#but i was sad when i realized the yellow was the color of her eyes and not the tint of the glasses
onk-wonk · 3 months
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funny fish girl! this was a suggestion :D
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
I hath come bearing a request:
Bully!Eddie with an insecure Reader where he openly flirts with someone else where she can see in an effort to make her jealous, and it does. She is jealous of the nicer version of his attention they’re receiving, but she’s more sad than anything else.
She’d started to think that maybe he did pick on her because he was interested. Like how boys would pull a girl’s hair back in elementary school. But after seeing him flirt with someone else, she realizes that can’t be the case.
Reader supposes that no one wants her. Even the “freak” of Hawkins High is beyond her league.
Happy ending if you can, pretty please 🩷
I'm usually against bully!Eddie but I did like the angst in this so I'm going to do it but he won't be like a huge bully, just an ass? I hope this is what you were looking for and I tried to make it happy :) ( with the help from my SB)
Never proofread
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There's a time in life where the line between love and hate is blurry and no amount of staring at that line will make it clear.
Y/N was on the love side, she had big feelings for Eddie. Her nose in the air as she follows the scent of his strong musky cologne and a hint of weed. She couldn't pick who she fell for, it was out of her control. She didn't want to love him, but she did. She had so many reasons why she loved him but there was one big reason why she shouldn't- he hated her.
Eddie was on the hate side of that line. She can't pin point where she pissed him off or what she did to make him hate her. It was like the second they met, he pushed her and she fell in love. She's an idiot and she knew that. It was obvious he didn't like her. The rude comments sent her way about all the little things she does. He teased her, tripped her, smacked her books in the hallway, but all her heart focused on was that he interacted with her.
Her dumb heart craved to be near him, even though her brain was screaming how horrible of an idea it was.
She already suffered with insecurities and somehow Eddie knew how to hit all the open wounds.
A part of her thought maybe he did like her, he just wasn't sure how to show it. He didn't seem like the type to be affectionate and sweet. Maybe this was the only way he knew how to show his emotions. Or maybe that was a shitty delusion she created to help her sleep at night.
Y/N heard from other students that there was going to be a partner project in English and she hated that she knew no one in that class, except Eddie.
She knew if she asked he'd shut her down and embarrass her in front of everyone watching so she planned to do this project alone. But turns out the teacher already assigned partners.
"Y/N and Eddie"
Y/N perked at the sound of their names, her eyes finding his body. He had an annoyed expression on his face. She felt her heart drop, he didn't want to be near her.
"Excuse me?" Eddie announced, throwing his hand in the air. The teacher rolled his eyes but allowed Eddie to speak.
"what If I can't stand my partner and rather fail the project than spend a second with her?" His words were cruel and mean. She hated the smirk on his face when looked over at her.
The whole class erupted in laughs, with a few pity looks sent her way. She couldn't tell which hurt worse, people laughing or people feeling bad for her. She shrunk down in her seat, Eddie once again embarrassed her for his own pleasure.
"Munson. Watch your mouth." The teacher talked over the class.
Against his will, Eddie accepted that she was his partner. Her head down as she walked over to his desk. Holding her breath as she took the seat next to him.
"I'm sorry you got partnered with me " she whispered, looking at his eyes as he glared at her.
"You should be." He snapped.
Being his partner was just as miserable as she thought. Every time she sat in that English class next to him, he shared every thought he had about her. He never had anything nice to say.
"Yellow is not your color." He said in disgust as she sat next to him, in her new yellow sundress. A dress that had her smiling all morning. Now the material against her thighs made her sick to her stomach.
Then the project moved to her house. Apparently, her room was not to his liking.
"Books? Fucking nerd. People with lives don't have time to read." He snickered
She just shrugged it off.
"you know you might be pretty if you actually tried." He mocked, looking through the book, his eyes never looking at her.
....might be pretty
If she changed, would he like her?
If she changed everything he hated, would he have anything left to say?
They've been working on the project for a few days. Every day she changed little by little. She threw the yellow dress in her trash. She packed away the books she barely read. Tore off every girly poster on her wall and removed all the things he pointed out on her desk. She styled her hair every day, and learned how to do make up that would show she "tried" every day.
And he never said anything
Just found new things to hate about her.
She was starting to wonder why he hadn't run out of anything yet. He somehow found something wrong about her every single day. Things she didn't think she would dislike about herself.
But he noticed everything about her, that means he liked her, right?
He didn't like her
It was apparent now
It was the final day in class to work on the project, and the whole hour was spent watching Eddie and a random girl flirt.
Her name was Brie, and Eddie seemed to really like her.
He was.....nice
His eyes were soft, never glaring at her.
He complimented her. On her hair, outfit, makeup, and personality.
Paying no attention to the project they need to work on. He was all focused on her and how perfect she was.
If Eddie ever liked her, he would treat her the same way he was treating Brie.
The line between love and hate was not as blurry as she thought.
Watching Eddie flirt with Brie today was not how she wanted her day to go, and now she had to end her day with Eddie.
She sat silently on her bed as he made his way through the bedroom door. She wanted to finish the project and never spend another second near him again.
But Eddie looked around her room confused, and walked over to each corner.
"What?" She snapped, guessing he was taking in her room to find something else wrong with it.
"Where are all your books?" He found himself asking.
Y/N was annoyed by the question.
"None of your business, Can we work now?" Her attitude was noticeable in her tone.
Eddie swallowed and sat next to her, beginning to work on the project. Yanking the notebook paper too hard, ripping the piece in half.
He quickly crumpled it up and went to throw it in the trash, spotting the familiar yellow dress in it.
"Why did you throw this away?" He asked, taking the dress out, nothing else was in the trash so it was untouched.
She looked up, her eyes turning hard when she spotted the color. She hated that his eyes seemed guilty. He wasn't sorry.
"Who cares, it didn't look good on me so I don't need it. Look can we work or not? We already missed an hour because of your little date with Brie this afternoon." His constant interruptions were driving her crazy.
She watched Eddie drop the dress on her desk, a smirk growing on his face.
"Jealous of the pretty girl?" He mocked. His eyes switched back to that teasing look.
She rolled her eyes and put her focus on the project. But Eddie didn't appreciate the silence. Walking up to her as she sat on the bed.
"I asked you," he said, gripping her chin to look up at him, "Were you jealous of her?"
She wanted to smack the smug look off of his face.
She yanked her jaw out of his grip, slamming the book as she stood up. Chest to chest with him as she huffed.
"YES! I am fucking jealous. But not because she's pretty and she knows how to capture your attention. But because you were so nice to her. You didn't pick her apart until she was a tiny shell of a person! I just thought maybe you picked on me because you liked me, but I can see I thought wrong." She ranted out, catching her breath at the end as Eddie stared at her. He slowly blinked as he took in her words.
"I threw away the dress because all it did was remind me how much you fucking hated it. I got rid of the books because you made fun of my interests. You made me hate the remaining parts of myself that I actually liked." She continued, her eyes filling with water.
Eddie didn't know what to say, but the regret was clear in his eyes as he looked at her sadly. He figured he should start with an apology.
"Y/N...I am so sorry...I'm sorry." He whispered, reaching forward to wipe her tears but she stepped back. Protecting herself as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Just go." She whispered back, keeping her focus on the floor.
"Please let me f-" He started but she caught him off.
"Eddie, I don't care what else you have to say. I am done talking to you. Please just go."
She dreaded going to school. Eddie left last night when she asked, and she's been terrified to see him again. She didn't bother to believe his apology, there was a good chance he didn't mean it.
She stayed up all night finishing the project, she did not want to work with him again.
She was walking to class, eyes on the floor as she always does. She grew more and more nervous as she made it closer to English. Preparing herself to see Eddie again.
Before she knew it, she felt her body being shoved to the ground. She didn't have time to catch herself and smacked her nose against the floor. She gasped at the horrible pain that shot through her nose, cradling it softly. She could feel her hands getting wet from blood. She looked up, expecting it to be Eddie, but it wasn't. It was someone who bullied people to an extreme amount, Jason.
She felt the tears flowing down her face. Crying from the pain in her nose and the embarrassment running through her body as everyone laughed and stared.
"HEY!" she heard Eddie's familiar scream. Her body froze as he raced towards her. Fear in his veins as she worried about what he would add to her suffering.
His eyes looked over her frame, glaring once he spotted the blood leaking through the cracks of her fingers. The familiar dangerous look in his eyes almost had her apologizing for nothing at all. But then he turned, right fist clenched as he knocked Jason straight to the floor.
The crowd gasped and moved closer. Silent for a small minute before another punch landed on Jason's face. Once the students caught a sight of blood coming out of Jason's nose, the crowd began to scream, encouraging the violence in front of them.
She didn't understand why Eddie was beating the hell out of Jason, and not joining him. She used the distraction to get up and race to the nurse. Running as fast as she could away from the crowd that was focused on the new fight at hand.
The anger in Eddie's voice almost made her turn, almost made her feel protected, almost made her feel safe...but just almost.
She sat in the nurses office, the bleeding stopped but she held the tissue to her nose just in case. Minutes later a fuming Eddie wandered in, his bloody knuckles caused the nurse to gasp and race for an ice pack in the back freezer, down the hall.
She tried to avoid looking at him. Praying if she didn't move a single muscle, he wouldn't see her.
"Are you okay?" The softness in his voice was something she never experienced. She made herself look at him, trying to see if that truly came out of his mouth.
She sat quietly, she still didn't want to talk to him.
"I'm sorry he did that to you." He said, the softness still lingering.
"mad because you couldn't do it first?" Okay, maybe she did want to talk to him. She wanted to snap at him, yell at him, make his life hell the way he did to her.
Eddie flinched at the blow. Her words stung worse than the cuts on his knuckles.
"Mad that I ever did it in the first place. You never deserved any of that." He admitted. He was ashamed of himself. " I grew up with bullies and I became one. And the worst part is I bullied the most beautiful girl on the planet that has a fucking heart of gold. I adored how fragile you were and I destroyed you with my bare hands. And the reason is so stupid and selfish." He ranted out. Wayne would be so disappointed in what Eddie has become.
She felt like screaming at herself, hating the way her heart skipped a beat when he called her beautiful.
"what was the reason?" She asked, her voice quiet as she took in his apologetic gaze.
"I used to like this girl and I thought she liked me too. We dated for months and it turned out to be a prank with her friends. I was so hurt and angry at myself for being so stupid. I promised myself to never waste time on liking a girl in high school ever again. Then you and your bubbly personality walked in and I was scared. I liked you instantly and I needed myself to hate you. I was selfish. I tore you apart just to make it easier for me. It's not something I ever think deserves forgiveness. I know it's so fucked up to take out on you. You were just an innocent girl and I hate what I did to you."
She took in his words. The emotion in his eyes told her he meant all of it. But at the same time, he was right. She didn't deserve a single thing he did to her. She never once hurt him or put him in a position where he needed to protect himself.
"You never even gave me a chance, Eddie. Why couldn't you just ignore me? Seems like us never talking would have been better for both of us." She wished more than anything she never gave him her time. Let his opinions change the way she felt about herself.
"I wanted to, but in some twisted and toxic way, it made me feel special? I could treat you so poorly and you'd still come running up to me. And I know that is such an asshole thing to say. I wish I could take it all back. Treat you the way you always should have been treated. Given you a chance to show me you wouldn't hurt me. But I caused all of this damage and I know it's something I'll never fix. I'm sorry for everything." He apologized
" I appreciate the apology, but I don't forgive you for shit. You are an asshole, incredibly selfish, treated me like shit all because you were scared of a little crush? You're pathetic." Eddie winced at her words. "But, it shows you are flawed and human. Right now, I really don't want to be near you. Maybe in time I'll find it in me to forgive you, just not today."
He respected her honesty above anything.
"I understand. Thank you for letting me explain." He said with a small smile, turning around to walk out into the hallway.
Before he made it out of the doorway she spoke up, "why did you stop him?"
"No one gets to bully my girl but me." He said, a smirk on his face, throwing her a wink before he disappeared out the door.
God she hated him.
I could not figure out a real "happy" ending but to me, I like this ending so I'm sorry if you read this whole thing and was very disappointed in the ending :(
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingwicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila
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snghnlvr · 5 months
dog whisperer. | sim jaeyun
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jake sim x fem reader
synopsis: maybe dogs do bring people together, especially towards your new neighbor.
includes: 890 words | neighbors x friends | fluff!! | dogs know what’s up 😏
extra: i finally know how to make a mood board…. so now it won’t look wonky whenever i post .. he.. he.. | i made this when i was sad lol | jake is very boy next door coded <3 | i’m so delusional for this man (i still love sunghoon)
likes, comments, and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
[below the cut]
“i’m gonna walk bella.” you shouted across the room to your mother who was in the kitchen making diner. you shouted enough to hope that she heard you as you finished dressing to your cocker spaniel to prevent her from being dirty. you smiled at her when she’s patiently waiting to be dressed.
“alright y/n, just go where the grass is, bella likes it there the most.” your mom informed you as she was cutting up vegetables. you hummed as a reply. 
before you put on a leash, you put on your headphone so you can be in bubble space when walking bella. 
you were all set to walk bella as she kept barking at you to hurry up. you giggled at your dog running to the door, “okay okay bella i heard you!” you locked her with the leash and finally went outside. 
after walking bella for 10 minutes, around the neighborhood block. you were heading back home once night was settling in. 
as it was in the middle of autumn, it was kind of chilly to walk around with a sweater and shorts however it didn’t concern as your eyes were occupied of the scenery with the leaves crumpled into piles on the floor and sunset reflecting on your skin. 
it was raining two days again yet you still smell it’s crispiness. you cringed upon your imagination to step onto a puddle with your shoes on and letting the water seep into your socks. 
as something disrupts your thoughts, you immediately become alarmed when you see a big yellow dog from the yard. with your instincts you carried bella into your arms as you were intimidated by the size difference; that yellow dog was 2x the size of bella! 
“where is your owner??” you mumbled to yourself and the dog who seemed to be interested in you and bella. bella’s eyes keep looking at the dog but stayed in your arms. 
there was a young boy who came out of the yard, looking hysterically around. “layla!” he called out, grabbing the attention of you and the dog that’s named layla. 
you were speechless of his beauty. your eyes trailed to his every action and your heart stopped when he kneeled in front of you, petting the dog. 
he was wearing black sweatpants, black puffer, black shirt - just straight up black everything including his hair color yet it looked so attractive on him.
he finally looked up to you and you nearly stumbled with the eye contact. 
he smiled. “i’m sorry but she likes to run around often.” he chuckles and you are intrigued at how deep it was. you’re still speechless trying to process this handsome this boy was in front of you, you wondered if he was engraved by the gods.
“oh..” you whispered to yourself, trying to think what you should say. you saw the boy stand up and your heart started to beat faster at how tall he is. “she’s cute.” you mentioned seeing the yellow dog smiling widely while sitting down.
