#but i also really love snowball
onsunnyside · 2 years
me thinks hunter curtis coming out near winter would be a beautiful birthday present come december 🥹🫢
AHH YOU ARE TOTALLY RIGHT !! watch me start writing seasonal fics/fics set in the current season bc the vibes are too flawless
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midoristeashop · 1 year
Fantasy AU designs!
(I am part of the late kids club but here we are)
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No one reminded me that hijack week was this week so now I am scrambling :,)
Jack is a lil traveling spirit elf from the Northern tribes which are very much being attacked and destroyed atm. His people are trying to relocate elsewhere while trying to preserve their cool elf magic, his goal is to hopefully find a place to vibe in. He makes a lot of enemies but in his defense it was kinda funny.
Hiccup’s tribe happens to live close by. He does miscellaneous things; travels, sells, goes on questionable adventures with his friends, etc. He has a soft spot for injured creatures so he kinda takes them in and has a little place where he nurses them back to health (Prosthetics, medicine, all that cool stuff). The only problem is that his tribe are super closed off from the world and don’t wanna deal with magic stuff, and obviously, that doesn’t stop him.
Anyway hehe cute gremlin couple I love them
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hailsatanacab · 4 months
Are you still doing the wip ask game? If so, can i ask about number 5?
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I love this one and I'm so embarrassed that it's still a wip oh no!!!! This should have been completed a long time ago to celebrate hitting 1,000 followers but uh... it sorta snowballed into way more than I thought it would and this cute little oneshot is now way more than that. Whoops.
It started as a @stealingyourbones prompt that I added on to, which you can read here! Then I posted a wee little wip wednesday sneak peek, and this snippet (is it still a snippet if it's over 1k words?) carries on from there :)
Danny doesn’t join him for what is, unexpectedly, a pretty great meal.
“Holy shit, you guys,” he murmurs, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "You’re missing out.”
“Come on, Jay, it can’t be as good as the Big Bat Deluxe.” Dick whines in his ear. “You love those.”
“No, I love the Red Hot Hood Bites. That’s all I get at Bat Burger, and don’t let me hear you telling the others that I get anything else.”
“Please, Jason, don’t think we don’t have everyone’s BB order on file, who do you think you’re talking to?”
“Fuck off, Timbits. Go eat at Red Robin.”
“Hey, fuck you!”
Jason elects to tune out the ensuing list of threats in favour of finishing his burger. He’s heard them all before and he’s like 80% sure that Tim won’t actually hide his body in a Red Robin—if only because it wouldn’t take the World’s Greatest Detective to figure out who did it and he'd be so deep in the fucking shit that he may as well join Jason.
Aside from the food (seriously, that sauce! He’s going to need to rustle up a copycat or something, he can’t leave here without a recipe), the Nasty Burger is a pretty sad affair.
It’s a little run down, the vinyl covers on the seats peeling and suspiciously sticky, and incredibly quiet. The only other people around are the two teens behind the counter, bored and on their phones, and two kids, probably around Danny’s age, sitting in the corner quietly arguing amongst themselves. There’s an ungodly amount of food in front of them, but only the guy seems to be eating.
Jason sighs and looks at the rapidly cooling Supremely Nasty Meal meant for Danny. Taking a few of the fries won’t hurt, will it?
He peels the paper bag away from the greasy mess and digs in. Huh, they really skimped on his lot, there’s only like half a carton in here.
“So, you gonna bring us back something or are we going to have to starve?”
“Haven’t decided yet.”
“What a shame,” Timbo starts, with a theatrical air, “for I am still trying to decide whether or not to tell you everything I’ve learnt about the Fentons. Perhaps we could come to some sort of arrangement?”
“You finally made yourself useful and got through those firewalls?”
“Yeah, once I managed to get my hands on a native laptop. It’s weird, but whatever was keeping out my tech lets anything bought directly from Amity in. Having such localised security—to the point where even my stuff can’t penetrate?— is beyond strange. I don’t like it.”
Jason leans back, and reaches for Danny’s milkshake, finding it surprisingly light when he lifts it up. Seriously, what is with the half portions here? He turns round and glares at the spotty teen behind the counter, who doesn’t look up from his phone. Whatever. It's not like Danny’s going to drink it anyway.
Looks like the two kids in the corner have made up, if their stifled laughter is anything to go by. Most of their own food is gone now, too, so perhaps the real reason it’s called the Nasty Burger is because they stiff you on the food.
“This place is weird.” says Dick, in a rare case of being right.
“You don’t know the half of it…” Tim sighs but doesn’t offer up anything else.
Jason’s been trying his best to ignore it.
The weirdness, that is.
There’s an electrical charge in the air so strong it almost feels like he’s swimming through static. Each breath makes his steps bounce like he’s walking on the moon. If he turns too quickly, if he stands up too fast, his head spins like he's breathing too much oxygen.
No matter what Tim thinks he knows, it’s not the full weirdness of Amity Park, Jason's sure about that. Being here itches under his skin, and he resolves not to delve any deeper into it. Not with the way the green swims on the edges of his vision. 
The sooner they figure out what’s happening here, the better.
“What’s your price?” 
“Two Supremes and a six pack of Nasty Nuggies. Cake shake with two shots of espresso.”
Jason rolls his eyes as Dick splutters in concern.
“Shake and espresso? Tim, you have a problem.”
“It’s just a frappuccino. There’s no difference.”
“Then get a frappuccino.”
“I want a shake.”
“Then there's a difference! And the difference is that Alfred will kill us for enabling you!”
“As riveting as watching Timberly’s mental and physical wellbeing disappear before our very eyes is, what’s your info?”
“The same for me, please!” Dick butts in, yet again. “Except with a coke instead, because I’m normal.”
Both Tim and Jason snort. 
“Yeah, not gonna touch that. Tim, info, come on.”
“Alright, alright. Hey, so, what’s your favourite thing about being adopted?”
“Tim, I swear to God, if you don’t get to the point right now, I’ll—”
“You’re right! It’s that none of us are actually related to you.”
“And yet somehow, I’m still stuck with you all. Point, Tim, get to it.”
He grabs the burger meant for Danny and begins to unwrap it. If he has to listen to Tim being all smug about whatever he’s found out, he’s doing it with a burger in hand.
“Did you know that Willis Todd’s Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather was a Nightingale?”
“What’s a Nightingale? Aside from the obvious.”
“A Nightingale is about two generations away from becoming a Fenton.”
“Oh, what the fuck? You cannot be serious!”
“Serious as a cake shake with two espressos in it.”
“No, my… Someone ate my other fucking burger!”
