#but anyway the symbolism in DA is the best one tbh
fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
yeah, more of these…
Batboys x reader feat. living together bc I don’t see enough headcanons about that (in some you’re a super and in some you’re not)
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dick Grayson/ Nightwing
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We’re imagining a Matt Murdock style Manhattan apartment, with entire walls made of murky glass, limited amount of walls within the place, very nice. It’s in Blüdhaven (:
There are two bedrooms. The two of you live in the smaller one and the master is for superhero stuff
All your tech, suits, files, medical, all that
The ceiling in your room is glass!!
The doggo is a black German Shepherd with a white patch on his chest that looks like the Nightwing symbol, which is the entire reason you got him. His name is Eagle :D
No matter where you work, the two of you take your lunches together every day and get coffee before work if there’s enough time. You picked this place because it’s close to both your jobs, obvi
As far as decor goes, there are a few high-humidity plants, neutral and blue tones, and cool metal
It’s always humid in your place for the plants, but it’s nice
Rainforest vibes, especially when it’s raining
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jason Todd/ Red Hood
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So many books
All the books
Y’all’s live out kind of in the middle of nowhere so it’s easier to retreat and lay low when necessary
Bout an hour out of Gotham
That’s Albus Dumbledore, the Great Dane
Alby for short cause she’s actually a girl but Jay wasn’t budging on that name
Kitty is Angelica
Anyways it’s nice and quiet out there, no city noises or being constantly worried about a stray bomb being thrown in a window
Every goddamn cup or container in your house is a mason jar
Plates and bowls are literally just hammered out sheets of scrap metal
It’s an aesthetic tbh
Plenty of succulents
Anyways the library? Massive
The kitchen? Top of the line
Maybe you two live out in the middle of nowhere, but no way in hell do you pass up the opportunity to abuse Bruce’s money to build a kickass house with all your favorite things
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tim Drake/ Red Robin
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Tim wanted to stay close to Bruce, as he is still a Robin
So y’all’s are only like a ten minute drive from the manor
Two doggos!! Rapunzel and Rella. They are both trained service dogs for anxiety and PTSD, for you and Tim both. Damian helped Bruce find them for you when the two of you moved in :DD
You have a smaller apartment, but it’s close to the top of the building and you actually get to see the Gotham sun sometimes
Whenever Rella or Rapunzel knows Tim’s been on his computer too long, or you’re hyperfixated on a case, or neither of you have slept in a while, they’ll drag you away from your work for a walk or a nap or food
Da best guard dogs :3
The house has quite the modern vibe going
Bright colors, cool shapes, sensible uses of space
Yes, the loft king bed is a real thing
Although sometimes you guys end up sleeping in the living room with a blanket fort bc your dogs can’t follow you up the ladder
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Damian Wayne/ Robin
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First and foremost: Playdough’s rainbow spots are just dye; she’s fine I promise
Dami brought Titus and Alfred, obviously, but sadly Batcow had to stay at the manor. The condo building owners didn’t like the idea of that; a Great Dane is barely allowed as it is
The other cat is Cookie!! She’s nice but you and Dami tell everyone she’s mean so when they get affection they feel all warm inside [:
Keep in mind these guys are the only permanent ones- you foster all kinds of animals, including more dogs and cats, chinchillas, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, even a bat once
Dami also had to stay close to the manor for Robin purposes. You guys are a few minutes away
There are little weapons and med kits and snacks (human and pet) scattered all over your place
Everything is so dark at your place so bloodstains are less noticable
(Dami tends to stumble through a window at like four in the morning, potentially with stab or gunshot wounds and bleeds all over the place)
If you’re a nurse, the stitching up came easy
If you’re not… you had to learn pretty fast
But hey it’s not all bad you’ve got four emotional support animals and a giant tv to watch Nat Geo on
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troublewithvampires · 9 months
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@rejectshumanity said: 🍪 ☎️ ⭐️ 🐠 & 🔑 ! (for the my experience in the roleplaying community meme)
(rpc experiences meme - open)
//ASDFJK; damn that's a lot of symbols- ok anyway i'll put my answers under the cut :3c
🍪 my favorite roleplay memory
ohhh this is an interesting one!!! hmm... y'know, i have a few favorite memories on here, most of them centering around fond memories with some of the friends i've made through hanging out in the rpc.
y'know... i think one of my favorite memories, though, was when i was still really active on my old sally face blog, and there was this stretch of time when i received a lot of really friendly anons who were excitedly reading along with my threads and wanted to share their thoughts. i thought that was kinda fun tbh! perhaps a bit much at times, but it was cool that even people who weren't actively part of those threads were having fun.
☎️ my first character i ever roleplayed
so i know this whole questionnaire thing is about the tumblr rpc specifically, but i also wanna answer this for like. characters i've roleplayed in general.
my very first muse on tumblr was saitama from one punch man--specifically an au depicting saitama as a trans woman. she was a lot of fun to write and develop, but i was so new to the tumblr rpc and *incredibly* shy so i never really approached anyone first, so she never got much attention. lately i've been considering writing saitama again, but i don't think i'll write this au in particular ever again--my girl can rest <3
as for first character *in general*, that's a bit more complicated. i mainly rp'd ocs back when i wrote on quotev with close friends, and during my time in some rp groups on discord. i don't really remember who was the first oc i ever roleplayed as, but i do remember the first canon character i roleplayed as! or at least one of them.
that would be dr. robert langdon from the da vinci code series! i had a pretty long stretch of being hyperfixated on those books, and they're still pretty near and dear to my heart! i've been really meaning to reread angels & demons tbh... and maybe i'll bring my boy robert back. maybe. i do miss him.
⭐️ my roleplay pet peeves
i don't have a lot of these! i like to think i'm pretty chill most of the time, and i like to emphasize good communication as much as i can (though i will be the first to admit i'm not always the best at that lmao). most of my pet peeves *are* just about communication with other muns, but i don't encounter them very often. i guess my biggest pet peeve would really just be muns who don't communicate *at all* ooc.
but i guess. second to this would be people who don't read about pages in the slightest. i totally understand if they're not mobile accessible or easy to read, but i think it's really important to familiarize yourself as much as possible with your writing partners' muses. even if they're writing canon muses you're familiar with, it's important to learn what they bring to the table and how they're portraying the character. i'm not saying you need to catch up on all the lore right away, but just! get to know em a bit.
🐠 why i love (or hate) this hobby
i love this hobby because it gives me a lot of time to really indulge in developing and writing characters, and also just. collaborative storytelling is one of my favorite things in the whole fucking world, haha! also, it's led to me meeting a lot of really fun, interesting people, some of whom are my best friends in the world! i actually met two of my partners through rp groups! :3c
🔑 my favorite type of threads
y'know, i don't think i have a single favorite type of thread, but one thing i'm always a goddamn sucker for is hurt/comfort. i love to indulge a little in angst but then in the recovery after the angst.
i also really like threads that really give me the chance to dig my claws into a character's psychology, or ones that let my partner do the same. we're telling a story together, so show me what you've got and go all the fuck IN on these characters with me!
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makiema · 4 years
I love Dead Apple so much and not just bc it’s fan service galore but also bc it’s riddled with a shit ton of symbolism which gives like a LOT of insight into characters! and also character dynamics!! The best example is ofc Fyodor’s monologue that has so many implications in what 4-5 lines but, my personal favorite is the Soukoku moment. part of it has to do with the fact that they’re da OTP but that aside, the meaning behind it and the representation of it all is so subtle and beautiful, I fall in love every time. so anyway thought i’d share my thoughts on the scene uh putting it below the cut bc it got long lol
First off the idea of Dazai enclosed in a circle, above the ground, beyond what can be called the realm of humans, can be construed as an allusion to his detachment from everyone. And, in a way, the manifestation of his ability “no longer human”. The main theme/conflict in DA is characters vs their abilities (and by extension, abilities represent issues each character faces and eventually overcomes) but a physical representation of “no longer human” is not possible like it’s not an animal/person/anything; it’s more like a concept. so, it’s represented on a symbolical level with Dazai trapped in a circle up above, cut off from the human world under. And the fact that Chuuya is the one who breaks into the circle is a reference to how he shares his pain and faces the same issue— isolation. (Only difference is that Dazai’s detachment is self-imposed while Chuuya’s isolation comes from the alienation he’s subjected to by others) This motif is explored in Fifteen too when Dazai decides to live after learning about Chuuya’s identity. But anyway coming back to DA, the main conflict (ability vs human) is resolved by winning against the ability and also by accepting it to a certain degree (like when Kyouka says that she needs Demon Snow) Now Dazai does it too— he wins against “no longer human” and also accepts it; but all that happens with Chuuya in the frame. The moment he touches Chuuya, he uses his ability to save him which shows his acceptance of an ability that others detest and even, he might personally hate at times, but that can be used to save someone. Unfortunately this ability also represents his nullification from being human—the deeper psychological issue as far as Dazai is concerned. However, someone does break in and make it possible for him to fall back on the ground, in extension, makes him human again/reminds him of his humanity/brings him back to the human world. And that ofc has to be Chuuya, someone who does share this issue of alienation thanks to him being half Arahabaki and half human. so, basically the subtext here is that just like Chuuya needs Dazai to save him from himself (something that is literally represented) Dazai needs Chuuya too (something that is represented thru a series of metaphors, symbols and motifs) Chuuya is the figure that makes Dazai think living is worth it simply bc he has it far worse than Dazai, he has a literal God trapped in him and his first 8 years is a void, so if someone that alien/“non human” can still push on then why can’t he (this is the message in Fifteen) and the message in DA is that Chuuya experiences the same isolation that Dazai does. The freeze frame of both of them, enclosed in a dividing bubble, cut off from everything, is strongly suggestive of this. so, Chuuya can and should be the one who helps Dazai win against his ability or rather, fight against his issue; he is the person who can help Dazai reconsider human ties and consequently, make him feel like he’s as much a part of this world as anyone else. because when isolation is shared, it doesn’t really feel like isolation anymore. the sharing becomes significant and like a doorway— it is the first of many potential bonds that are in fact possible for Dazai, giving him a chance at belonging. just like he belongs beside Chuuya, just like his ability can be used in tandem with Chuuya’s, he can, in fact, belong with others too and co-exist with them along with his ability. The things separating him from others are his own fear of loss, his uncanny intelligence and his weird ass ability but, with Chuuya in his life, the gulf closes bc Chuuya is far too strong to die on him and actually needs Dazai’s ability to survive; Chuuya is quite possibly the only person grateful for Dazai’s ability because it’s literally a life saver in his case and also, Dazai’s intelligence doesn’t put him on a solitary pedestal (like Fyodor) bc Chuuya has enough physical strength to counter it and hence, stand his ground against it. He has been doing that since they met and thanks to their rivalry, Dazai didn’t end up developing a God complex like Fyodor. (he still has an annoying superiority complex but it could have gotten worse if Chuuya wasn’t there to sort of humble him) Chuuya can stand beside Dazai as his equal and he’s imbued with every human quality imaginable; he is entirely reliant on the connections he has forged and values and embodies qualities like trust and loyalty to a profound extent, so he becomes the key for Dazai, the key to save Dazai from himself, from the darkest part of himself. The darkest part of Dazai is actually his double, Fyodor and by the end of DA, Dazai is with people while Fyodor is not which signifies that Chuuya has indeed saved him. When Dazai says, “I hope that man fulfilled his loneliness” with a soft smile, it’s not just an observation, it’s more than that— it’s a v subtle personal realization. so what DA implies is that Chuuya can and does reach him at a place where no one else can. and that is something that serves as a constant reminder to Dazai that he’s not really non-human/cancelled from human society like he thinks he is. Just by existing, Chuuya helps Dazai overcome all three of his issues: 
suicidal tendencies— he thinks living is worth a try as opposed to his prev conclusion that there is nothing worth prolonging a life of suffering.