“thank you! her name is layla, she’s a cream border collie.” you noticed how he ruffled his dog, making her lean into his touch on his leg. he giggled. 
“how about your dog?” his eyes laid onto the small dog in your hands. you realized you’re still holding bella. “hi cutie..” your heart fluttered when he tried to make eye contact to your dog, speaking to bella softly as bella whines, trying to escape from your arms which caught you off guard. 
“her name is bella, she’s a cocker spaniel like from the movie lady and the tramp.” you smiled, trying to hide your nervousness. 
“she?” he questioned, looking at you but you couldn’t handle it still so you kept looking and petting bella. you nodded.
you noticed how his eyes lights up. “bella and layla can be friends then!” you looked at layla. “be nice layla..” he spoke to her gently as it seems like layla got the message. 
you slowly put bella down, keeping the leash close to you in case anything happens. you noticed how the two sniffled each other and then suddenly wagged their tails together. you were surprised at how they quickly got along. 
“oh i think they like each other.” you smiled at the two dogs bonding as you heard a yeah from him beside you. 
“i’m jake by the way.” he suddenly mentioned. you turned your body, looking up at him and he smiled at you. you heart warmed at how sweet he was looking. “i’m new here.” he added.
“i’m y/n.” you didn’t give back exactly the same energy but you were smiling at him shyly. then your eyebrows perked up. “new?” you questioned as he nodded.
“yeah my family and i moved back from korea,” jake shifted his body, pointing to a house that seemed to be close to you. “the red one.. right there.” he stated and it made your jaw drop because your house was next to his.
“that’s funny, i’m the one right next to yours, the white one.” you mentioned, giggling as jake looked surprised with his eyes widened and his jaw open, replicating your expression. 
“hi new neighbor,” you spoke, sparing a smile to him. you hope that will be the start of sharing more smiles with him. “jake.”
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thebestofoneshots · 4 months
Mr. Blue Sky | marauders x reader
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Pairing: J.P. x R.B. x R.L x Female Hufflepuff Reader Word Count: 3 k Warnings: None Prompt: You had your entire birthday planned, it would be the perfect picnic, but... a storm has ruined it entirely and now, you can't help but feel absolutely desolated. Of course, your boys would never allow you to be sad on your birthday.
Happy Birthday my beloved Lily flower! I truly hope you have the best of days today and even if you didn't have your garden picnic in the end, know that you can still have the most brilliant day ever, after all, there's always a rainbow after the rain.
Wirtten for @starchaser-lily
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You had it all ready. You had ordered the dress that you would wear. You had asked the elves in the kitchen for a proper banquet, thankfully, since you often went there, and you had helped them cook some stuff before (cakes for your boys), they were more than happy to help you with your plan. In fact, Bub, a small elf that seemed to always be around, had gotten so excited about the idea of helping you with your plan that she had started jumping all over the kitchen and looking for all the things she would need to prepare it.
You had to remind her that the event wasn’t going to be until the next Tuesday like 3 times before she stopped jumping around; she already had eggs, flour, food coloring, and sugar in her arms, and a bunch of other ingredients floating behind her when she understood what you meant. You had told her that she could work on the cake if that’s what she wanted, and that the design would be all up to her. Which made her fallen face turn into a delighted one in a second, and she walked over to the side to start sketching some things in her notebook.
You had prepared and made the invitations; it was going to be a small gathering, but you still wanted it to be perfect. One of your friends from abroad had sent you an adorable tablecloth with cute yellow details that matched your house colors, and she’d sent a birthday card along with it. Although she warned you not to touch it, let alone open it until it was officially your birthday. The red envelope was deterrent enough, but you were too curious not to try and pry, so you opened it on the side just slightly and found yet another envelope inside.
"I knew you’d try to open it, babe. Now you must be warned, if you actually open the one you’re reading now, it will blow up. I’ve used all my knowledge and even asked that Remus boy of yours to help me. He’s absolutely brilliant in charms. Love you. Ps. For the love of Merlin, leave it closed."
You had laughed at her note and placed the threatening envelope on your night table. It made you smile whenever you read it, and you were pretty excited to see what would be inside of it. But if the bright red sign that said “DO NOT OPEN TILL BIRTHDAY” hadn’t been enough, the threat of an explosion had. Especially since you knew your friend’s exceptional ability in charms, and if she really had teamed up with Remus, then the most likely scenario was that it really, really would blow up if you didn’t do as told.
Either way, the tablecloth she’d gotten you was perfect; it was even charmed so the delicate drawings on it would move and swirl around, making the yellow and gold tones distractingly beautiful. And once Madam Pomfrey saw it, she was more than happy to lend you her picnic baskets.
You had, pretty much, prepared every single detail of your small party, gathering items and making sure the food would be ready, and you were impossibly excited for the 30th.
And then, the day came… You woke up to the sound of a soft splish-splash against the window. But you were still half-asleep to really notice what was going on. And then you heard it again, a soft ticking sound, like something soft, was tapping against it. You frowned and slowly opened your eyes. It was rather dark for it to be already 8 am. You focused on the sound, and when you realized where it came from, your gaze snapped towards the window.
“No, no, no…” you whispered as you saw the small droplets of rain fall one after the other, filling the window with their soft watery trails. The rain was soft, and as you looked out and saw the grey clouds, you could only hope it would go away soon enough.
You huffed and pulled the Daily Prophet from underneath your bed and revised the weather section over and over again. You had been marking the day with red all day of the week, and while it had said it would be cloudy, not a single one of the predictions mentioned anything even remotely close to a small shower.
“Everything all right, luv?” Your roommate asked. “Oh, and Happy Birthday!” she added with a smile.
“Thanks,” you mumbled in response. “It’s just– It’s raining.”
“Lovely day, innit?” Another one of your roommates said as she looked out of the window.
You loved rainy days; you truly did. There was something about staying inside and reading a good book while you watched the raindrops crash against the window that was so romantic; you couldn’t even get enough of it.
But today?
Today you hated rainy days!
You had been planning your picnic for months, getting the right food and the right clothes and managing to get all the boys at the same time at the same place, which was hard enough because everyone was either studying or doing one of their extracurriculars and yet… you had managed.
So much for a perfect picnic, you thought as you looked up at the sky yet again. With another sigh, you got up and put on your uniform, walking down the stairs to the common room in what you tried to make it look like not a mopey attitude. Especially with all your housemates pulling you in for hugs and wishing you a happy birthday.
Even Madam Pomfrey had stopped you on your way out to give you a short hug and tell you to have an incredibly good day. You had smiled and told her that it probably would, even if on the inside, you were absolutely certain everything had been absolutely ruined.
You went to the great hall, but just on the entrance, and when you spotted the boys looking rather eager, you decided you did not need any reminders of what an awful day it was and decided to skip breakfast altogether, opting instead to walk towards the library and look for a book. Perhaps reading as you watched the raindrops fall against the window, like you loved so much doing, would put you in a better mood.
You weren’t too hopeful for it, and frankly, you didn’t really want to do it either, so when you got to the library and found a book that seemed mildly entertaining, you took it in both of your hands and went straight into one of the most hidden reading nooks available. Few people knew of it, and you didn’t expect anyone to be looking for you there either. Not on a Tuesday, not on a class day, not with the NEWTS so close and certainly not with the fact that your year had Potions with Slughorn as the first class. So you hid in the reading nook as you read the book.
And you couldn’t have made a worse pick, not because the book was bad, in fact, you had read the first and second books of the collection, and you thought they were delightful. In fact, you loved Anne; you liked her positivity and you could easily see yourself as her, except that she was awfully positive and the mood you were in at the moment was far too dreadful to even consider her positivity a good trait. The more you read, the more annoying you found her because, how was it possible that she was so happy and you were so completely and utterly miserable?
You felt silly; you had magic and you had friends that loved you and a place in this bloody delightful school, and you were moping like a little kid over a rainy day. You really had to get yourself together or else–
“So this is where you’ve been hiding?” You heard him say with a short smile as he got in through the tapestry.
You closed your eyes and winced when you realized how stupid you’d been, hiding in the place he had shown you; of course, he’d find you. It looked as if you wanted to be found by one of them. Did you? Perhaps deep in your subconscious, you sought the kind of support only they could offer.
“Reggie,” you said softly and turned to him with a forced smile. “Lovely to–”
“Don’t even try,” he responded, cutting your bullshit in an instant. “Remus told me you didn’t go for breakfast or to class.”
“And Jamie has been going around pestering all your roommates; they were pretty upset, they had prepared something for you at breakfast.”
You gulped and pouted at how harsh Reggie was being. Not even a “happy birthday sweetheart.”
“So?” you responded confused.
“Why are you here, hiding from the world on your most special day?”
“It’s raining,” you responded simply, looking out at the window again. You had held onto this naive hope that the rain would go away fast and that things would still be able to do your picnic, albeit slightly wet and murky; the possibility was still there. Except that said hope had been crushed when you heard a thunder ripple through the sky, making the entire window tremble with its might. It was no longer just rain; it was pretty much a storm.
“Yeah, I noticed.”
“My birthday is ruined.”
Reggie frowned and leaned in right next to you, peering down from where he was to look at you directly in the eyes, “Because of some silly rain?”
You huffed, “Because it was a picnic, Reggie!” you spat angrily and left the room out of there before he even had the chance to follow.
“Hey, wait!” he said as you left the place and sighed after not being able to find you at all. “I was gonna wish you a happy birthday,” he added in a sad tone as he pulled a small little envelope from his pocket. Forrest green paper and a silver bow, his birthday gift for you.
You had been running so fast with your disillusionment charm, looking back to make sure that Reggie wasn’t following that you didn’t notice the moment you crashed into someone, but he did, holding you by the shoulders as he stared at you. “Dove?” he asked as he tried to see through your charm.
You frowned and shut your eyes with a sigh. You might have been able to run from Reggie, but running away from Remus would be an impossible task. First of all, he was freakishly tall; second, he was literally a werewolf and fit as hell.
“Remus,” you said awkwardly, and he pulled you into a hug. “Happy Birthday,” he whispered into your ear, and you let out something between a sob and a laugh. Reggie caught up with the two of you a few seconds later and joined Remus’ hug.
“Happy birthday, you prat!” He said as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Can’t believe you’d let Remus hug you but run away from me, your favorite boyfriend.”
“You’re not her favorite,” you heard another voice say from the side; you hadn’t seen him at all but apparently, Jamie had also been around. “That’s obviously me.”
Remus just rolled his eyes at the petty little fight they were about to start. James loved getting on Reggie’s nerves. The tension they’d build up with that would always end up satisfactorily for the two of them.
“Did you finish that?” Reggie asked, and James grinned.
“Duh,” he responded as he placed a hand on Reggie’s shoulder to be able to see your face; as much as he adored his boyfriend’s long hair, it was still way too long at the moment. In fact, a few inches and he’d basically be Sirius (but actually fuckable).
“Come on,” Remus said as you pulled away from him, finally letting the disillusionment charm go.
“Boys, you are very sweet but, I’d rather be alone for a while. You know I had this whole thing planned and–”
“Shhhh,” James said as he placed his hand on your shoulder. “Just shut up and let us guide you.”
“But I really am not in the mood for anything right now.”
“Except for moping around in a reading nook,” Regulus said with a shrug; he was walking a few steps behind the two of you.
You turned to him with a reproachful stare, and Remus just pulled you closer to him, not quite letting go of you yet in case you would try to run off and hide somewhere. Of course, they had the map, but you had found ways to cheat your way out of it since you were helping them make it impossible. But while that meant the map would be incredible, it also meant that you were among the only people who knew how to sneak away from them.
Sirius thought it was hilarious, but your boyfriends thought it was immensely annoying. “Are we going to the Ravenclaw common room?” you asked with a frown.
“Just let us take you there,” James responded with a self-assured smile. You tried not to pay attention to how handsome he looked, although the walk along with them, even if you weren’t going to admit it, had already made you feel a lot better. Especially with Regulus and James’ constant teasing of the other. So much that Reggie almost pushed James off the stairs but managed to pull him back just in time, and James pulled him in for a kiss.
“Boys, behave,” Remus huffed slightly exasperated; though there was a sly smile playing on his face, especially after he saw a similar one on yours.
By the time you had gone the entire flight of stairs, you and Rem were actually laughing along Jamie for some silly joke, and Regulus was really trying to hold back his laughter and keep a stoic face as James kept looking at him with a know-it-all smile and raised eyebrows as if daring him not to laugh.
“Oh, almost there,” James said as he walked behind you and placed his hands over your eyes.
“James, we’re still on the stairs; I can’t see shit,” you complained.
“We’ll catch you if you fall,” Reggie said casually, and you fought the blush creeping up your cheeks really hard.
You still had Rem’s hands, holding you by the waist as James helped you up the stairs, whispering in your ear whenever there was a new step and when you had to take a couple of steps up. By the time you stopped, you knew exactly where they were taking you but decided not to tell them. You didn’t want to ruin their little surprise.
“Okay,” James whispered. “Open your eyes,” he added as he slowly removed his hands from your face.
You actually gasped when you realized what had happened. Right there, in the middle of the room was your picnic cloth, the baskets Pomfrey had borrowed, and a bottle of sparkling wine along with cups and plates and a huge cake.
There were floating balloons on the ceiling, and even if the rain was storming just outside, the boys had charmed the area so the rain wouldn’t wet anything.
“How– but…”
James smiled as he walked in front of you and bowed down in an extremely exaggerated fancy waiter gesture, “that was actually Reggie’s idea,” he said as he placed his hands on Regulus’ shoulder, who almost scoffed in return. “He said you’d be upset, and we decided to make your picnic party even if it wasn’t by the lake like you had planned.” Then James pulled you towards him and planted a kiss on your lips, letting himself get carried away when you gasped and allowed him to deepen the kiss. When he pulled back, you were breathing heavily, and he had a cocky smile on his face. “Happy birthday, my love,” he added.
You let out a diverted scoff, and the boys guided you towards the picnic. You were reclined against Reggie after you’d said sorry for running away from him, and he was rubbing his hands over your arm as James started serving some of the sparkling wine.
The letter from your friend had been somewhere inside the picnic basket, and Remus was the one who pulled it open. It exploded into a bunch of confetti and then turned into a howler of your friend singing “Happy Birthday” at the top of her lungs and with a rather off-pitch, but you were so happy you could only smile as you continued to listen. Regulus was looking at you in a judging manner.
“She’s a terrible singer,” he whispered in your ear.
“Shut up, she’s lovely!”
“And you’re deaf,” he added. “And I might be too now.”
“Shut up, Regulus!” the howler said as it stopped mid-song; he turned towards it genuinely petrified. Remus’ snigger was barely audible.
