#but he got annoyed i didn't put 'reflection of' again before that second explained idea
menlove · 2 years
this professor will not mark anyone’s papers above a 95 and that’s fine but it is over the most annoying shit i swear
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sorencd · 10 months
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pairing: charlie dalton x f!reader
summary: he’s brash, annoying, distracts you from your studies, and plays the saxophone too loudly. you don’t like him at all. right?
word count: 0.6k
a/n: really tempted to make an unofficial part 2 to this one hdhasfuf
the room was frigid as the cold wind entered your room through the window, sending a chill down your body. you were staring up at the ceiling, thinking about the past events of this week. you got up from where you were on your bed to close the windowpane, deciding that you couldn't bear the chilly temperatures anymore, but sat down on the edge, you spotted your jumper that was hanging on the door.
'hi (y/n).' a voice from above you spoke, it was charlie. he had that cheeky smile again. 
'what do you want, dalton?' you replied, annoyance evident in your tone. clearly stating that you didn't want him there and bothering you. you were studying outside of the school you attended, the neighbouring academy to welton, emma porter academy. you shouldn't have expected peace and quiet when you chose a bench outside of school as your place to study.
'you're really good at organising.' he said as he pointed at your notes. 
you looked up at him with a bizarre expression, where did that compliment come from? to hide your confusion, you instead feigned irritation. 'seriously, what do you want charlie? i'm busy right now.'
'you looked lonely and i didn't see your friend amelia around here anywhere. so i figured i'd give a poor soul like you company.'
despite your best efforts to try and make him leave you alone, he was persistent. no matter how many times you told him to go away, he'd quickly change the topic and say something about you.
'you know what? i'll be the one to leave. please don't follow me.' you pleaded as you started walking away.
he didn't say anything the first few minutes you got up to leave, you were tempted to look back to see if he had any sort of reaction, but before you could, he beat you to it and spoke up.
'i like your jumper!'
you quickly shook your head as you cleared your thoughts of charlie. lately, he's been plaguing your mind and you have no idea why. it's giving you a hard time to focus and you're afraid your grades and studies would be affected if this continues.
you resumed what you were planning on doing and closed the window shut. you caught a glimpse of yourself in the reflection, your hair softly glowing from the light the moon illuminated.
'could you, i don't know, smoke somewhere else?’ you complained as you coughed while waving your hand in the air to try and get some smoke out of your face. charlie really went out of his way to sit down next to you on your favourite spot, the bench, to light a cigarette. 
‘i think i’m fine where i am.’ he snickered and raised his cigarette up towards your head and though you tried moving away, charlie still managed to put cigar shavings on top of your head. to your dismay.
you stood up from the bench and quickly cleaned your head, you hoped the smell wouldn't rub off on you to save you the trouble of explaining to your parents why you smell like cigarettes.
'would you quit that?' you angrily grumbled as you scowled at him. he only laughed again in return.
'sorry sorry, wouldn't want to ruin your pretty hair.' 
and there it was again. that feeling in the pit of your belly that bubbled up every time he'd compliment you. he's just messing around with you, isn't he? after all, you both hate each other.
for the second time tonight, you snapped yourself out of your daydreaming and made your way back to bed where you plopped down face first and let out an exasperated sigh. 
charlie has been fogging your mind all week and it was starting to get annoying. that annoying sly grin of his, his annoying handsome face, annoying compliments, annoying soft hair, annoying charlie. you disliked him. hated, even. you hated him a lot. you don't even like him that much.
but maybe it's time to admit that you do.
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© sorencd . 2023 ─ do not copy, repost, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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candlestickbud · 3 years
Worthy of Betrayal Pt.1
Howzer x Jedi!GN:Reader [Ep.11 Spoilers]
Description: After the bad batch drop off the weapons to a client of Cid’s, she calls them in for a favor and asks them to help some royal Twi’leks on Ryloth.
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Warnings/Notes: I'm predicting that this fic will have 5 parts. Possible smut in the future. Mentions of guns and child kidnapping, minor cussing. Sorry if the story is a little off, I was in a rush to finish. Hope you still like it though!
“What do you mean we have to go back!”
Hunter rose his voice at Cid from the comms on the ship. We were on our way back to Ord Mantel after dropping off weapons to some Twi’leks, a client of Cids. As they were already halfway to the destination, Cid called up the batch to inform us that we had to go back, but this time the location was on Ryloth.
“Hey, you still owe me, remember? Now tell goggles over there to get to Ryloth. I need you to rescue this kid named Hera Syndula, the twi’leks, her parents run Ryloth so we’ll be getting some big bucks, so I suggest you get moving, got that?”
Hunter sighed, “Mind telling us what we have to do to get out of dept?”
“Tell you what, let's say you don't mess this up, and you'll be out of debt. Just fell the big guy to ease up on the mantel mix, wouldya, ” Cid said before hanging up.
Hunter rubbed his face trying to shake off his tiredness.
“What's the word, Sargent, ” Wrecker asked.
“Tell Tech to relocate the route to Ryloth. We have another mission, but this is a mission we can't mess up. We need to save some senators kid.”
“Another senator? They aren't a separatist, are they? There's no way-”
“I didn't ask, and either way we have to take this job to get us out of that debt, ” Hunter cut off Echo, “and besides it's not a senator, just their kid.”
Echo glared at Hunter, “Well you should understand why I plan to not work with separatists, ” he said pointing his cybernetic socket arm at Hunter.
“Wait so who are we saving, ” Omega asked from her room.
Hunter pushed his way past Echo to talk to Omega, hearing Echo scoff as he walked away.
“That kid from earlier,” Hunter said softly.
“Hera? I knew she was in trouble! How can I help,” Onega exclaimed excitedly?
“I’ll let up know once we land. The empire will be there based on what that client said earlier. That's what they needed those weapons for.”
“That could mean that Crosshair would be there, ” Tech yelled from the piloting seat.
“Good! We need to talk some sense into him, get him home, ” Wrecker said.
“I don't think he wants to come home, ” Hunter said coldly.
“Doesn't matter, we need to get him back and remove his chip or whatever.”
Hunter opener his mouth to say something back, but instead walked away to the pilot's seat.
“We should at least try to save him, ” you said sternly.
“Cant save someone that doesn't want to be saved, ” Hunter barked back.
“In case to haven't noticed, we don't know what he wants. That chip is controlling him!”
“I agree with Y/N, ” Wrecker barged in.
“That's not the mission.”
Howzer took off his helmet to ruffle his hair. It was a humid night on the planet of Ryloth, and he's been running around trying to capture a child named Hera with a squad of clone troopers.
“Hey boss, do we stun her or shoot.”
“Stun! She's a child, has some empathy. Besides, I'm sure they want her alive, otherwise, we have no leverage over Cham.”
“You got it, captain.”
There was silence as the squad walked through the place, flashlight in hands and visors on night vision mode as they searched for the child. This seemed very wrong to Howzer. What would the empire want with a child if they already have Cham? Leverage, but for what? They don't plan on hurting the kid, do they?
“What do you think they'll do with the kid, ” Howzer asked his squad.
“Who cared, she's a traitor to the empire. She's lucky she isn't dead yet. Speaking of traitors, don't we have orders to kill whoever betrays the empire?”
“What? That's ridiculous, we should just imprison them, and still, she's a child, soldier. We aren't killing her, ” Howzer scoffed.
The squad quietly whispered to each other. Suddenly a ship hovered over them, landing a few feet behind where they were.
“Stay cautious, that could be their backup.”
“Shoot to kill or stun, ” a trooper asked.
“Stun. I won't tell you again, ” Howser said through gritted teeth.
“Whatever you say, Captain, ” the trooper said with an annoyed tone.
Howzer placed his helmet back onto his head, getting his gun ready and placing it in stun mode.
“I have eyes on them!”
The troopers began shooting blindly at a group of troopers, a Jedi standing in front of then reflecting the shots with a child behind them.
“Hold your fire, ” Howzer exclaimed.
The troopers ignore him.
“I said, hold your fire!”
The troopers looked at each other in confusion and disgust.
“They're wanted by the empire! We need to kill them, they're traitors.”
The troopers began shooting live rounds at the squad.
“But they have a child with them! Stop!”
Howzer put his gun in the gun holder that held itself on his waist, pushing a trooper back. One by one, the trooper squad of 5 became the squad of 2.
“You're not fit enough to be Captain! You're a trait of to the empire! We have to kill them, now!”
“No! This is wrong and you know it! Snap out of it how can you not see that this is wrong, ” Howzer said before being pushed to the ground by Hunter.
“See what you did! You're a traitor, ” the trooper said trying to shake out of Wrecker's grasp.
“You, be quiet, ” you yelled at the trooper.
You walked up to Howzer, cocking your head to the side slightly.
“Hunter, there's something wrong with his chip.”
Hunter looked up at you, scrunching his eyebrows together, “How can you be so sure?”
“He seems...different I can feel it.”
Hunter looked at you and then back ah Howzer, grabbed him by the shoulders, and pushed him up to his feet. You walked towards Howzer and removed his helmet, eyes widening, surprised with how attractive the clone was. You looked at him, placing your hands on his face, inspecting him. Howzer attempted to back off, but Hunter held him in place. He flinched as you placed a hand near the left side of his head, closing your eyes as you felt his chip through the force. You opened your eyes, staring into his eyes, only for him to nervously look away.
“He has his chip, but it's damaged, ” you looked at Hunter as if you were asked for permission.
“Fine. You deal with him. We cat have him running back to the empire to inform them of our arrival. We can't have any attention, this is a stealth mission. We need to focus on saving the kid, ” Hunter said, shoving Howzer towards you.
You caught Howzer and placed your lightsaber close to his face, only for him to flinch against it, his head laying on your shoulder, “Try anything stupid and I'll kill you on sight, got that?”
“I thought that wasn't the Jedi way, ” he said with caution.
You retracted your saber and placed it back on your holders, “There is no Jedi way, ” you scoffed, putting his helmet back on. You knew it would possibly be a distraction to you.
“What do I do with him, ” Wrecker asked, picking up the trooper he held captive.
“Woah, ” the trooper yelped.
Hunter looked at Howzer and then the trooper.
“His chip is active,” you said.
Hunter paused for a second in thought, “Stun him. Look, we’ll look over here, you and Omega look over there, that way we’ll have a better chance of finding the kid.”
“You got it. Cmon, Omega, let's get ahead of them. I think Hera will be pleased to see that you're the one rescuing her, ” you said as you pushed Howzer forward, grabbing Omega’s hand as you led her away, Hunter stunning the clone from behind.
You and Omega stared at Howzer as you walked through the gravel trail.
“Uhm...Why do you two keep starring at me,” he asked.
“To make sure you don't try anything funny, ” you lied.
“Your chip isn't working. That's pretty rare for a clone, ” Omega explained.
“What is this chip that you guys keep talking about?”
You sighed, ” Well, the clones, you included, have these chips that were implanted in you when you were, I think a stage 1 embryo?”
“Stage 2,” Omega corrected.
You chuckled, “A stage 2 embryo, and these chips were implanted in you by the Emperor to have you murder the Jedi. Nearly all of them were killed during order 66. I survived it by chance.”
“Oh…so that’s what that was. I’m sorry.”
You looked at Howzer in confusion, “W-What?”
“I’m sorry. That must’ve been hard to go through I had no idea. When I was out on a mission, we were working with a Jedi and just out of no where, everyone aimed their blasters at the General. They had told us they were traitors to the republic, betrayed the Chancellor.”
“Yeah, that’s because we found out he betrayed us. He was working with Count Dooku.”
Howzer shook his head in disappointment, “You must hate us then, clones.”
You looked at Howzer, sighing as you let go of his shoulder, “No, I don’t. The clones, it’s not their fault, what they did. They’re all being controlled by these chips, being controlled by the empire. I made my peace with the clones once I got informed of this by the batch.”
Howzer walked by your side, “So those troops back there, their chips are also defected?”
“They were, but we got help with removing them. Having the chips mean that’s you’re still a threat. They could activate at any time.”
“Why not stun me? Like him back there.”
You thought for a moment, “Just because your chip isn’t activated doesn’t mean your not with the empire. For all we know you could still be loyal to them. We didn’t wanna risk the possibility of activating your chip, and we couldn't have you go off to the empire.”
“Oh. What do you uh plan on doing with me once you find the kid?”
“If I’m being completely honest with you, I’m not sure.”
“Well, that’s reassuring,” he chuckled nervously.
He scratched the back of his neck, looking at you as if hesitant to ask a question.
“I can feel you looking at me. What is it?”
Howzer looked away, “U-Uhm I was just uh…” he stuttered, “Uhm, where were you? During order 66.”
You smiled at his struggle, a smile still placed on your face when he asked the question.
“I uh I was actually in my ship. It was on a mission I was in with my droid to Ord Mantel, I was supposed to get intel on this bounty Hunter I’ve been hunting down. My droid saved me from the clones.”
“Lucky you weren’t assigned with a squad.”
You chuckled, “Yeah really.”
You and Howzer heard rustling from a bush that was up ahead. Howzer got in front of you, trying to take a closer look.
“Come out! We know you're there,” Howzer yelled.
You grabbed Howzer’s shoulder, “Maybe you should keep it down. If it’s Hera, she could be scared since you are supposed to be hunting her down,” you rolled your eyes in his idiocy.
“Oh, uh, right, ” he backed up.
Howzer removed his helmet. He's very well aware that citizens are often scared of the armor rather than what's underneath it. You glanced and him in admiration until you heard the bush rustle again.
“Hera? It's me and Omega, remember? We were selling those weapons to your uncle, ” you said calmly.
Slowly peaking out from the bush, you saw Hera’s head, “Omega?”
Omega waved at her, “Hello,” she smiled.
Hera got out from the bush, “What are you doing here?”
“We’re here to rescue you.”
Hera looked at Howzer with wide eyes, “H-He’s”
“Not with the empire,” Howzer said confidently, “Not anymore that is.”
“They’ll kill you,” Hera said walking towards Howzer.
“Not unless they catch me,” He smiled, patting her head.
You smiled at his kind act, “Hunter, we found Hera. We’re on our way back,” you looked at Howzer, “What are we going to do with...,” you whispered into your commlink.
“Hey! I never got your name, ” you said nervously.
“Oh! Uh, the name’s Howzer, ” he smiled, “What about you?”
You chuckled, “In your dreams, pal.”
“What are we going to do with Howzer, the clone.”
You heard Hunter sigh into his commlink, “We’ll stun him when we leave. Take him back with you in case we get spotted.”
“Hunter, we can't just leave him here. Hera knows him, he could be useful to us.”
There was no reply.
“Yeah, ” he sighed, “I'm here. Look just get over here we’ll talk when you get back.”
You walked over to Howzer with a smirk on your face, “Lucky you, Hunter doesn't want to kill you, ” you swung your arm over his shoulders, “Now you're really fucked.”
Howzer looked at you like a confused dog, “What do you mean? What you think I can’t handle a couple of clones and a Jedi?”
You laughed, “We ain’t your typical squad,” you smirked.
He got in your face, “Try me. I’ve been with many squads. What’s so different about you guys?”
You inched closer to his face, “I guess you’ll have to find out.”
There was a pause until the both of you burst out laughing.
“Cmon, we gotta get back to them.”
“You got it, General.”
You stopped in your tracks, looking back at Howzer. You were going to say something but decided to let it go.
“Cmon girls. We have to get back to the ship.”
“Coming, ” they said laughing.
“I never noticed how nice your hair is, ” you said ruffling Howzer’s hair.
He kindly swatted your hand away, “Thanks, ” he said while rolling his eyes.
You looked at his face, eyes scanning over his scars. You choose not to ask him about them. Not yet anyway. The girls whispered and giggles to each other throughout the walk to the marauder.
“What are you two talking about?”
“Nothing, ” they chuckled devilishly.
Both you and Howzer looked at them questionably, the at each other.
You shook your head, “Kids, huh?”
“Reminds me of my younger days, making fun of brothers for having a crush. Of course, that was before order 66. Good memories.”
The four of you continued to walk and began to see the ship, with Hunter sitting at the entrance of the ship.
“Took you long enough, ” he said as he got up, “We need to talk.”
You nodded, “Ladies, ” you smiled down at Omega and Hera, “into the ship. Omega show Hera our little secret since she’ll be with us for a bit.”
“Ooh! Good idea. Hera, follow me.”
The two children ran their way into the marauder, Howzer squatting down on the floor, patiently waiting for an invitation inside. Hunter grabbed you and pulled you off to the side, away from Howzer.
“Look I don't want to take him with us. He seems sketchy.”
You sighed and nodded in agreement, “Yes, I know but I'm sure he means well. I'll look after him but Hunter, something tells me that we can trust him. Howzer seems like a good guy. Hera seems to trust him and she knew him when he was working with her dad.”
Hunter looked at Howzer to see him awkwardly wave at him.
Hunter cursed, “Fine, but if anything and I mean anything, happens, he's off the ship.”
You nodded, giddily walking over to Howzer, then clapping your hand on his shoulder.
“What’re you doing just standing here like an idiot? C’mon,” you snickered.
“Well, excuse me for trying to be polite, ” he smiled, Hunter glaring him down as you all entered the ship.
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hoodharlow · 3 years
AN: I took a break from El Novio and thanks to Michael's Tiwtich stream an idea for Luke and Rory came about and I added that new pic y’alls mans posted 😌😌😌 also our newest 5sos!baby is named after my fave @wastelandcth ​ 
Requested? No
Warnings: general fluff with a breif interaction with rude a parent
Word Count:
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Luke gently pushed down Aaliyah onto the couch. He quickly sat up and removed his shirt. He unzipped Aaliyah’s windbreaker and kissed down her body. His hands instinctively tugged down her leggings. He choked on air as he saw that she wasn’t wearing anything under.
“I get butt sweat when I wear panties.” Aaliyah explained to him. 
“All the more reason why you should ditch Alex, Fiona and Marina and stay with me. I can get you hot and stretched out so you don’t go to hot yoga.” Luke said before kissing her thighs.