Danny’s burger has a huge, bite-sized chunk taken out of it. Literal teeth marks in the bun. A slice of tomato slops limply onto the table, painting his shirt with splatters of weak tomato juice, the red half moon taunting him. Sauce dribbles out mournfully.
The two kids in the corner are staring openly now, faces red with how hard they’re laughing.
Jason sinks into his chair with a groan.
This fucking town. 
Is this how they treat outsiders? Take bites of their burgers while they laugh on—but then why only do it to his spare and not both meals? The teenagers behind the counter aren't even paying any attention, so why bother pulling a prank like this if you're not going to—
Jason whips his head around as if he can catch the invisible little shit, but just like on the street, there's no sign of him.
Has he been here the whole time, invisibly eating the food Jason offered him? Except the packaging was still perfectly wrapped, the sticker still attached, how in the hell had he managed to eat the burger without damaging it? Did he get to it in the kitchen? Or does he—
“Wait, hold up. What the fuck did you just say?”
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mayasaura · 11 months
ntn spoilers ahead
I appreciate that you champion Harrow's schizophrenia, and I had a thought that I'd like to run by you. It's intended with full respect for anyone with the disorder, and is also related to the neuro-bio-psych elements.
When Nona, Cam, and Crown are visiting the Captain, Nona hears Varun speak through the Captain. Afterward, she references the incident and realizes that neither Cam nor Crown had heard this happen. I was confused *how* Nona-lecto had that sort of experience, but...
If Nona-lecto is in Harrow's body, is it possible that she's experiencing schizophrenia symptoms? I'm not wanting to imply that it's a full hallucination, though perhaps since Harrow's 'meat' is schizophrenic meat, there are effects. Would mental health/illness be tied to the soul? Personality certainly seems to be, and some forms of memory.
Just rolling this around in my head a bit, and have no thoughts more advanced than this. Thank you for all your theorizing and writings about the books 💀 - heedee
I've been wondering how or if Harrow's schizophrenia effected Nona since the cover first dropped, and literally speaking, the way you're wondering about? I'm still not really sure. Brain stuff is complicated, even before souls are part of the equation, and everything about Nona is already so goddamn weird. I do think Nona is thematically schizophrenic, the same way she's thematically intellectually disabled.
Like the scene you're talking about here:
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I think you're absolutely onto something, seeing this as related to psychosis. Reading this scene with that framing in mind, Nona's experience is so clearly about hallucinations. She was just trying to change the subject, and fuck. Turns out no one else heard that! Camilla and Crown's reactions, too.
But to your point about neurobiology, and the relationship between soul and body, it doesn't really tell us much. Nona wasn't hallucinating, because it turned out Judith wasn't just screaming. Varun was speaking to Nona through Judith in the language of a murdered planet, a language that sounds like screaming to human ears. Like Nona's uncanny knack for human languages, that's a product of her soul, not her brain.
We get proof of that later when Nona is pretending to be Harrow, and faking being effected by the blue light. She imitates the way Judith screamed, makes her mouth make the same shapes Judith's did, and her words come out in italics; just like Judith's words that Camilla and Crown heard as screams. She calls for help, in the screaming language she'd heard from Judith, with Judith in the room to hear her, and Varun answers by attacking the planet.
To your question about whether schizophrenia would be connected to the soul or to the body in setting, I don't think there's a dichotomy there. Body and soul aren't separate things, even when they're separated.
Lyctorhood, for example. You'd think muscle memory would be a clear cut case of living in the body. It's muscles. But when Ianthe chowed down on Naberius' soul, she got his reflexes with it. His swordsmanship, his stance, his training. The soul brought the body with it. And when Harrow literally cut Gideon out of her brain, it removed Gideon from her memory even when her soul was elsewhere. She spent half that book in the River, but didn't remember Gideon until her skull construct failed and her brain began to heal. So I would say that, just like memory, it's both. Harrow's schizophrenia is tied to both her soul and body, and there's not really much point in trying to separate the two.
#ntn spoilers#nona the ninth#nona palona#the locked tomb#harrow's schizophrenia#also hi Heedee!! big thank you for the big juicy question to roll around in my head#and thank you for liking my meta!! 💕 I love making it and it really means a lot to me that you like reading it#sorry it took over a fucking month to get this one back to you#it kept picking up new questions and implications#like a snowball rolling around a yard#like#so how does the non-dichotomy of soul and body work re: Pyrrha?#I think its partially the eightfold word and partially maybe bc Pyrrha's soul has had ten thousand years to acclimate to being Gideon's bod#Pyrrha isn't surprised to hear that Nona is dying in chapter 24 because (to quote):#'It takes a lot to acclimate a soul to a body it wasn’t born in if that original body’s around for it to miss'#and this is while Pyrrha still thinks it's probably Gideon in there#we know bc she tells Nona later in the same conversation that she thinks the body they're going after might be hers#so that means even the eightfold word isn't sufficient to acclimate a soul to a different body#Gideon and Harrow have done it as completely as Pyrrha and her Gideon ever did#but the eightfold word DOES lay the groundwork#or at least I'm pretty sure it does#because Ianthe in Naberius' body was nothing like Wake in Cytherea's or Palamedes in Naberius#Wake and Pal's movements were awkward and jerky while Ianthe moved with the same grace and fluidity as Kiriona inhabiting her own dead body#speaking of Ianthe and Naberius I am eyeing that line about 'if that original body's around for it to miss'#what happened to the bodies of the other lyctors' cavaliers is a long standing mystery#and Pyrrha seems like she might be implying there that her original body ISN'T still around to miss#can't just be that it's dead; Gideon's is dead too and Pyrrha was talking about Gideon's body when she said the line#so maybe there is something in the theory that the original cavaliers were cremated#I can see the lyctors doing it if they thought it was the only way to prevent complications or later failure of the process#kinda makes me wonder what kinds of complications might arise from Ianthe keeping Babs around to play play with
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MiqoMarch'24, Day #7: - light -
A bit of a different take on this prompt, today is all about sin eater D'nyr from the point of view of an alternate timeline where he really did become a Lightwarden!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀- observations log. 1/5/XX, day.?? - ……..thus the creature was bestowed the title of Forgiven Temperance by its former allies, following the meaning of self-sacrifice and asceticism; excessive restraint/repression of one’s self for others benefit. At his core, one can suppose that this was both his fatal flaw and driving virtue! The poor soul… To date, nobody knows for sure what the beast fully looks like, not even those who fled the site of its transformation at the depths of The Tempest! It has scarcely budged from its initial location a few moons ago… obvious logistical reasoning aside, only a scant few exploration teams have had the wherewithal to venture down there past the safety of the Ondo's dwellings. Reports have led us to believe that the creature is covered in sharp spines and has monstrously large "claw-hands" (as it was described), or possibly some sort of scorpion-like tail as well? Its profile is unclear and hard to make out in the murk from such a distance, but one thing is unanimously clear; all of our teams have fled after seeing what they claimed to be "horrifying gold eyes" staring back at them! Yet the beast has not once given chase upon sighting our researchers, which is just as unsettling as it is perplexing… Due to the unique constraints inherent to its location, we are at present unable to cull the Lightwarden and return the night to the region of Kholusia. Mercifully, its light has not pierced anywhere else due to the sheer distance from the water's surface acting as a convenient attenuating filter, but one could surmise that if the beast were to emerge then all of Norvrandt would be under light pall again… its effect on the populace is quite clear: residents have responded with equal levels of fear and also apathy to this situation, as while some are content to live their lives as they had been before (with the beast effectively "out of sight and out of mind" and therefore not a problem), others are starting to become fearful of the ocean entirely (a complicated notion, due to their relative proximity at all times to it)! Disquieting rumors have started to spread amongst fishermen and sailors alike, that if you venture too close to the ocean you'll be dragged under by the Lightwarden, never to be seen again… though one would hope most people would question how bogus this sounds-- if you'll excuse me interjecting my own personal opinion... at this juncture I simply cannot see the Lightwarden ascending from the briny deep just to prey on hapless passersby when it has showed absolutely no inclination towards moving from even just one single spot-- it has nonetheless had a noticeable impact on the region's imports and exports of fish, so now we must find an effective way to quell the people's terror to rectify the economic impacts alongside dealing with the creature too………..