So she had asked for his help after all. “Still can’t believe you’re dating a Slytherin,” she added and then continued with her song. Once it was over, the howler moved a little closer to you. “Hope you’re having the best day ever, and that the boys treat you right. If not, I’ll make sure to call Sirius and make a plan with him to make all of their lives absolutely miserable,” there was a small pause, “Love you to the moon and back, my dear flower,” she added, and then the howler turned into more confetti and some gold glitter.
“Should I be jealous?” James teased.
“Of her? Probably,” you joked then leaned onto him again.
The rest of the night was spent smiling, joking, and enjoying the delicious food Bub had worked on all night. The boys had caught her in the halls looking for you, and she had happily given them the food along with a small present for you. Reggie had gotten you a necklace with a star, Remus a stunningly bound copy of your favorite book, and James had gotten you a ring with the sun on it.
And that’s how your birthday was spent, in between tears of laughter, delicious food, and surrounded by the sun, the moon, and the star.
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This one might get a part two, if you guys wanna see that <3
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starryinkart · 7 months
Hey so a bit of a possible crack theory:
So in the show, we’ve gotten three solver colors already, Red, which stands for Doll, Purple which stands for Uzi/Nori, Yellow which stands for the solver/CYN. But here’s something ALOT of people seemed to miss. After you rewatch the Season 1 trailer, you realize:
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There’s a blue solver, most likely a blue solver holder. Hidden right before the infamous yellow of the solver we’ve come to know in the show.
If you watch the trailer, you also notice something else. Right before this symbol quickly shows up, we have a dialogue from N, running away from Uzi from the scene at the end of episode 2 and then him sitting in front of V being sad. But if you listen to that dialogue:
He says “We can’t be around the workers anymore V, we’re too dangerous…”
He eventually begins to hang around them again, but to me this line with the imagery is super important. We know from the most recent episode 7/8 teaser that N is the actual leader of the squad, most likely the strongest and most likely protected by CYN with her admin right before she was completely lost by the solver.
Through out the show, we see him confused at his own power at points, like in episode 4 when he shoots the arrow through another and catches them on fire, cracking the arrow board, proceeding to say:
“Did I do that?” All confused.
N obviously doesn’t know how powerful he is at all, but what if and hear me out, it’s not ONLY because he’s a Disassembly Drone?
We know that CYN blocked the solver from having access to him, V and J to most likely protect them from the fate the solver has for drones who are infected. She didn’t want the same thing happening to N, her brother, who she loved and his friends which he cared about and most likely she cared about before she was taken over completely.
But now, Uzi has unblocked them from being protected from the CYNs admin, which was presumably protecting the squad from the affects of possibly getting the solver, (under the assumption CYN was bad in general) by becoming their administrator. If Uzi is their admin, and she gets taken over by the solver in general, that means that her admin code basically becomes useless to protecting N and the others from being infected too. And remember Tessa found them in the dump and repaired them as well, like CYN so they have a high chance of contracting the solver since they were also disposed of incorrectly.
So here comes the point of this picture that was released as a teaser yesterday:
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It’s N, looking down, whether at something or just on the verge of having a breakdown and losing it we are uncertain, but from the posture, the balled fists, he does NOT look okay at all.
The first thing yours eyes are drawn to are the building split in half in front of him, the exoplanets in the sky and N. But, on a more closer look, you see two things:
1. The snow flakes on the bottom left have a ominous blue tint to them, which should only happen if blue light is reflecting off of them…
2. If you didn’t notice on the first look, N has the same blue light, coming from right in front of him. Perhaps maybe the same color as this blue solver symbol we have yet to see with some weird lines and curves jutting out from the sides…
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At first, I thought Khan would be the blue solver holder at the beginning of the series, being a surprise twist for him to have activated in him he was so afraid of due to him possibly seeing it with his wife Nori. Honestly while that would’ve been cool, episode 5 debunked this possibility, since Khan was flung out of the room by Doll when she was attempting to get the cyber bug from Uzi. Solver owners can’t effect other solver holders as proven from the series, it can only use items around them to throw or hurt them.
We haven’t seen N be affect by the solver once in the present time or in the flashback of episode 5.
Now I do know the merch video came out today, but it was stated in the video that
1. “It was totally not canonical to the series what so ever” which I HIGHLY doubt. Most of the merch and videos we have seen have been canon and it seems as though the characters have been pulled aside between episodes to “film” these fourth wall breaks.
2. The fact that the title of the video “N’s Final Form” and the thumbnail are most likely not just a joke. Notice his acrylic stand teaser from V’s acrylic stand released recently:
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When I first saw this, it looked SUPER weird. Me and my significant other said it looked like N and we thought the two things in the foreground of his body were his wings, meaning he was looking away from the viewer of the stand.
But then we looked closer and I started looking at my King Solver N design you can find in the murder drones link in my FAQ and we drew a more accurate picture of what we were seeing. N was not looking away from the viewer, all the characters are looking at us, and it would be weird to have N be different. So this is what we came up with:
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W stands for his wings, T stands for where his tail is, L stands for his legs, F stands for his face and H stands for his hands.
His hands look a-little weird don’t they?
Remember this:
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It was mentioned some where on Tumblr that this looks similar to the cocoon that Uzi broke out of in Episode 4 when she transformed into her solver form only N is being dragged in. This is obviously a biomechanical phenomenon of the solver. But why is he being dragged in?
To have his “final transformation” , a “final form” you may say?
The only thing is, after Uzis transformation, is when the solver really started to gain power over her, taking control of her as seen in Episode 4 and recently in Episode 6. As soon as she became biomechanical, the solver gained more control over her.
(Edit: sO this cocoon theory was wrong, but his emotions can still spill over and cause this!!! So its not fully wrong yet!)
Now think of the scene above and what happened to Uzi in Episode 4, but with N. N gets dragged into this cocoon, fighting but not able to escape, while Uzi is fighting inside her mind with the real solver, posing as CYN in the mansion as Uzi is trying not to lose her mind. While she’s stuck, N has his transformation, now not able to be protected by CYNs administration since Uzi is now the administrator of him and V, so he undergoes the transition, the solver not having much to fight against converting him to a biomechanical creature like Uzi. This gives it more power over N, and gives it a chance to take advantage of the situation to bury itself into N’s code, making his solver string: true. Now N has the same thing inside him that has possibly taken everything from him.
After this, he either gets possessed fully and goes on a rampage or the possession is slow, painful after he manages to escape the cocoon and get to the surface. Either by this point Uzi is still fighting in her head and N thinks she’s fully gone or dead OR she has successfully fought the solver and is looking for N. All his repressed emotions, everything that has happened, everything he’s lost…it’s all become too much. He snaps, lashing out on whatever is in front of him, this being the building we see in half in the teaser from yesterday. Before he can stop himself, he angrily swings toward the building, but instead of a sword, his gun or his claws coming out, there is this fleshy, gross growth that emerges, a blue solver symbol appearing in front of him and shooting towards the building, snapping it in half like a toothpick.
There is a moment of either him stopping in pure panic due to this OR his panic, sadness and fear turns into full on anger, him not able to repress anything anymore, taking a turn into a full on uncontrollable breakdown. The reason he had to repress his emotions for all this time, for fear of lashing out and hurting the ones he cares for. But now, as far as he knows, no one is left to care for. After all in the merch teaser today Uzi said really sarcastically:
“You’re meant to be better than us! Don’t become swallowed by the darkness/animal based merchandise (murders) like I have!”
(which can be very much true)
This could end in either him being used by the solver as a host or Uzi coming back to help him and in turn as he said in the teaser:
“Okay I’m back! I’m better and it’s even deeper down now….haha! “ (basically his repressed emotions being repressed further for an even worst breakdown in a season 2)
That’s one turn it could take, but another could he that when he stops from pure panic due to what he’s become, similar to Uzi, and in the merch trailer today, and realizes he can use his newfound powers to save the ones he loves that are either left alive or find another way to fix what has happened.
(Someone mentioned on here that N’s solver powers could be similar to Time-travel to places he’s been to in the past, (like Dolls in teleportation to only places she has seen and Uzi doesn’t really have one yet, she’s not that far along in development of her solver) to go back and correct what mistakes he has made, fixing the timeline and THAT would be super cool if he does think he has lost everything or really has. If it ever find it on here again, I will tag it.)
Sorry this was SO LONG, but basically, N will have the blue solver due to the final two episodes and he will get a transformation like Uzis, having him grasp the thing that has basically ruined his life several times over being apart of him now, having to use it to save his loved ones. All the while not having a mental breakdown or angry blowup and losing control of his powers. So basically affecting the story and his choices greatly.
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archangeldyke-all · 18 days
hiii i had this idea stuck in my head all day, how about buying sev flowers just because, without any occasion and she doesn't know how to react? you can sprinkle some spice there pretty please
men and minors dni
as you strolled to the last drop like you always do on thursday evenings-- sevika gets fridays off so you like to walk her home after her last day of work, stop to buy her whatever she's craving on the way home, and spend the time catching up and chatting with your girl-- your eyes caught on a little cart on the side of the street.
flowers are rare in zaun, especially flowers that aren't meant to be smoked for various inebriating effects. there's hardly any sunlight in the undercity, hardly enough clean water for all the citizens, much less the flora and fauna. but, once in a while, someone will head up to the promenade, buy a whole bunch of flowers in bulk, and haul them back down to zaun to sell.
most often, people who visit the flower sellers of zaun are men trying to get back on their girls' good side, or people headed to funerals. you slow your pace to examine the colorful bunches of petals, smiling softly as your mind wanders, as it tends to, to your wife.
you wonder what kind of flowers are sevika's favorite. you wonder if she's seen enough flowers in her life to form an opinion. something sad settles over you, and you frown as it occurs to you that your wife's likely never been gifted flowers in her life.
well, that's all it takes for you to cross the street and pat down your pockets for a few spare coins.
"hello, beautiful!" the old lady behind the cart greets you. you smile.
"hello. i don't know much about flowers, but i'm looking for something for my wife?" you ask. "something sweet and small."
the woman grins, then reaches up and grabs a giant bouquet of red, pink, and white roses. you giggle.
"oh, no, i think that's a bit much. she might die of embarrassment if i give her those." you chuckle. the woman smiles.
"so she's got subtle taste?" she asks. you giggle and nod again. that's one way to put it. the old woman quickly gathers a few flowers from various bunches. she holds it up for you to examine. you smile.
"that's perfect. what flowers are these?" you ask, reaching out to hold the small bundle she's picked out for you. she smiles and reaches across the cart, pointing to each flower she's arranged.
"white tulips," she points to the two tall white flowers, "for a pure love." she moves her hand to the tiny five-petaled blue flowers with bright yellow centers. "forget-me-not's, their meaning is in their name." she explains, then she points to the the tallest flower, one singluar purple stalk. "this is lavender. it's symbolic for women like you and your wife." she looks you up and down, winking, and you realize she means gay people. you chuckle. "it'll also make the room you store these in smell fabulous. chop the stems at an angle when you get home, and then put 'em in fresh water with a little bit of sugar. keep 'em in a sunny spot--not too sunny though! they should last you a week." she says, quickly wrapping the stems in your fist up in a sweet white bow.
you grin and pass her three gold coins. she gasps.
"oh honey, this is only worth one!" she calls as you start walking toward the last drop again. you just giggle and wave her off.
"thank you miss!" you call, waving goodbye to her.
you're a little nervous to give the flowers to sevika, worried that she won't like them. but when she walks out of the front doors of the bar and sees you waiting across the street for her, she grins, and all your worries melt.
she wraps you up in a big hug, and you giggle. "hi baby." you mumble against her shoulder. she groans, kissing your scalp.
"it's so fuckin' good to see you." she mumbles.
you pull away to look up at her, pouting. "bad day?"
"horrible. c'mon, i want somethin' greasy and salty for dinner."
you laugh. "i got you somethin' that might cheer you up." you say. sevika raises a salacious eyebrow at you, and you burst into giggles. you're happy to see her permanent scowl melt a bit at the sound. "not that kinda surprise, baby." you snort.
then, you reveal the bouquet you'd been hiding behind your back, pushing it into sevika's hands. she blinks down at them, then up at you, then back down at the flowers. "...what?" she asks eventually. you giggle and kiss her cheek.
"i got you flowers!" you exclaim. she looks up at you, still confused.
"...did someone die?" she asks, and you can see her trying to mentally catalog all the people she knows. you snort, then gently smack her shoulder.
"sevika! can't a woman just buy her wife some flowers? no ulterior motives?" you ask.
sevika considers this like you've just asked her what the meaning of life is. she looks seriously confused. you're half adoring, half sad. you make a mental note to start buying your wife flowers any chance you see them. she needs to be spoiled more.
then, her face clears, and she looks up at you with a look she reserves for you and you only. reverent, vulnerable, and shaky. you pout, and reach up to cup her face in your hands. "just for me?" she asks. you smile and lean forward to kiss her.
"just for you, babe." you whisper against her lips.
sevika usually walks with her flesh hand in yours. tonight, though, she demotes you to her mech hand, so her flesh hand can gently cradle the bouquet against her chest.
you make a quick stop at jericho's to pick up some grub, and you have to bite back a smile at the looks regulars are throwing sevika as she gazes sweetly down at a small bundle of flowers in her hands.
when you get home, you insist that you be the one who trim and arrange them for sevika. she hovers over you as you do like you're going to crush them. you think it's adorable-- she's so attached to the things already, you're a little worried what's going to happen when they eventually die.
(you don't have to worry though. you end up pressing the flowers between some old encyclopedias, then framing them and hanging them on your wall. it's becomes a tradition, each time you buy sevika flowers-- which ends up being close to once a week-- you guys press and frame them together once they're close to wilting, to preserve the memory and love forever.)
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352
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firelilyfox · 2 months
Stardust Dreams
part three (final part)
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Wonka: Willy Wonka x female reader
Warnings: very fluffy fluff
Words: 1k
The sound of the harbour bell announces the time and Willy was getting more nervous with every second. He was waiting outside of the library for the past fifteen minutes just to make sure he wouldn’t be to late. It was freezing cold outside and the falling snow laid down on his shoulders like powdered sugar. His fingers were tightly wrapped around some flowers, he bought earlier at the nearby flower shop. Willy picked different colors because he couldn’t decide wich one she would like the most. So he choosed the colors that he reminded him of her. Warm orange, like her smile. Happy yellow, like her charisma. Lovely pink, like her blushed cheeks. 
The big wooden door opens and y/n stepped out of it with a big smile on her beautiful face. Willys heart stumbled. She was like a magical figure that only existed in fairytales. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, because Willy was too afraid that she might vanish and he would find himself waking up in his bed again, to realize this was only a dream. 
„Good evening, Willy“, she greeted him. 
Willy smiled. „Hello y/n. These are for you.“ He handed her the flowers and when his hand touched hers for a split second, he could feel his skin tingling. 