“Mumma, I need my leo!” Rory yelled from her room, making them jump.
“I got it.” Luke mumbled kissing Aaliyah. 
He slipped on his shirt and adjusted his boxers to cover the tent in his sweatpants. He jogged upstairs to Rory’s room and found all of her clothes discarded on the floor. 
“What’s this?” He asked her. 
“I can’t find my leo.” She said, dramatically laying on her rug. 
Luke rolled his eyes at his three year old. He picked her up and sat her on the bed. He tossed her clothes on the bed and noted that she took out the clothes on the bottom drawers she reached. He pulled the second drawer and closed it back up remembering that it was her tennis and not her gymnastics one. All of her leotards and gymnastics equipment were in her closet. 
“Here you go love.” Luke said, handing Rory her favorite leotard. It was forest green with silver stars around her arms. She liked it in part because it was the same green as the shirt he wore where his ‘boobies’ showed. It also meant that Luke had to wear the shirt so they could be matchy-matchy. A term Rory took from Nico.
“Thank you.” She went to her bathroom and went to change. 
Luke folded her clothes and put them back in the drawers. 
“Tada!” Rory said before she did a somersault.
“A perfect ten.” Luke said. 
“Woohoo!” she cheered as she jumped to give him a high five. She went to her closet and grabbed her koala Converse Luke’s parents gave her when they all went to Australia for the band’s final leg of tour back in December. “Can I wear these?”
“Of course. Do you need help tying your shoelaces?”
“Yes, but I put them on.” Rory said. She slipped them on and pushed her feet towards Luke. He tied them and nearly fell back when she tackled him to a hug. “Thank you daddy!”
“You are welcome.”
Luke placed her on his shoulders and let her steer them downstairs. He ducked her as they went through the door frame and made sure she didn’t hit her head again. He put her down on her feet and watched her greet the dogs. She scratched Goldie’s tummy and kissed both Noon and Petunia’s heads. 
“Wash your hands love.” Luke said when he saw her pull her chair.
“Oh yeah.” She pushed her chair and went to wash her hands. She stood on the stool and washed her hands with Luke. She dried them and went to sit on her activities table to color while she waited for Luke to get started on breaky.
“I’m going to kill Marina.” Aaliyah groaned as she went straight to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of green juice. She looked back to a wide eyed Rory. 
“Not nice, mumma.” Rory said, dumping her crayon box onto the table. 
“I didn’t mean it literally. It’s an expression you say when you get annoyed with someone because they’re making you do something you don’t want to.” She quickly explained. She turned to Luke. “So our yoga class got cancelled, and Marina came up with the genius idea that we go hiking near the house she and Ashton bought near the mountains.” 
“That’s not so bad.” Luke said, flipping Rory’s blueberry pancakes.
“She wants us to bring the kids.” She deadpanned.
“But Rory has gymnastics.” 
“Now you know why I want to kill her.”
Luke placed the pancakes on a plate for Rory and made a smiley face with more blueberries. He placed her pancakes on the breakfast table and motioned to come eat. He nodded along to whatever else Aaliyah was telling him.
“So it’s settled then.” She said, making him look over to her, confused. She gave him a look before she explained, “I’ll go run a few errands and get what we need for the trip while you take Rory to gymnastics. She’s super excited to show you off.” 
Luke smirked and proudly looked at Rory. “I mean, I am Luke Hemmings, the father of the Aurora Marie Hemmings-Douglass after all.” 
“Daddy, lights.” Rory pointed at their green vintage Porsche with the headlights still on. 
Luke turned back and adjusted Rory’s bag over his shoulder. “They’ll turn off in a bit. C’mon we’re already late.” He said, tugging her down to the street.
Once inside the gym, Rory pulled off her Converse and chucked them at Luke. She quickly snuck into the middle of the line and followed the warmups. 
The second he sat down at one of the empty tables, he got swarmed by a group of teenage girls, all giddy that he was at their gym. He took a few selfies with them until their trainers called them back from their break. They all giggled and bid him goodbye. 
Once the last gymnast left, Luke focused on Rory. She was the best in her class. She followed every direction and watched the other kids. She would gather their mistakes and make mental notes not to do them. A trait she got from Aaliyah. 
If Ryan Tedder hadn't sat next to Aaliyah, who was taking notes of if her classmates' mistakes and improving her work, at the UC Berkeley showcase, Rory wouldn't exist.  
A few hours had gone by, Luke began reflecting. He leaned back and crossed his arms. It was the first time in a while that he felt like a dad. On top of their own world tour they did the year before, in the past few weeks, the band had been traveling all over the UK and Europe opening for Halsey's tour. So Luke hadn't had much time to spend with Rory. The last he had seen her was when she and Aaliyah visited him in Amsterdam to celebrate Rory's birthday. Now seeing her almost a head taller and with a more broader vocabulary, made him realize all that he's missed. 
His heart warmed watching Rory high five a blonde girl with soft blue eyes before she went up.
"She's great, ain't she?" A woman with a heavy East Coast accent said, approaching him. She had large ginger-red hair and held a large bedazzled Starbucks cup. 
"Best in class if I say so myself." Luke said politely. 
"No offense, but the best in the class is the charity case in the green leotard." Rory was only one in green. "Poor thing was lucky that this place takes students based on talent and not if their single mom can afford it. It's funny that they both say that the dad—"
"Go Rory!" Luke cheered as Rory did a perfect cartwheels across the floor. 
He clapped loudly and whistled. Rory high fived the trainer and went up to him as the trainers announced the end of training. 
"Daddy, did you see me?" Rory asked him, climbing onto his lap. 
Luke nodded and smiled. "I did. Perfect as always, love." he handed her water bottle. 
The woman had walked away and went to a group of moms. Luke had noticed them when they arrived, but didn't pay much attention to them. But now that he eyed them, he saw them for what they were: vultures. He felt angry and annoyed with them. 
"Are you ready?" Luke asked Rory. 
"Yes." She said. 
He grabbed her things and let her lead them out of the gym. She swung their hands together as they made their way to the car. Luke placed her things in the back next to her and helped her buckle up in her car seat. He rounded back to the driver's seat and started the car. Only for it to not to start. The car struggled a bit and gave out. 
Luke cursed, remembering that it was probably the car lights he left on. He called Aaliyah to help him recharge his car. While they waited for her, he handed Rory his phone and played her a movie. A few moms had come up to them and offered to recharge his car, among other things. He declined them, with Rory assuring them that her mumma was coming.
Aaliyah pulled next to them a good fifteen minutes later. Luke pulled her into a hug and thanked her after she teased him once again for forgetting to turn off his lights. Rory got out of the car and hugged her. She went on explaining to her all the new stuff she learned and how happy she was that Luke took her. 
"Daddy, can I go with mumma?" Rory asked once Luke's car was starting again. 
"Sure,” He nodded. “ I'll race you two home." He challenged Aaliyah. 
She shook her head. They both knew Aaliyah is the better driver between the two. "It's on." 
By the time they arrived at Ashton and Marina’s house it was around bed time for the kids. Around one in the morning Rory snuck into Luke and Aaliyah’s room because Max and Ethan were having a farting competition. Resulting in Luke and Aaliyah not being able to sleep because she took up half the bed, despite being barely three feet tall. But they were glad she was sleeping. The reason why they showed up at night was because she had a whole moment because they were taking the grey SUV Porsche and not the vintage green one. 
“It’s so early Al.” Luke grumbled as he slipped on his boots. 
“Oh shush, how many times did we have phone sex in the middle of the night because someone was in Europe and couldn’t wait a few hours.” Aaliyah sassed him as they quietly snuck outside.
Luke jogged to the car and removed Rory’s car seat, placing it in the trunk. Aaaliyah climbed inside and pushed him down on the seat. They devoured each other, not sure where to get started. 
Aaliyah got off his lap and sat next to Luke, pulling off her pajamas. She threw them haphazardly around the car.  Luke already settled in the middle seat shirtless and with his pants and boxers around his ankles as his cock stood proudly. While Aaliyah fixed her hair, he searched inside the center console, grabbing a box of condoms. 
“What’s with the condoms?” She asked as he skillfully rolled it on him. “We haven’t used one in years. Why do we need one now? We literally have a child sleeping upstairs”
“Aaliyah,” Luke groaned at her in frustration. 
“I’m not going to get into it right now because it’s early, but after breakfast we’re going to have a serious talk.” 
Aaliyah stood on her knees over Luke’s cock and reached down for it as she ran her arousal on it. Luke grabbed her hips and guided her down his cock. Both let out a satisfied moan. Aaliyah grabbed the headrest and slowly rode him. Once she got used to him, Luke met her thrusts. They were urgent yet passionate. Aaliyah was a moaning mess for him. 
Luke watched her dainty Cartier necklace bounce on her chest. He pulled her lips back to his. They moaned into each other. Aaliyah rode him with more urgency, but he pulled out of her. 
Aaliyah couldn’t process anything because next thing she knew, Luke laid her on the car seat. He planted one of his knees on the seat and wrapped her legs around his torso. Aaliyah’s whimpers filled the room as he thrusted back into her. One of her hands gripped his bicep while the other traveled down to her clit.
While she rubbed herself, she panted. “I’m going to come.”
“Fuck—can you hold it? I’m almost there.” 
Aaliyah nodded. 
Luke slowed his thrusts. They were deeper and more precise, he took her as if he was making love to her. Aaliyah pulled his mouth to hers. This kiss itself was also slow and soft. 
Aaliyah closed her eyes, she was close. “Eyes on me Aaliyah” he said. She opened her eyes and met Luke’s full of love and admiration. 
With one swift movement both came undone, moaning each other’s names.
After another heated makeout session they got dressed. They quietly giggled to each other, surprised that Ashton wasn’t up yet doing yoga by the picnic table. They closed the front door and found the kids running around. 
“My daddy says that there’s supposed to be ten numbers on a phone 9-1-1 has three.” Nico argued with Ethan.
“Nico, I’m six almost seven, trust me.” He said.
“Why are we calling 911?” Luke asked them.
“Rory is missing.” Max and Gemma, Michael and Fiona’s daughter said at the same time. 
Nico and Ethan shushed them. Nico fixed her rainbow pajama leggings and said. “As Gemma and Max said, Rory is missing. When we woke up she was— “
“It’s Gemma like gem not with an H sound.” Ethan interjected. 
“Well I’m Mexican and Mexicans say it with an H.”
“This isn’t Mexico, Nicolasa.”
Aaliyah got in between Nico and Ethan before their argument woke up the other parents. “Okay! Let’s bring it back to Rory. What do you mean she’s missing?” She motioned to her and Luke. “We went for a quick...walk and left her sleeping in our room.”
“Oh.” the four kids said in unison.
“Can we have breaky?” Max asked, making his way to the kitchen.
“Mumma, I want breaky too.” Rory mumbled, rubbing her eye. 
All the kids ran and hugged her. “Rory!”
“Where were you?” Nico asked like a worried mother, who’s kid accidentally napped when they were supposed to be paying attention to the route thus making them miss their stop.
Rory shrugged. “Sleeping.”
TAGLIST:  @calumscalm​​ @karajaynetoday​​  @cherryxwildflower​​ @myloverboyash​​ @calpops​​ @idontneedanyone​​ @findingliam-o​​ @5-secondsofcolor​​ @mulletcal​​ @sexgodashton​​ @sunshinebabycal-deactivated2021​​ @another-lonely-heart​​​ @fckingpernico​ @2fangirl4u
​​​​Special guests: @twilightmomentswithyou​​ @rebelwith0utacause​
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Summary: Lily thought she was doing okay, trying to believe that at the end of the path there would be a light, but the further she walked, the darker it got. Trapped in fear and in all those feelings that collapsed in her chest and made her feel smaller and smaller, Lily tried to save herself as she struggled to change the course of her story.
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Notes: This story was born out of a very strong desire of mine to write about good cheerleaders, and a friendlier atmosphere among the girls, and not that silly, unpleasant competition that we always see in books. Jily is the main couple, other couples will appear as the story progresses, but they are the main ones, and as much as Lily has been dating Snape at the beginning, this story is *NOT* a romance story between the two of them. This story is about Lily and James!
This story will talk about abusive relationships, but I promise it will have a happy ending.
| J. P |
The party was full, tumultuous as usual, the music loud, the side conversations making everything seem even more confusing, the drinks glasses never emptying in people's hands, and the more the night fell, the more it seemed that everyone was less caught up in the shyness of the beginning. Some freshmen were already dancing on the table, others challenged the seniors to a beer pong, and some tried their luck with the older ones.
James walked out of the living room and into the kitchen, already feeling very drunk, needing to shake his head so that the three redheads in the corner became just one, as well as trying to make sure his feet worked well enough for him not to trip over his own sneaker. The kitchen of the house seemed full of obstacles now, all the cabinets seemed to move like a video game, preventing him from continuing to walk normally, which made him even more confused as to where he had to go.
He shouldn't have accepted Sirius' stupid idea of ​​starting drinking before everyone else arrived, because now James could barely focus his vision and… Where were his glasses?
"Hi," he said, and his tongue felt bigger than his mouth. What was in that drink? ‘'Have you seen my glasses?'’ The red-haired girl seemed to be trying hard not to laugh, and James thought that if it weren't for her hair, the black outfit she was wearing would make him think she was part of the furniture and not a person .
"Hm…" She seemed to think, but James didn't understand why. Then her delicate hand reached up to touch his eyes, and he took a step back, startled, but instead of feeling her fingers, he felt nothing. "They're onyour face, but they're a little dirty."
"Thanks!" James sighed in relief, picking up his glasses to clean them; this time the redhead became five instead of one. Either he was really drunk, or he really needed to see an ophthalmologist. "You're very kind." He pointed to what he thought was the real girl.
'’Is this guy bothering you Lily?'’ A voice rang out loud behind James, he didn't know who it was but he knew the person wasn't as nice as the redhead, since he was pulled away from her and nearly knocked to the ground for his lack of balance. The person however didn't care. "Get away from her, you asshole."
"I wasn't doing anything." They were the same height, James could see that, and he had long black hair, almost matching Sirius'. But he knew he couldn't be him, because the voice wasn't the same, but also because the man in front of him was weaker and thinner than Black. "Hey!" James tried to defend himself as he was pushed again.
"Sev, stop it." The redhead pleaded, and this time her voice wasn't as cheerful as before, as if all of her happiness had suddenly been sucked away.
But before James could say anything, the man punched him in the face, and if it had been normal, he would have defended himself or maybe retaliated, but he was drunk, very drunk, so his body just fell back and James felt his head ache.
"Severus!" The redhead yelled, but James didn't remember much after that, because everything seemed like a jumble of thoughts and people were all blurs. At some point he remembers hearing Sirius' voice saying ''He's drunk, what the fuck do you have in your mind!?'' and, it seemed, a few minutes later he heard the redhead's voice saying ''He's bleeding.'' and it was the last thing James' drunk brain could understand.
| L. E |
"Why did you have to screw it up?!" Lily asked, annoyed and frustrated by all the drama. It was so tiring, always this fear that something would piss him off and he would completely lose his mind, and then Lily would have all those looks at her, a mixture of pity and judgment.
The party was supposed to be a different, relaxed time, they were supposed to have fun, have a drink, and Lily was finding it all good. Well, she had been in the kitchen since they arrived, but at least they were there so she couldn't complain.
She laughed when one of the freshmen climbed onto the table and nearly fell, or when she saw that boy come into the kitchen and looked more drunk than anyone else at the party, barely able to walk in a straight line, wondering where his glasses were. It was so fun to be surrounded by so much life, it was as if in that party there was no sadness and loneliness.
But he had to ruin all her happiness, like he always did.
'’Me? Are you going to blame me?’’ Snape yelled, even though he knew their friends were sleeping. Lily shook her head, too tired to fight, putting a hand to her temples to try to get her thoughts to sort themselves out in her mind. Take a deep breath, Lily, she thought, take a deep breath and count to ten.
"You're the one who punched him needlessly." Lily looked at him, trying to find in him that friend he'd once been, kind, lovely, who said he'd give the world to her. But now, Severus had turned into this man who seemed to have only two moods; completely angry or tame like a well-trained dog.
"He was touching you," he muttered, and anger seemed to burn in his black eyes. Which was reflected in the burning in Lily's chest.
‘’He wasn't touching me. He was drunk and wanted to know where his glasses were.” She said through clenched teeth, trying to take a few deep breaths before she exploded as usual, acting crazy and screaming whatever came to mind without a second thought. She needed to have more control of her feelings.
‘’Are you really dumb enough to believe that? He just wanted to fuck you.” Severus retaliated, and that made her take a step back into their small room, her calf touching the old sofa they had bought when they moved. Her eyes burned, tears of sadness and anger, mixtures that felt like sulfuric acid on her skin, but she wouldn't let them fall, not even one.
Severus seemed to realize the mistake he had made then, and his armor fell away, reverting to that tame dog.
"Lils, I didn't mean that." He sighed, as if he was the one tired of having to explain himself. It made her feel much smaller than before, making Lily think that maybe she could just disappear at any moment.
'’Forget it, I'm going to sleep'’ Lily tried to leave the room towards their bedroom but, as usual, Severus grabbed her arm and kept her there, his black eyes now seeming softer, as if all the anger had melted away and turned into sugar.
"I'm sorry, I just… I thought he was doing you something bad and I wanted to protect you." Severus kissed her, even though Lily hadn't shown she wanted it. "I love you so much and I would die before I let anyone hurt you," he whispered, his lips still too close to hers. '’Forgive me for this.'’
But she couldn't say anything, Lily just nodded because she was too tired to fight, and she already felt small and insufficient enough.
He just wanted to protect me, she thought, he loves me and he thought I was in danger, Lily mused, trying to make a rational part of her understand this once and for all.
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kerie-prince · 3 years
We're Worlds Apart (2)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: light cursing, mentions of death, angsty Draco
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
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(gif not mine)
The surrounding neighbors have been very nice; one elderly couple walked up to Draco’s door with an apple pie, quite the American staple, and he seemed to appreciate it. They seemed normal and sweet. Much unlike the feeling he had for his neighbor. Y/N. He hasn't made any attempts in the month that he's lived in the small suburban neighborhood to see her. He avoided her like she was a deadly plague.
