#but fr i am suffering
kwiisatz · 3 months
my glasses broke but that didn't stop me from writing paul being a silly little queer man. may thy clothes rip & tatter headassery.
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hinamie · 2 months
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the same flame that burns you; birthed you first
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
Sanji never celebrated his birthday when he was a kid, quite obviously. At least not in a regular way and not with his siblings. But he did visit his mom at the hospital, tried to make the best of cakes (because she always asked him to) and blew out the candles right in front of her wishing and wishing and wishing for her to get better. For them to have a happy ending. Sora always said that if he wished hard enough, it would come true.
It didn't. But Sanji knew, even at a young age, deep inside, that it wouldn't.
So he starts living with Zeff and his birthday is not something he sees worth celebrating. But the man asks him about it one day and the date March 2th is written all over his face when he tries to find an excuse to not tell him. And it's alright, he guesses, because at the end of the day Zeff isn't that big on birthdays either.
The kid has it rough on that day when it first comes, and Zeff doesn't know what to do. What to gift him. He doesn't know how kids his age behave and what they like. Especially since Sanji is not a regular kid. So for his 10th birthday, Zeff tells him he's going to teach him how to bake a proper cake. That makes Sanji extremely happy, somehow. He is not a normal kid, but he sure is a cook. So there isn't a party or eccentric gifts, but there is cake.
Zeff starts giving him proper gifts when he turns fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Ties and suits and shoes and every pretty thing his son has mentioned he liked ever since he saw a very rich businessman walking into the Baratie dressing like that with a woman hugging his side. "It's gentleman's attire! You wouldn't get it!" and look, if the kid wants his snob suits, Zeff won't complain. They have more than enough money for shit like that.
They have a real birthday party when he turns eighteen. And he's all grown and pissed about how he could've made the cake better in his own and acting like an ungrateful brat. But he smiles. Widely and brightly and Zeff couldn't love him more.
So it's not like Sanji hates his birthday... But he doesn't tell the crew about it. He gets sad and weird and in an on and off mode. He doesn't want them to make a big deal out of it and he knows they probably will. He won't stop thinking about his mom, either. So he avoids the crew a little bit too much on that day.
And Usopp notices he's acting weird, because how could he not? Sanji has been oddly quiet and polite to everyone in a gloomy, nostalgic way. Everybody is worried and Luffy tries to cheer him up, but it only ends up bothering Sanji more, from Usopp's perspective. The sniper tries not to be clingy because he knows his boyfriend and he knows that if he's in one of his sad moods, affection will only make him sadder. So he stays next to him, but not too close. Enough to see Sanji smile now and then.
The day goes on and it's time to go to bed, but Usopp notices Sanji is still in the kitchen and decides to change his night shift with Franky because he really, really needs to stay awake to look after him. He refuses to invade his privacy and space, so he just stays close to the kitchen in case he gets out.
But curiosity killed the cat, and he's also extremely concerned. So he decides to look inside.
He sees Sanji, sitting down at the dining table with a tiny, little cupcake and a candle. He's holding a picture Usopp knows well because Sanji keeps it in a tiny treasure chest inside his locker. His mom. And he smiles apologetically. "Sorry it couldn't be a real cake, mom. I wasn't that much in the mood? But hey! I- I improved, didn't I?" Usopp can't see his face that clearly, but he knows, from the tone of his voice, that he's probably about to cry. "I wish- I wish you were here. I'm twenty-two now! You said you liked that number, right? It does look like a duck, after all."
He keeps talking, but Usopp closes the door gently without Sanji noticing. Shit.
It might not be the best idea, but Usopp decides to leave him a little thing under the door. A note wishing him a happy birthday and some flowers. The note also has a drawing of two ducks in it.
The next day, the first thing Sanji tells him when he wakes up (Usopp noticing the flowers placed on a glass vase and the edge of his note sticking out of that same treasure chest from before) is: "Hey, love, would you- Would you like to try and bake a cake with me? It'd be fun."
And Usopp couldn't smile wider even if he tried.
