#but frying things is always so so so hard for me for some reason
pianokantzart · 3 months
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isa-loves-you · 7 months
♡Michael Schmidt has a crush♡
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You were a sophomore in college, even though you live in an apartment off campus you still visited your mom almost everyday to check on her and to eat.
One night while you were visiting your mom she brought up the people who lived a couple of houses down "the young man knocked on my door this morning, asking if I would or If i knew someone who can babysit his sister at night". The reason why she brought this up is because you were looking for a job, with being a college student you needed the money and nights were perfect since you only have three classes a week. "He's a cutie, he would be perfect for you" you mom called out as she walked into the other room "cute doesn't matter I just need a job".
It's been almost a month since you started watching abby. She was the best kid you have ever babysat for, and she loved you which made your job so much easier.
"Hey y/n, can I ask you a question" "what is it abs" you stopped coloring to look at her. "Will you marry Mike, so you can live here and I can see you everyday"
You were a bit taken back by the question, how did she know that you liked mike?. "I'm really flattered that you want to see me everyday, but I don't think your brother likes me like that" you flashed her a smile to ease the tension but she just shrugged her shoulders and went back to drawing.
Ever since you started watching abby you found yourself infatuated with Mike. He wasn't a very open person but for some reason mike would open up to you, your mom was right he was a cutie.
It was almost midnight until you heard keys jingle and the front door unlock. Mike threw his keys on the small table by the door before looking for you. "Hey I made peanut butter stir fry, do you want me to make you a plate" you asked while already making a B-line to the kitchen."oh no it's okay, I can get it myself you already do almost everything here" you turned to Mike grabbing his arm and pulling him to the table "oh please making a plate is not going to hurt me, now please sit down".
Mike sat down and watched you shuffle around the kitchen to make him some to eat. Mike would never admit to himself but he liked having you around, he loved that abby adored you, sometimes he thimks she likes you more than him. He really wouldn't know what he would do without you, you now became his reason to get up everyday, too look nice, and too be happy.
After mike ate he walked you to your car while talking to you "I get my paycheck tomorrow so would it be okay if you stopped by after class to pick it up?" "Yeah no problem I'll stop by around 6". You stod there justing looking into his eyes, even though Michael's face told a story of a hard life, his eyes showed compassion. You would be a fool to not fall in love with him.
Once you left, Mike got ready for bed. He took the pills he always takes, replayed the tape he always plays, and looked at the Nebraska poster he always falls asleep looking at, but something was different. You were the only thing he could think about before the sleeping pills kicked in.
His dream started out like it always does, his mom spills her coke and tells him to keep track of Garrett. As soon as he sees Garrett in the back of a strangers Cadillac he takes Chace after it. No matter how hard he runs, he can never catche up with the mysterious car.
Mike stops to put his hands on his knees and catches his breath. Giggling. He hears Giggling.
Mike looks back up to now see a field of grass. This wasn't his dream, this is different from his normal nightmares. There in the field stood a happy abby, laughing holding hands with a happier y/n. Mike feels his heart pick up speed.
"Mike!" Abby ran towards her big brother with open arms. Mike catches his sister while y/n walked twords the two of them. He flashes a smile in y/n's direction "I've missed you mike", you kiss his cheak and hug the siblings tight . If he didn't known that this was a dream he would have thought that he died and went to heaven.
"Mike Wake up, I'm hungry". Abby jumps up and down on her brothers bed until she hears him grown,"okay okay abby give me a minute". He stands up and makes his way to the bathroom while abby returns back to the living room where she watches her cartoons and color.
Once mike sets abbys plate in front of her she immediately digs in. "Abby would you be okay if I started to date someone?", the young girl replies without even thinking about it "only if its y/n, she likes you". Mike looked at his sister shocked "well who else would it be, because I like her too" he says trying to play it like he knew this whole time.
It was almost 8 when you entered the house and abby ran up to give you a hug. "Hey hun I'm sorry my class ran later, I tried to call but no one answered" Mike came out of abbys bedroom with a relieved yet anxious look on his face. "Abby go to your room, I need to talk to y/n about grown up stuff" she looks at you with big eye to try to get you to let her stay "it will only take one minute, I'll come in there to say goodnight before I go".
Abby walked to her room with a sad and betrayed face. "Um here's you're payment, you'll be here tomorrow right" "Yeah, couldn't miss it for the world.".There it was, your smile. Oh how he couldn't wait any longer once he seen your million dollar smile.
"I know this might be sudden and very out of line, but could we maybe go out sometime"
You were surprised. "Yeah that sounds great, I would love to" you were stumbling over your words a little bit from being flustered. You two stood there with awkward smiles on your face, if you weren't in his house you would have been screaming from happiness.
"I better go say goodnight to abby before I go it's getting late" you stepped closer to Mike to get to the bedroom. "Y/n '' before you could respond to him, he placed his hand on the back of your ear and placed his lips upon yours.
It felt like a thousand minutes passed by in those five seconds, and you didn't want it to end. It wouldn't have ended if a certain someone spoke up.
"Yay I was right, y/n does like you mike!"
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zxoaii · 17 days
Everyone but you
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fem! reader x Mike Schmidt
Summary: Mike finally opens up about his soft spot for you.
WC: 4.8k
Warnings: NSFW 18+ (idk how to do this its smut)
A/N: I was already halfway through this when the votes tied for this and Peeta so let’s hope Peeta doesn’t surpass Mike
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[ Y/n ]
“You know, you’re actually pretty weird.”
Mike looks up at me with an unamused look on his face. “I’m weird?” He takes a fry from my tray. I nod with my mouth full.
“I’ve never met a security guard who was as good looking as you.” My smile forces through mid-sentence. I can’t ever keep a straight face. Mike on the other hand can only keep a straight face.
He shakes his head at me and pulls his wallet out of his pocket. “Can you go get me some fries? Now I want some.” When he opens his wallet I catch a glimpse of a photo.
“Who’s that?” I reach out and grab his wallet. “That’s my sister, Abby.” He actually tells me. Mike omits most things about his life. “She’s cute. How old is she?”
The wallet is taken from my hands. “I’ll tell you if you go get me a large fry with some ketchup.” Our eyes meet for a moment. I’m the first to give in. His gaze always melts me.
“Fine.” I grab the five from his hand and get up from the table. As I make my way across the food court I glance at the clock on the wall.
Damn, I only have ten minutes left on my break. Sometimes I wish I had a reason to call security during my shift just so I could see Mike. He never really walks near the Victoria’s Secret.
I guess it’d be kind of weird if he lingered around it though…
“Hi. Can I just get a large fry please.” I look back at the table to check if Mike is still there. I’m not sure why I check like this when I leave. He always stays. And he always comes back too.
“Here.” The kid at the register hands me the receipt. “Thanks.” I take it and move off to the side to wait for the food.
Mike is a confusing guy. Most of the time I’m not actually sure if he likes me. He doesn’t smile or laugh. He doesn’t talk much either.
Maybe it’s obvious how smitten I am with him. I don’t think I could make it any more obvious. I drop hints for him like my life depends on it. He’s never really acknowledged or reciprocated any of them though.
“Large fry.” I grab the fries off the tray and a handful of ketchup packets. The crowds shift unpredictability. The food court is the worst part of the mall. Easily.
I shoulder my way through the crowd and weave through tables. “Here. Now, how old is she?” I drop into the seat and reach for the rest of my burger. “She’s six but she thinks she’s 16. That girl fights for independence like her life depends on it.”
Mike smiles a little as he talks about her. “You guys are close?” He doesn’t seem to mind talking about her. “Yeah.” Damn, I thought I’d get more than that.
“How much longer do we have?” Mike shovels his food. “Uhh… Five minutes.” A feeling of sadness actually washes over me.
“We should hang out after work.” That is the boldest I’ve been so far. It still doesn’t seem to faze him at all. “I can’t.” Mike takes one of my napkins to wipe ketchup off his face.
“Why?” The sting of rejection hits me hard. “I have to get Abby from school.” He looks back at the clock. “I can meet you somewhere after.”
“I don’t have anyone to watch her.” I’m taken aback by this comment. “What about your parents?” Maybe I’m prying too far now. “Look, if you want to do something you’ll have to come over to my place.”
Do something? I’d like to do a lot of something at his place. My stupid grin is too big to hide. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
Mike nods and puts his trash on my tray. “I’ll meet you here and give you my address later then.”
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I pull my sun visor down and open the mirror. Hopefully I don’t look slutty. Sexy but not slutty. He has a little sister. Maybe she’s actually his daughter…
That’s a bit of a stretch.
I check the time and shut my sun visor. My heart pounds in my chest. This is actually happening. I’m outside Mike’s house. About to go inside.
I used my employee discount to get a new lingerie set just for tonight. Not that I’m expecting anything or something like that… Just in case.
Mike doesn’t even liked being touched. Maybe he doesn’t like sex either. No, that can’t be it. Who doesn’t like sex?
It’s already five past four and I told him I’d be here at four. I turn my car off and step out. The small house has some random toys littering the front yard.
I make my way up to the door and ring the doorbell. Anxiety and anticipation fill my stomach. The door opens and I’m met with the brunette from his wallet.

“Hi Y/n!” She greets me like she knows me. Mike rushes up and pushes Abby aside. “Go finish your dinner.” He mutters to her before turning to me.
We just stare at each other for a moment. Mike steps aside and I let myself in. “Take your shoes off.” Abby calls from the table.
I nod and discard my shoes by the door. There are three plates at the table. Oh god… He is her dad. Her mom is probably somewhere around here.
“I made you a plate.”
“What?” I turn to him, my cheeks heated with blush. “I didn’t know if you’d eaten yet so…” He gestures to the table. “No, I haven’t. Thanks.” I make my way to the table and sit across from Abby.
My plate is filled with mac and cheese and a hotdog. “Sorry… Abs requested this specifically. I would’ve made something nicer otherwise.” Mike sits down at the head of the table. “No, it’s better than what I would’ve had-”
“What were you going to have for dinner?” Abby pokes at her food with her fork. “Don’t interrupt.” She sends Mike an annoyed glance.
I shake my head and put my hands up. “She’s fine… I probably would’ve had some leftover takeout.” Abby nods and looks over to Mike.
I look over at him too, trying to understand what the exchange of glances means. Nothing is said or given away.
The two of them go back to eating like they had come to a silent agreement. I follow them and start eating the food on my plate.
“Y/n you’re really pretty. I hope I look like you when I grow up.” My face lights up. “Oh my god that’s so sweet. You’ll be prettier than me when you grow up. I’m sure of it.”
Abby turns to Mike again. I feel like I’m definitely missing something here.
The rest of dinner is filled with Abby talking about her day. She doesn’t mention friends. Or talking to anyone but her teachers. The only thing she really talks about is drawing. Mike looks at her like she’s the only thing in the world.
I wonder if he’s ever looked at me like that…
“Can I come with you to work on Saturday?” At this Mike actually rolls his eyes. “You know you can’t. I don’t want to do this tonight.” He takes her empty plate and goes into the kitchen.
Abby throws her head back and groans. I’m not working this Saturday. It would give me an excuse to see him… “I’m not working. I can watch her.” I blurt out.
Both of them stop and look at me. “Really?” Mike walks up behind Abby with his hands on his hips. God it shouldn’t be as sexy as it is. “Yeah, I don’t mind hanging out with you at the mall.”
Abby turns to face her brother. I can imagine the pleading look on her face. When Mike looks away with a sigh we both know his answer. I continue eating my food to avoid the annoyed look I’m being given.
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I sit on the couch alone. The tv is on but my eyes linger on the hall. Mike went in to put Abby to sleep. I’m prepared for the lecture I’ll probably get when he joins me.
Hopefully he isn’t too mad about it though. When the door clicks closed I turn my attention to the tv. In my peripheral vision I can see him walk over to the couch.
“Want some popcorn?” He asks as he sits down on the other side of the couch. “No, thanks.” I look over at him. In his sweatpants and tee he looks like a fucking gift from god.
When Mike looks over at me I don’t bother to look away. Part of me wants to make a move. To finally find out if he wants me too.
“Y/n…” My stomach turns over as he says my name. “Yeah?” I find myself leaning in closer. “I… Abby can be a handful and I can’t pay you for watching her.”
My heart sinks in my chest. “Oh, that’s fine.” I slowly sink back away from him. The annoyance of this avoidance starts to build up inside me.
Does he want me? Does he not want me? Is it worth losing him as a friend if he doesn’t want me? What could happen if he says he does want me?
“Mike I’m interested in you.” I blurt out, not even looking at him. He turns to look at me. I avoid his eyes. The silence drags on for ages. With each passing second feelings threaten to burst out of me.
None of them good.
“I should go.” I quickly get up and head towards the door. As I pass him, Mike grabs my wrist. He stands up and tries to meet my eyes. I avoid him still. Tears threaten to fall.
I don’t need the rejection to be said. His silence was loud enough.
“Please. You don’t have to do this. It was stupid, if I’ve learned anything about you it’s that you hate everyone but your sister. That’s fine. I’ll watch her and-”
“Hate you? I don’t hate anything about you.”
At this point I’m so overwhelmed with contradictory feelings the only feeling that I can clearly feel is nausea.
“What?” Finally I look at him. My breath gets stuck in my chest. “I don’t hate anything about you.” He repeats. “You… Are everything. When I’m alone you are all I can think about. All I can want.”
I exhale a shaky breath. “You do things to me that drive me insane. You have had me since the moment I laid eyes on you.”
I’m left completely speechless. The only thing that makes sense is to pull him closer. I wrap my arms around his neck and smash my lips onto his.
Mike drops his hands to my hips. He pulls me in closer so our bodies are pressed against each other. Our kiss is lustful and desperate. Neither of us can get enough of each other.
We stumble around for a moment until my back hits the wall. His taste is intoxicating. Mike moves down to kiss my neck. I take quick and shallow breaths.
The heat pooling in my underwear is unbearable. I squirm under his touch. With one hand I grab his hair, I use the other to stifle my moans.
Mike pulls away from me and takes some deep breaths. “Is this ok?” He asks obliviously. “Don’t talk.” I pull him back in and kiss him again.
“Wait. Not here.” He pulls me with him into his room. As soon as the door is shut he pulls his shirt off. His toned body is better than I could’ve imagined.
My fingers trace the shape of his abs, sliding down toward his v-line. His heavy breathing drives me insane.
I reach down and lift my own shirt. Mike’s hands slide up my body and push it off me eagerly. “Fuck.”
The only light comes from the street lamps outside his window. It creates harsh shadows that define every inch of him. I reach down and slide my fingers into his waistband.
As our eyes meet I’m sure our intentions are the same. I remove the last of his clothes carefully. Mike steps out of his pants and pulls me over to his bed.
He sits on the edge and pushes me down into a kneel in front of him. Without exchanging any words I took his tip into my mouth.
“Ohh fuck.” His rough hand grabs the back of my head. My tongue works around his shaft. I use my hands to carefully rub what isn’t in my mouth. “Come on. You can take more than that.”
Mike’s hand puts pressure on my head. I sink lower on his cock, taking as much as I can. “That’s perfect. Good girl.” His hand slides off my head and down my back. My bra is unhooked and slides down my arms.
My hands work to undo my pants. As I pull my head back for air I work them down over my ass. Mike watches me through half lidded eyes.
He tugs his lip between his teeth as I lower my head again. The taste of his precum fills my mouth. My pants sit at my knees. As I try to reach down to relieve myself, Mike grabs my wrist.
“Don’t.” His voice is husky and demanding. I obliege and instead grab onto his legs. The sounds of my mouth fill the room. Mike’s quiet moans push me to do more.
My nails dig into his skin as his tip brushes the back of my throat. Nothing I’ve ever dreamt of compares to this. To the lustful look he has in his eyes.
Mike grabs my face to stop me. My desperation for anything for him shows out. As I sit on his floor with my pants half down and no top, Mike looks at me like I’m the only thing in the world.
“Stand up.” He demands. I slowly raise myself up from the ground. My pants fall to my ankles. Mike lifts my leg and removes my pants then follows with the other.
God his attitude has never driven me this wild. His lips caress my stomach. My fingers twist into his hair.
My hand clenches into a fist as his fingers brush against my core. “Jesus.” The feeling of his rough hands being so gentle with me drives me insane.
I know he can do so much more. I wish he would. “How’s this?” Mike’s finger brushes past my clit. “Good.” My voice shakes as I answer him.
“Just good? You deserve better than that.” His breath is hot on my stomach. I toss my head back as his fingers rub me harder. “Ah!” My hand covers my mouth to shut me up.
“Like that?” Mike kisses my belly. “Yes. God, don’t stop.” I roll my hips with his fingers. The feeling of hush tongue on my skin drives me crazy.
I want to taste his lips again. Not only that, I want him to just fuck me. A raw fuck would drive me insane.
“You’re so wet.” I look down at him, grabbing his shoulder for support. With his free hand Mike strokes himself. His lips tug into a smug grin.
