#but i did see the screenshots and reminded me i never said this
the-acid-pear · 2 months
Something I forgot to mention until now is a little detail after you retire Jake early, because it prompts Roger to be like "hey why tf did you do that man" and you can just be a turbo cunt and say it was bc you couldn't stand his broken voice box and Roger just moves on but considering he has a natural stutter and not one caused by a mechanical failure knowing that that was the reason the last guy you knew got put down must be anywhere from uncomfortable to outright nerve-wracking for real.
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voulezloux · 20 days
#proceed at your own risk i’m back again w/ more shit#had to text my therapist today bc i had like#come to the realization that i was craving the pain that i got when i used to sh#i’m not an active harm to myself i wouldn’t do it again and im not suicidal#but i just had this intense need to have the same pain i got when i sh’d#& scared my mom <3 & she told me to text my therapist <3#she told me to journal and idk how to fucking do that#so i have trauma workbooks coming in tomorrow as well as a copy of wreck this journal#i figured wrecking the journal would be the closest i can get to sh without actually doing it#idk my life fucking sucks rn and i want things to be fucking done i want to be future me not going through this#i feel like i’m being too dependent on bean for comfort and like that’s fucking dumb#i feel bad for just not being okay even tho i know it’s okay to not be okay especially rb#i also just knwo#that my dad is waiting for me to come back to him#hat in hand and tail between my legs to apologize for being mean to him :-(#bc obviously i’m the one who did everything wrong!#i hate being the 7 year old hiding in the pantry#i’ve been hiding in the pantry my whole life to make my dad comfortable#it also hurts to read back on the screenshots and see that my dad just doesn’t give a fuck about me#like i’m not purposely doing it but i have to remember detials when i talk about it to my mom#and it’s just a big ol reminder that my dad didn’t refute any part of my texts#that said i never felt like i was important to him or that i was an afterthought or i wasn’t a priority to him#like he cherry picked things he responded to#he focused on me calling my sister the favorite child and the park i chose instead of like#literally anything else#he apologized for making me feel like an afterthought but never told me that i wasn’t one to him which ig is nitpicky#but he never once in any of the messages tries to comfort me or reassure me that what i was saying wasn’t true#plus he threw in my face that HES been through trauma and he was just SHARING his childhood with his KIDS#like thanks dad! say it with your whole chest you don’t give a fuck about what you did to me! or the affect it’s had on me#he ‘didn’t want to trigger me’ but dude you fucking made things right with your EX WIFE and not your fucking SON
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paperclipninja · 2 months
I feel like it's been pointed out before but it never hurts to reiterate- that look on Aziraphale's face just before he breaks into the wild grin in the elevator, this one:
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The way he holds his mouth, that expression is exactly the same as
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To me, it's his battle face, he's ready to fight.
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I see an angel who is committed to protecting, no matter what, and is steeling himself for what is to come.
Now this one might be a little straw clutchy but there is another, fleeting, expression that for some reason my brain latched onto as one we have also seen before.
This is a blink and you'll miss it flicker of an expression just before he says (CW: Final Fifteen™) "I forgive you".
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I kept thinking, where have I seen that microscopic mouth grimace before? And then I realised, it reminds me of the same tiny mouth movement here:
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The difference is really what happens next. In the Job episode, Aziraphale pulls this expression immediately after the line, "I give you my word as an angel", when he is committing to the lie about Job's children and the tight mouth eases into the hint of a (very tense) grin as he waits to see if Gabriel believes him. It's part hoping the lie lands and part preparing to protect Job and his family.
The same mouth expression (is that a thing? For the sake of this flimsy tying together of moments it's a thing), flashes across Aziraphale's lips after he sort of composes himself after the kiss, before he utters the forgive you line.
It's almost as though he is preparing himself to deliver a line that he knows isn't true (or more, that he doesn't want to deliver), just as he did with Job. Only this time he knows the impact the words will have, on both him and Crowley, so of course there is no anticipatory smile afterwards. But in both instances, I think, he's wanting the person he's spoken to to believe what he's said, only for very different reasons.
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But wait, there's more! In the final fifteen™ moment, Aziraphale's mouth actually moves through two expressions before he says the line. There's first of all the bracing for the lie/I'm about to say something I really don't want to say mouth, as seen above.
But then, it quickly shifts immediately before he speaks:
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Terrible screenshot and possibly extraordinarily tenuous, but I'm choosing to think that in that moment, Aziraphale is readying himself to do what he has to to protect. Just as we've seen previously.
And he can only do that by going through with what has now been set in motion, and so he says "I forgive you", knowing it'll push Crowley away but it's not what he wants to say, it was something he had to brace himself for.
And I'm also hoping there might be a moment where the emphasis in s2 on Aziraphale and Crowley being able to read one another and communicate without words might come into play, and Crowley will realise Aziraphale was doing what he had to, and that those words pained him to say. And that he'll know that Aziraphale would do whatever it takes to protect him and their fragile existence (but I'm also ok with it being full of tension and not talking and getting an amazing reunion so, yah!).
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AITA for messaging an ex friend who blocked me on WhatsApp?
Before you vote YTA, this AITA isn't about block evading but I didn't know how else to describe the situation.
Ex friend 21F and I 20F are coworkers. I won't go into what happened between us because it's a loooong story, both of us made mistakes but she blows everything out of proportions and I was weak and couldn't defend myself from the wild accusations she kept making at me.
Anyway, once I started setting boundaries and standing up for myself, she got upset and blocked me on WhatsApp. For those who don't know, if you try to message someone who blocked you on WhatsApp, the message will go through but they won't receive it, after I realized she had blocked me, it felt like I was screaming into the void.
Anyway, I didn't stop messaging her, I sent long rants about all the pent up anger that accumulated throughout the one year we were friends (or more accurately tried to make the friendship work), talking about how she misinterprets my whole character and believes she's an infallible angel who never done anything to me etc etc etc.
The messages were satisfying somehow, I felt like I lectured her on what she did to me, it also reminded me of letting it out as if I were writing in a diary. I would've stopped at that point but she still harasses me from time to time even though we don't talk anymore, so I made it a habit to scream at her in her chat whenever she does something to me. I literally turned her chat into a venting diary.
One day, she "stole" my chair right in front of me, between brackets because it was clear she actually didn't know it was mine but the etiquette is to ask first and/or check if this chair was taken. She can literally know that if she just looked at the computer screen and see if an account was logged on or off.
I wanted to call her out but after all, we were both sternly told to stay away from each other. So I kept my cool because I didn't want to make a scene and instead went to WhatsApp to scream at her again. In the rant I called her thief and all sorts of insults that implied she did it on purpose, that hurts no one because she won't read it. Not to mention, she did accuse me of stealing her money before so it was like I was getting back at her for that.
After a couple of hours, she was crying and ranting to our coworkers that she accused of stealing, and that we "chould've talked about it like adults" because she didn't mean to take a taken chair and how she was finally moving on from this toxic friendship but I won't let it go blah blah blah.
I was confused because she wasn't supposed to read the message, that's when I realized she had unblocked me sometimes these past couple of weeks for some reason. I was called to HR and I would've been fired but I defended myself by listing all the terrible things she did to me. Finding evidence wasn't difficult because my rants included chat screenshots of the terrible things she said to be before and they decided she was a bigger AH than I was, but they were creeped by my behaviors and called me out on it. Not only HR, but my coworkers too.
AITA for continuing to send messages without taking into account the possibility she might unblock me anytime?
What are these acronyms?
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wayfayrr · 20 days
Take as long as you need on my request Moss <333 I’m more than happy to wait however long <3
But on another note, I’ve suddenly been reminded that in the self aware aus, the boys heard *everything*. Which then reminds me, the amount of shit I’ve said during their adventures- specifically Sky and Twilight’s.
1. The shit talking I have said about enemies, some more than others (looking at you Ghirahim, Demise, Ganon, and Zant). I shit talked them whenever I saw them, especially Ghirahim honestly, bro’s hair looks greasy enough to be used to fry food, and he looks like a wet paper towel.