„Oh! They are beautiful Willy“, she said admiring and giving him a kiss on his cheek as a thank you. He had to lean down a bit, so she could reach it. „You must be freezing. Let’s hurry home. I prepared something to eat and after that … no. This will be a surprise.“ Y/n was thinking out loud. 
She took him back to her tiny apartment right above a bookshop near the gallery gourmet. The view was breathtaking, but Willy wasn’t interested at all in looking at the city lights. He only had eyes for y/n while she was preparing the dinner table. 
„I really want to help you. It feels wrong to just watch you do all the work“, he said. 
Y/n looked at him sternly. „Willy Wonka I invited you to thank you for everything you did today for my little sister and for what you did for Noodle in the past. And I enjoy doing it, so don’t worry about me.“ 
She cooked him a wonderful meal and they shared it by candlelight. It felt nice and easy to talk about all kinds of stuff. Laughter filled the room and Willy wished he could capture this moment to make it last forever. 
„Noodle is like a sister to me. Her mother took me and Ellie in, so they both are like family to us“, she told him. 
Willy frowned. „You mean you were adopted by her? What about your parents?“ 
A sad expression flickered over her face. „They are always somewhere out there. Mom and Dad are not made to stay in one place for a long time, so they asked Ms. Smith to watch out for us in the meantime. And she did ever since.“ 
Willy knew the feeling of being alone way to well, so he understand the little tone of bitterness in her voice when she speaks about her parents. 
„But enough about sad things for now“, she cleared her throat and got up from the table. „The evening is not over and I still have a little surprise for you, Willy.“ 
He smiled confused. „I thought the meal was the surprise?“ 
„Not at all!“ Y/n laughed. She held out her hand, waiting for Willy to take it in his. „Are you ready for some fun, Mr. Wonka?“ 
The music made Willy smile. 
Y/n lead them to a little tavern that was full of people chattering in the corners, drinking wine and having a good time. On a small stage was a band of five members and their were playing some joyful songs. In the middle of the room was the dance floor and some couples already danced with bright smiles on their faces. 
Y/n giggled because of the amazed look on Willys face. „You never visited a place like this am I right?“ 
„Well I saw many places around the world … but I never took the time to go into a pub or something. There were not much to find for my chocolate studies.“ 
She nodded understanding. „Well I love your chocolate Willy, but tonight we have other priorities.“ 
The lead singer just started another song and Willy had to speak a little louder for y/n to understand him. „And what are the priorities for tonight?“ 
„Having fun!“ 
Y/n pulled Willy to the middle of the room and started dancing. Her moves looked a bit uncontrolled and without a plan. He couldn’t help but laugh and joined her on this weird little dance-off. They had so much fun just jumping around and laughing until their faces hurt. After a couple of joyful songs, the band changes the mood and a slow rhythm started playing. 
„May I?“, Willy asked and reaching out for her hand. 
She smiled. „You may.“ 
Willy knew how to dance and he knew intuitively where to put his hands to take over the lead.  Y/n rested her head on his shoulder and he enjoyed the feeling of being so close to her. Although he hoped silently she wouldn’t notice his fast beating heart. 
„I need to thank you for today, y/n. I can’t remember the last time I was so carefree.“ Willy said with a lowered voice, so she would be the only one hearing him. 
She looked up to him. The warm lights where shimmering in her eyes and he almost lost himself in them. „I’m glad you had a good time.“ 
„Maybe…“, he started. „Maybe we should do something like this again … sometime.“ 
Y/n looked a little nervous and for a second Willy wanted to take a step back to not make her feel uncomfortable, but then she stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the lips. It was a soft kiss, light like a feather and before Willy even realized it was over. 
„I would love to do something like this again“, she said as the music speed up again. 
They danced for the rest of the night until their feet hurted, their hearts were full of laughter and the butterflies in their stomaches kept on flying. 
Willy knew from this moment on, that the feeling of missing something would never come back. He found the piece that he was searching for. And he intended to keep her forever. 
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screaminglygay · 8 months
pairings: clown!carol danvers x fem!reader
summary: everybody is talking about this amazing show, so you needed to check it up for yourself.
warnings: smut!!!, public play, edging, teasing, dirty talk, fingering, mentions of anal, sucking fingers, kinda dom!carol x sub!reader, intoxication!, alcohol (one drink, but strong one), not proofread
word count: 2.5k
an: sooo, here it is, we´re almost in the end, i feel like this carol is really clumsy and cocky, which was fun to write, it´s not that long cuz my motivation is no where to be found, but i promise the last fic will be fire!:P thank you for reading!
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky season and be safe!
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“Step right up and prepare to be dazzled by the spectacular world of the Femme Fatale Circus! Under the grand, colorful tent that stretches towards the sky, a mesmerizing extravaganza awaits you. The Femme Fatale is more than just a one-time occurrence, it's a lifetime's trip into a thrilling and positively stimulating place. So come on in and have fun!” Was heard from the big speakers next to the many food trucks there.
As you fully enter the circus grounds, you're immediately greeted by the enticing aroma of popcorn and cotton candy, setting the tone for the entertainment. The lively atmosphere is electric, with children's laughter and adults' chatter filling the air.
Before the show started, you decided that you wanted to have something to drink, so you went to this food truck area, where anything you could think of, was there.
Because you´re too indecisive, it took you a while to choose, what you wanted to drink. But after some minutes, you finally bought a cherry vanilla drink, called "Sweet possesion" which you found later on that had 27% of alcohol in it. It was the worse type of drink, too sweet to realize that it has some alcohol. And of course you didn´t eat the whole day, so the affect was very quick.
As you turn around to walk back, you realize that all of the people, who were there with you just a minutes ago, were now no where to be found. Maybe the show have already started.
So you quickly tried make your way back, until something caught your eye. You stopped and tried so see what it was, or who it was.
And because the alcohol started working on empty stomach you didn´t second thought anything at all. And of course you had to see what or who it was.
As you were walking behind the food trucks, you stumbled over various cables, pieces of wood, and other debris scattered on the ground, making it a rather hard path to navigate. When you made your way to the back of the tent, you didn´t see anyone or anything, that got your attention before, util you hear what sounded like a horn of an ice cream truck.
Oh man, I´d like some ice cream.
What your drunk self desired, you´re drunk self will get. So after following that noice, you notice a big ice cream truck with a lady dressed as a clown. But as soon as you come closer, she spoke, "I´m sorry, we´re out, hun."
"Ah man, really? You don´t have even one last ice cream, I could buy?" You were genuely really sad, you really creaved some chocolate chip cookie.
"Everything is sold out. Sorry." She noticed how sad you´ve looked and she hated it, she´s a clown, she is supposed to make people laugh, not the other way around, "but if you come with me, I could look if there is anything back in the freezer, I´m very positive we will find something." She smiled at you.
"Really? That would be perfect!" You waited for her to come out of her food truck. Her costume is a delightful riot of colors, mix of reds, yellows, and blues. The oversized polka-dotted bowtie around her neck adds a touch of whimsy, and her suspenders hold up her dotted pants. Despite the playful outfit, her natural beauty shines through, her sparkling captivating eyes and radiant smile contrasting with the costume. Her makeup was also on point, nothing too loud, just simple makeup with a red nose on top of the whole look.
"Aren´t you supposed to be in the tent? You know, the show already started." The blonde lady giggled.
"I wanted something to drink and now I want ice cream, I´ll watch the show after my needs are secured." You giggled as the alcohol now hitting your system like a train.
"Oh?" The clown laughed, but you could sense that this was her genuine laugh, it didn´t felt forced at all. "Secured your needs? I can tell that you already managed the first one." She smiled at you as you two walked back into the circus tent. You could hear the thrilling show has already begun, with the crowd's excitement and the mesmerizing music filling the air.
"Are we in the backstage now?" You looked at the woman in front of you.
"You could say that, yes." She nodded and looked at you. "What?"
"This was one of my childhood dreams, see the backstage of a circus. It´s... not what I´ve imagined, but still very amazing!" You looked around as you notice all the colorful mess everywhere, many costumes, props, wigs, cages and lots of other circus tools.
"Well I´m glad I could be at your service." The clown smiled and opened a freezer. "Would you like a vanilla, chocolate-" before she could continue with describing what flavors are avalible, you cutted her off.
"Oh my god! Really? Um... do you have a chocolate chip cookie by any chance?" You were so happy, that there are some ice creams left.
"Yup, the last one," the blonde took it from the freezer and gave it to you.
"Thank you so much, how much is it?" You looked at her, already with the ice cream in your mouth.
"It´s on me." She winked.
"What? Are you sure? I could pay it-" This time she cutted you off.
"Let´s just say that I´m here to make all of your childhood dreams come true. Sounds good?" She chuckled at you, seeing the chocolate on your chin.
"Very." You nodded.
As you were eating the ice cream the clown just stared at you, with a smile on her face. She once again made someone´s day better, she´s wondering when it will be her turn, of being the one taking cared of.
It didn´t took you long to finnish the ice cream and when you did, you notice the look on the lady´s face. "I´m sorry, are you okay?"
She immediately smiled, but you could tell it was fake. "Of course, hun. I am," she stepped closer and wiped the chocolate on your chin.
"You know, I don´t even know your name, but I know one thing..." You threw the wooden stick into the thrash can, hoping she didn’t notice the blush on your face.
"And what´s that?" You definitely got the clowns attentions now.
"You´re a shitty liar." You giggled.
"Oh? Is that so?" She tilted her head.
"Yup, pretty much," you smiled at her, "even clowns needs their time to be sad sometimes," you added.
"There are some sad clowns." The blonde pointed out.
You just groaned and came closer to her. "I don´t mean it like that..." you looked at her waiting for her name.
"Sunny, Sunny the clown." She siad, what seemed like an automatic answer.
"I meant your real one."
"Carol." She mumbled out. "I´m basically breaking the clown law right now."
"What law exactly? That you can´t tell me your real name?" You tilted your head.
"Basically yeah, plus I let you come to the backstage and I gave you free stuff." Carol chuckled.
"So you´re basically a criminal, because of me. How noble of you." The drink made you very flirty and you didn´t mind it at all. And neither did Carol.
"But the real question now, can I help you? Somehow, anyhow. Let´s say as the payback for the icecream." You smiled at her, genuinely want to help her, even if it´s just a talk.
The circus show is still in full swing, the resounding cheers of the crowd and the lively music reaching your ears, as you´re standing basically next to it.
"The icecream was on me, like I´ve said before."
"And like I´ve said-" you finished your whole drink now, "is there anything I can do to make Carol be happy Carol without having to fake it?" Your whole sentence was rambled out, due to you trying to absorb the sweetness of the drink.
"I have few things in my mind." Carol smirked and stepped closer to you, then laughing it off right away.
"I mean... if it would help." Now it was your turn to move closer to her, very close.
"Oh?" Carol was shocked by your answer, since you didn´t looked like someone that outgoing, but one drink can do a lot.
"Oh." You smirked and met her gaze.
"That would certainly help." The two of you were so close that you berely whispered.
"I think so too." Since when are you this flirty? That drink must have been strong strong.
Before either of you could say anything else your lips crushed into hers. The time seemed to slow down, and your lips met in a tender, sweet kiss that felt like a gentle caress of two ladies who broke the "clown law" once again. But it was a moment filled with affection and genuine connection, that the both of you felt. Thanks to your drink, you had the courage to do such a thing.
As much as you were trying to fight over being the dominant one, Carol made sure to show your place right away. She pushed you against one of the boxes and immediately pinned your hands above your head. "Keep them there."
You simply just nodded.
Her hands didn´t waste a second and Carol grabbed your tits and gave them a tight squeeze. "You were so right, this is the best way to calm neerves." She kissed you again, this time bitting your lip. Overall you could feel the energy shifting into this harsher more needier way.
A sound of a cheering crowd made you tense up, you were still backstage, behind a black curtain, that might have been big cover up for you two, but anyone could walk in on Carol kissing you. This thought send shivers right into your pulsating pussy.
You wanted more of her, so you ran your fingers through her hair and even it felt amazing Carol stopped you. "What did I say?" She looked into your eyes. Being in this fuzzy state, you didn´t understand, what she was talking about, util you she took one of the ropes and started to tie you up to the hook, that was the whole time above your head. "Wait- Carol!" You realized what she was doing.
"Shhh, if you can´t keep your hand up, let me help." She kissed your neck as she finishes tying you up to the hook. "If someone walks in, we´re just preparing a new trick, got it?"
"Y-yes." You felt so good, but so needy at the same time.
"Besides... the way your moving your hips, trying to grind on nothing at all, tells me, that you wouldn´t mind anyone coming," she whispered into your ear. "Am I right?"
"N-no." You basically moaned out.
Carol chuckled quiete out loud, "You know, I don´t even know your name, but I know one thing..."
You roll your eyes, exactly knowing, where is thig going and because you want to be a brat your smile turned into a smirk and your head was slightly tilted. "Oh yeah? And what´s that?"
"You´re a shitty liar." The blonde whispered and bite your neck.
"Fuck-" You moaned loudly.
"Shhh, I know that you´re attention seeking little girl, but I want to have you for myself, at least for now. So shush your pretty mouth." Her words were harsh, but you didn´t mind at all, you just needed her.
"Hmmpf..." You bit your lower lip, hoping it would shut you up.
Carol hands slipped past your pants, into your panties. "Is this all for me? Oh my!" She smiled. "Wow, pretty girl. This is definitely making me feel better. You´re this wet from few kisses? You will explode, after your orgasm." She smirked agaist you, knowing how much she affected you.
Her strong hands made your legs open some more, so she has a better acces to you. Her middle finger tracing up and down your clit, she was teasing you and you truly felt like exploding right now on the spot.
"Carol-" you moved your hips closer to her, trying to grind on her finger, but it didn´t help at all.
"Yes?" She looked at you.
"Please, more-" You tried to move closer to her.
"You still didn´t told me your name." She had this cocky grin on her face.
"(Y/N)! It´s (Y/N)!" Her hand was put over your mouth.
"Pleasure to meet you, (Y/N). But if you want to cum today, you better shut it. Or you can´t and want me to put your mouth for better use?" Her finger was still on your clit and when she felt your pussy pulsate at her words, she didn´t need a verbal answer.
Her right hand was in your pants, still teasing you as much as she could, but her left hand slowly made it´s way up to your mouth. You instantly opened and sucked on the two fingers she put inside.
Carol smiled at you, finally pushing the middle finger inside, her thumb making circles on your clit. You were so resposive to her touch, bucking your lips right away, sucking her fingers harder. This was really helping Carol to ease her nerves.
She sped up her movements with both of her hands, two of your holes were so full, you just wished your third one would be too.
You closed your eyes, feeling so close, with how her fingers curled up inside of you. And on top of that she added her second finger and after few push in´s and out´s she added even her third.