“Give me more.” My pleads seem to get him off more. “Please. I don’t want to wait anymore.” I continue. “Fuck.” His fingers leave my body and with a swift motion and has me down on his bed.
Mike places himself over me. He leans down and presses his lips to mine in a needy kiss. Our bodies grind against each other.
We both want it so badly and simultaneously need this to last forever. This feeling of desperate lust.
“How many times have you thought of me like this?” I whisper as we pull away for air. “A million times.” Mike moves down to my neck, sucking on the bare skin.
My back arches up against him as his teeth add pressure. I have work tomorrow. I don’t bother mentioning it. I want everyone to know how hard I got fucked tonight.
Our make out session ends as abruptly as it started. Mike spreads my legs, holding my thighs apart. He looks to me for a moment. I nod back.
He adjusts himself until his tip is pressed against me. My hand grabs at the sheets. As he slowly thrusts into me, my grip tightens.
Mike’s hands press harder on my thighs. Strangled moans escape from my mouth. I fight to stay quiet. My body responds to him with pure pleasure.
“Jesus christ you were made for me.” His head falls forward between his shoulders. Mike thrusts into me at a steady speed. We touch each other like needy idiots.
My head digs into his pillow. I’m surrounded by him. His smell is intoxicating. His sounds are addictive. His touch is breathtaking.
“Mike.” I moan, reaching up to grab at his back. “Harder.” I hold him closer to me. Mike obliges and starts to fuck me harder.
“You’re so good.” He whispers, gripping my hip. How do we go back to normal after this? Do we? How do I keep my hands off of him after this?
“Turn over.” Mike pulls out of me with one sudden movement. I quickly turn onto my stomach. His hands grab my hips, pulling my ass up.
I dig my face into the pillow as I anticipate his penetration. When he finally slides back into me my moans are quieted.
“God, fuck.” He grunts as he builds back up to a steady rhythm. My legs start to slide apart with each thrust. Mike grabs them to steady me.
Warmth starts to build up in my stomach. I don’t want this to end yet. This hasn’t lasted nearly long enough.
My fists clutch his sheets again. I let myself moan more freely now that my face is in the pillow.
Our skin meets with a rhythmic clap. Mike tries to quiet it but doesn’t seem to care enough to change positions. Thank god.
I’ve never been fucked like this. I hope no one ever has the chance to fuck me again. This is it. No one could possibly be better than this.
“Are you close?” Mike groans. “Yes.” I choke out. “God your cunt is clenching around me.” One of his hands slides from my thigh to between my legs.
He presses onto my clit, circling his finger slowly. My whines start to creep out louder and louder. My orgasm builds up satisfyingly slow.
“Don’t stop.” I beg, laying my head in my arms. Mike continues with his movements. The feeling continues to build up more quickly now.
I feel Mike’s cock twitch inside me. His quiet profanities and grunts give away how close he is as well. I want to see his face as he finishes inside me.
“I want to see you.” My words come out more slurred than they should’ve. At first I’m unsure if he could even understand me.
Then in one swift motion Mike flips me over. His relentless fucking continues immediately after my back hits the mattress. Our faces are both damp with sweat.
His eyes lock with mine, his gaze piercing right through me. There’s nothing he couldn’t get from me. “You’re the most beautiful thing to ever walk this planet.”
I’m taken aback by his comment. Before I can respond my orgasm consumes my thoughts. My back arches up until we’re skin to skin again.
Mike slides a hand under my back, holding me tight. I sink my teeth into his shoulder to hold my moans in. “Fuck.” His grip gets even tighter. We both stay like this until our orgasms have passed.
I lay back down on his bed. Mike lays down next to me. We both stare at the ceiling while we catch our breath. I creep my hand over toward his. When our pinkies touch, Mike takes my hand in his.
“I like you so much.” He mumbles. “You don’t know how crazy you’ve driven me since I first saw you.”
My heart skips a beat in my chest. I turn my head to look at him. Mike looks over at me too. “I didn’t even think you liked me as your friend.” He did nothing to give it away. Ever.
“I don’t like anyone but you. You’re fucking mesmerizing.” He pressed my hand against his lips, kissing my knuckles.
If I’m dreaming don’t ever wake me up.
I lean in and kiss him again. His stubble contrasts my soft skin. The roughness he has is one of his sexiest qualities.
“Do you want to shower?” Mike whispers as we part. “With you?” My hand slides up to his shoulder. “I wouldn’t let you shower alone.” His smirk returns.
That fucking smirk. If he had flashed that at me any time before today I might’ve just grabbed him and kissed him right there. He doesn’t even know how sexy he is.
“I’ll go run the water.” Mike sits up and reaches for his clothes off the floor. “Here.” He slides his boxers back on then walks over to his dresser. I watch as he pulls out another pair of boxers and a tee.
“You can wear this.” As he drops the clothes on the bed he leans in closer to me. I meet him in the middle, pressing another kiss onto his lips. I’m desperate for his touch. Even after all that.
“Alright. I’m going to go get the shower ready… Come join me when you’re ready.” Maybe it’s too dark to see but Mike actually winks at me. Before I can ask him if he really did he’s leaving the room.
I collapse back onto the mattress. Jesus this guy is going to be the death of me.
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aspiringtrashpanda · 9 days
Beel and mc first date short fic ✨
Our sweet boy Beel deserves all the love <3 Let's gooooo!
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Characters: Beel x MC Sharing food as a love language, pure fluff. Did first kiss too, I hope that's okay! No warnings apply
This was a joke, right?  
You were seeing things. You had to be seeing things. 
There was in no way in all the three realms that Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony and Ruler of the Underworld, had just placed half of his gigadeath burger on your plate.  
Half. 0.5. ½.  
You weren’t sure his stomach could handle such deprivation! He was a growing demon! He needed his nutrients! 
“What?” Beel paused his chewing, burger grease dripping down his fingers and onto the checkered parchment paper on the tray before him. “You’re not hungry?” 
Eyes flitting from the burger - the frankly delicious burger oozing premium molten mozzarella, the cheese mingling with the juice pooling from the sizzling meat patty - to his concerned gaze, you wiped the drool from the corner of your lip and shook your head. “It’s not that. It’s just… Don’t you want your whole burger?” 
It was cute, the way he cocked his head to the side. His fiery hair fell into his eyes for a moment, his slow blink drawing your attention to his dark eyelashes. Your heart stuttered in your chest when he lifted his shoulder in a lopsided shrug. “I want you to try it. It’s really good.”
“Are you sure?” Your devil nuggets called your name from their carton next to your soda. They were tasty, sure, but that burger looked like something else.
“Yeah,” He nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. “Did you think we were only coming here tonight?”
The taste flooding your tongue - savory and salty with a crunch from the fixings cradled between two soft buns - was so overwhelming, you didn’t register his words. You were too busy relishing in the richness of the burger as it traveled down your throat and to your stomach, warming you from the inside out. It didn’t even bother you that the patty was probably made from some weird Devildom animal that you would usually find unappetizing. The burger was too good to care.
Realization struck you like lightning from above. “Wait, what?”
It was not lost on you how Beel’s indigo gaze traced the tip of your tongue as you licked at the residual taste on your lips. Something unreadable lanced through his irises. Suddenly, it was awfully hard to meet his eyes, your heart firmly lodging itself in your throat. 
Lazily nibbling on his last acidic hell fry, he suggested, “Want to have a campfire?”
“A campfire?” You echoed, ducking your head when you became self-conscious of your dumb expression.
His mind made up, he toweled off his greasy fingers and stood, the stool screeching against the wooden floors of Hell’s Kitchen. “Yeah,” Determination as sharp as his jaw set his brow into a deep furrow. “Come with me.”
Keeping up with Beelzebub on the hunt for food was easier than you had expected. Looming over most demons, his long legs gave him the ability to cover impressive distance with each step. However, you found it wasn’t difficult to wander the streets of the Devildom at his side. Maybe it was the way he moved slowly, with intention, as if he was trying to commit every second of this night to his memory. Maybe it was his big heart, always so considerate of those he cared about. 
Maybe he was looking out for you, just as you always looked out for him. There was a reason you kept snacks on your person at all times, after all. 
It had come as a surprise when Beel had requested your attendance for an impromptu dinner at Hell’s Kitchen. You had been drowning in homework, the sharp knock on your bedroom door startling you from your third attempt to actually absorb the words on the page in front of you. 
“Hey, dinner tonight?” He had asked, so casually as if it was any other day.
“Sure,” You had smiled.
“Cool,” He had beamed that dazzling Beelzebub grin that stretched wide across his face. The one where you could count all of his sharp teeth. The one that creased his eyes into crescent moons and made your stomach twist into a pretzel. “It’s a date.”
You were pretty sure it had taken you at least five minutes to process the bomb he had dropped on you upon his exit. Another fifteen to find a suitable outfit - casual and comfortable, but also nice, you know? And you couldn’t possibly discount the solid forty minutes spent worrying over whether he was joking or being serious. 
When he had met you in the entrance hall clad in his best jeans and a flattering, nice sweater, you felt the relief inflate your chest like a helium balloon. 
And really, you still felt like you were walking on air. Even as you stood in the snacks aisle of a Devildom bodega, shying away from the unflattering glare of overhead fluorescent lights as Beel rifled through foil packaging with an intensity that you long learned accompanied his hunger. 
He fought you tooth and nail at the register, amusement dancing upon his lips. “Why should you pay?”
“Because you bought dinner,” you pouted, crossing your arms over your chest as if it would possibly make you more intimidating in the eyes of the 6’4” demon. 
“Hmmm,” he mulled over your argument for a millisecond, just to lean down and blow a raspberry in your face. He smirked, “Nope.”
It caught you off guard, your face burning as bright as a screaming tomato. Brattiness was usually Belphie’s expertise. 
Mischief melting into soft affection in his indigo gaze, fixed to you as the bodega clerk processed his payment, he ventured, “What if… you cover our next date?”
You liked the way the tips of his ears flushed, the way he rubbed the back of his neck and shot you a sheepish, albeit genuine, smile. 
“I think that would be fair.” A tickle spread across your cheeks, scrunching your nose and burning your skin. 
Though, the heat from your flush had nothing on the warmth of the flames lapping at the inky Devildom sky. The embers shot like fireflies reaching for the stars, the campfire crackling within the confines of the pit, lined by rocks that would dwarf even Beelzebub’s palm. It had come as a surprise when Beel had led you off the beaten path, guiding you to a clearing in a forest not too far from the House of Lamentation. However, the secret fire pit made a lot more sense when he explained that it was typically reserved for stargazing with Belphie. 
“Are those… rice krispie squares?” You asked, the pop of an adhesive seam wafting vanilla your way.
“They’re crackling mallow bars,” Beel corrected, though there was no judgment in his tone. He had this way of introducing you to Devildom cuisine in a manner that felt familiar, like he understood that there were a lot of similarities between the dishes you knew. “They’re made up of marshmallows and these crispy marrow bits that are caramelized and -”
“Do they taste sweet?” You suppressed a grimace at the unappetizing description.
He chucked, the sound oozing reassurance, “Yes.”
“Okay, cool.” As he retrieved two long sticks, splitting into sharp prongs at the tip, nostalgia hit you like a truck. You hummed, “I used to eat something like this all the time when I was little.”
He raised a brow. “You’re still little.”
“Very funny.”
He laughed. Peeling the wrapper from two treats, he secured both on the ends of the sticks. “Have you ever roasted them over a campfire?” 
“I never considered that. They would melt pretty fast, wouldn’t they?”
“You would think so,” He passed you a stick, eyes warm with encouragement and something akin to childlike awe, “But they actually hold up for a while.”
For a moment, it was quiet. Just you and Beel and the chirps of the hell crickets in the undergrowth. It was hard to pay attention to the way the sweet bars darkened, a char climbing up the chunks of… marrow, or whatever… when you could feel Beel’s eyes on you. 
When you met his gaze, he was ready, already pulling the snack from his stick. “Here, try this.”
The marshmallow near compromised, the dessert fell apart in his large hands. Beel’s fingers tangled in sticky sweetness, you gasped in delight as strings of sugar stretched towards you with his gesture. “Oh, it’s so gooey!” 
His smile was so big, so warm, and you had the sudden thought that if you were in Icarus’s shoes, you too would fly too close to the sun. He went to feed you the treat, laughing, “Open wide!”
The explosion of flavor on your tongue - hot and sweet with that smoky campfire accent - had you squirming in delight, a thrilled hum vibrating in your throat. You were grateful that Beel thought to remove your stick from the fire. You were far too occupied with your new favorite snack to notice it about to ignite. 
Beel’s laughter died, his brow furrowing as conflict eclipsed the joy in his gaze. You looked to him, confused. “What?”
Had he always been that close? Had he been watching you with such longing this entire time?
“You’ve got a bit of marshmallow…” His adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped, eyes zeroing in on your lips. “Can I?”
You nodded. Your mouth was so dry, your pulse in your ears. With his nose nudging yours, you could taste the sweetness of the marshmallow treat on his breath, feel the way you were drawn closer like sticky sugar insistent on holding you together. 
His lips brushed yours - soft and chaste. It was funny how a kiss so gentle could hold so much weight. Featherlight, a tender brush, and yet you felt as though the prints of his lips were engraved on yours forevermore. 
“Mmm, tastes extra good,” he breathed, cupping your face in his hands. His thumbs smoothed over your skin, his eyes reading your soul as you leaned in to kiss him again. A peck to his lips, to his nose, to the apples of his cheeks.  
“What are you thinking about?” You murmured, reveling in his proximity, his radiant warmth. 
“Trying all my favorite foods off your lips,” He smiled, the twitch of his lips slotting against yours with such ease. “Think we could try that?”
“Sure,” You laughed, “It’s a date.”
this is low-key a love letter to burgers. My requests are open! Find more info HERE. Banner by @4laurus. Check out her work - and also her Beel.
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papayatori · 4 months
Don’t Blink! (P3)
LN4 x fém!reader
No warnings
I’m not sure how long I’m going to carry on this series, I guess it depends on how well it does. I’ve got nothing but positives so far, so I hope it stays that way. I also take requests! Feel free to leave me some! (This one is kind of shorter, I’m sorry. Longer one next time!)
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My alarm interrupted my peaceful sleeping. I was beyond pissed and could have thrown it across the room had it not simply been doing its God-forsaken job. I decided that, at the ungodly hour of 7am on a Saturday, that I would get up and make breakfast like normal human beings usually do.
How incredibly jealous I was of said human beings.
In about thirty minutes, I had started things in the kitchen. I had my morning cup of Chai and was ready to take on the world; and by the world, I meant the frying pan.
Pancakes were a delicacy that could not be coveted, an art that took decades to master. Pancakes with bacon were even better. Not to mention, keeping my apartment from burning down as an added plus. With that said, I gave all of my attention to the stovetop.
After a long battle with the floury pancake mix and attempting to turn it into a batter(there was now a huge mess to clean up later, yet another reason I have yet to master the art of pancake making), I had finally managed to have a breakfast fit for a king.
Or better yet, a breakfast fit for me.
I had decided to leave the mess to clean up later, I was hungry and it could wait. Though, I was proud of myself and couldn’t help but snap a picture of my breakfast and post it on Twitter.
I ate in a comfortable and relaxing silence. I had earned this after yesterday. Though, I hadn’t really stumbled upon last nights memories until now. Lando and I had texted for a while after I had gone to bed, him insisting that I never answered his ‘question’. At first I was really sure what he meant, but then I had come to the realization that he was asking when our next date was.
Silly me.
I would be lying if the thought of our time yesterday hadn’t sent me into a mess of smiles and butterflies every time I thought of it. Sure, I had always found Lando attractive, but never had I thought anything more than that. Why would I? I hadn’t met him until yesterday.
I’m starting to believe I might be going insane, and I will be blaming Lando for legal purposes.
Startled, I looked down at my phone. I usually didn’t get many replies on Twitter, this was new.
And you didn’t invite me? I thought we were friends 💔
At first I was confused as hell, and then I read the name of the person who had replied.
Lando Norris
I shook my head with a small smile spreading across my lips. I wasn’t sure how he managed to find my social media, or why for that matter, but I suppose it wouldn’t have been too hard. I decided to reply anyway.
Maybe next time Mr. Norris
My laptop open, camera plugged in, I knew for a fact that these were going to be the easiest photos I’d ever edited. I plopped myself back down on my couch, satisfied with my breakfast and cleanup afterwards, one hindered percent determined to be productive today.
Woo hoo!
Okay, maybe that was a bit of sarcasm. Though, i wasn’t lying about these photos being easy to edit. The hard part, however, would be keeping my eyes off of Lando’s face for long enough to edit his photos.
Who knew such a thing could be so insanely difficult.
It was honestly frustrating trying to keep my mind away from him. I’ve dated my fair share of men, and I don’t think I’ve ever had this much trouble keeping my thoughts in check. This also begs the question, what exactly were we now? I’m not sure if our date had any romantic implications in the first place. He could have just been being friendly. I would be a fool to mention it.
