#but anyway this was a fun one i wuv it
silksworn · 9 months
[religion] One could say threads of similarity run between dark gods; the desire to dominate and rule chief among them. If Gods ever deigned to fight — and not send their worshipers in their stead as they oft do— one must also wonder whether Bane or the Spider Queen would come out the victor.... Ah, but you don't follow Her tenants anymore, do you? One could wonder whether Gortash follows the tenants of his God faithfully when he smiles at you, calm as one can be when surrounded by the piling corpses of the dead.
"The Black Lord or the Dark Mother?" As many gods do, their folios do overlap in the most basic of manners. God-Lord and God-Queen, both equally terrible and malevolent. Both demanding utter worship and dominion. Imagining the ravaging the world would face in the middle of even a petty dispute between the two is chilling.
Iraestra rolled a (18 + 4 Religion) 22 ! @fatewoven
"An interesting - if entirely blasphemous question should it be uttered aloud in the Underdark. If I still bloodied my knees at the Spider Bitch's altar, then I should by all rights cut out your wagging tongue and give it as an offering. Hm, no. You are a male, and an iblith no less, so I do fear the cost would be even steeper," Iraestra contemplates Enver critically, allowing the threat of violence done to drip treacle-slow into the air. She drums her fingers in thought against her chin. "Maybe your tongue and both your hands, if you are so fond of The Black Hand. Lolth would find the humor in that.
"If only for my own satisfaction I would like to imagine Bane the victor. Little else would taste sweeter to me. I do wonder though - what does your Lord think of your musings? Would he also condemn them, thinking it akin to the mortal sin of doubting him? Lolth certainly would. She demands utter and complete compliance — in every word, in every action. Will you soon be smited for your daring?"
Make a [SKILL] check!
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neriyon · 7 months
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Cloudserver test bunny-Azem! Very yellow lighting but I wuv him ♥
Bonus shots under cut
Honestly I understand Emet now, I'd turn evil even faster than him if I'd lose both my beautiful pink malewife and this cute gremlin during the same traumatic experience.
Anyway uhhh povs for "you promise him to come along to the next adventure", "you are Emet-Selch and said no" and "Eleos gets censure worthy ideas after being told 'no' by at least 10 Convcation members", in that order.
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Also 2 battle pics since I like his eyes on these
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vaugarde · 11 months
one of these days i need to do a pokemon black randomizer or something that gives me access to a ton of the late game pokemon, and i can evolve them really early using the universal randomizer. this is assuming id be able to find said lategame pokemon tho :(
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partycatty · 17 days
i’m cranking these out like it’s a full time job
can we get some fluff w johnny where we steal his shirt and he just finds it’s the cutest thing how we practically drown in it
love youuu 💙💙
hehe i wuv him sm
johnny cage > rain
notes: i may not be a skinny queen but swimming in one of his shirts would actually cure me of all ailments forever,.,.., WHY ISNT HE REAL!!!!!!!!! @spacepl4ant
[ masterlist ]
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• you and johnny had grown attached since meeting at wu shi academy. sure, you knew about his existence because he's a celebrity, but you had gotten to know johnny as a person as well as his screen persona... not that there was much of a difference.
• regardless, tuesdays were "train til you drop" days, oftentimes fighting or practicing routines for literal hours until you couldn't feel your limbs. everyone dreaded it but knew deep down it was necessary. this particular tuesday just so happened to be raining like crazy.
• you and the boys sparred and swung attacks at each other until the sun set, everyone drenched in sweat and rainwater. you all sat underneath a dense tree. kung lao shook the water from his hair, raiden was wringing out his shirt, kenshi didn't seem to mind too much and johnny was... well, using the rainwater as some kind of strange gel as he slicked his hair back.
• "talk about training your ass off," he groans, stretching his arms. "i can't feel a single part of me." you jab his side, making him whine and swat at you.
• "you complain too much," you wring your hair out onto the grass. "that being said, i'm cold and hungry and tired and i wanna go back to the dorms so i can change."
• "i like your thinking," johnny waves off the group and the two of you skip down the gravel path to the students' sleeping quarters, where your separated but loosely divided rooms held what little items you were allowed to bring with you. it was a common practice to walk around campus together, sometimes even arm in arm as you playfully waltzed down the paths. the other boys gave you a lot of trouble for it, whining about the married couple you pretend to be. neither of you stood up to defend yourselves. if anything, johnny found it a nice idea.
• in truth, you drove him wild. he just split from his ex-wife, someone that wanted to place roots down and slow down in life. but you, you were spontaneous, fun loving, and an absolute firecracker. you set his heart going, and he couldn't help but harbor a little crush on you. he couldn't tell you that, not now anyway, with the tournament coming up he knew better than to put an extra weight on you.
• "earth to superstar—" you groan, waving your hand in his face and shaking him of his thoughts. he hadn't even noticed the two of you were already at your sleeping place, and how you're now half dressed in your undershirt and shorts. "just checked my stuff. i don't have anything clean or decent. guess i'll just be soggy for dinner."
• johnny can't seem to focus when you're in a damp tank top. "bummer."
• you frown. "this is when you offer one of yours."
• his eyes are distant. "my what?"