------ (as a bonus, have the rough draft of his Lightwarden trial encounter under the cut! because I am sad it will never get to see the light of day otherwise and I was proud of the concept years ago lmao)
CONCEPT: . Overall theme is “the breaking down of appearances to reveal what was always there, but hidden away”-- stage and boss both change per phase to reflect this, going from a more idealistic “this is what the WoL as a sin-eater would look and fight like” to a “ohhh god what is that that’s not the WoL anymore” . Mechanics are based around D’nyr’s repressed feelings towards others (loneliness, anger/the need to lash out sometimes, not always saying how he feels, his dislike of others putting him on a pedestal, etc.) and the world at large (eg. the fragility of life, futility of some things, etc.) and his unfulfilled hopes and wants (to live unfettered by responsibility to the world, to settle down with a family of his own someday, etc.)
PHASE 1: . Certain mechanics grant a stacking buff to the boss (Fervent Denial), which is necessary to progress the fight! These mechanics have an interrupt bar and represent the feelings and things that D’nyr has repressed-- if the cast is interrupted, the buff will not be given, increasing the flat % of damage taken from the ultimate attack at the end of the next phase [it's calculated based on the damage dealt to the boss in the first phase (% thresholds that indicate how much it weakens the overall ult damage by), as well as the actual phase progress bar (below 80% is no extra damage, at 80-90% it is +3% extra damage, 90-99% an 5% extra damage, and 100% a flat wipe)] . In a meta sense, the only way to put him down for good is to damage him when he is at his most vulnerable (ie, his final form), and the only way to get him to show that is to let him go berserk and not deny him the things he’s been disallowing himself all this time-- as D’nyr at his core would never allow himself these actions, it causes a “breakdown” of the mask (literally, the bosses’ one too [he has a blank slate mask with a golden kintsugi X like D'nyr's scar, for context]) and internal walls holding him back, fracturing his perceived sense of self and causing him to shift into a form that represents all of these denied things, which is what truly needs to be destroyed/purified! . Normal mode has 7 chances to grant Fervent Denial giving some leeway for mistakes (the buff stacks cap at 5 however, so it is not possible to get 7 stacks despite there being opportunities to do so), but Extreme only has the exact 5 chances needed to progress! If players have not let the boss reach at least 5 stacks by the time the hard-enrage longcast goes out, the party will wipe. . Fervent Denial also slightly increases damage dealt by the boss, so he will gradually hit harder and harder over time, plateauing right before the phase change. . After the boss uses its phase-shift move (what would normally be the yet-unnamed hard-enrage longcast), the stacking buff will disappear and the boss will become untargetable, beginning the DPS check phase.
DPS CHECK: . Unfinished from here on out-- but basically beating up… some kind of add, and while you do that the boss' mask slowly cracks with bright light before shattering into his second form and unleashing his ultimate attack (he becomes more agitated and spiny-looking but I never finished designing any of his forms so just imagine the possibilitiiiiies)
PHASE 2 & 3: . To be continued……. or not! maybe someday :')
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pepprs · 7 months
my depression is getting really really bad. like it’s been bad before but this is like… consistently really bad. like a long unending stretch for several weeks (and tbh months) now. to the point where no inoculation actually sticks (and im isolating myself from most of my inoculations anyway and feel unable to stop doing it even though i know it’s self destructive). im either helplessly unbearably miserable or numbing out on video games. i just don’t feel like it’s going to get better for me and i KNOW that is factually untrue but the feeling is louder than the knowledge and it’s just utterly immobilizing. ive been sinking in quicksand for 2 years.
#purrs#longer than that too ofc but i think ever since i moved to campus in 2021 and shit started hitting the fan my life just started snowballing#and picked up speed majorly when i moved back home and ive been stuck in this horrible limbo ever since. like im scaring myself with how#deeply profoundly unhappy and unwell i am. i am just detached and scattered and bewildered by everything. and the only way to break free is#to fight it but i don’t even have the strength. like in order to fight it i have to have the strength and it s exactly the thing that is#being stolen from me. and i work really really hard to suppress it when im around people so no one can tell but on the inside im being eaten#alive and every day that goes on the pain gets harder to bear except im numb most of the time so i can’t tell except for when i can#one of the things that makes me saddest is ive pushed everyone away either by ghosting them or scaring them. when what i want and need the#most is love and comfort. but then when i get it it isn’t enough. idk. im not explaining it well i just feel like. horrible. unbearably#i think i need to go on meds like i truly cannot go on like this not even in a s*i cidal way it’s like i just can’t take living like this#delete later#i know im causing the people who love me pain by being unable to accept that they do love me and that’s the worst fucking part. is hurting#people by being like this. scaring people by being like this. and being so disconnected from myself#and feeling completely and utterly beyond help like nothing ive tried has fixed it but also there are a lot of things i haven’t tried but i#feel so terrible or my freedom is limited so i can’t. idk.#also the crushing knowledge / sense that i have lost the most precious important years of my life both bc of the lockdown and bc of mental#illness lol. except that’s not true bc of all the stuff abt how your best years are always ahead of you and you can make them. but it doesnt#feel like it for me and then i beat myself up bc my job is literally to exude that belief and help other ppl feel it and i increasingly cant#i remember in high school having the thought that one day i could be depressed and being conscious that i wasn’t and now i look back on that#and am like… how. and will i ever not be. i don’t think so. it just feels unending
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rowavolo · 8 months
btw diavolo and i have matching furbies that are loosely themed after one another so we can hold them when we miss each other. we dress them up for dates and he takes photos of them for his silly little devilgram account where he has a very dedicated following. i have a clear little pocket in my backpack where mine sits so everyone can see it and his has a little baby carrier type thing that he forces barbs to carry around.
