perfectly, and once they're gone, his dark blue boxers are exposed.
You cannot help yourself but admire his package, with him filling those undies well. Of course, he notices you staring. "My eyes are up here." He pouts teasingly, drawing your attention back to his gorgeous eyes. "Don't blame me." You mouth silently, shaking your head, causing him to smirk. He licks his lower lip before he pulls at his black Mercedes shirt. A beautiful, tight shirt, again, made to flatter him. You are used to seeing him wear any team gear, as it's part of his job, and he loves to show off, knowing very well that those shirts are an absolute tease. Without much of a struggle, he takes it off, smirking at you again. Most of the time you forget how well-formed his body is, even through those tight shirts, making his pecs look big enough, but once you see his bare chest, you can't help but look at him, his body again, admiring his physique.
Confidently, he slowly walks up to you, running a hand through his nicely done hair, across his firm chest and even further down to his crotch, brushing over his length. "Like what you see?" He bites his lower lip and reaches for your hand. "Oh, yeah." You breathe deeply and take his invitation. Easily, he pulls you out of the chair and right into his arms. "Easy." You giggle, steadying yourself against his bare chest. "I'm just so excited." He pouts again, before leaning in to kiss you lovingly. "Me too." You say once you separate from him. "Then, what are we waiting for?" Stroking his firm chest, you motion towards his suit. With every move of your fingers, his skin is flushed with color, when he blushes.
"Are you ready?" He raises his eyebrows. "Born ready." You steal one more kiss before he separates himself from you, leaving you to sit down again. Enjoying the view of his ass as he strolls towards the cupboard, you take out your phone to take a few pictures of him getting dressed. Mick picks up the bottoms of the black fireproofs, turns around smiles. "Never had black ones before." His gaze shifts between you and the clothes when a shy smile forms on his soft lips. "They do look good though." You say comfortingly, and he nods. Without further ado, he slides into them, one leg at a time, and they fit perfectly like they were hand-made for him, and just him.
Mick looks down at himself and moves from side to side to have a good look at his lower half. "How does it fit?" You say, and he looks up at you, smirking. "Tight, but in a good way." He bites his lip, knowing very well that not only his excitement is growing bigger and bigger. "Mind if I?" You raise your phone, and he tilts his head again. "Fire away?" He chuckles shortly, and you start to take a few pictures. Mick looks so fine, and he makes sure to pose for this photoshoot, showing off. Both of you giggle while he picks up the top half, and after exchanging teasing looks, he puts it on. You watch his skin vanish behind the black, thin fabric, as he slides into it, again, one arm at a time, before his head pops out of it, with a soft groan.
"Fuck." He breathes deeply, pulling down his top, flattening it with both of his hands. Subconsciously, he keeps stroking his own chest, and his nipples with one hand, while he walks over toward a mirror. "I do look so good." He lets out a soft groan before he turns back around to face you. Nodding contently, you motion for him to come closer again, and he puts on a show. Mick knows how good he looks right now, and he is not afraid to show off. This time, he doesn't need to pull you out of the chair, you get up, embracing his hands on your waist. "You're my beautiful man." You say, again steadying yourself against his chest, but this time, you enjoy the feeling of fabric underneath your fingertips as you run them across his chest, enjoying the feeling of his whole body slowly but steadily tensing more and more.
"Thank you." He blushes again before his attention is drawn to your fingers drawing circles across his pecs. To tease him a little more, your other hand finds its way to his chest, and you feel him, his tits firmly. Mick starts to purr happily, and he watches you stroke him again and again, this time, down his upper body, to his firm abs, his waist, and even further down to his crotch. Lifting your chin slightly, your hands brush over the tent forming inside his underwear, and he lets out a low moan. Mick raises his head now too, and your eyes meet again. "Naughty." He hisses, with his beautiful eyes shining brightly, the fire of excitement burning behind them. "I know you like that." You hiss back at him, as he starts to grind on your hand, narrowing his eyes.