A knock on the door pulled me completely out of my rambling thoughts, and a part of me was thankful. I got up to open it, curious as who the hell could be knock in on my door at 9am.
The door revealed the most beautiful pair of blue-green eyes I had ever seen.
“I brought you things!” Lando said excitedly, not waiting on me to let him in a pushing past me to the table in my kitchen.
“Good morning to you too, Lando.” I chuckled, following closely after him.
“So, first things first. I’m mad at you.” Lando pushed his bottom lip out, giving me a pout I couldn’t help but giggle at.
“And why would that be, Mr. Norris?” He glared at me.
“You know exactly why I’m mad at you.” He clicked his tongue. “Fortunately for you, that isn’t why I am here.” I tilted my head, urging him to continue.
Lando pulled some bits of paper out of the sack I hadn’t realized he was holding. His eyes were too much of a distraction for me to even notice. He smiled then, holding my gaze for a little longer than I had anticipated before finally breaking the silence once more.
“Sign these.” He slid the papers towards me.
“What am I signing exactly?” I asked. As he handed me the pen, our fingertips touched for a moment, sending electricity through my body. My face heated up and I reverted my eyes back down to the paper to keep from falling into his.
“It’s a contract. I worked my magic with Zak, you’re welcome, and he’s written up an official agreement for you to work for McLaren.”
“You’re lying.” I gasped, reading through the paper that said just about the exact same thing Lando had just described to me. “I thought you were joking.”
“I wouldn’t get your hopes up like that, not even after you had pancakes without me.” I rolled my eyes at his smirking figure. I ignored his comment.
“I just can’t believe it’s actually happening. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted something like this.” This time I looked up at Lando with the biggest, genuine smile he’s ever seen me wear, and instead of smirking, he actually gave me a genuine smile back.
“I’m sure you can believe this then.” He reached further down into the back, balling it up afterwards. “Paddock pass for Bahrain. You won’t need to worry about the flight or the hotel situation, you’re going to be staying in the same one as Oscar and myself. I think Zak will probably also be there this time around seeing as it’s the first race of the season.”
Before I could really think about what I was doing, my arms were wrapped around him in a tight embrace. He was quite taller than me, leaving my face buried into his chest. His muscles were tense, slowly easing as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Thank you, Lando.” I mumbled, my voice muffled from his chest.
“Anything for you, darling.”
Coming to my senses, I pulled away a bit quicker than I would have liked.
“Fuck, I’m sorry-“
Lando was laughing at me now, probably seeing how red my face was.
“I got a bit excited.” I continued to try and explain myself without sounding like a fan.
Well, I was a fan, but that was beside the point.
“Just don’t get so excited that you forget to sign those papers, Miss y/ln.” I looked down at them to find that he was right, I really had forgotten to sign the papers.
His hand squeezed my shoulder as I was writing, causing me to hesitate slightly before continuing. His touch sent waves of heat through me, heat that I could explain but most definitely couldn’t deny either.
I looked up at him when I finished, praying my face wouldn’t give away the things his touch did to me. He smiled sweetly.
“I can’t wait for next week.” He said, as if he were the one who had just signed contract papers with McLaren as their primary photographer.
“Neither can I.”
“This picture? Really?” Lando gave me a look as we pulled my laptop away from me on the couch. I should’ve learned my lesson last time he took something from me, but apparently I had not.
“I like that one! It brings out your eyes.” I stated proudly. He smirked.
“You like my eyes, do you?” I paused, not expecting for that sort of question after the moments we had spent in the kitchen.
“Maybe, maybe not; but one thing is for certain, and that is that the LN4 Twitter fan girls are infatuated with them, and that’s all I need for my entire career to blow up.”
Who was I trying to fool, myself? Lando sent me a knowing look.
“Staring contest, go!” I was completely caught off guard by this, not prepared in the slightest.
His eyes bore into my own, blinding me without any light whatsoever. They were full of so many emotions that I couldn’t place, though the joy behind his iris’s couldn’t be contained. I almost smiled at the thought that maybe I was the reason behind the joy he was feeling.
Don’t blink
I lost myself in his eyes, in my thoughts, perfectly content to stare into him for the rest of our time together. I hadn’t realized that that we had slowly drifted towards each other, my mouth parted slightly in instinctive anticipation. Was this really happening?
Then he stuck is tongue out at me.
I blinked in confusion at first, laughing at his action before realizing I had lost the staring contest.
“Oh fuck off!” I laughed, throwing on of the couch pillows at him.
“You’re just mad because I’m right!” He laughed along with me, seeing the dawning look of realization grow on my face.
The only reason we had a staring contest was just for him to prove the fact that I liked his eyes. This bastard knew what he was doing. Honestly, I was starting to like that.
Or maybe I was just starting to like him.
The late afternoon had rolled around after spending the entire day joking around with Lando.
So much for being productive.
I led him to the door on his way out. I’m not really sure why I didn’t want him to leave; but, his presence sure beat the hell out of being lonely and editing his photos all day.
“Thanks for today, I had a lot of fun.” I said, giving him a small smile as a thanks. He chuckled.
“So did I, other than the part where I didn’t get pancakes.” I rolled my eyes before an idea popped into my head.
“If you won’t hold this over my head anymore, maybe you could come over for breakfast tomorrow morning?” Proud of myself, I gave him a wink. He blanked, surprised I even offered.
“Sure! As long as I can consider it our second date.”
“A deals a deal.” I offered him my hand. He shook it with a triumphant smile, bringing my hand to his lips before gently kissing the back of it.
“I suppose I’ll see you in the morning then, darling.”
And with that, he was gone and the door had shut behind him. The only thing he left behind was the faint scent of his cologne.
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satoruzlove · 1 year
hello again! first and foremost, thank you for doing my request 100000x more than what i imagined 🙇🏻‍♀️🫶 AND HERE I AM AGAIN lol i can't help but to imagine many scenarios with Haikyuu boys (courtesy of TikTok)
can i possibly request a scenario of atsumu (and whoever haikyuu boy you could imagine that certainly loves socializing) based on the tiktok trend where the boys are having a night out and they give their s/o food/money/or just something that makes their girl happy just to get their permission & telling them not to call/text/bother/find him for the whole night.
for better reference; https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8jbW2rg/
- 🫧
my beloved bubble anon, FORGIVE ME FOR TAKING A GAJILLION YEARS WITH THIS. i was trying so hard to imagine writing it the right way around but i couldn’t stop myself from doing it the other way around!!!😭😭 i hope you don’t mind .
[ atsumu miya , rintarou suna ]
- one [1] ass slap in tsumu’s,touchiness, atsumu healing my daddy issues one ‘sweetheart’ at a time, rintaro almost strips, ALMOST. very soft angst , rin with an attitude lol-
a. miya !
tonight is your little reunion between your highschool friendgroup. fun, right?
well, when you get there it will be but before you do wont. the reason for this is that your man child boyfriend has a habit of following you everywhere- it was actually the only reason he wanted to know everyone you spend time with. so he can always tag along and be with you 24/7, 365. you love him for it and it’s very endearing how he craves your presence but you couldn’t help but want a little alone time with some people that you’ve made memories with.
your group has been planning this about a month in advance, which gave you a month to decide how you wanted to go about keeping tsumu away. you thought about asking his friends to take him out, sending him to run errands but they all made you feel like you were committing a crime and trying to make sure atsumu stays in the dark about it.
discouraged, you had sat down to wallow in your own stupidity and opened your phone. scrolling through tiktok, you had found a solution to all your problems. a little video , no longer than 20 seconds, was gonna secure your fun night out with friends. said video showed a guy giving his girlfriend food in exchange for her not to call, text, email or even think about him. you reckoned that it would work on your blond lover too.
now you practically skip down the stairs barely able to see your feet because of the sheer amount of food in your hands. you even asked samu to make atsumu’s favorite rice balls and picked them up on your way back from work- safely hiding them in your bag. atsumu finally comes into sight when you reach the kitchen. he’s leaned up against the counter, hair messy and his honey eyes focused on the screen of his phone. he only looks up when you nearly trip- and his eyes widen.
“babe, what the hell-?” he tries, but you simply saunter over to the counter and look him dead in his eyes. first, you put everything down infront of you. “i’m going out with my high school friends and- before you ask i still love you- but i wanna go alone,so” atsumu’s eyes shoot up at the uncharacteristic seriousness in your voice, but he allows you to continue. you put down a bag of mcdonald’s, his favorite order with an extra large fry just how he likes, “ do not text me,” you take a bag of kfc , mainly wings that are extra hot because you know he loves to wash it down with coke,” do not call me,” as you put things down, you can see atsumu’s eyebrows drop and a pout grow on his pretty pink lips. finally you present the rice balls that samu made, and a coke, “ don’t email me, or smoke signal me, or anything. okay?” you finally finish, look up at him hopefully.
his lip is jutted out as he glances down at the items you used to bribe him and back to yours. you nearly start tapping your foot impatiently. atsumu leans down so for once, you two are eye to eye level. “ are ya sure you still love me?” he asks you softly. you think for a moment that he’s kidding, but the pause and loud swallow you hear give him away.immediately, you realise that you’ve screwed up. before you can answer, your boyfriend speaks again. “if you didn’t want me to come you could’a asked me to just.. stay here. i would have. ya didn’t have to go and spend all that time bribing me like i’m a mafia boss or somethin’” atsumu sighs, obviously disheartened and now walking away from you. you go to hold his bicep to stop him, but he easily moves out the way without making it look obvious.
you’re feeling really bad now, the dull look in his eyes eating into your tummy. “ i do still love you, tsum, don’t be dumb. i just,” you paused when he looks at you with a raised brow. he looks like he really couldn’t care less about your excuses right now. “i actually don’t have an excuse, i’m just being dumb,” your voice was small, timid from hoping that your boyfriend isn’t too upset. the last thing on your mind is the buzzing phone in your pocket but it’s the first in atsumu’s.
he turns again, getting a glass of water. “ answer it, go. have fun. just text me if you get drunk off your ass and i’ll come get ya, if ya aren’t sleeping at one of your friends’ places.” atsumu instructed you. you bite your lip in thought.quietly , you go up behind him. he pretends to not notice your presence, the warmth of your skin hovering over his clothed back. his eyes stay trained on his very important glass of water. your arms wrap around him gently at first but when you feel no protest, you get comfortable. he tuts, tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth. “ you’re gonna be late, yn. go.” and you nearly cry at him using your first name- but you soon realise that if he did what you had done, you’d be doing a lot worse than calling him a first name.
you inhale. deep, calming, hopeful. “ i’m not going,” you mumbled into his covered flesh. he fights a smile, affection creeping onto his skin. “ why? you seemed pretty interested in it a minute ago? i reckon you should go have fun with your little friends. god knows why ya wanna be here, with me, who you wanted to avoid all night.” as he talks, his tone is more playful , more pouty. you rub a thumb over his tummy, speaking into his back and causing vibrations that seem to warm his soul. “because i realise that i like you more than them and i screwed up,” you say. he nods curtly, eyes shiny with unshed tears that are now going away. “ good. i’m glad you know that.” he says.
your newly free arms are folded as you do your classic awkward smile- waiting for his verdict. “go change. we’re watching mulan.” atsumu tells you. before you walk away, you go closer to him.
“i’m sorry,” you say, tenderly putting a hand on his shoulder. “ i should’ve just asked you like a normal person. i wont do that again, promise.” you know you’re in the clear, his eyes soft and his own hands running up from your hips to your cheeks to hold them. he plants a kiss on your lips, affectionately holding your face until your cheeks squish slightly. “it was funny , kinda,” he mumbles. you huff air out your nose, shaking your head. “barely. i almost made you cry,” you reply. he shrugs. “‘s okay, sweetheart. i forgive ya. i wont crucify my baby just ‘cause ya don’t know how to communicate.” and you laugh at that. he releases your gorgeous face, placing a little slap on your ass. “ go on, get comfy. you got a whooole night of apology cuddles ta give me, lover.”
r. suna !
suna rintaro is apathetic, painfully apathetic.
everyone knows. it’s his resting bitch face, the monotone voice and hooded eyes that make people think that he doesn’t care. for others, it’s true, he doesn’t. when it comes to a news anchor or someone interviewing him he wouldn’t give them any time of his day if he wasn’t forced. he isnt the type to talk without purpose- and until you that purpose was only to tease people, communicate, or pass a sarcastic comment every once and a while.
but to you? suna rintaro was not himself , or what people have ideally plastered together of him in their heads. suna rintaro became rinnie, or rin. the rin who would hold your hands in his when it was cold or rub his cheek against you for fun, rin that kissed your nose and kissed your shoulders after you showered. rin who would lip sync any song he heard in the car to you.
rintarou became a completely different person around you; his walls of steel melting to a puddle and letting you pass. his heart became only for you. something that also changed was how tolerant he became to being around someone, that someone being you. he found himself wanting to be around you always, opting to come with you everywhere and always touching you in some way. no matter how much you writhed or attempted to sway his clinginess it never seemed to ebb away.
that is how you were put into this situation. standing across from him as he lain on your bed- all his favorite food, a new hoodie , and a $100 bill on top of it. he stared at you in absolute disbelief. “ .. so the reason i got you this is because i wanna go to the spa, and no. you cannot come.” you explain to him, tone firm but your heart nearly falling into your ass when he sat up with a bored look on his face. “ are you like,” he starts, picking up the gifts like they were toxic waste- only with two fingers, “ bribing me right now?” he asked. you pondered for a moment, “ basically. i am , yeah.” you reply. he looks up at you, green irises boring into yours as he tries to telepathically say that you’re kidding.
he sighs when he realises that you arent. he gets up, his t shirt draping down his large figure as he collects all the stuff and places it in your arms. “ don’t want it, and let me go shower,” he mumbles, walking past you. you drop the items back onto your shared bed, following him like a lost puppy. the sound of water wafts to your ears as you reach the bathroom, rin now shirtless in front of you. you look at him, confused.
“ showering.. for?” you ponder out loud. he blows air from his nose, pulling his sweat pants down and adjusting the water. your boyfriend, only in boxers, turns to you. “ so we can go to the spa, you silly thing.” he teases , hand coming up to pinch your cheek lovingly. you scoff. “ i just said that you can’t come, rintaro.” and he hisses in faux pain.“full first name? ouch.” your boyfriend jests. before he can hop into the shower, his hands hook around his boxers and-
“rintaro.” you call him sternly and he laughs wholeheartedly. running a hand through his brown hair he’s now inches away from you. “you did say that i can’t come, but you’re wrong. i’m literally getting ready to right now,” he says casually. you poke at his built chest, eyes flitting up beautifully to meet his own. “rintaro i said no, just stay here, you don’t even like the spa,” you were whining now, and his heart squeezed ever so slightly at your childish tone.
“true, i don’ like the spa, but i like you.” he smiles , hands rubbing your shoulders. he places a kiss on your nose, directing you towards the bathroom door. “so, before i get naked infront of you and we both end up staying here, go away.” and before you could protest - he was gone.
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southerndragontamer · 2 months
You Only Get Three Strikes
This is my interpretation of how things after the amazing fanart by @andaboop went
Actor hummed an old tune to himself as he adjusted his tie in the mirror and flashed himself a grin. He had just finished up setting things up for the confrontation with Dark in their next encounter, he wondered if it would work enough he could bring out Damien again. He had sent his….no not partner, that was reserved for someone else…..like minded fellow? That sounded right, out to go through the plan Actor had crafted for him about some hero, magician? Whoever the target he was after.
He’d really lucked out in meeting the other, it was always nice to have a trump card in your pocket and though he was a bit…jagged around the edges the actor was confident that the shared interest in their respective goals would help him figure out how to direct those edges the way he’d like.
His thought process was derailed when the door was slammed open. No, that wasn’t quite right, it wasn’t slammed so much as kicked in so hard it flew to the opposite wall. He whirled around, cane in hand ready to defend himself as his mind immediately jumped to William or Damien only to blink as he saw the glitch there. His smile fit into place as he relaxed.
“Oh it’s you my friend! You gave me a heart attack there-”
His voice cut off by force by a clawed hand that snapped around it with the speed of a striking cobra, or a bear trap when it shut from the pressure plate being triggered. He gagged and choked and instinctively tried to pry away the fingers that felt like they were going to snap his windpipe in two. He attempted to kick as he was lifted into the air and slammed against the wall.
Anti’s face was twisted in a near wild fury, all his fangs bared and body glitching as the lights began to flicker and dim. His eyes were glowing like a live wire as he spat out, Irish accent thickened even further than normal.
“Shut yer damn mouth. I don’t wanna hear a sound outta ye, unless I say you can talk.”
Actor couldn’t have tried to speak right now if he wanted to, he tried to nod as his vision swam with black spots. Just as he thought he was going to pass out, or need to reconstruct his throat again, he was let go and dropped like a sack of bricks. He held in the gasp as oxygen flooded into his lungs and covered his mouth to muffle the cough as he looked up at the glitch for a reason why he’d suddenly flown off the handle.