Albeit, it was probably harsh and extremely childish. The whole point of him becoming a new person was changing his views he had been taught in adolescence. Or else why did he help Harry Potter all those years ago when he swore he hated him?
It was currently around 3 in the morning, he was standing in his backyard and made sure no one would be awake as he sent his owl to send a letter to his best friend, Blaise. He was the only person who still contacted Draco on a regular basis besides the occasional letter from Theodore. Gregory cut all contact with Draco after the Battle, especially since Vincent had died that night in the fire in the Room of Requirement. Pansy was living her life somewhere, and although the Golden Trio had forgiven Draco for his actions, it didn't start any friendships. But Draco was fine; Blaise and Theo had been there for him in more ways he cares to admit.
He never mentioned a word about Y/N to Blaise until now when he asked what Draco’s American neighbors were like. Majority of the letter contained contents of how work has been, the differences in not only culture but also how things are called, and just his own well being. He did say something short for the elderly couple, but when it came to Y/N he had a lot to say.
These muggles are far different from the ones in England, Blaise. They know things about the magic world but input a fantasy in their heads. They believe they can actually practice witchcraft and wizardry, calling themselves “Wiccan” or whatever rubbish it is. Bloody hell, they even have films and tv programs of them. My neighbor is one of these and she does the most ludacris things in her house. Quite laughable, really. If Salazar was alive today to see this happening, I’d bet he’d curse the whole lot.
She had been lingering in his mind since that day of his discovery. It was annoying him. Every night, he would catch her in her room doing whatever the hell she was doing and he felt as if the universe was mocking him. This is what people think what you really are was the message he got from it all. Draco never thought something like this would make him feel like a freak. But he did. This act of hers was an indirect insult of what he was capable of. And she had no idea.
It was a fine autumn morning. The shop was closed today, so you had lots of time at home to catch up with cleaning. You stood over your bathroom sink brushing your teeth and saw from the reflection of your mirror your cat stretching herself before walking into the bathroom to rub herself on your legs. “Good morning, Aurora,” you cooed at her. She purred in response and ran off to her tower in the living room.
After getting changed into some comfortable clothes, you walked up to a closet in the hallway that had collections of crystals, oils, sage bundles and more. “Let’s see, where did I put the angelica root?” you asked out loud to yourself. Going through the shelves, you pulled some sea salt, ground lemon balm, ground angelica root, and a feather. You carried the items outside in a bowl to your backyard and set them at a small garden table. Walking over to your garden, you pulled some elderberry flowers and started your cleansing spell.
You sprinkled the salt onto a censor dish and placed a charcoal dish on it and lit it up. In the bowl you had used to carry the items out, you started mixing the herbs together as you waited for the charcoal to burn red. Once it did, you sprinkled the herbs on top, creating a cleansing incense. You picked it up from the bottom of the censor dish, picked up the feather and made your way steadily to your front door, lightly wafting smoke towards it. Reaching your front door, you drew a pentagram over it with the feather and smoke,
“Be gone negativity,
Here now blessed be.”
You repeat your incantations throughout the house until you have finished and walked back to your living room, drawing one last pentagram. You placed your feather and censor dish on the bare floor, stood up and tapped your foot three times,
“By my will, so shall it be.
Sealed now shall this cleansing be.”
You sat on your couch and turned on the television, waiting for the incense to burn out so you could scatter it around your backyard. After a couple of hours of watching a guilty pleasure of yours, you decided to get some actual cleaning done. First thing was to do some trimming and gardening outside, so you grabbed some gloves and headed out back to your yard.
Before grabbing your garden scissors, you looked up and saw something rather strange. There was an owl in your neighbors yard. In broad daylight. From the backyard, you heard a car pull in and peeked over the fence to see that it was your neighbor coming home. You ran to the front leaving a dirt trail in your house and ran out the front door.
He hadn’t walked in yet, so you started waving your arm, “Hello! I’m Y/N!”
He had just nodded his head and walked a straight line to his door. Not wanting to lose this chance of having a conversation with him, you yelled for him one more time, “There’s an owl in your yard!” His eyes widened and without a word, he ran into his house in a panic. From a distance, you heard him say 'shit' before closing the door.
Building up confidence, you walked up to his door and knocked a few times and patiently waited. You fixed your hair and stood surprised as he hastily opened the door. “H-hi! It’s so nice to meet you, I'm Y/N,” you stretched your hand out to shake his hand. He looked at it and had a displeased look, causing unease within you. Looking at your hand, you noticed you still had your gardening gloves on with dirt on it.
“Oops, sorry!” you chuckled as you took it off and reached out again.
Again, he just looked at you with a straight face for a couple of seconds before finally speaking, “Look, I’m really busy, so if you don't mind.” He shut the door without giving you any chance to say anything back. You stood there in shock, replaying his British voice in your head. And as you stood there, you wondered why it is that he doesn't want to talk to you. The Charles couple across from your house were able to introduce themselves, and even got a smile from him. But for some reason, you could never get the same treatment.
Ian had proposed to Draco a housewarming party during lunch. Of course Draco had never been to one, much less hosted one.
“It’s alright, boss. I can fix all the arrangements up. All you gotta do is relax,” Ashley proposed. To say that Draco is extremely happy is an understatement. He had friends that actually enjoyed his company and not his influence. Not that he had much of that anyway.
America was really working out for him; work was great, people were nice, and the area he lived in was peaceful. Yes, he didn't like his neighbor, but she wasn't ruining his life in this new country. He just didn't like what she did.
“Thank you, Ashley. And you know you can just call me ‘Draco’.”
“I know,” she replied. Ashley grabbed her Blackberry phone and started drafting up an email, asking for his address so she could let people know where it would be. “Is this Friday a good time?”
“Yes, that should be fine. I don't have any plans that day.”
“Great, it's sent out to everyone in our department. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an attending to watch over for a surgery. See you guys later!” Draco, Blaine and Ian waved at Ashley as she left.
Blaine left soon after, leaving Ian with Draco. “Alright man, how’s it going on your street? Are you finally settled in?”
“I finally got the last of my things delivered from London yesterday. I was a bit nervous though. That mugg— I mean No-Maj neighbor of mine saw my mum’s owl in my yard. Thankfully, she didn't ask any questions,” Draco said as he cleared his lunch tray.
“Wait, you still use an owl? Ha, I didn’t think people still did,” Ian chuckled. “Well, of course I do. Do you not?”
“No, most wizards here in the States just use the usual ground post that No-Maj’s use. Things are a bit more modern around here. Speaking of your neighbor actually, have you ever spoken to her?”
Draco shrugged nonchalantly and said a simple ‘No’ when he really wanted to scrunch his nose and eyebrows in disgust and say ‘Fuck no.’ Ian, however, is gifted in Legilimens. He heard what Draco really meant but kept to himself. I guess things are different in the UK he thought.
“Hello my dear baby, I just wanted to call and give you a heads up; your brother and I are coming for Thanksgiving. He’s bringing Stephanie so do me a favor, please no witchy stuff.”
The voicemail played out loud in the kitchen. Please no witchy stuff. Your mother had repeatedly explained to you that she was okay with ‘it’ all, but growing up you never really got on the same page with her. And you knew it was because of your practice. Your younger brother would say comments every now and then when you grew up, but he always stood up for you when other people called you a ‘satanic freak’. But never once did you regret starting the Craft. You enjoyed it and it made you feel whole.
It had been a week since your encounter with your, now known British, neighbor. It bothered you a lot that he didn’t seem to want to get to know you. You were lost in your thoughts that you almost didn’t notice the doorbell going off. You answered the door and saw your neighbor.
“Hi dear, do you think you could help me and my husband with something?” Mrs. Charles smiled sweetly at you. “Of course, what can I do for you?”
“My grandson is coming in from Vermont, would it be alright if you could give us a ride to the airport? I’d ask Draco but he’s always busy at work and I don’t want to be a bother.”
Draco? “I’m sorry, who’s that?” you had a confused look.
“Our new neighbor, dear. I thought you had met him already. You two are the same age after all,” she informed you. Draco. How unique. You instantly recognized the name from the star constellation. It was nice to finally put a name to a face. Distracted again, Mrs. Charles waited for your answer, “Y/N? Can you do it?”
“O-oh, sorry. Of course I’ll help. Frankie was his name, correct?”
“Yes, it’s Frankie. Thank you so much. His flight comes in on Friday. I’ll see you then,” you wished her a good night and looked out your window to make sure she crossed the street safely. The rest of the night consisted of you and and your cat laying on your couch watching TV, but what was on the screen didn’t have your attention. Draco did. And you had no idea why.
“Dude, why do you not have a TV?” Blaine looked around Draco’s house and studied the arrangements he had. It was quite plain, almost minimalistic. Looking around, Draco couldn’t help but think how different it was from the Manor back in London. Instead of grand chandeliers, moving portraits of the Malfoy’s before him, and intricate designs on the walls, he had simple white walls with just one moving picture of him, Blaise and Theo a couple minutes before a Quidditch game against Ravenclaw. He had a bookshelf full of old school books from Hogwarts and some small relics he liked from the Manor.
“I’ve never had one growing up, and once I moved here I just never gave any second thought of it. Besides, what would I even watch?” Draco replied. Despite having one letter off from being the same name as his best friend, Blaine reminded Draco of Theo. They were both funny and outspoken. He would’ve loved for them to have met. They’d probably get on.
A few moments later, Ashley and Ian knocked on Draco’s door. The door was unlocked for them to be able to open the door. They looked around the living room before settling onto the couches. “Okay so I was thinking that we can just have some trays of snacks and desserts with some champagne. Does that sound good to you guys?” Ashley suggested. They just nodded along to whatever she said. She had gone to the store with Blaine to get everything prepared before the party tonight.
Ian looked at the pictures of Draco with his friends and one of his mother that laid on top of a chimney. “Do you still have lots of friends from Hogwarts?”
Draco thought about it, “You know, I actually didn’t have a lot of friends back in school. Back then, I only hung out with probably six people. But now it’s just two.” He sounded a bit sad, but figured that two were better than none.
“Do you think of what happened a lot?” Ian implied about that day at Hogwarts. He had been the only one that Draco trusted enough to tell. “Sometimes,” Draco gave a short reply. The action of opening up was still new to him, but he knew he shouldn’t wallow in it. Plus he’d rather have a friend instead of a doctor to talk about it.
Ian really felt bad for Draco. It must have been really traumatizing for someone to go through something like that at just the age of 17. Sure, Draco wasn’t the best person at the time. Who is he kidding, he was probably the biggest git in the whole school. It didn’t necessarily mean that he had to go through what he did. He lost one of his friends in a fire, and one left him after said friend died. Another left for no apparent reason. And another wanted something different in her life. Those things affected Draco, and probably will for the rest of his life.
He didn’t pity Draco, but was feeling sympathetic. “Well if it makes you feel any better, I don’t have much friends from Ilvermorny. It sucks now, but hey, down the line you get new ones.” Ian held a fisted hand out, waiting for Draco to bump it. It made him laugh as he bumped Ian’s fist.
Outside, Ian looked out to see a certain neighbor walk to her car. “Hey, is that that chick you were talking about?” Draco looked out the window and saw you grab some things out of your trunk and into your house. “Yeah, that’s her.” Ian never really pressed on Draco to explain why he didn’t like his No-Maj neighbor like he did the elderly couple across the street.
“Well, I gotta say. She’s a sight for sore eyes for a weirdo.” She’s a what? Beyond the nightly activities he had caught you doing on occasion in your bedroom, he never really looked at your face. Or really just at you. But now that Ian mentioned something, he started studying you. She’s not so bad looking— wait, what are you thinking?
By accident, Ian snorted at the words Draco thought. “Did… did I say that out loud?” Draco asked with suspicion in his voice. “No, I’m sorry. I don’t really mean to be invading your mind or anything. It runs in my family,” Ian laughed nervously.
“It’s okay. My godfather was also good at Legilimens and Occlumency. I’m pretty sure he’s heard worse during his classes. Come on, I’ll give you a full tour of the place.”
“If the other rooms are anything like the living room, I’m sure I’ve seen the whole place then,” Ian joked.
“Piss off.” As Ian walked towards the bathroom, Draco looked back outside to see you again. He watched as you helped the Charles couple in your car and drove off to Merlin knows where.
The party was rather fun. It lasted until almost 1 in the morning. He thanked Ashley for handling everything and spent the night talking and laughing with his colleagues. Once everyone left, he changed into comfortable sweats and a plain black t-shirt. Out on his bedroom window was Blaise’s owl with a sealed letter. He quickly opened the window, grabbed the letter and looked out to make sure no one was watching. Your room was dark and it seemed as the drapes were down. He guided his friends’ owl with his hands to a small, make-shift owl post against the fence that separated your yards. It had food and was enchanted to be at a comfortable temperature. His owl laid on one side of the post, resting as Blaise’s owl joined it.
Draco opened the letter and read its contents to himself.
Well mate, I’m glad you’re having a good time in America. There’s not much going on here in London. I’m just working at Gringotts until something opens up at the Ministry. Not really sure what I want to do, but I’ll figure it out. Anyways, I think you’ll be pleased to hear that Theo and I are going to be joining you for the holidays. Theo got a hold of a couple American muggle films and he figured that if the women there were as fit as the actresses, then you must be living the best life and he wants to join. As for that muggle neighbor of yours, I can’t wait to see her in person. We’ll see you, Malfoy.
From the corner of his eyes, he saw lights turn on in your room and your shadow walk around before turning off once more. Sorry Blaise, but there’s no way in hell you’ll meet her.
Frankie’s flight was delayed, causing you to get home so late. You were extremely tired and your feet and back were sore. Usually, you’d take a bath with some salts and oils to relax yourself, but tonight you were really lazy. So lazy that you just shook your shoes off and plopped yourself on the bed.
The second you hit the mattress, you dozed off. Your mind was wandering and found yourself dreaming.
You sat in your backyard in a pretty sundress. There was a slight breeze in the air and you held a cup of coffee in your hands. Someone sat at the chair opposite you and blocked the sun’s light in your face. You looked next to you and saw your friend smiling at you.
next chp
(���◔◡◔)っ taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter @juneballoon999 @leydileyla
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emma-nation · 3 years
The Devil In I - Bela x OC (Resident Evil Village AU) - Chapter 7
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“Step inside, see the Devil in I”
Summary: Aleena Novak is a 19 years old orphan who desired more than living in a village in the middle of nowhere. A talented artist with a big future ahead, she gets the scholarship of her dreams in United States. But everything changes when her twin brother, Auryk, steals an important artifact from Castle Dimitrescu.
In this adventure, Aleena will find way more than she expected.
“You’ll realize I’m not your Devil anymore”
Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x f!OC
Genre: Between T and M (Trigger warning for violence, blood, abuse and eventual smut)
Tag List: @nydeiri
Notes: Thank you for all the reviews, follows and likes! It means a lot to me.
Trigger Warning: Language, abuse, blood and violence.
Castle Dimitrescu, Guest Room - Present Days
Two days had passed and I was still trying to process what was happening. How could my life change so drastically again? I could no longer count on my twin brother, who I considered to be my best friend, the person I trusted the most in the entire world. I was filled by the same emptiness, the same sorrow I felt when my mother died. My life was in the palm of his hands and he was letting me go.
"Relax your shoulders, love," Bela whispered softly in my ear. "You're so tense."
Bela was the only person who still made me smile in the middle of all that chaos. She was helping me to find any clues in the diaries, about Miranda and about Auryk too. But for that, we had to work really fast.
We were sneaking back in the village everyday, it wasn't safe to bring those notes to the castle where Bela's mother and sisters could easily find. I prayed the weather wouldn't change and temperatures remained high. In another case, we wouldn't be able to go to my house again and my time with Lady Dimitrescu was running out.
Meanwhile, we were also working on overcoming my intimacy issues. Being intimate without having sex yet. First, we undressed each other completely. I had to know her body and allow her to know mine. I looked at the perfection of Bela's features for a second, before I was invaded by a mix of embarrassment and discomfort. It was the first time I was seeing a woman, completely naked, in front of me.
When I looked at her again, she was gazing at my body like if she was admiring a masterpiece in an art exhibit. At first, I was shy. I blushed and crossed my arms, as if I had any reasons to hide myself. Bela smiled. In that moment I knew she was appreciating me and that made me feel better.
"You're gorgeous, aren't you?" Bela lifted up my chin, forcing me to look at her, to see it in her eyes she was being truthful on her words.
"No more than you," I gathered some courage to move forward and extend my hand, touching a little bit of her soft skin, her arms, her chest, her stomach... then I stopped.
"This is okay," she assured me. But she understood that, in that moment, it was enough for me.
We both entered the bathtub, where I positioned myself in front of Bela and allowed her to take care of me. She gently rubbed my body with a sponge, starting by my back. Then, she moved to my front, rubbing my breasts, my stomach, my tights. Though we were in silence, she seemed to understand my limits, my barriers. Noticing how stressed I looked, she decided to give me a massage. I relaxed my shoulders as she told, focusing myself completely on our moment together.
"It's my turn," I told her. "Let me take care of you?"
Bela nodded and switched positions with me. I offered her the same treatment she gave me, but I wasn't so confident, so precise. My shaking hands would often betray me and I was unsure if I was being too gentle or too rough. Yet, she seemed to be enjoying it. I gave a special attention on washing her hair, it was so beautiful, so soft. The way it barely grew on the spot around her scar was a sin. I hated Miranda even more for that.
She rested her head against my chest as I continued to massage her scalp.
"Does it hurt?" I softly traced her scar with my finger.
"It stings sometimes," she sighed.
"I'm sorry."
"Does it hurt?" Bela repeated my gesture, tracing the scar on my forearm.
"No," she never asked, yet I felt I should tell her how it happened. "Adrian told me he found me in the basement cutting myself, right after my mom died. But I don't remember."
"Trauma can block some painful memories."