mine is named deejay (diavolo junior), his is lilro (lil rowan) or something like that <3
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lighthouseas · 10 months
okay and if i said byler dancing to this in a quiet moment before the final battle
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paledeep · 1 year
a family can be a little wooden boy, a lycanthropic pre teen girl, their cat, their cool aunt cousin, their old dad, their frog dad, and their wolf dad.
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frootbyethefoot · 8 months
oh the legion comics are REALLY good actually. holy moly!!!
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beulf · 7 months
i went on a date yesterday 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 and he was really sweet and cute and nice and we had a lot of interesting convo and we got to kiss in my car to sunn o))) bathory erzsebet :)
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dirt-str1der · 11 months
I wish i could put my old posts under a cut this was so embarrassing but i want to reblog it because i was soooosoosoosoosooooo right i was soo right let me into the studio rgg studio im going to make y3 remastered remastered
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v-iv-rusty · 2 years
I could go to bed at a reasonable hour, but why would I do that when I could stay up and make myself sad over characters that I made up literally 5 minutes ago instead
#misc.txt#3 in the morning is peak oc creating hours#was doodling an er oc I have#and offhandedly wondering what they'd be like if they were an npc with a traditional soulsborne tragic quest. yes I know I am cringe btw#but now I'm sad :( and also dealing with the fact that this character only exists in my head and matters only to me hdfjskhd#it's like whenever I make a character where like. I want to write them a sad story I guess? idk how to put it but you know#I get to a point where I'm like 'idk this just seems kind of boring and bland' and then I get. a tiny idea#which then just snowballs from there until I'm reduced to the human version of a crying cat meme#AND NOBODY ELSE WOULD FULLY UNDERSTAND BECAUSE THEY ONLY EXIST IN MY HEAD. torture :)#honestly I never post about my ocs (fully original ones and then ones like this one) even though I have them but. whatever#his story arc and questline are not real but I could absolutely break your heart with subtle details and item descriptions if they were <3#ok actually I want to talk about this though. so like#I think it's less so like 'I want to make a character in this universe' but I really love the fromsoft method of storytelling#by giving you tiny details and hints and things you might not notice at first. and then when you do it just HITS you and it hits different#than if it were just spelled out for you. like if you fully understand a character from the start that's great and all#but there's something about absentmindedly connecting the dots in the shower or something and going 'OH.'#idk if I'm wording this right probably not it's late but. thinking about how to tell a character's story through those methods is very fun
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padfootastic · 1 year
working on foundations of decay after…a long time bc everything i’ve posted so far has been pre-written like. months ago. def before my lil writers block episode.
and it’s—interesting, really. reminds me why i love fanfiction so much. it’s the endless possibilities. i can do whatever with my characters, manipulate the situation to my fancy and…that’s okay? it’s in my control?
writing only one shots definitely makes u forget that lil fact tbh there’s just not enough time & space
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hqmillioncorn · 2 years
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Looking for TRUE LOVE Looking for TRUE LOVE To love me so, so~
originally written back in august 2022!  guest starring my friends wols  Lunya Lanya, Coco Cocoda, Andres Sacapuntas and Himbo Hooters :v)
Endwalker Spoilers
after the hectic events of saving the world and everything they know and love, Lunya happens to overhear Babycorn mutter something about carrying love letters with her.
only...those letters don’t belong to her.
“I told you! If you had just told me about the letters it wouldn’t come down to this.”
Held upside down as she was, it was hard for Babycorn to ask Lunya to please put her down. While she was very used to Lunya picking her up like she weighed nothing more than an actual ear of millioncorn. It was another thing however, to be held so easily while being upside down and with no chance of being able to wriggle her way out.
All Babycorn could continue to do was say, “WAAaaAaaAAa!” as she hoped that her backpack would be able to hold its contents inside amidst all the shaking.
And if it didn’t…
Then Babycorn didn’t know what she would say if all her secrets came tumbling out! Unfortunately for Babycorn, Lunya wasn’t one to give up so easily.
Very soon the heavier things inside the backpack started to fall out, which mostly included a variety of snacks and one Calca doll that had been suddenly interrupted mid-nap. Just as she landed and was about to give Lunya a piece of her mind, a heavy set of extra clothes landed on her.
Then Lunya spotted it, her indented target! A couple of sealed letters, alongside a partially eaten popoto, came falling out alongside each other. “Ah-ha!” Lunya said, her eyes lighting up in excitement.
As Lunya continued shaking even more and more letters came fluttering out of Babycorn’s backpack. It almost looked like it was spitting the letters out of its mouth. Maybe it was Lunya’s imagination but the backpack looked almost as distressed as Babycorn did. 
Though considering the kind of company (especially the inanimate kind) it wouldn’t shock Lunya if the backpack was in an actual emotional panic.
Once Lunya was certain that every last sealed envelope had fallen out of Babycorn’s backpack she stopped shaking the shaken Lalafell. As easy as Lunya had picked Babycorn up, she flipped her right side up and set her back down. Lunya made sure that Babycorn had found her footing before letting her go and leaping to grab the mysterious letters.
Apparently, Babycorn had been hiding them in her backpack ever since they had come back from Ultima Thule. Since then she’d been doing a good job of keeping them a secret. Though part of the reason for that was that she just plain forgot about them.
It wasn’t until today, when an innocent comment about how heavy her pack was from the copious amount of ‘Love Letters’, caught Lunya’s attention. Though she and the others weren’t too surprised at first. One surprising thing about Babycorn was the amount of letters from secret admirers she received on a weekly basis.
Andres had the theory that it was just one very determined person sending them but after a team of experts (Reese, Lunya and Andres who was there for moral support) analyzed the letters they determined, without a shred of doubt, that the letters were from all sorts of different people.