isolation— there’s a strong sense of belonging and connection with chuuya in DA that, in turn, foreshadows the development of future connections with others something that Dazai does crave but, doesn’t/can’t pursue bc of his own fear of loss (oda and ango) and also bc people idolize him too much and altho it doesn’t seem too bad on the surface, it does end up alienating him bc the dependency is working one way (akutagawa and atsushi) 
superiority complex— he counters Fyodor by saying that even if humans are ‘sinfully stupid’ (and who is a better example of this than chuuya lol. the fact that the panel of fyodor saying this comes right after a chuuya panel is no conincidence it’s fairly telling) there’s nothing wrong with it! dazai’s superiority complex could have gotten worse and developed into a god complex just like fyodor’s had chuuya not strived to maintain an equal footing with him or if he hadn’t seen chuuya, someone who is actually half-god, going out his way for people and in a way, being more “human” than he ever can bc chuuya considers himself at the same level as others, if not lower (i mean, his self esteem is so low that he thinks he has to swear loyalty to a p*do) unlike dazai. so yeah that self-sacrificing nature and sense of loyalty, which may seem “sinfully stupid” is something appreciable to Dazai simply bc empathy, loyalty, trust,etc are things that human connections are based on. things that dazai lack, but chuuya embodies. things that dazai wishes he had so he could belong. so anyway, my point is chuuya just being himself does a number on dazai’s superiority complex whcih in turn helps him challenge fyodor! 
 All in all from the way Dazai and Chuuya’s arcs and their interactions are planned out, it’s safe to say they are indeed soulmates and I’m not trying to push this romantically, bc altho the canon is strongly suggestive, it’s not of romance per se it’s more like suggesting how they need each other to complete and save each other. Like, Dazai needs to incorporate Chuuya’s qualities and vice versa to become better versions of themselves and also needs each other on a very literal level just to survive/live on. Asagiri mightn’t draw them holding hands or smth or use conventional soulmate tropes/proofs that’s fanfic material but I’m just saying that it is v much canon that they really do complete each other and absolutely can’t survive w/o each other and that to me is really really beautiful <3
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Shirabu x Reader
a/n: im not very familiar with shirabu on a spiritual level like i am w the other characters but ill try my best!! 
request:  okok haikyuu hcs: shirabu is reader’s childhood best friend and messed up their last game in middle school because he changed his setting style to accommodate ushijima,,, and reader, as the manager is very very pissed and they get into a huge fight,,, so once they get to stz they’re academic rivals, reader became the vbc manager just to spite him (oh yea they definitely still have crushes on each other but it’s hard with the current situation) only if it’s ok!! not a lot of ppl write for him :
this is kinda the best friends-to-rivals-to-friends again-to-lovers
requests open!!
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lets get our inhalers bc this finna be a wild one luvs
so, basically,
you and him were actually childhood friends since he lived next door to you
lets say you met when you were 5 and you just stuck on to this slightly cold and dismissive boy who was the shy type
idk bout you but i actually like that type
ppl dont really understand how yall got along bc you were the extrovert and the laughing type of girl
he only stuck around bc you were actually a smart person who helped him occassionally w your organized notes
but he still appreciates your time and efforts to be his friend despite his personality
plus, you also liked volleyball and together you both would watch volleyball matches in his house where you would see him with a smile that he unconsciously wears
like when yall were 8, you gave him a volleyball for his birthday since he lost his old one when he was playing by the river
at first, he was like, ‘oh, thanks, i needed this’
but then as he started tossing it up and down, you could see that bashful smile starting to surface
you shrieked, 
bc you rarely see it and you think its super cute,
and just wrap him up in a hug and he turns all shy again but with a soft smile and a soft blush
‘thanks, n/n-chan’
uh oh, feelings
since he mainly focused on doing homework or studying, not a whole lot of kids really approached him to hang out since they thought he only lived to study and play volleyball
but you didnt care bc youve been friends w this bun for a long time and you know hes not really like that
he has fun moments too
since you were the manager of the volleyball team, you always try to showcase how fun he was by trying to take the team to bonding places 
the team does think that shirabu has fun but only if its w you
one afternoon, you naturally just go to his house w him since your mothers know youre practically best friends and so you basically live in each others houses
yall were about halfway through middle school so shirabu has been studying more to get scholarships for schools
he was studying on the little table while leaning against his bed while you were just lounging on his bed after studying
oikawa 2.0
you pouted at the distracted reply before sitting up and wrapping your arms around his shoulder from behind him and placing your chin on his shoulder
‘lets do something fun!!!! im boredddd’
he wasnt really fazed by the skinship bc youve been like that to him since day 1
but thats going to change soon
‘i have a new sudoku book over there that you could do’
omg what
you shrieked in betrayal before leaping off the bed and grabbing his arm to stand him up
shirabu was actually annoyed that you were distracting his studying but seeing a wide grin on your face made him double stop
am i,,,, catching feelings?
nah, he just going through puberty
‘lets go to the fall market! yuki-chan told me theres a new food place that opened and theyre handing out free samples!’
you excitedly told him and continued shaking his arm to persuade him in going
‘n/n-chan, this is my only free day from volleyball to study. i need to pass the test on friday’
you rolled your eyes at that lame excuse
‘i know. i set up the schedule differently bc you have a big test on friday! but you would still have time to study!’
‘but im still unfamilair with the topic-’
‘cmon, ken-chan! youre so smart you could rival buddha!’
‘i dont think,,,,, thats a right comparison’
‘either way, we’re going to hang out and have fun!’
he honestly didnt know why he was at this crowded market w you
shirabu is a whole simp
‘omg ken-chan! look! takoyaki!’
you dragged him to the stall and the nice old lady smiled before taking your order
‘1 box please. ken-chan, you want?’
he shook his head no and started taking out his wallet to pay
but you stopped him
‘no, you dont have to pay since youre not eating’
‘but i want to’
‘ken-chan! you need to save up for college!’
‘no its fine im pay-’
‘here ya go, dear. free of charge’
you both stopped at the nice lady’s sentence
‘no it’s okay. its cute to find a boy who’s willing to pay for his girl since that doesnt really happen nowadays. i hope you have a great rest of your date!’
‘it’s not a da-’
‘thank you, maam’
shirabu takes the box and leads you out of there
you smirk and poke his tummy
‘you want to go on a date with me, ken-chan~?’
he turns red and looks away
‘no. it wouldve taken longer to fully explain the situation so just go along with it to make it faster’
you giggled
‘hm sounds fake but okay’
you both continue to walk around the market and even buy a few things like a mini buddha statue or a pair of cat ears for both of you
with everything you bought, shirabu payed with it all
you were pouting as you walked and he noticed so he nudged you with his elbow
‘oi, what’s wrong?’
you crossed your arms
‘hm.. i dont like that ken-chan is buying and spending money for me on things that symbolize our fun. i want to give ken-chan something to remember this day too!’
shirabu grows flustered but hes really confused
youve always been a thoughtful person who tries to be independent but unconsciously ends up depending on others like him
but your thoughts of wanting to do something in return for him just sounds like heaven right now
lmao what a simp
he looks around for a place that could have something that sparked his interest but nothing caught his eye
until he caught a photo booth by the corner
‘oi, n/n-chan, let’s go there’
you followed his finger and you gasped
‘thats perfect, ken-chan! let’s go!’
you drag him to the booth and you giddily enter the coins for the machine to start
but he was starting to think this wasnt a good idea
he was in a cramp space with you pressed against him
but youve always been glomped to his side since yall were kids so what was the difference now?
bc you catching feelings, fool!
‘ken-chan! its starting!’
he finally snaps out of his flustered state and he raises a peace sign with a smile
with all the pictures, there were funny pictures of you and him,
well mainly you
but he was happy to have them w you
‘ken-chan, you know i love you, but when will you fix your hair?’
he glared at you
‘i like it so its staying that way’
you giggled at his attitude
‘okay, ken-chan. at least it would make you stand out in the crowd so i dont have to look for you!’
you hugged his waist and he froze up, suddenly feeling awkward with this familiar position
its okay, shes naturally like this so calm down
after your hang out, he didnt even bother going back to studying
he just laid on his bed, looking at the strip of pictures with a fond smile
he was happy that you only showed that true, bright, happy grin to him
it was only for him
and he only showed his to you
bc you were you and you were the greatest thing, next to his parents, that he has in his life
omg that thought
he freezes and the picture falls on his face at that realization
omg, does he like you?
youre a great friend and his best friend and he wants to be your friend forever
but then, he realizes
youd separate one day and youd have a boyfriend and get married and have a family without him
no, he wasnt going to let that happen
he didnt like that thought
and thus, began his crush for you
and you were the same thing too but you noticed it later than him
oof, when this one girl confessed to him at the back of the school, you cried to him when yall got home
‘when ken-chan has a girlfriend, he wont hang out with me anymore! hes not going to be my friend anymore!’
it took some reassurance from him and more from your mom, when you got home, to realize that you liked your best friend
and thus began the skinny love stage
the whole volley team knew of your pining and tbh, they thought yall were dating but you were just like, nah, we friends
if anyone were to look at you, they would think the same thing
but ofc, yall are insecure hormonal teenagers who think that the other doesnt like them and if they confess, they would be rejected and that would ruin their friendship and they would not be friends anymore and they dont think they could handle that so its better to keep the feelings hidden and remain friends bc if theyre happy, theyre happy
oml my entire love life
this continued on until the last year of middle school
bc not only do you suddenly stop being friends, you became rivals
so as volleyball manager, you helped the team with whatever they needed in return of them doing their absolute best and winning the game
the last game of the year, you were slightly confused at the way shirabu was playing bc it wasnt the normal way he sets
before, his sets were so good that he could give it to any player and they would spike perfectly
but now, it was so different due to the simple, almost lazy, and very high tosses
the team was slightly irritated bc they couldnt keep up with the high tosses so they couldnt hit it
in between the sets, during break, you pulled him aside as you wiped off his sweat
‘ken-chan, youre not setting properly to the others. theyre getting angry because it doesnt allow them to spike right.’
he glares at you, with almost manic eyes
‘its their fault for not being able to jump high enough. in order to get a point, the ace must get a high toss to aim a quick spike’
‘but theyre not able to jump that high, ken-chan!’
you whispered, worried that he was going too intense and they would lose the game
all the hard-work the others put in, all to waste
‘i dont care. i must start early and change early so ushijima could hit my sets in the future’
‘but they’re not ushijima, kenjiro!’
you whisper-yelled
‘right now, theres no ushijima, no oikawa, its just you and the team. your team’
he was shook that you used his first name and the way you were actually telling him off
youve never been like that before
but he was blinded by his goal in the future
‘why is he our ace if he couldnt even hit tosses meant for an ace?’
‘because hes not the ace you’re hoping him to be!’