I knew that very well. I realized how little I remembered the days after my mother's death. My last memory was seeing her mangled body being carried inside our house. Nothing else. I didn't remember her burial or if I managed to say goodbye. I couldn't remember if we had people visiting us or if I was alone with my father. Everything about those terrible days was a blur.
Castle Dimitrescu, Office - Present Days
When Lady Dimitrescu called her daughters for a private meeting that morning, Bela couldn't help feeling anxious and scared. Her mother was usually a woman of her word, but when it came to her reputation with Mother Miranda, she'd become completely blind by rage. Alcina really believed her when she suggested Aleena's brother could be responsible for stealing the Lords and also for the attack to the castle, even when the evidences pointed to the opposite.
"I told you so," while they waited outside, Cassandra was smirking deviously. She was determined to do anything to annoy Bela right in the morning. "It won't well for you. Our mother can't betray Mother Miranda and the other Lords because you've fallen in love with a stupid human girl."
"Shut up," Bela decided she wouldn't give in to her provocations. It was Cassandra's favorite manner to extract information from her. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Do you think we're stupid?" Still, her sister wouldn't stop. "Everyone, except for our mother, has noticed already. Me, Daniela, even Mrs. Volkov. Tell me, Bela. Will you keep pretending when we serve her on a silver plate tonight?"
Bela advanced in her sister's direction. Cassandra quickly dissolved into flies, she did the same. The corridor was a mess of flying insects and buzzing for a few minutes, before they had to shape back into their bodies. Now, she'd finally have the chance to inflict her sister some pain. She pinned Cassandra against the wall.
"Stop, you two," Daniela tried to intervene. "What the hell are you doing?"
Cassandra tried to throw a punch, but Bela was a little faster on her reflects, she grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm.
"What's your problem, Cassandra?" Bela angered. "You can't stand the idea she wasn't one of your trophy maidens, isn't it? Just leave me alone. Leave her alone too."
In that moment, they heard the door opening. Lady Dimitrescu appeared in the corridor, with an ugly snarl on her face.
"What the hell is going on here?" She yelled. "I thought I had daughters, but then I come here and you two are fighting like animals."
Daniela sighed relieved. This time, she wasn't included.
"I'm sorry, mother," Cassandra straightened her dress. "It's Bela who's being a bitch."
"You started it," Bela tried to grab her hair, but she deflected. "You're insulting me from the moment I arrived."
"The three of you! In my office, now!"
Bela couldn't feel guilty this time. Something inside her had changed. She didn't care if her mother was disappointed at her behavior, absolutely no one would touch Aleena. Especially Cassandra.
"It's all about that girl, mother," the middle sister proceeded to tell Alcina. "Bela is in love with her. They've been making out around the castle all the time."
"And this is none of your goddamn business!"
"It is, when your actions are putting us all in danger! Her brother..."
"Stop!" Lady Dimitrescu shouted, making they both go silent. "Is it going to be like this anytime a new woman steps inside this castle?"
No. Not for Bela. She didn't care about other women. Cassandra could have them if she wanted, as long as she stayed away from her girlfriend.
"I agree," Cassandra continued. "It has to end. I vote that we drain her tonight."
"CASSANDRA!" Alcina punched the desk, making her stop instantly. "I didn't call you here to talk about this girl."
A part of Bela was relieved, but she when her eyes crossed with her mother's, the feeling of anxiety started growing inside her. Now she knew about her relationship with Aleena. And her sisters too. She couldn't predict how they'd react.
"I'm going to another meeting with Mother Miranda tonight. I expect to find this castle intact when I return. If I discover my daughters are fighting in my absence, I'll be truly disappointed."
"Yes, mother," Daniela said. "No one is going to fight anymore. Right?"
Cassandra rolled her eyes at the youngest sister. Bela only gave her an annoyed look.
So that was the reason of their visit to Lady Dimitrescu's office. For now, Aleena was safe. They still had a few days to gather information about Mother Miranda and whatever she was planning. Bela was about to leave after her sisters when her mother called her back. She froze.
"Bela, you stay. We need to talk."
"Yes, mother?" She sat in front of her mother again.
"What were you and Cassandra fighting about?"
"I-I... uh, it's true. I'm in love with Aleena."
Bela decided it was time to stop lying. After all her mother was the person she trusted the most in this world, besides Aleena. Lady Dimitrescu stared at her face emotionless. Bela couldn't figure out what she could be thinking. She looked down, avoiding her mother's intense gaze.
"It's different this time," she explained. Although Alcina never bothered when they got involved with women, she hated the mess it usually caused. Sometimes Cassandra would slaughter her partners in her bedroom or some other place too hard to be cleaned. Daniela fell in love too easily, always having her heart broken when she discovered the subject of her affection was only using her to escape the castle and the fate every servant usually had. In this process, a lot of other things would break too. Such as the castle's furniture and the servant's bones. "I'm doing things right. I even asked her to be my girlfriend."
Bela wouldn't get involved with women so often as her sisters, but when she did, it surely never ended well. They'd become disappointed when they found out she didn't reciprocate their feelings. There would be a lot of arguing, tears and some of them would even dare to call her mother for a talk. In the end, they always died anyways.
She had never been in love before. Until now.
"Girlfriend?!" Lady Dimitrescu eyes widened in surprise and she inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. Bela finally knew what what her mother should be thinking about. The woman she once loved. "Oh Bela..."
"She makes me happy, mother. Like I've never been before."
"And this is exactly what concerns me, daughter. You know how it ends."
"It doesn't have to end that way. I'm controlling my instincts very well and..."
"But she's human and young. She's going to study abroad, meet new people who are just like her. Then, she'll forget you ever existed."
That was the one thing Bela had accepted since the moment she decided to kiss Aleena. Soon, they'd be saying goodbye and there would be nothing left for her, only the memories. Yet, it was worthy. Every moment by Aleena's side was precious.
"I know that," she assured Lady Dimitrescu. "Mother, the only thing I want is your word you're letting her go by the end of this week. Whatever her brother did, Aleena's innocent."
"Okay, daughter," her mother's hand touched hers. The corners of her mouth curled up in a small smile. "I promise you. As long as you promise me you and Cassandra will stop fighting."
"Okay, I'll ignore her provocations. I promise."
"You know your sister, Bela. Cassandra is very attached to our family. She's only jealous most of your attention is being dedicated to Aleena."
"Yeah, I know."
Bela held her mother's hand and smiled back at her.
"Girlfriend..." she was still muttering to herself and shaking her head in denial as Bela stood up and started to walk away. "Well, I suppose there were worse options."
As she opened the office's door, ready to leave, Alcina spoke:
"Bela, take care."
"I will."
Castle Dimitrescu, Guest Room - Present Days
I asked my breakfast to be served in my room. Going to the dining room all by myself was pointless, as Bela and her sisters were reunited with their mother in her office. I wondered what they could be discussing. Was it about me or Auryk?
Anyways, our time was running out. I only had until the end of the week to prove my brother's innocence and expose Miranda's betrayal against the Four Lords. There was only one problem, if Auryk wasn't stealing from the Lords, he wasn't involved in something good either. The manner he spoke to me on the phone, it seemed dangerous and secretive.
And there was Bela. Everytime I remembered the page I ripped off from those diaries I'd feel my chest tightening a little bit. I wouldn't let my brother, and whoever he was working for, lay a finger on her. From the moment I arrived, she was nothing but sweet to me. She always did everything to protect me and I was willing to do the same.
Mrs. Volkov entered the room, bringing a tray of food. She locked the door behind her.
"Ms. Novak, I'd like to speak to you in private for a moment," she asked.
I nodded in agreement.
"I couldn't help noticing Ms. Bela coming and leaving this room very often lately."
"Yes," now I could understand why Cassandra was always threatening the staff with her knifes. Even if Mrs. Volkov was trying to protect me, what I did inside my room was none of her business. I feared she'd tell Alcina. "We're working on a personal issue of mine. And I'd appreciate if this information stays between us only."
"My mouth is shut, Ms. Novak. I only beg you to be careful, I've seen many girls like you going missing or being dragged to the dungeons after getting involved with the mistress' daughters."
Of course she had to remind me of the fact my girlfriend probably has had enough partners to fill both sides of a book page.
"Thank you for your concern."
And of course she had to run right into 'Ms. Bela' as she opened the door to leave.
"Mrs. Volkov," she greeted, polite as she always was. Sometimes I wondered if Bela was so well mannered even when she was killing her victims. "Is there anything wrong?"
"Everything's fine, Ms. Bela. I was only serving Ms. Novak her breakfast."
"Thank you. I suppose we're good for now. I call you if we need anything else."
Bela shut the door, immediately forcing the woman to go away. I asked her to lock it, just in case.
"Good morning, love," she sat by my side at the table and pressed a kiss on my cheek. "I hope you saved me some because I'm starving."
"Hey, didn't you just have breakfast with your mom?"
"Not actually, I refused it. I was waiting to have breakfast with you, like we do every morning."
She smiled, causing butterflies in my stomach.
"Aren't you sweet?" I was kinda expecting her to come. I even asked Mrs. Volkov for an extra cup and plate. I passed it to Bela. "I was hoping you'd come."
I retributed her kiss.
"So, what are doing today?" She wanted to know. "Are we coming back to your house? Or would you like to do something different?"
"I wish, but we have to finish reading the diaries. I only have a few days left before your mom decides what she wants to do to me."
"I spoke to her. She's letting you go by the end of the week."
"Is she?" I asked, to be sure.
Bela nodded in response.
I should be happy with the information, Lady Dimitrescu wasn't going to kill me after all. But I wasn't. I was expecting her to protest and keep me as a prisoner for weeks, months, maybe years as it seemed Auryk wasn't coming back. I wanted to be stuck in that castle for the rest of my life, as long as I had Bela by my side.
"She has a meeting with Mother Miranda tonight," she added. "She usually doesn't come back until the morning. We should do something special."
"Like what?"
"Like a date?"
The concept of having a date was a little bit difficult when you lived in a village that wasn't even in the maps Your options were very limited: going to the nearest town, going to the pub or do something at home. The first two options could not end well as we'd be going too far from the castle or if any villagers recognized Bela.
We could stay in my house and order some food, there was this restaurant in town that would deliver even in that hellhole of a place. We could also watch movies and make out on the couch.
Maybe more. I was desperate for more. Especially now I knew we'd be separated soon. I wanted to enjoy every second of your moments together. Yet, I was insecure. I couldn't help thinking of Mrs. Volkov comment regarding Bela's level of experience.
"I think I have something in mind," I grabbed Bela's hand. "Ready?"
Eastern Europe, Aleena's House - Present Days
We rod to the village as were doing every day. I was always concerned some other villager could see me and recognize me. At this point, everybody should know about what happened to me. They'd instantly connect the dots if they saw Bela. When we arrived to my house again, I was relieved. Almost. Until I saw the front door had been forced open.
"Oh fuck," I quickly took my daggers before taking another step into the house. "Somebody broke into my house. They may still be in there."
Bela took some kind of blade from her boots too.
"What? I have my tricks too, love." She asked, noticing I was surprised. "Cassandra isn't the only good hunter."
We carefully opened the door. Before I could even do anything, Bela grabbed me and covered my mouth. Her senses were probably detecting something nearby.
"Shhhh," she pointed to her ears. "I can hear something... in the basement."
"But not all of us are vampires," I muttered. When I noticed, Bela had already vanished, turning into flies. I followed her to the basement, after grabbing a rifle. Before I even got there, I already heard a male voice screaming.
"What the fuck?! What are you freaks even doing here?!"
I recognized it before I could even see the figure. But I waited until I was downstairs to confront him.
"Heisenberg. I could ask you the same," I spoke, pointing the rifle at him even if I knew it was useless. "What are you doing here?"
"You," he turned around from the hidden cabinet where the weapons were stored. "Weren't you trapped at Lady Super Sized Bitch's castle?"
"Have some respect talking about my mother," Bela shaped back into her body. "Not that she has any talking about you. So I guess you both are even."
"Oh great, and you brought one of the daughters with you. At least it's the decent one."
"Are you going to explain what you're doing in my house?" I angered. There was a good reason of why that man was there again. Coincidentally when he had a meeting with Miranda later that day. "Let me guess. You're searching for something to take to the Highest Bitch In Charge tonight. Am I right?"
"Wait, wait..." Heisenberg showed his hand as a sign of truce. I lowered the rifle. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Are you searching for something to take to Mother Miranda in the meeting tonight? Because many things are going missing, under mysterious circumstances that are strangely connected to her."
"Do you think Mother Miranda is the one stealing from the Lords?"
I told him about my conversation with Auryk and his suspicions about Miranda's involvement in the situation.
"I knew it!" Heisenberg kicked away an old wooden chair, shattering it to pieces. I shot Bela a confused glance but she also had no idea of what was going on. "I fucking knew it! She's been plotting against us. I always warned my siblings this day would come but they never believed me."
"We're searching for evidence against her," I explained. "To find out what's her plan. Do you have any ideas?"
"Are you sure you can trust her?" He pointed at Bela. "Her mother is the one who kisses Miranda's ass the most. After Moreau, of course."
"Absolutely," I told. "Bela's with me on the matter."
"Sit down, the two of you, and I'll tell you what I know."
We sat on the armchairs we had down the basement. Heisenberg pulled a bottle of whiskey from one of Adrian's secret hideouts. He was about to take a sip directly from the bottle, but I made him serve all of us. Something told me I'd need alcohol to deal with that conversation.
"All these years serving her and we're only her tests subjects, girl. We were all declared a failure upon bitch Miranda's eyes. Me, Lady Super Sized Bitch, the Moronic Freak, the Ugly-Ass Psycho Doll and even this..." Bela scowled at him, letting him know she wouldn't appreciate any offensive nicknames he could have for her, "this girl and her sisters. We're trapped in this village, being forced to decades of humiliation and servitude."
"Are you telling me you don't worship Miranda like your siblings and the villagers?" I tried to understand.
"No!" Heisenberg shouted. "Can't you see? She has taken everything from me. My humanity, my dignity! And now she has found the perfect vessel for her experiments, she's planning to get rid of us."
I drank the entire cup of whiskey in one sip. I looked at Bela, I could see that deep down she shared the same feelings for Miranda as Heisenberg. She tried to follow me, but judging by her face, she wasn't used to that kind of drink.
"I know what it feels like," she took off her helmet, showing the scar on her head and also the tattoo. "I also hate how she treats my mother and she's always too blind to see it. Whenever she returns from a meeting, I can read it on her face. She's disappointed at herself. She's miserable. She's always feeling she isn't enough for Mother Miranda's purposes."
"Fuck! This is what I'm talking about! Look what she's done to you. Don't you think it's time we end this?"
"Okay," I interrupted their moment of mutual pain. "She really fucked up with you guys, so we need to find a manner to stop whatever she's planning."
"Your father," Heisenberg pointed to me. "That bastard also shared my feelings of revenge and hate against that bitch, but for some reason he never accepted to join forces. I knew he had some diaries that contained some important information, do you happen to know where they are?"
Before I could answer, Bela stepped in and spoke for me.
"This is what we've been searching for," she lied. She looked at me, giving me a signal we shouldn't trust Heisenberg completely yet. "Apparently, Aleena's brother has taken it with him."
"And where's the little criminal?"
"I don't know," I said. "Last time we spoke he was acting shady as fuck. Whatever he's involved with, it's not good."
"Hmmm, drugs probably."
"No! I'm pretty sure my brother isn't... what's a vessel, by the way? You said Miranda has found a perfect one for her experiments."
"A person who can achieve a perfect mutation," it was Bela who answered my question. "One without any flaws, any side effects. Unlike me, the Lords or any person that has turned into a Lycan."
"Exactly," Heisenberg added. "One with a body that will be able to revive her daughter."
"What the fuck..." I always knew Miranda was crazy, but not at that point. All those years, she had been misleading the villagers, the Lords only for her personal uses. "And who's this person? Where are they?"
"I don't know, kid. This is what I'm trying to find. If I destroy the vessel, there will be no ritual. And with the right proof in hands I can lead a rebellion against Miranda."
"You can count on me," I extended my hand to Heisenberg. "If I discover anything, I let you know."
"Smart girl," he shook my hand. "You'll have my full support if you need to escape that demonic castle."
"She doesn't!" Bela angered. "Mother is letting her go."
"Okay. If you need anything else then..." Heisenberg shrugged. Then he looked at Bela. "What about you, little Dimitrescu girl? Can we count on you?"
"Of course," she also extended her hand. "But you can't comment a word about this meeting with my mother tonight. She trusts Miranda above anything, she's going to blow up our plans."
Eastern Europe, Aleena's Bedroom - Present Days
While Aleena was taking a shower, Bela caught herself reading the diaries they found. Such a skilled predator should be proud of her achievements. The reports about her family were gruesome, terrifying, tragic. They were called many things, 'witches', 'monsters', 'abominations'...
"Psychotic bitches," definitely the most creative, a name given by Adrian Novak. Bela never had a personal encounter with Aleena's father, but she had definitely heard nasty stories about him, through Lady Dimitrescu and through Aleena herself. She thought of an appropriate nickname for him too and smirked. "Stupid manthing."
She closed the diary and walked to the mirror. Aleena told her to wear one of her clothes. She looked like a normal girl, one of Aleena's age, maybe two or three years older.
If it wasn't for that scar. That damn scar. When she woke up after the transformation, one of the first things she did was asking her mother how she had gotten it. Was it the reason she died? Later, she found out it was the reason why she was still alive. Something had been implanted in her brain, to transform her into... that. What about that tattoo? Young people had tattoos everywhere but certainly not on their foreheads. She was marked as one of the Dimitrescu daughters. Wherever she went, people would recognize her by that. Especially in the village. Countless times she and her sisters had caused panic among those people.
This was why Aleena couldn't take her out for a date. She couldn't take her to the pub, to meet her friends and do other things couples usually did. Bela clenched her fists in rage and frustration.
"Hey," Aleena left the bathroom, wrapped around a towel. "Sorry for taking so long. You look amazing, by the way."
Before heading to her wardrobe, she passed through Bela and planted a small kiss on her lips. She could live like that forever.