Anti’s glare was like looking at a lightning strike inches from where you stood, the sense of if he wasn’t careful he’d have to dig himself out of a grave again. The glitch stepped back and manifested his knife as he started to absently twirl it in his fingers with the ease of someone that had wielded a blade for a long time.
“I was willing to give ye a chance ya know, at working together. You talk a big game pretty boy. But you can’t cash it. I went with that ‘plan’ of yours that ye made for me. And do you wanna know what happened?”
Actor felt his stomach start to knot and sink, his heart picked up and he felt the hair raise on the back of his neck at the way the lights flickered and threatened to pop, sparks arced off of the glitch’s skin as his voice dropped into a growling hiss.
“I had the magician about to collapse at my feet when the damned timekeeper intervened. They got away from me. Oh I can find em again, easy as breathing, my strings don’t allow any less. But it’s the principle of it all.”
Actor resisted the urge to hunch in on himself as Anti’s head snapped around at a sickeningly off angle and speed and instead he began to try to save face, backpedal as he stood up. His best apologetic expression on as he tried to keep from going out of the frying pan into the fire. His eyes shone a brighter red and he weaved his own kind of power into his words like red ribbon braided together to hide blood.
“I’m sorry that it didn’t work like I intended friend, but I didn’t take everything into account it seems when I made my plan.”
That was as far as the ‘apology’, because such a word was only proper in a true sense of remorse for actions, got as he found his jaw exploded in pain from the literally lightning fast blow to one side. He felt bone crunch and fracture as he collapsed to the floor and held his jaw in place as it began to repair itself.
Only to choke and blood to spurt out of his mouth by the sharp kick that echoed with the cracking of ribs, just as quickly he was hauled up by the collar of his suit and the knife was pressed deeply against his skin. Ruby droplets trailed down the edge of the blade as Anti half snarled.
“I told you. Not. A. Sound. You must not have much grey matter between your ears, or you’re just a glutton to get your arse beaten. So let me explain this in a way you’ll be sure to understand.”
Actor winced and his eyes squinted as the glowering, searing light of Anti’s eyes were right in front of him. The knife cut in just a bit deeper into his skin. The glitch’s tone went from utterly furious about to stab someone, to calm and measured and almost cold rage that was somehow almost more terrifying.
“If you’re not one of my puppets, you get three strikes. Your first mistake was fockin things up for me reclaiming one of mine. The second one was the half-arsed, shite apology ya tried to make.”
And Anti grinned, slow and cruel and his eyes had a sadistic glint in them as he chuckled and finished in an almost croon. The lights shone green and the white noise of static snow started to hurt Actor’s ears enough to make him wince and he swore for a second something started to bleed.
“Your final strike? Thinking I was too stupid to know you didn’t expect more out of me than dumb muscle eager to get to fighting, someone that wouldn’t question anything.”
The lights flared such a bright green that it went white and then popped with the sound of fizzling soda and shattered glass. Actor subconsciously, human instinct still ingrained after so long of being inhuman, flinched, shut his eyes and covered his head. The sound of shrieking static made him cover his ears as they ached and he was positive he felt his eardrums burst, his head ached as the sound pierced through his skull.
The shrieking came again, not just a wall of sound but laughter. Actor had never been one that dealt well with being made a joke, pride bristled in indignation as his eyes snapped open and he started to growl, to snap back at the glitch for being so ungrateful for his help. His mask dropped as his true form slipped through the handsome image he portrayed. Like the true face of Dorian Grey, sickened, rotten and ugly.
Only he saw that Anti had dropped his mask as well…
Instead of a human with glowing green eyes, sharp claws and fangs to betray the inhuman underneath…what stood in front of Actor was something that could only be called eldritch. Lightning and static in a silhouette that was humanoid but not, it glitched and twisted on itself, crackling at the seams. He blinked and it shifted each time as if it couldn’t decide on how to ‘appear’. Too long, too many ‘limbs’ too long claws that took the place of fingers, jaws filled with rows and rows of razor blade fangs, it looked too big for the space it was in, the walls creaked and groaned with the strain to hold it in.
His head ached like the worst migraine he’d ever had, his ears rang and he felt blood dripping from his nose, the world felt like it tilted and he felt like he was going to throw up. There was a rumbling of thunder and then he was aware of his body falling and convulsing as his brain lit up with only agony as a reason. Past the pain and the searing white noise in his ears that felt like it was trying to break his mind apart, he grit his teeth at the shrieking, piercing laugh that had him swallow down bile.
“Already on the ground writhing like a snake without its head~ You thought you were such a tough shot because you constantly annoyed Dark, ohhh boyo you got no idea of what forces you’re playing with now~”
The sensation of barbed wire cutting and tearing, ripping into his skin as the glitch’s strings wrapped around his limbs and yanked him up to his feet. Up further still to Anti’s ‘face’…too many eyes, shades of green, black, blue and some brown, they looked like fractured images through cracks in a mirror. The glitch’s body waved and rose as it spoke, like watching a sound wave on a computer screen.
As much as Actor tried to hold it in, as he finally realized how in over his head he was, that making a deal with the glitch had been a horrible mistake, when he felt the lightning forced through his body again, he screamed. Anti’s cackling laughter of delight rang in his ears and covered the sound as it echoed in on itself.
“It’s been a while since I had a chance to play with something that can survive it~ Oh yes, I’m aware you can’t stay dead~ You’re gonna wish you were back in that manor when I get bored of you~”
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desultory-novice · 1 year
what do you think of magolor soul’s true arena desc? makes me think he isn’t truly sorry.
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I wanted to save this ask to write something MUCH more comprehensive about this but, um, serious RL stuff (it's positive stuff, no worries. I'm just kinda anxious about it...) popped up during my break so since I'm going to need to duck away for a few days to cool down (and because I'm currently super mega obsessed with True Arena Magolor) I decided to hit this one quickly.
So, in brief, this game has an excellent translation. Forgotten Land quality. I'd say even a little bit above that, since Magolor's writing in the epilogue is so good. (Biased?)
But there is a slight shift of TONE in Magolor Soul's True Arena description, the 2nd phase, where he talks directly to Kirby. (Honestly, this is probably just an issue of spacing. Magolor talks a LOT and you can see this screen is packed with text. Amusingly, spacing was my guess for the loss of a few details from Magolor Soul's pause screen in the original game.)
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(Photo nicked from willidleaway)
Here is a quick "alternate" translation from me:
"Kirby, frankly, I found you a pain to deal with. And the way you looked at me with that blank stare even after I betrayed you? It irks me that I keep having to rely on you but... I've had enough. Kirby of the Stars, hurry up and destroy this thing on my head. When you do, I'll come back and... heheheh...I'll tease you plenty!"
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The part TumblingPotatoes is referring to is probably the part I translated as "...found you a pain to deal with." The word in question can mean "dislike" as in "We've invited Magolor to dinner tonight!" "Ugh, I really dislike that guy!" but it really just means someone that, for a variety of reasons, you may struggle to deal with.
The fact that Magolor is a consummate liar but Kirby approaches everyone with honesty and openness is a quick and easy answer for why Magolor might feel that way about Kirby. Not to mention, as he says in both versions, Kirby is SO honest they didn't even react with shock or hurt when Magolor betrayed them. It's hard to say WHY Kirby didn't have that kind of emotional reaction, maybe they just knew better? Maybe Kirby figured, "Huh. I guess it's just time to beat the evil out of you like I've done with all my friends to date!"
The reason I prefer the Japanese slightly is because the English had to combine the "...it irks me to rely on you" and "hurry and break this thing on my head" into one line which, while Magolor is meant to be speaking from a place of pride (he doesn't want to admit he needs help. But of course, he really, really, REALLY needs help) it does sort of give him a cocky attitude in English. (The addition of "Ugh" does something similar. It does a wonderful job showing he's having to fight his own nature to admit this.)
But in Japanese, his desperation ("hurry") comes off better. It makes him sound a little bit more sad too (Something about Magolor using "this thing" in Japanese, 「頭のコレ」, even though it's the same phrase in English... but the context behind refusing to identify the Crown always gives me the feeling that at this point in the soul-consuming process, he's too frightened to even say it's name.)
...And this all hits especially hard because he uses the key phrase "Kirby of the Stars." Any time anyone invokes Kirby's "full name" you know things are serious.
His last line, his "threat" to toy with you/tease you is basically just the same Magolor you see in the epilogue. He can "turn over a new leaf" and still be a villainous & mischievous little egg. Saving his life isn't going to give him a personality transplant. It isn't going to mean he doesn't like playing pranks on people - or that he thinks that hitting a bomb with a frying pan isn't one of the multiverse's greatest games and definitely needs a space in his theme park. ^^
Again, he may also be trying to preserve some of his tattered dignity there. The long and short of it is... Magolor is being "tsundere" (I hope I don't need to explain that one...?)
Yes, he cares about Kirby as a friend. (Will he say it? No.) Yes, he feels bad for what he did. (Will he say that? Also no.)
...He CAN'T. It's not the way he communicates. But remember that Magolor has lied to you throughout the whole game. And it's the Liar Magolor that always tells you how "thankful" he is, how "happy" he is you two met. How "wonderful" and "amazing" Kirby is.
The fact that Magolor is willing to say "yeah, you kind of annoyed me" is a sign that Magolor is giving Kirby something he's potentially never given ANYONE before...
The truth.
So yes, this experience HAS changed him for the good and he absolutely, undeniably cares about Kirby.
Last Minute Addition:
It's interesting, in light of the very likely sounding theory that Magolor has already been fully consumed by the crown in this fight (his eyes disappear right as he uses "the last" of his ability to fight against the crown to leave you a single apple) and CANNOT be saved that the English text "...then someday..." and "...I MAY get to toy with you..." when the Japanese doesn't have these vagueties on Magolor's behalf. (I was influenced enough by it that even I included the phrase "when I come back" when Magolor just says "I will again...tease you")
Does he know it's already too late? It kind of gives you the feeling that Magolor is either lying to sooth Kirby from what the puffball has to do (kill him) or he's trying to goad Kirby on into finishing this. Really just makes the whole thing more heartbreaking.
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blueseachelle · 1 year
Play For Me. Please.
Ominis Gaunt X Musician! MC! Hufflepuff! Reader
A cute little drabble. E for Everyone. I gave into the urges. Basic stuff. You can play instruments and you sing like a angel. Basic Fanfic stuff lol
The song used is I Hear A Symphony- Cody Fry
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Ominis never had the best childhood. He was always a puppet used by his mother. He has grown tired of this fate he was forced into but, he would have to solve this problem after he has graduated Hogwarts.
His Fifth year so far has been very eventful in his book. Sebastian friended the newest student, a late fifth year.
The fifth year and Ominis didn't have the best start to your friendship. He misunderstood your intentions and soon let you into his little circle. You gained the trust of Sebastian and Anne. Ominis didn't fully trust you but, he was slowly becoming more and more comfortable with you.
When you started at Hogwarts, you were sorted into Hufflepuff. Honestly, he and Sebastian thought Slytherin would have fit you better with all the trouble you seem to attract. But, when it comes down to it, you didn't fit into any house. You had every aspect of all the houses. You did show more Hufflepuff traits at times but, they really just wish you were sorted into their house so they could be with you more.
Ominis and Sebastian would spend all of there free time with you, of course, when you weren't on some assignment. Everyone in Hogwarts always saw the three of you together, be it breakfast, lunch, dinner, in the halls, class, etc.
As time went on, Sebastian soon deep dove into books and into searching for a cure for Anne. You both understood what Sebastian was trying to do and Ominis didn't want anything to do the the Dark Arts. You, on the other hand, were slightly enticed with the forbidden. You learned a number of spells just to know how to do them.
But, no matter how hard you tried to be there with Sebastian to go down the road he was traveling, you couldn't and he was straying farther away.
Soon enough, It was just you and Ominis. You keep getting brushed off and only talked to do things for Sebastian's benefit. With the distance, the two of you became much closer, to the point of Ominis revealing his past to you. You did the same. He seemed to become more and more reliant on your presence. He'd hate to admit it but, he has grown fond of you. He hates the idea of not being independent because of how far he has come in his life but, he loves you more than his independence.
You, on the other hand, has always been fond of Ominis. You found him to be very attractive and loved his eyes. They may be murky to others but, to You, you can see so much more. You love it all.
You found yourself alone one day on the castle. Ominis was in class. You sat nearby, bored out of your mind. A group of students walked by but, what they said peaked your interest. Hogwarts has a music room somewhere? You love music so, this peaked your interest.
You stood up and walked to one of the many portraits on the wall if they knew where it was. They pointed you in the right direction. The portraits and such in the castle really like you for some reason. You then asked the portrait to tell Ominis where you went when he got out of class for you. Of course, being courteous to the portrait. They agreed and off you went.
After a short walk, you found the music room. Some ghosts played with the instruments, other than that, you were alone. You saw a beautiful grande piano sit in the middle of the room. You saw a violin resting on it as well.
You walked closer to the piano in amazement. You haven't played an instrument since you cam to Hogwarts. You were so happy to find a room to play in again.
You sat down in the bench. You pressed down the pedals and play a few cords. Getting the familiar feeling of the keys. You shook the jitters out of your hands before clearing your throat.
The room soon seemed to pause the chaos of musical noises as the Hufflepuff girl began to softly sing,
I used to hear a simple song That was until you came along Now in it's place is something new I hear it when I look at you
After her first chorus, her hands began to cascade across the ivory keys. Her eyes closed as she started to feel the music flow through her. She pressed the pedals as she played the cords.
On of the ghost ladies gasped and whispered to the people around her. They flew to grab some stringed instruments. It was like it was rehearsed. They slowly joined the young girl in her song.
With simple songs I wanted more Perfection is so quick to bore You are more beautiful by far Our flaws are who we really are
She played with her heart opened and her eyes closed. As the song progressed, she didn't hear the door to the room gently open. Ominis made it just in time for the second chorus. He took the chair next to the door and listened to your angelic voice fill the room. His wand made out a slight picture for him to "see" what was going on. He knew you were playing the piano and the ghosts were playing the strings. He sat in awe as he listened to you.
I used to hear a simple song That was until you came along You took my broken melody And now I hear a symphony Ah-ah oh-ooh-oh ah-ah
Your hands became more dynamic and your motions became more filled with emotion as the end of the song came closer. Everything sudden paused, Y/n slowly opened her eyes and sang the last part of the song,
And now I hear a symphony
You finished the song. You felt eyes on your back. You turned and saw Ominis sitting there. You suddenly felt very shy,
"U-um, Ominis. I expected class to be a but longer?"
Ominis gave you a grin,
"We were released early. Who was the song for?"
He slowly stood up and made his way over.
You turned back to the piano and play some notes. Your face reddened,
"O-oh. You know. A p-person I know."
Ominis sat on the bench next to you. He turned to you,
"Do I know him?"
You nodded slightly. Ominis knew it was for him but, he wants you to come out and say it. So, he'll keep prodding until you admit it. He softly whispered to you,
"You're are more beautiful by far, Our flaws are who we really are."
You looked towards him,
"You are beautiful to me. Your flaws don't matter to me. It makes you more beautiful to me."
Ominis smiled and moved his hand to yours. He held your hand as you looked at him in surprise. He moved his other hand to your face and traced your lips with his thumb. He then leaned in and kissed you softly. You both were blushing as he kissed you. Once you parted, you sat hand in hand and forehead to forehead.
Ominis whispered softly,
"I'm in love with you. Please be mine."
You smiled,
"Of course. I'm in love with you too."
He squeezed your hand once more,
"Play for me. Please."
You giggled and slowly released your hands. You turned and started to play some more cords and songs you know. Ominis just sat with you and leaned his head on your shoulder with his arm around your waist. Finally, the fire can finally burn between you two. Nothing will be able to split you both apart, Not in a million years. Ominis will fight to protect this special connection you two have formed. He will protect you all that he can. He loves you and you love him.
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call-me-copycat · 2 years
Hiii Copycat! ^-^ I was hoping I could make a request? I was hoping for angst to fluff? With Aizawa who takes in/adopts a vigilante reader with an illusion quirk? And maybe she starts to develop a crush on Shinso too?? Thank you!! <3
Hello there! First of all, I saw your ask as soon as you sent it, but the reason I didn't respond was because my phone was (and still is) broken, but it's getting repaired, so I can respond now. Also I only have a phone, no computer or anything, so it's a bit hard, but I'm working on it! (o´Д`)=з
I'm very sorry for the wait, and I apologize again because there will still be more waiting until I finish the story, but I promise you it'll be worth the wait! I'm already nearing 14k words, and it's still going. I can't thank you enough for your patience, along with the fact that you're the first one to ever give me a request, so thank you very much! And feel free to request whenever you'd like, I really enjoy getting to write stories for people, and it makes my day, so you don't need to hesitate! (*´∇`*)
Anyways, since I'm still working on the story, I originally wanted to post it all once it was done, but then I decided that since it might take awhile I'll post the first part and see what you think. I actually really like this idea because I was thinking something very similar to it around the time of your request. I hope you enjoy this bit, and please remember, I haven't forgotten, I'm just trying to work with a broken phone so it's a bit difficult, but it's advancing greatly and shouldn't be too long of a wait anymore. Thank you for your patience! ୧꒰*´꒳`*꒱૭✧
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Escaping The Night (Part 1)
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Welcome! - Introduction and Request rules (Important if you want me to write for you or if you want to know who I am)
▶ Characters: Shinso x Fem reader (although I used "they" in some areas) + Father/Mentor Aizawa
▶ Genre: Angst to Fluff
▶ Summary: Teenager Reader is a Vigilante that roams the streets with their friends, always on the lookout for crime and injustice. However, something disrupts Reader's world when they get themselves captured by the police. What will happen to them next?
