#we shall see hehe
lotuslate · 1 year
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I’m starving, darling 🍄🍂🍃🌾
Eat Your Young - Hozier
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onsunnyside · 2 years
me thinks hunter curtis coming out near winter would be a beautiful birthday present come december 🥹🫢
AHH YOU ARE TOTALLY RIGHT !! watch me start writing seasonal fics/fics set in the current season bc the vibes are too flawless
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persephonyed · 4 months
gonna attempt doing drafts while at work but words are just not clicking in my brain today. i think i just need a nap, waaaah. i will do my best !
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juniemunie · 5 months
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If we're not giving up, don't give up wherever you are.
That's a promise.
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endenope · 2 months
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what shall we do to him? 😌🔥
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marcmorrigan · 5 months
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they keep me warm on cold nights / we must be quite a sight all tangled, wow
yayyy finished this just in time! this server exchange was so fun and i had such a good time making this for @oloreandil omg im so excited to have gotten you as my giftee!!! ILYSM i hope i did your prompt justice!
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coffeebanana · 2 months
as someone who is used to blurting out every single idea i have about my fics the second it occurs to me, WRITING A FIC AND KEEPING THINGS TO YOURSELF IS SO HARD I AM ONLY 4 CHAPTERS IN HOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS
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11queensupreme11 · 22 days
Beelie is the avatar of gluttony right? And Percy dreamed of him devouring her... so will he yk
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heavenfelll · 3 months
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♡ Von Lycaon White Day art ♡
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clarablightt · 25 days
apparently today is Maid Day which means to me it’s Lene Aurousseau Day!!!
happy Lene Day one and all!!!!
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sassylegshayne · 1 year
support your local caffeine dealer chapter seven
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ah okay I know I keep saying that things are finally happening in the fic but wow things really do happen in these next three chapters please buckle in ily mwah xx 3.1k words w/ cursing, confusing emotions, and a pool party
series masterlist
After a few days of small, normal interactions, Shayne stopping by in the morning and his day off, making small talk, and a few random texts, the two of you seemed to be back to normal.
You were so relieved when Shayne wandered into your shop the morning after movie night. Maybe you didn't fuck this up as much as your mind told you you had.
"hey, are you doing anything Friday? a bunch of people from work are out of town this weekend so don't think we're gonna do our normal night out."
There he was. That motherfucker.
You can't believe how quickly this man had flipped your world. You didn't even know each other a year ago, it was a happy accident that your paths crossed, now it seems like all you do is think about him.
You need to read the fine print the next time you sign up for a friendship if it's gonna come with hidden feelings.
Your brows raised as you eyes finally scanned the message. Was Shayne going to invite you out if their plans weren't going to continue as usual?
"Imao okay!! don't have anything planned that I know of?"
You sent back quickly, intrigued by his intentions.
Shayne grinned, nodding as he read your message.
He wanted to get to know you better; he wanted an opportunity to talk to you, he'd talk to you until the end of time if it was feasible.
Shayne had devised a plan, he wanted to cook a nice dinner for you two at his apartment, possibly watch another movie, since that seemed like it was becoming the thing for you two, and just be together.
"dinner at my place?"
That was casual enough, that was friendly. You both tried to convince yourselves that this was nothing more.
"what time? 😇"
Friday couldn't come fast enough. It feltlike everything took fifteen times longer than usual. You found yourself looking forward to the moment you'd find yourself standing at Shayne's doorstep.
Shayne found himself doing the same, getting questioned about his constant spacing out in shoots and meetings, his mind too busy racing around thoughts of you.
He sent you a text after he got out of his final meeting for the day on Friday, offering to pick you up once your shift was over.
Shayne parked along the side street beside your shop before heading inside. He let his eyes scan the dining area, catching you sat in a corner table near the front, a man sat across from you, a smile across his face.
Shayne found himself sizing the man up, this guy worked out, possibly even more than Shayne. He was probably taller, too.
You sat quietly, eyes on your phone as you waited patiently for your friend to arrive when a cough caught your attention, a small smile on your lips as you look up to a rather burley man. He sat quickly, introducing himself as he offered you his hand to shake.
You politely declined, a bit worried as you see him huff. You try to make it through the guy's attempt at casual small talk, biding your time until your knight in shining denim arrives to take you out of this awkward situation.