In fact, if the weather suddenly changed and the temperature dropped by the next day, she'd be stuck with Aleena in that house for days, months or even years. She could cook and clean the house while she was out for work. She could even find a manner to earn some money herself. She could be an artist and sell paintings. Or maybe a writer, she was a good one. Maybe she even had money already, after all she was the Countess' eldest daughter.
The idea excited Bela a lot... until she looked at Aleena's desk. If she was stuck in that house with her, she'd be giving up on her dreams of living in California and study in that Art Institute. And Aleena deserved that. More than any person she ever met.
It wouldn't last and she knew it. She always knew it.
"Selfish psychotic bitch," she muttered to herself as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.
Eastern Europe, Aleena's Living Room - Present Days
I couldn't take my mind off my conversation with Heisenberg. I didn't even know how I was supposed to feel. I already hated Miranda before, but now I got the confirmation of the things Bela told me. She was nothing more than an experiment gone wrong and that woman was about to get rid of her and the others. I also thought about Alcina and Donna, who had no idea of what she was planning and trusted her blindly.
I also wondered, who was her perfect vessel? Was it someone from the village? Was it someone she had kidnapped? A million questions were going through my mind.
As soon as I finished getting dressed, Bela had sunk into one of her bad moods, where she became quiet and introspective, after acting normal all day. I already knew her enough to know something happened while I was in the shower and it was consuming her inside. Because as her own mother described, Bela felt everything very intensely.
"Would you like to go back to the castle?" We were in the living room, waiting for our dinner to be delivered. "We can go after dinner if you want."
"No," she said. I had turned on Auryk's video game console. Bela was quite curious about the game I was playing. Her eyes moved quickly as she observed every detail on the screen. "Not yet."
"Do you need to feed?"
"No, I'm okay."
I paused the game. Whatever happened, nothing seemed to distract Bela from it. She was quiet as in the morning she fought her mom or that night in her bedroom, before we kissed for the first time.
"Okay... why don't you tell me what happened? I left you alone in my room for some minutes and now you're upset."
Bela took a deep breath, as if she was trying to recompose herself and leave her emotions aside for the night.
"I'm not upset, love," she told me. "I'm focused."
"On what?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"If you don't move to the left side, like this," Bela took the controller from my hands, unpausing the game and making a move herself. "You're going to get yourself killed."
And she was right. Apparently her vampire senses worked for literally anything.
"Know what?" I turned off the console. "I'm done with this for the night. I already know I wouldn't be able to beat you if we played against each other anyways."
"What a sore loser," Bela finally let out a laugh. Mission accomplished, I was able to get her out of her bad mood.
"We'll see about that later."
"Will we?"
She lay on top of me, staring deeply into my eyes in an attempt to look dangerous. She pressed her lips against mine and I wrapped my arms around her body pulling her as closer as possible. Bela deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue inside my mouth. The way her tongue massaged mine, the way our bodies were moving together, the way my hands were exploring every inch of her perfect body... I was feeling things I had never experienced before. A heat that spread through every part of me. She finished her kiss biting my lower lip, leaving me stunned, breathless.
"I'm sorry, I got too carried away," she said, when we stopped. "We're almost setting ourselves on fire here."
"No, I want more," as I gazed into her beautiful golden yellow eyes, I couldn't be more sure. "I want us to burn."
Bela raised one eyebrow suggestively, as if she was trying to confirm what I had just told her. I let out a small laugh and nodded in confirmation.
"Then..." she pressed another kiss on my lips, "we should head back to your bedroom. Don't you think?"
I was about to give her an answer when the door bell rang. It was the delivery service bringing our dinner.
"Fuck, I had totally forgotten," I took a deep breath, trying to recompose myself.
"We can resume from where stopped later, if you want."
I wanted it. I definitely wanted it, but I was too nervous for my own sake. If I didn't calm down, I'd end up ruining things. I remembered the night I invited a girl I was dating to my house. Even after having a lot of alcohol to calm my nerves and get me in the mood, I panicked. I panicked and locked myself in the bathroom until she went away. Needless to say she never wanted to see me again.
To try to distract myself, after dinner I sat down on my desk, reading carefully a page of the diary in front of me. The calligraphy was barely readable. Apparently that one belonged to my grandfather, Erik Novak, during his teenage years.
"March 13, 1962
The Lycan attacks have intensified during these days. It's almost impossible to even leave the house. My poor sister, Astrid, has been attacked while she was outside tending for the animals. We don't expect her to survive. The infection has spread to her whole body. Father suggested we put an end to her misery. Mother is still hoping for a miracle. We called Mother Miranda for guidance."
I felt a shiver going down my spine. It was almost like I could watch that scene playing in my mind, like a movie. I held the picture of Astrid, her beautiful dark hair and soft facial features. Such a terrible fate she was victim of. Why did my family still insisted on living in that goddamn place for generations after such a tragedy?
"Okay, I finally picked one," Bela emerged in my bedroom. She was in the living room, too amazed by my Netflix account. With so many movie options in front of her, she didn't know where to start. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," I closed the diary. "I was just reading an entry while you chose. My grandfather's sister, she was bitten by a Lycan."
"It seems to happen quite often in your family. One of the diaries I read also reported a Lycan attack."
"It's like a family curse. In my generation, it was my mom. But in her case, there was not even time to develop an infection."
Family drama. Nothing related to the clues we were searching for. I decided to not think about anything else related to that village, Auryk or even Miranda for the next few hours. I wanted to enjoy my time with Bela, exclusively.
"So, let's see what you chose, Ms. Dimitrescu."
For my surprise, Bela had picked a Disney movie. I thought it was extremely cute, I was kinda expecting her to choose something classical or even an horror movie.
"Do you like this one?" She asked.
"I love it," I wrapped an arm around her shoulders as we sat down on the couch. "And I'll love it even more now it's the first movie we watch together."
I didn't make any interruptions as we watched the movie. Bela seemed so entertained, so genuinely happy. I remembered she probably had never seen a movie before. I didn't see any TVs inside the castle. If they even had one, they didn't have access to Netflix or any other modern features. I simply enjoyed the sensation of having her in my arms or the sensation of caressing her hair. I learned to appreciate the sound of her laugh more than anything in this world. When we met, I'd rarely hear it and now it was something she did often.
The world was easier when we were alone, just the two of us. Two lonely, misfit and traumatized individuals. Bela seemed to be the only person who understood my feelings, and I was this person for her too.
When the first movie ended, I asked if she wanted to see another one. She told me to choose this time and I picked a romance. With a happy ending.
God, we deserved to have a happy ending too. We both had gone through so much already. I had to stop Miranda. I couldn't let her take Bela from me.
Eastern Europe, Aleena's Bedroom - Present Days
It was already two in the morning when we returned to my bedroom.
"Are you sure your mother isn't going to freak out or anything?" I asked as we prepared the bed. "Cassandra is definitely going to tell her. If she gets mad the claws will come out to play and it's kinda scary."
"As long as the dragon remains inside, we're okay," the corners of Bela's mouth curled up in a smile.
"Nevermind, it's a joke. A myth the villagers invented. Don't worry, I don't think she's going to mind. I told her about us this morning and she took it very well."
"This is quite a surprise."
We lay on the bed and my heart started thundering inside my chest. I wasn't sure if she remembered what we started before dinner and that I had intentions of resuming later.
"I wish we could have this everyday," she spoke softly, when we were face to face. "This is the reason why I was upset."
"Why does it upsets you?" I asked.
"While I was here alone, I kinda wished the temperature would drop and I'd be stuck here with you for a while. Then I realized I was being selfish."
"You're not selfish. To be honest, I kinda wished the same. I don't wanna go away. I want to stay with you, forever."
Bela took my hand, holding it very tightly for a few seconds and then, she released.
"You can't, Aleena. You don't deserve this life, in this place. You deserve more. You deserve to go after your dreams, move to California, go to college, be with a girl that actually deserves you."
"I don't want another girl, Bela. I want you. I want you the way you are, with your virtues and also your flaws. That's what made me fall in love with you."
I'd usually let her take the lead, but this time I kissed her, hard and desperate. I didn't want to think about the idea of being away from her. Or being with somebody else. Even if we couldn't be outside most of the time. Even if I had to work on the pub for the rest of my life. Even if she needed to drink human blood. I didn't mind if my friends or my brother never accepted my relationship with her. In that moment, I had everything I ever wanted and I wouldn't waste it. I couldn't wish for anything else.
When I realized, I felt her hand going down my shirt, caressing my stomach.
"Do you still want to do this?" She asked.
"More than anything."
I knew Bela had probably done that a thousand times before, but I wondered if she was always so tender, so careful. She knew that was an important moment to me, I was letting down the last of my emotional barriers for her, so she acted cautiously on every move she made next.
First, she kissed me again for a very long time. I assumed she was giving me enough time to think if I was truly prepared. Then, her mouth placed a trail of kisses for all the way down to my neck.
We undressed each other, Bela lay on top of me and as she kissed me again, I couldn't stop thinking how good it was the feeling of having her naked body so close to mine. This time, I felt confident enough to explore parts of her I wasn't prepared the last time.
"What?" I asked when we parted and she gazed deeply into my eyes. "Am I doing it wrong?"
"I have something to confess, love," she opened a beautiful smile. "I'm a little nervous too."
"Come on. Mrs. Volkov was scolding me this morning, telling me I was only one of the many women she saw leaving your bedroom."
"Yes, but it's the first time I do it with a woman I'm in love with."
It was my turn to smile. With my hand on her chest, I sensed how quick her heart was beating too.
"Well," I whispered seductively in her ear, "she's very in love with you too. So you don't have to be nervous."
"Just tell me if you want me to stop, okay?"
I nodded in agreement and pulled her face for another kiss. As Bela's hands traveled through my body, caressing my inner tights, I was shivering in anticipation. By the time she touched me where I wanted her the most, my first reaction was to shudder.
"How does that feel?" She wanted to know. "Do you like it, love?"
"Yes!" I threw my head back as her fingers continued to stroke my center. "Oh my god, yes. Please don't stop."
"I don't plan to. We're only getting started."
I was still nervous. I didn't know how I was supposed to act. Should I do something to please her too? Should I be silent? Because I was fighting so hard against the wild impulses inside of me, that wanted to moan and scream Bela's name as loud as I could. I buried my mouth on her collarbone trying to muffle a moan.
"This is okay," she stopped for a second, looking at me with those gorgeous eyes. "Just relax. You're being perfect."
I simply nodded in agreement. I just wanted her to continue what she was doing, but she had other plans in mind...
"What about now?" Bela inserted one finger inside me and started to move, slow and gentle. "Does it hurt?"
"N-No... this feels great..." I could barely form a coherent sentence anymore. In fact, I noticed I had stopped breathing. Yes, I could die right now and I'd die a happy woman. Was that what my father was trying to protect me from with his sick ritual? I couldn't be more happier to have broken his rules. I couldn't be more happier I waited and did exactly I was told to stay away from.
My heart was racing really fast. I felt all my muscles were starting to become tense. Bela inserted another finger inside me, moving a little bit faster and harder, but still making sure she wasn't causing me any pain.
And in that moment, I completely lost myself. My back arched and my whole body started to tremble under her body. Bela held me tightly. I relaxed too, wrapping my arms around her.
"Are you okay, love?"
"More than okay," I answered between pants. "To be honest, I think I've never felt so great before."
"Is there anything else you want me to do?"
"Yes, you can now show me how I can please you."
We switched positions and Bela guided my hand as I tried to follow the same path as she did. She also rocked her hips to meet my rhythm. I wasn't so confident as she was. I was afraid I could do anything that could hurt her. But she was a patient teacher and I was a quick learner. Soon, she was already trembling in my arms too and I knew I had done it right.
I thought we were done with the best part, but I was wrong. After pressing one final kiss on my lips, Bela rested her head on my chest and said words I'd never forget.
"I love you."
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hitsujixx · 4 years
claws -> minho
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genres: angst, soft
words: 1.1k
warnings: mention of self-harm
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈=^._.^= ∫
it was a boring evening. minho, your boyfriend, went on a little trip with his friends so you were all alone at home. after cleaning the house you decided to take a rest and watch a movie, but you got so used to watching tv with minho that it felt weird when the whole couch was yours. no one's gonna grab your hand whenever it's not in a bowl of popcorn or kick you lightly to prevent you from sleeping through the best parts of the movie. it had been just a week without him but you already missed his warmth.
and what's the best cure for that? wrapping yourself up with blankets like a burrito. you got up and started looking for your favorite cozy blanket. you found it after few minutes but you didn't expect to see your biggest enemy aka soonie sitting on it. life definitely wasn't on your side.
soonie was the eldest kitty so it was still hard for her to accept you, even though you have lived with minho for few months already. it was understandable but you both could at least live in peace or ignore each other. but no, soonie decided to bring hell into your life. she would shed only on your clothes or find every possible occasion to scratch or bite you. and of course it was one of them. she didn't have to play an angel especially since minho wasn't at home. no one was there to scold her. well, there was you but who were you to tell that cat what to do. she only listened to minho. he was like a father to his cats what sometimes to be honest bothers you. you kept telling your boyfriend that it's not good to spoil them that much, but of course he didn't listen to you. every so often a thought that his cats were more important than you crosses your mind and soonie tried her best to make you feel that way. so now you were, standing there, avoiding eye contact not to annoy her by accident. you weren't in a mood to fight.
"hey soonie, i want the blanket your fat ass is sitting on. can you give it to me?" you asked with a soft tone of voice, pointing at the blanket. soonie didn't even move a muscle so you sighed and tried to take it with force. of course that little demon didn't like your idea and scrached your wrist immediately, hissing. you winced, quickly taking your hand away.
'ouch ! ugh fine, i don't want that anymore" you sighed and went to the bathroom. the scratch was deep so it started bleeding and stinging. you irrigated the wound then opened the medicine cabinet to find some bandages. you were so focused on treating the scratch properly that you didn't hear the front door opened.
"hey baby ! i'm home" you heard an excited voice coming from the living room. he was supposed to be back tomorrow so you were a bit shocked to see him that soon. you quickly told minho where you were, smiling widely to yourself. you heard a bang so he probably threw his bag somewhere and a few seconds later you saw his handsome face in the reflection. you smiled at him but somehow he didn't seem to be as excited as he sounded just before. you looked at him but you didn't see his usual smile he had after not seeing you for so long. he glanced down at your wrist with his furrowed eyebrows then ran up to you at the speed of light.
"baby. why did you do that ?!" he asked you with a raised voice, grabbing your hand. your eyes got bigger, getting what he was referring to.
"minho, it's not what you think-" you tried to explain but you were cut off.
"then what is it?!" he knew that you hated being yelled at and he knew it would always make you cry but instead he kept snapping at you. "have you even thought about how I would feel when you're gone? i have feelings too ! why didn't you tell me?!" you opened your mouth to say something, but the words weren't able to come out. "yn. talk to me !" you looked down, tears began to roll down your face, no longer able to hold them in.
minho's eyes widened as he realized what he'd done. he quickly cupped your cheeks with his hands and wiped your tears away. "aweh honey bun..i'm sorry, i didn't want to raise my voice at you. it's just,, i got worried, okay?" he said as soft as he could then pulled you close to him, letting you cry in his arms until you were comfortable enough to talk about it. after few minutes of staying in the bathroom and hugging you finally calmed down.
"i didn't hurt myself,," you began as minho started caressing your back as reassuring as possible, ready to hear you out this time. "it was that demon who hurt me" you pointed at soonie, who was now standing by the door. minho blinked a few times as he finally realized he had misunderstood the whole situation.
"oh my god. you scared the shit out of me-" he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. you pouted before placing a soft peck on his lips. "i know. i'm sorry. you know i would always talk to you before doing something stupid" it was the truth and now you were even more sure that minho truly cared for you. he really was the best boyfriend you could ever imagine.
minho stared at you for awhile, thinking what else to say. "promise me you will never hide your feelings. you mean the world to me, i can’t lose you okay?" he had never told you that before and after what happened he thought that some things needed to be said. you nodded, the words made you smile. "pinky promise !" you said, locking your pinkies. minho smiled then gently grasped your arm to help you finish cleaning the wound.
"by the way, don't you ever call soonie a demon again-" he finished putting a bandage on it then looked at soonie "and you, young lady, are grounded" but of course soonie didn't even care and just turned around at his words, showing her butthole to you both. it was a habit she got everytime she gets offended. minho rolled his eyes then turned his attention back to you.
"see? she loves you" he chuckled then stole a peck from you. "but i love you more ! ~"
author's note: english is not my first language so sorry for any grammatical mistakes but i'm trying my best to improve my writing skills! also it's my first oneshot so feedback are welcome. thank you for reading ! ~
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d-p-f-m · 4 years
Take it easy |🥁|💕|📌|✔|
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Seokjin x Reader |🥁|💕|📌|✔|
I love love love writing Seokjin prompts, so thanks again @btsfangirl1999 for requesting it!
Sorry for taking so long but I promise I'm working on everything as soon as I have time and inspiration!
Also thanks to my lovely beta for reading through this mess I call my writing. I'd be lost without you, girl❤🔥
Hope you enjoy!💞
A.) 94. Why the hell are you on the floor? + 95. I'm so tired, it hurts when I close my eyes
Word count: 5783
The distant ringing in the back of your mind has you writhing underneath the comforting cover of your blanket. In a silent act of protest you instictively wrap the soft fabric tighter around your body, burying your face in your pillow in hopes of drowning out the annoying noise. Obviously though, the torture doesn't magically stop on its own.
About three more minutes in and you finally admit defeat. Groaning in dispair you rip the sheets off of you in one swift movement and slowly roll on your back to extend one arm in the general direction of where your phone is supposed to be.
Without actually being able to see what you're doing, it takes you a few seconds to locate it and press the power botton on its top to cut the alarm off for good. Sighing in content at the peaceful moment of silence you allow yourself to simply lie there a bit longer before you eventually sit up straight, so you won't be tempted to just fall asleep again.
