#but id just like the feeling of physically putting on the thing to play
imflyingfish · 1 month
Going through another phase of wanting to buy a record player verses being unsure if i should
#XwX#id just like it for special things#and ambience#id like it so that i dont have to look at a screen to play music#and to have physical copies of my favourite music#however i have no clue if it would be cringe lmao#but id just like the feeling of physically putting on the thing to play#i could get a cd player i suppose#ive been planning to burn somethings onto discs and get a dvd player for a while now#and it would be a lot cheaper#however i dont think it would feel as special#ive actually really enjoyed downloading my music directly onto my computer rather than just streaming it#which sounds lame but this is the first time ive really tried it#so id like to go into physical media#i miss having a dvd collection as well#idk if this urge will persist ive been sitting on it for a while now#then again ive been having a lot of urges to buy things recently#new haircut new clothes (pretty much all i wore before january was wilbur merch so im a bit stuffed on nice things to wear)#freaking hand made as well#fuck since that april fools episode ive been longing for a vr headset#what am i going to do with that??? i have like 3 games i want to play and thats it!#maybe i should play the games i actually HAVE already#i always get the urge to buy things during a stressful period#guess we'll see#although i could say that i will get the record player and some nice discs if I win that bursary#ach i feel guilty for wanting things like this that i dont need though X_X#we'll wait it out#steal my dads record player#jk i think he uses it to impress his new girlfriend#like how hes suspiciously started playing the guitar again since dating her
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fuyuesu · 2 years
why did i have the most delayed reaction to a heartbreaking event in my life ever
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bodyhopper-files · 7 days
Body Hopper Files: Mateo
My stomach churned and my mind spun as I found myself in a new body. Again. It was a familiar feeling, but it never got any less disorienting. I had no control over these spontaneous jumps from one person's life to another's. For the past two months, I had been living as a quiet college professor. But now, who was I? Where was I?
I took in my surroundings with a quick glance: a busy kitchen filled with people moving all around. I felt young, definitely younger than the professor. How young, though? Looking at my hands, I saw light brown skin and some tattoos on my arms. My uniform was black and stained with food, an apron tied around my waist. In my pocket, I found a phone that unlocked with my new face as the ID. I switched quickly to the camera and saw myself for the first time; a cute face with full lips and scruffy facial hair greeted me. Probably around 19 years old. Not bad, not bad at all.
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Putting the phone away, my next instinct was to feel myself up through the fabric of my uniform. A nice long and thick surprise awaited me in between my legs - a big new sausage to play with. It was quite the contrast from the professor's more modest middle-aged penis (not that I'm complaining! I've grown to appreciate all types of genitalia during these random body switches).
Suddenly, a stern voice called out behind me - Mateo's boss, probably. "Mateo! Get back to work! And stop taking selfies!"
Shit, I was about to get this kid in trouble if I didn't start pretending to be him real soon.
I quickly straightened up and turned to face my boss, trying to play it cool. "Sorry sir, just checking the time," I said with a sheepish smile. I figured I was young enough I could still play it cute and get away things like that.
He grunted in response and turned his attention back to the food he was preparing. With a developed skilled I’d picked up from so many random body hops, I returned seamlessly to Mateo’s daily work, navigating the busy kitchen with ease, knowing exactly what needed to be done and when. It was clear that he was well-liked by his coworkers, who joked and laughed with him throughout the shift. Despite the long hours and physical demands, Mateo loved his job, and before long I felt the same youthful passion as I helped the line cooks out, bussed tables, and flirted with the waitresses. It was all in a night’s work for Mateo.
Before I knew it, closing time neared and the orders slowed. I untied my apron, wiped sweat from my brow and headed to the break room for a much-needed rest before the restaurant closed. Sinking into a plastic chair, I pulled out Mateo's phone again. There were dozens of notifications - mostly messages from friends and family wondering how he was doing in the big city. But I was more interested in his dating profiles.
As I scrolled through the apps, I couldn't help but chuckle at some of the messages he'd been receiving. There were dirty one-liners, shirtless selfies, and even a few invitations to kinky encounters. Mateo clearly had a way with the guys! I responded to a few messages, using his usual flirty tone, all the while feeling that big new sausage throbbing underneath Mateo’s dirty workwear. It wasn’t likely that I’d be spending the night alone, given how some of the men I’d messaged in Mateo’s apps had responded.
"Good work today, Mateo," the head chef called out as he walked by, giving me a friendly pat on the back. I smiled and nodded, trying my best to act natural and turn attention away from my raging boner.
The restaurant finally closed for the night and everyone began to clock out. I made sure to say goodbye and thank all of Mateo's coworkers, who were all too eager to invite me out for drinks. It was tempting, but I had bigger plans for my first night in this new body.
I made my way to the locker room, quickly changing out of my sweaty work clothes along with all the other restaurant staff and into street clothes for a night out. Mateo's phone buzzed with another notification - it was one of the guys I'd been messaging earlier. He wanted to meet up at a nearby bar.
Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, I headed out into the city streets and made my way towards the bar. As I walked, I couldn't help but soak in the feeling of being young and carefree again. It had been so long since I had felt this way, as most of my recent host bodies had been older men with their own set ways and responsibilities. But as Mateo, I could be whoever I wanted to be - a young, attractive guy, new to the city with his whole life ahead of him.
I arrived at the bar and spotted my date sitting at a booth in the corner. He looked just as good as in his pictures; an attractive young man about Mateo’s age but with a larger, more dominant physique. He waved me over eagerly as I approached, giving me an appreciative once-over.
"Hey there, Mateo," he said with a grin as we awkwardly hugged hello.
"Hey," I replied with a flirty smile that came naturally in this body.
We settled into our seats and ordered drinks, chatting about our lives and interests as I delved into Mateo’s memories and personaltiy. As we talked, he reached across the table to brush his hand against mine, sending shivers down my spine. His touch was electric against Mateo's skin.
The conversation eventually turned more flirtatious as our drinks continued to flow. My hands trembled slightly as I leaned in closer to his, my heart racing with anticipation.
“Mateo, do you want to come home with me?”
Finally, it was time for me to give into the urges of the body I now possessed. I smiled seductively and said "I'd love to."
We quickly paid our tab and headed out into the night, his arm wrapped firmly around my waist. As we walked, I could feel Mateo's young, toned body tingling with excitement at the prospect of what was to come.
When we arrived at his apartment, he led me straight to the bedroom, kissing me passionately as we tumbled onto the bed. I eagerly returned his kisses, reveling in the feeling of stubble against Mateo's soft skin.
We had a wonderful evening together, fucking again and again with seemingly unlimited stamina, and then laughing and talking late into the night. I felt comfortable and at ease in Mateo's body, like I could truly be myself, even though I knew I was just a pretender. As it got later, we cuddled up close and fell asleep in each other's arms.
The next morning, sunshine streamed in through the window as I slowly awoke. For a moment, I had forgotten I was in Mateo's body. As I looked around the unfamiliar room, the memories of the night before came flooding back. I smiled thinking about the fun we'd had.
I couldn't help but think my time as Mateo was going to be great. As long as was him, I'd have an easy job that he absolutely loves and hook up with hot men every single night! ----- ----- -----
Original story and AI Illustration by @bodyhopper-files
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bonny-kookoo · 7 months
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 | Part 5
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A smile from you is all he needs to feel recharged.
Tags/Warnings: Game Designer!Jungkook, Non Idol AU, established relationship, Angst , emotional kook, suggestive messages, poor Maria pt.1 [Tags will be different for every part!]
Length: 1k Words
There is no taglist for this fic.
Collab with @euphoricfilter ! 💜
-> Masterlist
This is not going to plan at all.
Not only is he behind schedule wise, he's also not thought about the possibility of what this all might look like to you at all. Because why would you even think that in the first place? He'd be absolutely stupid to cheat on you, let alone with a 64 year old married woman of all people!
But then again, you don't know that part- and he also can't really properly explain it as he would surely blow his own cover, and he's just too close to the finish line to give up now. He already almost cried at deleting your face ID and fingerprint from his phone, feeling like he deleted the memory of setting those things up too, but he swore himself it's for a good cause down the line. You'll make so many more memories together for sure, and they'll top those more than by just a little. He'll make sure that they will.
[Alright, I'm so excited! Next time let's do it this way right from the start- no need to make it so complicated!] Maria had wrote him in full, and he reads over it with a bit of worry. Does she really understand what he meant by his worries?
[I'm not sure you understand. I'm planning something big, and I'm also behind when it comes to physical intimacy these days, you know?] He writes the woman, who he's asked prior about the rules and such regarding.. well, sex in the home he's renting out for the upcoming special occasion he's planned. He doesn't want to get locked up for not following some Airbnb laws he overlooked after all. That would just be embarrassing. [And we're very intimate people. I'm taking her pleasure and happiness seriously, if you get the hint.] He texts her as he boils some water on the stove for his absolute accurately made ramyeon.
[Oh trust me, I've been young too! No need to be shy, I can only imagine that emotions will run high most likely!] She responds, and Jungkook pursed his lips for a second, before he starts to play with his piercings deep in thought.
[No, Maria, I don't think you get it-] he begins to type. [-it's been almost two full weeks at this point, that's the longest we've ever gone without any sex, we're talking at least three orgasms a day times fourteen, I've got some major catching up to do..] jungkook sends her, before he puts his phone down for a second as to prepare the instant noodles properly.
[It's fine, really. No need to worry!] The woman responds. But jungkook wants to make sure.
[She's a squirter- you know what that is right? Either way it's gonna get messy so I'm just making sure you REALLY know what you're getting into if you say it's alright because the carpet looked really nice and I'm not sure how to get cum stains out of that] he rambles, not noticing you emerge from the bedroom now as you put your bag on one of the kitchen chairs. [I can replace it too if that happens no problem, you know how my girlfriend gets haha. Well you don't but you will know after we're done with the place-] he taps and accidentally sends out as you call his name, causing him to almost drop his phone into the soup pot on the stove, only barely catching it in time before he can practically throw it into the pocket of his sweatpants. "Yeah?" He asks towards you, and you look at him still way too hostile in his opinion.