• "jesus, cage, what's gotten into you?" you playfully punch at his chest, which does little to affect his stance, and slide the door open to his own bed arrangement. bending over and shuffling through his obnoxiously nice luggage bags, you find one of his dress shirts. it's a fiery red with small flame patterns.
• "i didn't say you could go through my stuff," he warns you in a teasing tone, head hovering over your shoulder. "you might find something you won't like in there."
• "please," you puff as you flick the shirt of its wrinkles. "i've seen a few rose toys in my day." he chuckled, turning away for a moment.
• he gives you the decency to change by staring into the corner, shamefully dreaming of what you may look like without anything on. he shakes the thought violently as you let out a sigh of contention with the shirt.
• "i get that you're a big guy, but lord," you mutter, tugging and shifting the shirt on your body. "you're bigger than i thought."
• "that's what sh—" johnny turns around with a smirk that quickly drops to the floor. you were wiggling about trying to make the shirt look like your own, but johnny was just so pleased with how it sat on you as it was. his shoulders were broader, leaving the shirt to swim around your own and expose a good deal of your collarbone. his waist was small, giving you some grace by hugging your hips almost as if it was your own top. in that split moment, johnny ponders if the "you're so hot i got a nosebleed" trope was real, wiping the bottom of his nose.
• "suits you," he pulls himself together abruptly with his award-winning grin, patting your shoulder and careful to avoid making contact with your skin, as badly as he wanted to feel your warmth. "after all this, come by my place and i'll get your own wardrobe after my style, how's that?"
• you scoff with your hands on your hips, shifting your weight to one leg. johnny fights the physical stutter at your chest creeping out of the top. "mister playboy here giving out charities to us poor folk. you don't have to do that, really."
• his voice is deadly serious. "i want to."
• "you're an odd one," you point a finger, sitting onto his bed with crossed legs. you fall silent observing his thousand yard stare, how glassy his gaze seems to be when it falls on you. "why do you look at me like that?"
• "like what?" his mouth is dry, eyes fixated on yours.
• "like you wanna kiss me all the damn time," your answer is teasing, not entirely serious but you don't miss the twitch in his lip at your statement.
• "and if i do?" he's testing the waters, something about you in his clothes is making him more bold than he swore to be.
• his answer makes your heart flutter, not expecting a direct comment like that. it changed the air of the room, and you suddenly feel a little more suffocated and insecure under his analytical stare. "why don't you?"
• "because i'm worried i'll want more. you look great in my clothes, by the way."
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pokegalla · 1 year
Bestie- I need this ok?!
Bad sanses with an S/O that absolutely DEVOURS energy drinks, like, 3+ a day- and they are still tired-
(I just described me fr-)
Ok gotchu✨
Sorry about late response! I thought I had finished your request…..
Then I look at drafts 🙃
I hope you enjoy!!!
The Bad Sanses (+ Cross) with an tired S/o who always drinks energy drinks!
* How are you alive man? Like not radioactive and shit-? That is a LOT of energy drinks. And you can’t fool this guy. He’s very observant so he’ll immediately notice that you still get tired.
* He honestly might just teach you the bad causes of drinking too many. Nah really he will sit you down with all the research he did to explain everything. (Quite endearing really. He really wants to make sure you’re ok❤️)
* Now he’s not gonna force you to stop. It’s really up to you in the end. But he will still be making sure you are ok. And he suggests healthier options too! See? Now you can enjoy what you love but in a much healthier way!
* He’s not very talkative but the way he shows how much he cares for you is very sweet. Don’t worry your skellie too much! He’s quite the Worrywart!
* Boyo is always trying to take a sip from your can. He’s just curious on why you love it so much. So much that he is literally giving you puppy eyes so that you’ll give him a sip (which I know you succumbed to the cuteness-). He found it pretty cool!
* And yet…..you still cannot get away with saying “Oh I’m not tired! Just waiting for it to kick in! 👀💦” yeah sweetie Horror is also very observant. He’ll make you get sleep. And you can ONLY get an energy drink if you get proper sleep in!
* He knows you love the drinks but he’d rather you get proper sleep first! Then you can have any you like! Why drink to get energy when you can just sleep Y’know? That’s what he thinks anyway. But he wants you happy too so you always wake up with an energy drink ready for you! ☺️
* He just wants you to be happy and healthy!
* Bruh. You know DAMN well he’s probably the one supplying you the damn drinks- if you thought you was bad? Think again- he literally has an unlimited supply in god knows where in that room of his…..
* Let’s be honest: He drinks WITH you. Both of you happily drinking together on the couch watching anime or playing games. But he’ll drop a few hints about “Heh might wanna slow down…”
* Now just because he kind of (is) a bad influence, doesn’t mean he won’t keep an eye on you. If he sees how it affects you, he’ll try to moderate how much to give you. Because he may be a lil shit….but he cares about you a lot.
* You can always be guaranteed to have fun with this guy but also taken care of no matter what!
* Glitchy boi would be a straight up dick talking about you have an addiction meanwhile he’s on his 15th chocolate bar himself- I’m pretty sure he steals your drinks too-
* And you can bet he’s taking those drinks away if you’re overdoing it. He’ll have multiple excuses for keeping it from you…..but really he just wuvs you and doesn’t want you feeling all sluggish because he worries for you 🥺. Will he admit that? HA! No-
* Though he will easily give in with a little….convincing. Puppy eyes and promising more chocolates? He’ll eventually give in. But he also makes you promise to at least take it easy with the drinks.
