#but also here. in this moment. the hopes that he had placed on yu when yu arrived in Inaba
daily-hanamura · 7 months
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spidybaby · 9 months
golden child part 3!!!<3
Golden Child | part 3
Summary: As your relationship with Pedro progresses, the relationship you have with your brother is in a limbo.
Warnings: cursing.
A/N: Hello, this was fun to write. Even tho it took me a lot more than I was expecting. Buuuut, I do hope you like this 😋💛
Also, special mention to @gadriezmannsgirl girly luv yu 💛
Part one | Part Two
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"Tell me, where do you think all of this started?"
"The exact time?"
"No, but since you remember."
"I think I was six. Not sure, but I remembered that the first time I felt some kind of envy was when we got our grades back. She was the best of the three."
He paused for a moment. He was trying to remember, remember the way he felt.
"I tried my best, but that wasn't enough. No matter how much I studied, it did not matter. My mom asked my sister to help me with math one time, and I felt so stupid. I was the star on the field, but at home, I felt like I didn't matter."
"Do you think your parents focused more on your sister than on you?"
"No. Mom and dad dedicated all the time they had on the same level. They did what they thought was best. They worked so hard for us."
"And your other sister?"
"Aurora to me was a safe place." He smiles, thinking about her. "She was the shoulder to cry, the arms to go to after a good or bad day. She was home."
"I want to ask, do you feel you were outshine in your family? Not by mom or dad, by maybe the rest?"
"Well, I don't know if outshine is the term I'll go for. I think sometimes we were put against each other."
"In what way?"
"If I score at a game and got the team to win, my family was there to remind us that she was the best grade of all the cousins, siblings. But if she won a trophy for a science fair or something. They were there to congratulate me for the medal I got. Ignoring her."
"And how that made you feel?"
"Like I needed to win everything. Be better than her." He confesses, saying that outloud for the first time. "I wanted to feel like I was making them proud."
"You mentioned someone here, a friend from childhood. You blame her for making him leave. Why?"
"Arturo, he was my best friend. One night, he told me that he never wanted to see me or her again. He wanted nothing to do with us. And the commo denominator there was her."
"What happened after that?"
"I treated her like crap." He sighs, covering his face. "I used to be so mean, such and asshole."
"Elaborate on what you did to her."
"Bueno que también era un niño y no supe manejar mis emociones." (I was a kid who didn't control his emotions) he shrugs. "I used to pull her hair, I used to pinch her, I used to hurt her not only physically but emotionally. And I regret that."
"Why do you regret it?"
"Because I thought that hurting her was going to make me feel better. That's why I isolate myself from her. Because even though I felt good when I was a kid. It didn't as I grew up. And I was too dumb to recognize that."
"You told me that your sister Aurora tried to remedy things."
"She did. She used to play mediator with us, and at the time, I was fifteen. And I used to think that it was fun making her whine and cry. I thought it was a play from her. But I was only hurting our relationship more and more."
"And Aurora never told you anything in private?"
"She tried. But I cut her off leaving the room or not hearing her."
"Talk to me about the last fight."
"I got injured, right. So I needed to be taken care of, mom couldn't. Dad couldn't. Aurora couldn't. So, mom called her, and she helped me. But I-"
He takes a moment to continue. Lying was one thing, thing he thought was okay. Now that he admits he fucked up, it was a hard pill to swallow.
"I told my friends that she was my cousin. And while helping me, she and my friend Pedro got close during this time, Pedro told her about the lies I said. And she didn't say anything. Not to him, not to me. When he found out about it, he confronted me about it. And told me friends didn't lie to each other."
"Take your time. Breathe."
"I felt like the night Arturo left because of my sister. I went home, yelled at her, and well, hurt her."
"How do you feel now?"
"Como un hijo de puta, I feel so fucking bad, because my parents think it's on them, because Aurora can't even be around me, because Pedro and I don't even talk and because I think she will never speak to me in her life." (like an asshole)
"Okay, let's take a breath before continuing."
- three months later
"Pablo, are you joining us?" Javi asks him, entering the room without knocking. "Get up, let's go."
"Get your lazy ass up."
Javi grabs the pillow Pablo is using, hitting him with it.
"Con una mierda, Javi."
"Oh, don't get fussy, let's go. We're waiting for you."
"We? It's more like you 'cause Aurora is definitely not."
"If you're not down in five, I'll come back with ice cold water."
Pablo and Aurora haven't talked in months. She will do anything in her power not to talk with him. Asking his parents or boyfriend to deliver the message. Texting instead of talking. Everything.
You told her that was totally unnecessary, but she wanted to keep a silent vow. And she was doing such a splendid job in her brothers opinion.
Pablo noticed the way his sister quieted down once he joined. He hates it.
"Finally, we were about to leave." Javi says, excited to get the two siblings together. "Eat something, we're living in ten."
Aurora and Javi planned this hiking trip two weeks ago, but Javi wanted Pablo to join them, wanting to be the one to get these two on talking mode again.
When they left, Aurora was in charge of the music, always playing something she could sing, so she didn't give any opportunity for Pablo to engage.
The hiking was great. They were climbing this place that was open for hikers. The view was beautiful and the air was fresh.
"I want a picture of this view. It's amazing."
"So beautiful."
"Take a picture of me, please."
Aurora hands her phone to her boyfriend, but he has other plans. "Hey, I think I drop something. Pablo, take the picture, and I'll go search."
Before they could say anything, he ran a little away from them.
"Okay. Let me take that picture."
"Rora, por favor. It's just a picture."
She stares at him for a few seconds, handing the device into his hands. Pablo can't help but smile a little, taking the pictures.
"I been going to therapy." Pablo confess, he's proud of the progress he has made. "I've been constant and it's been so much help."
His parents agreed on not telling anyone, letting him choose who to tell. Aurora noticed some changes, mostly his attitude in the field. He was calm and not as aggressive as before.
"I'm sorry," he sighs. "What I did was wrong, the way I reacted. I hurt you, and I regret it."
"You not only hurt me."
"And I'm sorry for that too. But right now, I need to apologize to you."
Aurora stays quiet, a little too long for him to become nervous.
"You know I love you, cabezon." She hugs him. "And I know you're trying to be a better person. You're my baby, and I want the best for you and the best right now is what you're doing."
Javi is smiling from afar, seeing that his plan was successful.
- four months later
"Mami, please. I think I'm ready and I really need to do this."
"Pablito, sorry but no."
"Papá, please help me."
"Sorry, mijo, I'm with mom. We think it is too soon for you to do this."
He buffs, angry at the fact that his parents don't think he's ready to talk with you.
"Fine, I don't care."
But he cares, he wants to apologize, he wants to fix all the things he broke. The therapist told him that if he made a big progress, he had been working on himself.
His whole demeanor changed, and fans have noticed that. He was not that little bomb ready to go off with the minimum touch.
He still has that force and energy on the pitch. Just this time, he's controlling his reactions, choosing his battles.
The whole day, he spent it on his room. He was taking the weekend in Sevilla. He felt needy of love from his family. Needing some homemade food, some quality time with his father.
"Hey, cabezon. Dinner is ready."
"I'm not hungry."
"Pablo, what's going on?"
"I want to talk with Y/n, I feel ready to apologize. But mom and dad don't think the same."
"Ay pablito," Aurora patt his arm. "I know you feel ready, I really do. But in my opinion, you need a little bit more time."
"Just give me her number, please."
"Cabezon, we're not doing this. Let's go eat."
"I don't like you guys." He says, getting inside the bathroom.
- five months later
"Gavi, Pedri, Fermin." Xavi calls. "You're against Araujo, Ale and Robert."
"Pedri, do you wanna be on the center?" Fermin asks. "Let's do this, I'll go for Ronald, Pablo can attack Ale and you Robert, vale?"
Pedri and Gavi nod, positioning themselves next to each other. Since the last time they talked, Pedro was distant. If they had to talk, they did, but most of the time, Pedro would be next to Ferran.
The game was fun. The whole team had a good time. But in Pablo's mind, he needed to talk to Pedro, get on good terms with him.
He waited till the end of training, not wanting to ruin the mood. "Pedri"
"Can we talk? Please."
Pedro thinks about it for a while. He's not sure if it was the time or place. "Sure, let's just get a shower and then talk."
Pablo agrees, wanting to wait till the others are gone so they can talk alone with no one to bother them.
"Ferran, te veo en casa de Hector. Bye." (I'll meet you at Hector's)
"Okay, platanito. See ya. Bye Gavi."
Pablo waves him goodbye. He's anxious about the talk.
"So." Pedro says, taking the lead. "How are you?"
"Good, it's been good. Can't complain."
"That's great. I notice you're improving with the penalties."
"Yeah, getting better." He smiles. "How is your leg? How are you feeling?"
"So much better, thanks for the recommendation with the doctor. She's a life saver."
"The physio is the best, she knows how to create the best routines."
"And how is your family?"
"They're good, mom and dad are going on a little vacation, and Aurora is staying with me for a few days."
"Qué envidia, yo también quiero unas vacaciones." (What an envy, I want some vacations too) he laughs.
"How is she?" Pablo drops the bomb.
"She's fine."
They both stayed quiet, and the awkward moment grows by the minute.
"I need to ask you a favor."
"Pablo, I don't like where this is going "
"I need to talk to her. Por favor." He begged. "I really need this."
"No, hermano. I can't help you."
"Listen, I really need to speak with my sister."
"With who?" He asks, laughing, the bitterness of his tone is clear. "I thought that for you she wasn't your sister." Pedro, use the words Pablo told you.
You told him what happened after he insisted. You wanted to keep him away from the drama, but he wanted a new start with no lies.
He left Pablo alone in the dressing room. Angry but quiet. He can't deny the surprise he has at his friend being so calm.
- six months later
"I have something for you"
"Another gift?" You ask laughing. "Pedro, you really have to stop with the gifts."
"Never." He leans over to kiss you. "Te quiero." (I love you)
"Te quiero mucho más." (I love you so much more) You return the kiss, grabbing his cheeks to get him even closer. "What is that?"
He hands you the bag. The big white bow makes it look more fancy than it should.
"No, you didn't."
"I hope this covers my debt."
The dress he, in his own words, ruined with his drink at the party, that party where you shared your first kiss and the same night when he made you his own.
"Oh, Pedro!" You throw yourself at him. He receives you with open arms. "You're such a lover boy." Kissing his cheeks, making him laugh.
"I thought I was your golden boy."
"That too."
"C'mon, we don't want the lasagna to burn," He carries you bridal style back to the kitchen. "Again." He whispers the last part, mouth against your cheek, making you laugh.
"Okay, put me down." You kick your legs in the air. "Hey, tomorrow Aurora and I are going to go shopping. And I know your mom's birthday is coming, so tell me some ideas of what can I get her."
"I think she would want you to have dinner with her instead of a gift, mom is more family like, so yeah."
"Pepi." You sigh, "y si cago las cosas con tu madre?" (what if I fuck things up with your mom?)
"Deja de pensar eso. Mis padres te adoran, incluso les caes mejor que Fer." He laughs. (Stop thinking that. My parents love you. They even like you more than Fer.)
"That's good news then." You laugh with him. "Can I have her number then? So I can arrange something with her."
He nods, handing you his phone. The picture he has as a lockscreen is the two of you in a picnic he planned where he asked you to be his girlfriend.
Some fans noticed the new lockscreen and began creating some theories about who you were. You both were very careful with the fans and the pictures. You didn't want to be public, and he respected that. He was also being a very private person.
The two of you had dinner between laughs and funny stories that Pedro shared with you. You loved how he always plans nights with you even with the little time he has.
"Javi and I are staying at this amazing airbnb. I need some away time."
"But again, if I mention that I sleep over at Pedro's, you got all crazy."
"I'm not engaging in this talk." She says, walking away to another section of the store.
You both were shopping for her getaway trip, and you loved spending time with her. "Look at this." You grab a one piece that matches her style.
"When are you going back home?"
"Mmm, maybe during this break, I miss everyone. And my room."
You keep looking for something you can get, not liking much of the store.
"I want to ask you, mom, and I are planning this dinner for dad's birthday." She says slowly. "And mom wants to do it at Pablo's. If we decide to make the party there, would you come?"
"I don't know." You mumble. "If it's for him, I would go. You know I don't have a problem with Pablo."
"But I don't want to he a burden or create drama."
"You don't create drama Y/n, he does. He always does."
"Always is a little dramatic. He's dumb but not that dumb." You roll your eyes at her.
"A veces creo que eres demasiado buena para todo lo que te ha pasado." (Sometimes I think you're too kind for everything you been through)
"Am I supposed to let this be my villain story?"
"No." She laughs. "Well, to me, that would have been the beginning."
You finish shopping some outfits she put together. Moving yourselves to the food area.
"How are you and Pedro doing?"
"We're good." You blush at the thought of him. "I can't deny you that I'm falling in love with him."
Aurora screams, making some people turn to her. "Rora, stop." You cover your face.
"I can't help it, I've been waiting for this moment since we were kids, and we talked about getting married at the same time in a candy castle."
"A veces te pasas un poco, Rora." (You're a little too much sometimes)
"Can you turn the AC off? Or pass me your shirt?" You say, getting you head up off the pillow. "Please, it's cold."
"I like you more without it." He walks back to the room with a wet cloth in his hands. He cleaned you slowly, kissing your knees. When he's done he throw the cloth somewhere around his room. He gets back in bed with you. "I love you."
"I love you too." You kiss his cheek, caressing the other one with your tumb. "But turn the AC off."
"Luego me pediras volver a encenderlo" (you will ask me to turn it back on)
He turns on a movie, arms never leaving you. His way of aftercare is touch. He likes being close to you, hands up and down your back, lips on your forehead, hearts in syntony.
This time was no different, one hand on your head, massaging your scalp. Loving the little sounds of satisfaction you make.
His other hand is on you back, drawing little nothings into you. Loving the heat of your body in the cold room.
You kiss his jawline, the raspy feeling on your lips is intoxicating, something you love feeling every time you kiss his cheeks or his jawline.
The movie was playing in the back, you humm the song that's playing in the soundtrack. Lips glued to his skin and hands on his chest, his heartbeat can be felt.
"Let's go to Tenerife this weekend." He breaks the silence between you. "El Mister nos dio cinco días luego de haber ganado. Así que podemos ir por tres o cuatro días si tu quieres." (Mister gave us five days after the win we got, so we can go for three or four if you want)
"Actually, I want to tell you something. I need your opinion."
He waits for you to tell him. You're not sure if bringing the topic is tue right thing to do.
"Mom and Rora are planning this birthday dinner for my dad, and I'm not sure if I want to go."
"You don't want to go to your father's birthday?" He lifts his eyebrows in surprise. "Why?"
"Not that I don't want to go, I do." You sigh tired. "But the thing is that they're hosting the dinner at Pablo's."
He only hummed, not sure what to answer. He's not one to tell you not to go or to force you to go if you don't feel good doing it.