▶ Warnings:
- Panic attack
- Reader got hit with a tranquilizer
- And an extra warning because I had to make a few characters just for this story (not necessarily OC's, just background characters. I know some people greatly dislike this so this is a warning, even though they're not that important).
- Also since this is part 1, you won't see Aizawa mainly until part 2, and Shinso is a bit further ahead. Another warning for those that don't like to get into a story and then have to wait
▶ Word Count: 3,201
➤ {This is Part 1}
➜ [Part 2]
➜ [Part 3]
➜ [Part 4]
➜ [Part 5]
➜ [Part 6]
➜ [Part 7]
➜ [Part 8] Coming Soon!
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The hands of your watch sounded endlessly as if it was mocking you, in a way, how it had infinite time while yours was limited.
You gritted your teeth and focused the best you could on the situation at hand. You and your partner were situated atop one of the city's numerous buildings, keeping an eye out for a particular sly little villain.
There were repeated reports of a variety of break-ins, ranging from small restaurants to higher bank robberies. At first, the people waited for the heroes to find this villain. But it seemed that they always had bigger fish to fry, always having excuses.
"The paperwork!"
"There's bigger issues at hand then some late night thief"
"We looked but didn't find anyone, sorry"
"Have you tried getting a better security system? I think that's the problem here"
It drove you mad. You didn't hate all heroes, not wanting to be like those anti-hero people who got upset everytime a hero wasn't there immediately whenever they ran into the smallest issue. But you did have a grudge.
You just didn't understand how the very heros that society put on a pedestal didn't do the simplest things that were expected of them sometimes. Too busy getting caught up in the paperwork and red tape.
Being a Hero once was something that was only ever dreamed of, something that one couldn't ever get close to. When quirks were introduced, this changed many mindsets, and completely flipped the many laws of reality that so many had believed. It was groundbreaking, revolutionary. Society advanced at faster speeds, and new technologies were pouring out.
But, unfortunately, what goes up, must come down.
On the beginning, the definition and laws of a hero were choppy, they didn't really have any boundaries due to the fact that no one had anything to go off of. But, as time progressed, more laws were put into place. A hero simply couldn't go and fight a villain and be done with. Now, they had to fill out reports, and sometimes the villains successfully won court cases over this.
The foundation of what it meant to be a hero was put into place. Or had it? It was still a very controversial topic, but the main idea was set, and that's all that mattered.
Now in current days, heroes still look like the same cape-wearing muscular doer's of justice, but many times, they're either doing it for the gold or the glory. Or they don't do anything at all, restricted and bound by paperwork and invisible strings. They know what's right, and they have the gift to help and save. But if they're told "no" then they follow.
That's why you preferred being a vigilante. You got to battle villains and help people, all the while avoiding the specificities. Yeah, you did have to run from the cops every now and then, sometimes a hero or two, but that just made it all the more interesting.
Plus, you got to be a part of a sort of underground society, one that was shielded from public eye and hidden away in the depths of existence.
So, here you were doing the heroes' jobs, again.
You looked to your partner, who was watching the entrance of a significant jewelry shop that hadn't been touched by any villains yet. You were currently using your illusion quirk to cover both of yourselves in a sheet of invisibility so you could better the possibility of your expected outcome.
Your quirk was powerful, and full of possibility. Though you were never fully nor formally trained, you still understood the limits of your quirk enough to use it exceptionally well. Long, intense training sessions over a span of time allowed you to gain a deeper insight into the inner depths of your quirk, to which you've come to the realization wasn't just any ordinary quirk, even going as far to call it overpowered at some points.
Your thinking was cut short when your partner signaled to you with a silent fist up from where you two were laying. You looked down and finally spotted the villain you were looking for. He didn't look too strong, nor did his face ring any bells, so that meant he was just some lowly villain who lucked out with a shifty quirk.
From the rooftop where you laid, you and your partner watched together to see what the man was going to do next. You noticed he looked like any other person walking around the town, short black hair with a black hoodie on over a pair of black jeans, and you realized that it was surely no accident he was dressed so camouflaged since it was late in the night.
Your eyes followed the man, curious as to how he was able to get in and out of robberies so quickly. The man walked up to the back door of the bank, and your eyes widened when you saw his body begin to shift and distort, slowly closing in until he was perfectly 2-dimensional, and looking at him made you think about all the cartoon characters that you watched when you were younger.
Upon this discovery, the plan was set in motion as you and your partner both hopped down the fire escape of the building and went in for a silent chase across the street, as the man had already slinked underneath the door. He had unlocked it for an easy exit, you thought possibly because he couldn't turn other objects flat like him.
Your partner, Omonifukai Hanawadashii (whom you called Fukai for short) whispered for you both to split up so this villain would think that it was only him, since you were better at stealth rather then combat like he was.
Fukai's quirk was one that seemed simple, but had proven to be incredibly strong when used right. He was able to control the density of different objects, including people or even specific parts of people. His specialty was increasing the density of his hand to the point to where it was easily able to crush anything under it, to which he normally used to knock villains out. A positive side of his quirk was he could still lift anything he used it on, but his drawbacks caused him to feel more pain than normal if hit or attacked.
Your agreed, and uncovered him from the blanket of your quirk, revealing him to reality just as he had once been before you put it on him.
Fukai ran in the direction of the villain as you ran in the opposite direction, going for a higher point so you could see the action and use your quirk properly.
Unfortunately the building wasn't as tall as it was wide, so you had to stick with crouching behind one of the jewelry counters, trying to stick as close to the wall as possible in order to remain unseen.
As luck would have it the villain seemed to have been thinking in a similar manner, as you watched Fukai chase after him as he slithered across the wall, a cheeky grin resting on his face as Fukai grew frustrated at his devious tricks of escape. The alarm started to blare as Fukai tripped one of the wires, cursing low to himself as the villain chuckled at the misfortune.
You studied the villain, watching as he glided across the walls and the floor at times, and you realized that he was able to move at an increased pace when aligned to a flat surface, in contrast to standing straight up as he did earlier. You came to the conclusion that he was a villain of cowardice, preferring to get in and out without a fight, and opting to use sly skills instead of risking a fight with a person of stronger status.
With this new information secured into place by your observations, you devised a plan in order to catch the villain and leave him be for the police.
You used your quirk and dug into his subconscious, a grin of your own growing on your face as you located your target, an almost cruel idea forming in your head at the expense of the villain. You had found his fear.
The villain dodged each of Fukai's attempts at landing a blow to him with such an ease it seemed as if he had all the time in the world. He was cocky in his own skills, having had been in worse scenarios and still escaped.
The villain looked directly at Fukai from where he was seated on one of the walls, almost laughing at the sight of some random teenage boy thinking he could play hero and catch the big bad villain.
Fukai noticed you signal to him with your hand up, closing and opening from the corner of his eye and understood that you were going to set off your quirk. Without this context, most people wouldn't understand that some of your illusions work directly in your opponents mind, meaning that your opponents would react to something surrounding people couldn't see. Fukai understood, and he backed off a bit in order to not disrupt the illusion.
The villain was about to mock Fukai a bit more before departing, but his smirk quickly fell at he noticed a large, hulking figure appear behind the kid.
His eyes widened and breathing became still as he made eye contact with the one and only symbol of peace, All Might himself.
Shocked to the point of motion becoming forgotten, the villain's thoughts suddenly started bouncing all around, before erratically trying to think of different plans, anything he could do to get away. He ran into a dead end with every single trick up his sleeve as he recalled seeing the massive hero defeat some of these biggest, baddest villains known to Japan into a pile of defeat. No, there was no solution to this problem.
Just as you both were about to take out the villain in his moment of vulnerability, everyone in the room jumped as a man wearing all black with a large scarf resting around his shoulders dropped from one of the pipes near the roof of the building. His absolute silence despite his sudden movements made you wonder how long he was there for.
Your illusion was ruined as the intruding man walked through it, unable to see it. The villain's frustration grew as he realized that he had been duped, but before he could do anything the man's scarf that had once been still suddenly jumped to life as it floated all around the dark-haired man's head for a second, before violently snapping around the villain, and your eyes grew as you saw the man's hair rise in the air in a very similar manner. Surreal. Before you knew it the villain was back to normal, and you quickly realized that this man was most likely a hero of sorts.
You saw Fukai looking over at you as he shuffled to the walls while the man was busy, but narrowly avoided being caught in the man's scarf as it aimed to close around him just as it has done to the villain moments ago.
You signaled for him to run, and he hesitated for a second, worry filling his eyes, but ultimately decided to listen and trust you as the scarf slithered around his ankle, to which he just barely managed to shake off.
You heard the man in the scarf curse as he watched your friend go, not wanting to risk letting the villain go in trade.
You toiled a bit, trying to tackle the problem that presented itself to you without introduction. A hero showing up so early wasn't part of the plan, nor was it expected considering most of the heroes' patrol routes were situated a slight distance away.
So, you wondered, who was this guy?
Your thinking was interrupted by the interrupter himself.
"I know you're there. Don't try to fool me into believing you're not."
You gasped a bit, not considering how he was able to know you were there when you were under your quirk. That is, until you held up your hand and realized that it was visible again, and right behind it was the man in the scarf, hair afloat and glowing red eyes situated directly on you.
He had the villain unconscious on the ground, tied in that scarf of his, which he held two parts of in his hands in order to keep it secure. But there was plenty of the scarf to go around. You realized this as you came face to face with the snake-like entrails of the scarf flickering and snapping at you, seeking to seize and bind you along the villain.
You were lucky your face was covered, because this man didn't seem to be as ignorant as some of the other heroes (especially sidekicks). You didn't speak as you dodged and ran, not wanting to reveal who you might be.
To your devastation, as soon as you opened the back doors from where you came you were met with police offers running in your direction from the front of the building. Panic built up in your chest as you didn't have much energy from continuously covering yourself in your quirk, along with having it disrupted twice.
You still pushed yourself to at least run, deciding that you could easily lose them in the plentiful twists and turns that filled the little seaside town.
You understood that if you ran in the direction of your place that you and your things were were currently at, then you would most likely give it away to the police and you'd have to deal with them being on your back as you looked for a new place to stay. But you didn't want to outright run in the opposite direction in case they thought of your plan, so you settled on running in a sort of zig zag, not wanting them to be able to predict your path of travel.
You turned randomly at each turn you ran into, landing in alleyways, on top of dumpsters, underneath large trees heavy with leaves, and eventually up and over fences of backyards as you found yourself in some sort of comfortable little neighborhood nestled in the small town.
Your panic shrunk a bit as you realized that you had thrown off most of the police officers that were chasing you, having been diminished to a small few stragglers that refused to let up.
Sweat poured down your face and blotted your underarms and neck, making you grimace in discomfort as you also had to deal with the sharp pangs that made their way up your legs and back.
You awkwardly sprinted as a little dog chased you across a small yard, and hopped another fence, looking to find somewhere to turn or hide, just anything to get them off your back.
You used your quirk with scarcity as you looked over your back to the best of your ability and hit 3 of the remaining 5 officers with an illusion of yourself tripping over the fence to which they turned to. The other two tried yelling at them that it was a trick, but decided their attempts would be pointless as they kept up the chase, not faltering.
You frowned, squinting as you felt an impending migraine starting to make its way into your head. You knew that you were overexerting yourself, and that the migraine would only serve as a distraction if it grew, but you were so very close, you didn't have any choice but to keep going.
You hopped the next fence without as much strength as you originally did, knowing that it only drained your energy faster having to constantly boost yourself up and down rather than running and turning. You wouldn't be able to keep it up for long.
You remembered that there was a cluster of empty houses that weren't sold yet somewhere nearby, so you ran in turn, changing your course of action by jumping out into the street from one of the backyards you were in, missing the pair of curious violet eyes watching you from a window in one of the houses.
You ran down the street into a more disheveled neighborhood that connected to the newer one you were just in, looking over to see only one officer remained. You didn't remember when the other one disappeared, but you excused it because you couldn't constantly look over your back when running.
You sharply turned a corner to get out of the sight of the remaining officer, heading to the end of the neighborhood where the empty houses were before throwing yourself through the open window of the first one you saw without thought, you just needed a place of hiding.
You breathed a heavy sigh as you propped yourself down for a second, having been through way too much action than you signed up for. You knew the police would probably think you ran out back towards the desolate fields that laid behind the houses.
To them, the houses were legally listed as private property*, so they wouldn't think about you bursting into someone's home without warning. You knew they were empty though from your days of scavenging for goods to survive, in fact you learned a lot about your surroundings because of that, and that's how you were able to evade the police for such a long time.
You held your breath as you heard him pass by, but once again fate seemed to be voting for your downfall, as you heard crunching of footsteps walk around the house instead of right past, and you started to grasp at what they were doing.
As soon as the backdoor flew open was the exact moment you recognized just where you were, and what house you had chosen.
You started to hyperventilate, air whooshing in and out of your lungs as the room around you started to spin.
You were home...
But this wasn't home...
It was a house once filled with horrors, pain and agony, which now reeked of death. A familiar smell you knew all too well.
Your legs moved indistinctly, as though they had minds of their own and yet still understood your internal logic.
Heart racing, eyes watering, you refused to let yourself get caught, especially in the very place you gained your new life after the death of your old one.
Mind numb, and filled with only thoughts of 'escape', you ran to the doors, but remembered they were glued shut, along with the windows. You had done that once so very long ago.
The remaining open window was shut and blocked by the police officer that was chasing you earlier, who was now the one cornering you right by it. You could see a look of compassion and understanding in his eyes, but you saw it as a look of pity instead in your moment of frustration.
You could hear not one, not two, but three voices surrounding you, and anyone that was surrounding you blurred into one giant mass as your fear started to overwhelm you, overtaking your very mind and filling every crevice it could find.
In a moment of desperation you tried using your quirk, trying to create the worst, cruelest entity that you could create, but nothing came out instead.
Your eyes started to warm as you felt tears of frustration and fear building up, but you didn't cry, you refused to. Your emotions started to slow down as you saw one of the police officer aiming what looked like a gun at you, finger on trigger. At that moment you gained slight control of your thoughts, your mind painfully screaming at you to get out of there, to protect your pride and dignity.
In your panicked state you turned and tried slamming the window to escape, but all you attempts were futile as it wasn't going to budge. You heard the trigger being pulled and braced yourself, but all you felt was a little stab on your arm. You looked down and realized that it was a tranquilizer dart that had lodged itself into your upper arm.
Your mind started to fill with fog and the edges of your vision started to slowly fill in as you banged your hand on the window in one last attempt of escape.
And then your world went dark.
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Alright, so that was part 1! I do hope that it was good enough for you, I'm trying to learn from past mistakes when writing, and I feel as though I'm in improving little by little everyday.
Don't worry, if writing the story takes too long then I'll post the parts one by one instead of waiting until it's all finished. This is my first time writing something so long, but I enjoy it!ദി ᷇ᵕ ᷆ )♡
Any feedback or constructive criticism is completely allowed, and if you see any mistakes then please notify me so I can fix them.
If you wish to send in a request as well, once again, please don't hesitate!
I'll be working on this as much as I can, but my progress is slowed until my phone gets completely fixed (which it will soon-hopefully anyways). I appreciate your patience! (๑´ㅂ`๑)
For the first *, that basically means that I have a note about whatever is near it. The note for that was I have absolutely no clue how buying or selling houses and property works, I just made that up on the spot. I know there's a 99% chance it's wrong, so just please go with it, I'm sorry for any annoyance.
This story is ok for reposts or other uses such as those YouTube channels that read out fanfics and things like that. My only ask is that you tell me beforehand for everything but the reposts. I just like to see other people interact with things I make, it makes me happy (⁠^⁠^⁠).
Thank you so much for reading this complete mess, I know I wrote a lot of things that aren't the story, and once again I'm sorry about that.
I hope you have a lovely day!
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fryandleelasbigfling · 9 months
there's an argument that i see recurring in the futurama fandom -- i think it's a minority opinion but i've seen it across multiple platforms, from multiple people, and it very much annoys me so i'm making my lengthy counterargument. this will be ranty and i apologize.
the idea that fry and leela are toxic because "leela wanted him to change for her" is such a weird and even reductive way to not just view the ship, but relationships in general.
