#but i can't find any good cereals here :(
saradiation · 1 year
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Karkat is wondering if all humans are supposed to look this good first thing in the morning
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seat-safety-switch · 2 months
I don't know if you've ever been to Paris before, but I recommend going. Normally, I would not have gone, but I made a really rich enemy on IRC and he spent a lot of money to have me kidnapped and brought to his home country. While I was there, I got to try a bunch of restaurants (they're hostage-takers, not barbarians) and came away impressed. Something was missing, though, and herein is my genius idea.
In Paris you can get any kind of food. Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Thai: and it's all good. All of it. You literally can't find a bad restaurant. At one point, I walked into a convenience store and got a plate of one-Euro nachos that made me cry at the beauty of the arrangement.
Everyone around me was taking this for granted. Having lived there for years, their quality threshold had crept invisibly upwards until nothing could impress again. They needed something to re-calibrate their sense of truly bad food. That's where I came in. After I got kicked out of the country, I decided to come back with some investor support. I can burn cereal, usually by roasting it gently with a blowtorch on the top of an old gas can. Investors were easy to find.
Our first week of opening was tremendous. Hardened Parisians were discovering their first taste of truly incompetent food. The novelty of it all had captured them. There's just one problem, though: after making an entire lunch rush's feast of poorly-cut toast in reheated canned soup, my cooking skills began to improve from sheer experience. The complaints began to change tone. You got too good, they cried, you're not the same bad chef we once loved. Again, I was deported.
I looked out the window of the plane as it left De Gaulle, staring down onto the beautiful streets of Paris. Down there, I imagined, real gourmets were now eating food out of trash cans out of desperation to recapture what they had experienced with me. If there is one nice thing to be said, I now have two Michelin Stars here in my homeland of Canada, where my consommé-and-grilled-cheese recipe is now so much better than most of our restaurants that it made the Prime Minister Herself come and spit in my face for ruining the economy, before awarding me an Order of Canada. It's not the same.
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aajxs · 10 months
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meant to be , s.g
synopsis - the one where you're in love and satoru doesn't realize until it's too late.
pairings - satoru gojo x fem!reader
contents - ANGST!!! , gojo is an asshole and y/n is too sweet for her own good , mentions of injuries and blood , major character death , prob ooc gojo
w/c - 1.8k
a/n - I got lazy asf at the end and didn't know how to finish this and I just needed it out of my drafts lol. this is kinda buns but I hope you enjoy it anyways!!
masterlist , part two .
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There wasn't supposed to be any grade one curses on your mission. You were supposed to get in, exorcise the few grade three curses, and get out. 'You're strong, stronger than most, so why couldn't you beat them?' You thought to yourself as your back pressed into the concrete wall behind you. You had been sitting here for awhile, and the curses were long gone. You had beaten them up pretty badly, but you just weren't strong enough.
'Satoru could beat them, though. He's stronger than you ever will be.' Said that tiny voice in the back of your head, reminding you over and over again of your weakness.
You kept telling yourself that someone would come for you. Someone would realize you hadn't been at the school in awhile. Someone would come and find you. Maybe it was the false hope that was keeping you alive, maybe it was something else, you weren't sure. You were surprised you hadn't bled to death yet. It felt as if you had been staring aimlessly at the ground for days, yet it had probably only been an hour since the curses left you to die.
You felt a presence somewhere in the building and went to get up. Due to your weakened state you were unsure if it was a curse or another jujutsu sorcerer. You had one hand holding your bloody side, and another hand on the wall in a lousy attempt to get yourself off the cold ground. You cursed under your breath as you pushed yourself off the wall, forcing yourself to walk towards the suspicious presence. Your vision was blurry, you were bleeding from multiple places, and needless to say, you were going to need a new uniform if you even got out of here.
Your day was completely and utterly ruined. 'Not that it was going well in the first place.' You thought as you recalled the encounter you had with Satoru just a few hours prior to your mission.
"'Toru–" You happily began, but you were instantly cut off. "Don't call me that." Satoru irritatedly uttered as the two of you walked side by side through the halls. "Gosh, who pissed in your cereal?" You joked, letting out a small laugh as you purposely bumped shoulders with Gojo, making him give you an annoyed glance.
"Anyways, Satoru, I was wondering if you wanted to-" You began again, "No." He cut you off, quickening his pace. "I didn't even get to finish..?" You awkwardly said, your smile starting to disappear from your face. "Y/N, just leave me alone, I can't deal with you today." Satoru said, making you slow your steps. "What?" You frowned, "But we haven't talked all day?" You sadly uttered, bumping shoulders with him again, this time a bit softer.
He brushed you off his shoulder, "We don't have to talk every day." He said, obviously becoming irritated. "But we're best friends, why wouldn't we..?" You trailed off, confusion and sadness washing over you. When he didn't reply, you went to bump his shoulder again, but you were stopped by his infinity. "Why's your infinity on? You never have it up around me." Your frown deepened at the action. Did he really not want you around him that badly?
"I don't like you touching me Y/N, just go somewhere, I'm not in the mood for you right now." Satoru quietly said, "So you have to be in a certain mood to be a good friend?" You asked, growing more upset by the second, "You could just tell me that you're not feeling well and you don't want to talk right now, you don't have to be an asshole about it." You said, stopping in your tracks.
"I'm not feeling well and I don't want to talk to you right now." He said, his words laced with a mix of irritation and sarcasm. "Satoru if you don't want me around you just say that!" You said, making him abruptly turn to look at you. "I don't want you around me! Is it that hard to give me a little bit of space?! You're always right next to me, always bothering me to hang out with you!" Satoru snapped, "Well, did it ever occur to you that I don't want to hang out with you?! That I don't want to talk to you!?" He said, the hands that were once shoved into his pockets now balled up into fists.
Your lips parted in shock, and you stared at him for a few moments. "I didn't realize that was how you felt." You murmured, "I just-" Your voice cracked slightly, "Nevermind, 'm sorry I said anything." You apologized, attempting to blink back the tears that were forming in your eyes. Your shoulders lightly shook as you walked away, and you prayed he didn't notice your sobs. You didn't know why it hurt so much, it wasn't like it was the first time Satoru had said something along those lines to you.
You don't remember much after that, aside from the fact that you eyes still hurt from crying and Satoru didn't even try to make sure you were alright. On your way out you saw him playing around with Suguru and Shoko.
You let out a few more curse words before making your way towards the nearest wall. There was no use in checking out whatever or whoever had entered the building, you were going to die anyways. You knew your time would come eventually, but now? You're barely seventeen.
You leaned against the wall for a moment before giving in and sliding down the wall to the ground, your blood leaving a few marks along the way. You had barely felt any of your wounds due to shock, but now that the exhaustion was finally hitting you, your body started to hurt even worse than it had ten minutes ago. It wouldn't be long until you passed out from blood loss and finally met your end, you at least wish you could've gone out in a cool way.
You couldn't help the small cries you let out as you sat there, aching against a cold cement wall in an abandoned building. You're gonna die alone in some random, dirty building. You thought as your warm tears made their way down your battered cheeks. You heard the sound of rushed footsteps, and your immediate reaction was placing a hand over your mouth in a lousy attempt to quiet your sobs.
Your ears were ringing and everything around you was muffled, so you couldn't tell if what was approaching was far away or close to you. Your vision was blurred, and the tears only made it worse. In other words, you could barely see or hear a thing.
A hand abruptly grabbing your shoulder snapped you out of your own thoughts and triggered your fight or flight sense, aptly choosing fight. The hand that was once covering your mouth now clenched and pulled back into a weak fist. "It's me! Y/N, it's me!" A familiar voice said, making you slowly put your fist down.
You went back to your original position against the wall. Your eyes were droopy and you felt like you were going to fall asleep. "No– Y/N, stay awake!" The person said as they took your practically limp body into their arms. A hand reached to your face and began shakily wiping your tears, whispering curses under their breath as they cradled you.
"Satoru.." You mumbled, a weak smile appearing on your face. He perked up at your words, the hand that was wiping your tears now cupping your face. "Yes, it's me- Satoru, your Satoru!" Your Satoru. How you longed for those words to come out of his mouth for years. You know that's not what he means, though. You know he'll never be yours.
"Thought you didn't like me anymore, 'Toru..?" You weakly asked, tears still streaming down your face. "Fuck— I didn't mean that, you know I could never dislike you Y/N." He said, anxiety lacing his words. Your half-lidded eyes gazed at him with nothing but adoration, they always have. "I don't think 'm gonna make it, 'Toru." You tiredly said, offering him another weak grin.
"Don't say that! You can't leave," Satoru said, "You're important to me." A small frown appeared on his face as you let out a dry laugh. How could you be laughing at a time like this? "I don't get it," You began, "You've always said I'm important to you-" You cut yourself off with a cough, pain shooting throughout your entire body. "-But you always make me feel like 'm not worth your time." You said, blinking a few times to try and keep yourself awake.
"C'mon Y/N, none of that matters now," He said, his tone getting a bit louder, "Stop fucking talking and stay awake for me." Satoru pleaded, lightly tapping your face. If he could take back everything he ever did wrong to you, he would. "Satoru?" You asked, your voice cracked, the lump in your throat only growing with the pain in your body.
"I wanna go home, 'Toru." You cried, weakly gripping Satorus uniform. "You will go home. We jus' gotta wait for Kiyotaka to get here, 'nd we'll go home." He said before throwing his head back and biting his lip harshly, blinking back his tears.
Your side was throbbing, every other wound on your body was stinging. You looked sickly and if anybody saw you they'd assume you were a zombie. You and Satoru both knew that you couldn't live through this. "'Toru—" You began, a small hiccup erupting from your throat. "I love you, y'know that, right?" You uttered, licking your lips out of habit.
"I love you too," He admitted back, his cerulean eyes glossed over. "You're not allowed to die on me, Y/N." He frowned, his voice shaking and cracking every few words.
"I have one last request before I go–" You started, biting your lip when Satoru cut you off, "You're not leaving, don't say that!" He harshly said, his grip on your body tightening. "I'm weak, Satoru." You admit as you reach up to cup his face. He's not wearing those stupid glasses. You thought as you caressed his face gently, a smile appearing on your tear stained, battered face.
"Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are, 'Toru?" You say, not failing to catch him off guard even in your last moments. He gives you a nod as he takes one of his hands and places it over your own. "Can you kiss me on the forehead? Like you always do?" You question as you blink away a few tears.
He places a gentle kiss on your forehead, his lips staying for a few moments, before hugging your body closer to him and tucking your head under his own. "Maybe in another life, I can be what you always wanted.." You mutter before closing your eyes. He could feel your body still, and finally let a couple tears run down his face.
It was never meant to be.
