#but god damn can i ever still think about the blorbos
citriarchive · 2 months
Interrupting my own scrolling to realize how fucking grrrrrawrawrawr it is for absolute beloved asshole doctor nithral baines to have two names—a first and a last (HELL IT'S THREE BECAUSE HE'S NICKNAMED THE SCALPEL BY BARDS)—he didn't choose, only to be given the choice to take a (last) name that has become partially his by way of him choosing it the same way he chose to love the man who gave it to him. i CANNOT believe i only found a way to put my feelings about that interaction into words just now.
the fucking feeling of "i'll offer to let you share my surname if you'd make it more comfortable, but you don't have to" and him choosing to. him getting to choose his name. him choosing to share a name with someone he fucking loves fucking what
this is not even my character even though my character is involved and i am just absolutely fucking bananas fosters bonkers about this shit right now oh my fucking god
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fanvoidkeith · 19 days
sooooo i may have. spent my day binge watching dungeon meshi and here are my Opinions, having never read the manga ever (very MINOR ANIME SPOILERS ahead! nothing too in-depth but, y'know, for laughs):
laios is my autistic blorbo son boy and i love him and i want him to be happy. go find your sister, dude, but also eat monsters for fun and research reasons. this is the one context where i would say "eat monsters" like... ever
laios is also 1,000 percent a freak for wanting to eat monsters and study them the way he does. absolutely insane man. stop trying to be a martyr, you dumbass, and also stop poisoning yourself. both of these opinions coexist at the same time and i don't know how to feel about it because feelings (and social cues) are difficult
marcille is a lady who is so so SO smart and cool, but has absolutely ZERO street smarts. (babygirl you are JUST like me, except for the whole "being a woman" thing.) she's a "gifted" kid who now has burnout and needs to feel useful or else she feels like a failure constantly kinda girlie. she doesn't want to be abandoned. relatable. i'm concerned at how much i relate to her. stop being so relatable, dammit!!
chilchuck is INCREDIBLY emotionally constipated. lmao. he also has chronic young-forever face, which means he probably gets mistaken for a twelve-to-sixteen-year-old constantly, which... same, dude, same. i've heard (from the manga readers) that he's divorced with several children, but i don't know if that's true. i hope it is. i really want that to be where part of his issues come from. i want more angsty moments with his character. he'll be my new emotional punching bag when i finish all those other unrelated one-shots i'm planning on writing :)
senshi is a sweet man who just wants to feed and protect his new friends. i think food and acts of service are his love languages. he has a really fuckin' strong pot and knife for some reason lmao
i love falin. she's kind of a freak too, but she knows social cues better than her brother from what i can tell. sure hope nothing bad happens to her- oh gods. well, i sure hope nothing ELSE bad happens to her- OH GODS OH FUCK-
uhhhh. i like that the kobolds in this anime are dog-people. i love dogs. dogs are cool. very cute. 12/10 decision honestly
this anime made me so hungry but i still forgot to eat for most of today. rip. the food in dungeon meshi looks goddamn delicious though, so it's fine
sometimes these characters act just like a D&D party would. like. damn. this is just like that ONE TIME in dungeons and dragons when our party did [X action] and then [Y consequences] happened-
oooohhhh shit politics. oh shit background politics that our main characters ignored. no wonder they focused on this other party lol
oh yeah i guess this is about whoever gets the big treasure at the bottom of the dungeon or whatever if they defeat the Big Bad or something? okay dude. it's only relevant to me when it's relevant to my New Blorbos honestly. but i WILL jot that down though :eyes emoji:
look. i am NOT calling it "delicious in dungeon". i KNOW that's the creator's intended english translation, but personally i think that title sucks. so DUNGEON MESHI it is, for me personally
PLEASE give me the second season right now i need MORE. i'm slurping up this show like soup and i'm fucking HOMGRY!!!
okay that's it that you for comjng to my ted talk
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 months
Not a request, just thinking of angst about that one demon reader for Faith.
Imagine turning away from your own people, your brothers, because you don't remember them. Imagine not knowing who you really are, and being taken by people who think they are being kind or saving a person. Imagine looking in the mirror, knowing you're a freak, but not knowing you're damned.
Being asked if they're a monster or a demon, either seriously or as a joke must weigh hard on that reader. While the concept is comical on surface level, I can’t help but think of the pain.
How many demon friends does the reader not recognize? How many enemies do they not know they have? Do they think they're allergic to water, when holy water is thrown at them by priests? How many times has Gary's goons tried to recruit them, only for them to say they don't believe in anything?
They don't believe their enemy exists, and they don't believe their own kind exists.
Plus, they probably forgot maybe centuries worth of things, and believed they only forgot a mortal life. They might think they have a family they don't know about, or a name they forgot (headcanon for your headcanons, I think this reader goes by [y/n] because they forgot their demon name. Kinda like frisk from undertale.)
If the memory loss demon reader ever gets their memories back, they're probably going to be devastated. Not only are they really a monster like everyone says, but they're doomed to an inevitable fate as a demon: judgment day. Even if they want to continue a mortal life, they're still doomed to live for eternity till God makes eternity finally end. No matter how good they try to be, they'll never be good in the eyes of God.
Sorry for rambling about blorbo from followed Tumblr blogs-
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All i can say to this is MAN 😭
Why must you hurt me this way, anon- (/lh)
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whywhatswrongwithblue · 8 months
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The Doctor takes Rose on her first voyage through time, to the year five billion. The sun is about to expand and swallow the earth. Amongst the alien races gathering to watch, a murderer is at work. Who is controlling the mysterious and deadly spiders?
WHAT was he doing in this scene.
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You think you're so impressive. ---I am so impressive baby’s first flirt….
2. You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe you survive. i adore this line. Iirc i read somewhere that this episode was made when a lot of negative climate focussed media was coming out and rtd wanted to assure young viewers that there was always hope? Not sure where i saw it but it’s stuck with me
3. Is that why we're here? I mean, is that what you do? Jump in at the last minute and save the Earth?-- rose we are literally here so i can trauma dump. Haven’t you heard of healthy coping mechanisms??
4. He's blue RTD my beloved. What an incredibly realistic, human observation—i feel like companions simply do not do this anymore. And they should!