You free yourself from his hold, sitting and looking for his t-shirt. He stretched to the floor, reaching for his shirt and handing it to you.
"I'm undecided." You pouted. "I told Aurora that I want to go, but I'm not sure if Pablo wants me there."
Pedro scratched your back in a confort way. He does this as a way to let you know that he's there and he hears you.
"I don't want any drama, especially not on his birthday."
He thinks about that time in the dressing room when Pablo told him about needing to speak with her.
He didn't tell you about it, mostly because he didn't want you to get triggered about it.
"Pepi," you call him. Taking him out of his thoughts. "Are you okay?"
"I have to tell you something."
You waited a few seconds, but after the seconds turned into minutes you decide to ask him.
"Tell me what?"
"Pablo and I talked."
"Okay, about what?"
"Nada, quiere hablar contigo pero le he dicho que no." (Nothing, he wants to talk with you, and I told him no)
"When did this happen?"
He sighs, not wanting to admit that he hid this from you. "Like a month ago."
You turn to him, his hand rubbing his eyes. "A month?"
You tried to process everything. Pablo was looking to reach you out. "Pedro, por qué no me dijiste?" (why didn't you tell me?)
"I'm honestly not sure, I wanted to, but I just forgot."
"You forgot?" You scuff. Se te olvidó decirme que Pablo está buscándome? Y tu le dijiste que no?" (You forgot to tell me that Pablo was looking for me? And you told him no?)
"I'm trying to protect you."
"Mi amor, you should have told me."
You stayed quiet, both of you did. The only sound is the movie still playing.
Your mind is running a thousand miles per minute, questioning everything. Your forehead frowned.
Your eyes look for Pedro's eyes, his eyes glued to the ceiling. Your expression softens. You know he's very protective.
You stretch your arm, hand grabbing his chin to make him look at you. "Thank you, honestly." You smile. "I know you wanted to protect me, I love you."
His hands reach for yours, bringing it to his lips. "Te quiero, preciosa. I promise I didn't mean to keep this, I just didn't find the right time to tell you."
He opens his arms for you. Smiling sweetly, that smile that you can't say no to. You fall into his arms.
"I don't like when you're sad, and I didn't wanted you to feel forced to talk with him when you weren't ready."
"Stop, I get it." You kiss him to stop him from speaking again. "Does Saturday, Sunday, and Monday sound good to you?"
Hie frowns in confusion, not getting what you mean. "What?"
"You said five days. And the dinner is on Friday so we can visit Tenerife for three days and come back so you can rest on the fifth day."
"Mirame." He says, releasing his grip on you. "You're the best, and I hope you know that you will have to die in order for me to let you go."
"And I hope you know that even if I die, I'll come back to get you and kill you to be with you as ghosts together."
He grabs your cheeks, slamming his lips into you. "Wait." He breaks the kiss. "Would you be nice to me when you kill me?"
"Mmm, not sure. If you make me feel good right now, I'll consider it." You joke, smiling as you sit on his lap, your lips looking for his.
- 30 hours before the party
You stood in front of the door. Code already in, but you can't seem to open it.
"Are you okay?" Aurora asks, she's behind you waiting for you to enter.
You nod. You're not sure if you're really okay. You want to stop thinking of the fight. The memories make your head hurt.
You turn your head to your boyfriend. Pedro drove you and Aurora to Pablo's House. He wanted to make sure you felt comfortable.
"Hey." You whisper, head inside the window car.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." He reminds you something Aurora told you.
"I want to."
"Okay, I'm going to be around here. If you need me, call me."
You smile, walking fast to his side of the car. "I love you. Please don't park a street away and pretend you were somewhere else."
"Ay Joder, you ruined my plans."
After a kiss goodbye and he promising not stalking from afar. You stand next to Aurora. She opens the door and grab your hand to walk inside.
You grab the bag of groceries she has in her hands. Walking to the kitchen to leave them there.
"Someone wants to see you."
"Really, who?"
The steps coming closer to the kitchen are making you nervous. Even when Aurora told you to be calm and that nothing was going to happen, you can't help the feeling.
"You coming?"
You grab her hand, squishing it in a way of comfort. His back is facing you. Even his back has this towering feeling.
"Cabezon," Aurora says, catching his attention.
When he notices you, his whole face changes. His expression is softer, but still having his signature frown.
"Voy a dejarlos solos, así pueden hablar. Estaré arriba." (I'm going to leave you two alone. So you can talk. I'll be upstairs)
The silence is thick. The whole thing was uncomfortable for the two of you.
"I like your shirt." You say, not sure on what else to say.
"Thanks, mom got it for me on my birthday."
"Right. Well, happy belated birthday."
"I still have some candy in the freezer if you want. You like it."
"No, I don't." You shake your head no at the thought.
"You don't? What about all the times you used to freeze the candies when we were kids?"
"Pablo." You sigh. "The one that likes frozen candy is you, I used to freeze it for you, not because I was eating it."
"Oh." He joined his lips, and bit from the inside, thing he does when he's nervous. "I want to say that I'm sorry."
You squeeze your eyes. Was he saying it because he felt it or because mom told him to?
"I made a mistake. And I blame hurted you in a way I never meant to." He walks closer to you. "I'm really sorry, you didn't deserve the way I treated you, the way I hurted you."
"You told me that you hate me." You walk past him to the other side of the room. "And that I'm not a sister to you."
"And I regret doing that. I was wrong."
"You hurt me, and I'm not talking about the things that happened that day, I'm talking about everything you did to me."
"I was angry at you!"
"Why?" You say matching his tone. "To my knowledge, I've done nothing wrong."
"Eras tan jodidamente perfecta y todos te querían." (You were so fucking perfect and everyone loved you) he finally says. "You were the favorite in school. You were so good at everything. And then our family used to be like 《oh but Pablo is only good at football. She's the best at every other thing》 I could help it, I was dying out of envy. I wanted to be you."
You stayed quiet. You knew he didn't like it when family members compared the two of you. Your mom tried to stop it, always reminding him that you were two different people.
"Pablo." You tried to get closer. "You didn't have to be me. You were amazing."
"You're just saying that to make me feel better."
"Pablito, come here." You open your arms to him.
For the first time in so long, you hug him, his arms squeezed you, his head on your shoulder.
"I need you to believe me. You were and are amazing. Look at you, playing on the team of your dreams, with the national selection. I wish you would have told me this before."
"I'm sorry, I was so angry at you."
"I'm not perfect, Pablo." You caress his back, trying to calm him down. "I'm so far from being perfect. And you know that."
"Well, you don't know how to cook rice."
"Shut up, you eat it."
"No, but I'm really sorry. I don't hate you, and you are my sister."
"It's okay, Pablito."
"No, it's not.' He break the hug. "I was so wrong, all this years. I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry for all these years."
"It's okay. We have time to fix this. We can do this together."
"Te quiero, en serio lo hago. Even tho you burn the rice." (I love you, I really do). He says, laughing. "Please, forgive me."
"Te quiero también, siempre lo haré." (I love you too, always do) you hug him again. Enjoying the feeling.
- three days later
"I want to be a mermaid." You laugh as Pedro splash some water on your face. "You definitely be the crab."
"The crab taking care of the very pretty mermaid?"
"I'll make you take care of a manatee."
"Are there any manatees in Spain?" He asks, confused. "Never seen one."
"You're so weird, but I love you like that." You hug him from behind, using him as a personal flootie.
You spent more time in the water, enjoying the vibe of the island. The sun, the air. Everything with him.
"Mamá nos hizo sus famosas croquetas, así que al fin las probaras." (mom made us her famous croquettes. You're finally trying them)
"Maybe I like them more than I like you." You laugh, grabbing his hands and bringing him close. "Or maybe I'll seal the deal with her over her son."
The kissing didn't last long, as Fer went looking for you to bring you over to the tasca.
"Fer, when are you introducing me to your girlfriend?"
"When he finds one." Pedro laughs.
"Hey!" Fer says, poutting. "That's mean."
The sun is setting, leaving this magical orange tone in the sky. You smile for the picture, Pedro insisted on taking a picture of you.
"You look amazing."
"Take a picture with me."
His lips on yours, making you feel like drunk in love.
"You have no idea how in love I am with you." He says, eyes shining with honesty. "I got to thank Pablo for getting injured."
You laugh at his joke. "We got to thank him."
"No, but really. I love you to a way I never thought I would, even if we haven't been together for that long. Your eyes, your hair, your heart, the way you laugh, or the way your eyes shine when you talk about what you love, the way you always make sure everyone is comfortable. The way you love your family. The way you love my family, how you're with Fer. You're just you. And I'm thankful for that.
You feel like crying. Nobody ever loved you the way that he did, never sharing a love so pure and so great.
"And you are you. For me, it's the way you love football, the way you love your mother's food, how funny you are, and how much you turn into a little kid every time we joke around. How much do you work and get better at everything you do. Your accent is beautiful, your love for your family, for your brother, and your love for me. Because I never thought I would find someone like you."
- two months later (Barça vs. RMA)
"I bet that goal was for me." Fer jokes, making you laugh. "The eyes were looking at me."
"Definitely, I think the wink and the kiss were a symbol of brotherhood."
"I hate that you follow my jokes." He shoves you delicately. "Like, get angry or something."
"Don't even try. We grew up with that." Aurora says, pointing at Pablo. "So, not a chance, she's well trained."
"Yeah, the only one who has to worry here is Chris. She's the one that has to put up with him."
"I'm not sure myself." She laughed at the jokes.
Chris is Pablo's girlfriend. He introduce her to Aurora and to you a few weeks ago, and you now bring her around everywhere like a little sister.
The referee announces the end of the match, and the team won. It was a good day for everybody.
"Let's go, señoritas." Fer gets up, offering his arm to you.
"Let's go, señorito." You joke with him.
You waited by the car, talking about the meal Fer prepared before the match and was waiting for you at home.
"Hello, hello." Aurora say to Pedro and Pablo.
"Omg, you guys did amazing!" You hug Pedro, kissing his cheek. "Congratulations, baby."
"Yeah, yeah, kiss kiss, let's go home, I'm hungry."
"You're just jealous of her." Gavi jokes, hitting Fer in the head. "She got your brother."
"I was his go-to, now I'm the seconds one." He fake cries. Making you all laugh.
"And I got your sister." Pedro shoves Gavi's arm playfully.
"Yeah, you better take care of her. If not, you saw how I shoved Vini? That would be you."
"Okay, stop it. Let's go."
You start walking toward Pedro's car, hand in hand with him while Fer was telling him something.
"Oye," Gavi shouts. Making you all turn. "Me darás mi abrazo?" (Do I get a hug, too?) You let go of Pedro's hand, running to your brother. "Venga."
You land in his arms, squeezing him. "I love you, Pablito."
"And I love you." He kisses your cheek, letting you go. "Let's go, I want some of that burned rice."
"Hey!" Fer says, "my rice is not burnt." He makes Pablo and you laugh.
🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl @percysley @jajajhaahaha @cinderellawithashoe @alwaysclassyeagle @christianpulisic10 @utdmount @lilians17 @urmotheris
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johnkahner · 7 months
I loved your last Johnny Cage work! So good!
Can I request a one-shot with Smoke and he is just starting a relationship with fem!reader who works at Madam Bo's and some guys are giving her a hard time and he stands up for her? I'm a sucker for fluff so as much of that as you can fit.
Thank you!!!
AN: This came out later than I wanted it to. I'm glad you enjoyed my writing! It helps my confidence when I'm writing. Also, Smoke is the character I think I've gotten the most request for lol. I hope I wrote him accurately too. Also made up a random girl because I felt bad if she was unnamed. Not proof read.
Notes: Female Reader, Some random men being creeps
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Today felt like any other day. Take orders, get customers their drinks, clean the tables, and repeat. You were wiping down a table while a co-worker, Yu Li, helped by getting the dirty dishes from the table. Yu Li saw some men looking at the two of you. The men were sitting a few tables away. Looking uncomfortable she decided to grab your arm to lead you to the employee’s only area. 
She shushes you, while directing with her eyes the men eyeing you two like candy. You take note of her actions. Both heading towards the backroom. But you both knew you couldn’t hide back here the whole time while you still had your job to do. 
When an order was ready you decided that you would take the risk to go deliver the food to the customer. Not to mention with your luck, it was an order for those men you wanted to avoid. 
“Hey, Little Lady. ‘Bout time you got your sweet ass over here to entertain us real men.” 
The rest of the man’s group laughs at his comment towards you. You sigh not wanting to entertain this anymore than you have to. You place the order down, and turn to leave. The man that was speaking seems to be this group’s leader. He seems to be offended by your actions. He grabs your arm, and attempts to pull you closer to him.
“Listen sweet cheeks, no need to be a prude. We can make ya feel real good.”
You try to pry your arm away, and you turn your head to make eye contact with a certain ninja. 
Tomas rushes over to you. He frees your arm away from the creep. 
“Don’t you know how to treat a lady? Not to mention she doesn’t look too comfortable right now.” He pulls you to his chest and hugs you. 
“This has nothing to do with you!”
“It does when it involves my girlfriend!” Tomas says your name “I’ll deal with this man. Go somewhere where you feel safe for now.” He kisses the top of your head. 
You move out of the way. Not really going to the backrooms, but just staying out of the way of the fight that is about to incur. 
Said fight didn’t even last long in all honesty. Tomas was beating the stranger’s ass. While you stood beside Kuai Liang. The door to the backroom opens to reveal Madam Bo. She appears to be very pissed off. She pats Tomas on the back, “Good job Tomas,” she turns to look at the man in pain and his crew, “Now you fools get out of my restaurant! You’re no longer welcomed here!”
Not putting up much of a fight now the group leaves. Madam Bo smiles at you and Tomas then heads back to work. You mosey on over to your boyfriend. Wrapping your arms around him. Nuzzling your face to his chest. He holds you close. After the events that happened on this day that started off like any other day that turned somewhat chaotic. You’re glad that at this moment you have Tomas with you. Also you got a few days off from work. Thank you Madam Bo. 
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creative-kny-fics · 11 months
Hi! I could do a Lee Giyuu, Ler Sanemi but a moment after the final battle (you can refer to the image of them 2 that you uploaded before) please
Waaah!!! Of course!! (Kinda inspired)
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Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
Ler: Sanemi Shinazugawa
'I can't believe it's all finally over... A world without demons is something I didn't think could happen and if it did, I'd be dead by then..' 'Hey, don't say that. But you're right, everything finally ended... All thanks to everyone's efforts, although I would have liked none of our partners to have died', Sanemi and Giyuu looked at each other and looked at the sky again.
'I wish my sister was here to see this. I had friends, I got married and I'm happy again....', Giyuu turned so that Sanemi wouldn't see him cry, but it was in vain, Sanemi could hear his sobs
'Yu-yuu! Don't cry!', Sanemi turned his boyfriend around and placed him on his lap, making sure he was comfortable and comforted him, although he cried with him, he also wanted his family to be with him and see his happiness, but he knew what they were seeing from heaven.
