#but in Ace Attorney that is actually the worst part
timemachineyeah · 1 month
damn it lord van zieks I would find your absurdity so hot if you weren’t a fucking racist
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trlvsn · 1 year
turnabout trump and the krisnix dynamics in it are so fucking funny to me and will never stop being funny. phoenix renders kristoph speechless by accusing him of murder, two seconds later testifies about having dinner with him frequently AT THE BORSHT CLUB, how did kristoph even tolerate that place that's so out of character, meanwhile kristoph goes from petty "oh, maybe a fifth person was there? a sixth one, perhaps?" remarks to straight up "get his ass apollo. kill him break every bone in his body" and then they have the funniest kindergarten-level interaction of "you punched me first" "no you did" "no you did!!!" until apollo interrupts them and shit starts getting real. seriously everyone go read turnabout trump transcripts it's better than those jane austen novels with witty insults and dramatic love stories
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aceredshirt13 · 2 years
had a dream that Netflix was making an original animated Spark Brushel movie and I’ve never been so sure a dream was a nightmare
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tacobellabeanburrito · 2 months
saw your post about the Steel Samurai parallels in fics and was wondering if you had any recommendations :^))
Well Anon, it looks like you’ve come to the right place because have I got the fics for you!
Now, a lot of fics that do this only do this in the sense of “This is a one-off piece of dialogue and a one-off thought about the Steel Samurai being a mirror to Ace Attorney that probably won’t be mentioned again” and only a couple make it a big plot point, so it’s pretty hard to find and remember what fics do this. The ones that I’ve picked for you are the ones that have the most obvious connection with the Steel Samurai and Ace Attorney, I’ll probably update this again if I find more but these are the ones that I can find at the moment.
Sorry if that made no sense, but here you go!
I have organized them into smut/non-smut, multi/one-shot and finished/on-going so you can pick and choose!
(Also, if you need anymore recommendations for Ace Attorney fanfictions, Anon, just ask because I have read MANY and this is only a small-batch)
“Written” by Limey
(Smut, Multi-Chapter, Finished)
Was one of the first fanfics I read of Ace Attorney and one of my all-time favorites because of how good it is! It’s about Phoenix accidentally finding Miles’ Steel Samurai fanfiction that’s all based on their dynamics with each other. It’s very popular, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you had read it or heard of it before. But, it does the exact thing I said in my post about having the Steel Samurai be a mirror of Ace Attorney world. Not to mention that it’s just good!
“To Dust Or To Gold” by HopeStoryteller
(Non-Smut, Multi-Chapter, Finished)
A fic I have bookmarked and am on chapter 2 of (Mostly because it doesn’t keep my interest long enough) This one is about Miles writing Steel Samurai fanfiction and using his dynamic with Phoenix as a helpful tool to characterize the Steel Samurai and the Evil Magistrate, but it’s written in a way that seems like Miles is actually writing it on A3O (When you click on the link, you’ll see what I mean) the story is told through the comments on the fanfiction he writes, at least from what I can tell. (Again, have not finished it) but it seems very good!
“A Beginner’s Guide On How No To Write Steel Samurai Fanfiction” by ChemoeleonWrites
(Non-Smut, Multi-Chaptered, Finished)
A fic about how a court stenographer uses the trials Miles and Phoenix have as inspiration for her Steel Samurai fanfiction and about how Miles reads said fanfiction. This one, personally, was not my cup of tea when I read it. But it is very good. Recommend it fullheartedly!
That’s about all I have for you right now Anon, I’m sorry I can’t help more but it’s very hard to find fics like this (I’ll have to write some myself if more don’t get written) The worst part is that I probably have more fics that do the whole mirror deal thingy but I have so many Ace Attorney bookmarks and I don’t wanna search through all of them at the moment. But I hope I helped anyway!
(You can find a lot though by just looking up “Steel Samurai” On A3O, those were very easy to find so I didn’t put them on here)
Also, here’s a small ficlet that I like, it’s just a one-shot, but I found it cute.
“It’s Three Am And Maya Is Connecting The Dots” by Dumb-Pen-Ren
-> https://archiveofourown.org/works/33148654
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ot3 · 9 months
Could you pls elaborate on why you think 5 and 6 is bad? 🥺 I've been waiting a long time to get to them and was really excited to play them when they drop on the Switch 😭
im in like a constant loop of talking about how much i hate aa5 and 6 but then not tagging those posts because i don't want to be hater in the tags and then people ask me why they're bad so i just have to talk about why they're bad again because i dont know how to find any of my old posts about it
anyway the long in short of it is just. the writing is bad. in all of the ways that writing in an ace attorney game can be bad it's bad. for dual destinies the game has an M rating but despite the fact that a high rating might give them the chance to do a little bit more deeper or complex writing they hard pivot the other way and you get a very surface level conflict with characters and a villain it is almost impossible to get invested in. aa6 suffers from similar stuff. they don't seem to understand what to do with their characters besides inflict more potent drama on them because they believe higher stakes means more interesting situations, which is not true.
phoenix in particular gets absolutely shafted in terms of character writing. the game inability to pick who their actual protagonist is means nobody gets enough screentime and most of the screentime anyone does get in any of these games feels wasted having to trudge through a cast of forgettable gimmicky side characters.
but the worst part of all of it is that the games are terribly, terribly unfunny. i could pretty much forgive anything else if the games had manage to be entertaining but these games just feel so fucking sterile despite how hard theyre trying to be both off the wall and dramatic.
the only way to make these games even somewhat compelling is to imagine what they could have been like if they had actually been good. it really seems like even people who enjoy these games can't enjoy them on their own merit and each person has their own pet interpretation of the canon that makes the games bearable. but i really don't think there are any characters or plot points introduced in 5 or 6 that add literally anything beneficial to the franchise
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graceful-not · 1 year
Turnabout Big Top is unanimously the worst case in the entire series, but you know what REALLY pisses me off about it?
