#but for example for some characters i like i kinda like the ugly parts of them a lot
hecksupremechips · 9 months
Maybe my opinions on things I like are too harsh sometimes 😞
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abitofboth · 2 months
some more owen carvour hcs because I’m unwell about him
he's meticulous when it comes to cleaning his guns. almost every night on a mission he will sit within the twilight and carefully take them apart and clean every piece. the same goes for his knives, brass knuckles, and any other weapons he happens to use.
he’s pretty consistent with shaving and cutting his hair; keeps his usual length, and a clean shaven face. when he’s going through a rough patch his hair will grow a bit longer and he’ll turn up to work with stubble.
post fall, his hair is down to his shoulders and he has a permanent 5 o'clock shadow.
he doesn’t play games he knows he can’t win. he was so certain that he was going to be the one to kill curt, not the other way around.
he can do tricks with his switch blade and he DELIGHTS in showing off for curt.
big fat crush on brandon shaw from hitchcock’s film ‘rope’. fucked up spy obsessed with his very own fucked up blorbo.
takes the piss out of curt for having a thing for james bond (“the name’s carvour. owen carvour.” “shut UP.”)
connected to that, curt loves the bond novels but can’t concentrate long enough to actually get through them. owen reads them out to him and does voices for all the characters.
he tells curt that “that secret died the night you left me for dead”, but I don’t think that he stopped loving him as soon as he fell. he hated him, yes, but he still loved him. some small part of him was still desperately clinging onto the hope that curt would come back and 'rescue' him from chimera for at least a year or two.
somehow manages to be kinda toxic with his own masculinity but also (in the privacy of his and curt's relationship) fucks with gender a little. for example, he doesn't allow himself emotional relief because 'men don't cry', but on the other hand relishes in being called 'princess' and owns a few lipsticks. loves leaving lipstick kiss marks on curt.
curt is pretty big on cars. he likes tinkering with them, fixing them up, knows all you could need to know about them, and has strong opinions on which ones are good and which ones are shit. owen couldn't care less- as long as it moves and it's not an ugly colour, he's happy.
he has doubts about his job and the governments he serves. where some spies blindly follow, he reluctantly trails behind.
the black and red leather jacket used to be owen's, but curt borrowed it one day and conveniently 'forgot' to give it back. owen has no complaints- he likes curt wearing his clothes and he barely wore it himself anyway.
he stands by the notion that british words and phrases are gospel, and american words and phrases are stupid and wrong.
known for a bit of a resting bitch face. he always looks pissed off, but is probably only pissed off 50% of the time.
older than curt, but only by a year or two.
he is kind to those with less power, and directs his rage to those in charge instead.
has a tendency to pull at his hair when he's super freaked out.
he has panic attacks more often post-fall.
he knows he's hot shit. plays on the 'british charm' when he's flirting with marks and it works every single time.
he knows a decent amount of french. not quite fluent, but enough that he can easily navigate most conversations.
spicy, don't look too close
he likes to take charge most of the time because it's owen, he loves having power in all situations, but he has a submissive streak in him. he doesn't like to admit that it doesn't take much to get him whining and begging.
phone sex. it's risky, but he likes it. transatlantic jerk-offs are key when your partner is in another country.
tops more often than he bottoms, purely because he thinks curt prefers it that way.
pull his hair and watch him melt.
likes when curt manhandles him. he has muscles, and owen wants him to use them.
he'll whisper filthy things to curt on missions with the sole intention of riling him up at the worst possible time.
he enjoys bondage regardless of who is the one being tied up.
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sasukesun · 1 year
Hey, how are u?
Also, I wanted to ask what do you think about Naruto and Sasura’s relationship nature. I mean, do you think he ever truly loved her? His speech in shippuden about his feelings for her seemed really genuine, but except that I don’t really see love in his behavior, more like a childish crush? I don’t buy what was said in The Last about him trying to hit on her only to win with Sasuke, it doesn’t really makes sense to me. Anyway, what is your opinion? Thanks for answering xo
hello anon, i’m fine.
naruto’s behaviour towards sakura and overall attraction to women is inconsistent. we can easily tell that he truly never had romantic feelings for her, but a crush is, in my opinion, debatable… and really a crush in the sense of “she’s cute, i like her” kind of thing, which is basically what we see when sakura is introduced
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now what is interesting is that the last wasn’t wrong to show that maybe it was about sasuke, it just definitely wasn’t so naruto could compete with sasuke
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“i feel like i finally understand why i like her” right after sakura said she wants to be acknowledged by sasuke because she likes him? really? we know that naruto wants to be acknowledged by everyone, that’s the core of his character, but in this context, this just seems kinda ambiguous… he doesn’t wanna win over sasuke, he just wants his acknowledgement. when you take naruto’s interactions with sasuke and sakura into consideration after this quote, as well his behaviour, you see that basically naruto mimics heterosexuality by pretending to like sakura, while actually focusing his attention on sasuke, he mistakes his feelings/attraction for sasuke for a rivalry at first and a friendship later. i’ll give you some examples.
he doesn’t have much tact to compliment sakura. i know this is what she wanted to hear, but i just find it so funny honestly.
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there are also a few more moments involving sakura’s appearance and naruto, in which a) naruto says haku is prettier than her b) naruto says after two years that they haven’t seen each other that she looked the same even though it seems by her body language that she wanted to be complimented and c) when other people called sakura ugly and naruto didn’t even comment about it or tried to defend her. now let’s look at this
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is there some need to defend sasuke’s honour or something? no one is even insulting sasuke here, just comparing him and sai. the japanese word naruto uses here can be used to compliment someone’s looks btw and he not only says it, but he emphasises it at the end. there’s pretty much a huge gap between “the cute girl” he’s supposed to like a lot and sasuke, who is above it.
how about when naruto is just doing absolutely nothing but thinking of sasuke
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until he gets interrupted by sakura… so he says he was planning to go on a date with her. are you for real?
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this one is even funnier… sakura is taking care of naruto after he hurt his arm with rasenshuriken. someone in love would surely be happy to be closer to your loved one while they are healing you, and it’s what it seems that naruto is gonna say
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until you turn to the next page
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he’s just really happy they are in this together… for sasuke. you really can’t make this shit up.
i’ve also pointed out that in the chapter in which sakura decides to fake confess to naruto and go after sasuke to kill him, sakura says “that fool’s got such a crush on me” about naruto, and yet the only appearance naruto makes in the same chapter is him lying down and pining over sasuke. yikes.
the only “narusaku” moment during war on naruto’s part is when minato asks naruto if sakura is his girlfriend to which he reacts like
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it’s not only that this is comic relief and it just seems like he wants to look good in front of his father, because he already knows about his mom’s speech and wishes when his parents died, it’s also that he hesitates to answer it.
but when he’s saying goodbye and really referencing the whole speech topic by topic and talking about important things…
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he deflects the subject. very convenient and smart of kishimoto when he’s not allowed to explicitly say what he wants to, such as homosexuality.
and of course, there’s the infamous fake confession
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in which naruto basically looks annoyed... not the reaction of someone who is in love, i would say.
and the cherry on top
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the promise he made to sakura hasn’t changed anything, he would act the same with or without it.
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narusaku dead and buried.
those inconsistencies happen over and over and they always involve sasuke somehow… like i said, projecting his real feelings for sasuke onto sakura. now if you think he thought she was cute and all, i can give you the benefit of the doubt, but being in love with her? no way. naruto has never loved her like that, and i honestly can’t even tell that he loved as a friend either when he pretty much treats her the same way he treats his other konoha comrades: takes responsibility for everything and doesn’t let anyone get involved…
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…unless it’s sasuke, obviously, then he will bear his burdens and see so much pain that he just can’t leave it alone.