2. The shit I said about the Links omggg. Again, this is mainly about Sky and Twilight (honestly mainly Sky cause you’re so right, he has the sweetest sounds) because the *t h i n g s* I would do to them after they pull some cool ass shit would not, in fact, be family friendly. Ofc, I talked about how pretty they are so many times- the amount of times I moved the camera at an angel so I could see their face and gush about how gorgeous they are is,, a lot. Called them perfect so many times too: slicing grass? Perfect <3 Fighting a bokoblin? Perfect <33 Tossing a bomb? Perfect <333 honestly was using any excuse to call the boys perfect, I love them so much. AND OM THE OTHER HAND THAT REMINDS ME OF HOW OFTEN I SAID I LOVED THEM LMAOO
But I digress. Anyway, you know those thirst comments on tiktok? The type like ‘until the shape is embedded in my throat’? I pray for self aware Sky, I said unhinged shit like that all the time for him- even more so than Twilight- whenever he did anything cool. Sometimes said it when he didn’t even do anything cool; used the claw shot to get high up? Charging up for the sky slice (can’t remember the name)? Aiming Fi in the direction needed to go? Said unhinged shit then too.
~🍀 anon
yep :3c they've heard everything, every single bit of praise you've given them, every curse when you mess up - anything you said to any friends while playing? all of it.
1- I think they'd be ecstatic to hear you slandering their enemies, there would be a weird dissonance if you were fond of the villains. Not because they're jealous no, never, how could you assume that. they are and they are impossibly bad at hiding it, their hatred of seeing you praise someone else in their game might be your first clue that something is wrong with your game They also just get a good laugh at how creative some of your insults can get <3333 it's not like they hear any genuine ones often!!!!
2- it's almost impossible to play a zelda game without fawning over how cute link is (I myself have so so many screenshots of him and just can't go more than five minutes without complimenting him) and I think they'd love it!! though it makes them a bit upset that they're still trapped and can't return any of the compliments without scaring you into resetting or deleting the game :( they've got to work up the confidence that you won't abandon him before he does anything (or simply the desperation to) despite how much you've told them you love them, they've still got enough common sense to know that this isn't normal
rfgbhsbghgfbfsgb he's just going to be a blushy mess when he can finally go against the games precoded animations and has his own free movement but he's just so pretty and as flustered as he drinks up each and every one of them. [I can absolutely see him playing up a more 'pathetic' demeanor in order to milk more from you between giving you plenty back ofc] I have so many screenshots of his game ong it's an issue
peep and I were also joking about how when you put in the boss key sky's just standing there watching you struggle with the puzzle (and for dowsing he can feel you cake full control of his head to look out of his eyes and it's where he feels the closest to you <33)
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hanihazeljade · 2 months
TikTok Tim
TikTok has been a blast and of course, Richard has been bothering Tim to make an account for siblings bonding. But Tim got himself a newfound confidence and a new way to irritate Lex.
(CW: thirst traps, TikTok, possible femboy content, swearing)
"Can we just talk about Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne?" A TikToker with million followers said, "Like this dude is seventeen turning eighteen in like 3 months and what he done in his almost 18 years of existence?" It showed a screenshot of a headline way back when he was attending grade school that he skipped two grades, "He skipped 2 years in school and even though he dropped for two years, because some tragedy happen in his life, he still managed to graduate high school the same year in his age range." Which is true, but with all hacking the school systems, he graduated.
"And I also discovered that he is emancipated from his foster parent, Bruce Wayne. Like at first it was insane because you got the Wayne to finance you but look at him, he is one of the biggest shareholder in the Wayne Enterprise and he already got so many praise especially from Lex Luthor," and then screen showed a clip of Lex saying, "I commend the young Drake-Wayne, even he doesn't have any degree in business, he knows how to handle one unlike some people that I know that have bachelors degree. But if you think about it, it must be in his blood after all his mother is Janet Drake, that woman is the scariest socialite in Gotham." And the screen turned back to the TikToker, "Dude doesn't have any degree yet get a praise from Lex Luthor? He is a genius I tell you." and with that the TikTok video ended.
It all started with that one video on how perfect and genius Timothy Jackson Drake. And it snowballed to edits, a thirst trap if you will, of Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne. One TikTok video and the whole internet has been sleuthing every single picture, video of the new most eligible bachelor of Gotham City. And with that, #tim drake on TikTok have millions of views in span of 2 days. And it also doesn't help that Tim's life has been exposed in the different tabloids since he was a kid, being a member of a elite society especially in Gotham. He doesn't really know and care but with so many people doing a deep dives in his life, it kind of unsettling.
He scrolled again and it was a thirst trap edit. And he decided to exit the app, enough internet for the day.
"Timmmyy." Dick whined as he was begging Tim to make a TikTok account for 1, he can do those trends with Tim and two, he wants Tim to see those thirst traps edit of himself and it has been seven days straight. And Tim's patience has been wearing thin.
"I will, once I finished these reports." he said with no intention of doing it and gonna said that he forgot about it.
"No, do it now. I know your schemes, Timmy." Tim sighed with the insistence, "Then come back here later for you to remind me then."
"So, my brother Richard has been keep bothering me to make one of this account and apparently, many people tried to make a little clout so I am going to make one to gather all the clout." Tim said with a blank stare but let out a snort at the last part. "I will probably never upload anything again but yep, hope you are happy, Richard." and with that the video ended. 2 hours later after that video got uploaded, his account boomed to 2.3 million and his first video got featured in some internet forums and articles were being published online.
"And he finally succumbed to the Tiktok." Jason said as soon as he walked to his penthouse and Tim rolled his eyes.
"What are you doing here, oh mighty Jason?" Tim rolled his eyes, sarcasm is dripping to those words.
"I thought you are better than Dick but it seems like I was mistaken."
"Pot. Kettle. Just because I was on the side of edit Tiktok and you are in booktok doesn't make you the top. You are giving pick-me vibes, ngl."
"Did you really just said ngl instead of not gonna lie?"
"Did I stutter?"
Tim thought it will be cool if he just upload another Tiktok video after months of abandoning his account. He look at the trends and some old trends and he particularly got stuck in the transition videos and he took liking on the one audio edit of Jade West saying, "What's the prob, dog?", and he is a gremlin for a reason.
So, he was there chuckling at himself with the thought of the internet will never know what's gonna hit them.
Tim likes to do a little bit of thirst traps in his content but he also like just to gave his audience what he does in his free time whenever he is done reading and signing the needed papers, like typing in his computer or solving a rubiks cube. And he keeps getting millions of views every time and it is such a ego boost for him.
But he also likes the videos with prominent people in United States, most is just him and Lex Luthor doing stupid shits and every time it will happen, both the stocks of WE and Lex Corp is going up and somehow that made both Tim and Lex being close yet hating each other so much.
The Justice League, specifically Superman, is very much annoyed and not happy about Tim's association to one of the prominent villains in the existence. But all Tim does is send them a lip sync video of him with the audio of, "Do I give a fuck? No, not one. How many fucks do I give? Zero. Exactly, so therefore your comment is irrelevant." And he called it a day. He is still fucking salty of about his worst year of his fucking life. He will not going to forgive those assholes when they didn't even apologise.
But somehow the limit of his TikTok freedom is having him doing a thirst trap in a form of being a femboy. Listen. Tim knows he will never be a brickhouse like Jason and Bruce but god forbid his BMI doesn't go up to 20 even in his peak body mass. He was always has been a twink and he also doesn't like that but apparently, that type of body is a perfect "bottom/submissive" material based on the different manhuas he having been indulge himself the past month.
Dick was scrolling at his fyp page that was full of animals, gymnastics and Justice League edits - because, and he got in a video of a guy sitting on a red couch doing a simple transition of throwing his black shoe and then changing his casual fit to a more formal attire and it was a smooth transition on Dick's observation and he subconsciously goes to the comments because he wants a laugh at the thirsty comments.
Did anyone notice how smooth that transition is?
Lol, that is a big ass shoes
He is a mighty fine fella
Dick blinked once at that comment. And he blinked again. He closed the comments and swipe left. And the comment is right, it take him on Tim's verified account with now two videos.
When did Tim had a 5.6 million followers?!
Tim already on the same following count as him and he was still definitely gonna get more. Dick is now kind off regretting his decision if putting Tim in TikTok.
The next month was shown that Tim doesn't have any schedule that follows his uploading, it seems like he upload wether he like. But the ones that broke the internet is the one thirst trap that Tim posted.