"I think your way too overdressed." He looks down at your outfit, as he starts to tug at your shirt. Giggling, you place a hand on his chin, making him look into your eyes again. "I think we have to do that later." You look at his suit still lying on the shelf, and he follows your gaze. "Fuck, you're right." He looks back at you, leaning in for a loving, passionate kiss. Then, Mick separates himself again and walks towards the cupboard. "Wait, photos!" You say quickly, and he turns around again, striking a pose instantly. With his hands steadied at his hips, he goes through a different set of poses, the ones the drivers would have to do for F1 marketing material.
Mick looks so good in those tight fireproofs, his well-formed body testing the limits of the fabric teasingly. His whole body is growing in anticipation of the upcoming day, and so does yours. Even though you've seen him dress up more than a dozen times, this feels different, a new chapter of a promising journey. Lost in your thoughts, you nearly missed him putting his black racing suit on, when he does a little jump, so his legs slip inside the lower half. You've really missed the sight of him wearing those suits, and this makes you smile even brighter.
Once he lifts his head to look at you, you know he feels the same. His smile covers his whole face, his eyes shine brightly, and the suit fits perfectly as well. "I love that feeling." He says, his voice shaking slightly, as he looks down at himself again, running his hands across his chest, brushing over his crotch to his thighs and back to his waist. Now you make your way toward him, and he embraces your hands on his body now. "Damn, babé." You say, feeling his chest again. This time, it's even harder than before, as he starts to flex. "My beautiful, beautiful man." You say, running a hand across his chest, to his shoulder, and along his arm. Mick, teasingly, flexes his biceps, his muscles bulging against the thin fireproofs.
"So good." He groans again, and you look at him, smirking. "That good, huh?" Your hands encompass his entire upper body, much to his satisfaction. Mick loves being touched by you this way, and his whole body starts vibrating once he starts to hum happily. Leaning in again, you place a soft kiss right on his lips, while you feel his hands now all over your body, your neck, your chest, and waist. You easily pick up his rhythm, and the two of you move in unison, both of you, purring. Just then, a knock on the door snaps you out of this moment. "Eh, come in," Mick says quickly, trying to stop his face from blushing heavily.
A young woman enters the room and spots the two of you standing right next to each other. "You're already dressed, very good." She smiles, motioning to his suit. "Of course," Mick says nervously, and you exchange knowing looks. "You're down in 10, okay?" She says contently before she walks towards the door again. "We will be there." Mick smiles back at her and you watch her leave. For a moment, you stand there, before you share a quick laugh. "Shall we go then?" Mick turns to you, smiling. "Sounds good." You look at the phone in your hands. "Wait, a few more pics?" Pouting pleadingly, you try your best to persuade him, but that isn't even necessary.
Mick nods, and you take a few more pictures. He moves his body, to show off his butt, his firm chest, his big arms, and thighs. As you take a dozen pictures, he puts the upper half of the suit on as well. He closes the zipper, buttons up the collar, and reaches for your hand. One last time you place a hand on his chest, touching him lovingly. "I really missed this." Mick frowns, looking down at himself again, reminiscing of his time on the active grid. "You'll come back soon. I'm sure." You say comfortingly, rubbing his back. Nodding, he looks at you again, before kissing you.
Together, you walk towards his garage, where his Mercedes is already waiting for him. He walks along the car, running a finger along the outlines of the 47 on the front. You watch him getting ready and inside the car, being proud of him. It will indeed be tough to get back into F1, but as other people have done it before, nothing is impossible, for someone with his talent.
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junityy · 9 months
ʚïɞ — gift giving with enhypen.
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pairing. ot7 x gn!reader
genre. fluff, hcs
wc. 1.8k
note. its kinda embarrassing how easily you can see which hcs i enjoyed writing the most 💀💀 and also damn i really didnt think id be this excited to post these every 3 days 😭🙏🏻 so i hope you enjoy <33
taglist. send an ask or reply to this post if you want to be added to the taglist.  —  you can also sign up for my general taglist here if you want!