You were a mess.
Letting someone, who you basically don´t know, fuck you in the backstage of a circus, while the show is in it´s finalle, letting to see you being a easy slut, who cums from almost nothing at all.
But before you could leap over the edge, you heard the announcement, "Let me intoduce you our lovely, sweet and most importantly funny clown! Sunny the clown! Everybody make as much as noice as you want!"
"Oh fuck!" Carol looked at you as you quickly opened your eyes, "I need to go, pretty girl." She kissed your lips quickly.
"No, no, no, no- I need you, please, please, please!" You whined.
"You just have to wait, I have to go, I´ll be right back." She kissed you once more and pull out her fingers, which your body responded with a flinch right away.
"Carol!" you whisper yelled at her.
"Oh right-" she took some blanket and throw it over you, so if anyone comes, they won´t notice you. "I´ll be right back!"
You have to be kidding me.
This moment made you sober up real quick, as she left you there naked, tied up, but mostly needy. And on a top of that, she threw a fucking blanket over you.
As you heard the crowd go crazy over Carol stunts and laughed at her jokes, you just wished she would be done soon, but after you heard people chant her name all over again and then again, you knew that you will be stuck in here for a long time.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to drink! 💕🫶🏻
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poisonlove · 10 months
Miss Ortega | j.o
Part 1 part 2 part 3
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Part 4
With boredom, I tapped my fingers on the wooden surface of the teachers' lounge desk. The only sound in the room was the ticking of the wall clock.
I must say, this place wasn't bad.
The walls were white, there was a huge desk with a dozen chairs around it, a cabinet with several lockers labeled with the names of the professors, and in one corner of the room, there stood a lonely coffee machine. I wrinkled my nose in disgust when my eyes caught sight of the color scheme of the curtains, a sad plant as decoration on the shelf near the clock.
Meanwhile, I had retrieved my backpack thanks to Enid, as I had forgotten it in the cafeteria. The blonde had asked me what to do, but I simply took the object from her hands and left, leaving her with a surprised look on her face.
"Here I am, sorry for being late," I lifted my head and looked at Jenna. Professor Ortega looked exhausted, and her breathing was heavy from running to make it on time.
"Don't worry, you're on time," I smiled, and she leaned against the wooden door, catching her breath.
In reality, she was five minutes late, but I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it.
"How was it?" I asked. Jenna sighed, raising her hands to convey the gravity of the situation.
"A disaster. I had to remove at least a couple of students from the class who were flirting with me," she rolled her eyes with irritation, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I remember... you didn't have much luck, did you?" I asked rhetorically. Jenna looked at me unfriendlily. I raised my hands in surrender.
"Before we leave... can you do me a favor?" Jenna leaned on the doorframe, looking at me with a clear intention of making me understand that I needed to move.
"Leave?'" I looked at her curiously.
"Never mind. See those lockers? Go to mine and take the stack of papers. They're in a yellow folder," Jenna pointed me in the direction to go, ignoring my question. I walked towards the lockers, reading the surnames before finding "J.Ortega."
"Um... how do I open it?" I looked at the padlock, biting my lip nervously.
"Oh, how silly of me..." she laughed and started rummaging in her backpack. The tip of her tongue was slightly sticking out, as if she was focused on finding something in her bag. She smiled triumphantly when she pulled out a set of keys.
She raised them and proudly showed them to me.
"Here you go." Jenna threw the keyring to me from the other side of the room, and I almost dropped it. I turned my back to Professor Ortega, starting to organize the keys in my hands. There were at least five of them, and one of them was definitely the key to her car.
"The one with the tape," Jenna tiptoed, trying to figure out why it was taking me so long.
I inserted the key with the tape into the lock and smiled when I heard the sound of the locker opening. I opened it and saw a stack of folders. I blinked in surprise and realized that one of these folders seemed to be from our class.
In fact, the yellow folder was our test papers.
I guess she had just put them in her locker because she had them in her backpack a few hours ago. Without thinking too much, I grabbed the stack of papers. I closed the locker and put the keys in my pocket.
I turned around and saw Jenna, who had not only her backpack but also mine on her shoulder.
"Well, now follow me," Jenna gave me a playful smile and took my wrist, dragging me behind her. With flushed cheeks, I tried not to think about the fact that Jenna was holding my hand, focusing instead on not dropping the folder.
We took a few steps before reaching an empty classroom. Sandy, the janitor, looked at us with consternation because he had just finished cleaning. "Don't worry, we won't touch anything," Jenna assured him, giving him a friendly smile.
We entered the room.
Jenna let go of my wrist and sat on the teacher's desk, picking up a forgotten pen between her fingers.
"Can you help me? In the meantime, we can discuss what we're going to do" Jenna reached out her hand, asking me to hand over the yellow folder. A strange sensation buzzed in my veins, excited by the request.
Correcting my classmates' exams? A dream come true.
I nodded several times and sat down next to Jenna, accepting the stack of papers she had given me. Along with them was a pen.
"So... when could you stop by in the afternoon?" Jenna focused her attention on the test in her hands, absentmindedly biting the pen. She raised an eyebrow as she began scribbling some calculations with the red pen.
"On Tuesday?" I looked at the exam in horror. Shaking my head, I started writing the corrections on the side. "And on Friday, I think," I finished the sentence, lifting the corner of my lips sadly.
"I don't have to put the grades, right?" I asked, looking at the paper.
Jenna stopped writing, leaning in my direction to see what I had done. Her hand rested on my knee, putting weight on my leg. She analyzed the test with her gaze and then shook her head. She gave my leg a comforting squeeze before breaking the contact.
My heart raced.
"No, don't worry, I'll take care of the grades" she gave me a shy smile before starting to correct another test.
"Oh my goodness," I exclaimed, placing the test I had taken in my hands on top of the others.
"Her name is Sinclair... the blonde next to you? Your friend?" she asked absentmindedly. Suddenly, I nodded, feeling anxiety grow. She gave me a shy smile.
"For now, it's the only passing grade I've given," she smiled at the great news.
Amidst the chatter and the murmurs of disapproval from some truly unpleasant exams, Jenna and I finished correcting. I looked at the clock and realized that almost an hour had passed.
"Well... that was fun," she exclaimed playfully, rubbing my eyes from tiredness.
"Now I should go, it's getting late," she yawned, and she smiled, nodding timidly.
"Thank you... see you on Friday then? I don't think you need to stop by tomorrow since you're already late today," she stepped down from the desk and took the corrected papers.
I left the keys on the desk.
"Then see you on Friday... no, on Wednesday for the lesson," I smiled, and she winked at me. I picked up my backpack from the floor and started walking towards the school exit.
When I stepped out of the school, I looked up and saw an unfriendly cloud over our city. I started walking since it would be a long walk before I reached home. I tightened the strap of my backpack and sighed from exhaustion.
I wanted to go home and sleep until tomorrow.
A single drop of water fell on the tip of my nose, then another landed on my lips before the rain increased. I didn't even have an umbrella, and the rain was soaking me. I started walking faster, trying to avoid catching a cold from the excessive rain.
A lightning bolt tore through the sky.
I closed my eyes at the loud noise and shivered at the sensation of wet clothes. The sound of a horn made me look towards the street. I squinted my eyes and looked with surprise at the person honking insistently. The passenger window rolled down, and I could see Jenna Ortega sitting on the driver's side.
Professor Ortega, holding the steering wheel with one hand, looked at me with a smile. She leaned over and opened the door.
"How about I give you a ride?" she offered.
I smiled and started seriously considering whether Jenna was an angel.
The car journey is quite silent.
My eyes were looking out the window, relaxed by the sound of rain falling against the ground. Another shiver ran down my spine from the sensation of wet clothes against my skin. I crossed my arms against my chest, trying to generate as much warmth as possible.
Jenna slows down as she sees the traffic light turn red in the distance.
Occasionally, I could feel her eyes on me, but I was too embarrassed by the situation to think of what to say. I settle back into my seat, tilting my head towards the driver's side.
Did I mention she has a perfect profile? Well... because she has a perfect profile. Her eyes slightly gleamed as she looked at the street, and her lips formed a shy smile. Our gazes met, holding for a couple of seconds.
The traffic light turned green.
"Straight ahead, right?" she asked absentmindedly, shifting gears by moving the lever upward. I mumble in response, tucking a completely wet strand of hair away from my face.
Professor Ortega sighs and leans forward with her free hand to click the radio button, almost as if to break the silent atmosphere. The sweet and melancholic notes of "Golden Hour" resonate in the car.
"I like this song," she admits, turning the knob to increase the volume. I looked at her with an open mouth, surprised that she knows this song.
"Do you know it?" the question sounded more aggressive than I intended, and she glances at me, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm only 23, I'm not that old," she says, with a tone as natural as if it were the least strange thing in the world. I open my eyes, incredulous at her words.
"We're only 5 years apart?!" I exclaim, and Jenna, seeing my reaction, bursts into laughter.
It was the second time I heard her laugh, even if it happened on the same day, but despite that, it seemed like the most beautiful thing in the world. Her eyes narrowed almost as if she were squinting, and the dimples on her face formed perfectly. Her nose twitched slightly, and her head leaned forward almost reflexively, her shoulders vibrating with the deafening and angelic laughter. Jenna looked at me, thoroughly amused.
I almost felt satisfied to be the cause of this harmonious sound.
I clear my throat, looking out the window, embarrassed by the intensity.
"To the left..." I whisper, still in shock. I could see in the distance the row of houses, and among them, mine. A red roof, completely restored. Jenna stops on the side of the street, turning off the car.
I grab the backpack that was resting on my feet, turning towards Jenna.
"Thanks for the ride," I affirm, and she raises her lower lip as a hint of a smile, shaking her head reassuringly.
"Don't worry, it's been a pleasure."
I look at Jenna in confusion as she unfastens her seatbelt. The dark-haired woman turns towards me, leaning slowly towards my body. The beats of my heart increase recklessly, surprised by the sudden gesture. Her brown eyes almost fervently gaze at the lower part of my face, precisely my lips. Our noses brush against each other, and my breath gets stuck in my throat. A mischievous smile spreads across her lips, immediately capturing the attention of my eyes.
Full and perfect lips.
One of her hands moves in my direction, to the side of my head. I close my eyes, relaxing and anticipating the contact between our mouths.
My first kiss.
The click of the door opening behind me makes me open my eyes in confusion.
I open my eyes with a sudden realization.
Jenna returned to her seat, looking at me with confusion. She most likely saw my cheeks completely red.
Oh my god, how could I think she would kiss me? She's my damn calculus teacher!
My lungs suddenly need as much oxygen as possible, and it felt impossible. I felt trapped in this car.
I had to get out of here.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and instinctively leaned forward, thanking Jenna with a kiss on the cheek. The professor opens her eyes in surprise. The contact of my lips on her cheek lasted only a few seconds, so brief that I almost doubted if I had kissed her.
I immediately regret it, seeing her eyes looking at me with a mix of confusion and amusement, her gaze softening. With difficulty, I get out of the car, with the clear intention of leaving before doing something completely stupid.
I reach the door of my house and ring the bell. While I wait for someone to open, Jenna's BMW starts and drives away.
This is bullshit.
Before I knew it, Wednesday had already arrived. With my backpack on my back and walking sadly towards school, I listened to "death bed coffee for your head" playing in my headphones.
Let's just say I wasn't very excited about going to school today... because I was going to see Jenna in the last period. I had a clear feeling that I had messed everything up the other day, and I was embarrassed at the thought of crossing her wonderful brown eyes.
Damn it, another compliment.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, clutching my backpack. The production of the song was interrupted when I saw Enid approaching in the distance, full of energy.
"Hey..." I said sadly, taking off my headphones. The blonde looked at me with confusion.
"Is something wrong?" she asked, immediately noticing my mood.
And what if something is wrong? The thing is, in just two damn days, I've developed feelings for my Calculus teacher... I had the illusion that she would kiss me... I kissed her on the cheek, and I was terrified to see her.
Of course, I wasn't going to tell her that.
"Nothing... I haven't slept very well... you know... nightmares," I shrugged indifferently, adjusting my school uniform collar. Not only did I have to wear a stupid, horribly striped black and purple uniform, but I also had an annoying knot that prevented me from breathing.
Damn tie.
It was also about two degrees or so... in other words, freezing cold.
"Did this nightmare have brown eyes and a charming smile?" Enid asked absentmindedly, putting an arm around my shoulders.
I tensed up at her words but tried not to show it. I had forgotten that Enid was very perceptive when it came to reading people. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye and slowly shook my head.
"No, actually, I lost count of how many eyes the monster had," I said hastily, inventing an unbelievable excuse.
"Sure..." she looked at me with narrowed eyes, pushing a strand of hair away from her face.
"Hey, girls!" someone shouted.
We turned towards the sound of the voice and saw Ajax and Xavier. The guy with the beret approached Enid, putting an arm around her waist. The blonde got distracted and turned towards her boyfriend, their lips meeting in a sweet kiss.
Xavier and I made a disgusted sound.
The misunderstood and artistic guy from Nevermore stood by my side, greeting me with a nod.
I managed to avoid Enid's interrogation.
"Mind if I steal her, T/N?" Ajax asked, smiling at Enid. I pretended to gag when I saw the blonde's eyes shine with love and mischief. I removed Enid's hand from my shoulder, and the oldest of the group took the blonde's free hand, interlacing their fingers, and ran off laughing through the school gardens.
"Well... it's just you and me," Xavier blushed, covering his cheeks with his long hair. I laughed nervously, walking through the gates of Nevermore. I knew Xavier had feelings for me, but I only saw him as a friend... a little brother, and I didn't want to disappoint him.
"Do we have Art now?" I swallowed nervously. Xavier nodded.
I took a few steps, and my eyes widened when I saw Jenna in the distance.
My cheeks turned red, and I stood frozen in place. Jenna Ortega was talking animatedly with her coworker. My heart raced with nervousness and, at the same time, captivated by the sight of her.
Today, Professor Ortega was dressed casually.
She wore a simple oversized pink hoodie, ripped jeans at the knees, and white Air Force sneakers.Her hair was tied up in a messy ponytail.
The absence of heels accentuated her height.
I grabbed Xavier's arm and started walking down the hallway when I saw Jenna turning in our direction. I relaxed, knowing that I had avoided the dark-haired woman, and let out a sigh of relief as I walked towards our class.
I managed to avoid Jenna in various ways, but I couldn't avoid her in the last class. I sighed and entered the classroom, bowing my head when I saw Jenna sitting in the chair in front of the desk.
I felt extremely guilty when I saw a smile spreading across her lips. Damn, that oversized sweatshirt made her so adorable.
"Hey..." she said, almost nervously.