'Better? Eh?', Sanemi smiled, Giyuu had fallen asleep, so he placed him gently on the grass and stroked his head
He didn't know how much time had passed, but maybe it was an hour, Sanemi got annoyed. They had arranged to have lunch with Tengen and he hadn't arrived, fucking oversized rock, Sanemi whispered.
'Yuu, how about we go back home? I think Tengen won't come, let's wake up', Sanemi gently moved his boyfriend but he didn't wake up or was what he wanted to pretend, Sanemi could see a smile on Giyuu's face, he wasn't asleep
'Ohh so why are you pretending to be asleep? Come here Giyuu!' 'Wahahait! Nehehemi! Cohohohome on!', Giyuu tried to curl up into a ball when Sanemi decided to gently and playfully squeeze his hips
'Stohohop! Tehehengehehen cahahan come!' 'That oversized rock won't come and if it did come it would join me!', Sanemi didn't remember when was the last time he tickled him, no wait, he remembered it, it was before he left and got to the field.
'I had forgotten how fucking ticklish you were! Hmmm.. let's see, where else are you ticklish?' 'Hehehe! Nehehehemi!! Gyahahahaha!!', Giyuu tried to stop Sanemi but, he could only catch one hand, you know what I mean...
Sanemi teased Giyuu, mentioning some place and tickling him in that place, laughing and enjoying how his boyfriend covered his embarrassed face with his sleeves. For Sanemi, that expression was priceless and he knew that Giyuu didn't care much but was embarrassed by it.
'You are upset? Come here!', Sanemi picked up Giyuu and once again sat him on his lap, lovingly kissing his neck as his fingers slid over his ribs.
'SHINAZUGAWA PLEASE!! IHIHIT TIHIHICKLEEEES!! WAHAHAHA!!! STAHAHAHAP!!! OHOHOHO GOHOHOSH!!! ENOUGH!! Nemi please!', Sanemi stopped and looked at Giyuu, gently caressing his cheeks and wiping away his tears of happiness.
'Ahh~ you're so mean...' 'Hehehe, I couldn't help it.' 'Did I tell you or not that they are adorable?' 'Eh?!', Sanemi and Giyuu looked behind them, Tengen was leaning against a tree while smiling.
'Am I interrupting something?' 'Hah?! We were waiting for you almost 2 hours! Where were you?!' 'I was with the Ubuyashiki and then I went to visit the Kamado siblings, I guess I didn't calculate the time. But, I guess you guys didn't care, right?', Giyuu and Sanemi were embarrassed, Sanemi would kill Tengen after that picnic, he definitely would.
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rongzhi · 1 month
ok ive taken a deep breath and steeled myself. what do you think of liu yu
I'm going to put this under a cut because I rambled a little, but I wanted to offer my detailed impression :P Rest assured! No tearing to shreds occurred. He remains intact.
Well, I didn’t know who this guy was, so I took myself to the ole Wikipedia and my first thought was wow! Look at those label names.
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Second thoughts: Ooh, dancer. I'm looking forward to see how the dancing is (if he still dances).
I have heard of INTO1 but don't watch idol competition shows, but it's impressive that he placed first. I decided to listen to/watch two songs/performances: his first single, 靠岸, from 2019, and his most recent single from 2023, Focus.
靠岸 didn't seemed to have an official video, so I ended up watching a live performance from a show called Mr. Radio.
I was pleasantly surprised by this song! Seeing that he had been on Produce Camp, I was expecting a more pop kind of song, but this was a song I could imagine playing in the OT of a drama (in a good way!). I think his performance was a little shaky here, but I sense that maybe he was nervous? Either way, he seems a little shy here, where this song would really benefit from a powerhouse performance. Idk, maybe it was also a sound mixing issue. I like the song, though. Very pretty. I went to listen to the studio recording and it was a lot better—much closer to what I was hoping to get. The oooooh part sort of reminds me of a Zhou Shen song whose title I can't remember at the moment. It was space themed, though. (EDIT: the song I was thinking about was Cassini)
Next up!! Focus. I watched the Official Music Video on Youtube first.
Coming off 靠岸, I could see from the thumbnail that this song would be closer to the pop sound that I expected, so the things I was interested in seeing was the MV concept and the dancing. On first watch, I didn't really listen to the lyrics much, because there were no captions to read and I can't really tell what people are saying in pop songs anyway.
I have to admit that going into the video with the big gray space only, I thought it was pretty ugly at first. I just think that the CG structure on pale BG concept always looks cheap no matter who does it, though, and Liu Yu seems like a sort of tiny guy, so with all the dancers around him, I initially thought he looked a little swamped by them.
At 0:48 when we got a flash of the all-black cowboy look, again I was a bit disappointed, thinking that there wouldn't be much edge to concepts.
Then we got to the, I'm gonna say, test lab sewer gothic, and I thought "ok, at least that's something". It's definitely be done before but there's more production in that set and look, so at least the whole video isn't just going to be a gray void. The flash of Liu Yu standing in as his own princess was kind of interesting (disappointed this character never showed up in the music video again)
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Now I know said I wasn't going to rip him to shreds and that's because....!!! When the beat dropped, I went "ok wait" lol. At 1:03, I witnessed evidence of stage presence and was like "oh we are so back, baby"
Still not a fan of the big pale space, and I think Liu Yu's charisma was most visible in the sewer gothic scenes and weakest in the scenes where he's wearing the silver ice skating outfit looking blouse, but maybe that's just because it distracts you with his little twig body. I personally can't buy into the energy of someone who looks like the most movable object on earth.
3:03 the "yuh" made me laugh tho
MV looks ranked (best to worst):
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One thing that I didn't like about the MV (but understand is necessary) was that the video kept cutting right as I thought to myself "Oh, this is a nice bit of dancing", and I wish the shots had been wider on the dance moves instead of cutting him off at the ribs. A wider dance version in the sewer (I know that's not what it was but jhkalfjl) would've been appreciated by me. With that in mind, I decided to see if there was a dance performance video and there was! As suspected, the choreography in the beginning of the song is also just not that strong or compelling to me. It sort of gives intermediate hiphop 2 dance recital. My favorite part of choreo is the breakdown at 2:56.
Anyway, I hope these impressions were sufficient! I didn't check him out on any variety shows so I can't comment much on what I think about his personality, but from a music/performance standpoint, I think he's pretty good. Not really the kind of stuff I listen to anymore but if I still kept up with idols, maybe I'd check him out from time to time :)
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flurrys-creativity · 4 months
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Pairing: Christian Yu (DPR Ian) x GN!Reader; Genre: Supernatural AU, Angst; Rating: sfw, PG-13, Warnings: a gun, christian being hurt, mentions of blood, one gun shot, mentions of monsters; Wordcount: 550
Summary: Usually everyone should stay in their homes at night, but an unusual guest appears at your house and needs your help.
A/N: Finally a tipsy drabble again!! Also a chance to let my newest obsession take place :D
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They came at night, crawling out of the abyss of the shadows to roam freely through the dark. Ever since you were little, you just knew to stay inside the second it got dark.
Yet, you found yourself outside way past midnight, holding a rifle at gunpoint. You stood on your porch, staring into the dark with narrowed eyes.
The fading moonlight, which slowly got blocked by heavy clouds. Still, you could make out the man standing at the gate to your property. He held his side and limped slightly as he grabbed your gate to steady himself.
You noticed the motorbike, which had fallen down to the ground behind him. So that was the loud noise you had heard just a few minutes ago. You grabbed onto the rifle a little more tense when the man suddenly staggered towards your home.
“Stop right there!”
He halted and finally looked up, seeing you standing on the porch with the gun pointed right at him. He shakingly raised one hand, trying to convey that he wasn’t a threat, despite his appearance. “Goodness, you surprised me. I’m so sorry. I mean no harm.”
You squinted your eyes at him. Carefully you took another step forward, appearing in the range of the sensors to trigger the light on your porch. “Why are you here?”
He lowered his hand again, clutching his side once again. “I got hurt and had hoped to find some help here. I didn’t expect someone to live here. I’m so sorry. Goodness, I just, sorry. I’m Christian.”
You lowered your rifle and tilted your head, checking him once over again. “How did you get hurt?”
He slowly staggered closer, appearing in the light of the lamp over your head. Christian wore a tethered leather jacket with a white tee underneath. Though it wasn’t as white as it used to be, spreading blood left a stain on his side. A few tattoos peaked out of it.
“This doesn’t look like a simple motorbike accident.”
Christian smiled lopsidedly. “One of them attacked me as I was on the way to my safe point.” He didn’t have to explain it any further, you knew exactly what he was talking about.
With a nod of your head you beckoned him inside. As you were about to turn around, you saw his expression morph with horror. Your head whipped to face your porch again, seeing one of the crawlers squeeze themselves out of the shadows.
“Watch out!” He rushes forward, ignoring the pain scorching through his body. 
The heavily deformed creature pounced forward as well, its slimy appearance glistening in the light on the porch. ‘They got more aggressive’, you thought to yourself while your body moved on autopilot.
Christian tripped and slammed down on the stairs, groaning in pain. 
You on the other hand raised your rifle and pulled the trigger. You staggered back from the draw back, quickly refilling the gun and shooting once more. You watched the creature fall to the ground, twitching like an insect before it dissipated into smoke.
“Goodness gracious. Oh boy, you’re a good shot!” Christian pushes himself up again, wincing from another shot of pain running through his body.
You grinned at him as you crouched down and carefully helped him up. “I have my moments.”
© all rights reserved
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland
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youhideastar · 3 months
WujiWatch: CQL Rewatch Episode 11
This episode is jam-packed – so jam-packed that I can’t remember whether Meng Yao is thrown out of Qinghe Nie Sect at the beginning of this episode or the end of the last one, but the last post was way too long so I’m putting it here regardless! I’ve got two things on the scene where Meng Yao is kicked out, and one thing on that weird scene where Wen Chao tries to ambush Lan Wangji on the way back to Cloud Recesses.
Fanon Meng Yao is this master manipulator, the smooth talker who moves the people around him like chess pieces—but the thing that stands out to me, watching the scene between Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue, is that Meng Yao’s behavior here is a masterclass in how not to influence people. Like, genuinely, I hope he wasn’t even trying, because otherwise, I’m embarrassed for him.
He starts out okay, talking about how the captain mistreated him, day after day, humiliating him, abusing him—Nie Mingjue says, “And so you killed him,” and if Meng Yao had said, “Yes. That’s why,” I really think Nie Mingjue would have understood. He wouldn’t have been happy about it—he still looks mad when he says, “And so you killed him,” but he’s not disgusted. He knows how long Meng Yao has been taking that kind of abuse from the other disciples, he’s tried (ineffectively) to protect Meng Yao from that, and if Meng Yao just couldn’t take it anymore and snapped, that would therefore be partly Nie Mingjue’s fault for failing to protect him.
But instead, Meng Yao, supplied with a perfectly good excuse for murder, the kind of thing that the hot-tempered Nie Mingjue could easily understand, says, “No, it wasn’t that.” He then raises and immediately discards another perfectly good explanation, saying it wasn’t because the captain repeatedly insulted his mother—which Nie Mingjue could also have understood just fine, and perhaps even found honorable, as a particularly bloody exercise of filial piety. Why even bring it up if you’re not going to claim it as a defense!?
Instead, Meng Yao says it was because the captain claimed credit for Meng Yao’s work. If I were trying to think of the least persuasive excuse you could possibly make to someone like Nie Mingjue, that would be up there. To Nie Mingjue, even admitting that you care about getting credit for your work is distasteful. To kill someone over it? Once he hears that, he’s not just mad, he’s revolted. It is not hard to foresee this reaction. For Meng Yao not to see it coming, or for Meng Yao to see it coming and think Nie Mingjue likes him enough to overcome that reaction, is a huge miscalculation.
Is Meng Yao a talented manipulator? Clearly, he is, in some circumstances. But at some very key points—this scene and the confrontation with Qin Su particularly stand out—that skill deserts him. I think, in both cases, he cares too much about the people he’s confronting, and it impairs his otherwise sharp judgment.
The other and last thing I want to say about this scene is that it is no accident that the “Meng Yao gets thrown out” scene takes place in such close proximity to the scene in which we meet Yu Ziyuan. It would have been easy to introduce her character at several previous points, including the meeting breaking up the engagement she arranged, or a scene during Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli’s return to Lotus Pier. But the writers choose this moment: the moment when the viewer has just learned—and Wei Wuxian has just been reminded—that even a highly valued, talented sect member with an important role can be tossed out with nothing but the clothes on his back, at the sect leader’s whim. Wei Wuxian carries himself like the typical powerful, comfortable young master, with his expensive clothes and blithe disrespect for authority. But this is the episode where you see what’s underneath—where you come to appreciate how precarious his position truly is.
One last little random thing, about the scene where Lan Wangji is walking (why?? he can fly!) back to Cloud Recesses and is ambushed by Wen Chao, first by a sinkhole opening up in the road (why?? again, he can fly!), and then by a physical attack from Wen Zhuliu. Wen Chao tries to intimidate him verbally, calling him “Lan Zhan” (Wen Chao’s beef with Lan Wangji, like Jin Zixun’s, is so weirdly personal) and saying that he hates Lan Wangji’s condescending tone, which is fucking hilarious because Lan Wangji has never in his life said a word to Wen Chao. Lan Wangji fends the Wens off with one of Wei Wuxian’s sparkle-distraction talismans and then vanishes.
What I find interesting about this scene (besides the fact that I literally always forget that it exists and am surprised to see it again when I rewatch haha) is that, after all of the above goes down, Wen Chao says, “That’s Wei Wuxian’s [Name of Talisman] Talisman!” (I’m serious, my recall of this scene is so poor, even after five times.) This is one of the very few clues we get in the series that teenage Wei Wuxian is famous throughout the cultivation world for his inventive genius with talismans. Wen Chao might have been able to guess that the talisman came from Wei Wuxian just based on the fact that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are friends, but the only way he would know the specific name of the talisman is if he’s heard about Wei Wuxian’s inventions, even all the way in Nightless City where they’re all busy pretending the rest of the cultivation world has nothing to offer. (And this isn’t the writers using Wen Chao to pass along information the viewer needs – we have no need to know what the talisman is called, it won’t come up again.)  Kind of neat!
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fearfulachilles · 5 months
6. worth your while.
chapter six to buop (nanami kento x reader jjk medical au.) .
full contents here.
summary: kento is a no nonsense man, you’ve figured out that much. he’s not the type you get involved with at all. until he tells you he can be, if you want him to.
warnings: sexual scenes.
sticky note: i took an edible and wrote this. enjoy!
Kento is at the clinic early the next day. He only works two days out of the week in the clinic, because he has to work at least two days. He remembers the first day Satoru had announced the opening of the new clinic. The new owner of Jujutsu Hospital thought it was important to provide care to all of our current patients and new patients, so the clinic was the gateway to that.
He agreed with that statement, healthcare should be accessible to everyone. He just didn't agree with the fact that he'd have to cut down on surgery hours to work in the clinic until new physicians could be hired and take over.