Ashley, look at me
Tim made the hand movements for the transition and from the Saint Laurent sweater, it is Jason's, Dick knows because he just saw Jason wear it like two days ago and it was paired with a black slacks and it turns into a oversized silk dress shirt and it looks like nothing underneath and Dick hopes that there is a boxers underneath because God forbids, he will delete Tim's TikTok account. In that video, it showcases Tim's long, pale, scarless legs, which is a fucking lie, he doesn't how Tim did it but that is a fucking lie. And oh boy was the comments are wild.
He is a sugar baby with the money of a sugar daddy
I'm straight but damn
yeah that's it, I'm bi now
I can hit that any time if he hit me up
Am I.. into this?
bottom vibes ngl
Dick stops reading the comments. TIM IS HIS LITTLE BROTHER! Sure he's nineteen but Dick felt uncomfortable looking at his brother's thirst trap, that he made himself. He immediately message Tim to stop posting thirst traps and Tim just reply with, 'Well, you have to face the consequences of forcing me to this damn app'.
He will be damned, he thought.
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butteredfrogs · 24 days
📩 simblr question of the day: any other simblrs that you love
i did something similar to this a while ago but i just wanna spread some love because there are so many amazing and talented people and i just hope you all know i appreciate all of you! (also this post is super long so i apologise i advance)
@squea honestly you are such a sweet person and you’re so so talented! you inspire me so much and you already know i appreciate you but i really do and i’m so thankful to call you my friend💛
@circusjuney june, you are so cool. not only are your edits amazing, you can make poses as well??? you’re so talented and also i love talking to you you’re honestly so lovely and so sweet <3
@youredreamingofroo you have such cool and chill vibes, and your renders are amazing!! i also love reading about your ocs and stuff or seeing the stuff you reblog that reminds you of them, i told you this already but i legit stalked roo and leo’s tag the other day because i wanted to find out more about them!
@druidberries you already know ily, but honestly i am so invested in the tjol gang i love seeing them pop up on my dash and hello the latest update??? i am so excited for baby 3!! also ofc butterberries is the best duo and no i will not accept criticism thank you💛
@sunyos jaci, every interaction i have with you is so chaotic but you never fail to make me laugh so hard! you are honestly so chill and i love seeing your sims so much and i just love talking to you!!
@fizzytoo i love your sims and your gameplay screenshots so so much! honestly your postcard legacy was one of the reasons i wanted to get the horse ranch pack bc you just made it seem so fun! you also just have such good vibes! (also i saw your posts about playing sdv, i’m expecting updates from your farmer butter!!)
@stellarfalls literally where do i even begin. i mean if you haven’t seen bree’s edits already i’m going to assume you’ve been living under a rock? just so talented and honestly you inspire me so much (although i don’t think my edits will ever be on your level)
@stinkrascal honestly again just such a sweet and lovely person!! also i just love your vlad so much and i love reading your story like i love learning more about your characters and their backstories!
@alelelesimz honestly where would we be without your cc free townies, thank you for your service🫡. but not only that the way you style your sims in general is amazing like their outfits are always so so good
@solargrove you are so so sweet! despite the fact we don’t interact much you sent me such a lovely ask after i was upset by that anon and it just really cheered me up! not only that but your builds and your gameplay screenshots always have such a nice warm and cozy vibe to them like they literally can i live in your game pls?
@folkbreeze your edits your gameplay are so so good every time! your screenshots are always so full of life and literally look like they belong in a photo album i love it so much and i just love the way that you edit them as well
@eljeebee such an amazing story teller! if you guys aren’t following lana you should be!!! you put so much love into your stories and it really shows they’re so good! also you are so lovely and have always been so nice and supportive and i appreciate it so much💛
@citrlet honestly i’ve said this so many times at this point but you are so lovely! also your screenshots are so pretty and soft and i love them so much! i also love seeing your stardew valley screenshots like i really love the fairycore/cottagecore vibe <3
@crazy-lazy-elder-sims i’m so sorry i sound like a broken record but you are so lovely!!! every time i’ve interacted with you you’ve just been super sweet or supportive and i really appreciate it! also in general just the fact you reblog so many posts and support so many people is really nice to see honestly i always love seeing stuff that you reblog whether that be sims or not!
@windslar honestly your gameplay screenshots and your edits are so good!! and literally where would simblr be without your psds we would literally be so lost like they’re so good and so useful
@orbitsuns your gameplay posts are so pretty. they have such a sweet and wholesome vibe to them if that makes sense? esp your secret garden screenshots they just feel very cozy and wholesome. also you have the sweetest vibes <3
@wildmelon you have always been one of my biggest inspo esp when it comes to fantasy! also even though you don’t just post sims i love your blog so much. it has such a whimsical vibe and i just always associate you with fantasy <33 (also your sims are STUNNING)
this is already super long so quick fire of some of the other people on here that i love and that you should go show some love to as well @glittermutt @simelune @cottageivy @thefunniestjester @flovoid @finnsim @kopimoss @futurelabs @velvet-disc @aliengirl @zleepyhollow and so so many others that i’m probably missing honestly anyone that i follow has inspired me in some way or another and i appreciate each and everyone of you 💛💛 also just anyone who has liked commented on or reblogged any of my posts i appreciate it so so much thank you all for being here 🫶
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to-thelakes · 1 month
you got me (1)
pairing; luke alvez x fem!reader
series summary; after like may have, slightly, accidentally said you were his girlfriend (you weren't), you reluctantly play along and attend an infamous david rossi pasta night. however, your feelings for each other may not be as fake as you want them to be.
series warnings; fluff, hurt/comfort, smut (so much, after a few parts), mutual pining, sexual tension, mostly unedited (im a uni student, sue me)
warnings for this part; fluff, reader is interrogated by the team, mild hurt/comfort, reader is anxious, some backstory
notes; okay hello! i know i should really finish built to fall (it's actually not too far from being done) but the lovely @smurfenijsje12 has sent me so many asks (i love them all) and i've decided to use them to make a little smutty series (or not really little bc it'll be quite long). this is just like a way for me to craft a story with all the asks i got that i wanted to expand on more than just one post (or ones i just wanted to include in this fic). under the notes, i will input what prompts i used to write the chapter so you can all see them :) i hope you enjoy <3
(i did just screenshot from my google docs, i don't wanna talk about it)
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“Remind me why I have to come again,” You requested, a hint of teasing in your tone, as you locked up the door of your apartment. Luke stared at you for a moment, unimpressed as he rested against the wall beside your apartment door.
“Are you really gonna play it like this, huh?” He asked. You hummed out happily, a grin on your lips. Luke had dressed up nicely tonight. I mean, it was the infamous David Rossi’s pasta night so you knew that Luke wanted to look good. That was also why you had dressed up; light make-up and a flowy white dress with sunflowers dotted across it. It made you feel pretty and it was a sundress so maybe you’d catch his… well, someone’s eye.
“You’re the one that called me your girlfriend. How do you fuck that up?” You bit back, entirely teasing. He rolled his eyes as the two of you walked to the elevator. 
“I didn’t!” Luke retorted, throwing his hands up in defense. You rolled your eyes, nodding your head exaggeratedly as if you believed him.
“Right,” You drawled out the word as the two of you stepped into the elevator. You had a box of cupcakes in your left hand, Luke had told you that you didn’t have to bring anything but this was the first time you were meeting his co-workers so you wanted to make a good impression. Your right hand rested on the elevator wall in an attempt to ground yourself as the elevator moved. 
“Just wait until you meet Penelope Garcia and then you’ll understand,” He stated. You chuckled and nudged his shoulder playfully, giving him a grin. He shook his head, meeting your gaze briefly before he looked away again. You glanced back at the mirrored elevator wall, checking out your make-up. You looked good. That was good.
So, you then turned back and the elevator doors opened. It wasn’t uncommon for you and Luke to go places together looking like a couple. In fact, it was very common. The two of you loved to take each other out. It was always platonic or at least, that’s what it seemed like. You didn’t want it to be but that was a can of worms you did not want to open. 
Doing this with him felt so natural and you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had with the niggling feelings that you could just never get to go away. It only made the nerves you already had so much worse. 
The thought of being around Luke’s co-workers who were all profilers made the thought of pretending even worse. How could you convince a group of people that you were in love? Well, for you, it was easy but you didn’t know how Luke would do it. These were people that knew him, saw him every day, in-and-out like clockwork. What could he possibly do?
“What’s that look for?” Luke asked, glancing over at you as he opened your building door and led you out. You looked up at him and let out a puff of air, holding the cupcakes precariously as you crossed your arms over yourself.
