#because man
leviathanswingman · 1 month
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it would've been less gay if he just kissed him on the lips
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cuttyflammm · 8 months
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i genuinely don’t know
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huecycles · 1 year
i'd just like to leave a lil reminder about how i strongly headcanon both spamton and jevil as transmasc and that makes me super happy. ok bye
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abelllia · 1 year
still thinking about that time i saw a post imply jon wouldn't take another character's childhood trauma seriously.
that's the closest I've ever come to wanting to eat drywall because of a character interpretation.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 months
it’s been like 2 semesters and I still don’t remember the alphabet. i could refresh myself yet here I am winging it daily
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moibakadesu · 3 months
Back in ur inbox to thank you for not writing haruka as a fucking 4 year old in your fics, some people see child neglect victim and think "actual child :D"
So yea I appreciate you for not infantilising him because I KEEP SEEING IT AND I HATE IT
-based haruka anon (also hai long time no see)
Hello based Haruka anon!
And you are very welcome, the "babyfication" of Haruka is something in this fandom that irks me the most, it's s disrespect both to his character and also a sentiment on how the people doing this might see real people with similar disabilities or trauma.
It is so stupid to do that, because Haruka doesn't act like a little kid at any point. He does act childish sometimes and has his moments of age-regressive behaviour, but that is a trauma response, not something that makes him a literal child. Same with him not knowing a lot of things or having to learn them first (can you believe people told me that I portray him as a toddler just because I made him realistically unaware about things?), he is a victim of heavy neglect, if the implications are right he was living very isolated pretty early on, so while his mind aged he did not get the opportunity to learn anything or make normal experiences, courtesy of his terrible mother.
And no, autism and a learning disability also doesn't make you a child in a grown up body. Just a teen/young adult who processes things differently than a neurotypical person.
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amethystina · 2 months
I just saw this on X (formerly known as twitter) and I immediately thought of you. And I don't know why I had the urge to send it to you, so here it is.
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It describes perfectly how I feel about your writing. I usually don't read ongoing fics, but if I find one really intresting I read the first chapter to have a better understanding of it and save it for when it is finished. But with 'Who holds the devil', I felt like I couldn't stop reading. Like I physically couldn't stop reading, and it was all due to your writing. Everything you write about, every detail, every emotion, and every expression is written in the most unique and intresting way I have ever read.
The reason I sometimes prefer reading over watching things is because I have the ability to imagine what I am reading and emmerse myself completly in it when the writing is done well. And you don't just do it well, you do it INCREDIBLE.
In my personal experience, you are the first writer with which I like the long descriptions of things. Because when I read them, nothing feels too long or too much, it just feels perfect for the storytelling. And I only realise that there were a lot of words written after the fact, because everything just sails smoothly.
I don't know why I had the urge to send you this 😅, and I hope I didn't overwhelm you with my unstructured oversharing on here. But I just wanted to say, you are incredible and I hope you stay healthy and happy in the future (even if you suddenly decide to stop writing this fic, there is no pressure as you have already given us a lot).
Take care 💜
I am a little overwhelmed, not going to lie, but in a good way? In that way where I don't really know how to respond because I'm feeling so many things right now, but all of them good.
I've said it before but it will never not blow my mind when I hear just how much my writing seems to affect people. Because it doesn't feel all that glamorous to me, you know? When I'm sitting there, frowning at my document, trying to figure out what word goes where. Or when I'm trying to find the right rhythm and cadence to the sentences, and capture the right emotions and imagery to tell the story I can see playing out inside my head.
But I am, of course, incredibly flattered and also very proud to know that I can have such an impact. I started writing fanfics on a whim — because I wanted to write at least one before I died — and the art of writing (or whatever you want to call it) wasn't even something I reflected on at the time. Well, tbh, I can't say that I do that all that much now, either — I just write what I think sounds nice xD
Point being, even if I've always put a lot of effort into my writing, it never really occurred to me that I might end up being genuinely good at it. That felt like such an unobtainable goal that I never even considered it. And it's been pretty disorienting to be told that I am (but, again, in a good way).