“Everyone's gotta do it, Kento. Shoko's showing up three days a week. Even Suguru is taking a day off surgery to come in every couple of weeks.” Satoru tried to make it sound better, but it didn't work. “Yu's starting off with two days for our family planning patients.”
“I'm not a family physician, Gojo. I'm a goddamn surgeon. I can't be held up like this.” Kento fought back.
In the end, Satoru had more authority, so even though he bitched and complained, Kento still had to do it. It's not so bad, at least he got to see you again. He wasn't prepared on how often he was going to think about you.
Yesterday made it worse. You were smart along with funny and beautiful. He had gone home thinking about you. He went to bed thinking about you, having to fist his cock before being able to sleep. He know it's inappropriate, not only do you work with him, but you had made it clear you weren't interested in something serious. Kento's not the type to have flings or one-night stands, but he can't stop thinking about you.
He couldn't sleep well last night because of his thoughts. So, he arrives to work a little grumpier than usual. He groans to himself when he hears his close friend yelling his name.
“Kento!” The voice is coming from down the hall. Kento looks over and sees Yu Haibara, his old med school friend and the one who recommended he work for Jujutsu High after leaving his last place of employment at a for-profit hospital. Also, the brother of his ex-fiancée. Yu catches up with the blonde doctor, smiling brightly at his friend. “How are the new scribes working out?”
“They're good, smart.”
“Don't oversell them.” Yu joked. “I've got Itadori with me today. I hope he likes newborns, I've got lots of moms coming in for their three week postpartum follow ups. This new clinic is great, isn't it?”
Yu was Jujutsu Hospital's main OB-GYN. He was a helpful and vocal coach during birth and all his patients loved him because he created a safe space for first time mothers. Some would travel over an hour just to be seen by him and have him deliver their babies. He was always happy and chipper, Yuji was a good choice to work with.
Kento grunts in agreement. It's a great idea, he just doesn't like working in it. He bids goodbye to his happy go-lucky friend. He reaches for his coffee that he brewed at home this morning and hisses at the horrible flavor.
“This tastes like shit.” He comments to himself before putting the cup down. How has he not noticed before? Maybe he'll start buying his old preferred coffee beans again.
Your voice rings in Kento's ears just a few minutes later. You're carrying two cups of coffee from a nearby cafe, and when you get close to him, you hand one of them to him. He stares at it blankly for a moment, it prompts you to clear your throat awkwardly.
“I hope it's not weird, I was grabbing coffee and thought to bring you one. I-I don't know what you like, so I got you one that I like... is this weird?” You babble.
You're always the one sabotaging these moments. Now with your rambling and once before near the vending machines when you told Kento to forget about the car incident. How can he forget when you keep making everything about it?
You're surprised when the blonde doctor smiles and takes the coffee you're offering.
“No, this is very kind. Thank you.” Your name falls from his lips in and it sends shivers down your body.
You settle in, placing your own coffee drink on the nurse station desk and you disappear to grab a hospital laptop. You return and bring up the schedule for today. “I took a peek at the patient load yesterday and it looks busy. Think you'll be okay?” You tease.
Kento drinks the coffee you brought for him. He tastes the richness of the coffee and the sweetness of the syrups used. He usually drinks black coffee, without any sugar or creamers, but he can't deny the bursts of flavors he can taste just now. It was just what he needed.
“I'm up for it, if you are.” He replies.
The day burns you out, not because of the amount of patients you saw today, but because of Kento.
He was in a much better mood today working with you alone. He was chattier with his patients, so naturally charming in his element. He introduced you to each patient, your name being sounded out perfectly, and includes you in the conversations with patients. You felt seen, heard, and appreciated by him.
Maybe it was because of his better mood, or something else you weren't aware of, but his lack of personal space with you was even worse today too. He'd open the exam room door for you to walk out first and he'd follow closely behind with his fingertips brushing along the small of your back to guide you out of the room. He'd call you over to sit beside him at the nurse station and have you lean in close to him as he showed you CT scans and MRIs of hearts that belonged to some of his patients. You wouldn't notice how close you were until he was nearly whispering his quizzing questions in you ear.
Every move, touch, and whisper would have you melting.
You’re not aware of how much you’re effecting Kento today too.
You were shorter than him, so with every whip of your hair, he was able to smell your shampoo. He’d stare at you when you were too focused on your laptop screen, with your plump bottom lip between your teeth, the very same lip time he kissed and bit that night in his car. He remembers how hot your mouth was and he remembers the taste of your saliva when he sneaked his tongue inside.
It’s nearly unbearable for him today. But he’s enjoying himself around you. You make the workday go by easier and faster. The work day is done before he knows it. The coffee you got him was long gone, and the one he brewed himself this morning is forgotten in an old traveling thermos cup he left at the nurse station.
You’re putting away the hospital laptop at its designated area, a small supply closet at the end of the clinic. You have your coat over your scrubs and your bag hangs from your shoulder. You leave the supply closet and walk through the nearly empty clinic that is now closed to the public. It’s not completely empty yet because Kento’s waiting by the front entrance.
When he sees you approaching, he smiles.
“I had a great time working with you today.” He says. He walks out of the clinic with you, his muscular arms brushing against your shoulders.
“I did too.” You say genuinely. “It was fun.”
The rest of the walk is quiet. You had left your apartment earlier this morning to have time for coffee, so you didn’t carpool with any of your roommates. You get to your car and you notice Kento’s car is nowhere near yours, but he still walked with you. The silence is deafening, until Kento finally speaks up.
“I’m not looking for anything serious, either.”
Your eyes widen and you look up at the older man. He’s referencing what you told him on your first day. Had he been thinking about that this whole time? Kento isn’t that type of man, he knows that. But you’ve consumed every waking thought of his, maybe it’s just what he needs.
You don’t know what to reply with. You feel your cheeks heating up. “Um, well, w-we work together.”
Kento is quiet for a second before nodding, like he’s been caught. “I know.”
“I won’t tell anyone, if you don’t.” You say. You’re crazy, right? Crazy to turn him down or crazy to take his offer, you’re not sure which, but you are crazy. But he’s been driving you crazy ever since seeing him in that cafeteria.
“Deal.” Kento replies. His large hand comes up to your face and his thumb caresses your cheek. The rest of his hand cups your jaw. He leans in, his warm lips touching yours slowly, giving you enough time to change your mind.
You don’t. You grab the collar of his jacket and pull him in impatiently. He’s a good kisser, you almost forgot. His lips take over and you follow them. The tip of his nose is nudged against your face as he deepens the kiss.
His tongue makes its way into your mouth, swiping along your own and tasting you again. He’s missed the taste of you. He wants to keep doing it. The hand on your jaw snakes down to the back of your neck, and he cradles the crown of your head. You moan into his mouth at how he’s handling you, feeling small in his grasp.
Kento breaks the kiss first. His breathing is unsteady and he feels his heart thumping against his chest. His fingers had found their way to be buried in your hair from where he held you. You whine at the loss of contact, pouting slightly. It makes him chuckle.
“My place? I’ll make it worth your while.” He says and you nod. He tells you to leave your car here, he’ll drive you back to get it later. You listen to him and he walks you to his car.
You’re on Kento the minute he unlocks his door. He laughs against your lips at how eager you are. You don’t know that he’s just as eager as you too. He kicks his front door closed with his foot.
“C’mere,” he mutters, licking his lips and kissing you fully. He grabs the back of your knees and lifts you up. On instinct, you wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. His large hands keep you secure, holding onto your ass.
You think he’s going to take you there and now, against his wall, or even on his couch. But he’s carrying you to his room. You don’t have time to take in his interior designing and judge if it’s good.
Once he’s laid you on his bed, his hands don’t stop touching you, it’s like he memorized every inch of you.
You roll up the hem of his scrub shirt and he takes the hint. He discards his shirt within seconds and you swallow thickly once you see his body.
You didn’t get this far last time, both of you were still fully clothed. His body is unbelievably sculpted, and to think it had been hidden under his stupid scrubs this whole time. You run your hands down his abdomen, your fingertips teasingly pulling at the top of his pants next.
He doesn’t budge this time. Instead, he takes off your shirt. You don’t have to do any work, he was capable to stripping you of it without your help. You lay beneath him in your bra and Kento stares for a second, like he’s gotten stage fright.
You smirk and grab his hand, you feel his veins on his hands with your soft, delicate fingers, and guide his hand to cup your breast. His thumb rubs your nipple through the fabric of your bra and it’s enough to make you lightly gasp. He brings his body closer to you and ruts his hips against yours, the hardness of his cock brushing against your heated core.
You breathe out his name, “Kento…”
It drives him mad. He pulls down at your bra, your breasts bouncing out of it. He leans down and takes the nipple he had been teasing into his mouth. You moan at the sudden warmth on your breast, looking down and watching him.
Kento’s filthy with his lips around your nipple. He flicks the nub with his tongue, his mouth completely enclosed around it, then his teeth tug at the tip and it causes sparks throughout your body. You whine, eyes dedicated on watching Kento.
He pulls down his pants as he bullies your nipple with his tongue. Then, he pulls away from your breast with a pop. You’re red, flustered with how Kento’s acting.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do this.” He says. His voice is husky, he almost sounds drunk.
He pulls your pants and underwear off in a single swipe, it’s impressive. Your tits bounce with the sudden movement and Kento watches them as they do. He grabs your hips and drags your body close to his, your legs falling open on either side of his torso.
His cock is big and dripping with precum. You remember how his bulge felt in your hand, you knew he’d be big, just not this big. He pumps himself with his hand a few times before he adjusts himself to be between your legs.
You’re breathing heavy, watching him with your full attention. You feel yourself leaking from your make out session and Kento abusing your breast. He uses the tip of his cock to gather up your wetness, and he slides it up to your clit.
You whine, your fluttering close. You wrap your legs around him, nudging him closer to your entrance to finally feel him. Kento laughs softly and his hands go to your thighs and he holds your legs open again. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head. “Not yet.”
He pressed his swollen tip against your clit and grinds against you. You’re moaning with every swipe of his cock.
“Oh-h, fuck,” you whine. You buck your hips and rub yourself against his cock even more. He holds you by your hips, the pads of his thumb pressing against your hip bones.
The lips of your pussy spread and take him in, he keeps rubbing his cock between your lips, pressing it against your sensitive clit repeatedly. His dick glistens with your slickness on him. You grab on to his shoulder, fingertips digging into his flesh.
“Shit—“ Kento curses, and his cum squirts out of his cock, painting your stomach all over in it. His movements are slow, but they don’t stop. He hisses at the sensitivity of his cock.
You look down at your body. Your stomach has a small pool of his cum, some of it splattered along the underside of your tits. With two fingers, you scoop some his cum and bring it to your mouth. You moan at the taste of him, rubbing your fingers in your tongue.
Kento groans as he watches you. He presses his body against yours, not caring of his sticky mess on your stomach. He grabs a hand full of your hair and it makes you cry out in a moan. He kisses you hungrily, his tongue tasting his own cum on yours.
“You’re so fucking sexy,” Kento whispers in your ear. You smile hazily. You’re not upset you didn’t get to feel Kento’s cock in you, it still felt amazing to have him fuck your clit.
Kento’s peppering your face with kisses, and despite you not normally being one for affection, you bask it all in your pleasured haze.
The tip of his aching cock still feels hard against your folds, and you feel him guide it down to your pussy. The swollen tip teases your entrances as he whispers again. “Been thinking about this nonstop…”
He rests the weight of his body on his forearm above your head, boxing you beneath and trapping you with the heat of his body. He lifts his head high enough to catch your eyes. He rolls his hips slowly, pushing his girth inside of you.
You’re wet, your hole grasping for something to wrap around, but even then, you whine as he stretches you out. Kento tries to swallow down a moan. You claw at his back until he’s fully inside of you, filling you to the brim.
He mumbles small praises as he stays deep inside you. You feel so full of him that you let out a choked moan. His thrusts start off small and slow, he barely pulls out of you and stays rubbing against your cervix, the tip of his cock nudging it again and again.
His thrust only deepen, causing his skin to dampen and his throat rumble with grunts.
He's touching your sweet spot again and again and again, you feel his balls slap against your ass with very thurst. You swallow back your pitiful whines long enough to pull Kento into a kiss to keep hiding them. And Kento kisses back ravishingly, clumsily, like he needs to be inside you even more.
“You’re intoxicating.” Kento growls near your swollen lips. His hand traces the sides of your waist, finding his way to your lower back. He lifts you with his hand, bending you.
He's rough and fast and deep, nothing like you’ve experienced before. The happy trail in his pelvis rubs against your clit with every slap of his hips and his dick presses harder inside of you. It’s too much for you. You whimper, and you whimper again and again. The pressure in your body feels like too much. It’s burning in the best way. 
Kento kisses your cheek, “‘s okay, baby.”
His other hand brushes your hair away from your sweaty face. It’s a comfort touch, contrasting against how mean and quick his thrusts are. He knows you’re about to cum. He wants you to cum and make a mess on his sheets. 
“Feels good, right?” He asks you, his deep tone cracking and sending shivers all over your body. Your eyes close tighter and you whine with your jaw dropping slowly. You nod because it’s all you know how to do.
“So good, so good.” You don’t feel your mouth moving, you only hear your voice agreeing. You focus on the knot growing inside you, your noises turn high and you curse below your breath. You want to warn Kento that you’re cumming and you can’t stop it, but all you can string along are words like cumming, i’m c-oh, god…
Your orgasm over takes you, you cum fluttering around him, forming rings and smearing them all along his cock. Your wetness and cum now mixed, it drips down from your stuffed hole and stains his sheets. He swears he’ll never wash them. He wants to keep you there, your essence and your pleasure, all for him.  
Kento encourages your pretty moans, nuzzling his nose against your damp temple and his hips never faulting throughout your orgasm. He comes too, his thrusts stutter as he stuffs his cock completely in, burying his cum inside of you.
While still in you, Kento cups the side of your face and brings you in for a kiss. You don't pull away and kiss him back.
He lays beside you afterwards, catching his breath. You catch yours too, the high of your orgasm fading quietly. No one has made you come that intensely before. You look over at him, your eyes half lidded and dazed.
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Night Owl
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Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Breastfeeding
Summary:  I was wondering if you would be able to do a Chris Evans fic where reader and him have a baby boy together.  In the middle of the night reader has to nurse their baby. And Chris wakes up and helps her do it in their bed. After the baby starts feeding Chris just watches him nurse in awe because he is so happy, and you catch him after you open your eyes again.
A/N: AHHH THIS IS MY FIRST REQUEST. Thank you! Also this is a really cute idea and I hope I did it justice!
Y/S/N - Noah :)
You sat up and blinked, quickly getting used to the dark around you. You heard the cries of your baby in the other room and you groaned. Sighing, you threw tthe covers off and you made your way to the nursery. You flipped on the lights and your baby boy came into view, standing up, his hands holding tightly onto the edge of the crib, his face red and tear-streaked. When he say you, his hands let go and he fell on the soft mattress, reaching for you. His cries quietened down the closer you got. Picking him up, you rocked him back and forth.