He knows you can be a bit of a hot head. It's what he loves about you- how fierce you can get and how you'll always stand your ground. But he also knows that you're a bit of an aklebiter with some serious anger issues sometimes- once you see red, you don't see anything else anymore. So he's got to be careful not to fuck it up any further, because once he loses you, he loses for good.
Because you're stubborn if you've made up your mind.
"The water's boiling over." You mumble, avoiding his gaze as you sit at the kitchen table, arms crossed in defense. He jumps at your words and turns off the stove at that, somewhat awkwardly playing up some food into bowl for the both of you, watching you eat silently across from him with an almost needy gaze.
You're gonna probably try and kick his balls if he asks you to sit on his lap right now, so he swallows down the request to keep them intact.
He's gonna seriously crunch some hours while you're sleeping over at a friend's house so he can still make the deadline, able to pass up on sleep with you not actually home to scold him for it. He hates the fact that the app on his phone constantly reminds him of the lack of intimacy between you two- taunting him with notifications about his streak being broken, his record being topped, his spot up top on the scoreboard being taken. He hates it. He created this app, he should be the one who's best at it too!
God he can't wait to get his hands on you again. He feels like his dick is going to fall off in the next few days.
And it's not just that, either. He doesn't sleep well when you're not with him, he misses all the interactions you usually have during the day, the love, the intimacy of just being close, he misses it so bad. And he kind of doesn't want you to leave right now- he'd love to just call it quits and just cave in, but he's come too far now, and you're also a strong independent woman. You deserve to choose where you want to go or stay, he's got no say in that- or at least he shouldn't try to have it.
"I.. You'll text me when you wanna come back home, right?" He asks as he finishes his bowl, and you shrug.
"Whatever." You mumble. "S' not like you want me home for more than the chores anyways." You huff into your food, and he can't help but feel his eyes tear up. No, stupid Jungkook, don't fucking cry right now. You're gonna ruin it all with your dumb tears and weak heart just like always-
"I do want you home.." he mumbles quietly, blinking harder to avoid you spotting anything off- but you notice. Of course you do.
"...I'll text you." You say, and that at least soothes his mind for the moment as his phone falls out of his pocket, screen cracking and making him cringe.
Fuck. That's the what.. 20th time this year?
But it's all worth it, if it means he can at least see the hint of a smile pull at your lips for once.
The sight alone motivation enough to make him work even harder now.
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trashmouth-richie · 11 months
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eddie x Fem! Reader
honey I’m home masterlist
TW: 18+ hospitals, trauma, crying, etc
A/N: this is a short little chapter. the next one will be longer— thank you for hanging onto this story even though it took me forever to get it started. I have most of the next chapter done so it’ll probably be posted next week.
The blue and red lights are blinking in rapid succession. Painting the curtains in washes of ruby and royal. 
  The sirens should have been loud but Eddie figured it was the blood trickling down his head and into his ear canal that was preventing him from hearing clearly. 
  He fought with the first responders. 
  Fought with the people fussing over him and trying to rush him into an ambulance. 
  He refused to leave you. 
  He didn’t need to be cared for. 
  He didn’t care about anything. 
  Only you.
  Mr. Derry’s loud knock and burst through the door was the exact distraction needed for Eddie to grip the bat in his bloody hand. 
  Rings squeezing tight around blood and the wooden handle, he swung hard. A suddenly athlete in a smokers body. He felt the thuds and friction vibrating in his forearms when the nailed head connected with flesh. But he didn’t stop until there were two crumpled bodies collapsed on the red stained carpet. 
  And when the ambulance crew met him at the door, gurney ready, you were wrapped tight in his arms. A faint pulse echoed like a whisper against your skin. Eddie’s tears streaming down his face and onto yours. 
  His promise pressed delicately to your lips.
  “What have we got?” 
  “According to the patient’s friend, she is twenty-one-year, sir! you need to be looked at, and lived by herself for the past few months..” 
  I’m fine! Jesus— get off me and help her! 
  “…call came in at 2208 from a Mr. William Derry— the neighbor— claiming there were screams coming from across the street of his residence on Cherry Lane. Dispatch didn’t think to respond right away due to the many calls Mr. Derry has submitted to the Police Department.”
  “Sir, I am not telling you again, you need to be checked out!” 
  “Jesus Christ.”
  “When nobody showed up, the neighbor went across the street after hearing more screaming. Patient was held up by her throat by the DOA”
  “Bill has him in truck 011, ID found on the body confirmed he was Chad Cunningham.” 
Eddie is standing before you, looking the same has he did the morning g after Halloween. It’s similar but different. There’s more light in the kitchen, and he is rosy cheeked like a cherub, his movements almost floating like angel wings as he moves the carton of orange juice hp to his lips, small glints of a silver nipple ring peaking out from the cutoff shirt he wore. 
  When he speaks, it’s like a harp is playing, all song and beautiful notes, extending and echoing around the room. 
  “So when do I get this trophy sweetheart?” He says with a grin, “thinking of putting on a shelf in my room,” 
  Your laugh feels like butterflies tickling your stomach, “you can’t be serious.” 
  His head dips as he walks towards you, smile displaying the prettiest teeth, “damn straight, want the whole town to know I had the best costume!”
  “Stolen costume,”
  “Pppffft, I just borrowed it.” the wink he delivers is almost sinful, toothachingly sweet enough to give a dentist a cavity, and you melt on the spot. 
“Miss? Can you tell us your name? Can you tell us anything?” 
  You were either in a hospital or a morgue. You didn’t feel any pain so it very likely could be the worst of the two options. Whatever you were laying on was cold. And when you tried to move you found you couldn’t. 
  Is this death?
  Eyelids heavy and unable to cooperate and make the connection with your brain on flicking open so you could see what was happening. 
  The only thing constant was a buzzing in both ears. A tug along your eyelids and rubber glove fingers on your body. But you were trapped in your mind, unable to speak, to scream, to show any physical movements other than the involuntary rise and fall of your chest and your lungs being filled with oxygen, fed through flexible plastic of the oxygen mask placed on your face. 
  Oblivious to your surroundings. 
  “Severe trauma to both eyes, laceration to the back of the head, severe swelling and possible damage to the larynx, Katerina, what did the CT show?” 
  “CT came back clear, X-Ray showed a break to both zygomatic bones, 5th and 6th ribs and a lacerated spleen…”
  “Look at her nails, poor thing fought for her life,” 
  “they both did.” 
  You found the will to whisper what you needed to tell them. Voice hoarse and barely audible, removing the mask they look in horror back at your words, and  immediately the feeling of warm liquid entering your veins and the blur of sleep covers your body. 
  He visits you again, this time you know it’s a dream. The pink clouds flow behind his head even though you are standing in the living room. But it’s different, blurred on the edges, hazy sweet and refined. How heaven could be described. 
  “I look good in this don’t even lie,” Eddie says with a spin, the white cotton of your robe resembling a mini skirt on his long legs, “but if you want me to take it off all you have to do is ask, I’m a pleaser, baby.”
  He was every version of himself, handsome, gross and menacing. Sweet and caring, eye twinkling, soft voiced: Eddie. The beer taped to his hand like it was all those months ago when you splashed him awake, threatening to kick him out. 
  Delivering his classic one liners that you now knew helped fuel your love for him. 
  “What? Hair of the dog baby, gotta keep drinking to avoid a hangover.”
  And maybe your love for him was always there. 
  Showing up in the background, fluttering bird wings of your heart before you even noticed. 
  Developing into something sweeter, deeper, so heartbreakingly sick it took a disaster and almost the last pulse in your veins for you to be able to admit it. 
Steve had been pacing the cream colored tiles for over thirty minutes. The squeak of his Nikes against the floor were something Eddie was trying hard to focus on instead of worrying about you in the ICU, but so far it wasn’t working.
  The nasal cannula was annoying, he could breathe fine on his own. The stitches in his eyebrow itched and stung with each weave through his skin, pulled taut around the swelling in his face. 
  The shot the nurses had administered to calm him down after screaming and trying to fight his way to you, was making his mind fuzzy— still, Steve’s pacing kept him company. Step step step squeak, step step step hand in hair, followed by an agitated huffing breath.
  A nurse with a long blond ponytail braided down her back opens the polyester curtain with a drag and slips inside the room. A black rubber and steel stethoscope around her neck, before she could introduce herself Steve exploded with fury. 
  “Tell me what the hell is going on in this poor excuse for a hospital, right now!” Steve’s hair shook from its feathered position when he spoke, his demanding voice booming across the tiles. 
  Without missing a beat and clearly dealing with high strung men before she said almost monotonously, “Sir, you need to calm yourself down, this is a h-”
  But Steve’s fire was only fueled by her dismissive tone, his voice never wavering, “No, I will not calm down! The police were made aware of this situation a year ago and nothing was ever done!” 
  The police officer standing outside guarding entry to the room tipped his head in slow, “Mr. Harrington, we hear your complaints but there isn’t anything we can—”
  “Bullshit!” A tear stain cheeked Robin sobbed, her face red and blotchy from hours of crying and rubbing her freckles clean, “Eddie told you what happened yet he’s still cuffed to a bed like a fucking criminal!”
  She broke down again, clinging to Steve’s side like a wounded child, sobbing into the soft cotton of his crewneck sweater. “This is unethical! Unco—”
  “Alright that’s enough hot shot,” Hopper shouts in finality towards Steve, a wrinkle burrowed deep in his forehead accompanied with graying thick eyebrows set in a devastating frown. 
  “Chief,” Wayne interjects, cap wringing in his calloused, wrinkle bared hands, his voice wobbly but steady, runny nose and wet tears cling to his scruffy beard, “my son was protectin’ that girl, you know Eddie…he’d never hurt someone unless his life or someone he cared about was in danger.” 
  Hopper tore his gaze from the one of the richest in the room to the poorest, hanging his head with sorrow, “ ‘m sorry, Wayne— but until Mr. Derry’s statement comes back and Eddie is cleared… the cuffs stay.” 
  Wayne hung his head low, the few wiry hairs on his balding head stuck in all sorts of directions despite his attempt at raking them into submission. 