Though it was strange that Babycorn waved off love confessions and even marriage proposals with a simple hand wave, over time it eventually just became a sort of background noise to daily life.
So hearing Babycorn complain about love letters wasn’t anything too surprising.
What had raised Lunya’s suspicions, that no one else seemed to pick up on, was Babycorn muttering to herself how the love letters didn’t even belong to her.
“If anyone finds them and reads them it’ll be super embarrassing!!” Babycorn cried. Her hands were clasped together, praying that Lunya would give the letters back to her. She was praying rather hard for someone who had only found out what praying was only a few years ago.
“It would be embarrassing for who? You? Or the person these belong to?” Lunya looked down at the envelope in her hands and then back at Babycorn, her expression hardening. “You didn’t steal these from someone, did you?”
Babycorn bounced up and put her hands on her hips. “No! Of course not!” It sounded like the very idea of committing mail theft seemed to insult her personally. “Hythlodaeus gave them to me because he was keeping a promise to someone!” She crossed her arms and looked away, pouting.  
While Babycorn didn’t immediately realize her mistake, Lunya had.
“Oh, did he? What else did he say?” Lunya turned the envelope around to get ready to remove the fancy seal on the back. The seal was in the shape of a happy face and orange in color.
“Ummm…He said something about keeping a promise of holding onto them! But he said he felt that it was only natural that I should have them now! Or something like that…” Babycorn was using all of her brain power in trying to remember what Hythlodaeus had told her that she wasn’t really thinking twice about what she was admitting to Lunya.
Lunya was halfway through opening the envelope when she stopped to look up at Babycorn again. She did recall seeing Hythlodaeus walk up to Babycorn to talk to her back in Ultima Thule. Though at the time wondering what the two of them were doing wasn’t exactly at the forefront of her mind.
However, now that the emotional highs and lows of saving the world were all over and done with, Lunya could put all of her effort into figuring out this mystery that had been bothering her for over two hours.
“So when you say that Hythlodaeus felt that it was only natural that you have these letters...? What do you think he meant by that?”
“It’s cause’ Maize wrote them. You know, the Ancient me and Cherry were sundered from. I guess that’s why.”
“Inchresting…” Lunya opened the envelope with ease but noticeably didn’t remove the letter inside.
At that very moment the gears in Babycorn’s head finally made the right turns and she realized the several mistakes in the things she had been saying for the past few minutes.
“Wait-! Waitwaitwaitwait!! I-I mean I..! I don’t know what you’re talking about! I…I don’t have any love letters! What are you talking about?!”
Babycorn looked around frantically for anything that might help her get out of the hole she dug herself into but all she could see was the Chocobo stables behind her and Lunya in front of her, still holding the most incriminating piece of evidence so far, an envelope.
“Luluuuuuu! Please please don’t read them!!” Babycorn begged
Lunya paused for a second, thinking. “Considering they’re probably written in some ancient language I doubt anyone is going to be reading them anytime soon.”
“Oh yay!”
“But I’m sure we can find someone to translate them!”
“Oh no!”
Lunya burst into the front door of the mansion, dragging Babycorn behind her.
“Who wants to help translate some ancient love letters?!” Lunya held up several of the envelopes that were scattered outside in her hand.
Babycorn let out a small and sad, “Wehh….”
It turned out there weren’t many people home. Though Lunya did manage to find and recruit Coco, Himbo and Andres into helping her and Babycorn decipher the letters. Though it was great she found help and these three were admittedly not the worst people to help with translating love letters, they probably weren’t too high up on the helpful tier either.
Considering one of them hadn’t realized they were in love for years, the other was too busy preparing for the dinner shift at his restaurant to really pay attention and the last one was Andres Sacapuntas. In that order.
Babycorn sat on one of the tables in the basement, angrily kicking her legs. She watched as Lunya set down and spread a handful of letters onto an adjacent table.
“I think it's good they're no help! I don’t wanna know what those dumb things say anywa-” Before Babycorn could finish her sentence Lunya put a freshly baked cookie in her mouth.
Babycorn happily munched on her cookie, forgetting her worries. “Hey!!!” Himbo leaned over the counter from the kitchen and pointed at the plate of cookies on the table, “Those are for tonight’s opening!” Himbo had already told Babycorn countless times that she wasn’t allowed to eat the restaurant's food.
Though it’s not like that ever stopped her.
“If they’re for tonight then you have time to make more!” Lunya assured him. Not to mention that despite his protests Himbo still let Babycorn eat food directly off the table because she was, in her own words, helping.
“Mpmmh mppmhh! These are really tasty!!” Babycorn said, stuffing another cookie into her mouth. Lunya had moved the plate with cookies at arm’s reach for Babycorn, hoping that the snacks would distract her for the time being. Lunya made sure to take a few cookies for herself too.
Then if she happened to run out of those, Lunya had her eye on a basket of freshly baked breadsticks. Not only for Babycorn but also for herself and Coco.
Once he heard Babycorn’s compliment, Himbo beamed with pride. “Why, thank you! Now if you’ll excuse me-!”  He hurried deeper into the kitchen to bake some more. The sounds of Himbo defying several laws of physics in order to make enough food for his restaurant echoed through the basement.
“I hope he makes more cookies~!” Babycorn sang to herself. It seemed like she had completely forgotten the reason they were all down here in the first place. Which was good news for Lunya but bad news for the Babycorn of a few hours from now and then some.
Lunya held one of the letters with the intent to see if there was anything written on it she could understand. Before she could even try to do that however, Coco called out to her holding a letter of his own in his hand. “Did Babycorn really tell you that Maize wrote all these?” Coco asked. It’s not like he didn’t believe her but there was just something about the letters he was looking at that didn’t feel right.
“That’s what she told me.” Though there was really no evidence besides word of mouth from Babycorn herself. Even so, there was no way Babycorn would lie about something like that. It was way too specific of a lie to come from her. “Why do you ask?” Lunya continued.
Coco took two letters in his hands and lifted them up for Lunya to see. It turns out that Coco was right, there was something incredibly off about them. The paper looked faded, which wasn’t too surprising considering how old some of these letters were. Then again, alongside those letters there were others that looked like they were written yesterday.
Though the weirdness didn’t end there. The contents of the love letter were all written in a bright red with an erratic writing style all over. The letter ended with what Lunya assumed was a huge signature at the bottom of the page.
What Coco was holding up resembled something more akin to a message from a murderer and not anything that was made with romantic intent. “I-I see…” Lunya was starting to realize why Babycorn didn’t want anyone looking at these things.
“Y-You don’t think it could be b-b-blood?! Do you?!” Coco trembled.