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devils-dares · 2 months
hi lovely can i get a carmy x college reader where she comes to his for dinner when the dining hall food is bad 🥹🫶🏻
he's grumbling, pouring over his notebook with a cigarette dangling from his lips. he can't get this one recipe right and it's pissing him the fuck off. he's so pissed, in fact, that he doesn't even hear the door unlock. he ends up throwing the notebook across the room, burying the heels of his palms in his eyesockets. suddenly, you feel really bad about coming here to bother him, trying to sneak back out.
"what're you doin' here, sugar?" he asks.
"was just leaving, i didn't wanna bother you." he sighs deeply, standing up from the floor. he walks over to you, taking your hands in his.
"what's going on?" you blink a few times, thinking about how stupid your disruption really is.
"the dining hall food is bad and i haven't really been eating much. came over here cause i was hungry and-"
"you wanted me to cook for ya, sugar?"
"yeah," you frown, "but you don't have to. you're stressed."
"and my girlfriend's hungry," he says, kissing your forehead. he squeezes your hands gently before pulling you into a hug, "what can i make for you?" as you think, he scoops you up and plops you on the counter, standing between your legs. he brushes your hair out of your face, smiling at you. the stress lines seem to melt away from his face the longer he looks at you.
“make me whatever you feel like making,” you say, smiling at him, “long as it’s warm, i don’t care, it’ll be yummy.”
“bear secret menu item?” you giggle at his words.
“you’re just saying that so you don’t have to admit to stealing syd’s ideas.”
“syd can butt the fuck out of my relationship.” he starts taking some ingredients out.
“nothing too elaborate, carm, just messy and warm.”
“are you hungry now or can you wait?”
“i can wait. i brought my bag, i’ve got some reading to do.” he nods. you slip off of the counter, grabbing your book and notes out of your bag while he starts to cook. the smells enter your nose while you study, and your stomach grumbles loudly.
“when was the last time you ate?”
“good food?” he laughs.
“any food, sugar.”
“i had… a cereal bar this morning.”
“that’s all?” you nod. he sighs.
“how about i make you dinner, and then get some stuff ready for leftovers?”
“please?” he laughs softly.
“‘course, princess.” he starts to chop up some veggies as you pull out your books and laptop. immediately, the stress of school comes back, and you find yourself rubbing at your forehead already. as you;’re getting into the nitty gritty of your notes from your lecture earlier today, you see a glass of wine get dropped off at the table.
“gotta relax more, sugar. all that stress is gonna take a toll on you.” you smile up at him, swirling the wine in your glass before taking a sip.
“you don’t like this one.” you say as he takes a sip as well, “you hate pinot.” he shrugs.
“pairs well with the food.”
“no it doesn’t.”
“no it doesn’t.” he nods, repeating what you said and agreeing. you smile as he turns around, taking a sip of his wine. you can see the sides of his neck tense up, and you imagine the scrunched up look on his face from the taste of the wine.
“it’s good, yummy.” he says, taking another sip and fighting the sour look on his face.
“i love you.” you laugh. he grumbles and goes back to the kitchen to cook.
soon enough, you’ve got a steaming hot plate of food in front of you, and your laptop gets whisked away.
“eat, and then study if you need to, but you’re not touching this until your stomach is brimming with food. i’ve got seconds.”
“won’t you come eat with me?” you ask, a pout on your face. he tuts.
“yeah yeah.” he refills the wine glasses, his wine looking much darker than yours this go around.
“cab sauv? not the best pairing.”
“better than fucking pinot.”
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 5 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley continues to struggle through his dates when he knows you're at his house. When you meet Natasha, you get the wrong impression of her from the start. But after a night out at the bar with his best friend, Bradley makes a move.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, and age gap (eventually 18+)
Length: 5400 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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When you arrived on Friday, Bradley was in the kitchen eating a bowl of the cereal and milk that you got for him, and Noah was playing with blocks in the hallway. 
"Hi, Noah! You'll never guess what kind of coloring book I found this time."
"More dinosaurs?" he asked, handing you an orange block. 
"Even better. Outer space," you told him, setting the block on the top of his tower. 
Bradley was already smiling at you when you made your way into the kitchen. "That's for you. Your bonus," he said nodding toward a coffee cup with Bradley scrawled across it. 
You gasped in mock surprise. "Do I wanna know what you had to do to get it?"
He shook his head solemnly between cereal bites. "I'm taking it to the grave."
Your laughter seemed to make his smile grow bigger. "Got it. I'll never bring it up again. Thank you." You took a sip and moaned softly; it was just that good. You might have to switch coffee shops.
Bradley grunted and set his bowl in the sink before slipping past you as he muttered something about needing to get changed. You watched him squat down and kiss Noah before stepping over the mess of blocks with his long legs and heading toward his bedroom.
You wondered if your paper crown was still in there.
"Are you hungry?" you asked Noah. "You want me to make you macaroni and cheese with a side of ants?"
"Yeah," Noah agreed, handing you some more blocks to play with first. You built three towers in a row with him before you set up the coloring books at the kitchen table so he could sit there while you made his dinner. 
When you started playing some music on your phone, you selected that band that you knew Bradley liked, and sure enough when he emerged from his room, he was shaking his head at you. 
"I still can't believe you know their songs," he said, finishing the buttons on his colorful shirt. 
"I already told you, you're not that old." You were happy to see that he seemed to be more comfortable in his clothing now compared to the date where he wore the dress shirt. "Where are you going tonight?"
"Just dinner. Maybe a movie after that if things seem promising," he said, meeting your eyes. 
"Any excuse for popcorn. Are you taking your pajamas with you?" you asked, but then you realized that implied there might be a sleepover. Your heart clenched in your chest. Oh God. One of these nights, there might be a sleepover involved. What would you do then? 
Of course you wanted him to find someone he was compatible with so he could be happy, but when you really started to consider the implications, you felt a little queasy. 
"I can't go to the movie theater without a shirt on, so I'll be leaving my pajama pants here."
"Good," you whispered, stirring the pasta in the boiling water, thinking about him in just a pair of low slung gray sweatpants.  
"See you in a few hours." He kissed Noah, and then he was gone. 
When you brought a bowl of mac and cheese over to Noah, he looked up and told you, "I like you. And Daddy said you're his favorite."
Your heart skipped a beat. "Well, I like you too, Noah. And don't tell anyone, but your Daddy is kinda my favorite, too." 
Bradley finally figured it out; meeting new women over and over again was tedious. Almost none of them got his humor right off the bat, resulting in awkward laughter and a few strange looks. 
"So what do you do for the Navy?" Carolyn asked him as she sipped her drink.
Bradley smiled and said, "Waste millions of dollars in taxpayer money annually. What do you do?"
She just looked at him blankly. When he told you essentially the same thing last week, you had immediately told him that Uncle Sam could suck it. 
"Uh," Carolyn said with a forced laugh. "I do online data entry."
God, had there ever been a single profession that Bradley wanted to discuss less than that? Twenty more minutes of talking about essentially nothing, and then luckily dinner had arrived. There was no way a movie was getting tacked on to this date. 
What the hell was wrong with him? All of these women had been attractive, seemingly normal, and smart. It must be Bradley. He must be the problem. He thought he knew now what it was, of course. Nat had even called him out on it: he kept thinking about you. How you looked like you fit in at his house. How you and Noah had already bonded. How you kept doing little things to take care of both of them, acting like it was no big deal.
It was a big deal. Bradley was eating hot food again at home. Spaghetti, fajitas, and eggs. Noah was eating healthy snacks, and you kept cleaning things up. He left two hundred dollars behind the TV this time and told you to spend it on anything you wanted. 
And that was the other thing. For some reason, he trusted you. With Noah, with his money, and in his house. 
Bradley took out his wallet to pay for dinner and checked the time on his phone. You had sent him a text a while ago. 
Babysitter: Your son is going to be an architect.
Attached was a picture of Noah building an elaborate castle with his blocks, and your bare legs were stretched out alongside him. He couldn't look away. You had bright purple toenail polish, the same color as the fucking crown that was back on his bedpost. Your hand was in the picture too, and all he could imagine was how you used it to pop one colorful Skittle at a time between your glossy lips.
Bradley looked up at Carolyn before he signed the check. "Hey, this was fun, but I'm going to head home for the night." He watched her face fall, surprised that she might have actually been enjoying herself. 
"Oh, okay."
Well, if this had been a good date for her, maybe Bradley really was a lost cause who was way too picky for his own good. Because it had been painful enough for him that he just wanted to be at home on his couch. And if you were there too, then all the better.
He tried not to think about you on the drive home, but as soon as he caught sight of your car, he couldn't stop himself. Your legs and your face and the way you talked to him. Fuck, he needed to get inside. 
When Bradley noisily let himself in, you weren't on the couch. The disappointed feeling of not seeing you right away filled him up as his eyes settled on the paper crowns on the side table. "Hey, I'm home," he called out softly, and then you were poking your head into the living room.
"Hi," you whispered, heading toward him, and he had the urge to open up his arms for you. "Noah had a bad dream. I was just making sure he's okay."
Bradley ran his hand through his hair. "I'll go check on him," he mumbled, inhaling your wildflower scent as he passed you. 
As he bent down to kiss his son, Bradley noticed his pinched face and restless movements. "It's okay, bub," he whispered, smoothing his fingers along the tiny cheeks and forehead. Noah took a deep breath in his sleep and rolled onto this side, and hopefully that was a good sign that he was going to fall into a deeper sleep. 
Bradley walked down the hallway and glanced into his pristine kitchen before making his way back to the living room where you were stacking up your textbooks on the table. If you kept cleaning his house and cooking for him, he was going to have to pay you more. And not just in French vanilla coffee. 
"You're home pretty early," you remarked, looking up at him over your shoulder. "No movie?"
"Nah," he said, wishing you'd stop packing up your tote bag. 
You smirked. "And what exactly was wrong with this one?"
He chuckled and grinned at you. "Well, where do I begin? Her hair was like an inch longer than I can possibly tolerate. And her car was burgundy. I hate burgundy cars. And she doesn't like popcorn."
"Okay," you said with a laugh. "You're just making this shit up."
"I'm not!" he insisted while trying to fight his grin. "She ordered a salad with no dressing! That's not normal! And her nails were painted pink. So boring!"
You were laughing in earnest now. "I'll bet her entire house is beige!"
"Terrifying!" he gasped, gripping his heart. "You're heading out, Princess?"
He watched you carefully look at his empty hands and inspect him all over. "I don't see any wine or beer tonight. No more coffee cups either. Nothing to keep me here," you said with a shrug, but you were smiling. 
"I could make some coffee. Or I have some of that beer left." He didn't know why it felt so important to keep you here longer, but he really wanted to take your bag out of your hand. 
"No, that's okay. You still want me tomorrow night?" you asked, shrugging your tote bag onto your shoulder. 
"Every night," he mumbled, and he watched your lips part slowly as his eyes went wide. "I mean, yeah, tomorrow night, yes. I do still need you tomorrow night."
Your gaze dropped down to his lips, and Bradley was slowly moving before he could stop himself. At first you were frozen in place, and he knew he should be slamming on the brakes, but your tongue darted out to glide across your glossy lips. 