Forcing yourself to pry your eyes open you blink against the blinding screen of your phone to check the time. There is still about twenty minutes left before you have to leave for university, thank God. With all the willpower you're able to muster you heave yourself out of bed and waddle through the corridor leading to your bathroom to proceed with your usual morning routine.
Examining your puffy face in the mirror while brushing your teeth you make an unsatisfied noise in the back of your throat and grimace at your reflection. You don't have time or motivation to conceal your sleep deprived expression with make-up and usually you don't care much about things like that anyways, but seeing the dark circles under your eyes you really wish you could just crawl back into bed and hide from your responsibilities until you're finally well rested for once.
Hearing your phone buzz on the side of the sink you look at the message that popped up on screen and sigh. With finals week coming up there is usually no space for personal life already and you knew it was a stupid idea the moment you agreed to help one of your friends to plan the project for one of their classes but you just didn't have it in you to tell them no. They'd do the same for you when you need them someday. ... right?
While rinsing your mouth you brush your hair absendmindetly and stare blankly at your reflection, thinking about your plans for the day. You'll need to meet up with your friend after classes and then you have to work the evening shift at the café before rereading your notes for the first exam coming up next Monday. You can do this. No problem. You've gone through worse things in your life.
Still, as you set aside your hairbrush and reluctantly make your way downstairs to the kitchen, you can feel how every muscle in your body protests with just the tiniest movement. Walking down the circular shaped staircase has somehow made you a bit dizzy and you have to take a moment to lean against the nearest wall for support when you feel a light headache spread from your neck upwards all the way to your forhead. Probably because you've pulled an all-nighter last night again.
Seokjin would definitely scold you if he found out, he always tells you to slow down when you get like this. Of course you never listen. Good thing you didn't actually see each other the last few days even though you live together, because you're both too busy with your own lives. The only time you would have the chance to talk to each other is either in the morning before heading out, or on rare occasions at lunch break when you don't meet up with anyone else.
It seems like you've missed your chance for today though because it's so silent around the house that you assume the acting major is already out and about again and even though you don't want to admit it, you're starting to really miss having him around all the time.
It's not common for two university students of the opposite gender to be roommates and you often have to endure judging stares or rude comments about your undefined relationship with your handsome friend.
You don't mind, though. If they're nice enough to ask you about what's going on between Seokjin and you, you'd gladly explain that you're just very close friends, for the time being at least, and if they prefer side-eyeing you from afar then you'd simply ignore them. It's not their business anyways.
Yawning, you turn on the coffee machine and then make your way to the fridge to search for something to eat that will hopefully get you through most of the day. To your surprise there's a box with food placed right in the middle for you to see, with a bright blue sticky-note attached to its lid and you instantly pray that it's what you think it is.
You take the box to read the note to make sure the contents are really meant for you and not reserved for your roommate since he's the only one who could have put it there and you don't want to risk getting into a fight over food with Seokjin of all people. You only tried to get away with stealing his food once and decided right after that it wasn't worth the eventual consequences ever again. You actually value your life, thank you very much.
One look at the note is enough to tell you that the food is in fact meant for you though. It's even your absolute favorite and at the thought of your roommates' skilled cooking, your mouth automatically starts watering. Maybe your day won't turn out to be as draining and horrible as you originally thought it would. Seokjin made apparently more on purpose so, and quote: 'your lazy ass doesn't starve before you pay me back for the last seven months of living at my apartment for free'. His choice of words makes you let out a huff in amusement.
When he had taken you in after you got kicked out of your old dorm in favor of someone else without any warning beforehand you both had come to a silent agreement that you wouldn't speak of how much you owed him, since you can't effort even half the rent to his apartment. It's clear to you that you'll pay him back as soon as you have the chance and Seokjin knows this too, even though he probably doesn't actually expect you to.
Silenty thanking him for his life saving food you pack it into your bag and then grab your phone to thank him via text as well so you won't forget. After hesitating for a short moment you also decide to ask him when he's going to be home today. If there's even the slightest chance you're going to be able to see him for dinner or at least a few hours of lazing on your couch just talking while watching some random movie, you're sure that it'll give you enough motivation to get through the day.
Seokjin immediately opens your message and you can't help but smile when you see that he's already typing a reply. He's always been like this. Always quick to answer your texts or calls, always down to go with every single one of your random ideas that tend to pop up in your head at the craziest of times, just... always there for you when you need him.
Being close friends for so long you know that's just who he is, of course. You know he's a good person and a really loyal friend but still, that little voice in your head keeps whispering that maybe, just maybe, he's so considerate because it's you. That it's not just your wishful thinking and he actually cares about you as much as you care about him. That he'd somehow realize how whipped you are for him and return your feelings instead of trying to let you down gently like he does with all the girls that confessed their crush on him in the last three or four years.
Shaking your head to get rid of your cheesy thoughts you stumble back to the coffee machine to get your mug while still squinting at your phone screen where Seokjin's message just popped up. As expected he's pretty busy today as well and he doesn't know how late it's going to get until he gets home. He tells you not to wait up for him with dinner if it starts getting too late but that he'll try his best to make it on time.
Sighing you brush your hand through your hair before finishing your coffee and putting your mug down on the kitchen counter to clean it later. It wasn't a 'no'. So it could happen, ... right? You decide it's not going to be of any good to think about it too much and instead make your way back upstairs to change into some proper clothes. It's almost time for you to leave for university anyway. You try to think positive and tie your hair into a ponytail before putting on your shoes.
You'll just have to survive the next 11 hours, then you'll finally be able to rest. And maybe you'll even see Seokjin again and have dinner with him tonight. So with this promising thought in mind you eventually step out the door of your apartment to get on with your day.
Stepping inside your own four walls you almost start crying in relief when you're finally able to get out of your shoes. You're burned out. The only thing on your mind right now is to sleep for at least 12 hours straight before even thinking of anything else. Unfortunatly though, you still got a few things on your to-do list for today, so you'll have to settle for a quick power nap.
Shrugging out of your jacket you just drop it on your way to the couch, not caring about anything else other than your well deserved rest. You grab the remote and turn on the TV with low volume to let the background noises lull you to sleep and then drop yourself backwards on the couch. Or that's what you thought.
Having misjudged the distance between you and the soft cushions you only scratch their surface before your fall continues and you land on the hard floor with a loud thud. The impact has you holding your breath in shock and while your mind is trying to catch up with your body you instinctively reach up to hold your head in your hands a few moments before the pain even kicks in.
You let out a pathetic groan and slowly roll over to lie on your back, swinging one arm over your face without moving a second time, too tired to try and get up again. It's what you deserve for not being more aware of your stupid surroundings anyway. And the ground's not even that bad, you tell yourself. There can't go anything else wrong if you don't move, right?
Allowing your heavy eyelids to finally rest for a while you stretch your legs out completely in an attempt to get more comfortable and huff, a little disappointed, because it's not working. The noise of the show that plays on TV is actually stressing you out more than helping you relax so you just press the power button on the remote that's still in your hand since you fell down to turn it back off before you finally admit defeat and just wait for sleep to take over.
That's how Seokjin finds you.
You don't know how much time has passed since you first slipped and fell to the ground just to stay there without moving a muscle when suddenly the front door to your apartment opens, accompanied by the very familiar jingle of keys and a heavy sigh sounding almost as tired as you're feeling.
The urge to stand up and greet your roommate comes up for a moment but the second you try to even so much as shift a bit your headache gets worse and a scorching pain shoots through your neck causing you to let out an almost inaudible groan in defeat.
You pray to every entity your brain comes up with that Seokjin won't find you like this, that he'll just grab a snack from the kitchen and then go upstairs to his room to study or whatever. But of course, like most of the time when it comes to Seokjin, it doesn't go the way you want it to. 'Hey y/n, you there? I'm home!' You can't help but cringe at the loud noise coming all the way from the other side of the room.
It's not because of his voice, you love his voice and on any other day hearing him say your name with so much hope and anticipation coloring his words would have caused your heart to go into a frenzy. Right now, however, you just want him to go away and leave you there to suffer alone until you're feeling better.
As much as you want to call out and tell him where you are, you can't bring yourself to actually answer him. The incredible pain in your neck and the merciless pounding of your head aside, the potential humiliation of him seeing you like this, completely vulnerable and pathetic has you biting your lip as if that would help you to make as little sound as possible.
There's a moment of heavy silence in the room before you can hear him let out a disappointed sigh, probably because he's assuming you aren't there and you immediately feel bad. It's the only choice you have to protect your dignity though, so there's no way around it. You decide you'll make it up to him with breakfast tomorrow instead.
His footsteps seem to lead him in the direction of the kitchen, away from you and you're starting to relax a bit but then he suddenly stops, presumably in the middle of the room. It's silent again and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Your brain is trying to come up with an explanation for what could have made him pause like that and when you hear the shuffling of clothes it suddenly clicks. Your damn jacket.
You dropped it on the ground on your way to the couch. Cursing yourself you press your arm tighter over your closed eyes and bite the inside of your cheek while anxiously waiting for Seokjin to move again. After a few seconds the rustling of clothes picks up again and your instincts scream at you to curl into a ball so he won't be able to find you.
You can pinpoint the exact moment he sees you by his surprised gasp of horror coming from almost right beside you and you can't help but to click your tongue in defeat. 'Y/N?! Oh my fu- ... y/n, are you alright?!' He's by your side in an instant, kneeling at your feet and touching one of your legs oh so delicately to check for any signs that you're alive and well.
Even in your hazy state you're still able to appriciate how careful he's being with touching you. 'Shh... shut up, Seokjin.' Hearing your raspy voice he pauses his attempts to softly shake you awake and even though you don't open your eyes to look at him you know he's probably staring at your covered face like a confused puppy.
'You're alive?! Why the fuck- Do you think it's funny scaring me to death?!' Groaning at the volume of his voice you move one of your legs to kick against his knee softly. 'Unfortunatly, yes. But could you please be quiet, my head hurts like crazy.' Amused by his overly dramatic reaction your voice automaticly takes on a softer tone to show him you're fine and it's then that he finally relaxes a bit.
You can feel his hold on your thigh become weaker and you immediately miss the warmth of his touch when he shifts to get a better look at you. 'Well... I mean I've been told my looks are able to bring girls to their knees and while I'm aware of how easy it is to fall for my handsome face, I'm pretty sure I'm not the reason why you're wiping the floor with your shirt. So why the hell are you on the floor?'
It's kinda funny how he's trying to lighten the mood without even knowing what's going on, you think. His voice is barely above a whisper though and you let out a soft hum to let him know you're going to answer in your own time. He still hasn't moved and you're wondering if he just doesn't know what to do in this situation.
Sighing, you move your arm from your face and reach out to search for him. Once you can feel the rough fabric of his jeans under your fingertips, you pat his thigh reassuringly while thinking of what to say next. 'Mhm... it's nothing, really. I just thought it'd be nice to get to know my surroundings better. You know? Bond with the floor, so it doesn't get lonely. Turns out it's really nice to talk to. Found my standards here so I didn't feel like getting up again.'
The amused snort he gives you as an answer is enough to get a content smile out of you as well. You give his thigh another friendly pat and subconsiously lick your dry lips. Something to drink would be nice. You make a mental note to go to the kitchen the moment your body is ready to function again. 'Give me a few minutes, yeah? You can go upstairs and I'll be there in a bit. Honestly, I'm so tired, it hurts when I close my eyes.'
There's silence for a while, like your roommate is contemplating what to answer and if it wouldn't be for your hand still touching his leg, you couldn't even be sure if he's with you anymore.
Suddenly, you feel him shift away from you and your heart squeezes in your chest at the thought of him actually leaving you here to go upstairs. There's still no way you'll open your eyes to confirm your suspicions though. The throbbing right behind your temples got worse while you were talking and you won't take the risk of provoking a full-on migrane just because your stupid feelings tell you it's absolutely necessary to look at your etheral being of a roommate right now.
You don't know what you were expecting at this point but the sudden noise right beside your ear was definitely not it. Feeling your head being lifted carefully you make a confused sound in the back of your throat but before you can actually react, it's already over and you're lying on something far more comfortable than the cold linoleum of the floor.
'You're an idiot. You know that, right?' Seokjin's voice is just a hushed whisper against your ear and you can feel him wrap his arm around your waist when you try to get up on instinct. 'Wha-' You don't really know how to react to his sudden proximity but as you open your mouth to respond he just pulls you closer until your cheek is pressed against his shoulder and hums quietly to effectively shut you up.
'You could have just said you weren't feeling well. There's nothing wrong with taking a break when you feel like you can't keep up anymore, you know?' His words make you let out a resigned huff. He always says that. And he's right, of course. Theoretically. But thinking back to the pile of notes on your desk you've still got to rehearse to be able to pass the exams next week, you can't help but disagree with him.
Seokjin seems to know what you're thinking because he sighs in an almost frustrated way, like a parent trying to reason with his stubborn toddler and leans his forehead softly against the top of your head, burying his face in your hair while stroking your back with his free hand as if trying to soothe you. He has you pretty much caged in his arms and even if you wanted to, there'd be no way to get up now. You're not complaining though. It does soothe you.
It feels nice to have him hold you like this. Like he actually wants to be here, with you. Like he wants to protect you from anything that's trying to harm you in any way. Like... you mean more to him than he says out loud. From time to time, the fingers caressing your back find their way up to absentmindedly play with strands of your hair and you can't stop your heart from jumping a bit when you feel him subtly shift closer.
You're so close you can hear Seokjin's heartbeat and while the steady rhythm calms you, it's still kinda strange. It's not like you never cuddled before. The actor's a pretty affectionate person and so it's actually common for you to be constantly hugged or held in his arms or pulled into his lap when you two hang around each other. Still, there's something about the way he's holding you right now. It's so loving and gentle, as if he's scared he'd hurt you if he isn't careful enough. You've never felt so at ease before.
Seokjin suddenly stops playing with your hair and after another moment of silence lets out a small huff. 'Don't think I didn't notice that you weren't feeling well for a while now. Still... I didn't exactly stop you from letting it get worse, so I guess I'm a bit at fault as well. I should have known you'd strain yourself... you really are an idiot.'
The tone of his voice is a mix between cockiness and genuine worry, so instead of complaining about him calling you an idiot you just grumble into his chest and murmur something that's supposed to sound like an apology. A small laugh escapes his lips at your childish behavior. 'What was that, princess? I couldn't hear you.' He gives your shoulder a soft push to get you to lean back and look at him and not able to resist any longer you comply.
You carefully blink open your tired eyes and when they finally adjust to your surroundings you see Seokjin smiling down at you so fondly your breath hitches. The words you wanted to say won't come out and you clear your sore throat when you see him raise an eyebrow in question. He casually licks his slightly opened lips and you can feel the blush creeping up your face when you realize your eyes followed the movement without your consent.
You're pretty sure he saw you staring for a second and not being able to look into his eyes after that, you press yourself up against him and wrap one of your arms around his waist as well to cuddle into him more. 'I missed you,' you whisper instead. The words come out of your mouth before you can stop them and they're so muffled through the fabric of his shirt that you hope he couldn't understand you.
It's kind of embarrassing how needy your voice sounded just now and when he tenses against you, you immediately regret saying it, scared he'll take it as a joke and laugh at you for being dramatic or worse, understand what the real meaning behind it is and reject you for good. But instead of teasing you like you expected he just hugs you closer to him and lets out a sigh. 'I missed you too, y/n.'
Maybe it's because you're feeling so tired and vulnerable or maybe it's the tender way he just answered you in but hearing him say it back has a wave of pend up emotions suddenly crashing down on you all at once. Your eyes well up with tears and before you know it you're sobbing into his chest, gripping onto his shirt like a lifeline. 'N-no, you don't get it. I missed you, I always miss you and it's so stupid because I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. I'm stupid, so stupid.'
You don't care if you're crossing the invisible line you had drawn from the moment you started living with him right now. You're tired and cold and you can't think straight with that fucking headache drumming against your skull. All you can think of is how warm Seokjin is and how good it feels when he tightens his arms around you in an attempt to calm you down.
Not really knowing what else to do Seokjin slowly sits up and pulls you into his lap. You bury your face in his neck and clasp at his shoulders while he hums a low tune and rocks you from side to side, one of his arms securely wrapped around your waist to hold you in place. 'Shh... it's fine, you're fine.' For the past eight years you've know him, Seokjin always tried to avoid emotional confrontations by cracking a joke or playing dumb but right now he seems completely serious and you're thankful that he's not withdrawing himself from you even though seeing you like this probably makes him uncomfortable.
Somewhere in the back of your mind you know how dramatic you're being and usually you'd be embarrassed to let him see you like this, but the way he's cradling you in his embrace like you're something precious to him has you melting against his chest without a second thought. You're allowed to be weak sometimes too. Seokjin is always here to remind you of that and it makes you love him even more. So maybe, just maybe, you can allow yourself to show him what's really on your mind from time to time.
Your roommate hushes you for a while until you're not crying anymore and as soon as he's sure you've calmed down he turns you in his arms so he's able to stand up. 'Come on, let's get you in bed. The floor's going to make me get sick and if my handsome face gets all puffy because of you, you're going to pay.' The comment makes you snort in amusement and glancing at him from out of the corner of your eyes you see him smiling at your reaction. Would it be too much to tell him that his puffy face looks extremely cute? Probably. Better not take a chance after what happened just now.
He carries you up the stairs as if your body weighs nothing. The actor isn't even the slightest bit out of breath when you arrive in front of your room and you're reminded of how build he actually his, despite him joking about becoming fat all the time. You silently study his face while he lets you down on your bed carefully. His eyebrows are furrowed in thought and he's looking down at the mattress instead of at you.
You can't really tell if it's out of respect for you or because he can't bring himself to look at your miserable state, and you actually don't want to know if you're being honest. Sighing in bliss at the feeling of your soft covers being pulled over you, you snuggle deeper into the fabric and look up at your friend through heavy eyelids to see him give you a warm smile. 'I'll be right back, don't fall asleep on me already, hm?'
