#but he at least had good intent
andreal831 · 5 months
If I’m not mistaken, you’ve argued that Elijah gets very out of character during season 3 and season 4. Could you elaborate on why?
I’ve always seen Elijah as more of an anti-hero than anything else. Throughout the series, we see him kill people without a second thought to protect the people he loves. Elijah’s entire goal was to reunite/redeem his family and keep them safe, so to me, sacrificing Davina and killing Marcel was completely in character to me. He did what he thought he had to do to save the people he loved. The same goes for season 4. Forcing Vincent to do the harvest was not morally right, but the hollow was more dangerous than anything they had ever countered before. So, he was did what he thought had to be done in order to save his family. The only thing that seemed out of character to me was erasing his memories, because I don’t think he’d leave his family behind especially in the 21st century where there is so many ways to communicate outside of face to face. (And honestly I think that was more of a writers error than anything else because the point of him erasing his memories was to not run back to his family the second something went wrong, but they had his family try to convince him to go back without his memories anyway so what was the point?)
The only people I think were truly ever safe from him outside of blood relations were Hayley and (maybe) Cami, and that’s because he already considered them a part of his family.
Apologies if I get anything wrong and sorry for the long question.
You definitely don't need to apologize for anything! But it will be a long response.
So yes, I do think Elijah in the later seasons gets out of character. But it's not that I don't think he wouldn't necessarily do everything he ends up doing. It's more that I don't think he would do it how it happens in the show.
To me, Elijah was the pragmatic brother. As Klaus says, Elijah is the one you meet with when discussions are open and Klaus is the one you meet with after they've closed. Elijah always had a game plan and was supposed to be the more practical brother while Kol and Klaus would often rely on emotions and fly off the rails. Sure Klaus was known as being a strategist, but honestly he was mostly operating on vibes.
I agree, Elijah is definitely an anti-hero. He has a moral compass but isn't afraid to throw it out the window for his family. Killing people doesn't bother him if it fits in his self-regulated code or if it is to protect his family.
So while I don't like that Davina was sacrificed, I do understand it. But I do want to back up and say what I think is out of character of Elijah is that he lets Klaus go off with Hayley as backup to retrieve Rebekah while Lucien is on the loose. I love Hayley, but she was not the backup Klaus needed. And sure Elijah respects people's decisions, but Elijah was not about to let the three most important people to him (excluding Hope) be in danger when he couldn't do anything to help Davina anyway, he's not a witch. He stayed behind for no reason. I know Freya channels him, but Kol was there. He was weakened sure, but give him blood. He'll be fine.
Moving on, Freya and Elijah state there is no other way and Elijah is calling Klaus and not able to get through to him or Hayley. I don't think this act is out of character, although I do love when the show just conveniently says there is no other way when there had always been another way. Elijah and Kol's relationship is hardly ever discussed, but if he views Cami as family because of Klaus' feelings, he should view Davian the same. I also wish they would have allowed his relationship with Davina or Marcel to develop more so maybe he would hesitate. Elijah hesitated to sacrifice Davina in season 1 when Klaus and the witches were ready to do it, but at the end of the day, everyone agreed because it was Davina or New Orleans. This was the same logic he used in season 3. This tracks with his logical way of thinking.
However, when it comes to Marcel, it is not logical. Yes, he's seen the prophecy and he sees it unfolding. But Elijah acted irrationally and harmed his family. People can have different opinions, but Elijah viewed Marcel as family, especially after season 3. Elijah helped Marcel gain the power of the Strix so their family would have power. He trained with Marcel for most of season 3 and helped him create the vampire community. He was there while Klaus "raised" Marcel. I don't see him discarding Marcel's life so easily. Plus, he acted based on pure emotion which is out of character for Elijah. He didn't think about the long-term impacts. He didn't think about how it would impact Klaus, which is out of character. He acted against Marcel quicker than he acted against any of their enemies, not even trying to reason with him or let Klaus talk him down. Marcel was practically calming down when Elijah acted. Marcel was only a danger if he had the serum. If he had taken it, killing him was dumb. And if he didn't, he wasn't a threat. Elijah found out about the serum from Freya, why wouldn't he have brought a witch as backup to take him down and take the serum?