‘kenjiro, listen to me, these boys have worked their asses off for years to even come close to playing against seijoh or shiratorizawa. im going to do everything i can to make that happen and im not going to let them lose just bc you are too busy focusing on the future rather than the present’
with the way he looked at you, you really thought he would listen to you and play the way his team needs him to play
but no, he played the way he thought ushijima needed him to play
in the end, due to the foreign and unfamiliar tosses, they were unable to hit as much points causing them to lose
you could never forget the looks on your fellow classmates, who were also going to graduate this year, as they watched the ball that shirabu tossed, hit the floor right next to them
to say you were pissed was an understatement
you were F U R I O U S ™
you held the hands of the first years as they were devastated at their first loss
but you caught the eye of your ‘friend’ and he was biting his lip in irritation and anger
as your team was walking to their locker room to get changed, you pulled shirabu aside
‘what the hell’
he stared at you
‘we lost. we lost bc they couldnt keep up’
‘kenjiro! are you not listening to yourself?! you lost because you couldnt accept the fact that your teammates arent ushijima wakatoshi! you couldnt accept the fact that they’re not tall enough! strong enough! ace-like enough! and for what?! for the future?! the future where you’re going to set for someone like ushijima?!’
‘i vowed to set for a player like him, y/n! i want to toss a ball to someone as powerful and as talented as him! thats a promise i intend to keep’
you were dumbfounded 
he was acting on his own reasons and selfish intent, even costing them a game, for his preparation in the future
‘i cannot believe you right now. i didnt know you were so selfish, shirabu. of all the years i knew you, you were never like this. so what changed?’
at the almost betrayed look on your face hurt him bc weren’t you always there to help him? to support him? wasnt that the reason you became a manager in the first place? 
‘you dont understand, y/n. i need to change the way i play now because it will greatly benefit me in the future’
honestly, you didnt even know why you were so angry about this
sure, it was volleyball and it was just a game
you had high school to win it again
but maybe it was the fact that he wasn’t being the shirabu you knew
the ken-chan you grew up with and harbored feelings for for years
he was turning to someone that worked not for himself, but for some guy he has never even spoken to
you blinked away the tears and looked off the side, away from his face
‘right. the future. yanno, if youre already like this, i dread to think about how you would act once you get that goal of yours. but i know one thing. im not going to be there to see it happen’
god that last sentence
he felt a piece of his world crumble bc were you saying goodbye? were you leaving him?
‘i cant see you torture yourself into changing into a new person, kenjiro. so good luck finding someone who can’
‘oh yea? well, i dont need you! i’ll be perfectly fine on my own and find someone better than you! youre easily replacable!’
that was a big booboo love
that fight costed him more than a decade of friendship and a few years of love
despite living so closely together, you refused to even acknowledge him and when your parents got together, you’d find some way to be out ofthe house or you’d lock yourself in your room
he tried many times to get to you and even cried to you, begging to not leave him
but you willed strong and you left him alone
omg she handled this so bad and i cant w puberting teenagers
eventually, he got tired of chasing you and was now angry at you for picking a team of people youve only met for a few years over him who’s been there for you since you were 5
he was betrayed, cold, and sad
without each other to be there, you both studied even harder and eventually, you were both able to get into shiratorizawa
initially, you wanted nothing to do w that school since you knew kenjiro was going to be in it and that bastard ushijima wakatoshi was too
um,,, babygurl ushi did nothing to you
but your mother really wanted you to go to a nice school since she wanted you to go to a nice college
since yall werent friends anymore, he didnt know you wouldn’t be in shiratorizawa
so imagine his surprise when he saw you entering his class with the girls uniform on and a completely new hairstyle and hair color and were you wearing makeup?!
lmao she acting like they broke up
anyways, all he knows, is that boys were already looking at you and vying for attention and dear god, he didnt know how to handle that
for the first month of school, youd think you would just be ignoring each other like you did back in middle school
but nope!
somehow, yall were now talking again!
except it was a mean type of talking
you see, shirabu studied as much as he breathed and you were just a naturally smart sister who didnt study as much
but you still were able to make it to the top and currently, you were the 1st in your entire class
‘ara ara? 1st again? better luck next time, shirabu-kun~’
he glared at you from his seat as you passed by with a smug grin
this fueding is giving me vertigo
‘shut up. at least some of us work for our grades’
that was so weak lmao
but you turned around to blink your eyelashes, slightly mocking him
‘eh? are you saying that i’m naturally gifted? yanno, shirabu-kun, naturally gifted people are much better than those who have to work for it. you play with ushijima-senpai, right? so you’d know the difference between you two.’
bringing up ushijima always pained him but he kept repeating it to himself that he was doing it so that he could go to nationals
sensing his silence as defeat, you waved your hand and went back to conversing w your other friends
this continued on again for a while and he was already sick and tired of it
not only was it beginning to get annoying, it was beginning to hurt
he cornered you at your locker
aaaaa kabedon!!!!!!!
‘listen to me and listen well, y/n’
yessir im listening
‘whatever the hell youre doing, cut it out. youre not going to rile me up anymore and im not going to give you the reactions you want. i dont understand why youre doing this to me but you need to stop before i make you’
ngl, that tone of his voice was the lowest youve heard and it made you so red bc that was just hot
but you gulped before grinning wolfishly, hand pressed against his chest and the other snaking around his neck
you pulled him down to your level so you could lean close to his ear
‘now you listen to me and listen well, ken-chan, youre not my best friend anymore so you can no longer tell me what to do, kay?’
shirabu was just flustered at the close proximity between your lips and his ears that he completely missed your warning
he only snapped out of it when you walked away, heading towards your next class
you sat in class that day, wondering how to tease him more
clearly, just words wouldnt make him irritated
gurl why you doing this
and you were stumped until you saw a red-haired looking guy accompanied by a gray-haired looking guy coming up to you
ofc you recognized them from the volley team since you’ve,,,,,,maybe seen a few practices
you thought theyd just pass by but they stopped in front of you and you looked up w wide eyes
‘can,,,, i help you?’
‘wow shes cute!’
the red head shouted and you shrunk under the gazes of these tall men
‘sorry about him. im semi eita, second year’
you shook his hand and you introduced yourself before soon finding out this other guy was tendo satori
‘so what do you need me for?’
‘you see, we’re kinda in need of a manager. and i think its better to have a manager who is close to a player in the team. i apologize to say this but i saw you and shirabu-san by the lockers the other day and i think its best to have his girlfriend as our manager’
you shrieked, shocked that they thought you were
at this mention, you got a flashback from the festival and you soon turned bright red at the label of you being kenjiro’s girlfriend
‘and youre so cute y/n-chan! i can see what our darling kouhai sees in you!’
‘no, you got it all wrong its-’
then you stopped
omg this was the perfect opportunity
no gurl stop jesus take the wheel
shirabu would hate it if you were a manager bc that would give you more room to tease him
then you smiled
‘i accept, senpais. i want to see my baby in action after all’
they were ecstatic since it was a hassle to find a manager who wasnt infatuated w ushijima
you exchanged contacts and soon, you were brought to meet the team
oh boy when kenjiro saw you at the door, he dropped the ball on his head
what in the hell were you doing here
‘guys, this is our new manager!’
you peeked out from tendo and waved at them
‘hello, my name is l/n y/n, first year. and im glad to be your manager’
noticing shirabu’s shocked form, tendo and semi shared a look and interpreted as, hes so happy that his senpais chose his girlfriend for him so now he could show off and play better and that could hopefully turn his attitude to be more grateful and respectful rather than this dismissive and disrespectful behavior
but shirabu was dying inside
oh god, youre totally going to tease him during practice and hes not going to be at his best and hes not going to be able to prove himself to ushijima
‘oi! shirabu-kun! come be grateful to your senpais for letting your darling girlfriend as our manager!’
‘hey baby!’
omg, what
again, you have a loud and expressive personality so you were kinda shameless so you just ran up and hugged him
aaaaa this is so embarassing wth
‘didnt you miss me? oh, youre so cute!’
god, he knows youre only here to spite him
right on point, good sir
ugh you were practically teasing him as the manager and you were having so much fun making him all flustered
but he was also spiteful 
sometimes, he would stick his foot out whenever youd run towards a player and hed laugh at you embarassing yourself in front of them
youd return the favor by accidentally throwing his water bottle at his face
‘oh, gomen, ken-chan’
the entire time, the team was baffled to see the usual stoic and dismissive shirabu so freely laughing and actually teasing you
they think its just for good fun and not the aim of hurting each other since yall are dating and youre just flirting
combined w being academic rivals and now rivals during the team, you both were unintentionally becoming close again
the brutality was slowly simmering to a low heat
and turn the over on at 350 degrees
now, it was just to make each other flustered
the crush that you thought was gone, was slowly digging itself out like the zombies in plants vs zombies
and my god you were annoyed
from now on, you were nothing but rivals and a parasite on his side
him feeling the same
dating would cause too much and the hurtful words would eventually come back up and you concluded that you were just too different
you didnt conclude shit
one time, the team was walking from practice to a nearby convenience store to pick up food
ofc you were picking out a billion foods and you just shoved them all to his arms
‘my darling boyfriend would pay for it because he loves me. ya know what they say, make his pockets hurt’
he glared at you 
‘as far as i remember, i wasnt dating a pig’
ngl, that hurt a little bc hes calling you a fattie
but he still went up to pay for it and you intentionally bumped him with your hips to annoy him but it caused him to drop his wallet to fall
and out came his money and that picture
the picture from nearly 3 years ago
you bent down to pick it up before he could even move 
god, yall were so happy and young back then
it was awkward silent since you didnt give it back and yall walked out of the store and the team was sensing the weird vibe around you two
‘oi, what happened? its so tense!’
‘did you fight?’
‘did you get caught making out by the aisles?’
‘ong shut up, kai!’
yall kai is a third year senpai that i completely made up since we dont get insight on the senpais before ushijima
but the team noticed the weird aura around you two and decided to walk away to give yall some space
‘can-will you hand it over now?’
shirabu mumbled
you nodded and pushed it in his hands
‘why,,,, why do you still have it?’
‘you gave it to me. of course id still have it’
you were silent before coughing
‘can we talk?’
‘its about time we do’
yall walked away from the team towards your home but were taking weird turns and corners to prolong the walk
you looked up to see him and you laughed
‘this is ridiculous. its not fair’
‘what are you talking about?’
he whispered
‘i was so angry at you for saying that you dont need me and that you could easily find someone better because i knew that and i didnt like it. but i was so hurt that it came from your mouth. out of everyone, i would rather die than hear you say that to me. i think thats why ive been like this. i dont know, im being stupid. i was being stupid.’
he stopped walking and clenched his fist while glaring at the ground
‘you told me you were going to leave me. you were telling me that you wouldnt be friends with me anymore. i had to choose between you or volleyball and i wasnt at the right state of mind at that time so i chose incorrectly’
you noticed him not beside you anymore so you went behind him to rest your forehead on his back so he would see you since he preferred to be honest while not looking at you
‘ken-chan, we messed up big time, didnt we?’
his body shook as he laughed
‘i guess we did’
‘it was only over a game. i was so mean and dramatic and ive called you names and said bad stuff about you and im sorry’
‘im not innocent either. i said those words to you and im sorry’
despite slightly making up now, you both knew those feelings would have to wait because you were only getting each other back
‘can we start over, ken-chan?’
‘you want to?’