  “Jim Hopper you should be ashamed of yourself,” Karen Wheeler spoke up now, head held high, claw clip  teetering with each gesturing movement of her head, “you know good and well this boy couldn’t have done that to her! They loved each other!” 
  Since the pacing of Steve’s feet had stopped Eddie’s heart rattled hard in his chest, he clawed at the heart monitors on his chest, tried to bite the IV’s from his arms, caged like a wild animal he let out a broken cry, “ple— please, she needs me.”
  “Mr. Munson,” the nurse with blonde hair replies sternly, “she is in critical condition, we don’t know if or when she will be able to to recover, she is heavily sedated and needs rest, her only visitors will be family at this time.” 
  “Speaking of,” another nurse chirps, young and fresh gilled, entirely too eager to please her superior, “do you know how to get a hold of her family?”
  He shakes his head slow, causing a pounding headache, “I am her family,” Eddie grunts through clenched teeth, pushing himself up on the bed as far as his cuffs would allow, Steve’s hand on his shoulder. “Look around this room! Ted and Karen Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Nancy Byers.. we are all she has,” a single tear falls down his bruised cheek, liquid salt in the cut in his top lip. 
  “Okay sir.. who is responsible for her?” 
  “In regards to what? Financially? You money hungry pricks just don’t let up so you?,” Ted Wheeler finally speaks behind his wife, shock and anger evident on his wrinkled features.
  “Not exactly…”
  “Whatever it is, I will handle it, alright?” Eddie interjects, annoyed with the questions, worried only about you, “I’m responsible for her.”
  “Oh,” the nurse says, perking up slightly, marking a red check mark on her clipboard, smoothing out her uniform, “so you are aware of her condition then.” 
  Light bulbs click for everyone in the room but the curly brown haired metal head. 
  Oh my God
  Holy shit.
  “That she got the shit kicked out of her by that fucking psycho Chad Cunningham?”
  Ma’am can we talk privately in the hall? 
  “…obviously I’m aware! I was there when it happened! That dumb fuck already took my statement!” he said gesturing to Deputy Wallace. 
  “No, Mr. Munson..”
  This isn’t the time for this! Wayne tried to warn the nurse, but it fell on deaf, naive ears.
  “…she’s right around twelve weeks pregnant.” 
  A pin dropping could have been heard from a mile away. The oxygen was sucked from the room. Karen’s hand was clapped around her mouth. Nancy and Robin choked back sobs.  
  Everyone was struck with horror, but not Eddie. 
  His mind playing that beautiful night between you like a movie in his head. The way your skin felt, the way his heart ached with fullness at your shared fervor and passion. 
  The curve of your lips on his skin, kissing him sweet and slow, no noise, just the love making swallowing you both whole. 
  Your soft snores as he counted the popcorn marks in the ceiling, his girl. His entire universe. 
  The tears rolled like a ferocious river down his face, carving a path down his cheeks and under his wobbling chin, wetting the hospital gown he was forced into when he got here. 
  You were alone.
  He didn’t know anything about pregnancy besides the woman usually got sick right? Every emotion that most men feel when finding out they were going to be a dad hit him all at once. 
  But not fear. 
  He imagined you with a big swollen belly, feet too pudgy to fit into shoes, he’d rub them with lotion until you could fall asleep. 
  He’d imagined his arms holding you from behind, your baby wrapped in his arms still in your womb. The relief you might feel from the weight being in his hands. 
  You were experiencing this pain all by yourself. 
  He couldn’t fathom how you were feeling. Scared. Hopeless? He had no idea. And the thought of you being alone had him nauseous. 
  Why didn’t you didn’t tell him?  
  Why didn’t anyone tell him? 
  His fury built and shook as his voiced boom with grief as he screamed at Steve, dark eyes blood shot and red rimmed. 
  “How could you,” he broke, struggling through the words, "why would you not tell me?!” The cuffs around his wrist broke skin as he tried to claw his way out of them, trying to reach at Steve’s shirt demanding to be heard. 
  “Ed— fuck man!” Steve started, mouth gaping at Eddie’s arms dripping with blood from his fresh wounds, “we didn’t know!” 
  Robin speaks now, trying to reach for Eddie’s hand to offer him some comfort, “She didn’t tell us, Eddie—Steve is right, she didn’t say a word to any of us about it.” 
  “Fuck!” Eddie screams, slamming his wrists into the bed sides, “I sh—should h-have..,” the end falls silent as his long legs were pulled to his chin and he buried his head into them. 
  In the minutes it had been since he found out, he was already a shitty fucking dad.
  The pain of what happened to you and him not being able to stop it quick enough was killing him, and now, realizing that you were carrying his child and you were all alone? 
  There weren’t words for the gut wrenching feeling ripping through him. Overwhelming dread, chest tight with panic and pain. The nausea overtaking him. The vomit came fast, splashing allover himself and the bed, landing in thick puddles on Steve’s shoes. He cried harder and sobbed uncontrollably. When his stomach was empty he could only dry heave. 
  Wayne moved across the tiled floor in quick steps, careful not to slip in the wayward puke in his path. Sitting down hard and with purpose next to Eddie. This wasn’t his first rodeo of seeing Eddie in this turmoil. But never as a grown man. 
  He tried his hardest to hold back the tears he swore he’d never let fall in front of his boy, but gravity won the fight when Eddie pulled him into a bone crushing hug, his sobs snuffed by the canvas of his work jacket. 
It was a full 12 hours before Mr. Derry’s statement was released. Tough old bird, he couldn’t be coerced even with the gentle threat from the Cunningham’s came down hard breathing down his neck. 
  Surely not their son? Their angel?
  But the proof was there. An eye witness statement and a severely beaten woman, the record from years past and the statement from both Steve and Robin on what happened last year at your apartment, stood its ground. 
  Eddie was cleared as a free man, self defense in the eyes of the law. The second his cuffs were off he was throwing his boots onto his gripper socked feet, and untangling himself from wires and needles. 
  Steve and Wayne had both taken off work to help Eddie pick up his medication and make him go home and rest. When he tried to protest, Wayne gave Eddie a look that could pierce steel, the kind of look saying no bullshit, and begrudgingly he followed the men out to Steve’s Mercedes. 
  Nancy and Karen stayed behind at the hospital, filling your room with heavily perfumed flowers. Hushed whispers between the mother and daughter as they prayed and hoped that you would make it out of this horrific nightmare. 
  The doctors would only speak to Eddie. Letting him aware that your condition was improving but they would not be able to lift the sedation just yet. A day passed then another. Eddie slept in the hospital grade recliner in your room each night. Singing you sweet lulls of your favorite song. Promising you the world if you would just open your eyes. 
  He was weak himself. Fighting the urge to break down in front of anyone again with each hour that passed. 
4 days led to 5 and the nurses and doctors whispered behind their clipboards. On the 6th day they decided to lift the sedation to see how your body would tolerate pain. 
  Eddie never left. 
  Machines beeped and ticked. Tubes and wires connecting from you drip with fluid and monitoring systems. The white walls and outdated curtains of the hospital shine a yellowed glow into your room, bringing with it a warmth to your cotton thread blanket and warming the skin on your arms. A welcomed feeling compared to the cold needles of the IV poking into your skin delivering flows of medicine and liquids to keep you hydrated and your pain manageable. 
  Foiled balloons printed with get well wishes bounce and sway with the kick on from the vent. 
  One of your hands is unexpectedly warmer than the other. A rough drag across the knobs of your knuckles is a familiar feeling, and you smell him before you even open your eyes to acknowledge that it’s him. 
  The clinging smell of cigarettes on a freshly washed shirt and the spice of deodorant force their way into your nose. It’s a different shampoo than the one you’re used to catching on him. More manly. All sandalwood and musk a hint of citrus. And at first you think he’s someone else… maybe Steve picked up smoking heavily again?
  But when a tuned hum reverberates low against your hand followed by a pair of lips kissing gently around the IV and tape poked and laid against your skin, you know for certain it’s the man you’ve been dreaming about. 
  The one you cried for. 
  The one who visited your sleeping mind and told you everything was going to be okay.
  His name falls from your lips like choked frozen honey, thick in your mouth and on a dry tongue. 
  It was the most beautiful noise he had ever heard. 
  His girl. His whole world. Awake.
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onyaki · 1 year
"such a needy boy"
c. strife
such a needy boy who won't let his needs be met. he's a boxer and you're his doctor. physical therapy, bruises, cuts, gashes, you take care of whatever he asks for. usually he doesn't ask he just barges right into your clinic asking for you to fix him up. one night after one of his matches you notice he doesn't come in. you can clearly see from the stands that he's injured. bruises and a bloody nose, yet he refuses to have you help him by never coming in. but he's too easy to read.
"cloud." you ring his phone, after his coach called to make sure he had come in after his match, as his coach said he seemed unusually distant, seems to have something on his mind.
"why'd you call, you have no reason too." he's just getting out the shower, his hairs wet and a towel wrapped around his waist. he's sore, not supposed to be though he didn't go to physical therapy with you like he was supposed to.
"whaaat, I can't call a patient? im joking. you didn't come in today and your coach called me to make sure if you did and I had to tell him no. you've never missed a day what's wrong?" you tease him and he has a internal reaction, face heating up just slightly, muscles tense just a bit.
"no response? reacting in the way you don't like?" as his doctor you're supposed to study his reactions he's felt like this before and hates the reaction his body gives.
"anyway. come over, you're beat up I need to make sure nothing's broken. your coach will kill me if you come in too hurt tomorrow for practice."
"right now?" he finally says something.
"yes right now. who cares how late it is, don't come to the clinic come to my place. I cleaned up just for you, it's nice over here promise." your place is nice, the tv speakers playing music low, the low hanging lights above you island just dimmed enough to see the counter. the dim accent lights from your room making the entrance to your room visible.
"just come over. I need to examine you, make sure nothing's broken."
"alright." he's already gotten his clothes on, right when you told him he could come over he'd dropped his phone on the bed, putting you on speaker, listening to your voice from afar.
"I'll see you soon cloud."
he shows up at your front door, soaking wet.
"it's raining? and you walked? why didn't you have your driver take you?"
"why? im capable of walking aren't I?"