It's the same thing with the Harvest in season 4. It's so rushed and he doesn't even have the correct information. He has access to a powerful witch but doesn't even consult with Freya before killing four teenagers. Elijah has historically been more hesitant to kill young people. He views it differently. Sure he would eventually kill them if it was necessary, but again, the way he did it was so messy and unorganized.
In TVD and Season 1 and 2, Elijah understood the importance of allies and community. Yes, it was family above all, but he constantly counseled his family to be practical. Elijah was always trying to build bridges with the factions because he understood the importance, but in the later seasons, he is constantly destroying them. Even in the beginning of Season 4, he seeks to make Vincent an ally but then does everything to make an enemy out of him.
Even when the Hollow is channeling the children and Elijah acts like he is going to kill them to break it, he doesn't think it through. He doesn't consider any other option but murder first and deal with the consequences later.
I can justify a lot of this by saying after the red door Elijah was essentially experiencing a mental breakdown where he kept slipping further in further into paranoia. But again, this was always Klaus' specialty.
So when I say Elijah was out of character in the last couple of seasons, I mainly mean, the writers traded out Klaus' worst traits for Elijah's best and vice versa. Klaus all of a sudden becomes the practical one and is counseling people to show restraint and Elijah is throwing their enemy's corpses off of the balcony at a party. Elijah was creating problems for his family rather than fixing them.
I definitely agree about erasing the memories. It was completely out of character. The show made it as if he didn't trust himself to stay away. But if it would put his family in danger he would. He did in the 1900s. Again, he is also logical to understand that erasing his memories could put himself and his family in jeopardy. Also, Marcel and Vincent not thinking it through that erasing an Original vampire's memory completely would be a bad idea?
In Season 5, when Elijah gets his memories back he is ready to skip town again because of guilt. I love Hayley and Elijah, but Elijah's main state of being is guilt and it had never made him abandon his family before. The Hollow was still in Hope and he wasn't even thinking about her. If anything, his guilt should make him focus on Hope. But I do think the episode with Hope and Elijah was very in character.
And in no way is Elijah giving up Klaus' life that easily. It's hardly a week and he's ready to plunge a stake into Klaus' heart and leave Hope an orphan. Elijah may have been suicidal, but he always fought for Klaus. He would have either taken the Hollow himself and died by himself or found another way.
Finally, the thing that I think is most missing in Elijah's character in the last half of season 3 to 5 is Elijah's connection to his family. Sure, he isn't the best brother in the world, but we see he cares deeply for them, especially Klaus and Rebekah. The show nearly sets this aside completely. We have brief moments of connection but overall Elijah is just not there for anyone like he was before. Klaus is struggling after being tortured and Rebekah is struggling with her pain over Marcel, and Elijah hardly interacts with any of them. It even lacks moments with Hayley after she is almost killed or when she finds out about her family and instead the show focuses on Hayley's bond with the other Mikaelsons. We get some cute scenes early on, but for the most part, the only time he interacts with anyone is to cause problems or be reprimanded.
In Season 4 and 5, Elijah is given the role as the villain and stripped of nearly all of his positive attributes that made the terrible things he did tolerable. A lot of this can be attributed to the writers rushing and wanting shock value. He is put into these positions and then makes the worst possible decision over and over again.
Who knows, maybe I just have rose-colored glasses on with Elijah, but to me, he was a lot better at playing the long game and worrying about consequences in the earlier seasons. He was also a lot better at weighing his options before acting. A lot of his later-season behavior reminds me more of Klaus than Elijah, which bugs me. Elijah was always my favorite because of his twisted code of honor and his compassion. Klaus wasn't because he had no honor and lacked basic empathy. So switching these roles was a terrible decision to me. The show writers forget that you can grow one character without destroying another.
I hope this made sense and wasn't just an incoherent mess of my ramblings!