5. Love the bark makeup. It’s so pretty!
6. The air from my lungs….this episode is so good damn it
7. Moxx of Balhoon better known as the CEO of sex. I give you the gift of bodily salivas lucky Rose
9. Rose being overwhelmed and running out. I can’t get over the amount of care and detail RTD put into writing her. She really is his baby. Can’t wait to see how he brings her back now (because he will. He will.)
10. Jabe’s device is unable to identify a timelord, probably because the rest of the universe thinks them dead? Although her reaction is very different from that of the Nestene Consciousness (who is implied to have lost quite a bit in the Time War), whereas Jabe doesn’t seem to have any personal connection. I wonder what the other outsider perceptions of the War were!
11. Ahhh Rose being kind to the plumber. I love my girl. LMAO at her realising she just hitched a ride with a complete stranger w/o thinking about it. The metal spiders are very Minority Report.
12. Your machine gets inside my head. It gets inside and it changes my mind, and you didn't even ask? the WRITING. Just chef’s kiss. Even in this sort of power dynamic, you never ever feel like Rose doesn’t have agency. She’s so smart and capable and fierce. i love her.
13. Gotta love how fast they switch from arguing to flirting. Jiggery-pokery <3
14. I might be late home. and then she comes back a YEAR later JESUS
15. Bad Wolf mention!
16. Hahahah i can’t watch the Jabe scene without thinking of plant sex now, courtesy of Katie
17. I was born on that planet, and so was my mum, and so was my dad. I love how much Rose loves her dad. Like if you’ve never even known a parent, you probably wouldn’t bring them up in a context like this, but the addition implies that Rose thinks of her dad quite a bit, and this is a nice little subtle setup to my favourite episode of the season, Father’s Day
18. The sun filter scene! It’s unexpectedly tense. I remember being really worried the first time I saw it
19. This whole event was sponsored by the Face of Boe. He invited us. Jack set them up….god that’s so sweet. The fact that he knows that they’re properly together in Pete’s World at this point <3333333 he is Literally Us. Putting his blorbos in Situations.
20. What are you going to do, moisturise me?
21. At least it'll be quick. Just like my fifth husband. HUHHH?? LMAO
22. I love the turning fan trope, every time it’s in any movie ever, it’s got me on the edge of my seat
23. Everything has its time, and everything dies. OOF. Appreciate Rose still wanting Cassandra to be saved! Something something parallel with how she changed the Doctor so much that he’s willing to give Cassandra a peaceful death in New Earth <3 the power of love, folks.
24. The Earth death scene is beautiful. I remember feeling so sad that everyone just missed it! And the Doctor finally realising that maybe this wasn’t a great first trip for his young companion xD
25. I'm left travelling on my own 'cos there's no one else.---There's me. What a beautiful moment of intimacy. And such great acting! The Doctor is finally beginning to let her in, and Rose has attached to this stranger so quickly, despite how prickly and condescending he can be. Soulmates <3
Loveee this ending. 10/10 again!
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monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
okay but i think the transformation scene in "the thing" would TRAUMATIZE roxanne. like, sobbing and holding onto chica who is lowkey amazed with the practical effects but is concerned for her blorbo :( bonus points for monty to come in to check on them and see THAT and he's crying harder than roxy and doesn't even know the context
Okay so. Now that I've seen the context for this...
I'm of the belief that Roxy and Monty can't handle scary stuff at all so this??? This transformation???? Roxy is SOBBING
She loves the doggos cause they're like her all cool and fluffy... Then that happens and she's freaked the fuck out. I've not seen it, but I can imagine this has probably been hinted at before this point or something but even still, she feels fucking blindsided and she not happy about it! Can't handle horror? Love the huskies? Expecting some sort of superhero movie and are already confused because the vibes aren't right? Yeah she's uhh... Not great...
Chica is watching, completely enraptured because she loves this shit and was thrilled when Roxy had seemed so excited to watch it with her. She only realises Roxy's distress when she latches onto her, eyes wide, tears like waterfalls, shaking like a leaf and telling her to turn it off. It kinda shakes Chica a bit because while she knows Roxy can't handle this stuff very well, she's always stuck it out until the end and never admitted to being scared until late that night, or a day or two later. She's never reacted this strongly mid movie before. Safe to say, Chica turns it off immediately.
Or doesn't get a chance to because Monty finds out what they're watching from Freddy or whoever and fucking books it over there to stop it. He knows what happens to the doggos and he knows that even if the monster and shit didn't freak her out (he knew it would too) then the dogs dying would at least be devastating to her. Monty blasts into the room mid scary transformation scene and stares in horror for a few seconds before snatching the remote and turning it off. Or panicking at Roxy's obvious distress and smashing the TV to stop it instead. Whatever comes first lmao
Chica didn't know, she's never seen it. Monty saw it a while ago and has regretted it ever since. The reminder of it on screen has him hugging Roxy in tears too :(
Could be funny if they're hugging eachother around Chica so she's squished in between an absolutely horrified, sobbing and wailing wolf and a devastated, crying alligator. Trying to comfort both of them when she's completely trapped is a bit of a struggle lmao but when it's all over, she is so fucking sorry she didn't know she's so sorry
She watches it with Bonnie and Sunny another day but god damn the guilt of freaking Roxy out that bad and scaring Monty from across the building won't be leaving her for a while :(
And for anyone considering looking this up... Only do so if you're NOT sensitive to animal death, particularly the deaths of dogs. And also a dog's face splitting open into The Thing I guess but mostly animal death
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Cesar in my AU!
Cesar is interesting in my AU, as he survived the Alternate Encounter by faking his death(Look at him. He’s a theater kid. ), waiting until the Alternate moved on, and then hurried to pack a bag in a fit of panic and hurried to leave the house. More under the cut!
Trigger warnings for: Mentioned suicide, implied near-death experience, religion mention, loss of belief mention, stuff like that, please be careful, guys!
After this, he changed his name, cut his hair, quit singing entirely(No matter how much it pained him since it was a hobby he absolutely loved, but his voice was too recognizable, so he HAD to give it up. He still talks, but mostly uses sign language, despite how difficult it is for him to learn.), took on a job that he would never have taken up if he weren’t attacked by an Alternate(grocery bagger), gave up religion entirely(“What God would allow this to happen to me?”), and just changed himself almost entirely, only showing his true self if he trusts someone enough.