"you are. you're a boxer capable of many things. I'll get you a change of clothes, feel free to shower I'll get you towel."
"thank you."
"we're doing manners today? you never say thank you." your voice disappearing into the hall as you grab a towel. "what's going on with you today? got something in your mind?" you walk back up to him with a change of clothes, a towel and a rag. "don't smell like ass, I won't examine you like that."
shit, he thought. he's been feeling a little needy all day. he even let himself get beat up during his match. so you had to touch him, you are his doctor, you fix him, bandage him, but there's plenty of other things you could do for him.
"needa get my head out of the gutter." he mumbles to himself.
"hm?" you tease, knowing whatever he just said wasn't for you to hear. "the bathroom is the second door down the hall, I'll be waiting on the couch." cloud walks past you his towel and clothes in hand, and you make your way over to the couch.
"done?" he came out with his towel on his head to dry his hair. you get up from the couch, walking towards your kitchen counter.
"sit on the counter."
"why there?"
"it's so much easier to examine you when you're not sitting where I have to work 10 times harder to even look at you. so just sit here. plus id rather be able to talk to you as well rather than just examine you, and talking to you while your on the ground is weird makes me think you're dead," you laugh a bit, and he smiles slightly.
"so, what hurts?" you question before touching.
"if nothing hurts I wouldn't be a doctor. now what hurts."
"my back," he sighs not wanted to admit his pain
"my chest."
"that's it I swear, that's where I mostly I got hit today." he shifts in his spot, fidgeting a bit.
"your match was looked a little, off I guess I don't know how to describe it."
"I let myself get hit."
"you wanted to see me that bad?" you question, teasing a bit. he's quiet. "im joking, don't be cold and take your shirt off,"
he pulls his shirt off and as your about to touch he stops you grabbing your wrist, and pulling you closer to him. "you really don't know why im here, would any of your other patients really come over just to get an examination?"
"I don't know any who would," the two of you almost as close as you can be, your waist pressing on the counter between his legs, you wrist being pulled by cloud, and your faces so close together that you could've kissed him. "but I also don't know any of my patients who are as needy as you are. you don't think ive realized how needy you are whenever you come in? you sit down and you do everything you can to make me be touchy and teasing."
"the whole point was for you to notice." he closes the distance between you and him, touching on your waist, slipping his hands under your shirt to feel some skin.
"such a needy boy." you tease, and he lets go of your wrist, putting both hands on your waist. he leans in, kissing your neck, nipping at the skin. you squirm in his hands, almost asking for more.
"admit it, admit how needy you are."
"I really need to admit it after kissing your neck like that?"
you get close to his ear, grining. "yeah, that's what I want." your voice gets breathy, and he gets touchier. "talk to me, tell me how needy you are."
"hm, i'm not one to just tell you." he says leaning in to kiss your neck. he takes your hands putting them around his neck. as your hands rest he leans in a little more, kissing your neck even more. covering you in bruises just like the ones he has on his chest from his matches. "you look good bruised. we should switch places one day, im sure id be a good doctor"
you attempt to bite back but he hikes up your shirt. "bite down." unfortunately for you, your tough act falls down and you do as he says. with your shirt in your mouth you stuggle to whimper and moan, his cold hands slowly pawing around your body, you look him in the eyes with an annoyed look seeing how much he's teasing you "don't look at me like that, it's not my fault you tease me so much," he whispered.
you let go of your shirt, whimpering a little from his touch. "it is your fault, you're so easy to tease."
"am I still easy to tease as im touching and kissing you all over?"
"a little less easy,"
"yeah? well im about to make it a lot harder." he pushes you off of him, getting down from the counter, tugging you back to him by your wrist, shoving you between him and the ledge of your counter. "don't touch there." you decided it would be a good idea to touch on his bruises, if he's gonna bruise and bite you, might as well return the favor.
"shit–" his voice breathy and his grip on you starting to loosen. "trying to kill me?" a sense of pain shocks him a bit, and an unexpected wave of pleasure. you take your hand palming at his dick. he huffs, his shoulders collapsing into you, his head resting on your shoulders.
"easy to tease, easy to pleas–!" he takes his hands, from your waist, trailing his hands to your cunt.
"if you're gonna be bogus, we'll both have to be a hot mess."
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cheriiyaya · 6 months
hi! i saw you were looking for writing ideas so i thought id come up with one for you :) could you do something with chuuya (and anyone else if you want to add) with an s/o that’s very physically affectionate? like theyre always hugging them, holding their hand, kissing their face, etc
omg thats soooo cuteeeeeeeeee!! And it reminds me of one of my friends who's very physically affectionate!!
First off, poor chuuya is NOT gonna be used to it.
in the beginning i feel like he might think that you had ulterior motives for being so...clingy with him
He's just not used to it okay :((
but later on I feel like he'll soften up to it a bit
Like allowing you to hold one of his hands (gloves on tho, he doesn't trust himself yet) or put a hand on his shoulder while he workds.
Just simple touches, nothing too much.
But soon he'll allow more; like playing with his hair and kissing his cheek or wrists randomly (kissing his wrists gets him flustered fight me)
Bear hugs from behind!!!!!!!!
Soon, you've got him wrapped around your pretty little finger
bro would start counting how many kisses you gave him that day.
"you only gave me 5 kisses today."
"...can i have more?"
Chuuya definitely isnt one to give physical affection but i feel like he'll looooooove it when you give it to him
Bro will MELT if you kiss his face and just praise him
Jwjdjsjjfjrjejwjwn he's so soft for you :(((
He loves laying his head on your lap while you play with his hair and talk about your day
Honestly I feel like if you kiss chuuya first THIS MAN WILL GET SO BLUSHY AND FLUSTERED
Slowly he'll allow you to remove his gloves when you are playing with his hands (KISS HIS PALMS AND FINGERSSSSS)
his gloves are like a comfort thing for him but soon he'll learn your touch is even better than those gloves caging his hands.
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dunmeshi-darlings · 2 months
eeee i love your writing!!! could i get chilchuck comforting a crying reader (who's normally very bubbly and happy)? Bonus if they're crying bc they think their feelings for chilchuck are unrequited 🫣
Thank you kindly dear anon, i hope your day is going well and that you have rested well and ate well.
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Chilchuck was never good with emotions, both his and other peoples. He kept his own emotions hidden so as not to appear vulnerable. And when it came to other peoples emotions he was fine with the positive ones...but quickly became awkward when things turn negative.
In fact he might be the worst (well second worst possibly) when it comes to dealing with emotional issues. So when he walks in and sees you crying he freezes up like a deer caught in the headlights. Its such a foreign sight to him he wasnt even sure if he was seeing it right.
You have always been such a bright cheery person, No matter the situation you were always the one that had the biggest grin across your face telling everyone its going to be ok, to not give up and push on. That was one of the things chilchuck liked about you the most, even if he would talk about how a situation was impossible or that it was to dangerousm you were always the one reassuring him that things were going to be ok. He never said it but it really meant alot to him, usually he would just ignore it or blow it off but he knows deep down it helps him more than he lets on.
He stares at you sobbing, wide eyed for a few moments before quickly making his way over to you. "WOAH woah hey Y/N hey hey its ok! its ok, whats wrong are you hurt?"
He says quickly sitting down beside you putting an arm around you instinctually. He normally isnt one to get physical when it came to comforting people but it was just something he did before he even realized he was doing it.
"Im fine...im just stupid..a stupid stupid idiot...an idiot that should have known better" You said through tears before breaking into sobs again, chilchuck looked around awkwardly before pulling you into him to cry, he sat there patting your back trying to comfort you as best he could. patting your back and repeatedly saying it was ok softly.
Eventually when you finally manage to calm down he wipes away some tears from your face before speaking up. "Now tell me whats going on? what do you mean know beter?" You want to tell him the truth, it had been eating you alive for days and days now. But tonight you realized what the actual truth was, and it was to much and broke you to pieces, it was a truth you had tried to ignore but couldnt and it broke your very being. You dont want to tell anyone about it, let alone him...but you know he wont let you hide away and pretend like this wasnt happening. so you take a deep breath and speak.
"im sorry chilchuck...i know this is going to make you feel awkward...and i know..i know you dont feel the same way.....but i like you, i REALLY like you...i care about you more than anyone else. and i know its stupid and i should just get over it but...it hurts.." you admit to him, not even looking at him, With how you feel right now your sure you wouldnt want him seeing your face right now. He didnt say anything, he only stared wide eyed at you. You should have known this was how he was going to react, you know how he felt about inter group relationships so you know he wouldnt want any part of being with you. However your miserable thoughts were interrupted as he pulled you into a tight hug.
"hey dont talk like that...if there is anyone here thats an idiot its me. I do care about you, I really do. You mean alot more to me than you realize, and you help me stay sane down here." He says squeezing you tight, you sniffle softly as you cant believe what your hearing. "Im not great with emotions...both dealing with other people and my own. Whenever you would be so positive and cheery it would make me genuinely happy, but i didnt want to get to attached so id play it off or something but genuinely you have helped me so much down here. I also have....other reasons on why im so hesitant to show emotions that im not ready to talk about just yet...but i do care about you...in fact i think i might like you the same way you like me. I just struggle being open about things you know? i should have been honest with you and open about my feelings back...that way you wouldnt have to deal with this. Im sorry, But to make it up to you, once we rescue falin and leave the dungeon why dont i take you to dinner?"
You couldnt believe what you were hearing, he had feelings for you to?! you couldnt believe it, you could feel yourself hugging him close as you smiled into his shoulder. "That sounds great, id love to."
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mizu-nights · 2 months
HELLO!!! iys me again heheh, id like to request ermm.. tsukasa and minori, with a s/o that RARELY shows affection by physical touch, BUT gets really clingy when theyre half awake or when theyre sick,,, though when they fully regained their consciousness/health,, they get embarrassed about it? thank yew :3!!
♬ now playing: "suddenly clingy"
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-> when you've got a partner as aloof and reserved as you, can you really blame them for being so surprised?