I remained silent, avoiding her gaze. I focused on looking towards the back of the class, and disappointment washed over me when I saw Enid and Spenser sitting together, occupying my usual spot. The girl still had a red nose as a symbol of her cold, and Enid was enthusiastically talking with her friend.
I felt so betrayed.
Impatiently, I took the only available seat, right in front of the lectern. I placed my backpack on the floor and felt a bit frustrated. Jenna looked at me with a raised eyebrow, seemingly trying to figure out what was going on.
"Are you okay?" she asked, standing up and putting her hands in the pockets of her sweatshirt. I held back a smile as I found her adorable and nodded my head. Jenna made a face of concern when I didn't respond. She looked at me with stern eyes, her jaw clenched, almost annoyed.
If I acted cold, maybe I could avoid talking to Jenna.
"I'm fine," I replied coldly, avoiding eye contact. I grabbed my pencil case and notebook, ready for the lesson.
Jenna huffed and made a strange sound in her throat.
In my peripheral vision, I saw her hand dangerously approaching, and my eyes widened when I saw her target. Jenna's hand grabbed mine and made me stand up from the chair. I tried to remain calm as I followed Jenna walking towards the classroom exit, our hands intertwined. A pleasant sensation fluttered in my stomach, and I ignored the soft touch of her palm against mine.
Before crossing the door, I saw Enid getting up from her seat, looking at me with concern.
"Excuse us," Jenna's request sounded stern as she tried to pass through the students who were rushing to their classes.
I looked at Jenna and unintentionally smiled when I realized she was slightly taller than me.
The Professor Ortega reached a closet and opened the door. She forcefully closed it, seeking privacy, and let go of our intertwined hands, crossing her arms over her chest.
"What's going on?" she looked at me seriously, her jaw clenched.
"Nothing... Can we go back to class? We have a lesson," I glanced distractedly at the door, feeling the need to escape from that cramped space.
"Otherwise, I'm the teacher... so you'll stay here," she stared at me, her irises filled with anger. "Why have you been avoiding me since this morning? And don't say you haven't been, because I know you have been avoiding me." Her gaze softened, her brown eyes shining with sadness.
"I...," I took a deep breath.
If I want to get out of here, I have to tell the truth.
"I don't know... I was afraid I made you feel uncomfortable the other day," I confessed, feeling a weight lifted off my chest.
Jenna relaxed, giving me a shy smile. "You didn't make me feel uncomfortable... if that was the problem... well, you can rest assured," she shrugged, smiling again.
"Okay," I smiled, relieved.
"T/N... Next time, speak instead of running away, okay? After all, I'm your teacher... I can help you with anything," she looked at me with doe eyes, absentmindedly biting her lower lip.
And that was the problem... that you're my teacher... Jenna.
"Now... Shall we go back to class? I think the others must be wondering where we've been," I affirm, swallowing nervously.
Jenna nods timidly, and we leave the closet, walking back to the classroom, this time feeling a weight lifted off our shoulders.
Or maybe not entirely.
"So... a line integral or path integral is an integral where the function being integrated is evaluated along a path or curve," I repeat, glancing at Jenna across the room.
It had been three weeks since the last turbulent encounter with Professor Ortega in the closet, and since then, we had been maintaining a practically perfect relationship without any misunderstandings. Twice a week, we would meet in the empty classroom, studying advanced mathematics for the upcoming end-of-year exam. It seemed that this competition was going to take place in late March, right on the eve of graduation.
I place the bottom of the pen between my lips, feeling both exhausted and satisfied with my work.
Jenna walks in my direction. Her black boots come into view, and I slowly examine her with my gaze. Today, Jenna is wearing a green-and-white plaid skirt that reaches just above mid-thigh, matching her green polo. I almost feel like crying under her attentive and intimidating gaze.
She playfully taps my cheek, smiling with all 32 teeth.
"You see, after two hours, you finally figured it out," she asks rhetorically, and I look away from her inappropriate comment. I gently remove her hand from my face and stand up from the chair, completely tired.
I glance at the clock and sigh, realizing once again that it's gotten late.
"We should meet somewhere else... I practically live in this school," I mutter to myself, clenching my jaw to hide my displeasure.
"You're right," Jenna comments, and I turn towards her direction. I didn't think she would hear me. Professor Ortega puts the book in her backpack and looks at me with a slight smile on her lips.
"If it's not too... strange," she begins, pausing briefly, almost regretting what she said. "We can meet at my place," she concludes, putting the backpack on her back.
My eyes widen, and my cheeks turn red. A pleasant sensation spreads down my spine at the mere thought of staying at Jenna's house. Professor Ortega shakes her head, somewhat disappointed that I didn't give an immediate response.
"Well... I just... should know the address," I scratch the back of my neck nervously.
Jenna lets out a sigh of relief and smiles. She takes her phone from her bag and walks towards me, looking at her device. "How about I give you my number?" Her fingers tap something on the screen, most likely responding to a message.
"So, I'll send it to you on WhatsApp," she concludes, looking at me through her long lashes.
I nod my head, still speechless.
Jenna hands me her phone, a beautiful iPhone 14. I see that she has already opened the contact. Glancing at Jenna, I enter my number, feeling a bit surprised. I hand the phone back to the brunette, and she puts it in her bag.
"Well... then we'll catch up," she gives me a smile, revealing her dimples. Walking past me and always tilting her head with a smile on her lips, she exits the room.
Jenna... she asked for my number.
When I left school, I saw Enid leaning against the door of her new car. The blonde waved at me and walked in my direction, wrapping her arms around my neck.
I returned the hug, relaxing under her touch. Enid breaks the hug, jumping with happiness.
"Are you ready?" Enid takes my backpack from my hands, opens the trunk, and carelessly throws it in. She squeals and takes my hand, making me get into the passenger side.
"Ready? Ready for what?" I look at the blonde with confusion and fasten my seatbelt.
"For a party, of course." She inserts the key into the lock and starts the car. I widen my eyes and shake my head.
"At... 8 PM?" I said incredulously.
"No, I want to go home," I admit, and Enid mutters, bored. She shifts gears and drives towards the exit of Nevermore, crossing the iron gates.
"It's Friday... T/N, it's been ages since we went to a party together... lately, you've been studying too much, really too much," she absentmindedly bites her lower lip.
She turns towards me, looking at me with pleading eyes.
"Alright... but we'll stay for a couple of hours, and then we go home... but... WATCH OUT!" I grip the seatbelt tightly when I see Enid running the red light.
Who the hell gave her a license?
"So, party?" she smiled, exhilarated by the victory. "Where are we going?" I catch my breath, relieved that I'm still alive. Enid turns back towards me.
"Look at the road," I add, still scared. Enid grips the steering wheel tightly, showing me her new nail polish combination.
"At Edward's house," she says, shrugging indifferently. Her eyes sparkle with excitement. "Edward?" I ask, sighing in frustration.
"He's an idiot... but he throws good parties," the blonde admits, and I fall silent, not knowing what else to add.
In the distance, we see Edward Smith's huge house, and despite the late hour of the party, people can already be seen entering his house. Extravagant lights invade the neighborhood, and deafening music resonates from meters away.
Enid parks, and we get out of the car, walking towards the entrance of the house. A notification on my phone prompts me to take it out of my pocket, and I furrow my brow when I see that I have received a phone number from an unknown sender.
"Hi! It's Jenna, well... this is my number."
I smile and save her number, amused that she felt the need to specify whose number it was.
"Hi Jenna, I'm T/N."
A few seconds later, I receive a message from her.
Jenna*: Really? Don't tell me :/
Silly :3
I put my phone back in my pocket and enter the house, ready to let loose but with a smile on my lips.
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felice-jaganshi · 3 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 2
You end up staying in hell a bit longer. Wanting to get to know the real Lucifer better, even against his own pleading! He didn't want you to see how bad his kingdom really was, but you didn't care.
You wandered the halls of his palace and stopped in front of a painting. It had three very beautiful blondes in it. One was Lucifer himself, the other you guessed was his wife, a very beautiful demon of some kind given the horns. But who was the younger girl then?
“Who is that?” You asked, and he looked sad and sighed.
“My wife and daughter. Lilith and Charlie.” You look over at him, noticing the longing in his gaze.
“You said before she's been gone for seven years? What about your daughter?” You regret your words when more pain crosses his face. But he immediately tries to hide it with the fakest, biggest grin you've ever seen.
“Oh, hah! Char char is too busy to spend time with her old man these days! Busy with an important passion project of hers! I'm so proud of her.” The forced cheer was replaced with a note of something genuine in that last sentence. So you picked up that he did love his daughter, genuinely. But there seemed to be distance between them… you kept yourself from asking, you'd made him cry enough for one day.
“Well, do you have a passion project? Something that keeps you busy?” His eyes lit up genuinely, and it was breathtaking.
“Do you like ducks?” …
“I'm.. sorry?” You weren't sure you heard right. Did he really just say, “did you say Ducks?” He blushed and looked away.
“I uh, take that as a no then.”
“No! I mean, I do! I just wanted to make sure I heard you right. I think they're cute!” You couldn't bear hurting him again, you'd say anything to get that sparkle back! He looked back at you, a glimmer of hope hidden behind embarrassment. 
“Really?” You nod vigorously!
“Really!” He smiles softly and holds out a hand.
“Then come with me. I'll show you my workshop.”
You take his hand, it's warm and comforting, fitting nicely into your own. He leads the way down a few halls before stopping in front of the door and unlocking it.
“No one's been in here with me since… Well, you're the first in a long while.” Suddenly, you feel a bit nervous. This feels… intimate in a way. A side of Lucifer possibly only seen by his wife and daughter. And now you, too.
He opened the door, and you're immediately overwhelmed by the color yellow! He confidently walks in and you follow close behind. You've never seen so many rubber ducks in all your life! Or death for that matter.
“I… so many…” You pick one up that has a tophat and cane, and it does a little dance in your hands. Lucifer watches, holding his breath to see your reaction. You smile wide and laugh, “oh my god, that's so cute!” He lets out his breath in one loud go, he's more relieved than you can imagine. He then puts on a more genuine grin.
“Well! Then you're gonna love the rest of my collection, they all do crazy shit! Oh, uh, avoid that pile over there though, those one breath fire and have knives and other dangerous things.” He pointed to the far corner. You make a note to avoid those ones and the two of you spend the next hour going over all the ducks he's made…
Except by the time you're halfway through one pile, you realize it's been way longer than an hour! The sun has set and the stars are coming out. 
“Oh fuck, how long have I been here?! Everyone's gonna panic! I gotta get home to my friends.” Lucifer's face drops as you say this.
“O-oh… right, you don't belong here. You have a family to get back to… don't you?” He then tries to cheer up, “well hey, thanks for making my day! It's genuinely been the best one I've had in… a- a while.” You look at this sad little duck loving angel, how could heaven ever get rid of such a cutie?!
“I'll come back.” His face lights up with shock.
“If you'll allow it, I'll sneak out and come visit once a week. We can organize the ducks and have lunch.” He looks at you like you're the answer to his prayers.
And hey, maybe prayers do make it out of hell after all…
“Yes! Please do! I'd- I'd love that! Oh wait, here!” He dove into a pile of ducks, digging around in the squeaking pile for a full minute before emerging with a single green duck with a turtle shell on its back. “For you. It's not perfect but…” You take it with a smile and hug him tight.
“It IS perfect. Just like you… thank you for such a fun day Lucifer. I'll see you in a week.”
He hugs back, and blushes. A week was going to feel like an eternity of waiting for both of you… 
But, leave you must. He gives you his phone number and helps you get back up to heaven. Once there, you text all your friends that you're fine, and say you just spent the day alone at home because Adam was an asshole when being rejected, and you needed alone time afterwards. You hoped everyone would believe you and that he didn't tell anyone about what happened. 
If they found out you spent the day in hell… Well, there'd definitely be consequences. Like not seeing Lucifer again! And you couldn't have that.
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kairiscorner · 4 months
omg i have a request for denji 🤭🤭 first off:: time skip (aka high school) fluff pls, fem!reader, maybeee something like the reader was gonna go on a date (planned to meet up at the local park?) but got stood up and while denji is going on a walk he spots her and recognizes her from school (same class or just saw in halls idc) decides to take her on a date?? idk it sounds cute lolol
hearts' day 002.
a surprise date with denji.
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"what's got you all sad and stuff?"
a gruff voice asked you while you sobbed into your now wet palms. you looked up slowly at him with watery eyes and trembling lips, hoping you didn't look so pathetic, like you didn't just get stood up on a date you waited a whole week for.
you sniffed back your snot and blinked away your hot tears as you realized it was that blonde kid in your class, hayakawa, asking you what was up with you–his pinky finger gracefully shoved away in his nostril, picking his nose, while he looked down at you with his amber colored irises.
you didn't know what was more pitiful, the fact you got stood up by someone you really liked and were left alone after waiting around for them for nearly 3 hours at this point, or the fact that you were being sort-of-but-not-really comforted by a stranger, who wasn't exactly a stranger, from your class, picking his nose for a sizeable booger.
with a shaky breath, you looked up at the color of the setting sun–the deep, fiery red, orange, and yellow hues in the sky reminding you of how long it had been since you arrived in this damned park, only to be made a fool out of when nobody arrived to take you to the date you really, really looked forward to going.
"...i got stood up." you muttered, wiping away your tears as your gaze fell down to your bright, shining shoes that you bought specifically to impress your date. denji let out a small, 'huh' sound, and sat next to you on the bench; flicking away a small booger he caught, then wiping his finger on his shirt after.
"well, what if we went on a date?" he asked you nonchalantly. your eyes widened at his suggestion, but a part of you felt a little grosses out by it. "us?" you asked in sheer confusion. "yeah. what, don't wanna go on a date with the one and only chainsaw man? too scared ta do it? i bet you are." he said with a mischievous grin and a devilish tone of mockery in his voice as he challenged you.
this boy always said he was chainsaw man, not like anyone–nor you–believed him, but at this point, you were too broken up to really give a damn about anything else he was saying aside from the fact he was more than willing to take a pretty girl who's been disappointed and heartbroken out for the night of her life.
you sighed, leaning your head against the bench's backrest and shrugged. "okay." you murmured, making denji chuckle and stand up. he extended his clean hand towards you and gave you a sharp, toothy smile. "i've got a game of uno waiting for us back at my place, and a little devil to take care of, but she's not gonna give a shit. maybe."
you find yourself chuckling ironically at how sweet his gesture is, offering to take you to his place to play a game of uno, maybe get some takeout from that chinese place he's been mumbling to himself about craving their food for, and maybe brewing you some tea even though he hates it–all because he's heard you like it.
"ya like tea?" he asked you when he turned to you, not realizing you two were holding hands this whole time. you snap out of your inner thoughts and look him in the eyes. you nod and raise an eyebrow in surprise. "how'd you know?"