He has no clue about Mark’s death and just thinks he lost his phone, hence why he never answers Cesar’s calls. When he finds out, he’s crushed, but shows it in what most people would see as a “mild reaction” to being told your best friend killed himself.
This isn’t because Cesar doesn’t care, far from it, actually, he cares a lot, he just hasn’t really slept much due to the aftermath of encountering an Alternate and surviving due to him playing dead.
When Cesar is overly stressed, if he doesn’t go nonverbal, he just falls back to speaking in spanish. Jonah(haven’t talked about him yet, but I also have thoughts about him, my funky stoner pizza-loving blorbo <3) typically translates whenever he’s nearby if Cesar shuts down.
Cesar is a HUGE recluse nowadays, typically only going outside if it’s an ABSOLUTE emergency.
Overtime, Cesar breaks out of his shell, going outside slightly more often. His apartment is really well kept, as he cleans often to make sure he stays awake as long as he can.
The instant Cesar first meets Sarah, he just…hugs her. He hugs her and, for the first time since knowing about Mark’s death, cries, because he can’t imagine how badly it’s affected her.
He knew how close Sarah was to Mark, so he tries to see if he can help her in any way, which, in his eyes, is a good thing, although on Sarah’s end, it’s sorta annoying/condescending.
As time goes on, Cesar tries to understand the whole “BPS” thing, but it’s a little hard for him to wrap his head around.(When someone tells him “It’s just Ghostbusters but with Alternates” is when it clicks for him lol.)
Honestly, Cesar is a BIT of a coward, running away at the slightest bit of danger, but he slowly gets better!...slowly…VERY SLOWLY…
Oh, yeah, he has a shotgun. Did I mention that? He has it in case he runs into another Alternate.(Yes, they don’t work on Alternates, but he doesn’t know that.)
He accidentally runs into Thatcher one day. Thatcher pulls a gun on him because “YOU LOOK LIKE THAT ONE ALTERNATE”. Cesar merely sighs defeatedly because he’s too fucking tired to deal with this.
Honestly, that’s a good way to describe Cesar Post-Attack. Tired. He’s so tired, thinking can be hard for him somedays, but he never lets himself rest for too long, lest the nightmares get to him again or he risk encountering another Alternate.
If he ever met Stanley, he would scream as loud as possible, pulling EVERYONE away from him, putting himself in front of them.
He runs into Alt!Mark at one point. That goes about as well as you can expect. Most of the time, Cesar runs from danger, but this time-THIS ONE GOD DAMN TIME-he doesn’t. He can’t bring himself to move. He’s frozen in place. He has to get dragged away while he screams “WAIT, NO, PLEASE, THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND, THAT’S MARK, NO, NO, PLEASE!!!” because he can’t see past the flaws in the Alternate. He just sees Mark.
He’s still as good a cook as ever, he just seems a little…sadder whenever he does, because he can’t sing and cook like he used to. The most he does while cooking is tapping his foot and humming.
After a while, he does start singing again, as he realizes “OH SHIT I’VE HIT PUBERTY MY VOICE SOUNDS DIFFERENT I CAN SING AGAIN!!! :D”
That’s what I’ve figured out so far, but feel free to ask me anything you have questions about!
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space-blue · 7 months
Hey, I saw you reblogging that post about normalizing sending people random asks and can only assume that you'd like some. So here some random questions (in no order) that you can answer in whatever length and degree of seriousness that you're comfortable with:
Favourite dinosaur/prehistoric animal?
Dead historical person that you'd like to resurrect for a chat or a chance to yell at them?
Most/least favourite story trope in fiction?
A country that you'd like to visit some day?
Something funny that happend to you (If you want^^)?
A nature fact that you find fascinating?
Food that you'd like to try?
Favourite artist/artistic inspiration/art style?
Last song that you listened to?
The prettiest insect/arthropod that you can find online?
I think that list is long enough, skip whatever you want if it's too invasive or weird :))
Damn, now that's an ask!! O_O Thank you! Sat down to try and think it through. I don't mind being serious :3
Favourite dinosaur/prehistoric animal?
I love a lot of them, especially now that we have such a greater understanding of what they looked like. Floofy dinos are just extra excellent. But I think I'll have to crown Spinosaurus. It's a bit of a meme dinosaur by now. Every discovery changes our perception of what it looked like, and people still debate if it was aquatic or not. (I'm team aquatic all the way) I mean look at it. It's fucking iconic.
I once started a short story set in a future in which humans had long since reengineered some dinosaurs, and a pirate crew had a raft-style boat that was powered by a Spinosaurus. They'd pierced grommets in the sail to clip ropes to her back. They also had pet Troodons on the crew. Sadly I lost steam and inspiration and never went anywhere with the story. I still adore Spinosaurus.
Dead historical person that you'd like to resurrect for a chat or a chance to yell at them?
If I could just indulge myself, Francois Renee de Chateaubriand. Absolutely crazy guy. Lived through the French revolution, Napoleon, went to the Americas, wrote early romantic works, mostly known for his autobiography memoirs from beyond the grave. He's truly a blorbo from my history. Look at this :
“A moral character is attached to autumnal scenes; the leaves falling like our years, the flowers fading like our hours, the clouds fleeting like our illusions, the light diminishing like our intelligence, the sun growing colder like our affections, the rivers becoming frozen like our lives—all bear secret relations to our destinies.”
BUT if I had a perfect translator and could quizz to my heart's content, and had actual intentions of being useful, I'd talk to a Gaulois. Probably Vercingetorix or an earlier leader from Celtic France.
We know SO little about these people. They're my ancestors, and we have almost no knowledge of their beliefs and practices. We have some (most likely wrong and slanderous) accounts from (the invading) romans. And archeological finds. But stuff like Cernunos/Karnonos (for who I wrote one of my fav short stories ever) is known from one pillar, one cauldron, and nothing else! We don't even know what he was the god of!
It's so infuriating to me. If I could quizz a Gaulois, I'd write the most detailed and comprehensive guide to their belief, their knowledge of others tribes, and their everyday life. I'd want to know about their gods, their myths, and their superstitions.
Most/least favourite story trope in fiction?
A/B/O and mpreg
A country that you'd like to visit some day?