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stiffyck · 4 months
Hi stiff!! I was writing this as a comment but I think it’s a better ask. It’s very long and I will not be upset if you don’t answer! :3
I think part of peoples aversion to it is that it doesn’t conform to the style people are used to seeing online by popular artists. There’s this sorta phenomenon I’ve noticed where people tend to move their style towards a very cartoon/anime ish style with little variation because it’s pretty and that’s what people/algorithms like. People gravitate moreso if they intend on selling their art though.
So, when someone has a stylistic choice that doesn’t really fit that mould people find it “weird”. Exaggerated features (or in this case and many others like, a feature people just have???) are often seen as ugly or strange. An example of this is the person on TikTok who drew characters with big foreheads and lower eyes and got bullied off the platform for it! Another example could be “the tumblr art style” where commentary channels bullied artists who drew any minority ever or “ugly” features. It really exemplifies to me how online culture (especially on western apps) views western standards of beauty as the only way people can be beautiful. And why, in their mind, would someone create art that isn’t beautiful in that way unless they’re trying to be weird or make a statement? When, in reality, the beauty is in that they’re drawing what they see, what they want to see, and what they think is beautiful. Without diversity in what we consider beauty there is no beauty.
In this case it also feels a bit. Weird. To have the big nose be such a big issue. I don’t see people getting mad at hooked nose scar? How is this any different? There is nothing different about the way you draw scar now and the way you drew him before aside from that. You’ve always drawn him with body hair and fat and with these details that really just. Humanize him. And I think the point I’m trying to make here is that drawing people with big noses or crooked eyes or acne scars isn’t bad or weird and only adds to your art. It only makes you a better artist and I’ve genuinely watched you improve really really fast as you’ve drawn these characters with so much body diversity. Anyway. Big nose scar sweeeeep
honestly yea. sometimes when i see people draw certain characters it almost feels like theyre afraid of making them "unattractive" if you know what i mean? like i dont know how else to describe it but its really weird.
making their nose smaller, giving female characters bigger eyes and fuller lips, drawing only skinny characters, drawing older people with less wrinkles then they actually have or should have etc. and like people can draw whatever they want of course but tbh i see those "unattractive" parts as beautiful.
like i genuinely think wrinkles are pretty. i think big noses, hooked noses, small noses, crooked noses or just any kind of noses are beautiful. i think someones lips dont have to be full to look pretty. i think fat people and skinny people and just all kinds of people are beautiful. acne scars and and skin markings of any kind are beautiful.
idk just all those things and imperfections even make people beautiful to me.
like i find diversity beautiful and its kinda sad that some people dont see it that way? not everyone is skinny and buff, not all women will have the perfect hourglass figure or full lips etc.
those body types are beautiful too of course but sometimes i feel like people should see beauty in other body types and features as well.
anyway thank you for the ask it was very sweet and i do agree with you <3
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redjaybathood · 3 months
were you the one that mentioned the solar machine? i know i saw it mentioned on my dash a few days ago and meant to ask this but completely forgot until now. i wanted to ask if you could share what the book is about because it seemed really interesting based on the title! i was trying to find some info on it on my own but had trouble since my ukrainian is still pretty basic and there wasn't much available in english. eventually i would like to try reading it along with more ukrainian literature :)
i hope you have a good day, and слава україні!
Haha I sincerely don't recommend starting with it when you start with Ukrainian literature. Stylistically it's a very heavy-worded book, Vynnychecnko himself wrote that he kinda shoulda worked on editing it for a few years before publishing. But, him being in exile, and I guess there are not a lot of job opportunities for a former head of the Ukrainian government.
I would describe it as a book that would be perfect for an anime adaptation. It also has a Chinese web novel about the revenge of a rich girl turned destitute vibe (not entirely, because there's a whole lot more to it, and Elisa doesn't really take that much screen time! but if I were to adapt it, she would be in the core cast)
Plot in short: Germany lost the WWI, now aristocracy is irrelevant and capitalists - bankers, factory owners etc - are taking over becoming essentially the new aristocracy. Which, people still being people and power being attractive, that doesn't make Germany any better off.
An old aristocrat loses everything on the stock market. Out of honor, he just kills himself and his elder son, masking it as a tragic accident, because god forbid someone finds out he treated the stock market as a casino, and now the only thing that is staying before the public finds out that he's broke, all his property taken away etc etc - is an arranged marriage of the head banker with his daughter. So yeah, at least he didn't sell off his kid and just went away and died.
So now princess Elisa has to take revenge.
That's the Chinese web novel vibe. It also comes through the romance subplot, the love interest of the "perceived as useless and ugly by the people in power but actually really handsome and capable. And also of how the novel consent between MC and ML. The dubcon vibes (as the inciting incident of them getting together).
And the anime vibe starts with the, you know, actual Solar Machine subplot. The sci-fi part of it - except for the social fantasy - doesn't really start up until, I think it was halfway through the text? I didn't care about it as much as the whole Inarak subplot. I don't think he really thought it through enough. Thus the debate, is it utopia or anti-utopia? I would argue the former, or rather, it progresses from anti-utopia to utopia.
(also, you need to be aware that it is written in the early XX century; for example, he rightfully calls out racism via the duke's description of people and MC's reaction to it, all the while not breaking the character of the MC, bc she's coming from the same background. At the same time, in narration, he's constantly giving men "women traits": ass, lips etc. And I'm a shipper of Simon Petlura/Volodymyr Vynnychenko, so I would love to believe it's something other than a bit of period-typical background misogyny; like, he writes women so differently and with much empathy, but he still cannot escape the notion that a man having a woman's trait in his appearance is a symbol of weakness.
At the very same time, he gets it: God is with those who have money. There is no God, and all the misfortune of a woman is that she has no money... )
(in response to the older duke's daughter telling her younger sibling about what amounts to her husband stopping short of pimping her out and then forcing her to have sex with him, with financial abuse on top)
All in all, Vynnychenko is great with characters. You can like or dislike them - and he doesn't make an effort to make you one way or another, except maybe with the main antagonist and people who serve him. But they are engaging and, yes, would be great to see on screen, imo.
And I would expect tumblr leftists to love Solar Machine, actually, for its critique of capitalism, for Inarak (they so would stan Max! and possibly Trudy but for other reasons) - and for the end message. I've seen exactly the same message spread around on tumblr so I would have said I'm shocked he's not popular among them, but then again, he's a Ukrainian.
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madamsugarskull · 26 days
Can you give a tutorial/tips on how you draw facial expressions please? Everyone always looks so unhinged in your art and I love it!
Sure! I don’t mind giving a few pointers, It’s super sweet of you to ask.
Basically, my number one rule of an expression is that the eyes are the most important part of the face. I feel like if you took everything else out, the eyes could still tell you everything you need to know about how someone is feeling. Kinda like Gromit from Wallace and Gromit. And I always felt that comics are incredible in the fact you only need to draw someone’s face without any dialogue and you would still understand what’s happening.
Here’s a few examples with my girlie Min:
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Starting off, the only thing different about these faces are the eyes and the lips. Everything else is the same but comes off completely different. Min’s eyes in the first image are smaller, lidded and her lip is more of a smirk than a smile. Which makes her look more menacing and scheming. Meanwhile, the second image her eyes are bigger, her smile is softer and her eyes are wide open. This gives her an innocent and peaceful feeling. And that’s only just from drawing different eyes and lips. And shows how important these things are.
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For more exaggerated expressions, you gotta mold the face and add a bunch of lines to make the expression more intense. And again, changing the shape of the eyes also adds to it.