★ — chars ; tsukasa , minori
★ — notes ; MWEHEHE HELLO AGAIN LYN (i hope thats ur name and im not misreading anything somehow huhu)!!! another tsukasa and minori req... rlly love writing them so im always grateful :3 DID U KNOW I DREW MINORI FOR MY CLASS PIN THING!?!?! my teacher was nice enough to print it out for everyone hehe... still have yet to receive it bc of break but just a fun little thing that happened!! hope u enjoy <3
★ — warnings ; implied fem!reader for minori (implies that reader also attends miyamasuzaka) , otherwise none!
★ — taglist ; @akitosheart , @mintchocaur (tsukasa!!)
affiliated with @virtualbookstore ★
★ track #1: tenma tsukasa
to put it simply, tsukasa was really surprised! just the night before, you were so calm and reserved, maybe holding his hand a few times. even kissing his cheek once or twice.
... but right now? after you just woke up? you're all over him. literally. he doesn't mind, please don't get him wrong! tsukasa finds it endearing, if anything. it's just...
"tsukasa... love you..."
feeling your entire body cling onto his with such desperation... he wants to question it, but at the same time, it might risk embarrassing you and making you back away again, which isn't what he wants at all!
though the embarrassment was basically inevitable, as 20 minutes or so later, you're back to your usual self, just a little more shy this time.
"oh, goodness... tsukasa, i'm sorry, i didn't-"
"not to worry, [name]! i don't mind it one bit!"
he knows that you don't show a lot of affection normally for a reason. maybe you're too shy, maybe you're uncomfortable with it. as much as he loves it when you do, tsukasa doesn't force you to do anything! sure, he'll ask once or twice every once in a while, but he's very understanding if the answer is no.
... though, if you do it when you're fully awake for the first time... expect him to suddenly get all quiet and freeze up. it's a good thing, no worries.
★ track #2: hanasato minori
minori's way of showing her love for you is mostly words of affirmation or gift giving, so she doesn't mind that you aren't too keen on physical affection!
that doesn't mean anything bad, of course! it's not like she doesn't want to hug you, hold you, or kiss you, it's just that... she's a little shy about it. which means your lack of physical affection works out just fine.
so you can imagine how perplexed she was when you started begging for her attention, holding her hand and asking her to stay with you when you got sick.
"minori, stay a little longer... i'll feel so much better if you're here..."
minori may be an idol now, but hearing compliments from someone she truly holds near and dear to her heart... might give her a heart attack.
... but she also really adores it. after all, it makes her feel loved and special, more so since it's coming from you, of all people.
with all the training and practices she needs to attend to nowadays, minori makes sure to leave cute, handwritten notes or sweet text messages to check up on you! if you're allowed to use your phone when you're sick, that is.
when you finally recover and go back to school, it's absolutely over for the both of you. minori gets flustered easily on her own, but now that you've also lost your cool, getting all red alongside her? it's quite a cute scene from an outsider's perspective.
... the outsiders being the rest of more more jump, of course. as silly and clumsy the two of you can be, you're really the perfect pair for each other.
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p3ndeja6 · 7 months
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⋆¸*ೃ☼ ⋆¸*ೃ
band au! Stan marsh x y/n
summary: you were part of Stan’s band, crimson dawn as one of the lead singers, you and Stan had an established relationship but ended things badly due to lack of communication (on his part) everything he did or you did annoyed each other, but how can you guys continue playing together if you guys hate each other
warnings: swearing, arguing, marijuana usage, alcohol consumption, implied sex, angsty, jealous Stan!, maybe smut (probably)
2.6K words
not proof read (my bad)
(idk how many words this got so.. my bad pt 2)
you were currently on Wendy’s bed groaning and whining. you were so fed up and annoyed you could literally punch the next person that breathes next to you.
“Cmon y/n, it can’t be that bad anymore!” Wendy said. Wendy has been trying to cheer you up for over an hour making you forget about what happened at the crimson dawn meeting.
“no Wendy you don’t understand, Stan tries to always take control on everything the band does, we literally can’t fucking breathe anymore, all he does is nag and nag and nag, I can’t fucking stand him” you got up in anger clutching your hair in distress trying not to pull your hair apart, you might be getting grey hairs over this whole thing
“you’re only saying that because you guys broke up on bad terms and you still have to play alongside him y/n”
you and Stan dated for almost over a year before calling it quits. You truly did love that boy but he never tried to put any effort in the relationship anymore after the fourth month of dating. It’s like he lost complete feelings. That wasn’t the case though, he just had a hard time trying to distinguish if your feelings were as true as his but because of all the trying to decipher he lost complete focus on your relationship, resulting in never ending arguments and constant degradation
you loved him so much it hurt you physically after the break up, it took you a while to get yourself together.. for the band. Crimson dawn was getting recognition around South Park county and neighboring counties as well. You guys were getting paid for each gig. You had to continue even if it meant you had to play alongside your ex boyfriend, who you secretly still are in love with but won’t admit to anyone.
You didn’t notice but Wendy brought a box of tissues to you, you hadn’t realized but you were crying. You didn’t know how it happened. But you willing accepted the tissue, wiping your eyes and covering the pure white tissues with black eyeliner and black mascara
“I know it’s not easy, but the band is something you love, don’t let Stan ruin it for you this much.”
She was right, you loved the band, jimmy, butters and Kenny made being in the band fun and bearable
“yeah I guess you’re right-” as soon as you finished your sentence you got a phone call, you looked at the caller ID and it was Stan. You waited a few seconds before answering. “what’s up?” You spoke
“uh hey we just got a gig at some guys party, so come meet at my house in 20 minutes, don’t be late” he replied
“yeah sure whatever, I’ll be on my way” you hanged up in annoyance
“We just got a gig, Wendy by any chance did I leave any extra clothes here?”
You turned around in hopes she did have something you can wear. “Do you mean this?” She held your favorite outfit you forgot about months ago, when you slept over. it was your favorite dress, the flowy ,lacy black dress that made you feel and look so good on your body. God bless, you were already wearing your doc martens. All you had to do was add some finishing touches to your hair and face.
“how do I look?” You asked in worry
“fucking hot, honestly, like I literally could bang right now”
“oh my god! Wendy!!” You laughed at the explicit comment she made
you arrived at Stan’s house in a hurry hoping no one will noticed you were slightly late, you were dreading this but you just couldn’t wait to perform beside Stan
“You’re late y/n” Stan spat
“yeah by a fucking minute, what’s the big deal” you nonchalantly responded, finding your seat next to Kenny.
“the big deal is I told you to not be fucking late and that’s the first thing you do, gosh can’t you understand simply directions?”
“here we go again” Kenny said in humor while taking a sip of his beer
you angrily got up to his face, “You know what jack-ass fuck you, who gives a shit, it was just one fucking minute, why are you bitching about 60 seconds?”
“no fuck you-”
Butters went in between you and Stan who were standing so close to each another
“okay guys! we’re all here Stan cmon tell us what we’re doing” butters shakily said
he took one long second to stare down at you, clearly still pissed off
“okay fine.. I was going to say, that we got a call from one of Clyde’s cousins who’s having a party up in Jefferson county. Just 25 minutes from here. So let’s get ready to head up there”
you all agreed and started gathering your equipment and putting it in the van (that said tegridy farms). It was quiet but not an uncomfortable quiet. You were trying to put all the equipment in the van , fixing the boxes, and the instruments, when stan came up to you.
"y/n... look im sorry i yelled at you..... but seriously dont be late"
" stan i wasnt even that late... i dont know why you are making a big deal out of this... but i accept your apology" "lets just go.. okay?"
"yeah... okay"
As you went inside the van, you sat in between kenny and butters, while stan drove and jimmy sat in the passenger seat. As you were heading towards Jefferson, kenny lit up a joint, taking one huge puff. exhaling and coughing, kenny passing it to you. You received it by taking it in between you thumb and index finger. taking a big puff, you exhaled and then quickly inhaled it all back. Kenny laughed, "oh wow, didn't know you knew how to do that" you giggled and give him a small slap on his shoulder. "please kenny, you were the one who taught me"
The van started to fog up and the herby, skunk smell started to flow around the van, almost disgusting you in a way, creating a bit of a headache due to the "skunk" smell. As you were laughing it up with kenny and butters you had a feeling you were being stared down. You were, Stan was looking at you guys through the rear-view mirror, clenching his jaw and hands, created white marks on his knuckles as he gripped the steering wheel.
Once you guys arrived at clyde's cousins place, you could see all the people outside on the porch laughing, drinking, and smoking. Speaker music faintly coming out through the doors and windows. Colorful lights spinning all around, like a rave almost.
"alright guys, we're here.. we are going to do our best and make everyone know our name... couple ground rules before we go inside... Kenny dont try hooking up with anyone, please we seriously dont have time for that.. actually that goes for everyone. thats it lets go"
"please dude, i'm not gonna have sex... i didn't bring any condoms, plus cartman thought it would be funny how hard he can kick me in my fucking nuts. wasn't fucking funny"
You chuckled giving him a reassuring pat on his back and walked inside with him cursing out cartman and how hes a fat fuck who gets no bitches whatsoever.
You walked in and saw how everyone was dancing and singing and having a great time. you then saw a couple that kind of reminded you of you and stan, they looked so in love and so happy to be in each other's arms. you missed stan and you missed being with him, you didnt realize you were staring until jimmy kicked you with his crutch. "cmon on y-y-y/n" you snapped out of it and proceeded to help the rest of the guys set up. making final adjustments and being ready to perform.
"alright guys, you guys ready?"