- Flamboyant famous slightly haughty magician that's secretly Southern Farm Boy? I LIKE THIS. IM MAD THEY DIDNT DO MORE WITH THIS, THIS WAS A GOOD CHARACTER QUIRK!! his stage name being Max Galactica and his actual name being Billy Bob Johns?? NOT THAT BAD!!
- Ventriloquist man who's personality is almost opposite of what his puppet's is, and who Interacts directly with it? I GENUINELY ENJOYED THE BEN-TRILO SCENES! THE DYNAMIC WAS FUN!! (also Ben being unable to function without his puppet what is going on with this man) HE WAS AN INTERESTING CHARACTER!!
- Acro?? Acro. Like. up to this point in the ace attorney series we haven't had a culprit like him, someone who did what they did and SUPREMELY regrets it and understands that it was horrible etc etc and doesn't try to defend their crimes whatsoever because they KNOW it was a horrible thing to do; I THINK ACRO IS INTERESTING!!
- HINTS OF MILES AND WHAT HAPPENED?? PHEONIX+FRANZISKA GRIEF?? tired asf gumshoe?? (we don't talk about his "dead body, stage left" line enough)
- The stupid fucking love triangle good god this is the worst part I'm going to vomit Regina is 16 AND IT. EUGHHH. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THE WRITERS FOR THIS, SERIOUSLY, THEY HAD THESE INTERESTING CHARACTERS AND INSTEAD OF EXPANDING ON THEM they made them fucking predators I just. god.
- REGINA IS A FUCKING CHILD, WHO HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF THE OUTSIDE WORLD, AND THE NARRATIVE IS TRYING TO FRAME ACRO KILLING HER AS.. SYMPATHETIC?????? (Imo I think it makes Acro's grief more fascinating, and exploring his mental state is super interesting, but I know a lot of people have qualms with this, which I understand. Like. WTF Acro???)
- the stupid goddamn solution to the case good lord it was so dumb. so.. so fucking CONSEQUENTIAL. like. GOD.
TLDR; I hate Big Top because it could have been a genuinely interesting case, but it was ruined for such SMALL reasons that really had no positive????? like. getting rid of the bad stuff and replacing them w/ other things (Max and Ben could still have a rivalry ffs especially considering how vindictive Trilo is) and like??? HHHH. sorry I just hate how dirty this case was done there's so much good shit but the bad shit is just so... bad..
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dick-chugger · 7 months
Ok, I already said this in the tags of a random post but like, the fact that Florent L'Belle is an actual character is insane. Like he is genuinely the worst case of a queercoded villain I have ever seen.
To quote from the Ace Attorney Wiki: "L'Belle was an incredibly vain, self-centered, and flamboyant individual. Most of his personality revolved around an obsession with external beauty; he wore garish designer clothes, heavy make-up, and dyed his naturally white hair in a variety of different vivid colors. "
Like girl, his defining traits are fucking vain, flamboyant, wears make up and cares too much about fashion 😭😭 Which are like the most common stereotypes about gay people.
And then there's the Oscar Wilde thing. Like in case it's not clear to you, Florent L'Belle is an extremely obvious parody of Oscar Wilde, as in one of the most famous queer people of all time, who also got imprisoned for homosexuality. I'm sure you can see the similarities even from a single picture of each.
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And the most insane part in my opinion: The green carnation. As you can see Florent L'Belle has a flower on his lapel. (It's actually the cap of a perfume bottle but whatever.) But not just any flower, a flower that is very obviously supposed to be a green carnation, a flower that Oscar Wilde famously wore often. And, most importantly, has since become a well-known queer symbol. And they just put that on their already incredibly queercoded villain.
But also don't get me wrong, I think it's mostly funny. It's like they would have named a villain some shit like Faggot Gaylord III 😭😭 I can't even take it seriously as homophobia at this point. But yeah I just wanted to like make a post about this 'cause I find it interesting.
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lumenflowered · 4 months
//did you actually play through one of the johto games as maria for this?
//if so, do you have any screenshots you could share on main?
OOC: I did! still am, as a matter of fact! I'm currently playing through refined gold, a romhack of heartgold which supposedly did not change much beyond allowing some pokemon (horsea, murkrow) to be acquired sooner but also I didn't read the documentation as closely as I should have and only discovered that it buffed major story trainers (gym leaders, silver, team rocket, pokemon league) once I got to falkner and he had a hoothoot.
I'm a bit of a pokemon veteran, or at least I'd like to think so... so a "minimal buffs" romhack was honestly a reasonable amount of challenge. I miss not having to deal with hms though. and tms being reusable. and the party-wide exp share. do you realize how much time I spent grinding in victory road and lance STILL clapped my ass.
anyway, let's see what I can dig up...