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I also recommend finding references you like for future use. For me, I like to take expressions from manga and comics specifically because I feel like animation sometimes doesn’t get the image right when it’s still. Unlike manga that uses lighting and detail to show off just how intense the reaction is. Which is really important when you’re drawing a comic vs doing an animation. So do what I do and look at comics, manga and even just look up on google some expressions you feel hit the sweet spot yours looking for.
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All in all, I would say practice and not being afraid to make your characters ugly is the next important thing. It sometimes becomes tempting to keep your characters pretty, and I had that issue a lot and still do. So don’t be afraid to get weird with expressions. Hell, make your hottest character hideous for comedy sake. It helps to loosen you up to better expressions later on. For me, I typically use min and miyuki for study and practice. Since I feel they are the perfect characters for that.
But anyway! Thanks for reading! I hope this helped and if you have other drawing tips you’d like to ask. Please go ahead and ask. I’m not the most talented artist. But I like to give help where I can if people really want to listen to me!
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menstits · 1 month
this is a 100% slash gen question but how do you stay motivated to keep playing genshin after this long? i first got it back when it was still pretty new, around the second ever banner, and played it for a good year but the more things they kept adding the more overwhelmed it started to make me. i do miss it tho, so i wonder how you manage to still play it so consistantly
In all honesty for most of my time playing genshin i've been obsessed with a handful of early game characters (kaeya and his ugly brother and childe mostly, and they're still my faves) and largely didn't give a shit about everyone else, so up until like halfway through sumeru i was playing like. Waiting for kaeya/abyss and khaenri'ah related lores to drop mostly. Like in all honesty especially during inazuma it was dire i didn't give a shit about 90% of the cast and the environment was unpleasant to explore too 🧍‍♂️ but after getting past the samsara part of the sumeru archon quest i started getting genuinely more invested in the storyline. When i got to fontaine i expected it to be a bit of a filler region honestly but the writing quality has been steadily increasing after inazuma imo and the conflicts have become more engaging too... Like i think the main issue for me in inazuma was that they kept trying to get me to give a shit about some npc whereas several of the playable characters felt underutilized and their presence kinda pointless. From sumeru onwards they've started writing the playable cast as more fleshed out and interconnected to one another which is something that i was really missing from early game, and this is even more apparent in fontaine's writing too where everyone has some kind of beef going on with everyone else (it was really fun imo how everyone in mondstadt knows each other because it's a small town and i wasn't really hoping to see that degree of characters being all up in each other's business again in later regions so fontaine was a nice surprise in that regard).
As for your question honestly i think that. In order for genshin to be enjoyable at some point you have to allow yourself to not give a shit about whatever doesn't compel you and instead try to focus on what you do like, for example i kinda hate doing spiral abyss so I don't really touch it unless I'm pressed for primos and instead run around and explore a lot. For story quests i prioritize ones for characters I'm already invested in and leave others for whenever I don't have anything better to do. I'm an insane completionist about this game but it's genuinely fine to focus on the parts you personally find more engaging. I guess sumeru was annoying because long as fuck world quests gate the exploration of certain areas, but fontaine is MUCH better in that regard and the world quests feel much more manageable.
Also tbh i think the increasing relevance that khaenri'ah/abyss and celestia-related stuff has both in the world quests and in the main story along with more harbingers making on screen appearances also contributed to keeping my interest active because that's what I'm mostly invested in other than kaeya-centric stuff 👍
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nikadd · 3 months
Not you talking about biphobia and then saying "bi women who date men are hot and lesbians couldn't even have them if they were single"most ugly women that I have seen were straight/bi and the hottest ones were lesbians
damn, way to misread what i said. i usually wouldn’t grace such misreading w my attention, but i guess i should here bc i hate being misunderstood.
i’m assuming you’re referring to this:
“like i’m so tired of ppl online being “heartbroken” over a hot woman (bonus points if she “looks” gay) being w a man - as if you ever had a chance w her if she was single!”
now, let’s break this down:
ppl - people within the context of the entire paragraph and this sentence, yes im talking mostly abt queer women, that including both bi women and lesbians and other microlabels. not just lesbians. in fact, in my entire post i always mean all kinds of queer women.
heartbroken - having a reaction of sadness/disappointment. put quotation marks around it to express my own frustration with the framing of the reaction.
hot woman - i’m guessing this is kinda the epicenter of your issue. what i mean by hot here is who the queer women in question are attracted to. i’m not saying that they are not attractive as well, i just mean that the woman im talking abt is attractive to the ppl having the heartbroken reaction.
bonus points if she “looks” gay - whatever this means to the ppl who see her w regards to current and past trends of looking gay so to speak. short hair/undercut/buzzcut, eyebrow slit, nose piercing, handmade earrings, some kind of alternative styling. basically anything someone could make a tiktok abt wearing and saying “why would ppl assume im straight if i look like THIS?”
being w a man - self-explanatory.
as if you ever had a chance w her if she was single! - this is another part of the sentence where i’m afraid you’ve misunderstood what i meant. ok, so obv i used a hyperbole to emphasize, but what i specifically mean here is that this behavior (expressing heartbreak over somebody being with a man when you expected them to be with a woman/single) is weird and invasive and offputting and unattractive, bc it just sounds like they wish this woman was available to them, and since she’s not, it’s her fault. it sounds like a guy in a teen comedy going “this hot girl is with a stupid ugly jock when she could be with ME” kind of plot, but bc it’s a woman saying it, it’s somehow not seen as weird.
i guess i could have clarified, but the rest of my rant had to w my frustration to reactions/expressions/behaviors, so i didn’t think what im saying might be influenced by the implication of somebody being hot or not.
i guess i could also bring some examples:
natasha lyonne - an icon for queer women, was/is w a man for the longest time. you can find ppl’s surprise and heartbreak and frustration with this fact anywhere on the internet.
the cast of bottoms - when the film came out, a lot of ppl were talking abt both ayo edebiri’s and ruby cruz’s boyfriends with a very strong sense of betrayal. i think being frustrated that a lesbian character isn’t played by a lesbian is understandable, but the way ppl were reacting felt like they were actively being hurt by their celebrity crush not dating a woman.
using the word “partner” - the frustration with ppl using a gender neutral term for their significant other and then it not being somebody of the same gender. some ppl simply prefer the term over boyfriend/girlfriend, some are not strictly cisgender even if they present in ways that ppl might assume they are, some ppl actually do like the gender neutral part of it and use it as a way of allyship to not give too much information when it’s unnecessary. in general, the term is more often used to protect ppl from homophobia by divorcing it from the implication that partner necessarily means a partner of the same gender, but ppl are too used to assuming
strangers on tiktok - i see a lot of tiktoks where a queer woman will have an interaction with a woman they find very attractive in a gay way bc she looks kinda gay and then find out that she is with a man and then feel very disappointed. and then everybody in the comments is agreeing with that sentiment. now, that woman might be with a man bc she’s straight, but she might also be bi/potentially be attracted to women. and if she’s also queer there is a chance she looks kinda gay bc it’s a part of her expression. but the reaction feels like she’s being accused of misleading the other person into believing in her availability.
tldr: i think it’s rude and invasive to make inferences abt somebody’s relationships and then reacting like it’s personally offensive to you if they are dating somebody who’s not you/your gender AND then framing it like a positive/feminist/queer/political reaction. this behavior is why the person in question wouldn’t want to date you, not bc they are hot and you aren’t.
like if i was with a man, then that relationship ended, then i was interested in a woman, but then i found out that she had some kind of weird opinion on me having been with my ex boyfriend (saying that since i have the option to date women then why am i with a man, saying that im wasted being w a man, implying anything abt our dynamic/gender roles without actually knowing details abt our relationship, assuming that he’s automatically dismissive/not respectful of my identity and/or fetishizing it), i wouldn’t want her.
if there are any issues with my explanation, feel free to let me know, because i genuinely did not mean what you’re implying i meant, im just frustrated with the popular rhetoric that perpetuates negative stereotypes while the concerns abt them are being dismissed.