(this is a long post, because i have a lot of Feelings on the topic, so i'll put a readmore.)
first off leela has always liked fry. maybe not romantically (there's signs that she had a crush on him early on, but it didn't get serious til way down the line), but she related to him, took pity on him, and quit her job for him (which! was! illegal!) because he gave her the courage to do so. in the second episode, he also helps her see the beauty on the moon, something she used to take for granted. she has always seen potential in fry to inspire her and open her eye to new possibilities.
but she still has a lot of hang-ups about fry, leading into the "she needed him to change" thing. here's the thing about fry and leela: leela does not force fry to change, she inspires fry to change, because she believes he can change. bender and leela are the first ones to meet fry and understand his situation, his loneliness, the feeling you don't belong anywhere. the difference is that while bender often indulges fry's more immature and selfish traits, leela is more willing to protect fry's safety and call him out on his stupidity. for some reason (probably projection), people think this is abusive. yes, leela can be hard on him (so can the entire crew, but for some reason, people only get mad when it's the female lead being mean), but it's because she's his captain and his friend and his recklessness often puts himself and others in danger. "my three suns" and "brannigan begin again" both showcase how dangerous it can be if fry (and bender) don't have leela to reel them in.
and i think fry is aware of this, and feels bad about it, so as the series progresses, he tries more often to take command and help her out when he can (i.e. learning to fly the ship). there's also "parasites lost" where he decides he only wants to earn leela's affection if it comes entirely from him, and i've seen the argument that this proves leela only likes him if he changes, but a lot of what fry said were his true feelings, so it's really setting up that leela could be attracted to fry if fry could understand his own feelings well enough to articulate them with confidence (and not bring up his exes in the meantime, lmao). even in the most recent episode, he cleans up his apartment for leela's sake.
people sometimes compare leela to michelle. they're both forceful but lonely women who often take authority over fry. but the difference is that michelle doesn't really see value in fry beyond manipulating him to make herself feel better by comparison. i'd also like to bring up morgan, who explicitly romanticized fry being a lazy slob... and fry never really looks that happy about it! he goes along with it because he goes along with pretty much anything (he explicitly says he dated her because he was desperate), but a relationship where his worst habits are indulged isn't what he wants or needs. fry has spent his whole life being told he's worthless, and he's kind of accepted that, but leela sees his good heart and charm and she does want that for herself, but she's also honest about what stands in the way.
and here's a bit of a personal note: i know many people who relate to fry are neurodivergent. i am too! and it can hurt being seen as "immature" or feeling like you have to conform to neurotypical standards to be accepted. but you know what else sucks? wanting to be better, but not knowing how to be better, and not having any motivation to be better. leela was that motivation. i struggled for years believing i didn't need to be better because my mental health issues were so intrinsic to my identity, and accepting that i can be Myself but still be Healthy was very useful. i find a lot of the fry-leela plot very empowering, as i like to believe there's someone who will like my quirks but also push me in the right direction. leela thinks fry is silly and stupid, and she often strongly disagrees with his tastes, but she is endeared by his unique approach to love because of how genuine he is about it all (see: her love for his office supplies dinner in "fry and leela's big fling," and even the bit with the wine glasses in bender's big score).
fry knows leela is also lonely and miserable, but that she appreciates his company, to the point he believes "she'll never be happy without me" (a mindset he outgrows as it makes him unhealthily jealous and clingy). the entire point of bender's big score is that, as messed up as lars is, leela is attracted to a version of fry who better understands how to talk to her, and this experience helps her appreciate fry a lot more going forward as she truly sees he has the potential to be a good boyfriend. she just needed to see it detached from fry himself. and fry learns to let leela be happy even before he knows about lars' identity! he is capable of growth on his own because he hates seeing her upset!
as for why leela takes forever to commit to him... well, with his impulsivity issues, unintentional rudeness, questionable hygiene, and internalized sexism, he takes a while to be the kind of person she's willing to date. and she's not entitled to him! yes, it is annoying how flippant she can be (though that's also an issue with the writers not wanting to commit), and she absolutely sucks at communication. but if we can take fry's background into consideration here, we also need to take leela's into consideration. she grew up alone, bullied, neglected, repeatedly told she was unloved, and multiple times she trusted someone who said they loved her, only to be discarded once they got what they wanted from her (i.e. sex and labor). she is also terrified of being judged and thus puts a lot of weight on being successful and normal, with her relationships being an extension of that. "the cyber house rules" is all about how she wants to be with a man who makes her look good. this is a character flaw she overcomes as all these men of high status treat her like dirt and she realizes fry is the one who cares about her the most, and she doesn't have to compromise just to be taken seriously.
but fry is her best friend, the only one who really gets her (besides her parents), and she has a lot to lose if she dates him and it goes poorly, and she's too insecure to trust that she's worth it. which is why it's great that fry becomes a better person for her! she deserves to be treated with respect! and episodes like "fun on a bun" show that not only does fry change for her, he also helps her loosen up in turn, and let herself act more carefree and childish after having to grow up and conform to society so fast. "the impossible stream" also shows leela making an effort to be less judgmental, even if she worries fry could be in danger. so it is definitely not just fry who changes for this relationship.
generally i think people who hate leela and make her out to be so emotionally abusive are projecting something personal that isn't there and missing the scope of fry and leela's complex relationship, and it feels unfair. especially when other (male) characters who do the same things and worse (particularly bender) get a pass. she's far from perfect, and that makes her a great character, but she grows and learns, and so does fry -- because they want to learn and grow for each other's sake.
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nomoreusername · 11 months
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Paring: Thomas x gender neutral reader
Summary:When your fear of losing Minho forever causes a panic attack Thomas helps you calm down.
WCKD wasn't going to stop looking for us. They had made that pretty obvious a long time. They had also stolen my best friend, and now everything pissed me off.
"Y/N, are you paying attention?"Frypan asked, sounding annoyed.
"No. I'm focused on how great our lives are. Of course I'm paying attention,"I snapped.
"Hey, you're the one who looks like they don't care about anything going on."
"Excuse me?"I asked, gobsmacked.
"Yeah. Every time we talk about Minho you're over there in la-la land,"He accused.
"Oh, shuck you Fry. This is my face all the time. If you have a problem too bad,"I said, glaring at him. "Well, fix it because it never used to look like this."
"I wonder why. Oh, yeah. We had Minho. We weren't going into a death trap to save him,"I said, annoyed that he needed a reminder.
"Everyone else cares too! You're not the only one who wants him back!"
"I never said that so don't put words in my mouth,"I said, through gritted teeth.
"Both of you stop it! You're acting like a child!"Vince yelled, slamming his fist on the table.
"We are! What's so hard to understand?! We were kids trapped in one hell, and now we're kids trapped in another!"
"I got lunch,"Thomas said, walking in. He looked back and forth at the tense scene before him.
"Nothing,"I snapped, shoving past him. The room was suffocating me. I felt like something was sitting on my chest and refusing to let me breathe.
All I felt was rage as I was in my room. There was nothing I could do to handle it so I resorted to the thing I worked so hard to push past. As hard as I could I punched the wall as hard as I could over and over. I heard blush running to my ears and felt it dripping down my fists. I wanted to scream.
"Y/N, hey no!"Thomas yelled. I don't know when he came in, and I didn't care. I needed to keep destroying the wall so I did.
"Stop,"He demanded, picking me up. I thrashed around in a desperate attempt to get out of his arms. "Put me down! Thomas, put me down!"I demanded, kicking my legs. He didn't react to it.
"I'm not letting you go until I know you've calmed down."
"I am calm. This is me being calm!"
"No, this is you losing it. Calm down."
"I'm trying, but I can't. I can't. I just can't,"I shrieked, now sobbing and hyperventilating. Very gently he loosened his grip and set me down. I cried in his arms as her rocked me back and forth.
"It's okay. You're okay,"He coaxed, gently brushing back my hair.
"I want my friend back,"I cried.
"I know you do, but right now I need you to breathe. In and out,"He instructed. My every breath felt strained, but I tried to copy his.
It felt like hours, but after some time I was able to calm myself. By that I mean Thomas had been hugging me until he was sure I was completely okay. He always made me feel better, and I think I know the reason for it.
Somehow in this horrific world I had fallen in love with Thomas.
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warmaidensrevenge · 1 year
Fix you....
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Pairings: Friend!Eddie x Friend!Fem plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
A/N: Hey everyone. So I had this two part fic in mind. I used a song in this fic. I'll tag it down below. Sorry it takes me forever to upload. I have been working so much that all I want to do is sleep. But I do have a lot in the works. And will try to get them out regularly. Any who, without further ado. Here's the shit that's going on in my head right now. As always feedback is greatly appreciated and asks/comments are always welcomed. Kay love ya byyyyyeeee. 🙃
I do not give permission for my work to be published anywhere else. Please respect all creators.
Word count: 6,920
Warnings: 18+ Language, mentions of cheating, sexual implications/situations, oral, hurt/comfort/hurt, mentions of molestation, friends to lovers and not proof read.
Summary: Love wasn't meant for you. But Eddie will be damned if you live the rest of your life thinking that.
Eddie and you have been semi acquainted since he moved in with his uncle. Even after you graduated before him, you remained I guess you can say friends. Not besties or anything like that. For the most part you guys would see each other and say hi. Only hanging out with one another when it was a group activity. Nothing really that great to talk about or remember. Him and you were in separate clicks in high school. But once you graduate you separated from your friends. That was until you and Eddie started working at Benny's together. He was a fry cook and you were a waitress. 
Working shifts together were fun. He always tried to get you to laugh. And you did the same. But what the friendship lacked was the personal confessions and emotional bond. Sure Eddie was nice and he admitted to a few things as the friendship progressed. But you on the other hand didn't open up. You were the type that kept your issues to yourself. Not one person in your life knew what went on in your head. Or the struggles you faced on a daily basis. Which was how you liked it. See relationships for you were hard. In all of your 23 years of life you had a multitude of "boyfriends". None really lasting over a year. The most recent one was with a guy named Andy. That one almost lasted a year. But things got complicated.
You guys had moved in together only after 2 months of dating. Everything was great. You were so in love with him that for the first time in your life you let someone in. Let someone get close.
But the happy little life you were building came crashing down when you walked in on Andy sleeping with the neighbor. When you came home on your lunch break one evening to get a new uniform shirt. You saw them. What you walked in on shook you to your very core. For some reason or another you walked away from the situation not saying a word. Andy didn't see you and neither did your neighbor. You walked in silence to your car and drove back to work. You sat there and finally let yourself cry.
Eddie was on a smoke break when he saw you. He put out his cigarette and started towards your car. When you spotted him you quickly wiped your tears away and got out.
" Hey is everything alright?" He asked.
" Y-yeah. Everything is fine."  You said not looking at him. 
" I uhh thought you were going to change your shirt?"
You walked to the front door and stopped before going in.
" I uhh all my extras were dirty." 
Eddie could tell something was wrong. He could always tell when you were upset. And though you always said you were fine, he worried about you. For as long as he could remember you were always a good person. Sure you two weren't close or anything, but he cared a lot about you. Ever since that day you beat the shit out of a girl for pouring milk on his head once. He was going through a hard break up and he was really depressed. You weren't even at the Hellfire table when it happened. All Eddie saw through his milk dripping bangs was a large blur and one of Hawkins "finest" shouting obscenities at you. He wiped his eyes as best as he could and saw you on top of the girl, holding her head in place by her hair and punching her in the face with your free hand. 
Eddie never got the full story into why you did that. All he knew was that you stuck up for him and that's all that mattered. 
So about 2 years after that incident you graduate and went about your life. Barely going out to hang with him and the mutual friends. Every time you did come though, he spent most of the time right next to you. You were hilarious and very charming. The way you made faces and different voices while telling a story had him dying. You were always so sweet to everyone and had the best laugh. Many who knew him would say he was actually crushing on you. But for the most part he just thought you were cool as hell. 
It wasn't until you helped him get a job at the dinner did he realize that was very true. However, you were in a relationship. Which forced him to not pursue you. Though he very much wanted to. 
So that night when he saw you crying he knew he had to do something to make you feel better. Because no matter who you were with or how you forced a fake smile, all he wanted to do was hear you laugh and see a genuine smile.
When you guys went back into the restaurant he went straight to the back and started making a milkshake. He remembered exactly how you liked it. You always get one on especially hard days. So while he made it he quickly went through the back room and went to find an extra shirt for you. Not sure about the size you wore he grabbed a couple. 
You just came out of the restroom after fixing your makeup when Eddie pulled you into the back room. 
" Hey so I found a couple of shirts. Change yeah? Then just take a break and drink your shake." 
He handed you the shirts and the drink. 
" Eddie, you didn't have to do that."
" Yes I did. That's what friends do. " He smiled at you.
His smile got even bigger when you smiled a little.
With your voice just above a whisper, you thanked him and he went back to work.
After that night you had your locks changed and removed Andy off your lease. He begged countless times and apologized so much that all it did was annoy you. Then that apology turned into the blame game. He berated you and said how emotionally closed off you were. Which to be fair was true. Either way the relationship was dead and buried.  
The break up was hard on you. You had told yourself that ' this is exactly why you keep shit bottled up'. 
You swore from that day on that you were done letting people hurt you. Done telling them things that all they did was use them against you. So as time went on Eddie was a good person to lean on. There was no worry of developing feelings or anything like that. He was a very good friend who was always a pleasure to be around. Well…that was until Eddie invited you to the Hideout to see the band. Since high school he's been asking you to come. Your excuse for not going was it was a school night. And when you guys graduate it was because you had to work or that you and Andy were going on a date. However, the following Tuesday and Wednesday you were off. And the break up was 6 months ago. So you had no excuse. Though you hated crowds and bars, you thought just this once you would bite the bullet and support your friend.
Eddie was beyond excited. Finally he got you to come. He was nervous. He always got nervous when it came to performing. But this time it was making him sweat. As soon as he and the others walked out onto the stage he saw you sitting at the bar with a drink in hand. This was the first time he had ever seen you with your hair down. It was much longer than he thought. You had always had it in a bun or in a braid. So the length surprised him. But not as much as the rest of you. He was so used to you wearing your uniform with tights and long sleeves that the most of your extremities he saw were your wrist and ankles. But tonight you were wearing faded blue jeans with a hole in the knee and a black halter top. That's when he saw your tats. You had a quarter sleeve on one arm and a couple small tats on the other. Then he saw the edge of a worded tattoo on your side, peeking out the side of your shirt. And when you turned around for a second he saw a flower tat on your shoulder. All that accompanied by your clothes and your hair had him stunned. How the hell did he miss all that? You were beautiful and sexy. Then he realized that he didn't really know you. He knew where you worked and that you had a boyfriend. Now that he realized, he hadn't seen him in a while. He knew you had parents because well everyone had parents. But you never talked about them. Come to think of it, he had known you for about 9 years and he didn't even know when your birthday was. 
That was all going to change tonight. 
You watched Eddie and the guys from high school put on a pretty good performance. You were actually surprised that they all still played. And sounded better. The only time you saw them before was during the middle school talent show. At the time you really didn't understand anything Eddie was singing. And the music was so loud you had to plug your ears. But now they learned to use their speakers better and Eddie's voice dropped and he sounded great. 
You ordered another soda water and enjoyed the show. A few guys came to talk to you but you quickly dismissed them. Tonight wasn't that type of night. You just wanted to hang out and support your friend. 
A few songs later Eddie showed you his range. The song was different from the rest. It started off slow and it just broke your heart.
Your eyes filled with tears listening to the lyrics.
I am the waiting one it seems
I am the waiting one it seems
Days grow somber quickly
Now how the quiet is release
And I feel so lonely
How did you think I would feel?
Throw me aside again
How did you think I would feel?
Won't let you hurt me again
Now I'm nothing to you, I can see
Just walk away from me
I'm torn apart I can't believe
You'd stand and watch me bleed
You turned away and cleaned your tears away. Eddie didn't mean to make you cry. He honestly felt so terrible. He wanted to stop playing and hug you. The song was an old one he wrote about a girl a long time ago. He didn't think it would have that effect on anyone. Let alone you. This was the second time he saw you cry and he never hated anything as much as he did seeing you cry. From that day forward he cut out that song from all future shows. 
The show went on and you looked better. Eddie said goodnight to the small crowd and started breaking down the set with his band mates. Once everything was packed up he said bye to his friends and went to sit with you. When he emerged from the back room he saw a guy offering to buy you a drink. But Eddie saw you already had a fresh in hand. You met his eyes as he approached. And with the biggest, prettiest smile he had ever seen.
" Baby!" You squealed, throwing your arms around his neck. 
He was shocked. " Uhhh.."
You whispered in his ear. " Play along."
He nodded slightly and wrapped his arms around you. With one grabbing your ass. You let out a small squeak when he did.
" Hi princess."
You pulled away a little and narrowed your eyes at him.
" Baby, this nice man offered to buy us drinks."
Eddie didn't look at the guy he kept his eyes on you. " Is that right?"
" Uhhh…haha…no…ummm….hmmm? What? Oh. Yeah." The random guy mumbled, and shook his head and took off.
You waited until he was out of sight and stepped back. 