‘then we will’
omg the whiplash this is giving me
so yall are finally becoming friends and your families are relieved yall made up again bc wowza those dinners were torturous
‘now that they made up, we can go back to planning their wedding’
slowly but surely, everything has been going steady and your friendship was getting better
but you didnt admit to the club about everything bc again, shirabu was like, ‘i dont feel like explaining everything’
you both still kept a rivalry but it was friendly this time with cute wagers like treat me to milk bread or banana milk
tOOrU oIKaWA’s fAvoRiTE fOod iS MiLK bREaD
he came over often and studied w you and yall would end up actually just watching a movie or watching brain games, unconsciously cuddled up on the couch
this new closeness was doing damage to your heart bc you were again reminded of how much you liked this boy
initially, you thought it would just go away and never be seen again but it said
sIKe biH!
every time you saw him, youd unconsciously sweep away a stray hair and fix it to his weird crooked style
but whenever you do that, shirabu would get a close view of your face and omg you were freaking beautiful
and thats saying something from a guy who saw you through your awkward phase
hes unconsciously touching you more and showing more affection, even more than when yall were young
just being w you was emotionally exhausting as he holds himself back from doing drastic things but he was over it
he was done with all the years of pining for you so finally found the balls to do something about it
you were over at his place to study for exams and he was coming back up with juice
you were slumped over your calculus textbook with your hair in a bun and glasses on wearing his clothes
god theyre practically dating already
‘ken-chan, come help me with this’
he nods and goes to sit behind you
with his tall height, he was able to look over your shoulder and place his chin on it and tbh, you were so frustrated w the problem you didnt care about the closeness
‘you misplaced a decimal so everything got all wrong’
he mumbled
you gasped and made a noise of agreement before changing your answer
he didnt move though, instead wrapping his arms around yourwaist
‘oi, n/n’
this is a familiar scene
‘wanna go to the market tomorrow?’
at the mention of the market you stopped and leaned back
oh god your heart leapt at the feeling of his chest behind you but you composed quickly
‘should we?’
you turned to gauge his reaction at your closeness but he gently smiled
you havent been back to the market together since that day and it was so nostalgic as you both did the things you did back then
from the takoyaki to the stalls
it was so fun
but your heart was beating so fast
his smiling face and thoroughly enjoyed face was doing palpations in your heart
you looked away to stop staring at him and found the photo booth
‘look, ken-chan! the photo booth!’
he chuckled at the thought
‘should we go get another one?’
‘yes! come on!’
you quickly inserted the money and shirabu had flashbacks
but this time it was going to be different
‘okay lets start!’
the first picture, it was a peace sign
the second one was a wacky one
but the next one, was different
‘oi y/n’
the shutter went off just in time of him kissing you
the bright light caused you to close your eyes and you soon forgot what was happening
all you knew you were kissing ken-chan
your best friend
turned enemy
turned friend again
and now,,, were you lovers?
this rollercoaster is quite loopy
he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours
‘im sorry if-’
‘no balls, do it again’
and this time you lunged back for another
and again, this time, not only did you give him another photo, but you also gave him your heart
la fin.
yall what did i just write
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 years
Author Interview Tag!
Tagged by @maipreciation, thanks for thinking of me! This looks really fun :D
(Note: I’m keeping this as a running list, so if you’re ever wondering what fics im working on/brainstorming, make sure to check here! Last update was on 12/12/2020)
Name: Lavi! As of 12/5, I’m no longer going by my real name (see this post)
Fandoms: so many 😂 check my bio, I think I have them all listed. I’ve posted fic for Hamilton and ATLA, and then there was a huge Inktober compilation I posted last year with a whole host of fandoms. Currently, my major fandom is ATLA, and probably Kipo as I’m starting to move through S1
Where you post: I have an AO3 (lavi0123)! I used to have an FFN and a Wattpad, but I don’t use either of those anymore :/ tbh, I’m embarrassed of anything I still have up there 😂
Most popular one-shot: Most definitely we’ll give the world to you (and you’ll blow us all away), one of my contributions to Maiko Week! I’m not surprised it’s an ATLA fic, but I find it interesting that a fic with Izumi in it blew up so quickly. But hey, if y’all want more Izumi content, you won’t be disappointed 😉
Most popular multi-chapter fic: ...I’m really embarrassed to say because I don’t think I’ll ever finish it...but En Hamilton Heights is the only multichap fic I’ve published so it’s gotta be that one 😂 hopefully soon I’ll have another fic to add to that, since I’m working on one (sorry EHH fans but it’s been too long and tbh I don’t remember where I was going with it :/ I’m thinking I might orphan it)
Favorite story you’ve written so far: you think this world is a dream come true (but you’re wrong) for sure! It’s super niche but it’s something I wrote out of love for a movie I discovered this Halloween and absolutely love. Though all you’ve got to do is want something (and then let yourself have it) is a close second. Basically, anything I write that sounds absolutely bonkers as a concept is one that I love 😂 (and it’s no coincidence that both fics are Mai-centric! I love all my Mai-centric fics nearly equally)
Fic you were nervous to post: Is there an “all of the above” option? 😂 I’m always nervous to post. But in particular, I was nervous for if you ran away (come back home), because it was Mai-centric and longer than any one-shot I’d written thus far, and also you think this world is a dream come true (but you’re wrong), because it’s Mai-centric and a Coraline AU, which makes it BONKERS as an idea
Why was I nervous to post Mai-centric fics, you ask? Two reasons: 1) Mai is very different from who I am as a person (I vibe a lot more with Aang and Ty Lee, sometimes Katara and Sokka), so I didn’t want to upset the Mai stans by writing her incorrectly. 2) Mai is generally not well-liked in the fandom at large, so I especially didn’t want to attract antis who would accuse me of writing Mai as too emotional and loving (which is why I tried to justify that in my tags). Luckily, my comments have all been lovely, and I’m far less afraid to post fics about her now that I’ve written three fics with her as the focus! And the shoutout from @nonbinary-crafter-aang praising my portrayal of her?? I was touched 🥺 still am
How you choose your titles: Song lyrics or movie/book lines that speak to me, occasionally a pun. Remember that post I rb’d about how authors title their works? My tags pretty much say it all 😂
Do you outline: Ehh...define outlining 😂 for my one-shots, nope. But for my upcoming multichap works (see below) and Nanowrimo work (original fiction, so I won’t talk about it on here, but send an ask if you’re curious), YES ABSOLUTELY!
For my Nanowrimo work and one of my upcoming AUs (a Soulmate AU), the worldbuilding is so complex that it’s an absolute necessity. For the other upcoming AU (a time travel AU), there are just too many things that need to happen at certain times so as not to interfere with canon events, and things I want to change from canon and things I want to keep...I think you get the idea 😂
Complete: Basically my entire maiko halloweek series! Check it out if you want some fics about the most underrated canon ATLA couple :)
In-progress: ...En Hamilton Heights again...but not for long, sadly. Still trying to decide between a quick conclusion and just flat-out orphaning it. Still haven’t made up my mind, but either way, it won’t be what I originally planned, unfortunately.
I’m also counting my ATLA Soulmate AU on the basis of forever in my mind (only you), which has the worldbuilding and fits into the AU without much problem (the AU is going to be a series of one-shots, not a multichap fic, because there won’t be enough deviations from canon imo to justify multiple chapters. And one-shots are just less pressure for me 😂)
[EDIT 12/12/2020: added another fic because I’m an idiot and forgot about this too 🤦‍♀️😂 it’s a year-old idea that I started writing but I’m picking it back up thanks to the Heist banter in MatPat’s St Jude stream!]
-A fic series combining Escape the Night and Who Killed Markiplier (Heist and Date are part of it too, but only tangentially at the moment. Depends on how involved I want DA Y/N to be). Tentatively titled A Heavy Cost, and definitely won’t happen in any of Mark’s projects, but in a way that’s actually for the best 😂 the canonicity for me stops at ETN S3 (with some S4), then it’s canon divergence
Coming soon/not yet started: OOOH YESSS HERE WE GO
Okay okay sooo we’ve got two main things:
–An ATLA Soulmate AU, featuring platonic and romantic soulmates! I know I called it in-progress, and I stand by that even though I haven’t actually set up the series on AO3 yet, but this AU is about to be SO MUCH MORE than just a few Maiko moments. Because...drum roll...it’s gonna be entirely Aang-centric (with maybe one or two exceptions)! Like Mai, Aang is a character that doesn’t get as many -centric fics as he should (and being an Aang stan also isn’t unanimous for some reason??), so I’m gonna fix that. Plus I want to dive further into his mind, and I think I’m more equipped to do that than I was with Mai, since Aang and I are very similar in attitude.
–Bumizumi time travel AU, which can be read as platonic until the last couple chapters (it’ll be multichap) but definitely has a romantic agenda throughout. So just. Be warned if you don’t ship them. It’s gonna be chock full of comedy and antics! Also A LOT of platonic affection between Izumi and teen Zuko (and just between Izumi, Bumi, and the Gaang in general), because platonic affection is underrated and also I can :D I’m also probably gonna make fun of how some elements of affection have become solely romantic territory, because...um, no, hugging and holding hands and cuddling can be done between friends, thanks! (Maybe it’s the ace in me talking. But regardless)
There are also vague concepts I’m spitballing, like:
-Zukaang telepathy AU (Platonic Zukaang, the only romance I’ll ever write in ATLA is for the canon ships, prompted by a dream because apparently ATLA lives in my head rent-free forever now 😂)
-Evil Zuko AU (Azula doesn’t exist, mostly prompted after watching Aang make fun of Zhao and realizing that if Zuko had been in any position of power during the War...the Gaang would have stood no chance at all)
-Bumizumi Arranged Marriage AU (Bumi and Izumi both think the other is hotheaded/reckless (Izumi @ Bumi) or uptight (Bumi @ Izumi). So Kataang and Maiko (along with Sukka, Ty Lee, and Toph because...duh) set them up in an arranged marriage, with the presented reasoning being that they already know each other’s families, it’ll be a great symbol of unity, and this way Izumi doesn’t have to worry about suitors. They both agree to it (it’s arranged, not forced), and over time, they warm up to each other...and maybe even...fall in love?? Prompted because we need more arranged marriage fics! On that note, I’m gonna plug shadows and steel by @dearestpartnerofgreatness because arranged marriage needs more rep and this fic does it and with Maiko to boot!)
-Zukaang as Brothers AU (I saw a fic about this, but it wasn’t complete. If it’s not done by the time I get to this concept, I’m gonna write it, because just...imagine the possibilities! Zuko and Aang are already basically brothers in canon anyway, this is just making them brothers in blood as well as in their hearts. This is especially vague because I have no concept of how this is gonna work 🤷‍♀️ I’ll get to it eventually)
(Can you tell I’m obsessed with Zuko and Aang’s friendship? Because I am!)
[EDIT 11/25/2020: I’m adding two more because I forgot these have been swirling around in my head too 😂]
-A fix-it fic based on May You Always Be Satisfied, a backstory fic for Who Killed Markiplier by @blackaquokat! I recently reread it and remembered that I was gonna write a fix-it for that fic. Not because the fic sucks, it’s actually amazing! I’m just a sucker for the main (requited unrequited) pairing, and there’s at least five ways to make that pairing canon and avoid the mess of Who Killed Markiplier. And THEY ALL DESERVE TO BE HAPPY OKAY
-A Finnrey fix-it for the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (this one is especially vague, and I probably won’t write it since a bunch of these already exist, but it’s fun to think about. Maybe if I ever run out of WIPs 🤷‍♀️)
Upcoming story that you’re most excited to write: I’m equally excited for the Soulmate AU and the Bumizumi Time Travel AU! I’m also excited for my Nanowrimo work to be finished, but that’s more so in-progress than upcoming
@nonbinary-crafter-aang @dearestpartnerofgreatness @ohsalamanders @blackaquokat (no pressure ofc, only if you want to! But please tag me if you do, I’d love to see it!)