“They’re profilers. Do you seriously think they’re gonna be fooled?” You asked, biting your lip nervously. Luke continued to walk, leading you towards where he had parked his car ready to pick you up.
“It will be fine, just get in the car,” He insisted as you reached it. You sighed and he opened the door for you. You slipped inside, placing the cupcakes on your lap and slipping your seatbelt on. He closed the door, headed to the driver’s side and within a minute, you were heading towards David’s place.
“What if they don’t like me?” You asked after a beat of silence. Luke scoffed.
“They will.” He sounded confident. You harrumphed at him. How could he be so sure? You and Luke had known each other for years, you lost contact for a while but refound each other. He was surely going to be biased compared to a bunch of random strangers that you didn’t know, “They already love you,” He added, attempting to calm your nerves.
“We’ll see,” You mumbled.
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Luke was, of course, right, the second that you got to David’s, he welcomed you with open arms and everyone was so nice. You didn’t understand how but all of them regarded you so highly, smiling, grinning, asking questions. It was everything that you expected but you didn’t feel awkward. The second that you were introduced to Penelope, you felt safe. 
And you also understood how Luke had gotten himself into the situation. Penelope seemed like someone who would jump to conclusions and with how much she talked (it was obviously not a bad thing, you loved it), Luke definitely wouldn’t have been able to get a word in edgeways. It was unsurprising that you had ended up here and you honestly didn’t hate it.
Plus, nobody seemed suspicious. Luke’s hand had barely left you all night and you were almost convinced by him. It was soothing.
“I’m going to the bathroom and then I’ll get us another drink?” Luke suggested as he looked down at you. The two of you were sat on the loveseat outside, the warm summer air breezing past you as the others talked amongst themselves. It was the first time the two of you had been alone all night and you had relaxed into his side as you spoke. It was nice.
“Yeah, okay,” You said, pushing a smile onto your face but the anxiety was evident. Luke hadn’t left you alone all night per your request and so the thought of possibly being alone scared you. What were you supposed to do then? What if you said something stupid? Or something that contradicted what he had told them? There were so many possibilities.
“I’ll be back,” He said as he got up from the loveseat. He smiled at the others as he went and you didn’t know what to think. You sat there awkwardly for a moment but you weren’t alone for long. Soon enough the entire BAU had you surrounded.
Penelope dropped herself onto the sofa beside you, Tara perched on the arm of the sofa. Emily and JJ pulled their chairs from where they’d been sitting to in front of you. Spencer and David were lingering a little further back but facing you and clearly interested.
“So, how much is he paying you to be here?” Tara asked, a smirk on her face. Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head as you floundered, not even sure what to say to that.
“No-nothing,” You stammered out. Tara chuckled and glanced at JJ, wiggling her eyebrow. You adjusted your seat, “I’m serious, I’ve known Luke since we were in middle school,” You brushed off the question, trying to be cool, calm and collected. Those words would never be used to describe you but you tried.
“You met in middle school?” Emily asked, a smirk on her lips, “How much do I have to pay you to see the photos?” You scoffed and let a grin spread across your face, opening your mouth to speak but’
“Has he always had that chiseled jaw?” Penelope cut in. You let out a laugh before nodding your head.
“Oh yeah, since he was a toddler,” You joked. Tara let out a snort and narrowed her eyes, watching you for a moment.
“So, how long have you two been together?” JJ asked. You were stumped. You had never discussed that with Luke. How had you not discussed it? Had he given them a timescale? How were you supposed to answer that.
“I honestly… it’s been over a year but… it’s kind of fuzzy. We reconnected while he was still working in the Fugitive Unit so it was… kind of touch and go.” You were lying your ass off - mostly - but you hoped nobody noticed. Your friendship with Luke had been incredibly touch and go for a good year or so before he joined the BAU. You hoped that those very real tumultuous emotions made your blubbering seem real.
“So, you reconnected recently?” Tara asked. You nodded.
“Well, fairly recently. I mean, I don’t know. I-” You were floundering, breaking under the pressure of so many eyeballs on you. How the hell were you supposed to answer these questions? You had not been prepared for this and where the hell was Luke.
“So you’ve met Roxy?” Penelope asked. You scoffed as if on instinct.
“I helped pick her out,” You blurted out. Tara glanced at JJ and Emily, smirking and JJ held her hands up defensively, “I mean, ever since he came back from Iraq, it was always touch and go. I mean, he was all over, I lived in Texas and Colorado for a bit so it was only when I came to visit family that I got to see him but then I was offered a promotion here and then he ended up getting the job at the BAU. So, it worked out. But the reason he had Roxy is because I convinced him,” You rambled a bit, over explaining yourself. None of it was a lie, it was hard to explain how complicated your relationship with him had been up to now.
There were a few months when he had returned from Iraq and before you went to Texas that you spent every day and night together. Most nights, you slept in the same bed and calmed him down from his nightmares. Your endless patience had reminded Luke that he was worth the chance to get better which is why he went to therapy but he still craved the hunt which is why he went into the Fugitive Unit.
But by the time he made that choice, you were gone. Texas had taken it out of you and not seeing Luke made it worse. You felt your stomach turn at just the memories of that time in your life. You wished you had stayed in DC.
“What happened in Texas?” Spencer suddenly interjected. Your eyes widened and you looked up at him. He was watching your face carefully. How had he worked it out?
“Just had a bit of a rough time and me and Luke weren’t really speaking. So, wasn’t nice, but I’m back here now and I’ve got him so,” You shrugged off Spencer’s observations, really not wanting to go into it right now.
“What are you guys doing?” The sound of your savior made your shoulders drop. A smile spread across your face as Luke stood just outside the circle of his friends, arms crossed over his chest. He looked displeased which made you smile a bit.
“They’re just getting to know me,” You said softly. Penelope nodded, looking up at him. He hummed out in complete displease.
“I think it’s time for dessert,” Dave interjected and any reason to escape made you feel so much better. You jumped up from the sofa and rushed over into Luke’s arms. He wrapped his free arm around you and tugged you into his side, pressing a kiss to your hair.
“Your co-workers are scary,” You whispered, half-joking.
“You guys are cute but I know you’re keeping something from me newbie,” Penelope stated, glaring playfully at Luke as she walked past to follow Dave into the kitchen. You glanced up at Luke and his jaw dropped, his free hand held up defensively.
“You believe whatever you want, Garcia,” He teased back. Tara gave the two of you a curious look before disappearing into the kitchen. The others quickly followed suit and you and Luke headed in with them. He kept his hand in yours the entire time.
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Everyone had grabbed some desert by now and praised you on how good the cupcakes tasted. You were just glad you had made a good impression but the nerves were still tying up your stomach. Even though nothing was wrong and you hadn’t done anything. You just felt like you were floundering whenever anyone asked you about Luke. 
It was hard to know what to say. You and Luke had always been complicated, drifting together and then apart over and over again. You were hoping that this time he’d stay but part of you was scared that maybe it was your turn to drift. You didn’t want that though.
“Hey, kiddo. Want something else?” Dave said as he walked into the kitchen. You had been lingering by the counters as Luke talked with his co-workers. They all looked so happy, grinning and wine drunk. You loved how comfortable he was. But the little alcohol you had was making your head dizzy with anxiety.
“No, no, I’m okay. Just… thinking,” You didn’t know how else to explain yourself. Luke caught your gaze, a grin spreading across his face as he looked at you. He waved you over but you shook your head but gave him a reassuring smile. ‘I’m good’ you mouthed. Luke continued to smile as he turned back to the group. It wouldn’t leave his lips but you assumed someone had said something funny.
“I don’t expect you to talk to me but I know a face of worry when I see one,” Dave said as he cleared away a few of the empty plates, piling them up on the counter. You sighed through your nose before you turned around, rubbing your hands across your face.
“Do you ever feel like things are so good that they’re bound to go wrong?” You asked. You knew that it was risky to confide in one of his co-worker’s considering the facade the two of you were trying to keep up but maybe expressing anxiety would make it so the eventual fake break-up would actually be more believable.
“Listen, you got a good thing with Luke. You don’t have anything to worry about,” Dave insisted but you shook your head. You didn’t believe that. Life was complicated and yours and Luke’s lives especially were extremely complicated, “What?” Dave asked as he grabbed a crystal glass from the side before he grabbed a bottle of whiskey. He poured out a glass, offering it out to you but you shook your head.