* Grumpy hobo man may be a lil sassy but he means well!
* He’s probably the only one who doesn’t see why the hell you like these drinks. It tastes like battery acid…..(says the guy drinking black coffee-). He didn’t really care at first but the MOMENT he sees how groggy you get? Oh you fucked up-
* He’s immediately hiding your stash and you WILL be scolded if you ask about it. And he’s dragging your ass to bed to make sure you get proper sleep. Right after he makes sure you are properly hydrated first.
* I can imagine even as his S/o, these moments can be quite unexpected but he was like…..mother henning you. And the way he stays by your side to make sure you’re ok makes your heart melt❤️
* Even the king of negativity can have a sweet side!
Cross (Lil bonus boi✨):
* Well he does like a few energy drinks himself especially for a game night or during morning training. He can drink as much as you without really realizing it then feels guilty about it but laughs it off.
* But it’s definitely a different story when he notices how sleepy you still are especially after the amount you drank. He gets a little concerned and asks if you’re okay. When he learns the energy drinks don’t work on you, he thought of a few ideas…..
* He looked for alternatives that could help you wake up much better. Like working out with him and eating a few healthier meals! But you both do have days to splurge on your favorite drink. It’s only fair!
* He didn’t want you to miss out on what you loved! So he helped you find a balance! He just loves you so!❤️
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Morning Adventures with Daddy and His KitCat
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Summary: Andy and KitCat spend a little father daughter time together. Andy Barber x Black!Reader, Bianca Barber, Katrina Barber
Warnings: Daddy Andy (he’s a warning), Fluff, Minors DNI
A/N: So, since we’ve gotten to see a lot of BiBi’s dynamic personality, I figured it was time we got to know KitCat. Written on my phone from (guess where?) a hospital bed. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Please send feedback. All mistakes my own.
You smile as you place your drowsy baby girl in bed with your dozing husband. “Mama and BiBi will see you later, baby. Have fun with Daddy while we’re gone.” You tell her. You watch with a smile as she immediately gravitates towards Andy, snuggling up against his bare, tattoo covered chest.
Your man smiles without opening his eyes before pulling her little body even closer to his own and resting his head atop her own.
God, you were a lucky woman to have such a beautiful little family.
You had some errands to run this morning, and then Bianca had a doctor’s appointment. So today, you and your husband had agreed to divide and conquer. You walk out of the room and let out a soft chuckle when you see your six-year-old sitting on the floor, slumped against the wall. She was wearing her favorite pink butterfly shirt, a purple tutu, and pink leggings.
“Bianca, it’s time to go, sweetheart.”
“Too tired, Mama. Go later.” She mumbles without opening her eyes. “Bye bye.”
You bend down and pick her up, along with her little backpack. “You can sleep on the way kiddo. I promise. How about I stop and grab us a couple of chocolate croissants for breakfast, hmm?”
“Kay.” BiBi responds with a yawn.
Less than an hour later, Andy feels his little Katrina begin to stir in his arms. To be fair, he’d been up for a while, but his baby looked so cute that he hadn’t had the heart to disturb her. Just like her Mama and sister, her beautiful hair was a mess of wild curls, which he can’t help but run his fingers through.
“Good morning, Sweet Pea.” He whispers softly. His little KitCat yawns and stretches her arms above her head, her tiny hands balled into fists. And then she kicks up her little legs.
His babies were adorable.
“Mornin’ Dada.” She murmurs, as she cracks one eye open. Putting a hand on his chest she sits up. “Seep good?”
“I sure did. Are you hungry?” He strokes a large hand over her hair.
She vigorously nods her head. His hand then moves to lightly rub her back.
“Okay, what do you want to eat, pretty girl?”
“Mm…mm…omlies!” She grins at him. With a laugh, she throws herself towards the opposite end of the bed to rest her feet on Andy’s hard chest.
“And Dada can haf’ stink stink toes!” She tells him with an impish grin.
“What?” Andy playfully grumbles. “Why does Dada have to have stink stink toes for breakfast? That’s not fair.”
He grabs an offending foot and begins to tickle it, making his KitCat thrash and giggle. “You gonna offer your Dada some stinky toes? Who do you think you are, huh?”
Andy grabs the other one and tickles it too.
“I sowwy! You haf’ omlies too, Dada.” She shrieks.
“Thank you.” He jokingly growls. “I don’t know why the women in this house always wanna give Daddy the short end of the stick.”
KitCat wipes the tears from her eyes and sits up. She brushes the hair out of her face before tackling her Daddy. “Wuv you!”
“I love you too. C’mon, Sweet Pea.” Andy tells her as he gets out of bed. “Let’s go see what we’ve got in the fridge.”
“But Dada,” his baby stops him. “Do dah fing!” With a chuckle, he grips her left ankle and dangles her upside down, sending her into another fit of hysterical laughter.
He carries her out of the room and down the stairs just like that.
When they reach the kitchen, he rights her little body and sets her on the counter.
“Alright, KitCat. I don’t see a lot in here for omelettes.”
Not that he would have been able to accomplish that task anyway. That was more of his wife’s territory. His plan had been to convince his baby to let him make a breakfast scramble instead.
“How about pancakes?”
“No.” She shakes her head.