You told the man you were waiting for your boyfriend, trying to get the man to leave your table without any issues.
He insisted on waiting with you, but he looked pissed when your eyes met Shayne's. You waved him over, never so thankful to see him in your life.
You rose to your feet as he approached you, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you stand on your toes, pulling him into a long hug.
"Hi, baby." You cooed, your heart fluttering as you smile brightly up at Shayne, letting your hand rest on his chest as you turn to face your company.
"This is him, this is my boyfriend, Shayne!" You introduced him to the man, suddenly the gears turning in Shayne's mind.
Your touch was surprising, but not unwanted by any means. Shayne found himself confused as hell until you had said that.
He'd been in this role for his other friends before; the fake boyfriend to save them from a creep.
Shayne gave a curt wave before letting his hand slide around your waist, giving you hip a gentle squeeze as he placed a kiss to your cheek.
Was he this good of an actor, or was he actually jealous? If you had been in the stranger's shoes, the daggers Shayne was glaring would've sent you running for the hills.
Shayne was going to sell the fuck out of this fake relationship, especially with how easily it was for him to fake it.
"Let's go, you've had a long day, babe." He left no room for argument as he guided you to the door, leaving the stranger sat alone at the table as the two of you head to his car.
You separated from his side as Shayne pulled your door open for you, the perfect opportunity to wrap you arms around his waist again, buring your face in his chest. You took a deep breath as he wrapped his arms around you, gently rubbing your back.
Shayne's grin matched your's as you stared up at him, a blush across you cheeks as you spoke.
"You're the fucking best, Shayne, thank you. owe you big time for that." You pressed another kiss to his cheek before getting into your seat. Shayne leaned in, arms resting on the doorframe as he chuckles.
"Don't worry about it. It's not my first faux boyfriend rodeo."
He rounded the car, chuckling as he joined you.
"Well, I can see why. You did amazing, I'm sorry if I ever doubted your acting skills, Shan-Ye."
Shayne rolled his eyes, telling you about a few of his smaller roles as you two drove to his apartment, enjoying in the fact that you didnt recall seeing any or his work before. It felt nice to feel unknown in that aspect sometimes.
Shayne played some music through a small speaker, the sound carrying softly around the open space of his living room and kitchen. You mixed the two of your some drinks to sip as he cooked.
You sat yourself on the edge of the furthest counter, giving him plenty of space to work while you watched over, a smile across your face.
Shayne convinced you to start talking about yourself, and he never wanted you to stop. You seemed so confident and sure in who you are that it amazed him.
He had to stop himself each time he realized he'd been staring, more focused on you than the meal he'd been preparing. Conversation toned down as everything was done, just needed time to bake.
As you food warmed, Shayne offered you a grin, tugging you from your spot. You pouted softly, setting you glass aside as he took both of your hands.
The two of you danced lazily around the kitchen, neither of you did well but that didn't matter. Shayne liked hearing you mutter an apology each time you stepped on his toes, the most faint blush appearing on your cheeks.
You grew closer as another song passed, resting your head on Shayne's chest, your arms around his shoulders and his around your waist as the two of you moved slowly to the melody. You only parted when Shayne's phone alarm went off, causing you to jump.
The two of you eventually moved to the couch, settling in with your respective bowls, noting that Shayne had given you the same one the last time you were over.
"Wanna make movie nights a thing?" You questioned before taking a bite, peering at Shayne over the edge of your bowl.
"Uh, yeah, I'm down." Shayne stiffed a bit, shifting in his seat as he placed his empty bowl onto the coffee table, opting for a sip of his drink.
"We can switch back and forth, yanno? Between my place and yours. I just really enjoy it, but we don't have to if you're not into it, we can do something else." You ramble on, biting your lip as you raised your brows at him.
Shayne shook his head softly, leaning forward as he placed his hand on your knee, giving you a gentle squeeze. Your eyes dart from his hands to his face, finding his blue eyes staring back at yours.
"Listen, I wanna spend time with you, think this is a great idea. I would shut up if it meant you'd talk forever; it's okay" He offered you a bright, warm smile as he reassured you. Shayne felt like he was going to throw up he was so nervous, but everything melted away the moment you launched yourself across the couch.