“Luke and I have always been passing ships in the night. There’s a few months where we’re as thick as thieves before something gets in the way and everything goes silent. But with this? I’m in too deep. If it happens again… I don’t know how I’m supposed to recover. God knows I love him but life gets complicated,” You were rambling but you just needed to get it out. It was so hard to keep it all in and you were terrified to talk to Luke about it. How were you supposed to tell him that you couldn’t lose him again?
That was dangerous territory. A decade ago, you had promised each other to just stay as you are. You were perfect as you are and now, you felt like that was all going to change and you weren’t going to be able to handle it.
“I don’t have all the answers but you’re in love. Cherish it,” Dave said as he stepped towards you. His hands rested on your shoulders as he caught your gaze. Your shoulders dropped and you nodded your head. You knew that you just needed to stop, breathe and keep going. If something did go wrong, then that’s okay but you didn’t want it to and the more you worried, the more likely it was going to be and you didn’t want that.
“Dave! Tara has a question,” JJ called from where her, Tara and Spencer were sat. You glanced at him, smiling before he nodded and disappeared off, making a comment you didn’t catch. Luke appeared a moment later, a dopey smile on his face. He looked so cute, a beer bottle in hand and his head tilted ever so slightly to the side. You thought he looked so sweet, you could have kissed him right then and there.
But you didn’t.
He reached out for your hand and you took his, happy for the warm contact of his skin against yours. It was exactly what you needed.
“What’s that look for?” He asked. Your eyebrows knitted together and that only made him lift his hand and smoothe out the crease, “You’re doing a good job,” He added. You nodded and grabbed his hand pulling it away from your face.
“I know,” You mumbled. He chuckled and twisted his hand to take yours, tugging you in.
“Then what’s wrong?” He asked. You shrugged and he shook his head, “I know you, tell me what’s wrong.” He wasn’t going to drop it, you knew that.
“I’m fine, seriously,” You let a smile spread across your face, the lightness filling your chest now that you were with him again, “Just, tired,” You lied. You were far from tired, your brain was so awake, it felt like it needed a sedative but there was nothing you could do about that except go home and try and sleep the anxiety off.
“Okay,” He mumbled softly, pulling you into a hug. He believed you for now.
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next chapter (coming soon)
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phereinnike · 1 year
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Pardon if the wording isn't exact, as you can see by the screenshot I'm playing in spanish, but here are some dialogue lines Ominis speaks to Natty and you if you stay to listen after finishing the History of Magic class map quest:
"Next season the Chudley Cannons will be invincible, you'll see!
"My father was a great seeker and he always thought I'd be one too. Thank Merlin they cancelled quidditch."
"I miss attending the matches. Cheering everyone was very fun. And watching Isaac Cooper."
"My friends and I like to spend the evenings watching the sun set from the quidditch pitch. This year it isn't much good for anything else, unfortunately."
"I spent the entire summer practicing a full turn on a broom. What a waste!"
"This is the first year my sister is in Hogwarts. Whenever she pretends she doesn't see me in the corridors I make her trip with a jinx."
"This is the first year my siblings and I are together at Hogwarts. Our poor mother doesn't know what to do with so much time on her hands, so she knits. She sends us a new sweater each week."
"You try to work with a wand that has been through your three disastrous sisters."
"My father says he used to hide his homework under his bed."
"I used to write to my parents every week. Now I can't recall the last time I sent them an owl, do you think they know i'm still alive?"
"I hadn't met any of my cousins until i came to Hogwarts and saw that we were all in the same house."
"My brother has promised to give me his old broom when he saves up enough to buy himself a new one. I can't wait!"
"If I manage to stop dissappearing my class notes while practicing evanesco I might even pass the Transfigurations O.W.L. this year."
"Professor Weasley is a trully incredible teacher. She never makes us write scrolls longer than necessary."
"Professor Weasley is already preparing me for the Transfigurations N.E.W.T."
"The other day Professor Black looked at me in the Great Hall and I spat my breakfast. I don't know if he might've taken it the wrong way."
"What a relieve that Black's children are too young to attend Hogwarts. I'd hate having my father as headmaster."
"Obviously, Hogwarts is the best magic school in the world. Everyone knows that. Of course, we'll be the best at magic in the world."
"Professor Howin is going to ask us about aquatic animals next week. I can't wait to tell her I saw a kelpie in Ireland this summer."
"I took my copy of 1000 Herbs and Magical Fungy to Herbology and left it in the greenhouse next to the mandrake seedbeds. Sharp was horrified by the fact that i didn't have it in class. He said I needed to sort out my priorities."
"Everyone is afraid of Professor Sharp, but not me. He's a brilliant man. And he has only yelled at me twice this week for setting my cloak on fire."
"I wonder how Sharp injured his leg. Surely, it must've been during his time as an auror."
"You should hear Shah talk about Divination. It's a miracle Onai's ears aren't burning. I'd say stars are more knowledgeable than cards."
"I'm still having a hard time brewing antidotes. I'm surprised to many of them ask for mandrakes. I'll make sure I set my career goals far away from that."
"That reminds me, did miss Scribner say we could take the book out at night or that she'd punish us if we did?"
"I've notices that if I pretend to pay attention in Potions, Sharp lets me be. It works well enough, unless he asks me a question. Then it's not a good plan at all. Actually, I wouldn't recommend it."
"Sharp caught me making faces behind his back. It was horrible... not to speak of all the house points I lost."
"if someone needs help with their studies or homework, I don't mind lending them a hand. Yesterday I wrote half a scroll for Binns during lunch break."
"I have no problem saying I have trouble understanding that Black is married. What kind of witch would give her hand to a man like that? On the other hand, that means there's hope for everyone."
"I need dragon-skin gloves for Herbology. I refuse to touch chinese chomping cabbages with my naked hands."
"Why aren't we allowed to use gillyweed? What's the point of learning Herbology if we can't mess around with gillyweed? If by the end of the trimester I haven't personally met a mermaid I'll be mad."
[unlike others] "I do like Transfigurations. The complex and precisse nature of transfigurations is admirable."
"I met some of my best friends in Flying class. Nothing strenghtes a bond like thinking you're going to die."
"Professor Weasley must be exhausted doing all her work and then Black's. We're lucky to have her."
Slytherin house:
"Someone got home-made chocolate cauldrons and shared them in the common room. But I think they might've confused the sugar with salt. There were half-eaten chocolate cauldrons in the common room for days."
"I don't know why each common room has a secret entrance. Who would want to go to another common room? We got sorted to our houses for a reason."
"Our dorm is atrocious. I wish people cleaned up after themselves once in a while. Last night a bundimun ate my homework. The potions one, too."
"I like to have a wiggenweld potion under my bed. Not to name any names but someone spent a lot of money on Zonko's."
"My side of the dorm is always impeccable, but I can't say the same about my dorm-mates. If I didn't know them I'd say they were raised by trolls."
"Has there been any news about the Pitt-upon-Ford Dragon? It makes me want to move, to be honest."
"My great-aunt was a Hufflepuf. She says they have the best common room because it's the calmest. Well, compared to the others."
"I wish I had brought a pet owl to school. I mean, I love my toad. More or less. You wouldn't be interested in getting a toad, would you?"
"Do all professors have their own owls? They must sent lots of letters. To the Ministry or something like that."
"So many letters arrive every day and none are for me."
"If i turn my toad into a cup again, I think it might insist I leave it like that."
"I'd like to retire in Hogsmead. Open a bar. Bore Hogwart's students with my childhood stories."
"I'd like to have a shop in Hogsmead one day. Gladrags Wizardwear could use some competition."
"I guess I'm curious about the beautification potion. What? It's not for me, idiot! It's for a friend. Don't say dumb things."
"Has there been any new about the Pitt-upon-Ford Dragon? It makes me want to move, to be honest."
"My great-aunt was a Hufflepuf. She says they have the best common room because it's the calmest. Well, compared to the others."
"Do all professors have their own owls? They must sent lots of letters. To the Ministry or something like that."
"So many letters arrive every day and none are for me."
"If i turn my toad into a cup again, I think it might insist I leave it like that."
"Have you been by the owlery lately? the house elves haven't been cleaning much this week."
"The other day Peeves distracted me and I bumped right into Adelaide Oakes. Both our books went up flying int he air. Peeves loved it."