You let out a quiet hum in agreement and watch him leave your room to go somewhere downstairs. His absence gives you time to think about what happened in the last few minutes and your heart squeezes painfully when you remember what exactly you told him while you had your little outburst. Is that why he was so stiff and quiet just now?
Does he understand your feelings towards him and needs time to think about a way to reject you without making things awkward? Fuck. You really don't know if you're ready to hear him say it. Suddenly you can hear his footsteps coming back up the stairs and on instinct you close your eyes to pretend you're asleep. He can reject you all he wants tomorrow when you're emotionally stable enough. Right now you just want to fall asleep and pretend today never happened.
Your roommate comes to a stop beside your head and just stands there for a moment, probably looking at you. After a few seconds the mattress sinks down at the level of your waist and your breath hitches when you realize he's now sitting on your bed, softly brushing your hair from your forhead. 'I know you're awake. Nobody blushes in their sleep, not even because of me. Now open your eyes and let me feed you, so I know you're not going to die in your sleep.'
Clicking your tongue in annoyence you comply to his order and blink your eyes open. He's holding a glass of water out to you and you let out a short hum to thank him, eagerly accepting it while you sit up and lean against the headboard of your bed. You empty it in one go and hand the glass back to Seokjin for him to place it on your nightstand. He offers you a slice of an apple but when you try to take it from him, he lightly presses it to your lips instead, the look in his eyes daring you to refuse him to feed you.
Your face starts burning again but you know he won't take no for an answer so you just open your lips and let him slip the slice into your mouth without complaint. Seokjin makes a content noise in the back of his throat at your obedience and pats your knee over the covers with his unoccupied hand to reward you.
'You want some more?' Shaking your head at his question you lie back down and pull your blanket up to your chin before he can press another slice to your lips. 'Wanna sleep, 'm sorry,' you manage to croak out and thankfully he relents right away. 'The plate's right here if you change your mind. I'll be in my room if you need anything, yeah?'
He makes an effort to stand up and leave but you immediately shake your head and grasp the sleeve of his shirt to stop him before he can get away. 'Stay, please? I could use your cuddles right now.' Your roommate blinks at you a few times as if unsure of how to react but when you silently lift your blanket in invitation, he finally gives in and gets under the covers next to you with a small sigh.
Pressing your body against his you shift two or three times and then yawn happily once you're comfortable. Neither of you talks for a long time, Seokjin just lets you lie with your head hiding in the crook of his neck and affectionately brushes through your hair to help you fall asleep.
You're just about to let his breathing lull you to sleep when he suddenly smiles against you as if he remembered something and whispers in an amused but husky voice. 'Your actual confession is going to be a bit more romantic, right? I'm thinking something like a restaurant or a movie night with take out and lots of cuddles to set the mood.'
Tensing up a bit at the sudden question you slowly pull away to look at him with your eyes already bleary from how tired you are. 'Who said I liked you?' Seokjin grins cockily at your terrible attempt to play dumb and the mischievous glint in his eyes tells you that whatever happens next, everything is going to be just fine.
'Oh please, it's so obvious you're whipped for me. I mean, who wouldn't be? It's me we're talking about.' You roll your eyes at him and grin back but you can't come up with a sly response right away since what he says is one hundred percent the truth, so you settle for not answering at all until you know what he's getting at for sure.
Seokjin looks into your eyes for a moment longer, the content smile still prominent on his face. Then he's shifting forward until his nose brushes against yours and a shiver runs down your spine when you feel his breath on your lips. 'So how about that dinner? I think I deserve something fancy for our first date. It's what first comes to mind every time I think about how to ask you out, you know?'
By now your heart is already threatening to jump out of your chest from how wildly it thumps against your ribs. He already thought about asking you out? More than once? So he actually likes you too and it's not just your hopeful mind playing tricks on you?
When you think you're finally able to form a coherent sentence and tell him you'd gladly go out with him, Seokjin suddenly closes the remaining distance between you both to press a loving kiss to your slightly opened lips. Gasping in surprise against his pillow like lips you don't even get the chance to return the kiss before he's already leaning away from you again.
He's smirking at your dreamy expression and wraps his free arm around your waist to pull you as close to his side as physically possible before speaking up again. 'Movie night would be fine by me too, though. Tell me tomorrow, yeah? You gaping at me like a deer caught in the headlights made me kinda sleepy and you need your beauty sleep. Let's get comfy, hm?' Wow, the nerve of this guy. As if you'd be able to get any sleep now.
'You're an idiot,' you say amused and cuddle into him further to get comfortable again. He pulls a funny face in response and sticks his tongue out to you before he chuckles. 'That's my line, idiot.'
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undertaleartistshit · 4 years
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23186284/chapters/60573760#workskin
Aaand the next chapter of my fanfic is out! Btw, does anyone know how to put it under a cut? Cuz idk how 👀
Chapter 2: Morning Meeting
The loud, repetitive beeping of the alarm shook Ink out of his slumber. He didn't dare open his eyes, his head felt too groggy and hazy to even think about properly waking up, however his alarm didn't fail its job of annoying him awake. Despite having no true emotions and having to rely on bottles of paint to feel, Ink made it day to day acting - almost - like a normal monster. He was happy, sassy, bright, he got annoyed *very* easily, and... he was forgetful. Was that an emotion? Ink didn't know, no one ever told him. No one explained exactly what feelings were to him. Since he FELT forgetful, he just assumed it was a feeling everyone got, just like happiness or sadness or whatever else.
Ink opened his eyes to a ceiling marbled silver and gold and walls filled with papers and ideas, sketches mostly. Color peeked through every few inches, giving the room an incomplete feeling and giving Ink the adequate motivation to get up. He hated incomplete things, hated the way it made his head ache and his spine tingle and his chest tighten. He switched the alarm off, wincing at the bright red colored numbers. 6:30. He slid his legs off the bed onto the hardwood floor, not bothering to make the bed. By his logic he was going to sleep in it again in a few hours and felt no reason to waste time on tidying it. Although it was quite contradictory to his hate of incompletion, Ink just didn't have the energy to care about the bed. It wasn't like magic or a drawing; sometimes it doesn't do what you want it to. Some days the fabric is just wrinkly, for example.
He stood up slowly, careful to not jostle his skull too much, and wove his way through the stacks of notebooks and papers and whatnot, careful not to knock anything over as he made his way to the door, the only think uncovered by paper. He took his sash off of the hanger set off to the side and made his way through the house to the living room. It was empty.
Ink was then hit with the memory of the previous night, realizing his mistake far to late.
Meanwhile, Blue was already awake in his tidy room, silently scribbling away ideas and plans at his large desk. He rarely needed sleep and he considered himself lucky, for the most part. He had only slept 3 hours the night before, but he didn't dare go to the kitchen or turn on any significant light source, in case Dream was awake. Dream was like an older and overprotective sibling, however Blue refrained from considering Dream a brother.
He wrote down idea after idea, answer after question, in beautiful cursive handwriting. He was almost done when a soft alarm went off in his pocket. He took out his rather modern phone, shutting off the buzzing immediately. He sighed softly, looking at the time. 6:30 already. Unlike the other Star Sanses and despite what people thought about Blue, he preferred to keep his phone on a dark setting and color scheme. In fact, most objects in his room where either a soft neutral color or a darker color. His eyes didn't burn that way.
He stood up, putting his pen down and pulling out a sweatshirt to wear instead of a tang top. It reminded him of his battle body. He never put it on anymore. He was pretty sure he burned it or at least tossed it. In the past. He shook his head, pulling the grey article of clothing over his skull and left the room soundlessly. He wasn't in the mood to get snapped at by either of his teammates, and no amount of them saving him could put him in the mood for that.
He stopped before going into the living room, taking a second to stop and self reflect. He was still riled up from being kidnapped just two days ago, plus last night's argument between Dream and Ink, and he needed some time to calm himself. He couldn't go into battle like this or even simply have a civilized discussion without his survival instincts kicking in. He had to tell Ink and Dream about it but he had no idea how the two would react. He wanted to put it off but if something happened than he would have no choice. Despite this, he decided to wait.
Blue casually strolled into the room, sitting down besides Ink on the couch, who seemed to be just... blah. "Mornin' Blue," Ink mumbled with a sour biting tone. "Good morning, Ink. Did you sleep well?" Blue inquired softly, keeping his naturally attention seeking voice low. Ink let out a 'hmpf', and let his head flop backwards. "I got sleep but there was no quality to it, if you understand what I mean." Blue didn't quite know what he meant, but he nodded believably anyways.
Dream suddenly walked into the room with a bright and happy pace. "Up and at 'em you two! We have things to do today." Ink groaned rather dramatically, and Blue sighed in frustration. Blue was generally a bright and happy person, but... today he was just so out of it. He was recovering, for Christ's sake. He wasn't happy about being kidnapped at all, and he had a lot on his mind lately.
But, being him, Blue reflected a bit on what the other two are dealing with. First off, they were immortal GODS who needed to protect and help the millions of AUs out in their Multiverse at any cost. That was already almost a good enough reason to spare them a lecture. And Blue could see why having an active mortal ally would be stressful to deal with, especially when going up against the Dark Sanses, who are by far the most dangerous beings out there. The two Gods had to watch their FRIEND get manhandled and get beaten within an inch of his life every single time they went out to fight. It must be hard on them. But Blue had to really wonder for a second. If they cared so much about him, why would they leave him to get kidnapped? The way it happened was quite stereotypical.
Before Blue could start becoming self conflicted, and start another argument within himself, a screeching ringing startled the three skeletons out of any security and peace they'd found in the last few minutes. Dream flinched harshly and wiped his head to the side and glared at the telephone with an intensity that could slice diamond. Blue had a deep blue bone club materialized in his hand in an instant, his stance tense and ready to strike at a moment's notice. Ink had his paintbrush in hand, his eyes already red, pointed and alert, his body language radiating an aura that could startle the most conditioned soldier.
But it was just a telephone call. After a few moments of just sitting there staring daggers and curses into the poor phone, Blue huffed and flopped back down on the couch with a soft thud and dissipated his club. Ink relaxed soon after, not dismissing his brush yet, and Dream grabbed the phone swiftly, not wasting another second. "Hello?... Uh, yes, we have plenty of time... Yes, we're all here toge..." Dream trailed off and his eyesockets widened, a glimmer of happiness dancing across his face. Blue and Ink looked curiously at their teammate, the two sensing either mischief or pure and utter relief and joy coming their way. Or maybe both.
"OHMYGOSHYESI'LLTELLTHEMASAP" Dream blurted, looking at Blue and Ink with a stupid wide grin. "Core found a lot of useful information about the concert thing. They said that they are actually pretty proud of their work!!" Ink cocked a bone brow in confusion and spoke with a cautious tone. "It's great they found that but... what do you mean that they're 'actually proud'? Core loves all the things that they help with."
Blue looked at the two skeletons with a tired glance. "Nevermind that Ink, make a portal already," Dream snapped and quivered with excitement. Ink rolled his eyes and and stood up with his brush, making a portal to Core. Core took a step into the room with a stack of notebooks, binders, and papers and smiled politely. "Nice to see you all again. I have some useful info."
The Star Sanses all smiled softly, except Dream, who was practically vibrating with pure euphoria. "Please sit down on the couch, Core!" Dream grinned as he ushered the monochrome seer to the couch. Dream wedged his way between Ink and Blue, hissing at the latter quietly to scoot. He patted the remaining space besides him for Core, who smiled brightly and laid their stuff out on the empty coffee table in front of them.
Blue blinked a bit, listening as Core started to explain and habitually ignoring Dream's rude gesture. It wasn't a full on conversation, so it was somewhat easier for Blue to follow. Everyone settled in, patiently listening. "So," Core began.
"I have gathered some information about the concert, and although it isn't much to go off of, it's enough to give an idea about how... well, in honesty how thought out this entire event is. First off, general stuff. The place is set in an empty AU, titled "\\\\\tale" and has 3 fixated portal ports, presumably for crowd control. It is accessible by every AU, which may be a problem with culture clash and whatnot. And the date and time is pretty straightforward, maybe they rely on people to translate timezones? We may need to do our part in sending out important points to others if that's the case. The music selection will mostly consist of EDM, house, alternative rock, electro, and remixes of all sorts of other things. Any more info is in these files here."
Ink interrupted quickly. "Uh, I've never heard of \\\\\tale. What is it?" Core hummed for a second, than reached towards a binder, flipping through organized pages filled with notes and a greyscale color spectrum. After a while, Core ran their finger across a line or two, their lips moving ever so slightly in sync. "Oh, it's just an empty copy. Nothing dangero-"
Ink coughed, and pushed away from the three on the couch, and puked putred black ink all over the light colored carpet. Blue made a somewhat frustrated, somewhat skeptical grunting sound, and raced to the closest closet to grab cleaning supplies before the ink stained the carpet. Well, badly, anyways. Dream rushed over to Ink, holding him up a bit while Core sped off to the kitchen with a pitiful "oh dear".
Core scurried back to the living room with a rag and a glass of water in tow. Blue waited until Ink was safely seated on the couch before he began cleaning the carpet vigorously, spraying anti-stain detergent onto the pale flooring, and not holding back with scrubbing. This almost reminded him of the honey-stained floors of his bro's... Blue resisted the urge to knock on his head to erase those past-thoughts out.
Ink rubbed his head, mumbling a soft apology. "Uh..." Ink started slowly. "What were we talking about again..?" Blue sighed, and muttered quiet annoyed curses to himself. Before anyone else could react, Ink glared at Blue, albeit hazily, and he growled defensively. "What's *your* problem..?" Blue glanced up at Ink with a blank expression. "Ink, I'm sorry, but the last few days have been a bit hard on me, and you and Dream as well. I didn't want to deal with your... uh... condition, so to speak on top of everything else."
Ink paused, his facial expression unreadable. Then, slowly but surely, it twisted into confusion. "What the heck happened? And you mean the puking thing right?" Blue sighed and inquired with a gentle but firm tone, balancing between patient and angry, "Do you remember ANYTHING about the concert?" Ink's eyes narrowed in suspicious perplexity, and he shook his head. Blue huffed, picking the cleaning supplies back up and placing them back where they belonged.
Dream sighed softly, putting his hand on the back of his fellow immortal. "Ink, I'll fill you in on what happened." Blue sat down in his spot, Core sitting down next to the former. Ink stared at Blue for a second, as Blue stared at nothingness with an exhausted expression. "Blue...?" Dream asked after noticing his teammates vacant air. Blue looked at the people on the couch with him, and slowly voiced his concern. "We need to work on Ink's memory." Ink looked somewhat offended, but before Blue could elaborate his reasoning, Ink blurted out in outrage.
"Yeah, you think I haven't tried?! I've tried taking notes, sending it on my phone, using connections to things or whatever!" Blue blinked at the outburst, surprised Ink got furious about such a thing. He wasn't exactly a self conscious person... maybe feelings from the fight with Dream last night were putting pressure on his already poor self control. "Well, uh... maybe there's something we haven't tried yet..?" Blue suggested. Blue felt rather helpless. Maybe he should have waited until Ink was filled in on the situation before pointing out the age-old nuisance that plagued his mind.
Ink scoffed, averting his eyes from Blue, with a shaky hiss. "Even if there were alternatives... I don't want to hear them right now. I. Don't. Care." Blue stiffened at the tone, that phrase always seemed to bring back memories after all. He took a deep breath, and-
"Ink, please calm yourself!" Dream begged. Blue blinked and nodded in agreement. "Please?" Ink glared at Blue and Dream. An eternity of silence and harsh tension passed. There was only hostility and anger in Ink's gaze. He was truly offended that Blue thought that it was an easy thing to fix.
Blue was... not in a good mindset. He wanted to smack Ink for not using his brain, he felt like crying or screaming. He wanted to snap at the others for not prioritizing such a huge problem that really needed to be fixed. He was so frustrated and stressed, and he was just so overwhelmed. He was sad and hurt that Ink turned on him so fast as well.
Dream and Core sat helplessly as Ink continued with his rant. "You know what? NO!" he screamed at Blue, grabbing his upper arm with a steely death grip. Dream gasped, reaching out to Ink to make him stop, but Ink pushed him back down. "Dude what the-" Blue panicked. It was too familiar. Too close. Too parental.
Core sat uselessly on the couch. They were worried out of their mind, as well as Dream, but they simply didn't know any of the skeletons, besides Ink, to do anything for them in the situation. If they said something, they were truly worried about the repercussions that would stem from Ink later on.
Blue struggled to get away from the Protector's angry grasp, his mind tittering between pure panic and a sense of normalcy. Ink dragged Blue to a back room. Dream sprinted after the two other skeletons before jumping and holding Ink in place. He could sense that all Ink wanted to do was to hurt Blue, and it made Dream *sick*. Blue released himself from Ink, running to his room before he had the chance to get caught again.
"ALL I WANTED TO TO WAS TALK TO HIM IN A SEPARATE ROOM!" Ink screamed at Dream and he tried to struggle out of his companion's grip. Dream held on tighter and said in a calming voice. "No, you didn't. You wanted to hurt him all because he wanted to get rid of your memory problem. He didn't know it would offend you." Ink still struggled, although too a much lesser degree. "C-c'mon Dream! That was a horrible time to bring it up though! Give me some credit here!" Dream squeezed tighter. "You don't deserve credit here, Inky. Calm down, please." Ink stopped struggling, and began to melt into the tight grip. "I... I'm so sorry..." he whispered. "You need to apologize to Blue, not me. But I forgive you anyways! And, uh, give Blue a minute to cool off before talking. He's probably really mad." Dream released his hug, and looked at Ink as Ink smiled. "Ok.."
The two walked back to the living room where Core was sitting. Dream was beginning to shake as he sat down on the couch, and Core noticed. "Dream..?" Core asked fearfully. "I'm fi... fine..." The sentence started out confident, but then Dream shivered and collapsed on Ink, who was beside him. Ink flinched, as he started to panic as well. "Uh??" Ink's confused voice rasped. "Oh. Uh. Dream probably passed out because of the abundance of negative emotions," Core commented calmly. "It would make sense after all."