➝  5 love languages masterlist.
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ʚɞ. lee heeseung — 이희승
handwritten cards
it's such a lovely thing, you can't help but laugh out of happiness every time you get another one of heeseung's handwritten cards. you think it's silly (obviously in a loving and positive way) every time you open the card and see that there's a block of handwritten text dedicated to you. you think it's silly until you read heeseung's short love poems for you at the end, and you can feel your heart doing literal backflips. either he has a way with words, or you're just insanely and hopelessly in love with him (probably both). most of the time, though (more like always), he insists you read them when he's not there - which you can understand, and therefore do. the only problem with it is that, once you're done, you can't kiss or hug him like you desperately want to every time. and well, heeseung's only problem is that, no matter how insanely beautifully he writes those texts for you, and how much he pours his heart into it, he knows there won't ever be a word to do his love for you justice. hell, there will never even be anything that comes close to putting how much he loves you into words. that's probably why he takes his time with the cards too - he wants them to be perfect, knowing you keep and reread every single one over time. and every time you intimately kiss him without saying a word as a really heartfelt thank you, he feels like writing them for you until the day he dies.
ʚɞ. park jongseong — 박종성
from necklaces, to earrings, bracelets and rings - after a while, you almost lost count as to how many things jay has gifted you by now. you love jewelry; even more when it's something jay bought you. some people would find it rather too materialistic and simple, but for you, it's like you're wearing a tiny reminder that jay loves you - no matter what kind of jewelry you put on that day. especially when you know how picky he can get, only wanting the best things for his love; so he often takes his time when choosing what to buy you. and because they're quite on the expensive side, you always try to make sure you're taking care of them well; just looking at the way you put them in your jewelry box in the neatest way possible so they won't get tangled up alone. you try your best to take care of them, despite wearing something out of your little collection basically everyday. and with time, you eventually learned to stop feeling bad about how expensive these things must be - knowing jay would literally give you the world and more if he could. although sometimes you still feel a tad bit bad, you just appreciate every yet so tiny piece he gives you so much. jay absolutely loves seeing you wear whatever jewelry he got you one day, as it brings a tiny smile to his face that he tries to hide every time.
ʚɞ. sim jaeyun — 심쟤윤
usually, you'd go shopping together at any given chance. but when jake is at the mall by himself and quickly (mostly randomly) goes into some stores and does end up buying clothes, he finds himself buying clothes he thinks would look good on you as well, or just clothes you'd probably like and wear regularly. technically, it's (probably) not a 'classic' gift for many people; but as you both share a big interest in fashion and definitely influence each other's style in a way, you'd go as far as seeing the clothes he buys for you specifically as unspoken gifts every now and then. and well, like nine out of ten times, the things he buys actually end up in your closet (like the rest of the clothes you bought together, or he simply bought for you). jake absolutely loves seeing you wear the things he bought you - and it's hard for you to not notice that, with the way a big smile forms on his face when he sees what you're wearing. and without denying, you love it just as much, possibly even more. it's something so simple, and maybe rather small to other people, but you two always have and will cherish it.
ʚɞ. park sunghoon — 박성훈
it's the classic gesture, but that definitely doesn't make any flower sunghoon brings home to you any less special. it started with - and also still is - most of the time a whole bouquet of flowers, where he (most likely) handpicked which flowers would go in the bouquet to make it perfect. or at least as perfect as possible, according to himself. from classic roses and peonies, to colorful lilies, tulips, pink carnations, dahlias and so many more - you've seen them all, and you've seen them in every color there is. however, when it's not a bouquet, it's something simple like a few flowers he picked up on the way home. like, literally, just a tiny set of random flowers he thought you'd like and therefore keep - because after a while, he realized that he doesn't need to go all out with big bouquets all the time, but small things like four to five small flowers would make your heart flutter, too. a few daisies and verbenas or whatever else there might be on the way home are enough, he realized. it's the simple fact that he takes time out of his day to put together a bouquet of flowers just for you, or simply stops on his way home to pick some up because you crossed his mind once again. and, really; you grew to love flowers because of it. every single one you see now reminds you of sunghoon, and all the countless times he walked through the door with at least one flower for you. there won't ever be a day where a smile won't grace your face instantly when sunghoon, yet again, walks through the door with another flower or a whole bouquet as a surprise for you.