Japan... Sad hours... I live in the UK, right. Scotland. And I had managed to get a work holiday visa to Japan! It's free to get, you just have an age limit. So I saved money (excruciatingly slowly, the UK being what it is), and finally planned it all. Got the visa (in Paris), got 400£ worth of shots (encephalitis, japanese encephalitis, rabies...), and was ready to apply for a Mongolian visa and start buying train tickets.
You see, I was going to do Scotland > London > Paris > Berlin > Warsaw > Vilnius > Tallinn > St Petersburg > Moscow > Irkutsk (on the transsiberian!!) > Ulaanbaatar > Beijing > Shanghai > Osaka
All train and bus, except for the last leg, which is a ferry.
When I was getting my second of three injections (always rabies + another and rabies turned me into a shivering plank of wood omg) the doctor was like... 'are you sure you want the last round done? There's this worrying cough developing in China at the moment...'
January 2020, RIP.
And then I aged out of the Japanese visa. And then Russia went to war and ruined its reputation forever. I spent a lot of time trying to make myself see that COVID had far worse repercussions for countless people, and I got off easily. But this was the culminations of a decade of dreaming and many years of planning and saving. It was a major bummer.
Something funny that happened to you (If you want^^)?
Weirdly enough this one stumps me. IDK why. I have weird, crazy, bad... but funny?
OH. Actually I think I told it once here. I'm sorry, it's not even funny either, just wild...
A nature fact that you find fascinating?
This entire video.
Food that you'd like to try?
A real family style chinese hot pot. The sort you eat on a tiny plastic stool in someone's backyard.
Favourite artist/artistic inspiration/art style?
That's definitely too hard. I don't have a favourite. Maybe it's because I studied art. Not a matter of taste, but a matter of exposure. I've seen a lot of styles and a lot of artists and there is no one work I can point to and say "this is it". The inspiration art folder I keep is extremely varied itself. Variety is the spice of life.
Last song that you listened to?
I'm currently listening to the IXION soundtrack as I write! It absolutely SLAPS.
The prettiest insect/arthropod that you can find online?
Definitely has to be a moth. Also I really love the colour scheme of this wasp :
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I think moths are just so gorgeous. Butterflies too of course, but the moths are SO fluffy and some of them have insanely clean aesthetics.
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Milionia moth
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Look at this Pompelon Marginata! Literally the Louboutin of moths.
Also they can have really fun caterpillars:
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Little beasts... And I think it fucks that they make themselves a cocoon and basically liquify into some primordial goo to remake themselves. And often remake themselves as their best dressed sex party tiiiime!!
Hope that answers your questions appropriately :3
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creatively-cosmic · 1 month
New pinned? Earlier today we got some tags on one of our art that reminded me that we never really went back and explained anything about ourselves, so. Gonna do it now.
Heya! We're Starry. This is our artblog.
We're a 20y/o genderfucked queer polyfragmented system with a lotta fictives. Pretty much everything here is based on shit in our brain. Heads up: We post Gore, Horror, and occasionally Suggestive content (tagged), along with artistic and partial nudity (which may not get tagged).
You might notice we never take acknowledging our plurality very seriously, or explain things regarding it much ever. That's... Pretty simply cause we don't want to put that on the internet for everyone and God to see. We're explaining it here because it's a part of our art and a frame of reference for a lot of things we make and say.
DON'T TAKE THIS POST AS ANY FORM OF A DNI. We don't want things we make to be treated any differently because of this. The works, writings, designs, and stories we put here are all from a place of concious thought and passion! While we call this blog more of a personal art archival, we do genuinely still put it online to share art that we've put thought, heart, and soul into.
For the record, to make things abundantly clear, we'll put a list of specifications under the cut. But in a nutshell, the main "boundary" I give a shit about is this:
Don't interact with our posts any differently than you would literally anything else. When you talk to us directly, just remember to not treat us like characters.
Thanks for reading. More below if you want more clarification.
Stuff that's fine:
We're fine with "doubles." You can be, kin, ID as whoever you want. If you relate to our stuff specifically, too? I promise that's fine. Awesome, in fact!
Comments/tags. Pleaseee comment on our art in fact it always makes our day. We see all that shit. Analyze, keysmash, shit you can even say some unwise stuff if you wanna. Don't hold back.
Fanart. Look if you ever got possessed to draw one of our designs I think we'd die for you on the spot. No questions asked, go for it.
Asks! Man, feel free to ask about anything. Ask about our stories, designs, opinions, experiences, whatever. Just don't ask about our trauma.
You can use our art as icons and such, just make sure to credit properly if it's in a public space ie social media or discord profile. Don't use it for any of that AI shit though.
Stuff that ISN'T fine:
I can't be damned to fill this out in any thorough way cause I don't really have any hard NOs, honestly. So this is just like. One thing, and it's an elaboration on the earlier bolded thing: Don't TALK DIRECTLY TO US as if we are characters. What I mean by this is... Us being fictives and talking about our stories doesn't mean this is a character blog. It isn't a roleplay blog. It's just us being us. Don't send messages or asks looking for someone specific, or expecting a specific reply, cause their source is your blorbo. And don't get shocked or offended when we inevitably act out of character in our posts, cause we AREN'T a character. We're people.
I guess this goes in hand with that but, don't tell us we're existing wrong as a fictive, alter, or system, too. I'll just block you. This is the only serious response anyone who might try to fakeclaim us is getting. I am not here to explain why we are the way we are, who we are, or what happened. Anyone engaging in """syscourse,""" please. Step back and understand that all that shit is, is sticking your nose into the trauma of strangers on the internet to decide if they're "correct" enough in your eyes. Nobody owes you their life story so you can decide if they're valid. Put your energy into something better.
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starlightsearches · 1 year
HELLO BESTIE! First of all congrats on the 2k!! also it's crazy for me to think that we've been through many blorbos together already!? anyway, excuse me requesting a bunch of things lmao! May I request track 1 with Eddie Munson, please? thank you!!
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Track 1: Crimson and Clover by Tommy James and the Shondells: Give me a character and I'll write a short blurb or headcanons on how they would pine for you. 
Eddie Munson x GN! Reader
Thank you for the request, Irma!! I think we've got to be besties for life at this point since our tastes are so closely matched 💖
📼✨ mixtape milestone ✨📼 requests are still open!