Then you closed the distance between his body and yours with one decisive step, and Bradley was reaching for your pretty face. The skim of his thumb along your cheek as he grazed your neck with his fingertips had your eyes fluttering closed. 
You were perfect. He wanted you. He considered the fact that if he let himself, he could grow to need you. As the tip of his nose brushed your face and his lips barely met yours, he heard Noah call out from his room. "Daddy!"
And with that one word, you were jerking out of his soft grasp like you had been burned. 
"Noah needs you," you said quickly, hoisting your bag higher onto your shoulder as you looked at the couch.
"Yeah," Bradley whispered, wishing you would still meet his eyes. 
But you turned toward the door and waved over your shoulder. "See you tomorrow at 6."
And you were gone. And Bradley was making his way into Noah's room. But Noah was already asleep again.
Your heart was pounding as you drove home. You and Bradley had kissed. Just barely, but still. You moaned at the memory of his mustache brushing your upper lip. "Oh my God," you whispered, running your fingers along your lips. Your crush on him was hopeless. Ridiculous. But was it unrequited?
If his date hadn't gone well tonight, why did he need you there again tomorrow? He hadn't even taken that woman to the movie theater after dinner. Was he really going to take her out again? 
What if... what if he wanted to hang out with you? He had mentioned making you some coffee or getting the beers out. You were an idiot. You could be sitting on his couch with him right now, sipping a microbrew IPA and sharing a bag of Skittles. He could be kissing you senseless into the couch cushions. You wouldn't have been stopping him.
"Shit," you gasped, almost turning your car around. But you were already turning onto your block, your little rental house coming into view.
What if. There were too many what ifs. You really liked Bradley. Noah was so sweet, you loved being around him. Their house already felt cozier than your rental. You whined helplessly as you parked and hauled your books inside. 
You spent most of Saturday morning and afternoon blasting music and making snacks while you tried to study. Every time you thought about Bradley, you made yourself run up your stairs to your bedroom and back down, getting a really nice workout in. 
When you checked the time on your phone, you nearly dropped it on the floor.
Bradley Bradshaw: I wish we hadn't been interrupted last night, Princess.
"Oh, fuck." The text was from nearly an hour ago. You scrambled with clumsy fingers to write back as quickly as you could.
Same. But I hope Noah was okay?
But he didn't write back. So you got yourself ready to go, taking extra care with your hair and makeup.  And an hour later, you were on your way to his house with homemade snacks and so much hope in your heart. Maybe he wanted to spend the evening watching a movie with you and Noah.  
But when you pulled up, there was an SUV in his driveway next to his Bronco, and you had to park on the street. You grabbed your bag that contained just one of your textbooks and a bunch of snacks and eyed the SUV warily as you opened the front door. 
And there stood such a stunningly beautiful woman, you froze halfway through the door. She had dark hair and perfect skin, and her brown eyes were searching you like you were a science experiment or something to examine under a microscope. Just as a smile curled along her lips, you heard Bradley call from the kitchen. "Hey Nat, get in here and help me! You know I need you."
Your heart sank at the sound of his voice beckoning to her. And now she was smiling at you fully as you shut the door behind you and set your bag down. 
"Nat!" Bradley called with laughter in his voice. "Don't make me come get you!"
But this woman was paying him no attention. Rather, she was making her way closer to you and holding out her hand. "Hi, I'm Natasha. You must be the babysitter," she said, a teasing, singsong tone to her voice. You instantly felt like this beautiful woman was making fun of you. Putting you in your place.
"Yeah. That's me," you said with as much courage as you could manage. Was this the woman Bradley went out with last night? Was this someone else he was seeing? Maybe a fling he was giving a second chance? God, they would look perfect together. You could honestly picture it.
"Well, I've heard a lot about you, sweetheart." Her eyes were positively twinkling with mirth at your expense now. "It's nice to meet you."
You were just about to ask exactly who she was and why she seemed to know so much about you, but then Bradley appeared in the living room. "Natasha!" his voice boomed, but then he paused when he saw you. "Oh, you're here." His voice softened considerably when he looked at you. He was wearing well worn jeans that clung to his perfect body and a plain, white undershirt. He was so sexy, you could barely think straight.
But why had he texted you that he wished you hadn't been interrupted by Noah if he had this other woman here now? You watched this Natasha walk past him, patting his flat belly as she went into the kitchen.
You felt like crying. You could feel your brow creasing as you tried to hold back the stinging sensation behind your eyes as Bradley made his way over to you.
"Princess." His voice was so soft and he was smirking down at you. 
"Bradley?" But his name fell from your tongue like a question. 
"Come on into the kitchen."
You didn't want to go into the kitchen. You wanted to leave. But he pressed his hand to the small of your back and guided you along. 
"Who is that woman?" you blurted just before you reached the kitchen doorway. 
You felt Bradley's huge hand grip you a little tighter as he laughed. "She's truly horrible, isn't she?"
"What?" you gasped as he guided you into the kitchen. Noah was sitting at the table, making a huge mess with cut up construction paper and a glue stick. And Natasha was fiddling around with Bradley's fancy coffee maker like she freaking lived here. 
"It worked last time I tried to make a latte. What did you do to it?" she asked Bradley, bending over the counter and showcasing her perfect body. 
You thought you might actually hate her. 
"It was supposed to be her treat," Bradley said at the same time that Natasha finally got the machine to do what she wanted, because she stood up and clapped. 
And then Noah spotted you and jumped out of the chair, wrapping his arms around your leg and saying he missed you, even though you'd seen him last night. You almost dropped your tote bag on the floor in all the commotion and emotions, but Bradley caught it and set it on one of the chairs. 
"I was trying to make you a vanilla latte, but I needed Nat to figure it out. Always saving the day, huh?" Bradley said, sharing a high five with Natasha. 
"You're terrible at everything," she told him. "I can't believe they let you fly a Super Hornet."
"I can't believe I've been putting up with you for nearly fifteen years," Bradley told her, running his fingers along your back briefly before he handed you the latte when it finished brewing in a mug that said Noah's Dad.
You held onto it with both hands and whispered, "Thank you." Then you watched Natasha clean up some of Noah's construction paper mess and pat him on the head. 
"Aunt Natasha promises to take you for ice cream next week if you're really good for you dad and your babysitter. Sounds fun, kiddo?" Noah lit up at her words.
"You ready to go?" Bradley asked Natasha, and she just nodded and said she would meet him outside.
"See you around," she told you with a wink. 
You just nodded like an idiot and tried to sip the blazing hot latte. Then you looked up at Bradley's handsome face.
"I might be kind of late tonight. I'll be at Nat's mercy for a ride home."
"Oh," you whispered. "Okay."
But now he was looking at you like he had been last night, as if he wanted to stay here with you instead of going out. 
He sighed deeply. "She's kind of making me go out and socialize with our friends. I guess that's what best friends are good for? Making sure you don't fall off the grid?"
Your heart perked up immediately. "She's your best friend?" you asked softly. He had told you his best friend was a woman. She referred to herself as Noah's aunt. She must be the one who had installed the dating app on his phone. She's the reason you met Bradley in the first place.
"Yeah," he said with a laugh. "And unfortunately I think it's too late to try to trade her for a better one."
You took a sip of the latte. Suddenly it wasn't too hot. It was perfect. Bradley was perfect, and so was Noah. Even Natasha was truly a delight. You couldn't wait to see her again. 
"Bye, bub," Bradley said, accepting a kiss on his cheek from Noah who was now holding approximately nine colored pencils in each hand. "See you later," he told you with a soft smile, brushing past you on his way out of the kitchen. 
"It's a beautiful day, Noah. Let's go for a hike."
Bradley was five beers deep at the Hard Deck when Jake handed him a sixth. "Thanks," he mumbled, kind of hating that Hangman was being nice to him. He wasn't used to this. But Nat must have been telling Bradley the truth when she said everyone missed him. Even Penny had paused for a minute to ask him how he was, and also to make sure things were going well with you babysitting Noah.
"Tell me, Rooster," Jake drawled, "how is your foray into online dating treating you?"
Bradley glared at Nat. "Have you told everyone about the dating app?"
"Not everyone. Javy doesn't know," she replied. 
"What don't I know?" Coyote asked her as he paused on his way to the pool table.
"That Rooster is on a dating app. Oops," Nat said with a grin toward Bradley. "Now everyone knows."
He just shook his head and tried to search out someone else to talk to while he sipped his beer. But Penny was slammed at the bar, and Bradley didn't want to chat up any of the women here. He wanted to chat with you. He wanted a second chance at kissing you, too.
It was late, and Noah would have to be in bed by now. He wondered if you were curled up at the end of his couch reading one of your textbooks. He could picture you placing a single Skittle in your mouth, watching it drag across your bottom lip. He wanted to taste it in your mouth.
"Fuck," he mumbled. He wished he had an excuse to text you. Without giving it too much thought, Bradley took a selfie of him with Nat and Jake. He looked okay in it, so he sent it to you. 
"Who are you texting that to?" Jake asked. 
"Nobody," Bradley replied, and after another sip of his beer, he had a text back from you. 
Babysitter: Who's that other guy?
Bradley's shoulders slumped. He should have known better. All women loved Jake. 
His name is Jake. But trust me, Princess, he wouldn't be good for you.
Bradley realized too late that Nat was reading over his shoulder. "Oh my goodness, she's asking about Jake. Poor Bradley," she said, teasingly. 
"Who's asking about me?" Jake drawled.
"Nobody," Bradley said at the same time Nat said, "The babysitter."
Bradley really didn't need that last beer. He was pretty drunk now, and quite frankly his friends were pissing him off. 
"What's she look like?" Jake asked. "And if she's cute, my next question is going to be is she over eighteen?"
Bradley rolled his eyes at Jake. "She wouldn't like you. She's smart."
Jake just laughed. "Oh, Rooster. All women like me." Bradley hated that grin. 
"Rooster has a photo of her saved on his phone," Nat sang, and Bradley wished he could tape her mouth shut.
"Show me," Jake said, and Bradley felt cornered. He pulled up that photo of you in the crown that he already loved so much and held it up for Jake and Nat to look at.
Nat was smirking, but Jake looked like someone had placed a juicy steak in front of him. 
"Holy shit. So how old is she exactly?" he asked, trying to take Bradley's phone. But luckily he wasn't too drunk to pull it away in time. 
"It doesn't matter," Bradley told him, trying to find a way to change the subject. 
"What the fuck are you doing on a dating app when that's waiting at your house? I would be tapping that nonstop," Jake said, shaking his head at Bradley. "In fact, tell her your good buddy Jake is on his way over. Tell her I want her number."
"Absolutely not," Bradley growled. And then there was another text from you.
Babysitter: He's kind of cute. For a blond. 
Bradley sighed and shook his head. He would not allow this to happen.
I can assure you he is not. He has a burgundy car, Princess. And his entire condo is beige. And he hates salad dressing.