(putting this below a cut because I dug up a lot of screenshots)
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most recent screenshot: that fucking gyarados was the bane of my existence because I don't have any electric-type moves and SOMEONE had the bright idea to give it DRAGON DANCE. which it used. four times.
a choice scarf is not enough to outspeed a 4x dragon dance gyarados. in-character, maria won by the skin of her teeth. out of character, oh goD that took me like three tries because of the dragon dance incident. more like two because I got some really terrible rng on the second try and went "fuck this" like ten seconds in, but still.
anyway I unfortunately did not think to get a screenshot of the hall of fame and I am not fighting lance again specifically for that screenshot, sorry guys, I'm not fucking with that gyarados aGAIN
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sassy lost child when did you play ace attorney. (I was. NOT PREPARED for the silver fight. it took me four solid tries to beat him. which was part of my motivation for going "y'know what he can have this win in the blog canon.")
(honestly, if I had too much trouble with lance, I was fully prepared to yeet maria into kanto some other way. but he was beatable. evelyn carried the hell out of that fight. and she is still just a seadra ingame, though I do have a king scale ingame, she'll evolve eventually.)
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look how fucking Shaped the honchkrow sprite is, btw. peak birb.
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one of these options is really not like the others
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[ade voice] call an ambulance... BUT NOT FOR ME
(she was faster)
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the team! from back in the ice path I think?
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I did, out of character, spend like a week playing voltorb flip to get an ice beam tm for evelyn. saw some REALLY weird rows such as this one with 5 voltorbs and no points, and several rows with a lot of points and no voltorbs. I think the highest I got was like... level 7/8. once. (technically could have cheated using savestates and gotten through it much faster but I feel like maria would be disappointed in me for that one.)
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one of the team rocket admins had a really weird smeargle the message I sent this screenshot with was "what the fuck is this smeargle on" and I stand by that tbh
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thanks reina.
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the power of FLUFFY BOYS compels thee
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I spent a bunch of time in the pokeathlon to get a fire stone for molotov (since I couldn't find it in the kimono girls' closet ingame) and. y'all may not know this. but the pokeathlon SUCKS ASS to play on an emulator. in-character I think maria would be best at the skill course due to her bloodborne weapon scaling REALLY WELL with a stat called skill. out of character that was the worst one to do on an emulator by far, I eventually managed to eke out enough victories on the jump course to get that fire stone and I don't plan on going back.
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I have a lot of screenshots of Ade at low (but not 0!) hp.
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see I remembered this happening but I forgot how you literally just WALK IN THERE AND HE HYPER BEAMS A GUY. (the guy's... maybe not fine but like. he's alive enough to complain about it afterwards. he's fine lance didn't commit a murder.)
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lol. lmao even.
the funny thing is that she would have believed him if rotomblr hadn't spilled the beans on "yeah that's a wholeass champion"
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this is the Rat, my hm slave.
because I have played bloodborne (kind of currently playing it? don't have access to it most of the time but I'll be able to continue my save in march) and gotten the dialogue of particular characters you meet early on, I feel no guilt in dubbing the rat "gehrman." he is permanently level 20 because that is evolution level and rattata can't learn strength but raticate can.
(youngster joey's rat later got named gehrman because 1) I thought it would be hilarious 2) a bit of a nod to the rat that I wouldn't be able to beat the game without, because hms suck and I hate them.)
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live footage of evelyn sweeping the ENTIRETY of jasmine's team on take two of that gym. she's terrifying I love her <3
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one of the QOL things that this particular romhack does is allow trade evos to evolve through different requirements. haunter's, for example, is learning shadow ball. which it does naturally at level 36.
I did not realize this until after I used the morty tm. on my gastly.
ade really wanted to evolve twice in one day. I have never b-buttoned a pokemon quite so much before in my life. (also yes I could have grabbed an everstone from professor elm but by the time I thought of that I was midway through the radio tower and could not be assed to go get that yet.)
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behold, the Rat. I was fully intending to leave him at level 4 forever before I discovered rattata can't learn strength.
(also, I find it deeply amusing that furret can learn surf.)
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one (1) fear: WHITNEY'S MILTANK.
it had a lum berry. and attract. and milk drink. for gameplay purposes, rakuyo is a guy, and at that point I only had rakuyo, hunter, and molotov. so that miltank was. a Nightmare.
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youngster joey is the SINGLE opposing trainer who maria actually gave her number to, because I thought it would be funny.
she is less annoyed than I am by his constant calls about the top percentage rat.
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baby hunter!
...god I don't think there was a single gym in this romhack where it wasn't at least a little down to the wire. olivine excluded, but that's specifically because jasmine kicked my entire ass the first time around and I trained a bunch more for the second one.
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baby rakuyo! they've come so far <3
anyway that's. all the screenshots I can dig up that are fun. hi yes I have so many thoughts about this. come closer. :P
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orion-s-things · 11 months
I'm french and I'm also an Ace Attorney fan.
The thing is, I have NEVER before today interacted with the french part of this fandom, I've never even seen screenshots of the french translation before today.