“Uh uh.”
Okay, well, he was running out of options.
“French toast sticks?”
With a sigh, he closes the fridge. “Would you like Dada to take you out for omelettes?”
“Yeeaah!” She smiles and bites her tongue.
“I figured. C’mon, let’s go brush our teeth and get dressed.” He sets her down on the floor. “Race you to the stairs, Sweet Pea!”
After making sure both of your teeth were brushed, it was time to get dressed. Andy is quick to throw on clothes before going to help Katrina.
“I do it.” His toddler tells him.
“KitCat, why don’t you let Dada help you?”
He receives a hard, determined look for his trouble.
“I do it.”
As per usual, his three strong, independent women never let him help.
She picks out a green happy face shirt and attempts to put it on. She grunts as she struggles to get her head through the opening. When she finally succeeds she looks down and mumbles “tag back.”
Katrina fixes her shirt, and then gets her arms through the sleeves. She goes to strip off her pajama pants and then stops.
“Dada, no see undies. Sissy say privacies.”
Andy rolls his eyes and turns around. “I changed both your diapers, you know.” He mumbles under his breath.
“I done.” She says finally. He turns back to see that she’s donned a pair of black leggings. And now she’s reaching for a yellow tutu, which she puts on as well.
“Der!” She throws her hands in the air. “Dress mahself, Dada!”
“Yeah.” He coughs. “I see that. Good job, baby.”
And that’s exactly what he would tell his wife when she got a load of her outfit.
I had nothing to do with this. She dressed herself, honey.
Twenty Minutes Later…
Hand in hand, Andy and Katrina walk into a local diner. He requests a booth and a booster seat.
When the waitress goes to put the seat on the other side of the booth, opposite of him, his baby girl balks.
“Sit wif’ Dada!” She tells him, not letting go of his hand.
“Okay, okay. You can sit with Dada. I’ll take that, Miss. Thank you.” The woman hands him the booster seat and he sets it up so that his baby is nearest the window before sliding in himself.
“Squishy me!” KitCat giggles.
Andy leans over and peppers her face with tiny kisses before wrapping her in his arms and squeezing tight. “You’ve been squished.”
A few minutes later, their waitress approaches the table.
“Hi there! Well, aren’t you adorable? What’s your name sweetheart?”
Katrina shrinks away slightly.
“Hey, it’s okay, Sweet Pea. Dada’s right here. Can you tell her your name?” He strokes her soft little cheek.
“KitCat.” She whispers.
“It’s actually Katrina, but we call her KitCat.” Andy amends with a smile. “Good job, baby.” He whispers into her curls.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you KitCat. What can I get you to drink?”
“Juice. Orangey. Pwease.”
“You got it.” She scribbles on her notepad. “And for you, sir?”
“I’ll have the same. Along with a cup of coffee and some hazelnut creamer, please. And to make things easier for you, I think we’re ready to order.”
“Okay, go ahead.” Her pen is poised and ready.
“Pretty ladies first.” Andy says, looking at his daughter.
“Um, wan’ omlie wif’ cheese, ham, an’ mushies. Pwease. Wif’ hashy browns.”
The woman laughs. “Let me read this back to see if I have this right. You would like an omelette with cheese, ham, and mushrooms, along with hash browns. Is that right?”
His little girl nods.
The waitress looks at Andy. “I have a two-year-old granddaughter, so I’ve become fluent in toddler.” She tells him with a wink.
He laughs at that. “I will also have an omelette. Let’s go with the meat lovers, along with a side of biscuits and gravy.”
“Coming right up. I’ll bring out your drinks shortly.”
Andy smiles when his KitCat gives the woman a little wave. “So, my princess, what should we do after breakfast, hmm?” He leans over to kiss her hand.
“You wanna go to the toy store?”
She shakes her head “no”, which surprises the hell out of him. His girls would never say no to toys.
“Wan’ books.” His baby girl flashes a toothy grin. “All dah books.”
“Alright. Bookstore it is, my sweet KitCat.”
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Sliding in after that Beau/Vex anon:
I have. A leetol crackship.
Because, see, Beau and Vesper are almost the exact same age.
Imagine Thoreau trying to marry her off, Vex and Percy clueing into how much of a dick he is at some Noble Event. Suggesting 'uhhh yeah sure let's betroth her to our eldest, totally. And not just use this as an excuse to her get away from you. Not at all. Fuckshit.'
And then once Beau is in Whitestone give her free reign to do whatever she likes, make it explicitly clear the engagement was just a cover to get her out of there (which Vesper was in on because if she's half as much of a little shit as her parents she'd be game to fuck with someone similar to grandfather Syldor). Maybe use their connections to let Beau study at the Westrunn branch of the Soul, once they get the idea that she has a fondness for books.
Except SIKE Vesper and Beau end up building a rapport and falling in wuv anyways.
(I'm a simple woman: I see Beau, I see a cool, hot lady of similar age, I ship them.)
(Though Beau would 100% think Vex is hot and fight like cats and dogs with Percy, which would be half the fun)
Does it count as a crack ship if I absolutely adore it????
Because I'm just imagining Beau getting to Whitestone and expecting to be berated for her hair or her clothes or something, but instead Vesper greets her with a big smile and takes her inside where she meets Vex and Percy who explain how they basically pulled a sick stunt on Thoreau.