" Munson!" You said through your teeth. Punching him in the shoulder.
" Ahhh what? You said "play along."
You shook your head. " But did you have to grab my butt?"
" Yeah. You wanted him to stop bothering you right?"
You gave him a thin lip smile and sighed. " Yeah…just next time…keep it PG."
Eddie held up his hands. " Whatever you want princess."
You laughed and turned to the bar to get your drink. " I am not a princess. If anyone is, it's you."
Eddie furrowed his brow for a second before joining you. " How do you figure?"
You took a sip of your drink. " Hmmm let's see. All the jewelry, the very pricey leather jacket and your beautiful long hair. Everything about you screams princess Munson."
He scoffed and grinned.
You laughed a little. " Care to disagree?"
He contemplated it for a second. He knew if anyone heard you call him princess that he wouldn't hear the end of it. But part of him liked that you came up with your own nickname for him. 
" Can I call you that?" You asked with another amazing smile. 
" If…if it makes you happy."
You laughed. " Oh it definitely will."
" Then you can call me whatever you like."
You gave him a smirk. " Alrighty then, what does the princess want to drink?"
He let out a small nose laugh and couldn't stop smiling. 
" Uhh I'll just have water. One of us needs to be sober to get the other home."
You tilted your head. " Princess, I've been drinking soda water all night. I don't drink and drive…that's how-"
When you cut off Eddie saw this look that made his heart sink.. He opened his mouth to ask what you were gonna say but you shook your head and cleared your throat. 
" You guys were great." You said trying to smile.
Eddie rubbed the back of his neck. " Uhh thanks. "
There was this awkward silence after. Then out of the blue you offered to make drinks at your place. Eddie agreed and follow you home.
Once at your place Eddie expected to see your boyfriend, but it seemed he was out. You had made a couple of mixed drinks and sat talking about the show and how you were almost finished with college. Going for your teaching degree. Which he didn't even know you were in school. After a bit, Eddie felt a little uncomfortable, because he thought it was a little weird coming home with you. If he was your boyfriend he would have been pissed if you brought a guy home. So a couple of drinks in he decided to ask where Andy was.
You shifted around in your seat at the uncomfortable question. You hadn't told anyone about the break up. But being that you were a little tipsy your mouth just jabbered away.
" Uhhh we broke up."
Eddie tilted his head. " Really? You didn't tell me that."
You nervously laughed. " I haven't told anyone."
Eddie nodded and was quiet for a second. " When did that happen?"
You sighed. " Umm about 6 months ago."
6 months?!
Eddie nodded again. He was thinking about the whole night. The tattoos, you asking him to play along, not drinking at the bar and now. Finding out that you were finally single. He had a mixture of emotions. Not sure what to do with them. He decided to get to know you. That's all he wanted for tonight. Then maybe in the future he would ask you out. And that's how the late night started out. A couple more drinks later he found out your father passed from a drunk driver. He also found out you had a couple of siblings but they moved out of Hawkins a long time ago. Then the reason you broke up with Andy. He apologized and said all guys weren't like that, when you said you didn't want to pursue anyone anymore. One thing led to another and he found himself in bed with you. It started off innocent enough. You guys just laid there. You had offered that he stay the night so that he wouldn't drive home drunk. As he settled on the couch for the night you said as long as he stayed on his side he could sleep in bed with you. Originally he refused but then he looked at your couch. He was really tall and he couldn't get comfortable. So he went with you. He had chuckled seeing the pillow barrier you made between you two. You had given him something to wear and finally both laid down. 
He looked up to the ceiling and smiled. 
" You know I have the same glow in the dark stars above my bed too."
You smiled a little. " You do?"
" Yeah. Ever since I moved in with my uncle. He helped me put together the consolations. I remember laying out under the stairs when we went camping. And he would point out each one."
Your heart softened. Seems like you and Eddie had more in common than you thought.
" My dad did the same thing with me. Except our camping was sleeping bags in our backyard."
Eddie moved a pillow so that he can see your face. 
" I'm sorry about your dad."
You met his eyes and gave him a sweet smile." Thanks princess."
Eddie chuckled. After a few seconds though it faded and you guys just stared at each other. He saw you do that thing that people do when they want a kiss. When you looked between their eyes then to their lips, then back to their eyes. Maybe you didn't realize you were doing it. But either way, you were. And he definitely wanted to kiss you too. 
You move to lean on one of your elbows and got closer to him. Without taking his eyes off of you he moved another pillow. He leaned in and cupped your face. Getting so close he was just centimeters from your lips.
" Are you drunk?" He whispered.
You shook your head but that wasn't enough for him.
" Words sweetie. Use your words."
Your eyes were closed now and Eddie heard you gulp.
" I'm not drunk Eddie…please kiss me."
He quickly pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was good. Really good. And he couldn't just have one. He wanted them all. Every last one of your kisses. They were all his…Well tonight they were going to be.
You laid back down pulling him with you. He lost his balance and accidentally wet lipped your nose. You turned your face and laughed.
" Shit. Sorry."
You wiped your nose still laughing and looked back at him. " It's okay princess."
He chuckled. " I like when you call me that."
You bit your lip and tried to hold back your giggles. Eddie started stroking your hair. Giving you this look that you could swear was the 'I love you look.' 
No. You thought. That's not it. Can't be.
He leaned in and kissed you again. This time with more umph. A few seconds later his lips trailed from yours to your cheek then down your neck.
" I want you." He mumbled against your warm skin.
" Then take me." You whispered.
The next morning Eddie woke up feeling amazing. It's been a while since sex felt like that. It was passionate and very satisfying. Though the vanilla-ess of it was something he usually got bored with. Doing it with you was otherworldly. Maybe it's the way you touched him, or how your soft lips felt against his neck. Or maybe it was the way you moaned or said his name. Or how your body felt so good under him. Whatever it was, all he knew was that he wanted you again. And whenever or wherever you would let him. 
When he reached over for you the bed was empty. He looked at his watch and it was a quarter after 1. He sat up and saw his clothes neatly folded on the dresser with a note. 
' Hey princess, umm sorry I had errands to run. I made you some lunch. It's in the fridge. Please lock up when you leave.'
He smiled to himself. He was finally happy that he got his girl. Or so he thought.
He went to work that afternoon and decided after he was going to visit you. When he showed up you were making dinner. When you opened the door you gave him a half hearted smile. He of course went to you. Giving you a big hug. And when he leaned back he gave you a kiss. This one felt off. Nothing like last night. 
When he pulled away he looked at you and you had your head hung. 
" Eddie, we need to talk."
Those words punched him in his gut. Nothing good came from those words.
" Al-alright."
You moved and went to sit at the dining table, with Eddie hesitating at first. Eventually following suit.
You sighed deeply before you met his gaze.
" Eddie, last night was amazing. It's been so long since I felt that good."
He smiled. Okay this is good so far.
"I'm just not ready for something serious."
There it is. 
His smile faded. Was it so wrong of him to want you to be with him after an amazing night? He wanted to be your last everything. 
" Did I do something wrong?"
Your brow pinched together. " What? N-no. Eddie, this has nothing to do with you…it's me okay. Seriously, it's me. I don't want to get into anything, with anyone…don't get me wrong. You've been great. And last night was perfect for what it was…just sex. Which by the way. My compliments."
He chuckled a little. But your kind words weren't enough to make him feel better.
" I'm really sorry Eddie. I didn't mean to lead you on. Or make it seem I was ready for a relationship."
To be honest, you didn't. You were right. If it was anyone else, he would have actually left right after. And probably never talk to them again. But you weren't like anyone else. He cared for you. Always had. 
" I get it. And it's okay…maybe in the future…I don't know. Maybe we can try something."
You gave him a thin lip smile. You wanted to tell him not to get his hopes up. To not wait for you. He deserved someone who could give him their undivided attention. Someone who was good enough. Which you weren't.
" I uhh I guess I should leave you to it." He said getting up and headed for the door. 
" Eddie?"
He turned around. " Yeah?"
" Ummm…I made spaghetti…if you want to stay."
He grinned. How could he say no to that? Especially since it would be the first dinner he had with you.
" Do you have sandwich bread?"
Your lips turned up. " You make tacos with spaghetti too?"
He took off his jacket and flung it on the back of a chair. " I do."
Shaking your head you responded. " I wonder what else we have in common?"
The night was actually very entertaining. Turns out that you and Eddie could get on a deeper level. The conversation started off light and full of laughs. Then it ended with a bit of emotional stuff. Not knowing if you could let him in like that, you said you had to get to bed for the morning shift. 
As badly as he wanted to spend the night, Eddie bid you a goodnight and went home.
You tossed and turned while Eddie had sweet dreams about you. Your mind would not shut up about him. He thought you guys were together. For a second you thought he hooked up with you because well, he could. But showing up the next day. Hugging you and kissing you like that. It was like he'd been wanting to do it for some time now. 
Your thoughts ran rapid in what could have been if only you would have accepted your feelings for him so long ago. 
In highschool you were harboring a crush on good old Eddie Munson. He was beautiful and charming and ever so sweet. But being that you didn't seem to be his type, you shied away from the thought. He always seemed to be with someone who was as metal as he was. Or with someone completely opposite. But most definitely not someone as large as you were. Like Chrissy Cunningham for an example. Pretty, preppy, blonde, thin cheerleader with just the right amount of crooked teeth to make her smile charming. Before she got with Jason Carver she and Eddie had a little something. That was until Jason moved to Hawkins. Stealing her right from him. You noticed everything about Eddie. But it was when he showed up to school not showering for God knows how long, that you knew he was depressed. He wasn't his usual self for days and you had missed his dramatics. On one day in particular you overheard some stupid bitch saying she was going to give him a milk bath. At first you thought it was a joke. But you watched as she walked right over to Eddie and poured milk on his head. You saw red. Next thing you knew, you were being pulled off of her by your friends. With Eddie standing there with the look of horror. That look and that look alone told you everything you needed to know. And from that day forward you kept your distance when you could. Though you and he always seem to gravitate towards each other at parties and what not. Now things were different. Now you've slept with him and the whole mystery of whether or not he liked you more was shattered. Shattered because now you couldn't give yourself to him. Not in the way you wished you could. Your heart was in the middle of a fortress. Guarded not only by a thick high wall and barbed wire. But a 100 foot wide moat around it. With water dragons and Crocs at the ready with rows upon rows of teeth. Waiting to shred an intruder to pieces if they tried entering. 
What you wanted deep deep down, was for Eddie to not slay your protectors and to not break down your walls. But for him to see all of it and walk right in. To make your friends with your guards. To bypass all the protection you have built for yourself. To find your heart buried deep in the catacombs of your castle and be its one and only protector. But he wasn't going to. You made a promise six months ago to never let anyone in.
Never again.
Eddie was having a hard time just being your friend. Ever since the amazing 2 nights he spent with you everything went back to normal…well kinda. Work went on as usual. And most nights Eddie either talked to you on the phone or came over. He was determined to get you to see that he would never hurt you. 
He understood why you were the way you were now. It took a while but he eventually got you to open up little by little. He learned that you were the middle child and after your father died your mom had a lot of boyfriends. Who treated you like garbage. Some who were nice but were abusive to your mom. Your mom cycled out guys like it was the thing to do. So you never really learned what good relationships looked like. You had animosity towards your older sisters. They had a different father than you and your brothers. A part of you was jealous that they could see their dad when you could only see yours at the cemetery. And you grew to dislike them more as you got old. They bullied you about your dad and made fun of your weight. You had told him the first time they mentioned how big your thighs were. And then you told him about being molested when you were younger by one of your moms said 'boyfriends' Though your mom kicked him out. She never fully believed you. 
That was one of the worst things he had ever heard. Eddie could kick himself for not getting on a deeper level with you all these years. But it was finally happening and he wasn't going to let you get away. Or let anyone or anything hurt you. 
Everything seemed to be going great. He was getting close. But then one night you came over to his place for the first time. He had cleaned and attempted to make dinner. However, the only thing he could make was eggs and cereal. So instead of giving you food poison, he ordered a pizza. When you came he gave you a quick tour of the trailer then sat to watch a movie. During, you told him something that pissed him off.
" Andy came by today."
Eddie looked at you with his brows knitted together. " What for?"
You shifted a little and hung your head. " He wanted to get back together."
He was dumbfounded. " Ummm…what?"
You quickly glanced at him then looked away. " Yeah. He…he apologized for what he did."
Eddie didn't realize his fists were closed and he was breathing erratically. That was until he felt your hand over his. Your words snapped him back to the present.
" I told him that I want nothing to do with him." You pulled your hand away and looked at everything but him. " I know that if I do, he's only going to hurt me again. And even I know, just because I'm no one's first choice, that I don't deserve that."
Eddie shook his head. He was just going to tell you his real feelings. But what you said next hurt him.
" I know I shouldn't have brought it up. I don't like talking about my problems. But, I really needed a friend…because if I'm alone tonight…I know that I'm gonna take what I said back and try again."
He was confused. You just said you didn't deserve the hurt you knew was guaranteed.
" Why would you do that?" He asked.
You sighed. " It's stupid. But I miss coming home to him…I miss going to bed with him and miss the talks we had about the future…it's like your lyrics. 'Days grow somber quickly, now how the quiet is released, and I feel so lonely.'... It's like now I realize how useless and alone I feel…maybe it's just me…I'm broken or something. I keep thinking what it would feel like to be good enough. To be loved by someone. Truly loved. Not because of looks or what they can get from me. To be consumed with every part of me and love me dearly for my faults. And not hold them against me…Andy used to make me feel like that. And I can't help but wonder if we could get that back…but I know deep down we can't."
Eddie's heart just broke. You were not useless and as long as he was alive, you would never be alone. So he chose to voice this.
"Look sweetie, you are not useless. I need you." He said, grabbing your hand. " You're one of the most important people in my life. Ever since school you have been there for me…. And you're not alone…you've got me…I'm not gonna hurt you or make you cry."
When you looked at him he cupped your face. Giving you a soft kiss on the cheek.
" Baby, you're special to me. You're so beautiful." He said giving you a kiss on the forehead. " You're so…so sweet." He kissed your cheek again. This time pulling you closer to him by your waist. " Everything you say and do has me….I would follow you anywhere."
" Eddie." You whimpered before he kissed you. 
And though you tried to stop yourself, you had to kiss him back. Kissing never felt like this. It never felt so good before. And Eddie's kisses were the absolute best. He was tender but rough. It was sensual yet loving. Like he didn't just want what was between your legs. Even though the moment he said you were important, he had you. You just didn't know how much.
He pulled away and bore into your eyes. " Sweetie, you're perfect. And you didn't deserve what happened to you. You deserve to be shown love and respect…I'm sorry if he made you feel like you weren't enough. But baby you are. More than-"
You cut him off with your lips. Eddie always knew what to say to make you feel better about yourself. He honestly was the only person who could. 
You pushed him back and straddled him as best as you could with the small amount of space. Kissing him with all your heart and soul. 
" Mmmm…love kissing you." He moaned against your lips.
You wanted to say it back. Because you definitely did love kissing him. He was an incredible kisser. And his full lips fit yours so perfectly. He didn't overwhelm you with too much tongue. He let you breathe in between. Kissing him was just perfect.
Somehow, you guys ended up on the floor. You were kneeling between his legs giving him the most amazing blow job. 
Though you knew you shouldn't. You knew you should have just gone home after the initial first kiss. But you couldn't contain your need to please him. To make him feel as good as he made you feel with his words. Since you weren't so good with yours you used your body. Which was also wrong. It was the only way you could show affection. And right now. Eddie needed to be shown how much he meant to you. Especially tonight.
Eddie saw God…okay not really. But the second your lips touched his cock. He was done for. Every inch of his body tingled feeling and seeing your gorgeous lips surrounding him. The way your chubby cheeks hollowed around him. The feeling of your tongue swirling when you came up and how you took him deep and slow. It honestly had his eyes rolling back that he swore he saw his brain. To be truthful, he was biased when it came to you. In his eyes you could do no wrong. To him the sun shined out of your ass. He loved you. And tonight he felt like you were ready to receive that love.
A few minutes after you started he had to stop.
" Shit. Shit. Shit… baby…gotta stop…gonna make me cum."
Kinda the point. You said to yourself.
You let up and looked at him. Still making sure to stroke him. 
" Your turn." He said sitting up. Causing you to back away a little.
You shook your head. " N-no. It's okay. I-I just wanted you to feel good."
Eddie was confused. Just the way you said it irked him. He lifted his ringed hand and went for your chin when you looked away.
" You made me feel amazing, sweetie. But I want to make you feel good too."
You gave him a thin lip smile and tried to look away. But he kept holding your chin and staring at you with his big brown eyes. 
" Do you not like that?" He asked in a hushed tone.
He saw you swallow gently before your answer.
" I…I never…um had that done."
Eddie smiled sweetly. " That's okay. If you don't want to, then it's fine."
You were quiet for a second. Not even noticing that you had stopped moving your hand and he was getting soft.