Eddie Munson is a dyed in the wool, true blue, fucking heart-eyes, captial "R" romantic
He just feels everything a lot harder than other people, you know?
He's always been that way, ever since he was a kid. And his skin may be tougher, but words get sharper.
Eddie's kind of living in his own world—the one he's always building inside his head
It came in handy when he was younger, a place to go when his dad was doing fucked up shit
It comes in handy now, too.
Because he's just so fucking bored, and lonely, and anywhere is better than Hawkins
And god damn if you don't fit in his world perfectly
Love at first sight is a little strong, even for Eddie
But there's hope at first sight.
There's what if? at first sight.
Fuck it. You might be a dick like the rest of them, might treat him like shit because Jason or somebody gave you the idea that you should before Eddie could say a word
But you'll be nice to him in his head
Eddie starts thinking about you in doses
Thinks about making a joke that gets you to laugh, or having you smile at him
Even though he tries to curb himself, you're popping up more and more
Eddie watches you
He literally can't help it
It's just that his eyes find you on their own, like they're looking for material, saving up for all those hours he's gonna spend reclining on his bed with his head propped in his hands and a cigarette between his lips
And then it all comes back to him while he stares down the ceiling, thinking about stuff that makes him flush so hard he gets lightheaded
Stupid stuff. Kid stuff, even. Like holding your hand. Or putting his arm around your waist. Watching a movie on his couch and having you lay your head on his shoulder.
And sometimes, not-so-kid stuff.
He's filled with shame every time he thinks about it, how weird it is he so sure what you'd look like if he made you cum when he's never said a word to you
No matter how smooth he is in his daydreams, he's a fuckup in the real world, where everybody else lives
If you notice him, Eddie's whole brain shuts off
Like, he can hear it powering down and he wonders if you can too
Even if you're just passing him a pencil in class, or sending a quick sorry his way after bumping into him in the halls . . .
He's replaying the moment in his mind on repeat
Did he smile at you? Had he said something, or was it just, like, a weird moan?
Whatever. It doesn't matter.
Except when he's thinking about everything he could have done instead. Any way he could have gotten you to think about him. To like him.
But he's learned one thing now. You were nice to him.
And not just in his head.
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the vitriol for light mode is so valid. tell me about your poor little meow meow blorbo from dnd if you so wish
You know that TikTok audio from the Lego movie where the astronaut wants to build a space ship and he’s like “you’re not gonna tell me no” or whatever? Me rn :3 Apologies in advance for the long rant but!! You did technically ask for it hehe
ANYWAY, technically none of them are *my* poor little meow meow blorbos because I’m the Dungeon Master!! But I am genuinely obsessed with all of them
@haaawaiianshirt plays Delilah, an aasimar path of the beast barbarian. She was born and raised in a religious commune type situation before running away after being responsible for the death of a friend, and then being adopted by a sheriff in a small town. She later became his deputy, but they can’t outrun their past. The god this commune worshipped, Omen, is reaching out, and it seems he has some sort of plan for her that she does NOT want to be a part of. They’re also reflavored so that their path of the beast forms aren’t tail, claws, whatever, it’s cherub, seraphim, and throne form!! Which we got to work on together and I think it’s really cool. Emmie jokes I have shared custody of Delilah hehe, and I’ve probably done the most writing for her thus far
@suwunnysideup is playing Belladonna, a reborn tiefling grave cleric (with a bonus level in fighter!)!! They were raised from death by an evil cult called the Order of the Rotting Eye, which serves a rival god to Omen called Char’gothikon. Their past is intrinsically linked to Delilah’s, but both characters are still figuring out how. She’s recent been revealed to have more than one soul piloting their body, and are under the influence of something dark. They are currently trying to rescue their wife, Aasharni, from the clutches of the Order, who are demanding powerful Relics in return. She is also a werewolf, as of session two! They are the sweetest ever. They’re also 7 feet tall and we’re all really normal about it
@daughterofdrearburh is Nora Elliot, a rough around the edges “human” (werecoyote) ranger!! Her specific subclass has yet to be revealed in game, but she has abilities somehow related to other dimensions. A group called the Horizon Walkers, also servants of Omen, have made their connection to her known, and are seemingly trying to recruit her. She’s a terrible little beast and we all love her so dearly. She’s best friends with Morgan, and grew up in the same town as Delilah, but she can be a little aloof. She doesn’t like to trust people, and recently got shot by Morgan (under a vampiric charm) and lost the one bit of trust she had placed in anyone. Also she died and came back with black eyes but that went away so I’m sure it’s fine
@ninthhousesteel is playing Ruewen Simber, another normal human!! She’s a fighter, champion archetype, only she somehow has access to spare the dying and was able to use a scroll, despite “not being a spellcaster.” She was a socially awkward farm girl who didn’t even believe in monsters before joining the group and quickly having to confront that fact. She discovered a not at all cursed sword that was later revealed to in some way be connected to Char’gothikon. Also, she died in one session, but returned without the help of revivify—but with dark veiny scarring across her shoulder that appears to be spreading…
@candle-lion plays everyone’s favorite unethical evil lesbian, Doctor Morgan Lancaster. She’s a doctor who Jekyll and Hyde’d herself. She’s a “shifter” circle of the moon druid with a few levels in artificer. She was a doctor in a town called Dusty Springs, which was terrorized by vampires from a coven called the Onyx Eye Coven for many years. She has a HUGE vendetta against vampires, and is damn determined to exterminate every single one she sees. In an effort to become stronger and protect people, she made an experimental serum, which turned her into a monster. During times of stress, at will, or occasionally at random, she transforms into a “bad taxidermy wolf monster” but apparently mostly maintains control. She’s looking for a cure for herself, and recently discovered she too is somehow connected to Char’gothikon.