“Actually…It looks more like crayon to me.” 
“Huh-?” Coco flipped the letters over to look at them again. It was like Lunya pointed out, the letter (thank goodness) wasn’t written in blood. Instead apparently someone had taken the brightest red crayon they had and made it brighter by several shades, then used it to write a particularly scary looking love letter.
Andres leaned over from the seat he had taken next to Coco and examined the letter with him. “Heh! This looks like a little kid wrote it.” Andres laughed at everything down to the penmanship to the fact that it had scared Coco. Though that last one was directed more at Coco than the author of the letter.
“That’s because Maize wrote it as a little kid.”
Everyone turned to look at Babycorn. Even Himbo poked his fluffy head out of the kitchen. 
Despite dropping an incredibly important fact about the forbidden love letter lore, Babycorn looked as carefree as someone could look, happily chewing on the few remaining cookies on the plate.
“Did Hythlodaeus tell you that too?” Lunya asked. She knew very well that the particular letter that Coco examined was sealed. There was no way that Babycorn could have opened it and resealed it again. Babycorn was nowhere near precise enough to pull off something like that.
Not while Lunya had personally seen Babycorn tearing envelopes in half with her teeth to open them.
For a second it looked like Babycorn was about to explain what exactly it was she meant, until she blinked a few times and instead she looked about as confused as the rest of them were. “Uhh, I don’t know. Maybe he did?” She had her doubts that everyone would just blindly accept ‘Just a feeling’ as a valid explanation.
“Is it just a hunch?” Coco asked.
Babycorn looked at him, confused. “Aren’t those the things on Dhalmels?”
“Babycorn. That is a hump.” Lunya helpfully explained.
“Oh!” That made way more sense, “Then yeah-! It’s a hunch! I have that!”
There was a collective sigh across the room, even from Himbo. Though perhaps the only reason he knew the difference was because of his background as a chef. Otherwise he most likely would have been on the same wavelength as Babycorn.
After letting out a sigh Lunya chuckled to herself and looked back down at the pile of letters now with a hunch of her own.
Before she could put her hunch to the test however, Andres spoke up. “Hey Babycorn? Can you just tell us what these dumb letters say so we can stop looking at them and go something else?”
In fact, Andres had very specific plans for today that had been rudely interrupted by him being nosy over Babycorn’s secret letters. But now that was taking too long and it was getting in the way of walking My Son along the Costa del Sol coast. Admittedly it hadn’t been the original plan, but several people told Andres that walking a Goobbue through Limsa Lominsa was a really bad idea.
Babycorn was quick to jump on Andres’ remark.
“I already told you! I don’t know what they say!” Babycorn snatched another cookie from the plate and angrily took a bite of it. It had been drilled in her head by now that talking with her mouth full was rude but she didn’t have anything else to say at that point.
“Are you sure you really don’t know what they say Babycorn?” Lunya innocently asked.
Babycorn quickly swallowed, “W-What do you mean? You said no one could read them, that includes me too! Besides, I’m not that good at reading anyway…” 
Lunya closed her eyes and thought back to when she first confronted Babycorn about the letters. “If I remember right, you were worried about what was written in the letters even before I mentioned that they were written in a language that none of us know very well.” Lunya jumped out of her seat and began to walk towards where Babycorn sat on top of a table, “So then, what I’m wondering is…”
As Lunya’s eyes snapped open she stared directly at Babycorn, a knowing glint in her eyes. “Can you explain why you started panicking about what’s written in the letters then? If you really didn’t know, then you would have no reason to!”
Of course Lunya and many others knew that Babycorn tended to be a jumpy person. A leaf blowing in the wind would probably be enough to send her running on certain days, but there was something off about the way Babycorn was acting about this situation.
The others seemed to agree with what Lunya was theorizing, by the way they were nodding in understanding. Their own gazes turned to Babycorn to see what she would say in return of Lunya’s accusation.  
Babycorn was quick to jump to her own defense, “O-Of course I panicked I mean…I-I mean even if I didn’t know what was written on there love letters are just super embarrassing!! Just the idea of one…I-It’s embarrassing!! I don’t know why you would ever make one!”
A loud and confident “Ha ha!” rang out from behind Lunya and Coco.
Andres Sacapuntas was now standing on the table he’d been previously sitting at. His hands were on his hips and on his face was the same dumb confident smirk that Babycorn always dreaded seeing on him. “That’s a lie if I ever heard one!” Andres’ voice sounded different for some reason. More boastful.
He pointed right at Babycorn, which due to her previously established jumpy nature, was enough to get her to jump back. “You ask me to help you read the stupid love letters you get all the time!” Andres shrugged and shook his head in a manner that looked like he was almost having a little too much fun doing this. “Heh-heh, I can’t remember you ever being embarrassed about them! Every time I read one you asked me to read another then another! You wanna know what I think-?”
“No!” Babycorn answered.
Despite Babycorn’s answer, Andres continued to talk. “I think Lunya’s right! And that she should explain why she’s right because all I really wanted to do was stand on this desk and say you were lying!” Then after all of that, Andres was back to sitting down and waiting to see what would happen next.
After all that build up the others couldn’t help but be confused. “Thanks Andres.” Lunya looked back at Andres in time to see him wink at her. At least, she guessed that he was winking at her, it was hard to tell with an entire eyepatch in the way.
Either way this was his own way of saying ‘You’re welcome.’ To his credit Andres did provide valuable evidence against Babycorn’s claim.
“Um! I mean-! You see-” Babycorn stumbled and tripped over every word trying desperately to find something else to say. Unfortunately there was nothing else she could say. It looked like she was finally caught in the tangled web of lies she had created herself completely by accident.
“I think what Andres was trying to say was that you’ve been lying to us this whole time!” By the playful smirk on Lunya’s face, it looked like she was having a lot more fun than she was letting on.
As stated before, Babycorn had been lying but that didn’t mean she was actually smart enough to realize there was no point in admitting she’d been caught. “I-I haven’t been lying about anything!” Babycorn pouted, “And that’s the truth!”
“You know exactly what’s written in those letters! There would be no reason for you to panic if you didn’t!” Lunya decided not to give Babycorn anytime for her to helplessly try and wiggle her way out of this, so she went right into her second point. “Not only that-! The Babycorn we aaall know wouldn’t even give a second thought to a bag of love letters! Even if they didn’t belong to you!”
“Yeah!” Coco chimed in himself, “You’d probably try to open them to see if they had chocolate inside…”
“You don’t know that!” Babycorn stood up on her tippy toes to try and make herself seem more intimidating. And just like the other times she had tried this, it had pretty much no effect.