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cuppa-ale · 1 year
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Some shots from the Rubicon trailer + long post incoming of me rambling about it:
1. CRAYZAR...... look him.......
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he’s so cute.... I actually do miss his more “ugly” look however.
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he just looks so badass in this shot from season 2 ok hjgdhfjsjfhskfjs
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I miss his flat nose too. :,-(  (yes that was the best example I had lol)
2. I like how Leto looks a lot here though, lol.  They did good by him.  Ace and Bob in particular look super cute.
Everyone is.... cute.... and softer?  And to be honest I have mixed feelings about it.  I included a shot from the s2 finale above as comparison, and it’s just a bit jarring I guess.  I kinda wish the style they chose was more in between the original and this new one.  That’s probably just my preference though.  I’m just very fond of the “ugly” and sketchy style of the series so I’m biased.  Particularly the dark shadows and bold colors.
and then there’s..... Gaz.
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I love her original design a lot so I’m also biased here.  But, I don’t know if it’s just the more “pastel” palette Rubicon has, but it’s very hard to look at this and think she hasn’t been whitewashed a bit... idk.  Might not be my place to say but I know I’m not the only one.  I’m not... crazy about this design.  It’s going to be interesting to hear Natasha Lyonne’s voice coming out of this Gaz, anyhow. XP
In general it feels like what made most characters’ design unique has been stripped down and simplified to the point where they look more like, “generic anime character”.  I’m guessing it made them easier to animate and I’m not trying to be rude.
To say a positive though, the part where Ballmaster was flying through space and taking down enemies looked very nice, and I’m excited to see more action.  I also know this is supposed to be like a love letter to retro anime.  The song in the trailer is delightfully cheesy and I mean that in the best way. XD
3. Finally... I’m going to be obsessing over this part at the end. Babyball @ Crayzar: “Well, this is a fine mess you’ve gotten us into!”
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his sad face hhfjkfhskdfjf wa. ;;  It looks like they’ve been captured so I’m very excited for what’s going on here...... Above all I was/am just very excited for more Crayzar lore.  One of my favorite tropes(?) ever is seeing a usually-powerful character being placed into situations where they suddenly have no power and how they react in that situation.
Can’t believe Crayzar’s going to Gay Baby Jail for his crimes lol.  I get drawn to characters like Crayzar because there’s so much we don’t know about him, how he feels, and how he’d react to certain things, so that’s been a major appeal for me.  So I’m excited for how he’s handled in Rubicon and what “secrets” we’ll learn about him. (which was alluded to in the song lol)
That’s all I have to say really. *blows kiss into the sky* for Crayzar, cuz it looks like he’s gonna need it lol.
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soyouareandrewdobson · 8 months
The hypocrisy of the theoretical bear
Dobson was a bully.
I kinda wanted to make that statement only later in regard of another comic I am already writing about, but when you really boil it down, that is what Dobson genuinely was towards other nerds. Under all the pretense of just trying to talk about feminism and hoping that nerd culture can do better and become more progressive, he was just trying to shame people for enjoying different stuff than him, not sharing his opinions, or being overzealous in ways that were different to him.
Among other things, he would e.g. post this picture in regard of a certain fantheory when it reared its ugly head in season 3 of Miraculous Ladybug…
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mocking a specific person for misinterpreting an animation smear for a genuine clue and instead of trying to politely explain it to them, instead shame then on twitter…
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And eventually make THIS shitty SYAC strip, shaming the person even more, by making them specifically the butt of a non existing “joke”.
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I kinda want to talk about these two instances now, why I think the comics are not funny as well hypocritical and rather dumb in hindsight. But first, the obligatory digression
I unfortunately agree with Dobson partly, that fan theorizing can at times go WAY too far. I myself have no issues with theorizing a little or playing with ideas of how a certain story could play out in the end. But I think there is a difference between looking at some little things, trends and recurring themes in a story and making a throwaway assumption like “oh yeah, that could happen down the line” and making a 40+ minute rant video on perhaps one little background thing blown out of proportion.
I also genuinely despise “review” channels such as The Roundtable or Film Theory for making clickbait videos based on dumb fan theories that they try to exploit for views, while actually not contributing anything of substance or of their own to the debate or elaborate on the craft of animation and storytelling. Being more of trend chasers than anything else.
That said, I think fans theorizing about stuff is an integral part of fan culture and can be fun. It can e.g. inspire people to create their own stories/fanwork based on such theories. Such as this actually pretty decent piece of Miraculous Ladybug fanart, that Thomas Astruc even liked and shared on twitter and blows everything Dobson did for the show out of the water.
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Plus, even as Dobson kinda admits, some shows and stories are deliberately made to “reward” fans for their theories.
However, already in the way Dobson formulates that, he is making a mistake.
See, these shows aren’t “rewarding” people per se for their theories. They simply confirm that the fans may have successfully cracked completely (or at least partly) an aspect of the story’s integral mystery/plot, at times left intentionally by the show creators themselves.
Just to give an example: Hunter’s nature as a Grimwalker in the Owl House.
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Hunter aka “The golden Guard” was first introduced in the last episode of the first season of the Owl House, face still completely covered. Then later episodes not only revealed his face, but also his name and that he was supposedly Belos nephew. Something that already raised a few eyebrows for people, cause Belos was not only confirmed in the show to be at least over 50 years old, but some couldn’t image that a character falling into the classical evil overlord archetype, could really have a “nephew” as young as Hunter. And then in the episode Eclipse Lake, which starts off in Belos secret lab with a shot of some items on the ground, people saw this:
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A page of a book, indicating to be an instruction on how to create an artificial human, with mentioning of a creature introduced and seen earlier in the season (in the proper debut episode of the Golden Guard nonetheless) and with the human creatures eyes in the book implied to have the same color as Hunters.
As such, the theory of Hunter being an artificial human was born and later on, got properly confirmed through dialogue and other visual revelations in the story.
Sometimes, storytellers (particularly once who want to craft a decent mystery or overarching narrative) will just leave little clues in their creation, for people to theorize about and to assure they are getting further invested in the story. The reason for that ranging from the author trying to tell a decent mystery without having to pull the revelations completely out of their ass (unlike Dobson in the story with Sam and his dead sister!) or revealing too much all at once, to just having fun with fans and sometimes also simply because they want to add something to the story, even if by that point in time they may not have yet entirely in mind what that something is going to be.
Such as Rebecca Sugar actually throwing the term “Cluster” around in Steven Universe, before even having an idea what it was supposed to mean in context of the story.
So in that regard, fan theories are just attempts to explain stuff the show runners may already have in mind to be important anyway and therefore different from lets say someone obsessing over background colours being symbolic of gay relationships for example
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But now back to the two comics. The first one, showing us a weird expy of Bill Cipher with a card exclaiming “Adrien is a Sentimonster”, may be kinda confusing, so here is a bit of context: Dobson tries to poke fun at the “Adrien is a Sentimonster” theory of the Ladybug fandom, by having the “subject” of another, extremely niche fan theory claim it is baseless and wild. That “subject” is Tad Strange. Now if you are only familiar with the show Gravity Falls, you would know that Tad Strange is that guy…
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the most average, boring person in all of Gravity Falls, part of an almost Family Guy level cutaway gag in one episode of Gravity Falls. But supposedly (I at least never saw it), when the name was first mentioned somewhere by Hirsch long before the episode introducing Tad properly aired, people came up with the theory that “Tad Strange” may be a secondary villain akin to Bill Cipher, if not even a relative to him. And that is what Dobson tries to mock here. I say “try” cause honestly, who would even get the idea of what sort of joke Dobson tries to tell, if they aren’t familiar with the theory. A theory that was so niche, Dobson would have to explain the intention of the comic somewhere down the line even.