Bradley's heart was pounding, and his head was starting to swim. He never drank this much anymore since he had to be attentive to Noah all day long. He was really regretting that last beer when you texted him a photo. Bradley's breath caught in his throat as he looked at a selfie of you laying on his living room area rug and laughing. You looked so young and sweet and perfect.
Babysitter: Nevermind. He doesn't sound like my type at all.
"Atta girl," Bradley said to nobody in particular. Everyone had wandered away from him at this point as he typed out a response.
He's definitely not your type.
Babysitter: You think you know my type?
He watched as Nat paid the tab and waved him toward the door.
I hope so, Princess. I'm on my way home. We can talk about it then.
Okay. These texts were getting a little flirty. That Jake guy was cute, but Bradley was definitely more attractive. Jake looked like an older version of Greyson, like the kind of guy you would usually go for: clean cut with an attitude. 
But Bradley. Well. He was definitely something different. He was older, sexier, and you were pretty sure he'd never give you an attitude. Unless you wanted him to. 
And now you were rolling around on his living room carpet, biting your lip to keep from screaming. Then you heard someone pull into his driveway, and you rocketed to your feet.
When you peeked out the window, you saw Bradley being led up the sidewalk by Natasha, which was hilarious, because he was roughly twice her size.
"Bradley," she said, pausing to scold him. "You need to stop laughing and focus on walking."
"I'm fine, Nat," he said, chuckling. 
"You did not need that last beer, did you?" she asked, fumbling to get his keys from him. You could have opened the door for them, but you were frozen, looking at the way his face was bathed in moonlight. 
"Nat, she's inside," he mumbled. 
"Yeah, she is. And you better be sweet so she doesn't ask for Jake's number."
"Fuck Jake," Bradley grumbled, and you covered your mouth to keep from laughing as Nat opened the door. 
"Hi," you said, greeting both of them with a smile.
"Hey, Princess," Bradley said, a crooked grin on his lips. 
Nat shoved him into the house. "Want me to help you get to bed?" she asked, but you held your hand up as Bradley inched closer to you.
"It's okay. I can stay and make sure he gets there."
"Excellent," Nat said with a grin that reminded you of the Cheshire cat. "He's all yours, babe."
And then she was gone, and you had Bradley towering over you, looking at you like he wanted to touch you. 
"Did you have fun?" you asked softly.
He nodded at you, his eyes half lidded as he chuckled. "Yeah. Was Noah good?"
"An angel," you promised, taking him by the hand. "Let's get you to bed, Bradley." Your heart pounded as you tried to pull him to his bedroom, but he wasn't budging. His hand was huge and warm, and he used it to pull you a little closer. 
"Do you like Jake? You think he's cute. He said he wanted your number, and it pissed me off."
You looked up at him wide eyed. He must have had a lot to drink since he was rambling a bit. "It pissed you off that I think he's cute? Or that he wanted my number?"
Bradley scoffed and pulled you against him. "Both. He's not good enough for you." 
"Oh," you gasped, running your palms along his torso where you were suddenly touching him. He was so solid. Substantial. You wondered if he had started to regret that almost kiss last night. You wanted to know what he was thinking about you. "Bradley?"
"I don't like Jake. He looks like Greyson, my ex boyfriend." 
He just shook his head a few times, running his big palm along your back again. You could feel yourself melting into him. "You can do better than either of them. You're so pretty."
"Bradley," you whispered as your entire body clenched in need. You couldn't remember ever feeling like this before. 
"You are," he told you, his brown eyes so steady and honest. "You're so funny and smart and pretty." And now he was looking at your lips. 
"Of course. I'm a princess," you told him with a small smile. And then his lips were on yours. His mouth was warm, and he tasted like beer. But you liked it. You really liked it when both of his hands wrapped around your waist, dragging your shirt up a little bit in the process. 
Your lips parted on a gasp as his fingers grazed the bare skin below your ribs. And then he was tasting you, groaning softly as your tongue met his. He was surprisingly soft and sweet, never demanding more than you were giving. Every experimental nibble on his lips led to him reciprocating the actions, making you a little crazier for him. 
When you ran your fingers up along his neck and his cheek, he groaned, "Princess," against your lips. You pushed your fingers into his hair, tugging a bit, and then he was backing you up against the TV stand. 
"Bradley," you whined when his lips found your neck. "Oh, God. You're drunk."
"Not that drunk," he mumbled against your skin, his breath hot, his lips dragging against your earlobe.
You did not want him to stop. That was literally the last thing on your mind right now. But you'd die next time you saw him if he said he regretted this. 
"Bradley," you said a little louder, planting both palms against his chest and pushing him firmly away. 
He released you completely and just stood there looking at you like he couldn't figure out what was going on.
"You're drunk, Bradley," you said softly. "Oh, God, I'm sorry I didn't stop you sooner." You took a few steps away from him, and he followed you like a puppy with sad eyes.
"I wanted that. Since last night. Since last week."
You just shook your head. "But you're drunk. You're the epitome of an unreliable narrator."
He just looked at you like he couldn't get enough and laughed. "How are you so funny?" he asked softly, brushing his fingers along your cheek. You were terrified that you'd follow him to his bedroom if he asked, but he wasn't in the right mind to be voicing any sorts of opinions concerning you or your lips or how funny he found you. 
"Just, go sit on the couch, okay?" you instructed, guiding him that way with a hand on his massive bicep. He dropped down onto the couch, all rosy cheeks and long, splayed legs, looking up at you like he expected you to join him. "I'll get you some water."
You dashed into the kitchen without another thought, gripping the edge of the hard granite counter with your shaky fingers. 
You wanted him. You wanted Bradley. And he was on a quest to find the right woman while you were simply here to watch Noah for him. You needed to get a grip on things. You needed to straighten this out. 
After a few deep breaths, you filled a cup with cold water and reached down the bottle of Advil you noticed on the top self next to the mugs. If Bradley was able to hold a conversation when you went back into the living room, you'd try to get him to explain what was going on. You squared your shoulders, but when you saw him, he was sprawled across the entire couch, sound asleep. 
With a deep sigh, you set the water and the Advil on the small table next to him. You watched his chest rise and fall with each breath he took, his face calm and smooth. His lips were parted slightly, and you could see the perfect white of his teeth. Gently, you pushed his wavy hair back from his forehead, letting your fingers linger in the soft strands. 
He might not even remember kissing you tomorrow. 
You took a sheet of paper and a pen out of your bag and left him a note next to his water. Then you checked that the back door was locked before giving Noah a kiss on his forehead. And with one last look at Bradley dozing peacefully, you left, locking his front door behind you.
Wow, Bradley. Do it when you're sober, bro. I hope you enjoy your babysitter fic @beyondthesefourwalls
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takavasen · 3 months
Tumblr dashboard in Night Vale simulator
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Today's science fact:
Spiders have an open blood circulation system, which means they do not have veins and their blood is different from the blood of mammals. Unfortunately many healthcare professionals do not know this, which can lead to improper methods in...
Read more
Spiders are a valuable part of our community and deserve good healthcare.
But more importantly, I want everyone to know that Carlos the Scientist made this post, he is my husband and I love him very much! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
🪬a-thousand-fingernails Follow
Cecil everyone knows you and Carlos are married and most of us are happy for you but you don't need to tell this in every post you make
Wait have I mentioned it before?
809 notes
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Hah saw some loser (@ marble-eyes) bring the same girl (@ mountainbeliever343 I think, couldn't see her face clearly from the cameras) home for the third time this week lol
cmon just say you are girlfriends already dont be shy
💎marble-eyes Follow
Hey you can't just share private information like that!! And besides that is not true, I haven't brought anyone home for a long time, I don't have time for that anymore!!!
No. I can confirm that what Sam said is true. I was there. I am always there. Also, I put the rest of your cereal to your washing machine. They have been in the cupboard for a while now, I thought they were getting quite dusty and needed cleaning.
31 notes
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🏀basketballpalmer Follow
We had an another great season with @nvwheelchairbasketball team again! Thank you everyone, it's an honor to be the captain of the team! See you guys next season <3
👍wallabyyy Follow
Aaaaa congratulations! I miss you guyssss
43 notes
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I just had the most delightful date with the most gorgeous theologist in Desert Bluffs Too!!! We had a lovely dinner at my house (some eyeball salad, mushed tarantulas and fried human fingers), watched some movies and of course made sure to serve our great Smiling God by making each other as happy as possible!! Unfortunately Charles said that it would make him unhappy if I shared the details, but I can confidently say that I have never been more joyful!!
🦷smiling-mayor Follow
Kevin, you missed a service in the Temple of Joy because of this. Surely you would remember doing that for an old friend, wouldn't you? 😊
Oh, Lauren, of course I wouldn't ignore anything like that on purpose, you know how much I love tolerating you!!
98 notes
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🪽not-an-angel Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
🌟erikaaaaaaa Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💵ex-vanston Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💡erika-the-black-one Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
3 notes
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Hey guys, so I just spoke to the new scientist lady and found out I don't actually have three pairs of arms. The lower two were just robot limbs that I tried out when I was seven years old and forgot to take them off. So hows your day ://
I am always happy to help with explaining your problems away.
Hey bitch how is it going under the cow
754 notes
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Alright, I'm going to say it. Steve Carlsberg does NOT know how to be a basketball coach. He knows nothing about any game structures, and he only allows one ball per game!! He talks too loud, except when you can't hear him. It will be ALL HIS FAULT if we end up losing this season!!!!!
🌠lines-in-the-sky Follow
For everyone who finds this post now: I made this many years ago. Things have changed a lot. I'm very sorry, Steve. I couldn't hope for a better brother-in-law. You are my best friend, and I was the irrational one in this situation.
I have changed the way I look at people. I will not treat them the same way I used to treat Steve anymore.
1,642 notes
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Alright, who let Susan Willman be in charge of anything? She is the absolute worst at making desicions, like, who asks an obelisk its NAME? She had an oppoturnity to ask almost anything, and that's what she chose?? She better stay away from our way for at least seven decades, and keep her "Huntokar"-nonsense with herself!!!
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thezombieprostitute · 23 days
"See how he reacts to the silent treatment."
Girl you're just asking for a death sentence!!! 😂😵‍💫 Rip to you lmao
A/N: this was entirely written on my phone. Reader is gender neutral, no physical descriptions.
Warnings: angst? Let me know if I missed any!
The house is unusually quiet and not just because you were giving Lloyd the silent treatment. You'd warned him that the last slice of cheesecake was for you. You'd set it aside specifically as a reward for your day of unending meetings.
When you had gotten home, exhausted, the one treat you'd been looking forward to was gone. You found the plate in the sink with the telltale crumbs. Confronting Lloyd led to him grinning as he confessed, "what are you gonna do about it, Pumpkin?"