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It’s been a long, stressful week. So, I’m going to drunk-watch Twilight (this is part 1, I’ll do a part 2 later). So far, I have drunk watched and reviewed Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Part 1, and Breaking Dawn Part 2. I will probably drunk-watch and review New Moon some time in the near future. My sober review of Twilight is that it is the best of all the movies (But New Moon though, I know, it’s a very close second for me). I love that it was meant to be like a cool, niche indie film and Catherine Hardwicke is the best. The baseball scene. The meadow scene. The bio scene. Iconic. Anyway, my drunken thoughts are below the cut as per usual:
- So I know it’s like .0 seconds into this ish, but I just realized when Bella’s tlakign about dying in the place of someone she loves @ the beginning, we see the deer and then in BD2, when the mountain lion tries to kill the deer, Bella kills the mountain lion. Feels like symbolism idk.
- Phil really is like 25 years old lmao. Does it ever say how old he is? He looks young af. 
- Forks seems super depressing. Like the scenery is cool, but like there’s no one there? Only 3,000 people? Boring af.
- everything is so green and blue and aesthetically pleasing, thank you catherine
- i just realized the picture above the shelf with cds is also of a deer. the deer is important.
- the friendship between charlie and billy is all i want in life
- the truck literally brought a smile to my face. and the whsikey. 
- the high shcool looks more like a fancy ass mansion and idk why no one else has ever called out this fake shit
- eric is so precious an we deserved more of hom
- bella playing volleybal is me lamo i’m so uncoordinated at throwing shit liek that hahaha
- i just keep thinking about how anna kendrick forgot she was in this movie. if i played a character as written in canon by smeyer, i’d probably choose to forget it too. 
- mike is so fcking creepy lmao he could’ve been written better but smey r said no
- if people don’t look @ me and my mans on my wedding day the wya they look @ rosalie and emmett int he cafeteria scenr then imma fuking fight
- do not disrecpt carlisle like that hoe he is a flawless mna and deserve your full respecgt
- what the fuck i hate this scnee now that ik now abotu banner fck smyer’s nast y ass
- also lmao @ rob’s face he was foin to fuckng mucj
- wy the fuc did bella wear a bowling shirt over al ong gray shirt?
- my arms feel heavy af right now lmaooooo
- the lady they had play renene lowkey looks like krisen they did a good job casting them
- oooooh hell yeah eyes on fire time bitch
- emmett is my fave pullign up on top the jeep and hopping out like it’s nothing
- this scene is actually pwowrful because bella’s wathcin g the cullens but her human friends try to get her attention so it’s liek she’s being torn between the two worlds. cahterine’s mind
- i duckinf love the aesthetic and scnery of this movie
- mike really said how you likin da rain girlllllll lmao
- when edward apologizes though lowkey that shit’ cute and i would’ve fotgiven him too
- this bitch lied. tlaking about i don’t like any cold thing. homie. you a damn lie.
- “i’m just trying to figure you out” mhy ex said th  same damn thing lmaoooo bitch i ain’t about to let you figre me out unless yo uput a ring on it-
- whne i say edward stopping the van was ome iconic shit i mena inconng
- awww hell ya the hot doc is almost here
the moment i’ve ukjng been waiting on
- i love carlisle i’m so fucking thirsty for this bitch even though i just downed som mufng whiskey
- literally carlisle could get it period.
- rosalie is 1000% a daddy’s girl like anytime someone gives her shit she runs to carlisle and he’s got her back. he only supported edward and bella becaus esme did and she’s a hopeless romatic and carlisle loves that about her. but if it wans;t for esme, edward would’ve gotten his as sent lmao.
- if you see acreepy dude int eh corne of your room what ar you gonna do?
- agaain with the shot of bella being town between the humans vand vamps chathetiner’s mind
- tbh i eel like i know what should’v happened in canon better than smeyr at this poijtn and it’s not canpn that the cullens would’ve gone on a field trip. they just wouldn’t have like it’s extra risk and it’s unnecsary.
- edwar’ds fae when jessica rna upt talking about mike lmaoooooooo
- not gonan lie i love thsit shirt bella’s wearing when they’ra tlaking about la push kind of wanti kt
- the dumbas s salsd
- i want an edward fanvid to  bad guy by bullie easihr lish
- love thatb ella encouageed angela to ask etic to prom. a feminsit quenenne
- why di d theyr rcarst the original embry and quil? 
- when taylor said old scar tsotry the midwest accent popped thef ick out
- i love jow bellas all serious baout this shit and jake doesnt give af he’s like bitch it aint real lmaoooo
- i stan laurent and i’m so angry about what smeer did to him
why do people just layo out in the sun like this lmaoooo
- awww i’m so happy fro angela i love her
- bella was ahrdore fucking femimnist and it should’ee been more cental to the plot fmeinist bella never would’ve tolerated half the shit she tolerated from jale and edwar.snmeyr has no consitnency
- why tf would opu statt wlaking down a dark alley @ night
- edward saves the day from thos ecuckgjn scumbags
- i just relaized they/re usposed to be in wahsingtob but they have fucmngn oregon plates on the car lmaooooo
- but if a dude whopeped his car lioke that idc what kinda car he drove even a volvo that shti sexy aaf
- he looks so fcking angry lmaooooo @ jess and angela
- yhis scene is cute but it also looks like this is where rob regretted his decision t op lay an emo edodei boi
- the older ig et the creeperi it gets to me that edward followed her like yeah it worked and he ended up resuing her but like still creep yas fuk
- carlisle in that coat at the staitons does a lot for me
- if i was chalrie iw ould’ve given her a hwoel ass taser
- someone tell me why bella tbought the book if she was just goign to golg.e it all
- edward weares the same thign evry damn day lmaooooo
- why werent the yf facgtin eah other when bella was tlaking this shit is too mcuh 
- i wouldn’t be afriad eitgher @ carlise
- it would be fun to run tlike that thou lnao m
- the spakrling skin thuing is funny af while durnki thogjh
- eddie bou is so damn emo and overramatic liek bitch yo uuahgt feelings too chill thf out 
- efawrd remind sme s omcuhg of chuck in gossip girl has anyone else thoguth this
- bella striahgtu p toldthis dumbass she was aafrianf onky of losing him and he left her in the next one
- the meadowa as fucking iconing as everrrrrrr
- i;m not gonna make it through this hwole  movie i’m tired watch out for part 2
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cornerverse-mlp · 5 years
I wrote this post, like, a year and a half ago but I just found it so here I’m throwing it into the void!
Okay, I have no justification of any kind, other than “the other night I rearranged my room, saw my mlp toys on my Percy Jackson shelf, and decided to debate with myself about “if the MLP cast were all in the PJO Universe, who would their godly parent be?”.” 
Obviously they’re all Humans, or well, Demigods, in this AU(Actually, there’s one Mortal), instead of being ponies(I think by default horses are Poseidon territory). That said, their in-show abilities/traits count for what I choose. Same for choosing the ‘godly parent’, meaning that while full Myth(and my interpretations) will be in play, how the gods work in the PJO books count as well. 
I’m also keeping to just the more well-known gods/goddesses. Because while there’s a lot of minor ones and I could probably spend days going down the rabbit hole of Wikipedia articles to find a ‘perfect fit’, why would I do that? For that same reason, I’m also sticking to Greeks instead of trying to balance ‘should I make them Greek or Roman?’. 
So! On that note, this is mostly a list, however, I do add more and give reasons for my choices, even talking of ones I debated about. And a few bonus headcanons.
Twilight Sparkle - I feel like Athena is the obvious choice. I mean, Twi’s intelligent and strategic so Daughter to the Goddess of Wisdom is a good idea, plus she has a pet owl which is one of Athena’s symbols. It’s what most people go with.
However, I’m going with her as a Daughter of Hecate. My reasons?
 First of all, Hecate is Goddess of Magic, and, well, Magic is Twi’s thing. She’s a talented spellcaster, and that’s a big part of her character.
Hecate is also a Goddess of Crossroads, something we see a lot with Twilight, in multiple ways.
She is the character with the most ‘counterparts’, not just her literal Counterpart in Sci-Twi, but metaphorical counterparts, ‘other paths she could have taken’. I mean, there’s Sunset, Starlight, Sci-Twi, Trixie, and also Moondancer that show off places Twilight could have ended up had she chosen differently in life. 
However, Twilight is also the Crossroad for others. She is the character who is trying to lead others down the best path, giving them the choice of where to go. Again, we see this a lot with reforming villains. She offers them a chance to change the path, to turn and go down another. 
Another thing that Hecate is associated with is childbirth and nurturing the young. 
In the show, Twilight earned her Cutie Mark by hatching Spike, and even if she wasn’t his direct mother(I headcanon them more as siblings), she did help to raise him. 
She’s also a teacher, both in usual subjects (as we saw with the CMC in Twilight Time), and in teaching others about friendship(While those characters are not ‘young’, it counts).
Pinkie Pie - Again, it seems like an obvious choice as a Daughter of Dionysus, God of wine, parties, and madness. Okay, we have no idea how Pinkie feels about wine since this is a kids show(Personally, I feel like she shares my tastes and doesn’t care for it.)
Which is why I’m making her a Daughter of Apollo instead. He’s God of the Sun, and Pinkie is a metaphorical ball of sunshine. Other things Apollo is the God of include: Healing, Music, Art, Archery, and also Prophecy.
Pinkie’s relation to Music and Art are obvious, and while we don’t get to see her with a bow, she seems to have good aim. As for Prophecy? Pinkie Sense. She’s canonically able to predict the future. 
Now, you might not think Healing fits in, but it does. After all, isn’t Laughter the best medicine? Okay, jokes aside, while Pinkie isn’t a ‘healer’ in the doctor sense, she’s more like a ‘healer’ in the therapist sense(Obviously not licensed, but you get the idea). When she can’t cheer someone up from just a simple party, she puts her all into working through their problems and getting them to be truly happy again. And that’s a type of healing people forget about alot.
Rarity - Huh. Another one that gets a ‘this has an obvious choice’ category. A Daughter of Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty, Love and Lust, able to charm any into doing what she wishes. And in terms of the PJO world? She’d fit right in with the others of the Aphrodite Cabin(Well, she’d probably punch Drew in the face but whatever.).
However, once more, I’m going for an odd choice: Daughter of Hades. And before I go into my reasoning, take all the memories of Hades as a villain and anything from Disney and chuck that out a window. Not just here, but in general. Because damn it, he’s not evil. He’s probably one of the most chill of the gods. Stop making him the villain. Even this series only used him as a fakeout villain in the first book. And we don’t talk about the movie. What movie? That doesn’t exist!
Anyway, while Hades is God of the Underworld, he also has a few other things he rules. Hades is also known as the God of Wealth, as all of the precious metals and gems in the Earth were of his domain as well. Rarity and her ability to manipulate Gems reminds me a little bit of Hazel’s abilities(though obviously less cursed(And I know Hazel is technically ‘Pluto’s’ but they’re both the same god and not the same god)).
However, there’s a few other things that made me decide to have Rarity be a Daughter of Hades instead of Aphrodite:
First is the fact that, as much as Aphrodite was a good fit for her in quite a few ways, she is also considered a Goddess of Desire(not just Lust, but all desires and even the fulfillment of said desires). As materialistic as Rarity can be, she’s also the Element of Generosity. While the MLP universe can balance the traits, making her want things but always giving to others as well, putting Desire in her nature feels wrong.
Secondly, within the PJO series, Hades is shown to be very generous, even if it’s a trait rarely seen by the other gods(due to family feuding), but is shown in his relationships with the women he loved.