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xspooky · 26 days
(Hsr 2.2 spoilers)
Villain so good ur like oh shit he’s got a point
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worstloki · 1 month
imagine being Thanos and you get completely conned by this Asgardian Prince sorcerer guy you tortured and left with a mind-addling infinity stone years ago and when you chase him down 10 years later you find out he wasn't even Asgardian or their Prince the entire time
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spacedlexi · 3 months
people dont talk enough about how heartbreaking the marlon betrayal mustve been for clem too,,
this dude saves the life of her and her kid. takes them in has them patched up gives them their first hot meal in who knows how long. gives them a safe place to stay. possibly permanently. confides in her that hes trying to be a good leader but feels like and fears that hes failing. asks her to help him take care of the rest of the group. helps her get over her fear of dogs by asking her to trust him. and things go well. she feels safe. like this place could really finally be the home shes been looking for
but as soon as she finds out what happened to the twins. that marlon planned on giving up her and aj too. she immediately becomes a liability to him and he attempts to kill her for it. locks her in the basement to die by walker. then tries to turn the group against her so he can shoot her instead when the first method fails. and he nearly succeeds
then a majority of the group turn against clem the minute aj kills marlon. ignoring marlons mistakes but condemning aj for his. like clem wasnt betrayed by marlon in the exact same way he betrayed the twins. like she literally wasnt almost killed twice? and how long had he been considering giving her up? was it always some contingency he planned? did he truly want to keep them around and things only changed when he feared the raiders had returned? she'll never know
#i think about this a lot... the betrayal... clems deep trust issues... then they all want to kick her out (except vi aasim and tenn 💕)#when she was just as impacted if not more so than the rest of them. since she was the only one with her Life on the line#thats why violet fighting so hard for them to stay is so important imo and would MEAN SO MUCH to clem too#vi and aasim are the only ones who can see past the bullshit and realize that theyre safer with clem around#while the rest would rather kick her out so they dont have to acknowledge their confused feelings about marlon#like first marlon betrays her then the rest of the group tell her to get fucked and die. dont come back. we never want to see you again#but she does. and she saves them#personally i do think marlon had 'good' intentions but he was a scared and fucked up kid who made bad decisions#and continued to make bad decisions to cover for his previous fuck ups#but that just makes him interesting :)#and i like teaching aj the difference between people like marlon and people like lilly#all of clems 'wow i feel so safe here :) and these guys seem smart :)' personal dialogue around ericsons makes me 😭#she was so happy to be at ericsons. and they turn against her so fast when she was more of a victim than any of them#aj is a literal baby. do not treat him like an adult who can make fully rationalized decisions. hes a baby and he only knows survival#at least they slowly get over it after clem comes back (some take longer than others...)#but the lack of compassion in voting to kick them out is heartbreaking. she was heartbroken#and thats not acknowledged as much as it should be#posting this old drafted post now cuz it expands my feelings on clems broken heartedness about the marlon situation#it speaks#twdg
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transmascutena · 3 months
thinking about how akio sees his younger self in utena and wondering if there's any fondness there. doesn't change the horror of what he does to her obviously but i do wonder
#akio and utena#m#long ramble in the tags sorry:#the thing about akio is that he's so evil bit he's also so human#he has feelings. i just don't know what they are (if anything) toward his victims#he loves anthy at the very least i'm sure of that. even if he hates her too. just like she loves and hates him. the lines are blurry.#and i just. i have to wonder whether any of that extends to utena at all. we know anthy at times feels similarly about utena and dios#(and akio by extension.) the simultanious love and resentment. so it's not too unlikely i think.#like. even though he never had anything but bad intentions in getting close to her#i'm not sure it's possible to do everything he did and feel nothing#not that he has any meaningful amount of guilt or remorse for it. i don't think that.#and i obviously don't think he “loved” her in any of the ways she might have thought he did#but did he not care at all? did he not feel any kind of fondness or sympathy or just. idk. pity? for her?#whatever the case it wasn't enough to reconsider having her killed so you know. how much does that actually matter anyway#idk. i think about it a lot. how abusers are rarely entirely indifferent toward their victims#the role he's playing in her life is so fucked up but it IS a role he's playing and i wonder how much he you know... internalizes it?#how much does he believe the illusion of family that he invites her into? because akio DOES often buy into his own illusions.#(similarly i think it's possible that akio is fond of touga too. their mentor-protégé relationship is horrible and abusive#but that doesn't make it less real. you know? maybe real is the wrong word.)#when he talks in episode 25 about wanting utena and anthy closer that's obviously so he can continue to groom her#but is there something genuine there too? i don't know.#again. it obviously does not make anything he does better or even different. but it is interesting to think about to me.#on the other side of that coin does seeing his own past youth and naivete and desire to do good that he (maybe) once had#reflected back at him through her mean anything?#is there resentment there? that she is what he couldn't be? or more likely he just thinks that idealism is stupid.#either way it's something he wants to take from her. anyway ramble over.#i talk a lot about utena's feelings toward akio (familial vs romantic love and the way the two are intertwined in fucked up ways)#but not much the other way around. probably because utena is actually a sympathetic character whose feelings the show very clearly#wants you to analyze and think about.#which is... less true for akio i think. though he's still a complex character with complex motives. he's just harder to get a grasp on.