ʚɞ. kim sunoo — 김선우
beaded jewelry
surely, you would have a collection with the amount of beaded pieces of jewelry sunoo has given you over time. whether it be necklaces, bracelets, or even rings - he made sure to cover everything, so you'd have quite the collection! sunoo loves to wear his own beaded jewelry whenever he gets the chance to, but nothing compares to the feeling and smile on his face when he sees you wear it. especially when (weirdly enough) it's not even outside, - although, he must admit, he absolutely loves when you wear it outside too - but rather when you just wear one/a few pieces casually and on the daily, barely ever taking it/them off; even if you're just home during that time. he knows what you like, so he simply puts your favourite color/s together, colors that he knows would go well with your wardrobe or simply color that are easy to style with any outfit. and you can trust him that whatever he makes, will look insanely good - perfect, even. hell, if you didn't know any better, you'd think he's been doing it for years and might even sell them. but imagine your major surprise when he told you that it's 'just' one of his dearest hobbies. and the look in your eyes, when he added that he felt like sharing it with you.
ʚɞ. yang jungwon — 양정원
buying matching items
whatever he buys, he will look for a matching piece to it. not something too obvious, though. nothing that screams that you two are a couple, but rather something vague, and simple. most of the time even something small; like if he finds a bracelet he likes, he looks for the same one, but just in a different color (possibly your favorite), so that you could have something small to match with. it can be jewelry, a keychain, a cute charm, or even something as silly as vaguely matching pajamas - mostly wearable stuff. whether it be worn outside or only at home, jungwon doesn't miss an opportunity to buy something that matches somehow. and of course, you can't help but smile with him when he shows you what he got - for both of you. it's cute, really, and you both always agree to keep the two items in the same place, so you definitely won't lose your matching piece. and you especially love it when, like nine out of ten times, you decide to wear whatever you have on the same day; so you can, even when you're not together, still match with at least one item that no one else will even notice. and maybe that's also what makes it special; it's really vague stuff, so nobody else would ever know or guess, but you both know that although you're not together that day, you have something that still connects you.
ʚɞ. nishimura riki — 西村 力
self made things
when riki gifts you something self made, best bet he will get creative as hell with it. while he could quite literally gift you a piece of paper with a heart on it (and you'd probably frame it), he tends to take his time to really make something out of it. most of the time it's paintings (whether it be somewhat big or smaller ones), which is already insane to you, considering he's really just talented like that. what you always like about his paintings, - beside the fact that they look like they're straight out of a museum every time - are the details and how much thought he put into it; always explaining each and every detail from his initial inspiration to verbally guiding you through his thought process. the way you always switch between admiring the artwork and him while he's explaining it all to you might be the reason why he keeps doing it, but he'd never tell you that with words - his art speaks enough. however, it can also be something small, yet still thoughtful and creative, like origami - which you ended up loving, so he kinda stuck with it. and god, riki thought his first origami looked so unbelievably tacky, but he still decided to gift it to you (recalling how you'd literally keep and frame a piece of paper with a heart on it, mind you); he figured you'd still like it. yet when he saw your eyes light up at the, according to him, 'tacky' origami flower, a huge smile graced his face and he fell in love all over again. the paper flower looked literally perfect to you, and you were convinced that he couldn't get any better than that - but hell, he did; which still leaves you speechless every time. from all kinds of flowers, to several colorful butterflies, your favorite animals, different sized hearts and whatever else he could make after watching a million tutorials. you had already admired him in every way possible, but whenever he stands in your door frame with another creative, self made gift for you, you simply find yourself at a loss for words - while admiring both, riki and the artwork in his hands, which he's showing you so proudly with a smile on his face.