And it's hard at first to adjust to the difference for Beau because there's so much that reminds her of Kamordah and how suffocated she felt there. But having someone to verbally spar with (Percy) and literally spar with (Trinket) really helps her loosen up.
And Percy gets only a little bit more fond of her when he finds her in the library one night just pouring over books about Whitestone. And then very much less fond when she calls him and idiot and tells him about five things he could do to make their exports more efficient.
And Beau getting to come out of her shell and fall in love with the literal embodiment of light Vesper de Rolo? I adore it so much
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jing-yuans-wife · 1 year
This is just my way of coping with life. So Idc what any one thinks anymore. Im just struggling with myself💔
This is brain rot of mine! This is before Luna dated Raph btw.
No trigger warnings except hilarity and fluff.
BlueKnight: Leonardo
SkaterDude001: Mikey
GeniusJock: Donnie
LillyPad: My OC Lilly Neko
Moonflower: My OC Luna
~•The chatroom of Hamato chaos has started•~
Blueknight: Ok Mikey games up. Why did you make this chat room?.
SkaterDude001:Uhhh I would love to say "I did it", But I just got off of my game tournament. So I got no idea who made this.
CrimsonFire: Hold up, Im no nerd with this stuff...though I might know who the culprit is.
GeniusJock: You mean Luna right?.
CrimsonFire: Uh no I was gonna say her twin sister Lilly. She's the one who did it.
Lillypad: Hi everyone! I made this chat room for fun. Also any one seen my sis?. Last I saw was when this one dude took her for coffee...only thing is Im yet to receive a text from her.
Moonflower:Ugh stupid phone. Im here and please do not even mention that guy ever again.
CrimsonFire: Hol up. What happened. Tell us before anything else.
Moonflower: Well I thought it was going well, he and I talked. Mostly small talk then he suddenly got a text, paid for the coffees then just left without a word. So Im kinda stuck with transport here.
SkaterDude001: Woah I never seen Raph this angry since the Shredder incident.
BlueKnight: We will come pick you up, its going to start raining soon.
CrimsonFire: While we at it, gimme that guys details. I will go give him my "greetings".
SkaterDude001: Bro you just wanna chew him out for mistreating Luna, you not even dating her yet.
CrimsonFire: Shut it numbnuts!
MoonFlower: Heh You always knew how to cheer me up Raphie~.
CrimsonFire: Hey Hey Hey you keep pushing my buttons like that, an I cant be held responsible for what happens next kitty cat.
MoonFlower: I wuv you too Raphie~.
GeniusJock: I have not seen Leo laugh so hard in all my years. Anyways see you there Luna.
~•The chat has ended•~
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supportstudies · 3 months
100 Days of Productivity (34/100)
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March 10th 2024
holy shit I’m writing this like half asleep. today was very productive I felt kinda down about how I didn’t complete my goals for this week but also those were made when I didn’t know I would be working 5/7 days this week with long ass hours. fr had me closing one night then opening the next. anyways today I did a fuck ton before going to work so I felt Very Cool. also I had weekly brekkie with @f0xttr0t ! it was moved to sunday bc it was rainy yesterday. Jake had lots of fun and was very tired afterwards. I also saw my other bestie @theballadear who is usually away at College! I wuv my fwiends.
🎧 - Hands Up, NCT Wish
Productivity/Self Care
put my dirty laundry in its correct receptacles (there was a lot)
mopped up some yucky parts of my floor (it’s been rainy)
refreshed annie’s litter box
took out all of my trash from the room trash cans! (desk, living room, bathroom)
went out to breakfast!
went to work!!
Started my next week layout
Good night! see you guys tmrw :3 I go zzzzz now
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i3utterflyeffect · 6 months
also have i talked abt chonny's charming chaos compendium here yet. it's tally hall but actually good and not deranged (negative) like the original band. also it has a story. and it's tasty. and also chonny jash's covers are just good in general. he made one of the moss by cosmo sheldrake and also charlie's inferno
also the story is psychological fuckery and heart, mind, and soul are fucking bastards
in fact fuck it im linking my favorites
warning for INTENSELY FLASHING LIGHTS in literally all of these.
lot of these songs have mentions of suicide and such. so that too.
anyway be safe
ALSO a lot of these are going to contain themes and mentions of suicide
ALSO if you want to listen to the whole album i recommend you listen to that first instead of these. tho you can do whatever u want i'm not ur mom. i just want to share Funny Songs
whenever anyone talks abt tally hall they're ofc gonna talk abt the mind electric. but actually there's THREE OF THEM. the heart acoustic, the mind electric, and the soul eclectic. they are all bangers i very much recommend you listen to all of them
warning for religious themes
two wuv is bangin. like idk anything abt the tally hall version but this one fucking ROCKS. i love it. pov the person you see is a dark, divided man
literally i can just summarize this one as THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
this song was literally made from a song that was just fucking chicken noises and im not fucking joking i literally searched it up because i did not believe it either. anyway mucka blucka is actually very very fun. basically just an introduction to the concept of what the hell this album is
anyway listen to chonny jash this has been your pitch propaganda. good sonmg.