And let me tell you, my shock when I learned that they changed the name of Miles Edgeworth to Benjamin Hunter
I have no idea how that name is perceived in English speaking countries but let me tell you : in french it does NOT send Miles Edgeworth vibes. (Could be worse : his name in Portuguese is Eduardo. I laughed over this for 30 minutes.)
Like there's no way I can buy the Apollo remaster now, how am I supposed to take him even the slightest bit seriously??
Some names are good in french, Larry to Paul is a great transition, Lotta to Eva is good and I approve of Ron being an Henri, Gaspen Payne being named Oscar makes me extremely happy, Simon to Raphaël isn't that bad of a change even if Simon is like also an actually perfectly respectable french name (weirdly enough Raphaël is starting to grow on me, seems like an edgy name now that I've finished reading Balzac).
But Vérité for Trucy ?? (Vérité literally is Truth and has never been a name in any circle ever) mean come on, Trucy sounds at least cute.
DeKiller's John Doe being transformed into Alonso Bistro feels criminal (Alonso Bistro isn't an equivalent to John Doe, it's 1) not an actual name and 2) it's literal translation is Letsgoto Thepub), and in a general way the emphasis on puns way more than in the English version kinda pisses me off. Like Dick Gumshoe is funny while actually suiting the character, Dick Tektiv is funny but less so and also the Dick part is untranslatable.
Another thing that pisses me off !! They don't actually translate names that could be translated easily ! Like Apollo is still Apollo even though he should definitely be called Apollon (to make the ridiculousness of his name actually come across), why bother translating Edgeworth's name at all if it's to give him an english surname ? Why's Pearl still Pearl if she literally could be called Perle ? Why bother translating Joe Darke into Joe Sinister dude you could've just said Joe Sinistre and it would've been ten times funnier. Why ruin April May's name by saying Masha Vril even though Avril is an actual name even if it's rare ?
Worst part is though : they changed Klavier's name to fucking Konrad. That one I'm afraid I can't forgive.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Are you familiar with demon slayer and the AC JPN dubbing , if you do. Then be prepared for this. The demon slayer voice casting has 6 VAs who does the voices of the AC protagonists
Altair & Uzui
Ezio & Sanemi
Connor & haganezuka
Arno & tanjiro’s dad
Jacob & enmu
Bayek & yahaba “arrow demon”
Aya & Daki
Imagine them meeting the voice counter parts
Oh, yeah, I’m a bit familiar with the Japanese dub of Assassin’s Creed and I watch Demon Slayer when it’s airing in Japan then I rewatch it in the English dub because I enjoy watching English dubs in general XD.
Before anything…
Imma list the names of their JP voices and a few other characters they voice. (And I will be focusing on the ones listed by @ullyaboo because… well… this would get too long if I start listing everybody...)
Altaïr is voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi
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(Sombron/Hubert/Xander/Randal from Fire Emblem, @princesslikesfanfics might recognize him as Tory Innis from Ancient Magus’ Bride, Diavolo from Jojo, Lloyd Irving from Tales series, America/Canada from Hetalia, and mecha fans might recognize him as our bestest aniki Kamina)
No, seriously.
Can we just take a moment to think about how Altaïr’s JP voice also voiced these characters as well:
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Also, shoutout to him being the voice of the dead big brother of my Trails blorbo XD
Ezio is voiced by Tomokazu Seki
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(HE VOICED MIGUEL O’HARA IN THE JP DUB OF ATSV, oh and Toad in the Mario movie, Jojo fans will probably find it funny that he voices Father Pucci and his stand, Panda from JJK, Gilgamesh from Fates, mecha fans would remember his “SHINING FISTS” as Domon Kasshu, he’s also Toya in Cardcaptor Sakura, and Van Fanel of Vision of Escaflowne (one of the earliest isekai anime))
Ratonhnhaké:ton is voiced by Daisuke Namikawa
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(Lindel from Ancient Magus’ Bride, Anasui AND Giogio from Jojo, Yamato from Digimon, Persona 4’s MC, the jp voice of Sekiro from… well… Sekiro, Richard from Tales series, Italy from Hetalia, and Lupin the 3rd’s Goemon)
This deserves to be seen: Ratonhnhaké:ton’s JP Voice also voices Oikawa (Haikyuu) and Italy (Hetalia - also Romano) (this means that Ratonhnhaké:ton sang the Hetalia ending song)
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And he’s the JP voice of Jake Muller, Wesker’s kid in RE6.
Arno is voiced by Shinichiro Miki
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(ROY MUSTANG from FMA, Randy Orlando from Trails, Sir Nighteye from BNHA/MHA, James from Pokemon, Alucard from Castlevania, Lockon Stratos (*haro voice* Lockon, Lockon, Lockon, incoherent sobbing) from Gundam, Hijikata from Hakuoki)
(side note: Elise’s JP voice is Toyoguchi Megumi who voices Rengoku’s mother and I don’t want to mess up Tanjiro’s family but… half-brothers Tanjiro and Rengoku AU???)