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
This is an EVIL part of the body btw:
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napstawantstosleep · 1 year
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Shameless png for the background because today I had exams and I'm absolutely DRAINED. anyway jellyfsh ert.
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clericofinfamy · 3 months
damian priest - raw, 18 march 2024.
posting this and going to sleep. thank you monday night judgement day for priest crumbs, amen. 🙏🖤💜
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save me hughesy save me
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daughterthethird · 9 months
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Ok regarding the fankid thing… i realized i wasn’t actually sure how to introduce her so. uhm. Have a proto-reference sheet i made when i was screwing around with her design!
I swear ill make some actual drawings of her later <\\3 (AND MAYYBEE POSSIBLYY make a post dedicated to her character? Hmm)
Anyways here’s my beautiful daughter Panacea Cutburn :) she’s irritating and nobody likes her.
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astruccrow · 5 months
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Hello Nishiki community, phantom limbs and nightmares are reality
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chalkrub · 1 year
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brushing off the cobwebs, I haven’t done one of these in AGES....this is rufus he’s my hedonistic obelisk boy :^)
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insanesonofabitch · 4 months
I just had a dream about spn s16 (spnwin s2???) and it was so good and they were like almost entirely leaning towards destiel even though Dean hasn’t been with Cas yet like he’s been searching for him (for apparently 90 years in heaven time now?) and there’s like a Jess cameo and another insane samjess-deancas parallel and they DID somehow become a part of THEE (spn-canon) Bible (like The Winchester gospel) so there were hints of Chuck won truthing in there and it was so so insane it got me sent to a mental hospital.
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hai-nae · 5 months
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happy werewolf wednesday~
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sorry only this wip this time, working on an animated/animation? short/clip? idk what the proper term is. (it's like 9 seconds-ish of a proto tv opening thing to a song i think fits.) here's what i got so far, needs more in between frames and a shitton of other things.
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bigfemboyenergy · 2 months
big femboy energy? more like big phlegmboy energy!! hi buddy!! ily!! 🥰🥰🥺🥺
i dont bother u enough imo
STOP THAT RHYME IS ACTUALLY IMPECCABLE BUT I STILL HATE YOU FOR IT.. literally as of seeing this i was wiping my nose goddamn you /gen /srs
uh uh well your user still looks like its pronounced webzuhzes rather than webzaahzes!!!! take that!!!
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 6 months
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i am officially, FINALLY all caught up again in both the manga and the anime for bsd and OH BOY there are thoughts and opinions but also WHO CARES because my tags are finally FREE to be unfiltered
#hnnnnnn#i am SO happy#i am BEYOND happy#i love the arc even if i complain about it a lot#but i am also hnnnnnn…….displeased……..with a few things#the anime fr about to catch these hands#i already KNEW they were rushing it from the few episodes i had watched#but the anime is usually SO good at pacing#that i fully trusted that certain things would be slowed down for significance/impact/etc#but instead the pacing just stayed WAY too fast for me#and they ended up cutting SO many small moments that had SO much importance like im going crazy about some of them#some of the lines they cut…….#or even adjusted slightly that it drew away the impact#ugh i KNOW there was a LOT to balance and a LOT of content to get through#but i am a little disappointed that so many emotional scenes were what ended up suffering for it#this is why i don’t usually like reading the manga for animes i watch#i always end up getting disappointed by the limitations of adaptations#that being said though regardless of general limitations i don’t think some of the rushing is above criticism#and i am going to go and eat glass while seething over the particularly offensive rushing/cuts😤#OKAY DONE that’s the last i’ll say about it i would just go crazy if i didn’t vocalize it somewhere#in general i was VERY happy with the arc in both the manga and the anime i have SO much love for it#definitely a favorite for me#and THAT concludes my very vague no spoiler review#i swear one of these days my self control is going to snap#and im just going to start posting my full essays and content analysis shit about everything i watch here#but for now we’re safe and all my rants will stay spoiler free tag paragraphs instead godbless🙏
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sealrock · 7 months
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thanks to @etheirys' help and a few tutorials, I managed to give patroclus his naturally arched eyebrows AND cute freckles back
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