"dunno, y'seem like the type to like tea. you're like... all pretty and sweet and shit, y'know? and i heard you talkin' to yer friends once about this tea house y'really wanted to go to someday, so... yeah, if i get the money, i'll take ya there. but fer now, yer stuck with the denji hayakawa special brew." he joked, making your cheeks feel a little warm at how thoughtful he was being without even trying.
something tells you this new surprise date would be a little better than you expected, hopefully.
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writer-rubes · 6 months
Two Magical Friends
A FNAF:SB AU fanfic
Notes: Before I go in- hi. First writing piece on the page? Cool. Sorry to those who prefer AO3, but honestly I have friends there who don’t know about this fandom, so- Guess I’m putting my self indulgent stuff here!
Also, big thanks to @ayyy-imma-ninja for giving me the power to do this. Seriously, you have unleashed a monster /j I decided to start simple, with an AU that I’ve seen a lot on your page, and one that I love!
Anyways, enough stalling. Let’s hop in with a little bit of wholesome fluff!
The Fairy AU Sun and Moon belong to @ayyy-imma-ninja
Julia has always believed in fairies. She watched every animated movie featuring them known to man, she has countless fairy dolls, all she draws are fairies, and a lot of her clothes are what she imagines that fairies wear. She loved fairies, and always wanted to see one and become it’s friend.
The rest of her family kept thinking she was getting a bit too intense with her belief in fairies. She was six years old and her obsession has not died down. They would have thought it would have gone down a little, but no. Her obsession had only grown with her. Every day, she left a small bowl of candy outside in the backyard, thinking it would lure fairies in. Her mother kept telling her to stop since it attracted wasps, but she kept doing it. She was determined to lure in a fairy.
One afternoon, Julia was following her mother around, trying to convince her to take her with the family to the aquarium, which was where her mother and father were going.
“I’m sorry, Julia. But we’re going there to write a newspaper article on it, so we get free access. We tried to get them to let you come too, but they wouldn’t allow it. The only way to get you in is to buy you a ticket, and we can’t afford it right now.”
“But, Mommy!”
“I swear, I’ll take you once we get paid for the article. We’ll be back tonight. There’s leftover noodles in the fridge if you get hungry, sweetheart. I love you. Oh, and one more thing.” She bent down and kissed her daughter’s forehead. “Clean up that candy bowl you left in the backyard. It attracts wasps.”
Her parents left the house, and Julia watched with a sad expression as their car left the driveway, and disappeared down the street. She huffed, and sat on the floor. Why did her parents always get to go out into town and do a bunch of cool stuff, while she just had to sit at home? It wasn’t fair! Oh well, at least she could put on whatever movie she wanted.
But she remembered she had to clean that candy bowl outside. Maybe her mother was right. Maybe the only thing her candy bowl attracted was wasps, not fairies. But she couldn’t give up. Maybe fairies just didn’t like candy? There had to be something else they liked, or maybe they were just scared!
Julia walked to the door to her backyard. She wondered what she could to get a fairy to trust her, since all the stories she heard said fairies liked sweet things. She walked to the edge of the backyard, near her mother’s flower bed. She put the candy bowl there since fairies were also said to love flowers. Strange. It was summer, but she didn’t see any wasps. Normally she saw a few swarming nearby the candy bowl. Instead…
There was a faint glow inside the bowl.
She felt a rush of hope inside of her. Could it be? She bent down to the ground, trying to peek inside without potentially scaring whatever was in there. Her eyes practically began to glimmer with excitement when she realized what she saw.
Not one, but two fairies inside the bowl.
One of them was yellow, like a sunflower. They had petal like rays on their head, and two different colored eyes. They were wearing an interesting looking outfit, with ruffles along their neck, and fingerless gloves. Their wings were shimmering with gold, and had a sun mark on each of them.
The other one looked almost like the complete opposite. They were blue, and part of their face was covered in black. They also had two different colored eyes, and a hat with a star pattern, and a little bell at the end of it. They also wore similar clothes to the other, with ruffles on their neck. However, theirs looked more like a robe than the other’s. Their wings were a beautiful blue, resembling the wings of a moth.
“Brother, we should hurry.” The blue one whispered. “It’s nice that someone left this candy out here, but we can’t stay for long. I saw a cat in that house, and they might let it out, and it could chase us.
The yellow one just laughed. “Don’t worry, brother. That cat hasn’t been outside! Just the other day I saw it sleeping by the window! It can’t hurt us from there!”
Julia was practically frozen in awe. She had always imagined what fairies looked like. They never looked like the ones she was staring at, but she felt her dreams coming true, right then and there. It was then that the blue one finally noticed her.
“Uh… Brother?”
The yellow one turned around, and both made eye contact with me. Both of them yelped and backed away toward the edge of the bowl. They clung to each other.
“Oh my goodness… Real fairies!” Julia cried in excitement. Her family wasn’t home, so she couldn’t tell them. But now, she had the chance to befriend them! Two of them! She smiled brightly at them.
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” She said, noticing their scared expressions. “I just wanna be friends! I love fairies! And I knew leaving candy out would lure one in, but two? This is amazing!”
Both of them seemed to calm down a little after Julia finished talking. They could tell she wasn’t going to harm them. She was just excited. The yellow one gently let go of the blue one, and approached the edge of the bowl, facing Julia.
“You left this for us?” The yellow fairy asked. His voice seemed to also be accompanied with the sound of bells.
“Yes, I did!” Julia squealed. “My mommy doesn’t always like it, since it lures in wasps, too.”
The blue one decided to follow his brother, and stood by the bowl’s edge as well.
“Who… are you?” He asked, still sounding defensive. His voice was accompanied with what sounded like the notes of a music box.
“Oh, right, you don’t know my name! I’m Julia!” She giggled a bit. “It’s nice to meet you two!”
The yellow one couldn’t help but smile at her excitement. Julia’s smile had a mix of adult and baby teeth, with a single gap from the most recent tooth she lost. She seemed incredibly friendly. It reminded them both of an old friend of theirs. Being immortal, they met many humans, but only two meant the most to them. A little girl like Julia, and a kind old lady… The yellow one cleared his throat.
“I’m Sun, and this is my brother, Moon!” The yellow fairy exclaimed, gently grabbing his brother’s shoulder. Julia giggled. She liked the names, and thought they were fitting.
Moon just waved to her. Though she was nice, he didn’t quite trust her yet. Or rather, he didn’t want to let himself trust her. She reminded him of that little girl they were close with, but… He didn’t want to feel like he was replacing her. No one could. Especially not this one.
Julia wiped a bit of sweat from her forehead. It was incredibly hot and humid, and there were a few wasps starting to congregate. She smiled at the two fairies.
“My mommy says I need to bring in the candy bowl. It lures in wasps… If you two need to go, it’s okay.”
Sun and Moon glanced to each other. Moon shook his head briefly, but Sun gently whispered something to him. After a minute, they both nodded. Sun turned to Julia.
“We can stay a little longer. If you want to go in, we could hide in your pockets or something!”
Julia’s face lit up. These fairies wanted to spend time with her? She could have sworn this was a dream. She quickly held up her arm and pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t. The prick she felt confirmed that she wasn’t dreaming at all. This was real.
“Oh, thank you! My family’s not home, and they won’t be until tonight!”
She gently lifted up the candy bowl, and rushed away from the flower bed, and the gathering wasps. She went inside the cool house, feeling her body temperature return to normal. She looked inside the bowl, and she smiled seeing Sun and Moon still eating the candy left in the bowl. Instead of walking to the kitchen, she took the bowl upstairs to her room. She paused for one moment, turning her head to look at the room adjacent to her’s. Her smile faded for a moment, but it perked back up when she walked to her room.
The walls were painted a light lavender, the floor had a heart shaped carpet in rainbow colors, there were glowing star stickers on the ceiling, and there were numerous pictures on the walls. There was a white desk in front of the window, with pink and blue curtains dawning them. Her bed also had those same color bedsheets. There was a toy chest by her desk, and a closet by her bed. It was a lovely room, perfect for a six year old.
“You have a really nice room!” Sun told her.
“Thank you, Sun! Daddy painted the walls, and my brother made the desk!” Julia frowned slightly when she mentioned her brother, but she smiled again as she set the bowl down on the desk.
Both brothers got out of the bowl. Sure, they could have gotten out at any time, but they appreciated the free ride. They unfurled their wings, and flew around the room, observing everything. Moon was fascinated with the doll Julia had on her bed, and Sun was interested in some of the books on her shelf by the desk.
“Julia?” Moon asked. “Where did you get this doll?”
“Oh…” Julia went over, and sat down on the bed. “My mommy made it. Well, the clothes at least. My brother got the doll itself. I had it since I was a baby.”
“Does your mother make clothes for dolls all the time?” Moon asked.
“No, not really.” Julia answered. “She used to make clothes for dolls, but stopped after something bad happened to her. The clothes for my doll were the last ones she made.”
“Hey, Julia!” Sun called, getting Julia’s attention. She and Moon went over to where Sun was.
“I noticed when you mentioned your brother, you got a little sad. Did… something happen?” Julia wasn’t expecting such a personal question, but she could answer.
“My brother was years older than me. He was my hero. But he disappeared a couple years ago to stop some really bad guys. A year ago, Mommy got a letter saying he won’t ever come back.” Her smile faded entirely. She missed her brother. Sun flew up to her face.
“Hey, it’s okay! He’s still here in your heart! Isn’t that what’s important?” He asked, trying to make her feel better.
“Yeah, but… he can’t hug me in my heart…” Julia whispered.
Moon frowned slightly, feeling bad that they opened a wound for her. They knew how it felt to lose people they cared about. Being immortal, they outlived many human friends, especially the ones they loved most.
“But we can hug you!” Sun assured her. “Here, I got the perfect cure for that frowny face of yours!”
Julia looked at him, and saw he was holding a little pile of golden dust. He took a breath, and blew it in her face. She squeaked, and coughed slightly, before she sneezed. What was that stuff? She then realized… she wasn’t sad anymore. In fact, the smile that Sun liked was back on her face. She started to giggle.
“What did you do?” She asked through her giggles.
“That’s my magic, silly!” Sun explained. “My fairy dust can make people happy! Sure, we fairies help nature in our own ways, but I love spreading my fairy dust and curing people’s bad days!” Julia let out a soft squeal as she felt Sun nuzzle into her neck. It felt incredibly ticklish.
“I agree with Sun.” Moon piped up, and he also nuzzled into her neck, liking the sound of her laughter. “Your brother is still here in your heart. As long as you love him, he’s always here!” Julia kept giggling as both brothers worked to make her happy again.
After a minute, they let her be, and the dust’s effect wore off. Julia’s giggles died down, and she smiled brightly at the brothers.
“That was fun! I always dreamed of having fairy friends, and now there are two of them right in front of me!”
Sun smiled at her. “You bet!”
Moon smiled as well. “I have a feeling we’ll be coming back here a lot more.”
Julia laughed a little. “My mommy and daddy still don’t come home for a while… Do you guys wanna play?”
A bright smile stayed on her face as the fairy boys nodded.
Julia had a blast playing with the two fairies. Though they were much smaller than her, she found many ways to play with them. Hide and seek, tea parties, drawing, and playing tag. Julia didn’t have any real friends, so having two fairy ones gave her happiness she couldn’t describe. Sun and Moon were also having fun. They hadn’t bonded with a human like this in a long time. They could sense that Julia was kind of lonely, so they wanted to fill that gap. Besides… She reminded them of that little girl they were close with. In a way… it was like reliving that.
It started getting dark after a while, and she could see Sun was getting tired. Moon also had to begin his duties soon, so they had to go home.
Julia seemed to understand, and she opened the window for them.
“Thank you for being my friends!” Julia told them. “If you ever wanna play again, I’ll leave my window open… with a bowl of candy right beside it!” Both fairies laughed.
“We’re looking forward to it.” Moon whispered.
“Bye, Julia.” Both fairies said at the same time. They both flew out the window, disappearing into the night. Julia kept her window open, smiling as she felt the cool summer air on her face. She heard the noise of a car pull up. She gasped, and ran downstairs to greet her parents. When they came in the door, she hugged them tightly.
“Hey there, kiddo.” Her father said. “How was your day?”
“It was amazing!” Julia cried. “I saw fairies! Real fairies! They were so pretty and nice!” Both her parents laughed.
“Sounds lovely, Julia.” Her mother told her. They didn’t believe her at all, but since she was a little girl, they played along. Her mother went to the kitchen to start making dinner, and her father went to finish their report.
Julia just couldn’t stop smiling. She looked down at her dress, and saw a little bit of gold glitter still on it.
“I knew they were real.”
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sokkastyles · 1 month
Zutara Month Day 2: Diary/Journal
And since there is no end and no beginning / You will run, you will run, you will run
- Lost Girls, Tilly and the Wall
It had been a long day of combing through the palace vaults, one of which was filled to the brim with old scrolls and leather-bound books, all of them spoils of war taken by the Fire Nation. So much knowledge locked away, Katara thought. Of course one of the ways to destroy a people was to take away their knowledge, to deny them their history, but what surprised her was that it hadn't been destroyed. Rather, left to rot in the dust and the dark, which was almost worse.
"Some of these were used," Zuko said, his voice a quiet rasp, "to find out how best to conquer the other nations. I was here once, after my banishment had been decreed, grabbing what I could find about the Avatar and the Air Nomads to take with me." Katara saw him flinch at the memory. There were cobwebs in his hair, nesting in the loose topknot at the top of his head. He didn't wear the hairpiece today, and he looked like any other young man in loose dark-colored clothes with small red and gold embellishments. "But most of it's just been sitting here. It should go back to the people it belongs to."
What was salvageable would go back, Katara thought, but she didn't say that aloud. Zuko tried, he really did, but there was so much damage that couldn't be undone, so much destruction that had been caused by simple carelessness if not outright maliciousness. It made her sad, and angry, but still she persevered, eager to do what she could.
She had been unfurling what appeared to be a cracked and soiled earthbending scroll when she heard Zuko call her name, his tone rigid with urgency. "Katara. Look at this."
He was holding a thin bundle of yellowed pages held together by rotting animal hide, peering at the faded, looping script.
"What is it," she asked, but he simply looked up at her and said nothing. Wordlessly, and with an expression she couldn't read, he held the book out to her.
Katara took the old thing from his hand, holding it carefully for fear that she might damage it. She looked at the page that Zuko had held open, and began to read:
Well, this is the first entry in what I believe will be a long journey. Tomorrow, I will leave the Northern Water Tribe, with nothing but the clothes on my back, a few rations that will see me to the nearest Earth Kingdom port, and the necklace my betrothed made for me, to symbolize a union that will never be. I will never forget you, Pakku, but I cannot marry you. I hope that one day you will see that. My love for you is not enough to change who you are, I understand that now. I always have, but today I make my decision. Perhaps one day you will read these words, and know, too, of what I have done for love.