"I don't like the size of my legs. Well, you were asking the other day, so I'm telling you."
"I had been collecting chizpurfle fangs all trimester when I thought, why not keep some chizpurfles."
"I really pity those who never get owl-post, poor guys. Have you seen their faces in the great hall?"
"I've heard girls talk about african snake skin near the bathroom. Do you think they're brewing pollyjuice? Oh, what if they've already brewed it and Sharp is actually that hufflepuff girl with the long arms?"
"Today I'm going to the green-houses to sow some knotgrass. Did you know it's used for pollyjuice potion? I think it's what creates the connection to the other person."
"There's an ex-auror living near Hogsmead. She wants to live a quiet life after fighting dark wizards."
"Do you know where I can get leaping toadstoll caps?"
"I just don't get it. Opalum. Who would think to put that in a potion?"
"The other day I got stuck in the Great Staircase for an hour waiting for it to change. Sharp wouldn't believe me when I told him that's why I was late."
"Parry Pippin sure did save me with his wiggenweld potion. In my opinion, his shop's better than any of the ones in London."
"Did you buy your bitterroot from Pippin or did you pick it up yourself? I need some desperately."
That's all I got after staying to listen for about an hour <3
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eight-freakin-gids · 2 months
With a game like In Stars and Time, there are so many little things someone playing it might never experience. I'm on my second playthrough, and I know I'm still not going to see everything.
I want to talk about a moment I just experience that I think fucked me up more than anything else I've experienced in this game.
Mondo spoilers ahead
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This is what it looks like on your 3rd completion of a Friendship Quest loop. This screenshot sums it up pretty well: Despite how shocking this scene was for everyone to experience the first time, now Siffrin only sees it as a reminder that his family loves him.
And for some reason, this nearly moved me to tears where nothing else in this game has done so yet. Sure, I want to share this like I said, but mostly I just want to figure out why this scene made me feel the way it did. And I think the answer is that, for me, this hammers home the tragedy of Siffrin's situation more than any other moment in the game.
Leading up to this, I saw so many instances of the immense stress Siffrin is under. The bathroom scene had them breaking down, unable to cry in spite of the intense emotional strain he has to endure, and then panicking because they briefly forgot Odile's name. Then, something as simple as a soft roll of toilet paper from Odile snaps them out of it, and he's like 'Yay, I'm still experiencing new things!", only for them to immediately break down again because a roll of fucking toilet paper was what was giving him hope to carry on. This loop also had Siffrin believing that his family only loves them because he manipulated them into feeling that way.
And even before all of that, my second playthrough of this game has given me a much better understanding of Siffrin as a character. I only ever did the Friendship Quests once in my first playthrough, and I was now going out of my way to do them multiple times. It was fascinating to see Siffrin acknowledge that they could be doing these conversations differently, but choosing to not change them.
Because the last time he tried changing things too much, we got the gutpunch of the 1st Friendship Quest ending, and the later gutpunch of the Act 3 Finale. So instead, best stick to the script. If nothing new happens, nothing unexpected or bad will happen.
That brings us back to the ending of this loop. This is Siffrin's third time experiencing this moment. He knows what's going to happen, so it can't hurt him. And it's tragic, that in spite of everything that he's experienced, this is still the happiest he's been in his life. In this moment, he knows that he exists. Their family knows them and cares for them, even if Siffrin believes that they only feel that way because he made them feel that way. Siffrin can accept that. Siffrin would endure hell if it meant he could stay with the people they love, even if those people don't love him the same way. Siffrin is happy to do so, even as they're losing his mind.
End of post.
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ghenry · 8 months
What do you think of GHMs more "Mainstream" titles such as LC, SoTD and NMH3 compared against their more underground works like Killer7, Silver Case and NMH1. I find the latter has a sense of mystique and weirdness that's missing from the former when the studio seemed pigeon-holed in a brand of "Sex, Violence and quirky"
I've been meaning to write about this here, so good question! I gave it a lot of thought after finding a JPN copy of Killer Is Dead and seeing this within the box;
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Here's a quote of Suda reflecting on the production of said game;
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Suda was not interested in eroticism when it came to his company's games. However, the more mainstream games GHM made (without his direction) were full of instances that were little more than eye candy. Sex appeal for the sake of it. And much of that was against Suda's will;
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Paula running around in a thong (and even tits out a couple times if you played the NA version) throughout Shadows of the Damned also reminds me of Tim Rogers recalling his time working at Grasshopper as a designer in the late 2000s. He sat in a lot of meetings with Suda talking to EA and mentioned a time Suda talked about a save function idea he thought of while reflecting on Travis always using a toilet to save in the NMH games.
An early idea was Garcia going to bed with a woman every time he had to save. This was likely when the game was still going to be open world-ish and Garcia was single. From how Tim Rogers talked about this, it was pretty much the only idea Suda had that EA actually showed interest in. Obviously this idea never panned out, instead saving being delegated to a little demon that poops to signify a saved game. Funny that it connects to NMH's toilet save function in that way.
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Something else worth bringing up would be the "gigolo missions" from Killer Is Dead. This also derived from a concept Suda had for Shadows of the Damned where Garcia was gonna take girls out on dates, bring flowers, and it'd actually be cute and romantic. At least, from how he described it.
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(These screenshots are from Feel the Magic, a DS game where you played mini-games as you tried to win the heart of a girl throughout the story)
This idea was repurposed for Killer Is Dead, but, according to Suda, the sexual aspects of it were conjured up by Hideyuki Shin, the game's director. Therefore, it devolved into x-ray glasses, staring at boobs, and giving gifts to a robot that repeated animations. A cannibalization of the original concept.
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Suda seemed afraid of Grasshopper's reputation being mutated into an identity he didn't consent to. Sex appeal is not something he really thinks about when it comes to making games. It's not his style;
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The only times Suda has shown sexuality in the games he directed is when it's discomforting or deeply disturbing, almost never for eye candy.
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I still appreciate games like Shadows of the Damned, Killer Is Dead, and Lollipop Chainsaw. As much as this era of GHM was railroaded to chasing some mainstream trends and trying too hard to be quirky, they still had unique aspects that help them stand out above other games of the same subgenre. But I can't help but notice a fissure between these games and the ones he actually directed. The nuance, mystery, and thought-provoking stories are most prominent when he's the one directing.
I'm not going to fault people for liking eroticism and such in video games. I've played plenty of horny games too, and there's obviously an appeal there. But anyone still expecting that from Suda is barking up the wrong tree. Looking at how he's been handling everything since 2018 makes it even sadder when you reflect how these publishers tried cramming Grasshopper Manufacture into this box they didn't want to be in.
One last thing I have to retort, though. I don't lump No More Heroes 3 with the quirky "mainstream" games the way you did in the question. Sure, NMH3 definitely went for a more mainstream marketing plan and the game got super silly at times, but it still has an interesting narrative with a ton of nuance. Way more than any GHM game between 2010-2016. Hence my 4+ hour long analysis of the game;
Many people even rejected this game outright because the eroticism and scantily-clad female cast was mostly absent. This was likely expectations they built after experiencing games like NMH2, SotD, LC, etc.
Speaking a bit more on the sense of eroticism, it's funny to think how that was admittedly present in NMH1, obnoxiously expanded upon in NMH2, and then mostly done away with in NMH3. Going as far as turning Naomi--and her balloon tits--into a goddamn tree!
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However, I don't believe Suda turned Naomi into a tree for the sole purpose of removing her sex appeal. I believe this just further accentuates how that aspect is not something he's interested in or finds important for the game itself. He likely didn't even think of it that way, but instead "Hey, she should be a tree now."
And then there's Kimmy, whose death was not only a very harrowing moment in the game, it was also depicted in a sexual manner. Similar to Bad Girl's death in the original NMH. Note the motions and angles in her death scene.
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Like I said, this rather disturbing sense of sexuality is more Suda's vibe. And I'm happy to see he hasn't lost that edge, so many years later. Anyway, thanks for the question! I had a lot of fun writing out this answer.
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Pretzel logic
I never liked funerals - who does? - and I have always tried to avoid them, under different pretexts. This is one of the moments we meet the Great Beyond and we are at our most vulnerable. It's only fair and it is not something to be taken lightly, ever.