Clearly he was expecting something along the lines of you smacking his ass or exchanging orgasms for forgiveness but you were exhausted and angry. So instead of responding you storm off to change into pajamas and go to bed. He pesters you the entire time but you maintain your silence, ignoring him the best you can.
As you lay down and try to sleep Lloyd goes to cuddle and you push him away. He tries all of his go-to moves and phrases but eventually you get up and go to sleep on the couch.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," Lloyd scoffs as you lay down, back to him. "It was just a slice of cheesecake!"
He changes tactics to make you lash out at him. As much as he's stoking the flames of your ire, you're aware enough to realize what you're doing is working. It helps you to keep ignoring him.
Eventually he huffs and backs off, letting you get some actual sleep.
When you wake up the next morning, a little sore from the couch, it's eerily quiet. From the looks of things Lloyd's already gone to work. No kiss goodbye or anything. You feel bad but damnit, you're stubborn enough to keep this up until he apologizes.
You arrive at your office and there are several bouquets of your favorite flowers. You don't need to check the cards to know who they're from. None of the cards contain an apology so you pass out the bouquets to some of your workers who you know will appreciate them.
Around lunchtime good gets delivered to your office. Again, no apology note so, again, you give the food to your employees.
You're genuinely not surprised when, after work, you find your car missing. In its place is Lloyd in his car. You briefly contemplate calling an Uber but you do genuinely feel safer taking the ride from Lloyd and get into the passenger seat.
He makes several attempts to get you to talk, his knuckles turning white from how hard he's gripping the wheel. He says several things but none of them are an apology so you continue to give him the silent treatment.
By the time you get home he's fully tense with rage. As soon as the door is unlocked you get out of the car and head inside. There's a veritable feast waiting for you in the dining room. Lloyd must've spent the whole day cooking for you. Again, you feel a little bad, but he still hasn't apologized so you grab a bowl of cereal to eat for dinner.
"Oh come on, Pumpkin," Lloyd yells at you. "It was just a slice of cheesecake! You're really gonna pass off all of the shit I've been getting you for a slice of cheesecake?!"
You ignore him and continue eating your cereal.
"You're killing me here! What do you want? You want an apology? I'm fucking sorry I ate the cheesecake--"
Before he can say anything else you stand up and give a dramatic, "oh thank God!" You march over to him, grab his face and pull him in for a kiss. You can't see his eyebrows raise when you go so far as to shove your tongue into his mouth.
When you break the kiss you smack his ass, "do you have any idea how much I missed you?" You spank him again. "How much I wanted to thank you for the flowers and food?" Another smack. "How difficult it was to get to sleep without cuddles? I fucking missed you, Lloyd!"
He looks at you, torn between being dumbfounded and being turned on by your attitude, stubbornness and arm strength.
"Thank you for finally apologizing," you tell him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna pig out on this feast that I know will be delectable because you're the best damn cook I know." You give him another kiss.
As you turn to get a plate Lloyd grabs you and spins you towards him. "You think you can just do that and walk away from me? I'm already half hard!"
"Then I guess I'll have to moan even louder than usual as I eat and get you fully erect."
As you walk away you hear Lloyd mumble, "fuck I love you."
Tagging @alicedopey and @icefrozendeadlyqueen because I promised I would.
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b-yeonder · 10 months
Bringing Them Breakfast In Bed (Brothers + Undateables)
↬  Genre/Content Warnings: Fluff. Someone gets a boner.
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When you walk in balancing the breakfast tray Lucifer is already sat up in bed checking his D.D.D for any important news from RAD, but his attention is quickly diverted to you. The spread you offer him? Buttered toast, two different types of jam in cute little decorative jars, a full wine glass, and a cup of tea.
"Wine in the morning? What do you take me for," he chuckles putting his phone down. Grinning you tell him that it's just grape juice to which he laughs and accepts the tray from you with a sincere thank you. Finds it incredibly endearing and can't stop smiling - calls you his good girl/boy with a wink. Will definitely put him in a good mood for the rest of the day.
"For me? All of it? Really?"
Yup! He's flabbergasted, blinking stupidly with his mouth hanging open as his cheeks redden before eventually catching himself and clearing his throat, putting on his usual bravado.
"Well damn, I definitely deserve this huh, being the Great Mammon after all!" Cheeks are still red despite his demeanor change. Takes the tray and starts tucking in with gusto.
"Ya gonna help me with this right? Here, I'll feed ya a pancake look--"
He does, insisting on feeding it to you by hand and is a happy bubbly fella all morning. Why? Because his human pampered him and he feels s p e c i a l. (Because he is, of course.)
Shakes off his tiredness in an instant when he realises what you're handing him.
"Is this that Limited Edition Ruri-chan cereal!? WHOOOAAH!"
A million thank yous before he takes a million pictures to post on his social media (probably with cute captions like "I have the best gf/bf lololololol") and is loathe to eat it but it looks so good and ohhh man he's caved already and it IS good. You can't help but laugh at him as he eats it with his eyes closed, humming happily.
"I can't believe you got these. Just for me? Really? Like, the whole box, you don't want any at all?" Blushes reaaal hard once it dawns on him how difficult it must have been for you to get and that you made all the effort for him and him only.
"What if I feed you a spoonful? They're really good." Blushy blush, hide behind that fringe cutie pie.
"Ohh well well well, what have we here?" A smirk as you hand him his tray. Freezes when he sees what's on his plate and his cheeks redden quickly. You can't help but grin as he just stares. Cat pancakes. Cat-head shaped pancakes with syrupy faces.
"You okay there?"
"I....they're..." He clears his throat and blinks up at you.
"Cute right?" Your grin widens as he nods.
"I don't know if I can eat them..." At his mumbled confession you laugh and plop next to him on the bed, offering to feed them to him which has him blushing more. What can I say, sleepy morning bedhead Satan is easily flustered.
"Oh darling this is amazing! But really all you had to do was show up nude and that would have been all the breakfast I need--"
He giggles and licks his lips at the delicious looking spread laid before him. "G A S P, is this GLITTERY JAM!?"
"Yes! Isn't it cool?"
Squeals and tucks in, rolling his eyes in his head. "Oh my gosh it tastes as good as it looks. This would make a good lipstick colour, we should go looking for one later." Uses it as an opportunity to gossip and get a few little flirtatious moves in before the day has even started. Dabbing jam on your nose just to lick it off making you snort with laughter and shove him away. 
Presented with a full English breakfast, a giant stack of pancakes, and orange juice - his eyes are the size of saucers as his pupils flick from the food to you.
"What's wrong, handsome?"
"I'm trying to decide what I want to eat more right now - the food or you." Because yes the poor sausage is overwhelmed and gets hard with excitement over all the deliciousness before him. Ends up shoving some egg in his gob followed by a pancake and half of the orange juice before pouncing on you. "Lemme love you!"
"BEEEL-!" He's grinning and smothering you with breakfasty smooches leaving you a giggling mess.
(Would want to finish his breakfast with you wrapped in his arms after because hugs and food are the best.)
"I've never seen you eat breakfast so I didn't know what to make you therefore I am serving myself," you say, gesturing to yourself with a flourish.
"Perfect." Instantly grabs you and starts biting and gnawing at you making you erupt in a fit of giggles and try to push him off. "Mmmm human, so delicious!" Keeps going, pinning you down and climbing on top.
"BELPHIE STOP THAT TICKLES." Evil grin plastered on his face, eventually ends the antics with a kiss on your nose. Then bites it.
"Just for future reference though, I love a good omelette. Make me one of those and I'm yours forever."
"You're not already mine forever?"
"No, you suck, make me an omelette." Collapses on top of you so you can't go and make one even if he wasn't just winding you up. 
Has a massive grin on his face the moment you set foot in his room, getting even bigger when he sees you've brought food. You serve it professionally, pretending to be Barbatos and making him laugh. 
"Your breakfast, young Master."
"Ooo, my birthday must have come early? OH! Is that...a foam Cerberus in my coffee!?"
Devours everything eagerly, insisting on sharing with you no matter how much you protest. 
"Come now, you deserve to taste the fruit of your labours. It's wonderful!" Like a big kid, smothers you with kisses when he's done. "I'll have to think of a proper way to repay you..."
Completely taken by surprise - it was usually him that was serving meals after all and here you were up at an even earlier hour than him handing him a breakfast tray? Doesn't know what to say at first, eyes roaming over the food you'd prepared for him until he spots the little flower-shaped strawberries you'd cut for him - something he'd done for you once to cheer you up when you were sick. 
"Seeee," you say with a playful nudge as you settle next to him. "I've been learning."
"You have...this looks wonderful, thank you." He leans over to press a delicate kiss to your lips and you mumble a quiet you're welcome against them. The two of you share a rare moment of solitude chatting idly and enjoying each others' company before another busy day at the Palace begins.
Eyes you and the food warily. "You trying to poison me again?"
"Dude it was just gone-off milk it wouldn't have killed you. Also that was a whole year ago why are you still holding that against me?"
"Yeah well..." Sniffs it just to be sure then flashes you a playful smile. "I'm just messing. This looks really good - thanks."
Halfway through tucking in: "Y'know I'd offer to return the favour but you'd probably die so I won't bother."
"Yeah please don't," you laugh, resting your head on his shoulder. 
"Although....what if you were my breakfast next time? Worth a thought," he mused, tapping his spoon against his bottom lip as you rolled your eyes.
Oh...this is awkward...
You both are bearing breakfast trays intended for the other, and you both burst into laughter before making your way to his room where you swap trays and tuck in. 
"I can't believe this..."
"We're too in tune with each other," Simeon smiles, sipping at his tea. 
"Yeah, I guess we are." The food was delicious - heavenly even and you found yourself closing your eyes from pleasure while eating it. "This is amazing, Sims."
"Glad you like it," he replied with a grin. "You've made these eggs perfectly."
"I'll have to make them for you more often."
"I'd like that a lot."
Simeon definitely tries feeding you at one point, laughing sweetly at your eagerness to take it from him.
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~ Obey Me! Masterlist ~
~ The Grand Masterlist ~
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konigsluvr · 10 months
Omg thanks so much for getting back on my request so fast! The NSFW bit was a nice bonus 😏 tsk got me simping more on this man
Yes 6 months ago way peak Avatar, there was an endless supply of fics to binge but the past 2 months it's dwindled down a lot huh
Can i request more König HC if that's okay, but about his domestic preferences. Like his morning routine, his fave food, how he likes his coffee, his fashion sense etc
Thanks, and no rush! Take care x
I'm so glad you guys liked my recent headcanons, I was nervous it wasn't gonna get any attention but the amount of reposts and likes warmed my heart smmmmm<33 and I miss avatar so much, I've been deep in the cod stuff that I haven't read anything about avatar in agessss. Anyways here is könig headcanons, domestic version (sorry I took so long xx). Reblogs are highly appreciate <33
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König Headcanons pt2
Includes: König being a cutie at home.