Jacob is voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa
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(Kakyoin from Jojo, Cao Lee and Rufus Albarea from Trails, Rei from Free, Makoto Ito from School Days (lollol, at least Jacob doesn't have the worst love life in this list), and Orlando Bloom in Kingdom Hearts games XD)
Bayek is voiced by Jun Fukuyama (JP voices of Origin (and Valhalla) weren't in Behind the Voice Actor so I had to doublecheck with JP wiki XD)
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(Persona 5’s MC, Lelouch Vi Brittania/Zero from Code Geass, Yukio from Blue Exorcist, Korosensei from Assassination Classroom, Maximilian from Valkyria Chronicles, Watanuki from xxxHolic)
Aya is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro
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(female Robin from Fire Emblem, Milla Maxwell from Tales, Katalina from GBF, Elizabeth from Persona, Jolyn Cujoh from Jojo, Shinku in Rozen Maiden, Franziska von Karma in Ace Attorney, Celty from Durarara!!, Touko from Danganronpa)
For the actual ask portion:
Altaïr would probably be annoyed at Uzui at first because he’s so flashy. They’d probably spar and Altaïr would start to respect him after understanding that, underneath all that ‘flashiness’, Uzui is strong and has conviction (side note: Uzui’s three wives makes me think Makio - Maria, Hinatsuru - Adha and Suma - Kadar XD)
Ezio would think of Sanemi as having skills and potential but he won’t like his attitude. AC2!Ezio would definitely butt heads with Sanemi a lot, especially after he sees how Sanemi acts around his younger brother (since he doesn’t know the whole story) and he’d definitely try to act like a nice big brother to Genya, Brotherhood!Ezio and Revelations!Ezio would not be provoked by Sanemi and act more like an older brother/mentor role that Sanemi doesn’t want at all and thinks is super annoying.
Haganezuka would totally like Ratonhnhaké:ton because Ratonhnhaké:ton would take care of any weapon he receives from Haganezuka. Ratonhnhaké:ton will also be willing to listen to Haganezuka talk about swords for houurrrss. Achilles would have to be the one to smack Haganezuka to get out of the homestead after giving Ratonhnhaké:ton his sword. (Why is Achilles there? Idk, crossover???)
All I can think of is Arno getting adopted by the Kamado family. Tanjuro is quite frail and he’s been sick for a while now so their meeting would probably remind Arno of his late father. But, man, just imagine Arno dancing Hinokami Kagura…
Oh god. Enmu would totally fuck with Jacob using his dreams/nightmares. Like, every pain and weakness Jacob has, Enmu would take advantage of it. Worst of all? Jack the Ripper's actions would definitely haunt Jacob till the day he dies so Enmu using Jack in the attack would really hurt. Enmu wasn’t even a good person as a human but considering Jacob’s luck and bad judge of character? Absolutely won’t be surprised if he invites human!Enmu to the Rooks as a ‘doctor’.
I think Bayek has a good chance of taking out Yahaba. Dude got an actual flaming sword in the main story and I’m sure Reda would have a weapon made of Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand and Scarlet Ore for some reason and, as long as Bayek understood how Yahaba’s blood demon art works, he’d be fine. Bayek took out giant gods (in the Animus), he can take out this demon.
Oh, Aya would not like Daki at all. She might even be reminded of Cleopatra a bit because of her arrogant and dismissive personality which wouldn’t help the situation. They’d definitely fight and… Aya would probably need help on this one. I’m not sure if she ever got into any Isu BS that ended in a boss fight so I can’t be sure how she would handle fighting Daki and her obi attacks. Human!Daki though? Aya would definitely recruit her and her brother to the Hidden Ones if she found them as kids. But if she saw her as her usual cruel self? Yeah, Aya’s not going to like her.
If anyone wants an actual Demon Slayer x AC crossover idea, let me know?
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neutrallyobsessed · 5 months
i just thought of a random question
are there any gay ships that you'd ship if it was straight?
In general, I'd say no. Because:
A) At least in the fandoms i'm currently in, there are enough male and female characters to be paired up straightly into the dynamics I like (and if it wasn't the case i'd just not be interested in shipping at all lol)
B) I may deault to not like a ship because it's gay, but I most likely have plenty of other reasons to not like the ship. Maybe I don't enjoy their overall dynamic, maybe they're boring, maybe it doesn't look nice, maybe their characterizations clash in ways that make them incompatible, maybe its so queer that it can't be made straight or it could lose its spice even in my eyes
I will tell you this sorta related funny story under the cut and i'll put the ace attorney add-on in a reblog when i finish the piece
So you know how in this blog we looove boss x secretary ships? well, i was watching this pretty good anime and the villain was this alien overlord or smthing like that, so when the protags get sent to a different planet they are welcomed by a character that is kinda implied to be the main villain's secretary.
And i'm like yooo she's cute, i'll be shipping th-. And then I paused. And then I remembered what anime I was watching
Inazuma Eleven.
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This alien is not a girl
The worst part is that THIS IS SEASON 3 I KNOW THIS SHIT IS FULL OF BOYS AND BOYS THAT LOOK LIKE GIRLS AND I STILL FELL FOR IT!! I did caught myself before i actually started shipping but man, that was embarrasing. I remember WAITING FOR APHRODI TO SPEAK to know if it was a boy (and husband material) or a girl (my dub gave them more masculine voices, i don't know if i'd tell from the japanese dub tho lol) AND THAT WAS SEASON 1. EVEN THEN I KNEW TO CHECK CHARACTER'S GENDERS BEFORE MAKING ANY DECISIONS ABOUT THEM
So yeah, i guess i'd ship ozrock x ishigashi if ishi was a girl but like ozrock is also one of my many many many MANY husbandos that i have so if he has a girlfriend thatd be me :3
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"Would you ever write": 1) a narumitsu story (doesn't need to end well *smirk* Sorry I am mean XD ) 2) an Ace Attorney/Elena of Avalor crossover 3) a Krisnix fix-it ?