"alright.. 1 .. 2 .. 3.."
the jimmy started to bang his drumsticks, and then kenny started with his bass.
you were their lead singer, as you were ready to begin singing you tried to get into the mindset, you know what song was first and it was a song you composed for stan. nobody really knows what the real reason was for the song, you just lied to them saying its based on a scene from a movie you saw.
you took one last deep breath, looking to your left you saw stan, smiling at you and nodding to you, signifying you'll do great. stan knew whenever you were scared or nervous... and knew what to do to calm you down.
you started singing, keeping in the rhythm by tapping your foot, you started to gain confidence as the chorus began to start. you took the microphone off the stand
send you my love on a wire
lift you up everytime
everyone, ooh
pulls away, ooh
from you
you were dancing and whipping your hair to the beat, staining the microphone with your red lipstick, moving your body to the beat and feeling the confidence rise up, when you saw everyone in a big pile, you did the unthinkable, you dived into them, crowd surfing the decent sized group of people, you were laughing and thanked the people who brought you back onto stage.
stan couldn't believe you just did that, he knew you were extroverted but didnt know it to this extent. he fell in love with you all over again. it almost pained him that you were no longer his, because of him, because of how stupid he was with words, how he lost the most important person in his life, the person that made life bearable. he wish he would fix it, could fix your guy's relationship.
the song was ending and you made sure to dance to the every end. as you guys were wrapping up, you had a 30 minute intermission before the last song. You got out to find yourself a drink, heading into the kitchen, it was a really big kitchen, marble countertops and porcelain walls. you found yourself the jungle juice they had, a bit strong for your liking so you only pour yourself a little bit. stan saw you and as he was about to go over and hopefully have a genuine conversation, some prep looking guy came up to you instead. he stood there observing, almost like a creep, but he means well
"hey! im clyde's cousin derek!' he semi shouted
"oh hey!, great party you have here"
"thank you, hey you were really great up there, you have such a great voice, and your performance skills is amazing, that crowd surf has everyone talking about it!"
you were a bit embarrassed that you actually did that. "yeahh sorry about that, i dont know what got into me. i dont usually do that, i just sing and dance really" you chuckled shamelessly
"nah nah you're good!" he looked at you with lustful eyes, he was getting close to you... like really close. you didnt really want to but he were craving the lips of somebody's. Stan was watching this all unravel and he started clenching his jaws. He immediately swooped in and grabbed you by your arm.
"hey whats your problem?!" he ignored your shouts, until he took you in a coat closet. he was intensely looking at you. unfortunatley he was a couple inches taller then you so you had to look up at him. there was this energy that made the temperature in the closet hotter.
"'y-yeah stan"
"im sorry..."
"for what?"
"im sorry for being a horrible boyfriend, i should've never shut you out, nor ignore you when you needed me the most. im so so sorry y/n.. and- and i cant stand you being with other guys, i cnat stand the fact they get to kiss you instead of me- i want to be the only guy holding you, kissing you, caressing you, everything, i want you to me mine... and only mine.. no one else's."
you were in a sort of shock, you didn't know what to say. the thing that you could say was, "stan i-"
you kissed him so passionately, he reacted a second late until he started to kiss you back.
he said. you oblied to what he said and jumped. you wrapped you legs around his torso gripping him tight into your embrace, he started to kiss you down to your neck, making you lean your head back into the wall, moaning at the sensatiuon he gave once he found your sweet spot
"oh god, how i missed those noises that come out that pretty mouth of yours"
this made you even more wet then you were before. in a swift motion he took off your dress to reveal your through lace bra, your harden nipples poking out. He pinched them through the fabric, making you moan out in pleasure. You were loud since there was music playing, so no one could hear you scream in pleasure.
you were left in your underwear and bra, stan removed your underwear and started to rub circles in between your lips, using your wetness to lube up his fingers to slowly glide them in. making quenching noises as he pumped in and out of you at very slow pace. His thick fingers making it hurt to fully consume him. He moaned to the feeling of your warm spongy walls trying so hard to take him fully, and this was just his fingers.
"fuck stan, please go faster please.. please" you were begging for more, this drives stan crazy but he wanted to take his time with you, he wanted to make you feel good, make you only scream his name.
"yeah? you want me to go faster? cmon.. y/n enjoy this moment with me"
he started to pump even faster, catching you off guard. you gripped on his shoulders, trying to calm your breathing.
"yeah like that, yes!"
"i just remembered you were gonna kiss that douche out there"
he stopped his movements, and quickly pulled out his fingers
"fuck stan!" you exclaimed
he unbuckled his pants and pulled both his pants and boxers down, revealing his long, red, needy, tip. You smiled at his leaky tip, shakily rubbing all the precum all over his sensitive tip.
he moaned and bit his lip, "you like that?"
you kissed him one last time, "fuck stan, please- please just-just shove it in me"
he wasted no time, and roughly pounded in you. you held a tight grip around his waist and shoulders. he held onto your waist, watching himself disappear into you wet cunt. you had moved your head to the side moaning and winning at the pleasure you were enduring.
you were so close and so was he. he grunting became whinning and whimpers. you held onto his face looking at his beautiful eyes
he breifly looked down and back up you
"y/n im gonna-im gonna cum"
"me-me too"
"i love you"
he pounded one last time into you and let his seed fill you up to the brim. your cum and his began to drip down to the floor, he stood there a moment. both of you trying to regain energy and steading your breath.
you got off of him and leaned back onto the wall. Trying to process everything that went down.
“I love you too”
you both smiled, and cleaned yourselves up. Until both of you heard a loud knock.
“Cmon you fucking weirdos, we have to do our last song!” Kenny shouted from the other side.. "also stan your a hypocrite, you said no hoo-"
"yeah yeah i know what i said"
you both laughed and continued cleaning the closet of any unwanted substance
“y/n I do really love you”
“I know stan… I love you too”
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sleepysturnss · 5 months
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── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
summary: you and nate have been dating for years, and you two are basically the perfect couple. nate decides to take a pitstop on the way home from shopping.
warnings: ALL FLUFF NO ANGST😍, kisses, cute ass flashbacks n some dancingg❤️
enjoy!! xx ❤️
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
i smiled, pinching the tip of a lipstick case, inspecting it before sighing and putting it back in its place.
“whats wrong with that one? i think itd look lovely on you ma.” my boyfriend, nate sighed, placing his hands on my shoulders as he walked up behind me.
“too dark.” i sighed, picking up a few more, repeating the process.
“too light”
“too sparkly.” i scrunched up my nose, shaking my head.
nate watched as i picked through the hundreds of lipstick shades and sizes, occasionally coming behind me and shoving his face into my neck, his way of telling me to hurry up.
“nate i promise ill be done soon” i mumbled, ruffling his brown hair through my red nails, he smiled, leaning into the touch.
he was such a needy boyfriend, like…almost anyone who knew him would think that he couldnt care less about physical touch or quality time, but i knew that he craved that shit.
anytime i was at his house, he was holding me, kissing me, doing anything he could to feel my body heat against his.
like a puzzle piece that just fit, and without him i was just an incomplete puzzle.
like i was almost whole, but there was one piece missing, right in the center.
i liked to say i hated it, his clingy behavior, but i dont think i could live life the same without it, its become part of my life.
nate was wrapped around my heart.
he held it in his soft hands, he could drop it at any moment, but i knew he wouldnt. he would never.
the second he got it, he swore to never let it go, and he stood by his word. he has for three years. ive never met anyone like nate, and id like to think he feels the same about me.
he always knows exactly what im thinking, he can read my thoughts like your reading them right now, its quite impressive actually.
its one of the things i admire most about him, and he doesnt really have to try.
“mama, look at this, it would match your pretty nails.” he smiled sweetly, grabbing a gold lipstick case, holding it up for me to see.
he flashed his puppy eyes at me, like a golden retriever.
i didnt even look at the color before i was handing it to the woman at the register. the look on his face was quite literally priceless, his smile was so cute and genuine there was no way i wouldve said no. it could be a green lipstick, and id have still gotten it.
“you didnt even look at it ma” he whined as i handed the woman my card,
“im sure its perfect nate. besides im just ready to be home.” i shrugged, taking the small bag from her and interlocking out arms.
he smiled, sighing softly, finally being able to get my full attention.
once we got in the car, i connected my phone to bluetooth, hitting shuffle on my playlist.
i smiled when the soft hum of the music play throughout his car, k, by cigarettes after sex.
the muffled rumbling of his worn down honda made the song even better.
his car.
it was the shittiest car i had ever seen.
but i loved it so much.
there were so many memories in this ugly ass car. i always gave him shit for it but i think id kill him if he ever thought about getting rid of it.
“i love this song.” i muttered, running my thumb over his hand. i hadnt even realized he was holding it, it just felt so natural.
“i know you do.” he smiled, glancing at me before shifting his gaze to the road.
“oh really?” i smirked, tilting my head.
he rolled his eyes, “you know why.”
i smiled, “yeah i do.”
senior prom.
he took my hand, leading me out onto the gym floor.
“i fucking hate this.” i mumbled, scrunching up my nose at the smell of sweat, alcohol, and weed.
“i know mama, but you look so beautiful in that dress, and your perfume smells like heaven.” he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine.
i could not feel my body. the ammount of nerves he gave me made me higher than any ammount of weed i had ever smoked.
i had the biggest crush on him.
i had the biggest crush on my boyfriend.
and he had the same feelings for me.
“i love cigarettes after sex” he mumbled, tearing me from my thoughts.
“what?” i hummed softly,
“i said i love cigarettes after sex.”
“me too” i smiled.
but i could tell that something had changed,
how you looked at me then.
i smiled at the memory, almost not realizing that he had skipped the turn onto his neighborhood.
“nate, you missed the…”
i paused, grinning at him as i realized what he was doing.
he smiled back at me, eventually parking his car by an abandoned barn house.
the house we had passed so many times when we were sixteen.
the house that i had always dreamed of owning. dreamed of owning with nate.
however now, it wasnt the same. it had been burned in a fire about a year ago. i was so upset when i found out, it seems silly, but that was like my teenage dream.
i had watched my teenage dream die right before my eyes on news channel five.
but none of that mattered, because i didnt need a white picket fence to prove that i was in love with nate, we both knew that.
eventually, we got out of the car.
he led me down the hill, the little weeds clinging to my sweater, the ends of my jeans lightly coated in the mud that was layered below the pretty green grass.
my stupid converse that i wore to senior prom.
the stupid converse that he had bought me on our very first date.
a size too big.
they still fit. three years later,
they still fit.
we stopped at the bottom of the hill, there was a pond not too far from us, there were still a few stray ducks.
he took my left hand, then my right, pulling my arms around his shoulders, his arms rested on my waist.
“i remember when i first noticed that you liked me back.” he hummed the lyrics of the song we danced to in higschool, swaying us slowly back and forth, the tall grass rubbing against my baggy jeans.