In an instant, you had positioned yourself in Shayne's lap, arms wrapped around him again. You hugged him tight to your chest, sitting ir the embrace fora few moments before you pulled back.
"You are the sweetest ever, Shayne. Thank you for being my best friend." You smiled, moving to grab your dishes before you headed toward the kitchen, leaving the man alone with his thoughts.
Best friend; he'd been promoted, but still wasn't the role he wanted to play in your life. Shayne wanted to hold your hand, twirl you around his kitchen, greet you with a kiss at work, drag you around his office, take you out on nice dates. He wanted everything he knew he couldn't have.
Eventually, in the late hours of the evening, Shayne dropped you off at your house, chatting before you got out of the car. "Oh, shit, yeah." Shayne was surprised when you brought up the upcoming Friday. "I'm gonna be out of town next weekend. Im flying back to Arizona for a week, one of my brothers is getting married."
Shayne's mind wandered a bit, entertaining the idea of inviting you as his plus one, the date to his brother's wedding, but opted not to. You were probably busy.
"Okay, yeah!" You tried to keep your energy up, but the thought of a week without Shayne did eat at you inside.
"I leave Thursday, but I'm gonna make a stop to tell you goodbye before leave." Shayne chuckled with a wink, unable to read your expression as he tried his best to gauge the situation. You smiled at him, but it didn't feel right.
"Do you work tomorrow?" Shayne sighed, biting his lip as you shook your head no. "Wanna come into the office with me for a little bit? Kimmy and I are working on a sketch and I think some new ears to test it on would be good. have to run it by a couple people, but it should be alright." He asked eagerly, desperate to spend as much time with you as possible, worried about how the time apart would effect the progress the two of you had made.
"Yeah, that sounds a lot more fun than doing chores like planned."
Holy fuck, holy shit, Shayne wanted you to come to work with him, he valued your opinion enough to want to show you his writing.
He'd mentioned his directing and writing a bit, knowing his face lit up when he talked about all the opportunities Smosh gave him. You parted ways, Shayne quickly texting Selina, lan and Kimmy, clearing the setup with them before he got home. He called you after he arrived, going over a few small details before promising to see each other soon. He drummed his fingers on his steering wheel as he parked outside of your building. He was gonna pass by anyways, that's why he offered to pick you up, not because he was dying to see you.
The two of you stopped for coffee before you arrive, quickly heading in.
Shayne leads you toward the conference room him and Kimmy had laid claim to earlier in the week.
He tried his best to prepare you for the bubbly personality of his producer, but you were still presently surprised by her. Kimmy greeted you with a bright smile and a warm hug, her and Shayne quickly delving into their script.
Eventually, after a few stop-ins from familiar faces that heard whispers of you being here, the three of you worked through the piece.
It was perfect; when they ran lines, you added in some additions and helped with tweaking a few acts. The final scene came to fruition in Shayne's mind, the thoughts easily translating to paper.
Shayne was so happy to have your help, a little permanent reminder that you were here, you were in his life. You might leave him one day, you might get a boyfriend and leave him in the dust, but he'll always have this.
These witty little lines you helped with, the ideas you had melded together with his, the memories of the time you two shared.
The trio of you went out to lunch together afterwards, dining at a small brunch spot nearby. Shayne felt his heart swell as he watched Kimmy and you interact, he knew you'd make quick friends.
The girls sat across from Shayne, rambling on and getting to know each other as he sat, silently observing.
Once you had wrapped up, parting ways with Shayne, Kimmy ran back over, placing a hand on your shoulder as he continued to his car. You came back with a grin across your face, pulling one from him as the two of you entered the car.
"Kimmy invited us over for a pool party tonight." Shayne couldn't hide the surprise on his face, concerning you a bit.
"You can't tell Damien." Shayne quickly blurted out, laughing. "He always jokes about not getting invited to Kimmy's pool parties, and if he knew you got invited after you guys just met, he might be crushed."
You rolled your eyes, smacking his arm playfully.
"So pick you up around 6 and we can head over?" You questioned as you threw your bag Over your shoulder.
"Yes, okay, but seriously, don't text Damien." You laughed as you closed the door, shaking your head.
You tidied your place a bit before getting ready. You opted for removing your makeup rather than finding yourself looking like a raccoon in front of everyone.