“Wait-! Didn’t you actually do that last Valentione's day?” Coco recalled.
Babycorn held her breath, racking her brain for anything she could say that would prove what Coco said wrong. In hindsight she could have said something as simple as ‘No I didn’t!’ but Babycorn very often overcomplicated even the simplest of things. Much like this sentence and the last.
In the end her response was a simple, “Yeah?! So?!”
Lunya thought back to that day in particular. It had taken almost all day for her, Babycorn and the others to apologize to the droves of Mail Moogles on Babycorn’s behalf for committing mail theft. Maybe the promise she made that day not to steal any more mail was the reason why she got so upset before.
Babycorn couldn’t help but notice that everyone’s eyes were on her now. She was mad but she wasn’t sure who she was mad at. It wasn’t at her friends, nor was she mad at Hythlodaeus but maybe she should have been since he was the one who’d given her the troublesome letters in the first place.
Or maybe she was mad at Maize?
She was the one who’d written these stupid love letters in the first place!
“You really wanna know who that letter is for?” Babycorn dreaded what was going to happen in the next few minutes of her life. It almost made her wish she was back at the edge of the universe instead. Almost. “The one you’re holding in your hands right now?”
Lunya nodded. She leaned in holding the letter close to her
‘I know I can always trust you. I’ve always trusted you with everything, and so have you. I know.’
Babycorn hunched down, trying to make herself look as small as possible. A direct contrast to how big she was trying to make herself earlier. Lunya heard her say something, a faint whisper of a-something. Whatever she did say was too soft for any of them to hear.
‘I’ve wanted to ask you if we can run away together! Just the two of us!’
Himbo’s ear twitched, “Uhhh, what was that? Can you speak up?” Not that he was all that curious about the whole love letter affair everyone brought into the restaurant but it was hard not to get a little invested at this point.
‘If our paths ever start to separate, if both of us suddenly lose our way…That’s why…!’
Babycorn’s eye twitched, then all of a sudden, and without any warning, she jumped off of the table she had been standing on.
‘I’ll pull us back together again!’
“Maize wrote that one for Emet-Selch!! There I said it!! She wrote it for him!!!”
The letter in question almost slipped from Lunya’s hands in shock.
Before Lunya could even open her mouth to react accordingly Babycorn pointed at Coco. “And the one Coco’s holding she wrote for Hermes! You know-?! That Hermes?!” Unfortunately, Babycorn decided that she wasn’t going to stop at just those letters.
“The letter written with blood was for a girl that shared a piece of her chocolate with her!”
“And that one’s for a boy who was just in the same play as her!”
“That blue one is for some person who held the door open when she walked in!!”
“Someone delivered food for her twice and she wrote that one!”
“That one’s for Emet-Selch!! AGAIN!!!!”
There were so many letters scattered around that Babycorn spent the next few minutes listing off Maize’s several one off crushes. There were, of course, some repeat ones. As it turned out she had written to a girl that volunteered in a garden more than once and also (to Babycorn’s disappointment) Emet-Selch more than a couple of times.
Babycorn sat down and lowered her head in defeat. “The one Coco’s holding is the last one she wrote…” she let out a sigh and laid down on the table’s bench. It was the one written to Hermes just before the Final days.
Maybe Hythlodaeus had given her Maize’s letters not only because they “belonged” to her but maybe he also thought Babycorn could keep Maize’s business private.
Babycorn hoped that wherever Hythlodaeus was he wouldn’t be too mad about what she just did.
After Babycorn’s several outbursts the entire basement was silent, save for the sound of sizzling coming from the kitchen. When the smell of burning ovim meat started to fill the kitchen Himbo was the first of the group to come out of their shocked states. “Ah?! My meat!!” Himbo adjusted his chef’s hat and ran towards the stove.
Lunya looked at the letter then back at Babycorn then at Coco for good measure. “I see…” was all she said as she made her way over to the bench Babycorn was laying on. They were both very small so there was still room for Lunya to sit next to Babycorn.
Then Lunya let out a snort of laughter.
In the span of a second Babycorn sat up straight and turned towards her. Lunya was laughing out loud now, with tears in her eyes. “Lunyaaaaaaa! Noooooo!!! Stop laughiiiing” Babycorn whined, “I knew you guys would make fun of meeeee!” Babycorn used both of her hands to lightly punch Lunya’s shoulders. While Lunya kept laughing louder and louder, Babycorn kept crying her name out in vain.
“Heh.” Andres let out a single laugh. “I can’t believe your Ascian wanted to date skunk man.”
Unfortunately for Babycorn, Lunya was too busy laughing to correct Andres on his terminology.
Instead, Coco took it upon himself to set the record straight. “Um, actually Maize wasn’t an Ascian. She was just an Ancient! Like ours!” Coco looked over to Babycorn, making brief eye contact for a split second. He laughed, “But I guess she did want to date a skunk man.”
Babycorn screamed and jumped over the table to attack Coco.
Lunya placed the last of the bandages on Babycorn, placed squarely on her forehead under her heavy bangs. “There we go!” Lunya took a step back and looked over at the fairly large dent on the floor that Babycorn had created when she crashed into it while trying to attack Coco.
Himbo had run out of the mansion in a hurry to find some way he could fix the floor before the restaurant opened, but not before giving the job of cooking food for the night to Andres. Thus really earning his Himbo namesake.
Coco, still hiding under the table, finally peeked his head out to see if Babycorn was still after his life. Lucky for him (and her) Babycorn had quelled her bloodrage and settled instead for angrily sitting on the floor with her arms and legs crossed.
“I’ve healed most of your injuries away but you have to make sure you don’t go crashing into any more floors.” Lunya flicked away a splinter that Babycorn had gotten in her hair, “Got it?”
As with any instruction that Lunya gave her, Babycorn promised to uphold it for as long as her memory cared to hold onto it. “Yeah…” she sulked, once again remembering the embarrassing ordeal that had occurred just moments before.
Before anyone could stop him, Andres decided to pop into the scene. “Oh my god. I still can’t believe that your weird tall past person wrote all these cringe letters to these people.” Andres would give every can of orange dye in his inventory to be able to read the letters out loud to Babycorn every second of the day.
“Yeah I know.”
Though Babycorn knew very well that just because she was a sundered part of Maize, it didn’t mean that she was Maize. Just a part of a greater whole. She certainly had an easier time wrapping her head around the concept considering her entire history of already being another version of some other person.