Especially since I go against a lot of the common writing advice that you see floating around. I write a lot of words — some that are definitely not needed. I use adverbs, adjectives, and whatever the heck I want. I often do a lot of telling instead of showing. I repeat things and spell things out for the readers in a way that good writers shouldn't. I do a lot of hand-holding with my readers, taking them through every step of the character's thought process and reactions. I write detailed descriptions of what the characters are feeling instead of only showing it through their actions. The list goes on.
Like, if you look at what the writing advice says, I should be a terrible writer xD
But I'm glad that I'm not. I'm glad that I can write things that move people and that the stories I tell feel that engaging. And I love being able to share them and spread the joy. It's such a wonderful feeling to know that I've made a difference somehow, however small it may be.
So thank you so, so much for your kind words. Which feels wholly inadequate to convey just how grateful I am that you took the time to write and send this, but trust me when I say that it means a lot to me. I never thought I'd reach this point, with people reaching out to me just to tell me how much they love my writing. How wonderful is that? It leaves me utterly speechless sometimes.
How is this my life?
And so far I have no plans to stop writing Who Holds the Devil, don't worry. I can't promise it'll happen quickly what with everything that's going on in my life right now (like being officially diagnosed with burnout due to long Covid — yay me) but I'm way, way too stubborn to give up. And I also love the fic and the characters too much to stop xD I want to see this through to the end just as much as the rest of you.
So yeah. Thank you again for sending this — it made my day. And you take care, too 💜
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ryuki-blogs · 4 months
2024 better be the year where I start putting stickers on every notebook, organizer and flat surface around me because God never intended for anyone to have a hoard of this many stickers.
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citriarchive · 2 months
Interrupting my own scrolling to realize how fucking grrrrrawrawrawr it is for absolute beloved asshole doctor nithral baines to have two names—a first and a last (HELL IT'S THREE BECAUSE HE'S NICKNAMED THE SCALPEL BY BARDS)—he didn't choose, only to be given the choice to take a (last) name that has become partially his by way of him choosing it the same way he chose to love the man who gave it to him. i CANNOT believe i only found a way to put my feelings about that interaction into words just now.
the fucking feeling of "i'll offer to let you share my surname if you'd make it more comfortable, but you don't have to" and him choosing to. him getting to choose his name. him choosing to share a name with someone he fucking loves fucking what
this is not even my character even though my character is involved and i am just absolutely fucking bananas fosters bonkers about this shit right now oh my fucking god
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The frustration of not having time to be sick
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reiningsoral · 26 days
johnny Depp wearing eyeliner is more gender than I could ever be
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marchsfreakshow · 3 months
Wet and pathetic.
Just how I like my men
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ner0ticmemories · 3 months
okay but real talk, i really do see the riddler having his home confined out in the woods surrounded by trees but there's enough room for there to be bare dirt and some grassy flat land then two rows of high quality fence ( and barbed wiring intertwined at the top ) with the outside layer being electrically charged. then his of course trolling sign and other wild signs like how the end is near because of the choice of mankind and stuff like that. oh sandbags surrounding his home in case of severe weather or air strike? likely. speakers on different parts of his roof that he obnoxiously announces whatever he wishes? oh absolutely. 50+ cameras on every perimeter of his home and a room devoted strictly for his video viewing ( and also having some cameras placed in gotham city ) and then any visitors are met with a voice recording of him giving a riddle which is the only way they'll even be able to step passed the second gate to knock on his door. ( unless he just lets someone in ). then inside his house you see various papers that have all different notes, riddles, etc + all types of books on philosophy, psychology, and weaponry. walls covered with photos and a plethora of ideas and schemes to get batman and gotham's attention. his home on either side has a massive light that waves back and forth towards the night sky. and a telescope on his second floor porch he looks through frequently.
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softshuji · 11 months
I feel like I never have ant complaint more than being tired and it's so tiring to complain about that in itself too lkke
I just don't get time for myself. For anything, I feel like there's a never ending list of stuff that needs doing. I'm either working doing something or another and I'm just so tired of saying I have so much stuff to do despite it always being true. It's like when I do take time out for myself I feel guilty for it because I'm not actively being productive and getting things done and working towards something so I can't even relax in peace..but then again I am so utterly exhausted 24/7 it feels neverending
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toomanybandstocare · 1 year
if you've ever laughed from something I've written, genuinely laughed bc you thought it was funny, could you let me know what fic and what sentence?
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iwontmiss · 1 year
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Are her eyes different or am I going insane
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