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stregoniconiconii · 1 year
the frustrating thing about stancy in s4 is that all of Steve and nancy’s interactions with other characters became ‘let’s get these two characters (one of whom is in a relationship) to admit their feelings for each other’
like one of the few times Steve and dustin are alone together they talk about how Steve basically ‘threw himself’ at Nancy when she wanted to go off on her own. what nothing about how none of them should be alone with a supernatural serial killer on the loose? that could have been an opportunity for like Steve to like ask about Lucas about where he is since he’s not with his best friends during a crisis and That could have been an opportunity for dustin to voice some of his resentment/bitterness towards Lucas for ‘abandoning’ his friends for the basketball team
the scene with robin and Nancy where robin was like ‘maybe some flames should never have been snuffed out’ and they confirmed that they are now friends Could have been something about Nancy struggling to make real friends after losing barb. literally doesn’t have to be much it could be something like ‘it’s nice to make a friend - I feel like all I do is lose them’ referencing both the fact that barb and Fred have been killed on her watch and maybe That could have led to robin asking like ‘hey why did we never try to hang out earlier?’ (bc it’s literally 8 months later, they’re in the same year, and they Never talked? wild to me. el and max were hanging out between s2 and s3 even if they hadn’t become besties just yet) anyway and maybe then we could have had a little more into Nancy and her whole thing with losing people. idk.
just also the fact that Eddie interrupts Steve saying ‘hey give yourself a break’ to talk about ‘twue wuv’ like girl you dont know them anyway but we literally Could have had something about how Steve literally did run away at first but the important thing is that he came back. I understand that this is a plot driven show there isn’t a lot of time to have all these fun talks and I knowww the whole thing is that characters are avoiding what they actually want or need to talk about but gahhh it’s frustrating!! (also the ‘you almost deserved getting shot’ thing did make me physically gag like girl That’s how you flirt? okay)
anyway I also like to imagine that Steve and robin have sort of talked about how his relationship with Nancy kinda failed, bc robin definitely knows that there’s something still there between them like maybe she figured out that Steve still had feelings for her (still maintain that my boy was lying when he said he was over her in the star court bathroom) and Steve was like ‘robin stop that’s a non starter she’s not interested she’s dating someone’ and robin was like ‘okay okay if she’s happy with Jonathan..’ but then she gets basically like confirmation that Nancy isn’t 100% happy with Jonathan and then she’s like..oh I see a solution.
anyway I also definitely believe that Steve doesn’t know quite how much the overlap between the stancy and jancy relationship was..like he was definitely aware that there was Something between them but does he know that they fully had sex? yeah probably not. they obviously don’t speak in between world ending events and that’s not something that just comes up. im kind of thinking that maybe murray will be the one to bring that up bc I really can't see either Jonathan or Nancy doing so. maybe it’s something that we’re not supposed to care about but damn it man im a bit more sensitive about cheating than other things
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millenari · 8 months
🎁💙💛🧠 for ur ask game
🎁 If you could give any of the ensemble cats a song, who would it be? What would it be about?
You would think I answered these questions to myself as I wrote them, but I Did Not Do That so i had to think about this one.
FIRST immediate reaction: MUNKUSTRAP! I think a song where the tribe surprises him by singing about how much he cares about everyone and how they all love him would be very cute. But I don't really think it would... I don't know, serve the story, I guess? That kind of thing seems like the type of song to happen at/after a climax and Cats has a lot going on at that point. Also I like that the two main magical cats USUALLY (glares at bway revival) are the only ones who dont sing their own songs at all.
Also I feel like such a song would be terribly similar to old d which might not be desirable. Plus, you know... munk's the narrator. The MC. it seems almost wrong for him to have his own song, as much as he deserves to have his Moment.
SECOND REACTION: the psychic twins! It's kind of funny to me how they're both plot relevant (sniffing out old deut, helping jemima) but the specifics of what their deal is is never specified. All we really know about them is that they're 'psychic', whatever that specifically is intended to mean. I'm imagining a kind of moody mysterious number, like the older version of M&R.
Actually given that thought it would kind of be cute if the criminal twins sang it. the psychic twins start up like 'we have abilities that any cat would have--' and jerrie and teazer jump in like 'THESE BITCHES READ MINDS' and they then go back and forth, leaving the audience unsure if the psychic twins are downplaying their abilities or the criminal twins are over exaggerating them, and a lot of their mysteriousness still holds fast after the song is over.
THIRD REACTION: you know those hcs that George from 98 is actually a dog who thinks he's a cat? Tbh I think a song about a silly dog who believes he's a cat would fit well in TS Eliot's book, not just the play, and it could be a fun silly number. every time one of the kittens starts to say 'but he's really a dog right?' or anything to that effect they get SHUUUUUSHED by the whole ensemble before they can say 'the d word'
💙 What's your favorite platonical ship?
I HAVE A LOT but I do love misto & munk. Misto being munk's little helper when he's a younger version of himself (and his Other Second In Command when he's older) are so cute. and you so rarely see a version of cats where the two don't seem to have a notable relationship.
💛 What's your favorite familial ship?
Misto and Victoria being siblings crept up on me. When I first got into Cats I kinda shipped them, but nowadays they're my little ballet cat sibs. They wuv each other.
🧠 Share a headcanon/theory about the show that you like!