There was more, the words so faded and stained that they were difficult to make out, and Katara realized she could read no more for the tears that filled her eyes.
Gently, Zuko shoved aside a stack of scrolls and moved closer, placing an arm around her shoulders. Katara could not bite back the sob that escaped her, echoing in the empty vault. Her hand reached for him as he held her, fingers curling in the cloth of his shoulder as his own fingers gently combed the dust from her hair.
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sunnyrealist · 8 months
The Night Sebastian Met Kate
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Credit for the artwork goes to the incredibly talented @giselsann-opencommissions! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Loud hollering and laughter carry across the tavern. 
The Leaky Cauldron is more alive tonight than Sebastian Sallow was hoping. Drowning in Firewhisky is not quite as easy when one’s attention is constantly drawn elsewhere. His jealousy, masked as annoyance, is clear as he scowls at the table across the pub that seems to be causing at least half of the noise. There, a group of about ten young adults grin, cackle, and shout in merriment. Sebastian wonders how long they’ve been here, hoping they’ll all be on their way soon so he can properly wallow in his darkness and misery. Can’t do that when the sounds of content companionship fill the air. Their table is littered with empty mugs and cocktail glasses - perhaps they’ve had enough. Narrowing his gaze, he throws suggestive thoughts their way, trying to anchor them to their minds - Float on home now. Time to leave.  
No such luck. 
Instead, there are encouraging shouts as a young woman stands and glides to the front of the large table with the grace of a selkie goddess. As if a life preserver was thrown his way, his interest suddenly, shockingly awakens and bobs to the surface. His eyes grow wide.
She tucks a strand of her long, blonde hair behind her ear and then throws the rest of it behind her, letting it settle midway down her back. The ocean of her hair is calm, with waves only at the bottom, carrying daisy passengers up above. Her dress, yellow and long, only adds to the effect of the sea at sunset. It rides her body tightly, accentuating the feminine curves of her body; her breasts swell and fall, only for her hips to ripple out again, and then subside. Her short sleeves are puffed, keeping her fashionably afloat. 
Brown packages and bags decorated with colorful ribbons are tossed to the head of their table as offerings to the golden angel. She smiles, her rosy pink lips widening before her perfect white teeth. Her eyes sparkle as she listens and nods, agreeing to something. Then, her dainty hands begin to untie a bow and rip open the paper of one of the presents. She shrieks with laughter upon opening the box. Sebastian strains his eyes, trying to determine what was inside, but he’s just too far away to be able to tell. All of her companions erupt into giggles, men and women alike.
As the young woman speaks and picks up the next gift, her head suddenly turns Sebastian’s way, her eyes focusing directly on him. He realizes he has been watching her for far too long. Immediately, his eyes flick down to the bottle of Firewhisky, pretending to examine the label. She narrows her view, looking for just a moment longer before returning to the attention of her friends. 
Sebastian knows he shouldn’t keep staring. He knows. He just can’t seem to help it, continuing to observe her for hours like a creep while he nurses drink after drink. It takes a great deal to get him buzzed these days; alcohol is just about one of his only escapes from the daily torture of his sad, pathetic existence. What’s the harm in looking at a beautiful girl for a while, anyway? It’s not like she’d ever want to talk with him. She has her people; he has his bottle. He takes a large swig of his Firewhisky, enjoying the burn as it distracts him momentarily.
When Sebastian orders another round, the barkeep looks as though he pities him. He scowls at this; he doesn’t deserve anyone’s sympathy. He fixes his gaze on the countertop in front of him. Then a familiar feeling settles; someone is watching. Sebastian’s senses pick up on this immediately, his eyes opening wide to scan his surroundings. It’s her. Yellow personified. She’s studying him. When her eyes meet his, she turns pink for a moment, then looks away. 
If you've made it this far, give my fanfic a shot and drop some feedback! I am brand new to fanfiction writing and looking to better understand what I am doing well and how I could improve. Anything - even just dropping Kudos - helps! I appreciate you!
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qtssvnwoo · 1 year
I See You, So See Me- Lo’ak Sully
Description: You had feelings for Lo’ak ever since you saw him arrive that day in the village and you had done all sorts of things to try and bring to light the feelings you had for him. But, you felt as if he had all his attention only on your best friend Tsireya. For him, it only took a motivational speech to realize his true feelings. 
Word Count: 
Warnings: None! Might be weird but it’s 23:42 and im tired 
A/n: MY FIRST ATWOW FIC!! So be nice to me, also if you can’t tell, “admiration” is my new favorite way to describe an undeveloped love.
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You had your eyes on him first. You had watched him carefully as he stepped onto the white sand of the shore. You were fascinated by him, you knew he was different right when you saw him, and not because his skin was a darker blue than yours, or that you had different tails. But you saw something in him, saw something in him that you didn’t see in anyone else. 
And that’s what lead you to like him. Besides his looks, you had felt some sort of connection to him that you had never felt with any other Na’vi before. And, as you slowly started to see, so did your best friend Tsireya. 
You saw how she smiled when he said ‘hey’. You saw the way she was so eager and willing to help strangers she did not know. You saw the small gestures of physical touch between them and you knew that you had no chance up against her. 
You tried your best to show Lo’ak what you had truly thought of him. You made him a necklace, and a matching bracelet that went with it. You helped him even more than anyone else with breathing exercises and learning the ways of the Metkayina people. You did more for him than you did anyone else, purely out of the admiration you had for him, and yet, nothing. 
—----------------------------------------------------------It was at night that you found him sitting on a rock and looking at the sunset. The yellows and oranges came together beautifully as to quite an Ombre of colors that seemed to be set out perfectly for this moment. You saw how he was sitting, and how he was throwing the rocks in the water, that he was unhappy. Something told you to leave him be, but your fleshly desires pushed you to walk forward and sit next to him. 
No words were exchanged for a couple minutes. He just sat in the presence of you, no longer feeling as alone as he was before. But, after a couple minutes of pure silence and listening to the waves crash against the sand of the shore you spoke up. 
“Lo’ak, I see that there is something troubling you. Would you like to talk about it?” 
Lo’ak looked at you and for a moment you saw a glimpse of anger and a mix of sadness in his eyes. He threw his head back down to stare at the rocks and lightly shook his head. You knew better than to push him to talk about it, but you felt like, at this time, you needed to. 
“Lo’ak please,” You placed your hand on his and leaned forward to try and look into his eyes, “Talk to me.” 
At this point, Lo’ak was frustrated at the sudden form of affection that he was receiving. He couldn’t explain why he was so frustrated that someone was actually caring for him, and caring about him, but he just was. Lo’ak stood up abruptly, and he took a deep breath as if he was trying to calm himself down before he said something that he did not mean to see, purely just because he was angry.
“Listen, I’m not in the mood to talk okay? Why can’t you just leave it?” 
“Because Lo’ak, I am worried about you.” 
“Yeah well, why? Why are you so worried about me? Me of all people Y/n” 
You stared at him in confusion and watched as he looked at his hands and repeated to himself “Me of all people.” The look on his face broke you. He looked so hurt and so disgusted with himself. The fact that he hated himself because of something he could not control hurt you. 
You walked forward to him and you went to reach for his hand, to which he pulled away. 
“Y/n, I do not need comfort right now. I need to be alone.” 
“NO. No okay? Just leave.” 
He sat back down and crossed his arms over his knees. He fully expected you to walk away, but you stayed and gently rubbed his back as he sat in his own silence. You let the sounds ewya was making comfort you too like a warm blanket. You heard the sea hit the shore and the distant chatter of people talking. And you just let Lo’ak sit and think, but not by himself, you didn’t want to leave him in such a vulnerable place. 
Lo’ak lifted his head from his knees after a while and looked at your prying eyes. You opened his mouth to say something, but it was as if the words were stolen from him, or that he had forgotten how to speak because nothing came out. After a couple more minutes of silence, Lo’ak finally looked at you and uttered the words he was searching for. 
“You were the nicest person here, you never treated me differently and didn’t laugh at my mistakes and you stayed here with me. Why?” 
“Why not?” That was all you said. Inside you were screaming at yourself to tell him, to tell him that the reason why you cared so much was the fact that you had admired him so much, and that he made you feel things you hadn’t felt for any other boy you had met.
“Because Y/n, because I’m a freak.” 
“A freak, Lo’ak what are you talking about?” 
“I’m a freak Y/n. Demon blood, look.” He put his hand up and wiggled his extra finger, you looked at his hand and studied the lines on his palms. Before he put his hand back down, you slowly reached up your hand and placed it on his. Your fingers didn’t match perfectly, but the way your heart was beating gave you a boost of confidence. You ran your fingers across his and watched as his face became more and more flustered. You enclosed his pinky with your hand and you smiled. 
“This,” You held his pinky in emphasis to prove your point, “This does not make you freak Lo’ak.” You continued to trace his arms, “Neither does this,” Then his shoulders, “Or this,” And when you reached his face, you smiled softly and cupped it with your hand, rubbing your thumb over his cheek as you spoke, “and definitely not this. You Lo’ak, are Na’vi, and no one can tell you otherwise.” 
Lo’ak smiled and held your hand that was holding his face. He looked at you and for the first time, he felt like something was there, something new. 
“Lo’ak, I See You.” You felt your heart stop at the words you were saying. The words felt so right to say, but you were so scared about what he would say. And he said nothing. You felt stupid for saying it, but since you had started you felt no harm in counting.
“I see you, so see me Lo’ak.” His heart stopped. The combination of the sunset colors hitting your face and the words spilling from your mouth made his heart stop. You took his silence as rejection and you looked down and started to get up. 
Lo’ak got up with you, and he grabbed your wrist. 
“I see you, Y/n. I see you.”
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cookierunauprompts · 4 months
I'm thinking the layout of the toy box consists of 2 level maps. Bare with me, this will be long.
1st one is the main landscape of the realm. Nice and vibrant. Very colorful, but I think the main dominant color would be yellow since... Butter. Big contrast to the dolls who've gone hyperactive and are trying to kill Gingerbrave and Co. Rosemary, thankfully, shows up on time to lead them to safety, possibly a village. The dolls within the place are either dormant, passive, or docile, keeping themselves safe. We learn from Rosemary that ever since Golden Butter Cookie had fallen into an everlasting slumber, leaving them with no other purpose or task, caused a divide amongst her doll servants. So much so that the hyper focused ones even began attacking the others who didn't join them. When Gingerbrave asks if there's an exit to the toybox realm but they say that it's been shut for years, and that only Golden Butter Cookie could open it. This is what motivates the gang to go wake her up. Rosemary goes along with them to make sure they don't die. Being one of GBC's first creations, they know the realm like the back of their hand, and knows where she is. The final boss battle is probably with another doll that had been working hard to fend off people from the dollhouse not because they were protecting GBC, but because everything inside the dollhouse has gown downhill.
2nd layer is the dollhouse where Golden Butter Cookie is kept in. It looks like a normal dollhouse at first, but the further you go, the much darker.. The messier... The creepier it gets. The dolls inside, though still hyper focused on protecting Golden Butter Cookie are damaged, bent, or distorted. There's this one doll, no, a mannequin doll that looks just like a cookie constantly ambushes the group, trying to prevent them from going further. The further they go... The more the group wonders why GBC is stuck in a deep slumber, and finally, Rosemary finally explains who GBC really is, who she was before she hid away from everyone in the toy box realm, and her relations with the Beast Cookies. I'm assuming this is the part where they tell Rosemary about what really happened to Shadow Milk Cookie, and the current situation that is happening beyond the toybox realm. Realizing the urgency, they become more motivated to keep pushing forward and wake up GBC.
The moment they get there... It's a small room, with a faint light that shines through the windows. Amongst pillows, flowers, and plants, is a glass coffin, in which Golden Butter Cookie is asleep. Giving off the motivation sucking aura that is keeping the group away. However, Rosemary manages to muster up enough strength to open the glass coffin to wake her up.
They wait for a moment... It all seems hopeless... But the room goes dark, and Golden Butter Cookie awakens.
As she eyes Gingerbrave and Co. She's... Disappointed... Sad. What was she expecting for? But she sensed it... She sensed HIS soul jam. So why isn't HE here? Cowardice had led to Shame... Her shame had drove her to her eternal slumber that let her escape from her thoughts... Now they were rushing back.. She was wide awake... And she's finally snapped.
Thus, the final boss battle in the toybox realm begins, as Golden Butter Cookie commands the dolls to fight for their puppet master. Their creator. Replicating any spell or attack of their respective cookies while GBC unleashes her own spells.
Anon how the FUCK do you understand my own oc better than I do/VERYPOS
But, anyways, I don't believe that Goldie would order the puppets/dolls/pookies(plushie cookies) to fight for her. The very minute she sees Pure Vanilla she's assuming the worst and thinking that he killed Shadow Milk for his Soul Jam.
The first thing she does after she sees it is to call out Rosemary for not coming to the realization she did before rosemary could explain. She tells Rosemary to go and Rosemary cannot help but follow orders. Goldie then summons a spear and immediately rushes to attack Pure Vanilla, who quickly puts up a shield.
The fight with Golden Butter Cookie would be brutal. There's a constant de-buff affecting your team thanks to her aura of burnout, and if you have any ancients then Golden Butter Cookie will focus on attacking them.
Luckily, due to her own burnout, her hp drains over the course of the battle. As to symbolize her slowly succumbing to her emotions. After the battle is when Gingerbrave and Co actually get to explain the situation proper. And after hearing their explanation... " ... I... I see... So he's alive... and free..."
She's... depressed? Why wouldn't she be? If he had really gotten sealed, and was just now free, then why didn't he come see her? Did he... forget her? ... It was a terrible thought, one she didn't like thinking about. Soon, however, she agrees to join the Gingergang to help out with the situation.
She wondered what it was like, briefly, if she hadn't been a coward back then. Maybe if she did more to help, maybe if she fought back against the beasts when they arose, maybe none of this would have happened... but-
But what? does it really matter? It'd be better to not linger in the past too much after all.
With that, she fixes the Toy-Box, repaired the hyperfocused and dorment to their former states and creating one last thing, a crown. She gifts the Crown to Rosemary, telling her to lead the citizens of the Toy-Box in her stead this time instead of just abandoning them. Rosemary agrees, not because it's her new purpose, but because she genuinely wants to help the other residents of the Toy-Box towards a better future.
And after that, she leaves the Toy-Box with Gingerbrave and co.
It, also turns out that Rosemary lied to them. They could have just gone back the way they came, there's no way to lock the Toy-Box from the Inside after all. Rosemary really wanted to help Goldie though, and if it took lying to a few cookies? Well, that's certainly something she's willing to do.
But what's Golden Butter Cookie going to do after seeing Shadow Milk again? Well... Let's just say that she can be very scary when she wants to be, especially after going through the equivalent of being left on read for thousands of years.
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