“Oh, baby.” you cooed as he gurgled and squealed, making all sorts of nonsensical noises.
It was way too early and you were still half asleep so you carried him back to the bed. You sat down as Chris shifted, blinking in the dark.
“Hey, honey. Don’t worry, Noah was crying so I brought him here to feed him.”
“Aww. Hey, little man.” Chris sat up next to you and offered his hand tto Noah. He wrapped his tiny fist around Chris’ finger, giggling.
“Okay. C’mon now. mister.”
You lifted your (Chris’) shirt to free one of your breasts and you brought Noah up to latch onto it. He was very fidgety, trying to face his dad so you both came up with a solution. You gently moved to sit between Chris’ legs, your back against his front. His right arm was wrapped around your waist, his hand placed on your hand that was supporting Noah’s head and neck, the other still in Noah’s tight grip.
Chris rested his head on your shoulder and Noah became content. He could ssee that Chris was there but he wasn’t looking at him at the moment. Chris had turned his head and was staring at you as youmade silly faces to Noah. He smiled softly, wondering how he could’ve gotten so lucky. You felt his stare as you turned to look at him.
“What?” you laughed.
You gave a confused look, smling nevertheless, before giving him a quick kiss and turing back to your baby boy. Chris’ smile grew bigger as he pulled you closer and tucked his head into the crook of your shoulder.
Once Noah, was done, you wiped his mouth with a cloth and patted his back to help hi burp. Yu then placed him on your lap, one hand holdig him, the other coming up to go through Chris’ fluffy hair before gently scratching on the nape os his neck.
“C’mon, honey, let’s go back to sleep.” You shifted onto your side of the bed, bringing Noah in the space in the middle. You lay down as Chrois held your son. Getting comfy, your rolled onto your left side as Chris rolled onto his right. He reached over to hold your waist as you both smiled. Noah had already fallen asleep, curled up into Chris’ chest, just below his chin.
“I love you.” you whispered.
“I love you too, baby, so much.”
You drifted off to sleep as Chris stayed awake for a few minutes longer, disbelieving a how he had gotten such a perfect wife and son. It was everything he had ever dreamed off, it being 100 times better as it was you. He couldn’t have asked for anything better.
@pbnjparker @classicalmarvel @smoothdogsgirl
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nikofortuna · 3 months
JTTW Chapter 29 Thoughts
Chapter 29 for the @journeythroughjourneytothewest Reading Group!
First up why did the parents name her Hundred Flowers’ Shame though? I’m inclined to believe they meant it like she puts even a hundred flowers to shame with her beauty. Both the J. F. Jenner and German translation confirm this as well. Given the track record of the novel so far though it was only natural for me to squint a little and stop to think about it for a moment. This is likely a case of things having become a little unclear in translation with the Chinese name probably being very clear in its meaning when you understand the language.
Precious Image Kingdom is called Elephantia in the J. F. Jenner translation, which I find quite hilarious.
This chapter’s creature feature is the scorpaenid. They probably mean scorpaenidae which is a fish! They’re better known as scorpionfish though fishes called Dragonhead also fall under that family!
This is one of these beauties!
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However from what I could gather from the Chinese Original with the help of Google Translate and images specifically looking at [鰲魚 Áo yú] it seems to be a mythical fish with the appearance of a dragon, so this was likely the closest translation available.
Yet in the J. F. Jenner translation it is a turtle instead of a fish, which makes for a decently cohesive image as well. And if you only take the character [鰲 Áo] it can refer to a mythological turtle, so this can be seen as a plausible translation as well.
Moving on to some place names, personally I prefer the J. F. Jenner translation here for the Halls and Palaces. They just sound a little too silly for the grandeur they are meant to portrait in the Anthony C. Yu translation.
Hehe, Tang Sanzang is collecting those seals like loyalty stamps on a stamp card. That’s a pretty decent metaphor as to how it works since he gets one in every place with his grand price at the end when he collected them all being the scriptures.
Green hair you say? Why that sounds like an anime character! Also yes, golden eyes, blue face and green hair all checks out in terms of accurate colour translation.
Now the other two translations specify that in the letter she means her two sons are bad, which makes me wonder if she even tried to raise them to be good. Like the father’s influence is undeniable since he probably had a hand in raising them as well, but nobody is born bad and they did also have their mother sooo. I’m just saying. It would understandable if she has a difficult relationship with them given how they came about, but flat out condemning children like this is not okay.
On a lighter note I really hope he actually means a couch looking like a dragon that would be so cool! It probably isn’t, but the mental image of it is still nice! Tang Sanzang should really start mentioning upfront oh yeah, they are demons so they look really scary, but they are good guys so you need not fear them. Just calling them ugly sets incomplete if not false expectations.
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contractbound · 4 months
a few chen/yu vale thoughts regarding my initial impressions, and things i uncovered while exploring more deeply.
i won't be talking about the world quest series in this post. my thoughts on that can be found here.
924 words
my initial impression was a knee-jerk, strong sense of recognition. i didn't (and still don't) want to come to any strong conclusions, but it felt much like coming back to a place i hadn't been to in a long time — one that was important to me in some way. obviously, i would have come here at some point in my canon, so a feeling of returning or of recognition would be only natural. it wouldn't be outlandish to assume i could've had a few important or otherwise memorable moments here, either. and of course, li/yue as a whole means much to me, so it's no surprise that any location within li/yue would feel important. even so, i couldn't help but wonder if my sense of connection exists for reasons more specific than that.
while exploring more thoroughly, i couldn't shake the feeling off. it grew into an ache that i suppose could be described as nostalgia. i can think of a few specific things that stood out to me the most.
one such thing was yao/die valley. i had to stop and really observe when i noticed the area was full of glowing blue-white butterflies. it also took me aback to see they sprung up from the ground wherever you walked. i couldn't help but think of the glowing blue-white butterflies that accompany me (particularly when i use my abilities). it felt like seeing familiar, old friends. i have more to say, but it's related to the world quests, so i'll save that for later. in the end, i do not expect to be related to these butterflies, but regardless i hope to learn more about them. i don't really expect to, since gen/shin is not one to dwell too much on ultra-minute, tangential details. it has a broader story to tell, after all. still, i'm open to my expectations being proven wrong.
another discovery that stood out to me was the cave northeast of yao/die valley, where cala/mity queller stood abandoned. since it's a usable weapon in-game, i was curious about the state of it lore-wise, and whether or not it was still within that "deserted, water-eroded cave" (seems the answer is yes). since i prioritized reaching waypoints and gathering materials for cloud re/tainer over completing any quests, i happened upon the cave it was left in by complete accident. i recognized the weapon immediately, even from a distance.
i wonder who etched the wind-worn inscription. whoever it was, they were the previous wielder's comrade, and they both had the intentions to "suppress catastrophe" and "purge demons". with regards to the weapon's past wielders... all i know is, judging by the part where it recounts the weapon's involvement in the chasm's cataclysm, cala/mity queller's description points to the weapon having once belonged to fu/she. at the very least, it's explicitly stated a yak/sha once wielded it.
but, with an unclear timeline of its past owners, it's impossible to tell definitively whether or not it was within his possession when it witnessed this "clash between intimate friends" — if it was ever in his possession at all. gen/shin's descriptions often love to give important information without explicitly dropping names.
going with the idea that he was the yak/sha who wielded it, if it was within his possession at the time, i can't think of a possibility other than it having "witnessed" the fight between fa/nan and mi/nu. that would mean there's a non-zero chance that i etched that message in the rock, but i doubt that's the case. the description doesn't make it sound like the "yak/sha who wielded it" is the same individual as the one who "borrowed it from someone" and witnessed the fight between these friends. they weapon's wielder and inscription's author may have been other individuals with interests similar to mine and fu/she's. still, the uncertainty has been gnawing at me.
if fu/she is the "previous wielder" referred to in the inscription, that would mean there's a concrete connection between myself and chen/yu vale, as well as another reference to the other yak/shas on the map. since 2.7, i've spent a lot of time scouring every corner of li/yue for any possible reference to them i could find, which obviously i'd always come back from nearly empty-handed. something to come back to, that they left behind, was one of the things i was hoping for while anticipating chen/yu vale's release. still, i'll refrain from making any definitive assumptions, and give myself time to think about it, as well as give the source time to release more information for me to consider. the curse of having an incomplete source, i suppose.
anyway, my overall suspicions... i have nothing decisive, but the scenery does make me wonder if this is where i first came into existence. how i came to be is still a mystery to me at this time, and my working theory is vague, but i always had a picture of greener, lusher scenery during that time, which fits the sights of chen/yu vale. i have more thoughts on this matter, but again, it's related to the questline, so i'll save it for later.
my only plan of action for now is to keep exploring and wait for more to be elaborated on, as well as formulate my own thoughts. after all, the source can only do so much for me, and my canon will inevitably diverge in places. over time, as i get proven right and wrong about these thoughts and more, i at least hope it feels worthwhile.
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blazingstarship · 6 months
🎶You could be my whole world,
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If I could be your satellite🎶
X (hope this link worka cause this number is taken off from spo.tify and y.ou.tube)
In the six months gape between events, holidays were spend at Martha’s place since the boys were busy to settle in their messy new place in Neo Domino. This place holded lots of memories for them, for everyone. Its where the past meet the present. Its where our second chance of love bloomed all over again.
S: Ironic isnt it?
Y: What?
S: To meet again at Martha’s place. Its thanks to her I got in contact with Kiryu and later you.
Y: Martha’s home is the place everyone comes together.
S: Yeah, it sure does. It feels good to be back here, back to you all…back to you. E-even my timing was…very good. Not.
Y: The timing was bad, but Im still glad you were there during my recovery.
S: I’m still happy you haven’t forgotten me. I was really worried when … you know… you went off in the chopper and faced the girl who everyone wanted to set you up with but also hurted you in the last duel you had with her.
Y: You are still not over that duel?
S: I got me so frustrated you have no idea. I cant stand anyone who dare to hurt you…without a good reason.
Y: smirks And whats for “a good reason”?
S: I can tell you whats not, you trying to reach out a helping hand and they whip you…hard…multiple times. I still dont get it.
Y: shrugs There is not much to understand, it happened.
S: I think I never will understand. I Just…I dont like to see you in pain. I care about you, Yus.
Y: After all these years, you still do?
S: I never stopped.
Y: Shar.
S: I know, I know. Sorry.
Y: What? No, I think its … amazing.
S: Its silly. I mean… Its been…2,5 years?… Stuff happen, changes… Feelings can change too. I just…never forgot you.
Y: And I haven’t forgotten you either or our promise. Twice.
S: Really?
Y: You are hard to forget. You are very stubborn, you know that?
S: blushes and cracks a sly smile. Thats what makes you like me…right?
Y: I cant deny that I dont.
S: smiles nervous Oh hey…look at that…a mistletoe. I-I know its cliche… but I always wondered what’s like to be kissed under a mistletoe.
Y: chuckles You mean, you never have been kissed under one before?
S: No…have you?
Y: Never have been interested.
S: Oh…whispers not even with me? Ofcourse not… no one wants to.
Y: Are you interested?
S: Maybe… but I-I dont wanna be pushy. Its just…I wanna know what makes it so special to be kissed under that kind of thing.
Y: There is only one way to find out.
S: You…you wanna?
Y: blushes as he placed his hand on her hip, pulling closer. You arent talking me out of this.
S blushes Not trying to.
S: keeps smiling and staring in his eyes.
Y: What?
S: Nothing…just processing the moment…I didnt know you could be so romantic.
Y: Only takes the right person to be with.
S: Agreed. So… are you interested in me?
Y: In you?
S: Yeah… as… you know…
Y: No tell me.
S: You want me to say it, dont ya?
Y: grins You got my full attention.
S: Okay…interested as…dating material?
Y: Well…Im currently not trying to save the world and I may have some free time to go out and explore.
S: Sounds good. Does this exploring maybe include….checking out the ice skating rink downtown?
Y: With good company, sure. Are you interested?
S: It may so happen I am.
Y: How sounds, Friday seven o’clock?
S: nods Its a date…right?
Y: nods Yeah.
S: Just..just checking…I cant wait🥰 Also speaking of checking…. Maybe you should check yourself before we go on table.
Y: confused Something on me?
S: Hmmmm maybe a shade of red…. and Im not talking about your sweater…. or the blush on your cheeks😉
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handkinkbis · 9 months
So much happened in this episode!!
I'm baffled by Shin Yu's problem solving skills, or rather lack thereof. They seem to consist of doing whatever the heck he wants, when he wants with little care for anyone else (dragging Hong Jo outside and outing their relationship to the whole office very publicly and forcibly WITHOUT ASKING HER was a SHIT MOVE) and that's not the only time he's done or said without considering Hong Jo's opinion or her feelings. He's hurt her quite a few times due to his inconsideration and honestly Shin Yu's got some growing to do before he's good enough for Hong Jo. YEAH I SAID IT.
But putting my annoyance at Shin Yu aside, this was a cute episode and I'm glad Hong Jo's finally able to return Shin Yu's feelings without feeling like The Other Woman or like an embarrassing secret of his. We're at episode 10 with 6 (?) more episodes to go, and the slow burn's been burning. Very slowly and teasingly. Had Shin Yu talked to Hong Jo about having an arrangement with Nayeon early on they could've been together much sooner and these past 10 episodes would've easily been condensed into 5-6. Shin Yu wouldn't have seemed like such a two-timer to Hong Jo and the viewers. But the writers made some risky choices and I can respect it, hah.
The journey here's been extremely confusing, but finally some pieces are falling into place. Flower creep's been casting dark spells and making the dolls, which was honestly to be expected given his stalkerish antics and the straw found at his greenhouse/garden. I was hoping for Witch Nayeon's appearance, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards (too bad).
I am SO GLAD that Shin Yu kinda grew a spine during this episode, though, because having Shin Yu and Hong Jo miscommunicate for several episodes would've been even more painful to sit through. At least some things were resolved in this ep, like Shin Yu's breakup with Nayeon and the reason why Shin Yu stayed with her for so long. Not a super satisfactory reason to keep it a secret from Hong Jo for so long, though, btw!
There were several cute and spicy scenes in this episode like the scene at the bridge, the little moment in the elevator and the 🔥🔥🔥scene 🔥🔥🔥 at Shin Yu's office, which I enjoyed a lot not gonna lie, even though it was very PG-7 in the end (boo!).
We had Hong Jo's confession scene and the comeback of the Red Hand, which was of course Hong Jo's as a couple of people had predicted since the very beginning. Which may or may not mean more unhappiness for our main couple.
The last point of confusion seems to be which spells are real and effective and which ones aren't. Also I wonder what Hong Jo told Jaekyung. And will Hong Jo come to remember her past self?