His love with Persephone, for example. He was kind and patient with her, wishing for her to love him as he did her. He started with magnificent gifts,and took to spending all of his time with her and doing whatever he could to make her happy. He even hired the most skilled (deceased) gardeners in the Underworld to grow a magnificent garden for her. He says that though he is God of Wealth, she is dearer to him than any precious metals or gems.
(Because I know someone will point it out, the whole thing with their relationship and the pomegranate seeds has several interpretations, some happier than others. The PJO version has Persephone truly fall for Hades, and one of the gardeners tricks her with the pomegranate seeds. (My personal interpretation of the story is that Persephone fell for Hades and ate the Pomegranate seeds on purpose so that they wouldn’t be separated. I mean, within actual Greek Myths, they’re the most stable couple with the least affairs))
Back to the books, we have Maria di Angelo. Hades tried to convince her to live in Underworld with him, despite the fact that it would piss off Persephone a bit, to protect her and their kids from the other gods. He insists that he will build her a beautiful golden palace by the River Styx, but doesn’t get a chance to because Zeus kills her first. (He wishes to resurrect her, but even a God of the Underworld must obey the laws of Death.)
While it’s technically ‘Pluto’ and not ‘Hades’, we also have Marie Levesque. He loved her so much he swore on the River Styx to give her anything. When she took him up on that and asked for all the riches of the Underworld, he begs her to ask for anything else, as the greediest wishes come with curses. And even though she ignored the warning and cursed their daughter, he did what he could to protect them. 
Another reason is that I find that most interpretations of the afterlife are Generous, in a way. While there’s definitely punishment in the afterlife, most versions include some version of ‘unless you’re a huge dick you’ll be rewarded with everything that would make you happy’. 
Final reason: the fanfic “In the Twilight of Death” which includes Rarity as a Grim Reaper. It doesn’t really factor in ‘logically’, but tbh I can’t help it. That fic’s good though so check it out.
Applejack - While it’s obvious, I’m not going to pull what I did before and be like ‘this is obvious but..’ thing. Applejack would be a Daughter of Demeter. Goddess of Agriculture and Harvest and all that.
Rainbow Dash - I debated about this one for a while. I thought of using Ares(Rainbow’s middle name is ‘Fight Me’), Zeus(Because God of Sky and Lightning), and even Iris(Because Goddess of the Rainbow).
However, I ended up deciding on her being a Daughter of Nike, Goddess of Victory, Strength, and Speed. It fits quite well. 
Fluttershy - Daughter of Iris. While I considered this for Rainbow Dash, I feel Iris fits Fluttershy more because of the version in the books. I mean, non-violent, only attacks in self defense, a little with the hippie crowd, severely underestimated due to their most known traits(Iris is known for messages and rainbows, Flutters is known for being kind and shy) but will totally kick your ass when needed.
Sunset Shimmer - Okay, I really want to put Hestia, because I associate Sunset with Hestia a lot because of reasons. But apparently Hestia has no kids as she’s one of the Virgin Goddesses. I’m really trying to think of other options. Like
Hecate, because like Twilight she’s Magic
Apollo, because of the Sun connection, good with her hands(art and music)
Athena, because she’s intelligent and strategic
Hephaestus, because she could totally build magic robots(Again, good with her hands) and also fire association
But just.... none of them feel right.
Fuck it! I don’t fucking care. Let’s just pretend that Hestia is like Athena, she creates children through other means and is still an eternal virgin. IDK, maybe they spawn out of her hearth fires. Anyway, Sunset’s a Daughter of Hestia.
Celestia and Luna - I’m putting them together because their headcanons are a bit connected. Okay, so, in this AU they’re either half-sisters or adopted. Celestia is a Daughter of Apollo(because Sun), but Luna is a Mortal.
However, because they’re always together, and because Luna can see through the Mist, she knows all about the whole ‘Demigods’ thing. But this puts Luna in a lot of danger, and Celestia insists she be allowed to come to CHB too so she can protect herself.
Obviously they don’t allow it since Luna’s Mortal, but Celestia decides that instead she’ll train Luna with all the Greek weaponry herself. 
At some point, they’re off on their own somewhere and end up running into some monsters. They handle it beautifully, and catch the attention of Artemis. She invites them both to join her Hunters, which they agree to. Luna took to the life better, being nocturnal and seeming to almost be able to see through the darkness, so she quickly became the Hunters’ Lieutenant
Discord - Son of Eris. Come on. That one’s too perfect.
Chrysalis - Daughter of Aphrodite. Again, kinda perfect on that one.
Cadence -  Can we go three for three on perfection? Yes, because here’s another Daughter of Aphrodite.
Shining Armor - I was debating on this, because he and Twilight are siblings so how should this work? I don’t want him to also be a son of Hecate. So they’re step-siblings on the Mortal side in this AU
I was also debating on whether to make his godly parent Ares or Athena. On one hand, while both are war/battle gods, Athena has a heavier emphasis on strategy. On the other hand, Athena also has heavier emphasis on her non-battle qualities.
Not to disrespect any character and/or gods, but while Shining is intelligent and a good strategist, he doesn’t fit the rest of the Athena kid qualities. So I’m making him a Son of Ares, though a bit more strategic and less bloodthirsty than his godly half-siblings(he gets it from his mom’s side of the family).
Spike - Son of Hephaestus, and definitely has those fire powers. While his character isn’t known for building, I think he could have some skill with it. As for his relationship to Twilight and Shining in this AU: He was adopted by their Mortal Parents. I’ll go more into that later.
Sweetie Belle - Rarity’s half-sister, on the mortal side. Daughter of Apollo. She sucks at healing and if you value your life keep her away from the bows, but her music skill is fantastic. Her prophecy abilities only show up when she’s being sarcastic.
Scootaloo and Flash Sentry - Full siblings(because I headcanon them as such in-show). Children of Athena. An odd choice, but I think it works. We know Flash is a Guard in-show, meaning he’s likely good with fights, and if Scootaloo had a middle name it’d be ‘fight me’, but both have also shown some craftsmanship abilities. Well, Scoots has(working on her scooter and all(also, you have to be smart to calculate those tricks yourself)) and I headcanon that Flash has shown those type abilities as well because the show gives him so little character that anything with him is ‘canon until proven otherwise’ and- Whatever. Rant for another time. 
Big Macintosh - Full sibling with Applejack. Son of Demeter. Self-explanatory.
Applebloom - Daughter of Hephaestus(AJ and Big Mac are her step-siblings in this AU). I chose this because all expected her to get a Cutie Mark for, well, building shit in general. (I’m still a little salty there)
Starlight Glimmer - Daughter of Nemesis, Goddess of Justice/Vengeance/Balance. You can figure out that one on your own.
Diamond Tiara - Either a Daughter of Hades,or another example of me saying ‘fuck it!’ and making her a Daughter of Hestia like Sunset. I am undecided. 
Have a few more headcanons for this AU:
This all would be post-PJO series, because a few things would vary a lot from Canon if it were during-series.I mean, Hades can only loophole kids into the series so many times before someone snaps. Also Luna becoming the Hunter’s Lieutenant would involve Thalia either dying or stepping down. And I want this to be when minor gods/goddesses have their own cabins too, and perhaps CHB has established something similar to New Rome where adult Demigods can just chill(Or Percy said ‘fuck you let us have a safezone to chill as adults’ and had some friends help buy a horse ranch in the middle of bumfucknowhere for people to set up their own town of Demigods. Because I’m pretty sure summer camp has an age limit.)
As for ages, most of them would be the ages I usually headcanon for them: Mane 7(And Flash) are 16-19, younger siblings(And Diamond) are 13/14, older siblings(and Starlight) are in early twenties. Might drop Celestia/Luna/Discord/Chrysalis down to early twenties too. 
I mean, age is irrelevant, as I’m not writing a story with them at these ages. I’m just giving the ages relevance to one another. 
Oh! So, I mentioned the whole Twilight, Shining, and Spike thing and how all that goes down. 
So, Twilight and Shining’s Mortal parents are their in-show parents. Velvet met Ares during her ‘rebel phase’ and had a one-night-stand that resulted in Shining. Night Light met Hecate and had a bit more of a relationship, but it was only a few nights and then she ‘stopped texting back’, allowing him to move on. He soon met Velvet and they fell in love. Then one night Hecate knocks on his door, drops newborn-Twilight into his arms and is like ‘Hey, I had a kid, she’d yours. I can’t take care of her or stay in your life. Bye!’. Despite the confusion, Velvet sticks by him and they get married. Also, imagine that itty bitty Shining pretty much thought Hecate was ‘the stork’ until sex-ed classes. 
Anyway, while both kids are showing various abilities(Some more concerning than others. Shining is the embodiment of ‘Let me see what you have...’ ‘A knife!’), their parents don’t know about Demigods or anything. Just that their kids have powers. They convince them to keep it all secret, which works for a while. Until one year on the last day of school. At the time, Shining’s 11 and in 5th grade, Twi’s 6 and in 1st grade. Spike happens to be going to the same school, though he doesn’t run into them often because he’s in Kindergarten. Spike’s story is that he’s an orphan, his bio mom having either disappeared or abandoned him. The adults weren’t sure about his age but stuck him in Kindergarten(we later find out he’s actually 4 at this time, but he’s a smart kid so he didn’t struggle through it). 
As I said, it’s the last day before summer break(because of course it is), when a monster manages to herd the three of them into an empty classroom. They fight the thing off well enough. Luckily, one of their teachers happened to be one of CHB’s undercover people(maybe a Satyr or a former camper). Unluckily, their teacher has to take them on the run since more monsters are chasing them. 
During their ‘on the run to camp’ time, Twilight and Shining bond with Spike a lot. They all get to camp, and get to properly message their parents(AKA give mom and dad another heart attack because phones are banned but rainbows work fantastic!), and essentially get the rundown on the whole Demigod business. 
Unfortunately, they get separated pretty quick. All three get Claimed, and sent to different cabins. While they slowly get used to sleeping so far apart and do end up making some friends with other campers, they stubbornly refuse to be separated. People try, but it’s hard to argue with the guy with a perfect intimidating stare and knife collection, the girl who has little issue spellcasting when angry, and the toddler with fire powers. 
By the end of the first summer, Twilight and Shining don’t want to leave Spike behind. I mean, his two options are either becoming a year-round camper, or going back into the foster care system. They talk to their parents about it, and it doesn’t take much convincing for them to legally adopt Spike into the family.
Oh, another family thing I’d have to talk about is Pinkie and her family. I’m not quite sure how though. Maybe she’s adopted by them at some point? I don’t usually like making Pinkie the ‘adopted’ one, but I’d kind of have to since she’s third oldest and that’s better than the alternatives. But I don’t think any of her sisters are Demigods. 
Her relationship with the Cakes though! I headcanon differently. So, I’m gonna bump up the twins to elementary school age(7). Anyway, the twins are also Demigods(children of Hermes). Someone’s probably asking ‘uh, wouldn’t that involve an affair?’. Well, I’m just going to go with either 1.)Mr. and Mrs. Cake weren’t together yet or 2.) open relationship?
Anyway, Pinkie met them two years ago. She happened to be hanging in the park near their bakery(because they still own a bakery in this au). The twins go to the park a lot after school, usually with one parent supervising the playground. This time, however, a monster attacks. Since Pinkie was nearby, she leaped into action. She manages to get the cakes to run off, and follows because the monster seems more intent on the easier kill(Aka, she can’t lure it away). 