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taglist @tyunni @geombyu @jaeyunverse @yjwfav @sieuneo @choconyu @czlluvriki @envirae @aureliaxuuu @4xiaojun
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marilynthornhilllover · 6 months
Literally anything with Larissa please!!!!!
Kinkmas fanfic: #1
Snow ball fights
Larissa weems x fem reader
Warning: fluff, slight talk of smut and teasing.
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It was Christmas morning and there was no better place in the world to be than in bed with your amazing wife larissa. You yawned as you sat up and looked around the room, adjusting to the sun light peaking through the thin curtains. Your alarm on your phone rang catching your attention, it was 6:45 AM. Sighing you quickly turned it off before it could wake up larissa. She stirred tiredly as she turned away from you, pulling the entire blanket away from your side and over to hers as she grumbled before laying still.
You giggled softly at her childish demeanor, she looked so perfect as she slept, like the sleeping beauty she was, like the goddess she is. Hair emblazoned out around the pillows, one of the straps to her pink silk tank top slightly off her shoulder. You couldn't help looking at her beautiful pale skin with red and purple marks that you designed from last night's activities. You watched as she looked so adorable and perfect as she slept.
You smiled softly at her peaceful sleeping form. You groaned, pulling yourself from the bed - the place you so desperately wanted to be. You weren't typically the early bird in the relationship, that would be Larissa because she has to work very often, you were quite the contrary. You wanted nothing more than to sleep in with Larissa but it was Christmas morning and you both were going to be having lots of friends and family over later tonight and the food wasn't going to cook itself.
You had already prepared lots of goodies the night before brownies, cookies, cake pops, sweet meat sticks and so much more, you just needed to put them in the oven. Tonight was going to be special because it's also the first Christmas where you get to spend it with Larissa's family. They're never in Jericho and not much of the traveling type, so you were both excited when her parents said they were flying out for the Holidays.
You were quick to call some close friends from overseas asking if they could join for the holidays and Larissa did the same, so there was going to be a full house tonight. You also prepared some fun activities to do before gift opening, such as karaoke, seeing who could watch the most cringy Christmas movies, doing couple and friend challenges, cake and snack eating contest and lastly secret Santa. You were beyond excited - excited would be an understatement. You were going all out this year. After all, we can all agree that 2023 hasn't been all sunshine and roses what better way to celebrate it ending that with a nice holiday fess.
The mansion was very well decorated, with the biggest Christmas tree in the living room and every inch of the house beautifully decorated with Christmas lights, and the outside had blown up reindeer and elves along with many different colored Christmas lights. Everything looked significant.
You took a warm shower with your vanilla-scented Christmas bath scrub and soap then changed into your matching pajamas that you had bought for both you and Larissa to wear today, you placed hers on the bed so that she could easily change into it when she woke up, as you continued to get ready. You did your hair in a Christmas themed hairstyle You slipped on your uggs before heading off to the kitchen.
You checked the pastries that you left in the oven last night to make sure that they were okay before proceeding to turn on the oven to get them baking. You decided to bake something that everyone enjoyed so there were lots of pastries done in consideration of that. But you still had to work on the chocolate spice cinnamon rolls that your friend loved so much as well as donuts and homemade pop tarts.
The kitchen smiled like heaven. You decided to brighten up the mood a little by playing some Christmas music from the Playlist that you and Larissa had picked out. You started working on Christmas dinner as well. Since you and Larissa were both having your family and friends over, and everyone had different food tastes you decided to cook traditional dishes.
You were making chicken soup, pepperoni and jerk Juliet pizza, grand turkey with fries, fired crab with gravy sauce and, bread and of course the classic and also larissas favorite, Italian baked chicken wings in barbecue sauce. You made sure to order all the famous red wines and sweet alcoholic drinks aswell hot chocolate mix from France.