In a small voice you asked. " Would-would it make you feel good?" 
Eddie let go of your chin and grabbed your hand. Bringing your knuckles to his lips.
" It's not about me feeling good. It's you…let me make you feel good baby."
You bit your lip out of nervousness. With another soft tone you asked.
" What do I do?"
Eddie got to his knees and kissed you before he answered. " Just lay down…I'll take care of you."
You nodded and did as he instructed. He looked down at you after and he took off his shirt. He put his large hands on your knees and slid them down to the waistband of your black tights. 
" I'm gonna take these off okay?"
You pressed your lips together and nodded again. 
" Words sweetie."
You licked your lips before answering. Your mouth was drier than a desert. 
" Yes princess. You can take them off."
Eddie chuckled a little. Then his heart melted seeing a beautiful smile stretch across your face. It was amazing and it nearly took his breath away.
He mentally shook off the overwhelming feeling to just lay down and hold you. Tonight was the night you and he were taking the next step in the relationship.
He peeled your tights down, with you raising your wide hips so he could get them past your bottom. Once they were off he took in your plush thighs and your very cute pink and white panties. He licked his lips feeling parched as well. 
Eddie had seen you naked before. But this time you were so nervous. You could feel your back starting to sweat. And when he went for your underwear, you held your breath. 
Eddie felt your legs tremble as he slid off your panties. He shushed you, kissing each knee. Trying to reassure you that everything was okay. That if you wanted him to stop, to just say something.
Eddie kissed all over your lovely thighs. Making sure not to miss a single inch. He was now face to face with your beautiful wet pussy. The sight alone took his breath away. Sure he's seen plenty of girls. But yours was better. Prettier. Wetter. A few seconds went by and he couldn't help but stare.
You started getting nervous again and questioning if he no longer wanted to do it. You lifted yourself up to your elbows and looked down.
" Eddie?"
" Huh? Oh…sorry. It's just…do you know how beautiful you are?"
You blushed and shook your head. He started caressing your outer thighs. 
" Well you are…you've always been beautiful. Especially now."
You swallowed. " Why-why now?"
Eddie got closer to your aching cunt. Watching it clench around nothing. 
" Because now…you're mine."
A chill ran up your spine and your core throbbed. 
He laid his tongue flat against your warmth and licked upwards. 
" Fuuu" he groaned, lapping through your puff lips. 
He stared up at you and watched as your jaw slacked and your head slowly fell back. He flicked at your swollen nub and slurped up your juices. 
Eddie was enjoying this a little too much. But he couldn't help it. You tasted so good. You tasted like a penny dipped in syrup. A little sweet with just the right amount of tang. It was absolutely amazing. But what made it more so was how incredibly wet you got as you got more and more aroused. His tongue was swimming in it. His chin glistened with it. And he was just in love. 
Your soft moans gave him butterflies. And when your fingers laced in his hair he smiled to himself.
" G-good?" He mumbled.
" Mmhmm " you hummed. " S'good."
He smirked for a second and went back to focusing his mouth on your clit. Only this time he added his fingers to the mix. He eased his middle and ring finger in. Making you squirm. Your moans grew a little louder and your chest was heaving. 
So beautiful. He thought. 
Before he knew it you came. Nice and slow. He pulled out his fingers and brought them up to his mouth. Sucking them clean before climbing up your body. 
" Can I take your shirt off?"
Still trying to catch your breath, a small yes came out. He helped you sit up and pulled off your shirt. His calloused fingers traced the curve of your neck down to your bra strap.
" And this?"
You cupped his face and planted a gentle kiss on his lips. 
" Yes." 
As he kissed you deeply his hands went for your hooks. He had trouble for a second then froze when he accidentally snapped your bra. You whimpered a little then just laughed.
" Jesus…I-I-I I'm sorry. I-"
You brought a finger up and put it on his lips.
" Shhhh. It's okay. It happens."
A small breathy laugh left him and he nodded.
He tried again and was successful this time. He resumed the kiss and pulled your straps over your shoulders and tossed it to the side. He cupped both of your breasts and began massaging them. You pulled him down after a minute or so. As he got comfortable on top of you your hand snaked down to his length and put him inside of you. 
Eddie made love to you for what seemed like hours. He didn't want this night to end. But finally when both of you were spent he held you. 
For the first time you felt like you were where you were meant to be.
You were just about to fall asleep when Eddie said something you weren't ready for.
" I'm happy we're together now."
Your eyes widened. 
We're together?
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petitmimosa · 2 months
This or That Ask Game
Tagged by @alittlefrenchtree for an obscure reason. Should've made you guess what I was going to answer and you'd get one sugar per cup of tea for each one you got right.
Iced or hot coffee ☕
Why would you make me drink coffee in the first place? Why was coffee even discovered and who decided it was an acceptable beverage? If I have to make a choice, then iced and with a shit ton of sugar/chocolate/white chocolat syrup. You know Starbucks' white chocolate frappuccino? Very little coffee, lots of everything else.
Iced or hot tea 🍵
Why would you ice TEA? This is why the human race is doomed I'm telling you. Tea is to be served hot but never burnt so get that kettle off before it boils.
Lemonade or sweet tea 🍋
Sweet tea is an abomination. Why would you give me BAKING SODA TO DRINK? Ugh. Lemonade is alright if homemade by someone who's not addicted to sugar though.
Fruity or minty gum
Not allowed to chew gum anymore but I was more of a mint person. Fruity flavors were too chemical for my taste.
Pasta or potatoes
Niak. This is a hard one. Potatoes are fun and you can fry them and they're creatures of God but pastaaaaaa... Parmesan goes on pasta and for that reason only it gets my vote.
Olives or pickles
There are two things you need to know about me if we're gonna share food together: I will never, ever willingly consume olives and will have pickles with absolutely everything. The small ones though, cornichons. Not the gigantic ones people in America like to grow.
Rice or bread
Bread. Bread. BREAD.
Cookies or brownies
Brownies take too long to bake and you have more fun with cookies. Also, that's my cat's name and if I don't say cookies he will know tonight when I get home and he will bite me to punish me.
Handwritten or phone reminders-
That notes app is somewhere on my phone because I can't uninstall it. But I hate my handwriting with a passion so I just remember everything since I have an excellent memory.
Zip-up or pullover hoodie
I hate zip-ups, I look like a whale in them. And hoodies are COZYYYY.
Jeans or sweatpants
I look even more like a whale in sweatpants so I'll have to say jeans. But when I'm home I'm just wearing pjs.
Flip flops/thongs or slides
Both are evil so they can crawl back to where they belong. I'll sleep with socks (even thin) all year long. I'll take them off when we reach 40°.
Paperback or ebook
I use my kindle before bed but paperback all the way when you want to spend hours reading.
Enemies to lovers or FWB to lovers
Enemies to lovers all the way. The hatred, the tension, the angst, the oh, oh maybe I was wrong? the messy feelings, GIVE IT TO ME I'M READY.
One bed or fake dating
That one bed trope has been alive way too long and needs to be put to rest, pun very much intended.
Hurt/comfort or whump
Hurt/comfort. I'm all for angst but the heavy hurt usually deals with atrocities and, nope.
Mutual pining or amnesia
Amnesia! That's the kind of angst I like.
Canon compliant or AU
It depends on the ship. I usually prefer canon but there are some excellent AUs out there.
Soulmate or Sports AU
My issue with sports AU is that it's almost always about the characters in the sports world rather than the chosen sport itself. I end up frustrated with how poorly depicted the sport is or how irrelevant it is to have them in this world in the first place all.the.time. Like okay they're figure skaters but why would you have them do 3 triple lutzes in one program when it's not a thing and yolo spins without telling me if it's a flying sit spin or a back camel?
Celebrity AU or Coffeeshop AU
I may have outgrown the coffeeshop AU, so, celebrity.
One shot or long fic
Quality over quantity. Which isn't an answer but :D
Anyone who wants to answer this, have at it!
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
So I finally read the little post about all the Joke Meme for Chapter 3 Teaser and it made me wonder… Does Erlang ever get a win? Or will he ever get one?
Like to start off our man is going on a mission—ope, no he’s not he out cold with the frying pan to the back of the head. Oh but he’ll remember what happened and be mad—no he won’t, he thinks he’s the one person in Heaven’s history that partied harder than Sun “Casually Drank 50 bottles of Heavenly Wine and got his 12th of 27 immortalities while hammered” Wukong cuz of how he woke up.
But wait, the Harbinger of Chaos is gone, problem solver and hey, Wukong got back together with some theatre bitch he used to wax poetic about—Erlang takes one moment, one singular moment, and remembers that he thought said theatre bitch died??? Cannot fact check. Moves on with life.
Oh but suddenly the Harbringer is back???? They never defeated him????—Its in some Monkey Kid with Wukong’s powers and he just makes the (smart) decision to not personally go down there unless directly ordered by The Jade Emperor. And hey, there’s the Jade Emperor now and wait why is he locking himself in his throne room?
What’s that? Azure Lion and The Brotherhood are back and on a rampage to kill the Emperor? We’ll buckle up boys! Time to stop this overglorified pussycat and hey, uh, has Azure always looked that good? Like, Erlang thought he looked gold back in the day but, damn, he ages like a fine wine—but in a total bro way! Like, it’s not that he fantasized about Azure or anything in the past or present and wow did he always look good in the sunlight and battle? Wow…
All my rambling to say that from what I gather of Erlang Shen’s story trajectory is that he just unknowingly keeps taking L’s and I find it absolutely hilarious.
Erlang's whole vibe for the first couple of chapters is:
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Wakes up covered in wine and dog slobber with the peach attendants yelling at him cus they think he partied Too Hard after a successful mission. Later the Jade Emperor congradulates him on a job well done, with SWK standing there smiling nervously with a broken egg shell thing? And in the corner Nezha's getting yelled at by General Li Jing for some reason??
Erlang's third eye is like "I dunno man. We must've been toasted last night." And Erlang just decides to play along with a stoic look on his face.
I love the idea of his Third Eye acting as a fact checker, but it doesnt give him the context or changelogs.
Erlang, thinking real hard: "Wait... isn't Wukong's mate dead?" *old 90s computer noises* "Nah he aint. Good for them."
And ofc Azure has been doing probation with Manjusri, since Wukong and the Celestial army had to crack down on Camel Ridge. So he and Erlang occassionally interact and spar and whoops, giant lion man hot ( •///•)
I think part of the hilarity comes from the fact that Erlang is destined to win his historical encounter with Sun Wukong no matter what. So in the au, he just keeps getting non-fatal Ls by just minding his own business.
He might just get a win however... if a certain nephew plays nice with that axe of his.
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Study Date Confession
Genre: fluff
Characters: Iruma-kun, Reader (fem), Opera, Sullivan, Alli (Gluttonous Feeder Ring)
T/W: none
A/N: wow, fanfic writing is fun, I see why y'all do it. I wrote this for some comfy feelings tonight, and it worked ☺️💕🥺 hope someone out there besides me enjoys this haha
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Still the same Iruma I fell for ❤️
You’ve had a crush on Iruma for about 3 months now
No, not because he has been “standing out” or because he is the Grandson of the famous demon Sullivan — but because he’s shown and taught you things you’ve never known or realized before in the Netherworld
You’ve started studying together quite frequently — but you desire more — yet you’re still too shy to do anything about it
Today will be another study date with Iruma — this time, at his house
You finished up with class, then met up with him outside of The Royal One.
You then proceeded to WALK to his house??  You wonder why you would not fly?  Does he want more time alone with you?? 
You blush hard as you continue the walk to his house.
You finally arrive
Wow his house is huge
You begin to show a concerned look on your face
Iruma notices, and reaches out his hand to you
“It’s alright (Y/N)” Iruma smiled and stretched out his hand to you.  Ba-dump.  Your heart began to race as you took his hand, and squeezed it tight as you continued through the gates of the Sullivan mansion. 
An androgynous looking demon with cat ears and red hair opened the door for you.  “Welcome home Iruma — and a welcome to you miss (Y/N)”. “Thanks Opera” Iruma gestured you through first, and Opera whispered something into Iruma’s ear that made him turn bright red as he rushed in right after you.  
“Welcome home my darling Iruma!!” a tall elderly demon rushed to hug Iruma and spun him around.  He set Iruma down “my goodness me, is this (Y/N), the demoness you’ve been spending all of your precious time with??  Ooooh how beautiful!  Isn’t my Grandson just the GREATEST?!” “Grandpa!!!!” Opera grabbed Sullivan by the collar “we’ll be heading out for errands now”.  “Awww but I wanna see this momentous occasion in my Grandson’s liiiiife…. Bye bye my sweet Iruma…..” The front door closed.
“Well, should we get to studying?” Iruma smiled awkwardly as your heart began to race even faster and harder. (We’re all alone now, oh my gosh oh my gosh… ok.. be cool… just be cool).  “Yes, yes.. let’s do just that!” You stammered.  
You and Iruma headed to his room
Geez it was enormous!
His bed was so luxurious and you were so tempted to jump right in
Iruma sat on his bed and opened his text book “so what should we study first?” He smiled at you.  But today, you just couldn’t pay attention.  Your heart just wouldn’t calm down.  I mean, you’re in the boy you like’s room!!  “I-I.. I need to use the restroom…” (what am I saying?!) You headed out the door to search for the restroom.  
Meanwhile Iruma’s POV
Iruma flopped over onto his bed “…I wonder what’s up with (Y/N)… she’s been silent all day… did I upset her?”.  Alli popped out of the glutoness feeder ring “my, I wonder?”  “Huhh???” “It’s obvious, my dear little Iru.” “Wh..what’s obvious.” “You really don’t get it do you?” Alli face-palmed “the poor girl is in love.” “In Love?  With who?”  Alli sighed “with YOU!”.  “Huh?!  With me?!?!  There’s no way.”  “You really are clueless.  Well, what’re you gonna do about it, small fry?”  “Me?  I.. I don’t know… I’ve never had a girl be in love with me before.. I’ve never even been on a date.. I was always too busy working back in the human realm.  I’m not even sure I’ve ever had a crush on a girl — there just wasn’t any time.  Well, what do you think I should do, Alli?”  “Well, that depends on you.  Do you fancy her too, hmm?”  Iruma put his hand on his chin and began to think.  He began to picture all of the times he’s spent with you, all of the laughs, smiles — everything.  And for some reason… began to smile… a whole-hearted genuine smile that radiated from his entire being.  You could almost see beams of light surrounding him.  “Well, I’ve never really experienced any romantic feelings before.. but I do know that (Y/N) is very special to me… maybe I’ll try and see how I feel when she gets back.”  
The door creaked open
“H-hey Iruma-kun, sorry I took a bit” you smiled very awkwardly and hesitantly sat down beside Iruma.  Ba-dump!  Just after you had left to get your heart rate in check, it sky rocketed almost immediately being in such close proximity to such a beautiful angel.  “It’s alright (Y/N) no worries!”  Iruma smiled his usual cheerful smile.  “Shall we continue our studies?”  You nodded as you admired his big beautiful eyes and adorable smile.  Iruma began reading the textbook passage, but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t focus on anything other than his soft and soothing voice.  “(Y/N)……(Y/N)…… (Y/N)?”  You finally snapped out of it.  “Y-yes, Iruma-kun?”  He closed his text book.  “We don’t have to study tonight, I think we’re pretty much caught- up on the curriculum by how often we’ve been studying recently.  May I ask what’s bothering you?  I’d really hate it if I hurt or offended you in any way.”  You shook your head and hands frantically “No, no! You’ve got it all wrong!”  “I have?  Well, that’s a relief”. Iruma reached out and put his right hand gently on your head and gazed at you in a sweet and heartfelt manner “mind telling me what’s really going on?  I’d like to help if I can.”  Out of instinct you took his hand that was on your head and placed it against your cheek.  “I-I….. I love you Iruma-kun!  I can’t keep that from you any longer!”  Your eyes widened, and you immediately curled into a shy ball hiding from whatever happens next. 
You were now surrounded in your own thoughts, insecurities, and darkness.  (What will Iruma say?  What will he do?  Is our friendship now over??). 
Light peeked in through your pit of self-doubt and darkness.  Iruma swooped you up into a princess carry and nuzzled your face.  “I guess I didn’t realize until now… but, (Y/N), I love you too”.  Iruma stared at you with such an honest and earnest gaze, even though you’ve been burned by many demon boys before.. this time… it truly seemed different.  “Oh, Iruma…” you smiled back so tenderly.  You two connected foreheads and gazed at the beautiful Netherworld moonlight beaming through his balcony window.  You ran your fingers through his soft, feathery blue hair.  “Oh how I love you Iruma… can I ever say it enough?”  Iruma’s knees buckled and his face turned red… the two of you toppled over.  You giggled profusely and pet his head “still the same Iruma I fell for”.  You smiled at each other, and you proceeded to hug while still toppled over.  You laid atop Iruma as he gently pet your head, and the two of you drifted into a soft and blissful sleep.
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A highschool study date turned into a sleepover... Huh. I wonder how Sullivan and Opera reacted?
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