☆ his bed is probably in his top 3 favourite things in life. Like they would be 1: You, 2: you again, 3: his bed. Like there's nothing better than coming home from a long and stressful mission and finding you sleeping in his queensized bed. You make sure to wash the bed for when he comes home so he has the best nights sleep. You'd hear him let out a relieved sigh when he gets in bed and cuddles with you. Nothing better.
☆ I picture him as a morning person. It's just way more peaceful, calm, and bright. Plus, whenever he sleeps in, he feels a tad bit guilty due to "wasting" seeing a beautiful morning.
☆ the type of man that shuts his blinds in the evening, makes his home cosier and he feels a lot safer and private.
☆ he wears those compression shirts at the gym or when he's training at base... omg I'm just imagining how beefy he looks.
☆ black coffee, he probably likes the bitter taste but will probably switch to a more milky coffee once you convince him that its just way better. Probably won't take any sugars because he will be scared it will ruin his godly physique.
☆ for breakfast, he eats cereal because most of the time he can't be bothered cooking as soon as he wakes up. Sometimes he'll forget but you'll always be there to make sure he eats <33
☆ I'm sorry, I gotta include this. Apple juice>orange juice. You two have definetly had a heated debate on which one is better but he won, of course.
☆ könig probably won't leave the house much, if he does it's just for a small walk around his neighbourhood or in the park, and going grocery shopping.
☆ he would like to be comfy so wearing a hoodie or a jumper suits him and on a good day he'll wear his jeans, but mostly just joggers. (Grey Joggers *wink wink*)
☆ if you two are going out to a fancy dinner, he'll try to dress up for you but you tell him its fine as you don't want him to feel too causcious or vulnerable in public.
☆ fave food... I actually have no idea. He enjoys a good steak, especially if it's cooked by you :))
☆ he's a good cook, he can chef up a really good meal if he's in the mood. If you can cook better than him, he wouldn't even be mad. He would find it really attractive and would just watch you from the kitchen counter or stand right behind you looking over your shoulder, watching you cook. And if you burn something by mistake he'll either prevent it from happening before you even notice or he was too distracted by you and would laugh and tell you it's okay, and convince you he likes it a little crispy to make you feel better.
☆ his home probably didn't have much things lying around, such as decorations and random objects, but as soon as you moved in, you made it more homely with your random makeup there or your dropped clothing here. He's a tidy person but wouldn't be mad if you forget to put something away, he would most likely just leave it there in case you need it again later on or remind you kindly that it's there.
☆ movie nightssssss!! Imagine cuddling up with König on a Friday night when you two can't be bothered going out for a drink at the bar. You both choose a movie line up for the night, go out and buy some of your favourite snacks, get your most cosy blankets and share them together. Goals. Literal goals.
Sorry this pretty short. Have a lovely day and take care of yourself xxx
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pure-electric · 3 months
~an introduction to ecobricking~
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hello fellow solarpunks! i've been interested in ecobricking for a while but i recently invested some time into researching them so here's a guide! it's a responsible way to sequester plastic from the environment, but making them is slightly more involved than just stuffing plastic in a bottle, if you want to use them for construction or weight-bearing projects like furniture. I'm mainly using information from GoBrik, which had the most comprehensive guide, but feel free to comment or rb with supplemental information.
Isn't it better to recycle plastic rather than ecobricking?
There are many plastics, such as food wrappers or packaging, that can't be recycled and end up degrading rapidly. Ecobricking sequesters those kinds of plastics from the ecosystem and also reduces the surface area exposed, which limits plastic degredation over time.
How do you use ecobricks?
You can use ecobricks in many applications, from furniture to structures. The long-term environmental impact of using ecobricks is still speculated on, but responsible upkeep mitigates their potential environmental impacts, which are still far less than the impact that plastic would have were it not sequestered.
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How To Ecobrick:
Find a plastic bottle. The bottles that you use for ecobricking should all be the same variety, which will help in any building projects that you may choose to use them for.
Find some plastic! Make sure to wash and dry your plastic, as any food residue or moisture could make your brick moldy or structurally unsound. You can cut up larger pieces of plastic, like food packaging (think bags of shredded cheese or frozen berries, or the plastic bags inside cereal boxes)-- just pack em in. If you want to be fancy, GoBrik recommends making the bottom layer of your ecobrick all one color, for aesthetic purposes later on. But it's really up to you. Please avoid putting biodegradable material, such as cardboard or paper, as well as glass or metal, in your ecobrick-- it'll affect the density and preferred composition. Plus, you can recycle those!
Calculate the density! This is the only part that involves math, I swear. You want to aim for a density of about 0.37 grams per milliliter; it shouldn't be under 0.33 g/ml or it'll be structurally unsound. It's also good to aim for a density less than 0.7 g/ml, or your bricks might be too heavy to move comfortably. The equation is just the weight in grams divided by the milliliters of the container you're using, so, for example, if you used a bottle than was 1250 ml, you would be aiming for about 475-500 g of plastic (including the bottle). (a kitchen scale is great for weighing, and you can thrift them pretty easily) Of course, if you're ecobricking to sequester plastic and not necessarily to build, you don't need to worry too much about the density, but if you wanted to donate your ecobricks to a project in the future I would encourage you to try to keep track of density.
Cap your bottle tightly, leaving 1-2 cm at the top of the bottle (basically, you don't want the cap to bulge, because it will make the cap degrade rapidly and crack). Label them with the density of the bottle (if it's relevant) and the date (so you know how long the brick has been around so you can maintain it if needed)-- nail polish works the best. Keep them out of the elements (especially the sun) and off the ground until you plan to use them.
There are tons of ways to use ecobricks! I'll link a few ideas below.
anways, happy bricking! i'll post a picture of my finished ecobrick when it's done (hopefully not soon!)
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ebaybears · 1 year
Rainbow Furby Deepdive
Now that I've decided my website is a sea slug fansite (long story) I don't have anywhere to put my rainbow furby research. I considered putting it in a youtube video, but decided to post it to tumblr instead.
Anyway, here it is! The forbidden furby lore.
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On the 14th of June 2016 supersonicmario0770 made a post on the adoptafurby forums. The thread was titled "Rainbow Furby?" and included a link to an archived ebay listing.
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"I have never seen one of these before or where it came from. I can't find it when I look it up, no sign of it anywhere online but this ebay listing. It's pink with rainbow ears, hair, and chest."
At first most forum members thought it was a customized furby with dyed fur, although some thought it could be an unknown prototype. While the ebay listing is unarchived, we know roughly what it said.
On the 15th aibo7m3 posted this:
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"I would err on the side of caution and and say that it's probably a custom too, but the seller's story is that this furby was an employee gift given to some of the members at tiger electronics (including her husband)."
Two weeks later on July 6th furbyandchips made a forum post, providing pictures of their own rainbow furby.
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"My friend bought me the other rainbow furby the seller on ebay was selling. Identical to this one. I do not believe it to be fake or custom made. I have inspected it closely and the bottom of the box was open, so the inside cardboard can be removed, but the furby is still attached to the cardboard and didn't look tampered with. All tags are present and in mint condition. Everything is as it should be and looks like it was made in a factory and not customized by someone. The seller told my friend the same story which I believe to be true going by the fact the other furby she bought with it was only furby number 4 of that release, which makes me think it could of been someone who worked for tiger to have such a early one. This furby is in a regular box but if you look at some of the other special editions they too were in regular boxes."
Three years later, on the 19th of January 2019 furbyandchips provided an update on their website heyfurby.com.
"Hello Furby Fans! To start off our new blog, I thought I would write about a very interesting Furby in our collection. I do not know her Furby name as I have never switched her on, she is still attached to the cardboard base from the factory. We decided to name her May May, which means Love ;-)
A good friend found May May on Ebay America and I have never seen another furby like her. A while ago I posted about May May on a furby forum to try and find out some information about her, but no one there had ever seen or heard of this furby. I'm not sure which generation she is, if she is a prototype, limited edition or something very special. She has all tags present and looks to be an Official Furby Release.
Looking at the photo you will see she has rainbow eyelashes and a purple face plate, unlike any other furby. She also has rainbow pattern ears, mane and belly.
Her colours are amazing and I wonder if there are any more around like her. We will always treasure May May and hope to eventually find out more information about her. Stay tuned!"
furbyandchips quickly provided an update on the 21st. In this post, furbyandchips described searching the wayback machine for furby.com articles, finding what they were looking for on a page titled 'news updates'.
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From the 9th of November 1999 until the 1st of August 2000 a competition to design a furby took place on the back of Post brand cereals. Children 17 and under were asked to color in their own furby design, and send their entry in the mail by the 1st of August 2000. Twelve designs at random would then be selected and posted on furby.com where a winner could be voted by the public.
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The winner was Brittany from Missouri, who won a trip to the furby design studio in Illinois, as well as recieving their own furby. However, furbyandchips was still left with some unanswered questions.
"So it turns out that this is in fact an official Furby-Tiger Release! (some doubted this on AdoptaFurby Forum). I wonder if 'Brittany from Missouri' still has her Rainbow Furby? Also were any of the other 12 entries created?
As far as I know, there are only two Rainbow Furby's in existence. The one that I own, and the other one the original seller (maybe) still has? After some more detective work, I found out the other rainbow Furby had a highest bid of $525.00 before the seller chose to end the auction early! I can only guess they had a change of heart and wanted to keep it."
Eight months later, on the 11th of august 2019 an update was posted on the private facebook group Furby Collectors.
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"Hi guys! I'm brand new to this group, and while I'm not a “collector” per-se, i am very proud of this furry rainbow dude right here. He's one of three in existence, made in 2000 when i was just 10 years old. i just so happened to be the lucky winner of a coloring “design your own Furby” contest hosted by Post cereals back in the day. i was flown to Rhode Island with my family and allowed to tour the Hasbro factory, meeting the artists, getting sneak peaks into prototype toys to come, and got to meet the CEO himself! He presented to me, in a formal greeting ceremony, with three of the Furbies I'd designed as a little girl. One to play with (kept outside of the box), one to keep sealed, and one they put into their archives. i felt ike a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Truly a dream come true for a kid. Sadly, when i was 16 years old, 13 years ago now, my boxed Furby was stolen from me and sold by my late older brother who had been battling an incredibly difficult and heartbreaking addiction. I've come to terms with it over the years, but have always wondered what happened to the rainbow siblings of this furry cutie. I'd seen images posted online of an Ebay listing with one of the sibling Furbies before but have not discovered much more about their fates. thought I'd reach out here and give a bit of backdrop to this weird story in hopes i may learn something! Here I've included a goofy photo of my multicolored friend from recently and a clipping of the arcticle written from when i was an excited 10 year old girl!"
This still leaves some questions. If the other furby furbyandchips's friend bought was number four, then why would the facebook poster believe there to be only three in existance, why would furbyandchip's believe only two to exist, and why would the original ebay seller say their husband recieved two as an employee gift?
We can most likely rule out the brother making both ebay listings, since he only had access to one furby. Could there be more rainbow furbies that we don't know of?