You didn't even realize that you began dancing to the music singing along to the lyrics a little too loud awakening Larissa in the process. She sleepily made her way down the hall from the bedroom, dressed in her pajamas and hair in a messy bun with her bunny slippers. You looked up at her as she stopping in front of you and stretched, her shirt rising up, flashing you the beautiful pale skin of her belly. You smiled at her form and leaned over to give her a peck on the lips.
" good morning sleepily head" you spoke, turning to put the cinnamon rolls in the oven as you took out the other pastires that were finished and placing them in the heating oven so they won't get cold before tonight. Larissa gently wrapped her hands around your waist pulling you into her. She gently began sucking and biting on your pulse point as her hand slipped into your pants and underwear.
You squealed and grabbed her wrist and stopped her before kissing her on her knuckles as she whined.
" I'm sorry baby but we have things to do today. We haven't even started wrapping and labeling the gifts yet and your family likes to be early birds" She tried to protest but you placed a hand on her lips and chuckled at her needy state.
" Oh come on y/n I can make you cum in 5 minutes! It won't even take that long if I use my fingers" she spoke in her raspy morning voice giving you that dirty look that turns you on faster than a light switch. You tried your best to ignore the aching and throbbing feeling in your core as you gently pushed her off your body.
" very impressive rissa but I don't want our food to burn and we have things to do" you said as she sighed in defeat before giving you a kiss on the forehead and then heading off to your batch of cookies before attempting to steal one, obviously you couldn't let that happen, so you snatched it from her quickly.
" larissa! We have to have enough food incase our guests bring more guests! You can have a cake pop" You smiled sheepishly at her as you gave her a red velvet cake pop with strawberry sauce and sprinkles on it. She took it looking at you in utter disbelief, mouth slightly open in shock before turning around and walking back down the hall towards her office.
"Great, I can't have pussy or cookies" she mumbled under her breath but loud enough for you to hear. You chuckled at her childish nature and continued to cook. After getting a decent amount of the pastries and food done you decide to go see what larissa was doing. Making your way down the hall you could hear her on a phone call. You stood in the door way and looked at her for permission for entry, she side eyed you and made hand movements signaling you to come in.
You entered and listened as she talked to the person on the other side. A hint of annoyance in her tone as she tried to stay calm.
" you can't be fucking serious Josh, you deal with it! The fuck! - what did you just say?! You know what, I can't handle your bullshit and incompetent behavior today if all days, you're fired! And fuck you!" She shouted as she hung up the phone. You looked up at her surprised at her out rage. She held her hands over her face in embarrassment as she tried to calm down.
" wanna talk about it?" You asked quietly and she shook her head and sighed, looking up she was met with your worried gaze. She pouted and tapped her lap. "c'mere darling" you walked over to her desk as she moved out her chair so you can sit on her lap. She moved it back it so your back was pressed against the table and your front against her chest.
She held your hips firmly as she snuggled her face into your neck. You gently combed your fingers through her hair, caressing her scalp with your nails.
" it was my assistant, can't believe he would want me to come in to work on Christmas!" she grumbled into you. You sighed and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at you. Her ocean eyes met yours in an instant. She looked at you so loving and caring. Like you were the only and rarest diamond in the entire world.
" it's ok, it's Christmas I mean you deserve your time off and he should know that" she hummed in agreement and kissed your nose smiling at you softly before her wide toothy grin came into evidence. She could tell that her actions and sudden out lash caused your mood to have a slight downfall and she didn't like that.
" I don't want my bad mood making you sad my love, you got up early and did so many things and I love you and I'm so externally grateful for you sweetheart" she spoke as she pouted playing with the waistband of your pants. You have her a warm smile while looking down at her veiny hands and red-painted nails before an idea struck you suddenly.