And to quote the Joker…
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Furthermore, while the theory of “Adrien is a sentimonster” was kinda wild after only introducing the fact that even humanoid, sentient creatures could be created by the power of the Peacock Miraculous (in the episode simply called “Ladybug”) recently to that comic being made, it wasn’t really that wild when people thought about it.
After all, Ladybug at its core was still a magical girl show. And them doing twists like that (such as Chibiusa being Sailor Moon’s daughter from the future, Galaxia being the original first Sailor Senshi, Witches being corrupted Magical Girls etc) was not necessarily unheard off.
Though Dobson, when told it could still be a possibility, not only would act rather condescending, but furthermore went on to also piss against Ladybug’s leg, by stating “the show’s writing is not good enough to pull that off”. Which okay, he is right, the show is one of the dumbest written magical girl shows I have ever seen, the man behind it is essentially Dobson with a career.
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But, two seasons and a few years later….
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At least Adrien is not alone?
Yeah, Dobson can eat a dick in that regard. I mean, I think the reveal and how they played out the mystery wasn’t all that good (in my opinion, Astruc and his team winged it in) but not only was his dismissive behavior insulting to begin with, it also shows that he has very little understanding of how to utilize common tropes in fiction and cartoons in particular, despite consuming them en masse. Plus you know, kinda insulting to Thomas Astruc, who by that token proved to still be at least more succesful than Dobby-dumb-dumb bear
Also, as much as I like Gravity Falls, neither it or Steven Universe had in my opinion quite from the get go an idea where to head with their mysteries. Alex Hirsch having confirmed, that Bill Cipher becoming a character and not just a symbol, was something he came up with only halfway working through the concept phase of season 1. And the Rose is Pink reveal? My memories regarding that show are a bit rusty, but when was that actually hinted on in the show? There were massive hints that Pink Diamond didn’t get killed by the rebellion or that things were more complicated. Not that Pink pulled essentially a Darth Sidious on everyone just to live on earth and have sex with humans. Especially in season 1 to 3.
But really, the picture is just something that to me has just aged poorly.
The comic on the other hand I genuinely want to smack Dobson over the head for.
Again, I myself think that yes, people can go too far at times with looking for clues or making up their theories. But personally, I think there is a difference between making a general statement about it and giving a specific example, like Dobson does here. Sure, he may not show the username of the person who made the video or the comment, but it is still pretty condescending and a dick move, made by a guy who may be 10+ years older than whoever made the video referenced here.
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Dobson essentially punches down, instead of punching up. A at the time at least 35/36 year old man acting like a mean school girl online to mock some random person, who just made a dumb theory and then moved on with its life.
Though it isn’t just that one user specifically he is essentially punching down. Here is the text by the author coming with the comic
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“You guys should all take a chill pill for getting angry and upset at the creator”
No. No they kinda don’t. I mean, yeah some people can take it way too far with how invested they are in the stuff, but people have every right to also call certain plot twists hack writing, if it is so. Like how the reveal of Rose having been Pink had essentially ruined Rose Quartz and as such also put in question any of the “morals” she supposedly lived by. And considering she was something of the “moral center” for the show and many characters as well as fans, that just immediately made fans feel betrayed about having believed in her in the first place. Don’t get me even started how it essentially confirmed that Pearl is the worst gem of them all, for having always been in love with a version of Space Hitler. Furthermore, Dobson is not really someone to talk about that sort of shit like he has a higher ground, considering how he at times demands of other creators to fall in line with his ideas
If anything, it just feels similar to other comcis he made in his last years about cartoons: Him trying to defend the shitty writing and work put into stuff he likes, because a) how dare people insult something he likes and b) he thinks he and Rebecca Sugar, Thomas Astruc and Alex Hirsch are kinda brothers in arms. Meaning if you insult them, you insult him and the great art he has created and is an expression of his “talents”.
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But most importantly about the comic, it is just not funny.
It is simply Dobson “lecturing” in the green void and with emerging shit in the background for which he could be copyright striked into oblivion, how he thinks “x is bad”. And you know, personally I prefer being entertained over being lectured. Or try to do both, which you know, certain people can, cause they have one thing Dobson does not: Talent.
The sad thing about it being, Dobson could have actually managed to make the subject of “overanalyzing via fan theory” funny quite easily. All he had to do was just tell a small “story” about “fan theories” as a plot element, rather than a subject for a lecture.
Here is my idea for a small comic, and if you have input to give or want to adapt it, I would be glad:
Dobson watches some show only to pause when he sees something in the background.
Next thing we know, we have Pam visit Dobson one week later to see if he is doing okay, only to find him unhinged and covering over a bill board with strings regarding his fan theory why these characters are a couple. Insert him either going completely or partly into a “Pepe Silvia” like rant
And yeha, I know the “Charlie’s string board” thing is an overused meme by now in itself, but hot dang is it still funny…
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Only for Pam to say “Andy, the next episode dropped yesterday and they are not a couple” Ending the comic with her showing him the episode and Dobson be like “oh… well, at least the resolution was decent”
A comic of that kind would also have the advantage of Dobson actually doing one thing, he certainly haven’t done in years by that point: Make fun of himself too.
See, that is likely another problem with Dobson: He was so preoccupied in using SYAC as a soap box for his opinion, he was completely blind to the fact that he could avoid being conceived as one of the internets biggest douchebags, if he poked genuine fun at himself via his work once in a while. Make the Dobbear the one living by example about what Dobson talks, instead of just ranting about it, you know?
But hey, I am not Dobson.
A guy who tells people to not overanalyze everything via fantheories…
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But has absolutely no problem to fawn over some dumb Zelda theory -as long as it is by him- or whine about people not liking HIS theories on Steven Universe, without actually bothering to even explain what his theory is about.
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Then again, I take Dobson making dumb theories about shitty cartoons and calart lesbians over him genuinely falling for real world related conspiracy theories, like how 9/11 was staged.
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Yeah, that was a thing.
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wikaliyag · 1 year
hi, so i've become a tomgreg enthusiast just before the fourth season aired (i basically devoured the whole three seasons of succ in four days lmao). i don't really engage in social media and fandoms anymore but i would like to share my thoughts on the tomgreg relationship and the final season itself.
i would like to start with the fact that i was actually really surprised how explicit their relationship was in the first three seasons (in a way it still really is, but we'll get to that), since from what i knew about the show it was supposed to be something perfect for your 'normal' media consumer out there, just some business stuff, so with that logic i assumed it will be as heterosexual as it can get to not offend anyone (i mean homophobes). but the second tom and greg were together on the screen my brain materialised the 'i know what you are' dog meme and i loved it. it didn't feel superficial, it was something different, fresh and ugly and toxic and just real. seeing these two just be horrible to everyone (including each other) made sense and then seeing them finally lower their gourds down and care for only each other also made sense. so my main point is that it made a lot of sense for them to go with the dynamic and to just make it the way it is. i believe wholeheartedly that it is a genuine representation that i so desperately wanted, since i'm so done with all that 'gay ppl can't be horrible pieces of shit and have to be unnaturally perfect and good'. 