Yes and No
What I mean by that is that. No, I would never write a story where narumitsu is the exclusive and only focus. I'm not even sure that I could write a Phoenix & Edgeworth gen platonic story. I'm just not invested in their dynamic enough to want to center a fanwork about it.
However, I would be open to writing a story that incorporates narumitsu provided that it isn't the main/only focus. For instance, I might write a krisnix that has past narumitsu, unrequited narumitsu, or future narumitsu, but in those cases, krisnix would still be the "main" ship and the narumitsu would stay in the background. Even if the narumitsu is "endgame," I would absolutely imply that Phoenix will always be more than a little in love with Kristoph.
I would also be open to writing Phoenix and Edgeworth as part of a poly ship with someone else. I made a post a few days ago about how the introduction of nearly any third party into the Nick & Miles dynamic is somehow able to make me care about narumitsu. I think the most likely candidates for the 3rd member of the triad would naturally be Kristoph, followed closely by Lang. But I admit to also being curious about Lana or Blackquill. So who knows where it might go.
2. Maybe
I already have way too many works-in-progress/plot bunnies for both fandoms (plus a few other fandoms) to think seriously of adding to them. So I don't think it's particularly likely that I would write an AA + EoA crossover. However, I have actually put some considerable thought into how exactly a hypothetical crossover might work. (If I ever find a way to make my blorbos from each fandom interact in a way that makes sense, this could definitely change).
In the series finale of EoA's sister show Sofia the First, we are teased with the idea of multiple-dimensions/alternate universes existing within canon. The Ever Realm (where EoA and StF take place) is specifically identified as being in a distinct universe from NeverLand and the existence of NeverLand implies the existence of London. And given that London is the setting of the both the Ace Attorney/Layton crossover and the Ace Attorney prequel, we can assume that this universe would be compatible with the wider Ace Attorney franchise.
So due to ambiguous magical shenanigans (maybe involving Esteban's teleportation staff?) , the cast of Elena of Avalor could hypothetically dimension-hop into the same universe as the Ace Attorney characters. I think a crossover might work best if it was set primarily in Kingdom of Khur'ain from Spirit of Justice. It would still be quite an adjustment but definitely less of a culture shock than having the EoA crew land in modern-day Japanifornia.
I have thought a bit as well about some of the character interactions that I would love to see.
Esteban would not get along with Minister Inga, as he would remind Esteban of the worst aspects of himself (pompous, arrogant, ambitious). Nahyuta would also remind Esteban a lot of himself, in the sense of being , once-idealistic-but-grown-more-jaded as a result of being trapped from a young age under the thumb of a very powerful, cruel, and dangerous tyrant , being forced to do terrible things as a result but nevertheless clinging to their humanity through it all and trying to use what little influence they have to protect their family and country. I really think that they could really help each other heal. I also feel like Esteban might develop a crush on Dhurke Sahdmadhi, but he absolutely would not recognize it as a crush. He would just be all "he's so tall and mysterious and manly. like a hero from a storybook. I want him to think I am cool and smart and interesting too." (This is also how I head canon that Esteban hypothetically views Antonio Agama in universe--an actual crush that he mistakes for a very long time as being a man crush/hero-worship due to him being a very closeted, very repressed and even more oblivious distinguished disaster bi.)
Athena has the potential to develop some really powerful bonds with both Esteban and Elena. Elena's emotion dress magic and Athena's emotional-hearing + Widget provide an interesting point of commonality on discussing how they feel and process emotions in themselves and others--as well as how to cope when the strength and intensity of their feelings overwhelms them. Esteban, meanwhile, would not easily be able to hide his loneliness, guilt, and insecurity from Athena's super-hearing, nor from her compassion. Hear heart would go out to him and she would work on helping him see the good in himself/build himself back up as well as reminding the other characters to show him the affection, attention, and validation that he's always needed.
I feel like Mateo and Apollo would not get along. This is probably a combination of me projecting my Mateo apathy onto Apollo and the fact that Apollo is in general fairly prickly, hot-tempered, and judgy. They would squabble and I would live for it.
Klavier would absolutely flirt shamelessly with everyone. Gabe and Esteban just roll their eyes and Mateo and Elena would be oblivious. But Naomi...he would absolutely rub Naomi up the wrong way and she would bond with Ema over it. She eventually comes around to him, especially when he turns down the playboy persona and is a bit more genuine. I also feel pretty sure that Klavier and Prince Alonzo would start out as bitter rivals, abruptly become besties, and then maybe something more?
Ema and Isabel would absolutely talk each other's ears off about science, and thanks to Ema, Isa would probably enter her "forensics" era for awhile and spend a lot of time using science to play detective.
I feel like Trucy might exchange sleight-of-hand tricks with the Delgados. She would also be fascinated by Elena's scepter and Esteban's staff and would spend a lot of time trying to figure out how the "trick" worked.