@lavenderlevetan is a petty vampire and we fucking love her. Seraphina is a half elf now vampire and she’s a fighter as well!! She has canonically killed 1000+ people over 20 years of being a vampire!! But she specifically chooses to go after bounties, and specifically those that list “wanted dead or alive.” She’s actually the nicest person ever until you (Morgan) give her a reason to be petty. She’s also the most charming of the group and her expertise in persuasion has made her mvp of multiple sessions. She was dragged into this mess while trying to find a missing person for a bounty, and thus far has yet to discover why her specifically, when it seems every other character is here for a Reason
Morgan and Seraphina hate each other and they want to kiss about it so bad. When any of us post about morphine, that’s them LMAO. Deliladonna is obviously Delilah and Belladonna. Norue are the slowest slow burn ever
And while I’m the DM and don’t have a PC, I do have a special little guy NPC that I’m a little obsessed with. Her name is Brozi and she’s a half orc way of mercy monk. She was Delilah’s best friend (and for some time, girlfriend) after the aasimar arrived in Sawtooth City and together they were the worst teenagers ever. Brozi isn’t going with the party, but she and Delilah are still very close, and their goodbye will be hard. While Delilah is gone, they get to achieve their lifelong dream of opening a bakery 🫶
In any case. Cowboy dykes. With horror. Themes of free will, losing control, found family, and learning to trust and overcome prejudice. The friendship dynamics took everyone by surprise. Belladonna and Seraphina are undead besties. Ruewen and Seraphina play go fish. Delilah and Morgan are slowly fixing each other. Nora and Morgan are also fixing each other. Morgan is super protective of Ruewen and it’s very sweet. I would die for any one of them. I’m obsessed with them a healthy amount.
This is the party 🫶
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(In order left to right: Morgan, Seraphina, Belladonna, Delilah, Ruewen, Nora)
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izanyas · 1 year
Hello! I noticed you said you're currently engrossed in FMA 🤭 it's also one of my all time favorites anime 🥰
If you don't mind, can you say what personally draws you to it and what are your thoughts on your favorite characters? (In case these 2 aren't your favorites, can you mention what you think about Ed and Roy? Not as a pairing :)) just them individually)
Sorry for being so specific in an ask 😅
Hope you have a great day! 🤗💫
fma has been my favorite manga since i was a kid i'm really attached to it 😭 me and a couple friends decided to rewatch the CoS movie together and we both fell down the deep end and have been obsessively rereading and rewatching everything since then. i'm having so much fun i luv fma...
i think what really drew me in was edward himself tbh! he is such a unique protagonist, and especially at the time he was the odd one out among shounen heros—not naive and untalented meant for eternal nekketsu powerups but a boy who had always been frighteningly smart and had gone thru extremely traumatic events and whose goal as a hero wasn't to become The Best at his craft or to save the world but to fix a mistake he had already made.
i was (still am) very attached to him being disabled and how the story manages to include all that this entails (chronic pain, reduced mobility, special needs...) while at the same time engaging in really cool prosthetic design and functions and without ever making it demeaning or pithy toward amputees. arakawa was an absolute genius for how she went about ed's disability.
ed is just such a GOOD character. flamboyant and flawed and unflinchingly moral. self-sacrificing and self-hating but with a drive and devotion to overcome everything. he's a truly unforgettable character and he is insanely enticing as a protagonist in a story like fma, where every plot point is carefully connected to the overall story... like a transmutation circle in and of itself. icarus fell as his wings melted but ed keeps standing back up even with a whole leg missing, even after facing his own punishment for trying to play god. he is loud and bad-tempered and hilarious and his character design is awesome and that would've been enough to make him a fav for me but when u add in his generosity and kindness, which are so painfully obvious despite the prickly exterior, he's Ultimate Fav material. my blorbo my meow meow.
that his personal story is all about love for his brother and trying to fix the terrible mistake he made and which he will forever blame himself for (even tho everyone around him knows that he was only 11 at the time, and it's a miracle he managed to save alphonse at all, and doesn't think he deserves to hate himself for it) is just... it's good ok. it's a wonderful story with a wonderful conclusion. it suits him, his personality, perfectly. edward elric is a marvel of a protagonist.
damn it's hard for me to pick other fav characters bc i love everyone so much. i love izumi and ling and greed (both versions lmao) a lot... and scar and hawkeye and hughes... its too hard to pick.
roy mustang is definitely up there in the fav list tho. it's a bit funny because usually i wouldn't be much into him as a character bc his whole shtick is pretty much "i committed genocide but i feel bad about it" but he managed to have enough personality and flair to make himself vital to the story and extremely enticing too. it helps that everyone in fma has so much chemistry together, so his team has a lot of charisma. if mustang had been alone or even with just hawkeye or hughes i don't think he would've been nearly as interesting to me. i do think the story should've gone a bit deeper with his goals bc people tend to forget that he doesn't just want to become fuhrer, he wants to disestablish the military state altogether and make it so war criminals (including himself) can be tried legally. his ultimate goal can be seen as very selfish in that way—he wants to be made to face justice. and to the end he's not reluctant to use every tool at his disposal, including marcoh's last philosopher's stone from ishval to heal himself... that's the sort of plot point that leaves you feeling a bit sick and makes him into a character worth his weight in salt.
it's cool to put his choices next to ed's. like ed literally refused to use his deadbeat dad's philosopher's stone, which was made from people from 400 yrs ago that he never knew and who would've been dead anyway and whom hohenheim actually talked to in depth, to save alphonse; instead he sacrificed his most precious passion. and he refused to use kimblee's philosopher's stone when he almost died in baschool—instead he used his own damn lifespan to heal himself just enough not to die lmao. meanwhile, mustang, even while expressing reservations and acknowledging all that it means, used a stone made from the lives of the people he personally massacred. he is what you can genuinely call a morally grey character and that doesn't change thru the story. and i like that.
also he's funny
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the-crow-binary · 8 months
Top 5 reasons Mactor is secretly best ship? :3
5. Yes.
3. They have no one but each other (well, in the "Mathias somehow ended up in pre-CV3 Castlevania" scenario, at lest), Mathias for the obvious reason that he knows no one and everyone is evil and wicked ESPECIALLY Dracula and the only person to be nice to him is Hector, and Hector because he slowly start to realise how not okay his relationship with Dracula is, and Isaac hates him, and no one else in the Castle is trustworthy, there's no one he could call a "friend" anymore. And it makes them cling to each other more. They're a healthy and actually "good" version of Hecula and it's cute but also it HURTS because EVEN THEN THEY CAN NEVER BE TOGETHER BECAUSE LORE AND CANON AND MATHIAS HAS TO GO HOME EVENTUALLY AND HECTOR CANNOT FOLLOW AND MATHIAS WILL BECOME DRACULA ANYWAY AND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PAIN.