it isn’t as explicit as other queer relationships in media but that’s kinda what makes them so unique and fun to watch. they don’t have to kiss or to say ‘i love you’, cause we already have that confirmation through how they act towards each other. from ‘would you kiss me?’ first interaction to the ‘i will take care of you’ declaration, like he really didn’t have to do it, i believe he might have just been lonely in the roy kingdom and greg was the same, not in the inner circle but still a part of the family. that was the reason why he was so attracted to greg from the beginning. the nero and sporus speech, when tom decides to pour his whole heart into that speech and greg just responds with nothing, so tom awkwardly drops his smile, cause he thinks that he might be the only one that feels that way. (it was so fun to me cause for some reason i love to see tom suffer, idk why don’t ask me). but then greg immediately asks if tom is okay, cause he does care about tom and maybe he is just super oblivious to tom’s feelings at that point. in the fourth season greg allows tom to throw him under the bus during social interactions just for him to look better. he also is okay with tom treating him like shit throughout the whole show, even though he could have just leave him and try to suck up to his family more (as we can see in this season it is actually possible for greg to somehow have a working relationship with his cousins). i could give you so many more examples but we all get the point. it is not sexually explicit and it doesn’t have to, queer relationships are not only about sex or physical intimacy in general (though we still get all that patting on the back, stomach, shoulders ect., even all that whatever it was in the first ep from greg), it’s the emotional connection too. and we did get that. 
if it comes to the fourth season, i must admit that i agree with a lot of criticism. the characters feel really off to me. and i will focus on greg for a bit. this season he is suddenly gross and says stupid things, like he is a total imbecile that can’t think for himself (like i get it, he was always a little dumb dumb and ofc he can say gross things, it’s just that these are his only character trades right now, that’s the problem). he is definitely not qualified enough to be in a position that he is now but the greg from the second or third season would at least try to pinch some of his own ideas (even tho they are shitty) or maybe try to give his honest opinion on something, now he just goes ‘yeah it’s dope man’ and moves on. if it comes to tom i would say he is handled quite well, it might be because macfadyen is an absolute acting genius, but him being a total flop and trying so desperately to be on a good page with all the people that he betrayed makes sense. he is scared he is soon going to lose everything and it makes him do everything in his power to not let that happen, he is a total mess emotionally (and we love to see it). that includes coming back to shiv. even though he stood up for himself and i really wish he could just leave her and finally be happy alone, he has to be the a good and obedient husband once again, that’s his only way of saving himself. he says that he loves shiv for the money but i think there is also an actual unconditional love there, it’s just not a thing that she will understand, so he must speak in another language - a love for money and power. she then gets it and lets him in. but then you can see in a way that tom looks at her, that there is something more to it than the prestige of being married to a roy. 
and now the tomgreg relationship. we don’t see many scenes of them and yes it hurts a bit, since you wait a whole ass week for an episode and you don’t get much of their interactions but i saw someone saying that ‘they don’t need to show us tom and greg plotting together, cause we already know that. they focus on the dynamics of the relationships that are currently changing and tomgreg is as solid as a rock’ (obviously paraphrasing that one). i so agree with that, we don’t have to see them to know, it would be amazing to get more confirmation and just to see them both be all giggly middle aged men together but we already know where we stand. they have the deal, they work together behind the scenes, i bet that is exactly why in the sixth episode they went to an empty room, so that they can update each other on their secrety and confidential stuff. and why is greg gregging for ken and tom is suffocating himself in a toxic relationship with shiv? it’s simple, because it’s their plan to do so. they hope that at least one of the relationships will stick and save them from their doom. they will jump ships to whoever will be willing to not throw them away. this way it makes sense for us not to see them all that often together because we see them executing their plan, separately on camera but actually together. i hope that this will be addressed in the last four eps, it would be actually kinda fun to see maybe one of them or even both of them betray each other for their new friends/lovers to just be betrayed themselves and end up together anyway. it's what they deserve.
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domirine · 2 years
You probably do a lot of life drawing seeing as how perfectly fluid your art always is so this ask might be redundant lol but,, i was wondering what kind of references you usually use? Do you just google similar poses, does it come from your mind, or do you have a go-to app to look through like pinterest?👉👈 i ask bc I struggle a lot with poses and usually when i look them up i end up drawing nothing bc its not. Ever good enough for me/what im looking for lol😔 still not sure how to even draw characters smoochin, rip
thank you, nonny!! i do a lil bit of life drawing, but man i really do feel the same way you do. while i'm happy to show some art when i get it done, the process can be a real struggle.
sorry this is gonna be long and all over the place lol hope it helps tho:
life drawing good: i recommend ditching the idea of finding the 100% Perfect Ref right off the bat. studying anatomy and life drawing (this site has a range of body types and fun poses) somewhat regularly, therefore growing my mental library so that i can try and make whatever pose is in my head happen later, has been more viable to me than spending hours looking for the Perfect Ref.
drawing a bunch of generic people skating without pressure of creating proper character art is good practice, and it primes me to then come up with a skating pose of my own.
ref hunting: i save pictures i might use as refs regularly in a browser folder - good refs, bad refs, boring refs - losing a ref standard can be helpful because at the end of the day it’s what you make with it, so it doesn’t have to be particularly mind-blowing to begin with. you don’t wanna reinvent the wheel or create the most never-been-done-before pose, you just wanna get a thing right.
pinterest is very good for poses, yes, though you have to know how to look for them - i.e. i found that typing out "dynamic pose" will not yield organic results, as opposed to looking up people in motion like athletes, boxers, skaters and such. for fighting, i recommend using photos or clips from (ideally staged lol) fights, as opposed to stock images where the models are standing for a while posing - the former preserves a lot of the movement. i also recommend looking up group photos from events or shows for interesting natural poses and people interacting.
best hot tip of all tho: what helped me most is to not treat references very religiously. don't be tied down by what's in your ref, or not finding the perfect one, because then you're focusing on accuracy and not necessarily on what you wanna communicate with your drawing. if you can't find what you're looking for in full, just use a part that you find interesting, and then bullshit the rest and revise accordingly.
idea-generating can be very hard but you can practice it like any other skill, because having a decent idea of what you wanna draw is helpful - you don't have to have the whole pose visualised 100%. it's the mood, body language and expressions, that i think are more important. looking at refs can help reveal your ideas and intentions, but i will not create them for you i’m afraid.
for example, speaking on characters smooching, i've drawn these using refs in   pretty uptight way with no ideas beforehand - and i find them painfully boring because they're not rly communicating anything aside from a anatomical accuracy (more or less);
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i was being too intent on staying faithful to the reference, and they're looking kinda stale to me. the only one that was done without any ref, was the bottom left - which i like! bc it's got spice and it’s portraying some emotion.
but i wouldn't have drawn it if i hadn't already started on the others, so maybe another good tip is to trust the process and not give up mid-work!! drawing stuff you’re not proud of is still drawing stuff, and not everything you create is gonna be satisfying. things are gonna click here and there, but you never know when, so don’t give up on your ugly artsy ducklings!!
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years
About A School of Good and Evil
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I watched this movie yesterday and despite not really being ‘gray story’, it still caught me and make me continue because of dear protagonists of the movie. The relationship between Sophie and Agatha is one of the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen.
*Be carefull for the spoilers for movie and book*
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(When i heard those names, first thing came to my mind was Sophie and Agatha from Witch Hat Ateiler, lol and both series is about witches so it was weird but anyway.)
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Ok, i do know that this movie is adaptation of its book (Btw, i really like the drawing and painting of book) and they changed a lot. Such as Sophie and Agatha is twins sisters, Sophie is actually ‘meaner’ in book etc etc. But i honestly dont care about the book because i think movie is kinda better, not everything but some part of it.