Haven't really thought much about Phoenix, the Feys, Edgeworth, Larry, Blackquill, Ziska, Gumshoe, or any of the others. But I think there's potential there. Maybe particularly in having Maya or Pearl channel Alacazar as well as Elena's and/or Esteban's parents.
3. Yes. Yes. Yes.
I actually have a few plot bunnies/works-in-progress (albeit very much on the backburner) that have elements of "krisnix fix-it-fic."
One of them is a post-canon, angsty mess but that ultimately will have elements of getting back together and Kristoph receiving mental health care.
Another is a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend AU in which madcap screwball romantic dark comedy shenanigans ensure that Kristoph never actually kills anyone, undoes a lot of the damage he's already done/takes accountability for his actions, and ends up with a relatively happy ending (even if I'm not entirely sure whether he'd end up with Phoenix ,alone or with one of the alternate love interests.)
The third is a time-travel AU scenario. The DLC case of SOJ supposedly includes elements of time-travel but are later revealed to be faked/misinterpretations. This fic would presuppose that in the process of investigating the case, Phoenix discovered that time travel really does exist. In exchange for successfully convincing everyone else that it doesn't, the Time Travel Bureau will allow Phoenix to make a few changes to the past, provided that they don't disrupt the wider timeline too much. After his first choices of saving Mia and Gregory Edgeworth are rejected (as their deaths have too great an impact on events), Phoenix is permitted to "save" Kristoph by preventing him from committing the murders (as it's gauged that Zak and Drew Misham would've died of natural causes soon afterwards anyway). Phoenix has to be *very* careful in terms of not letting anyone know what he is doing and only making the slightest changes. He will still lose his badge and spend 7 years without it, Zak will still abandon Trucy, Kristoph's forgery will still be revealed and he'll be disbarred and sent to prison for it--though fortunately he doesn't have murder on his conscience/sentence. But Kristoph will eventually get out on parole, live a much happier life (I'm thinking he ends up working in the marketing department for Ariadoney), and possibly get back together with Phoenix.
Send me an ask that says “Would you ever write…” and continue the sentence. I’ll respond with yes or no and give an explanation as to why if I want to.
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fioras-resolve · 9 months
i think honestly my biggest complaint with the modern trilogy of ace attorney is that we never really get time for any one relationship to really develop in the same way we got to for just about all of the major characters in the original trilogy. they just keep swapping out companions, detectives, prosecutors, and player characters. there isn't one main Cute Girl Companion, you swap between trucy, athena, maya, and rayfa depending on the occasion. the prosecutor goes from klavier to blackquill to edgeworth to nahyuta, and none of them feel like they have much staying power beyond the one game they're in. klavier is just kinda there in dual destinies. blackquill is a pretty cool companion for one case of spirit of justice.
but you just don't get the kind of extremely solid connections that got built up with edgeworth, or maya, or gumshoe, or phoenix for that matter. it's very, like, episodic anime vibes? where they're just shifting around which characters are present in an episode for variety and budget's sake. i think this works somewhat well in spirit of justice, which really embraces its glut of major characters with unique powers by swapping between characters constantly. it makes turnabout revolution actually really compelling because you're just playing as the one guy with the worst superpower in the series. but like, i'm not attached to the modern trilogy in the way i am to the original trilogy, or even to the spinoff duologies. it's just too conflicted in what it wants to be, and that conflict has retroactively become part of its identity. man, it's gonna be weird to play the trilogy as a whole package.
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brambletakato · 23 days
thank you for not putting the millionaires conspiracy last for the sound track! i feel like katrielle is over-hated and it makes me sad when people just automatically give the game last place in all rankings. i actually dont even think her game is the worst in the series (i personally give that honour to the ace attorney crossover). i feel like one of the only toxic parts of the pl fandom is the refusal to attempt to discuss any positive parts of that game. (also some of the comments ppl make about kat, especially on the reddit, border on misogynistic. but thats a discussion for another time)
i didnt think it was perfect by any means (e.g. i found many puzzles frustrating and the lack of resolution irritating) but there are some highlights! i actually really like the introduction of kat as a character and dont understand the common argument that flora should have been the mc instead (there can be more than one female character...). i enjoy the concept of solving multiple cases with an overarching link, even if the execution was pretty shoddy. it's a structure that makes sense with kat being a detective. in future games with kat i think it would be more enjoyable to have 1 main case with a proper story line like a normal pl game, but also have smaller cases to do on the side.
but yeah, it's an enjoyable but lacklustre game. and i want to be able to praise parts of it without feeling like a traitor towards the pl series lol
The Katrielle game soundtrack is genuinely one of my guilty pleasures, it's very sweet and charming and I like to listen to it idly :3c. It's sad that because the game isn't as great as the others that people might not give any other aspects of the game a chance.