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tickles-guruma · 2 years
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Yuri on ice/Lee Yuuri/Ler Viktor
A/N: I dreamed a dream with Victuuri and a tk fic occurred to me as soon as I woke up ajhshajjs anyway I hope you like it.
Summary : Yuuri didn't want to go to that ice rink.
Why? Why do I agree to come here? Thoughts like that went through Yuuri's head as she looked at the new little skating rink. Viktor had insisted on going to the opening of a small ice rink, Yuuri was hesitant at first due to the fact that the rink was small… Viktor could see all his mistakes now .
And he was not wrong. Viktor demanded a lot from him, his coach constantly scolded him for his mistakes, it was somewhat humiliating considering that they weren't the only ones there, there were a lot of people looking in his direction.
"For the last time Yuuri, it's not like that, do I have to go in to show you?" It took him a little while to remember that his skates weren't there "Yuuri I'll go get my skates, stay practicing" he said with a serious tone and he left.
Yuuri began to practice and fail repeatedly, he had started to get frustrated, also where was Viktor, he brought him here!
Yuuri longed to get out of there but Viktor wouldn't let him leave before he finished his practice perfectly. Nope! Yuuri was already a responsible adult, he didn't have to ask permission to leave! Well....
But maybe he could hide and then escape from the place without the Russian noticing, Yep, a totally mature decision!
After looking for a place to hide, he found a place that was quite large and unremarkable, Viktor would never find it.
When Viktor returned (after an eternity) the Japanese was nowhere to be found. Maybe he went looking for it and got lost? No, it couldn't be that, the place wasn't big, but then... where was Yuuri?
Viktor was giving up until "V-Viktor?" Yuuri looked up in horror to see his lover looking at him with weariness and doubt.
"Yuri? I've been looking for you for like half an hour, what are you doing here?! Viktor said with concern in his voice.
"I-I was looking for something and-"
"No Yuuri, don't lie to me" Viktor said as he pulled the Japanese out of hiding.
Yuuri fell silent, as his lover stared at him, a bunch of emotions building up and he felt his heart clench. "Viktor I..."
The Russian hugged Yuuri because it seemed that at any moment he would collapse, Viktor silently waited for his lover to explain the situation while stroking his hair.
When he calmed down a bit, he just spoke "Viktor...I just felt frustrated and humiliated and many other emotions combined and I couldn't handle everything. I'm sorry"
Viktor kissed his forehead and stayed for a while comforting the insecure Yuuri, running his fingers through his hair, behind his ears, on his sides and-
"nohohot thehe sidehes" Yuuri started laughing and squirming in Viktor's lap, not really trying to stop him.
"Awww Yuuri you're so cute~" Viktor said watching the Japanese squeal on his lap.
Viktor lowered to his hip and began to squeeze "Hahahahahaha okahahahay" Yuuri was laughing from the bottom of his heart, he felt so protected by his boyfriend turning so giggly in the warm embrace of the boy.
"Omg, Yuuri can't handle a little tickling?" Viktor teased as he clenched his hips.
"NOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEREHE" Yuuri cried out as Viktor touched a particularly sensitive spot on his hip bone, driving him crazy.
"Is it really bad here?....too bad for you" said Viktor feigning sadness in his voice
Yuuri squirmed in an attempt to escape but nothing worked. Somehow it got worse when the Russian placed him on his back on the ground and leaned over his stomach.
"Nohoho plehahasehehe!" Yuuri tried to roll onto his back but it was too late.
"Oh don't tell me you can't have raspberries either~" After saying that, the Russian started blowing soft raspberries on his stomach and hips.
Viktor began to notice how difficult it was for Yuuri to breathe properly and hugged him as he sprinkled soft kisses on his hundred.
"I love you Yuuri, please, the next time something bothers you, tell me" said the Russian hugging his beloved tighter
"I love you too Viktor"
The two left the place and decided to go eat the little one before returning home to talk about everything that had happened today in comfort.
Okay, I'm obsessed with Yuri on ice....Victuuri gives me life (๑♡⌓♡๑)
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jomatto · 1 year
Attack Weak Point for Mass Destruction
After a bit of internet sleuthing, I found that someone had archived everything on FF.net up until 2016 here.
I thought it was a long shot, but I went ahead and downloaded 5 gigs of old-ass fics in the "P" category. I opened it up and tried searching for my story but it didn't show up.
Just to make sure, I tried searching manually by scrolling through the txt files. I wasn't making much progress, so I tried the search bar again and it finally appeared. Guess I just had to wait for it to index.
Funny to think that I'd go through all this effort to recover this little piece of almost lost history. It was not at all how I envisioned today going, but I'm glad I went through the effort.
Since it was in a txt file, I had to do some minor reformatting to get those bolds and italics back. Aside from that, I did no changes.
I don't think I ever explained the reasoning behind the title. It's a combination of a meme born from Sony's infamous 2006 PS3 press conference and the battle track from Persona 3.
So, I present a long-deleted never-completed fanfic of mine:
Attack Weak Point for Mass Destruction
Category: Persona Series Genre: Friendship, Humor Language: English Status: In-Progress (DEAD) Published: 2012-05-31 Updated: 2012-06-13 Rating: T Chapters: 4 Words: 8,331
Chapter 1: A Leader's Responsibility
Yu Narukami opened his eyes to a pleasant sight.
It was just the ceiling, but it was familiar. After the ordeal he went through, something as ordinary as the ceiling was oddly comforting. The silver-haired youth was on his bed, enjoying the soft feel of his mattress. He hadn't relaxed like this in a long time. The case was now solved and there was nothing more to do other than enjoy his remaining time here in Inaba. He, along with his group of close friends, discovered the true culprit behind the serial murders and beat the crap out of it. The town was saved from a foggy demise and everything was back to normal.
There would be no more victims, no more mysteries, and no more battles, just three months, or twelve weeks, or eighty days of free time. He still had school, but compared to those days of investigating, chasing down leads, and enacting rescue operations, school might as well be vacation.
It was hard to believe that eight months could go by so quickly. It seemed just like yesterday when he arrived at Yasoinaba Station, greeted by his uncle and adorable little cousin. He was definitely going to miss this place. Even if it was short, it was truly the happiest period of his life.
He was a little worried though. With no more mystery to solve, what was there to do? As stressful as it was to fight shadows, it was also extremely rewarding. Nothing could match that feeling of victorious satisfaction from smiting a mighty foe. With no more enemies to fight, it was hard to get excited. For all he knew, this was the peak of his life. What there anything to look forward to after saving the world?
The thought was a little depressing, but he allowed himself a small smile. The world wasn't lacking in mysteries, heck, he was surrounded by them. The end of one journey was just the start of another.
His friends, no matter how much time he spent with them, continued to surprise. Eight months was hardly enough to learn everything about a person, even if he already saw their darkest secrets revealed. That was just one part of them though, and there was more to people than their dark sides. What about their hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and everything in between? He recalled the words his junior, Rise Kujikawa, once told him:
"Senpai, I really admire your strength. I think you're the perfect leader. You have no weaknesses at all!"
She always heaped unhealthy amounts of praise on him, but this was one of the few times she actually meant it. His ability to wield multiple personas ensured that his weaknesses could very well become his strength the next moment. He had long ago memorized the weaknesses of each of his friends; he wouldn't be an effective leader otherwise, but it was a different story outside of battle. What about their weaknesses as people?
His smile widened into a grin. He finally found it; his next mission. Before he came to Inaba, he was always moving from place to place because of his parents. He never had a chance to really make friends. He was afraid of being alone.
Because of them, that changed. They turned his weakness—his fear—into his strength. He could freely admit that he was happy now. It was an honest and refreshing feeling. He owed them for that. It was his turn to repay the favor. He would help his friends the same way they helped him, and turn their weak spots into points of pride.
Enough lying around; he got up from bed and walked over to his desk. He opened a drawer and picked up a dart. He kept it as a memento from the Port Island school trip. He tossed it towards the ceiling and without looking, snatched it out of the air quite easily. He took aim at the dartboard across the room, and with a quick flick of his wrist, the dart flew true.
"Attack weak point for mass destruction."
He knew what he had to do.
It was, after all, a leader's responsibility.
Chapter 2: Like A Dragon  
Chie Satonaka tapped her foot nervously.
When she woke up this morning, she definitely did not expect to be greeted with a text message from Yu, especially when it said:
Come over to my place today afternoon.
After convincing herself that he probably sent the same message to their whole group, she finally left the house and showed up at his doorstep only to discover that she was the only one there. What could this mean? From the street, it was amusing to see this girl fret to and fro in front of the apartment. She wasn't wearing her usual track sweater, and instead, opted for something more feminine than usual. It was hard scrounging up something that didn't scream "tomboy," but she managed somehow. It was a light, airy, and sleeveless blouse—something she would never wear if it wasn't for the situation.
She smacked herself on the head. Snap out of it, Chie! This was no time to be fantasizing. It wasn't like he was interested in her or anything. Why would he when he was surrounded by so many girls much prettier than her? She was starting to feel stupid. What was she getting so excited for? She should probably just go back home and switch into her normal clothes since it'd be awkward if he saw her in this outfit and—
"Ah, you're here."
She recoiled from his sudden appearance. She wasn't even ready yet! Yu's welcoming smile was the last thing she wanted to see, even if it made her warm in the face. "H-hey there," she stammered. She instinctively crossed her arms to shield herself from his curious gaze.
"You look cute today," he complimented.
"Sh-shut up!" What was wrong with her? The words made her happy, but she just had to lash out like that. She mentally cursed herself. This was why she never got anywhere.
He wasn't fazed at all. "Come on in."
Okay Chie, just take it one step at a time. She entered the familiar home. She had visited tons of times before, so why was she so nervous today? "Where's Nanako-chan?" she asked.
"She's with my uncle. It's just you and me here."
"Just us...alone?" Her heart sped up a little. She slapped herself lightly on the cheek to calm herself down. Her imagination was getting the best of her. "So uh...why'd you invite me over today?" she squeaked.
"Have a seat," he implored. She complied, sitting down at the dining room table. She watched as he opened the refrigerator, pulled out a package from the freezer, and held it up for her to see. It was a packet of beef. "Surprise," he said, grinning.
"Is that—!" Her mouth was already starting to water. Steak personally grilled by Yu? Could the day get any better?
"Yup. And you're the one cooking it."
"Huh? W-wait a minute, are you serious?"
Yu's face didn't budge a single inch. "Of course."
"You're joking, right? You're a much better cook than I am." And as much as she hated to admit it, her cooking skills were beyond abysmal. She would never be able to do the meat justice. "So you should just cook it yourself, and besides, it looks pretty expensive, and I don't want you to be wasting your money..."
He ignored her as she prattled on more excuses as to why she shouldn't cook. Honestly, he agreed with all of them, but that wasn't the point.
Mystery Food X.
Even the name gave him chills. His stomach groaned at the memory. Mystery Food X turned him off to curry for months. It was amazing how she was able to invert the very essence of cooking, turning sustenance into death. It wasn't fair to push all of Mystery Food X's failures on Chie alone, but Yukiko had been making earnest attempts to improve her cooking since, and she had an army of chefs to help her out at the inn.
Chie was a different story though. Yosuke would never again touch anything she ever made, and everyone else was less than willing to taste test for her. Her opportunities to improve were limited. Since he was the best cook out of all of them, and she the worst, it made sense for him to teach her. That wasn't the only reason though. Out of everyone, she was the one he owed the most.
To this day, he still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that she extended her hand to him in friendship. He was used to transferring in and out quietly, but Chie decided to step in and save him from King's Moron's fury, and even invited him to walk home with her and Yukiko on his first day. It might've been because he was a city boy in a small town, or she was just being polite, but whatever the reason, and he was forever grateful to her.
So it fell on him to make sure that she wouldn't kill anyone the next time she cooked.
"Don't be so hard on yourself," he admonished. "That's why I'm here, to teach you."
Her eyes widened. "You want to teach me? But..."
He smiled at her. "Don't you want to learn how?"
Of course she did! She never thought too much about it, but after the lunches Yu made for her, she realized how happy a meal could make a person. Receiving a well-cooked lunch was, in her opinion, the greatest gift she could ever receive, especially if it was steak! But the thought of subjecting Yu to her awful cooking made her wince. What if she never improved? What if he got so frustrated with her that he'd just give up? There were so many things that could go wrong. "Are you sure you want to? What if I don't get better?"
He patted her on the head. "Don't worry about it. It doesn't matter how long it takes, I'll stick with you until you can make something so delicious, even Yosuke will praise you for it."
It was condescending to be patted on the head, but if it was Yu, well... She blushed. He always had a knack with words. "Okay...I'll trust you then."
"Let's get started."
When it came to learning how to cook, it was best to start with a favorite dish. He figured if he started with steak, Chie would pick it up quickly. It also helped that steak was a relatively simple dish to prepare.
"Alright!" she yelped, clenching her fists. She was hyped now. She wasn't confident in her skills, but with Yu here with her, she felt like she could do anything. "So what's the first step?"
He was glad to see her so enthusiastic, it would make things easier. "Have you ever cooked steak before?"
"No, but it shouldn't be too hard. Don't you just nuke it in the microwave?" He just stared at her in awe. "Uh…is that wrong?"
"Steak is grilled," he explained.
She slapped her hand with her fist. "Ah! That's right! I totally forgot."
He was beginning to see why she was so bad at cooking. "You're not entirely wrong though. You can still use a microwave to thaw the meat, but lucky for you, I already thawed some out. But before we do anything, we have to make the marinade."
She perked up at that. "Ohhh, you mean the sauce!"
"Exactly. I have all the ingredients here, so let me tell you what they are: ginger, garlic, soy sauce, sugar, and sake. The first step in cooking is making sure that you have all the right ingredients." He grimaced as he recalled his time at the grocery store in Junes, when Chie and Yukiko decided to pick up anything that sounded remotely relevant to their planned meal. "The number one most important rule is to never, ever, stray from the recipe."
She chuckled uncomfortably. "Sorry about that, but—"
"No buts. You have a cell phone, don't you? Look up the recipes and make sure you have the right ingredients. There's really no excuse in this day and age."
"Okay, okay, I get it! Get the right ingredients."
"It's the number one rule." He grabbed a ginger root and a spoon. "Next, we have to prepare the ingredients. First things first, we peel the skin."
So that was what ginger looked like; she had no idea. It looked like a pale, skinny, and lumpy potato. He broke off a piece and handed her one. "What do I do with this?" she wondered.
"You take the spoon and scrape off the skin." He demonstrated by deftly moving his hands up and down, the skin disappearing with each stroke.
"Whoa!" she said in amazement.
"Give it a try," he encouraged.
She took the spoon hesitantly. Could she really do this? Yu's gentle smile gave her all the courage she needed. "Here I go!" She smashed the spoon into the root, causing it to splinter into useless bits. "Oh…was that too strong?"
"Maybe a little, no—definitely too strong." He handed her another piece of root since the other one was demolished beyond all repair. "Don't put so much force into it. Do it lightly this time."