For example;
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There is this consisting writing in many stories that ‘if a girl acts fake, which means they are evil.’ meanwhile ‘tsundere, rude girl is actually honest and sincere so they are good’. I mean, i get the point here but thats is not that simple. We are living in a society where we are supposed to act like ‘certain normal way’, we all pretend at some point. Not because we are evil but because we are scared of being rejected or judged by other people, sometimes, it is for survival. I am not saying that its heathy behavour, it is unhealthy but still, it definitely doesnt make people bad and people who just say whatever they think in their mind with the name of ‘honesty’, they are far more awfull than person showing ‘fake kindness’ to not be disliked. Because one of them act fake because they are scared, other one is simply just doesnt care about what other people thinks. Of course, this is not always the case but most of the time, this is the case. Because people are people. This is why i kinda dislike this type of writing. This is why i like movie version better than book version.
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I dont really have problem with book Agatha, it seems similar anyway (kinda like book Agatha apperance better cause she looks more like witch but while movie Sophia’s apperance fits better to story, i thnk) but well, i like Movie Sophie far better. She is literally my favorite character cause of the way she was written and i think it fits better to plot cause people are just people. Apperantly, in book, those girls are written as beatifull girl with ugly heart and ugly girl with beatifull heart but in movie, they BOTH were good girls with opposite personalities and apperances.
Sophie is girly girl who care about her apperance, she has manners, she is in love with fairy tale stories and she wants to be like one so that she can be ‘special’, just like her dead mother told her. She wants to be rich, special and i think there is nothing wrong with that. She has just immature way of looking world which is understandable since she doesnt like her current life. Even later her realizing that she is already special without ever needing to have ‘fairy tale story’ life, that she learns to be okay with normal life.
Meanwhile, Agatha is more like tough girl. She has more realistic and mature world view. She is rude and couldnt care less about what others think about her. She is fine as long as she has her mother and her dear friend. She doesnt have much expectations from world, she just goes with it. She also has her own taste (ghost stories etc).
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Even the way they met with each others is so sweet.They both are outcasts, despite being so different. Because they are both ‘weirdos’ for others. Sophie cause she lives in dreamworls and Agatha cause she looks like a witch. But they have each others.
Honestly, this writing far better than its book so i would like to see this one as original.
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And i personally didnt like the ‘romance’ in movie. Not saying that straight relationship shouldnt happen but i just didnt like the relationship between Tedros and Agatha. Not the ‘you are not like the other girls’ talk, ooof. If Sophie was gonna be together, it should’ve been with someone who loves him (not the evil x evil bullsht cause i think she is good). And if Agatha was gonna be with someone, i wish it was Gregor because they fit better. He could be her prince but they made mr charming as main male protagonist cause well, it is. (Dont get me wrong, i think Tedros is fine guy, he might be really good guy, i just didnt like their so called romance).
And another thing i dont like about both movie and book is that all that ‘nothing is black and white or good and evil’ conversation only to end up with ‘well they are evil and we are good so’ which is condracts with itself. It could’ve written a lot better.
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I could literally watch whole show about Sophie and Agatha’s adventures, movie felt short, well, it has book for a reason but since i didnt like the way book continue and handled its story, i just like the movie.
And romantic or not, i dont care, Sophie x Agatha forever, they should be together. They are each other’s true love no matter what.
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whatever I still prefer henry cavill as geralt. Just cause the book version was ugly doesn't mean he always has to be.
Referencing this post. This is basically a long rant about hot actors in media, and adapting books to media. I love The Witcher in all forms, so please don't think I'm hating on the show.
Just want to start off by saying I absolutely loved Henry Cavill as Geralt and I'm super sad and disappointed that he left. He is a huge Witcher lover and played all the games and read all the books, so his performances were always spot on and he really put all his love in the role. Kudos to him and honestly I can't imagine a better actor to play Geralt.
Now for the main part of this ask. I know when a book or whatever gets adapted that it won't always be the same. I know there will be differences that either improve the story or not, and that some things work better in books vs movies and vice versa. The main gripe that I talked about in that post(that was just an observation; I'm not hating on the games or show) was that the games and show made Geralt hot when in the books he really isn't. Granted people keep wanting to fuck him in the books, so there must be some appeal, but generally, he isn't described as handsome and is ostracized a lot from society for his looks and who he is. He's a mutant. Plain and simple.
I do think the show was able to show this whenever he drank a potion with the black eyes and veins, and how pale he became, which was pretty spot on.
But what I was trying to get at is how every piece of media seems to have to have a hot/attractive protagonist or characters. The audience I guess needs someone that they are attracted to, to like the story and want to watch it. Would half the movies and TV shows out there be as popular as they are with ugly/unattractive actors? Not saying that ugly actors are bad and shouldn't be cast. Just that attractive actors seem to be the default, even when the story is based around the opposite of that.
Like I stated in that post, a big part of the books(besides the main plots) is how people treat Geralt for his mutations and looks, and how that view changes as they get to know him. Yes, he looks freakish and non-human and scary at times, but he isn't all of that. He is a nice, caring, and protective person who does the right thing, even when he doesn't have to. He goes against his looks and it's growth for him and the people around him. This in my opinion is not reflected in the games or show with a hot actor.
How is the message of "Don't judge a book by its cover" supposed to be seen with a hot actor who doesn't look "evil" or "ugly"? How is the audience or the people around Geralt supposed to grow in their understanding of him when the only "weird" looking things about him are his white hair and barely yellow cat eyes that you can't really see? Again I know that not everything from the books would be in the show, but I wish this was one thing they kept in, or at least made more of an effort to replicate.
Another thing that someone else mentioned that I'll link here, is the fact that Geralt would not be ripped like Cavill, and if he did have a six pack it would be from malnourishment. A big thing with Witchers is that they are pretty much dirt-poor. Therefore Geralt would not be able to buy enough food to replace the calories he was losing from traveling and fighting. Another thing that was kinda ignored when adapting the books, and instead getting an actor who is ripped.
To conclude this anon, no he doesn't always have to be ugly just cause the book version was, but I wish that he was, or at least was more freakish looking. Henry Cavill was a good pick, but was he the best one? Depends on what you want to watch I guess. Do you want a hot actor who can use a sword and kill things? Then he's perfect. Do you want more of a story realizing that looks don't matter(random examples: The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Deadpool) who also swordfight and kills monsters? Then maybe Henry Cavill isn't the best.
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laternenfischchen · 1 year
Ok. First time actually posting about something that bothers me about a fandom response to a canon scene.
The night billy beats steve at the byers' house. I'm absolutely not a fan of violence, i am not excusing the whole damn mess.. but i can absolutely see where he's coming from.
Billy has his father riding his ass about finding max. He goes out and searches for the step-sister who just got him into trouble and gets hit on by a grown ass woman (whole other can of worms, that.). He then finds his step-sister.. in the company of 4 guys, at a stranger's house. 3 boys and a adult. Alone, with his thirteen year old step-sister.. and steve lies to him about it. To his face. Repeatedly, despite billy giving him the chance to come clean... and even saying why the situation "gives him the heebie jeebies".
What did steve think was gonna happen?
What exactly should billy think is going on here? There's a lot of really ugly stuff happening in the world and i'm pretty sure Billy is rather more aware of monsters of the human variety than max... and no matter how much billy likes or dislikes her.. i'm pretty sure he doesn't want her to be a really unfortunate statistic.
They are from california. I had a wikispiral about stand-out underage murder victims in the US yesterday and let me tell you: the 70s and early 80s had horrifying statistics in california.
Just one example: In '81 a 14 year old girl was killed by a 16 year old boy in santa clara county in california. Marcy Renee Conrad if anybody wants to read up on it. The case got a lot of media coverage and billy was definitely old enough to have heard a lot about that.