2. Lord/Knight relationship mixed with pious man/sinner who worships the pious man more than he would ever worship God himself relationship, wich offer such a delicious dynamic <3 The knight who's whole life and skills are based on sinning against God, who he has only disdain for. And yet he choses to follow and protect a man who's whole life revolves around SERVING God. And the Lord respects the knight for his skills and passion and devotion, even though he doesn't entirely agree with him. And the knight doesn't agree with his vision of God but he accepts it because what matters to him is his Lord as a person, and his Lord is the only God he is willing to follow (almost) blindly. There's something magnetic attracting them to the other. They're literally so cool I LOVE THEM also. they're kinky af.
1. They're literally made for each other. Both linked to Dracula in a particular way (him from the past/him if he didn't let his anger and grief take the best of him :) ), they both have this tendency to not get attached to many people, but damn, when they do get attached, they get A-TTACHED. "I would kill and die for you" KIND OF ATTACHED. They share a passion for alchemy, Hector actually studied from Mathias and the Cronqvist family's books, so it makes their relationship extra special <3 Hector needs someone to worship and dedicate his life to, Mathias feel like he shouldn't like that but he is weaker than he likes to admit <3 (taking God's place is a sin, he's pretty sure. but hey, it's not like he can change Hector, so, might as well :)) They both admire the other in some way. Mathias is the brain, Hector the brawn, so they complete each other too... so many ways in wish they can make you go "ah, yes, those two are literally soulmates <3" even reasons i didn't mention because little brain forgot at the moment BUT STILL (also depending on wich version of Mactor it is... They can bond over their hatred and grief after their respective wives died :) And it can lead them to bring each other even deeper in hell, instead of lifting each other up like in a pre-wives death Mactor scenario <3). It all hurts even more when you think about the fact they are doomed from the start. Never meant to stay together forever. :') Fated to separate at one point, wether they want to or not. :') (but scratch that i want to imagine Hector going with Mathias to his era and them and Leon forming a raw gay sex polycule and be happy)
So yeah, the them <3 The “God has never once shown that he cares about me, therefore he is not my Lord. You are.” them <3 The "Please, i am begging you, don't let go of me" them <3 The "I don't like who you worship/serve but I cannot get enough of you" them <3 I cannot wait for someone to release a fic showing how peak they are :)
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suntraitor · 7 months
You got me, curious about the inscryption x hadestown au, explode your ramblings and go insane sharing your thoughts GO GO GO
AWESOME OK OK OK. disclaimer like i saaid in the notes about that post idk if its even an interesting au or compelling story, we made it sleep deprived while someone was joking around with our p03 and leshy. its a dumb silly au and it makes no sense but its MY cringe baby 😤😤😤 so. its not a shipping au despite hadestown being . yk. but theere is some shipping for plot reasons.
Hades - Leshy (I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS. you can tell i put a lot of thought into his and P03's relationhip in this au) Persephone - P03 (the fucking themes. the fucking THEMES.) Hermes - Grimora / Magnificus, haven't decided yet, leaning more towards grimora but i really want all 4 scrybes included :[ Orpheus - Luke (i hate that tuber boy sometimes but god damn it he will carry my story :salute emoji:) Eurydice - Kaycee. duh. (note: kaycee and luke r not shipped together in this au, they just exist to cary the plot) the fates - one of the scrybes cohorts because i think itd be funny. probably leshy's just bc of the hades thing but i think it could work with another's.
ive rewritten this post like 8 times because i just ramble endlessly about my little cringe baby au (none of my aus are good its all serotonin factory here boss).
SO PLOTLINE. i only have a feew songs in my head but the jist i it takes place after the old_data situation and p03 is away from leshy for the spring and summer n thats where luke initially learns about kaycee and starts researching her death and junk. major plot points i have is luke playing against leshy and reluctantly being told more information about her death, and its revealed he has her death card. other plot points: p03 staying with leshy over the other half of the year and their Strained Marriage (tm).
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this lyric is so them. they hate each other theyre deeply in love their marriage is failing but they stay together despite it all nd in the end they try again. i know i kissed you once before but i didnt do it right can i try again and again and again /lyric does tht explain it. theres so many themes
anyway. i dont have a lot of the plot fully fleshed out bc tbh it doesnt make sense and mking it work with both stories is taking me a minute. but i love all the dumb little plot points i have made.
ithe song how long is their dynamic FR FR FR FR.
im trying to figure out how to encorperate orpheus going to the underworld nd trying to leave with eurydice into the au but like i might need to tweek the plot a bit bc its alreaady not 1.1 wwith hadestown story but still. the reasaon p03 and leshy are more fleshed out is bc this whole au started with me comparing our leshy and p03 to hades and persephone X] im just a humble kaycee fictive i lov my blorbos my oingy boingys.... :] the characters ever. but like i gen dont like tht luke and kaycee r the only decent options for orpheus nd eurydice bc i dont want to make them romantic!!!!! i hate the tuber guy but also their dynamic could be so silly. my aromantic ass making the iconic greek myth couple PLATONIC FRIENDS. happy ending the boy doesnt get the girl X]
more lyrics with THEMES.
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like do u get my image here. grips ur shoulders. do you see them.
i cant screenshot all the lyrics but GOD. any way the wind blows is kaycees song FR FR FR.... her main character moment. right b4 she dies X]
some feverish shouting from me at like 5am last night
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the au makes no sense but tht is ok... its my cringe bby and it makes me happy. thank u anon for asking me about it i loved being able to explode ill rb this with more info later
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sebdoeswords · 1 year
For the ship gimme... Hmmm... Vesiri, Calalt, Gerlion and... idk Dettgis?
gawd damn Ada, this isn't a full time job 😩
Jokes aside i will gladly share my opinions (I'm gonna leave Gerlion out of this because someone else sent in only Gerlion, so I'm gonna answer that over there)
Of course I ship it!!
What made you ship it?
The bit.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
That they're so alike! They're both unlikely warrior women in a male dominated field, and they both have childhood/teenhood SA trauma. They can really understand each other like very few people around them can, and I think they find solace in each other because of that. In the absence of therapists (that would be booked to the nines already anyway) this is as good an opportunity they're gonna get to really heal.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
God, do I have one? Kinda difficult to have an unpopular opinion for a ship you helped create, isn't it? 😂 One tangentially related thing would be that i prefer Vesiri over Cirys and Vesirys simply because I don't really care that much about Cerys? I like her, and i always go with her for ruler of skellige, but I'm not invested in her character in any way.