If you have any more information on this furby, please get in touch! I tracked down the news article the original creator was mentioned in, but I needed a newspaper.com subscription to view it so I wasn't able to get further information from that. I also wasn't able to check the facebook group for further updates as I don't use facebook. If anyone has pictures of the back of the rainbow furby and can share them, that would be appreciated!
Here's some more images:
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thelov3lybookworm · 8 months
Heyyy can I request something? It's readers birthday and she wanted to wear a particular white dress that she saw while strallinga round velaris one day. She couldn't buy it that time because maybe she was running late to something? But when a week before her birthday she takes Azriel with her to buy that dress and finds out it's already sold out and can't get it again. She's very sad because she wanted to wear that dress but can't now and az sees this and gets sad too but on her birthday he surprises her with it🥲🥲
This literally happened to me yesterday but the thing is I had to wear my back up outfit because I literally couldn't find my dress anywhere 😭😭😭 I wanted my birthday to be perfect this year because I turned 18 and it was except the dress🥲
Happy Birthdays
Summary: Fate seems to be enjoying making Y/n's life miserable too much.
A/n: I'm soo sorry you had to go through that 😭 it really sucks when something you want gets sold out or you can't find it. I wanna come there and comfort you, but I can't do that, so here is the fic you asked for.
Her day was going like shit, and she wanted to smash something to pieces.
In the morning, she was woken up after having a nightmare where she was chased around by a hound with a stick. And the hound was running on two feet while the other two held the stick like a sword.
After that, when she went down to her kitchen to get breakfast, she realised her favourite breakfast cereal box was empty. She then had to eat some buttered up toast. Not that she disliked it, but she was really craving her favourite cereal.
When she decided to get ready for the day, she stubbed her toe on the dresser.
She had decided to go get her cereals and some items for dinner tonight as her mate would be coming back from a mission, and she was planning on making his favourite meal for dinner.
But of course, her day was apparently fated to be stressful.
The nearest store was closed, so she had to walk to another store to get her items. When she was returning home, she spied one of the most beautiful dresses she had seen in one of the displays of a shop.
But she had to go home and make preparations for dinner, so she decided to return in a few hours, just before Azriel came home, so she could wear the dress and surprise her mate.
Today being her birthday would also be a good excuse to treat herself to a beautiful dress.
So she walked home as fast as she could to finish the preparations for the elaborate meal she wanted to make for her mate.
The dress was all she could think about. Apart from her mate's return, of course.
She had finished making dinner an hour ago, and now as she stood in front of the store, she wished she'd worked faster. Or already bought the dress before.
Because the figurine in the glass display of the shop was now wearing another dress. Y/n nearly screamed in frustration.
Why was it always her? Why did she always have to have bad experiences on special days?
She didn't have any hope, but she still decided to check in with the store owner to make sure that the dress was truly gone.
"You mean the dress which was on that figurine?" The owner questioned, pointing. Y/n nodded. "Oh, I am so sorry my dear, we just sold it to a male a couple of moments before you arrived."
Y/n's heart sunk. She didn't even have to be hours earlier. If she'd only walked quicker or just winnowed, she could have had the dress. "It's– it's alright. Thank you."
Y/n quickly made an exit, trying not to cry as all her emotions became a jumbled mess. Her day had just not been good, and the one thing that might have made her happy other than her mate was gone. She just hoped the mother didn't play any more jokes on her and extend her mate's mission. That would truly be the cherry on top.
She pushed open the front door to her and Azriel's house, her head hung low as she tried not to cry. Her mate would be home any second, and she didn't want to worry him.
But the faelights were on, so it could only mean one thing.
Azriel was back.
She rushed in, wiping at her face in case any tears had escaped.
She found him in the kitchen, smiling at her.
"I was searching for you love." He mumbled as she came closer. He looked thoroughly exhausted, his hair windblown and his wings drooping just the slightest bit. But he looked happy, excited even.
He searched her face as he lifted his arms to pull her in for a hug, frowning and probably wondering why his mate was looking half dead, just before Y/n buried her face in between his neck and shoulder. "What happened, my love?"
And then all the frustration and pent up emotions of the day came tumbling out as she cried into his neck, telling him about how her day had just gotten worse and worse as it progressed.
"Oh, I'm so sorry my love. I wish I could make it better." He stroked her back, pressing gentle kisses into her hair. "What did the dress look like? Maybe I could help and get a similar one for you? There must be similar dresses."
Y/n shook her head. "It's gone now Azzie. Let's just forget about it. I know I sound so silly crying over a dress, but my day had just been so frustrating."
"I don't think it's silly Y/n. It's okay to want to be sad over something you wanted but couldn't get, especially on your birthday." After a moment, he went on. "While returning, I got you a dress as a gift. It might not be what you wanted, but it's beautiful nonetheless. Do you want to see it?"
"Sure Azzie." She gave him a small smile, wiping at her face as he pulled out the bag with the dress from his shadows.
He handed it to her, a faint look of anticipation in his eyes as she peered in. The color of the dress was the same as the one she had seen, and her heart seemed to slow down before speeding up again. Could it be...
She quickly grabbed the dress and pulled it out, shaking it open as her mouth fell agape. She was sure her jaw was on the ground as she stared at the dress she had wanted and been crying for.
She turned to Azriel, who furrowed his brows at her reaction. "Love?"
"Azzie, this is the same dress I was telling you about!"
He blinked. "What?"
"Yes! This really is the dress I wanted!" Her eyes started yo fill with tears again, but they were happy tears this time.
"If you're sure, then go get changed. Didn't you want to wear it today?"
She laughed. "Yes, I'll go get changed."
Y/n rolled onto her tiptoes and kissed Azriel's cheek, to which he smiled. And then she slapped the smile right off his face.
He gaped at her. "What was that for?!"
She lifted her chin, turning to go into her bedroom and change. "For making me cry."
"How did I make you cry?"
"You got the dress, and that made me think it was sold out, and it made me sad, so that is why."
"That's not fair!" He said angrily, but she could hear the smile in theose words.
"Never said it was."
She grinned as she heard him laugh. The type of laughs he only did when he was in her presence, the sound coming from somewhere deep in his body, his chest rumbling.
Some time later, after she had put on the dress, she flounced down the stairs, twirling and grinning as she showed it to her mate, who smiled as he leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed at his chest.
"Happy birthday my love." He pressed a kiss to the crown of her head when she finally stopped flitting around trying to show him her new dress.
She smiled up at him before she tugged him down so she could kiss him.
This birthday of hers would have been a disaster, but now that she had her mate, she knew he would stop at nothing to make her happy.
Knew that he would stop at nothing to make sure her birthdays were actually happy.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless
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Homes and hotels
He had nightmares about that night. He heard the screams of his brother still, and the angry growls of the vampires. He still had nightmares about the what ifs. He and his friends could have been killed, or maybe if they had been lucky, they could have managed to kill all the vampires. Maybe they could all have survived, on the condition that they had to be turned into a vampire as well. But none of that happened. No one died. Well, except for Max, that is. But still, as he thought about it, it could have been a lot worse.
He was okay. Mom was okay, even if she was still recovering from a nasty break up with the head vampire. His Grandpa was okay, still happily going out with the widow. And Michael was okay. His relationship with Star had watered a little after the whole affair, but things were looking up for them.
Yeah, Sam sighed as he got out of the bathroom. Things could have been way worse. Max was dead, Michael was human again. Things were almost like before. Almost, because now they sometimes had random immortal visitors bugging them. Lucy didn't mind. She had come to like the boys and adored doting on them. Michael didn't mind, beginning to see them as friends. Sam, however, did mind. He didn't like vampires before, and he definitely didn't like them now.
This morning, he didn't think about vampires, however. He thought about how he finally had gotten access to a TV and that he was home alone this very morning. Mom had worked a lot, and since Sam had helped rebuild the house, she had decided that this was a proper - yet expensive - thank you for all the work he had done. So, Sam got dressed, styled his hair, sprayed on some hairspray, and practically jumped down the stairs, happy to finally enjoy the wonderful world of MTV once again.
He ran into the kitchen. He quickly grabbed a bowl and filled it with cereal, and quickly splashed some milk on top of it. He searched for a spoon, but when he couldn't find any, he settled for a fork. He ran to the couch, jumping over the back and landed-
"What the hell man?!"
Sam jumped up, dropping his cereal. The couch wasn't empty. Instead, a very grouchy, very tired, very familiar vampire lay on the couch.
"You?! What are you doing here?" Sam demanded, grabbing his fork of the ground, pointing it at the vampire.
"Sleeping?" Paul said sheepishly, chuckling at the fork Sam was holding. "You know that won't work right?"
"Shut up, I still got the stakes in my room!"
"Good for you kid."
"Why are you here?" Sam demanded.
"Like I said, I was sleeping!"
"This ain't a hotel, bud! Get back to the cave!"
"I can't." Paul shrugged.
"Why not? Are they mad at you?"
Paul chuckled. "No?"
"Then why don't you go? This isn't even your house? Come on, man, a couple of weeks ago you were ready and happy to kill me!"
"People change?"
"Yeah, right," Sam sighed, cleaning up the spilt cereal. As he cleaned the final bit of milk of the ground he shook his head when he saw Paul rolling a joint. "Absolutely not."
He quickly grabbed it, throwing it out with the cereal - causing Paul to whine.
"Not fair! That shit is expensive!"
"Yeah, well, we don't smoke here."
"Fine," Paul sighed, getting ready to roll another one. He was about to light it when Sam turned around, ready to grab it once again.
"No smoking! If you want to smoke you go outside!"
"I can't!"
Sam stopped, realising that Paul was right. The sun was up.
"Well, the least you can do is move so I can watch some tee-"
Sam sighed, realising that the loud snores were not faked. The vampire had fallen asleep again
"He's bloody impossible," mumbled Sam as he made sure all of the curtains were closed. "Rude ass vampire. Yeah, join a gang, Mike! It will be fun!" He sat down on the couch, folding Paul up so his spot was free. Paul's head lay not at his feet, but he just continued sleeping.
"Not like all of those weird undead friends of yours will use our house as a hotel when they bloody live in one!" Sam continued as he reached for the remote controller, turning the TV on.
"Your couch is better!" Paul mumbled.
"Go back to sleep."
"I thought you wanted me to go?" Paul moved to sit more comfortably.
Sam sighed, rolling his eyes. "Why, why am I the one with a family that walks right into the arms of a bunch of vampires?"
"Cause your tasty?"
"What?!" Sam shrieked, jumping off the couch, causing Paul to burst out in laughter.
"I remind you, I still have those stakes!"
Sam sighed as he realised Paul had once again fallen asleep. As he finally turned the telly on, turning the channel to mtv, he noticed an empty bottle of liquor laying next to the couch.
"Great." He mumbled. "With my luck, I'll be dealing with a hungover vampire later."