That being said, I personally prefer PLVSAA over Katrielle's game and while I still put the game's plot/story on low-tier, I think the characters are very charming and I love them tons (I am still VERY curious about Sherl. Where's the lore Level 5. I love talking dogs I was raised on airbuds and would love to know if he's a distant relative ((JOKE)))
I also think the game would've been great if the execution was better, I like what you proposed with it having one main story line while having fun small stuff on the side! Speculation, but Decapolice might be going in a similar direction with how the layout and system looks like, so who knows?? Not necessarily tied with Professor Layton asides from sharing the same company but it comes to mind when I think of main plotlines with smaller missions
also more level 5 games where you can dress up the characters PLEAKKKKKKKK thats my deepest guilty pleasure. i love putting my guys in sparkly dresses thats my character flaw. actually PL always have great minigames whats up with that (the rabbit one comes to mind particularly... I wonder what they'll do for NWOS? There's gotta be a robot somehow)
Kat is an extremely cute concept! I like her a lot. I don't think I want another game about her anytime soon, but it's not out of hatred and more-so I just want that trust that they'll do her good the next time around (if there is one)
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nebulaleaf · 8 months
hmmm. K, N & U :3 Oh this sounds like im gearing up to say knuckles. Punches you
I was like "omg you're kung pow penising me???" i cant, spel .l anyuway K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? Uhhh fuck. shit. suddenly ive forgotten everything. uhh umm. you didnt pick a fandom so I can do whatever I want rapid fire: Sojiro Sakura p5. his arc regarding the protag and being a guardian is very good. Makoto Niijima and Sophia p5 are also great arcs in the main story. im not looking at makoto's confidant. nope. no. Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu from SDR2 also has one of the best arcs in the entire series i think? very good. OH FUCK. AND WOLFWOOD D. NICHOLAS FROM TRIGUN. Honourable mentions goes to: edgeworth. N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom. respect to women. less shippy content. more horror/gore content hee hee hee. uhh not really sure what else to add U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites not answering from p5 its CHEATING. Claude Von Riegan (Fire Emblem Three Houses) - oh you KNOW i love the mischief makers. on my first go of fe3h i was so sure i'd pick dimitri and fall in love with him, but all it took claude was a single piece of dialogue from byleth ("He's smiling, but it doesn't reach his eyes.") and i swapped sides and im SO glad for it. he's a funny character. he's a serious character. he's a schemer and actually really fucking intelligent and just. so so so cool. I love archers. i love guys obsessed with sniffing out secrets. i love guys who know they can't save everyone, but know they have to try. (at least for his own men) the worst part about him is his fire emblem warriors version. jesus fuck thats a mimic who stole his skin and is walking upright. Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) - pretentious fucker. he's so uptight in a comical way that you can't help but find him amusing, even when he's being REALLY REALLY ANNOYING as a game antagonist. he's funny... he's charming.... AND HE HAS A TRAGIC BACKSTORY ?! its a W for me. Vash the Stampede (Trigun, but not Trigun Stampede fuck that vash.) - ogh. where do i begin. literally the worlds soggiest meow meow but such a good sport about it. he loves humanity. hes the sharpest shooter this side of the south. he just wants a pizza. he refuses to kill any humans. he misses his mom. he's funny. he has like. fucked up clothing that goes hard. he could be your devil or yuor angle but leaning hard into one of those (not saying which). i love him and i really cant express why without saying GO READ THE TRIGUN MANGA OR WATCH THE 1998 ANIME. you could. also watch the newer one ig but ughhhhhhhhhhhh. its really not the same. Stampede (the anime) capitalizes on his Muh Sadboy Anime Twink aspects and like. fuckign nothing else. it just doesnt feel right SORRY ANYWAY. WOLFWOOD IS ALSO A HONOURABLE MENTION HERE BCOS.??? HES SO FUCKING GOOD. AND ALSO SAD. AND FUNNY. AND-
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pumpkin-master · 1 month
Hello to all the humanoids in here!
You can call me Pumpkin and this is my first time using Tumblr! I go by She/Her and I’ve honestly been eying using this since almost everything I wanted to see somehow originates from or has more content here. And by that I mainly mean Fanfics, Comics, and Artwork of course.
Another reason was because I have my own AO3 account under the name The_Pumpkin_Night_watcher and wanted to post things about my own fics, prompts, and AU’s that I come up with.
This is a whole new world for me tomorrow explore a I hope to experience it with everyone else!
Now then, for the Fandoms that I’m a part of, I usually rotate between what I’m into at the moment, but it always circles through the others eventually. That’s to say all my hyper-fixations get a turn.
I also really love exploring the posts and tags connect to these fandoms so I might come with something like that out of nowhere.
Fandoms that I mainly partake in:
One piece
MDZS (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
SVSSS (Scum Villain Self Saving System)
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy 7
LOTM (Lord of the Mysteries)
Legend of Zelda
FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy’s)
Ace Attorney
And that’s mostly it, I’ll explore other medias and fandoms but these are the ones I usually stick to.
Regarding Fanfics
I do like to post prompts and fic ideas from time to time, and if it particularly tickles my fancy, then I’ll explore the AU of fic idea a little more. But chances of it becoming an actual fic depend on whether I would have enough motivation to actually write something like it.
I also can’t promise consistent updates, my IRL schedule is wonky at the best of times and stressful at worst.
One thing with Fanfics is that I adore crossovers, it’s one of my favorite things to see two worlds collide to either create a mess or solve it.
Thing with Art
I like to draw and make art, sometimes of prompts or fics, but mostly just for fun and whenever I feel like it. I can’t promise da Vinci levels of art or be the next van goh but i’ll certainly make it good enough to look at.
Conclusion…I guess?
Well, I think that’s mostly it, anything else I need to mention will be mentioned at a later date within the actual homepage itself. So anyway…
That’s all folks!
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