“think i like you, best when your just with me…and no one else.” i whispered, pressing my forehead against his, like we did a few years ago.
“i still get butterflies from you.” he whispered, smiling softly.
“ive still got a crush on you.” i whispered back, the corners of my lips curving up.
“your smiles still as beautiful it was when we were in eighth grade.” he mumbled, playing with a strand of my hair.
“your eyes are just as pretty as they were when we were sixteen.” i tilted my head, my eyes subconsciously falling to his lips.
as if he read my mind, he had leaned forward slightly, pressing his lips against mine.
it wasnt rough or forced, it was the perfect kiss a person would imagine.
like the ones in the movies.
the kinds you read in books, that you laugh at when they say their boyfriends lips fit perfectly together.
i used to laugh, but it really is true.
nate was my puzzle piece that fit perfectly against my lips, against my heart.
he pulled away, a small hint of blush had found its way onto his cheeks.
“youve got the lipstick all over your lips now” i giggled, trying to smear it off.
“stop, stop.” he pushed my hand away from his mouth, laughing lightly. “i like it.” he smiled, rubbing his hands over my back.
i took his hand, sitting down in the grass, pulling him down with me.
we just studied the light blue sky for a while, a comfortable blanket of silence warming the atmosphere.
“im gonna buy this house one day.” he glanced at me, “im gonna fix it up, for us and our little ones.”
“really?” i grinned, leaning into him.
his arm slid over my shoulder, hugging me to his chest,
stop this is so cute i love writing shit like this oddmdme
goodnight cuties xx
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here-but-forgotten · 2 years
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rambles | stu, billy, poly!ghostface | pt. 6
period sex/blood kink, discussion of their anger, domestic rambles.
Feral morning thought- convincing Billy to get tied up in some way and making him watch you ride a dildo while you’re on your period. His eyes just cutting into you as you bounce and moan with blood settling at the base.
On blood play note- riding stu on your period as he’s either actually submissive/forced to be still and Billy watching you until you pull off of him, right before stu cums, just for Billy to suck stu off with your blood in the mix. 100% creams his pants without anyone touching him.
Sometimes when stu is in a Mood™️ he becomes the clingiest bitch on earth. He’s grumpy and you don’t GET to leave he’s PISSY and he’s going to CUDDLE you for FUCKS SAKE. you + Billy give him kisses and share some candy with him and he feels better. might go out for a kill to work off some pissy baby attitude
there are days where Billy is needy and it is everyone else’s problem.
this is my little take on Billy + stu jealousy-anger-and such:
Billy- if Billy gets mad at you, it’s because of something that actually happened; any angry delusions are around the idea that someone could make you do the thing and he doesn’t blame you for that. He tries to not take his anger out on you and he tries to be mature about it but sometimes that’s hard. He would never physically hurt you. Only emotionally-mentally enough to make you relent to him.
If Billy gets mad and it’s not at you, it’s hard to tell unless he lets it known or it’s to you and Stu. He just conceals it. bitch would of loved frozen. he’ll go to you to talk about it. he’ll go to stu to talk about how to remove the problem. and he’ll go to both of you to ask for comfort. maybe comfort sex. maybe put him in his place sex. maybe murder.
stu doesn’t like getting mad at you because that’s how his exes ended up dead. but sometimes it’s inevitable. Billy does not let stu be mad at you in isolation. he’ll immediately try to talk to him about it and normally it’s an exaggeration delusion or something that can be talked out. stu doesn’t like being mad at you and he’s open to trying to fix it and he’s less of a Dick™️ to you -reader-Chan-
if stu is mad at not you, you jsut know. maybe others don’t. he’s like the concept of your mom coming home irritated from work and while she’s not mad at you, you can feel it. that’s stu. he really doesn’t want you getting worked up over it though. you’re his princess don’t worry about it. but he will 100% accept comfort kisses and you massaging his scalp.
I need you to know you could do something as simple and domestic as making them something simple like a sandwich and they’re both GONE. they’re both in love. jfc just treat them gently and let them murder and they will buy a ring.
stroke Stu’s cheek gently and call him your good boy and he is dead then and there
Date idea eating an entire xl Sam’s club JIF peanut butter jar with spoons
Have any of you seen that post ab a boyfriend showering with his gf and he cries over her gently washing his body and shampooing his hair? That’s exactly how I write the reader in all of these, that they’re the ones who’ve shown gentleness to be spared.
100% will kill your exes unless you’re explicit in that “were just better as friends/it was just not meant to be” and show that you would be genuinely mad at them if they killed them. If you don’t do that, they’re killing them either out of jealousy or revenge.
Random note: I’ve seen the ghostface - reader - j.d. ship and that’s fine it’s cute id like to be fucked by all three of them but like. J.D. is always their age. He’s like. Math older. 17 in 89, so… he would be 24 in 1996. I mean. Anyway none of that matters I’m just typing out of my ass.
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illym · 6 months
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Justice needs more friends.
A kind of precursor to my other post featuring these guys, to explain how that happened. The Valentine siblings are like... 9 months old here, so they're physically roughly 8 and dressed like it.
ID in alt.
I noticed that a lot of Bridget's canon designs give her a veil / back-of-head-and-neck covering, so I'm trying to find a good one to give her.
Most of this au is locked up behind story developments that I'm writing as fast as I can, but I'll take questions about whatever I post (lol).
Bonus Jack-O + why I designed the kids that way:
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ID in alt.
Jack-O is transmasc in my au, and while I didn't put too much thought into his outfit here (I just kinda went 'her outfits a jumpsuit, that was an 80s thing, the 80s had a heck of a lot of glitter and sparkles, maybe I'll give him a disco-ish suit') but I honestly love how it came out. I'll tinker with it more, change the jacket, but he looks good.
Sylv's sock garters look way weirder without xer.... socks. Whoops.
Elphelt: I feel like Elphelt would've been a really girly kid. You know how some little girls dress super girly, frilly skirts and cute socks and whatever? That's Elphelt. I gave her some bows for that, and long hair.
Jack-O: I felt that a tank-top and shorts would fit pretty well. Jack-O feels like a pretty active kid who runs hot and plays messy, so a simple outfit that is easy to pull off when getting hosed down to clean up for dinner seemed like a good idea. Plus some hideously colored high-top shoes, since that's utterly kid-clothing-core.
Ramlethal: I gave Ramlethal a jacket and long pants. Ramlethal is transfem in this au, but being raised by the people she's raised by (primarily Justice, with long visits to Bridget, Sylv, and Robo-Ky for human socializing) I don't think she would experience much dysphoria from gender expectations growing up. This is a long winded way to say that the jacket is just because that's what the broken up lines looked like and she's in the back so she was hard to design (lol). If I draw more of the Valentine kids while they're young, I'll definitely work harder at styling Ramlethal.
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
Chad x male reader where reader used to be bullied so bad and chad was one of the bullies but then they grow up and reader stays distant from chad but he apologizes and tries to be a better person and reader accepts him and they go out on a date ty pls ❤️❤️ .
Change [Part 1]
Chad Meeks x M!Reader
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Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of bullying
Quote: “Shut up you’re still an asshole”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You used to get bullied in middle school by a group of boys. One of those bullies stood out from the rest. His name was Chad. He used to constantly picked on you about your insecurities. Sometimes he would even physically harm you. At the time, you didn’t know how to stand up for himself.
So you did the best thing you could, and told your parents (or guardians). And when you finally showed your parents (or guardians) the bruises you got from the bullying your parents moved out of woodsboro immediately for the sake of your health. When your parents moved to New York, you started making friends and getting more social with people in your new school. You were walking through New York when you bumped into some familiar faces.
“Wait aren’t you-”
“Yes I’m that girl from the news” Sam said in annoyance.
“No, No, that’s not what I was gonna say, that’s Tara, and you’re Sam, her sister, Sam! From woodsboro!” You said.
“Oh my god y/n! It’s been so long!” Tara said excitedly.
“Why did you move?” Tara said as she hugged you.
“You remember my bully, Chad right? I showed my parents my bruises and they immediately took” you said awkwardly.
Sam and Tara looked at each other in shock.
“What? Did I say something wrong?” You said in confusion.
“Are you talking about Chad Meeks-Martian?” Sam asked.
“Uh- yeah actually, how did you know?” You said.
“He’s our friend now, but before you get mad, he changed y/n he’s a very sweet guy” Tara said.
“Chad and sweet don’t really go along” you said sarcastically.
“It was nice meeting you” you smiled.
“Can I put your number in your phone?” You asked
“Sure” Both Sam and Tara said as they gave their phone to you.
You put your number in both of their phones before you left. A couple days later you got a text message from a random number.
Unknown ID
Hey y/n
You might not remember me but I’m Chad from middle school
I know you might not want anything to do with me but I changed
You stared at the phone blankly. Was someone playing a Sick prank on you? It couldn’t really be him. He would never say something like this. You later got an invitation from Tara, to a hang out at Sam’s place. Y/n accepted the invite and started to get ready.
Y/n decided to walk to Sam and Tara’s place because it wasn’t too far from his house. When he got inside he greeted everyone. But he saw a familiar face, he didn’t know where he knew the guy from, but he looked familiar.
“Hey, do I know you?” Asked y/n
“Oh uh, I’m Chad”
That made y/n’s heart drop. He was in the room as the same person who used to constantly make him feel unsafe in school. As soon as the word ‘Chad’ came out of his mouth y/n started to walk away.
“Y/n wait!” Said Chad running to catch up with y/n outside of the dorm.
“Listen y/n-” said Chad.
“What do you want to say! ‘Oh I’m sorry for bullying you so bad that you had to move states’. That’s not going to work, because the bullying got so bad that I had bruises on myself 24/7 and had to wear long sleeves to hide it from my parents!” Said y/n angrily with tears forming from his eyes.
“I know what I did was wrong and I’m sorry, I was a dumb teenager-” said Chad before he was cut off.
“Is that what you’re going to blame it on? Being a ‘dumb teenager’ doesn’t mean anything, I don’t want anything to do with you” said y/n trying to walk away.
“Y/n would you please just listen! I’m not the same person I was in middle school, I changed!” Said Chad.