The Jellicle Choice is heavily influenced by age. You're pretty much never going to see a young Jellicle Choice, but all the young characters sing about themselves on the ball anyways, just bc they like taking the opportunity to brag while they have an audience. (note that there are pretty much no younger-cat songs that happen while Deuteronomy is present, and Munk's personal Jelly Choice is Jenny, who's also older).
(Deuteronomy deliberately shows up to the ball a little late every year to give the Youths some time to wear each other out and have fun.)
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sungbeam · 9 months
*clears throat & puts on my mic* why hello my fellow fiery elmo BEAM SOHN!!!
my favourite fic of yours:
two months - if the reason ain’t obvious enough 🤪 patiently waiting for you to read the house tour in ✨detail✨ (inserts the meme i sent you on dc)
best ship you’ve written for:
ain’t no romeo - everything abt hyunjae’s relationship with yn in this was so cute i was giggling throughout the whole fic like 🥹🥹🥹 they are the funniest and sweetest duo imo
a fic i haven’t read from you but i will soon!!:
剪刀石头布 - ofc i love my junjun so i’ll def get to this one day!! and your svt fics that you take pride in ofc 💕
what i like most abt your writing:
ummm literally everything???? gurl you’re my 妹妹 and yet this 姐姐 literally looks up to you like???? the way you’re able to convey your stories in your own unique ways/the way you describe the flow of the plot/your word of choice is just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
a fic im excited for you updating/posting:
liu series - obviously duh. and we know which season im most excited abt 😌😌😌
crimes of passion - hey alexa play passion fruit but change it to “oooh gimme that crimes of passion!!!”
a fic of yours i reread:
gurl ive reread so many of your fics from time to time but the most recent one would be party people!!
if i've ever shared/talked about your fic to someone else:
all the time??? lol ive pretty much dumped your fics to so many of my moots at this point like “YOU HAVE TO READ THIS ISTG”
a fic I didn't expect to like so much:
simple gifts - hear me out. this was literally the very first chanhee fic i read since coming back at the start of the year and i was???? BRUH THIS IS PURE PERFECTION LIKE LITERALLY FROM THE START TILL THE END 🫠 and it has then marked a special place for chanhee in my heart (i know i dont talk abt him often but i swear he’s there)
a question i have about one/more on your fics:
well not specifically for a fic but rather a general question. when will you bless your jie with more sangyeon content 🥰 (lmao i joke but then at the same time not really 🤡)
anyways, me decides to be nice today cs its a happy friday so yes i wuv you forever my boo i hope this made your day 😘💕
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*gives u an immense side eye*....... but thank you jie for your ask skfndknfjd :')))) you've always been one of the most supportive people ever of my writing and you're always so enthusiastic abt it all and i appreciate it so much 💖
pls i didn't realize u would like two months that much when i wrote it 😭😭 i felt so off my game writing that, i didn't know if any of the stuff would hit, but ig it did skfnkenfkf HELP WAIT I didn't know u liked hj and yn in ain't no romeo so much !!!! that's so cool for me to hear :'))
thank you again and again and again for hyping me up all the time too 😔💖 i love hearing ur thoughts abt the fic, as always, and i just trust ur judgment a lot :') and i hope u like 剪刀石头布 !! that one was soooo much fun to write, and there was so few xiaohenyang fics at that time 😔😔😔
OMG WAIT i didn't know u read simple gifts 😭😭😭 she holds such a special place in my heart omg i didn't KNOW U READ IT AHHHHHHHY it's one of my favorite things on this blog and im so warm, tytyty<333 (u have to be patient w the sangyeon content õ_ó)
anyways, i love you thank you 爱你多多 💖
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Welcome to our humble store of recipes!
Each recipe scroll costs 3 gold unless otherwise specified. We got weapons, food, and much mo—
Just cut to the chase!
[Yeah! This post already got deleted once and because we wrote too much. BOOM! All progress gone!]
[I said that out-loud, didn’t I? Yeah.. I’m just gonna… go… PEACE!]
*Ooc’s corporeal form disappears*
Well that was weird… anyways, alright fine. Let’s introduce ourselves!
I’m Craft! I’m they/them, and Bi! I quite like making stuff and uncovering secrets! That’s the entire reason I started this shop! To spread the joy of crafting and the ancients’ brilliance!
Says the person who kills for fun! You’re obviously going to find crafting boring!
I’m Blue! I’m AroAce, and am she/him! I don’t really care about anything at all… but if you hurt anyone of us, you won’t awake in the morning (unless you only hurt red)… oh and I love cupcakes!
What did you just say about me?
Yea I said it! You suck! What you gonna do ’bout it? … I though so!
I’m Pink! ^w^ -I’n she/her, trans, and lezbian! I wuv efwewun! I wuv u AW! <3 -… Egcept u Rewd. U big ol MEANIE! 3:<
I hate you all! You IDIOTS!
And we aw hat U too!
F you too, Red.
Anyways, now that we introduced ourselves, let’s tell them the tags!
#consumable-items The recipe yields an edible item! Want food? Drink? Get the necessary items, recipe, and make it! DOES IT INCLUDE CUPCAKES??? Yes, Blue, yes… if the ancie— YAAAAA—
#combat-items This recipe makes something that aids in combat! Doesn’t have to be a weapon, as long it does something to help with combat! Oh hoh ho! This’ll certainly aid in my takeo— NO RED! BAD! IF I CATCH YOU ANYWHERE NEAR THESE RECIP—
#building-material These recipes make something that: A. Helps you build your base; or B. Something that goes into another recipe. Personally, my favorite, just because I love making stuff!