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incorrectfatui · 25 days
Signora: One time I found a google doc on Scaramouche‘s computer with the title "list of parents that locked their newborn child in a domain“ Signora: out of curiousity, I opened the google doc.  Signora: it was completely blank except for the words "my mom".
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zeb-z · 8 months
The knife being given to Ron for him to use in the kitchen instead of being used against him as intended was so good. It was Cellbit’s knife before it was Bad’s, his sort of reassurance and comfort during triggering or stressful moments, as well as a reminder of what he wants to avoid reverting back to. A knife that gave him options.
The way that knife symbolized extremes and bloody decisions, given to Bad to carry out the actions Cellbit suspected of him, that of which Cellbit would not do but would look the other way of, knowing well what sorts of violence Bad can commit.
Bad never uses it. As much as everyone expects him to, he instead gives it to Ron for its intended purpose. Just like instead of having killed him, or as heavily implied, eating him, he had taken Ron somewhere safe.
Idk something about how characters come back from extremes, and the other islanders help in this. Baghera helping Bad settle on helping Ron escape. Cellbit’s family helping to keep him choosing the better options, striving for something level headed and rational, at the very least. Something about how people can do terrible things, but then they can do better and work to correct for what they’ve done, how forgiveness isn’t impossible and reformation is in reach.
Something about Cell’s knife, clean and newly sharpened, stored in a drawer in Ron’s kitchen, now used for gentle things.
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hearts401 · 2 months
I think a lot about how V remembers so much more than N. And Cyn said she wanted them to "retain their original personalities" which means V was intended to be the same... Which means something changed her... And she had to see N and J stay the same. Stay unaware completely.
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stardust-vi · 1 month
Dumb ramble but I hate that you can't critique The Thing you love within a fandom space without some dude breathing down your neck like "Well actually that means you hate The Author and The Thing! And what about all the times The Author did this Good Thing? Checkmate, liberal." as if you can't be critical of something because you love it and want it to be better.
#just. i'm in a rush rn so i'm probably not articulating myself well and i could go more in-depth with my thoughts#at the risk of someone spinning my words into “cringe blue hair pronoun wants to cancel araki!” which... will happen inevitably#even though i don't know how many times i can repeat “i do not hate araki#this is specifcally about jjba btw because like.#look i love it and araki has done some good things (or at least had good intentions in most cases)#but i'm so over the fact he constantly has to reach for some form of traumatizing women in his writing#and I already hear “well it shows they're a villain!”#but does he HAVE to use assault? why does he have to use that instead of demonstrating their villainy in other ways#that don't need to use it as a crutch#i'm not even saying you can't ever write about assault#that's not my argument either.#I'm not even accusing him of being a bad writer or person but just. Can we please retire the overusage of assault for shock value?#i obviously don't hate people who enjoy the series regardless#i'd be a massive fucking hypocrite#i mean i've literally been in this damn fandom for 6 years and just now decided to post my art.#but i'm tired of any time someone brings up legit criticisms of the misogyny in his writing#it's met with “but araki did this-” like it changes anything.#i'm glad he did somewhat improve writing women over time compared to the earlier parts#that said. that doesn't cancel out the blunders he did make or will make in the future#even if he has good intent.#or really any criticism of the writing being hit with “but its not supposed to make sense#anyways rant over. probably going to delete later bc im tired.#tw assault#assault tw
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sysig · 2 years
Second request!
If you're okay with crossover requests, what about Camillo (Encanto) trying to make Todd (Vargas/JTHM) laugh?