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ceilidho · 5 months
Do you have any writing tips?? Like you write so GOOD
you could write shakespeare but could shakespeare write a great cod fic? I doubt it
first of all.....i am going to scream........second of all thnx u........
hmm i have some tips but tbh a lot of writing is just trial and error, like doing a bad job for a very long time until suddenly it's good. and these are just tips/rules that i follow; i don't think they're objectively the best tips in the world and they work for the way i like to write, but plenty of people have different styles and would maybe disagree with me, which is perfectly fine!
i really enjoy writing vivid sensory experiences, but i think to write a really immersive environment, you almost have to use words that seem unnatural. it's really difficult to evoke specific qualia in people so you have to do it in a roundabout way. this is really hard to describe and i'm doing a poor job here, but like for instance, here's something i wrote about a girl having trouble sleeping:
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a bit of a play-by-play is fine (like "she went downstairs to get breakfast and went to the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk and then set it on the table" sort of thing), but it takes way too long to use that kind of narration all the time and it's not needed. if you find yourself describing the texture of like, their cereal, and it's not actually relevant to the plot, it's just extra writing for nothing.
this is work, but i think you really need to fall in love with words. learn new words, write down their definitions, group words together by their sounds so you know what sounds nice together, don't choose a word simply because it describes the thing you're talking about but also because the word itself feels dry/wet/elongated/or otherwise mirrors the content of what you're writing.
if you struggle with finishing things or get overwhelmed by long projects, set limits for yourself. only 500-1000 words a day or something like that, and then don't touch it after you hit your limit. it gives you some control over your anxiety imo but it also allows you to slowly chip away at your project.
read a lot. read so much. i have learned soooo much from reading other people's work and actually deeply respecting and appreciating how they write. this isn't the most recent thing i've learned but i've come to looooooooveeeee seeing something like ["Sure," he lied] in a story like OOOHHH it's so thrilling to be in on something that other characters aren't in on.
don't feel confined to a specific style of writing. some fics might call for a sparser style because it suits the tone of the story, but some fics might call for more purple prose, you know? and that's fine! you can play around with your writing and try different things. i feel like i have a pretty specific style, but even i eschew it sometimes when the mood feels right, like how superstore is NOT the same kind of fic as saltwater - saltwater was meant to be more introspective and lush, so the style reflects that, whereas superstore is supposed to be more direct and put you a little on edge.
anyway, just some thoughts!!! the thing to also remember is that nobody's doing it perfectly because everyone has a different style and a different way they want to tell stories. sometimes i'll find a really good writer and feel like briefly consumed by jealousy, but i can also write certain stories that they can't and vice versa. so don't beat yourself up while you're learning!!
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skywqlkergf · 5 days
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⠀ dealer!sam monroe x cheerleader!reader
  ⠀    saturday : daytime
⠀  ⠀  series masterlist
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you wake up to the sun shining through your curtains, the brightness making you squint and roll over. stuffing your head under the pillow, anything to help you go back to sleep. you dreamt of sam, you wished you could just go back to it. you knew it was better than reality.
you forced yourself out of the comfort of your duvet, hair standing basically on end. there was the tiniest hickey on your neck, right below your ear. your hand shooting up to touch the darkened skin, your eyebrows raised and your mouth in a ‘o’ shape in surprise.
you immediately starting grabbing color corrector and concealer. if your parents were to see this you'll surely be publicly hanged. you covered up the mark, spraying setting spray on the makeup to keep it from moving. adrenaline rushed through your veins, before meeting sam you'd never really done anything to get in trouble.
now, now you smoke weed like all the time, usually in the woods behind your house so your parents don't catch you. sneaking out to go see him, and now you're marked. it made you giggle a little, and continued getting ready.
as you bounded down the stairs, you find the house empty. this wasn't necessarily an out of place thing to happen, both of your parents being extreme workaholics, they were almost never here.
as you try to find something to eat, you find a note on the fridge that reads : out of town, conference, gone until monday.
you nodded, opting for cereal, you had the entire house to yourself for the next two days. so, of course, you had to call sam and sew if he wanted to come see you.
the line rang, and a very groggy sam answered, “hello?” it was obvious he didn't look at who was calling, tone of annoyance very obviously heard. his voice was deeper than what you usually know it as, you had to bite down a giggle. something that you did out of nervousness.
“sam? did i wake you up?” you cringed as you spoke, you hopped he didn't just wake up. you peered around the kitchen til you spot a clock, it was well into noon.
“cheer, it's good to hear your voice during daylight,” you almost wanted to scoff at him, he was the one who acted like you didn't exist before sundown.
“do you want to come over? mom and dad are gone until monday. i thought,” you paused as you tried to gather your thoughts. you thought you guys could do all kinds of things. but you didn't necessarily want to do all of that, afraid that he reall would disappear.
“well, i thought maybe we could like watch some movies or something, y’know if you're not busy or whatever.” you hoped you sounded casual, but you probably sounded as nervous as you felt. your hand coming to twirl your hair around a finger as you awaited his response.
“think i can swing by in an hour, gotta run some errands. you want me pick up some food?” you could hear the flicker of a lighter through your speaker, a tell that he was smoking a cigarette, along with the air he released.
“oh! that would be great, whatever you wanna grab is fine by me. also, you have to be careful, sam! i woke up with a hickey, that is so not okay.” you wanted to giggle, sam monroe is killing you in the best way possible. you really can't be getting caught messing around with anyone, especially not the one guy that your parents specifically warned you against. but then again, that's half the fun.
his laugh comes through, “well, doll, I'll try my best but I can't make any promises. it's not my fault, really.” your knees buckle a little at the pet name.
“well, learn to control yourself, i guess.” you couldn't help but smile even though he couldn't see you.
“i’ll see what i can do.” you can still hear the laugh in his tone.
“see you soon, cheer, i gotta head out.” he sounded almost sad that he had to hang up, but he can't exactly stay on the phone with you while he makes deals.
“be safe, sam, see you when you get here.” he hunmed in response and the two of you disconnected the call.
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time passes slowly as you await sam's arrival, it always seems when you want something the universe makes time go ten times slower. the hours pass by like days, but then you hear his car pulling up.
the bass in his speakers causing vibrations to be felt under your feet on the porch. you, of course, meet him outside.
as he exits the car, sunglasses perched on his face, a bag of fast food in one hand. he gave you a combination of a smirk and a smile and you just smile gently back to him.
as he gets closer you notice the stain of a purple bruise forming around his left eye. your eyes squint and your eyebrows qurik up, “hey, cheer, you look so pretty.” he greets with a unashamed grin, that falls almost immediately when he sees your face.
you pause a moment, hoping that he'd just offer up the information. “i brought some taco bell, that sound good?” he's trying to ease the now palpable tension, while also wracking his brain to try and figure out why you would switch up so quick. it's not uncommon for sam to end up with bruises, people are dicks, and it kinda comes with the job.
as soon as he is in arm's reach of you, you lean up and grab his sunglasses from his face. the bruise is decently sized, and has healed for at least a night.
“sam, what happened?” any inch of anger, mow just saddened worried for this boy or may or may not be yours. your fingers dance gently around the discoloured skin, careful not to make direct contact. he winces away from your touch, never really having anyone that gave enough of a fuck.
now that he's in front of you, you notice that it's not the only injury, his lips is also a little split.
“oh, oh, it's nothing. just a little bruise, nothing I can't take. customer wasn't happy with some prices, deal went wry, nothing you need to worry your little head about.” his hand comes to craddle your face, you have no idea what the two of you are doing, but you didn't really care. all you can think about is how this probably happens at least once a week, the thought causes your nose to scrunch up.
you're careful not to argue with him on the porch, can't be giving the neighbors a show that they'll inevitably tell your parents about. you drag him by his shirt into the house, closing the door behind you.
“sam.” you sigh, the brattier side of your attitude showing, and your heart that cares more than you could begin to understand.
you foot taps a little, trying to reign your emotions again, he just stares at you eyebrows raised. his sunglasses still in your hand, and he sets the food down on a tabletop nearby.
“nothing to worry about? your eye is fucking purple.” anger settled over your features, despite the fact that were trying to swallow it. you care about people alot, and it affects every part of your life. once you've claimed someone as yours, whatever happens to them is your problem. doesn't matter if you've known them a week or a year.
sam’s lips twitch trying not to smile, he's never had anyone care enough about to him to be upset. it was feeding his ego, and making him fall hard. you were so sweet, kind and everything he didn't deserve.
“i’m serious, sam, you have to be careful,” you pouted now, feeling deflated.
“baby, listen to me.” he comes closer, arms around yours, rubbing the skin of your biceps comfortingly. you look at him, a few tears building up in your eyes. you wanted to protect him, lock him in your basement and never let him go, cause then at least he wouldn't get all fucked up.
“no, no, don't cry,” he wipes the tears away, once again craddling your face in his hands.
“i’m okay, i’ll always be okay. I'm a big boy,” he chuckles but it's a dry sound. “i can take care of myself perfectly fine, and the other guys look way worse than me, my rings leave a pretty lil indent, okay? I'm not going anywhere, i can promise you that.” he pulls you in hugging you, the smell of his natural scent and weed filling your senses. he's so warm, and comforting.
“yeah, well," you laugh dryly, trying your best to suck up any tears you had still falling. “you better be, I'll beat you up, myself, if i have to.” he laughs genuinely at this, holding you just a little tighter.
“let’s stop this sad shit, watch some films and eat these tacos, yeah?” you nod at him, smiling a bit. you fall onto the couch beside him, a small smile falling onto your face as you do.
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carmesi-butterfly · 5 months
It's tying Gyuvin up anon over here! 😝
Dw, I've been waiting for you to reply so there's no chance of me missing it obvs. But yeah YOU GET IT.
Then one day, he really messed up when he accidentally broke one of your vases which costed you a ton of money.
So you decided to put a milking machine on him, taped his mouth and eyes shut, in your shared bedroom. While that's happening, you were at the mall hoping to find the same vase, bcs you got that stash of cash obvs. You come home and decided to snatch the tape out of his mouth, and he's just whimpering and babbling nonsense as machine still continues to milk his limp dick. Luckily the machine had a compartment for all the fluid that was collected. Giving you weeks worth of cereal 'milk'.
im glad you're back anon 🦭!! bringing sub gyuvin backkk
omg… gyuvin would be so ashamed looking at the immense amount of cum the machine sucked out of him, but at the same time thinking that you may try to ingest his fluids got him so hard it hurt :( he was kind of used to it because you always liked and enjoyed overstimulating him, so it wasn't a new sensation but i guess he never got fully accustomed to it,, but you can't resist it, gyuvin turned out to be the prettiest boy in the world when crying, it made you feel things no man ever could reach without touching you, so you had to make him look pathetic at any opportunity you have and punishing was one of the best ways! it wasn't that hard to search for a justification for punishment because gyuvin tends to do stupid things that are worthy of a good punishment <3 you were just trying to discipline him in a way that feels delicious, is there a problem with that?
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