"Got it!" She psyched herself up again and started scraping with much less force—actually, with hardly any force. She was barely grazing the surface. "It's not working!"
"Okay, here's my advice. Remember what you did before, when you did it too strongly?" She nodded. "And right now, you're doing it too lightly, so try to do it in between. Not too strong and not too light."
"It's working!" she gasped. The skin was finally peeling off. "That was some great advice!"
Some people needed the obvious to be pointed out for them. "Yeah…okay, next, I want you to pick up a knife and—"
"A knife? Couldn't you just, you know, smash the ginger into pieces with your hand?" It sounded just like her to smash things. Unfortunately, food was not made through martial arts, although it would be great for tenderizing meat. For everything else, a delicate touch was required, which could only be achieved through precision tools like knives.
"It's impossible to dice ginger with your hands."
"You don't know that! I once saw in a movie that you can cut vegetables with the right techniques."
"There's a big difference between—okay, so let's just say that you can. Are you saying you know how?"
"No…" she answered quietly.
"Then that means you have to do it like everyone else, and that's with a knife."
"I…" Damn it, this was so embarrassing! She knew the second he offered to teach her that this would come up, but she didn't think that it would actually come up.
"What's wrong?"
The normally excitable Chie suddenly turned into a scared kitten before his eyes. "I'm afraid of knives," she admitted.
"You're afraid of knives?" he repeated. Wait, that didn't make sense. She cooked things before, how did she do it without a knife? When he thought about it though, it actually did make sense. Yukiko probably handled all the cutting at the school campout, and a knife wasn't necessary to make an omelet—the same goes for cake. Then all this time, she was trying to cook without using a knife? He tried to look at Chie but she hid her face.
"You can laugh now."
He still had a lot to learn about her. After all this time and he had no idea. She hid it pretty damn well. "Why didn't you say anything about my katana, or even Yosuke's knives?"
"Th-that's completely different! And I trust you guys, so it's fine but… When I was kid, I was in the kitchen one time. I saw the knife on the counter, got curious, and ended up cutting myself by accident. I've been afraid of knives since," she confessed. It was a simple story, but just because it was simple didn't make it any less impactful. It was hard to let go of childhood fears, so he could understand. He always wondered why she used her feet in battle instead of a weapon, but this explained everything. "It's impossible for me to hold a knife."
"You'll never get any better at cooking unless you confront your fear," he stated bluntly.
"Aren't there like tons of dishes out there that don't require cutting?"
"Are you running away? That's not like you, Chie."
"I'm not! I'm just…avoiding it."
"It's the same thing," he said, sighing. He grabbed a knife and held it up. "Do you mind?"
She shook her head. "I trust you so it's fine."
"In that case…" He put himself behind her and grabbed her hand.
"W-what are you doing?" He was too close! She could practically feel the heat radiating from his body.
"Do you trust me?"
"I—" She resisted the urge to elbow his side and flip him over the table. "Of course I do."
"Then grab the knife," he ordered.
"I can't!"
"You can." He led her hand towards the knife. "Hold it and I'll make sure you don't cut yourself. Let me guide you."
She could spend her whole life running away from knives, or she could face her fear and hold the damn thing. How pathetic. She was cowering in front of him. How weak could she be?
"You're strong Chie. That's why I know that you can face this with no problem. Compared to what we've been through, a little knife isn't going to scare you, is it?" He was right behind her, and his overwhelming presence was enough to override her anxiety for the moment.
Before she knew it, she found herself holding a knife. "AH!" She let go but a firm hand covered hers, preventing it from dropping.
"Don't let go," he warned.
She was completely frozen, and it had nothing to do with the knife, but everything to do with his hand on hers.
Yu had no clue about Chie's fried brain and continued to hold tightly. If she trusted him with a katana, then surely she wouldn't protest if he was there to guide her? It wasn't just her, they were both holding the knife, and there was no way he was going to allow an accident to happen. "Are you okay?"
"You're so mean," she whimpered.
The comment drew laughter from the boy. "That's fine, as long you get over your fear. Just concentrate on holding the knife, and I'll handle the rest."
Yu's hand was large, engulfing hers easily, and warm. She felt like crying. This was so embarrassing, and her hands were starting to get clammy too. "S-sorry for sweat," she apologized weakly. He seemed to ignore it and continued guiding her. His grasp was gentle and left small tingles on her skin.
She shut her eyes. This was just a dream. Yeah, that was it. She must be daydreaming. Any moment now and she'd snap out of it. There was no way this was happening for real. The sound of the blade clacking against the cutting board continued to ring in her ears. Any time now… Wake up. Wake up, damn it!
"I knew you could do it."
She opened her eyes and saw the ginger was minced. "I did?" She looked at her hand and it was indeed by itself. Just when did he let go? She could've sworn he was still holding her. Was she imagining his warmth? He really was amazing. He made her forget all about the knife. The only thing on her mind was his touch. She smiled in relief. "Can you help me cut the garlic now?" she pleaded.
"Huh? But you—"
"One time isn't enough, idiot! You think I can get over my fear that easily? So, hurry up and hold the knife already!"
He let out a soft smile. It was probably too much to hope that Chie could get over her aichmophobia with a simple trick. He gripped her hand again and found her unusually pliant this time. She must've found her motivation. "Alright, let's do this again."
After they finished cutting up the garlic, they blended the rest of the ingredients together to make a rich teriyaki sauce. Chie dipped her finger in the bowl and gave it a taste. "Wow! This is great stuff."
"You should be proud; you made it."
"We made it," she corrected. "And you did most of the work."
He laughed. It was hard getting her to accept credit. "Now, all we have to do is let the steak marinade in the fridge for a couple hours and after that, it's grilling time."
"Woohoo! I can't wait!" She threw her arms in the air in excitement. "So what now?"
He shrugged. "Whatever you want."
"Whatever I—" Get a hold yourself, Chie, he didn't mean it like that. "Then let's uh…go watch some TV!" She hopped over to the living room and turned on the tube.
Yu followed her and took a seat by the low table. "Anything good on?"
She flipped through the channels until she saw a guy get kicked in the face. Whenever something like that happened on TV, that was when she knew she found something good. She turned to Yu. "Oh, do you like these kinds of movies? I can change the channel if you want."
He shook his head. "I don't mind."
It was a martial arts marathon, with hours upon hours of glorious punching, kicking, and acrobatics. Chie got pretty into it, but when the marathon ended, it was finally time to cook.
Yu showed her how to set up the grill and took out the marinated steaks. They were cut in thin slices. He opened a cabinet and pulled out a pack of bamboo skewers. "Now for the easy part. Just stick these through the steak and let it grill for a minute."
"Gotcha." She took a skewer and stabbed it through, forcing the meat to crumple and fold magnificently on the stick. If she could, she'd eat it right now.
They were in the middle of grilling when Dojima and Nanako came home. "Something smells good!" Nanako cried out.
Dojima looked into the kitchen. "Wow, steaks? What's the occasion?"
Yu thought about it for a second. "New Years?"
"Good enough for me," the detective laughed. "Come on Nanako, let's go wash our hands."
"Yay, steak!" The little girl's celebrations drew a kind gaze from Yu..
"I think I'm finished," Chie alerted.
Yu came over and inspected the slice. It was grilled to perfection. "Why don't you try it out?"
"Here I go!" She stuffed it into her mouth and chewed. It was… "Delicious!"
"It tastes better knowing that you made it, doesn't it?"
She agreed. It was the best steak she ever had. "Thanks a lot, Yu. Honestly, I decided to give up on cooking but… I guess I'm not as hopeless as I thought."
Yu took a fresh skewer off the grill and tried one for himself. It tasted satisfying. "I always wondered why you said 'pudding' instead of 'steak.'"
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"The beauty pageant."
"Ugh, don't remind me." So she lied. Wasn't pudding more feminine than steak? It was the only reason she answered "pudding" as her favorite food during the pageant.
"There's nothing wrong with liking steak. It's pretty classy, I think," he told her.
"Really, you think so too?" she said excitedly. She knew Yu would understand!
"And it fits you perfectly."
"Wha—" What was he trying to say about her?
"Sh-shut up you idiot!"
He laughed out loud. Something about being called idiot by Chie made him happy. "Alright, I wonder what we should make next…"
"W-Wait, isn't steak enough?"
"Of course not. Beef is expensive. Are you going to be making steak every time you cook for yourself? "
"I…" Wait, what was she complaining for? This meant she could spend more time with him! "I'll be happy to learn. Just you wait; I'll make you something so good, you'll say WOW! After all, the student always surpasses the master."
"I look forward to it." He grinned when a brilliant thought struck him. "Oh, I got it! How about I teach you how to make chocolate-covered grasshoppers?"
Chapter 3: The Bro Code  
Yu looked over his shoulder to see his best friend, Yosuke Hanamura, with his face down against the desk.
It was a familiar sight, and one that drew regular criticism from teachers. They chalked it up to laziness, but it was really because of his job at Junes. It wasn't easy being the manager's son. Fortunately, it was lunch time.
Yu debated whether or not to wake him up. Yosuke didn't appreciate it whenever he was roused from much-needed sleep, but on the other hand, he didn't like waking up on an empty stomach either. As he contemplated this conundrum, Yu's eyes fell on the headphones around Yosuke's neck.
He always wondered… What exactly was the point of those headphones? They weren't very functional considering its bulkiness, so he assumed it was some sort of fashion statement, but was that really the reason? Yu took this opportunity to find out. He grabbed the headphones and pulled them off carefully. Even though he wasn't expecting much, he put it on to see what was playing—if anything.
"—must exude extreme confidence. It requires patience and a certain mindset. One cannot be deterred by fear or niggling insecurities. You must push them aside and focus on the reality in front of you, for the essence of swag can only be achieved through—"
The headphones were suddenly ripped away.
"Whoa! What are you doing?" Yosuke shouted, now awake. He held the headphones protectively close. "D-Did you hear anything?" A bead of sweat ran down his neck.
Yu tilted his head curiously. What the heck did he just listen to? "Something about swag?"
The entire class instinctively turned to Yu the second he mentioned "swag." He was surprised by the sudden attention.
Yosuke looked around nervously and stood up. "Let's go to the rooftop," he suggested, wanting to escape from the probing stares.
The duo left the classroom and climbed to the rooftop. They sat down at their usual spot. Yosuke set his back against the fence and smiled in embarassment. "Well this is awkward," he laughed. "I guess I can't hide it anymore."
"What were you listening to?"
"Since it's you, I'll tell you. Before I do that though, uh, you wouldn't happen to have a spare lunch, do you?" He mustered his brightest grin, as if it would increase his chances of receiving food.
Yu returned the smile. "Actually, I do."
"Seriously? You're the best, partner!"
The silver youth produced a strange looking lunchbox and offered it to Yosuke. It was a green box with streaks of yellow on the sides. It reminded Yosuke of something, but he couldn't put his finger on it. It was fancier than the usual plain box Yuu gave him. "Did you buy a new box?"
"Something like that," he answered, chuckling eerily afterwards.
"I guess it doesn't matter. It's what's on the inside that counts, right?" He took off the lid, snapped the chopsticks apart, and started digging in. He shoved the food into his mouth with as much delicacy as a starving pig. It wasn't until after several minutes of chewing did he realize that something was off.
"Something wrong?"
Yosuke gulped. "Well, not exactly. It tastes kind of weird. Don't get me wrong, it's still good, but just not up to your usual standard. I guess even you have your bad days, huh?"
"Really? Chie's going be happy to hear that."
He paused as he tried to parse that statement. "What does Chie have to do with anything?"
"She's the one who made your lunch."
His eyes almost popped out of its sockets. "WHAT!" He looked at the lunchbox again, but this time, with extra caution. He finally realized how sloppy it looked. Yu's presentation was normally neat and immaculate, but this was messy and screamed "amateur!" Despite that, it tasted pretty decent, and that alone was enough to question Yu's statement. "You're joking."
"I'm not," Yu rebutted, chuckling at his friend's disbelief. "That is 100% Chie's cooking."
He couldn't believe it. "How is this even possible?" Chie and cooking went together like Naoto and dresses. They just didn't mix.
"I've been teaching her how to cook," he revealed.
"Damn. You're amazing. To think you can turn the worst cook in Inaba into a halfway decent one... Is there anything you can't do?"
He didn't buy into the flattery. It wasn't like he did anything special. "Actually, I wasn't sure if I did a good job teaching her. To be honest, I was afraid to try it myself. I'm glad to hear it's good though."
"Hold up, are you saying you didn't test this before serving me?"
Yu shoved his hands into his pockets and averted his gaze. "It's the first time she made something without my supervision. I wasn't sure how it would turn out so..."
"I was just your guinea pig? That is so not cool, man! I can't believe you put my life in danger like that!"
It was a little dramatic, even by Yosuke's standards. "It turned out fine in the end, didn't it?"
"That's not that point, it's just—ugh, never mind. I guess you're right, but next time, a little warning would be nice."
"But you never would've tried it if I told you."
He couldn't argue with that. "Let's just forget about it."
Yu smirked. He'd have to remember to tell Chie about this later. Yosuke would never admit it to her face that he found her cooking passable. She probably preferred to hear it was delicious, but it was baby steps for her. At least she was getting better. "So, about this essence of swag thing..."
Yosuke started choking on a piece of carrot. He slapped his chest a couple times to force it down. "Ack! Dude, don't bring that stuff up out of the blue!"
"I thought we were talking about it?"
"Wait until I finish my lunch," he pleaded. Yu was certainly pushing his buttons today. If Yosuke didn't know any better, he could've sworn Yu was just picking on him. He wolfed down the rest of the lunch in record time. It wasn't too hard since there wasn't much to savor.
There were no more excuses left. He couldn't stall anymore. He would just have to tell him the truth. "Okay, just promise you won't laugh at me."
Yu considered those words carefully. "I promise."
Yosuke took a deep breath, held it, and let it out slowly. "At Junes, we sell all kinds of things. Whenever I help out, I usually don't do the same thing twice. So one day, I find myself in the CD section. There was a fresh shipment that needed stocking and I...heh, I guess there's really no good way to put this, but I found a series of self-help CDs."
"Self-help CDs?"
"Yeah... You know, stuff like Simplifying Your Life or How to Control Your Anger."
"I never knew you had anger issues," the silver boy joked.
"I don't, but one of the CDs stood out to me. It was called The Essence of Swag. You can go ahead and laugh now." He had to admit, it sounded ridiculous, but he wanted to become more confident, like Yu, who made it look so easy. He just wanted some of that swag for himself.
Yu blinked. Why would he laugh? It wasn't like he never resorted to books to improve his social skills. He had a whole of library of self-help guides, so he understood completely. "There's nothing wrong with that. I've done the same before."
"Really?" Yosuke was shocked. Wasn't Yu just a natural pimp?
The silver-haired boy nodded. "Maybe if you weren't so busy looking for my secret stash that doesn't exist; you would've noticed the stack of books on my shelf. I could let you borrow some if you want."