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Day 21 - Complimentary
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yeonban · 18 hours
If your muse ever thinks their friends suck, at least they're not in Elijah's place
#tbd.#◜✧ . ❪ muse. elijah. ❫#suicide /#The reason I'm saying this is bc ALLLLLLLLL of his friends are Wammy orphans. Which is a red flag in and of itself god forbid#but what that MEANS is they don't hang out 90% of the time bc they're busy and the one he Does regularly meet up with is Tobias. [gunshot]#I'll forever stand by the fact that everyone who meets Tobias NOW is incredibly lucky bc kid Tobias (who Elijah met) was ten times worse#Elijah after his first heartbreak at age 14; tears in his eyes and hovering over their dorm's window dramatically: I'LL JUMP#Tobias aged 13; calmly reading his book w/o even looking up; not intervening in any way:#Elijah; momentarily frozen in place bc what the fuck kind of reaction is that: ...? I said I'LL JUMP#Tobias; still not looking up at him: Yeah I heard you the first time.#Safe to say Elijah got so annoyed by this that he forgot his antics in favor of throwing things at Tobias JASDHADSJAHSAHSDK#'It's a viable way of taking the person's mind off of what's bothering them by making them angry instead' you might say. and you'd be right#EXCEPT that was not Tobias' intention at all; he just didn't gaf about Elijah at that point in time 😭😭😭#Truly the worst person to pair a theater kid w. Good thing Tobias didn't follow up with a 'do a flip' or Elijah would've defenestrated HIM#Meanwhile Wammy's staff wiping away a tear from their eyes bc that's PROGRESS! Tobias DIDN'T push Elijah thru the window!! 🥺🥺🥺#At least Tobias' gotten better since (...read as: he now has a list of proper reactions that he randomizes based on the situation)#LISTEN HE'S TRYING HIS BEST!!! Dude had to speedrun learning what societal expectations and emotions are he needs a break atp#He gets it (rationally) but he doesn't get it (personally)
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bistaxx · 2 years
k!Luzu 🤝 c!Quackity
projecting your trauma and awful past onto someone who reminds you of your past self and trusts you whole-heartily with the intention of helping and protecting them only for it to result in them getting hurt thanks to your actions and growing to resent you permanently damaging your friendship.
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fauvester · 1 year
Hey I'm fairly new to your blog and I've been curious where did the name "Iskra" come from? It means "spark" in Polish and I was wondering if you knew
omg it was unintentional!!
I think Iskra came from Ishka Quark'smom plus skrain [dukat] > memorable 2 syllable cardassianesque name
But I love that it has an unintentional second meaning 🥺🥺🥺 it fits her so well, she's a little sparkler! A little firecracker!
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acourtofquestions · 18 days
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Did Rowan & Celaena/Aelin/Elentiya just have a mind to mind conversation like it’s no big deal??? HOW DID CELAENA NOT FIND THIS ODD??? I thought Daemati were ACOTAR… SOMETHING IS UP HERE!
#Rowan Whitethorn#Celaena Sardothien#Aelin Ashryver Galathynius#Elentiya#Maasverse#Heir of Fire#Throne of Glass#TOG#Throne of Glass series#Throne of Glass universe#this isn’t even the first time Celaena has done this she’s always guessing at peoples thoughts#but the majority of that was during the silent assassins in tab which made sense she literally HAD to fill in blanks#this was totally different because Rowan she thought as if Rowan said then thought a reply and THEN Rowan ACTUALLY DID REPLY to her thought#and neither of them acted like this was a big deal and I know Celaena is off her game and Rowan might just be a casual mind reader STILL#if he was a mind reader that would explain some of his cruelty perhaps he’s picking pointed statements on purpose for some greater reason#it would also make him kinder with intention when he said get up because he picked words that were foundational in comfort to her#maybe all mates can read minds but still that would mean it unusual to Rowan and though he’s a pretty I have no emotions brooding character#as of right now I would still expect that to throw him off at least a little#maybe there’s some crossover between ACOTAR daemati either way I do love a good mind reading force timing ship I’m just super confused#and curious cause that cannot be an accident#first read#reading reactions#current thoughts while reading#ships that read minds together stay together#reading & theorizing#foreshadowing#let’s fandom about it#crossover#daemati?#fae
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stupidsexpotflanders · 11 months
Teenaged Logan Echolls is a naked Chaotic Neutral.
Adult Logan Echolls is a Lawful Neutral LARPing as Lawful Good.
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paracosim · 11 months
Cishet people who don’t use the right language but still have their heart in the right place are infinitely more helpful to the queer community than queer people who are up to date on terminology, know all the right things to say, yet spend their time and energy on harassing and threatening others in the community
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