#misc-item any recipe that creates an item that does not fall into any other categories! Pewsonawwy my fafowit wun! I wuv diffewen stuff! :3 -You love everything though. No! Just efwewun! Not efweting! VwV
#error-404 Recipes that create any strange results. Could be incomplete! I don’t know for sure though. And we can all agree that it unsettles us, including Red! Right? Ashamedly yes, yes it does.
#user-submission A user (like you) dug up/asked for a recipe and brought it to our humble shop! I will award you with 6 gold if you submit one of these! Or a user just talks to us/asks for a recipe.
Ooc// The following tags they do not know about and thus I will be talking about them:
#not-a-recipe pretty self explanatory, it’s not a recipe!
Character speaks
#red-speaks The character named Red speaks.
#craft-speaks The character named Craft speaks.
#blue-speaks The character named Blue speaks.
#pink-speaks The character named Pink speaks.
#everyone-speaks Everyone (not including others unless accompanied by the next two tags), speaks.
#ooc-speaks I speak! Most of the time the characters are not aware of my presence, but sometimes they are!
#???-speaks An unknown character at the time of the post speaks.
Miscellaneous tags
#character-ramblings A character talks to themself and it’s just them in the post.
#interactions They (or I) interact with another blog!
#non-cannon Pretty self explanatory. The post isn’t canon!
#joke-post The post is a joke and nothing more. Will have the #non-cannon tag along with it.
#lore-post a post that is all about lore
By the way, if you see a color without bold, they are mentioning a character with a specific color assigned. If it’s a color WITH bold, the character denoted by that color is speaking (unless it’s Craft’s, unless they are saying something with another colored character, they will be regular text)
Also, my main blog is @duoversal, just FYI.
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shriekshrike · 2 years
oka okay okay so we have 2 weeks to ruminate right but all EYE will be doing is praying to whatever listens to dykes pray that the bells r gonna rip shit bc these fuckers r BRUTAL
mostly thinkin abt my witches n orym bc I'm Like That
witches bc cmon. imogen already didnt rlly like dusk bc of a lil green eyed monster ('are you staring because you're jealous?') and laudna because. god. ok ive had this happen to me not quite to this extent but found out that a person who like. is so. wonderful to u. is also. not. Great. and a liar and manipulator. so ure stuck in that awful limbo of nothing they say can be trusted....what does that mean for me. o u c h. also bonus: imogen is gonna wreck shit bc laudna's involved as are her feelings so uh. *tugs on collar* y i k e s dusk. also! wouldnt be surprised if imogen feels a bit responsible bc she didnt say anything to anyone when she figured it out. hmmmmm delicious (edit 9.09 AM: i realized that i wrote laudna instead of dusk when i said imogen already doesn't like [BLANK] didnt mean that, imogen wuvs laudna anyway)
orym. bc he - and there is literal proof of this - has lost. a lot and he gets attached quick and tightly. like there r times in exu and in cr3 where we get to c orym b SUPER playful and it is truly a delish opp BUT one of the first times we...rlly see him get Real Playful (and this is a reach, but im leaning across the table, but i'll bet actual money that the spar w dusk? was the same way he would blow off steam and play w will food for thought 🥹) is when he spars with dusk!! he even says it 'i havent gotten to let loose like that in a while!' and then when dusk (in the process of being rejected which did have me ahootin n ahollerin simply for the context) says 'u wanna talk abt it?' and orym goes "raincheck" like. yoinks. orym only talked abt will once with chet and it was on watch w no one awake (also worth noting: orym is so severely and fiercely protective of the ppl who r his esp in light of what his job was and how he lost will like....dusk....whomever u r...ur ass is grass and not in a fun way)
fearne. my beloved. my darling. who felt so not alone. who said 'we are practically siblings' who trusted dusk beyond a shadow of a doubt. and dusk who made fearne feel not so alone in all this. who lended juuuuust enough comfort and familiarity for fearne to latch onto, the girl who lived her whole life without her parents, missing them like a mirage, more memory than reality. the girl who saw a woman with the same face, the same eyes and hair and legs. the girl who said '90 years' when her mother said '6 years'. the girl who watches, in horror, as the person she'd come to care for as a SIBLING as someone who UNDERSTOOD HER, transform before her eyes, grab her mother and her arms, whose mother says, horrified and scared 'you led them straight to us' and fearne says back 'i'm sorry but who?'
anyway maybe ill also do the rest of the party bc i have Thoughts abt chet n ash n fcg but for rn....im schleepy
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roetrolls · 2 years
Ok well anyways ummm
I’d just like to say that with the obvious exception of weird anons and especially Chase’s weird anon who I’m convinced is just one person! I think this community (or at least our corner of it) is so overwhelmingly positive and supportive and it makes me so happy :)
I wuv u all very muchly
Ummm gives thanks to u or whatever idk, i realized right before i hit post that this thing i wanted to say anyways is kinda relevant to the day it is and that’s fun
KISSES U ALL ON THE HEAD N THEN GIVES U PUMPKIN PIE WITH HOMEMADE WHIPPED CREAM (both made my mommy u can say hi to her if u want)
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