Eventually, she manages to kill the beast, and the twins are scared but think she’s a superhero. She correctly guessed that Mr. Cake isn’t their bio dad, and asks if there’s been any other ‘incidents’, either attacks or unexplained things happening. She does decide to tell them the truth, showing off her own powers to prove it. After that sinks in, she tells them about CHB, and how it can keep the twins safe, and teach them to defend themselves. 
At first, they’re against it, as they really don’t want their kids to learn something so dangerous. But Pinkie sticks around to protect them, walking them from school in the afternoons and babysitting when they want to go to the park. Monster attacks and weird things become a bit more frequent(mostly because now the Cakes now about this, and also Pinkie can testify that it wasn’t ‘small children with overactive imaginations’).
 So they ask Pinkie about CHB again, how safe is it? She assures them that it’s safe, and that if they want, they can do it just for the summer, pretend it’s a normal summer camp. So yeah, after the school year ends they let Pinkie play navigator and drive to camp. Pinkie helps them with the sign-in process(since Mortals aren’t usually allowed in and she doesn’t have the authority yet), and both Pumpkin and Pound have been going to CHB for the summer since. Pinkie still sticks with them during the other months, protecting, babysitting, and making sure they keep their skills sharp(which terrifies their parents because, uh, you are dual-wielding swords to battle small children??), but they’re happy and safe and Pinkie’s grown on them, so they’re good with it!
I don’t think I have any more specific headcanons on how the others found out/how they got to camp. 
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ashesofeternity · 7 years
Hey. Hey. My phone won't let me send all the symbols so guess what. Here's me saying all the symbols for that song ask thing.
🌧 - song for a rainy day
The first one that came to mind was Valkyries (Blind Guardian), because it literally starts with the sound of rain, but now I’ve realised there’s a much better song for this technically
The Edge ~ Blind Guardian
This is the edge now, it’s all we’re living forRAIN ON ME Love you’ll rain on meAnd at the end I boast in the cross and nowLove reigns -The god incarnation I’ve shaped
🌚 - song for when i’m feeling nervous
Rain or Shine ~ ELISA (I’m not putting lyrics because the best part is just the lalalala t b h)
🔥 - song that pumps me upNot in a million years will my answer to this one change g od I love grimgar
Sudden Storm ~ (K)NoW_NAME
Wonder where I’ll go from here, in this battlefieldBut I know that…I will shout till all is burnt and sweptI’ll bring the fire in and drainI wanna hear you screaming for my name(C'mon show me what you got)Singin in the fameEven when the future’s grayI’ll shine my sword to show and lead the way(Fightin’ till I win, time’s tickin’, better start runnin’ for your life,I don’t care about a war crime)Dust and ashes are the sameThe savage wars will never endThe blood I shed will turn to soil and blendNothing’s gonna stop my blade from slaying themI’ll keep my faith 
🍂 - song that helps me calm down 
 Soshite… Ikinasai
Hito wa yume kara umareta ikimonoAozora ga konna ni setsunai nante?Kako mo mirai mo mabataki hitotsu noMijikai inochi to shitteru karaToki yo… Umarekawattara hitoharu no hana de iiSoshite ikinasaisoshite aisareteRururu rurururururu Rururu rurururururu rurururururu Soshite nakinasaiSoshite chirinasai
🌊 - song for a day at the beach
Race the Seas ~ Solar Fragment
Only your picture will keep me saneI can see the prints of your feet on the beachbut at every spotthey are leading away from meand I fear that with a splashing wavethey are drawn back to the seaI have to race the seas to regain my honorto be worthy of loving you, my brideAnd then the tide will rise againbut you’re out of sightSo for a while I’ll rest here by the shoreuntil my future will recur
⭐️ - song i’ll listen to on repeat
Look, now, there’s so fucking many lmao. Right now it’s the entire Rome Burns album, but I’m gonna pick (because I Am The King doesn’t have official lyrics)…The Final War ~ Imperivm
My name is AntonyI fight for love in the sands of Egypt […]This is the final act, the last battle against the traitorFor you, my Egyptian queenWho are close to me… Here in my armsThe last ray of sun before darknessThe last ray of sun for freedomThe last ray of sun, save the Republic againstThe usurper that caused final warThe last real hope not succumbingThe last real hope of survivalThe last real hope before our suicideThe traitor that caused final war
🌠 - song that’s special to me
disillusion ~ Tainaka Sachi (god I love fate)
Yume ni mite ita Ano hi no kage ni Todokanai sakebi
Asu no jibun wa Nante egaite mo Kienai negai ni nureru
Kobore ochiru kakera wo Tsukamu sono te deYureru kokoro kakaete Tobikonde ike yoru heDareka wo ate ni shite moMotomeru mono ja nai no dakaraHontou no jibun wa koko ni irutteMe wo tojite inaide
☂ - song for when i’m feeling sad
there’s so many I’m trying to balance them out here between the sad asks asdkljaslkdjaslkd here have the saddest one
Life ~ Nene
Asa gakurebaTaiyou ganoboriyukuKoko nikoko niWatashi wairu yoKokoro karaai suru kotoKibou no hikarini naru
Subete wodakishimeHito waikiteku
IWantToSeeYouAgainYoru ninarebaHoshi gamatataiteyuku
Koko nikoko niWatashi wairu yo
🙂 - song that makes me smile
STARTING NOW! ~ Nana Mizuki
Tatoeba, hitotsu dake negai ga kanau nara (1, 2, 3, Go)Sekaijuu maki konde waraeru koi ga shitai (Get ready for a happy time)
Unmei nante kuuran darakeFuhen wo buchi yabure! (Now’s your chance)
STARTING NOW! STARTING NOW!!Kaitaku no seimeiSTARTING NOW! STARTING NOW!!Kizuiteiru desho?Zenryoku wo shitta mono dake furerareru yume ga aru
JUMPING UP! JUMPING UP!!JUMPING UP! JUMPING UP!!Ashita wo tsukuri daseru no wa dare demo nai, bokura da
💔 - song for a heartbreak
ok don’t shame me but, well, it’s about Tristan (and I don’t understand shit of the lyrics tbh lmao but I can feel it)
The Maiden And The Minstrel Knight ~ Blind Guardian
Yesterday’s memories and melodiesAre gone with the wind, so sadSnow-white her hands and golden her hairBut she’s not the oneOut in the emptiness where everything’s paleThere is no sign of you, I’m aloneHow I wish you would be here, I’m aloneTelling me it’s alright, come rest (your head)Come rest your headCome rest your headCome rest your headCome rest your headI’m alone and sadness reigns in my heartAs long as we live it won’t go awayWe are one but torn apartWill you still wait for me?Will you still cry for me?Come and take my handWill you still wait for me?Will you still cry for me?Come and take my handProudly it standsUntil the world’s endThe victorious banner of love
🎉 - song to party to
the entire Korpiklaani discography but that’s unfair so let’s pretend Korpiklaani doesn’t exist for a second and
Flyers ~ BRADIO
Everybody, put your hands upsou flying, tsubasa ni naremitemitai na muchuu ni nareru kimiimada seichouki shinsekai e
Everybody, put your hands upsou flying, sono imeeji dekitto nareru sa naritai jibun nisagase You’re the one oobutai e
Flyin’ wasureteta (Flyin)’ kioku no naka demou ichido mune no takanari o kike
🚶 - song for when i feel alone
Namae Wo Yobu Yo ~ Luck Life
inakutemo ii kaHitori tsubuyaite sora o miagetetaKaze ni magireteDoko kara ka kikoetaBoku no namaeBoku ga boku de ireru you ni moratta mono
Sorezore ni ima wo aruiteru bokura ga waraeru you niIkiteiru imi o tashikameainagara susumeru you niNamae wo youbu yoAnata no namae woAnata ga anata de ireru you ni
Kanashimi ni kurete anata no namida ga koboreru tokiSabishisa ni afurete kokoro ga shibondeku tokiNamae wo youbu yoAnata no namae woBoku no namae wo yonde kureta mitai ni
👯 - song that reminds me of someone
I could use this slot for something sad again but ACTUALLY here’s
Fie On Goodness ~ Mordred and Friends
No one repents for any sin nowEvery soul is immaculate and trim(Immaculate!)
No one is covered with chagrin nowLolly lo limGad, but it’s grimOh, fie on goodness, fieFie, fie, fie
There’s not a folly to deploreDerry down, derry downConfession Sunday is a boreDerry down, derry down
Ah, but to spend a tortured evening staring at the floorGuilty and alive once more
Oh, fie on virtue, fieFie on mercy, fieFie on justiceFie on goodness
Fie, fie, fie, fie, fie
💪🏽 - song that helps me be strong
kono mirai ga horobiteshimau kurai nara
UNCHAIN YOUR LIFE tamashii hikisaiteUNBREAK DESTINY o kirihiraitenando kokoro yabure kuchihateta kono SOUL o saisei
TURN BACK THE TIME kurikaesu gensouFIGHT BACK THE PAIN yomigaeru honnounando moetsukusare sono hai kara tachiagaru jinsei
tenmei o furihodoite THIS IS MY LIBERATION
🏋 - song to work out to
I don’t do that but hypothetically
The Soulforged ~ Blind Guardian
From a distant timeVoices echo in the hall“Come and join usEnter life” andEverything is gone nowAnd through the looking glassI still fear mortality and its loss in the endUnlimited power in my handsThe claw of the dragon ascends(Mourn for his lost soulHe’s cursed and condemned)Each step I takeMay it hurt may it acheLeads me furtherAway from the pastBut as long as I breatheWith each smile on my bleak faceI’m on my way to findBack to the peace of mindAnd from the flamesAs chance would have itThe soulforged will come into lightAnd from the flames as chance would have itThe soulforged,The stainless will riseI will never change my mindI will leave it all behind
☄ - song for when i feel lighter than air 
Super☆Affection deserves a mention here because DAMN, b u t, I’m picking another starry song
Hallelujah☆Essaim ~ my friends from gabdrop
kakin?mukakin? mochikakin (hei maido!)aku nimezamete asagohan (chou matto-!)shikkoku nisometeyaru wa (FAITO!)hontominasama oitawashii 
ochikoboretoka mitomenai ([Demons] danko!)somosomo no hanashi desu ne ([Demons] nda to…?)sawagashii kono mainichi minna ga daisuki 
[Angels] tenshi janakutatte [Demons] akuma janakutatteyuujou wa(YES!!) fumetsu da yo (YES!!)HALLELUJAH☆ESSAIM!!!! 
watashitachi(zettai)konna ninatta keredo (lucky)shiawase nanda kara (sansei)ashita mo kitto kitto ii hi da yo newatashitachi (yuushou)jibun ni uso tsukanai (kettei)tanoshimanakya son janai? (sou desu)anata morettou Let’s Gokocchi oideyo rettou Let’s Try: DROP OUT
tama ni omou no hitori bocchi de koko ni ita narataikutsu sugite sekai ga owatteta kamoitsumo itsumo honto ni arigatoudame na watashi mo dame na anata mo suki ni naretarasubarashisugite wonderful world desusou subete wa watashitachi shidai
☀️ - song for a sunny day
This was an incredibly hard one, surprisingly, because Traveler In Time (Blind Guardian) and sun will rise (KnOW NAME) and anything by Solar Fragment keep coming to mind b u t I gotta choose one song, right?