“And what am I supposed to do! Just take your word for it!” said y/n.
“After you moved I realized what I did was wrong, I felt bad that I hurt you so badly that you had to move” said Chad.
“I will understand if you don’t forgive me, but at least listen to what I have to say” said Chad.
“I was acting the way that I did because I was trying to impress them, but when you moved I realized that I was a bad person” said Chad.
“So you’re saying it took you to bully someone so badly that they move to another state for you to realize that you were a fucking bully?!” Said y/n angrily walking further away.
“I used to like you okay!” Said Chad.
Y/n slowly turned around.
“What?” Said y/n in shock.
“I used to like you.. and I still do” said Chad.
“I didn’t realize it until you left, but I liked you, I missed you so much that I swore to change myself so that I wouldn’t screw up like that ever again” said Chad.
Y/n was in shock, he felt like he didn’t know how to speak. Chad was about to speak again but y/n pulled him in for a kiss.
“Wow I didn’t expect that” said Chad as he pulled away from y/n.
“Shut up you’re still an asshole” said y/n.
“Let me make it up to you” Chad said as he held your cheeks
“Can I take you out on a date” Chad
“That won’t make up for all the bullying, but it’s a start” chuckled y/n as he pulled Chad in for another kiss.
A/n: For all the other people who suggested stories don’t worry I am working on your requests!
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dufferpuffer · 1 day
Can I get your take on some er.. interesting discourse I saw today? There was an ask floating around asking if Remus would be an abusive partner. Now I personally think literally anyone is capable of being abusive as humans, but putting that aside for a moment, I don’t necessarily think of Lupin as being anymore likely than the average joe to be abusive in a relationship (atleast not physically, I could possibly see emotionally). This is a very hypothetical question with a lot of factors at play so I also think it’s very hard to answer. I think your pretty fair and balanced and I trust your judgment on the character and their relationship dynamics so I came to you for your thoughts on this one. (Though if it’s too dark you can skip it, id totally get it)
Yes. ABSOLUTELY - if not reigned in. But not intentionally. Remus naturally does things to defend himself, even if the ideas he is defending against are unrealistic and anxiety/paranoia based.
-- Would he hit/hex his partner? He had the shortest argument in the world with Harry and hexed him into a wall. He has 'physically lashing out' in him... but only a short burst before he is crying down the hall. He HATES tension. He would want to run away before he gets that heated. Harry surprised him. I could see him breaking a plate or something, but only the one, and not as a way to intimidate. He is just angry. Fuck this plate.
-- But if his manipulative habits aren't kept in check... ...He manipulates people to like him. He makes himself the sort of man they will think positively of. He holds his tongue on his true thoughts and tells lies so people perceive him how he wants. See: How he treats Harry... especially vs. how Sirius, or even Severus treat Harry. Remus bases his behaviour on how Dumbledore acts... but while Albus is doing his best to play magical 5D chess before a war. Remus is only nursing his own anxieties. If his partner is weak to this: he will abuse that. Constant white lies, sweeping problems under the rug... The more he gets away with the more he does. He will make himself seem better than he is, more responsible and in control, gaslighting his partner to believing lies - telling himself: 'I will become like this. It's ok if I lie now, because my intentions are good... and I don't want to lose their trust early before I'm good enough for them...!' Even if his partner can call him out whenever he starts - and he can trust that they love him even at his worst... ...other people can't love him at his worst.
-- He will try and control what his partner says about him in public. ...beyond a 'don't talk about my toilet accident at the party' request. It starts out more reasonable, 'please don't bring up that little fight we had...' But the more control he feels, the more his anxiety wins: + 'Don't bring up your depression... everyone will think I'm not doing enough!'+ 'Why did you talk about the new shirts I bought...? Yes I know they are nice, but... but what if they think I'm shallow?!?' + 'Look, just don't talk about my work - let ME talk about my work.' Eventually his partner is scared to say anything to anyone, because Remus wants to be in charge of conversations so he can control how he is perceived through his partner... all the way to asking them to act certain ways for certain people. And if they upset him...
-- He is a guilt-trip king. Remus isn't the type to blame everything on his Lycanthropy. On the contrary - he will push himself when he really shouldn't. 'No, no - I should pull my weight and go do the shopping, like I promised.' But he does like to feel accepted and his pains appreciated, like a grumpy old man whinging and fishing for compassion: '...I'll go do the shopping. But oof, my back is really killing me after last Full Moon... and these cuts on my armpits sting when I lift my arms up - see? Look at that - they pull! New scars for sure. I'm still getting dizzy spells... oh, but I'll go, I'll go! I'll walk all the way to the shops and back.' ...perhaps hoping he doesn't have to do the shopping without feeling selfish for asking. But that's not abusive, just somewhere between cute and annoying.
What is abusive... are threats. Threats to himself, to the relationship. eg. His partner says they aren't going to avoid talking about their depression - just because he worries it'll make him 'seem bad'. + 'Oh, so we can talk about all our little problems to anyone now?? Well then I'll go and make sure EVERYONE knows that I am so stressed out, all the time, and your clothes are always on the floor of the bedroom, and-' (not the best example ik - I'm just trying to get across that he will make a big deal of tiny things because he is worried that they will go poorly if he can't control them.)
And of course, ever the classic: "Well if I'm such a bother then I'll go. I'll leave! Goodbye! You won't have to see me again, or deal with my 'problems'..." He feels the relationship is always teetering on the edge, even when it isn't - so there is catharsis for him in having the power to 'end' it. Of course the only way to deal with such behaviour is to give him the agency to do that if he wants... but let him know he is wanted. His partner can't bend the knee and give in to the demands, nor FORCE him to stay... but they can wave goodbye and say the back door will be unlocked whenever he wants to come back. ...I think there is a case to be made that leaving without much contact is abusive in its own right.
-- Basically: I think Remus is highly susceptible to being abused. Once he gets genuine affection he wont be able to quit it even if it turns cruel... ...But he is also very likely to be the abuser. The type of abuser that justifies all their actions as being needed, because they are all born from him trying to manage his anxieties.
He knows they are 'wrong', but the more they work the more necessary they seem. He see's himself as a 'special case' and that dating him will NEED some unconventional methods. It all comes back to his Lycanthropy, but indirectly. His anxiety is caused by him not wanting to be distrusted for his condition - but it has seeped its tendrils into everything.
I think anyone who dates Remus needs to be very emotionally mature and have a thick skin because they can't let him engage with this bullshit... while also helping to shoulder his anxieties. He can't just stop freaking out about how he is perceived on a dime. He will likely ALWAYS be anxious about it, as its born from a real source: People will treat him like shit if they find out he is abnormal.
But he needs to know his partner is on his side. That they can be trusted not to sabotage his image. They like him with all his imperfections and struggles. And threats won't work on them. Trust and communication will.
All of these issues are 'they started as small favors and comforts... and then as they worked, they grew bigger and bigger'. None of them are 'Remus wants to control and hurt.'
I think the essence of what I want to say is that Remus has lots of poor coping strategies and unhealthy behaviors he has had to lean on to survive... and he needs to be shown betters ways, and supported.
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burnt-to-cynders · 9 months
Alright, time to actually make one of these for real, since this is looooong overdue. Hi! I'm Cynthia! I'm...a lot of things, and I struggle to describe them without it feeling inadequate! I play games, I write software for a living, I write non-software things for fun occasionally, I'm wildly horny, neurodivergent, a massive nerd who constantly wishes she knew more about everything.
Property of: @synthbang and @stalesweetrolls
Let's start with some ID stuff, I'm a pre-HRT(for now!!!) transfem, I go by she/they/it pronouns. My friends call me any fun variation of my name they can come up with, like Cyn, Cyndy, Cyndicate, etc. If we're mutuals, we're friends :3. I'm white, American(New England), poly, t4t, atheist, wildly sapphic, and physically, but not visibly, disabled.
As for interests, I've got literal dozens. Gaming, anime, manga, movies, writing, reading, music, pole dancing, ttrgps, game design, hiking, conservation, activism, fashion, just to name a few, each of which splinters into dozens of little sub-interests. Ask me a dragonball question, I dare you.
Actually, ask me any kind of question. Asks are open all the time and so are anons. Go wild ya horny fools
Seriously, minors, this blog is very horny
Ageless blogs
Sissy kink blogs
Race and ageplayers
I have two sideblogs atm, although in actuality there's just one that's even remotely active.
@den-of-cyn is where I used to do my hornyposting. The big thing that's there now is the pinned post with a list of my kinks, for those of you interested in the horny side of the Cynner. The account got flagged as NSFT and I haven't been able to get that revoked yet, and moreover I decided to stop worrying about it and just started posting horny on main anyway. There's quite a few good ones on there that I haven't reblogged to here, and a few pics I haven't reposted, so if you somehow don't get enough horny nonsense on this page, you can always go there to see some vintage Cyn >:3
@thebookofcyn is my writing sideblog. It's where all my original stuff will one day live, when I get the spoons to put all my old stuff on it. It is SFT FOR NOW, IT WILL NOT BE IN THE FUTURE! Soon there will be a pinned post there explaining my tags and how to find stories. I'm hoping to post more there as time goes on and I actually embrace this hobby more.
I layer my tags and usually don't do content tags, and I don't tag reblogs except to do responses. The tags that mean things on this blog are as follows:
#cynposting - Any post by me that has text outside of tags, including reblog replies. Searching this tag will get you everything I've written in text on this blog.
#cynful thoughts - Any post I think is horny. You can filter for this post if you want to see me being a degenerage, or filter it out if you'd rather not.
#pics of the cynner - Any picture of myself, pretty self explanatory. Most are accompanied by #cynful thoughts
#Cyn fits - pics of myself taken specifically to show off an outfit and explain why I chose it for that day.
#I asked - Reblog of an ask that I sent someone
#ask and ye shall receive - Tag for when I answer an ask
#get tagged idiot - Tag for when the only content of a post is me @ -ing someone in the reblog.
#pinned post - Last one, tag for the previous pinned posts I've made. This should be the last one. In theory.
And that's it!!!! For now. Probably. I'm a wordy bitch, so I expect this'll get longer and longer.
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