" I know something that could cheer you up," you said cheerfully with a huge smile that Larissa soon mirrored with a confused look. You pushed out of her chair with your feet and quickly got up dragging her along with you as you hurried back to the bedroom. You threw on a pair of black leggings, a white cardigan and your favorite pair of moon boots and you made sure that larissa did the same.
She still had that confused look on her face causing you to roll your eyes and pull her back down the hall and outside.
" what are you doing y/n it's freezing out here" she stepped out behind you turning to close the door as she wrapped her arms around herself to provide warmth for herself. As soon as she turned around that's when you striked. You threw a big ball if snow at her, resulting in it hitting her face. She froze in both shock and unexpectedness. She wiped away the cold ice remains from her face and looked up at you with put anger in her eyes.
" oh your gonna get it young lady " she practically shouted as she ran towards you picking up some snow in her hands and throwing it at you. You dodged it quickly making her gasp in as if she was hurt, you giggled and sticked out your tongue at her in a mocking stance. She raised her eyebrows at you in a playful form, her way of telling you "game on".
She picked up another handful of snow and threw it at you this time it did hit you and it went down your shirt making flinch at the sudden coldness on your skin, granting her access to make her way closer towards you. You quickly recovered and ran away before picking up some more snow and throwing it at her, this time she dodged it. This went on until two stray cats decided to join the both of you.
A ginger cat and a black cat, you and larissa giggled as the kittens played rough, of course they meant no harm, they're still young so it's their way of survival and they were just acting on instinct. The black one chased you around the yard, you quickly tried to run away from it before tripping over a high pile of snow and falling face first into the snow.
Larissa stopped dead in her tracks as she watched you get up, sitting on your knees as your entire face was covered in snow as you tried to get it off so you could see. She tried her best to hold in her laughter but she just couldn't. She busted out laughing as she watched you try to get up but only falling in the process. She held her stomach as she pretended to wipe a fake tear from her eye.
She chuckled as she watched you sit there helpless and embarrassed. She smirked as she saw you look at her in a annoyed manner before proceeding to help you up.
" they say karma doesn't forget anyone's address darling and it's very tr-" before she could finish her sentence you used the hand she was going to use to help you up to pull her down. You both erupted into a fit of laughter.
You both sighed as you tried to catch your breaths as you turned to look at each other.
" God I love you" you said as you looked up at the falling snow.
" I love you too, sweetheart " she spoke as she held your hand. You both smiled as you made snow angels before getting up.
" if you give me a piggy back ride to go in I'll l let you build that ginger bread house" you spoke looking up at her as she wiped off her leggings form snow and small twigs. She smiled and shook your hand.
" deal" she turned around and allowed you to get onto her back before proceeding to carry you inside.
The morning went on with more fun activities before it was almost time for everyone to arrive. You got dressed in a beauty black dress and larissa kept it fashionable as she rocked a navy blue suit.
Everyone started pulling up in the drive way, some already making their way through the door, in beautiful dresses and outfits and huge gifts.you both greeted them and showed them inside, saying hello to your friends and kissing your family members hello. You and larissa made your way to the dinning area to set up the table mats as everyone grabbed a welcome snack or pastire. You beant over the table to set one of the mats straight as you felt larissa bend over ontop of you behind you, her strap evident as she pushed up against you.
" larissa what the hell, someone can walk in and see us!" You whispered as you held onto the table to stable yourself and not appear truly helpess and needy.
" so? Don't act like you wouldn't want that. they just got here but I can't wait for them to leave so I can't fuck you in that dress darling" she husked as she walked away from you.
" larissa hi!" A guest greeted larissa on her way in to the dinning hall as larissa made her way out. She glanced over her shoulder and spared you one single look, before winking at you and then walking out. She left you desperate and aching and now you had to wait til God knows when to fuck by strap......
Kinknmas taglist : @agathaandgwenslesbian , comment if you wanna be tagged and apart of the taglist when more kinkmas fics are released!!! Hope you guys enjoyed i feel like this was a bit lazy :( but more spicy fics coming soon!!!😏
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