Yosuke waved his hands. "Nah, that's fine. I prefer to listen to my books, but thanks for offering. And I just know you have a stash somewhere, so don't even pretend you don't have one."
"So, why the sudden interest in self-improvement?" he asked, ignoring the last quip.
"It wasn't really sudden; it's been on my mind since…Saki-senpai."
A moment of silence for the dead.
"We never really had a chance to just relax," Yosuke continued. "We were always in the middle of investigating or fighting. I was kind of glad for it. It took my mind off things. But with the case solved, I figured it was time for a change. I think it's only now that I can say I've finally gotten over her. There are still things I don't like about myself, so I'm trying to do something about it."
Hearing that brought a smile to Yu's face. Yosuke seemed to have found an answer for himself. "That's great to hear."
"But man, this sucks. I thought I would've had a girlfriend by now. This wasn't how I imagined high school."
The silver-haired teenager laughed. At least Yosuke wasn't lacking in effort despite falling flat half the time—okay, all the time. "It'll happen. Just be patient."
"I sure hope so. I'm 0 for 2. Yukiko turned me down flat and Rise's all over you," he grumbled.
"Rise's just playing around," Yu excused. "It doesn't really mean anything."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, partner."
"What about Chie? Or even Naoto?" Yu brought up. It seemed odd to exclude them as candidates for girlfriend material.
The brunet let out a snort. "I like my girls to be, you know, girls." If they ever heard that, he'd probably get kicked in the face followed with a bullet to the forehead.
"Isn't that kind of harsh? I think they're both cute myself."
"I didn't expect them to be your taste."
"They're all cute to me," he declared diplomatically. He felt lucky to be even friends with them, and they were all attractive in their own way.
"I guess they are. Man… It's nice to just talk about girls like this. You're really the only one I can talk to about this stuff. Kanji probably doesn't have any clue about girls, and Teddie—well, the less said about him the better. I know I asked you this before, but… Is there anyone you like?"
Yu never gave it too much thought. It was enough to be surrounded by friends. He didn't need anything more than that. But since Yosuke asked nicely, he might as well give him an answer. "You."
"W-What? Dude! That is not funny!" He grabbed his own shoulders and shivered. "Don't even joke about things like that!"
Yu laughed out loud. Yosuke was too easy to tease. He and Kanji shared more similarities than Yosuke would care to admit. "I'm not looking for a relationship right now. You guys are good enough for me." As long as he wasn't alone, he was fine.
"Ha. You say that now, but one day it'll hit you. You're a lucky guy though. You probably won't have any problems at all."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He gave Yu an incredulous look. "It doesn't really need to be explained, you lucky bastard."
Yu was completely baffled by Yosuke's attack. "Thanks?"
"Enough about that, I just got the most brilliant idea!" he yelled, changing the topic.
"What's that?"
"Let's hit up Okina City this Sunday!"
Rise had taken Yu to Okina City on occasion, so he knew the place. There wasn't anything there that they couldn't find in the shopping district. "What are we going to do there?"
"What else? To pick up chicks, of course! Think about it. There's no more mystery to solve and we have a whole three months ahead of us. It's time to let loose and have some fun. I can't do this by myself. Can you be my wingman?" It sounded like a proposal. He even pulled out his puppy dog face for extra persuasion.
It had zero effect, but it was proof of his desperation, and Yu wasn't that cruel. He was free that weekend, so why not? "Alright then, it's a date."
Yosuke immediately grimaced. "Dude, don't say it like that!"
Chapter 4: Airheaded Princess  
Yukiko Amagi, manager-in-training and heir to the Amagi Inn, was trying to clear her head.
Whenever she was stressed, she liked to go to her favorite spot, the pavilion near the Samegawa riverbank. The place wasn't anything special. It was a small roof over a bench made out of cheap wood, but it offered an ample view of nature and her favorite animal: the birds. There were plenty of them here, and watching them fly soothed her tumultuous mind.
Running an inn was hard work. It seemed impossible to juggle so many different responsibilities simultaneously, but her mother made it look easy. Everybody at the inn was eager to help, and for that, Yukiko was grateful, but there was one thing she couldn't do no matter how much support the staff offered, and that was entertaining the guests.
Her mother was a natural. She could coax a laugh out of the staunchest stone-faced customer with a single sentence. Yukiko's training helped her to improve in many areas, but she was still awkward around people. Other than be polite, she couldn't see herself as a host. It was a task beyond her abilities.
She was knocked out of her thoughts when she spotted Yu walking home by himself. His appearance struck her with a bolt of inspiration. Perhaps he could help?
"Leader!" she called out.
His head snapped to her, surprised by the shout out, and his eyes lit up. "Good afternoon. Another stressful day at work?" he greeted back.
Yukiko smiled shyly. The fact that he accurately guessed her situation made her feel warm. She wondered if his memory was just that good, or if he cared for her more than he let on. She shook her head; now was not the time to let daydreams lull her into an awkward silence. Yu was someone she could trust, so she had no problems going to him for help. That was the only reason she called out to him. "Um, can I ask you something?"
The silver-haired boy took a seat next to her and folded his hands. A brief wave of nostalgia hit him. This was how they first met outside of school. The more things changed, the more things stayed the same. He wouldn't have it any other way. "Of course. What is it?"
She fidgeted nervously. Just how was she going to say this? Forget it; she'd just say it plainly. "Am I funny?"
"How do you mean?" he asked back, perplexed. It was an odd question coming from her.
"Do I make you laugh?" she clarified.
"In what way?" he answered, still confused.
"I mean..." She sighed. His inability to reply properly was all the answer she needed. "Never mind. Sorry for asking you something strange." Her shoulders drooped in resignation.
Yu wouldn't let it go that easily. It was clear that this was bothering her. It was his job as leader to make sure she was okay. He had an idea, but he wanted to make sure that it was correct before offering advice. "When you say funny, do you mean like a comedian?"
Her eyes widened. Those were the exact words floating on the tip of her tongue. "That's exactly it," she confirmed happily. She hated trying to spell out things for other people, especially when it involved something embarrassing.
"In that case... No."
Instant KO! She was crushed. All her hopes and dreams…dashed, just like that. Where was the delicacy? "Really?"
"I don't think being funny fits your image." He meant it as a compliment, but the heiress didn't see it that way.
"I guess it's impossible for me after all," she said tiredly, feeling depressed.
He got the feeling that he missed the mark. "Do you want to be funny?"
She turned red. "When you put it like that..." It sounded dumb and childish, but yeah, that was the gist of it.
He thought of her as the type to laugh than make others laugh, not that the bar for setting off her laughter was particularly high, but she never gave any indication that she wanted to be an entertainer. To be funny seemed to go against her shy personality, but it did make a lot of sense. Shy people don't want to be shy, and the best way to be friendlier is to become funnier. "What is this for?" he asked.
"It's for running the inn. I can greet customers and act polite, but there's more to it than that. I have to be a great host as well. Unfortunately, I'm not very good with people I don't know..."
He didn't doubt that Yukiko would make a great manager, but her social skills left something to be desired when it came to strangers. Comedy was perhaps one way to fix that problem. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm not funny either."
When he thought about it, the ones who were funniest were probably Yosuke, Teddie, and Kanji—Yosuke because he's such a spaz, Teddie because he says ridiculous things without realizing what they really mean, and Kanji because he gets worked up over the smallest things. The common thread that tied them together was that they didn't mean to be funny; it was just a happy byproduct of their personalities.
"Is there a way to become funnier?" she wondered. She wracked her brain for solutions but never got anywhere.
"Why don't you wear those special glasses?" he asked, referring to the joke nose and mustache rims.
Yukiko began giggling at the mental image of greeting guests with that getup. "I c-can't do that," she squeezed out between her giggles.
Yu crossed his arms and hummed to himself, probing his mind for ideas. "Do you know any jokes?"
"No." And she regretted it. Obviously, the most natural step was to learn some jokes. Why didn't she think of that before? "Do you know any?" she asked eagerly. She needed to hear some examples first.
He wasn't expecting her to turn the tables on him. "Uh... Not really," he admitted weakly. The thought of making people laugh was hard to fathom. He was a rather grim character before arriving here. He only lightened up because of Yosuke, Chie, and the others. Besides, there was more to comedy than telling jokes. "You can tell funny stories too."
The suggestion wasn't any better. It required funny stories, which she wasn't brimming with, and even if she was, she didn't have faith in her storytelling abilities. "I don't know any."
"Remember our camping trip?"
She cringed. "Ugh. Please don't bring up bad memories."
It was horrible at the time, but he recalled that day with fondness. Bad memories tend to get funnier over time. He could understand her reluctance to use that story though. "Okay, so you can't do jokes and you can't do stories, what else is there?"
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She should just give up. "Why is this so hard?" she muttered.
Yu was thinking the same thing. People shouldn't go out of their way to be funny, it should occur naturally. It required a quick and witty mind. When he thought about it, Naoto would probably make a brilliant comedian. Her intelligence was well-suited to snarky quips. "You should act clumsy and trip over yourself a few times. That should be good for a laugh."
"I can't do that!" she protested strongly.
And that was why he wasn't a comedian. "I wasn't serious," he sighed. He violated the first rule of a good joke: they should never have to be explained.
"Oh," she let out, frowning. "Sorry. I thought…"
They both went silent. What a miserable conversation. They had gone nowhere and instead reminded themselves of how terrible they were at making others laugh. He might've been overthinking this. How about going back to the basics? "Yukiko, look at me."
"Huh?" The odd request set her heart a flutter. She deliberately turned her head slowly, wondering what could possibly be in store for her. To her surprise, Yu had the dumbest-looking grin on his face. His cheeks were abnormally high, his eyes squished into slits, and his mouth was wide open with his tongue hanging out. "Hrnk—" She tried to clamp her mouth shut but the laughter burst through anyways. "BWAHAHAHA! What kind of face is that?" she squeezed out between gasps. To see the calm Yu with such a ridiculous smile was too amazing. He looked like a bad drawing by a five-year old come to life. It was over; she was a lost cause now.
He didn't know whether to feel embarrassed for himself or for Yukiko. What he did wasn't very clever, but she always seemed to have a soft spot for the dumb stuff—like Teddie. Her laughter was infectious though, and it was hard not to get caught up in her pace. He found himself joining her.
That was it! He figured out how she could make others laugh. "You don't have to be funny," he realized.
She calmed down when she heard those words. "What do you mean?"
"It's hard to be funny. It's not impossible, but it's not something people can just do. You're better off not trying." As leader, he never failed to provide such poignant and discouraging remarks. Way to comfort her, leader. "If you want to entertain your guests, you should just be yourself."
"Be myself?" she echoed. She wasn't sure how that advice would apply. The problem was that her normal self wasn't funny to begin with.
Yu nodded. "It's simple. Don't try to make the customer laugh, but let the customer make you laugh."
"Let the customer make me laugh..." She never thought of it that way. She always focused on being polite, but… "I don't get it…"
"Everybody likes to think that they're funny. When you laugh at their jokes, they feel good about themselves. Everybody wants to be a comedian," he explained. When Yukiko laughed at his dumb joke, it made him feel pretty awesome.
If that was the case, "Then did I make you feel good?" she asked. She went into fits of laughter a lot, but she never considered that it could make somebody feel "good." Suddenly, she realized how her question sounded. "W-Wait, I mean—"
"Of course. You made me feel great," he complimented, grinning.
Hearing that gave her a lot of confidence. She felt elated. Those words, coming from Yu, meant a lot to her. "I think—I understand what you mean now. Thank you for the advice."
"It's no problem. Just keep on laughing. It makes the world a better place," he joked.
"If you want me to keep laughing, then you should do more funny things," she shot back, feeling her troubles fly away.
That was more like it. Yukiko was a lot more fun when she was confident. "Way to put me on the spot. Let me think… Oh, I got one. What does Chie ask for when she's thirsty?"
"Uhh…" She had no idea. It was an intriguing setup, considering it involved someone they knew. "I give up."
"Snrk." It was a dumb joke, very stupid, basic, and lacked any kind of sophistication. But… "BWHAHAHAHAHA!"
It made her laugh.
Good enough.
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guhamun · 11 months
@cropsimmortal said (inbox):
' hm ~ i suppose it might be a simple question to answer for the sect's scriptures and mentors, but unfortunately, i'm hardly anything beyond an aspiring practitioner, if not a humble farmer who tills and works the fields. ' yu haoyu says this gently as he brews and pours tea, the aroma strong and hearty enough to intermingle with even the raw, flowering scents of the valley around them. ' loneliness ... i suppose they would consider it another earthly desire, and an obstacle to attaining true enlightenment. but i don't necessarily believe a thing like loneliness can be utterly neglected, either. fields with thorns and weeds need be cleared, else they overgrow into something inhospitable. if the dirt is kept clear, however, then fresh crops can be planted and grown, even should they die out come winter. a stone might love a stone, but it also might fall in love with a lily-flower. sorrow, yes ... sorrow would surely be a part of it. but so would joy, i think. one would merely need to balance each one out in equal measures. ' the smile that they lend to the other is small and slight, but warm and reassuring. blinking at the other for a moment, yuyu reaches forward, just enough to set a hand upon athanasius's shoulder, patting twice, eyes fondly glimmering. ' you might have found a good place for yourself here, my friend! i knew there was something different about you by your demeanor since the beginning, and there are all sorts of immortals already that i am sure would like to make your acquaintance. when i ascend as well, i'll wait for you as one does the northern wind. shall i make it a promise? ' like this, bright life before serene death.
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     ATHANASIUS COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND a desire for immortality – a desire to become divine under any circumstances. Perhaps because he had existed for such a long time that it was beyond his understanding why any would want to prolong their lifespan. Mortals were meant to be mortals. That was the way it should be and the way that he, and his creator, preferred it to be. Stepping outside of that seemed utterly bizarre to Athanasius…and yet, mortals always strove for what they shouldn’t have. However, things here might have been different from how they viewed it back in their own world, so perhaps…Yuyu looked upon this all in another way. Immortality seemed to coincide with enlightenment here; a gift given after one finally caught Heaven’s gaze. ❝Ahaha, you have an interesting way of looking at things. I do not believe I have encountered anyone who has ever compared such a topic to crops, stone, and flowers.❞ He laughed again, amused and almost pleased with this intriguing change to what he was used to hearing.
      Where he resided, immortality was not a gift. It was given to you from the beginning, or you found a way to reach it and went against the natural flow of things. Very rarely did those that fit the latter ever find joy. If anything, in time, they began to crave their own destruction or were driven mad from loneliness. Maybe it just felt more pleasant here due to one being able to be around other immortals in a way that Athanasius rarely could unless they were like himself. Finally composed once more, a pleasant smile still remained upon his lips before widening just a little more, the soft crinkle in the corner of his eyes speaking of how genuine his fondness was. A beautiful soul, this was. It always overjoyed him to encounter such individuals anywhere he went. ❝I will hold you to that. I hope, with the passing of time, you continue to shine as brightly as you do now once you ascend, and that it does not dull.❞
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