He would have been aware of more than one or two stand out cases... and that's without the serial killer victims, the jane does that are still unidentified to this day and the dead kids that never made it on the wikipedia list.
Frankly? I would have been really damn wired, too.
The kids not realizing? Understandable. But steve could have had that penny drop at some point. Joyce and Hopper are parents. Hell, Hopper is a policeman with a daughter. There should have been somebody realizing how that looked to an outsider. Even if it was just later after everything calmed down a bit.
And the lucas mess.. well. Does neil hargrove strike anybody as a particularly tolerant fellow? Does billy have a problem with lucas being black? Or does billy have a problem because neil has a problem with lucas being black? Or is it just because lucas is too close to max? Hell if i know but he told max at least twice to stay the hell away from the kid.
Additionally this was the 80s and scaring/hitting a guy for chasing after his sister would have been much less of a horrifying thing for the people around him. Hell, i'm not nearly that old but nobody lost their mind over boys brawling when i was a teenager either... and nobody here needed racism to want to knock somebody out for flirting with the wrong girl. Coming from another city-part or from a town over was plenty of reason already if one was needed.
Looking at canon and judging characters without keeping the general attitudes of the time in mind is kinda... meh.^^
TLDR; billy had reasons to lose his shit at the byers' house. Not excusing it or anything... but it explains it and i'm sick and tired of people not actually thinking about what the whole evening looked like from billy's perspective.
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ystrike1 · 2 years
Kinks 101 - By Kim jong geon (7.5/10)
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This one has ALOT of bad reviews for two reasons. First, it's not actually smut. Secondly, the female lead is actually ugly and awkward. There's no supermodel hiding under those glasses. I think this author is really talented at writing drama, but the inclusion of amateur BDSM rubbed a lot of readers the wrong way.
Who is the yandere? Welp there kinda isn't one. This is a yandere honorable mention. I do those sometimes. The "yandere" is obsessed with his ex-girlfriend. He messes with that ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend AND that boyfriends impressionable younger sister. All to get revenge, because he thinks his beloved girlfriend cheated on him. However, it's more complicated than you think.
He continues to mess with that boyfriend, even after his ex dumps that guy too. The girlfriend also wasn't that great in the first place, but the yandere refuses to accept that.
Hold on.
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Why is Leslie Glass involved in this sex drama??? She's a loser with no close friends. She's very socially awkward. However, she is very good at computer programming. She's a patient teacher. She does very well in school. She's got a good relationship with her dad and she's very empathetic.
She's also really horny, but nobody is perfect. In smut webtoons I think we're all too used to perfect characters.
Leslie gets in trouble by accident. She signs into a dating app, because she's lonely. She wants friends. She wants to lose her virginity and enjoy life and stuff etc. She clicks on a few guys while drunk.
Including a guy that wants to get pegged.
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That guy is the popular hottie named Jack Offerman. Jack has issues with erectile dysfunction. He really enjoys anal sex (with women) and BDSM. He is also a masochist. His fetishes aren't really part of his daily life, but he wants a partner. Not a romantic one. Just a competent dominatrix. His last dominatrix left him because she found love. Understandable...but it's really hard to find a BDSM partner in Korea. When he meets Leslie he's really enthusiastic. He wants to put in the effort and explore sexy stuff with a new partner. No romance needed. Just consent. That's nice. Not very romantic, but nice.
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The purple bitch is Violet. She's Jack's ex-sex friend. She is the yanderes ex-girlfriend. She drives people crazy. She does threesomes. She's gorgeous. She knows she's gorgeous. She's good at BDSM. She can have whoever she wants and she is NOT empathic in the slightest. Halfway through the story there's a crazy reveal. Leslie the loner is the better dominatrix. Cool. She cares about her partner's feelings and she's never dismissive or overly sadistic like Violet. Leslie originally wasn't into BDSM. She learned because she was curious about sex.
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I think that's ok??? I don't think using sex toys or having a threesome has to be a lifestyle. It can just be sex that's ok. I think it's pretty normal for a 22-year old virgin to be horny too. Especially with a willing guy on the table. Leslie does some things she's uncomfortable with. Jack does some things he's uncomfortable with...and boom...the sex isn't good. Leslie participates in sex lessons with Violet to get better. I think that's pretty realistic. Violet is a good friend, but a terrible girlfriend. That's a good way to sum her up. That's why Jack falls for Leslie. He wants to date a woman with...you know...normal emotions. One that doesn't have an ego. He caught feelings for Leslie by accident, because she's kinder than his previous bed partners + she's a good example in general. Violet is a sexy club girl now. Leslie is going to be successful with a great job in ten years. Jack is mature enough to see that Leslie isn't a bad option.
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Where is the yandere in this? His name is Gareth. He is a creepy fucking schemer. He was madly in love with Violet when they were dating...but don't hate Violet too much! Gareth was a clingy, toxic boyfriend. He used to be sweet and chill before Violet started dating him and then he changed. He became totally obsessed with his looks. He started obsessively commenting on others looks. He stopped hanging out with his old friends because he thought he (and Violet) were above them. He developed a superiority complex because he got a hot girlfriend.
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Violet CLEARLY lost interest in their relationship, but he refused to accept it. Violet hooks up with Jack around this time, because again she is a terrible girlfriend. She was definitely going to cut ties with Gareth though. She was really annoyed by his uppity attitude.
Gareth tries to seduce Leslie to hurt Jack. He knows Leslie and Jack are sex partners because he was literally stalking Jack.
The plot twist is...Leslie seduces him instead. Leslie falls in love with Gareth. She stops doing BDSM with Jack and Violet. She's a lovely girlfriend who is very considerate of his feelings. He falls for her completely before he even notices. When he catches her talking to Jack there's a few yandere moments.
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Gareth is in denial though. His whole creepy life revolves around getting revenge on Jack. He seems to think Jack stole his most important person. He's also really insecure about his looks, because he used to wear glasses. He also blames Violet, but my god this guy is toxic. His first meeting with Leslie, and their first few dates, were all creepy plans.
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I think Gareth is going to lose. I think Leslie will end up with Jack. Why? Gareth went too fucking far. He seduced Jack's 18 year old sister. He broke her heart. Jack became overprotective, and now his sister wants nothing to do with him. She thinks drama follows Jack wherever he goes, and she just wants a normal teenage life.
That's...fucked up.
Leslie is too nice and normal to forgive him for that.
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The side characters are ok. This is Sammy. She's in love with Jack. She's in denial about it. She wants to move on, and she likes Leslie. She also idolizes Violet... awkward. Gareth is the evil character in the cast. Violet is trying to move on too by the way. She's open to having a committed relationship someday, because she's older and she wants to settle down.
There's this overwhelming sense of... normalcy. Some of these characters have fetishes, sure. The main character is a horny virgin willing to learn anything to get a boyfriend. Sure, but everybody has boundaries. Gareth is the villain entirely because he doesn't have boundaries. When you compare him to Leslie you notice that her awkwardness is harmless thanks to him.
I gotta make this clear.
The BDSM in this is AMATEUR. You are going to see questionable shit. Leslie joins in because she wants sex, not because she's a BDSM lover. I personally think that's fine. Some people seem to believe that anybody who isn't wholly devoted to BDSM needs to stay away from it. But that's silly. Real life doesn't work like that. People try crazy shit in college. They go to clubs, join threesomes, get sex friends. BDSM comes in many forms. I don't know...
Gareth is an extremely messy villain. He thinks he loved Violet more than anything, but that was all his ego. I hope his bullshit gets resolved before Leslie dumps his weird ass.
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