This one's tricky, because I neither ship it nor don't ship it, but a secret third thing (encouraging you in shipping it and listening to your passionate explanations about it), So I'm going to do a little bit of merging with the questions here to better reflect this weird state of shipping nirvana.
What made you ship it?
That you're so passionate about it! Also that one video you made of them with "loving you is a losing game" that slaps.
2. What would have made you like it?
If I were more invested in Calanthe as a character maybe? Tbh I didn't really read their interactions as romantic in the books, but it's also been a while since I read anything but the short stories, so it's very likely I'm just misremembering. Overall for me to ship something both characters need to be like blorbos to me. (the only exception to this is Vesiri, which i started shipping as a joke but is really growing on me now)
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Yeah sure! I think the idea of a queen and a witcher very interesting. There's something about people in power and those devoted to them (no yeah i'm definitely still talking about calanthe i promise)
And besides that, the idea of, if destiny had been kinder, her and Geralt being like fond, soft grandparents to Ciri is very sweet.
This has to be the ugliest ship name I've ever seen 😭
And for this I... am completely ambivalent tbh. Yes I've written a fic for it, but that's because I had a prompt that fit it very well. Other than that I don't ship it, but I also don't dislike it. I can see why people ship it, I'm just more firmly on the geregis train.
Why don’t you ship it?
Dettlaff is just not a blorbo of mine. If he'd gotten more screen time, maybe, but as it stands I'm not interested enough to bestow upon him the honour of kissing one of my blorbos.
2. What would have made you like it?
As I said, maybe if Dettlaff had gotten more screen time. maybe if he'd showed more affection for Regis. I know Regis talks a lot about how close they are and all the things Dettlaff has done for him, but being told that doesn't suffice for me. I need to SEE Dettlaff caring about Regis.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
The goth aesthetic is off the charts for this one. Idk what else tbh 😭 The idea that Dettlaff sacrificed a lot for Regis is nice? I guess?
[Send me ships]
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majorbaby · 1 year
Hiii fellow Twin Peaks fan!! :3 Twin Peaks for the fandom ask game please?
thank you thank you <3 now that i know you also like twin peaks i will be sure to poke you about it if i ever see you doing an ask game like this!!
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this was SO HARD because i have such strong feelings about the whole twin peaks gang like the fact that i couldn't put my husband harry on this breaks my heart....
Dale Cooper!!!! - blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Donna Hayward i almost put harry in this spot but like donna... my donna... - scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
HAWK!!!!!! actually twin peaks does pretty good by hawk but still we needed more. - scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Lucy, well, sort of. Twin Peaks rarely introduces a character that doesn't get a fair bit of screen time, and she seems like a side character but isn't... so this one's tough. - glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
JOSIE god she did nothing wrong!!!! - poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Dale again, ok like babygirl deserves good things and one day i will write a fic that gives him the good things he so deserves BUT at the same time, i adore that the crux of his character is that his being so utterly pure-of-heart is what leads to his downfall. he's imprisoned in the black lodge of my heart!! - horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Benjamin Horne, Leo or Jacques or Bob could've easily gone here but i don't wanna put their faces in a heart. damn actually ykw, this should've been Katherine. - eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
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kenobster · 1 year
thank you for the ask!!
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Damn this is a good question, and I am CERTAIN I have done this, but I can't remember examples... and even if I do, I don't think they'd be from this fandom. Maybe I'll come back to this lol.
On a tangentially related subject, I can think of examples of times I wrote things to be playfully (or sometimes seriously xD) mean to commonly held fandom opinions in general. For example, Five Peggats Each was NOT going to be post-Hardeen at all.... not even a little.... not until every single Hardeen fic/post/opinion pissed me the fuck off and I was like "okay we are gonna do this MY WAY now" lol. For another example, Every Shadow (big bang fic) has unfortunately become my antithesis to every single post-Zygerria fic I've ever read (99% of these fics are incredible and favorites of mine, but they have gotten Obi-Wan & Anakin's relationship slightly wrong... in my not-so-humble, unsolicited, biased, and frankly rude opinion lol.)
I often have a terrible relationship with fandom discourse and fanon concepts in general, and I've started unleashing these personal vendettas in my writing lol (mostly to stop myself from unleashing them in public).
💖 What made you start writing?
I started writing from the moment my infant hand could hold a pencil lol, so this is an impossible question to answer. xD But "what made you continue writing?" could be fun.
When I was a kid/teen, it was probably fame-driven, like... "I want to create a story as beloved as [insert whatever book I was obsessed with]."
In my late teens/early twenties, that wish morphed into, "I want to finish something, become published, and make it a career." So still fairly fame/success-driven.
Writing fanfic was partly because it was a low-stakes way to practice and/or a quicker way to get validation aka dopamine. But in the background, fanfic (writing and reading) became a really good way for me to figure out what kinds of stories I love and why....
Thus, began an obsession with trauma and recovery in writing that was enhanced while I studied in university. At that point, it became not fame-driven (finally, thank god), but more "I want to do good; I want to help; I want people to have stories that can heal them, that they can relate to, that can make them feel heard." But I still coupled that goal with the same fame/success-driven rubric I'd been using... which complicated things in an emotionally unhelpful way I think.
Which eventually exploded into a sudden backlash era in my late twenties, during which I rebelled against all of the above reasons... All I wanted while writing was to "satisfy my id/hurt the blorbo/do whatever I want." My joke is that I wanted to write the trashiest fanfic tropes but in a realistic way, like crack taken seriously lol. It was (is?) a lawless time lol.
These days though, I think I just want to have fun. I already know I like writing. I already know what subjects I like to write about. I already know I can get better at certain techniques/tropes/skills that I want to get better at. I already know that ppl can be touched/affirmed/etc by my writing. I already know that the very skewed understanding of "success" that capitalism taught me is optional. So I don't really feel a need to question these things anymore.
At this point, I continue writing just because I want to. It makes me happy. Both to write something and to read it afterward. And that's about it.
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