You threw on an old bathing suit, feeling confident and comfortable with the way it fit your body. Something in your mind nagged at you, telling you to wear the most revealing piece you have.
You talked yourself down, throwing shorts and a thin tank top over your suit, mulling around your house to kill time.
"I'm nervous." You stated as Shayne laughed, shaking his head as the two of you drove. He'd already had to peel his eyes away from you, his vision filled with all the pieces of you he'd never seen before.
Your legs were exposed, the skin of your thighs looked smooth and soft as Shayne had thoughts of no longer keeping his hands to himself, wishing desperately that he was able to touch you how he wanted to.
"Don't be, you already know most of the people there, and they all like you. I promise, if it's too much then we can leave, it'll be okay." He stated, reaching across the center console to give your hand a squeeze as you parked in the driveway, already a bit packed with cars.
Shayne led the way through Kimmy's house, letting the two of you in before holding the backdoor open for you.
A small chorus of cheers erupted as you two walked out of the door, Courtney quickly jumping from her seat on a lounge chair to hug the both of you.
Small groups formed as more people arrive, but Shayne never found himself far from you. He sat beside you as you conversed with Spencer and Angela, your feet dipped into the pool, your shorts and top long discarded on a plastic seat.
Shayne understood the irony of "Adore You" playing on the speakers outside as he eyed you over, barely adding to the conversation as he found himself more focused on you. You were surprised to find yourself a lot less anxious than you had expected. You eventually joined the group of girls in the pool, with a bit o convincing from Ang and Kimmy. Spencer sat beside Shayne on the side of the pool still, cheering their cups of soda together as they say in silence. "You should go after her, yanno? don't think Ive ever seen you look at someone the way you look at her." Spencer spoke softly, nudging his friend to break his trance, Shayne's eyes glued to you, a smile on his lips. "We're just friends, that's all she wants to be." Shayne shrugged, refusing to meet his friend's eyes, afraid that his face would reveal his feelings.
"You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take or whatever it was that Michael Scott said, dude." Spencer rose from his seat, stretching a bit before he firmly pushed at Shayne's back, catching him off guard as Shayne fell into the pool with a splash.
Picture time came after your group was all soaked, making for terrible posts on Twitter and Instagram. You traded numbers and social media with a few people in the group, it finally clicking that Shayne's friends actually liked you.
The two of you ended up leaving later than most, getting lost in conversation with each other and Kimmy, her husband Shane joining your group later on.
Shayne took a moment to check his phone, his heart dropping as he scrolled through the pictures Courtney had posted, which include shot of your group from earlier sitting on the side of the pool.
Your backs were all to the camera as you sat between Ang and Shayne, your hand on his thigh as you all laughed at something Shayne had said.
Courtney tagged you, leading him to sigh in relief as he remembered your account was private.
He wanted you in his life, but he didn't want to burden you with the shitty side of being with an internet personality. His finger hovered over the comments, worried about if that photo was being talked about.
You pulled him from his trance as you offered him your hand, smiling down at him.
"Come on, Kimmy's kicking us out now." You laughed as Kimmy argued and continued to defend herself as she saw the two of you out.
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meownotgood · 6 months
aki's voice actor is so cute 🥹 I love shogo so much... I wanted to record some of the cute moments to save it but it wouldn't let me 💔
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chrxnicdaydream · 6 days
Last Line Tag
Thanks for tagging me @unicornpopcorn14 & @anticidic !! 🥹🫶🏻
RULES: show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you’d like).
He hoped it wasn’t too cliche— he’d meant it when he told Dazai he’d never really had much interest in romance.
Thankfully, he had been trained by Kouyou, so he’d picked up a few things. Namely: most people were tickled pink to receive flowers.
Hopefully, Dazai would be one of them.
tagging @theroadtosomewhere (plus anyone else who wants to participate :’))
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manadesia · 14 days
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They r cookin some silly music up (and procrastinating)
I love the TV girl color palette so much honestly !!! Been boosting my motivation to color to the max 💜
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wurm-food · 24 days
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asukiess · 2 months
Asukiess your brainnnn
You're going to kill me. Femwalker cannot take over my mind right now I have bills to pay 😭
the possible influences.......
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