Lunar Lament ~ Demons & Wizards
Take a look at meSo cold and all aloneI drift around in circlesAnd I can’t reach the sun
You saints and sinnersYour peace and warI drift alone in silence‘Cause I can’t reach the sun
It’s all I long forThe heat of the sunIt’s all I long forWhat I’m wishing for is the blessingof the sun
🌲 - song that reminds me of nature
I don’t want to put an instrumental here, but The Butterfly (Cruachan) really deserved this BUT HERE’S COMPENSATION
Erinsong ~ Cruachan
I am the wind that blows over the seaI am the wave of the oceanI am the murmur of the billowsI am the ox of the seven combatsI am a vulture on the rockI am a ray of the sunI am the fairest of plantsI am a wild boar in valourCome with me, I’ll show you eternityThis magical ring, it holds the key to everythingOur faerie land, the forests and mountains you seeCreated by magic, cast from the Gods and the Sidhe
💤 - song i fall asleep to
can’t relate to falling asleep in general to a song but for the swedenborgian feels I’m going with
Call My Name ~Kazenari no Oka~ ~ Yucca
Yoru no sukima yakusoku no oka de Tsukiakari ni shitataru hanabira ni KISU wo Fushigi no kuni izanau sono kagi  Nigitta mama de shoujo wa otona ni narenai Kowagaru koto nado nani mo nai  Anata wa keshite hitori janai no Call my name, dear my friend Sugu soba ni yukuwa Doko ni itatte tsunagatteiru Call my name, call my name Sugu daite ageru Ude no naka de nemutte mou nakanai de
✌🏼️ - song for when i feel fabulous
eh I’m not sure what this means so I’m taking the easy way out
Vodka ~ Korpiklaani
Vodka, you’re feeling strongerVodka, no more feeling badVodka, your eyes are shiningVodka, you are the real MANVodka, wipes away your tearsVodka, removes your fearsVodka, everyone is gorgeousVodka, yeah vodka
🌪 - song for when i’m angry
I mean most of them
Battlefield ~ Blind Guardian
It cannot be seenBut there’s blood on the greenOnly god knows I’m innocentTake me, take me homeA dark seed reigns in meLike the storm rules over the seaI challenge thee, do not cross this bridge alone
Don’t dare me nowThe threatening shadows will pass byThere’re getting closer nowOpen your eyesWake up my dear young friendAnd hate shall fade awayI will not move, yetI’ll stand still, insteadThere on the battlefield he standsDown on the battlefield he’s lostAnd on the battlefield it endsWar and anger shall reignThe clash of iron can be heardBy blindness you’re driven insaneI’m lost in anguish and griefSorrow won’t wane ‘til you dieA shattered body deeply hurtAnd darkness will cover the lightIt’s gone forevermoreThe field’s been left in sorrowThe father and the sonThey’re goneThe sun shines brightAnd anger risesLorn and lonelyTorn apartDon’t you thinkIt’s time to stop nowWe were charmed and fooled by the old serpent’s kissLet’s prayThat heaven is on our sideThrough violence and horrorShall honour ariseSo let’s prayAnd blessed shall be our leaderWe follow the noble and brightDon’t you hear me cryingCryingCome take me awayI hallow thy nameThere on the battlefield he standsDown on the battlefield he’s lostAnd on the battlefield it endsWar and anger shall reignThe clash of iron can be heardBy blindness you’re driven insaneI’m lost in anguish and griefSorrow won’t wane ‘til you dieA shattered body deeply hurtAnd darkness will cover the lightIt’s gone forevermoreThat’s what minstrel singJoin in the horrible screamsTake part in murderous deedsRenowned be the lion-heartedJoin in the minstrelsyWailing in endless griefIt eagerly longs for moreBroken bodies lay down on the ground
Blood sheds all over the placeThe green will be stained foreverAnd hate reigns all over the fieldThey keep struggling on in angerFiercely intenseOutrageous, too blind to seeAnd in pain they keep on singingWe claim the land for the highlordGod bless the land and our highlord
War and anger shall reignThe clash of iron can be heardBy blindness you’re driven insaneI’m lost in anguish and griefSorrow won’t wane ‘til you dieA shattered body deeply hurtAnd darkness will cover the lightIt’s gone forevermore
🎤 - song i’ll sing out loud 
KOOOOOOOOOOOOOUTESTU NO KAAABANERI YO SAAA TACHIAGARE wait no stop teb you can’t sing a song you only remember the chorus!
Time Stands Still (At The Iron Hill) ~ Blind Guardian
Light fails at dawnThe moon is goneAnd deadly the night reigns(Deceit)Finally I’ve found myselfIn these landsHorror and madness I’ve seen hereFor what I became a king of the lost?Barren and lifeless the land liesLord of all NoldorA star in the nightAnd a bearer of hopeHe rides into his glorious battle aloneFarewell to the valiant warlordThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hill
The Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillI stand aloneNo one’s by my sideI’ll dare youCome outYou cowardNow it’s me or youHe gleams like a starAnd the sound of his horn isLike a raging stormProudly the high lordChallenges doom“Lord of Slaves!” he criesSlowly in fearThe dark lord appearsWelcome to my landsYou shall be damned
Lord of all NoldorA star in the nightAnd a bearer of hopeHe rides into his glorious battle aloneFarewell to the valiant warlordThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hill
The Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hill The iron crownedIs getting closerSwings his hammerDown on himLike a thunderstormHe’s crushingDown the Noldor’sProudest kingUnder my footHopeless it seemsYou’ve troubled my dayNow feel the painLord of all NoldorA star in the nightAnd a bearer of hopeHe rides into his glorious battle aloneFarewell to the valiant warlordThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hill
The Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hill 
The Elvenking’s brokenHe stumbles and fallsThe most proud and most valiantHis spirit survivesPraise our kingPraise our kingPraise our kingPraise our king
✈️ - song for when i’m feeling nostalgic
I mean, that depends, on, many, many, many things, so, uh I’ll pick one that fits right now I guess
Butterfly Kiss ~ Chihiro Yonekura
Hitosuji no hikari wo motomete Bokura wa michi wo ikiruHitotsudake ima shinjita Aisubeki hito no tameniSai ha chijyou takaku nagerareta Rakuen sore ha hiizuru miraiYou and I Tooi yume ni musubareru Kono akai kawa wo koeteHana ha mujyou sarau jyuujika wo Daite saita hakanaki tenshiYuuen no ai itsuka mitsukeru nara Kimi ni sasageyou Paradise
⚓️ - song that keeps me grounded
Take Me Higher ~ Solar Fragment
The death of the Taurus has brought us here Minos has taken revenge We fear to die in exile but I know there is still a chance for us to go above the sea, my son, don’t touch the waves, don’t near the sun Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! Hear my words: follow the clouds! But in his days of levity the boy is not aware at all Father, save me your words come, let us fly like birds and 
Take me higher on wings we are leaving on wings we arise Shore so dire I’m longing for freedom The price for it will soon be payed So the tragic is foretold the wax will melt beneath the burning sun My invention, is it safe? Nature can’t be replicated! The claws of wind, at once they reap the young man falls into the sea My fault!My fault!My fault!
It’s too late but now I see the blaze in the sky would have posed no threat oh, if we had chosen the night instead Take me higher on wings we are leaving on wings we arise Shore so dire I’m longing for freedom The price for it will soon be payed
🌇 - song that inspires me
The Sea Queen of Connaught ~ Cruachan
I tell a tale of a pirate queen,Grace O'Malley was her name.Through her deeds and actions on the seas,She found fortune, respect and fame.Born to a seafaring family and educated well,Salt water in her veins, at sea she would raise hell!She preyed on trading ships, that entered her domain,Before the Nine Years war, she was a British bane!When she was but a child, she cut off all her hair,In defiance of her father who brought her to despair!“You cannot sail my ships with hair that is so long.”“But, father, can’t you see? All my hair is gone.”
⏰ - song for when i’m feeling stressed
look, I can basically pick ANY song at all for this one, can’t I?so figure out where this is from and call me out on it, I dare you
kanata e  kanata e tondeke watashi no negai With My Fantas/HIP Girlfriends Shake Shake Hip My best friends kyou wa donna hi datta? nani ga atte mo  watashi wa mikata da yo koko ni  inakya  deaenakatta nakama shigeki oome no  kankei ga suki kisoiau hodo  tsuyoku naru no wa waza dake janai tte koto kizuna datte sou hashiru yo! hashiru yo! yume made saa zenryoku de mune ni kizame  doryouku wa tomodachi sa kanata e  kanata e tondeke watashi no negai With My Fantas/HIP Girlfriends
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gottagobackintime · 7 years
Tagged by: @itsjuliasowhat thank you! :D
Always repost the rules
Answer the 11 questions posted for you
Create 11 new ones
Tag 11 people
1) If you could go back in time, where you would go? The million dollar question. It’s so hard to decide but I’d probably go back to the 60s. Imagine being able to see The Beatles live or Monty Python! (Yes I know that the Pythons could be considered to belong more in the 70s but shh, Flying Circus began in 69 so..)
2) 5 things you’re really into right know Monty Python, Versailles, The Beatles, Disney, Sherlock theories.
3) What’s the one thing that you really want to do, despite that it really scares you? Become an actress, I really REALLY want to do it. I’ve even applied to a school as a first step towards that dream but it scares me because what if they think that I’m rubbish!
4) 10 movies you can watch over and over again and never get bored In no particular order:  Disney’s Robin Hood Fyra År Till (Four More Years) You’ve Got Mail Freier Fall (Free Fall) Love Actually Känn Ingen Sorg (Feel No Sadness/Grief/Sorrow) The Muppet Christmas Carol Splitting Heirs Life of Brian The Full Monty
5) What’s the one thing you love about yourself the most? Um.. I don’t know.. Well I kind of like that I’m passionate about Movies/actors/TV-Shows and that I can quote them. Does that count haha
6) Do you have any tattoos? Do you want any? I don’t but I do want to get some. I’ve thought about getting the “Monty Python Flowers” you know the ones in the opening to Flying Circus, or a Monty Python quote. Or the Deathly Hallows symbol or “Always”. And also “221B”. I basically want one for every fandom I’m in haha.
7) Most nerdy/geeky thing you did? Oh that must have been when I convinced my parents to go with me to Båstad (A town in Sweden) just so that I could see a cinema screening of Frankenstein, you know the one with Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller. Why is that the most nerdy thing you ask? Well it’s almost a 6 hour journey with car from where we live. Funny story, my mum called to book the tickets and she asked which of the screenings would have Benedict as the Creature because that’s the one I wanted to see. And the person on the other end was like ?? I don’t know we haven’t really decided. And my mum pressed on that it was really important to know this since we would travel for six hours to get there. Anyway when we got there the people who worked there gave all of us free candy because they thought it was hilarious that so many of us (There were people from Stockholm and other places far away) had travelled so far to see a theatre production on screen. Anyway, we made it into a holiday and went to Gränna and bought some Polkagrisar too and other things like that. But the main event was Frankenstein. Is that nerdy/geeky enough? Haha 8) The best make up/beauty tip? I don’t wear make up that often so.. Uh feel comfortable in your own skin and don’t feel that you need to put things on your face just because you always do I guess. I don’t know, do whatever you want. I’m usually to lazy to do anything, hell I don’t always brush my hair. Sometimes I just run my fingers through my hair or put it into messy bun or ponytail. I’ve never been particularly interested in make up or clothes tbh.. 
9) What are you looking forward to this year? I’m going to a Håkan Hellström concert and I still can’t believe I have tickets to it!
10) Do you like poetry? What are your favourite authors? I do, I don’t read it that often but I love the Swedish poet Gustaf Fröding!
11) Funniest joke you’ve ever heard? “Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!” No but seriously, I don’t know. I know that this is a boring answer but there are so many jokes out there and I can’t remember a single one now haha. I can’t come up with any questions right now but I loved these ones!
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