August 10, 2022 happened a few days before I decided to give OL a try and by the time I landed in here, that YouTube live had already been taken offline, perhaps with good reason.
That people watched it should come as no surprise to anybody: it happens in all cultures and societies - Death fascinates us and makes us curious, even if it's a questionable, voyeuristic kind of curiosity. It was posted for everyone to see, on the biggest content streaming platform on planet Earth. It was posted in consideration of the ending peak moment of the COVID pandemic, to allow for more people to attend, with the family's prior consent. It was most probably shot from the organ balcony, at a respectful distance and I am being told the streaming was blurry: a good thing, if you ask me. People screeching for "more clarity" of those screenshots should, in my humble opinion, think twice: context and taboo and all that.
That people saw something bizarre in the front pew was unavoidable. That the said detail (Occam's Razor would help us conclude that ambiguous things are usually anything but...) was screenshot, edited and made its way in here and elsewhere - impossible to control. However, I have not read any disrespectful comments about the event. Nobody snarked. Nobody grinned. A hole in the plot was pointed out, adding to the whole array of inconsistencies and if I remember well, it was almost missed out entirely (a taboo is a taboo, after all) and started its career online only days after.
Was it shared ad nauseam? Maybe - but who the hell am I to judge? Again, not something you can control, unless you set yourself up as the Torquemadas of this fandom and slap everybody on the wrist with your twisted righteousness. When your people discuss the Data Lounge findings in great, lewd detail, that is called having fun and (I love that one, don't you?) gossiping, as if you were just talking about Miss Scarlett's new petticoat, not a man's reputation. When our people dare to post pictures from a public event, or published for public consumption, that is immediately taxed as being insane or snooping.
A neutral person venturing in here would call out the bias immediately. I call out your hypocrisy and have no problem doing it in writing. And I never peddled neutrality, in here: I simply peddled decency and I remind everyone I have probably never posted any pictures from August 10, 2022 (I will triple check later, but I am pretty sure I didn't). It is a personal choice and, as you know very well, I am not alone in the Shipper community. Far from it.
That you chose August 10 to post the largest, most consistent amount of content I have read on your blogs during the last six months, shows me once more what I already knew: you simply can't help yourself, can you? It's all about slap-a-shipper day, even if this community remained remarkably silent and collected, yesterday. Extremes exist, they are a fact of life: silencing them is useless and unproductive, at least as far as I am concerned.
You have once again showed me your true colors, Mordor. At the end of the day, you do not really have a problem with the pictures floating out there. What you do have a BIG problem with, is the person sitting in the front pew and you would go to great lengths - to any lengths, for that matter - to disguise it under a thick sanctimonious cloak of civic disgust. Your shrieks backfire: if anything, they confirm, not deny. And for the sake of politics, anything goes. It is, therefore, ironic, that in order to post your reasoning, you did look, in great detail and for a consistent amount of time, at the same exact screenshots and pictures you send to hell so gleefully.
Spare me the dramatics.
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arcielee · 1 month
I hope you're doing fine amidst all this drama. It's no surprise that my intuitions were proven right once again, and here we have Ange, crying on her blog about being doxxed while conveniently ignoring her own complicity in Bel’s racism. It's sickening that some people still support her behaviour. However I wanted to bring up this post:
Weren't you also doxxed in Ange and Em’s groupchat? And now they only come to you when the dust settles after their mess with Bel. I'm tired of these women always playing the victim and never taking responsibility for their actions. We're all over it!
Hey anon. You are referring to this post that I made. I thought it best to respond to this before we return to some much needed healing and hydrating.
I mentioned that I was not going to speak on the subject again, but more information has come to light and there is something that has been weighing on me.
As I posted before, I found out that I had been doxxed. This was something that happened in the same groupchat that included Bel, Fae, Ange, and Em where screenshots had been shared. I learned about this prior to the post when Em reached out to me through a mutual we shared. She was very remorseful and apologetic for what happened, and she provided me with the unedited versions I needed so I could handle this at my local police department.
Doxxing is frightening. When I returned to Tumblr back in 2022, I enjoyed the anonymity of it all, how I was able to blatantly be some dork who swooned over silver haired fictional characters with my kindred spirits. Seeing myself tagged in the post mentioned above, seeing those original screenshots with my legal name and my private, personal IG on display rattled me to my core.
In this chat I learned that not only had I been doxxed, but it was also mentioned about the animosity that stemmed from lies being shared without being validated. The TL;DR of the situation is that Bel and I shared a small server together. I was warned about her behavior by Ange and others, but at the time Bel had been nothing but kind to me, so I ignored it. Then Bel left our server and went to Ange and Em with some false narrative about me and some others. Despite how I was warned me in the beginning, she accepted what was said without thought. This resulted in me being blacklisted and harassed within the HotD fandom.
This was and continues to be an ugly ordeal. We are finally seeing that worst things happened in that same chat, which is why I was wary to even bring this up again.
But I do feel I should remind everyone that doxxing is the act of providing personally identifiable information about an individual or organization, usually via the Internet and without their consent. [x]
And this is what happened to me.
I did not want to do a super detailed post about it; I understand the insanity of it all since we literally came to this hellsite for a show about some incestual family that rides dragons. But the only way for us as a fandom to move on is to acknowledge what happened and those who were affected by it before we can move forward to create a safer environment for everyone who is a part of it.
I truly believe that we can and will do better. 💜
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anacecherry · 9 months
I was looking through the Fionna and Cake trailer to look for scenes we haven't seen in the show yet, and I noticed how most of them are most likely from the same episode. So, on this post, I will be talking about my theories/speculations for Episode 7, The Star.[Spoilers for the episode synopsis under the cut]
So this is what we know about the episode right now.
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My first theory was that the title came from whatever happens in the gumlee subplot or maybe it was about Cake being "the star" of the vampire hunters, but then my friend Will reminded me how the previous episodes were all names of characters (Yes, Im counting Destiny idc), and said it could be a nickname for a pre existing character. Maybe it could be this world's Marcy's "Vampire Name". I dont know enough on the topic to be able to tell if it would fit in with the theme the vampires in Stakes had, but it does have an article at its start.
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For the first screenshots we have these. The first image shows up near the end of the trailer, its 3 vampires attacking. I think these two are back to back, as the vamps are exactly the same. In the second image the third vampire is in the background and appears to have knocked Fionna down, with Simon standing next to the vampire. Maybe Cake does that attack in rage due to them hurting Fionna.
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This is a one second scene and the frame where the explosions dont cover up the whole screen is very hard to catch, but these are the same garlic bombs Peppermint Butler had in Stakes. Maybe the Bubblegum of this universe, along with Pep But, is working with the vampire hunters.
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Following up on what I said about Marcy having a "Vampire Name". When I first read the synopsis I assumed that Marcy was the one leading the vamp hunters, as it only makes sense. Being a Vampire hunter was a big part of her backstory that led to her *becoming* one. But I then realized, what's going on here, might be completely different. Not only is she already a vampire, both in the trailer and on the poster this Marceline looks pretty smug for someone presumably fighting for her life, and she has that dress which looks very "royal"(to me, at least).
I thought maybe she embraced being the vampire queen, and attacked the humans, but that wouldn't make sense. Why would she hurt the beings she wiped out an entire species for? And then it clicked: this Marcy never had a Simon at all. She was found by vampires instead of him. Remember the conversation Simon and little Marcy had at the beginning of episode 2?
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Someone rich? Living in a castle? With people trained to tend to their every need? Sounds a hell lot like a king.
This conversation is going to come up again. Simon is going to find out that No, Marcy would NOT have been fine if he didn't find her. He's going to see what would really have happened to her if she never met him. In all the past episodes Simon's been constantly told that he sucks, that Ice King was "better" and "more fun". He's been feeling like he truly did not matter and had no value, that it would be better for everyone if he just went back to being Ice King. He's going to see that that's not true, that he does matter. That Marcy values and needs him, even if things are different now. Maybe he won't get it immediately, but he might start doubting his decision to wear the crown again. I'm so confident in this I will eat my door if it doesn't happen.
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Human huntress wizard with a garlic arrow. Obviously its from this episode. She must be a hunter(duh) and maybe she's the leader as well. Or maybe Im right about Bonnie being there and *she's* the leader.