“It’s just embarrassing! You guys get it right?!” Babycorn cried, “Like…Like-! She wrote so many of them! And the people she wrote the letters to?! Why did she have to like-like them?! Ugh! Don’t tell me she wanted to marry them! Gross!” Babycorn stuck her tongue out and shook her head in disgust.
Lunya and Coco exchanged a pair of glances. Both of them happened to be privy to just four people Babycorn had actually previously shown more than a speck of romantic feelings for. Those lucky four happened to be Raya-O-Senna, Hildibrand, a random catboy in Gridania who once showed her where the Leatherworker’s Guild was, and a fancy Elezen guy in Ishgard.
Lunya held in a giggle and gave Babycorn a soft pat on her head. Truly the sundered and sliced apple did not fall far from the very tall tree. At least, not in this particular case it didn’t.
“It’s still pretty funny though.” Coco said at the risk of Babycorn leaping up to attack him again but he was 99 percent sure she wouldn’t dare try again.
“It’s hilarious actually.” There was just something inherently funny about Babycorn’s Ancient of all people to have had so many crushes. Lunya could only imagine that this was the exact scenario that Hythlodaeus saw coming when he gave Babycorn those letters.
Not only that, but Emet-Selch himself would probably be just as horrified, if not more so, than Babycorn was to learn that Maize had written love letters to him. Considering they had never been delivered to him.
“Lunyaaaaaa!!!” Babycorn whined again.
Right at that moment in time Babycorn’s traveling backpack came hopping down the stairs and towards them. It had a sad look on its face. Almost like it was actually feeling guilty that it had let all those letters spill out.
While Coco hid behind the table it hopped right past him and stopped in front of Babycorn. “Oh no! I’m sorry I left you alone outside Hungslta! I didn’t mean to!” She grabbed the sad backpack and set it right next to her.
Coco carefully came out of his hiding place, he was shaking all over. “I-It has a name?!” he didn’t want to add yet another thing Babycorn owned to his list of things he was very afraid of.
Lunya looked at the pack as it looked back at her. It looked like her first instinct was right, it was alive. Just a bit. “Aww! It’s cute!” Lunya playfully reached her hand out to give it a little pat before turning back to Babycorn.
Her expression grew serious. “It hasn’t eaten anyone right?”
“No one that I know!”
That wasn’t exactly the answer Lunya was hoping to hear.
At that moment Hungslta began to cough something up. Using one of its straps it reached down its zipper to pull something that it had been carrying around for a while now. 
And to Babycorn’s horror it was-
“Huh?! An Emet-Selch mammet?!” Babycorn screamed, “Where did that come from?!”
Hungslta casually dropped it in Babycorn’s hands, her opinions on Emet-Selch at the moment withstanding, Babycorn would never let a mammet drop onto the ground and potentially break. She promised Cherrypit she would take care of all his dolls, no matter what.
Lunya took the opportunity in Babycorn’s introspective thinking to take the Emet-Selch mammet from her. “Hey?” There was all sorts of confusion in Babycorn’s voice. She wasn’t sure whether or not to be mad that someone had taken it away from her.
Lunya turned the mammet in all sorts of different directions, examining it carefully. Until she held it right side up and pointed it towards Babycorn.
“Aww! Look, I think Maize gave you his eyes!”
Babycorn screamed and ran up the stairs and out of the basement.
Lunya was right behind her, holding up the Emet-Selch minion like one would hold up a baby lion on a giant rock. She was struggling to call after Babycorn with how much she was laughing, “W-Wait! Ha ha! Babycorn you have to reaaaally look!” Babycorn’s screaming could still be heard from downstairs.
Coco scrambled out of his hiding place and followed after Lunya. “D-Don’t leave me here with that thiiiiing!! You guys!!!” He ran up the stairs with his eyes closed in fear, “It’s gonna eaaaat meeeeeee!!!” Coco yelled. Living in a semi-haunted house had made Coco adept at running around with his eyes closed.
Meanwhile, Hungslta happily hopped right behind Coco and up the stairs.
Andres looked up and wondered what the heck everyone was yelling about. And as he flipped a burger in the back he made sure to take note that he had no idea how to cook.
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star--anon · 2 years
Everything about my identity as a writer is just the Snowball Effect
Okay hear me out: Tail Trap was a fun idea, but I have thought new things.
So first, I thought about:
Tommy likes sleeping on top of Wilbur like a pancake stack. He calls Wilbur his "brother mattress", and Wilbur insists he just call him his "mattress", because the "brother" makes him tear up a little.
Then I had this funky lil' idea that:
Tommy's tail swishes when he's passive, and it swishes more when he's nervous or happy or feeling any sort of emotion strongly.
Then I had the other idea that:
Tommy wraps his tail around people like a raccoon-flavored hug. 
Tommy wraps his tail around Wilbur when he's sleeping, and in his sleep, his tail will swish every so slightly. Wilbur being woken up by a floomfy tail just flicking over his stomach and ribs. The fuzzy tail just destroying his shit. Wriggling and giggling, but also struggling very hard to not wake Tommy up.
So just... imagine Tommy being rudely awaken from his sleep because his brother mattress is squirming underneath him, laughing loudly in his ear. 
Tommy gets worried at first, wondering why Wilbur's whimpering underneath him. He moves to get off of him, but Wilbur quickly freezes. He trembles in held-back laughter, a few small snickers slipping through, but hopefully not enough to wake Tommy up...
Tommy quickly realizes what's going on and, being the cheeky little gremlin he is, decides to keep up the sleeping act, feeling very amused by the whole situation. Sometimes, he even flicks his tail over certain spots that he knows will make Wilbur squeal. 
Wilbur whisper-giggling, "Oh gohohods... Tohohohommy wahake uhuhuhup plehehehehease..." but also doing his very best to stay silent. 
Tommy eventually gives up the ruse. He "wakes up" and complains that Wilbur woke him up. He demands an explanation, and Wilbur just weakly mumbles out a few nonsense words. 
Tommy gets up and his tail "accidentally" drags over Wilbur's stomach as he leaves, eliciting high-pitched giggles. The two freeze, Tommy "realizing" what's happening.
And then, obviously, chaos ensues.
"Gigglebur can't handle the tail?"
"Shuhuhuhush! D-Dohohohon't tehehease!!"
"Is the teasing too much for you~?"
"Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!" whined Wilbur, burying his face in the blankets.
"Hey, rate this spot on a scale of one to ten."
"Ahahaha-! N-Nohohoho! Na-Nahahat thehehehere!!"
"Guess that's a ten... Wow you really can't handle this, can you?"
"Youhuhuhuhu cahahan't hahahandle ihihit eheheither!!"
"I'd be nicer to me if I were you~"
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