Ink nodded, getting up after shrugging Dream off of his side onto the couch so that he was laying where Ink was formerly sitting. Core got off of the couch, lifting Dream's legs up and helped Ink shift Dream's unconscious form into a seemingly comfortable position. A blanket was draped over Dream, and the Guardian of Positivity's golden crown was removed and placed on the table.
Meanwhile, Blue laid on his bed, experiencing one of the worst panic attacks he's ever had. He was in the past, and the present and future paid him no mind.
Hate, worry, apprehension, fear, anxiety, panic, frustration, anger, nervousness, sadness, and betrayal.
Nightmare's single resting eye opened from his slumber. He took a deep breath, relieved at the singular negative emotions coming from an unknown source. He stood from his simple bed, leaving and walking towards the kitchen, where his fa-... minions were eating breakfast.
"Mornin' Boss!" Cross grinned. "Good morning everyone," Nightmare greeted, walking to the coffee machine, by which Horror was leaning on the counter, his singular eyesight fixated on the filling pot. "What's gotten you up so early?" Horror inquired, slowly. He was never a quick speaker, and the gang respected that. "You're one to talk," Killer snickered. Everyone responded with various levels of laughter and chuckles. "Well," Nightmare began. "I woke up because there was a huge influx of negative emotions from some random unknown place. And I have a feeling that if we go there, we can really fuck up whoever has those feeling, y'know?"
Dust grinned creepily. "Soo you're saying this isn't a slaughter, but a torture?" Nightmare chuckled, "That's one way of putting it. I have the coordinates so we can go right after breakfast. I've never seen code like it before though, we should be careful." All the Sanses agreed, as they began to cook and sip on their preferred drinks.
Little do they know...
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two-halves-of-reylo · 6 years
Ben liked to watch Rey sleep. As strange and weird as it may seem, he was unable to turn away from her even for a second.  She was so peaceful, so calm. And she was not afraid to close her eyes in his presence. Her mind was completely open to him, no mental shield was heaving between them, nothing prevented him from entering her dream, from taking refuge there to escape the real, to finally find the peace, the sleep. She had destroyed all her defenses, without hesitation, only so that he can relax  through her. A part of him, the most gentle and naive, was grateful for so much attention, begged him to accept the invitation.  But he could not. His own mind was too agitated, too confused, too dark. He could hurt her, turn the dream into a nightmare.  Or worse, he could wake her up. He was not ready for that. He was not ready to talk about what had happened between them.  For a brief moment, he clenched his fists, thinking that everything would be simpler if she had abandoned him to his fate.  Alone and left to himself, it would be easier to accept that he did not deserve her.
The Bond, who was singing with happiness a second earlier, snarled sharply between them, threatened to give him a headache  to punish him for being so defeatist. Actually, to be exact, this threat came directly from Rey. Although unconscious, she was still able to perceive his mood changes and respond to them. He could protect his thoughts, hide them deep inside his mental  fortress, but his impressions, his feelings, were completely accessible to her. Sometimes he found it annoying. Sometimes it  reassured him. Now he silently reprimanded himself for irritating her. With a sigh, he made an effort to soothe the tension that  was taking hold of his muscles. Slowly, he opened his fists, spreading his fingers over the armrests of his seat. Rey had lost  some of her serenity, because of him, so he closed his eyes, gently rubbed his mind against hers, soothed her by that light  touch, like a caress. She probably did not find it was enough, because she tried to attract him into her. He was so surprised by  this action that he reacted physically, leaning towards her as if she had grabbed him by the shirt to force him to come closer.
For Ben, sleep was the same as staying immersed under the water. He had to hold his breath, until he wakes up, and pray that  the shadows that swam around him, do not turn into nightmares. Reality was distorted in the depths of water and sleep.  And someone was still waiting on the surface, to kill him at the moment he was the most vulnerable. When he needed to get out of the abyss. Today it was different. It was Rey who was swimming in a waveless ocean, and it was him who was waiting for her to come back. He would never have imagined, even metaphorically, that she would come out of her dream to hug him and try to make him fall into unconsciousness with her. She hoped he would come drown with her, for dream together, for wake up  together.
Ben opened his eyes, suppressed a thrill of desire by discovering that their faces were so close that their noses almost touched. A small smile had appeared on Rey's lips. For a brief moment, a very brief moment, he wanted to obey her and enter into her head just to see what she was dreaming of. Curiosity made him forget why he was holding back. After all, it was she who authorized him to come into her mind, practically begged him to join her, gave him the right to do what he wanted.  Without any embarrassment. Without any fear.  While he was asking nothing. Not anymore. And it was strange, anyway. He was finally become reasonable, and it was Rey who burned all the steps by giving more than he could take.
You give a lot too, Ben…
He jumped slightly, pulled his face away from hers, leaned back in his seat trying to convince himself that he had not heard her. Rey's conscience took advantage of his confusion to snuggle more comfortably against his own. Because he was determined to not enter into her mind, it was she who came to meet him. He shivered with pleasure, again, struggled to not run off to the other end of the ship, for protect his heart from her assaults and to stop himself from answering it.
It was not the first time he had watched over Rey's sleep, but he did not remember having already felt her so determined to  share a dream. Even though they both knew he would not give in. Not now. Not when their safety depended on their ability to  get along, to stay focused. Ben refused to take the risk of disturbing the fragile balance that existed between them.  It did not matter, if he was dying to snuggle into a corner of her head like a wounded animal. He could not ruin everything,  not this time. And he was sure he would ruin everything if…
He inhaled deeply. Rey was all he had left. And he was gnawed by the fear of doing something that could destroy the confidence she gave him. He would have nothing to motivate him to move forward if she decided to let him down. Nothing, except her, made him want to live. It was unhealthy, but it was the truth, and he could not think otherwise.  Probably because he should not be there, with her, to flee in the direction of Lah'mu. No. He really should not be here. According to his internal clock, he should be dead. Since five hours.
He had resigned himself to dying, however, because Rey had decided otherwise, he was still alive.  And he was not alone anymore. Perhaps it was for this reason that he was so troubled by the situation, that he let her try to  appease him, that he did not know how to accept her help without running away. Things would have been easier, if she had  hated him, if she had saved him only to save herself. He knew, how to react to rejection and hypocrisy. He had made the feeling of abandonment the engine of his survival. But affection, love, was something he was not sure of being able to accept and give without suffering. Even if, paradoxically, for a year and despite the distance, he had been able to get closer to Rey through their Bond.
It was selfish, of course, to seek to protect himself from rejection now that they were finally side by side.  Rey did not have as much reservation about him. She had finally understood how she felt. What he felt. And she was not scared anymore.
“ Ben… ”
Rey's voice, a little hoarse with sleep, interrupted his reflections. He lifted his eyes from her lips, lost himself in her amber stare, darkened by the bluish glow of the Hyperspace. She always seemed lost in the sweetness of her dream.  She smiled at him shyly.
“ You didn't come… " she said without hiding her disappointment.
He did not answer directly, preferring to apologize through the Bond. He did not have to explain the reason for his refusal or  his trouble. She knew. And she understood, to a certain extent.
” I chose you, Ben, I will not leave you. “
Not this time.
She had not said it, just thought very hard. She held out her hand between their seats to touch his. As always, this simple  contact was enough to make him forget everything, his doubts and the rest. He forgot the Galaxy, himself, and he thought only of her.
” How is your wound ? “ He asked, feeling a slight twinge in his left hip, echoing her pain.  It was recent, that ability to feel the suffering of the other.
” It hurts but it's bearable, I should have guessed that Poe would try to stop us despite our small demonstration of strength. “
Ben winced. This was the euphemism of the year. General Dameron had done everything to destroy their chances to flee Naboo safe and sound. For someone who claimed to be pacifist and peacekeeper, this man was as quick to unsheathe his Blaster, exactly like Hux.
” I should have taken this shot …“
"And in doing so, I wouldn't have managed to drag you to the ship. Be realistic Solo, it was better that it's you who carry me that  the opposite.”
He smiles a little, imagining the scene. Rey exploded with laughter. It was hard to believe that she could be so happy after being so close to death. She was still a little pale, and he was afraid of running out of Bacta before she was completely healed. For the thousandth time in five hours, he realized that he could have lost her. She stopped laughing, squeezed his hand harder.
“ I'm fine, Ben, and I'll get better if you stop worrying about everything. ”
He mingled his fingers with hers. For a moment, he focused his attention on the coordinates he had typed quickly in the on-board computer. They would not be safe long on Lah'mu, even if this planet was at the other end of the Galaxy, far from the New Republic, but it would give them time to think about what they should do next. He already had some ideas, the first being to find a place to hide the Falcon, this pile of junk too recognizable…
“ Ben… ”
With her free hand, with her fingertips, she brushed his cheek. He jumped slightly, his eyes found hers, and he held his breath.
“ Can I ? " She asked, turning her seat to his, to face him completely.
He nodded, almost imperceptibly. So, very slowly, as if she were learning to tame a wild animal, she gently touched his scar.  Her touch quickly became a caress. He let her do it. Even when she could not resist any longer and got up to sit on his lap.  He only moved away when she searched his lips to beg for a kiss.
” Well, you're the one who started, remember ? "
She was referring to their first kiss, before he puts his fate in the hands of the Resistance. And also at their second kiss, which  he had given to her five hours ago, while he was healing her. He clenched his jaw, leaned back toward her to press his forehead against hers.
“ I thought I would never see you again, and that I had lost you… ”
She put her arms around his neck.
“ I'm here now, I'm fine…you will not ruin anything Ben. ”
Her lips brushed against his. He did not resist this time, hugged her softly, taking care to not touch her wound. 
“ Rey, I don’t… ”
She nibbled him gently.
“ Me neither… But I know what I want…”
She kissed him and he responded to her kiss as if she was an oasis lost in the desert and he was dying of thirst.  When they parted, she had fun playing with his hair.
“ We're going to get out of this bad situation together, Ben. ”
“ Together… " 
She smiled, then gave him a light punch in the shoulder, and a little teasing kiss.
” You know, the next time I invite you in one of my dreams, you better accept. "
He inhaled deeply, smiled.
“ I can't make any promise. ”
Submission by @ til-lyanae
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mikrokosmosluv-blog · 4 years
• jeon jungkook •
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- got another woman pregnant prank -
You were sprawled out on your couch, rewatching episodes of Scooby-Doo. You were waiting on your boyfriend because the two of you were supposed to be going out on a lunch date. You had been waiting for thirty minutes and at this point your hunger was overtaking you, you just wanted food.
You sat up from the couch and looked out the window to see your boyfriend's black Mercedes-Benz. You happily squealed because within about ten minutes, the food you dreamt of will become reality. You waited for Jungkook to enter, which was taking him a while to do.
Little did you know, Jungkook was starting the intro to a new youtube video. While, you and Jungkook, usually did everything together, you two don't always have the same interests. So, surprisingly, when Jungkook brought up the idea to start a youtube channel, you weren't interested. You simply didn't like the thought of recording everything you did for others' entertainment. But, you did feature in some of his videos for fun and because Jungkook would bug you, until you agreed.
But, today, you would feature on a prank video, Jungkook had done a couple with your feature, but they were all soft core. Today, he wanted to go a little further and test your patience. The one thing that came before loving you was annoying the hell out of you. So, instead of the planned lunch date, he would be delivering some news.
As, soon as he finished his intro, he took his vlog camera and knocked on the door.
"It's open.", you yelled from the inside.
You were still sitting on the couch when Jungkook walked in. He walked over to you and gave you a kiss on the lips before sitting beside you.
His demeanor changed quickly and he was tense.
" What's wrong, babe ?", you looked concerned, immediately.
" Um, I just need some water, can you get me some ?"
You nodded, quickly and proceeded to go to the kitchen.
The minute you were out of sight, Jungkook hid his vlog camera, so he would catch the prank, but you wouldn't notice it. He smiled one more time at the camera before going back to his seat and putting his act back on.
You walked back in with Jungkook's water and gave it to him.
" Alright, what's going on with you ?", you sat beside him, placing your hand on his upper leg.
He took one more sip off the water and began, " I have to confess to you."
Your eyes widened, terrified to hear any bad news.
" There is no easy way to tell you this, but I need to let you know what I've done to you."
You moved your hand from him and sat up straight, further away from him.
" Since about two months ago, I've been leading on an affair."
Your heart dropped.
You just blinked at him. Not a word coming out of your mouth.
" Babe."
Jungkook reached out to touch your hand, but you quickly snatched it away and slapped his. He almost broke character and laughed from your quick anger.
" Jungkook, what the hell do you mean an affair ? Like, explain further because I think you're confused."
Anytime, you were mad, Jungkook made sure to stay clear of you. Although, you were his baby, he knew for a fact, you were crazy.
He coughed and continued, " I have been spending some of my time with another woman."
You looked at him like he was an idiot, " Jungkook, you must have lost your fucking mind."
" I-"
" Shut the hell up. How the hell have you been with me for almost three fucking years and trade that for a messy ass bitch ?"
You hit Jungkook on the arm.
" How are you coming home to me, after fucking someone else ?"
" Baby, calm down."
He reached out again for your hand. Only, for you to slap his hand in the same spot
You give him a disgusted look, " And I fucking know you did not just tell me to calm down."
Jungkook wanted to laugh so bad, but there was more to the prank.
" There's more, baby."
You rolled your eyes and looked down.
" What the bitch gave you AIDs."
" I- I might be a father."
You shot him a death glare and got up from your seat to face him, while standing up.
" I'm not pregnant with your child, so, you're gonna have to enlighten me on what the hell you mean."
" Y/N, you should sit b-"
He sat back to give himself some room from you, " The woman that I've been with is probably pregnant with my child."
" So, not only did you fucking waste my time, but you have a fucking child."
You walked closer to Jungkook and bent down to his level.
" Why the fuck are you out here acting stupid and I'm being loyal ?"
He turned away from you.
" Why, babe ?"
He didn't say a word.
" Jungkook, that's fucking embarrassing.", you spoke, angrily, "You have friends and family and fans out here behind your every move and your out here with a fucking child and mistress."
" Baby, she might not be.", he said, scratching his head.
You got in his face, " Is that supposed to make shit any better ?", you put your hand in his face.
" Y/N, it's gonna be alright.", he reaches out to touch your hand.
" Don't fucking touch me."
Jungkook grabbed your wrists and pulled you onto him, " Baby, you need to calm down.", he smiled at you.
" Kook, why the fuck are you smiling ? This shit isn't funny."
Jungkook positioned you to straddle him.
" Hey, I still love you, right ?"
You tried to get him to release your wrists in the process.
" This is a joke, right, you're fucking with me ?", you looked in his eyes for a split second.
He shook his head, sadly.
You couldn't believe this bullshit. You struggled to get out of his hold.
" Babe, that's so fucking embarrassing for us. Do you know that ?", you squinted your eyes at him, " We're gonna look like fucking clowns."
He kept you steady on his lap.
" Y/N, it really isn't even that bad."
" Fuck you mean, we can't be together, anymore because of your bullshit."
" Y/N -"
" No, shut up. What are people gonna think after this, you are a fucking public figure and I'm your girlfriend. You know better."
You got one of your hands free and slapped him on the forehead.
"Baby, that hurt.", he rubbed the spot and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Fucking good for you."
You pointed your finger in his face.
" Kook, I'm gonna give you one more chance to tell me you're playing."
He didn't respond.
You got up from his lap and pointed at him, " I got something for your ass."
He watched as you walked up the stairs and turned to the camera, smiling like an idiot and telling the viewers to give the video a like.
" Alright, guys, I think we got her, I'm honestly surprised she is so calm.", he whispered.
He heard you yell out of frustration.
" Babe, come here and let's talk.", he looked in the camera reflection, feeling the spot where you hit him.
He heard footsteps come down the stair sand waited for you to come down.
" Alright, I got your 'talk', right here.", you said, coming towards him.
Jungkook looked up at you, surprised to see you holding his pocket knife, that he has for protection.
"Look who has your knife."
He looked at you with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, " You know you are crazy."
You smiled back at him, "  You still having a baby ?"
" Baby, hand me that."
"  No, are you still having a baby ?"
He grabbed the hand that held the gun, and pulled you closer to him. You two play fought over the gun.
" Kook, let it go, you're going to shoot yourself.", you said, while laughing.
Jungkook grabbed the gun and pushed you back, " Babe, you can't play around like that.", he said, putting the gun beside him.
"Kook, gimme back the gun."
" You have lost your mind."
He laughed and looked up at you.
" What's funny ?", you said, slapping his chest and leg.
" Babe, chill out."
" No."
You continued to hit him. Until, he picked you up by the back of your thighs and pulled you on top of him, as he laid down on the couch.
You laughed and put your hand on his chest, " So, you're playing with me ?"
He put his hand on your back, " I don't know, am I ?", he smirked at you.
" Kook, I'm serious.", you raised an eyebrow and rubbed his chest.
" Yes, babe, I'm playing with you.".
He pulled you closer to him and slapped your ass, you laughed.
" Baby, I would never, ever cheat on you, you got me ?", he kissed you on the lips.
He rubbed your back and smiled, " You know I can't find anybody better."
You nodded and got off of him.
" Kook, you keep fucking with me, I'm really gonna shoot you, one day."
He went up and got out his vlog camera from the corner.
" Alright, guys, I think we got her perfectly and she won't be bouncing back from that anytime soon.", he said, proudly, with a smile.
You walked over to him and hit him on the shoulder.
" You keep playing with me and let's see where you end up."
" Guys, I really thought she was gonna shoot me. Like, there's sweat on my forehead from the nervous feeling.", he looked back at you, " How were you sure the gun was on safety ?".
You raised your eyebrows, confused, "What do you mean ?"
" You didn't know that the gun was on safety ? You could have really shot me."
" Well, I mean, in that moment, I didn't care, so."
"Were you actually gonna shoot me, Y/N ?"
You looked up at him, seriously and rolled your eyes.
" She's just mad because she got pranked, she'll get over it."
" Alright, take me out to eat, babe.", you jumped up and down in delight.
" Okay, she's hungry, so, am I."
You both said, together, " Love you, guys, bye."
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