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Im only assuming this scene is from this episode bc the background color scheme is similar, I dont have any other evidence for it. It may be after Cake beats the vampires, where she gets approached by the hunters to join in. Im kinda basing this theory off the voice line that goes along with it in the trailer ("Now that is a party I don't wanna miss" Who'd wanna miss out on the fun of hunting evil vampires?), but the voice line may be about something else and she could be praising herself to the hunters here (she just has that vibe in here).
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A gun(?) Lowers down to face the gang. They smile at it nervously. The ground theyre standing on is wet, and so is Cake. I don't know the reason for that, because they didn't immediately come here after leaving the Winter Kingdom. They might have gotten their clothes wet on some other universe and then came to this world, or maybe this is after they fight the vampires and they somehow got splashed with water during the process. I came up with two possibilities of what might be going on here:
Option A) It is the vampires spotting and trying to kill them. If thats the case they might've destroyed the gun before it could shoot them, or maybe Fionna got shot and thats why she's down on the scene where Cake is attacking. Both end up with the 3 vampire goons attacking.
Option B) It's the vampire hunters seeing them, either after the fight or right as they arrive, and they think the gang are vampires as well until they show their teeth
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This isn't from the trailer its from a magazine. I think its from this episode because of the background, like that Cake screenshot. This may be after Cake is recruited. Fionna seems to be annoyed so maybe Cake is doing something wrong and Fionna's disagreeing with her. Or maybe Cake's trying to annoy Fionna and it's working. My friend @weirdlizard26 said this about it, which is far better than what I came up with:
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And that's it for the speculation! I wanted to talk about the rest of the scenes in the trailer as well but 1) this post is long enough as it is and 2) tumblr image limit is not being kind to me rn. I might make a separate post for those if I get the motivation. Untill then you'll have just one post of me going insane rambling about what could happen in a show about an old man having an existential crisis and a girlfailure with her cat.
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Losing someone can be so beyond words. Here is some advice for losing a FP but it can probably be applied to losing someone in general!
Some things I like to remind myself are:
The feelings are temporary. They will pass. No matter how crushing they may be, you won't feel like this forever. Sometimes it can help to remember that what we're feeling is temporary because when we forget that and think it's how we're going to feel forever, it can make us feel so hopeless. So here's your reminder. This isn't forever.
You survived without them before, and you can do it again. I promise. It doesn't mean it'll be easy but it can help to have the reminder that we existed before then, and survived before them and we can do both of those things again.
Be kind to yourself. You are valid and you are allowed your emotions.
Healing is not linear. Grief isn't linear. And for a lot of us, when we lose our FP, it is something we need to heal from. It is something we grieve about. And it's okay if we feel ourselves doing better for a bit and then falling back. It doesn't mean you've failed or anything like that.
Some things I do:
Note that these are all personal things I do and aren't rules for how you should cope. I'm sure your own list will differ! But maybe my list will inspire you to think of ideas for your own list!
Focus on myself. Even when it's uncomfortable and I don't want to, I focus on my hobbies. I focus on finding new hobbies. Sometimes I make a list of different hobbies I've never tried, and then I go through it and try them at least once to see if I enjoy something. If not, it gets scratched off. These could be new shows, books, activities, etc.
Feel the emotions. Usually not all at once because it's too much, but my instinct is to bury the emotions. To turn my emotions off entirely ((I'm sure others relate to the turning them off thing. It's like a switch I can use). And it's uncomfortable, but sometimes I force myself to feel them. In bits as I can handle it. Allow yourself time to grieve.
Focus on my DBT skills like Urge Surfing for any urges that arise or Radical Acceptance for accepting my feelings.
Come up with a Crisis Plan in case I start to spiral. Here’s my walk through on that.
I diversified my relationships. I think this is an important thing to do. Even if you have a FP currently. Diversifying your relationships to have other people in your support system can be really good.
This is a personal choice, but I cut off all ties. I used to keep screenshots of messages they wrote assuring me they cared and stuff like that. I deleted all screenshots. I also made sure I couldn't look at their profiles and check on them. I made sure their numbers were deleted and anything else.
I like to do nice things for someone else. It's hard sometimes to get there, but there's a feeling I get when I make someone smile or help someone out that makes me feel a bit lighter. It reminds me that I am valuable as I am. This is actually a part of the ACCEPTS skill if you're interested in reading more about that.
Work on forgiving myself. Maybe you don't feel you need this, and that's valid. But I did. I had to learn to forgive myself for not knowing better, for making mistakes, and I always remind myself that I am human. In connection with this, I work on letting go of any regrets I have. It's easier said than done, I know. It's important for me to remember that I can't change the past, so dwelling on any regrets doesn't help me. What I can do is learn from them and do better.
I know it's hard. But it really does get better. I have lost FP's and thought the entire world was ending and that I would never recover. I still think about them sometimes, but it's such a dull ache that I barely notice it. It might always hurt a little, but it will be manageable.
Here are some other coping ideas.
You can do this.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
So that latest Zelkam art of the core transfer has been sucking my brain out of my head all night. And now I can't stop thinking of how much JC's inherited that he never wanted or knew: Zidian (mother), the core (brother), Jin Ling (sister), Suibian (brother x2). I'd include the Jiang name and clan if I wanted to include his father. And it hurts me. He's left with so many remnants of his loved ones and yet how hollow does he feel? How unloved? Answers surely depend on post/canon timeline but idk. I'm just wrecked. *dies quietly*
I have a lot of Feelings about the ways in which Jiang Cheng really does just keep getting handed inheritances he doesn't want to have. People keep giving him things (in a material and metaphorical sense), but it doesn't seem like the give him things as an uncomplicated gift but as this enormous, weighty thing that comes with an immense price. "Here, take my life," people keep saying to Jiang Cheng, "take this and my death with it." And the hideous irony of the core transfer is that that's true even when Jiang Cheng himself tries to give his own life for the people he loves, only with the result that Wei Wuxian turns right around and gives up his own to "fix" it.
But yeah! His mother bequeaths him Zidian in the process of sending him away while she dies. Wei Wuxian dies and leaves him with a flute and a sword he doesn't want. Jin Ling...it's not that he doesn't want Jin Ling, he always would have wanted to be in his life, but not like this. oh I know I'm going to do the thing I do and quote my own fic
You, me, and a-Cheng, said a-jie’s voice in his ear. We must stay together, and never separate.
He’d never learned how to let go, but he’d been the one left behind anyway.
for someone who is in a lot of ways defined by the way that he holds on to the past, for better or worse (and I don't think it's all bad! his success rebuilding Jiang Sect is I think owed in part to his drive to never let what happened to it before to happen again), he does keep end up being the one left, and left holding mementos and reminders that are just a constant chafing reminder of what he lost.
it really adds something fun and spicy too to the bit during the second siege of the Burial Mounds, both in the novel and in CQL:
Jin Ling had never seen so many fierce corpses before, much less at such a close distance. He could feel his scalp tingle, and clenched Suihua's hilt. Yet, suddenly, his fist was peeled open, and a cold object was stuffed inside. He looked down in surprise. "Jiujiu?"
Jiang Cheng propped himself up with Sandu, which had lost its spiritual energy. His figure wavered slightly. "Try losing Zidian, just see what happens!"
[...] When Jin Ling saw that all of the people his age had rushed over, he couldn't hold himself back either. When Jiang Cheng was distracted, he stuffed Zidian back into his hand and sprinted toward the front... (Chapter 80, trans. Exiled Rebels)
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The way it's acted here in particular it feels very much like Jin Ling at least has a sense of how loaded this gesture is, whatever Jiang Cheng says about giving it back. Here he is! Continuing the chain of just passing down things as a legacy that in no way substitute for the person they stand for.
just to set those screenshots alongside this:
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there's something I think to Jiang Cheng that's not just incredibly painful in all the obvious ways about the core transfer, but specifically in the way that it's related to a sacrifice he very deliberately made - and now he finds out that not only was that sacrifice ultimately utterly pointless, or worse than pointless, the person he originally made it for made it so. It's this "oh, you can sacrifice yourself for me but I can't do the same for you?" that's so bitter to feel, both because I do think there's some amount of "why do you always, always get to come out of things the hero" but more than that, "why did you do this when I made my decisions specifically to protect you; does my desire to protect you not matter? doesn't it mean anything?"
Jiang Cheng standing with his hands full of memorials going "I don't want these," because what he actually wanted was his family, but the world kept taking them away, and apparently in at least one case his family actively didn't get the memo.
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